A documentação das classes inclui a sintaxe, as informações de uso e as amostras de código para métodos, propriedades e controladores e ouvintes de eventos para esses APIs que pertencem a uma classe específica no ActionScript (ao contrário das funções ou propriedades globais). As classes são listadas em ordem alfabética. Se você não tiver certeza da classe à qual um determinado método ou propriedade pertence, consulte o Índice.
Classe | Pacote | Descrição | |
AAAARecord | flash.net.dns | A classe AAAARecord representa um registro de recurso do Sistema de nome de domínio (DNS) AAAA que contém um endereço IPv6. | |
AbandonCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The AbandonCommand class executes the abandon operation for a task. | |
ABRUtils | org.osmf.net | ABRUtils provides utility functions used in the Adaptive Bitrate components | |
AbstractConsumer | mx.messaging | The AbstractConsumer is the base class for both the Consumer and MultiTopicConsumer classes. | |
AbstractEntityMetadata | com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | This class defines default, error throwing implementations of all of the functions declared in the IModelType and IModelInstance interfaces. | |
AbstractEvent | mx.rpc.events | The base class for events that RPC services dispatch. | |
AbstractInvoker | mx.rpc | An invoker is an object that actually executes a remote procedure call (RPC). | |
AbstractMessage | mx.messaging.messages | Abstract base class for all messages. | |
AbstractOperation | mx.rpc.http | An Operation used specifically by HTTPService or HTTPMultiService. | |
AbstractOperation | mx.rpc | The AbstractOperation class represents an individual method on a service. | |
AbstractParticipant | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | Defines the basic properties of a participant in a review. | |
AbstractProducer | mx.messaging | The AbstractProducer is the base class for the Producer and MultiTopicConsumer classes. | |
AbstractSearchFilterVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | This class defines an abstract search filter for Project Management search operations. | |
AbstractService | mx.rpc | The AbstractService class is the base class for the HTTPMultiService, WebService, and RemoteObject classes. | |
AbstractServiceWrapper | com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper | The AbstractServiceWrapper class is the superclass of the hierarchy for generated service wrappers.As such it declares functions and variables common to all generated service wrappers. | |
AbstractStage | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage | Defines the basic properties of a stage. | |
AbstractTarget | mx.logging | This class provides the basic functionality required by the logging framework for a target implementation. | |
AbstractWebService | mx.rpc.soap | AbstractWebService is an abstract base class for implementations that provide RPC access to SOAP-based web services. | |
AccConst | mx.accessibility | The AccConst class defines constants defined in Microsoft's Active Accessibility (MSAA) specification. | |
Accelerometer | flash.sensors | A classe Accelerometer despacha eventos com base na atividade detectada pelo sensor de movimento do dispositivo. | |
AccelerometerEvent | flash.events | A classe Acelerômetro despacha objetos AccelerometerEvent quando as atualizações de aceleração são obtidas do sensor de Acelerômetro instalado no dispositivo. | |
Accessibility | flash.accessibility | A classe Accessibility gerencia a comunicação com leitores de tela. | |
AccessibilityImplementation | flash.accessibility | A classe AccessibilityImplementation é a classe base no Flash Player que permite a implementação da acessibilidade em componentes. | |
AccessibilityProperties | flash.accessibility | A classe AccessibilityProperties permite controlar a apresentação de objetos do Flash em ferramentas de acessibilidade, como leitores de tela. | |
AccessibleButton | ga.uiComponents | For internal use only. | |
AccessibleText | ga.uiComponents | For internal use only. | |
AccessPrivileges | mx.data | Encapsulates the allowed privileges and provides access to simple descriptions of what operations are allowed. | |
AccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe AccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade, é a classe base para a implementação da acessibilidade em componentes. | |
AccImpl | mx.accessibility | AccImpl is Flex's base accessibility implementation class for MX and Spark components. | |
Accordion | mx.containers | An MX Accordion navigator container has a collection of child MX containers or Spark NavigatorContent containers, but only one of them at a time is visible. | |
AccordionAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Accordion class. | |
AccordionHeader | mx.containers.accordionClasses | The AccordionHeader class defines the appearance of the navigation buttons of an Accordion. | |
AccordionHeaderAccImpl | mx.accessibility | AccordionHeaderAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the AccordionHeader class. | |
AccordionHeaderSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of an AccordionHeader in an Accordion. | |
AccordionHeaderSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the header of the MX Accordion container. | |
AccordionHeaderSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the header of the MX Accordion container. | |
AccordionNav | ga.controls | The AccordionNav component is an accordion control that lists section names where each section contains a list of panels. | |
AccordionSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.skins | Defines the Accordion wrapper skin. | |
AcknowledgeMessage | mx.messaging.messages | An AcknowledgeMessage acknowledges the receipt of a message that was sent previously. | |
ACMRelationshipManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | Relationship manager for managing the Relationship browser. | |
ActionBar | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar | Actionbar Host Component | |
ActionBar | spark.components | The ActionBar class defines a component that includes title, navigation, and action content groups. | |
ActionBarButtonSkinBase | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | Base skin class for ActionBar buttons in mobile applications. | |
ActionBarDefaultButtonAppearance | spark.components | The ActionBarDefaultButtonAppearance class defines the constants for the allowed values of the defaultButtonAppearance style of ActionBar. | |
ActionBarSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin class for the Spark ActionBar component in mobile applications. | |
ActionEffectInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The ActionEffectInstance class is the superclass for all action effect instance classes. | |
ActionRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar | The renderer that is used to render the custom action instance on the extensible tool bar. | |
ActionScriptVersion | flash.display | A classe ActionScriptVersion é uma enumeração de valores constantes que indicam a versão de linguagem de um arquivo SWF carregado. | |
ActionSelectedEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain.events | The ActionSelectedEvent event is dispatched when the user selects a user action in the TaskAction UX component. | |
ActivationBrowser | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate | Custom Component derived from TitleWindow which shows an asset's publish dependencies. | |
ActivatorSkin | mx.skins.halo | Defines the up, down, and over states for MenuBarItem objects. | |
ActiveContentEvent | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events | ActiveContentEvent is the event dispatched when the selected content(module) changes in the content panel in the Create Correspondence UI. | |
ActiveDataEvent | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events | ActiveDataEvent is the event dispatched when the selected data capture item changes in the the Create Correspondence UI. | |
ActivityEvent | flash.events | Um objeto Camera ou Microphone envia um objeto ActivityEvent sempre que uma câmera ou um microfone reportar que se tornou ativo ou inativo. | |
ActualBitrateMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Metric computing the actual bitrate of the currently downloading quality level. This metric's type is MetricType.ACTUAL_BITRATE (org.osmf.net.abr.metrics.actualBitrate) | |
AddAction | spark.effects | The AddAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the AddChild property of a view state definition. | |
AddActionInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The AddActionInstance class implements the instance class for the AddAction effect. | |
AddApprovalStageParticipant | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | The host component for the dialog to add participants to an approval stage. | |
AddAssetPopUp | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar | New Drop Down Control for the Toolbar | |
AddChild | mx.states | The AddChild class adds a child display object, such as a component, to a container as part of a view state. | |
AddChildAction | mx.effects | The AddChildAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the AddChild property of a view state definition. | |
AddChildActionInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The AddChildActionInstance class implements the instance class for the AddChildAction effect. | |
AddCreatorDialog | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | The host component for dialog used to adding creator to a creation stage. | |
AddItemAction | mx.effects | The AddItemAction class defines an action effect that determines when the item renderer appears in the control for an item being added to a list-based control, such as List or TileList, or for an item that replaces an existing item in the control. | |
AddItemActionInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The AddItemActionInstance class implements the instance class for the AddItemAction effect. | |
AddItems | mx.states | Documentation is not currently available. | |
AddPanelButton | ga.controls | The AddPanelButton class defines the Add Panel Button component, which adds a new instance of a repeating panel to a list of panels contained within a section. | |
AddPanelEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The AddPanelEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a Panel. | |
AddRemoveEffectTargetFilter | mx.effects.effectClasses | AddRemoveEffectTargetFilter is a subclass of EffectTargetFilter that handles the logic for filtering targets that have been added or removed as children to a container. | |
AddReviewStageParticipant | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | The host component for dialog used to adding participants to an review stage. | |
AddServiceEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The AddServiceEvent is dispatched when a service is added to the composite application. | |
AddStageParticipant | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | This class defines the base functionality for adding a participant to a stage. | |
AddTileEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The AddTileEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a Tile. | |
AddViewEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The AddViewEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a view. | |
AddViewManagerEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The AddViewManagerEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a ViewManager. | |
AdjustColor | fl.motion | A classe AdjustColor define várias propriedades de cor, por exemplo, brilho, contraste, matiz e saturação, para oferecer suporte à classe ColorMatrixFilter. | |
AdvanceDataElementsPanel | com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel | The AdvanceDataElementsPanel component is an extension of DataElementsPanel, which is used in Expression Builder where data elements are used for authoring expressions. | |
AdvancedChannelSet | mx.messaging | Extends the base ChannelSet to add advanced messaging functionality. | |
AdvancedDataGrid | mx.controls | The AdvancedDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the standard DataGrid control to add data visualization features to your Adobe Flex application. | |
AdvancedDataGridAccImpl | mx.accessibility | The AdvancedDataGridAccImpl class is the accessibility class for AdvancedDataGrid. | |
AdvancedDataGridAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridBase | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridBase class is the base class for controls that display lists of items in multiple columns, such as the AdvancedDataGrid and OLAPDataGrid controls. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | mx.controls | The AdvancedDataGridBaseEx class is a base class of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseExAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData class defines a data structure used by the advanced data grid classes to track selected cells in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridColumn | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridColumn class describes a column in an AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | Use the AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup class to specify column groups for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridDragProxy | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used when dragging data from an AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridEvent | mx.events | The AdvancedDataGridEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the AdvancedDataGrid control, such as the event that is dispatched when an editable grid item gets the focus. | |
AdvancedDataGridEventReason | mx.events | The AdvancedDataGridEventReason class defines constants for the values of the reason property of a AdvancedDataGridEvent object when the type property is itemEditEnd. | |
AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for the nodes of the navigation tree. | |
AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer class. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderHorizontalSeparator | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the separator between column headers in an AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo class contains information that describes the hierarchy of the columns of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer class defines the default header renderer for a AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderShiftEvent | mx.automation.events | The AdvancedDataGridHeaderShiftEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an AdvancedDataGrid control's header item is shifted. | |
AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class. | |
AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent | mx.automation.events | The AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in the header of an AdvancedDataGrid control is selected or deselected. | |
AdvancedDataGridListData | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription class contains information that describes an item renderer for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | An AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider instance defines the characteristics for a single item renderer used by the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer class defines the item renderer for the sort icon and text field in the column header of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedListBase | mx.controls.listClasses | The AdvancedListBase class is the base class for controls, such as the AdvancedDataGrid and OLAPDataGrid controls, that represent lists of items that can have one or more selected items and can scroll through the items. | |
AdvancedListBaseAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedListBase class. | |
AdvancedListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedListBaseContentHolder class. | |
AdvancedSearchPod | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod | Advanced Search Results Pod | |
AdvancedStyleClient | mx.styles | A base class that can be used when implementing an object that uses the IAdvancedStyleClient interface. | |
AfterUpSwitchBufferBandwidthRule | org.osmf.net.rules | AfterUpSwitchBufferBandwidthRule is an emergency rule based on BufferBandwidthRule. | |
AggregatingToken | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | AggregatingToken objects are returned from functions that initiate multiple asynchronous operations and must accumulate the results. | |
AggregatingTokenError | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | An AggregatingTokenError is passed to fault handlers added to an AggregatingToken if faults occur on an aggregated token. | |
AirDragManagerAutomationHandler | mx.automation.air | Helper class that provides methods required for automation of drag and drop in AIR applications | |
AIREvent | mx.events | The AIREvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for several AIR-specific events dispatched by the Window and WindowedApplication components. | |
AirFunctionsHelper | mx.automation.air | Helper class that provides methods required for automation of AIR applications | |
Alert | mx.controls | The Alert control is a pop-up dialog box that can contain a message, a title, buttons (any combination of OK, Cancel, Yes, and No) and an icon. | |
AlertAccImpl | mx.accessibility | AlertAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Alert class. | |
AlertAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Alert control. | |
AlertFormatter | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util | This class is used to format the alert dialog. | |
AlertFormAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AlertForm class. | |
AlignmentArea | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | This class aligns columns inside a Spark Group honouring the "keepWithPrevious" settings of the passed in items. | |
AllRuntimeSparkControls | com.adobe.guides.spark.util | This class forces the framework spark controls to be included into the runtime swf | |
AlternativeAudioEvent | org.osmf.events | An AlternativeAudioEvent is dispatched when the properties of an AlternativeAudioTrait change. | |
AlternativeAudioTrait | org.osmf.traits | AlternativeAudioTrait defines the trait interface for media supporting alternative audio streams. | |
AMFChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The AMFChannel class provides the AMF support for messaging. | |
AndOperator | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators | The implementation of the and operator | |
Animate | spark.effects | This Animate effect animates an arbitrary set of properties between values. | |
AnimateColor | spark.effects | The AnimateColor effect animates a change in a color property over time, interpolating between given from/to color values on a per-channel basis. | |
AnimateColorInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The AnimateColorInstance class is the instance class of the AnimateColor effect, which animates a change in color by interpolating the from/to values per color channel. | |
AnimateFilter | spark.effects | The AnimateFilter effect applies an mx.filters.IBitmapFilter instance to the target and allows you to animate properties of the filter between values. | |
AnimateFilterInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The AnimateFilterInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateFilter effect. | |
AnimateInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The AnimateInstance class implements the instance class for the Animate effect. | |
AnimateProperty | mx.effects | The AnimateProperty effect animates a property or style of a component. | |
AnimatePropertyInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The AnimatePropertyInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateProperty effect. | |
AnimateTransform | spark.effects | The AnimateTransform effect controls all transform-related animations on target objects. | |
AnimateTransform3D | spark.effects | The AnimateTransform3D effect extends the abilities of the AnimateTransform effect to 3D transform properties. | |
AnimateTransformInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The AnimateTransformInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateTransform effect. | |
AnimateTransitionShader | spark.effects | The AnimateTransitionShader effect animates a transition between two bitmaps, one representing the start state (bitmapFrom), and the other representing the end state (bitmapTo). | |
AnimateTransitionShaderInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The AnimateTransitionShaderInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateTransitionShader effect. | |
Animation | spark.effects.animation | The Animation class defines an animation that happens between the start and end values of a property over a specified period of time. | |
Animator | fl.motion | A classe Animator aplica uma descrição XML de uma interpolação de movimento a um objeto de exibição. | |
Animator3D | fl.motion | A classe Animator3D aplica uma descrição XML de uma interpolação de movimento tridimensional a um objeto de exibição. | |
AnimatorBase | fl.motion | A classe AnimatorBase aplica uma descrição XML de uma interpolação de movimento a um objeto de exibição. | |
AnimatorFactory | fl.motion | A classe AnimatorFactory oferece suporte com base no ActionScript para associar um objeto Motion a vários objetos de exibição. | |
AnimatorFactory3D | fl.motion | A classe AnimatorFactory3D oferece suporte com base no ActionScript para associar um objeto Motion, que contém propriedades tridimensionais, a vários objetos de exibição. | |
AnimatorFactoryBase | fl.motion | A classe AnimatorFactoryBase oferece suporte com base no ActionScript para exibir e interpolar dinamicamente vários objetos de destino com um movimento durante o tempo de execução. | |
AnimatorFactoryUniversal | fl.motion | A classe AnimatorFactoryUniversal oferece suporte com base no ActionScript para associar um objeto Motion a vários objetos de exibição. | |
AnimatorUniversal | fl.motion | A classe AnimatorUniversal aplica uma descrição ActionScript de um movimento de duas e três tridimensões a um objeto de exposição. | |
AnnotationParseEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The AnnotationParseEvent is dispatched when annotation parsers have completed processing, digesting, and injecting values onto eligible composite application parts, such as Tile or Service. | |
AntiAliasType | flash.text | A classe AntiAliasType fornece valores para suavização de borda na classe flash.text.TextField. | |
Application | com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | The Application mxml component represents a composite application that can placed onto the Flex Display List using the composite application shell MXML component. | |
Application | mx.core | Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your application without explicitly defining another container. | |
Application | spark.components | Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your application without explicitly defining another container. | |
ApplicationAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Application class. | |
ApplicationBackground | mx.skins.halo | The skin for application background gradient. | |
ApplicationConstants | com.adobe.mosaic.om.constants | The ApplicationConstants provides constants to indicate the current status of an Application in its lifecycle. | |
ApplicationControlBar | mx.containers | The ApplicationControlBar container holds components that provide global navigation and application commands For the Halo Application container. | |
ApplicationDomain | flash.system | A classe ApplicationDomain é um contêiner de grupos distintos de definições de classe. | |
ApplicationDomainTarget | mx.core | The ApplicationDomainTarget class defines the possible values for the applicationDomainTarget property of the RSLData class. | |
ApplicationListItem | com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl | The ApplicationListItem provides information about a given IApplication suitable for display to a user. | |
ApplicationSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark Application component. | |
ApplicationSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark Application component. | |
ApplicationSpecifier | com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl | The ApplicationSpecifier provides information about a given IApplication suitable for display to a user. | |
ApplicationTitleBarBackgroundSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
ApplicationUpdater | air.update | A classe ApplicationUpdater define a funcionalidade básica da estrutura de atualização de aplicativos do Adobe® AIR®, sem fornecer nenhuma interface de usuário padrão. | |
ApplicationUpdaterUI | air.update | A classe ApplicationUpdaterUI define a funcionalidade básica da estrutura de atualização para aplicativos do Adobe® AIR® e fornece uma interface de usuário padrão. | |
ApplyElementIDOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ChangeElementIDOperation encapsula uma alteração de ID de elemento. | |
ApplyElementStyleNameOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ApplyElementStyleNameOperation encapsula a alteração de um nome de estilo. | |
ApplyElementTypeNameOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ApplyElementTypeNameOperation encapsula a alteração de um nome de tipo. | |
ApplyElementUserStyleOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ApplyElementUserStyleOperation encapsula uma alteração em um valor de estilo de um elemento. | |
ApplyFormatOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ApplyFormatOperation encapsula a alteração de estilo. | |
ApplyFormatToElementOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ApplyFormatToElementOperation encapsula a alteração de estilo de um elemento. | |
ApplyLinkOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ApplyLinkOperation encapsula uma operação de criação ou modificação de link. | |
ApplyTCYOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ApplyTCYOperation encapsula uma transformação TCY. | |
ApprovalStage | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage | Specifies the properties of an approval stage. | |
ApprovalStage | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the component displaying information about an approval stage. | |
Approver | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | Specifies the properties of a review participant who is an approver. | |
Approver | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines an approver in an approval stage. | |
ApproverCollection | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | Specifies that Approver objects are added to a collection. | |
ApproverStatus | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | The ApproverStatus enumerator. | |
ApproverStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | ApproverStatus Enum. | |
ApproverVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents an approver in an approval stage. | |
AreaChart | mx.charts | The AreaChart control represents data as an area bounded by a line connecting the values in the data. | |
AreaRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | The default class used to render the area beneath the dataPoints of an AreaSeries object. | |
AreaSeries | mx.charts.series | Defines a data series for an AreaChart control. | |
AreaSeriesAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AreaSeries class. | |
AreaSeriesItem | mx.charts.series.items | Represents the information required to render an item as part of an AreaSeries. | |
AreaSeriesRenderData | mx.charts.series.renderData | Represents all the information needed by the AreaSeries to render. | |
AreaSet | mx.charts.series | A grouping set that can be used to stack AreaSeries objects in any chart. | |
ARecord | flash.net.dns | A classe ARecord representa um registro de recurso do Sistema de nome de domínio (DNS) que contém um endereço IPv4. | |
ArgumentError | Nível superior | A classe ArgumentError representa um erro que ocorre quando os argumentos fornecidos em uma função não correspondem aos argumentos definidos para essa função. | |
arguments | Nível superior | Um objeto de argumentos é usado para armazenar e acessar os argumentos de uma função. | |
Array | Nível superior | A classe Array permite acessar e manipular matrizes. | |
ArrayCollection | mx.collections | The ArrayCollection class is a wrapper class that exposes an Array as a collection that can be accessed and manipulated using the methods and properties of the ICollectionView or IList interfaces. | |
ArrayList | mx.collections | The ArrayList class is a simple implementation of IList that uses a backing Array as the source of the data. | |
ArrayUtil | mx.utils | The ArrayUtil utility class is an all-static class with methods for working with arrays within Flex. | |
ArrowDirection | spark.components | Enumeration of arrow directions for use in visual components. | |
Asset | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl | This class defines an Asset domain entity. | |
AssetAction | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset | This Class represent the Action (and it's visual properties) that can be taken on the Asset Type to which this AssetAction is associated | |
AssetAction | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | Represents an action that can be taken on an asset type that is associated with the action. | |
AssetActionCompleteEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | Event to be thrown by AssetHandlers to notify Asset Manager when action taken from AssetManager UI is completed | |
AssetActionCompleteEvent | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event | Thrown by AssetHandlers to notify the Asset Manager building block that an action from the Manage Assets UI is complete. | |
AssetActionEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | Event dispatched when user clicks on one of asset action shown on the Search Results Viewer's AssetActionsRenderer (Control button bar). | |
AssetActionEvent | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event | Dispatched when the user selects an action from the toolbar of the Manage Assets UI Search Results Viewer. | |
AssetActionsChangeEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | This event must be thrown by the Custom Asset Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
AssetDetailsPod | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | Host component to show the asset details pod. | |
AssetEvent | com.adobe.icc.editors.events | The AssetEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for domain api invokers. | |
AssetExplorerServiceDelegate | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service | Loads system data dictionaries. | |
AssetFocusEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | Event dispatched when user hovers on one of asset shown on the Search Results Viewer's . | |
AssetHandlerRegistry | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers | This is the central registry for all the available handlers in the system. | |
AssetHandlerRegistry | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler | The central registry for all the available handlers in the system. | |
AssetManager | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | This is the domain model for the local set of asset descriptors | |
AssetManager | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers | The domain model that is used to load AssetDescriptors. | |
AssetManagerView | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view | The Uber host component of LCC which host all the other host components | |
AssetModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The base domain class for all the assets. | |
AssetPod | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | This is the host component for the Asset pod. | |
AssetPropertiesEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | The AssetPropertiesEditor class defines the base class for all the Editors | |
AssetPropertyDescriptor | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset | This class holds the matadata assoctiated with the Asset Property representated by this instance. | |
AssetPropertyDescriptor | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | Holds the metadata associated with the instance of the asset property. | |
AssetQueryServiceDelegate | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service | A simple delegate to QueryService that attaches success and fault listeners to the QueryService response. | |
AssetReviewPod | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.review | Review section shown as the left pane in Relationship Browser. | |
AssetTypeDescriptor | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset | The AssetTypeDescriptor class holds the metadata properties associated with the Asset represented by this AssetTypeDescriptor. | |
AssetTypeDescriptor | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | Holds the metadata properties that are associated with the asset represented by the asset type descriptor. | |
AssetValidationEvent | com.adobe.icc.editors.events | The AssetValidationEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for domain api invokers. | |
AssetValidationFaultType | com.adobe.icc.editors.events | The AssetValidationFaultType class enumerates the list of constants related to the type of errors resulting from domain validations. | |
AssetVersionPod | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | The host component for Asset Version pod. | |
AssetVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | Defines an asset, that can be associated with a workItem in a project. | |
Assignment | lc.procmgmt.domain | The Assignment class describes the assignment of a task and carries information that determines the queue that contains the task. | |
AssignmentConstants | lc.procmgmt | The AssignmentConstants class holds constants for the Assignment class assignmentType property. | |
AsyncErrorEvent | flash.events | O Flash® Player envia um AsyncErrorEvent quando uma exceção é lançada a partir de um código assíncrono nativo, que pode ser proveniente de, por exemplo, LocalConnection, NetConnection, SharedObject ou NetStream. | |
AsyncListView | mx.collections | The AsyncListView class is an implementation of the IList interface that handles ItemPendingErrors errors thrown by the getItemAt(), removeItemAt(), and toArray() methods. | |
AsyncMessage | mx.messaging.messages | AsyncMessage is the base class for all asynchronous messages. | |
AsyncRequest | mx.rpc | The AsyncRequest class provides an abstraction of messaging for RPC call invocation. | |
AsyncResponder | mx.rpc | This class provides an RPC specific implementation of mx.rpc.IResponder. | |
AsyncToken | mx.rpc | This class provides a place to set additional or token-level data for asynchronous RPC operations. | |
AsyncTokenResponder | mx.data | Subclass of AsyncResponder that exposes the result token. | |
AsyncTokenWrapper | com.adobe.gravity.utility.flex.async | Adapt an AsyncToken to implement the IToken interface. | |
Attachment | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | This class models an <attachment> element in the package definition. | |
AttachmentCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The AttachmentCommand class is a generic command that has direct association with a TaskAttachmentInfo object. | |
AttachmentEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.events | The AttachmentEvent event is dispatched when the user adds, removes and uploads attachments. | |
AttachmentHeader | lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | The AttachmentHeader component provides the user interface for adding a note or an attachment to a task. | |
AttachmentHeaderBase | lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | The AttachmentHeaderBase class acts as the parent for the AttachmentHeader class. | |
AttachmentHeaderModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | The AttachmentsHeaderModel class acts as the model for the AttachmentsHeader component. | |
AttachmentIconRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.renderers | The AttachmentIconRenderer class is the default icon renderer for the AttachmentList class. | |
AttachmentIconRendererSkin | com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.skin.renderers | The AttachmentIconRenderSkin class provides the renderer for the attachment icon. | |
AttachmentInfo | lc.procmgmt.domain | The AttachmentInfo class provides support for managing attachments and notes with tasks. | |
AttachmentList | com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain | The AttachmentList class is an extension of the List class. | |
AttachmentList | lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | The AttachmentsList component displays the list of attachments and notes associated with a task. | |
AttachmentListComponent | com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.component | The AttachmentListComponent UX component displays the list of attachments associated with a specific task and allows the user to add, remove, and download attachments. | |
AttachmentListModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | The AttachmentListModel class acts as the presentation model for the AttachmentList component. | |
AttachmentListSkin | com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.skin | The default skin for the AttachmentList UX component. | |
AttachmentLoader | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller | The attachment loader class is associated with a list of attachments in a package definition given a controller id. | |
AttachmentPermissions | lc.procmgmt.domain | The AttachmentPermissions class stores the read/write/delete permissions for an attachment or note. | |
Attachments | lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | The Attachments component provides a complete user interface for working with the attachments and notes associated with a task. | |
AttachmentsModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | The AttachmentsModel class acts as the model for the Attachments component. | |
Attribute | mx.messaging.management | Client representation of a MBean attribute. | |
AudioDecoder | flash.media | A classe AudioDecoder enumera os tipos do áudio multicanal que um sistema pode suportar. | |
AudioDeviceManager | flash.media | Use a classe AudioDeviceManager para obter informações do dispositivo de áudio do sistema e selecione um dispositivo para reprodução de áudio. | |
AudioElement | org.osmf.elements | AudioElement is a media element specifically created for audio playback. | |
AudioEvent | org.osmf.events | An AudioEvent is dispatched when the properties of an AudioTrait change. | |
AudioOutputChangeEvent | flash.events | Esse evento é acionado quando o usuário seleciona um dispositivo de saída de áudio diferente na interface do usuário de configurações do Flash Player, ou quando um dispositivo de áudio é adicionado ao / removido do sistema. | |
AudioOutputChangeReason | flash.media | Essa classe define uma enumeração que indica o motivo do AudioOutputChangeEvent. | |
AudioPlaybackMode | flash.media | A classe AudioPlaybackMode define constantes da propriedade audioPlaybackMode da classe SoundMixer. | |
AudioTrait | org.osmf.traits | AudioTrait defines the trait interface for media that have audio. | |
AuditActionVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Defines an audit action. | |
AuditAttributeVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Defines an instance of Audit Attribute. | |
AuditLevel | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | The audit level object as configured through audit service. | |
AuditLevel | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.audit | The host component for the Audit Level tab in schedule template workflow. | |
AuditLevelVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents an Audit Level in the system. | |
AuditManager | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.manager | This class implements operations for audit management. | |
AuditMetaInfoVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents an Audit entry in the system. | |
AuditModuleVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents an Audit module. | |
Auditor | com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | This class implements the operations of Audit service. | |
AugmentedError | com.adobe.gravity.utility.error | The AugmentedError class extends the standard Error class to provide access to error parameters and access to the original error(s). | |
AugmentedErrorEvent | com.adobe.gravity.utility.events | The AugmentedErrorEvent extends the ErrorEvent class to provide access to the original Error object. | |
AuthenticatingApplication | lc.procmgmt | The AuthenticatingApplication class handles the loading localized resources based on the browser language, authentication, and other initialization activities. | |
AuthenticationEvent | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | AuthenticationEvent objects are dispatched by the ISecurityManager class when an authentication related operation is performed. | |
AuthenticationMethod | flash.net.drm | A classe AuthenticationMethod fornece constantes de strings que enumeram os diferentes tipos de autenticação usados pela propriedade authenticationMethod da classe DRMContentData. | |
AuthFailureCode | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | Defines constants that define possible causes related to an authentication failure. | |
AuthOptions | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | The AuthOptions class captures the authentication options. | |
Author | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines an author in a creation stage. | |
AuthorStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | AuthorStatus Enum. | |
AuthorVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | AuthorVO is the concrete implementation of the abstract StageParticipantVO. | |
AuthResult | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service | The AuthResult object is returned as part of calls to perform Single Sign On (SSO) and login methods of ISecurityManager service. | |
AuthStatus | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | Defines the constants for various types of authentication status. | |
AutoCapitalize | flash.text | A classe AutoCapitalize define constantes da propriedade autoCapitalize da classe StageText. | |
AutoLayoutEvent | fl.video | O Flash® Player despacha um objeto AutoLayoutEvent quando o player de vídeo é redimensionado e disposto automaticamente. | |
Automation | mx.automation | The Automation class defines the entry point for the Flex Automation framework. | |
AutomationAirEvent | mx.automation.events | The AutomationAirEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager. | |
AutomationClass | mx.automation | Provides serializable class information for external automation tools. | |
AutomationDragEvent | mx.automation.events | The AutomationDragEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a drag-and-drop operation. | |
AutomationDragEventWithPositionInfo | mx.automation.events | The AutomationDragEventWithPositionInfo class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a drag-and-drop operation. | |
AutomationError | mx.automation | The AutomationError class defines the error constants used by the Flex Automation mechanism. | |
AutomationEvent | mx.automation.events | The AutomationEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager. | |
AutomationEventDescriptor | mx.automation | Method descriptor class. | |
AutomationFlexNativeMenuEvent | mx.automation.events | The AutomationFlexNativeEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a flexnativemenu selection operation. | |
AutomationHelper | mx.automation | Helper class used to call appropriate methods based on whether the current app is an AIR app or a Flex app. | |
AutomationID | mx.automation | The Flex automation framework uses the AutomationID class to build object identification that Agents can use. | |
AutomationIDPart | mx.automation | The AutomationIDPart class represents a component instance to agents. | |
AutomationManager | mx.automation | Provides the interface for manipulating the automation hierarchy, and for recording and replaying events. | |
AutomationMethodDescriptor | mx.automation | Basic method descriptor class. | |
AutomationPropertyDescriptor | mx.automation | Describes a property of a test object. | |
AutomationRecordEvent | mx.automation.events | The AutomationRecordEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager. | |
AutomationReplayEvent | mx.automation.events | The AutomationReplayEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager, and used by the functional testing classes and any other classes that must replay user interactions. | |
AvailablePropertyIterator | com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | An implementation of IPropertyIterator for iterating over the set of a value object's available properties at a given point in time. | |
AvailableQualityLevelsMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Metric listing all the available quality levels as pairs (index, bitrate) | |
AVDictionaryDataEvent | flash.events | AVStream envia AVDictionaryDataEvent para sinalizar informações de tags ID3 | |
AverageAggregator | mx.olap.aggregators | The AverageAggregator class implements the average aggregator. | |
AVHTTPStatusEvent | flash.events | O aplicativo envia objetos AVHTTPStatusEvent quando uma solicitação de rede retorna um código de status HTTP. | |
AVLoader | flash.display | ||
AVM1Movie | flash.display | AVM1Movie é uma classe simples que representa clipes de filme AVM1, que usam o ActionScript 1.0 ou 2.0. | |
AVNetworkingParams | flash.media | O AVStream expede o AVPlayStateEvent durante a reprodução para indicar alterações no status. | |
AVPauseAtPeriodEndEvent | flash.events | AVStream despacha AVPauseAtPeriodEndEvent quando a extremidade da extensão é acessada para o período em que o evento é solicitado. | |
AVTagData | flash.media | Fornece informações sobre um ponto de sinalização de um período em um fluxo HLS. | |
AVURLLoader | flash.media | A classe URLLoader baixa dados de uma URL como texto, dados binários ou variáveis codificadas em URL. | |
AVURLStream | flash.media | A classe URLStream fornece acesso de baixo nível a URLs de download. | |
AxisBase | mx.charts.chartClasses | The AxisBase class serves as a base class for the various axis types supported in Flex. | |
AxisLabel | mx.charts | An AxisLabel object represents a single label on the chart axis. | |
AxisLabelSet | mx.charts.chartClasses | An AxisLabelSet represents the label and tick data generated by an implementation of IAxis. | |
AxisRenderer | mx.charts | You use the AxisRenderer class to describe the horizontal and vertical axes of a chart. | |
AxisRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AxisRenderer class. | |
AXMAccordion | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXMAccordion component | |
AXMAccordionItemVO | xd.core.axm.view.components.support | The AXMAccordionItemVO component. | |
AXMAccordionSegment | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXMAccordionSegment component | |
AXMBreadCrumb | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXMBreadCrumb component | |
AXMButton | xd.core.axm.view.components | Base Button for XD AXM Components | |
AXMButtonBar | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Default Button Bar Component | |
AXMButtonBarButton | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Button Bar Button | |
AXMCheckBox | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Checkbox Component | |
AXMComboBox | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Combo Box Component | |
AXMDropDownList | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Drop Down List | |
AXMDropDownListBase | xd.core.axm.view.components.support | The DropDownListBase control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value. | |
AXMEnterpriseAccordionSegmentSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMAccordionSegment. | |
AXMEnterpriseAccordionSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMAccordionSegment. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBar | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | An extension point (or hook) that extends the spark.components.TabBar class for the AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXM Tab Bar Button component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the Spark TabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBar | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | An extension point (or hook) that extends spark.components.TabBarclass for use with the AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBar | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbButto component. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbFocusSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbFocusSkin component. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumb component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBarFirstButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarLastButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBarLastButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBarMiddleButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseCheckbox component. | |
AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmallSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmall component. | |
AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for a AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseCloseButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseCloseButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButton | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseComboBox. | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxTextInputSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the textInput of a AXMEnterpriseComboBoxTextInput component. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListItemRenderer | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseDropDownListItemRenderer. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseDropDownList. | |
AXMEnterpriseFocusSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | AXMEnterpriseFocusSkin is a custom focus skin to handle the exceptions not covered in the spark FocusSkin | |
AXMEnterpriseFooterSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseFooterSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseGridHeaderRenderer | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | The DefaultGridHeaderRenderer class defines the default header renderer for the columns of a Spark DataGrid control. | |
AXMEnterpriseGridSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseGridSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseHeaderBarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseHeaderBarSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseHeaderButtonBar | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | The AXMEnterpriseHeaderButtonBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollBarLargeSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollBar. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarNoControlsSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarNoControls The thumb and track are defined in separate skins. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollbar The thumb and track skins are defined by separate skins. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarThumbSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarThumbSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackNoControls The thumb and track skins are defined in separate skins. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrack | |
AXMEnterpriseIconButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseIconButton | |
AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBar The buttons on the ButtonBar component use the ButtonBarLastButtonSkin, ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin and ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin classes. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | Skin for AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButton | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperIncrementButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | Skin for AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButton | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for a Spark NumericStepper component. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperTextInputSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for Spark TextInput component. | |
AXMEnterprisePanelSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for a AXMEnterprisePanel. | |
AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for a AXMEnterprisePanel. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietHeaderBarButton | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseQuietHeaderBarButton | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseRadioButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseRadioButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseResizeHandleSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseResizeHandle. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollDownArrowSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollDownArrow. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollLeftArrowSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollLeftArrow. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin.mxml. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollUpArrowSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin.mxml. | |
AXMEnterpriseSlideToggleButton | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | The AXMEnterpriseSlideToggleButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMSplitActionButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseTabBarButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseTabBarButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseTabBarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseTextAreaSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseTextArea. | |
AXMEnterpriseTextInputSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseTextInput. | |
AXMEnterpriseTitleWindowSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for a AXMEnterpriseTitleWindow. | |
AXMEnterpriseToggleButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToggleButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarBottomSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarBottom. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarFirstButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarLastButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarLastButton | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarMiddleButton | |
AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarTopSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarButtonSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBar. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarNoControlsSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarNoControls The thumb and track skins are defined by the VScrollBarThumbSkin and VScrollBarTrackSkin classes, respectively. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseVScrollbar. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarThumbSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarThumb. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackNoControls The thumb and track skins are defined by the VScrollBarThumbSkin and VScrollBarTrackSkin classes, respectively. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrack The thumb and track skins are defined by the VScrollBarThumbSkin and VScrollBarTrackSkin classes, respectively. | |
AXMHeaderBar | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Header Bar Components | |
AXMHScrollBar | xd.core.axm.view.components | Default AXM Horizontal Scrollbar | |
AXMLightItemRenderer | xd.core.axm.view.components | Item Renderer for the AXM Light style list | |
AXMList | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM List Component | |
AXMPopUp | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Pop Up | |
AXMProgressBar | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Progress bar component | |
AXMProgressSpinner | xd.core.axm.view.components | Progress spinner component | |
AXMResizableContainer | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Resizable Container | |
AXMRichTextEditor | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Rich Text Editor Composite Component | |
AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | xd.core.axm.view.components | Control bar for the AXM RichTextEditor | |
AXMScroller | xd.core.axm.view.components | The AXMScroller Component. | |
AXMSplitActionButton | xd.core.axm.view.components | Split Action Button | |
AXMSwitch | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Toggle Button | |
AXMTabBar | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM tab bar compoenent | |
AXMTabBarButton | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Button Bar Button | |
AXMTitleWindow | xd.core.axm.view.components | footerGradientEndColor | |
AXMToggleButton | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Toggle Button Component | |
AXMToolPopUp | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Tool Pop Up Component | |
AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | xd.core.axm.view.components.support | The AXMToolPopUpDropDownController class handles the mouse, keyboard, and focus interactions for an anchor button and its associated tool pop up drop down. | |
AXMVerticalDivider | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM AXM Vertical Divider Component | |
AXMVScrollBar | xd.core.axm.view.components | AXM Vertical Scroll Bar Component | |
Back | fl.motion.easing | A classe Back define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript. | |
Back | fl.transitions.easing | A classe Back define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript. | |
Back | mx.effects.easing | The Back class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes. | |
BackgroundColor | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define uma constante para especificar que o valor da propriedade backgroundColor da classe TextLayoutFormat é "transparente". | |
BandwidthMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Bandwidth metric Measurement unit: bytes / seconds | |
BandwidthRule | org.osmf.net.rules | BandwidthRule recommends the value of the BandwidthMetric | |
BarChart | mx.charts | The BarChart control represents data as a series of horizontal bars whose length is determined by values in the data. | |
BarChartHorizontalSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the Bar Chart Skin available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
BarSeries | mx.charts.series | Defines a data series for a BarChart control. | |
BarSeriesAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the BarSeries class. | |
BarSeriesItem | mx.charts.series.items | Represents the information required to render an item as part of a BarSeries. | |
BarSeriesRenderData | mx.charts.series.renderData | Represents all the information needed by the BarSeries to render. | |
BarSet | mx.charts.series | A grouping set that can be used to stack or cluster BarSeries objects in any chart. | |
Base64Decoder | mx.utils | A utility class to decode a Base64 encoded String to a ByteArray. | |
Base64Encoder | mx.utils | A utility class to encode a String or ByteArray as a Base64 encoded String. | |
BaseAssetHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Text. | |
BaseAssetPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover | Default implementation of IAssetPreviewRenderer. | |
BaseButton | fl.controls | A classe BaseButton é a classe base de todos os componentes de botão, definindo propriedades e métodos que são comuns a todos os botões. | |
BaseDimensionFilter | mx.filters | Base class for some Spark filters. | |
BaseEntityVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | Base entity for all Project Management entities. | |
BaseEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The BaseEvent class defines a generic base event that can be tranferred to JavaScript for processing. | |
BaseFilter | mx.filters | Base class for some Spark filters. | |
BaselineOffset | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define os valores da propriedade firstBaselineOffset das classes TextLayoutFormat e ContainerFormattedElement. | |
BaselineShift | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define constantes para especificar o subscrito ou o sobrescrito na propriedade baselineShift da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
BaseLinkageAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | Base class for linkage of data elements of Letter Editor. | |
BaseListData | mx.controls.listClasses | The BaseListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors. | |
BaseModuleInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | Base class extended by all the modules. | |
BasePreviewUIControl | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.component | Default implementation of IPreviewUIControl. | |
BaseScrollPane | fl.containers | A classe BaseScrollPane trata da funcionalidade básica de painéis de rolagem, incluindo eventos, estilos, desenho da máscara e do plano de fundo, o layout das barras de rolagem e a manipulação de posições de rolagem. | |
BaseSearchRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | Base Implementation of ISearchUIControl - A base renderer for search controls | |
BaseUser | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | Defines the basic properties of a user. | |
BaseVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | The root parent class for all VOs. | |
BasicLayout | spark.layouts | The BasicLayout class arranges the layout elements according to their individual settings, independent of each-other. | |
BasicSearchFSTRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | This search renderer enables full text search on all the attributes of all the assets Used by basic search pod when there is no basicSearchEnabled=true for the given asset | |
BasicSearchPod | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod | Host Component for Basic Search Pod | |
BasicService | coldfusion.service | The base class for all the proxy classes that interact with the different ColdFusion services, such as, image or pdf. | |
BeaconElement | org.osmf.elements | BeaconElement is a media element which maps the "play" operation to the request (via an HTTP GET) of a URL. | |
BeveledActionButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | iOS-styled ActionBar Button skin for use in the actionContent skinPart. | |
BeveledBackButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | iOS-styled ActionBar Button skin for use in the navigationContent skinPart. | |
BeveledBorder | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.util | Draws a beveled border. | |
BevelFilter | flash.filters | A classe BevelFilter permite adicionar um efeito de bisel a objetos de exibição. | |
BevelFilter | spark.filters | The BevelFilter class lets you add a bevel effect to display objects. | |
BezierEase | fl.motion | A classe BezierEase fornece controle de atenuação preciso para uma interpolação de movimento entre dois quadros-chave. | |
BezierSegment | fl.motion | Um segmento de Bezier consiste em quatros objetos Point que definem um única curva de Bezier cúbica. | |
BinaryOperator | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators | This is the superclass for all binary operators | |
BindingElement | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Transfer object representing a BindingElement. | |
BindingUtils | mx.binding.utils | The BindingUtils class defines utility methods for performing data binding from ActionScript. | |
Bitmap | flash.display | A classe Bitmap representa objetos de exibição que representam imagens bitmap. | |
BitmapAsset | mx.core | BitmapAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.Bitmap class which represents bitmap images that you embed in a Flex application. | |
BitmapData | flash.display | A classe BitmapData permite trabalhar com os dados (pixels) de uma imagem de bitmap do objeto Bitmap. | |
BitmapDataChannel | flash.display | A classe BitmapDataChannel é uma enumeração de valores constantes que indicam que canal usar: vermelho, azul, verde ou transparência alfa. | |
BitmapEncodingColorSpace | flash.display | A classe de BitmapEncodingColorSpace define as constantes que especificam como os canais de cores são testados pelo método flash.display.BitmapData.encode() método especificando o compactador como flash.display. JPEGXREncoderOptions. | |
BitmapFill | mx.graphics | Defines a set of values used to fill an area on screen with a bitmap or other DisplayObject. | |
BitmapFillMode | mx.graphics | The BitmapFillMode class defines an enumeration of the resize modes that determine how a BitmapImage fills in the dimensions specified by the layout system. | |
BitmapFilter | flash.filters | A classe BitmapFilter é a classe base para todos os efeitos de filtro de imagem. | |
BitmapFilterQuality | flash.filters | A classe BitmapFilterQuality contém valores para definir a qualidade de renderização de um objeto BitmapFilter. | |
BitmapFilterType | flash.filters | A classe BitmapFilterType contém valores para definir o tipo de BitmapFilter. | |
BitmapImage | spark.primitives | A BitmapImage element defines a rectangular region in its parent element's coordinate space, filled with bitmap data drawn from a source file or source URL. | |
BitmapScaleMode | mx.graphics | The BitmapScaleMode class defines an enumeration for the scale modes that determine how a BitmapImage scales image content when fillMode is set to mx.graphics.BitmapFillMode.SCALE. | |
BitmapSmoothingQuality | mx.graphics | An enum of the smoothing quality modes that determine how a BitmapImage scales image content when fillMode is set to BitmapFillMode.SCALE and smooth is true. | |
BitmapUtil | spark.utils | This class provides bitmap-related utility functions | |
BlendMode | flash.display | Uma classe que fornece valores constantes para efeitos visuais de modo de mesclagem. | |
Blinds | fl.transitions | A classe Blinds revela o objeto de clipe de filme usando retângulos que aparecem ou desaparecem. | |
BlockProgression | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para a propriedade blockProgression da classe TextLayouFormat. | |
Blur | mx.effects | The Blur effect lets you apply a blur visual effect to a component. | |
BlurFilter | flash.filters | A classe BlurFilter permite aplicar um efeito de visual de desfoque a objetos de exibição. | |
BlurFilter | spark.filters | The BlurFilter class lets you apply a blur visual effect to display objects. | |
BlurInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The BlurInstance class implements the instance class for the Blur effect. | |
Boolean | Nível superior | Um objeto Boolean é um tipo de dados que pode ter um de dois valores, "true" ou "false", usado para operações lógicas. | |
Border | mx.skins | The Border class is an abstract base class for various classes that draw borders, either rectangular or non-rectangular, around UIComponents. | |
BorderContainer | spark.components | The BorderContainer class defines a set of CSS styles that control the appearance of the border and background fill of the container. | |
BorderContainerSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark BorderContainer component. | |
BorderSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX Border base class. | |
BorderSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX Border base class. | |
Bounce | fl.motion.easing | A classe Bounce define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento de pulo com uma animação ActionScript, semelhante a uma bola caindo e pulando em um chão com vários ressaltos decadentes. | |
Bounce | fl.transitions.easing | A classe Bounce define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento de pulo com uma animação ActionScript, semelhante a uma bola caindo e pulando em um chão com vários ressaltos decadentes. | |
Bounce | mx.effects.easing | The Bounce class defines three easing functions to implement bounce motion with Flex effect classes. | |
Bounce | spark.effects.easing | The Bounce class implements easing functionality simulating gravity pulling on and bouncing the target object. | |
BoundedValue | mx.charts.chartClasses | A bounded value is used to represent a datapoint that a chart element intends to render on screen. | |
Box | mx.containers | A Halo Box container lays out its children in a single vertical column or a single horizontal row. | |
BoxAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Box class. | |
BoxDirection | mx.containers | The BoxDirection class specifies constant values for the direction property of the Box container. | |
BoxDivider | mx.containers.dividedBoxClasses | The BoxDivider class represents the divider between children of a DividedBox container. | |
BoxItemRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a rectangular area. | |
BreakElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe BreakElement define uma quebra de linha, que permite a criação de uma quebra de linha no texto sem criar um novo parágrafo. | |
BreakOpportunity | flash.text.engine | A classe BreakOpportunity é uma enumeração dos valores constantes que você pode usar para definir a propriedade breakOpportunity da classe ElementFormat. | |
BrokenImageBorderSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the border of a SWFLoader or Image component when the content could not be loaded. | |
BrowserChangeEvent | mx.events | The BrowserChangeEvent class represents event objects specific to the BrowserManager. | |
BrowserContainer | com.adobe.dct.view | The BrowserContainer component displays the data dictionary elements in a tree view. | |
BrowserInvokeEvent | flash.events | O objeto NativeApplication de um aplicativo AIR despacha um evento browserInvoke quando o aplicativo é invocado como resultado de um arquivo SWF no navegador, usando o recurso de invocação do navegador. | |
BrowserManager | mx.managers | The BrowserManager is a Singleton manager that acts as a proxy between the browser and the application. | |
BubbleChart | mx.charts | The BubbleChart control represents data with three values for each data point. | |
BubbleSeries | mx.charts.series | Defines a data series for a BubbleChart control. | |
BubbleSeriesAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the BubbleSeries class. | |
BubbleSeriesItem | mx.charts.series.items | Represents the information required to render an item as part of a BubbleSeries. | |
BubbleSeriesRenderData | mx.charts.series.renderData | Represents all the information needed by the BubbleSeries to render. | |
BufferBandwidthRule | org.osmf.net.rules | BufferBandwidthRule is an enhanced version of BandwidthRule The change is that if the BandwidthRule recommends a lower bitrate than the current one, the BufferBandwidthRule overrides that low recommendation with the current bitrate if there are enough fragments in the buffer (we can afford to stick to this bitrate for now, since we have a large enough buffer) | |
BufferEvent | org.osmf.events | A BufferEvent is dispatched when the properties of a BufferTrait change. | |
BufferFragmentsMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | BufferFragmentsMetric computes the number of fragments in the buffer | |
BufferLengthMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Metric providing the buffer length This metric's type is MetricType.BUFFER_LENGTH (org.osmf.net.abr.metrics.bufferLength) | |
BufferOccupationRatioMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Metric computing the buffer occupation (buffer length / buffer time). This metric's type is MetricType.BUFFER_OCCUPATION_RATIO (org.osmf.net.abr.metrics.bufferOccupationRatio) | |
BufferTrait | org.osmf.traits | BufferTrait defines the trait interface for media that can use a data buffer. | |
BundleConstants | com.adobe.gravity.framework | Bundle state constants. | |
BundleContext | com.adobe.gravity.context | BundleContext provides a convenience static property for getting the IBundleContext interface for the current bundle. | |
BundleEvent | com.adobe.gravity.framework | BundleEvents are dispatched for bundle lifecycle transitions. | |
BusyCursor | mx.skins.halo | Defines the appearance of the cursor that appears while an operation is taking place. | |
BusyIndicator | spark.components | The BusyIndicator defines a component to display when a long-running operation is in progress. | |
Button | fl.controls | O componente Button representa um botão retangular comumente utilizado. | |
Button | mx.controls | The Button control is a commonly used rectangular button. | |
Button | spark.components | The Button component is a commonly used rectangular button. | |
ButtonAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe ButtonAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de Button, permite a comunicação entre um componente Button e um leitor de tela. | |
ButtonAccImpl | mx.accessibility | ButtonAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Button class. | |
ButtonAsset | mx.core | ButtonAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.SimpleButton class which represents button symbols that you embed in a Flex application from a SWF file produced by Flash. | |
ButtonAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Button control. | |
ButtonBar | ga.wrappers | Defines the default Button Bar Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
ButtonBar | mx.controls | The ButtonBar control defines a horizontal or vertical group of logically related push buttons with a common look and navigation. | |
ButtonBar | spark.components | The ButtonBar control defines a horizontal group of logically related buttons with a common look and navigation. | |
ButtonBarAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBar control. | |
ButtonBarBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The ButtonBarBase class defines the common behavior for the ButtonBar, TabBar and similar subclasses. | |
ButtonBarBaseAccImpl | spark.accessibility | ButtonBarBaseAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBarBase. | |
ButtonBarButton | spark.components | The ButtonBarButton class defines the custom item renderer used by the ButtonBar control. | |
ButtonBarButtonClassFactory | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | Adds skinClass style support to ClassFactory. | |
ButtonBarButtonSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the ButtonBarButtons in a ButtonBar. | |
ButtonBarButtonSkinBase | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | ButtonBarButton skin base class. | |
ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the first button in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the first button in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Button skin for the first Button in a ButtonBar. | |
ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the first button in a Spark ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBarFirstButton component. | |
ButtonBarHorizontalLayout | spark.components.supportClasses | The ButtonBarHorizontalLayout class is a layout specifically designed for the Spark ButtonBar skins. | |
ButtonBarLastButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the last button in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarLastButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the last button in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarLastButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Button skin for the last Button in a ButtonBar. | |
ButtonBarLastButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the last button in a Spark ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarLastButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBarLastButton component. | |
ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the middle buttons in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the middle buttons in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Button skin for middle Buttons in a ButtonBar. | |
ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the middle buttons in a Spark ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBarMiddleButton component. | |
ButtonBarSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin class for the Spark ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The ButtonBase class is the base class for the all Spark button components. | |
ButtonBaseAccImpl | spark.accessibility | ButtonBaseAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase. | |
ButtonLabelPlacement | fl.controls | A classe ButtonLabelPlacement define constantes para os valores da propriedade labelPlacement de um componente Button, CheckBox ou RadioButton. | |
ButtonLabelPlacement | mx.controls | The ButtonLabelPlacement class defines the constants for the allowed values of the labelPlacement property of a Button, CheckBox, LinkButton, or RadioButton control. | |
ButtonSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.components.skins.mx | Defines the ButtonSkin skin used by the minimal wrapper skin mx button components. | |
ButtonSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.components.skins | Defines the ButtonSkin skin used by the minimal wrapper skin. | |
ButtonSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of a Button. | |
ButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX Button component. | |
ButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX Button component. | |
ButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for Button controls in mobile applications. | |
ButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
ButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
ButtonSkinBase | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | ActionScript-based skin for mobile applications. | |
ByteArray | flash.utils | A classe ByteArray fornece métodos e propriedades para otimizar a leitura, a gravação e o trabalho com dados binários. | |
ByteArrayAsset | mx.core | ByteArrayAsset is a subclass of the flash.utils.ByteArray class which represents an arbitrary sequence of byte data that you embed in a Flex application. | |
BytesExpressionLoader | com.adobe.exm.expression.impl | Loads the expression swf into loader from already loaded swf ByteArray | |
CacheDataDescriptor | mx.data | The CacheDataDescriptor class provides information about the attributes of cached data. | |
CachePolicy | com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl | CachePolicy provides some specific implementations of ICachePolicy. | |
CacheToken | com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | This class extends async token and instead of making remote call to fetch the result, fetches the result from a local cache. | |
CalendarLayoutChangeEvent | mx.events | The CalendarLayoutChangeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the change event for the DateChooser and DateField controls. | |
CallAction | spark.effects | The CallAction effect calls the function specified by functionName property on the target object with optional arguments specified by the args property. | |
CallActionInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The CallActionInstance class implements the instance class for the CallAction effect. | |
Callout | spark.components | The Callout container is a SkinnablePopUpContainer that functions as a pop-up with additional owner-relative positioning options similar to PopUpAnchor. | |
CalloutActionBarSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Additional skin class for the Spark ActionBar component for use with a ViewNavigator inside a Callout component. | |
CalloutArrow | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | The arrow skin part for CalloutSkin. | |
CalloutButton | spark.components | The CalloutButton control is a drop down component that defines a button to open and close a Callout container. | |
CalloutPosition | spark.components | The CalloutPosition calss defines the enumeration of horizontal and vertical positions of the Callout component relative to the owner. | |
CalloutSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin class for the Spark Callout component in mobile applications. | |
CalloutViewNavigatorSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The ActionScript-based skin for view navigators inside a callout. | |
CallResponder | mx.rpc | This component helps you manage the results for asynchronous calls made from RPC based services, typically from MXML components. | |
Camera | flash.media | Use a classe Camera para capturar vídeo da câmera do sistema cliente ou do dispositivo. | |
CameraPosition | flash.media | A classe CameraPosition define constantes para a propriedade position da classe Camera. | |
CameraRoll | flash.media | A classe CameraRoll permite acessar dados de imagem na biblioteca de mídia do sistema ou no "rolo da câmera". Suporte a perfil do AIR: este recurso é compatível com dispositivos móveis, mas sistemas operacionais para desktop e dispositivos AIR for TV não oferecem suporte para ele. | |
CameraRollBrowseOptions | flash.media | A classe CameraRollBrowseOptions define as opções de inicialização que podem ser usadas ao utilizar a API de câmera de rolo para abrir o Seletor de Imagem. | |
CameraUI | flash.media | A classe CameraUI permite capturar uma imagem estática ou vídeo usando o aplicativo de câmera padrão em um dispositivo. | |
CandlestickChart | mx.charts | The CandlestickChart control represents financial data as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low, opening, and closing values of a data series. | |
CandlestickItemRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | The default itemRenderer for a CandlestickSeries object. | |
CandlestickSeries | mx.charts.series | Represents financial data as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low, opening, and closing values of a data series. | |
Canvas | mx.containers | A Halo Canvas layout container defines a rectangular region in which you place child containers and controls. | |
CanvasAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Canvas class. | |
Capabilities | flash.system | A classe Capabilities fornece propriedades que descrevem o sistema e o tempo de execução que estão hospedando o aplicativo. | |
CapsStyle | flash.display | A classe CapsStyle é uma enumeração de valores constantes que especificam o estilo de formatação de letras a ser usado no desenho de linhas. | |
CaptionChangeEvent | fl.video | O CaptionChangeEvent é despachado sempre que uma legenda é adicionada ou removida do campo de texto de destino de legenda. | |
CaptionTargetEvent | fl.video | Tipo para o evento captionTargetCreated, despachado depois que o evento captionTargetCreated tiver sido criado automaticamente e antes de qualquer legenda ser adicionada a ele. | |
CartesianCanvasValue | mx.charts.chartClasses | Defines the position of objects on a data canvas. | |
CartesianChart | mx.charts.chartClasses | The CartesianChart class is a base class for the common chart types. | |
CartesianChartAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CartesianChart base class. | |
CartesianDataCanvas | mx.charts.chartClasses | This class lets you use add graphical elements such as lines, ellipses, and other shapes by using a graphics API. | |
CartesianTransform | mx.charts.chartClasses | The CartesianTransform object represents a set of axes that maps data values to x/y Cartesian screen coordinates and vice versa. | |
Catalog | com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | The Catalog mxml component is a representation of the Composite Application Framework SDK ICatalog. | |
CatalogConstants | com.adobe.mosaic.om.constants | The CatalogConstants provides constants to indicate the current status of a Catalog in its client-server lifecycle. | |
CatalogListItem | com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl | The CatalogListItem provides information about a given ICatalog suitable for display to a user. | |
CatalogLoadEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The CatalogLoadEvent class defines a transient notification of catalog load results. | |
CatalogSpecifier | com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl | The CatalogSpecifier provides information about a given ICatalog suitable for display to a user. | |
Category | com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo | Value object for a category or subcategory. The category or subcategory is determined by the type. | |
Category | lc.procmgmt.domain | The Category class manages all category information. | |
CategoryAxis | mx.charts | The CategoryAxis class lets charts represent data grouped by a set of discrete values along an axis. | |
CategoryEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | Editor to edit Category or Subcategory | |
CategoryHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Category. | |
CategoryManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | The CategoryManager class helps retrieve and maintain the list of categories and sub-categories existing in the system. | |
CategoryModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The CategoryModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Category. | |
CategoryType | com.adobe.icc.enum | Specifies the enumerator for the type of a Category. | |
CCRDefaultActionHandler | com.adobe.acm.solutions.ccr.domain.extensions | The default action handler called for any custom action when no other action handler is provided. | |
CDMAssignment | com.adobe.icc.vo | Assignment Value Object for Condition Modules. | |
CellPosition | spark.components.gridClasses | The CellPosition class defines a data structure used by the Spark data grid classes to represent selected cells in the control. | |
CellRegion | spark.components.gridClasses | The CellRegion class defines a data structure used by the Spark data grid classes to represent a rectangular region of cells in the control. | |
CellRenderer | fl.controls.listClasses | A classe CellRenderer define os métodos e as propriedades para uso por componentes com base em lista, para manipular e exibir o conteúdo de célula personalizado em cada uma de suas linhas. | |
CertificateStatus | flash.security | A classe CertificateStatus define constantes usadas para informar os resultados do processamento de validação de certificado por um objeto SecureSocket. | |
CFFHinting | flash.text.engine | A classe CFFHinting define valores da referência cff na classe FontDescription. | |
ChangedItems | mx.data | Describes data changed since a specified time. | |
ChangeStageDurationDialog | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the dialog to change stage duration. | |
ChangeWatcher | mx.binding.utils | The ChangeWatcher class defines utility methods that you can use with bindable Flex properties. | |
Channel | mx.messaging | The Channel class is the base message channel class that all channels in the messaging system must extend. | |
ChannelError | mx.messaging.errors | This is the base class for any channel related errors. | |
ChannelEvent | mx.messaging.events | The ChannelEvent is used to propagate channel events within the messaging system. | |
ChannelFaultEvent | mx.messaging.events | The ChannelFaultEvent class is used to propagate channel fault events within the messaging system. | |
ChannelSet | mx.messaging | The ChannelSet is a set of Channels that are used to send messages to a target destination. | |
CharacterUtil | flashx.textLayout.utils | Utilitários para gerenciar e obter informações sobre caracteres. | |
Chart | coldfusion.service.mxml | The proxy class for chart services that are exposed by ColdFusion. | |
ChartBase | mx.charts.chartClasses | The ChartBase class is the link between the Flex component architecture and the DualStyleObject architecture. | |
ChartBaseAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ChartBase base class. | |
ChartData | coldfusion.service | The class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.chartdata. | |
ChartElement | mx.charts.chartClasses | The ChartElement class is the base class for visual chart elements. | |
ChartEvent | mx.charts.events | The ChartEvent class represents events that are specific to the chart control, such as when a chart is clicked. | |
ChartItem | mx.charts | A ChartItem represents a single item in a ChartSeries. | |
ChartItemDragProxy | mx.charts.chartClasses | The default drag proxy used when dragging items from a chart control. | |
ChartItemEvent | mx.charts.events | The ChartItemEvent class represents events that are specific to the chart components, such as when a chart item is clicked. | |
ChartLabel | mx.charts.chartClasses | Draws data labels on chart controls. | |
ChartLayoutHost | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | This layout host component provides four skin parts: header, entry, chartItems, trailer. | |
ChartSelectionChangeEvent | mx.automation.events | The ListItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a list-based control such as a Menu, DataGrid, or Tree control is selected or deselected. | |
ChartSeries | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.chartseries. | |
ChartState | mx.charts.chartClasses | Describes the current state of a chart. | |
CheckBox | fl.controls | O componente CheckBox exibe uma pequena caixa que pode conter uma marca de seleção. | |
CheckBox | mx.controls | The CheckBox control consists of an optional label and a small box that can contain a check mark or not. | |
CheckBox | spark.components | The CheckBox component consists of an optional label and a small box that can contain a check mark or not. | |
CheckBoxAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe CheckBoxAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de CheckBox, é usada para tornar acessível um componente CheckBox. | |
CheckBoxAccImpl | mx.accessibility | CheckBoxAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the CheckBox class. | |
CheckBoxAccImpl | spark.accessibility | CheckBoxAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.CheckBox. | |
CheckBoxAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CheckBox control. | |
CheckBoxIcon | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the icon in a CheckBox. | |
CheckBoxSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX CheckBox component. | |
CheckBoxSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX CheckBox component. | |
CheckBoxSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for CheckBox components in mobile applications. | |
CheckBoxSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark CheckBox component. | |
CheckBoxSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark CheckBox component. | |
ChildExistenceChangedEvent | mx.events | Represents events that are dispatched when a the child of a control is created or destroyed. | |
ChildItemPendingError | mx.collections.errors | This error is thrown when retrieving a child item from a collection view requires an asynchronous call. | |
CircleItemRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills an elliptical area. | |
Circular | fl.motion.easing | A classe Circular define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript. | |
Circular | mx.effects.easing | The Circular class defines three easing functions to implement circular motion with Flex effect classes. | |
ClaimAndOpenCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The ClaimAndOpenCommand class executes the claim operation for a task. | |
ClaimCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The ClaimCommand class executes the claim operation for a task. | |
Class | Nível superior | Um objeto Class é criado para cada definição de classe em um programa. | |
ClassFactory | mx.core | A ClassFactory instance is a "factory object" which Flex uses to generate instances of another class, each with identical properties. | |
ClearFloats | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para configurar a propriedade clear da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
ClearFormatOnElementOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ClearFormatOnElementOperation encapsula a alteração de estilo de um elemento. | |
ClearFormatOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe ClearFormatOperation encapsula um modo de não definir formatos. | |
Clipboard | flash.desktop | A classe Clipboard fornece um contêiner para transferir dados e objetos pela área de transferência. | |
ClipboardFormats | flash.desktop | A classe ClipboardFormats define constantes dos nomes dos formatos de dados padrão usados com a classe Clipboard. | |
ClipboardTransferMode | flash.desktop | A classe ClipboardTransferMode define as constantes para os modos usados como valores do parâmetro transferMode do método Clipboard.getData(). | |
CloseButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome | The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's close button. | |
CloseButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the close button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome. | |
CloseEvent | mx.events | The CloseEvent class represents event objects specific to popup windows, such as the Alert control. | |
CloseSessionEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The CloseSessionEvent class defines a transient notification of closing an ISession. | |
CobaltBar | ga.wrappers | Defines the default Cobalt Bar Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
CobaltStandard | ga.wrappers | Defines the default Cobalt Standard Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
CobaltTree | ga.wrappers | Defines the default Cobalt Tree Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
ColdFusionServiceFaultEvent | coldfusion.service.events | The Fault Event that is dispatched if an error occurs when accessing ColdFusion services using ActionScript proxy classes. | |
ColdFusionServiceResultEvent | coldfusion.service.events | The Result Event that is dispatched on recieving a response from the ColdFusion Service. | |
Collator | flash.globalization | A classe Collator fornece recursos sensíveis à localidade para comparar strings. | |
CollatorBase | spark.globalization.supportClasses | CollatorBase is a base class for the SortingCollator and MatchingCollator classes. | |
CollatorMode | flash.globalization | A classe CollatorMode enumera valores de constantes que regem o comportamento de comparações de strings executadas por um objeto de Collator. | |
CollectionEvent | mx.events | The mx.events.CollectionEvent class represents an event that is dispatched when the associated collection changes. | |
CollectionEventKind | mx.events | The CollectionEventKind class contains constants for the valid values of the mx.events.CollectionEvent class kind property. | |
CollectionFunc | com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib | The CollectionFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for Collections for the Adobe application modeling language. | |
CollectionResultEvent | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event | The CollectionResultEvent event is dispatched when a collection has been retrieved. | |
CollectionResultEvent | lc.foundation.events | The CollectionResultEvent event is dispatched when a collection has been retrieved. | |
CollectionToken | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | The CollectionToken class represents a token for asynchronous calls that return a collection. | |
CollectionToken | lc.foundation.util | The CollectionToken class represents a token for asynchronous calls that return a collection. | |
CollectionViewError | mx.collections.errors | The CollectionViewError class represents general errors within a collection that are not related to specific activities such as Cursor seeking. | |
Color | fl.motion | A classe Color estende a classe ColorTransform do Flash Player, adicionando a capacidade de controlar o brilho e a tonalidade. | |
ColorBurnShader | mx.graphics.shaderClasses | Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Color Burn' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
ColorCorrection | flash.display | A classe ColorCorrection fornece valores para a propriedade flash.display.Stage.colorCorrection. | |
ColorCorrectionSupport | flash.display | A classe ColorCorrectionSupport fornece valores para a propriedade flash.display.Stage.colorCorrectionSupport. | |
ColorDodgeShader | mx.graphics.shaderClasses | Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Color Dodge' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
ColorMatrix | fl.motion | A classe ColorMatrix calcula e armazena matrizes de cores com base em determinados valores. | |
ColorMatrixFilter | flash.filters | A classe ColorMatrixFilter permite aplicar uma transformação de matriz de 4 x 5 nos valores alfa e cores RGBA de cada pixel da imagem de entrada, de forma a gerar um resultado com um novo conjunto de valores alfa e cores RGBA. | |
ColorMatrixFilter | spark.filters | The ColorMatrixFilter class lets you apply a 4 x 5 matrix transformation on the RGBA color and alpha values of every pixel in the input image to produce a result with a new set of RGBA color and alpha values. | |
ColorPicker | fl.controls | O componente ColorPicker exibe uma lista de uma ou mais amostras a partir das quais o usuário pode selecionar uma cor. | |
ColorPicker | mx.controls | The ColorPicker control provides a way for a user to choose a color from a swatch list. | |
ColorPickerAccImpl | mx.accessibility | ColorPickerAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ColorPicker class. | |
ColorPickerAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ColorPicker control. | |
ColorPickerEvent | fl.events | A classe ColorPickerEvent define eventos associados ao componente ColorPicker. | |
ColorPickerEvent | mx.events | Represents events that are specific to the ColorPicker control, such as when the user rolls the mouse over or out of a swatch in the swatch panel. | |
ColorPickerSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of a ColorPicker. | |
ColorPickerSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX ColorPicker component. | |
ColorPickerSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX ColorPicker component. | |
ColorShader | mx.graphics.shaderClasses | The ColorShader class creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Color' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
ColorTransform | flash.geom | A classe ColorTransform permite ajustar os valores de cor em um objeto de exibição. | |
ColorUtil | mx.utils | The ColorUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with RGB colors within Flex. | |
ColumnAlign | spark.layouts | The ColumnAlign class defines the possible values for the columnAlign property of the TileLayout class. | |
ColumnChart | mx.charts | The ColumnChart control represents data as a series of vertical columns whose height is determined by values in the data. | |
ColumnSeries | mx.charts.series | Defines a data series for a ColumnChart control. | |
ColumnSeriesAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ColumnSeries class. | |
ColumnSeriesItem | mx.charts.series.items | Represents the information required to render an item as part of a ColumnSeries. | |
ColumnSeriesRenderData | mx.charts.series.renderData | Represents all the information needed by the ColumnSeries to render. | |
ColumnSet | mx.charts.series | ColumnSet is a grouping set that can be used to stack or cluster column series in any arbitrary chart. | |
ColumnState | flashx.textLayout.container | A classe ColumnState calcula os tamanhos e os locais das colunas, usando a largura e os atributos do contêiner. | |
CombineMultipleDocuments | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process.delegate | Remote service for combining multiple documents. | |
ComboBase | mx.controls | The ComboBase class is the base class for controls that display text in a text field and have a button that causes a drop-down list to appear where the user can choose which text to display. | |
ComboBaseAccImpl | mx.accessibility | ComboBaseAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ComboBase class. | |
ComboBaseAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ComboBase class. | |
ComboBox | fl.controls | O componente ComboBox contém uma lista suspensa em que o usuário pode selecionar um valor. | |
ComboBox | mx.controls | The ComboBox control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value. | |
ComboBox | spark.components | The ComboBox control is a child class of the DropDownListBase control. | |
ComboBoxAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe ComboBoxAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de ComboBox, é usada para tornar acessível um componente ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxAccImpl | mx.accessibility | ComboBoxAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ComboBox class. | |
ComboBoxAccImpl | spark.accessibility | ComboBoxAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxArrowSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the button in a ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ComboBox control. | |
ComboBoxButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the anchor button on a Spark ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ComboBoxButton component. | |
ComboBoxDataCaptureRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers | Renderer for capturing enum Input from the user. | |
ComboBoxGridItemEditor | spark.components.gridClasses | The ComboBoxGridItemEditor class defines an item renderer for use with the Spark grid controls, such as DataGrid and Grid. | |
ComboBoxSearchRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | Search Renderer for drop down list showing values reading from DD | |
ComboBoxSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxTextInputSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the textInput of a Spark ComboBox component. | |
CommandMessage | mx.messaging.messages | The CommandMessage class provides a mechanism for sending commands to the server infrastructure, such as commands related to publish/subscribe messaging scenarios, ping operations, and cluster operations. | |
Comment | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines a comment. | |
CommentManager | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.manager | This class implements operations for comment management. | |
CommentPod | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.comment | The host component for displaying comments, published on a specific version of an asset. | |
ComparisonOperator | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter | Implementation class for filter comparison operators to be used in filter conditions. | |
CompleteCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The CompleteCommand class executes complete operation for a task. | |
ComplexCyclicDependencyError | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Error indicating that a cyclic dependency has been found between two or more variables over multiple expressions. | |
ComplexStatement | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | Complex Statement is collection of other complex or simple statements. | |
ComponentDescriptor | mx.core | ComponentDescriptor is the base class for the UIComponentDescriptor class, which encapsulates the information that you specified in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component. | |
ComponentEvent | fl.events | A classe ComponentEvent define eventos associados à classe UIComponent. | |
CompositeEffect | mx.effects | The CompositeEffect class is the parent class for the Parallel and Sequence classes, which define the <mx:Parallel> and <mx:Sequence> MXML tags. | |
CompositeEffectInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The CompositeEffectInstance class implements the instance class for the CompositeEffect class. | |
CompositeElement | org.osmf.elements | CompositeElement is a media element which encapsulates a collection of other more granular media elements. | |
CompositeMessage | lc.foundation.util | The CompositeMessage class encapsulates a composite message. | |
CompositeOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe CompositeOperation encapsula um grupo de transformações gerenciado de forma unificada. | |
CompositionAttributeRange | flash.text.ime | A classe CompositionAttributeRange representa um intervalo de atributos de composição para uso com eventos IME (Editor de método de entrada). | |
CompositionCompleteEvent | flashx.textLayout.events | Uma instância TextFlow despacha este evento depois que uma operação de composição é concluída. | |
CompoundTransform | mx.geom | A CompoundTransform represents a 2D or 3D matrix transform. | |
CompressionAlgorithm | flash.utils | A classe CompressionAlgorithm define as constantes de strings para os nomes de opções compactadas ou não. | |
ComputationErrorEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | Error dispatched by a ComputedExpression instance whenever an error occurs during evaluation of the expression embedded within it (e.g. | |
Concurrency | mx.rpc.mxml | Concurrency is set via MXML based access to RPC services to indicate how to handle multiple calls to the same service. | |
Condition | flash.concurrent | Um objeto Condition é uma ferramenta para compartilhar um recurso entre workers com o recurso adicional de execução de pausa até que uma condição específica seja atendida. | |
ConditionalDataModule | com.adobe.icc.vo | Specifies a value object for a condition module. | |
ConditionalDocument | com.adobe.icc.vo | Value object for a conditional document. | |
ConditionAssetPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | This class defines the preview pod shown for Condition. | |
ConditionAssignmentModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The ConditionAssignmentModel class represents the domain object for the assignments related to the condition data module. | |
ConditionEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | Editor to edit Conditions | |
ConditionHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Condition. | |
ConditionItemEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | The component which renders the item in Condition added from the Expression Builder. | |
ConditionItemPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | This class defines the renderer used for rendering the Condition items in Condition preview pod | |
ConditionModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The ConditionModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Condition. | |
ConditionModuleInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | This class is the runtime representation of the condition module present in the letter. | |
Config | coldfusion.service.mxml | The class where all the configuration information, such as, serviceUserName, servicePassword, cfServer, and cfPort are specified. | |
ConfigMap | mx.messaging.config | The ConfigMap class provides a mechanism to store the properties returned by the server with the ordering of the properties maintained. | |
ConfigModel | com.adobe.dct.model | The domain model for configuration. | |
Configuration | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe Configuration é um ponto principal de integração entre o Text Layout Framework e um aplicativo. | |
ConfigUtil | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service | The ConfigUtil class is a utility class to create the initial configuration. | |
Conflict | coldfusion.air | Conflict that contains reference to the operation, clientObject, serverObject, and originalObject on the client. | |
Conflict | mx.data | Represents an error that has occurred due to an update operation. | |
ConflictDetector | mx.data | A DataService instance uses a ConflictDetector instance to determine when a conflict occurs for an operation pushed from a remote destination. | |
ConflictEvent | coldfusion.air.events | The Conflict Event that is dispatched when a conflict is detected on the ColdFusion server. | |
Conflicts | mx.data | The Conflicts class represents a list of conflicts. | |
ConstraintColumn | mx.containers.utilityClasses | The ConstraintColumn class partitions an absolutely positioned container in the vertical plane. | |
ConstraintError | mx.containers.errors | This error is thrown when a constraint expression is not configured properly; for example, if the GridColumn reference is invalid. | |
ConstraintLayout | spark.layouts | The ConstraintLayout class arranges the layout elements based on their individual settings and a set of constraint regions defined by constraint columns and constraint rows. | |
ConstraintRow | mx.containers.utilityClasses | ConstraintRow class partitions an absolutely positioned container in the horizontal plane. | |
ConsultCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The ConsultCommand class executes the consult operation for a task. | |
Consumer | mx.messaging | A Consumer subscribes to a destination to receive messages. | |
Container | mx.core | The Container class is an abstract base class for components that controls the layout characteristics of child components. | |
ContainerAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.core | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Container class. | |
ContainerBorderSkin | mx.skins.spark | Defines the border and background for the MX Container class's Spark skin. | |
ContainerBorderSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | Defines the border and background for the MX Container class's wireframe skin. | |
ContainerChangeEvent | org.osmf.events | A ContainerChangeEvent is dispatched when a reference to an IMediaContainer changes. | |
ContainerController | flashx.textLayout.container | Uma classe ContainerController define o relacionamento entre um objeto TextFlow e um contêiner. | |
ContainerCreationPolicy | mx.core | The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the creationPolicy property of the Container class. | |
ContainerDestructionPolicy | spark.core | The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the destructionPolicy property of spark view classes. | |
ContainerFormattedElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | ContainerFormattedElement é a classe de raiz de todos os elementos de bloco em nível de contêiner, como objetos DivElement e TextFlow. | |
ContainerLayout | com.adobe.icc.vo | Class representing the generic Container Layout (CL) object. | |
ContainerLayout | mx.core | The ContainerLayout class defines the constant values for the layout property of container classes. | |
ContainerLayoutAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter | The component which allows to edit the content of the container layout of a target area of layout or fragment. | |
ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type ContainerLayoutAssignment. | |
ContainerMovieClip | mx.flash | Container components created in Adobe Flash Professional for use in Flex are subclasses of the mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip class. | |
ContainerMovieClipAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ContainerMovieClip control. | |
ContentBackgroundAppearance | spark.components | The ContentBackgroundAppearance class defines the constants for the allowed values of the contentBackgroundAppearance style of Callout. | |
ContentCache | spark.core | Provides a caching and queuing image content loader suitable for using a shared image cache for the BitmapImage and spark Image components. | |
ContentCapturePod | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture | Create Correspondence UI Content Capture Panel. | |
ContentDomainFactory | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory | DomainFactory to get hold of Domain Objects | |
ContentElement | flash.text.engine | A classe ContentElement funciona como classe base para os tipos de elemento que podem ser exibidos em um GroupElement, mais precisamente GraphicElement, em um outro GroupElement, ou em um TextElement. | |
ContentHoverPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.preview | This class for enabling preview of the hovered component on mouse hover. | |
ContentLibrary | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common | The component that facilitates the listing and searching of the contents. | |
ContentLibraryContainer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture | Create Correspondence ContentLibrary container. | |
ContentLinkageAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | The linkage editor to link the data element of Letter Editor to the content of the Content Library. | |
ContentRequest | spark.core | Represents an IContentLoader content request instance returned from IContentLoader's load() method. | |
ContentSearchManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | The ContentSearchManager lets you search for content in the system by name. | |
ContentServiceProvider | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.providers | Service Provider to get all Services in LCC | |
Context3D | flash.display3D | A classe Context3D fornece um contexto de renderização de gráficos definidos geometricamente. | |
Context3DBlendFactor | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para especificar os fatores de mistura de origem e de destino. | |
Context3DBufferUsage | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para especificar o tipo de uso do buffer. | |
Context3DClearMask | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para especificar máscaras Context3D. | |
Context3DCompareMode | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para especificar comparações de buffer 3D nos métodos setDepthTest() e setStencilAction() de uma instância de Context3D. | |
Context3DFillMode | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para a especificação do modo de preenchimento da renderização 3D nos métodos setFillMode() de uma instância do Context3D. | |
Context3DMipFilter | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados no modo de filtro de mostruário mipmap | |
Context3DProfile | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para especificar o perfil do Context3D. | |
Context3DProgramType | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para especificar se um programa sombreador é um programa de fragmento ou de vértice. | |
Context3DRenderMode | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para especificar o modo de renderização Context3D. | |
Context3DStencilAction | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para especificar ações de estêncil. | |
Context3DTextureFilter | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados no modo de filtro de mostruário. | |
Context3DTextureFormat | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados para especificar um formato de textura. | |
Context3DTriangleFace | flash.display3D | Constantes para especificar a orientação de um triângulo em relação ao ponto de vista. | |
Context3DVertexBufferFormat | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados com buffers de vértice de especificação | |
Context3DWrapMode | flash.display3D | Define os valores a serem usados no modo de quebra de mostruário | |
ContextData | com.adobe.icc.vo.render | A value object that encapsulates runtime and instance data for correspondence. | |
ContextMenu | flash.ui | A classe ContextMenu fornece controle sobre os itens exibidos em menus de contexto. | |
ContextMenuBuiltInItems | flash.ui | A classe ContextMenuBuiltInItems descreve os itens inseridos no menu de contexto. | |
ContextMenuClipboardItems | flash.ui | A classe ContextMenuClipboardItems permite ativar ou desativar os comandos no menu de contexto da área de transferência. | |
ContextMenuEvent | flash.events | Um InteractiveObject envia um objeto ContextMenuEvent quando o usuário abre ou interage com o menu de contexto. | |
ContextMenuItem | flash.ui | A classe ContextMenuItem representa um item no menu de contexto. | |
ContextualClassFactory | mx.core | A class factory that provides a system manager as a context of where the class should be created. | |
ControlBar | mx.containers | The ControlBar container lets you place controls at the bottom of a Halo Panel or Halo TitleWindow container. | |
ControlBarSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
ControlButtonAssetActionRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers | Renderer for the control to be shown in the toolbar | |
ControlImageAssetActionRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers | Image renderer for the action in the toolbar | |
Controller | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | This class represents a generic "controller" which is a child of the <controllers> element in the package definition. | |
ConversionFunc | com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib | The ConversionFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for conversion in the Adobe application modeling language. | |
ConversionType | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Valores do formato do texto exportado. | |
ConverterBase | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Esta é uma classe base para importadores bem como exportadores. | |
ConvolutionFilter | flash.filters | A classe ConvolutionFilter aplica um efeito de filtro de convolução de matriz. | |
ConvolutionFilter | spark.filters | The ConvolutionFilter class applies a matrix convolution filter effect. | |
CopyOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe CopyOperation encapsula uma operação Copiar. | |
CopyPanelButton | ga.controls | The CopyPanelButton class defines the Copy Panel Button component, which creates a new instance of a repeating panel from the current instance of the panel. | |
CountAggregator | mx.olap.aggregators | The CountAggregator class implements the count aggregator. | |
CreatedAtType | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | The CreatedAtType enumerator. | |
CreatedAtType | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | CreatedAtType Enum. | |
CreateDivOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe CreateDivOperation encapsula a criação de DivElement | |
CreateListOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe CreateListOperation encapsula a criação de lista | |
CreateSubParagraphGroupOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe CreateSPGEOperation encapsula ao criar um SubPargraphGroupElement | |
CreationStage | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for displaying information of a creation stage. | |
CreatorTab | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for creator tab of creation stage component. | |
CreditCardValidator | mx.validators | The CreditCardValidator class validates that a credit card number is the correct length, has the correct prefix, and passes the Luhn mod10 algorithm for the specified card type. | |
CreditCardValidatorCardType | mx.validators | The CreditCardValidatorCardType class defines value constants for specifying the type of credit card to validate. | |
CrossFade | spark.effects | The CrossFade effect performs a bitmap transition effect by running a crossfade between the first and second bitmaps. | |
CrossFadeViewTransition | spark.transitions | The CrossFadeViewTransition class serves as a simple cross fade transition for views. | |
CrossItemRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a cross in its assigned area. | |
CSMSettings | flash.text | A classe CSMSettings contém propriedades para uso com o método TextRenderer.setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() a fim de fornecer CSM (modulação de traçado contínua). | |
CSSCondition | mx.styles | Represents a condition for a CSSSelector which is used to match a subset of components based on a particular property. | |
CSSConditionKind | mx.styles | An enumeration of the kinds of CSSCondition. | |
CSSSelector | mx.styles | Represents a selector node in a potential chain of selectors used to match CSS style declarations to components. | |
CSSStyleDeclaration | mx.styles | The CSSStyleDeclaration class represents a set of CSS style rules. | |
CubeEvent | mx.events | Event class used by OLAPCube to indicate its status. | |
CubeTexture | flash.display3D.textures | A classe CubeTexture representa uma textura de cubo carregada para um contexto de renderização. | |
Cubic | fl.motion.easing | A classe Cubic define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript. | |
Cubic | mx.effects.easing | The Cubic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes. | |
CuePoint | org.osmf.metadata | The CuePoint class represents a cue point in the timeline of a media element. | |
CuePointEvent | mx.events | The CuePointEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for cue point events dispatched by the VideoDisplay control. | |
CuePointManager | mx.controls.videoClasses | The CuePointManager class lets you use ActionScript code to manage the cue points associated with the VideoDisplay control. | |
CuePointType | fl.video | A classe CuePointType fornece valores constantes para a propriedade de tipo no objeto de informações da ocorrência de MetadataEvent do tipo CUE_POINT. | |
CuePointType | org.osmf.metadata | CuePointType is the enumeration of possible types of CuePoint objects. | |
CurrencyFormatter | flash.globalization | A classe CurrencyFormatter fornece a formatação que reconhece a localidade e a análise de valores de moeda. | |
CurrencyFormatter | mx.formatters | The CurrencyFormatter class formats a valid number as a currency value. | |
CurrencyFormatter | spark.formatters | The CurrencyFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of currency values. | |
CurrencyParseResult | flash.globalization | Uma estrutura de dados que representa um valor monetário e um símbolo de moeda ou uma string que foi extraída ao analisar um valor de moeda. | |
CurrencyValidator | mx.validators | The CurrencyValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid currency expression. | |
CurrencyValidator | spark.validators | The CurrencyValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid currency amount according to the conventions of a locale. | |
CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol | mx.validators | The CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol class defines value constants for specifying currency symbol alignment. | |
CurrentStatusMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Current status metric | |
CursorBookmark | mx.collections | Encapsulates the positional aspects of a cursor in an ICollectionView. | |
CursorError | mx.collections.errors | This error is thrown by a collection Cursor. | |
CursorManager | mx.managers | The CursorManager class controls a prioritized list of cursors, where the cursor with the highest priority is currently visible. | |
CursorManagerPriority | mx.managers | The CursorManagerPriority class defines the constant values for the priority argument to the CursorManager.setCursor() method. | |
CustomAction | com.adobe.icc.vo | The class representing the additional extended action defined by solution to show up on Extensible toolbar of the Editors and the Create Correspondence UI. | |
CustomActions | adobe.utils | Os métodos da classe CustomActions permitem que um arquivo SWF em reprodução na ferramenta de autoria do Flash gerencie qualquer ação personalizada registrada com essa ferramenta de autoria. | |
CustomAttribute | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | Represents a custom attribute associated with a review. | |
CustomAttributeVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents the custom attributes associated with a review or a review template. | |
CustomEase | fl.motion | A classe CustomEase é usada para modificar propriedades específicas do comportamento de atenuação de uma interpolação de movimento à medida que essa interpolação avança com o passar do tempo. | |
CutOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe CutOperation encapsula uma operação de corte. | |
DamageEvent | flashx.textLayout.events | Uma instância TextFlow despacha isto sempre que é marcada como danificada. | |
DataAssignmentRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | The renderer to render all the data elements of the Letter. | |
DataCapturePod | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture | Create Correspondence UI Data Capture Panel. | |
DataCaptureUIControlFactory | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture | Factory class for creating IDataCaptureUIControl data capture renderers based on the dataType. | |
DataChangeEvent | fl.events | A classe DataChangeEvent define o evento despachado quando os dados associados a um componente são alterados. | |
DataChangeType | fl.events | A classe DataChangeType define constantes para o evento DataChangeEvent.changeType. | |
DataConflictEvent | mx.data.events | The DataConflictEvent class represents an event that informs users of a DataService instance that a conflict has occurred. | |
DataDescription | mx.charts.chartClasses | The DataDescription structure is used by ChartElements to describe the characteristics of the data they represent to Axis objects that auto-generate values from the data represented in the chart. | |
DataDictionary | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Transfer object representing a DataDictionary. | |
DataDictionaryEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | Editor to launch the Data Dictionary Editor | |
DataDictionaryElement | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Transfer object representing a DataDictionaryElement within a DataDictionary. | |
DataDictionaryElementSubType | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Defines the subType of Data Dictionary Element. | |
DataDictionaryElementType | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Defines the type of Data Dictionary Element. | |
DataDictionaryHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type DataDictionary. | |
DataDictionaryInstance | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Transfer object representing a DataDictionaryInstance. | |
DataDictionaryInstanceModel | com.adobe.dct.model | The domain class for the DataDictionaryInstance. | |
DataDictionaryManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | The DataDictionaryManager class helps retrieve and maintain the list of data dictionary names existing in the system. | |
DataDictionaryReference | com.adobe.dct.transfer | DataDictionaryReference is a light weight object containing only the top level properties of DataDictionary. | |
DataDictionaryRegistryService | com.adobe.dct.service | The interface for DataDictionaryRegistryService | |
DataDictionarySearchFilter | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Transfer object representing a DataDictionarySearchFilter. | |
DataDictionaryType | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Defines the type of Data Dictionary. | |
DataDictionaryUtil | com.adobe.dct.util | A utility class that is used to obtain a data dictionary element or other information related to a data dictionary. | |
DataDictionaryUtilService | com.adobe.dct.service | The interface for DataDictionaryUtilService | |
DataDownload | com.adobe.icc.vo | A value object that is used to transfer downloadable content such as XDP or XML data. | |
DataElementModel | com.adobe.dct.model | The domain class for the DataElement. | |
DataElementsPanel | com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel | The DataElementsPanel component displays the data elements from a set of Data Dictionaries, and provides the option to add, edit, insert and search for an element. | |
DataElementsPanelToolBar | com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel | The DataElementsPanelToolBar host component contains the various ui controls that are required for data elements panel. | |
DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent | com.adobe.dct.event | The DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent event class represents the event object dispatched when an action on the toolbar is taken. | |
DataErrorMessage | mx.data.messages | Special cases of ErrorMessage will be sent when a data conflict occurs. | |
DataEvent | flash.events | Um evento envia um objeto DataEvent quando os dados brutos concluem o carregamento. | |
DatagramSocket | flash.net | A classe DatagramSocket ativa o código para enviar e receber pacotes de Protocolo de Datagrama Universal (UDP). | |
DatagramSocketDataEvent | flash.events | Um objeto DatagramSocketDataEvent é despachado quando o soquete Datagrama recebe dados. | |
DataGrid | fl.controls | A classe DataGrid é um componente com base em lista que oferece uma grade de linhas e colunas. | |
DataGrid | mx.controls | The DataGrid control is like a List except that it can show more than one column of data making it suited for showing objects with multiple properties. | |
DataGrid | spark.components | The DataGrid displays a row of column headings above a scrollable grid. | |
DataGridAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe DataGridAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de DataGrid, é usada para tornar acessível um componente DataGrid. | |
DataGridAccImpl | mx.accessibility | DataGridAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the DataGrid class. | |
DataGridAccImpl | spark.accessibility | This is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.DataGrid. | |
DataGridAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DataGrid control. | |
DataGridBase | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The DataGridBase class is the base class for controls that display lists of items in multiple columns. | |
DataGridCellEditor | fl.controls.dataGridClasses | A classe DataGridCellEditor define o editor de item padrão para um controle DataGrid. | |
DataGridColumn | fl.controls.dataGridClasses | A classe DataGridColumn descreve uma coluna em um componente DataGrid. | |
DataGridColumn | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The DataGridColumn class describes a column in a DataGrid control. | |
DataGridColumnDropIndicator | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the column drop indicator in a DataGrid. | |
DataGridColumnResizeSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the column resizer in a DataGrid. | |
DataGridDragProxy | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The DataGridDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used when dragging data from a DataGrid control. | |
DataGridEvent | fl.events | A classe DataGridEvent define eventos associados ao componente DataGrid. | |
DataGridEvent | mx.events | The DataGridEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the DataGrid control, such as the event that is dispatched when an editable grid item gets the focus. | |
DataGridEventReason | fl.events | A classe DataGridEventReason define constantes que são usadas para os valores da propriedade de motivo do objeto DataGridEvent quando o valor da propriedade de tipo é itemEditEnd. | |
DataGridEventReason | mx.events | The DataGridEventReason class defines constants for the values of the reason property of a DataGridEvent object when the type property is itemEditEnd. | |
DataGridHeader | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The DataGridHeader class defines the default header renderer for a DataGrid control. | |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the background of the column headers in a DataGrid control. | |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the header background of the MX DataGrid component. | |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the header background of the MX DataGrid component. | |
DataGridHeaderBase | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The DataGridHeaderBase class defines the base class for the DataGridHeader class, the class that defines the item renderer for the DataGrid control. | |
DataGridHeaderRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.renderers | The default data grid header renderer to be used | |
DataGridHeaderSeparator | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the separator between column headers in a DataGrid. | |
DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the separator of the MX DataGrid component. | |
DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the separator of the MX DataGrid component. | |
DataGridItemRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.renderers | The default data grid item renderer to be used | |
DataGridItemRenderer | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The DataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a DataGrid control. | |
DataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DataGridItemRenderer class. | |
DataGridListData | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The DataGridListData class defines the data type of the listData property that is implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the DataGrid control. | |
DataGridListSkin | com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.skin | The DataGrid skin for the TaskList UX component. | |
DataGridLockedRowContentHolder | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The DataGridLockedRowContentHolder class defines a container in a DataGrid control of all of the control's item renderers and item editors. | |
DataGridSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark DataGrid component. | |
DataGridSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default skin class for a Spark DataGrid component in the Wireframe theme. | |
DataGridSortArrow | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the sort arrow in a column header in a DataGrid. | |
DataGridSortArrow | mx.skins.spark | The skin for the sort arrow in a column header in an MX DataGrid. | |
DataGridSortArrow | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin for the sort arrow in a column header in the MX DataGrid component. | |
DataGroup | spark.components | The DataGroup class is the base container class for data items. | |
DataItem | spark.utils | The DataItem class represents a dynamic object with bindable properties. | |
DataLinkageEditorStack | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | The container holding the instance of all the linkage editors. | |
DataManager | mx.data | The DataManager class provides synchronization functionality with objects on the server for all instances of a specific data type. | |
DataMessage | mx.data.messages | This message is used to transport an operation that occurred on a managed object or collection. | |
DataModelFactory | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The factory for creating the module domain object for a module value object. | |
DataModule | com.adobe.icc.vo | Value object for a data module. | |
DataProvider | fl.data | A classe DataProvider fornece métodos e propriedades que permitem consultar e modificar os dados em qualquer componente com base em lista; por exemplo, em um componente List, DataGrid, TileList ou ComboBox. | |
DataRenderer | spark.components | The DataRenderer class is the base class for data components in Spark. | |
DataService | mx.data.mxml | The DataService class provides the top-level client-side functionality for the LiveCycle Data Services Data Management Service. | |
DataService | mx.data | The DataService class provides the top-level functionality for the Data Management Service. | |
DataServiceAdapter | mx.data | The DataServiceAdapter class is the abstract base class which you use to implement a new type of DataService implementation. | |
DataServiceError | mx.data.errors | The DataServiceError class represents an error thrown when a an unanticipated problem occurs in a DataService component. | |
DataServiceFaultEvent | mx.data.events | The DataServiceFaultEvent class represents an event that is sent when a DataService or DataStore has generated a fault. | |
DataServiceOfflineAdapter | mx.data | Provides persistence for a DataManager's offline cached items. | |
DataServiceResultEvent | mx.data.events | The DataServiceResultEvent class represents an event that is sent when a DataService or DataStore has generated a result. | |
DataServiceWrapper | com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper | The DataServiceWrapper class is the superclass for generated service wrappers around DataService instances. | |
DataStore | mx.data | A DataStore batches transactions for one or more DataService instances. | |
DataStoreEventDispatcher | mx.data | Dispatches data-store-related events. | |
DataTip | mx.charts.chartClasses | The DataTip control provides information about a data point to chart users. | |
DataTransform | mx.charts.chartClasses | The DataTransform object represents a portion of a chart that contains glyphs and can transform values to screen coordinates and vice versa. | |
Date | Nível superior | A classe Date representa informações de data e hora. | |
DateBase | mx.formatters | The DateBase class contains the localized string information used by the mx.formatters.DateFormatter class and the parsing function that renders the pattern. | |
DateChooser | mx.controls | The DateChooser control displays the name of a month, the year, and a grid of the days of the month, with columns labeled for the day of the week. | |
DateChooserAccImpl | mx.accessibility | DateChooserAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the DateChooser class. | |
DateChooserAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DateChooser control. | |
DateChooserEvent | mx.events | The DateChooserEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the scroll event for the DateChooser and DateField controls. | |
DateChooserEventDetail | mx.events | Constants that define the values of the detail property of a DateChooserEvent object. | |
DateChooserIndicator | mx.skins.halo | The skins of the DateChooser's indicators for displaying today, rollover and selected dates. | |
DateChooserMonthArrowSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the next-month and previous-month buttons in a DateChooser. | |
DateChooserNextMonthSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserNextMonthSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserNextYearSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the next year arrow of an MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserNextYearSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the next year arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserPrevMonthSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the previous month arrow of an MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserPrevMonthSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserPrevYearSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the previous year arrow of an MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserPrevYearSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the previous year arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the rollover indicator of an MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the rollover indicator of a MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the selection indicator of an MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the selection indicator of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the current day indicator in an MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the current day indicator in a MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserYearArrowSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the next-year and previous-year buttons in a DateChooser. | |
DateField | mx.controls | The DateField control is a text field that shows the date with a calendar icon on its right side. | |
DateFieldAccImpl | mx.accessibility | DateFieldAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the DateField class. | |
DateFieldAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DateField control. | |
DateFormatter | mx.formatters | The DateFormatter class uses a format String to return a formatted date and time String from an input String or a Date object. | |
DateInputDataCaptureRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers | Renderer for capturing Date Input from the user. | |
DateRange | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | Represents a date range to be used in a search filter. | |
DateRangeUtilities | mx.charts.chartClasses | A set of disabled date range utilities used by DateTimeAxis | |
DateSearchRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | Search renderer to display dates | |
DateSelectorDisplayMode | spark.components.calendarClasses | The DateSelectorMode class defines the valid constant values for the displayMode property of the Spark DateSpinner control. | |
DateSpinner | spark.components | The DateSpinner control presents an interface for picking a particular date or time. | |
DateSpinnerItemRenderer | spark.components.calendarClasses | The DateSpinnerItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a DateSpinner control in the mobile theme. | |
DateSpinnerSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the DateSpinner in mobile applications. | |
DateTimeAxis | mx.charts | The DateTimeAxis class maps time values evenly between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis. | |
DateTimeFormatter | flash.globalization | A classe DateTimeFormatter fornece a formatação que identifica o local de objetos Date e acesso a nomes do campo de data localizados. | |
DateTimeFormatter | spark.formatters | The DateTimeFormatter class provides locale-sensitve formatting for a Date object. | |
DateTimeFunc | com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib | The DateTimeFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for Date and Time functions in the Adobe application modeling language. | |
DateTimeNameContext | flash.globalization | A classe DateTimeNameContext enumera valores de constantes, que representam o contexto de formatação no qual um nome de mês ou de dia útil é usado. | |
DateTimeNameStyle | flash.globalization | A classe DateTimeNameStyle enumera constantes que controlam o comprimento dos nomes de mês e nomes de dia útil que são usados ao formatar datas. | |
DateTimeStyle | flash.globalization | Enumera constantes que determinam um padrão de formatação de data e hora específico para a localidade. | |
DateValidator | mx.validators | The DateValidator class validates that a String, Date, or Object contains a proper date and matches a specified format. | |
DCTEvent | com.adobe.dct.event | The base class for DCTServiceEvent. | |
DCTServiceEvent | com.adobe.dct.event | The DCTServiceEvent event class represents the event object dispatched when a call to Data Dictionary(DCT) service returns. | |
DCTServiceProvider | com.adobe.dct.service.provider | Provider class for obtaining services. | |
DCTServiceProviderImpl | com.adobe.dct.service.provider | default implementation class for IDCTServiceProvider. | |
DDEditor | com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary | The DDEditor class is host component for data dictionary editor. | |
DDELinkageAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | The linkage editor to link the data element of Letter Editor to a data dictionary element of the data dictionary associated with the Letter. | |
DDEMetaEditor | com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement | The DDEMetaEditor component displays the properties of a data dictionary element and provides the functionality to edit the property values associated with a DDE. | |
DDExplorer | com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary | The DDExplorer component displays the data dictionary elements of a data dictionary in tree view and provides the option to add a data dictionary element. | |
DDExtendedPropertiesConstants | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils | A collection of properties that are used by Asset Manager components to render the Manage Assets UI Search Pod and Search Results Viewer. | |
DDIModelVariableResolver | com.adobe.dct.exp | Used by the Expression Manager for resolving any variable references encountered in an expression, for setting the values of variables which are targets of expressions and for being notified of externally triggered changes in variable values. | |
DDInstanceValueChangeEvent | com.adobe.dct.event | This event is dispatched when the value of a data dictionary element is changed in data dictionary instance. | |
DDToolbar | com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars | The DDToolbar host component contains the various ui controls that are required for data dictionary editor. | |
DefaultBeveledActionButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. | |
DefaultBeveledBackButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. | |
DefaultButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX default button. | |
DefaultButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX default button. | |
DefaultButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. | |
DefaultButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark DefaultButton component. | |
DefaultButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark DefaultButton component. | |
DefaultComplexItemRenderer | spark.skins.spark | The Spark DefaultComplexItemRenderer class is an item renderer class that displays a Flex component in a Group container. | |
DefaultDataDescriptor | mx.controls.treeClasses | The DefaultDataDescriptor class provides a default implementation for accessing and manipulating data for use in controls such as Tree and Menu. | |
DefaultDragImage | mx.skins.halo | The default drag proxy image for a drag and drop operation. | |
DefaultExpressionLoader | com.adobe.exm.expression.impl | Base Class to load the expression swf in a loader context. | |
DefaultGridHeaderRenderer | spark.skins.spark | The DefaultGridHeaderRenderer class defines the default header renderer for the columns of a Spark DataGrid control. | |
DefaultGridHeaderRenderer | spark.skins.wireframe | The default header renderer for s:DataGrid columns. | |
DefaultGridItemEditor | spark.components.gridClasses | The DefaultGridItemEditor class defines the default item renderer used by the Spark grid controls, such as DataGrid and Grid. | |
DefaultGridItemRenderer | spark.skins.spark | The DefaultGridItemRenderer class defines simple and efficient item renderer that displays a single text label. | |
DefaultHTTPStreamingSwitchManager | org.osmf.net.httpstreaming | Default implementation of SwitchManagerBase | |
DefaultImagePreviewUIControl | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.component | Default implementation of IPreviewUIControl to preview an image. | |
DefaultItemRenderer | spark.skins.spark | The DefaultItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a List control. | |
DefaultItemRenderer | spark.skins.wireframe | The DefaultItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a List control. | |
DefaultListEffect | mx.effects | The DefaultListEffect class defines the default effect applied to the item renderers of a List control when the data in the data provider changes. | |
DefaultMediaFactory | org.osmf.media | DefaultMediaFactory is the default implementation of MediaFactory. | |
DefaultMetricFactory | org.osmf.net.metrics | DefaultMetricFactory is the default implementation of the MetricFactory. | |
DefaultPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover | Default extention of BaseAssetPreviewRenderer. | |
DefaultResponder | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service | Simple class that implements IResponder and allows a result and fault handler to be defined. | |
DefaultResponder | lc.foundation.util | The DefaultResponder class is an implementation of the mx.rpc.IResponder interface. | |
DefaultStringTextInput | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | This component shows a default string which shows up prompting the user about the text that needs to be entered. | |
DefaultStringTextInputSearchRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | Default String Text Search Renderer | |
DefaultSummaryCalculator | mx.collections | The DefaultSummaryCalculator class provides summary calculation logic for SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, and COUNT operations. | |
DefaultTextPreviewUIControl | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.component | Default implementation of IPreviewUIControl to preview text data. | |
DefaultTileListEffect | mx.effects | The DefaultTileListEffect class defines the default effect applied to the item renderers of a TileList control when the data in the data provider changes. | |
DefaultTransparentActionButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. | |
DefaultTransparentNavigationButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. | |
Deferred | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | Utility class to allow a method to be deferred until "the next stack frame". | |
DeferredInstanceFromClass | mx.core | A deferred instance factory that creates and returns an instance of a specified class. | |
DeferredInstanceFromFunction | mx.core | A deferred instance factory that uses a generator function to create an instance of the required object. | |
DefinitionError | Nível superior | A classe DefinitionError representa um erro que ocorre quando o código do usuário tenta definir um identificador que já está definido. | |
DeleteAttachmentCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The DeleteAttachmentCommand class removes the specified attachment from a task. | |
DeleteObjectSample | flash.sampler | A classe DeleteObjectSample representa os objetos criados em um fluxo getSamples(). Cada objeto DeleteObjectSample corresponde a um objeto NewObjectSample. | |
DeleteTextOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe DeleteTextOperation encapsula a exclusão de um intervalo de texto. | |
DeleteViewEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The DeleteViewEvent class defines a transient notification of deleted views. | |
DEPDictionaryModel | com.adobe.dct.model | The DEPDictionaryModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type DataDictionary which is used as data provider for DataElementsPanel. | |
DesignLayer | mx.core | The DesignLayer class represents a visibility group that can be associated with one or more IVisualElement instances at runtime. | |
Desktop | lc.procmgmt.ui.layout | The Desktop component combines all the components available for Workspace. | |
DesktopModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.layout | The DesktopModel class provides the model implementation for the Desktop component. | |
DeviceRotation | flash.sensors | A classe DeviceRotation despacha eventos com base na atividade detectada pelos sensores do acelerômetro e do giroscópio do dispositivo. | |
DeviceRotationEvent | flash.events | A classe DeviceRotation despacha DeviceRotationEvent e retorna dados de rolagem, orientação, inclinação e quatérnio quando as atualizações de DeviceRotation são obtidas por meio de leituras combinadas dos sensores do Acelerômetro e do Giroscópio instaladas no dispositivo. | |
DiamondItemRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a diamond in its assigned area. | |
Dictionary | flash.utils | A classe Dictionary permite criar uma coleção dinâmica de propriedades que usa igualdade estrita (===) na comparação de chaves. | |
DictionaryDefinitionView | com.adobe.dct.view | The DictionaryDefinitionView component is the 3rd tab of DDEditor. | |
DictionaryPropertiesView | com.adobe.dct.view | The DictionaryPropertiesView component displays the top level properties of a data dictionary. | |
DictionaryServiceView | com.adobe.dct.view | The DictionaryServiceView component displays the Service related information for the Data Dictionary. | |
DigitCase | flash.text.engine | A classe DigitCase é uma enumeração dos valores constantes usados na definição da propriedade digitCase da classe ElementFormat. | |
DigitWidth | flash.text.engine | A classe DigitWidth é uma enumeração dos valores constantes usados na definição da propriedade digitWidth da classe ElementFormat. | |
Direction | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para configurar a propriedade direction da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
DisplacementMapFilter | flash.filters | A classe DisplacementMapFilter usa os valores de pixel do objeto BitmapData especificado (chamado de imagem de mapa de deslocamento) para realizar um deslocamento de um objeto. | |
DisplacementMapFilter | spark.filters | The DisplacementMapFilter class uses the pixel values from the specified BitmapData object (called the displacement map image) to perform a displacement of an object. | |
DisplacementMapFilterMode | flash.filters | A classe DisplacementMapFilterMode fornece valores para a propriedade de modo da classe DisplacementMapFilter. | |
DisplayAttachmentCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The DisplayAttachmentCommand class returns the attachment document stored with the task. | |
DisplayEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The DisplayEvent class defines a transient notification of revealed nodes. | |
DisplayLayer | spark.components.supportClasses | A DisplayLayer class maintains an ordered list of DisplayObjects sorted on depth. | |
DisplayObject | flash.display | A classe DisplayObject é a classe base para todos os objetos que podem ser colocados na lista de exibição. | |
DisplayObjectContainer | flash.display | A classe DisplayObjectContainer é a classe base para todos os objetos que podem atuar como contêineres de objetos de exibição na lista de exibição. | |
DisplayObjectEvent | org.osmf.events | A DisplayObjectEvent is dispatched when the properties of a DisplayObjectTrait change. | |
DisplayObjectSharingMode | spark.core | The DisplayObjectSharingMode class defines the possible values for the displayObjectSharingMode property of the IGraphicElement class. | |
DisplayObjectTrait | org.osmf.traits | DisplayObjectTrait defines the trait interface for media that expose a DisplayObject, and which may have intrinsic dimensions. | |
DisplayUtil | mx.utils | The DisplayUtil utility class is an all-static class with utility methods related to DisplayObjects. | |
Dissolve | mx.effects | Animate the component from transparent to opaque, or from opaque to transparent. | |
DissolveInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The DissolveInstance class implements the instance class for the Dissolve effect. | |
DivElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe DivElement define um elemento para agrupamento de parágrafos (objetos ParagraphElement). | |
DividedBox | mx.containers | A DividedBox container measures and lays out its children horizontally or vertically in exactly the same way as a Box container, but it inserts draggable dividers in the gaps between the children. | |
DividedBoxAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DividedBox class. | |
DividerEvent | mx.events | Represents events that are dispatched when a divider has been pressed, dragged or released. | |
DividerSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX DividedBox component. | |
DNSResolver | flash.net.dns | A classe DNSResolver deixa que você busque os registros de recurso do Sistema de nome do domínio (DNS). | |
DNSResolverEvent | flash.events | A classe DNSResolverEvent representa os resultados de uma operação de busca do sistema de nomes de domínio (DNS). | |
DockIcon | flash.desktop | A classe DockIcon representa o ícone de encaixe de estilo Mac OS X®. | |
Document | coldfusion.service.mxml | The proxy class for document services exposed by ColdFusion. | |
Document | com.adobe.icc.vo | Value object that represents a document that is part of a portfolio template. | |
DocumentAssignment | com.adobe.icc.vo | An assignment object for conditional documents. | |
DocumentCollection | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document | Specifies that SupportingDocument objects are added to a collection. | |
DocumentItem | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.documentitem. | |
DocumentPod | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.document | The host component for displaying the Supporting Documents area. | |
DocumentPodEvent | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.event | The class handles the document pod event. | |
DocumentReference | lc.procmgmt.domain | The DocumentReference class provides a reference to a document, which exists on the server. | |
DocumentReference | mx.rpc.livecycle | The DocumentReference class provides the means of referring to documents on the server, from a Flex client. | |
DocumentSection | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.documentsection. | |
DocumentSubmit | com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.domain | The DocumentSubmit component displays the document that is associated with a particular Task object. | |
DocumentSubmitComponent | com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.component | The DocumentSubmitComponent component displays the document associated with a particular task and exposes buttons to submit data and/or complete the task. | |
DocumentSubmitSkin | com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.skin | The default skin class for the DocumentSubmitComponent UX component. | |
DocumentType | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | DocumentType enumerator. | |
DocumentType | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | DocumentType enum. | |
DocumentVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents a Value Object for a supporting document. | |
DomainFactory | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.factory | DomainFactory class is used to get the reference of domain objects. | |
DomainFactoryImpl | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | The factory class to create instances of domain objects. | |
DomainInstanceFactory | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory | The factory to create domain instances of the data modules. | |
DomainObject | lc.foundation.domain | The DomainObject class represents a common superclass for all domain objects. | |
DomainUtil | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | This utility class exposes functions, to search for a domain instance corresponding to value objects in the complete project tree. | |
DownloadErrorEvent | air.update.events | Um objeto DownloadErrorEvent é despachado por um objeto ApplicationUpdater ou ApplicationUpdaterUI quando ocorre um erro durante o download do arquivo de atualização. | |
DownloadProgressBar | mx.preloaders | The DownloadProgressBar class displays download progress. | |
DPIClassification | mx.core | An enum of the device screen density classess. | |
DraftQueue | lc.procmgmt.domain | The DraftQueue object creates a Queue object, which represents draft items belonging to a user. | |
DragAndDropGroup | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop | The DragAndDropGroup is a normal Spark group, but it is enhanced to listen for drag requests from its children, much the same way a Spark List does it. | |
DragEvent | mx.events | The DragEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a drag-and-drop operation. | |
DragManager | mx.managers | The DragManager class manages drag and drop operations, which let you move data from one place to another in a Flex application. | |
DragManagerAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DragManager class. | |
DragSource | mx.core | The DragSource class contains the data being dragged. | |
DRMAuthenticateEvent | flash.events | Um objeto NetStream despacha um objeto DRMAuthenticateEvent ao tentar reproduzir conteúdo criptografado do digital rights management (DRM) que requer uma credencial de usuário para autenticação. | |
DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent | flash.events | O DRMManager depacha um objeto DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent quando uma chamada para o método authenticate() do objeto DRMManager tem êxito. | |
DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent | flash.events | O DRMManager depacha um objeto DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent quando uma chamada para o método authenticate() do objeto DRMManager falha. | |
DRMContentData | flash.net.drm | A classe DRMContentData fornece as informações necessárias para obter o comprovante exigido para exibir o conteúdo protegido pelo DRM. | |
DRMDeviceGroup | flash.net.drm | Um grupo de dispositivos significa um grupo de dispositivos de reprodução que compartilham direitos de reprodução de conteúdo protegido. | |
DRMDeviceGroupErrorEvent | flash.events | Emitido por DRMManager quando ocorre qualquer erro durante qualquer chamada relacionada ao grupo de dispositivos. É a responsabilidade do aplicativo lidar explicitamente com os eventos de erro. Estes eventos incluem caixas onde os usuários digitam credenciais válidas, mas o voucher que protege o conteúdo criptografado restringirá o acesso ao conteúdo. | |
DRMDeviceGroupEvent | flash.events | Emitido por DRMManager quando uma chamada relacionada ao grupo de dispositivos é concluída com sucesso. | |
DRMErrorEvent | flash.events | A classe DRMErrorEvent fornece informações sobre erros que ocorrem durante a reprodução de arquivos criptografados de gerenciamento digital de direitos (DRM). | |
DRMEvent | org.osmf.events | A DRMEvent is dispatched when the properties of a DRMTrait change. | |
DRMLicenseRequestEvent | flash.events | O DRMManager envia um objeto DRMLicenseRequestEvent antes de cada chamada para os métodos loadVoucher() ou loadPreviewVoucher() do objeto DRMManager ter sucesso. | |
DRMManager | flash.net.drm | O DRMManager gerencia a recuperação e o armazenamento dos comprovantes necessários para exibir o conteúdo protegido pelo DRM. | |
DRMManagerError | flash.errors | O DRMManager despacha um evento DRMManagerError para informar erros. | |
DRMMetadataEvent | flash.events | AVSegmentedSource despacha DRMMetadataEvent quando carrega e analisa arquivos. | |
DRMPlaybackTimeWindow | flash.net.drm | A classe DRMPlaybackTimeWindow representa o período de tempo durante o qual um comprovante DRM é válido. | |
DRMReturnVoucherCompleteEvent | flash.events | O DRMManager despacha um objeto DRMVoucherReturnCompleteEvent quando uma chamada para o método returnVoucher() do objeto DRMManager é bem-sucedida. | |
DRMReturnVoucherErrorEvent | flash.events | O DRMManager despacha um objeto DRMReturnVoucherErrorEvent quando uma chamada para o método returnVoucher() do objeto DRMManager falha. | |
DRMState | org.osmf.traits | DRMState is the enumeration of possible DRM-specific states that a piece of media can be in. | |
DRMStatusEvent | flash.events | Um objeto NetStream envia um objeto DRMStatusEvent quando o conteúdo protegido que usa o gerenciamento digital dos direitos (DRM) começa a executar com êxito (quando o voucher é verificado e quando o usuário é autenticado e autorizado a exibir o conteúdo). | |
DRMTrait | org.osmf.traits | DRMTrait defines the trait interface for media which can be protected by digital rights management (DRM) technology. | |
DRMVoucher | flash.net.drm | A classe DRMVoucher é um controlador para o token de licença que permite a um usuário exibir o conteúdo protegido pelo DRM. | |
DropDownController | spark.components.supportClasses | The DropDownController class handles the mouse, keyboard, and focus interactions for an anchor button and its associated drop down. | |
DropdownEvent | mx.events | The DropdownEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the open and close events. | |
DropDownEvent | spark.events | The DropDownEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the open and close events. | |
DropDownList | spark.components | The DropDownList control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value. | |
DropDownListBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The DropDownListBase control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value. | |
DropDownListBaseAccImpl | spark.accessibility | DropDownListAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase. | |
DropDownListButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the anchor button on a Spark DropDownList component. | |
DropDownListButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark DropDownListButton component. | |
DropDownListSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark DropDownList component. | |
DropDownListSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark DropDownList component. | |
DropDownSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX components that use drop downs. | |
DropLocation | spark.layouts.supportClasses | The DropLocation class contains information describing the drop location for the dragged data in a drag-and-drop operation. | |
DroppedFPSMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Dropped frames per second metric Measurement unit: frames / second | |
DroppedFPSRule | org.osmf.net.rules | DroppedFPSRule is an emergency rule that recommends a bitrate that would cause an acceptable number of dropped frames per second | |
DroppedFramesRule | org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming | DroppedFramesRule is a switching rule that switches down when frame drop crosses a certain threshold. | |
DropShadowFilter | flash.filters | A classe DropShadowFilter permite adicionar uma sombra a objetos de exibição. | |
DropShadowFilter | spark.filters | The DropShadowFilter class lets you add a drop shadow to display objects. | |
DSClassAliasInitializer | mx.data.utils | Utility class to register class aliases for classes used by the Data Services client library. | |
DualStyleObject | mx.charts.chartClasses | The DualStyleObject class serves as a base class for components that have a need to assign class selectors outside of the client developer's control. | |
DurationElement | org.osmf.elements | DurationElement is a media element that wraps a MediaElement to give it temporal capabilities. | |
DurationUnit | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | DurationUnit enumerator. | |
DurationUnit | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | DurationUnit Enum. | |
DVRCastNetLoader | org.osmf.net.dvr | DVRCastNetLoader is a NetLoader that can load streams from a DVRCast-equipped FMS server. | |
DVREvent | org.osmf.events | A DVREvent is dispatched when the properties of a DVRTrait change. | |
DVRTrait | org.osmf.traits | DVRTrait defines the trait interface for media that can be played while in the process of being recorded, as if with a digital video recorder (DVR). | |
DynamicEvent | mx.events | This subclass of Event is dynamic, meaning that you can set arbitrary event properties on its instances at runtime. | |
DynamicManagedItem | mx.data | Typed managed item that is dynamic should extend this class so that events are executed when dynamic properties are changed. | |
DynamicMatrix | fl.motion | A classe DynamicMatrix calcula e armazena uma matriz com base em determinados valores. | |
DynamicProperty | mx.data | Describes the name and type of a dynamic property. | |
DynamicSectionView | ga.views | The DynamicSectionView class provides a dynamic list of the panels contained within the currently selected section. | |
DynamicStreamEvent | org.osmf.events | A DynamicStreamEvent is dispatched when the properties of a DynamicStreamTrait change. | |
DynamicStreamingItem | org.osmf.net | DynamicStreamingItem represents a single stream in a DynamicStreamingResource. | |
DynamicStreamingResource | org.osmf.net | DynamicStreamingResource encapsulates multiple representations of a piece of media, such that the player application can dynamically switch from one representation to another. | |
DynamicStreamingVideoItem | spark.components.mediaClasses | The DynamicStreamingVideoItem class represents a video stream on the server plus a bitrate for that stream. | |
DynamicStreamingVideoSource | spark.components.mediaClasses | The DynamicStreamingVideoSource class represents a streaming video source and can be used for streaming pre-recorded video or live streaming video. | |
DynamicStreamTrait | org.osmf.traits | DynamicStreamTrait defines the trait interface for media supporting dynamic stream switching. | |
EaseInOutBase | spark.effects.easing | The EaseInOutBase class is the base class that provide easing capability. | |
EasingFraction | spark.effects.easing | The EasingFraction class defines constants for the easeInFraction property of the EaseInOutBase class. | |
EastAsianJustifier | flash.text.engine | A classe EastAsianJustifier tem propriedades para controlar as opções de justificação das linhas de texto cujo conteúdo é principalmente texto do Leste Asiático. | |
EBToolBar | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars | The EBToolBar class defines a container that includes a arithmetical, logical, relational operataions, symbols and menu bar to save and validate expression. | |
EBToolBarNameType | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.enum | The EBToolBarNameType class provides arithmetical, logical, relational, symbols and MenuList for EBToolBar | |
EBWorkspace | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.view | The EBWorkspace class defines a container that includes a TextArea for editing expression | |
EdgeMetrics | mx.core | The EdgeMetrics class specifies the thickness, in pixels, of the four edge regions around a visual component. | |
EditableComboBoxSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the editable MX ComboBox component. | |
EditableComboBoxSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the editable MX ComboBox component. | |
EditDataElement | com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel | The EditDataElement component enables editing a data element. | |
EditDescriptionCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The EditDescriptionCommand class sets a new description for a task. | |
EditingMode | flashx.textLayout.edit | A classe EditingMode define as constantes usadas com a classe EditManager para representar as permissões de leitura, seleção e edição de um documento. | |
EditManager | flashx.textLayout.edit | A classe EditManager gerencia as mudanças de edição em um TextFlow. | |
EditorConfigurationManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | The EditorConfigurationManager is the one-stop singleton for loading all kinds of configurations required for the CM Application to run correctly. | |
Effect | mx.effects | The Effect class is an abstract base class that defines the basic functionality of all Flex effects. | |
EffectEvent | mx.events | Represents event objects that are specific to Flex effects. | |
EffectInstance | mx.effects | The EffectInstance class represents an instance of an effect playing on a target. | |
EffectManager | mx.effects | The EffectManager class listens for events, such as the show and move events, dispatched by objects in a Flex application. | |
EffectTargetFilter | mx.effects | The EffectTargetFilter class defines a custom filter that is executed by each transition effect on each target of the effect. | |
Elastic | fl.motion.easing | A classe Elastic define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript, em que o movimento é definido por uma onda senoidal exponencialmente decadente. | |
Elastic | fl.transitions.easing | A classe Elastic define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript, em que o movimento é definido por uma onda senoidal exponencialmente decadente. | |
Elastic | mx.effects.easing | The Elastc class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave. | |
Elastic | spark.effects.easing | The Elastic class implements easing functionality where the target object movement is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave. | |
ElementExistenceEvent | spark.events | The ElementExistenceEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an element of a Group is created or destroyed. | |
ElementFormat | flash.text.engine | A classe ElementFormat representa informações de formatação as que você pode aplicar a ContentElement. | |
ElementRange | flashx.textLayout.edit | A classe ElementRange representa o intervalo de objetos selecionados dentro de um fluxo de texto. | |
Ellipse | spark.primitives | The Ellipse class is a filled graphic element that draws an ellipse. | |
EmailValidator | mx.validators | The EmailValidator class validates that a String has a single @ sign, a period in the domain name and that the top-level domain suffix has two, three, four, or six characters. | |
EmbossedList | lc.procmgmt.ui.controls | The EmbossedList component is used by the EmbossedNavigator class for the navigation area. | |
EmbossedNavigator | lc.procmgmt.ui.controls | The EmbossedNavigator component is used as a navigation tool between the navigation and the content areas. | |
EmphasizedButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the emphasized state of the MX Button component. | |
EmptyBufferMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Empty Buffer Metric. | |
EmptyBufferRule | org.osmf.net.rules | EmptyBufferRule is an emergency rule that kicks in when a playback interruption caused by buffering occurred recently. | |
EncryptedLocalStore | flash.data | A classe EncryptedLocalStore (ELS) oferece um mecanismo de armazenamento local criptografado que pode ser usado como um pequeno cache para os dados privados de um aplicativo. | |
EncryptionKeyGenerator | mx.data.crypto | The EncryptionKeyGenerator class generates an encryption key value, such as you would use to encrypt files or data. | |
EndDateOrderValidator | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.util | The validator for End Date order. | |
Endian | flash.utils | A classe Endian contém valores que indicam a ordem de bytes usada para representar números de vários bytes. | |
EOFError | flash.errors | Uma exceção EOFError é lançada quando você tenta ler além do fim dos dados disponíveis. | |
EqualsOperator | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators | The implementation of the equals operator | |
Error | Nível superior | A classe Error contém informações sobre um erro que ocorreu em um script. | |
ErrorEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain | Event dispatched by various EXM authoring domain classes to indicate that an error (typically an error during invocation of an asynchronous RPC operation) has occurred. | |
ErrorEvent | flash.events | Um objeto envia um objeto ErrorEvent quando um erro causa falha em uma operação assíncrona. | |
ErrorManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | The ErrorManager helps you handle errors occurring on the client. | |
ErrorManagerImpl | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | The class implementing IErrorManager which helps you handle errors occurring on the client. | |
ErrorMessage | mx.messaging.messages | The ErrorMessage class is used to report errors within the messaging system. | |
ErrorSkin | spark.skins.spark | The ErrorSkin class defines the error skin for Spark components. | |
EscapedLabel | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.text | Assumes the text being set has escaped characters (eg, %20 = blank), and unescape()s the value before setting the text property. | |
EvalError | Nível superior | A classe EvalError representa um erro que ocorre quando o código do usuário chama a função eval() ou tenta usar o operador "new" com o objeto Function. | |
Event | flash.events | A classe Event é usada como a classe base para a criação de objetos Evento, que são transmitidos para ouvintes de evento na ocorrência de um evento. | |
EventDetails | mx.automation.events | Holds the details of an event like its type, handler etc... | |
EventDispatcher | flash.events | A classe EventDispatcher é a classe básica para todas as classes em tempo de execução que enviam eventos. | |
EventListenerRequest | mx.events | Request sent from one SystemManager to a SystemManager in another application through their bridge to add or remove a listener to a specified event on your behalf. | |
EventPhase | flash.events | A classe EventPhase oferece valores para a propriedade eventPhase da classe Event. | |
EventPriority | mx.core | The EventPriority class defines constant values for the priority argument of the addEventListener() method of EventDispatcher. | |
ExclusionShader | mx.graphics.shaderClasses | Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Exclusion' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
ExpiryDateFormat | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.utils | This class validates date strings used for resource expiration. | |
Exponential | fl.motion.easing | A classe Exponential define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript. | |
Exponential | mx.effects.easing | The Exponential class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave. | |
ExportAssets | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common | TitleWindow Host component for showing the Export Assets Pop Up. | |
Expression | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el | Abstract class from which all expression types derive. | |
ExpressionBuilder | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el | Utility class to create qualified Expression object from the expression string | |
ExpressionBuilder | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.view | The ExpressionBuilder class defines a container that includes a EBWorkspace, EBToolBar, ExpressionsPanel, FunctionsPanel, ValidateExpression and IVariablePanel. | |
ExpressionBuilderEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.events | The ExpressionBuilderEvent class represents events that are dispatched on Expression Builder Toolbar. | |
ExpressionCreateEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Event dispatched whenever a new expression is successfully created in the expression repository. | |
ExpressionDeleteEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Event dispatched whenever an expression is successfully deleted from the expression repository. | |
ExpressionError | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.impl | Represents errors thrown by the Expression Manager runtime. | |
ExpressionEvaluationError | com.adobe.exm.expression.error | Error object for Expression evaluation | |
ExpressionEvaluationService | com.adobe.exm.expression.impl | Used to register the expression SWF and evaluate the expression using pre-loaded SWF. | |
ExpressionEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Base class for events dispatched whenever a CRUD operation completes successfully on an expression in the expression repository. | |
ExpressionGetEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Event dispatched whenever an expression is successfully retrieved from the expression repository. | |
ExpressionImpl | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.impl | Default implementation of the Expression instance. | |
ExpressionInsertEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.events | The ExpressionInsertEvent class represents events that are dispatched on Function Toolbar, VariableList and Expression Toolbar Insert Button . | |
ExpressionListItemRender | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.renderer | The ExpressionListItemRender class defines the default item renderer for a Expression List. | |
ExpressionListProviderEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Event dispatched whenever an expression-listing operation (list-all-expressions or search-expressions) completes successfully. | |
ExpressionManagerImpl | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.impl | The default implementation of the ExpressionManager interface, which serves as the entry point into the Expression Manager runtime. | |
ExpressionRegistrationFailureEvent | com.adobe.exm.expression.event | This event is dispatched when SWF registration fails. | |
ExpressionRegistrationSuccessEvent | com.adobe.exm.expression.event | This event is dispatched when SWF registration is successful. | |
ExpressionsPanel | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.controls | The ExpressionsPanel class defines a container that includes a ExpressionsPanelToolBar and list for displaying Named Expressions | |
ExpressionsPanelToolBar | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars | The ExpressionsPanelToolBar class defines a container that includes a insert, edit, delete and search expression | |
ExpressionsPanelToolBarEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.events | The ExpressionInsertEvent class represents events that are dispatched on Expression panel toolbar . | |
ExpressionUpdateEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Event dispatched whenever an expression is successfully updated in the expression repository. | |
ExpressionValidationError | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Error thrown when an expression fails to validate syntactically. | |
ExpressionValidationResult | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Encapsulates the result of syntactic validation of an expression. | |
ExpressionValueChangeEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | Event dispatched by ComputedExpression instances whenever the result of evaluation of their underlying expressions changes (due to a variable change, etc.). | |
ExpressionVO | com.adobe.solutions.exm.expression | Represents a persistent expression. | |
ExtendableTaggedEntityVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | This abstract class defines an entity that is extendable and can be tagged. | |
ExtendedProperty | com.adobe.dct.component | The ExtendedProperty component displays the extended property row for data dictionary and data dictionary elements. | |
ExtensibleActionbar | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar | The component that holds the custom action instances in the extensible tool bar. | |
ExtensionContext | flash.external | A classe ExtensionContext também fornece um método estático getExtensionDirectory() para acessar o diretório no qual a extensão está instalada no dispositivo. | |
ExtensionsConfigManager | com.adobe.acm.solutions.authoring.domain.extensions | The class which loads and manages the extensible configurations such as Extensible tool bar. | |
ExternalInterface | flash.external | A classe ExternalInterface é uma interface de programação de aplicativo que ativa a comunicação franca entre ActionScript e o container SWF – por exemplo, uma página HTML com o Javascript ou um aplicativo de mesa que usa Flash Player para exibir um arquivo SWF. | |
ExternalUsersVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents an External User instance in the system. | |
F4MElement | org.osmf.elements | F4MElement is a media element used to load media from F4M files. | |
F4MLoader | org.osmf.elements | F4MLoader is a loader that is capable of loading F4M files. | |
FactoryAdapter | com.adobe.gravity.utility.factory | Adapt an arbitrary method returning an IToken to an IFactory object. | |
Fade | fl.transitions | A classe Fade provoca o efeito de aparecimento ou desaparecimento gradual do objeto de clipe de filme. | |
Fade | mx.effects | The Fade effect animates the alpha property of a component, either from transparent to opaque, or from opaque to transparent. | |
Fade | spark.effects | The Fade effect animates the alpha property of a component. | |
FadeInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The FadeInstance class implements the instance class for the Fade effect. | |
FadeInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The FadeInstance class implements the instance class for the Fade effect. | |
Fault | mx.rpc.livecycle | The Fault class stores the information contained in a server side fault object. | |
Fault | mx.rpc | The Fault class represents a fault in a remote procedure call (RPC) service invocation. | |
FaultEvent | mx.rpc.events | This event is dispatched when an RPC call has a fault. | |
FaultResponse | mx.rpc.livecycle | The FaultResponse class defines the ActionScript representation of a LiveCycle FaultResponse object. | |
FavoriteCategory | lc.procmgmt.domain | The FavoriteCategory class represents a special category that contains the list of processes a user commonly initiates. | |
FavoritesManager | lc.procmgmt.impl | The FavoritesManager class is used to manage Favorites. | |
FiberUtils | com.adobe.fiber.util | The FiberUtils class is a utility class used by code generated by Adobe application modeling technology. | |
Field | com.adobe.icc.vo | A value object for a field in a form or layout. | |
FieldAssignment | com.adobe.icc.vo | A value object that represents properties of a field that are assigned in a letter template. | |
FieldAssignmentModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | This domain class represents the field assignments of a Letter. | |
FieldHelpContainer | ga.uiComponents | For internal use only. | |
FieldInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | This class is the runtime representation of the fields present in the letter's layout or fragment. | |
FieldLinkageAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | The linkage editor to link the data element of Letter Editor to a content data element (Field) of the Letter. | |
FieldModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The model class representing the Field of the Letter layout. | |
File | com.adobe.livecycle.content | File enables efficient transportation of binary content to and from the Experiece Server. | |
File | flash.filesystem | Um objeto File representa um caminho para um arquivo ou um diretório. | |
FileData | com.adobe.icc.obj | A client-side value object for data and attributes that are specific to a file. | |
FileDataService | com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | This class implements the operations on managed file instances. | |
FileEvent | com.adobe.livecycle.content | FileEvent is dispatched when File APIs uploadToTempFromFileReference,uploadToTempFromByteArray, uploadToPathFromFileReference,uploadToPathFromByteArray, updateFromFileReference,updateFromByteArray, fillMetaData,deleteFile,downloadContentToFileSystem are invoked. | |
FileEvent | mx.events | The FileEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the FileSystemList, FileSystemDataGrid, FileSystemTree and FileSystemComboBox controls. | |
FileFilter | flash.net | A classe FileFilter é usada para indicar quais arquivos no sistema do usuário são mostrados na caixa de diálogo de navegação de arquivos, exibida quando os métodos FileReference.browse(), FileReferenceList.browse() são chamados ou quando um método de pesquisa de um objeto File, FileReference ou FileReferenceList é chamado. | |
FileListEvent | flash.events | Um objeto File envia um objeto FileListEvent quando uma chamada do método getDirectoryListingAsync() de um objeto File enumera com êxito um conjunto de arquivos e diretórios ou quando um usuário seleciona arquivos após uma chamada do método browseForOpenMultiple(). | |
FileMode | flash.filesystem | A classe FileMode define constantes de string usadas no parâmetro fileMode dos métodos open() e openAsync() da classe FileStream. | |
FileModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The domain class that represents a file uploaded to the server. | |
FileReference | flash.net | A classe FileReference fornece um meio de carregar e baixar arquivos entre o computador de um usuário e um servidor. | |
FileReferenceList | flash.net | A classe FileReferenceList fornece um meio de permitir que os usuários selecionem um ou mais arquivos para upload. | |
FileRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | The host component to display image after extracting it from the file. | |
FileStream | flash.filesystem | Um objeto FileStream é usado para ler e gravar arquivos. | |
FileSystemComboBox | mx.controls | The FileSystemComboBox control defines a combo box control for navigating up the chain of ancestor directories from a specified directory in a file system. | |
FileSystemDataGrid | mx.controls | The FileSystemDataGrid control lets you display the contents of a single file system directory in a data grid format. | |
FileSystemDataGridNameColumnRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls.fileSystemClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DataGridItemRenderer class. | |
FileSystemEnumerationMode | mx.controls | The FileSystemEnumerationMode class defines the constant values for the enumerationMode property of the FileSystemList, FileSystemDataGrid, and FileSystemTree classes. | |
FileSystemHistoryButton | mx.controls | The FileSystemHistoryButton control defines a single control with two buttons: a main button on the left and a secondary button on the right. | |
FileSystemList | mx.controls | The FileSystemList control lets you display the contents of a single file system directory, in a list format. | |
FileSystemSizeDisplayMode | mx.controls | The FileSystemSizeDisplayMode class defines the constant values for the sizeDisplayMode property of the FileSystemDataGrid class. | |
FileSystemTree | mx.controls | The FileSystemTree control displays the contents of a file system directory as a tree. | |
FileSystemTreeAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Tree control. | |
FileUploader | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common | The class used to upload the file on the server. | |
FileUploadManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | The FileUploadManager handles the upload of files to the CM server. | |
FilledElement | spark.primitives.supportClasses | The FilledElement class is the base class for graphics elements that contain a stroke and a fill. | |
FlexBitmap | mx.core | FlexBitmap is a subclass of the Player's Bitmap class. | |
FlexBundleLoader | com.adobe.gravity.flex.bundleloader | FlexBundleLoader loads a bundle that has Flex UI. | |
FlexBundleLoaderBase | com.adobe.gravity.flex.bundleloader | Subclasses of FlexBundleLoaderBase load bundles that have Flex UI. | |
FlexClient | mx.messaging | Singleton class that stores the global Id for this Player instance that is server assigned when the client makes its initial connection to the server. | |
FlexConfiguration | com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo | Object for transporting configuration parameters from the server to Flex applications. | |
FlexContentHolderAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the FlexContentHolder control. | |
FlexEvent | mx.events | The FlexEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for many Flex events. | |
FlexGlobals | mx.core | A class that contains variables that are global to all applications within the same ApplicationDomain. | |
FlexHTMLLoader | mx.core | FlexHTMLLoader is a subclass of the Player's HTMLLoader class used by the Flex HTML control. | |
FlexLoader | mx.core | FlexLoader is a subclass of the Player's Loader class. | |
FlexMouseEvent | mx.events | The FlexMouseEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for Flex-specific mouse activity. | |
FlexMovieClip | mx.core | FlexMovieClip is a subclass of the Player's MovieClip class. | |
FlexNativeMenu | mx.controls | The FlexNativeMenu component provides a wrapper for AIR's NativeMenu class. | |
FlexNativeMenuAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Flex Native Menu. | |
FlexNativeMenuEvent | mx.events | The FlexNativeMenuEvent class represents events that are associated with menu activities in FlexNativeMenu. | |
FlexNativeWindowBoundsEvent | mx.events | The FlexNativeWindowBoundsEvent is dispatched when the size or location changes for the NativeWindow that underlies a Window or WindowedApplication component. | |
FlexPrintJob | mx.printing | The FlexPrintJob class is a wrapper for the flash.printing.PrintJob class. | |
FlexPrintJobScaleType | mx.printing | Values for the scaleType property of the FlexPrintJob.addObject() method parameter. | |
FlexShape | mx.core | FlexShape is a subclass of the Player's Shape class. | |
FlexSimpleButton | mx.core | FlexSimpleButton is a subclass of the Player's SimpleButton class. | |
FlexSprite | mx.core | FlexSprite is a subclass of the Player's Sprite class and the superclass of UIComponent. | |
FlexTextField | mx.core | FlexTextField is a subclass of the Player's TextField class and the superclass of UITextField. | |
FlexVersion | mx.core | This class controls the backward-compatibility of the framework. | |
FlipViewTransition | spark.transitions | The FlipViewTransition class performs a simple flip transition for views. | |
Float | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para a propriedade float da classe InlineGraphicElement. | |
FlowComposerBase | flashx.textLayout.compose | A classe FlowComposerBase é a classe base das classes de compositor de fluxo do Text Layout Framework, que controla a composição de linhas de texto em objetos ContainerController. | |
FlowDamageType | flashx.textLayout.compose | A classe FlowDamageType é uma classe de enumeração que define tipos de dano para métodos e eventos de dano. | |
FlowElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | O texto em um fluxo é armazenado na forma de árvore, cujos elementos representam as divisões lógicas dentro do texto. | |
FlowElementMouseEvent | flashx.textLayout.events | Um LinkElement emite este evento quando detecta atividade do mouse. | |
FlowElementOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe FlowElementOperation é a classe base das operações que transformam um FlowElement. | |
FlowGroupElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe FlowGroupElement é a classe básica dos objetos FlowElement que podem ter uma matriz de descendentes (filhos). | |
FlowLayout | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | The Flow layout arranges the children of its target group one after the other until no more can fit across (or down). | |
FlowLeafElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | Classe básica de FlowElements exibida no nível inferior da hierarquia do fluxo. | |
FlowOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe FlowOperation é a classe base de todas as operações do Text Layout Framework. | |
FlowOperationEvent | flashx.textLayout.events | Uma instância TextFlow despacha este evento pouco antes do início de uma operação, e novamente pouco depois da conclusão de uma operação. | |
FlowTextOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | FlowTextOperation é a classe base das operações que transformam um intervalo de texto. | |
FLVPlayback | fl.video | FLVPlayback estende a classe Sprite e envolve um objeto VideoPlayer. | |
FLVPlaybackCaptioning | fl.video | O componente FLVPlaybackCaptioning permite a colocação de legendas para o componente FLVPlayback. | |
Fly | fl.transitions | A classe Fly desliza o objeto de clipe de filme a partir de uma direção especificada. | |
FocusDirection | flash.display | A classe FocusDirection enumera os valores que devem ser usados no parâmetro direction do método assignFocus() do objeto Stage e da propriedade direction do objeto FocusEvent. | |
FocusEvent | flash.events | O objeto envia um objeto FocusEvent quando o usuário altera o foco de um objeto na lista de exibição para outro. | |
FocusManager | fl.managers | A classe FocusManager gerencia o foco para um conjunto de componentes navegados pelo mouse ou teclado como uma repetição de tabulação. | |
FocusManager | mx.managers | The FocusManager class manages the focus on components in response to mouse activity or keyboard activity (Tab key). | |
FocusRequestDirection | mx.events | The FocusDirection class defines the constant values for the direction focus may be moved in. | |
FocusSkin | spark.skins.spark | Defines the "glow" around Spark components when the component has focus. | |
Folder | com.adobe.icc.vo | A value object for a folder that is part of a portfolio template. | |
Font | flash.text | A classe Font é utilizada para gerenciar fontes incorporadas em arquivos SWF. | |
FontAsset | mx.core | FontAsset is a subclass of the flash.text.Font class which represents fonts that you embed in a Flex application. | |
FontDescription | flash.text.engine | A classe FontDescription representa as informações necessárias para descrever uma fonte. | |
FontLookup | flash.text.engine | A classe FontLookup é uma enumeração dos valores constantes usados com FontDescription.fontLookup. | |
FontMetrics | flash.text.engine | A classe FontMetrics contém informações sobre medida e deslocamento de uma fonte. | |
FontPosture | flash.text.engine | A classe FontPosture é uma lista de valores constantes usados com FontDescription.fontPosture para estabelecer o texto para itálico ou normal. | |
FontStyle | flash.text | A classe FontStyle fornece valores para a classe TextRenderer. | |
FontType | flash.text | A classe FontType contém as constantes enumeradas "embedded" e "device" para a propriedade fontType da classe Font. | |
FontWeight | flash.text.engine | A classe FontWeight é uma enumeração dos valores constantes usados com FontDescription.fontWeight. | |
Form | com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo | Value object for a layout. | |
Form | mx.containers | The Form container lets you control the layout of a form, mark form fields as required or optional, handle error messages, and bind your form data to the Flex data model to perform data checking and validation. | |
Form | spark.components | The Spark Form container lets you control the layout of a form, mark form fields as required or optional, handle error messages, and bind your form data to the Flex data model to perform data checking and validation. | |
FormatDescriptor | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Contém informações sobre um formato. | |
FormatMessage | com.adobe.gravity.utility.message | FormatMessage is a utility class for formatting messages requiring runtime parameters. | |
Formatter | mx.formatters | The Formatter class is the base class for all data formatters. | |
FormatterUtil | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util | This utility class exposes constants that are used by application for rendition and validation. | |
FormatValue | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para especificar que uma propriedade de formatação deve herdar o valor seu pai ou ter seu valor gerado automaticamente. | |
FormAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Form class. | |
FormBridgeError | com.adobe.icc.services.formbridge | Error resulting from a FormBridge API call. | |
FormConnector | lc.procmgmt.formbridge | Deprecated Since LiveCycle ES2 (9.0): Please use SwfConnector class. | |
FormEvents | lc.procmgmt.events | The FormEvents class contains the constants for the event types used to communicate between an application built with Flex (Flex application) and Workspace. | |
FormHeading | mx.containers | The FormHeading container is used to display a heading for a group of controls inside a Form container. | |
FormHeading | spark.components | The Spark FormHeading container displays a heading for a group of controls inside a Spark Form container. | |
FormHeadingSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark FormHeading component. | |
FormItem | mx.containers | The FormItem container defines a label and one or more children arranged horizontally or vertically. | |
FormItem | spark.components | The FormItem container defines the following in a Spark From: A single label. A sequence label. One or more child controls or containers. Help content that provides a description of the form item or instructions for filling it in. Required indicator to indicate if a form item has to be filled Children can be controls or other containers. | |
FormItemAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the FormItem class. | |
FormItemDirection | mx.containers | The FormItemDirection class defines the constant values for the direction property of the FormItem class. | |
FormItemLabel | mx.controls | The FormItem container uses a FormItemLabel object to display the label portion of the FormItem container. | |
FormItemLayout | spark.layouts | The FormItemLayout is used by FormItems to provide a constraint based layout. | |
FormItemSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark FormItem component. | |
FormLayout | spark.layouts | The FormLayout class defines the default layout for Spark Form skins. | |
FormSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark Form container. | |
FormState | com.adobe.icc.enum | Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Form. | |
ForwardCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The ForwardCommand class executes the forward operation for a task. | |
FPSMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | FPS metric Measurement unit: frames / second | |
FragmentAssetPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | This class defines the preview pod shown for Fragment. | |
FragmentCountMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Metric responsible with determining the number of fragments in the history | |
FragmentDetails | org.osmf.net.qos | FragmentDetails represents a collection of data about a media fragment. | |
FragmentLayout | com.adobe.icc.vo | The class representing the Layout that contains fragment xdp | |
FragmentLayoutEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.fragment | Editor to edit the Fragment Layout contents | |
FragmentLayoutHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type FragmentLayout. | |
FragmentLayoutModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The FragmentLayoutModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type FragmentLayout. | |
FragmentLayoutState | com.adobe.icc.enum | Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Fragment Layout. | |
FragmentTableConfigPanel | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.fragment | This component allows to edit the configurations of the table in a FragmentLayoutModel. | |
FrameLabel | flash.display | O objeto FrameLabel contém propriedades que especificam um número de quadros e o nome do rótulo correspondente. | |
FrameworkConstants | com.adobe.mosaic.om.constants | The FrameworkConstants provides constants to indicate various IManagers that map to specific implementations retrievable from the IClientFramework's acquireManager method. | |
FreeTextSettings | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture | The dialog which is used to capture the name and description input from the user for the free form text being inserted. | |
FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for an AdvancedDataGrid control used with FTEText. | |
FTEDataGridItemRenderer | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The FTEDataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a DataGrid control used with FTEText. | |
FTEDataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls.dataGridClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the FTEDataGridItemRenderer class. | |
FTETextField | mx.core | FTETextField is a Sprite which displays text by using the new Flash Text Engine to implement the old TextField API. | |
FullScreenButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The default skin class for the fullScreen button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
FullScreenButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | The default skin class for the fullScreen button of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
FullScreenButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The wireframe skin class for the fullScreen button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin state. | |
FullScreenButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | The wireframe skin class for the fullScreen button of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
FullScreenEvent | flash.events | O objeto Stage despacha um objeto FullScreenEvent sempre que o Stage entra ou sai do modo de exibição de tela cheia. | |
FullTextSearchRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | This search renderer enables search on the content of the Asset. | |
Function | Nível superior | Uma função é a unidade básica de código que pode ser chamada no ActionScript. | |
FunctionEase | fl.motion | A classe FunctionEase permite que funções de interpolação personalizadas sejam usadas com a estrutura de fl.motion no lugar de outras interpolações, como SimpleEase e CustomEase. | |
FunctionFamilyProviderEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | Event dispatched whenever a call to list the available function-families returns successfully. | |
FunctionFamilyVO | com.adobe.solutions.exm.method | Represents a function family (logical group of functions). | |
FunctionListContainer | com.adobe.solutions.exm.mock.method | The FunctionListContainer class is a simple wrapper over a list of functions (FunctionVO instances) and can be used for defining a function-list in mock XML. | |
FunctionParameterVO | com.adobe.solutions.exm.method | Represents an input parameter to a function. | |
FunctionProviderEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | Event dispatched whenever a call to list available functions (local or remote) returns successfully. | |
FunctionSequenceError | com.adobe.gravity.utility.error | The FunctionSequenceError is thrown when a series of functions are called in the wrong order. | |
FunctionService | com.adobe.solutions.exm.impl.method | Default implementation of the IFunctionService interface which queries the server for listing function-families and functions. | |
FunctionsPanel | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.controls | The FunctionsPanel class defines a container that includes a FunctionsPanelToolBar and list for displaying Local and Remote Functions | |
FunctionsPanelToolBar | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars | The FunctionsPanelToolBar class defines a container that includes a Insert, Local Functions, Remote Functions and search for Functions | |
FunctionsPanelToolBarEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.events | The FunctionsPanelToolBarEvent class represents events that are dispatched on Functions panel toolbar . | |
FunctionVO | com.adobe.solutions.exm.method | Represents a function which can be used inside expressions. | |
GAEvent | ga.model | The GAEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for Guide events. | |
GameInput | flash.ui | A classe GameInput é o ponto de entrada da API GameInput. | |
GameInputControl | flash.ui | A classe GameInputControl representa um controle em um dispositivo de entrada. | |
GameInputDevice | flash.ui | A classe GameInputDevice representa um dispositivo de entrada único comumente usado para jogar. | |
GameInputEvent | flash.events | A classe GameInputEvent representa um evento que é despachado quando um dispositivo de entrada de jogo é adicionado ou removido da plataforma do aplicativo. | |
GanttActionEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | This event is dispatched when an option is clicked, in the context menu of an item, in the Gantt chart. | |
GanttChart | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt | The host component for displaying the Gantt chart. | |
GanttEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | This Gantt event is generated when an item in the Gantt chart is clicked, double-clicked, or the range mode of the Gantt chart is modified. | |
GanttItem | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt | The host component for an item that is displayed in the Gantt chart. | |
GanttItemToolTip | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt | The host component defining the tooltip that is rendered on the Gantt chart. | |
GanttLegend | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt | The host component defining the legends that are rendered on the Gantt chart. | |
GanttNavigationView | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt | The host compoent that is used to display the Gantt chart, along with navigation controls to change the current date range. | |
GapDisplayer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter | Component that is used to display gap (To be used along with the TableRowNameDisplayer to display gaps after the each Table Row Name. | |
Geolocation | flash.sensors | A classe Geolocation despacha eventos em resposta ao sensor de local do dispositivo. | |
GeolocationEvent | flash.events | Um objeto Geolocation despacha objetos GeolocationEvent quando recebe atualizações do sensor de local instalado no dispositivo. | |
GestureEvent | flash.events | A classe GestureEvent permite que você lide com eventos de multitoque em dispositivos que detectam o contato de usuário complexo com o dispositivo (como pressionar dois dedos em uma tela de toque ao mesmo tempo). | |
GesturePhase | flash.events | A classe GesturePhase é uma classe de lista de valores constantes para uso com as classes GestureEvent, PressAndTapGestureEvent e TransformGestureEvent. | |
GlobalizationBase | spark.globalization.supportClasses | This is a base class used for wrapper classes that make use of the flash.globalization classes for language and region specific formatting of dates, times, number, and currency amounts, string comparison and case conversion. | |
GlobalizationUtils | spark.validators.supportClasses | GlobalizationUtils is a class containing Unicode related functionality not supported directly in Flex or ActionScript. | |
GlobalizationValidatorBase | spark.validators.supportClasses | The GlobalizationValidatorBase class is the base class for all Spark validators. | |
GlobalSettings | flashx.textLayout.elements | A configuração que se aplica a todos os objetos TextFlow. | |
Glow | mx.effects | The Glow effect lets you apply a visual glow effect to a component. | |
GlowFilter | flash.filters | A classe GlowFilter permite aplicar um efeito de brilho a objetos de exibição. | |
GlowFilter | spark.filters | The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to display objects. | |
GlowInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The GlowInstance class implements the instance class for the Glow effect. | |
GradientBase | mx.graphics | The GradientBase class is the base class for LinearGradient, LinearGradientStroke, and RadialGradient. | |
GradientBevelFilter | flash.filters | A classe GradientBevelFilter permite aplicar um efeito de bisel de gradiente a objetos de exibição. | |
GradientBevelFilter | spark.filters | The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply a gradient bevel effect to display objects. | |
GradientEntry | mx.graphics | The GradientEntry class defines the objects that control a transition as part of a gradient fill. | |
GradientFilter | spark.filters | The base class for filters that provide gradient visual effects. | |
GradientGlowFilter | flash.filters | A classe GradientGlowFilter permite aplicar um efeito de brilho de gradiente a objetos de exibição. | |
GradientGlowFilter | spark.filters | The GradientGlowFilter class lets you apply a gradient glow effect to display objects. | |
GradientStroke | mx.graphics | The GradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke. | |
GradientType | flash.display | A classe GradientType fornece valores para o parâmetro "tipo" nos métodos beginGradientFill() e lineGradientStyle() da classe flash.display.Graphics. | |
Graphic | spark.primitives | The Graphic control displays a set of graphic drawing commands. | |
GraphicElement | flash.text.engine | A classe GraphicElement representa um elemento gráfico em um objeto TextBlock ou GroupElement. | |
GraphicElement | spark.primitives.supportClasses | A base class for defining individual graphic elements. | |
Graphics | flash.display | A classe Graphics contém um conjunto de métodos que podem ser usados para criar uma forma vetorial. | |
GraphicsBitmapFill | flash.display | Define um preenchimento de bitmap. | |
GraphicsEndFill | flash.display | Indica o final de um preenchimento de gráfico. | |
GraphicsGradientFill | flash.display | Define um preenchimento de gradiente. | |
GraphicsPath | flash.display | Uma coleção de comandos de desenho e os parâmetros de coordenadas para esses comandos. | |
GraphicsPathCommand | flash.display | Define os valores para usar na especificação de comandos de desenho de caminho. | |
GraphicsPathWinding | flash.display | A classe GraphicsPathWinding fornece valores para a propriedade flash.display.GraphicsPath.winding e o método flash.display.Graphics.drawPath() determinarem a direção para desenhar um caminho. | |
GraphicsShaderFill | flash.display | Define um preenchimento de shader. | |
GraphicsSolidFill | flash.display | Define um preenchimento sólido. | |
GraphicsStroke | flash.display | Define um estilo de linha ou traçado. | |
GraphicsTrianglePath | flash.display | Define um conjunto ordenado de triângulos que você pode processar usando coordenadas de preenchimento (u,v) ou um preenchimento normal. | |
GraphicsUtil | mx.utils | The Graphics class is an all-static class with utility methods related to the Graphics class. | |
GraphicsUtilities | mx.charts.chartClasses | A set of internal graphics rendering utilities used by the various chart classes. | |
GravityBootstrap | com.adobe.gravity.init | Base class for the standard Client Component Framework bootstrapping logic. | |
GravityBootstrapWithProgress | com.adobe.gravity.init | Bootstrapper class with a default progress display. | |
GravityInit | com.adobe.gravity.init | Initialize the Client Component Framework during the bootstrap process. | |
Grid | mx.containers | A Grid container lets you arrange children as rows and columns of cells, similar to an HTML table. | |
Grid | spark.components | The Grid control displays a list of data items called its data provider in a scrollable table or "grid", one item per row. | |
GridCaretEvent | spark.events | The GridCaretEvent class represents events that are dispatched when the caret changes in a Spark DataGrid control as the result of user interaction. | |
GridColumn | spark.components.gridClasses | The GridColumn class defines a column of a Spark grid control, such as the Spark DataGrid or Grid control. | |
GridColumnHeaderGroup | spark.components | The GridColumnHeaderGroup class displays a row of column headers and separators aligned with the grid's layout. | |
GridEvent | spark.events | The GridEvent class extends the MouseEvent class to includes additional grid specific information based on the event's location relative to a grid cell. | |
GridFitType | flash.text | A classe GridFitType define valores de ajuste à grade na classe TextField. | |
GridItem | mx.containers | The GridItem container defines a grid cell in GridRow container. | |
GridItemEditor | spark.components.gridClasses | The GridItemEditor class defines the base class for custom item editors for the Spark grid controls, such as DataGrid and Grid. | |
GridItemEditorEvent | spark.events | The GridItemEditorEvent class represents events that are dispatched over the life cycle of an item editor. | |
GridItemRenderer | spark.components.gridClasses | The GridItemRenderer class defines the base class for custom item renderers for the Spark grid controls, such as DataGrid and Grid. | |
GridLayer | spark.components.gridClasses | The GridLayer class defines a container used for the layers of the Grid control's visual elements. | |
GridLines | mx.charts | The GridLines class draws grid lines inside the data area of the chart. | |
GridRow | mx.containers | The GridRow container defines a row in a Grid container, and contains GridCell containers. | |
GridSelectionEvent | spark.events | The GridSelectionEvent class represents events that are dispatched when the selection changes in a Spark DataGrid control as the result of user interaction. | |
GridSelectionEventKind | spark.events | The GridSelectionEventKind class defines constants for the valid values of the spark.events.GridSelectionEvent class kind property. | |
GridSelectionMode | spark.components.gridClasses | The GridSelectionMode class defines the valid constant values for the selectionMode property of the Spark DataGrid and Grid controls. | |
GridSortEvent | spark.events | The GridSortEvent class represents events that are dispatched when the data provider of a Spark DataGrid control is sorted as the result of the user clicking on the header of a column in the DataGrid. | |
GripperSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the gripper button in the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome. | |
Group | lc.foundation.domain | The Group class represents a group principal in the Document Server and is used for retrieving the members of a given group. | |
Group | spark.components | The Group class is the base container class for visual elements. | |
GroupBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The GroupBase class defines the base class for components that display visual elements. | |
GroupContentsRenderer | com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.renderers | Renderer for the Group Contents which includes the panel information and the panel content. | |
GroupElement | flash.text.engine | Um objeto GroupElement agrupa uma coleção de objetos TextElement, GraphicElement ou outro GroupElement que você pode atribuir como um todo à propriedade content de um objeto TextBlock. | |
GroupInformationArea | com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.renderers | The Group Information Area where the panel description or help is displayed. | |
Grouping | mx.collections | The Grouping class defines the fields in the data provider of the AdvancedDataGrid control used to group data. | |
GroupingCollection | mx.collections | The GroupingCollection class lets you create grouped data from flat data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
GroupingCollection2 | mx.collections | The GroupingCollection2 class lets you create grouped data from flat data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
GroupingField | mx.collections | The GroupingField class represents individual data fields that you use to group flat data for display by the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
GroupSpecifier | flash.net | A classe GroupSpecifier é usada para construir as strings de groupspec opacas que podem ser passadas para construtores NetStream e NetGroup. | |
GroupVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.um | Represents a group in Document Server Administration Console. | |
GuideAccessibility | ga.model | The GuideAccessibility class provides users with the ability to debug Guide accessibility without running JAWS. | |
GuidedActivity | ga.model | The GuidedActivity class contains Guide properties. | |
GuideNodeType | com.adobe.guides.domain | The GuideNodeType provides the static constants for identifying Guide node types. | |
H264Level | flash.media | A classe H264Level é uma lista de valores constantes usados na configuração do nível da classe H264VideoStreamSettings. | |
H264Profile | flash.media | A classe H264Profile é uma lista de valores constantes usados na configuração do perfil da classe H264VideoStreamSettings. | |
H264VideoStreamSettings | flash.media | A classe H264VideoStreamSettings permite especificar as configurações de compactação de vídeo para cada NetStream. | |
HaloBorder | mx.skins.halo | Defines the appearance of the default border for the Halo theme. | |
HaloColors | mx.skins.halo | Defines the colors used by components that support the Halo theme. | |
HaloDefaults | mx.charts.styles | Initializes the core default styles for the charts classes. | |
HaloFocusRect | mx.skins.halo | Defines the skin for the focus indicator. | |
HandlerHolder | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | A utility class to hold a set of handlers and call them. | |
HBox | mx.containers | The Halo HBox container lays out its children in a single horizontal row. | |
HDividedBox | mx.containers | The HDividedBox container lays out its children horizontally in the same way as HBox container, but it inserts a draggable divider in the gap between each child. | |
HeaderEvent | mx.rpc.events | The event that indicates an RPC operation, such as a WebService SOAP request, returned a header in the response. | |
HeaderPane | lc.procmgmt.ui.layout | The HeaderPane class provides layout for logos, links, preferences, and messages. | |
HeaderPaneModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.layout | The HeaderPane class provides the model implementation for the HeaderPane component. | |
HeaderRenderer | fl.controls.dataGridClasses | A classe HeaderRenderer exibe o cabeçalho da coluna DataGrid atual. | |
HelpBox | ga.controls | The HelpBox component displays any Guide-level help text and/or video resource. | |
HelpCenter | ga.controls | The HelpCenter component provides a centralized region within a Guide layout to display Guide help and panel help. | |
HelpPanel | ga.controls | The HelpPanel component displays any panel-level help text and/or video resource specified in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
HelpVideo | ga.controls | The HelpVideo component displays the help video icon which, when selected, expands to display the help video to users. | |
HGroup | spark.components | The HGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the HorizontalLayout class. | |
HideShowEffectTargetFilter | mx.effects.effectClasses | HideShowEffectTargetFilter is a subclass of EffectTargetFilter that handles the logic for filtering targets that have been shown or hidden by modifying their visible property. | |
HierarchicalCollectionView | mx.collections | The HierarchicalCollectionView class provides a hierarchical view of a standard collection. | |
HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor | mx.collections | The HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor class defines a cursor for a hierarchical view of a standard collection. | |
HierarchicalData | mx.collections | Hierarchical data is data already in a structure of parent and child data items. | |
HighlightBitmapCaptureSkin | spark.skins.spark | Base class for skins that do a bitmap capture of a target components and apply a filter to the bitmap. | |
HistoryManager | mx.managers | History management lets users navigate through a Flex application using the web browser's Back and Forward navigation commands. | |
HitData | mx.charts | The HitData class represents information about the data item at a specific location on the screen. | |
HLOCChart | mx.charts | The HLOCChart (High Low Open Close) control represents financial data as a series of elements representing the high, low, closing, and optionally opening values of a data series. | |
HLOCItemRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | The default item renderer for an HLOCSeries object. | |
HLOCSeries | mx.charts.series | Represents financial data as a series of elements representing the high, low, closing, and, optionally, opening values of a data series. | |
HLOCSeriesBase | mx.charts.chartClasses | HLOCSeriesBase is the base class for the two financial series types, HLOCSeries and CandlestickSeries. | |
HLOCSeriesBaseAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CandlestickSeries and HLOCSeries classes. | |
HLOCSeriesItem | mx.charts.series.items | Represents the information required to render an item as part of a HLOCSeries. | |
HLOCSeriesRenderData | mx.charts.series.renderData | Represents all the information needed by the HLOCSeries and CandlestickSeries objects to render. | |
HorizontalAlign | org.osmf.layout | Defines an enumeration of horizontal align modes as supported by the layout renderer. | |
HorizontalAlign | spark.layouts | The HorizontalAlign class defines the possible values for the horizontalAlign property of the VerticalLayout class. | |
HorizontalLayout | spark.layouts | The HorizontalLayout class arranges the layout elements in a horizontal sequence, left to right, with optional gaps between the elements and optional padding around the elements. | |
HorizontalList | mx.controls | The HorizontalList control displays a horizontal list of items. | |
HostedGuide | ga.model | The HostedGuide class is used by a Flex application that is hosting a Guide to directly access specific Guide objects. | |
HoverComponent | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common | This is the base component class for enabling preview of the hovered component on mouse hover.Extending this class adds the functionality of displaying the component as a pop up on mouse hover and removing that component on mouse out. | |
HoverRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover | Custom Component which shows an asset's preview based on the provided preview renderer or default renderers provided. | |
HRule | mx.controls | The HRule control creates a single horizontal line. | |
HSBColor | mx.utils | This class holds information for a color represented in HSB (Hue, Saturation, and Brightness) space. | |
HSBInterpolator | spark.effects.interpolation | The HSBInterpolator class provides Hue, Saturation, and Brightness (HSB) color interpolation between RGB uint start and end values. | |
HScrollBar | mx.controls | The HScrollBar (horizontal ScrollBar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area. | |
HScrollBar | spark.components | The HScrollBar (horizontal scrollbar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit horizontally in a display area. | |
HScrollBarSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for HScrollBar components in mobile applications. | |
HScrollBarSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark HScrollBar component. | |
HScrollBarSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark HScrollBar component. | |
HScrollBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the HScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications. | |
HScrollBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the thumb of a Spark HScrollBar component. | |
HScrollBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark HScrollBarThumb component. | |
HScrollBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the track on a Spark HScrollBar component. | |
HScrollBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark HScrollBarTrack component. | |
HSlider | mx.controls | The HSlider control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. | |
HSlider | spark.components | The HSlider (horizontal slider) control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. | |
HSliderDataTip | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | HSlider dataTip component for HSlider in mobile applications. | |
HSliderSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for HSlider controls in mobile applications. | |
HSliderSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark HSlider component. | |
HSliderSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSlider component. | |
HSliderThumbSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider thumb skin part in mobile applications. | |
HSliderThumbSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the thumb of a Spark HSlider component. | |
HSliderThumbSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSliderThumb component. | |
HSliderTrackSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider track skin part in mobile applications. | |
HSliderTrackSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the track of a Spark HSlider component. | |
HSliderTrackSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSliderTrack component. | |
HTML | mx.controls | The HTML control lets you display HTML content in your application. | |
HTMLElement | org.osmf.elements | HTMLElement is a media element that represents a piece of media external to the Flash SWF, and within an HTML region. | |
HTMLHistoryItem | flash.html | Um objeto HTMLHistoryItem descreve um local no histórico de navegação de um objeto HTMLLoader. | |
HTMLHost | flash.html | Um objeto HTMLLoader define comportamentos de um objeto HTMLLoader para os elementos da interface do usuário que podem ser controlados pela configuração de várias propriedades ou da chamada de vários métodos do objeto da janela de uma página HTML. | |
HTMLLoader | flash.html | A classe HTMLLoader define um tipo de objeto de exibição que é contêiner para o conteúdo HTML. | |
HTMLMediaContainer | org.osmf.containers | HTMLMediaContainer is an IMediaContainer-implementing class that uses ExternalInterface to expose the container's child media elements to JavaScript. | |
HTMLPDFCapability | flash.html | A classe HTMLPDFCapability contém valores possíveis da propriedade pdfCapability de um objeto HTMLLoader. | |
HTMLSWFCapability | flash.html | A classe HTMLPDFCapability contém valores possíveis da propriedade swfCapability de um objeto HTMLLoader. | |
HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent | flash.events | Um objeto HTMLLoader envia um objeto HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent sempre que uma exceção do JavaScript é descartada e não é tratada com uma instrução catch. | |
HTMLWindowCreateOptions | flash.html | Esta classe define as opções que podem ser especificadas quando o JavaScript em execução em um objeto HTMLLoader tenta criar uma nova janela HTML chamando o método window.open(). | |
HTTPChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The HTTPChannel class provides the HTTP support for messaging. | |
HTTPMultiService | mx.rpc.http.mxml | You use the <mx:HTTPMultiService> tag to represent an HTTPMultiService object in an MXML file. | |
HTTPMultiService | mx.rpc.http | You use the <mx:HTTPMultiService> tag to represent a collection of http operations. | |
HTTPRequestMessage | mx.messaging.messages | HTTP requests are sent to the HTTP endpoint using this message type. | |
HTTPService | mx.rpc.http.mxml | You use the <mx:HTTPService> tag to represent an HTTPService object in an MXML file. | |
HTTPService | mx.rpc.http | You use the HTTPService class to represent an HTTPService object in ActionScript. | |
HTTPServiceWrapper | com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper | This class is the superclass of all generated wrappers around instances of the HTTPMultiService class. | |
HTTPStatusEvent | flash.events | O aplicativo envia objetos HTTPStatusEvent quando uma solicitação de rede retorna um código de status HTTP. | |
HTTPStreamingNetLoader | org.osmf.net.httpstreaming | HTTPStreamingNetLoader is a NetLoader that can load HTTP streams. | |
HTTPUtil | com.adobe.dct.util | A utility class that is used to obtain an HTTP URL or request related information. | |
HueShader | mx.graphics.shaderClasses | Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Hue' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
IAbstractEffect | mx.effects | The IAbstractEffect interface is used to denote that a property or parameter must be of type Effect, but does not actually implement any of the APIs of the IEffect interface. | |
IAccessPrivileges | mx.data | Objects that must restrict access must implement the IAccessPrivileges interface. | |
IActionHandler | com.adobe.acm.solutions.authoring.domain.extensions | Interface for adding and handling custom actions in Extensible Toolbar. | |
IActionRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar | Interface for adding and handling custom actions in Extensible Toolbar. | |
IAdvancedDataGridRendererProvider | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The IAdvancedDataGridRendererProvider interface defines the interface implemented by the AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider class, which defines the item renderer for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
IAdvancedStyleClient | mx.styles | This interface describes the advanced properties that a component must implement to fully participate in the advanced style subsystem. | |
IAnimationTarget | spark.effects.animation | The IAnimationTarget interface is implemented by classes that support the events for an Animation instance. | |
IApplication | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IApplication interface provides access to the DOM for an application, and provides methods for adding views, panels, and tiles, as well as querying aspects of the application's environment. | |
IApplicationDomainManager | com.adobe.gravity.framework | The IApplicationDomainManager interface provides a mechanism to create ApplicationDomains such that they can be tracked, primarily for debugging purposes. | |
IApplicationListItem | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IApplicationListItem provides information about a given IApplication suitable for display to a user, or as a specifier to load the Application. | |
IApplicationSpecifier | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IApplicationSpecifier interface is used to specify an application for loading. | |
IApprover | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Represents an approver in an approval stage. | |
IAsset | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | An interface for defining an asset domain object. | |
IAssetActionRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.toolbar | Defines the contract that the custom AssetActionRenderer should implement in order to work with Toolbar Actions. | |
IAssetCustomAttribute | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | Interface for defining a custom attribute for an asset. | |
IAssetHandler | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers | Interface to be implemented by the component who wants to introduce a new Asset or write a custom handler for an existing asset type | |
IAssetHandler | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler | Used by a component to introduce a new asset or create a custom handler for an existing asset type. | |
IAssetLayoutFeatures | mx.core | The IAssetLayoutFeatures interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for an Object to support advanced transforms in embedded assets. | |
IAssetLoaderService | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.load | Service to load Data Dictionaries | |
IAssetPermissionService | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.permissions | Loads the permissions associated with the current user. | |
IAssetPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview | Interface to be implemented by all the preview renderers | |
IAssetPreviewService | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.preview | Service to get Content of the Asset. | |
IAssetQueryService | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.query | The IAssetQueryService class is a simple delegate to QueryService which attach success or fault listeners to QueryService response. | |
IAssetRelationshipService | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.relationships | Service to get Relationships of Asset. | |
IAssetVersionService | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.version | Service to get Version History of Asset. | |
IAssignmentModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | Base class for all assignment models | |
IAsyncToken | com.adobe.icc.token | Used to manage asynchronous method calls. | |
IAsyncToken | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token | Used to manage asynchronous method calls. | |
IAttachment | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | The interface for attachments returned by the IAttachmentManager class. | |
IAttachmentManager | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | The IAttachmentManagerinterface retrieves and manages attachments associated with tasks. | |
IAttachmentPermissions | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | The interface for the permissions associated with attachments. | |
IAuditManager | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.manager | This interface defines operations for audit management. | |
IAuditor | com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | Signature of Audit service. | |
IAuthor | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines a stage participant who is responsible for creation of an asset in a creation stage. | |
IAuthResult | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | The AuthResult object is returned as part of calls to perform Single Sign On (SSO) and login methods of ISecurityManager service. | |
IAutomationClass | mx.automation | The IAutomationClass interface defines the interface for a component class descriptor. | |
IAutomationClass2 | mx.automation | The IAutomationClass2 interface defines the interface for a component class descriptor. | |
IAutomationDebugTracer | mx.automation | The IAutomationDebugTracer interface provides centralized methods that needs to be implemented in order to show detailed trace messages while debugging | |
IAutomationEnvironment | mx.automation | The IAutomationEnvironment interface provides information about the objects and properties of automatable components needed for communicating with agents. | |
IAutomationEventDescriptor | mx.automation | The IAutomationEventDescriptor interface defines the interface for an event descriptor. | |
IAutomationManager | mx.automation | The IAutomationManager interface defines the interface expected from an AutomationManager object by the automation module. | |
IAutomationManager2 | mx.automation | The IAutomationManager interface defines the interface expected from an AutomationManager object by the automation module. | |
IAutomationMethodDescriptor | mx.automation | The IAutomationMethodDescriptor interface defines the interface for a method descriptor. | |
IAutomationMouseSimulator | mx.automation | The IAutomationMouseSimulator interface describes an object that simulates mouse movement so that components capturing the mouse use the simulated versions of the mouse cursor instead of the live Flash Player version. | |
IAutomationObject | mx.automation | The IAutomationObject interface defines the interface for a delegate object that implements automation for a component. | |
IAutomationObjectHelper | mx.automation | The IAutomationObjectHelper interface defines helper methods for IAutomationObjects. | |
IAutomationPropertyDescriptor | mx.automation | The IAutomationPropertyDescriptor interface describes a property of a test object. | |
IAutomationTabularData | mx.automation | The IAutomationTabularData interface is implemented by components which can provide their content information in a tabular form. | |
IAxis | mx.charts.chartClasses | The IAxis class is an abstract interface for defining label, tick mark, and data positioning properties for a chart axis. | |
IAxisRenderer | mx.charts.chartClasses | The IAxis class is an abstract interface for defining label, tick mark, and data positioning properties for a chart axis. | |
IAXMRichTextEditorControlBar | xd.core.axm.view.components.support | The IAXMRichTextEditorControlBar interface. | |
IBar | mx.charts.chartClasses | The IBar interface is implemented by any any series that can be clustered vertically, such as a BarSeries. | |
IBindingClient | mx.binding | This is used to mark documents, which have data bindings. | |
IBitmapDrawable | flash.display | A interface IBitmapDrawable é implementada por objetos que podem ser transmitidos como parâmetro "source" do método draw() da classe BitmapData. | |
IBitmapFilter | mx.filters | Interface used by some Spark filters. | |
IBorder | mx.core | The IBorder interface defines the interface that all classes used for border skins should implement. | |
IBrowserManager | mx.managers | The interface that the shared instance of the BrowserManager implements. | |
IBundle | com.adobe.gravity.framework | The IBundle interface represents a single physical component. | |
IBundleActivator | com.adobe.gravity.framework | IBundleActivator is the interface to implement when creating a bundle. | |
IBundleBuilder | com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | Builder interface for Client Component Framework bundles. | |
IBundleContext | com.adobe.gravity.framework | The IBundleContext interface is the main point of access to all bundle framework functionality. | |
IBundleElementHandler | com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | Parse a <bundle> child element. | |
IBundleLoader | com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader | IBundleLoader implementations are used by the Client Component Framework to load bundles. | |
IBundleLoaderContext | com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader | Context object for bundle loaders. | |
IBundleLoaderFactory | com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader | The factory service interface for bundle loaders. | |
IButton | mx.core | The IButton interface is a marker interface that indicates that a component acts as a button. | |
ICachePolicy | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The ICachePolicy interface specifies cache options to use within a composite application when running using the AIR Runtime. | |
ICatalog | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The ICatalog interface represents a particular catalog, and provides methods for retrieving tiles from a catalog deployed to the Experience Server. | |
ICatalogListItem | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The ICatalogListItem provides information about a given ICatalog suitable for display to a user, or as a specifier to load the Catalog into an IApplication. | |
ICatalogSpecifier | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The ICatalogSpecifier provides information about a given ICatalog suitable for display to a user. | |
ICategoryService | com.adobe.icc.services.category | Defines a service for Category management. | |
IccRichTextControl | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte | The component representing the Text Editor and rich text control toolbar. | |
IccRichTextControlToolbar | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte | This component represents the rich text control tool bar in Text Editor allows formatting the text in rich way. | |
IccSearchManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | Icc specific implementation of SearchManager which removes "Archive" state assets from results. | |
ICellRenderer | fl.controls.listClasses | A interface ICellRenderer fornece os métodos e as propriedades exigidos por um renderizador de células. | |
IChangeObject | mx.data | Provides the methods and properties needed when detecting local conflicts. | |
IChartElement | mx.charts.chartClasses | IChartElement defines the base set of properties and methods required by a UIComponent to be representable in the data space of a chart. | |
IChartElement2 | mx.charts.chartClasses | IChartElement2 defines the base set of properties and methods required by a UIComponent to be representable in the data space of a chart. | |
IChildList | mx.core | The IChildList interface defines the properties and methods for accessing and manipulating child lists, which are subsets of a DisplayObjectContainer's children. | |
IClassServiceProperty | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IClassServiceProperty interface provides methods for getting a Tile property or a Service property's name and type. | |
IClientFramework | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IClientFramework interface is the highest-level interface in the object model and provides access to the framework manager objects which provide high-level application functionality. | |
ICMSQueryService | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.search.cms | A query service interface for doing searches that are specific to the content management system. | |
ICollapsibleSegment | xd.core.axm.view.components.support | The ICollapsibleSegment interface. | |
ICollectionToken | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | The CollectionToken class represents a token for asynchronous calls that return a collection. | |
ICollectionView | mx.collections | An ICollectionView is a view onto a collection of data. | |
IColumn | mx.charts.chartClasses | ChartElements that can be clustered along the vertical axis should implement this interface. | |
ICombineMultipleDocuments | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process | Defines a service for combining multiple documents. | |
ICommand | lc.procmgmt.domain | The ICommand interface defines a common interface for self-contained commands. | |
IComment | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines the structure of a comment published during a stage on an asset. | |
ICommentManager | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.manager | This interface defines operations for comment management. | |
IComparisonOperator | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter | The IComparison interface provides filtering for comparison operators, such as EQUAL and LESS_THAN. | |
IComputedExpression | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | Interface representing an expression managed by the Expression Manager. | |
Icon | flash.desktop | A classe Icon representa um ícone do sistema operacional. | |
IConfigProvider | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.config | The interface to load xml config for the editor | |
IConfigService | com.adobe.icc.services.config | Defines a service for Configuration management. | |
IConfiguration | flashx.textLayout.elements | Interface exclusiva para leitura de um objeto de configuração. | |
IconItemRenderer | spark.components | The IconItemRenderer class is a performant item renderer optimized for mobile devices. | |
IConnectionService | ga.util | The interface implemented by guide wrappers used to communicate with a client such as Workspace. | |
IconPlacement | spark.components | The IconPlacement class defines the constants for the allowed values of the iconPlacement style of a Button, CheckBox, RadioButton or ToggleButton. | |
IConstraintClient | mx.core | The IConstraintClient interface defines the interface for components that support layout constraints. | |
IConstraintLayout | mx.containers.utilityClasses | IConstraintLayout is a marker interface that indicates that a container supports ConstraintColumn class and ConstraintRow class within its layout. | |
IContainer | mx.core | IContainer is a interface that indicates a component extends or mimics mx.core.Container | |
IContainerInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | Interface to be implemented by the container classes that can contain selected or optional ModuleInstance objects | |
IContentDomainFactory | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory | DomainFactory to get hold of Domain Objects | |
IContentLoader | spark.core | Provides custom image/content loader for BitmapImage instances. | |
IContentServiceProvider | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.providers | Service Provider to get all Services in LCC | |
IContext | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IContext interface models a simple hash map that allows tiles to store attibutes in name-value pairs. | |
IContextProvider | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IContextProvider interface provides a method for retrieving context from nodes that support context in the DOM. | |
ID3Info | flash.media | A classe ID3Info contém propriedades que refletem metadados ID3. | |
IDataCanvas | mx.charts.chartClasses | This interface is for internal use only. | |
IDataCaptureUIControl | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture | This interface should be implemented by components that want to provide a custom Data Capture Control (Data Capture Renderer). | |
IDataGridElement | spark.components.gridClasses | Visual elements of the Spark DataGrid control that must remain in sync with the grid's layout and scroll position must implement this interface. | |
IDataInput | flash.utils | A interface IDataInput fornece um conjunto de métodos para a leitura de dados binários. | |
IDataInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | Represents the Data elements used in the letter which can be a variable or a field type data instance. | |
IDataManagementSupport | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | The IDataManagementSupport interface provides support for client-side Data Management Services operations for the TaskMananger service. | |
IDataOutput | flash.utils | A interface IDataOutput fornece um conjunto de métodos para a gravação de dados binários. | |
IDataRenderer | mx.core | The IDataRenderer interface defines the interface for components that have a data property. | |
IDCTServiceProvider | com.adobe.dct.service.provider | Interface whose implementaion class can be plugged into the DCT service provider for obtaining services. | |
IDeferredContentOwner | mx.core | The IDeferredContentOwner interface defines the properties and methods for deferred instantiation. | |
IDeferredInstance | mx.core | The IDeferredInstance interface defines the Flex deferred instance factory interface. | |
IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent | mx.core | The IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent interface defines the interface for a component or object that defers instantiation. | |
IDisplayable | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IDisplayable interface provides methods for getting and setting the display state of nodes that hold content (panel, view, and tile) in the DOM. | |
IDisplayText | spark.core | The IDisplayText interface defines the properties and methods for simple text display. | |
IDocument | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | This interface defines the basic properties of a document. | |
IDocumentCollection | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | This interface defines an entity that has a collection of documents associated with it. | |
IDomainFactory | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.factory | The factory interface to get a reference of domain objects. | |
IDomainInstanceFactory | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory | Interface being implemented by the DomainInstanceFactory. | |
IDownloadService | com.adobe.icc.services.download | Defines a service for downloading data related to assets on the server. | |
IDropDownController | xd.core.axm.view.components.support | The interface for a Drop Down Controller component. | |
IDropInListItemRenderer | mx.controls.listClasses | The interface for "drop-in" item renderers. | |
IEaser | spark.effects.easing | The IEaser interface is implemented by classes that provide time-easing functionality for the Animation class. | |
IEditableText | spark.core | The IEditableText interface defines the properties and methods for editable text. | |
IEditManager | flashx.textLayout.edit | IEditManager define a interface para tratar das operações de edição de um fluxo de texto. | |
IEffect | mx.effects | The IEffect interface defines the base interface of all Flex effects. | |
IEffectInstance | mx.effects | The IEffectInstance interface represents an instance of an effect playing on a target. | |
IEffectTargetHost | mx.effects | The IEffectTargetHost interface defines the interface that lets you access the target list-based control of a data effect. | |
IErrorManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | The interface to handle errors occurring on the client. | |
IEventDispatcher | flash.events | A interface IEventDispatcher define métodos para adicionar ou remover ouvintes de eventos, verifica se tipos de ouvinte de evento específicos estão registrados, além de enviar eventos. | |
IExportService | com.adobe.icc.services.export | Defines a service for exporting data related to assets. | |
IExpression | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Represents an expression object for authoring purposes. | |
IExpression | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | Interface representing an expression which is passed to the Expression Manager for management. | |
IExpressionEvaluationService | com.adobe.exm.expression | This Interface is used to register the expression SWF and evaluate the expression using pre-loaded swf. | |
IExpressionLoader | com.adobe.exm.expression | Interface to load the expression swf in a loader context | |
IExpressionManager | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | The ExpressionManager interface is the entry point into the Expression Manager runtime. | |
IExpressionProvider | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | The IExpressionProvider interface serves as the entry point for expression-specific operations during expression authoring. | |
IExpressionService | com.adobe.solutions.exm.expression | IExpressionService provides infrastructure services for expression persistence. | |
IExternalDataService | com.adobe.icc.services.external | Defines a service for reading data external to the service itself (i.e. | |
IFactory | com.adobe.gravity.utility.factory | A generic factory interface for general purpose use. | |
IFactory | mx.core | The IFactory interface defines the interface that factory classes such as ClassFactory must implement. | |
IFavoritesManager | lc.procmgmt | The IFavoritesManager interface is implemented to manage favorite TaskManager startpoints. | |
IFiberManagingService | com.adobe.fiber.services | A managing service instance provides generated value objects with a means to retrieve services that may be involved in calculation of properties of the value object. | |
IFiberService | com.adobe.fiber.services | This is a marker interface for all custom services generated from models created by using the Adobe application modeling technology. | |
IFileDataService | com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | Defines the operations on managed file instances. | |
IFilePromise | flash.desktop | A interface de IFilePromise define a interface usada pelo tempo de execução de AIR para ler dados de uma promessa de arquivo. | |
IFill | mx.graphics | Defines the interface that classes that perform a fill must implement. | |
IFilter | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter | The Filter interface is provided to define task filters. | |
IFilter | com.adobe.gravity.framework | An object that can be used to match against a set of properties. | |
IFlexAsset | mx.core | IFlexAsset is a marker interface with the following meaning: if a class declares that it implements IFlexAsset, then that class represents an asset -- such as a bitmap, a font, or a sound -- that has been embedded in a Flex application. | |
IFlexContextMenu | mx.controls | The IFlexContextMenu interface defines the interface for a Flex context menus. | |
IFlexDisplayObject | mx.core | The IFlexDisplayObject interface defines the interface for skin elements. | |
IFlexModule | mx.core | The IFlexModule interface is used as an optional contract with IFlexModuleFactory. | |
IFlexModuleFactory | mx.core | The IFlexModuleFactory interface represents the contract expected for bootstrapping Flex applications and dynamically loaded modules. | |
IFlowComposer | flashx.textLayout.compose | IFlowComposer define a interface para gerenciar o layout e a exibição de um fluxo de texto. | |
IFocusManager | fl.managers | Implementa a interface IFocusManager para criar um gerenciador de foco personalizado. | |
IFocusManager | mx.managers | The IFocusManager interface defines the interface that components must implement to manage the focus on components in response to mouse activity or keyboard activity (Tab key), and to support a default button. | |
IFocusManagerComplexComponent | mx.managers | The IFocusManagerComplexComponent interface defines the interface that components that can have more than one internal focus target should implement in order to receive focus from the FocusManager. | |
IFocusManagerComponent | fl.managers | A interface IFocusManagerComponent fornece métodos e propriedades que dão aos componentes a capacidade de receber foco. | |
IFocusManagerComponent | mx.managers | The IFocusManagerComponent interface defines the interface that focusable components must implement in order to receive focus from the FocusManager. | |
IFocusManagerContainer | mx.managers | The IFocusManagerContainer interface defines the interface that containers implement to host a FocusManager. | |
IFocusManagerGroup | fl.managers | A interface IFocusManagerGroup fornece propriedades que são usadas para gerenciar um conjunto de componentes dos quais apenas um pode ser selecionado por vez. | |
IFocusManagerGroup | mx.managers | The IFocusManagerGroup interface defines the interface that any component must implement if it is grouped in sets, where only one member of the set can be selected at any given time. | |
IFontContextComponent | mx.core | Allows a component to support a font context property. | |
IFormatResolver | flashx.textLayout.elements | Interface com um conversor de formato. | |
IFormatter | mx.formatters | This interface specifies the method that a formatter object must implement to allow it to be used as the formatter property for UI controls such as the AdvancedDataGridColumn. | |
IFormBridgeService | com.adobe.icc.services.formbridge | Defines the FormBridge External API for use with ICC and a LiveCycle ES2-generated PDF running in the HTML wrapper. | |
IFragmentLayoutService | com.adobe.icc.services.fragmentlayout | Defines a service for Fragment Layout management. | |
IFunction | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | Represents a function available for use inside expressions during expression authoring. | |
IFunctionFamily | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | Represents a family (group) of similar functions (e.g. | |
IFunctionMapper | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | Used by the Expression Manager for resolving any function calls encountered in an expression string. | |
IFunctionParameter | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | Represents an input parameter to a function. | |
IFunctionProvider | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | The IFunctionProvider interface serves as the entry point for function-specific operations during expression authoring. | |
IFunctionService | com.adobe.solutions.exm.method | IFunctionService provides infrastructure services for listing functions and function-families. | |
IGanttDataItem | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | This interface defines the data item that can be displayed in a GanttChart. | |
IGraphicElement | spark.core | The IGraphicElement is implemented by IVisualElements that take advantage of the parent IGraphicElementContainer DisplayObject management. | |
IGraphicElementContainer | spark.core | The IGraphicElementContainer is the minimal contract for a container class to support IGraphicElement children. | |
IGraphicsData | flash.display | Essa interface é usada para definir objetos que possam ser usados como parâmetros nos métodos flash.display.Graphics, incluindo preenchimentos, traçados e caminhos. | |
IGraphicsFill | flash.display | Essa interface é usada para definir objetos que possam ser usados como parâmetros de preenchimento nas classes de desenho e métodos flash.display.Graphics. | |
IGraphicsPath | flash.display | Essa interface é usada para definir objetos que possam ser usados como parâmetros de caminho nas classes de desenho e métodos flash.display.Graphics. | |
IGraphicsStroke | flash.display | Essa interface é usada para definir objetos que possam ser usados como parâmetros de traçado nas classes de desenho e métodos flash.display.Graphics. | |
IGravityFrameInit | com.adobe.gravity.init | Interface for the frame class in any extra frames of the bootstrapper. | |
IGridItemEditor | spark.components.gridClasses | The IGridItemEditor interface defines the interface that item editors for the Spark DataGrid and Spark Grid controls must implement. | |
IGridItemRenderer | spark.components.gridClasses | The IGridItemRenderer interface must be implemented by DataGrid item renderers. | |
IGridVisualElement | spark.components.gridClasses | This interface provides a method that dynamically created visual elements can use to configure themselves before they're displayed. | |
IGroupingCollection | mx.collections | The IGroupingCollection interface defines the interface required to create grouped data from flat data. | |
IGroupingCollection2 | mx.collections | The IGroupingCollection2 interface defines the interface required to create grouped data from flat data. | |
IGuide | com.adobe.guides.control | The IGuide interface is used to load, control and interact with a Guide definition. | |
IGuideData | com.adobe.guides.control | The IGuideData interface provides properties and methods which allow interaction with the guide's Data content. | |
IGuideDisplay | com.adobe.guides.control | The IGuideDisplay interface provides access to properties which control the visual composition of the guide. | |
IGuideErrors | com.adobe.guides.control | The IGuideErrors interface provides access to properties and methods which assist with dealing with validations and error states. | |
IGuideNavigation | com.adobe.guides.control | The IGuideNaviagation interface provides access to properties and methods to set, report current (Panel, Item), and provide some state information to assist with external navigation state. | |
IGuideNode | com.adobe.guides.domain | The IGuideNode interface is used to manage the shared structure of a guide with the Guide Component. | |
IGuideNodeMessage | com.adobe.guides.domain | The IGuideNodeMessage interface provides the properties for Error message processing. | |
IGuideResourceModule | com.adobe.guides.i18n | The IGuideResourceModule is used to identify a locale and the associated resource modules that are needed to be loaded. | |
IGuideSkinPart | com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components | Interface implemenent by guide wrapper level skin parts. | |
IGuideSource | com.adobe.guides.control | The IGuideSource interface provides access to properties to set the current Guide and resource bundle. | |
IGuideVariables | com.adobe.guides.control | The IGuideVariables interface provides access to properties and methods to set/get a guide's Model and/or Inputs values directly. | |
IGuideView | ga.views | The IGuideView interface provides a view to the guide sections and panels and can be used as a data provider. | |
IHeaderComponent | com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components | The interface implemented by the guide header skin part. | |
IHelpSource | lc.procmgmt.ui.help | For internal use only. | |
IHierarchicalCollectionView | mx.collections | The IHierarchicalCollectionView interface defines an interface for hierarchical or grouped data. | |
IHierarchicalCollectionViewCursor | mx.collections | The IHierarchicalCollectionViewCursor interface defines the interface for enumerating a hierarchical collection view bidirectionally. | |
IHierarchicalData | mx.collections | The IHierarchicalData interface defines the interface used to represent hierarchical data as the data provider for a Flex component. | |
IHighlightBitmapCaptureClient | spark.skins | The IHighlightBitmapCaptureClient defines the interface for skins that support highlight bitmap capture. | |
IHistoryManagerClient | mx.managers | Interface that must be implemented by objects registered with the History Manager. | |
IHTMLImporter | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Esta interface deve ser implementada por conversores que importam HTML ou dados estruturados pelo HTML. | |
IImageEncoder | mx.graphics.codec | The IImageEncoder interface defines the interface that image encoders implement to take BitmapData objects, or ByteArrays containing raw ARGB pixels, as input and convert them to popular image formats such as PNG or JPEG. | |
IIMEClient | flash.text.ime | Interface de clientes IME (editor de método de entrada). | |
IIMESupport | mx.core | The IIMESupport interface defines the interface for any component that supports IME (input method editor). | |
IInitiator | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines an initiator of a review. | |
IInjectableValue | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IInjectableValue interface provides an type for values that can be dependency injected into tiles. | |
IInteractionEventHandler | flashx.textLayout.edit | A interface IInteractionEventHandler define as funções do gerenciador de eventos tratadas por uma seleção do Text Layout Framework ou pelo gerenciador de edições. | |
IInterface | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IInterface interface provides methods for getting an interface name and an interface library name. | |
IInterfaceBuilder | com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | Builder interface for interface SWF definitions. | |
IInterfaceElementHandler | com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | Parse a <interface> child element. | |
IInterpolator | spark.effects.interpolation | The IInterpolator interface is implemented by classes that calculate values for the Animation class. | |
IInvalidating | com.adobe.gravity.ui | Interface for visual components that can be invalidated. | |
IInvalidating | mx.core | The IInvalidating interface defines the interface for components that use invalidation to do delayed -- rather than immediate -- property commitment, measurement, drawing, and layout. | |
IItemReference | mx.data | The IItemReference interface provides the contract for a ItemReference. | |
IItemRenderer | spark.components | The IItemRenderer interface defines the basic set of APIs that a class must implement to create an item renderer that can communicate with a host component. | |
IItemRendererOwner | spark.components | The IItemRendererOwner interface defines the basic set of APIs that a class must implement to support items renderers. | |
IKArmature | fl.ik | A classe IKArmature descreve uma armadura de cinemática inversa (IK). | |
IKBone | fl.ik | A classe IKBone descreve um único segmento, que é um componente fundamental de uma armadura de cinemática inversa (IK). | |
IKEvent | fl.ik | A classe IKEvent define eventos relacionados a objetos que contêm armaduras de cinemática inversa (IK). | |
IKJoint | fl.ik | A classe IKJoint define uma conexão entre dois bones, que são componentes fundamentais necessários de uma armadura cinemática inversa (IK). | |
IKManager | fl.ik | A classe IKManager é uma classe de contêiner que representa todas as árvores (armaduras) de cinemática inversa (IK) definidas em um documento e que permite o gerenciamento dessas armaduras no tempo de execução. | |
IKMover | fl.ik | A classe IKMover inicia e controla o movimento de cinemática inversa (IK) das armaduras. | |
ILayout | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The ILayout interface provides the interface for describing the layout of a container. | |
ILayoutChild | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | Components that are used with the SmartGridLayout, SmartColumnLayout, and SmartRowLayout, should implement this interface. | |
ILayoutComponent | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | Interface supported by the skinnable layout host components | |
ILayoutDirectionElement | mx.core | The ILayoutDirectionElement interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for an Object to support the layoutDirection property. | |
ILayoutElement | mx.core | The ILayoutElement interface is used primarily by the layout classes to query, size and position the elements of GroupBase containers. | |
ILayoutHost | ga.model | This is the core interface of Guide panel layouts and needs to be implemented by all guide panel layouts. | |
ILayoutManager | mx.managers | The LayoutManager is the engine behind Flex's measurement and layout strategy. | |
ILayoutManagerClient | mx.managers | The ILayoutManagerClient interface defines the interface that a component must implement to participate in the LayoutManager's commit/measurement/layout sequence. | |
ILayoutService | com.adobe.icc.services.layout | Defines a service for Layout (a.k.a. | |
ILayoutTarget | org.osmf.layout | ILayoutTarget defines the interface for an object that can be laid out visually. | |
ILCTask | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | The interface for using and integrating with tasks from the Document Server. | |
ILCTaskManager | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | The ILCTaskManagerinterface for the Task Manager service for the Document Server. | |
ILetterRenderService | com.adobe.icc.services.render | Defines a service for rendering Letters to PDFs. | |
ILetterService | com.adobe.icc.services.letter | Defines a service for Letter management. | |
IList | mx.collections | A collection of items organized in an ordinal fashion. | |
IListItemRenderer | mx.controls.listClasses | Item renderers and item editors for list components must implement the IListItemRenderer interface. | |
IListMarkerFormat | flashx.textLayout.formats | Esta interface dá acesso de leitura a propriedades relacionadas a ListMarkerFormat. | |
IllegalOperationError | flash.errors | A exceção IllegalOperationError é lançada quando um método não é implementado ou quando a implementação não abrange o uso atual. | |
ILocalizeableMessage | com.adobe.fiber.styles | The ILocalizeableAspect class represents a single message aspect of a style used by Adobe application modeling technology. | |
ILocatorService | com.adobe.icc.services.locator | Defines a service for locating external services accessible from the Correspondence Management Solution Accelerator. | |
ILogDestination | com.adobe.gravity.service.logging | Service interface for log destinations. | |
ILogger | com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging | The ILogger interface represents a logger. | |
ILogger | mx.logging | All loggers within the logging framework must implement this interface. | |
ILoggingTarget | mx.logging | All logger target implementations within the logging framework must implement this interface. | |
ILoginPage | lc.foundation.ui | The ILoginPage interface is implemented for configuring and retrieving user login information. | |
Image | coldfusion.service.mxml | The proxy class for image services exposed by ColdFusion. | |
Image | mx.controls | The Image control lets you import JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SWF files at runtime. | |
Image | spark.components | The Spark Image control is a skinnable component that provides a customizable loading state, chrome, and error state. | |
ImageAssetPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | This class defines the preview pod shown for Image. | |
ImageCell | fl.controls.listClasses | A ImageCell é o renderizador de célula padrão do componente TileList. | |
ImageDecodingPolicy | flash.system | A classe ImageDecodingPolicy fornece valores para imageDecodingPolicy na classe LoaderContext. | |
ImageEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | Editor to edit Image content | |
ImageElement | org.osmf.elements | ImageElement is a media element specifically created for presenting still images. | |
ImageHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Image. | |
ImageLoader | org.osmf.elements | ImageLoader is a loader that is capable of loading and displaying image files. | |
ImageLoadingSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark Image skin progress bar preloader. | |
ImageModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The ImageModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Image. | |
ImageModule | com.adobe.icc.vo | A value object for an image module. | |
ImageModuleInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | This class is the runtime representation of the image module present in the letter. | |
ImagePopUp | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | The host component to display an enlarged image. | |
ImageSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the Image component in mobile applications. | |
ImageSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark Image component. | |
ImageSnapshot | mx.graphics | A helper class used to capture a snapshot of any Flash component that implements flash.display.IBitmapDrawable, including Flex UIComponents. | |
IManaged | mx.data | The IManaged interface provides the contract for a managed object. | |
IManagedObject | lc.foundation.domain | The IManagedObject interface is to be implemented by all classes that are to be managed by Data Services and need to communicate with a Document Server. | |
IManager | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IManager interface serves as a base-interface for the framework manager objects that provide high-level application functionality. | |
IManager | lc.foundation | The IManager interface is implemented to expose operations and properties related to the Document Server session. | |
IManifestElementHandler | com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | Parse a <manifest> child element. | |
IManifestLoader | com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | Service interface for loading manifest files. | |
IManifestParseContext | com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | Context interface for bundle manifest parsing. | |
IMarshalSystemManager | mx.managers | The IMarshalSystemManager interface defines the methods and properties that classes must implement if they want to access, add, and remove bridges to other applications in a cross-versioned configuration. | |
IME | flash.system | A classe IME permite manipular diretamente o IME (editor de métodos de entrada) do sistema operacional no aplicativo de tempo de execução Flash em execução em um computador cliente. | |
IMeasurable | com.adobe.gravity.ui | Interface for visual components that implement a multiple-pass measurement protocol. | |
IMEConversionMode | flash.system | Esta classe contém constantes para uso com a propriedade IME.conversionMode. | |
IMediaContainer | org.osmf.containers | Defines the interface of objects within the OSMF that act as a container to a media object. | |
IMEEvent | flash.events | Um objeto IMEEvent é despachado quando o usuário insere texto usando um editor de método de entrada (IME). | |
IMember | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | This interface defines the basic properties of a member. | |
IMemberCollection | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | This interface defines an entity that has a collection of members associated with it. | |
IMenuBarItemRenderer | mx.controls.menuClasses | The IMenuBarItemRenderer interface defines the interface that an item renderer for the top-level menu bar of a MenuBar control must implement. | |
IMenuDataDescriptor | mx.controls.menuClasses | The IMenuDataDescriptor interface defines the interface that a dataDescriptor for a Menu or MenuBar control must implement. | |
IMenuItemRenderer | mx.controls.menuClasses | The IMenuItemRenderer interface defines the interface that a menu item renderer for a Menu control must implement. | |
IMessage | mx.messaging.messages | This interface defines the contract for message objects. | |
IMessageBus | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IMessageBus interface provides methods for handling inter-tile communication. | |
IMetadata | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IMetadata interface provides methods for querying the metadata elements. | |
IMetadataAvailable | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IMetadataAvailable interface provides methods for retrieving metadata about nodes in the DOM. | |
ImmediateFaultToken | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | ImmediateFaultToken is an implementation of IToken that simply calls the fault handlers "immediately" (on the next stack frame, so that recipients can add handlers to the token first). | |
ImmediateSuccessToken | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | ImmediateSuccessToken is an implementation of IToken that simply calls the success handlers "immediately" (on the next stack frame, so that recipients can add handlers to the token first). | |
IModelInstance | com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | The IModelInstance interface declares functions that expose metadata that depends on the instance state of value objects generated by Adobe application modeling technology. | |
IModelType | com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | The IModelType interface declares functions that expose metadata information that does not depend on instance state of value objects generated by Adobe application modeling technology. | |
IModerator | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines a moderator of a stage. | |
IModule | mx.modules | An interface that marks a class as being a module. | |
IModuleInfo | mx.modules | An interface that acts as a handle for a particular module. | |
IModuleInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | Domain model Interface corresponding to all data modules | |
IModuleResolverService | com.adobe.icc.services.module | Service for resolving modules into values that can be pushed into the PDF. | |
IModuleService | com.adobe.icc.services.module | Defines a service for Module management. | |
IMosaicComponent | com.adobe.mosaic.skinning | The IMosaicComponent interface is implemented by composite application user-interface components. | |
IMosaicContainer | com.adobe.mosaic.skinning | The IMosaicContainer interface is implemented by most composite application container, such as View, ViewManager, Panel, and Shell. | |
IMosaicNode | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IMosaicNode interface provides methods for retrieving information about nodes in the DOM. | |
ImportAssets | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common | TitleWindow Host component for showing the Import Assets Pop Up. | |
ImportExportManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | A manager for managaging the asset import export functionality. | |
ImportFMLView | com.adobe.dct.view | The ImportFMLView component is a TitleWindow that is shown(optionally) when an FML is imported for creating data dictionary. | |
ImportUrlDialog | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.document | The host component for displaying import URL dialog. | |
ImportXSDView | com.adobe.dct.view | The ImportXSDView component is a TitleWindow that is shown(optionally) when an XSD is imported for creating data dictionary. | |
IMXMLObject | mx.core | The IMXMLObject interface defines the APIs that a non-visual component must implement in order to work properly with the MXML compiler. | |
IMXMLSupport | mx.rpc.mxml | Implementing this interface means that an RPC service can be used in an MXML document by using MXML tags. | |
INavigatorComponent | com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components | Interface implemented by a guide navigator skin part. | |
INavigatorContent | mx.core | The INavigatorContent interface defines the interface that a container must implement to be used as the child of a navigator container, such as the ViewStack, TabNavigator, and Accordion navigator containers. | |
INCManager | fl.video | O INCManager é a interface de classes que criam o flash.net.NetConnection para a classe VideoPlayer. | |
IndeterminateBar | fl.controls.progressBarClasses | A classe IndeterminateBar manipula o desenho do componente da barra de progresso quando o tamanho da origem que está sendo carregada é desconhecido. | |
IndexBuffer3D | flash.display3D | IndexBuffer3D é usado para representar listas de índices de vértice que compreendem elementos gráficos retidos pelo subsistema de gráficos. | |
IndexChangedEvent | mx.events | The IndexChangedEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an index changes. | |
IndexChangeEvent | spark.events | The IndexChangeEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an index changes in a Spark component. | |
InfoAreaSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.skins | The skin for the GroupInformationArea renderer. | |
InitialQueue | lc.procmgmt.domain | The InitialQueue class represents the initial queue on the Document Server. | |
InitiateFromStartTaskCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The InitiateFromStartTaskCommand class starts a new task from an existing task. | |
Initiator | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | Defines the properties of an initiator of a review. | |
Initiator | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines an initiator in a review workflow. | |
InitiatorVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents the initiator of a review. | |
InlineGraphicElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe InlineGraphicElement gerencia objetos gráficos exibidos linearmente no texto. | |
InlineGraphicElementStatus | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe InlineGraphicElementStatus define um conjunto de constantes para verificar o valor de InLineGraphicElement.status. | |
INode | ga.util | For internal use only. | |
InsertInlineGraphicOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe InsertInlineGraphicOperation encapsula a inserção de um gráfico inline em um fluxo de texto. | |
InsertTextOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe InsertTextOperation encapsula uma operação de inserção de texto. | |
InstanceCache | mx.charts.chartClasses | InstanceCache is a utility that governs the task of creating and managing a set of n object instances, where n changes frequently. | |
InsufficientBandwidthRule | org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming | InsufficientBandwidthRule is a switching rule that switches down when the bandwidth is insufficient for the current stream. | |
InsufficientBufferRule | org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming | InsufficientBufferRule is a switching rule that switches down when the buffer has insufficient data. | |
int | Nível superior | A classe int permite trabalhar com o tipo de dados que representa um inteiro assinado de 32 bits. | |
InteractionInputType | fl.events | A classe InteractionInputType define constantes para os valores da propriedade triggerEvent do objeto SliderEvent. | |
InteractionMode | mx.core | The InteractionMode class defines the alues for the interactionMode property of the UIComponent class. | |
InteractionState | spark.components.supportClasses | Values for the state property of the InteractionStateDetector class. | |
InteractionStateDetector | spark.components.supportClasses | A helper class for components to use to help them determine if they should be in the up, over, or down states. | |
InteractiveIcon | flash.desktop | A classe InteractiveIcon é a classe base para os ícones do sistema operacional associados a aplicativos. | |
InteractiveObject | flash.display | A classe InteractiveObject é a classe base abstrata de todos os objetos de exibição com os quais o usuário pode interagir usando o mouse, o teclado e outro dispositivo de entrada. | |
InterDragManagerEvent | mx.events | An event sent between DragManagers that are in separate but trusted ApplicationDomains to handle the dispatching of DragEvents to the drag targets. | |
InterfaceAddress | flash.net | A classe InterfaceAddress informa as propriedades de um endereço de interface de rede. | |
InterManagerRequest | mx.events | This is an event that is sent between ApplicationDomains to notify trusted listeners about activity in a particular manager. | |
InternalConfig | coldfusion.service | The internal config object that stores all config-related information. | |
InterpolationMethod | flash.display | A classe InterpolationMethod fornece valores para o parâmetro interpolationMethod nos métodos Graphics.beginGradientFill() e Graphics.lineGradientStyle(). | |
InterruptionBehavior | mx.states | The InterruptionBehavior class defines constants for use with the interruptionBehavior property of the mx.states.Transition class. | |
IntUtil | mx.data.crypto | Contains reusable methods for operations pertaining to int values. | |
InvalidateRequestData | mx.events | The InvalidateRequestData class defines constants for the values of the data property of a SWFBridgeRequest object when used with the SWFBridgeRequest.INVALIDATE_REQUEST request. | |
InvalidationType | fl.core | A classe InvalidationType define constantes InvalidationType que são usadas pela propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento despachado após a invalidação de um componente. | |
InvalidCategoryError | mx.logging.errors | This error is thrown when a category specified for a logger contains invalid characters or is malformed. | |
InvalidChannelError | mx.messaging.errors | This error is thrown when a Channel can't be accessed or is not valid for the current destination. | |
InvalidDestinationError | mx.messaging.errors | This error is thrown when a destination can't be accessed or is not valid. | |
InvalidFilterError | mx.logging.errors | This error is thrown when a filter specified for a target contains invalid characters or is malformed. | |
InvalidSWFError | flash.errors | Os tempos de execução de Flash lançam esta exceção quando encontram um arquivo SWF corrompido. | |
InvokeEvent | flash.events | O objeto NativeApplication de um aplicativo AIR despacha um evento de invocação quando o aplicativo é invocado. | |
InvokeEvent | mx.rpc.events | The event that indicates an RPC operation has been invoked. | |
InvokeEventReason | flash.desktop | A classe InvokeEventReason enumera valores retornados pela propriedade do motivo de um objeto InvokeEvent. | |
InvokeParams | com.adobe.icc.external.dc | Formal definition of DC invocation parameters. | |
IObjectToken | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | The ObjectToken class represents a token for an asynchronous call that returns an object. | |
IOError | flash.errors | A exceção IOError é lançada quando ocorre um certo tipo de falha de entrada ou saída. | |
IOErrorEvent | flash.events | Um objeto IOErrorEvent é despachado quando um erro causa falha em uma operação de envio ou carregamento. | |
IOLAPAttribute | mx.olap | The IOLAPAttribute interface represents an attribute within a dimension of an OLAP schema. | |
IOLAPAxisPosition | mx.olap | The IOLAPAxisPosition interface represents a position on an OLAP axis. | |
IOLAPCell | mx.olap | The IOLAPCell interface represents a cell in an OLAPResult instance. | |
IOLAPCube | mx.olap | The IOLAPCube interface represents an OLAP cube that holds an N-dimensional representation of a flat data set. | |
IOLAPCustomAggregator | mx.olap | The IOLAPCustomAggregator interface defines the interface implemented by custom aggregator classes. | |
IOLAPDimension | mx.olap | The IOLAPDimension interface represents a dimension in an IOLAPCube instance. | |
IOLAPElement | mx.olap | The IOLAPElement interface defines a base interface that provides common properties for all OLAP elements. | |
IOLAPHierarchy | mx.olap | The IOLAPHierarchy interface represents a user-defined hierarchy in a dimension of an OLAP schema. | |
IOLAPLevel | mx.olap | The IOLAPLevel interface represents a level within the OLAP schema of an OLAP cube, where a hierarchy of a dimension contains one or more levels. | |
IOLAPMember | mx.olap | The IOLAPMember interface represents a member of a level of an OLAP schema. | |
IOLAPQuery | mx.olap | The IOLAPQuery interface represents an OLAP query that is executed on an IOLAPCube. | |
IOLAPQueryAxis | mx.olap | The IOLAPQueryAxis interface represents an axis of an OLAP query. | |
IOLAPResult | mx.olap | The IOLAPResult interface represents the result of a query on an OLAP cube. | |
IOLAPResultAxis | mx.olap | The IOLAPResultAxis interface represents an axis of the result of an OLAP query. | |
IOLAPSchema | mx.olap | The IOLAPSchema interface represents the OLAP schema. | |
IOLAPSet | mx.olap | The IOLAPSet interface represents a set, which is used to configure the axis of an OLAP query. | |
IOLAPTuple | mx.olap | The IOLAPTuple interface represents a tuple. | |
IOperand | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el | This is interface for all the operands | |
IOperation | flashx.undo | IOperation define a interface para as operações que podem ser desfeitas e refeitas. | |
IOperator | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el | This is the interface for all operators | |
IOverride | mx.states | The IOverride interface is used for view state overrides. | |
IPackageObject | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller | All component objects that load attachments or resources from the package definition file must implement this interface. | |
IPagedList | mx.data | The IPagedList is a marker interface for list implementations that implement their own paging. | |
IPanel | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IPanel interface defines the methods for adding tiles to a panel. | |
IPanel | ga.model | The IPanel interface defines the properties that can be extracted from a Guide panel. | |
IPanelItem | ga.model | The IPanelItem interface is implemented by components that are passed as inputs into the LayoutTemplate class. | |
IPanelText | ga.model | The IPanelText interface represents the text in panel as a string or HTML formatted string. | |
IParticipant | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines a participant in review. | |
IPersistenceManager | spark.managers | IPersistenceManager defines the interface that all persistence managers must implement. | |
IPin | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | An IPin object is a type of ticket which can be used to authenticate a user in remote call. | |
IPlainTextExporter | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Esta interface deve ser implementada por conversores que exportam texto simples. | |
IPortfolioRenderService | com.adobe.icc.services.render | Defines a service for rendering portfolio templates to PDF Portfolios. | |
IPreferencesManager | lc.foundation | The IPreferencesManagerinterface is implemented to manage the various preferences that the user has access to. | |
IPreloaderDisplay | mx.preloaders | Defines the interface that a class must implement to be used as a download progress bar. | |
IPreviewManager | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | Handles Preview pod data retrieval from the back end. | |
IPreviewUIControl | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview | This interface should be implemented by components who want to provide their custom Preview Pod renderer. | |
IProcessManager | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.manager | This interface defines operations around process that can be used as hooks to customize review workflow. | |
IProcessManager | lc.procmgmt | The IProcessManager interface is implemented to determine the list of processes that the user has participated in. | |
IProgrammaticSkin | mx.core | The IProgrammaticSkin interface defines the interface that skin classes must implement if they use the name property skin interface. | |
IProgressOperation | com.adobe.gravity.service.progress | Represents an in-progress operation for the purposes of status reporting. | |
IProgressReporter | com.adobe.gravity.service.progress | Returned by IProgressService.startOperation() for in-progress operation reporting. | |
IProgressService | com.adobe.gravity.service.progress | A service for reporting the progress of background operations. | |
IProgressTracker | com.adobe.gravity.service.progress | A service for receiving progress events for asynchronous operations. | |
IProject | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | An interface for defining a project domain object. | |
IProjectManagementCoreService | com.adobe.solutions.prm.service | This interface defines core operation for project management like, create, update, and delete entities. | |
IProjectManagementQueryService | com.adobe.solutions.prm.service | This interface defines the operations to retrieve and search projects and WorkItems. | |
IProperty | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter | The IProperty provides the interface for task filter property names. | |
IPropertyChangeNotifier | mx.core | The IPropertyChangeNotifier interface defines a marker interface. | |
IPropertyIterator | com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | Interface defines methods for navigating through an iterator of property names of a particular entity. | |
IProviderFactory | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain | The IProviderFactory represents the entry point into the EXM authoring domain model. | |
IPVersion | flash.net | A classe IPVersion define constantes que representam as diversas famílias de endereços IP. | |
IQueryService | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.search.lccontent | Query Service Interface for doing Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content Repository specific searches. | |
IQueryService | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.search | An interface that provides search capability from backend Data Services destinations. | |
IQueueManager | lc.procmgmt | The IQueueManager interface is implemented to manage Queue objects. | |
IRawChildrenContainer | mx.core | The IRawChildrenContainer interface defines the APIs for containers that can return an IChildList that represents all their children. | |
IRCADomainFactory | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.factory | The factory interface to get the reference of domain objects. | |
IRCAServiceProvider | com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | This interface defines methods that can be invoked to get service instances. | |
IReconnect | lc.foundation.ui | The IReconnect interface is implemented for permitting users to reconnect to Workspace. | |
IRectangularBorder | mx.core | The IRectangularBorder interface defines the interface that all classes used for rectangular border skins should implement. | |
IReferenceServiceProperty | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IReferenceServiceProperty interface provides methods for getting a name, a reference name, and an IService. | |
IRelationshipManager | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | Interface to implement if application want to provide it's own relationship/publish implementation | |
IRenderService | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | The IRenderService interface is used by classes to implement render support for stand-alone tasks. | |
IRepeater | mx.core | The IRepeater interface defines the public APIs of the Repeater object. | |
IRepeaterClient | mx.core | The IRepeaterClient interface defines the APIs for components that can have multiple instances created by a Repeater. | |
IResourceBundle | mx.resources | The IResourceBundle and IResourceManager interfaces work together to provide localization support for Flex applications. | |
IResourceManager | mx.resources | The APIs of the IResourceManager interface provide localization support for Flex applications. | |
IResponder | mx.rpc | This interface provides the contract for any service that needs to respond to remote or asynchronous calls. | |
IReviewCommentingAndApproval | com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | Signature for core service of Review Commenting and Approval Building Block 10.0. | |
IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core | Defines core functionality for the Review Commenting and Approval building block. | |
IReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core | Defines core functionality for the Review Commenting and Approval Utility service. | |
IReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | This interface defines the utility functions that are exposed by Review Commenting and Approval utility service. | |
IReviewContext | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines details of a particular review version. | |
IReviewer | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines the properties of a reviewer participant in a review stage. | |
IReviewTemplate | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines a schedule template, | |
Iris | fl.transitions | A classe Iris revela o objeto de clipe de filme usando uma máscara animada de uma forma quadrada ou uma forma circular que aumenta ou diminui o zoom. | |
Iris | mx.effects | The Iris effect animates the effect target by expanding or contracting a rectangular mask centered on the target. | |
IrisInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The IrisInstance class implements the instance class for the Iris effect. | |
IRulerItemRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.ruler | This interface defines the properties of an item renderer that can be used to render the ruler in the Gantt chart. | |
IRuntimeManager | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IRuntimeManager interface represents an instance of a process runtime. | |
ISandboxSupport | flashx.textLayout.container | Interface para suportar conteúdo TLF em um subaplicativo. | |
ISearchableText | flash.accessibility | A interface ISearchableText pode ser implementada por objetos que contêm o texto que deve ser pesquisável na web. | |
ISearchProvider | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | The ISearchProvider interface implements a custom search implementation. | |
ISearchProvider | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client | Enables an application to provide its own search implementation. | |
ISearchUIControl | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | This interface should be implemented by components that want to provide a custom Search Control (Search Renderer) | |
ISearchView | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | Interface to be implemented by component that wants to provide custom search view similar to BasicSearchView or AdvanceSearchView | |
ISection | ga.model | The ISection interface defines the properties that can be extracted from a section. | |
ISecurityManager | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | The ISecurityManager interface provides methods to perform user authentication. | |
ISelectable | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.interfaces | This interface is implemented by classes that provide the ability to single-out, or select, one of their elements. | |
ISelectableList | mx.core | The ISelectableList interface indicates that the implementor is an IList element that supports a selectedIndex property. | |
ISelectionManager | flashx.textLayout.edit | A interface ISelectionManager define a interface para gerenciar a seleção de texto. | |
IServer | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IServer interface defines methods for retrieving Experience Server information. | |
IService | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IService interface defines methods for retrieving service information. | |
IServiceFactory | com.adobe.gravity.framework | Services implement IServiceFactory when they need additional control over how service objects are dispensed. | |
IServiceLibrary | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IServiceLibrary interface defines methods for retrieving service library information. | |
IServiceProvider | com.adobe.solutions.exm | The IServiceProvider interface represents the entry point for the Expression Manager infrastructure services, and provides common services which can be used by both the authoring component and the runtime (these services are typically data-centric, for example, services for listing available functions and variables). | |
IServiceProvider | com.adobe.solutions.prm.service | This interface defines methods that can be invoked to get service instances. | |
IServiceReference | com.adobe.gravity.framework | The IServiceReference interface is a "handle" to a service. | |
IServiceRegistration | com.adobe.gravity.framework | The IServiceRegistration interface is used can be used by a bundle to manage the properties of services exposed by that bundle and to unregister the services. | |
IServiceTrackerCustomizer | com.adobe.gravity.tracker | Interface for customizing the behaviour of a ServiceTracker. | |
ISession | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | The ISession class defines the interfaces to access user-related states, such as a security ticket. | |
ISession | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The ISession interface represents an instance of a user's server connection. | |
ISessionConfiguration | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The ISessionConfiguration provides a descriptor to the runtime for any options that the application author wishes to specify for the creation of the ISession. | |
ISessionManager | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The ISessionManager interface represents an instance of a server connection pool. | |
ISessionManager | lc.foundation | The ISessionManager interface is implemented to expose operations and properties related to the Document Server session. | |
ISharedDisplayObject | spark.core | The ISharedDisplayObject interface defines the minimum requirements that a DisplayObject must implement to be shared between IGraphicElement objects. | |
IShell | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IShell interface provides access to the DOM that makes up a composite application. | |
ISimpleStyleClient | mx.styles | This interface describes the properties and methods that an object must implement so that it can participate in the style subsystem. | |
ISimpleTextSelection | flash.accessibility | A classe ISimpleTextSelection pode ser usada para incluir suporte para a interface MSAA ISimpleTextSelection para uma AccessibilityImplementation. | |
ISmallMessage | mx.messaging.messages | A marker interface that is used to indicate that an IMessage has an alternative smaller form for serialization. | |
ISort | mx.collections | The ISort interface defines the interface for classes that provide the sorting information required to sort the data of a collection view. | |
ISortField | mx.collections | The ISortField interface defines the interface for classes that are used with ISort classes, to provide the sorting information required to sort the specific fields or property in a collection view. | |
ISSOManager | com.adobe.icc.services.user | The ISSOManager expose operations related to Single Sign On (SSO) in LiveCycle ES environment. | |
IStackable | mx.charts.chartClasses | The IStackable interface is implemented by any series that can be stacked. | |
IStackable2 | mx.charts.chartClasses | The IStackable2 interface is implemented by any series that can be stacked. | |
IStage | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines a stage inside a schedule template. | |
IStageManagement | com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | Signatures of operations supported on stage templates. | |
IStageParticipant | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines the basic properties of a participant of a creation, a review, or an approval stage. | |
IStageTemplate | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines a stage template. | |
IStartpointManager | lc.procmgmt | The IStartpointManager interface is implemented to manage TaskManager startpoints. | |
IStateClient | mx.core | The IStateClient interface defines the interface that components must implement to support view states. | |
IStateClient2 | mx.core | The IStateClient2 interface defines the interface that components must implement to support Flex 4 view state semantics. | |
IStroke | mx.graphics | Defines the interface that classes that define a line must implement. | |
IStyle | com.adobe.fiber.styles | The IStyle interface defines a representation of a style associated with the Adobe application modeling technology. | |
IStyleClient | mx.styles | This interface describes the properties and methods that an object must implement so that it can fully participate in the style subsystem. | |
IStyleManager | mx.styles | The IStyleManager class manages the following: Which CSS style properties the class inherits Which style properties are colors, and therefore get special handling A list of strings that are aliases for color values This interface was used by Flex 2.0.1. | |
IStyleManager2 | mx.styles | The IStyleManager2 class manages the following: Which CSS style properties the class inherits Which style properties are colors, and therefore get special handling A list of strings that are aliases for color values | |
IStyleModule | mx.styles | Simple interface to manipulate style modules. | |
ISubmit | com.adobe.guides.submit | The ISubmit interface is used to call one of the components built-in submission processes with supplied data. | |
ISubmitResult | com.adobe.guides.submit | The ISubmitResult interface is used to handle the results, success or failure, of an ISubmit submit(x) call. | |
ISubmitResultAware | com.adobe.guides.submit | The ISubmitResultAware interface is used to register to handle the results, success or failure, of an ISubmit submit(x) call. | |
ISubmitService | com.adobe.icc.services.submit | Defines a service for submitting filled letter data (ICC Data). | |
ISummaryCalculator | mx.collections | The ISummaryCalculator interface defines the interface implemented by custom summary calculator classes. | |
ISupportingDocument | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines a supporting document. | |
ISWFBridgeGroup | mx.core | A sandbox bridge group is a group of bridges that represent applications that this application can communicate with. | |
ISWFBridgeProvider | mx.core | An implementor of ISWFBridgeProvider provides a bridge to an application in a different security sandbox or to an application that was compiled with a different version of the Flex compiler and is running in a separate ApplicationDomain. | |
ISWFContext | flashx.textLayout.compose | A interface de ISWFContext permite que um arquivo SWF compartilhe o seu contexto com outros arquivos SWF que o carregam. | |
ISWFLoader | mx.core | The ISWFLoader interface defines an API with special properties and method required when loading compatible applications and untrusted applications. | |
ISystemManager | mx.managers | An ISystemManager manages an "application window". | |
ITabStopFormat | flashx.textLayout.formats | Esta interface dá acesso de leitura a propriedades relacionadas a paradas de tabulação. | |
ITask | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | The interface for task objects that are managed by the ITaskManager API. | |
ITaskManager | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | The ITaskManager interface for the API to manage tasks such as create tasks, delete tasks, modify tasks, complete tasks. | |
ITaskManager | lc.procmgmt | The ITaskManager interface contains methods and properties to retrieve and manage tasks. | |
ITaskProperty | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | The ITaskProperty class defines the interface for creating classes that store custom task properties. | |
ITaskPropertyDefinition | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | The interface defines the custom task type property definitions. | |
ITeamMember | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | An interface for defining a Team Member domain object. | |
ItemClickEvent | mx.events | Represents events that are dispatched when a navigation item on a navigator bar, such as a ButtonBar, LinkBar, or TabBar control, has been clicked. | |
ItemPendingError | mx.collections.errors | This error is thrown when retrieving an item from a collection view requires an asynchronous call. | |
ItemReference | mx.data | An ItemReference instance is returned from the DataService.getItem() and DataService.createItem() methods to provide a way to manage a reference to the remote object. | |
ItemRenderer | spark.components.supportClasses | The ItemRenderer class is the base class for Spark item renderers. | |
ItemResponder | mx.collections | The ItemResponder class provides a default implementation of the mx.rpc.IResponder interface. | |
ITextExporter | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Interface para exportar o conteúdo de texto de um exemplo TextFlow para um formato específico, que pode ser por exemplo formato de sequência de caracteres, XML ou um formato definido pelo usuário. | |
ITextImporter | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Interface para importar conteúdo de texto para um TextFlow a partir de uma origem externa. | |
ITextInput | mx.core | Defines an interface for a single-line text field that is optionally editable. | |
ITextLayoutFormat | flashx.textLayout.formats | Esta interface dá acesso de leitura a propriedades relacionadas a FlowElements. | |
ITextLayoutImporter | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Esta interface deve ser implementada por conversores que importam dados estruturados de TextLayout. | |
ITicket | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | A ticket can be used to authenticate the user while making remote calls. | |
ITile | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The ITile interface provides methods for retrieving information about composite application tile's details. | |
ITitleManager | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.manager | This interface defines the operations for managing the titles that can be assigned to members of a project or workitem. | |
IToggleButton | mx.core | The IToggleButton interface is a marker interface that indicates that a component acts as a toggleable button. | |
IToken | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | The Token class provides a mechanism to specify handlers for asynchronous calls. | |
IToken | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | IToken objects are returned from functions that initiate asynchronous operations. | |
ITokenResponder | mx.data | An extension of mx.rpc.IResponder with an additional result token, AsyncToken field. | |
IToolTip | mx.core | The IToolTip interface defines the API that tooltip-like components must implement in order to work with the ToolTipManager. | |
IToolTipManagerClient | mx.managers | Components that implement IToolTipManagerClient can have tooltips and must have a toolTip getter/setter. | |
ITransientDeferredInstance | mx.core | The ITransientDeferredInstance interface extends IDeferredInstance and adds the ability for the user to reset the deferred instance factory to its initial state (usually this implies releasing any known references to the component, such as the setting the owning document property that refers to the instance to null). | |
ITreeDataDescriptor | mx.controls.treeClasses | Interface providing methods for parsing and adding nodes to a collection of data that is displayed by a Tree control. | |
ITreeDataDescriptor2 | mx.controls.treeClasses | The ITreeDataDescriptor2 Interface defines methods for parsing and adding nodes to a collection of data that is displayed by a Tree control. | |
ITween | fl.motion | A interface ITween define a API (Interface de programação de aplicativos) implementada pelas classes de interpolação para funcionamento com as classes fl.motion. | |
IUIAttributes | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IUIAttributes interface provides methods for setting and getting values that map directly to Flex UIComponent attributes. | |
IUIComponent | mx.core | The IUIComponent interface defines the basic set of APIs that you must implement to create a child of a Flex container or list. | |
IUID | mx.core | The IUID interface defines the interface for objects that must have Unique Identifiers (UIDs) to uniquely identify the object. | |
IUIService | com.adobe.gravity.ui | The interface for visual components returned from user interface service factories (IUIServiceFactory service objects). | |
IUIServiceFactory | com.adobe.gravity.ui | A factory for IUIService instances. | |
IUITextField | mx.core | The IUITextField interface defines the basic set of APIs for UITextField instances. | |
IUndoManager | flashx.undo | IUndoManager define a interface para gerenciamento das pilhas de reversão e repetição. | |
IURIDereferencer | flash.security | IURIDereferencer define uma interface para objetos que resolvem URIs em uma assinatura XML. | |
IUser | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | The IUser interface provides read-access to a user's attributes, and offers basic support for authorization checking. | |
IUser | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | Defines a user such as a project or an asset owner, a team member, or a stage participant. | |
IUserAware | lc.foundation.domain | The IUserAware interface is to be implemented by classes that need to be aware of a User object. | |
IUserManager | com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | This interface defines methods exposed for user management. | |
IUserManager | lc.foundation | The IUserManager interface contains methods for finding users and groups. | |
IValidation | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | Interface to be implemented by the claases containing content that requires validation | |
IValidator | mx.validators | This interface specifies the methods and properties that a Validator object must implement. | |
IValidatorListener | mx.validators | The interface that components implement to support the Flex data validation mechanism. | |
IValueObject | com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | Every value object generated from a model implements the IValueObject interface, and is guaranteed to expose a _model getter. | |
IVariable | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.variable | Domain interface representing a variable which can be used inside an expression during expression authoring. | |
IVariablePanel | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring | The interface for "drop-in" VariablePanel or DataElementPanel | |
IVariableProvider | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.variable | The IVariableProvider interface serves as the entry point for variable-specific operations during expression authoring. | |
IVariableResolver | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | Used by the Expression Manager for resolving any variable references encountered in an expression, for setting the values of variables which are targets of expressions and for being notified of externally triggered changes in variable values. | |
IVariableService | com.adobe.solutions.exm.variable | IVariableService provides infrastructure services for listing available variables. | |
IVersionManager | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | Handles version history retrieval from the Experience Server. | |
IVerticalJustificationLine | flashx.textLayout.compose | A interface IVerticalJustificationLine define os métodos e propriedades necessários para permitir a justificação vertical de linhas de texto. | |
IView | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IView interface defines methods for adding panels, saving views, and retrieving view context and a list of panels. | |
IViewCursor | mx.collections | Defines the interface for enumerating a collection view bi-directionally. | |
IViewManager | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | The IViewManager interface provides access to the views and includes add/remove/get of views. | |
IViewport | spark.core | The IViewport interface is implemented by components that support a viewport. | |
IVisualElement | mx.core | The IVisualElement interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for a visual element to be laid out and displayed in a Spark container. | |
IVisualElementContainer | mx.core | The IVisualElementContainer interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for a container to manage Spark components for display. | |
IVPEvent | fl.video | A interface IVPEvent é implementada por eventos de vídeo que se aplicam a um objeto VideoPlayer específico no componente FLVPlayback. | |
IWindow | mx.core | The IWindow interface defines the API for components that serve as top-level containers in Flex-based AIR applications (containers that represent operating system windows). | |
IWorkItem | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | An interface for defining a WorkItem domain object. | |
IWorkItemManagementService | com.adobe.solutions.prm.service | This interface defines operations to manage a work item. | |
IWrapperHost | ga.controls | Interface that must be implemented by all guide wrapper components. | |
IXMLDecoder | mx.rpc.xml | Decodes an XML document to an ActionScript object graph based on XML Schema definitions. | |
IXMLEncoder | mx.rpc.xml | Encodes an ActionScript object graph to XML based on an XML schema. | |
IXMLNotifiable | mx.utils | The IXMLNotifiable interface. | |
IXMLSchemaInstance | mx.rpc.xml | An ActionScript type should implement this interface when it needs to instruct an XML Schema based encoder (such as the WebService SOAP client) which concrete type definition to use while encoding instances of the type. | |
JobId | mx.rpc.livecycle | The JobID class defines a container for the id associated with an asynchronous LiveCycle invocation. | |
JobStatus | mx.rpc.livecycle | The JobStatus class is the ActionScript representation of a LiveCycle JobStatus object. | |
JointStyle | flash.display | A classe JointStyle é uma enumeração de valores constantes que especificam o estilo de união a ser usado no desenho de linhas. | |
JPEGEncoder | mx.graphics.codec | The JPEGEncoder class converts raw bitmap images into encoded images using Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compression. | |
JPEGEncoderOptions | flash.display | A classe JPEGEncoderOptions define um algoritmo de compactação para o método flash.display.BitmapData.encode(). | |
JPEGLoaderContext | flash.system | A classe JPEGLoaderContext inclui uma propriedade para ativar um filtro de desbloqueio ao carregar uma imagem JPEG. | |
JPEGXREncoderOptions | flash.display | A classe JPEGXREncoderOptions define um algoritmo de compactação para o método flash.display.BitmapData.encode(). | |
JSON | Nível superior | A classe JSON permite que aplicativos importem e exportem dados usando o formato de Notação de objeto JavaScript (JSON). | |
JustificationRule | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para configurar a propriedade justificationRule da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
JustificationStyle | flash.text.engine | A classe JustificationStyle é uma enumeração de valores constantes para definir a propriedade justificationStyle da classe EastAsianJustifier. | |
Kerning | flash.text.engine | A classe Kerning é uma enumeração dos valores constantes usados com ElementFormat.kerning. | |
Keyboard | flash.ui | A classe Keyboard é usada para criar uma interface que pode ser controlada por um usuário com um teclado padrão. | |
KeyboardEvent | flash.events | Um ID de objeto KeyboardEvent enviou uma resposta à entrada do usuário por um teclado. | |
KeyboardType | flash.ui | A classe KeyboardType é uma classe de enumeração que fornece valores para diferentes categorias de computadores físicos ou teclados de dispositivo. | |
Keyframe | fl.motion | A classe Keyframe define o estado visual em um determinado momento de uma interpolação de movimento. | |
Keyframe | spark.effects.animation | The Keyframe class defines the value of a property at a specific time during an effect. | |
KeyframeBase | fl.motion | A classe KeyframeBase define o estado visual em um determinado momento de uma interpolação de movimento. | |
KeyLocation | flash.ui | A classe KeyLocation contém constantes que indicam a localização de uma tecla pressionada no teclado ou em um dispositivo de entrada semelhante a um teclado. | |
Label | fl.controls | Um componente Label exibe uma ou mais linhas de texto HTML ou sem formatação que pode ser formatado para alinhamento e tamanho. | |
Label | mx.controls | The Label control displays a single line of noneditable text. | |
Label | spark.components | Label is a low-level UIComponent that can render one or more lines of uniformly-formatted text. | |
LabelAccImpl | mx.accessibility | LabelAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Label class. | |
LabelAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Label control. | |
LabelButton | fl.controls | A classe LabelButton é uma classe abstrata que estende a classe BaseButton, adicionando um rótulo, um ícone e a funcionalidade de alternância. | |
LabelButtonAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe LabelButtonAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de LabelButton, é usada para tornar acessível um componente LabelButton. | |
LabeledHRule | ga.controls | The LabeledHRule control renders a HRule with a label. | |
LabelEditor | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors | The LabelEditor is a control used to edit the labels of other controls in-place. | |
LabelEditorEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors | The LabelEditorEvent is dispatched by the LabelEditor when the change should be committed (saved) or cancelled (discarded). | |
LabelItemRenderer | spark.components | The LabelItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a list-based control in the mobile theme. | |
LabelUtil | spark.utils | The LabelUtil class is used by components to determine the correct text to display for their renderers or sub-parts. | |
LastOperationStatus | flash.globalization | A classe LastOperationStatus enumera valores de constantes que representam o status da operação de serviço de globalização mais recente. | |
LastOperationStatus | spark.globalization | The LastOperationStatus class enumerates constant values that represent the status of the most recent globalization service operation. | |
LayoutAssetPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | This class defines the preview pod shown for Layout. | |
LayoutBase | spark.layouts.supportClasses | The LayoutBase class defines the base class for all Spark layouts. | |
LayoutContainer | mx.core | Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your module or Application without explicitly defining another container. | |
LayoutDirection | mx.core | The LayoutDirection class defines the constant values for the layoutDirection style of an IStyleClient and the layoutDirection property of an ILayoutDirectionElement. | |
LayoutEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | Editor to edit Layout content | |
LayoutEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | The LayoutEvent is used to instruct layouts (or their targets) to handle special requests. | |
LayoutEvent | fl.video | Evento despachado quando o player de vídeo é redimensionado e/ou disposto. | |
LayoutHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Layout. | |
LayoutHostBase | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | The LayoutHostBase class is the base class for all Skinnable Guide panel layouts. | |
LayoutManager | mx.managers | The LayoutManager is the engine behind Flex's measurement and layout strategy. | |
LayoutMetadata | org.osmf.layout | Defines a metadata object that contains the properties upon which a layout renderer will base its layout. | |
LayoutMode | org.osmf.layout | Defines an enumeration of layout modes as supported by the layout renderer. | |
LayoutModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The LayoutModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Layout. | |
LayoutRenderer | org.osmf.layout | A layout renderer that sizes and positions its targets using the LayoutMetadata that it looks for on its targets. | |
LayoutRendererBase | org.osmf.layout | LayoutRendererBase is the base class for custom layout renderers. | |
LayoutTargetSprite | org.osmf.layout | LayoutTargetSprite defines a Sprite-based ILayoutTarget implementation. | |
LayoutTemplate | ga.model | The LayoutTemplate class is the base class for all Guide panel layouts. | |
LCCQueryServiceFactory | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.search.lccontent | Factory class to get IQueryService instance based on the type of Assembler used by the Data Services destinations. | |
LCTaskManager | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | The TaskManager class provides the implementation for tasks that reside on the Document Server. | |
LCTaskManagerServiceConstants | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | A collection of constant and default values for the LCTaskManager class. | |
Ldap | coldfusion.service.mxml | The proxy class for ldap services exposed by ColdFusion. | |
LDMAssignment | com.adobe.icc.vo | Properties of a data module assigned to a data module as a list item. | |
LeadingModel | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para configurar a propriedade leadingModel da classe TextLayoutFormat, composta por combinações válidas de base e da direção de leading. | |
LeafNode | ga.util | For internal use only. | |
LeftAccordion | ga.wrappers | Defines the default Left Accordion Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
LeftMultilevel | ga.wrappers | Defines the default Left Multilevel Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
Legend | mx.charts | The Legend control adds a legend to your charts, where the legend displays the label for each data series in the chart and a key showing the chart element for the series. | |
LegendAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Legend class. | |
LegendData | mx.charts.chartClasses | The LegendData structure is used by charts to describe the items that should be displayed in an auto-generated legend. | |
LegendItem | mx.charts | Controls the individual legend elements in a chart legend. | |
LegendItemAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LegendItem class. | |
LegendMouseEvent | mx.charts.events | The LegendMouseEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the chart legend components. | |
Letter | com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo | Value object for a letter. | |
LetterAssetPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | This class defines the preview pod shown for Letter. | |
LetterContentPanel | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter | The component which lists all the target areas of a letter's layout or fragment and allows editing of the target areas by inserting content from the content library. | |
LetterDataChangeEvent | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events | LetterDataChangeEvent is the event dispatched when data merging is complete for the letter. | |
LetterDataPanel | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | This component lists all the data elements of the letter and also allows editing of the linkage of data elements. | |
LetterEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter | The component which allows editing of the Letter content. | |
LetterHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Letter. | |
LetterInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | This class is the runtime representation of the letter. | |
LetterInstanceBuilder | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | This class represents the generic class to create instance of letter based on set of parameters provided as input. | |
LetterModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The LetterModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Letter. | |
LetterPDFContainer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.pdf | Create Correspondence UI Letter PDF container. | |
LetterState | com.adobe.icc.enum | Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Letter. | |
LetterVariableModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | An extension of the variable domain class, this class is for variable objects used in the letter's assignments. | |
LibraryEvent | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.events | The event disptached by the Content Library when the user selects any content. | |
LibraryInsertEvent | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events | LibraryInsertEvent is the event dispatched when the agent clicks the library insert button for a ListModule in content panel of the CCR UI. | |
LigatureLevel | flash.text.engine | A classe LigatureLevel é uma enumeração dos valores constantes usados na definição da propriedade ligatureLevel da classe ElementFormat. | |
LightweightVideoElement | org.osmf.elements | LightweightVideoElement is a media element specifically created for video playback. | |
Line | spark.primitives | The Line class is a graphic element that draws a line between two points. | |
Linear | fl.motion.easing | A classe Linear define funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento não acelerado com animações ActionScript. | |
Linear | mx.effects.easing | The Linear class defines easing functions to implement linear motion with Flex effect classes. | |
Linear | spark.effects.easing | The Linear class defines an easing with three phases: acceleration, uniform motion, and deceleration. | |
LinearAxis | mx.charts | The LinearAxis class maps numeric values evenly between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis. | |
LinearGradient | mx.graphics | The LinearGradient class lets you specify the fill of a graphical element, where a gradient specifies a gradual color transition in the fill color. | |
LinearGradientStroke | mx.graphics | The LinearGradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke. | |
LineBreak | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para estabelecer a propriedade lineBreak de TextLayoutFormat para especificar como as linhas são quebradas dentro do texto quebrado. | |
LineChart | mx.charts | The LineChart control represents a data series as points connected by a continuous line. | |
LineFormattedTarget | mx.logging.targets | All logger target implementations that have a formatted line style output should extend this class. | |
LineJustification | flash.text.engine | A classe LineJustification é uma enumeração dos valores constantes usados na definição da propriedade lineJustfication das subclasses TextJustifier. | |
LineRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | A simple implementation of a line segment renderer that is used by LineSeries objects. | |
LineScaleMode | flash.display | A classe LineScaleMode fornece valores para o parâmetro scaleMode no método Graphics.lineStyle(). | |
LineSeries | mx.charts.series | Defines a data series for a LineChart control. | |
LineSeriesAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LineSeries class. | |
LineSeriesItem | mx.charts.series.items | Represents the information required to render an item as part of a LineSeries. | |
LineSeriesRenderData | mx.charts.series.renderData | Represents all the information needed by the LineSeries to render. | |
LineSeriesSegment | mx.charts.series.items | Represents the information required to render a segment in a LineSeries. | |
LinkBar | mx.controls | A LinkBar control defines a horizontal or vertical row of LinkButton controls that designate a series of link destinations. | |
LinkBarAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LinkBar control. | |
LinkButton | mx.controls | The LinkButton control is a borderless Button control whose contents are highlighted when a user moves the mouse over it. | |
LinkButtonAccImpl | mx.accessibility | LinkButtonAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the LinkButton class. | |
LinkButtonSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of a LinkButton. | |
LinkButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX LinkButton component. | |
LinkButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX LinkButton component. | |
LinkedList | mx.utils | Provides a generic doubly linked list implementation. | |
LinkedListNode | mx.utils | Class representing a doubly linked list node. | |
LinkElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe LinkElement define um link para um URI (Identificador Universal de Recursos), executado quando o usuário clica nele. | |
LinkListHorizontalLayout | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.layouts | This layout is a modification of the ButtonBarHorizontalLayout. | |
LinkSeparator | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the separator between the Links in a LinkBar. | |
LinkState | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe LinkState define um conjunto de constantes para a propriedade linkState da classe LinkElement. | |
List | fl.controls | O componente List exibe informações com base em lista e é ideal para a exibição de matrizes de informações. | |
List | mx.controls | The List control displays a vertical list of items. | |
List | spark.components | The List control displays a vertical list of items. | |
ListAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe ListAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de List, é usada para tornar acessível um componente List. | |
ListAccImpl | mx.accessibility | ListAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the List class. | |
ListAccImpl | spark.accessibility | ListAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.List. | |
ListAssetPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | This class defines the preview pod shown for List. | |
ListAssignmentModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The ListAssignmentModel class represents the domain object for the assignments related to the list data module. | |
ListAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the List control. | |
ListBase | mx.controls.listClasses | The ListBase class is the base class for controls that represent lists of items that can have one or more selected and can scroll through the items. | |
ListBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The ListBase class is the base class for all components that support selection. | |
ListBaseAccImpl | mx.accessibility | ListBaseAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ListBase class. | |
ListBaseAccImpl | spark.accessibility | ListBaseAccImpl is a superclass of the Spark ListAccImpl, DropDownListAccImpl, ComboBoxAccImpl, ButtonBarBaseAccImpl, and TabBarAccImpl. | |
ListBaseAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListBase class. | |
ListBaseContentHolder | mx.controls.listClasses | The ListBaseContentHolder class defines a container in a list-based control of all of the control's item renderers and item editors. | |
ListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListBaseContentHolder class. | |
ListBaseSeekPending | mx.controls.listClasses | An object that stores data about a seek operation that was interrupted by an ItemPendingError error. | |
ListBaseSelectionData | mx.controls.listClasses | Records used by list classes to keep track of what is selected. | |
ListCollectionView | mx.collections | The ListCollectionView class adds the properties and methods of the ICollectionView interface to an object that conforms to the IList interface. | |
ListCustomStylePopUp | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | The component which allows to specify a custom style when Custom style is selected from the style dropdown for a List's item. | |
ListData | fl.controls.listClasses | A ListData é uma classe de mensageiro que contém informações relevantes a uma célula específica, em um componente com base em lista. | |
ListData | mx.controls.listClasses | The ListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the List control. | |
ListDataModule | com.adobe.icc.vo | A value object for a list module. | |
ListDropIndicator | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the drop indicator of a list-based control. | |
ListDropIndicator | spark.skins.spark | The default skin for the drop indicator of a List component in case List doesn't have a dropIndicator part defined in its skin. | |
ListEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | Editor to edit List content | |
ListElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe List é usada para agrupar itens em uma lista numerada ou não numerada. | |
ListEvent | fl.events | A classe ListEvent define eventos para componentes com base em lista, incluindo os componentes List, DataGrid, TileList e ComboBox. | |
ListEvent | mx.events | The ListEvent class represents events associated with items in list-based controls such as List, Tree, Menu, and DataGrid. | |
ListEvent | spark.events | ListEvents dispatched by ListBase components like ButtonBar and List in response to MouseEvents are constructed with the incoming mouse event's properties. | |
ListEventReason | mx.events | Constants for the values of the reason property of a ListEvent object where the value of the type property is ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END. | |
ListHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type List. | |
ListItemDragProxy | mx.controls.listClasses | The default drag proxy used when dragging from an MX list-based control (except for the DataGrid class). | |
ListItemDragProxy | spark.components.supportClasses | The ListItemDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used when dragging from a Spark List based control. | |
ListItemEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | The component which renders the item in List inserted from the Content Library | |
ListItemElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | ListItemElement é um item em uma lista. | |
ListItemPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | This class defines the renderer used for rendering the List items in List preview pod. | |
ListItemRenderer | mx.controls.listClasses | The ListItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a List control. | |
ListItemRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListItemRenderer class. | |
ListItemSelectEvent | mx.automation.events | The ListItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a list-based control such as a Menu, DataGrid, or Tree control is selected or deselected. | |
ListMarkerFormat | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define o formato de marcador em um ListItemElement. | |
ListModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The ListModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type List. | |
ListModuleInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | This class is the runtime representation of the list module present in the letter. | |
ListNavigatorSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.skins | The skin for the OneLevelPanelNavigator guide navigator. | |
ListRowInfo | mx.controls.listClasses | Used by the list-based classes to store information about their IListItemRenderers. | |
ListSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the List components in mobile applications. | |
ListSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark List component. | |
ListSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark List component. | |
ListStylePosition | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para definir a propriedade listStylePosition. | |
ListStyleType | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para configurar a propriedade listStyleType de um objeto TextLayoutFormat. | |
LiteralLinkageAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | The linkage editor to link the data element of Letter Editor to a literal value which will not be editable at create correspondence UI. | |
LiveCycleEvent | lc.foundation.events | The LiveCycleEvent event is the base event class for the Workspace API. | |
LiveCycleFaultEvent | lc.foundation.events | The LiveCycleFaultEvent event is dispatched when a fault occurs. | |
LivePreviewParent | fl.livepreview | A classe LivePreviewParent fornece a linha do tempo para um arquivo SWC ou para um clipe compilado que está sendo exportado quando o ActionScript 3.0 é selecionado. | |
LoadableElementBase | org.osmf.media | LoadableElementBase is the base class for media elements that have a LoadTrait. | |
LoadApplicationEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The LoadApplicationEvent class defines a notification of loading an IApplication. | |
Loader | flash.display | A classe Loader é usada para carregar arquivos SWF ou arquivos de imagem (JPG, PNG ou GIF). | |
LoaderBase | org.osmf.traits | LoaderBase is the base class for objects that are capable of loading and unloading LoadTraits. | |
LoaderContext | flash.system | A classe LoaderContext fornece opções para o carregamento de arquivos SWF e outras mídias usando a classe Loader. | |
LoaderEvent | org.osmf.events | A LoaderBase dispatches a LoaderEvent when a LoadTrait that it's loading or unloading undergoes a notable load-oriented change. | |
LoaderInfo | flash.display | A classe LoaderInfo fornece informações sobre um arquivo SWF carregado ou um arquivo de imagem carregado (JPEG, GIF ou PNG). | |
LoaderInvalidationEvent | spark.events | The LoaderInvalidationEvent class represents events that are dispatched to notify ContentRequest instances that their original request has been invalidated. | |
LoaderUtil | mx.utils | The LoaderUtil class defines utility methods for use with Flex RSLs and generic Loader instances. | |
LoadEvent | mx.rpc.soap | This event is dispatched when a WSDL XML document has loaded successfully. | |
LoadEvent | org.osmf.events | A LoadEvent is dispatched when the properties of a LoadTrait change. | |
LoadFromDocumentElement | org.osmf.elements | LoadFromDocumentElement is the base class for MediaElements that load documents that contain information about the real MediaElement to expose. | |
LoadState | org.osmf.traits | LoadState is the enumeration of possible states that a LoadTrait can be in. | |
LoadTrait | org.osmf.traits | LoadTrait defines the trait interface for media that must be loaded before it can be presented. | |
LoadVoucherSetting | flash.net.drm | A classe LoadVoucherSetting fornece constantes de strings para uso com o parâmetro de configurações do método DRMManager loadVoucher(). | |
LocalConnection | flash.net | A classe LocalConnection permite que você crie um objeto LocalConnection que chama um método em outro objeto LocalConnection. | |
Locale | fl.lang | A classe fl.lang.Locale permite controlar como o texto multilíngue é exibido em um arquivo SWF. | |
Locale | mx.resources | The Locale class can be used to parse a locale String such as "en_US_MAC" into its three parts: a language code, a country code, and a variant. | |
LocaleID | flash.globalization | A classe LocaleID fornece métodos de análise e uso de nomes de ID de local. | |
LocalizeableMessage | com.adobe.fiber.styles | An implementation of ILocalizeableMessage. | |
LocalizedApproverStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing approver status. | |
LocalizedAuthorStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing author status. | |
LocalizedDocumentType | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing document type. | |
LocalizedDurationUnit | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing duration unit. | |
LocalizedGanttItemStates | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util | This class provides localized values for all Gantt item states. | |
LocalizedOperationType | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing operation type. | |
LocalizedParticipantAttributes | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing participant attributes. | |
LocalizedProjectState | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | The localized project states. | |
LocalizedProjectStatus | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | This class handles the localized project statuses. | |
LocalizedProjectType | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | This class handles the localized project types. | |
LocalizedReviewerStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing reviewer status. | |
LocalizedReviewStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing review status. | |
LocalizedRoles | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | This class handles the localized roles. | |
LocalizedSignatureOptions | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing signature options. | |
LocalizedStageStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing stage status. | |
LocalizedStageTypes | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing stage types. | |
LocalizedStatusReasonCode | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | This class handles the localized status reason code. | |
LocalizedTaskTypes | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | This class provides utilities for localizing task types. | |
LocationChangeEvent | flash.events | Um objeto HTMLLoadere ou StageWebView despacha um objeto LocationChangeEvent quando uma nova página é carregada. | |
LockCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The LockCommand class executes the lock operation for the task. | |
Log | mx.logging | Provides pseudo-hierarchical logging capabilities with multiple format and output options. | |
Log | org.osmf.logging | Log is the central access point for logging messages. | |
LogAxis | mx.charts | The LogAxis class maps numeric values logarithmically between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis. | |
LogEvent | mx.logging | Represents the log information for a single logging event. | |
LogEventLevel | mx.logging | Static class containing constants for use in the level property. | |
Logger | com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging | The standard logging class. | |
Logger | org.osmf.logging | Logger defines the capabilities of a logger, the object that OSMF applications interact with to write logging messages. | |
LoggerFactory | org.osmf.logging | LoggerFactory defines a logger factory that serves as the initial contact point for OSMF applications to get a hold on various loggers. | |
LogLevel | com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging | The logging level constants. | |
LogLogger | mx.logging | The logger that is used within the logging framework. | |
LuminosityMaskShader | mx.graphics.shaderClasses | Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the luminosity masking option (also known as soft masking) available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
LuminosityShader | mx.graphics.shaderClasses | Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Luminosity' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
MacCloseButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the close button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome on an Apple Computer. | |
MacMaximizeButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the maximize button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome with an Apple computer. | |
MacMinimizeButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the minimize button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome with an Apple computer. | |
MacTitleBarSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component for an Apple Macintosh when you use Flex chrome. | |
MagnifyingGlassIcon | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for the MagnifyingGlassIcon. | |
Mail | coldfusion.service.mxml | The proxy class for mail services exposed by ColdFusion. | |
MailParam | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.mailparam. | |
MailPart | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.mailpart. | |
Managed | mx.data.utils | The Managed class provides utility methods for DataService managed objects. | |
ManagedAssociation | mx.data | This class is used to represent an association as part of the data management metadata. | |
ManagedEntity | mx.data | This class is used to represent a managed entity as part of the Remoting data management metadata. | |
ManagedObjectProxy | mx.data | The ManagedObjectProxy class provides the ability to track changes to an item that is anonymous and managed by a DataService. | |
ManagedOperation | mx.data | The ManagedOperation class is used to represent a managed service operation for an RPC service that uses client-side data management. | |
ManagedQuery | mx.data | Use an instance of this class to define a query that is managed by the Data Management Service. | |
ManagedRemoteService | mx.data.mxml | The ManagedRemoteService class provides the top-level client-side functionality for the ADEP Data Services Managed Remoting. | |
ManagedRemoteService | mx.data | The ManagedRemoteService class gives you access to Remoting classes on a remote application server with the data management capabilities of LCDS. | |
ManagedRemoteServiceOperation | mx.data | An Operation used specifically by RemoteObjects. | |
ManagedRemoteServiceWrapper | com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper | This class is the superclass of all generated wrappers around instances of the ManagedRemoteService class. | |
ManagedRemotingMessage | mx.data.messages | This message is used to transport an managed remoting operation. | |
ManifestLoaderBase | org.osmf.elements | ManifestLoader is a base loader class for objects that are capable of loading Flash Media Manifests either from F4M files or from the direct String representation of the manifest. | |
ManualSyncConfiguration | mx.data | This class is used when you need more control for how clients share data with other clients than is provided by the autoSyncEnabled feature. | |
MarshalledAutomationEvent | mx.automation.events | The MarshalledAutomationEvents class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager.This represents the marshalling related events. | |
MaskEffect | mx.effects | The MaskEffect class is an abstract base class for all effects that animate a mask, such as the wipe effects and the Iris effect. | |
MaskEffectInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The MaskEffectInstance class is an abstract base class that implements the instance class for the MaskEffect class. | |
MaskType | spark.core | The MaskType class defines the possible values for the maskType property of the GraphicElement class. | |
MatchingCollator | spark.globalization | The MatchingCollator class provides locale-sensitve string comparison capabilities with inital settings suitable for general string matching such as finding a matching word in a block of text. | |
Math | Nível superior | A classe Math contém métodos e constantes que representam funções e valores matemáticos comuns. | |
MathFunc | com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib | The MathFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for Math functions in the Adobe application modeling language. | |
Matrix | flash.geom | A classe Matrix representa uma matriz de transformação que determina como mapear pontos de um espaço de coordenadas para outro. | |
Matrix3D | flash.geom | A classe Matrix3D representa uma matriz de transformação que determina a orientação e a posição do objeto de exibição tridimensional (3D). | |
MatrixTransformer | fl.motion | A classe MatrixTransformer contém métodos para a modificação de propriedades individuais de uma matriz de transformação: escala horizontal e vertical, inclinação horizontal e vertical, e giro. | |
MaxAggregator | mx.olap.aggregators | The MaxAggregator class implements the maximum aggregator. | |
MaximizeButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome | The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's maximize button. | |
MaximizeButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the maximize button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome. | |
MaximizeTileEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | NOT IMPLEMENTED The MaximizeTileEvent class defines a transient notification of maximizing a Tile. | |
MBeanAttributeInfo | mx.messaging.management | Client representation of metadata for a MBean attribute. | |
MBeanConstructorInfo | mx.messaging.management | Client representation of metadata for a MBean constructor. | |
MBeanFeatureInfo | mx.messaging.management | Client representation of metadata for a MBean feature. | |
MBeanInfo | mx.messaging.management | Client representation of metadata for a MBean. | |
MBeanOperationInfo | mx.messaging.management | Client representation of metadata for a MBean operation. | |
MBeanParameterInfo | mx.messaging.management | Client representation of metadata for a MBean operation parameter. | |
MediaContainer | org.osmf.containers | MediaContainer defines a Sprite-based IMediaContainer implementation. | |
MediaElement | org.osmf.media | A MediaElement represents a unified media experience. | |
MediaElementEvent | org.osmf.events | A MediaElementEvent is dispatched when the properties of a MediaElement change. | |
MediaError | org.osmf.events | A MediaError encapsulates an error related to a MediaElement. | |
MediaErrorCodes | org.osmf.events | The MediaErrorCodes class provides static constants for error IDs. | |
MediaErrorEvent | org.osmf.events | A MediaElement dispatches a MediaErrorEvent when it encounters an error. | |
MediaEvent | flash.events | As classes CameraRoll e CameraUI emitem objetos MediaEvent quando um fluxo de mídia está disponível. | |
MediaFactory | org.osmf.media | MediaFactory represents a factory class for media elements. | |
MediaFactoryEvent | org.osmf.events | A MediaFactoryEvent is dispatched when the MediaFactory creates a MediaElement or succeeds or fails at loading a plugin. | |
MediaFactoryItem | org.osmf.media | MediaFactoryItem is the encapsulation of all information needed to dynamically create and initialize a MediaElement from a MediaFactory. | |
MediaFactoryItemType | org.osmf.media | MediaFactoryItemType is the enumeration of possible types of MediaFactoryItems. | |
MediaPlayer | org.osmf.media | MediaPlayer is the controller class used for interaction with all media types. | |
MediaPlayerCapabilityChangeEvent | org.osmf.events | A MediaPlayer dispatches a MediaPlayerCapabilityChangeEvent when its capabilities change. | |
MediaPlayerSprite | org.osmf.media | MediaPlayerSprite provides MediaPlayer, MediaContainer, and MediaFactory capabilities all in one Sprite-based class. | |
MediaPlayerState | org.osmf.media | The MediaPlayerState class enumerates public constants that describe the current state of the MediaPlayer. | |
MediaPlayerStateChangeEvent | org.osmf.events | A MediaPlayer dispatches this event when its state property changes. | |
MediaPromise | flash.media | A classe MediaPromise representa a promessa de entregar um objeto de mídia. | |
MediaResourceBase | org.osmf.media | A MediaResourceBase is a base class for media that serves as input to a MediaElement. | |
MediaTraitBase | org.osmf.traits | A MediaTraitBase is the encapsulation of a trait or capability that's inherent to a MediaElement. | |
MediaTraitType | org.osmf.traits | MediaTraitType is the enumeration of all possible media trait types. | |
MediaType | flash.media | A classe MediaType enumera os tipos gerais de mídia que podem ser retornados por uma câmera. | |
MediaType | org.osmf.media | MediaType identifies the various media types that the Open Source Media Framework can handle out of the box. | |
MemoryError | flash.errors | A exceção MemoryError é lançada quando há uma falha na solicitação de alocação de memória. | |
Menu | mx.controls | The Menu control creates a pop-up menu of individually selectable choices, similar to the File or Edit menu found in most software applications. | |
MenuAccImpl | mx.accessibility | MenuAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Menu class. | |
MenuArrow | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the branchIcon of an MX Menu component. | |
MenuArrow | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the branchIcon of a MX Menu component. | |
MenuArrowDisabled | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the disabled branchIcon of an MX Menu component. | |
MenuArrowDisabled | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the disabled branchIcon of a MX Menu component. | |
MenuAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Menu control. | |
MenuBar | mx.controls | A MenuBar control defines a horizontal, top-level menu bar that contains one or more menus. | |
MenuBarAccImpl | mx.accessibility | MenuBarAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the MenuBar class. | |
MenuBarAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the MenuBar control. | |
MenuBarBackgroundSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the background of a MenuBar. | |
MenuBarItem | mx.controls.menuClasses | The MenuBarItem class defines the default item renderer for the top-level menu bar of a MenuBar control. | |
MenuBarItemAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the MenuBarItem class. | |
MenuBarItemSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for menu items in the MX MenuBar component. | |
MenuBarSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX MenuBar component. | |
MenuCheck | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the checkIcon of an MX Menu component. | |
MenuCheck | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the check icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuCheckDisabled | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the checkDisabledIcon of an MX Menu component. | |
MenuCheckDisabled | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the disabled check icon of a MX Menu component. | |
MenuEvent | mx.events | The MenuEvent class represents events that are associated with menu activities in controls such as Menu, MenuBar, and PopUpMenuButton. | |
MenuItemRenderer | mx.controls.menuClasses | The MenuItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for menu items in any menu control. | |
MenuItemRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the MenuItemRenderer class. | |
MenuItemSkin | mx.skins.spark | The wireframe skin class for menu items in the MX Menu component. | |
MenuListData | mx.controls.menuClasses | The MenuListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the Menu and MenuBar control. | |
MenuRadio | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the radio icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuRadio | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the radio icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuRadioDisabled | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the disabled radio icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuRadioDisabled | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the disabled radio icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuSeparatorSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the menu item separators in the MX Menu component. | |
MenuSeparatorSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the menu item separators in the MX menu component. | |
MenuShowEvent | mx.automation.events | The MenuShowEvent class represents events that are associated with menuBar. | |
MenuSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX Menu component. | |
Message | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The Message class defines a transient notification including a namespace, a name, and a valid payload. | |
Message | lc.foundation.domain | The Message class encapsulates a localized message and specifies an appropriate logging level. | |
MessageAckEvent | mx.messaging.events | The MessageAckEvent class is used to propagate acknowledge messages within the messaging system. | |
MessageAgent | mx.messaging | The MessageAgent class provides the basic low-level functionality common to message handling for a destination. | |
MessageBatch | mx.data | Represents a group of changes: creates, updates, deletes, and update collection messages. | |
MessageCacheItem | mx.data | Represents an element of the MessageBatch's items property. | |
MessageChannel | flash.system | A classe MessageChannel fornece um mecanismo para um worker se comunicar com outro worker. | |
MessageChannelState | flash.system | Essa classe define as constantes que representam os valores possíveis para a propriedade de estado da classe MessageChannel. | |
MessageCodes | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.impl | Contains the codes for the various errors thrown by the expression manager implementation. | |
MessageEvent | mx.messaging.events | The MessageEvent class is used to propagate messages within the messaging system. | |
MessageFaultEvent | mx.messaging.events | The MessageFaultEvent class is used to propagate fault messages within the messaging system. | |
MessageNumbers | lc.procmgmt.impl | The MessageNumbers class contains a list of error messages and their associated constant values. | |
MessagePerformanceUtils | mx.messaging.messages | The MessagePerformanceUtils utility class is used to retrieve various metrics about the sizing and timing of a message sent from a client to the server and its response message, as well as pushed messages from the server to the client. | |
MessageResponder | mx.messaging | The MessageResponder class handles a successful result or fault from a message destination. | |
MessageSerializationError | mx.messaging.errors | This error indicates a problem serializing a message within a channel. | |
MessageVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | Defines a project message. | |
MessagingDataServiceAdapter | mx.data | DataServiceAdapter implementation for a LiveCycle Data Services backend. | |
MessagingError | mx.messaging.errors | This is the base class for any messaging related error. | |
Metadata | org.osmf.metadata | The Metadata class encapsulates a related collection of metadata. | |
MetadataEvent | fl.video | O Flash® Player despacha um objeto MetadataEvent quando o usuário solicita o pacote de informações de metadados do arquivo FLV (NetStream.onMetaData) e quando são encontrados pontos de sinalização (NetStream.onCuePoint) no arquivo FLV. | |
MetadataEvent | mx.events | The MetadataEvent class defines the event type for metadata and cue point events. | |
MetadataEvent | org.osmf.events | A MetadataEvent is dispatched by a Metadata object when metadata values are added, removed, or changed. | |
MetricBase | org.osmf.net.metrics | MetricBase is a base class for metrics used for Adaptive Bitrate. | |
MetricError | org.osmf.events | A MetricError encapsulates an error related to the metrics used in the Adaptive Bitrate algorithm. | |
MetricErrorCodes | org.osmf.events | The MetricErrorCodes class provides static constants for error IDs. | |
MetricFactory | org.osmf.net.metrics | MetricFactory represents a factory class for metrics. | |
MetricFactoryItem | org.osmf.net.metrics | MediaFactoryItem is the encapsulation of all information needed to dynamically create and initialize a MetricBase from a MetricFactory. | |
MetricRepository | org.osmf.net.metrics | MetricRepository is responsible with storing metrics. It responds to requests containing the metric type and its parameters. The MetricRepository will make use of a MetricFactory to create new metrics. | |
MetricType | org.osmf.net.metrics | MetricType identifies the various metric types that the Open Source Media Framework can handle out of the box. | |
MetricValue | org.osmf.net.metrics | MetricValue represents a MetricBase's value. | |
Microphone | flash.media | Use a classe Microphone para monitorar ou capturar áudio de um microfone. | |
MicrophoneEnhancedMode | flash.media | A classe MicrophoneEnhancedMode é uma enumeração de valores de constantes usados na definição da propriedade mode da classe MicrophoneEnhancedOptions. | |
MicrophoneEnhancedOptions | flash.media | A classe MicrophoneEnhancedOptions fornece opções de configuração para áudio realçado (cancelamento do eco acústico). | |
MileStoneVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | Defines a milestone for a project. | |
MimeType | com.adobe.icc.enum | Possible MIME types for ICC content. | |
MinAggregator | mx.olap.aggregators | The MinAggregator class implements the minimum aggregator. | |
MinimalSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.skins | Defines the Minimal wrapper skin. | |
MinimizeButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome | The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's minimize button. | |
MinimizeButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the minimize button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome. | |
MinimizeTileEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | NOT IMPLEMENTED The MinimizeTileEvent class defines a transient notification of minimizing a Tile. | |
MobileSkin | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | ActionScript-based skin for mobile applications. | |
MockServiceProvider | com.adobe.solutions.exm.mock | Mock implementation of the IServiceProvider interface which loads its data from mock XML. | |
Model | com.adobe.dct.model | The data provider for data dictionary editor. | |
Model | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.model | The Model singleton class provides variable list and expression list | |
ModelExtension | com.adobe.icc.vo | This class represents the Extensions information about the model, for eg. | |
ModelViewer | ga.layouts | Defines the default Model Viewer panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
Moderator | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | Defines the properties of a moderator of a review. | |
Moderator | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines a moderator of a stage. | |
ModeratorCollection | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | Specifies that Moderator objects are added to a collection. | |
ModeratorVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents a moderator of a stage. | |
ModifyInlineGraphicOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe InsertInlineGraphicOperation encapsula a modificação de um gráfico inline existente. | |
Module | mx.modules | The base class for MXML-based dynamically-loadable modules. | |
Module | spark.modules | The base class for MXML-based dynamically-loadable modules. | |
ModuleAssignment | com.adobe.icc.vo | Value Object representation for a Data Module assignment to a Target Area. | |
ModuleAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter | This component enables the editing of properties of the modules assigned to a target area. | |
ModuleAssignmentModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The domain class for the module assignments in a Letter's target area assignment. | |
ModuleBase | mx.modules | The base class for ActionScript-based dynamically-loadable modules. | |
ModuleEvent | mx.events | The ModuleEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events related to dynamically-loaded modules. | |
ModuleItemRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture | The ModuleItemRenderer component is a skinnable item renderer that renders an individual CM module i.e. | |
ModuleLoader | mx.modules | ModuleLoader is a component that behaves much like a SWFLoader except that it follows a contract with the loaded content. | |
ModuleLoader | spark.modules | ModuleLoader is a component that behaves much like a SWFLoader except that it follows a contract with the loaded content. | |
ModuleManager | mx.modules | The ModuleManager class centrally manages dynamically loaded modules. | |
ModuleModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The base domain class for all the modules. | |
MorphShape | flash.display | A classe MorphShape representa objetos MorphShape na lista de exibição. | |
MosaicDragEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop | This event is dispatched by the DragAndDropGroup when a drop happens. | |
MosaicDropLocation | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop | This class extends DropLocation so that layouts and group needing row and column information, in addition to index and point, can cast the dropLocation to this class. | |
MosaicLayoutBase | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | The MosaicLayoutBase component is the base class for most composite application layouts, such as FlowLayout and SmartGridLayout. | |
Motion | fl.motion | A classe Motion armazena uma sequência de animação de quadros-chave que pode ser aplicada a um objeto vertical. | |
MotionBase | fl.motion | A classe MotionBase armazena uma sequência de animações de quadros-chave que você pode aplicar a um objeto visual. | |
MotionEvent | fl.motion | A classe MotionEvent representa eventos que são transmitidos pela classe fl.motion.Animator. | |
MotionPath | spark.effects.animation | The MotionPath class defines the collection of Keyframes objects for an effect, and the name of the property on the target to animate. | |
Mouse | flash.ui | Os métodos da classe Mouse são usados para ocultar e mostrar o ponteiro do mouse, ou para definir o ponteiro para um estilo específico. | |
MouseCursor | flash.ui | A classe MouseCursor é uma enumeração de valores constantes utilizados na definição da propriedade cursor da classe Mouse. | |
MouseCursorData | flash.ui | A classe MouseCursorData permite definir a aparência de um cursor de mouse "nativo". | |
MouseEvent | flash.events | Um objeto MouseEvent é despachado no fluxo de eventos sempre que ocorrem eventos de mouse. | |
Move | mx.effects | The Move effect changes the position of a component over a specified time interval. | |
Move | spark.effects | The Move effect move the target object in the x and y directions. | |
Move3D | spark.effects | The Move3D class moves a target object in the x, y, and z dimensions. | |
MoveChildrenOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe MoveChildrenOperation permite mover um conjunto de irmãos fora da sua cadeia de pais imediata, e a operação remove qualquer sequência ancestral vazia deixada para trás. | |
MoveEvent | mx.events | Represents event objects that are dispatched when a Flex component moves. | |
MoveInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The MoveInstance class implements the instance class for the Move effect. | |
MoveTileEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | NOT IMPLEMENTED The MoveTileEvent class defines a transient notification of moving a Tile. | |
MovieClip | flash.display | A classe MovieClip é herdada das seguintes classes: Sprite, DisplayObjectContainer, InteractiveObject, DisplayObject e EventDispatcher. | |
MovieClipAsset | mx.core | MovieClipAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.MovieClip class which represents movieclip symbols that you embed in a Flex application from a SWF file produced by Flash. | |
MovieClipLoaderAsset | mx.core | MovieClipLoaderAsset is a subclass of the MovieClipAsset class which represents SWF files that you embed in a Flex application. | |
MovieClipSWFLoader | mx.controls | The MovieClipSWFLoader control extends SWFLoader to provide convenience methods for manipulating a SWF which has a MovieClip as its root content, provided that the MovieClip is not a Flex application. | |
MulticastNetLoader | org.osmf.net | Extends NetLoader to provide loading support for multicast video playback using RTMFP protocol. | |
MulticastResource | org.osmf.net | MulticastResource is a StreamingURLResource which is capable of carrying multicast streaming information. | |
MultiColumn | ga.layouts | Defines the default Multi Column panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
MultiColumnSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the Multi Column skin available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
MultiDPIBitmapSource | spark.utils | This class provides a list of bitmaps for various runtime densities. | |
MultiTopicConsumer | mx.messaging | Like a Consumer, a MultiTopicConsumer subscribes to a destination with a single clientId and delivers messages to a single event handler. | |
MultiTopicProducer | mx.messaging | A MultiTopicProducer sends messages to a destination with zero or more subtopics. | |
Multitouch | flash.ui | A classe Multitouch administra e fornece informações sobre o suporte do ambiente atual para processar o contato a partir de dispositivos de entrada do usuário, inclusive aqueles que têm dois ou mais pontos de toque (tais como os dedos de um usuário em uma tela de toque). | |
MultitouchInputMode | flash.ui | A classe MultitouchInputMode fornece valores para a propriedade inputMode na classe flash.ui.Multitouch | |
MultiTriggerValidator | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common | An extension of the flex Validator class that triggers the validation on more than one configurable event names. | |
MultiTriggerValidator | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util | An extension of Flex Validator class that triggers the validation on more than one configurable event names. | |
MultiValueInterpolator | spark.effects.interpolation | The MultiValueInterpolator class interpolates each element of Arrays or Vectors of start and end elements separately, using another interpolator to do the interpolation for each element. | |
MuteButton | spark.components.mediaClasses | The MuteButton class defines the mute button used by the VideoPlayer control. | |
MuteButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The default skin class for the mute button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
MuteButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | The default skin class for the mute button of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
MuteButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | The wireframe skin class for the mute button of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
Mutex | flash.concurrent | A classe Mutex (abreviação de "exclusão mútua") fornece uma maneira de garantir que o único conjunto de códigos opere em um bloco de memória específico ou em outro recurso compartilhado em um momento. | |
MXAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The MXAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class defines the Spark item renderer class for use with the MX AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
MXDataGridItemRenderer | mx.controls.dataGridClasses | The MXDataGridItemRenderer class defines the Spark item renderer class for use with the MX DataGrid control. | |
MXFTETextInput | mx.controls | MXFTETextInput is a UIComponent which is used to support TLF text in MX controls and data grid renderers. | |
MXItemRenderer | mx.controls.listClasses | The MXItemRenderer class is the base class for Spark item renderers and item editors used in MX list-based controls. | |
MXMLObjectAdapter | mx.core | The MXMLObjectAdapter class is a stub implementation of the IMXMLObject interface, so that you can implement the interface without defining all of the methods. | |
MXRecord | flash.net.dns | A classe MXRecord representa um registro de recurso MX do Sistema de nome de domínio (DNS) que contém um endereço de servidor de troca de correio. | |
MXTreeItemRenderer | mx.controls.treeClasses | The MXTreeItemRenderer class defines the Spark item renderer class for use with the MX Tree control. | |
MxTreeNav | ga.controls | The MxTreeNav class represents an accordion control listing section names where each section contains a list of panels. | |
NamedVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Represents an entity that does not have an auto-generated name in the content repository. | |
Namespace | Nível superior | A classe Namespace contém métodos e propriedades para definir e trabalhar com namespaces. | |
NameUtil | mx.utils | The NameUtil utility class defines static methods for creating names for Flex objects. | |
NameValuePair | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | An object to store an untyped object as value against a key as name. | |
NationalDigitsType | flash.globalization | A classe NationalDigitsType enumera constantes que indicam conjuntos de dígitos usados pela classe NumberFormatter. | |
NativeApplication | flash.desktop | A classe NativeApplication representa esta aplicação AIR. | |
NativeDragActions | flash.desktop | A NativeDragActions define as constantes da string para os nomes das ações de arrastar e soltar. | |
NativeDragEvent | flash.events | Os eventos da ação de arrastar nativa são despachados pelos objetos interativos envolvidos em uma operação de arrastar e soltar. | |
NativeDragManager | flash.desktop | A classe NativeDragManager coordena as operações de arrastar e soltar. | |
NativeDragOptions | flash.desktop | A classe NativeDragOptions define constantes dos nomes de ações de arrastar e soltar permitidas em uma operação de arrastar e soltar. | |
NativeMenu | flash.display | A classe NativeMenu contém métodos e propriedades para definir menus nativos. | |
NativeMenuItem | flash.display | A classe NativeMenuItem representa um único item no menu. | |
NativeProcess | flash.desktop | A classe NativeProcess fornece integração de linha de comando e capacidades de iniciação gerais. | |
NativeProcessExitEvent | flash.events | Este evento é despachado pelo objeto NativeProcess quando o processo sair. | |
NativeProcessStartupInfo | flash.desktop | Esta classe provê as informações básicas usadas para iniciar um processo no sistema operacional de host. | |
NativeWindow | flash.display | A classe NativeWindow oferece uma interface para criar e controlar janelas de área de trabalho nativas. | |
NativeWindowBoundsEvent | flash.events | Um objeto NativeWindow despacha um objeto NativeWindowBoundsEvent quando o tamanho ou a localização da janela mudar. | |
NativeWindowDisplayState | flash.display | A classe NativeWindowDisplayState define as constantes para os nomes dos estados de exibição da janela. | |
NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent | flash.events | Um objeto NativeWindow despacha os eventos da classe NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent quando o estado de exibição da janela mudar. | |
NativeWindowInitOptions | flash.display | A classe NativeWindowInitOptions define as opções de inicialização usadas para construir uma nova ocorrência NativeWindow. | |
NativeWindowRenderMode | flash.display | A classe NativeWindowRenderMode define os constantes para a propriedade renderMode do objeto NativeWindowInitOptions usado para criar uma janela nativa. | |
NativeWindowResize | flash.display | A classe NativeWindowResize define constantes para os possíveis valores do parâmetro edgeOrCorner do método startResize() de NativeWindow. | |
NativeWindowSystemChrome | flash.display | A classe NativeWindowSystemChrome define os constantes para a propriedade systemChrome do objeto NativeWindowInitOptions usado para criar uma janela nativa. | |
NativeWindowType | flash.display | A classe NativeWindowType define os constantes para a propriedade type do objeto NativeWindowInitOptions usado para criar uma janela nativa. | |
NavBar | mx.controls | The NavBar control is the superclass for navigator controls, such as the LinkBar and TabBar controls, and cannot be instantiated directly. | |
NavBarAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NavBar control. | |
NavigationUnit | spark.core | The NavigationUnit class defines the possible values for the getVerticalScrollPositionDelta() and getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta() methods of the IViewport class. | |
NavigationUtil | flashx.textLayout.utils | Utilitários para manipulação de um TextRange. Os métodos desta classe são estáticos e devem ser chamados com a sintaxe NavigationUtil.method(parameter). | |
NavigatorContent | spark.components | The NavigatorContent class defines a Spark container that can be used in an MX navigator container, such as the ViewStack, TabNavigator and Accordion containers. | |
NavigatorHostInstance | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | NavigatorHostInstance is a static class used for global access to the INavigatorHost interface. | |
NCManager | fl.video | Cria o objeto NetConnection para a classe VideoPlayer, uma classe auxiliar para essa classe de revestimento do usuário. | |
NCManagerNative | fl.video | A classe NCManagerNative é uma subclasse da classe NCManager e é compatível com a detecção de largura de banda nativa para a qual alguns provedores do Flash Video Streaming Service podem oferecer suporte. | |
NestedListSettings | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture | The dialog which is used to capture the input from the user for the nested list settings. | |
NestedOptionalPanels | ga.layouts | Defines the default Nested Panels panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
NetClient | org.osmf.net | The NetClient class provides support for handling callbacks dynamically from an RTMP server that is streaming to a MediaElement that works with NetStream under the hood (such as VideoElement). | |
NetConnection | flash.net | A classe NetConnection cria uma conexão bidirecional entre um cliente e um servidor. | |
NetConnectionChannel | mx.messaging.channels | This NetConnectionChannel provides the basic NetConnection support for messaging. | |
NetConnectionFactory | org.osmf.net | The NetConnectionFactory class is used to generate connected NetConnection instances and to manage sharing of these instances. | |
NetConnectionFactoryBase | org.osmf.net | The NetConnectionFactoryBase is a base class for objects that need to create and connect a NetConnection. | |
NetConnectionFactoryEvent | org.osmf.events | A NetConnectionFactory dispatches a NetConnectionFactoryEvent when it has either succeeded or failed at establishing a NetConnection. | |
NetDataEvent | flash.events | Um objeto NetStream despacha um objeto NetDataEvent quando uma mensagem de dados é encontrada no fluxo de mídia. | |
NetGroup | flash.net | As instâncias da classe NetGroup representam a participação em um grupo RTMFP. | |
NetGroupInfo | flash.net | A classe NetGroupInfo especifica diversas estatísticas de Qualidade do Serviço (QoS) relacionadas ao transporte de dados ponto a ponto RTMFP subjacente de um objeto NetGroup. | |
NetGroupReceiveMode | flash.net | A classe NetGroupReceiveMode é uma lista de valores constantes usados para a propriedade receiveMode da classe NetGroup. | |
NetGroupReplicationStrategy | flash.net | A classe NetGroupReplicationStrategy é uma enumeração de valores constantes utilizados na definição da propriedade replicationStrategy da classe NetGroup. | |
NetGroupSendMode | flash.net | A classe NetGroupSendMode é uma lista de valores constantes usada para o parâmetro sendMode do método NetGroup.sendToNeighbor(). | |
NetGroupSendResult | flash.net | A classe NetGroupSendResult é uma lista de valores constantes usados para o valor de retorno dos métodos de Roteamento direcionados associados a uma instância NetGroup. | |
NetLoader | org.osmf.net | The NetLoader class extends LoaderBase to provide loading support to the AudioElement and VideoElement classes. | |
NetMonitor | flash.net | A classe NetMonitor mantém uma lista de objetos de NetStream. | |
NetMonitorEvent | flash.events | Um objeto NetMonitor despacha objetos NetMonitorEvent quando um objeto NetStream é criado. | |
NetStatusEvent | flash.events | Um objeto NetConnection, NetStream ou SharedObject envia objetos NetStatusEvent quando um TI reporta seu status. | |
NetStream | flash.net | A classe NetStream abre um canal de fluxo de uma via sobre uma NetConnection. | |
NetStreamAppendBytesAction | flash.net | A classe NetStreamAppendBytesAction é uma enumeração das constantes que você pode enviar para o método NetStream.appendBytesAction(). | |
NetStreamInfo | flash.net | A classe NetStreamInfo especifica as várias estatísticas de Qualidade de serviço (QOS) e outras informações relacionadas ao objeto NetStream e ao buffer de fluxo subjacente para áudio, vídeo e dados. | |
NetStreamMetricsBase | org.osmf.net | The NetStreamMetricsBase class serves as a base class for a provider of run-time metrics to the NetStreamSwitchManager and its set of switching rules. | |
NetStreamMulticastInfo | flash.net | A classe NetStreamMulticastInfo especifica várias estatísticas de Qualidade do Serviço (QoS) relacionadas ao transporte de fluxo contínuo RTMFP não hierárquico e multicast de IP subjacente de um objeto de Netstream. | |
NetStreamPlayOptions | flash.net | A classe NetStreamPlayOptions especifica as várias opções que podem ser passadas para o método NetStream.play2. | |
NetStreamPlayTransitions | flash.net | A classe NetStreamPlayTransitions especifica as strings válidas que podem ser usadas com a propriedade NetStreamPlayOptions.transition. | |
NetStreamSwitcher | org.osmf.net | Controller of the NetStream regarding switching. | |
NetStreamSwitchManager | org.osmf.net | NetStreamSwitchManager is a default implementation of NetStreamSwitchManagerBase. | |
NetStreamSwitchManagerBase | org.osmf.net | NetStreamSwitchManagerBase is a base class for classes that need to manage transitions between multi-bitrate (MBR) streams. | |
NetworkInfo | flash.net | A classe NetworkInfo fornece informações sobre as interfaces de rede no computador. | |
NetworkInterface | flash.net | A classe NetworkInterface descreve uma interface de rede. | |
NetworkMonitor | mx.netmon | NetworkMonitor is a stub used by the framework and enterprise service classes to send information to the Flash Builder Network Monitor feature. | |
NewAssetDialog | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | The host component for the New Asset dialog. | |
NewDataElement | com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel | The NewDataElement component enables creating a new data element. | |
NewObjectSample | flash.sampler | A classe NewObjectSample representa objetos criados em um fluxo getSamples(). | |
NewProjectDialog | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project | The host component for creating the New Project dialog. | |
NewStageDialog | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the dialog to add a new stage. | |
NewStageTemplateDialog | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the dialog to create a new stage template. | |
NewTemplateDialog | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template | The host component for the dialog to create a new schedule template. | |
NextPanelButton | ga.controls | The NextPanelButton class defines the Next Panel Button component, which displays the next panel in a Guide. | |
NoChannelAvailableError | mx.messaging.errors | This error is thrown when no Channel is available to send messages. | |
NoDataAvailableError | mx.data.errors | The NoDataAvailableError class represents an error thrown when data requested is not local. | |
Node | ga.util | For internal use only. | |
None | fl.transitions.easing | A classe None define funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento não acelerado com animações ActionScript. | |
NotificationStyle | flash.notifications | A classe NotificationStyle define constantes dos estilos de notificações suportadas pela classe RemoteNotifier. | |
NotificationType | flash.desktop | A classe NotificationType define constantes para uso no parâmetro priority do método DockIcon bounce() e o parâmetro type do método NativeWindow notifyUser(). | |
Number | Nível superior | Um tipo de dados que representa um número de ponto flutuante de precisão dupla IEEE-754. | |
NumberBase | mx.formatters | The NumberBase class is a utility class that contains general number formatting capabilities, including rounding, precision, thousands formatting, and negative sign formatting. | |
NumberBaseRoundType | mx.formatters | The NumberBaseRoundType class defines the constant values for formatter properties that specify a type of rounding. | |
NumberFormatter | flash.globalization | A classe NumberFormatter fornece a formatação que reconhece a localidade e a análise de valores numéricos. | |
NumberFormatter | mx.formatters | The NumberFormatter class formats a valid number by adjusting the decimal rounding and precision, the thousands separator, and the negative sign. | |
NumberFormatter | spark.formatters | The NumberFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of numeric values. | |
NumberFormatterBase | spark.formatters.supportClasses | The NumberFormatterBase class is a base class for the NumberFormatter and CurrencyFormatter classes. | |
NumberInterpolator | spark.effects.interpolation | The NumberInterpolator class provides interpolation between start and end values represented as Number instances. | |
NumberParseResult | flash.globalization | Uma estrutura de dados que mantém informações sobre um número que foi extraído analisando uma string. | |
NumberValidator | mx.validators | The NumberValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid number. | |
NumberValidator | spark.validators | The NumberValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid number according to the conventions of a locale. | |
NumberValidatorBase | spark.validators.supportClasses | The NumberValidatorBase class contains all the common functionality that is required by the NumberValidator and CurrencyValidator classes. | |
NumberValidatorDomainType | mx.validators | The NumberValidatorDomainType class defines the values for the domain property of the NumberValidator class. | |
NumericAxis | mx.charts.chartClasses | The NumericAxis class acts as a common base class for axis types representing a continuous range of values between a defined minimum and maximum. | |
NumericDataProvider | spark.collections | This IList class generates items that are a sequential series of numbers. | |
NumericStepper | fl.controls | O componente NumericStepper exibe um conjunto ordenado de números a partir dos quais o usuário pode fazer uma seleção. | |
NumericStepper | mx.controls | The NumericStepper control lets the user select a number from an ordered set. | |
NumericStepper | spark.components | The NumericStepper control lets you select a number from an ordered set. | |
NumericStepperAccImpl | spark.accessibility | NumericStepperAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.NumericStepper. | |
NumericStepperAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NumericStepper control. | |
NumericStepperDecrementButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the down button of a Spark NumericStepper component. | |
NumericStepperDownSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the down button in a NumericStepper. | |
NumericStepperEvent | mx.events | Represents events that are specific to the NumericStepper control. | |
NumericStepperIncrementButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the up button of a Spark NumericStepper component. | |
NumericStepperSearchRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | Numeric Stepper Search Renderer to show Numeric Stepper in Advanced Search Pod | |
NumericStepperSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark NumericStepper component. | |
NumericStepperSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark NumericStepper component. | |
NumericStepperTextInputSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the text input field of a Spark NumericStepper component. | |
NumericStepperTextInputSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark NumericStepperTextInput component. | |
NumericStepperUpSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the up button in a NumericStepper. | |
Object | Nível superior | A classe Object está na raiz da hierarquia de classes do tempo de execução do ActionScript. | |
ObjectEncoding | flash.net | A classe ObjectEncoding é usada nas configurações de serialização de definição em classes que serializam objetos (como FileStream, NetStream, NetConnection, SharedObject e ByteArray) para funcionar com versões anteriores do ActionScript. | |
ObjectInstance | mx.messaging.management | Client representation of an object name instance for server-side management controls. | |
ObjectName | mx.messaging.management | Client representation of the name for server-side management controls. | |
ObjectProxy | mx.utils | This class provides the ability to track changes to an item managed by this proxy. | |
ObjectResultEvent | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event | The ObjectResultEvent event is dispatched when an object is retrieved. | |
ObjectResultEvent | lc.foundation.events | The ObjectResultEvent event is dispatched when an object is retrieved. | |
ObjectState | com.adobe.icc.enum | Specifies the enumerator for the state of an object or asset. | |
ObjectToken | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | The ObjectToken class represents a token for an asynchronous call that returns an object. | |
ObjectToken | lc.foundation.util | The ObjectToken class represents a token for an asynchronous call that returns an object. | |
ObjectType | com.adobe.icc.enum | Specifies the enumerator codes for various object and asset types. | |
ObjectUtil | mx.utils | The ObjectUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with Objects within Flex. | |
OLAPAttribute | mx.olap | The OLAPAttribute class represents a single attribute of an OLAPDimension. | |
OLAPAxisPosition | mx.olap | The OLAPAxisPosition class represents a position along the axis of the result of an OLAP query result. | |
OLAPCell | mx.olap | The OLAPCell class represents a cell in an OLAPResult instance. | |
OLAPCube | mx.olap | The OLAPCube class represents an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPDataGrid | mx.controls | The OLAPDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the AdvancedDataGrid control to add support for the display of the results of OLAP queries. | |
OLAPDataGridAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer | mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses | The OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a group renderer for the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDataGridGroupRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer class. | |
OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider | mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses | The OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider class lets you specify a custom header renderer for the columns in the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider | mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses | An OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider instance lets you specify a formatter for the items in the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDataGridRendererProvider | mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses | The OLAPDataGridRendererProvider class defines the base class for assigning item renderers used by the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDimension | mx.olap | The OLAPDimension class represents a dimension of an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPElement | mx.olap | The OLAPElement class defines a base interface that provides common properties for all OLAP elements. | |
OLAPHierarchy | mx.olap | The OLAPHierarchy class represents a hierarchy of the schema of an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPLevel | mx.olap | The OLAPLevel class represents a level in an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPMeasure | mx.olap | The OLAPMeasure class represents a member of the measure dimension of an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPMember | mx.olap | The OLAPMember class represents a member of an OLAP dimension. | |
OLAPQuery | mx.olap | The OLAPQuery interface represents an OLAP query that is executed on an IOLAPCube. | |
OLAPQueryAxis | mx.olap | The OLAPQueryAxis interface represents an axis of an OLAP query. | |
OLAPResult | mx.olap | The OLAPResult class represents the result of a query on an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPResultAxis | mx.olap | The OLAPResultAxis class represents an axis of the result of an OLAP query. | |
OLAPSchema | mx.olap | The OLAPSchema class represents an OLAP cube or cubes. | |
OLAPSet | mx.olap | The OLAPSet class represents a set, which is used to configure the axis of an OLAP query. | |
OLAPTrace | mx.olap | The OLAPTrace class controls the generation of trace information generated by the OLAP classes and written to the log file. | |
OLAPTuple | mx.olap | The OLAPTuple class reprsents a tuple expression pointing to an OLAP cube cell. | |
OnDemandEventDispatcher | mx.utils | OnDemandEventDispatcher serves as a base class for classes that dispatch events but expect listeners to be infrequent. | |
OneColumn | ga.layouts | Defines the default One Column panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective in Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
OneColumnSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the OneColumn skin available in the Guide Design perspective in Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
OneLevelPanelNavigator | com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components | A guide navigator that navigates a simple one level deep list of pages. | |
OpaqueWrapperToken | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | OpaqueWrapperToken wraps another token, calling successHandlers with no parameters. | |
OpenSessionEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The OpenSessionEvent class defines a transient notification of opening an ISession. | |
Operation | mx.rpc.http | An Operation used specifically by an HTTPMultiService. | |
Operation | mx.rpc.remoting.mxml | The Operation used for RemoteObject when created in an MXML document. | |
Operation | mx.rpc.remoting | An Operation used specifically by RemoteObjects. | |
Operation | mx.rpc.soap.mxml | An Operation used specifically by WebServices. | |
Operation | mx.rpc.soap | An Operation used specifically by WebServices. | |
OperationInfo | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Transfer object Holds the information for Service operation. | |
OperationParameter | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Transfer object holding the details of Operation Parameter. | |
OperationType | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | OperationType Enum. | |
OptionMenuButton | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu | Displays a button that produces a menu when selected. | |
OptionMenuEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu | The events generated by the OptionMenuButton class. | |
OrderedObject | mx.utils | OrderedObject acts as a wrapper to Object to preserve the ordering of the properties as they are added. | |
Orientation3D | flash.geom | A classe Orientation3D é uma enumeração de valores constantes para representar o estilo de orientação de um objeto Matrix3D. | |
OrOperator | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators | The implementation of the or operator | |
OSMFSettings | org.osmf.utils | Utility class which exposes all user-facing OSMF settings. | |
OSMFStrings | org.osmf.utils | Utility class that exposes all user-facing strings. | |
OutputProgressEvent | flash.events | O objeto FileStream envia objetos OutputProgressEvent enquanto as operações pendentes de gravação de arquivos assíncronos são realizadas. | |
OverflowPolicy | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe OverflowPolicy define um conjunto de constantes para a propriedade overflowPolicy da classe IConfiguration. | |
OverlayDepth | spark.components.supportClasses | The OverlayDepth class defines the default depth values for various overlay elements used by Flex. | |
OverrideBase | mx.states | The OverrideBase class is the base class for the override classes used by view states. | |
PackageDefinition | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | A PackageDefinition is an object that wraps the package definition XML file (package.xml). | |
PackageDefinitionLoader | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | This class is used to get the singleton instance of the PackageDefinition object. | |
PackageDefinitionLoadFailedEvent | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | This event fires after a call to PackageDefinitionLoader.getInstance() to indicate an error has occurred and the PackageDefinition object will not be available for use. | |
PackageDefinitionReadyEvent | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | This event fires after a call to PackageDefinitionLoader.getInstance() to inform that the PackageDefinition object is ready to be used. | |
PackageElement | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | The base class for the object representation of elements in the package definition file. | |
PackageObjectReadyEvent | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | The PackageObjectReadyEvent is dispatched by the PackageDefinition when an IPackageObject-implementing component is fully loaded and ready for use. | |
Page | ga.model | The Page class represents a single physical instance of a Panel. | |
PagedMessage | mx.data.messages | This messsage provides information about a partial sequence result. | |
PageInformation | mx.data | The PageInformation class provides detailed data about what pages of a collection have been loaded, how many there are, and what the current page size is. | |
Panel | mx.containers | A Halo Panel container consists of a title bar, a caption, a border, and a content area for its children. | |
Panel | spark.components | The Panel class defines a container that includes a title bar, a caption, a border, and a content area for its children. | |
PanelAccImpl | mx.accessibility | PanelAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Panel class. | |
PanelAccImpl | spark.accessibility | PanelAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.Panel. | |
PanelAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Panel class. | |
PanelBorderSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
PanelBorderSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
PanelBreak | ga.model | The PanelBreak class defines the Next Area utility object in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0, and causes the layout algorithm to move to the next available slot in the panel layout. | |
PanelContent | ga.controls | The PanelContent class displays the content of the current panel based on the panel layout and customization options specified in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
PanelItem | ga.model | The PanelItem class acts both as a place holder in the layout template and as the run-time component that binds to the form model. | |
PanelItemBase | ga.model | The PanelItemBase class is a copy of the mx.controls.FormItem that supports a rich text label. | |
PanelListView | ga.views | The PanelListView class provides a dynamic list of visible panels within a Guide. | |
PanelManager | ga.model | The PanelManager class manages the list of visible panels on a Guide. | |
PanelRichText | ga.model | The PanelText class defines the Guide Text Guide object that contains text and can be bound to the form model. | |
PanelSkin | mx.skins.halo | The PanelSkin class defines the skin for the Panel, TitleWindow, and Alert components. | |
PanelSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark Panel container. | |
PanelSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark Panel component. | |
PanelText | ga.model | The PanelText class defines the Guide Text Guide object that contains text and can be bound to the form model. | |
PanelTitle | ga.controls | The PanelTitle component represents a label that displays the name of the currently selected panel. | |
PaperSize | flash.printing | Esta classe fornece os valores disponíveis do parâmetro paperSize do método PrintJob.selectPaperSize(). | |
ParagraphElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe ParagraphElement representa um parágrafo na hierarquia de fluxo de texto. | |
ParagraphFormattedElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe ParagraphFormattedElement é uma classe básica abstrata das classes FlowElement que têm propriedades de parágrafo. | |
Parallel | mx.effects | The Parallel effect plays multiple child effects at the same time. | |
ParallelElement | org.osmf.elements | ParallelElement is a media composition whose elements are presented in parallel (concurrently). | |
ParallelInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The ParallelInstance class implements the instance class for the Parallel effect. | |
Participant | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines a participant in a review workflow. | |
ParticipantAttributes | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | ParticipantAttributes Enum. | |
ParticipantVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | ParticipantVO represents a participant in a review. | |
PasteOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe PasteOperation encapsula a operação de colagem. | |
Path | spark.primitives | The Path class is a filled graphic element that draws a series of path segments. | |
Pause | mx.effects | The Pause effect is useful when sequencing effects. | |
PauseInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The PauseInstance class implements the instance class for the Pause effect. | |
Pdf | coldfusion.service.mxml | The proxy class for pdf services exposed by ColdFusion. | |
PDFBox | ga.controls | The PDFBox class defines the PDFBox component which displays a rendered PDF associated with a Guide. | |
PdfInfo | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.pdfinfo. | |
PdfPageDetail | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.pdfpagedetail. | |
PdfParam | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.pdfparam. | |
PDFResponseType | com.adobe.icc.vo.render | A value object that is returned by the render services. | |
PerformanceLog | ga.controls | The PerformanceLog component displays performance metrics relative to the run time version of a Guide. | |
PermissionBasedAssetHandler | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers | This class is a wrapper around actual AssetHandlers to enforce permissions associated with asset actions. | |
PermissionBasedAssetHandler | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler | A wrapper for AssetHandlers that enforces permissions that are associated with asset actions. | |
PermissionError | flash.errors | O erro de permissão é enviado em situações nas quais o aplicativo tenta acessar uma função sem solicitar as permissões necessárias. | |
PermissionEvent | flash.events | ||
PermissionStatus | flash.permissions | A classe PermissionStatus é uma enumeração de valores constantes que especificam o status de autorização de uma permissão | |
PersistenceError | coldfusion.air.errors | This error is thrown when a client-side persistent error is encountered. | |
PersistenceError | mx.data.offline.errors | This error is thrown when a client side persistent error is encountered | |
PersistenceManager | spark.managers | The PersistenceManager class is a basic persistence manager that is backed by a local shared object named FxAppCache. | |
PerspectiveProjection | flash.geom | A classe PerspectiveProjection fornece um meio fácil de atribuir ou modificar as transformações de perspectiva de um objeto de exibição e todos os respectivos filhos. | |
PhoneFormatter | mx.formatters | The PhoneFormatter class formats a valid number into a phone number format, including international configurations. | |
PhoneNumberValidator | mx.validators | The PhoneNumberValidator class validates that a string is a valid phone number. | |
Photo | fl.transitions | Faz o objeto de clipe de filme aparecer ou desaparece como um flash fotográfico. | |
PieChart | mx.charts | The PieChart control represents a data series as a standard pie chart. | |
PieChartHorizontalSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the Pie Chart skin available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
PieSeries | mx.charts.series | The PieSeries class defines the data series for a PieChart control. | |
PieSeriesAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LineSeries class. | |
PieSeriesItem | mx.charts.series.items | Represents the information required to render a single wedge as part of a PieSeries. | |
PieSeriesRenderData | mx.charts.series.renderData | Represents all the information needed by the PieSeries to render. | |
Pin | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service | A Pin object is a type of ticket which can be used to authenticate a user in remote call. | |
PixelDissolve | fl.transitions | A classe PixelDissolve revela o objeto de clipe de filme usando retângulos que aparecem ou desaparecem aleatoriamente em um padrão xadrez. | |
PixelSnapping | flash.display | A classe PixelSnapping é uma enumeração de valores constantes para a definição das opções de ajuste de pixels, usando a propriedade pixelSnapping de um objeto Bitmap. | |
PlainTextExporter | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Exportar conversor para o formato de texto simples. | |
PlaybackDetails | org.osmf.net.qos | PlaybackDetails represents a collection of data about the playback of a specific quality level that took place between two ABREvent.QOS_UPDATE events | |
PlayEvent | org.osmf.events | A PlayEvent is dispatched when the properties of a PlayTrait change. | |
PlayPauseButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The default skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
PlayPauseButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | The default skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
PlayPauseButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | The wireframe skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
PlayState | org.osmf.traits | PlayState is the enumeration of possible states that a PlayTrait can be in. | |
PlayTrait | org.osmf.traits | PlayTrait defines the trait interface for media whose playback can be started and stopped. | |
PlotChart | mx.charts | The PlotChart control represents data with two values for each data point. | |
PlotSeries | mx.charts.series | Defines a data series for a PlotChart control. | |
PlotSeriesAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the PlotSeries class. | |
PlotSeriesItem | mx.charts.series.items | Represents the information required to render an item as part of a PlotSeries. | |
PlotSeriesRenderData | mx.charts.series.renderData | Represents all the information needed by the PlotSeries to render. | |
PluginInfo | org.osmf.media | PluginInfo is the encapsulation of the set of MediaFactoryItem objects that will be available to the application after the plugin has been successfully loaded. | |
PluginInfoResource | org.osmf.media | PluginInfoResource is a media resource that represents a static plugin. | |
PluginNotInstalledEvent | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event | The PluginNotInstalledEvent is dispatched when the Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader plugin is not installed on user's computer. | |
PNGEncoder | mx.graphics.codec | The PNGEncoder class converts raw bitmap images into encoded images using Portable Network Graphics (PNG) lossless compression. | |
PNGEncoderOptions | flash.display | A classe PNGEncoderOptions define um algoritmo de compactação para o método flash.display.BitmapData.encode(). | |
Point | flash.geom | O objeto Point representa uma localização em um sistema de coordenadas bidimensional, em que x representa o eixo horizontal e y, o eixo vertical. | |
PolarChart | mx.charts.chartClasses | The PolarChart control serves as base class for circular charts based in polar coordinates. | |
PolarDataCanvas | mx.charts.chartClasses | PolarDataCanvas class enables user to use graphics API with respect to data coordinates instead of screen coordinates. | |
PolarTransform | mx.charts.chartClasses | The PolarTransform object represents a set of axes used to map data values to angle/distance polar coordinates and vice versa. | |
PollingChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The PollingChannel class provides the polling behavior that all polling channels in the messaging system require. | |
Pop | coldfusion.service.mxml | The proxy class for pop services exposed by ColdFusion. | |
PopHeader | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.poprecord The ColdFusion service returns some of the results in CFIDE.services.poprecord. | |
PopRecord | coldfusion.service | A class that is remotely mapped to CFIDE.services.poprecord. | |
PopUpAnchor | spark.components | The PopUpAnchor component is used to position a control that pops up or drops down, such as a DropDownList component, in layout. | |
PopUpButton | mx.controls | The PopUpButton control adds a flexible pop-up control interface to a Button control. | |
PopUpButtonAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the PopUpButton control. | |
PopUpButtonSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of a PopUpButton. | |
PopUpButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX PopUpButton component. | |
PopUpButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX PopUpButton component. | |
PopUpEvent | spark.events | The PopUpEvent class represents an event dispatched by the SkinnablePopUpContainer. | |
PopUpIcon | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the icon in a PopUpButton. | |
PopUpManager | mx.managers | The PopUpManager singleton class creates new top-level windows and places or removes those windows from the layer on top of all other visible windows. | |
PopUpManagerChildList | mx.managers | The PopUpManagerChildList class defines the constant values for the detail property of the PopUpManager addPopUp() and createPopUp() methods. | |
PopUpMenuButton | mx.controls | The PopUpMenuButton control creates a PopUpButton control with a main sub-button and a secondary sub-button. | |
PopUpMenuIcon | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the icon in a PopUpMenuButton. | |
PopUpPosition | spark.components | Enumerated type for the PopUpAnchor.popUpPosition property. | |
Portfolio | com.adobe.icc.vo | A value object for the portfolio template. | |
PostScaleAdapter | mx.containers.utilityClasses | The PostScaleAdapter class is used as a compatibility layer for Flex 3 classes that rely on width, height, min, max, explicit, measured, and other properties to be determined after scaling is applied. | |
Power | spark.effects.easing | The Power class defines the easing functionality using a polynomial expression. | |
Preference | lc.foundation.domain | The Preference class stores user or system level preferences. | |
PreferencesManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | The PreferencesManager is a singleton providing storage for various user preferences like preferred data dictionary and preferred categories. | |
PreferencesManager | lc.foundation | The PreferencesManager class is the standard implementation of the ISessionManager interface. | |
Preloader | mx.preloaders | The Preloader class is used by the SystemManager to monitor the download and initialization status of a Flex application. | |
PresentationModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.presentationmodel | The PresentationModel class is a superclass for all the presentation models. | |
PressAndTapGestureEvent | flash.events | A classe PressAndTapGestureEvent deixa que você controle o gesto de pressionar-e-tocar em dispositivos ativados pelo toque. | |
PreviewEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | Custom event created to act as a holder for data and mimeType of an asset. | |
PreviewUIControlFactory | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview | Factory class for creating IPreviewUIControl preview renderers based on the mimetype of the content | |
PreviousPanelButton | ga.controls | The PreviousPanelButton class defines the Previous Panel Button component, which displays the previous panel in a form guide. | |
Principal | lc.foundation.domain | The Principal class is base class for both the User and Group classes and contains a set of common attributes. | |
PrincipalSearchFilterVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.um | Defines properties used for searching principals. | |
PrincipalVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.um | Defines a principal which can either be a User or a Group. | |
PrintAdvancedDataGrid | mx.printing | The PrintAdvancedDataGrid control is an AdvancedDataGrid subclass that is styled to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing. | |
PrintDataGrid | mx.printing | The PrintDataGrid control is a DataGrid subclass that is styled to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing. | |
PrintJob | flash.printing | A classe PrintJob permite que você crie conteúdo e o imprima em uma ou mais páginas. | |
PrintJobOptions | flash.printing | A classe PrintJobOptions contém propriedades a serem usadas com o parâmetro de opções do método PrintJob.addPage(). | |
PrintJobOrientation | flash.printing | Essa classe fornece valores que são usados pela propriedade PrintJob.orientation para a posição da imagem de uma página impressa. | |
PrintMethod | flash.printing | Esta classe fornece valores para a propriedade PrintJobOptions.printMethod especificar o método de impressão de uma página. | |
PrintOLAPDataGrid | mx.printing | The PrintOLAPDataGrid control is an OLAPDataGrid subclass that is styled to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing. | |
PrintUIOptions | flash.printing | A classe PrintUIOptions é usada para especificar opções de caixas de diálogo de impressão exibidas para o usuário. | |
PRMErrorEvent | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.event | This class manages the PRM error events. | |
PRMFileRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.file | The host component to display image from a file, if it is present, or to display the default images. | |
Process | lc.procmgmt.domain | The Process class represents a process running on the Document Server. | |
ProcessComponent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The component to display a process in the Tasks view. | |
ProcessComponentEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | This event is dispatched by ProcessComponent when a process is selected or a selection is cancelled. | |
ProcessConstants | lc.procmgmt | The ProcessConstants class holds constants for the Process class's status property. | |
ProcessInstance | lc.procmgmt.domain | The ProcessInstance class represents a process instance on the Document Server. | |
ProcessInstanceDataGrid | lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking | The ProcessInstanceDataGrid component manages the views of process instance in different states, such as empty state, with data and detail state and displays it as a datagrid. | |
ProcessInstanceDataGridModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking | The ProcessInstanceDataGridModel class obtains the ProcessInstance objects for the selected Process object. | |
ProcessInstanceInfo | lc.procmgmt.ui.process | The ProcessInstanceInfo component displays a set of properties for a selected process instance, which is represented by a ProcessInstance object. | |
ProcessInstanceInfoModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.process | The ProcessInstanceInfoModel class provides support for views that are interested in the data from a ProcessInstance object, which represents a process instance. | |
ProcessManager | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.manager | This class implements operations around process that can be used as hooks to customize review workflow. | |
ProcessVariable | lc.procmgmt.domain | The ProcessVariable class represents the information stored as part of a process variable and is used for retrieving the information for a process variable. | |
Producer | mx.messaging | A Producer sends messages to a destination. | |
Program3D | flash.display3D | A classe Program3D representa um par de programas de renderização (também denominado "sombreadores") carregado para o contexto de renderização. | |
ProgrammaticSkin | mx.skins | This class is the base class for skin elements which draw themselves programmatically. | |
ProgressBar | com.adobe.gravity.flex.progress | A progress bar that registers an IProgressTracker services to track the activity in the system. | |
ProgressBar | fl.controls | O componente ProgressBar exibe o progresso do conteúdo que está sendo carregado. | |
ProgressBar | mx.controls | The ProgressBar control provides a visual representation of the progress of a task over time. | |
ProgressBarAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ProgressBar control. | |
ProgressBarDirection | fl.controls | A classe ProgressBarDirection define os valores da propriedade de direção da classe ProgressBar. | |
ProgressBarDirection | mx.controls | The ProgressBarDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the ProgressBar class. | |
ProgressBarLabelPlacement | mx.controls | The ProgressBarLabelPlacement class defines the values for the labelPlacement property of the ProgressBar class. | |
ProgressBarMode | fl.controls | A classe ProgressBarMode define os valores da propriedade de modo da classe ProgressBar. | |
ProgressBarMode | mx.controls | The ProgressBarMode class defines the values for the mode property of the ProgressBar class. | |
ProgressBarSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for a ProgressBar. | |
ProgressBarSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressBarSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressBarTrackSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX ProgressBar component's track. | |
ProgressBarTrackSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressEvent | flash.events | Um evento ProgressEvent é despachado quando uma operação de carregamento começou ou um soquete recebeu dados. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the indeterminate state of a ProgressBar. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin for the indeterminate state of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin for the indeterminate state of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressMaskSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the mask of the ProgressBar's determinate and indeterminate bars. | |
ProgressMaskSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin for the mask of the MX ProgressBar component's determinate and indeterminate bars. | |
ProgressMaskSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin for the mask of the MX ProgressBar component's determinate and indeterminate bars. | |
ProgressSectionBarNav | ga.controls | The ProgressSectionBarNav component provides a horizontal list of buttons representing each section in the Guide tree. | |
ProgressTrackSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the track in a ProgressBar. | |
Project | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl | This class defines a project domain entity. | |
ProjectDetailsPod | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project | The host component for the Project Details pane. | |
ProjectEvent | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.event | This class manages the project events dispatched, when a new project is created or a project is selected. | |
ProjectManagementCoreService | com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl | This class defines core operation for project management like, create, update, and delete. | |
ProjectManagementQueryService | com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl | This class defines the operations to retrieve and search Project and WorkItem. | |
ProjectSearchFilterVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | Search filter for a project. | |
ProjectState | com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant | This class defines the default states of project and WorkItem. | |
ProjectStatus | com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant | This class defines project and workitem status | |
ProjectType | com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant | Project entity can be different types, this class defines default types of the project. | |
ProjectVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | Defines a project entity. | |
ProLoader | fl.display | A classe ProLoader carrega Arquivos SWF ou imagens. | |
ProLoaderInfo | fl.display | Esta classe é usada por ProLoader em vez de LoaderInfo. | |
PromoImage | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller | A PromoImage is an Image control that gets its source value by querying the PackageDefinition object (which is just a wrapper for the package definition file - package.xml) during initialization. | |
PromoImageSlideShow | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller | PromoImageSlideShow is an extension of PromoImage that can load a series of images from the package definition (package.xml). | |
PromoSWFLoader | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller | The PromoSWFLoader is a SWFLoader that loads an application SWF from a location specified in the package definition (package.xml) file. | |
Property | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter | This class specifies the property names used on filter conditions. | |
Property | com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | The Property class represents a simple name:String to value:Object pair class for use in indicating a Service library property. | |
PropertyChangeEvent | mx.events | The PropertyChangeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener when one of the properties of an object has changed, and provides information about the change. | |
PropertyChangeEventKind | mx.events | The PropertyChangeEventKind class defines the constant values for the kind property of the PropertyChangeEvent class. | |
PropertyChanges | mx.effects.effectClasses | The PropertyChanges class defines the start and end values for a set of properties of a target component of a transition. | |
PropertyContainer | com.adobe.dct.view | The PropertyContainer component displays the data dictionary element properties and provides the option to edit the value of these properties. | |
PropertyLoadEvent | lc.foundation.events | A PropertyLoadEvent event is dispatched when a property is loaded. | |
PropertySpecifier | mx.data | This class specifies which properties should be included for a specific findItem or fill call. | |
ProviderFactory | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain | The ProviderFactory class serves as a static container for an IProviderFactory instance and provides static utility wrappers over the IProviderFactory methods. | |
ProviderFactoryImpl | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.impl | Default implementation of the IProviderFactory interface, which serves as the entry point for operations related to expression authoring. | |
ProxyElement | org.osmf.elements | ProxyElement is a media element that acts as a wrapper for another MediaElement. | |
ProxyServiceError | coldfusion.service | Base class for all service errors on the client side. | |
PTRRecord | flash.net.dns | A classe PTRRecord representa um registro de recurso de PTR do Sistema de nome de domínio (DNS) que contém um nome do domínio canônico. | |
QName | Nível superior | Objetos QName representam nomes qualificados de elementos e atributos XML. | |
QoSInfo | org.osmf.net.qos | QoSInfo holds Quality of Service information of the media. | |
QoSInfoEvent | org.osmf.events | A NetStream dispatches a QoSInfoEvent when it has generated a new QoSInfo object. | |
QoSInfoHistory | org.osmf.net.qos | QoSInfoHistory holds a number of QoSInfo records | |
Quadratic | fl.motion.easing | A classe Quadratic define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento acelerado com animações ActionScript. | |
Quadratic | mx.effects.easing | The Quadratic class defines three easing functions to implement quadratic motion with Flex effect classes. | |
QualifiedResourceManager | mx.rpc.xml | QualifiedResourceManager is a helper class that simply maintains the order that resources were added and maps a target namespace to one or more resources. | |
QualityLevel | org.osmf.net.qos | QualityLevel describes a quality level of an ABR stream | |
Quartic | fl.motion.easing | A classe Quartic define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript. | |
Quartic | mx.effects.easing | The Quartic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes. | |
Query | com.adobe.icc.vo | Defines a collection of Statement objects that form a query where results must match all of the statements specified. | |
QueryServiceFactory | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.search | A factory class that retrieves an IQueryService instance based on the type of assembler that is used by backend Data Services destinations. | |
QuestionItem | ga.model | The QuestionItem class acts as a place holder in the panel layout. | |
Queue | lc.procmgmt.domain | The Queue class is used for specifying the unique identifier and the filter for a given queue. | |
QueueBase | lc.procmgmt.domain | The QueueBase class manages a collection of Task objects. | |
QueueConstants | lc.procmgmt | The QueueConstants class holds constants for the Queue class type and filter properties. | |
QueueSharingActionCompleteEvent | lc.procmgmt.events | The QueueSharingActionCompleteEvent event is dispatched when a queue-sharing action such as grant, request, or revoke returns. | |
QueuesManager | lc.procmgmt.domain | The QueuesManager class manages the draft queue, default queue, and group queue. | |
Quintic | fl.motion.easing | A classe Quintic define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript. | |
Quintic | mx.effects.easing | The Quintic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes. | |
RadialGradient | mx.graphics | The RadialGradient class lets you specify a gradual color transition in the fill color. | |
RadialGradientStroke | mx.graphics | The RadialGradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke. | |
RadioButton | fl.controls | O componente RadioButton permite forçar um usuário a fazer uma seleção simples a partir de um conjunto de opções. | |
RadioButton | mx.controls | The RadioButton control lets the user make a single choice within a set of mutually exclusive choices. | |
RadioButton | spark.components | The RadioButton component allows the user make a single choice within a set of mutually exclusive choices. | |
RadioButtonAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe RadioButtonAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de RadioButton, é usada para tornar acessível um componente RadioButton. | |
RadioButtonAccImpl | mx.accessibility | RadioButtonAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the RadioButton class. | |
RadioButtonAccImpl | spark.accessibility | RadioButtonAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.RadioButton. | |
RadioButtonAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the RadioButton control. | |
RadioButtonGroup | fl.controls | A classe RadioButtonGroup define um grupo de componentes RadioButton de forma a atuar com um componente simples. | |
RadioButtonGroup | mx.controls | The RadioButtonGroup control defines a group of RadioButton controls that act as a single mutually exclusive control; therefore, a user can select only one RadioButton control at a time. | |
RadioButtonGroup | spark.components | The RadioButtonGroup component defines a group of RadioButton components that act as a single mutually exclusive component; therefore, a user can select only one RadioButton component at a time. | |
RadioButtonIcon | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the icon in a RadioButton. | |
RadioButtonList | ga.controls | This UIComponent presents a list as a set of radio buttons and allow you to select on radio button from the list. | |
RadioButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the MX RadioButton component. | |
RadioButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX RadioButton component. | |
RadioButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for RadioButton controls in mobile applications. | |
RadioButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark RadioButton component. | |
RadioButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark RadioButton component. | |
Range | spark.components.supportClasses | The Range class holds a value and an allowed range for that value, defined by minimum and maximum properties. | |
RangeError | Nível superior | Uma exceção RangeError é lançada quando um valor numérico está fora da faixa aceitável. | |
RCADomainFactory | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.factory | The factory class is used to get the reference of domain objects. | |
RCADomainFactoryImpl | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | The factory class to create instances of domain objects. | |
RCAErrorEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | RCA error event. | |
RCAPermission | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | RCAPermission enumerator. | |
RCAPermission | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | RCAPermission Enum. | |
RCAServiceProvider | com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | This provider class is used to get the reference of service objects. | |
RCAServiceProviderImpl | com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | An implementation of Service provider interface that provides concrete methods to create service instances. | |
RCAToken | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token | Special token class for the Review, Commenting, and Approval building block. | |
ReaderSubmit | lc.procmgmt.domain | The ReaderSubmit class specifies properties to indicate whether the PDF is to be submitted using Adobe Reader 9.1 or later, or Adobe Acrobat. | |
RecentSwitchMetric | org.osmf.net.metrics | Metric specifying whether a switch occurred recently (checks if the last downloaded fragment is from a different quality than the previous one). The metric will specify the switch type (up-switch or down-switch). This metric's type is MetricType.RECENT_SWITCH (org.osmf.net.abr.metrics.recentSwitch) | |
RecipientType | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | RecipientType enumerator. | |
RecipientType | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | RecipientType Enum. | |
Recommendation | org.osmf.net.rules | Recommendation represents a RuleBase's recommendation. | |
Rect | spark.primitives | The Rect class is a filled graphic element that draws a rectangle. | |
Rectangle | flash.geom | Um objeto Rectangle é uma área definida por sua posição, conforme indicado pelo seu ponto no canto superior esquerdo (x, y) e pela sua largura e altura. | |
RectangleTexture | flash.display3D.textures | A classe Rectangle Texture representa uma textura bidimensional carregada para um contexto de renderização. | |
RectangularBorder | mx.skins | The RectangularBorder class is an abstract base class for various classes that draw rectangular borders around UIComponents. | |
RectangularDropShadow | mx.graphics | Drop shadows are typically created using the DropShadowFilter class. | |
RectangularDropShadow | spark.primitives | This class optimizes drop shadows for the common case. | |
RedoOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe RedoOperation encapsula uma operação de repetição. | |
ReferenceChangedEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | This event is dispatched when a stage or a review is changed, if the stage or a review was earlier referenced. | |
ReferenceError | Nível superior | Uma exceção de ReferenceError é lançada quando há uma tentativa de referência a uma propriedade não definida em um objeto selado (não dinâmico). | |
ReferencesValidationSetting | flash.security | A classe ReferencesValidationSetting define as constantes usadas pela propriedade referencesValidationSetting de um objeto XMLSignatureValidator. | |
RegExp | Nível superior | A classe RegExp permite trabalhar com expressões regulares, que são padrões que você pode usar para fazer pesquisas em strings e substituir o texto em strings. | |
RegExpValidationResult | mx.validators | The RegExpValidator class dispatches the valid and invalid events. | |
RegExpValidator | mx.validators | The RegExpValidator class lets you use a regular expression to validate a field. | |
Regular | fl.transitions.easing | A classe Regular define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento acelerado com animações ActionScript. | |
RejectCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The RejectCommand class executes the reject operation for the task. | |
RelationEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | Custom event created to act as a holder for asset, its typeDescriptor, its relations, and a boolean flag which indicates if the asset has dependencies which cannot be published. | |
RelationParameters | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.relation | Relation Parameters used to specify cutPoints and other related search parameters | |
RelationShipBrowser | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.relationships | Custom Component which shows an asset's Related and Contained relationships. | |
RelationshipVO | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.relationships | Data Object used by the Relationship Browser. | |
Reminder | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder | A reminder associated with a stage that is sent out when the stage is executed. | |
ReminderCollection | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder | Specifies that Reminder objects are added to a collection. | |
ReminderVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | A reminder delivered to the specified recipient, a given number of days before the end of the stage. | |
RemoteNotificationEvent | flash.events | Contém eventos enviados por flash.notifications.RemoteNotifier em resposta a eventos de notificações push de APNs. | |
RemoteNotifier | flash.notifications | A classe RemoteNotifier permite que você opte pela para assinar ou não as notificações push. | |
RemoteNotifierSubscribeOptions | flash.notifications | A classe RemoteNotifierSubscribeOptions define as opções de inicialização que podem ser usadas durante o processo de notificação remota do processo de assinatura. | |
RemoteObject | mx.rpc.remoting.mxml | Use the <mx:RemoteObject> tag to represent an HTTPService object in an MXML file. | |
RemoteObject | mx.rpc.remoting | The RemoteObject class gives you access to classes on a remote application server. | |
RemoteObjectServiceWrapper | com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper | This class is the superclass of all generated wrappers around instances of the RemoteObject class. | |
RemotingMessage | mx.messaging.messages | RemotingMessages are used to send RPC requests to a remote endpoint. | |
RemotingServiceInfo | com.adobe.dct.transfer | Transfer object holding the Remoting service information required by Data Dictionary. | |
RemoveAction | spark.effects | The RemoveAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the RemoveChild property of a view state definition. | |
RemoveActionInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The RemoveActionInstance class implements the instance class for the RemoveAction effect. | |
RemoveChild | mx.states | The RemoveChild class removes a child display object, such as a component, from a container as part of a view state. | |
RemoveChildAction | mx.effects | The RemoveChildAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the RemoveChild property of a view state definition. | |
RemoveChildActionInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The RemoveChildActionInstance class implements the instance class for the RemoveChildAction effect. | |
RemoveItemAction | mx.effects | The RemoveItemAction class defines an action effect that determines when the item renderer disappears from the control for the item renderer of an item being removed from a list-based control, such as List or TileList, or for an item that is replaced by a new item added to the control. | |
RemoveItemActionInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The RemoveItemActionInstance class implements the instance class for the RemoveChildAction effect. | |
RemovePanelButton | ga.controls | The RemovePanelButton class defines the Remove Panel Button component, which removes an instance of a panel from a list of repeating panels contained within a section. | |
RemovePanelEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The RemovePanelEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a Panel. | |
RemoveTileEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The RemoveTileEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a Tile. | |
RemoveViewEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The RemoveViewEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a View. | |
RemoveViewManagerEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The RemoveViewManagerEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a ViewManager. | |
RenderData | mx.charts.chartClasses | RenderData structures are used by chart elements to store all of the relevant values and data needed to fully render the chart. | |
RendererBase | lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.renderer | For internal use only. | |
RendererExistenceEvent | spark.events | The RendererExistenceEvent class represents events that are dispatched when a renderer of a Spark DataGroup is added or removed. | |
RenderingMode | flash.text.engine | A classe RenderingMode fornece valores para o modo de renderização na classe FontDescription. | |
ReparentTileEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | NOT IMPLEMENTED The ReparentTileEvent class defines a transient notification of Tile that has been reparented. | |
RepeatBehavior | spark.effects.animation | The RepeatBehavior class defines constants for use with repeatBehavior property of the Animate and Animation classes. | |
Repeater | mx.core | The Repeater class is the runtime object that corresponds to the <mx:Repeater> tag. | |
RepeaterAccordion | ga.layouts | Defines the default Repeater Accordion panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective in Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
RepeaterAccordionSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the Repeater Accordion skin available in the Guide Design perspective in Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
RepeaterAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.core | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Repeater class. | |
RepeaterGrid | ga.layouts | Defines the default Repeater Grid panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
RepeaterGridSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the Repeater Grid skin available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
RepeaterLayoutHost | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | This layout host component provides three skin parts: header, repeatingPart, trailer. | |
RepeaterTab | ga.layouts | Defines the default Repeater Tab panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
RepeaterTabSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the default Repeater Tab skin available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
RepeatInputControl | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte | The component to capture the Repeat content inside a text. | |
Request | mx.events | This is an event that is expects its data property to be set by a responding listener. | |
RequestApplicationEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | NOT IMPLEMENTED The RequestApplicationEvent class defines a transient notification of an initialized but unresolved and non-loaded IApplicationSpecifier object. | |
RequestApplicationListEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The RequestApplicationListEvent class defines a transient notification of an array of type IApplicationListItem representing the applications available to the current user. | |
RequestAwareErrorEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain | Event dispatched by various EXM domain authoring classes to indicate that an error has occurred during an operation. | |
RequestAwareEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain | Base class for events dispatched by various EXM domain authoring classes to indicate that an operation has returned or errored out. | |
RequestCatalogEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | NOT IMPLEMENTED The RequestCatalogEvent class defines a transient notification of an initialized but unresolved and non-loaded ICatalogSpecifier object. | |
RequestCatalogListEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | NOT IMPLEMENTED The RequestCatalogListEvent class defines a transient notification of an array of type ICatalogListItem representing the catalogs available to the current user. | |
Resize | mx.effects | The Resize effect changes the width, height, or both dimensions of a component over a specified time interval. | |
Resize | spark.effects | The Resize effect changes the width, height, or both dimensions of a component over a specified time interval. | |
ResizeEvent | mx.events | Represents event objects that are dispatched when the size of a Flex component changes. | |
ResizeInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The ResizeInstance class implements the instance class for the Resize effect. | |
ResizeInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The ResizeInstance class implements the instance class for the Resize effect. | |
ResizeMode | spark.components | The ResizeMode class defines an enumeration of the modes a component uses to resize its children in the dimensions specified by the layout system. | |
ResolvedContent | com.adobe.icc.vo.render | A value object for the resolved content of a module. | |
ResolveReferencesEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The ResolveReferencesEvent class defines a transient notification of references resolved. | |
Resource | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | This class models a <resource> element in the package definition. | |
ResourceBundle | mx.resources | Provides an implementation of the IResourceBundle interface. | |
ResourceContainer | lc.procmgmt.ui.layout | The ResourceContainer component provides support for displaying forms that are displayed in an HTML wrapper. | |
ResourceEvent | mx.events | The ResourceEvent class represents an Event object that is dispatched when the ResourceManager loads the resource bundles in a resource module by calling the loadResourceModule() method. | |
ResourceManager | mx.resources | This class is used to get a single instance of the IResourceManager implementation. | |
ResourceRecord | flash.net.dns | A classe ResourceRecord é a classe-base das classes de registro de recurso do Sistema de nome de domínio (DNS). | |
Responder | flash.net | A classe Responder fornece um objeto que é usado em NetConnection.call() para manipular valores de retorno do servidor relacionados ao êxito ou à falha de operações específicas. | |
Responder | mx.rpc | This class provides a default implementation of the mx.rpc.IResponder interface. | |
RestartAssetScheduleDialog | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | The host component for the Restart Asset Dialog component. | |
RestoreButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome | The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's restore button. | |
RestoreButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the restore button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome. | |
RestoreTileEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | NOT IMPLEMENTED The RestoreTileEvent class defines a transient notification of restoring a Tile. | |
ResultEvent | mx.rpc.events | The event that indicates an RPC operation has successfully returned a result. | |
ReturnKeyLabel | flash.text | A classe ReturnKeyLabel define os valores para usar na propriedade returnKeyLabel na classe StageText. | |
RevertAssets | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common | TitleWindow Host component for showing the Revert Assets Pop Up. | |
RevertManager | com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | A manager for reverting the assets. | |
Review | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | The Review object as returned by the searchReview API. | |
ReviewCommentingAndApproval | com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | Implementation for core service of Review Commenting and Approval Building Block 10.0. | |
ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate | Remote service for the Managed Review and Approval building block. | |
ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate | Remote service for ManagedReviewAndApprovalUtil. | |
ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | This class defines the utility functions that are exposed by Review Commenting And Approval utility service. | |
ReviewCommentVisibility | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | ReviewCommentVisibility enumerator. | |
ReviewCommentVisibility | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | ReviewCommentVisibility Enum. | |
ReviewContext | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | Defines the basic structure of a review. | |
ReviewContext | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines the review context domain object. | |
ReviewContextVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | This is the top-level object containing details of a particular review version. | |
Reviewer | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | Defines the properties of a review participant who is a reviewer. | |
Reviewer | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines a reviewer in a review stage. | |
ReviewerCollection | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | Specifies that Reviewer objects are added to a collection. | |
ReviewerStatus | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | ReviewerStatus enumerator. | |
ReviewerStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | ReviewerStatus Enum. | |
ReviewerVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Reviewer defines the properties of a reviewer participant of a review. | |
ReviewSearchFilter | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | Defines properties that are used to search reviews. | |
ReviewSearchFilterVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Defines properties used for searching reviews. | |
ReviewStage | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage | Specifies the properties of a review stage. | |
ReviewStage | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the component displaying information about a review stage. | |
ReviewStageVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Defines the Value Object for a stage inside a schedule template. | |
ReviewStatus | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | ReviewStatus enumerator. | |
ReviewStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | ReviewerStatus Enum. | |
ReviewTemplate | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines a template that can be used to initiate a review. | |
ReviewTemplateReference | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | A light-weight reference object for a review template. | |
ReviewTemplateVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | This object holds the information of a schedule template. | |
ReviewTemplateWorkflow | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template | The host component for displaying the schedule template workflow in schedules mode. | |
ReviewType | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | ReviewType enumerator. | |
ReviewType | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | ReviewType Enum. | |
RevocationCheckSettings | flash.security | A classe RevocationCheckSettings define as constantes usadas pela propriedade RevocationCheckSettings de um objeto XMLSignatureValidator. | |
RGBInterpolator | spark.effects.interpolation | The RGBInterpolator class provides interpolation between uint start and end values that represent RGB colors. | |
RichEditableText | spark.components | RichEditableText is a low-level UIComponent for displaying, scrolling, selecting, and editing richly-formatted text. | |
RichEditableTextAccImpl | spark.accessibility | RichEditableTextAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.RichEditableText. | |
RichText | spark.components | RichText is a low-level UIComponent that can display one or more lines of richly-formatted text and embedded images. | |
RichTextEditor | mx.controls | The RichTextEditor control lets users enter and format text. | |
Roles | com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant | This class defines the various roles of a member assigned to a project or workitem. | |
Rotate | fl.transitions | A classe Rotate gira o objeto de clipe de filme. | |
Rotate | mx.effects | The Rotate effect rotates a component around a specified point. | |
Rotate | spark.effects | The Rotate effect rotates a target object in the x, y plane around the transform center. | |
Rotate3D | spark.effects | The Rotate3D class rotate a target object in three dimensions around the x, y, or z axes. | |
RotateDirection | fl.motion | A classe RotateDirection fornece valores constantes para o comportamento de giro durante uma interpolação. | |
RotateInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The RotateInstance class implements the instance class for the Rotate effect. | |
RoundedRectangle | mx.geom | RoundedRectangle represents a Rectangle with curved corners | |
RowAlign | spark.layouts | The RowAlign class defines the possible values for the rowAlign property of the TileLayout class. | |
RpcClassAliasInitializer | mx.utils | The RpcClassAliasInitializer class registers all classes for AMF serialization needed by the Flex RPC library. | |
RPCDataManager | mx.data | The RPCDataManager is a component you can use to manage objects which are retrieved using a service such as RemoteObject, WebService, and HTTPMultiService. | |
RPCDataServiceAdapter | mx.data | This is the abstract base class which you use to implement a new type of DataService implementation. | |
RPCObjectUtil | mx.utils | The RPCObjectUtil class is a subset of ObjectUtil, removing methods that create dependency issues when RPC messages are in a bootstrap loader. | |
RPCStringUtil | mx.utils | The RPCStringUtil class is a subset of StringUtil, removing methods that create dependency issues when RPC messages are in a bootstrap loader. | |
RPCUIDUtil | mx.utils | The RPCUIDUtil class is a copy of UIDUtil without some functions that cause dependency problems when RPC messages are put in a bootstrap loader. | |
RSLData | mx.core | A Class that describes configuration data for an RSL. | |
RSLErrorEvent | fl.events | A classe RSLErrorEvent define um evento de erro despachado pelo RSLPreloader. | |
RSLEvent | fl.events | A classe RSLEvent define eventos despachados pelo RSLPreloader. | |
RSLEvent | mx.events | The RSLEvent class represents an event object used by the DownloadProgressBar class when an RSL is being downloaded by the Preloader class. | |
RSLInfo | fl.rsl | A classe RSLInfo permite que você especifique o uso de RSLs (Arquivos de Biblioteca Compartilhados em tempo de execução). | |
RSLPreloader | fl.rsl | A classe RSLPreloader gerencia o pré-carregamento de RSLs (Bibliotecas compartilhadas em tempo de execução) antes de usar outro conteúdo. | |
RTMPChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The RTMPChannel class provides basic RTMP support for messaging. | |
RTMPDynamicStreamingNetLoader | org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming | RTMPDynamicStreamingNetLoader is a NetLoader that provides dynamic stream switching functionality for RTMP streams. | |
RTMPNetStreamMetrics | org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming | RTMPNetStreamMetrics is a metrics provider for RTMP-based NetStreams. | |
RuleBase | org.osmf.net.rules | RuleBase is a base class for rules used for Adaptive Bitrate. A rule recommends a bitrate to the switch manager and a confidence in the recommended bitrate. A rule's value is computed based on the values of the metrics. | |
RuleSwitchManagerBase | org.osmf.net | SwitchManger manages the Adaptive Bitrate experience. It is responsible with putting all the required components together. | |
RuleType | org.osmf.net.rules | RuleType identifies the various rule types that the Open Source Media Framework can handle out of the box. | |
RuleUtils | org.osmf.net.rules | RuleUtils provides utility functions for the rules | |
RuntimeDPIProvider | mx.core | The RuntimeDPIProvider class provides the default mapping of similar device DPI values into predefined DPI classes. | |
Sample | flash.sampler | A classe Sample cria objetos que mantêm informações de análise de memória em durações distintas. | |
SampleDataEvent | flash.events | Despachado quando um objeto Som solicita novos dados de áudio ou quando um objeto Microfone tem novos dados de áudio para oferecer. | |
SandboxMouseEvent | mx.events | This is an event sent between applications in different security sandboxes to notify listeners about mouse activity in another security sandbox. | |
SaturationShader | mx.graphics.shaderClasses | Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Saturation' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
SaveAttachmentCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The SaveAttachmentCommand class returns the attachment document that is referenced by the TaskAttachmentInfo object. | |
SaveExpression | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.view | The SaveExpression class defines a container that includes a nameTextInput and descripationTextArea for saving expression | |
SaveViewEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The SaveViewEvent class defines a transient notification of a view save result. | |
Scale | spark.effects | The Scale effect scales a target object in the x and y directions around the transform center. | |
Scale3D | spark.effects | The Scale3D class scales a target object in three dimensions around the transform center. | |
ScaleChangedEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | This event is dispatched when the scale of the Gantt chart is changed. | |
ScaleMode | org.osmf.display | Note: This class provides backwards compatibility with Flex 4, and is for use with Flex 4 only. | |
ScaleMode | org.osmf.layout | ScaleMode defines the layout of a single piece of content within a MediaContainer. | |
Scene | flash.display | A classe Scene inclui propriedades para identificar o nome, os rótulos e o número de quadros em uma cena. | |
SchedulesStateEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | This is a simple event to trigger state change in the Schedules component. | |
SchemaTypeRegistry | mx.rpc.xml | XMLDecoder uses this class to map an XML Schema type by QName to an ActionScript Class so that it can create strongly typed objects when decoding content. | |
Screen | flash.display | A classe Screen oferece informações sobre as telas de exibição disponíveis para este aplicativo. | |
ScreenMode | flash.display | O objeto ScreenMode oferece informações sobre a altura, largura e taxa de atualização de uma Tela. | |
ScreenMouseEvent | flash.events | O objeto SystemTrayIcon despacha eventos do tipo ScreenMouseEvent em resposta à interação do mouse. | |
ScriptTimeoutError | flash.errors | A exceção ScriptTimeoutError é lançada quando o intervalo de tempo limite do script é atingido. | |
ScrollableArrowMenu | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu | An extension of ScrollableMenu that uses two arrow buttons placed at the top and bottom of the menu for scrolling. | |
ScrollableMenu | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu | An extension of mx.controls.Menu that allows the control to scroll vertically. | |
ScrollArrowSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the up or down button in a ScrollBar. | |
ScrollBar | fl.controls | O componente ScrollBar fornece ao usuário final uma forma de controlar a parte de dados que é exibida quando há muitos dados para caber na área de exibição. | |
ScrollBar | mx.controls.scrollClasses | The ScrollBar class is the base class for the HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls. | |
ScrollBarAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ScrollBar class. | |
ScrollBarBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The ScrollBarBase class helps to position the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area. | |
ScrollBarDirection | fl.controls | Define os valores da propriedade de direção do componente ScrollBar. | |
ScrollBarDirection | mx.controls.scrollClasses | The ScrollBarDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the ScrollBar control. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the down button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for down button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarDownButton component. | |
ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for left button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarLeftButton component. | |
ScrollBarRightButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for right button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarRightButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarRightButton component. | |
ScrollBarThumbSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the thumb of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarThumbSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarTrackSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the track of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarTrackSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the up button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for up button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarUpButton component. | |
ScrollControlBase | mx.core | The ScrollControlBase class is the base class for controls with scroll bars. | |
ScrollControlBaseAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.core | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ScrollControlBase class. | |
Scroller | spark.components | The Scroller component displays a single scrollable component, called a viewport, and horizontal and vertical scroll bars. | |
ScrollerSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark Scroller component. | |
ScrollEvent | fl.events | A classe ScrollEvent define o evento de rolagem associado ao componente ScrollBar. | |
ScrollEvent | flashx.textLayout.events | Representa eventos que são emitidos quando o TextFlow faz rolagem automática. | |
ScrollEvent | mx.events | Represents events that are dispatched by the ScrollBar class. | |
ScrollEventDetail | mx.events | Constants for the values of the detail property of a ScrollEvent. | |
ScrollEventDirection | flashx.textLayout.events | Constantes para os valores da propriedade direction de um ScrollEvent. | |
ScrollEventDirection | mx.events | Constants for the values of the direction property of a ScrollEvent. | |
ScrollIntoViewUtil | ga.util | Scroll utility class for bring current object into view | |
ScrollMenuDownButtonSkin | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins | The default skin class for up button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollMenuUpButtonSkin | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins | The default skin class for up button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollPane | fl.containers | O componente ScrollPane mostra objetos de exibição e arquivos JPEG, GIF e PNG, bem como arquivos SWF, em uma área rolável. | |
ScrollPolicy | fl.controls | Valores para as propriedades horizontalScrollPolicy e verticalScrollPolicy da classe BaseScrollPane. | |
ScrollPolicy | flashx.textLayout.container | A classe ScrollPolicy é uma classe de enumeração que define valores para definir as propriedades horizontalScrollPolicy e verticalScrollPolicy da classe ContainerController, que define um contêiner de fluxo de texto. | |
ScrollPolicy | mx.core | Values for the horizontalScrollPolicy and verticalScrollPolicy properties of the Container and ScrollControlBase classes. | |
ScrollSnappingMode | spark.components | The ScrollSnappingMode class defines the enumeration values for the scrollSnappingMode property of the List and Scroller classes. | |
ScrollThumb | mx.controls.scrollClasses | The ScrollThumb class defines the thumb of a ScrollBar control. | |
ScrollThumbSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of the thumb in a ScrollBar. | |
ScrollTrackSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the track in a ScrollBar. | |
ScrubBar | spark.components.mediaClasses | The VideoScrubBar class defines a video timeline that shows the current play head location in the video, the amount of the video previously played, and the loaded in part of the video. | |
ScrubBarSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The default skin class for the scrub bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
ScrubBarSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | The default skin class for the scrub bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
ScrubBarSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | The wireframe skin class for the scrub bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
ScrubBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The default skin class for the scrub bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
ScrubBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | The default skin class for the scrub bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
ScrubBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | The wireframe skin class for the scrub bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
ScrubBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The default skin class for the scrub bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
ScrubBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | The default skin class for the scrub bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
ScrubBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | The wireframe skin class for the scrub bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
SearchCatalogEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The SearchCatalogEvent class defines a transient notification of catalog search results. | |
SearchDescriptorCardRenderer | lc.procmgmt.ui.search | The SearchDescriptorCardRenderer component represents a search template descriptor. | |
SearchDescriptorCardRendererModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.search | The SearchDescriptorCardRendererModel class provides support for the views that have references to a SearchDescriptorCardRenderer object. | |
SearchEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | Event related to search action taken by user. | |
SearchEvent | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event | Specifies an event related to a search by a user. | |
SearchFilter | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | This class represents the search criteria for the search on an Asset. | |
SearchFilter | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | Represents the criteria used to search an asset. | |
SearchFilter | lc.procmgmt.domain | The SearchFilter class is used for specifying filtering conditions and retrieving search results. | |
SearchFilterAttribute | lc.procmgmt.domain | The SearchFilterAttribute class specifies properties for a search filter. | |
SearchFilterCondition | lc.procmgmt.domain | The SearchFilterCondition class is used for creating search filters conditions. | |
SearchFilterSort | lc.procmgmt.domain | The SearchFilterSort class is used for sorting search filters. | |
SearchManager | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers | Used to search assets. | |
SearchParameters | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | Search Paramers used to tweak the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content Repository search. | |
SearchParameters | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms | Provides search parameters that can be used to modify the content management system search. | |
SearchPrincipalComponent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | This component is used to search for users and groups. | |
SearchQuery | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.search | Search Query wrapper for the list of searchFilters and associated AssetType on which the search is to be performed. | |
SearchQuery | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | A wrapper for the list of search filters and associated asset types to perform a search on. | |
SearchResultsGrid | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid | Container for rendering search results in a DataGrid based on the preferences defined in Asset Type Descriptor (DataDictionary Extended Properties) | |
SearchSelector | lc.procmgmt.ui.search | The SearchSelector component manages the four main views of searching, which are the search template descriptors, the search query, the search results, and the task interaction. | |
SearchSelectorModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.search | The SearchSelectorModel class provides support for the SearchSelector component. | |
SearchTemplate | lc.procmgmt.domain | The SearchTemplate class provides support for working with search templates. | |
SearchTemplateDescriptor | lc.procmgmt.domain | The SearchTemplateDescriptor class is used for working with the search template descriptor. | |
SearchTemplateDescriptors | lc.procmgmt.domain | The SearchTemplateDescriptors class is used for working with multiple search template descriptors. | |
SearchTextInputSkin | xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | The default skin class for Spark TextInput component. | |
SearchUIControlFactory | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | Factory class for creating ISearchUIControl search renderers based onn the Asset Property Descriptor | |
SearchUserDialog | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | The host component for the dialog used to search users. | |
Section | ga.model | A Guide section that can contain several panels. | |
SectionListView | ga.views | The SectionListView class provides a dynamic list of visible sections within a Guide. | |
SectionTitle | ga.controls | The SectionTitle component defines a label that displays the name of the currently selected section. | |
SecureAMFChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The SecureAMFChannel class is identical to the AMFChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an AMF endpoint. | |
SecureHTTPChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The SecureHTTPChannel class is identical to the HTTPChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an HTTP endpoint. | |
SecureRTMPChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The SecureRTMPChannel class is identical to the RTMPChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, RTMPS, to send messages to an RTMPS endpoint. | |
SecureSocket | flash.net | A classe SecureSocket ativa o código para fazer conexões com soquete utilizando os protocolos Camada de Soquetes Segura (SSL) e Segurança de Camada de Transporte (TLS). | |
SecureSocketMonitor | air.net | Um objeto de SecureSocketMonitor controla a disponibilidade de um ponto de extremidade TCP sobre protocolos Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) e Transport Layer Security (TIS). | |
SecureStreamingAMFChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The SecureStreamingAMFChannel class is identical to the StreamingAMFChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an AMF endpoint. | |
SecureStreamingHTTPChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The SecureStreamingHTTPChannel class is identical to the StreamingHTTPChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an HTTP endpoint. | |
Security | flash.system | A classe Security permite especificar como o conteúdo em diferentes domínios podem se comunicar entre si. | |
SecurityConfig | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | The SecurityConfig classcaptures the required configuration required for the security client library to function. | |
SecurityDomain | flash.system | A classe SecurityDomain representa a "caixa de proteção" de segurança atual, também conhecida como domínio de segurança. | |
SecurityError | Nível superior | A exceção SecurityError é lançada quando ocorre um certo tipo de violação de segurança. | |
SecurityErrorEvent | flash.events | Um objeto envia um objeto SecurityErrorEvent para relatar a ocorrência de um erro de segurança. | |
SecurityManager | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service | The SecurityManager class provides methods to perform user authentication and also provides access to current user instance. | |
SecurityPanel | flash.system | A classe SecurityPanel fornece valores para especificar qual painel Configurações de segurança você deseja exibir. | |
SecurityUtil | mx.utils | Utilities for working with security-related issues. | |
SeekEvent | org.osmf.events | A SeekEvent is dispatched when the properties of a SeekTrait change. | |
SeekTrait | org.osmf.traits | SeekTrait defines the trait interface for media that can be instructed to jump to a position in time. | |
SelectableButtonSkinBase | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | ActionScript-based skin for toggle buttons. | |
SelectableList | com.adobe.mosaic.skinning | Extends ArrayCollection into a selectable array of elements. | |
SelectableList | fl.controls | SelectableList é a classe base de todos os componentes com base em lista; por exemplo, os componentes List, TileList, DataGrid e ComboBox. | |
SelectableListAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe SelectableListAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de SelectableList, é usada para tornar acessível um componente SelectableList. | |
SelectionEvent | flashx.textLayout.events | Uma instância TextFlow despacha um objeto SelectionEvent quando um EditManager ou SelectionManager altera ou seleciona um intervalo de texto. | |
SelectionFormat | flashx.textLayout.edit | A classe SelectionFormat define as propriedades de um destaque de seleção. | |
SelectionManager | flashx.textLayout.edit | A classe SelectionManager gerencia a seleção de texto em um fluxo de texto. | |
SelectionState | flashx.textLayout.edit | A classe SelectionState representa uma seleção em um fluxo de texto. | |
SelectProcessDialog | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the dialog to select pre-process or post-process tasks for a stage. | |
Sequence | com.adobe.gravity.utility.sequence | The Sequence class provides a monotonically increasing sequence, useful for generating identifiers and determining the ordering of events. | |
Sequence | mx.effects | The Sequence effect plays multiple child effects one after the other, in the order in which they are added. | |
SequencedMessage | mx.data.messages | Clients receive this message in response to DataService.fill() request. | |
SequenceInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The SequenceInstance class implements the instance class for the Sequence effect. | |
SerialElement | org.osmf.elements | SerialElement is a media composition whose elements are presented serially (i.e. | |
SerialElementEvent | org.osmf.events | A SerialElementEvent is dispatched when properties of a SerialElement change. | |
SerializationFilter | mx.rpc.http | This class is useful for framework developers wishing to plug in or modify the HTTP services to use a new serialization format. | |
Series | mx.charts.chartClasses | The Series class is the base class for the classes that let you specify a data series for a chart control. | |
SeriesAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.charts | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Series base class. | |
SeriesEffect | mx.charts.effects | The base class for chart effects. | |
SeriesEffectInstance | mx.charts.effects.effectClasses | The SeriesEffectInstance class implements the base instance class for the chart series effects. | |
SeriesInterpolate | mx.charts.effects | The SeriesInterpolate effect moves the graphics that represent the existing data in a series to the new points. | |
SeriesInterpolateInstance | mx.charts.effects.effectClasses | The SeriesInterpolateInstance class implements the instance class for the SeriesInterpolate effect. | |
SeriesSlide | mx.charts.effects | The SeriesSlide effect slides a data series into and out of the chart's boundaries. | |
SeriesSlideInstance | mx.charts.effects.effectClasses | The SeriesSlideInstance class implements the instance class for the SeriesSlide effect. | |
SeriesZoom | mx.charts.effects | The SeriesZoom effect implodes and explodes chart data into and out of the focal point that you specify. | |
SeriesZoomInstance | mx.charts.effects.effectClasses | The SeriesZoomInstance class implements the instance class for the SeriesZoom effect. | |
ServerConfig | mx.messaging.config | This class provides access to the server messaging configuration information. | |
ServerConstants | com.adobe.mosaic.om.constants | The ServerConstants provides constants to indicate the current status of a Server in its lifecycle and connection status to the client. | |
ServerSession | com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | The ServerSession repesents a remote server's location and an ISession. | |
ServerSocket | flash.net | A classe ServerSocket permite que o código atue como um servidor para conexões TCP (Protocolo de Controle de Transporte). | |
ServerSocketConnectEvent | flash.events | Um objeto ServerSocket despacha um objeto ServerSocketConnectEvent quando um cliente tenta conectar-se ao soquete do servidor. | |
Service | com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | The Service mxml component represents an IService instance from the composite application catalog that can be used across components. | |
ServiceBinder | com.adobe.gravity.binding | The ServiceBinder class provides a convenience mechanism to bind service implementations to properties of an object. | |
ServiceDelegate | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service | Base class for all service delegate classes. | |
ServiceElement | coldfusion.service | A key-value pair class with the key as a string and the value as an Array. | |
ServiceElementCollection | coldfusion.service | A key-value pair class with the key as a string and the value as an Array. | |
ServiceEvent | com.adobe.gravity.framework | The ServiceEvent class indicates changes in service properties or availability. | |
ServiceLocator | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services | Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with various Data Services. | |
ServiceLocator | com.adobe.icc.services | Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with various types of services. | |
ServiceLocator | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service | A singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with data services. | |
ServiceLocator | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service | Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with various types of services. | |
ServiceLocator | com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl | Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with project management services. | |
ServiceLocator | com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with Review Commenting and Approval services. | |
ServiceMonitor | air.net | A classe ServiceMonitor implementa a estrutura para monitorar o status e a disponibilidade de serviços de rede. | |
ServiceProvider | com.adobe.icc.services | Static class for obtaining services. | |
ServiceProvider | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service | Static class for obtaining services. | |
ServiceProvider | com.adobe.solutions.exm.impl | Default implementation of the IServiceProvider interface, which serves as the entry point into the Expression Manager infrastructure services. | |
ServiceProvider | com.adobe.solutions.prm.service | This provider class is used to get a reference of service objects. | |
ServiceProviderImpl | com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl | An implementation of service provider interface that provides concrete methods to create service instances. | |
ServiceTracker | com.adobe.gravity.tracker | ServiceTracker objects dynamically track the set of services matching specified criteria, updating appropriately as services are registered and unregistered. | |
Session | coldfusion.air | Manages all interactions between the AIR client and the offline sqlite database. | |
Session | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service | The Session class defines the interfaces to access user-related states, such as the security ticket. | |
SessionConfiguration | com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl | The SessionConfiguration repesents an implementation of ISessionConfiguration. | |
SessionFaultEvent | coldfusion.air.events | The Fault Event that is dispatched if an error occurs when accessing the methods of the Session Class. | |
SessionManager | lc.foundation | The SessionManager class is the standard implementation of the ISessionManager interface. | |
SessionMap | lc.foundation.domain | The SessionMap object is initialized during application initialization and passed to all components, as the session property, therefore making it available throughout the application. It is recommended to use the typed convenience methods from the WorkspaceSession object to retrieve Workspace API objects. | |
SessionResultEvent | coldfusion.air.events | The Result Event that is dispatched when a response is received from the methods of the Session Class. | |
SessionToken | coldfusion.air | Token representing the call to a method on the Session class. | |
SetAction | spark.effects | The SetAction class defines an action effect that sets the value of a named property or style. | |
SetActionInstance | spark.effects.supportClasses | The SetActionInstance class implements the instance class for the SetAction effect. | |
SetEventHandler | mx.states | The SetEventHandler class specifies an event handler that is active only during a particular view state. | |
SetProperty | mx.states | The SetProperty class specifies a property value that is in effect only during the parent view state. | |
SetPropertyAction | mx.effects | The SetPropertyAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the SetProperty property of a view state definition. | |
SetPropertyActionInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The SetPropertyActionInstance class implements the instance class for the SetPropertyAction effect. | |
SetStyle | mx.states | The SetStyle class specifies a style that is in effect only during the parent view state. | |
SetStyleAction | mx.effects | The SetStyleAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the SetStyle property of a view state definition. | |
SetStyleActionInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The SetStyleActionInstance class implements the instance class for the SetStyleAction effect. | |
SetVisibleCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The SetVisibleCommand class executes the task's visibility in a queue. | |
SHA256 | mx.data.crypto | The SHA-256 algorithm | |
SHA256 | mx.utils | Implementation of SHA-256 hash algorithm as described in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-2 at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-2/fips180-2.pdf | |
Shader | flash.display | Uma ocorrência de Shader representa um núcleo de sombreador Pixel Bender no ActionScript. | |
ShaderData | flash.display | Um objeto ShaderData contém propriedades que representam todos os parâmetros e entradas de um kernel de shader, bem como propriedades que contêm todos os metadados especificados para o shader. | |
ShaderEvent | flash.events | ShaderEvent é despachado quando uma operação do shader iniciada em ShaderJob é concluída. | |
ShaderFilter | flash.filters | A classe ShaderFilter aplica um filtro executando um shader no objeto que está sendo filtrado. | |
ShaderFilter | spark.filters | The Flex ShaderFilter class abstracts away many of the details of using the Flash ShaderFilter, Shader, and ShaderData classes to apply a Pixel Bender shader as a filter. | |
ShaderInput | flash.display | Uma ocorrência de ShaderInput representa uma imagem de entrada exclusiva de um kernel de shader. | |
ShaderJob | flash.display | Uma ocorrência de ShaderJob é usada para executar uma operação de sombreador no modo autônomo. | |
ShaderParameter | flash.display | Uma ocorrência de ShaderParameter representa um parâmetro de entrada exclusivo de um kernel de shader. | |
ShaderParameterType | flash.display | Essa classe define as constantes que representam os valores possíveis para a propriedade type da classe ShaderParameter. | |
ShaderPrecision | flash.display | Essa classe define as constantes que representam os valores possíveis para a propriedade precisionHint da classe Shader. | |
ShadowBoxItemRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a rectangular area and surrounds it with a drop shadow. | |
ShadowLineRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | An implementation of a line segment renderer that is used by LineSeries objects. | |
Shape | flash.display | Esta classe é usada para criar formas leves, usando a API (Interface de programação de aplicativo) de desenho do ActionScript. | |
ShareCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The ShareCommand class executes the task's share operation. | |
SharedObject | flash.net | A classe SharedObject é usada para ler e armazenar quantidades limitadas de dados no computador de um usuário ou em um servidor. | |
SharedObjectFlushStatus | flash.net | A classe SharedObjectFlushStatus fornece valores para o código retornado de uma chamada para o método SharedObject.flush(). | |
Shell | com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | The Shell mxml component is a representation of a composite application in the Flex Display List and is responsible for rendering that Application's Application DOM. | |
SignatureOptions | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | SignatureOptions enumerator. | |
SignatureOptions | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | SignatureOptions Enum. | |
SignatureStatus | flash.security | A classe SignatureStatus define as constantes usadas pela propriedade validityStatus de um objeto XMLSignatureValidator. | |
SignatureTab | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the signature tab of an approval stage. | |
SignerTrustSettings | flash.security | A classe SignatureStatus define as constantes usadas com a propriedade SignerTrustSettings de um objeto XMLSignatureValidator. | |
SimpleButton | flash.display | A classe SimpleButton permite controlar todas as ocorrências de símbolos de botão em um arquivo SWF. | |
SimpleCollectionItem | fl.data | A classe SimpleCollectionItem define um único item em uma propriedade inspecionável que representa um provedor de dados. | |
SimpleCyclicDependencyError | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | Error thrown whenever a simple cyclic dependency is detected in a single expression (e.g. | |
SimpleEase | fl.motion | A classe SimpleEase permite controlar uma animação com o tipo de atenuação percentual usada na linha do tempo do Flash. | |
SimpleFunctionMapper | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.impl | The default FunctionMapper implementation. | |
SimpleMotionPath | spark.effects.animation | The SimpleMotionPath class specifies the name of a property, and the values that that property takes over time, for instances of the Animate effect. | |
SimpleStatement | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | This class represents the Simple Search Statement. | |
SimpleVariableResolver | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.impl | A simple VariableResolver implementation backed by a Dictionary. | |
SimpleXMLDecoder | mx.rpc.xml | The SimpleXMLDecoder class deserialize XML into a graph of ActionScript objects. | |
SimpleXMLEncoder | mx.rpc.xml | The SimpleXMLEncoder class takes ActionScript Objects and encodes them to XML using default serialization. | |
Sine | fl.motion.easing | A classe Sine define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript. | |
Sine | mx.effects.easing | The Sine class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by a sine wave. | |
Sine | spark.effects.easing | The Sine class defines easing functionality using a Sine function. | |
SingleCheckBoxDataCaptureRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers | Renderer for capturing Boolean Input from the user. | |
SingleCheckBoxSearchRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | Check box renderer for Search control in Advanced Search Pod | |
SingleGroupLayoutHost | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | This layout host component has one skin part which corresponds to single group of itemFactories. | |
Skin | spark.components.supportClasses | The Skin class defines the base class for all skins used by skinnable components. | |
SkinErrorEvent | fl.video | O Flash® Player despacha um objeto SkinErrorEvent quando há um erro no carregamento de uma capa. | |
SkinnableComponent | spark.components.supportClasses | The SkinnableComponent class defines the base class for skinnable components. | |
SkinnableContainer | spark.components | The SkinnableContainer class is the base class for skinnable containers that have visual content. | |
SkinnableContainerBase | spark.components.supportClasses | Base class for skinnable container components. | |
SkinnableContainerSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for SkinnableContainer in mobile applications. | |
SkinnableContainerSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark SkinnableContainer container. | |
SkinnableDataContainer | spark.components | The SkinnableDataContainer class is the base container class for data items. | |
SkinnableDataContainerSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark SkinnableDataContainer container. | |
SkinnablePopUpContainer | spark.components | The SkinnablePopUpContainer class is a SkinnableContainer that functions as a pop-up. | |
SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark SkinnablePopUpContainer container. | |
SkinnableTextBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The base class for skinnable components, such as the Spark TextInput and TextArea, that include an instance of IEditableText in their skin to provide text display, scrolling, selection, and editing. | |
Slider | fl.controls | O componente Slider permite que os usuários selecionem um valor movendo uma miniatura de seletor entre as extremidades da faixa do seletor. | |
Slider | mx.controls.sliderClasses | The Slider class is the base class for the Flex slider controls. | |
SliderAccImpl | mx.accessibility | SliderAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Slider class. | |
SliderAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Slider class, which is the parent of the HSlider and VSlider classes. | |
SliderBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The SliderBase class lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. | |
SliderBaseAccImpl | spark.accessibility | SliderBaseAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase. | |
SliderDataTip | mx.controls.sliderClasses | The SliderDataTip class defines the tooltip used in the mx.controls.Slider control. | |
SliderDirection | fl.controls | A orientação do componente Slider. | |
SliderDirection | mx.controls.sliderClasses | The SliderDirection class defines the constant values for the direction property of the Slider class. | |
SliderEvent | fl.events | A classe SliderEvent define eventos associados ao componente Slider. | |
SliderEvent | mx.events | The SliderEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the change, thumbDrag, thumbPress, and thumbRelease events of the HSlider and VSlider classes. | |
SliderEventClickTarget | fl.events | A classe SliderEventClickTarget define constantes para os valores da propriedade clickTarget da classe SliderEvent. | |
SliderEventClickTarget | mx.events | The SliderEventClickTarget class defines the constants for the values of the clickTarget property of the SliderEvent class. | |
SliderHighlightSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the highlighted state of the track of a Slider. | |
SliderLabel | mx.controls.sliderClasses | The SliderLabel class defines the label used in the mx.controls.Slider component. | |
SliderThumb | mx.controls.sliderClasses | The SliderThumb class represents a thumb of a Slider control. | |
SliderThumbSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of a thumb in a Slider. | |
SliderThumbSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the thumb of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderThumbSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackHighlightSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the track highlight of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackHighlightSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the track highlight of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the track in a Slider. | |
SliderTrackSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the track of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX Slider component. | |
SlideViewTransition | spark.transitions | The SlideViewTransition class performs a simple slide transition for views. | |
SlideViewTransitionMode | spark.transitions | The SlideViewTransitionMode class provides the constants used to specify the type of a slide transition. | |
SmartColumnLayout | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | The SmartColumnLayout place's its target Group's children into a fixed set of columns determined by numColumns which defaults to 3. | |
SmartGridLayout | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | The SmartGridLayout places its target Group's children into a grid pattern, but with a twist. | |
SmartRowLayout | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | The SmartRowLayout place's its target Group's children into a fixed set of rows determined by numRows which defaults to 3. | |
SOAPFault | mx.rpc.soap | A subclass of mx.rpc.Fault that provides SOAP specific information from a SOAP envelope Fault element. | |
SOAPHeader | mx.rpc.soap | You use a SOAPHeader to specify the headers that need to be added to a SOAP envelope of a WebService Operation request. | |
SOAPMessage | mx.messaging.messages | SOAPMessages are similar to HTTPRequestMessages. | |
SOAPResult | mx.rpc.soap | A context for the result of a SOAP based Remote Procedure Call. | |
SocialSecurityValidator | mx.validators | The SocialSecurityValidator class validates that a String is a valid United States Social Security number. | |
Socket | flash.net | A classe Socket ativa o código para estabelecer conexões de soquete do Protocolo de Controle de Transporte (TCP) para enviar e receber dados binários. | |
SocketMonitor | air.net | Um objeto SocketMonitor monitora a disponibilidade de um ponto de extremidade TCP. | |
SoftKeyboardEvent | flash.events | Um objeto SoftKeyboardEvent é despachado quando um teclado acionado por software é ativado ou desativado em um dispositivo ou sistema operacional. | |
SoftKeyboardTrigger | flash.events | A classe SoftKeyboardTrigger fornece valores de enumerador para a propriedade triggerType da classe SoftKeyboardEvent. | |
SoftKeyboardType | flash.text | A classe SoftKeyboardType define os tipos de teclados virtuais para aplicativos móveis. | |
SoftLightShader | mx.graphics.shaderClasses | Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Soft Light' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
SolidColor | mx.graphics | Defines a representation for a color, including a color and an alpha value. | |
SolidColorStroke | mx.graphics | The SolidColorStroke class defines the properties for a line. | |
Sort | mx.collections | Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on an existing view (ICollectionView interface or class that implements the interface). | |
Sort | spark.collections | Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on an existing view (ICollectionView interface or class that implements the interface). | |
SortError | mx.collections.errors | This error is thrown when a Sort class is not configured properly; for example, if the find criteria are invalid. | |
SortField | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | This interface specifies a fields to be used for sorting criteria for the query. | |
SortField | mx.collections | Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on a field or property in a collection view. | |
SortField | spark.collections | Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on a field or property in a collection view. | |
SortFieldImpl | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | This class specifies a fields to be used for sorting criteria for the query. | |
SortInfo | mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | The SortInfo class defines information about the sorting of a column of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
SortingCollator | spark.globalization | The SortingCollator class provides locale-sensitve string comparison capabilities with inital settings suitable for linguistic sorting purposes such as sorting a list of text strings that are displayed to an end-user. | |
Sound | flash.media | A classe Sound permite trabalhar com o som em um aplicativo. | |
SoundAsset | mx.core | SoundAsset is a subclass of the flash.media.Sound class which represents sounds that you embed in a Flex application. | |
SoundChannel | flash.media | A classe SoundChannel controla um som em um aplicativo. | |
SoundCodec | flash.media | A classe SoundCodec é uma enumeração de valores constantes utilizados na definição da propriedade codec da classe Microphone. | |
SoundEffect | mx.effects | The SoundEffect class plays an MP3 audio file. | |
SoundEffectInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The SoundEffectInstance class implements the instance class for the SoundEffect effect. | |
SoundEvent | fl.video | O Flash® Player despacha um objeto SoundEvent quando o som é alterado pelo usuário, seja movendo o identificador do controle volumeBar ou definindo o volume ou a propriedade soundTransform. | |
SoundLoader | org.osmf.elements | SoundLoader is a loader that is capable of loading progressive audio files. | |
SoundLoaderContext | flash.media | A classe SoundLoaderContext fornece verificações de segurança para arquivos que carregam som. | |
SoundMixer | flash.media | A classe SoundMixer contém propriedades e métodos estáticos para controle de som global no arquivo. | |
SoundTransform | flash.media | A classe SoundTransform contém propriedades para volume e panorama. | |
Source | fl.motion | A classe Source armazena informações sobre o contexto no qual uma ocorrência Motion foi gerada. | |
SpaceJustifier | flash.text.engine | A classe SpaceJustifier representa propriedades que controlam as opções de justificação das linhas do texto de um bloco. | |
Spacer | mx.controls | The Spacer control helps you lay out children within a parent container. | |
SpanElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe SpanElement representa uma sequência de texto com um único conjunto de atributos de formatação aplicado. | |
SparkApplicationAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Application class. | |
SparkBorderContainerAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the BorderContainer class. | |
SparkButtonAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Button control. | |
SparkButtonBarAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBar control. | |
SparkButtonBarBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBarBase control. | |
SparkButtonBarButtonAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBarButton control. | |
SparkButtonBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBase control. | |
SparkButtonSkin | spark.skins | Base class for Spark button skins. | |
SparkCheckBoxAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CheckBox control. | |
SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin | spark.skins.spark | A skin class for the Spark WindowedApplication component. | |
SparkComboBoxAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ComboBox control. | |
SparkDataGridAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DataGrid class. | |
SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent | spark.automation.events | The SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a datagrid control is selected or deselected. | |
SparkDataGroupAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DataGroup control. | |
SparkDefaultComplexItemRendererAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkDefaultGridHeaderRendererAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkDefaultGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkDefaultItemRendererAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkDownloadProgressBar | mx.preloaders | The SparkDownloadProgressBar class displays download progress. | |
SparkDropDownListAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DropDownList control. | |
SparkDropDownListBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DropDownListBase control. | |
SparkFormAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Form class. | |
SparkFormItemAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the FormItem class. | |
SparkGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.gridClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the GridItemRenderer component. | |
SparkGroupAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Group control. | |
SparkGroupBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the GroupBase control. | |
SparkImageAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Image control. | |
SparkItemRendererAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkLabelAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Label control. | |
SparkListAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the List class. | |
SparkListBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListBase class. | |
SparkListItemSelectEvent | spark.automation.events | The SparkListItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a list-based control such as a Menu, DataGrid, or Tree control is selected or deselected. | |
SparkMuteButtonAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the MuteButton control. | |
SparkNavigatorContentAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NavigatorContent control. | |
SparkNumericStepperAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NumericStepper control. | |
SparkPanelAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Panel class. | |
SparkPopUpAnchorAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the PopUpAnchor component. | |
SparkRadioButtonAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the RadioButton control. | |
SparkRangeAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Range control. | |
SparkRichEditableTextAutomationHelper | spark.automation.delegates | Utility class that facilitates replay of text input and selection. | |
SparkRichEditableTextAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Utility class that facilitates replay of text input and selection. | |
SparkScrollBarBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ScrollBarBase class. | |
SparkSkin | spark.skins | Base class for Spark skins. | |
SparkSkinForHalo | mx.skins.spark | The SparkSkinForHalo class is the base class for Spark skins for MX components. | |
SparkSkinnableComponentAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableComponent control. | |
SparkSkinnableContainerAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableContainer class. | |
SparkSkinnableContainerBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableContainerBase control. | |
SparkSkinnableDataContainerAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableContainer class. | |
SparkSkinnableTextBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableTextBase control. | |
SparkSliderBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SliderBarBase class. | |
SparkSpinnerAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Spinner control. | |
SparkTabBarAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TabBar class. | |
SparkTextAreaAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextArea control. | |
SparkTextBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextBase control. | |
SparkTextInputAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextInput control. | |
SparkTileGroupAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TileGroup control. | |
SparkTitleWindowAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TitleWindow class. | |
SparkToggleButtonAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ToggleButton control. | |
SparkToggleButtonBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ToggleButtonBase control. | |
SparkTrackBaseAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TrackBase control. | |
SparkUITextFieldGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UITextFieldGridItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkValueChangeAutomationEvent | spark.automation.events | The SparkValueChangeAutomationEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when the value in a control changes. | |
SparkVideoDisplayAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the VideoDisplay control. | |
SparkVideoPlayerAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the VideoPlayer control. | |
SparkVolumeBarAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the VolumeBar control. | |
SparkWindowAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Canvas class. | |
SparkWindowedApplicationAutomationImpl | spark.automation.delegates.components | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SparkWindowedApplication class. | |
SpecialCharacterElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe SpecialCharacterElement é uma classe básica abstrata de elementos que representam caracteres especiais. | |
Spinner | spark.components | A Spinner component selects a value from an ordered set. | |
SpinnerAccImpl | spark.accessibility | SpinnerAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.Spinner. | |
SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the down button of a Spark Spinner component. | |
SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark SpinnerDecrementButton component. | |
SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the up button of a Spark Spinner component. | |
SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark SpinnerIncrementButton component. | |
SpinnerList | spark.components | The SpinnerList component displays a list of items. | |
SpinnerListContainer | spark.components | Container for one or more SpinnerList controls. | |
SpinnerListContainerSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the SpinnerListContainer in mobile applications. | |
SpinnerListItemRenderer | spark.components | The SpinnerListItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a SpinnerList control in the mobile theme. | |
SpinnerListScrollerSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin class for the Spark Scroller that is used by the SpinnerList component. | |
SpinnerListSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the SpinnerList in mobile applications. | |
SpinnerSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark Spinner component. | |
SpinnerSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark Spinner component. | |
SplashScreen | spark.preloaders | The SplashScreen class is the default preloader for Mobile Flex applications. | |
SplashScreenImage | spark.preloaders | Use the SplashScreenImage class to specify different splash screen images based on characteristics of a mobile device. | |
SplashScreenImageSource | spark.preloaders | Use the SplashScreenImageSource class to specify a Class (typically an embedded image) to be displayed as splash screen at a particular device configuration such as DPI, orientation and resolution. | |
SplitElementOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe SplitElementOperation encapsula uma alteração que divide um FlowGroupElement em dois elementos. | |
SplitParagraphOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe SplitParagraphOperation encapsula uma alteração que divide um parágrafo em dois elementos. | |
SplitViewNavigator | spark.components | The SplitViewNavigator container displays multiple ViewNavigator or TabbedViewNavigator components at the same time in a single container. | |
SplitViewNavigatorSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin for the SplitViewNavigator component. | |
SpreadMethod | flash.display | A classe SpreadMethod fornece valores para o parâmetro spreadMethod nos métodos beginGradientFill() e lineGradientStyle() da classe Graphics. | |
Sprite | flash.display | A classe Sprite é um bloco de construção básico de lista de exibição: um nó de lista de exibição que pode exibir gráficos e que também pode conter filhos. | |
SpriteAsset | mx.core | SpriteAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.Sprite class which represents vector graphic images that you embed in an application. | |
SpriteVisualElement | spark.core | The SpriteVisualElement class is a light-weight Sprite-based implemention of the IVisualElement interface. | |
SQLCollationType | flash.data | Essa classe contém as constantes que representam os valores possíveis para o parâmetro defaultCollationType do construtor SQLColumnSchema, bem como a propriedade SQLColumnSchema.defaultCollationType. | |
SQLColumnNameStyle | flash.data | Essa classe contém as constantes que representam os valores possíveis para a propriedade SQLConnection.columnNameStyle. | |
SQLColumnSchema | flash.data | A classe SQLColumnSchema fornece informações descrevendo as características de uma coluna específica dentro de uma tabela em um banco de dados. | |
SQLConnection | flash.data | Uma ocorrência SQLConnection é usada para gerenciar a criação de uma conexão como os arquivos de bancos de dados SQL locais (bancos de dados locais). | |
SQLError | flash.errors | Uma instância SQLError fornece informações detalhadas sobre uma operação que falhou. | |
SQLErrorEvent | flash.events | Uma ocorrência SQLErrorEvent é despachada por uma ocorrência SQLConnection ou SQLStatement quando ocorre um erro durante a realização de uma operação de banco de dados em modo de execução assíncrona. | |
SQLErrorOperation | flash.errors | Esta classe contém as constantes que representam os valores possíveis da propriedade SQLError.operation. | |
SQLEvent | flash.events | O Adobe AIR envia objetos SQLEvent quando uma das operações executadas por uma instância SQLConnection ou SQLStatement é concluída com êxito. | |
SQLIndexSchema | flash.data | Uma ocorrência SQLIndexSchema fornece informações descrevendo um índice específico em um banco de dados. | |
SQLiteOfflineAdapter | mx.data | Provides a SQLite-based persistence format for a DataManager's offline cached items. | |
SQLMode | flash.data | Essa classe contém as constantes que representam os valores possíveis para o parâmetro openMode dos métodos SQLConnection.open() e SQLConnection. | |
SQLResult | flash.data | A classe SQLResult fornece acesso aos dados retornados em resposta à execução de uma instrução SQL (uma ocorrência SQLStatement). | |
SQLSchema | flash.data | A classe SQLSchema é a classe base para as informações sobre o esquema para os objetos do banco de dados, tais como tabelas, visualizações e índices. | |
SQLSchemaResult | flash.data | Uma ocorrência SQLSchemaResult contém as informações resultantes de uma chamada do método SQLConnection.loadSchema(). | |
SQLStatement | flash.data | Uma ocorrência SQLStatement é usada para executar uma instrução SQL contra um banco de dados SQL local que seja aberto por intermédio de uma ocorrência SQLConnection. | |
SQLTableSchema | flash.data | Uma ocorrência SQLTableSchema fornece informações descrevendo uma tabela específica em um banco de dados. | |
SQLTransactionLockType | flash.data | Essa classe contém as constantes que representam os valores possíveis para o parâmetro de opção do método SQLConnection.begin(). | |
SQLTriggerSchema | flash.data | Uma ocorrência SQLTriggerSchema fornece informações descrevendo um disparador específico em um banco de dados. | |
SQLUpdateEvent | flash.events | Um objeto SQLUpdateEvent é despachado por um objeto SQLConnection quando uma alteração de dados ocorre em qualquer tabela associada à instância SQLConnection. | |
SQLViewSchema | flash.data | Uma ocorrência SQLViewSchema fornece informações descrevendo uma visualização específica em um banco de dados. | |
Squeeze | fl.transitions | A classe Squeeze escala o objeto de clipe de filme horizontal ou verticalmente. | |
SRVRecord | flash.net.dns | A classe SRVRecord representa um registro de recurso SRV do Sistema de nome de domínio (DNS) que contém um host de serviço. | |
StackedFormHeadingSkin | spark.skins.spark | An alternate skin class for the Spark FormHeading component. | |
StackedFormItemSkin | spark.skins.spark | An alternate skin class for the Spark FormItem component which positions the label above the content. | |
StackedFormSkin | spark.skins.spark | An alternate skin class for the Spark Form container. | |
StackedSeries | mx.charts.chartClasses | Stacked Series serves as the common base class for all of the stacking set series (BarSet, ColumnSet, and AreaSet). | |
StackFrame | flash.sampler | A classe StackFrame fornece acesso às propriedades do bloco de dados contendo uma função. | |
StackLayout | com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | The StackLayout presents only one child at a time, with the child filling up the entire space alloted to the StackLayout. | |
StackOverflowError | flash.errors | O ActionScript lança uma exceção StackOverflowError quando a pilha disponível para o script é esgotada. | |
Stage | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines a stage in a review workflow. | |
Stage | flash.display | A classe Stage representa a área de desenho principal. | |
Stage3D | flash.display | A classe Stage3D fornece uma área de exibição e um contexto de renderização programável para desenhar os gráficos 2D e 3D. | |
StageAlign | flash.display | A classe StageAlign fornece valores constantes a serem usados para a propriedade Stage. | |
StageAspectRatio | flash.display | A classe StageAspectRatio fornece valores para o método Stage.setAspectRatio(). | |
StageBuilding | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the stage building screen in the schedule template workflow. | |
StageCollection | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage | Specifies that AbstractStage objects are added to a collection. | |
StageDisplayState | flash.display | A classe StageDisplayState fornece valores para a propriedade Stage.displayState. | |
StageEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | This event is dispatched when an operation is performed on a stage. | |
StageFactory | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage | Factory class that creates a stage. | |
StageInfo | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the component to show the details of a stage. | |
StageManager | com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | This class implements operations supported on stage templates. | |
StageOrientation | flash.display | A classe StageOrientation define constantes que enumeram as possíveis orinetações do palco e do dispositivo. | |
StageOrientationEvent | flash.events | Um objeto Stage despacha um objeto StageOrientationEvent quando a orientação do palco é alterada. | |
StageParticipant | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines a participant of a stage. | |
StageParticipantEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | This event is dispatched when a stage participant is added. | |
StageParticipantVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Stage participant defines the basic properties of a participant of a creation, a review, or an approval stage. | |
StageQuality | flash.display | A classe StageQuality fornece valores da propriedade Stage.quality e do valor do parâmetro quality para o método BitmapData.drawWithQuality(). | |
StageScaleMode | flash.display | A classe StageScaleMode fornece valores para a propriedade Stage.scaleMode. | |
StageStatus | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | StageStatus enumerator. | |
StageStatus | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | StageStatus Enum. | |
StageTemplate | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines a stage template. | |
StageTemplateSearchFilterVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Defines properties used for searching stage templates. | |
StageTemplateVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | This object holds the information of a stage template. | |
StageText | flash.text | A classe StageText é utilizada para mostrar ao usuário um campo de entrada de texto nativo. | |
StageTextAreaSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for TextArea controls in mobile applications that uses a StyleableStageText class for the text display. | |
StageTextClearButtonMode | flash.text | Esta classe define uma enumeração que fornece a opção para o clearButton. | |
StageTextInitOptions | flash.text | A classe StageTextInitOptions define as opções disponíveis para inicializar um objeto StageText. | |
StageTextInputSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for TextInput controls in mobile applications that uses a StyleableStageText class for the text input. | |
StageTextSkinBase | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | ActionScript-based skin for text input controls in mobile applications. | |
StageTypes | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | StageTypes enumerator. | |
StageTypes | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | StageTypes Enum. | |
StageVideo | flash.media | O objeto StageVideo usa os recursos de aceleração por hardware do dispositivo, se disponíveis, para exibir vídeo ao vivo ou gravado em um aplicativo. | |
StageVideoAvailability | flash.media | Esta classe define uma lista que indica se o vídeo de palco está disponível. | |
StageVideoAvailabilityEvent | flash.events | Este evento dispara quando o estado da propriedade Stage.stageVideos é alterado. | |
StageVideoAvailabilityReason | flash.media | Esta classe define uma lista que indica se o vídeo de palco está disponível. | |
StageVideoEvent | flash.events | Um objeto StageVideo despachará um objeto StageVideoEvent depois que o método attachNetStream () do objeto StageVideo e o método play() do objeto NetStream vinculado forem ambos invocados. | |
StageWebView | flash.media | A classe StageWebView exibe conteúdo HTML em uma porta para exibição do palco. | |
StandardFlowComposer | flashx.textLayout.compose | A classe StandardFlowComposer possui um compositor padrão e um gerenciador de contêineres. | |
StandardHeader | com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components | The standard header guide skin part. | |
StandardHeaderSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.skins | The skin for the StandardHeader host component. | |
StandardWrapperHost | com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components | Standard Wrapper with typical skin parts for a Guide Wrapper. | |
StandardWrapperSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.skins | Defines the default Cobalt Standard Guide Skin available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
StartDateOrderValidator | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.util | The validator for Start Date order. | |
Startpoint | lc.procmgmt.domain | The Startpoint class represents a TaskManager startpoint on the Document Server. | |
StartpointCardRenderer | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartpointCardRenderer component represents an startpoint object. | |
StartpointCardRendererModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartpointCardRendererModel class acts as the presentation model for the StartpointCardRenderer component. | |
StartpointDetails | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartpointDetails component represents the information on a process card. | |
StartpointDetailsModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartpointDetailsModel class provides support for the views that are interested in StartpointDetails component. | |
StartpointEvent | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartpointEvent class contains events that are dispatched when a user performs an action against an startpoint. | |
StartpointGridSelector | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartpointGridSelector component displays a collection of startpoints in a data grid. | |
StartpointGridSelectorModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartpointGridSelectorModel class acts as the presentation model for the StartpointGridSelector component. | |
StartpointTileList | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartpointTileList component is configured to use the StartpointCardRenderer component to display startpoints in a grid, as well as pass on relevant events from the renderer. | |
StartProcess | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartProcess component is the primary component that enables a user to navigate between different categories of forms to start a process. | |
StartProcessBase | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | For internal use only. | |
StartProcessModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | The StartProcessModel class acts as the model for the StartProcess component. | |
State | mx.states | The State class defines a view state, a particular view of a component. | |
StateChangeEvent | mx.events | The StateChangeEvent class represents an event that is dispatched when the currentState property of a component changes. | |
StateDeserializer | ga.util | Class to deserialize the state of the guide application including Inputs, SelectionLists and additional data objects | |
Statement | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | This is the base class for Statement Objects. | |
Statement | com.adobe.icc.vo | Defines a statement used in a filtering operation on the server. | |
StateSerializer | ga.util | Class to deserialize the state of the guide application including Inputs, SelectionLists and additional data objects | |
StaticSectionView | ga.views | The StaticSectionView class provides a dynamic list of the panels contained within a section. | |
StaticText | flash.text | Essa classe representa objetos StaticText na lista de exibição. | |
StatusBar | mx.core.windowClasses | The default status bar for a WindowedApplication or a Window. | |
StatusBarBackgroundSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the StatusBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
StatusBarSkin | mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome | The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's StatusBar border. | |
StatusChangeEvent | flashx.textLayout.events | Uma instância TextFlow despacha este evento quando o status de um FlowElement é alterado. | |
StatusEvent | flash.events | Um objeto envia um objeto StatusEvent quando um dispositivo, como uma câmera ou um microfone, ou um objeto, como LocalConnection, relata seu status. | |
StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent | air.update.events | Um StatusUpdateFileErrorEvent é despachado quando uma chamada para o método checkForUpdate() de um objeto ApplicationUpdater encontra um erro ao baixar ou analisar o arquivo de descritor de atualização. | |
StatusFileUpdateEvent | air.update.events | Despachado após o atualizador ter validado com êxito o arquivo na chamada para o método installFromAIRFile(). | |
StatusReasonCode | com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant | This class defines various reason codes that provide additional information about the current status of the entity. | |
StatusUpdateErrorEvent | air.update.events | Um StatusUpdateErrorEvent é despachado quando uma chamada para o método checkForUpdate() de um objeto ApplicationUpdater encontra um erro ao baixar ou analisar o arquivo de descritor de atualização. | |
StatusUpdateEvent | air.update.events | Um objeto atualizador despacha um objeto StatusUpdateEvent após o atualizador baixar com êxito e interpretar o arquivo de descritor de atualização. | |
StepNav | ga.controls | The StepNav component is an accordion control that lists section names where each section contains a list of panels. | |
StepperDecrButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the down button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StepperDecrButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StepperIncrButtonSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the up button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StepperIncrButtonSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StorageVolume | flash.filesystem | Um objeto StorageVolume inclui propriedades que definem um volume de armazenamento de massa. | |
StorageVolumeChangeEvent | flash.events | O objeto StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo despacha um objeto de evento StorageVolumeChangeEvent quando um volume de armazenamento é montado ou desmontado. | |
StorageVolumeInfo | flash.filesystem | O objeto StorageVolumeInfo despacha um objeto StorageVolumeChangeEvent quando um volume de armazenamento é montado ou desmontado. | |
StreamingAMFChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The StreamingAMFChannel class provides support for messaging and offers a different push model than the base AMFChannel. | |
StreamingConnectionHandler | mx.messaging.channels | A helper class that is used by the streaming channels to open an internal HTTP connection to the server that is held open to allow the server to stream data down to the client with no poll overhead. | |
StreamingHTTPChannel | mx.messaging.channels | The StreamingHTTPChannel class provides support for messaging and offers a different push model than the base HTTPChannel. | |
StreamingItem | org.osmf.net | The StreamingItem class represents a single media stream within a StreamingURLResource. | |
StreamingItemType | org.osmf.net | The StreamingItemType class is an enumeration of constant values that you can use to set the type property of the StreamingItem class. | |
StreamingURLResource | org.osmf.net | StreamingURLResource is a URLResource which is capable of being streamed. | |
StreamType | org.osmf.net | The StreamType class is an enumeration of constant values that you can use to set the streamType property of the StreamingURLResource class. | |
String | Nível superior | A classe String é um tipo de dados que representa uma string de caracteres. | |
StringFunc | com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib | The StringFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for String functions in the Adobe application modeling language. | |
StringOperand | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operands | The StringOperand class represents the literal operand in an expression. | |
StringTextLineFactory | flashx.textLayout.factory | A classe StringTextLineFactory é uma maneira simples de criar TextLines a partir de uma string. | |
StringTools | flash.globalization | A classe StringTools fornece métodos de conversão de caixa sensíveis à localidade. | |
StringTools | spark.globalization | The StringTools class provides locale-sensitve case conversion methods. | |
StringUtil | mx.utils | The StringUtil utility class is an all-static class with methods for working with String objects within Flex. | |
StringValidator | mx.validators | The StringValidator class validates that the length of a String is within a specified range. | |
Stroke | mx.graphics | The Stroke class defines the properties for a line. | |
StrokedElement | spark.primitives.supportClasses | The StrokedElement class is the base class for all graphic elements that have a stroke, including Line, Ellipse, Path, and Rect. | |
Strong | fl.transitions.easing | A classe Strong define três funções de atenuação para implementar um movimento com animações ActionScript. | |
Style | com.adobe.fiber.styles | An implementation of IStyle. | |
StyleableStageText | spark.components.supportClasses | The StyleableStageText class is a text primitive for use in ActionScript skins which is used to present the user with a native text input field. | |
StyleableTextField | spark.components.supportClasses | The StyleableTextField class is a text primitive for use in ActionScript skins and item renderers. | |
StyleEvent | mx.events | The StyleEvent class represents an event object used by the StyleManager class when a style SWF is being downloaded. | |
StyleManager | fl.managers | A classe StyleManager fornece métodos estáticos que podem ser usados para obter e definir estilos para uma ocorrência de componente, um tipo de componente inteiro ou todos os componentes da interface do usuário em um documento do Flash. | |
StyleManager | mx.styles | The StyleManager class manages the following: Which CSS style properties the class inherits Which style properties are colors, and therefore get special handling A list of strings that are aliases for color values | |
StyleProxy | mx.styles | Wraps an object that implements the IAdvancedStyleClient interface. | |
StyleSheet | flash.text | A classe StyleSheet permite criar um objeto StyleSheet que contém regras de formatação de texto para tamanho da fonte, cor e outros estilos. | |
StyleValidator | com.adobe.fiber.styles | A wrapper around mx.validators.Validator that enables runtime customization of the function used for validation, doValidation. | |
SubmitButton | ga.controls | The SubmitButton class represents the submit button component that is displayed on the last panel of a Guide. | |
SubParagraphGroupElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | O SubParagraphGroupElement é um elemento que se agrupa de FlowLeafElements e outras classes que estendem SubParagraphGroupElementBase. | |
SubParagraphGroupElementBase | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe SubParagraphGroupElementBase agrupa os FlowLeafElements. | |
SubscriptionInfo | mx.messaging | This is the class used for elements of the ArrayCollection subscriptions property in the MultiTopicConsumer property. | |
SufficientBandwidthRule | org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming | SufficientBandwidthRule is a switching rule that switches up when the user has sufficient bandwidth to do so. | |
Suffix | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para configurar a propriedade suffix de um ListMarkerFormat. | |
SumAggregator | mx.olap.aggregators | The SumAggregator class implements the sum aggregator. | |
SummaryField | mx.collections | The SummaryField class represents a single property in a SummaryRow instance. | |
SummaryField2 | mx.collections | The SummaryField2 class represents a single property in a SummaryRow instance. | |
SummaryObject | mx.collections | The SummaryObject class defines the object used to store information when performing custom data summaries on grouped data. | |
SummaryRow | mx.collections | The SummaryRow class represents a summary row of the AdvancedDataGrid. | |
SupportingDocument | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document | A supporting document that is attached to a review. | |
SupportingDocument | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines supporting documents. | |
SupportingDocuments | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.documents | The host component for the supporting documents screen in the schedule template workflow. | |
SwatchPanelSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the border of a SwatchPanel. | |
SwatchSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin used for all color swatches in a ColorPicker. | |
SwfAppButtonEvent | lc.procmgmt.events | A SwfAppButtonEvent event is used to communicate between an application built with Flex (Flex application) and the buttons in the Workspace user interface. | |
SwfAppEvent | lc.procmgmt.events | A SwfAppEvent event is used to communicate between an application built with Flex (Flex application and Workspace). | |
SWFBridgeEvent | mx.events | This is an event that is sent between applications that are in different security sandboxes. | |
SWFBridgeGroup | mx.core | A SWFBridgeGroup represents all of the sandbox bridges that an application needs to communicate with its parent and children. | |
SWFBridgeRequest | mx.events | An event that is sent between applications through the sharedEvents dispatcher that exists between two application SWFs. | |
SwfConnector | lc.procmgmt.formbridge | The SwfConnector class is used by Flex applications to simplify communication with Workspace. | |
SwfDataEvent | lc.procmgmt.events | A SwfDataEvent event is used to pass initial data from Workspace to the application built with Flex (Flex application). | |
SWFElement | org.osmf.elements | SWFElement is a media element specifically created for presenting SWFs. | |
SWFLoader | mx.controls | The SWFLoader control loads and displays a specified SWF file. | |
SWFLoader | org.osmf.elements | SWFLoader is a loader that is capable of loading and displaying SWF files. | |
SWFLoaderAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SWFLoader control. | |
SWFVersion | flash.display | A classe SWFVersion é uma enumeração de valores constantes que indicam a versão de formato de arquivo de um arquivo SWF carregado. | |
SwitchingRuleBase | org.osmf.net | SwitchingRuleBase is a base class for classes that define multi-bitrate (MBR) switching rules. | |
SwitchSymbolFormatter | mx.formatters | The SwitchSymbolFormatter class is a utility class that you can use when creating custom formatters. | |
SWZInfo | fl.rsl | A classe SWZInfo indica como fazer download de um arquivo SWZ, que é uma Biblioteca Compartilhada em tempo de Execução assinada (RSL). | |
SyncEvent | flash.events | Um objeto SharedObject que representa um objeto compartilhado remoto envia um objeto SyncEvent quando o objeto compartilhado remoto foi atualizado pelo servidor. | |
SyncFaultEvent | coldfusion.air.events | The Fault Event that is dispatched if an error occurs when accessing the SyncManager. | |
SyncManager | coldfusion.air | This is the main class that connects to the ColdFusion server to fetch and synchronize offline data with the server. | |
SyncManagerError | coldfusion.air.errors | This error is thrown when an error is encountered in the SyncManager. | |
SyncResultEvent | coldfusion.air.events | The Result Event that is dispatched on recieving a response from the SyncManager. | |
SyntaxError | Nível superior | Uma sintaxe SyntaxError é gerada quando ocorrem erros de análise, por uma das seguintes razões: | |
System | flash.system | A classe System contém propriedades relacionadas a configurações e operações locais. | |
SystemIdleMode | flash.desktop | A classe SystemIdleMode fornece valores constantes para comportamentos ociosos do sistema. | |
SystemManager | mx.managers | The SystemManager class manages an application window. | |
SystemTrayIcon | flash.desktop | A classe SystemTrayIcon representa o ícone do estilo da área de notificação (bandeja do sistema) da barra de tarefas do Windows®. | |
SystemUpdater | flash.system | A classe SystemUpdater permite atualizar módulos no Flash Player, tais como o módulo DRM para o Adobe Access, bem como o próprio Flash Player. | |
SystemUpdaterType | flash.system | A classe SystemUpdaterType fornece constantes para uma atualização do sistema. | |
TabAlignment | flash.text.engine | A classe TabAlignment é uma enumeração dos valores constantes que você pode usar para definir a propriedade tabAlignment da classe TabStop. | |
TabBar | mx.controls | The TabBar control lets you create a horizontal or vertical group of tab navigation items by defining the labels and data associated with each tab. | |
TabBar | spark.components | The TabBar class displays a set of identical tabs. | |
TabBarAccImpl | mx.accessibility | TabBarAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the TabBar class. | |
TabBarAccImpl | spark.accessibility | TabBarAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.TabBar. | |
TabBarButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for Spark TabBar buttons. | |
TabBarButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for TabBar component. | |
TabBarSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark TabBar component. | |
TabBarSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark TabBar component. | |
TabbedViewNavigator | spark.components | The TabbedViewNavigator class is a container that manages a collection of view navigator containers. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorApplication | spark.components | The TabbedViewNavigatorApplication container defines an application with multiple sections. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorApplicationSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The ActionScript-based skin used for TabbedViewNavigatorApplication. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The ActionScript-based skin used for TabbedViewNavigator components. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarFirstTabSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Skin for the left-most button in the TabbedViewNavigator ButtonBar skin part. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarHorizontalLayout | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | The TabbedViewNavigatorButtonBarHorizontalLayout class is a layout specifically designed for the TabbedViewNavigator. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarLastTabSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Skin for used for middle and the right-most ButtonBarButton in the TabbedViewNavigator ButtonBar skin. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin class for the Spark TabbedViewNavigator tabBar skin part. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarTabSkinBase | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | ButtonBarButton skin base class for TabbedViewNavigator ButtonBarButtons. | |
TabElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe TabElement representa um <tab/> no fluxo de texto. | |
TabLayout | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout | TabLayout provides a TabNavigator-like experience using Spark components. | |
TabLayoutBarSkin | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins | The default skin class for the Spark ButtonBar component. | |
TabLayoutEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.events | Event class dispatched by the TabLayout component. | |
TabLayoutFirstButtonSkin | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
TabLayoutLastButtonSkin | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
TabLayoutMiddleButtonSkin | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
TabLayoutNewTabButtonSkin | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
TabLayoutOptionMenuButtonSkin | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
TabLayoutSkin | com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins | The main skin for the TabLayout component. | |
Table | com.adobe.icc.vo | Represents a table in layout. | |
TableColumnDetails | com.adobe.icc.vo | Represents a table column. | |
TableColumnEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.fragment | This component allows editing of the columns of tables in FragmentLayoutModel. | |
TableRow | com.adobe.icc.vo | Represents a table row. | |
TableRowNameDisplayer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter | Component that displayes the Table's Row Name of the Tables with in the Fragment Layout added to the TargetArea's within the Letter. | |
TabNavigator | mx.containers | The MX TabNavigator container extends the MX ViewStack container by including a TabBar container for navigating between its child containers. | |
TabNavigatorAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TabNavigator class. | |
TabOrderManager | ga.util | Manage the tab order for both MX Guide layouts and Spark Guide layouts. | |
TabSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for all the states of a Tab in a TabNavigator or TabBar. | |
TabSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the tabs of the MX TabNavigator container. | |
TabSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the tabs of the MX TabNavigator container. | |
TabStop | flash.text.engine | A classe TabStop representa as propriedades de uma parada de tabulação em um bloco de texto. | |
TabStopFormat | flashx.textLayout.formats | A classe TabStopFormat representa as propriedades de uma parada de tabulação em um parágrafo. | |
TabTabNav | ga.controls | The TabTabNav component uses two nested tab navigators to display the active Guide sections and panels. | |
TargetArea | com.adobe.icc.vo | Class representation of a Target Area in a Layout (XDP). | |
TargetAreaAssignment | com.adobe.icc.vo | Properties of a TargetArea, from a Layout or a ContainerLayout, within a Letter. | |
TargetAreaAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter | The component which enables editing of Target area associated with a letter's layout or fragment. | |
TargetAreaAssignmentModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The domain class representing the target area assignments in Letters. | |
TargetAreaRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture | The TargetAreaRenderer component is a skinnable item renderer that renders a letter TargetArea. | |
TargetInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | This class is the runtime representation of the target area associated with the letter. | |
Task | lc.procmgmt.domain | The Task class represents a task on the Document Server. | |
TaskACL | lc.procmgmt.domain | The TaskACL class describes the permissions that control various operations on a task. | |
TaskAction | com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain | The TaskAction UX component allows the user to interact with actions provied by a task. | |
TaskActionCompleteEvent | lc.procmgmt.events | The TaskActionCompleteEvent event is dispatched when a task action such as consult, forward, or delegate returns. | |
TaskActionComponent | com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.component | This Task Action UX component renders the user action buttons for the provided ILCTask class. | |
TaskActionSkin | com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.skin | The default skin for the TaskAction UX component. | |
TaskAttachmentInfo | lc.procmgmt.domain | The TaskAttachmentInfo class is used to handle attachments associated with tasks. | |
TaskCardRenderer | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskCardRenderer component displays task information in a card layout. | |
TaskCardRendererModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskCardRendererModel class acts as the model for the TaskCardRenderer component. | |
TaskCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The TaskCommand class is a generic command that has direct association with a Task object. | |
TaskCompletedEvent | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event | The TaskCompleted event is dispatched when a task completes successfully. | |
TaskCompletionFailedEvent | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event | The TaskCompletedFailedEvent event is dispatched when a task fails to complete. | |
TaskConstants | lc.procmgmt | The TaskConstants class holds constants for the Task class status and priority properties. | |
TaskDetails | com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.domain | The TaskDetails class provides a list of details that can be rendered editable. | |
TaskDetails | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskDetails component represents the information on the task card. | |
TaskDetailsAXMSkin | com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.skin | This is a skin for the Task Details UX component. | |
TaskDetailsComponent | com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.component | The TaskDetailsComponent class wraps the TaskDetails UX component by providing the required interaction with the ITaskManager class. | |
TaskDetailsModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskDetailsModel class provides support for the views that are interested in the TaskDetails component. | |
TaskDetailsSkin | com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.skin | This is a simple list-based skin for the Task Details UX component. | |
TaskDirective | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskDirective component is where end users are given the ability to forward, share, or consult a task with another person. | |
TaskDirectiveBase | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskDirectiveBase serves as the parent of the TaskDirective view. | |
TaskDirectiveModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskDirectiveModel class acts as the model for the TaskDirective component. | |
TaskForm | lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form | The TaskForm component can display the form that is associated with a particular Task object. | |
TaskFormSaveCommand | lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.commands | The TaskFormSaveCommand class executes the TaskForm object's save operation. | |
TaskFormSubmitCommand | lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.commands | The TaskFormSubmitCommand class executes the TaskForm object's submit operation. | |
TaskFormTakeOfflineCommand | lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.commands | The TaskFormTakeOfflineCommand class executes the TaskForm object's take offline operation and is used to take a form offline. | |
TaskImage | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskImage class displays the image associated with the process to which the task belongs. | |
TaskImageModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskImageModel class provides support for views that are interested in displaying an image configured for the process to which the task belongs. | |
TaskInfo | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskInfo class displays a set of properties for a selected Task object.The TaskInfo component displays the stepName of the Task on top of all of the other Task properties. | |
TaskInfoModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskInfoModel class provides support for views that are interested in the Task object's data, such as, the TaskInfo component. | |
TaskItemResult | lc.procmgmt.domain | The TaskItemResult class passes item data from the Document Server when the item is rendered or submitted. | |
TaskList | com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.domain | The TaskList UX Component is a list that does not extend the spark ListBase class, but is an entirely skinnable component. | |
TaskListComponent | com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.component | The TaskDetailsComponent wraps the TaskDetails UX Component by providing the required interaction with the ITaskManager class. | |
TaskListSkin | com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.skin | The default skin for the TaskList UX component. | |
TaskManager | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | The implementation of the ITaskManager to use Remoting with the Experience Services - Task Management service. | |
TaskManagerEvent | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event | The TaskManagerEvent event is the base event class. | |
TaskManagerFaultEvent | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event | The TaskManagerFaultEvent event is dispatched when a fault occurs. | |
TaskManagerServiceConstants | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | TaskManager constants. | |
TaskProperty | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | The TaskProperty class defines the values of custom task properties. | |
TaskPropertyChangedEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.domain | The TaskPropertyChangedEvent class indicates when a task property value is modified in the Task Details UX component. | |
TasksTab | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | The host component for the Tasks tab, used to display details of review and approval stages. | |
TaskTileList | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The TaskTileList component is configured to use the TaskCardRenderer component to display tasks in a grid, as well as to pass on relevant events from the renderer. | |
TaskTypes | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | TaskTypes enumerator. | |
TaskTypes | com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | TaskTypes Enum. | |
TaskUserCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The TaskUserCommand class is a generic command that has direct association with a Task object and a User object. | |
TBX | com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo | Specifies a value object for a text module. Extends basic attributes from the DataModule class. | |
TBXState | com.adobe.icc.enum | Specifies the enumerator for the state of a TBX or Text Module. | |
TBXType | com.adobe.icc.enum | Specifies the enumerator codes for the type of a TBX. | |
TCYElement | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe TCYElement (Tatechuuyoko - ta-tae-chu-yo-ko) é uma subclasse de SubParagraphGroupElementBase que faz com que o texto seja desenhado na horizontal em uma linha vertical. | |
TeamMember | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl | This class defines a team member domain entity. | |
TeamMemberDetails | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.team | The host component for displaying Team Member details. | |
TeamMemberVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | Represents a TeamMember in a team. | |
TeamPod | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.team | The host component for the Team pod. | |
TeamPodEvent | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.event | The team pod event is dispatched from team pod, to navigate to a project or an asset. | |
Telemetry | flash.profiler | A classe Telemetry permite um código do perfil do aplicativo do ActionScript e registra de manipuladores para os comandos | |
TemplateDefintion | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.definition | The host component for the template definition screen in the schedule template workflow. | |
TemplateEdit | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template | The host component for displaying the schedule template workflow in campaign mode, while editing an assigned template. | |
TemplateEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | This event is dispatched when an operation on a template is performed. | |
TemplatePreview | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template | The host component for displaying the schedule template workflow in campaign mode, when previewing a template before assigning to a project or an asset. | |
TemplateSearchFilter | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | Defines properties that are used to search review templates. | |
TemplateSearchFilterVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | Defines properties used for searching schedule templates. | |
TemporaryQueue | lc.procmgmt.domain | The TemporaryQueue class creates a Queue object of a specified type, with an isDefault property set to false. | |
Text | mx.controls | The Text control displays multiline, noneditable text. | |
TextAlign | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para configurar as propriedades textAlign e textAlignLast da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
TextArea | fl.controls | O componente TextArea é um campo de texto de várias linhas com uma borda e barras de rolagem opcionais. | |
TextArea | mx.controls | The TextArea control is a multiline text field with a border and optional scroll bars. | |
TextArea | spark.components | TextArea is a text-entry control that lets users enter and edit multiple lines of formatted text. | |
TextAreaAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextArea control. | |
TextAreaHScrollBarSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin class for the Spark TextAreaHScrollBar component in mobile applications. | |
TextAreaHScrollBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The ActionScript-based skin used for TextAreaHScrollBarThumb components in mobile applications. | |
TextAreaSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX TextArea component. | |
TextAreaSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for TextArea components in mobile applications. | |
TextAreaSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for Spark TextArea component. | |
TextAreaSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark TextArea component. | |
TextAreaVScrollBarSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for TextAreaVScrollBar components in mobile applications. | |
TextAreaVScrollBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The ActionScript-based skin used for TextAreaHScrollBarThumb components in mobile applications. | |
TextAssetPreviewRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | This class defines the preview pod shown for Text. | |
TextBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The base class for Spark text controls such as Label and RichText which display text using CSS styles for the default format. | |
TextBaseAccImpl | spark.accessibility | TextBaseAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.TextBase. | |
TextBaseline | flash.text.engine | A classe TextBaseline é uma enumeração dos valores constantes a serem usados na definição das propriedades dominantBaseline e alignmentBaseline da classe ElementFormat. | |
TextBlock | flash.text.engine | A classe TextBlock é uma fábrica para a criação de objetos TextLine, os quais você pode renderizar colocando-os na lista de exibição. | |
TextClipboard | flashx.textLayout.edit | A classe TextClipboard copia e cola objetos TextScrap de e para a área de transferência do sistema. | |
TextColorType | flash.text | A classe TextColorType fornece valores de cor para a classe flash.text.TextRenderer. | |
TextContainerManager | flashx.textLayout.container | Gerencia o texto em um contêiner. | |
TextConverter | flashx.textLayout.conversion | Esta é a classe de gateway para controle de importações e exportações. | |
TextDecoration | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para a propriedade textDecoration da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
TextDisplayMode | flash.text | A classe TextDisplayMode contém valores que controlam a suavização de borda de subpixels do sistema avançado de suavização de borda. | |
TextEditEvent | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events | TextEditEvent is the event dispatched when the agent clicks the Edit button for a TextModule in content panel of the CCR UI. | |
TextEditingConstants | xd.core.axm.view.components | Constants for use with text editing | |
TextEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | Editor to edit Text content | |
TextEditorContainer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture | Create Correspondence TextEditor container. | |
TextElement | flash.text.engine | A classe TextElement representa uma string de texto formatado. | |
TextEvent | flash.events | Um objeto envia um objeto TextEvent quando um usuário digita um texto em um campo de texto ou clica em um hyperlink em um campo de texto ativado para HTML. | |
TextField | flash.text | A classe TextField é utilizada para criar objetos de exibição para exibição de texto e entrada. | |
TextFieldAsset | mx.core | TextFieldAsset is a subclass of the flash.text.TextField class which represents TextField symbols that you embed in a Flex application from a SWF file produced by Flash. | |
TextFieldAutomationHelper | mx.automation.delegates | Utility class that facilitates replay of text input and selection. | |
TextFieldAutoSize | flash.text | A classe TextFieldAutoSize é uma enumeração de valores de constante utilizados na definição da propriedade autoSize da classe TextField. | |
TextFieldType | flash.text | A classe TextFieldType é uma enumeração de valores de constante utilizados na definição da propriedade type da classe TextField. | |
TextFlow | flashx.textLayout.elements | A classe TextFlow é responsável por gerenciar todo o conteúdo do texto de uma matéria. | |
TextFlowLine | flashx.textLayout.compose | A classe TextFlowLine representa uma única linha de texto de um fluxo de texto. | |
TextFlowLineLocation | flashx.textLayout.compose | A classe TextFlowLineLocation é uma classe de enumeração que define constantes para especificar a localização de uma linha em um parágrafo. | |
TextFlowTextLineFactory | flashx.textLayout.factory | A classe TextFlowTextLineFactory é uma maneira simples de criar TextLines para exibir um texto a partir de um fluxo de texto. | |
TextFlowUtil | spark.utils | TextFlowUtil is a utility class which provides methods for importing a TextFlow from, and exporting a TextFlow to, the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework. | |
TextFormat | flash.text | A classe TextFormat representa informações de formatação de caracteres. | |
TextFormatAlign | flash.text | A classe TextFormatAlign fornece valores para alinhamento de texto na classe TextFormat. | |
TextHandler | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Text. | |
TextInput | fl.controls | O componente TextInput é um componente de texto de uma linha que contém um objeto TextField nativo do ActionScript. | |
TextInput | mx.controls | The TextInput control is a single-line text field that is optionally editable. | |
TextInput | spark.components | TextInput is a text-entry control that lets users enter and edit a single line of uniformly-formatted text. | |
TextInputAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextInput control. | |
TextInputBorderSkin | mx.skins.spark | The Spark skin class for the border of the MX TextInput component. | |
TextInputDataCaptureRenderer | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers | Renderer for capturing Text Input from the user. | |
TextInputOperation | spark.components.supportClasses | The TextInputOperation class represents a text input operation. | |
TextInputPicture | ga.uiComponents | The TextInputPicture is a single-line text input field which supports both display and edit pictures. | |
TextInputSearchRenderer | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers | Text Input Search Renderer Control for Advanced Search Pod | |
TextInputSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX TextInput component. | |
TextInputSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for TextInput controls in mobile applications. | |
TextInputSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for Spark TextInput component. | |
TextInputSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark TextInput component. | |
TextInteractionMode | flash.text | Uma classe que define o modo interativo de um objeto de campo de texto. | |
TextJustifier | flash.text.engine | TextJustifier é uma classe base abstrata dos tipos de justificador que você pode aplicar a TextBlock, mais especificamente às classes EastAsianJustifier e SpaceJustifier. | |
TextJustify | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para configurar a propriedade textJustify da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
TextLayoutEvent | flashx.textLayout.events | Uma instância TextLayoutEvent representa um evento, como o evento TextLayoutEvent.SCROLL, que não exige propriedades personalizadas. | |
TextLayoutFormat | flashx.textLayout.formats | A classe TextLayoutFormat contém todas as propriedades de layout de texto. | |
TextLayoutVersion | flashx.textLayout | Esta classe controla a compatibilidade com versões anteriores da estrutura. | |
TextLine | flash.text.engine | A classe TextLine é usada para exibir texto na lista de exibição. | |
TextLineCreationResult | flash.text.engine | A classe TextLineCreationResult é uma enumeração dos valores constantes usados com TextBlock.textLineCreationResult. | |
TextLineFactoryBase | flashx.textLayout.factory | A classe TextLineFactoryBase é a classe básica das fábricas de linhas de texto Text Layout Framework. | |
TextLineMetrics | flash.text | A classe TextLineMetrics contém informações sobre a posição do texto e as medidas de uma linha de texto dentro de um campo de texto. | |
TextLineMirrorRegion | flash.text.engine | A classe TextLineMirrorRegion representa um trecho de uma linha de texto em que os eventos são espelhados com outro despachador de eventos. | |
TextLineRecycler | flashx.textLayout.compose | A classe TextLineRecycler permite a reciclagem de TextLines. | |
TextLineValidity | flash.text.engine | A classe TextLineValidity é uma enumeração de valores constantes para definir a propriedade validity da classe TextLine. | |
TextModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The TextModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Text. | |
TextModuleInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | This class is the runtime representation of the text module present in the letter. | |
TextOperationEvent | spark.events | The TextOperationEvent class represents events that are dispatched when text content changes due to user operations such as inserting characters, backspacing, pasting, or changing text attributes. | |
TextRange | flashx.textLayout.elements | Uma classe do tipo ‘somente leitura’ que descreve um intervalo de texto contíguo. | |
TextRange | mx.controls.textClasses | The TextRange class provides properties that select and format a range of text in the Label, Text, TextArea, TextEditor, and RichTextEditor controls. | |
TextRenderer | flash.text | A classe TextRenderer fornece funcionalidade para o recurso de suavização de borda avançada de fontes incorporadas. | |
TextRotation | flash.text.engine | A classe TextRotation é uma enumeração dos valores constantes usados com as seguintes propriedades: ElementFormat.textRotation, ContentElement.textRotation, TextBlock.lineRotation e TextLine.getAtomTextRotation(). | |
TextScrap | flashx.textLayout.edit | A classe TextScrap representa um fragmento de um fluxo de texto. | |
TextSelectionEvent | mx.automation.events | The TextSelectionEvent class lets you track selection within a text field. | |
TextSelectionHighlighting | spark.components | This class specifies the allowed values for the selectionHighlighting property of the RichEditableText control, and controls that use RichEditableText as a subcomponent (Spark TextInput and Spark TextArea). | |
TextSkinBase | spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | ActionScript-based skin for text input controls in mobile applications that uses a StyleableTextField class for the text display. | |
TextSnapshot | flash.text | Os objetos TextSnapshot permitem trabalhar com texto estático em um clipe de filme. | |
Texture | flash.display3D.textures | A classe Texture representa uma textura bidimensional carregada para um contexto de renderização. | |
TextureBase | flash.display3D.textures | A classe TextureBase é a classe base de objetos de textura Context3D. | |
ThreeColumn | ga.layouts | Defines the default Three Column panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
ThreeColumnSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the default Three Column skin available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
ThrottleEvent | flash.events | Um ThrottleEvent é despachado quando o Flash Player limita, pausa ou retoma o conteúdo. | |
ThrottleType | flash.events | A classe ThrottleType fornece valores para a propriedade do estado de reprodução da classe flash.event.ThrottleEvent. | |
Ticket | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service | The Ticket class represents a ticket that can be used to authenticate the user while making Remoting calls. | |
TicketType | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | The TicketType class defines the type of an ITicket object. | |
Tile | com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | The Tile component represents a composite application tile from the composite application catalog that can placed onto the Flex Display List. | |
Tile | mx.containers | A Halo Tile container lays out its children in a grid of equal-sized cells. | |
TileBase | mx.controls.listClasses | The TileBase class is the base class for controls that display data items in a sequence of rows and columns. | |
TileBaseAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TileBase class, which is the parent of the TileList component. | |
TileBaseDirection | mx.controls.listClasses | Values for the direction property of the TileList component. | |
TileDirection | mx.containers | The TileDirection class defines the constant values for the direction property of the Tile container. | |
TileGroup | spark.components | The TileGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the TileLayout class. | |
TileLayout | spark.layouts | The TileLayout class arranges layout elements in columns and rows of equally-sized cells. | |
TileList | fl.controls | A classe TileList fornece uma grade de linhas e colunas que é normalmente usada para formatar e exibir imagens em formato "lado a lado". | |
TileList | mx.controls | The TileList control displays a number of items laid out in tiles. | |
TileListAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe TileListAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de TileList, é usada para tornar acessível um componente TileList. | |
TileListCollectionItem | fl.data | A classe TileListCollectionItem define um único item em uma propriedade inspecionável que representa um provedor de dados. | |
TileListData | fl.controls.listClasses | A TileListData é uma classe de mensageiro que contém informações relevantes a uma célula específica no componente TileListData com base em lista. | |
TileListItemRenderer | mx.controls.listClasses | The TileListItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for the HorizontalList and TileList controls. | |
TileListItemRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TileListItemRenderer class. | |
TileOrientation | spark.layouts | The TileOrientation class defines the possible values for the orientation property of the TileLayout class. | |
TimeEvent | org.osmf.events | A TimeEvent is dispatched when properties of a TimeTrait change. | |
TimelineMarker | org.osmf.metadata | The TimelineMarker class represents an individual marker in the timeline of a MediaElement. | |
TimelineMetadata | org.osmf.metadata | The TimelineMetadata class encapsulates metadata associated with the timeline of a MediaElement. | |
TimelineMetadataEvent | org.osmf.events | A TimelineMetadataEvent is dispatched when properties of a TimelineMetadata object change. | |
Timer | flash.utils | A classe Timer é a interface com os timers, os quais permitem a execução de códigos em uma sequência específica de tempo. | |
TimerEvent | flash.events | Um objeto Timer envia os objetos TimerEvent sempre que o objeto Timer alcança o intervalo especificado pela propriedade Timer.delay. | |
TimeTrait | org.osmf.traits | TimeTrait defines the trait interface for media that have a duration and a currentTime. | |
TitleBackground | mx.skins.halo | The skin for a title bar area of a Panel. | |
TitleBar | mx.core.windowClasses | The default title bar for a WindowedApplication or a Window. | |
TitleBar | spark.components.windowClasses | The TitleBar class defines the default title bar for a WindowedApplication or a Window container. | |
TitleBarSkin | mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome | The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's TitleBar border. | |
TitleBarSkin | spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | The default skin class for the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome. | |
TitledCardRenderer | lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.card | For internal use only. | |
TitledCardRendererModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.card | For internal use only. | |
TitleWindow | mx.containers | A TitleWindow layout container contains a title bar, a caption, a border, and a content area for its child. | |
TitleWindow | spark.components | The TitleWindow class extends Panel to include a close button and move area. | |
TitleWindowAccImpl | mx.accessibility | TitleWindowAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the TitleWindow class. | |
TitleWindowAccImpl | spark.accessibility | TitleWindowAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.TitleWindow. | |
TitleWindowBoundsEvent | spark.events | The TitleWindowBoundsEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when bounds of a Spark TitleWindow changes, either by moving or resizing. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonDownSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the close button's down state in the TitleWindow component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonOverSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the close button's over state in the TitleWindow component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the close button of the Spark TitleWindow component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark TitleWindowCloseButton component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonUpSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the close button's up state in the TitleWindow component. | |
TitleWindowSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark TitleWindow container. | |
TitleWindowSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark TitleWindow component. | |
TLFTextField | fl.text | Use a classe TLFTextField para criar campos de texto que usam os recursos de exibição de texto avançados da Estrutura de Layout de Texto (TLF). | |
TLFTypographicCase | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para a propriedade typographicCase da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
ToDo | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The ToDo component is the primary component that enables a user to navigate between different queues to locate their tasks. | |
ToDoBase | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | For internal use only. | |
ToDoModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.task | The ToDoModel class provides the model implementation for the the ToDo component. | |
ToggleButton | spark.components | The ToggleButton component defines a toggle button. | |
ToggleButtonAccImpl | spark.accessibility | ToggleButtonAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.ToggleButton. | |
ToggleButtonBar | mx.controls | The ToggleButtonBar control defines a horizontal or vertical group of buttons that maintain their selected or deselected state. | |
ToggleButtonBarAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ToggleButtonBar control. | |
ToggleButtonBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The ToggleButtonBase component is the base class for the Spark button components that support the selected property. | |
ToggleButtonSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for a Spark ToggleButton component. | |
ToggleButtonSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ToggleButton component. | |
ToggleSwitch | spark.components | The Spark ToggleSwitch control defines a binary switch that can be in the selected or unselected position. | |
ToggleSwitchSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the ToggleSwitch control. | |
Token | com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | The Token class provides a mechanism to specify handlers for asynchronous calls. | |
Token | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | Token objects are returned from functions that initiate asynchronous operations. | |
Token | lc.foundation.util | The Token class provides a mechanism to specify handlers for asynchronous calls. | |
Toolbar | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar | Toolbar host component | |
ToolBar | com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation | Create Correspondence UI top ToolBar. | |
ToolBar | ga.controls | The ToolBar component displays the Guide toolbar. | |
ToolTip | mx.controls | The ToolTip control lets you provide helpful information to your users. | |
ToolTipAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ToolTip control. | |
ToolTipBorder | mx.skins.halo | The skin for a ToolTip. | |
ToolTipEvent | mx.events | The ToolTipEvent class represents ToolTip events, which are generated by the ToolTipManager class. | |
ToolTipManager | mx.managers | The ToolTipManager lets you set basic ToolTip and error tip functionality, such as display delay and the disabling of ToolTips. | |
ToolTipSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX ToolTip component. | |
TouchEvent | flash.events | A classe TouchEvent permite que você lide com eventos em dispositivos que detectam o contato de usuário com o dispositivo (tal como um dedo em uma tela de toque). | |
TouchEventIntent | flash.events | A classe TouchEventIntent define constantes da propriedade touchIntent da classe TouchEvent. | |
TouchInteractionEvent | mx.events | TouchInteractionEvents are used to coordinate touch intraction and response among different components. | |
TouchInteractionReason | mx.events | The TouchInteractionReason class defines the constant values for the reason property of the TouchInteractionEvent class. | |
TouchscreenType | flash.system | A classe TouchscreenType é uma classe de lista que fornece valores dos tipos diferentes de telas sensíveis ao toque. | |
TraceTarget | mx.logging.targets | Provides a logger target that uses the global trace() method to output log messages. | |
TrackBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The TrackBase class is a base class for components with a track and one or more thumb buttons, such as Slider and ScrollBar. | |
TrackBaseEvent | spark.events | Represents events that are dispatched from a TrackBase component. | |
Tracking | lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking | The Tracking component enables the user to navigate through Process objects and Task object that they have initiated or participated in. | |
TrackingModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking | The TrackingModel class provides support for the Tracking component. | |
TraitEventDispatcher | org.osmf.traits | TraitEventDispatcher is a utility class that exposes a uniform interface for receiving trait events from a MediaElement. | |
Transform | flash.geom | A classe Transform permite acessar as propriedades de ajuste de cor e os objetos de transformação bidimensionais ou tridimensionais que podem ser aplicados a um objeto de exibição. | |
Transform | mx.geom | Adds synchronization support on top of the flash.geom.Transform class. | |
TransformGestureEvent | flash.events | A classe TransformGestureEvent permite manipular eventos de entrada de movimentos complexos (tais como dedos em movimento por uma tela de toque), que o dispositivo ou o sistema operacional interpretam como um gesto. | |
TransformOffsets | mx.geom | A CompoundTransform represents a 2D or 3D matrix transform. | |
Transition | fl.transitions | A classe Transition é a classe base de todas as classes de transição. | |
Transition | mx.states | The Transition class defines a set of effects that play in response to a change of view state. | |
TransitionManager | fl.transitions | A classe TransitionManager define efeitos de animação. | |
TransparentActionButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin class for buttons in the action area of the Spark ActionBar component in mobile applications. | |
TransparentNavigationButtonSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin class for buttons in the navigation area of the Spark ActionBar component in mobile applications. | |
Tree | mx.controls | The Tree control lets a user view hierarchical data arranged as an expandable tree. | |
TreeAccImpl | mx.accessibility | TreeAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Tree class. | |
TreeAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Tree control. | |
TreeEvent | mx.events | The TreeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events that are associated with activities in tree, such as when a tree branch opens or closes. | |
TreeItemRenderer | mx.controls.treeClasses | The TreeItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a Tree control. | |
TreeItemRendererAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TreeItemRenderer class. | |
TreeListData | mx.controls.treeClasses | The TreeListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the Tree control. | |
TreeView | ga.views | The TreeListView class provides the Guide sections and panels in a tree structure that mimics the Guide tree created in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
TriangleCulling | flash.display | Define códigos para algoritmos de remoção que determinam quais triângulos não devem ser processados durante o desenho de caminhos de triângulo. | |
TriangleItemRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills an upright triangle in its assigned area. | |
TruncationOptions | flashx.textLayout.factory | A classe TruncationOptions especifica as opções para limitar o número de linhas de texto criadas por uma fábrica de linhas de texto e para indicar quando linhas foram deixadas de fora. | |
TrustedRemoteFlexBundleLoader | com.adobe.gravity.flex.bundleloader | The TrustedRemoteFlexBundleLoader class loads a bundle that has a Flex user interface to bypass the normal security restrictions on loading remote SWF files. | |
Tween | fl.transitions | A classe Tween permite usar o ActionScript para mover, redimensionar e atenuar clipes de filme, especificando uma propriedade do clipe de filme de destino a ser animada ao longo de um número de quadros ou segundos. | |
Tween | mx.effects | The Tween class defines a tween, a property animation performed on a target object over a period of time. | |
Tweenables | fl.motion | A classe Tweenables fornece valores constantes para os nomes das propriedades de animação usadas nas classes MotionBase e KeyframeBase. | |
TweenEffect | mx.effects | The TweenEffect class is the superclass for all effects that are based on the Tween object. | |
TweenEffectInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The TweenEffectInstance class implements the instance class for the TweenEffect. | |
TweenEvent | fl.transitions | A classe TweenEvent representa eventos que são transmitidos pela classe fl.transitions.Tween. | |
TweenEvent | mx.events | Represents event objects that are specific to Flex tween effects. | |
TwoColumn | ga.layouts | Defines the default Two Column panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
TwoColumnSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the Two Column panel skin available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
TypeError | Nível superior | Uma exceção TypeError é lançada quando o tipo real de operando é diferente do tipo esperado. | |
TypographicCase | flash.text.engine | A classe TypographicCase é uma enumeração de valores constantes para definir a propriedade typographicCase da classe ElementFormat. | |
UIComponent | fl.core | A classe UIComponent é a classe base para todos os componentes visuais, tanto interativos quanto não interativos. | |
UIComponent | mx.core | The UIComponent class is the base class for all visual components, both interactive and noninteractive. | |
UIComponentAccImpl | fl.accessibility | A classe UIComponentAccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade de UIComponent, é usada para tornar acessível um componente UIComponent. | |
UIComponentAccProps | mx.accessibility | UIComponentAccProps is a subclass of AccessibilityProperties for use by various UIComponents. | |
UIComponentAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.core | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UIComponent class. | |
UIComponentCachePolicy | mx.core | The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the cachePolicy property of the UIComponent class. | |
UIComponentDescriptor | mx.core | A UIComponentDescriptor instance encapsulates the information that you specified in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component. | |
UIDUtil | mx.utils | The UIDUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with UIDs (unique identifiers) within Flex. | |
UIFTETextField | mx.core | The UIFTETextField class is an alternative to the UITextField class for displaying text in MX components. | |
UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.core | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UIFTETextField class. | |
UILoader | fl.containers | A classe UILoader permite definir o conteúdo a ser carregado e então monitorar a operação de carregamento no tempo de execução. | |
UIMovieClip | mx.flash | Components created in Adobe Flash Professional for use in Flex are subclasses of the mx.flash.UIMovieClip class. | |
UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UIMovieclip control. | |
uint | Nível superior | A classe uint fornece métodos para trabalhar com um tipo de dados que representa um inteiro não assinado de 32 bits. | |
UIScrollBar | fl.controls | A classe UIScrollBar inclui toda a funcionalidade da barra de rolagem, mas acrescenta uma propriedade scrollTarget para poder ser anexada a uma ocorrência TextField ou ocorrência TLFTextField. | |
UIService | com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader | The UIService class display a user interface service. | |
UIServiceBase | com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader | The base class for the user interface service display. | |
UIServiceFactoryProxy | com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader | Convert an IFactory into an IUIServiceFactory. | |
UITextField | mx.core | The UITextField class defines the component used by many Flex components to display text. | |
UITextFieldAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.core | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UITextField class. | |
UITextFieldGridItemRenderer | spark.skins.spark | The UITextFieldGridItemRenderer class defines simple and efficient item renderer that displays a single text label. | |
UITextFormat | mx.core | The UITextFormat class represents character formatting information for the UITextField class. | |
UnaryOperator | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators | This is the superclass for all unary operators | |
UncaughtErrorEvent | flash.events | Um objeto UncaughtErrorEvent é despachado por uma instância da classe UncaughtErrorEvents quando um erro não detectado ocorre. | |
UncaughtErrorEvents | flash.events | A classe UncaughtErrorEvents fornece um modo de receber eventos de erro não detectados. | |
UnconstrainItemAction | mx.effects | The UnconstrainItemAction class defines an action effect that is used in a data-effect definition to temporarily stop item renderers from being positioned by the layout algorithm of the parent control. | |
UnconstrainItemActionInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The UnconstrainItemActionInstance class implements the instance class for the UnconstrainItemAction effect. | |
UndoManager | flashx.undo | a classe UndoManager gerencia o histórico das operações de edição em um fluxo de texto para que essas operações possam ser desfeitas e refeitas. | |
UndoOperation | flashx.textLayout.operations | A classe UndoOperation encapsula uma operação de reversão. | |
UnloadApplicationEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The UnloadApplicationEvent class defines a transient notification of unloading an IApplication. | |
UnlockCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The UnlockCommand class executes the unlock operation for a task. | |
UnresolvedConflictsError | mx.data.errors | The UnresolvedConflictsError class represents an error thrown when a commit request is made while there are still unresolved conflicts and no listener has been registered for UnresolvedConflictsEvent.FAULT. | |
UnresolvedConflictsEvent | mx.data.events | The DataService throws this event when the commit() method is called while conflicts remain unresolved. | |
UpdateAttachmentCommand | lc.procmgmt.commands | The UpdateAttachmentCommand class updates an attachment for the task referred to by the TaskAttachmentInfo object. | |
UpdateCollectionMessage | mx.data.messages | This message is used to establish consistency between the remote sequence and the corresponding local collection. | |
UpdateCollectionRange | mx.data | The UpdateCollectionRange class provides specific information about a range of add and remove operations made to a collection. | |
UpdateCompleteEvent | flashx.textLayout.events | Uma instância TextFlow despacha este evento depois que qualquer um dos seus contêineres conclui uma atualização. | |
UpdateEvent | air.update.events | Um UpdateEvent é despachado por um objeto ApplicationUpdater durante o processo de atualização. | |
Updater | flash.desktop | A classe Updater é usada para atualizar o aplicativo em execução atual com uma versão diferente. | |
UploadButton | com.adobe.dct.component | The UploadButton component displays the button that allows uploading a file. | |
UploadEvent | com.adobe.dct.event | The UploadEvent class represents event object which is thrown by UploadButton when a file is uploaded. | |
URIError | Nível superior | Uma exceção URIError é lançada quando uma das funções de manipulação de URI global é usada de maneira incompatível com sua definição. | |
URIParser | com.adobe.gravity.utility.url | Parser for URIs. | |
UrlExpressionLoader | com.adobe.exm.expression.impl | Loads the expression SWF from the given URL. | |
URLFilePromise | air.desktop | A classe URLFilePromise permite que recursos acessíveis em um URL sejam arrastados para fora de um aplicativo de AIR como uma promessa de arquivo. | |
URLLoader | flash.net | A classe URLLoader baixa dados de uma URL como texto, dados binários ou variáveis codificadas em URL. | |
URLLoaderDataFormat | flash.net | A classe URLLoaderDataFormat fornece valores que especificam como os dados baixados são recebidos. | |
URLMonitor | air.net | A classe URLMonitor monitora a disponibilidade de um serviço baseado em HTTP ou HTTPS. | |
URLRequest | flash.net | A classe URLRequest captura todas as informações em uma única solicitação HTTP. | |
URLRequestDefaults | flash.net | A classe URLRequestDefaults inclui propriedades estáticas que podem ser configuradas para definir os valores padrão das propriedades da classe URLRequest. | |
URLRequestHeader | flash.net | Um objeto URLRequestHeader encapsula um único cabeçalho de solicitação HTTP e consiste em um par de nome/valor. | |
URLRequestMethod | flash.net | A classe URLRequestMethod fornece valores que especificam se o objeto URLRequest deve usar o método POST ou GET ao enviar dados a um servidor. | |
URLResource | org.osmf.media | URLResource is a media resource that has a URL. | |
URLStream | flash.net | A classe URLStream fornece acesso de baixo nível a URLs de download. | |
URLUtil | mx.utils | The URLUtil class is a static class with methods for working with full and relative URLs within Flex. | |
URLVariables | flash.net | A classe URLVariables permite transferir variáveis entre um aplicativo e um servidor. | |
User | com.adobe.icc.vo | Represents the information about the user object | |
User | com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service | The User class provides read-access to the user's attributes, and offers basic support for authorization checking. | |
User | com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | This class defines an user. | |
User | lc.foundation.domain | The User class represents a user on the Document Server and is used to retrieve the properties of a specific user. | |
UserActionProperty | lc.procmgmt.domain | The UserActionProperty class specifies properties of the user actions defined in the single or multi user service. | |
UserEvent | com.adobe.icc.services.user | Event representing information around the sso or authentication related interaction of the client with server | |
UserLinkageAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | The linkage editor to link the data element of Letter Editor to a user specified input which can be edited in the create correspondence UI. | |
UserManager | com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | This class implements methods exposed for user management. | |
UserManager | lc.foundation | The UserManager class is the standard implementation of the IUserManager interface. | |
UserPreference | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | User preference class that is used to save user preferences on the server. | |
UserPreferenceVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | User preference class to persist user preferences at the server side. | |
UserSelectedEvent | com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event | This event is dispatched when a user is selected from the search result grid. | |
UserViewsLoadEvent | com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | The UserViewsLoadEvent class defines a transient notification of user views load results. | |
UserVO | com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.um | An extension of the principal object. | |
Util | coldfusion.service | Util class that has all the utility constants and defined static methods that are exposed to the user. | |
Utils3D | flash.geom | A classe Utils3D contém métodos estáticos que simplificam a implementação de determinadas operações de matriz tridimensionais. | |
ValidateExpression | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.view | The ValidateExpression class defines a container torepresent whether an expression is Valid or Invalid | |
ValidationResult | mx.validators | The ValidationResult class contains the results of a validation. | |
ValidationResultEvent | mx.events | The ValidationResultEvent class represents the event object passed to the listener for the valid validator event or the invalid validator event. | |
Validator | mx.validators | The Validator class is the base class for all Flex validators. | |
Variable | com.adobe.icc.vo | A value object for a variable. | |
VariableAssignment | com.adobe.icc.vo | A value object for an assignment of a variable in a letter template. | |
VariableAssignmentModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | This domain class represents the variable assignments of a Letter. | |
VariableChangeEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | Event dispatched by VariableResolver instances whenever the value of a variable managed by them changes. | |
VariableColumn | ga.layouts | Defines the default Variable Column panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
VariableColumnSkin | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | Defines the Variable Column skin available in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
VariableGroupLayoutHost | com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | This layout host component has one dynamic skin part. | |
VariableInstance | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | This class is the runtime representation of the variable present in the letter. | |
VariableLinkageAssignmentEditor | com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | The linkage editor to link the content data element (Variable) of Letter Editor to another content data element. | |
VariableModel | com.adobe.icc.editors.model | The domain class for the variables. | |
VariableOperand | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operands | The VariableOperand class represents the variable operand in a expression. | |
VariableProviderEvent | com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.variable | Event dispatched whenever a variable-listing operation (list-all-variables or search-variables) completes successfully. | |
VariableVO | com.adobe.solutions.exm.variable | Represents a variable which can be used inside expressions. | |
VBox | mx.containers | The Halo VBox container lays out its children in a single vertical column. | |
VDividedBox | mx.containers | The VDividedBox container lays out its children vertically in the same way as the VBox container, but it inserts a draggable divider in the gap between each child. | |
Vector | Nível superior | A classe Vector permite acessar e manipular um vetor —, uma matriz cujos elementos têm o mesmo tipo de dados. | |
Vector3D | flash.geom | A classe Vector3D representa um ponto ou um local no espaço tridimensional com as coordenadas cartesianas x, y e z. | |
VerifyError | Nível superior | A classe VerifyError representa um erro que ocorre quando é encontrado um arquivo SWF malformado ou corrompido. | |
Version | org.osmf.utils | Utility class that exposes OSMF version information. | |
VersionBrowser | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.version | Custom Component derived from TitleWindow which shows an asset's version history. | |
VersionEvent | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | Custom event created to act as a holder for asset, its typeDescriptor, versionCollectionObj and current version of the asset | |
VertexBuffer3D | flash.display3D | A classe VertexBuffer3D representa um conjunto de dados de vértice carregados para um contexto de renderização. | |
VerticalAlign | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para a propriedade verticalAlign da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
VerticalAlign | org.osmf.layout | Defines an enumeration of vertical align modes as supported by the layout renderer. | |
VerticalAlign | spark.layouts | The VerticalAlign class defines the possible values for the verticalAlign property of the HorizontalLayout class. | |
VerticalLayout | spark.layouts | The VerticalLayout class arranges the layout elements in a vertical sequence, top to bottom, with optional gaps between the elements and optional padding around the sequence of elements. | |
VGroup | spark.components | The VGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the VerticalLayout class. | |
Video | flash.media | A classe Video exibe vídeo ao vivo ou gravado em um aplicativo sem incorporar o vídeo no arquivo SWF. | |
VideoAlign | fl.video | A classe VideoAlign fornece valores constantes a serem usados para as propriedades FLVPlayback.align e VideoPlayer.align. | |
VideoCodec | flash.media | A classe VideoCodec é uma lista de valores constantes de codecs de vídeo suportados. | |
VideoDisplay | mx.controls | The VideoDisplay control lets you play an FLV file in a Flex application. | |
VideoDisplay | spark.components | The VideoDisplay class is chromeless video player that supports progressive download, multi-bitrate, and streaming video. | |
VideoDisplayAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.controls | Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the VideoDisplay control. | |
VideoElement | org.osmf.elements | VideoElement is a media element specifically created for video playback. | |
VideoError | fl.video | A exceção de VideoError é o principal mecanismo para relatar erros de execução a partir das classes FLVPlayback e VideoPlayer. | |
VideoError | mx.controls.videoClasses | The VideoError class represents the error codes for errors thrown by the VideoDisplay control. | |
VideoEvent | fl.video | O Flash® Player despacha um objeto VideoEvent quando o usuário reproduz um vídeo. | |
VideoEvent | flash.events | Esta classe de evento indica o status atual da renderização de vídeo. | |
VideoEvent | mx.events | The VideoEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events dispatched by the VideoDisplay control, and defines the values of the VideoDisplay.state property. | |
VideoPlayer | fl.video | A classe VideoPlayer permite criar um player de vídeo com um arquivo SWF um pouco menor do que se você tivesse usado o componente FLVPlayback. | |
VideoPlayer | spark.components | The VideoPlayer control is a skinnable video player that supports progressive download, multi-bitrate streaming, and streaming video. | |
VideoPlayerAccImpl | spark.accessibility | VideoPlayerAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.VideoPlayer. | |
VideoPlayerSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VideoPlayerSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VideoProgressEvent | fl.video | O Flash® Player despacha o objeto VideoProgressEvent quando o usuário faz uma solicitação para o número de bytes carregados durante um download HTTP progressivo do seu vídeo. | |
VideoScaleMode | fl.video | A classe VideoScaleMode fornece valores constantes a serem usados para as propriedades FLVPlayback.scaleMode e VideoPlayer.scaleMode. | |
VideoState | fl.video | A classe VideoState fornece valores constantes para as propriedades somente leitura FLVPlayback.state e VideoPlayer.state. | |
VideoStatus | flash.media | Esta classe define uma enumeração que descreve os níveis possíveis de decodificação de vídeo. | |
VideoStreamSettings | flash.media | A classe VideoStreamSettings permite especificar as configurações de compactação de vídeo para cada NetStream. | |
VideoTexture | flash.display3D.textures | Antes do Flash Player 21, o uso de vídeo no Stage3D exigia usar o objeto Vídeo (que não é acelerado por hardware), copiar o quadro de vídeo para um objeto BitmapData e carregar os dados para o GPU com uso intensivo de CPU. | |
VideoTextureEvent | flash.events | Quase exatamente StageVideoEvent. | |
View | spark.components | The View class is the base container class for all views used by view navigators. | |
ViewMenu | spark.components | The ViewMenu container defines a menu in a View container. | |
ViewMenuItem | spark.components | The ViewMenuItem control displays a label and icon for a menu item in the ViewMenu container. | |
ViewMenuItemSkin | spark.skins.mobile | Default skin for ViewMenuItem. | |
ViewMenuLayout | spark.layouts | The ViewMenuLayout class defines the layout of the ViewMenu container. | |
ViewMenuSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The default skin class for a Spark ViewMenu in a mobile application. | |
ViewNavigator | spark.components | The ViewNavigator component is a container that consists of a collection of View objects, where only the top most view is visible and active. | |
ViewNavigatorAction | spark.components.supportClasses | The ViewNavigatorAction class defines the constant values for the action property of ViewNavigatorEvent class. | |
ViewNavigatorApplication | spark.components | The ViewNavigatorApplication class is an application class meant to provide a simple framework for applications that employ a view-based navigation model. | |
ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The ViewNavigatorApplicationBase class is the base class used for all view-based application types. | |
ViewNavigatorApplicationSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The ActionScript-based skin used for ViewNavigatorApplication. | |
ViewNavigatorBase | spark.components.supportClasses | The ViewNavigatorBase class defines the base class logic and interface used by view navigators. | |
ViewNavigatorEvent | spark.events | The ViewNavigatorEvent class represents event objects dispatched by the View class. | |
ViewNavigatorSkin | spark.skins.mobile | The ActionScript-based skin for view navigators in mobile applications. | |
ViewReturnObject | spark.components.supportClasses | The ViewReturnObject class encapsulates the return value of a view when it is popped off a navigation stack. | |
ViewSource | com.adobe.viewsource | The ViewSource class adds support for the "View Source" context menu item. | |
ViewStack | mx.containers | An MX ViewStack navigator container consists of a collection of child containers stacked on top of each other, where only one child at a time is visible. | |
ViewStackAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ViewStack class. | |
ViewTransitionBase | spark.transitions | The ViewTransitionBase class is the base class for all view transitions. | |
ViewTransitionDirection | spark.transitions | The ViewTransitionDirection class provides the constants used when hinting the direction of a view transition. | |
VolumeBar | spark.components.mediaClasses | The VolumeBar class defines a drop-down slider to control the volume of the VideoDisplay control. | |
VolumeBarSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The default skin class for the volume bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
VolumeBarSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | The default skin class for the volume bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
VolumeBarSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | The wireframe skin class for the volume bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VolumeBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The default skin class for the volume bar thumb part button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
VolumeBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | The default skin class for the volume bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
VolumeBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | The wireframe skin class for the volume bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VolumeBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | The default skin class for the volume bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
VolumeBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | The default skin class for the volume bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
VolumeBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | The wireframe skin class for the volume bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VoucherAccessInfo | flash.net.drm | Um objeto VoucherAccessInfo apresenta as informações que são necessárias para recuperar e consumir com sucesso um comprovante, como o tipo da autenticação e o domínio do conteúdo do servidor de direitos de mídia. | |
VP6VideoStreamSettings | flash.media | A classe VP6VideoStreamSettings permite especificar as configurações de compactação de vídeo para cada NetStream. | |
VRule | mx.controls | The VRule control creates a single vertical line. | |
VScrollBar | mx.controls | The VScrollBar (vertical ScrollBar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area. | |
VScrollBar | spark.components | The VScrollBar (vertical scrollbar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit vertically in a display area. | |
VScrollBarSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for VScrollBar components in mobile applications. | |
VScrollBarSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark VScrollBar component. | |
VScrollBarSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VScrollBar component. | |
VScrollBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.mobile | ActionScript-based skin for the VScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications. | |
VScrollBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the thumb of a Spark VScrollBar component. | |
VScrollBarThumbSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarThumb component. | |
VScrollBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the track of a Spark VScrollBar component. | |
VScrollBarTrackSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarTrack component. | |
VSlider | mx.controls | The VSlider control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. | |
VSlider | spark.components | The VSlider (vertical slider) control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. | |
VSliderSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the Spark VSlider component. | |
VSliderSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSlider component. | |
VSliderThumbSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the thumb of a Spark VSlider component. | |
VSliderThumbSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSliderThumb component. | |
VSliderTrackSkin | spark.skins.spark | The default skin class for the track of a Spark VSlider component. | |
VSliderTrackSkin | spark.skins.wireframe | The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSliderTrack component. | |
VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent | flash.events | A classe Stage despacha VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent quando a disponibilidade de Stage para modificar vsync state é alterada. | |
WebDocumentViewer | com.adobe.ep.ux.webdocumentviewer.domain | The WebDocumentViewer component provides support for displaying forms that are displayed in an HTML wrapper. | |
WebService | mx.rpc.soap.mxml | The <mx:WebService> tag gives you access to the operations of SOAP-compliant web services. | |
WebService | mx.rpc.soap | The WebService class provides access to SOAP-based web services on remote servers. | |
WebServiceWrapper | com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper | This class is the superclass of all generated wrappers around instances of the WebService class. | |
WedgeItemRenderer | mx.charts.renderers | The default itemRenderer for a PieSeries object. | |
WhiteSpaceCollapse | flashx.textLayout.formats | Define valores para configurar a propriedade whiteSpaceCollapse da classe TextLayoutFormat. | |
Window | mx.core | The Window is a top-level container for additional windows in an AIR desktop application. | |
Window | spark.components | The Window is a top-level container for additional windows in an AIR desktop application. | |
WindowBackground | mx.skins.halo | The skin for a Window component's background gradient. | |
WindowCloseButtonSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the close button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
WindowedApplication | mx.core | The WindowedApplication defines the application container that you use to create Flex applications for AIR applications. | |
WindowedApplication | spark.components | The WindowedApplication defines the application container that you use to create Flex applications for AIR applications. | |
WindowedApplicationAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Canvas class. | |
WindowedApplicationSkin | mx.skins.wireframe | The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component. | |
WindowedApplicationSkin | spark.skins.spark | A skin class for the Spark WindowedApplication and Window containers. | |
WindowedSystemManager | mx.managers | The WindowedSystemManager class manages any non-Application windows in a Flex-based AIR application. | |
WindowMaximizeButtonSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the maximize button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
WindowMinimizeButtonSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the minimize button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
WindowRestoreButtonSkin | mx.skins.halo | The skin for the restore button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
WindowsAutomationImpl | mx.automation.delegates.containers | Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Canvas class. | |
Wipe | fl.transitions | A classe Wipe revela ou oculta o objeto de clipe de filme usando uma máscara animada de uma forma que se move horizontalmente. | |
Wipe | spark.effects | The Wipe effect performs a bitmap transition effect by running a directional wipe between the first and second bitmaps. | |
WipeDirection | spark.effects | The WipeDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the Wipe class. | |
WipeDown | mx.effects | The WipeDown class defines a wipe down effect. | |
WipeDownInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The WipeDownInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeDown effect. | |
WipeLeft | mx.effects | The WipeLeft class defines a wipe left effect. | |
WipeLeftInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The WipeLeftInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeLeft effect. | |
WipeRight | mx.effects | The WipeRight class defines a wipe right effect. | |
WipeRightInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The WipeRightInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeRight effect. | |
WipeUp | mx.effects | The WipeUp class defines a wipe up effect. | |
WipeUpInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The WipeUpInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeUp effect. | |
Worker | flash.system | Um objeto Worker representa um worker, que é uma instância virtual do runtime do Flash. | |
WorkerDomain | flash.system | A classe WorkerDomain fornece uma forma para criação de objetos Worker e para acessá-los. | |
WorkerState | flash.system | Essa classe define as constantes que representam os valores possíveis para a propriedade de estado da classe Worker. | |
WorkItem | com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl | This class defines a workitem domain entity. | |
WorkItemAssetSearchFilterVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | Search filter for WorkItem extends AbstractSearchFilter. | |
WorkItemEvent | com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.event | The event dispatched when working with a WorkItem or an asset. | |
WorkItemManagementService | com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl | This class defines operations to manage workitems. | |
WorkItemVO | com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | A workItem describes a unit of work within a project. | |
Workspace | ga.wrappers | Defines the default Workspace Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
Workspace | lc.procmgmt.ui.layout | The Workspace component enables a user to navigate between the StartProcess, ToDo, and Tracking components. | |
WorkspaceModel | lc.procmgmt.ui.layout | The WorkspaceModel class acts as the model for the Workspace component. | |
WorkspacePreloader | lc.preloader | The WorkspacePreloader class implements an animated image for displaying the progress of loading Workspace. | |
WorkspaceSession | lc.procmgmt.domain | The WorkspaceSession class provides convenient access to SessionMap object entries that are specific to Workspace. | |
Wrapper | ga.controls | The Wrapper class is the base class from which all Guide layouts are derived. | |
WrapperHostBase | com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components | Base class for guide skinnable wrapper components. | |
WSDLBinding | mx.rpc.wsdl | A binding defines the message format and protocol for messages sent to and from operations as defined by a particular portType. | |
WSDLLoadEvent | mx.rpc.events | The WSDLLoadEvent class represents the event object for the event dispatched when a WSDL XML document has loaded successfully. | |
X500DistinguishedName | flash.security | A classe X500DistinguishedName define propriedades de Distinguished Name (DN) para utilização na classe X509Certificate. | |
X509Certificate | flash.security | A classe X509Certificate representa um certificado X.509. | |
XFADataLoadFailedEvent | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.data | This event is dispatched by the XFADataStream when it fails to save XFA xml data back in the document | |
XFADataReadyEvent | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.data | This event is dispatched by the XFADataStream when the XFA xml data it is loaded and available for access | |
XFADataSavedEvent | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.data | This event is dispatched by the XFADataStream when the XFA xml data it is saved back in the document | |
XFADataSaveFailedEvent | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.data | This event is dispatched by the XFADataStream when it fails to save XFA xml data back in the document | |
XFADataStream | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.data | XFADataStream is used for asynchronous read/write to the datasets XML packet within the XFA array of a PDF document. | |
XML | Nível superior | A classe XML contém métodos e propriedades para trabalhar com objetos XML. | |
XMLConfigProvider | com.adobe.icc.editors.model.config | Class to load xml config for the editor | |
XMLDataLoader | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller | XMLDataLoader is used to load a resource from the package definition that points to an XML data file. | |
XMLDataReadyEvent | com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller | This event is dispatched by the XMLDataLoader when the XML data it is loading is ready to be accessed. | |
XMLDocument | flash.xml | A classe XMLDocument representa o objeto XML preexistente que estava presente no ActionScript 2.0. | |
XMLList | Nível superior | A classe XMLList contém métodos para trabalhar com um ou mais elementos XML. | |
XMLListCollection | mx.collections | The XMLListCollection class provides collection functionality to an XMLList object and makes available some of the methods of the native XMLList class. | |
XMLLoadEvent | mx.rpc.events | The XMLLoadEvent class is a base class for events that are dispatched when an RPC service successfully loaded an XML document. | |
XMLNode | flash.xml | A classe XMLNode representa o objeto XML preexistente que estava presente no ActionScript 2.0 e que foi renomeado no ActionScript 3.0. | |
XMLNodeType | flash.xml | A classe XMLNodeType contém constantes usadas com XMLNode.nodeType. | |
XMLNotifier | mx.utils | Used for watching changes to XML and XMLList objects. | |
XMLSignatureValidator | flash.security | A classe XMLSignatureValidator valida se um arquivo de assinatura XML está formado corretamente e sem modificações e ainda, opcionalmente, se está assinado usando uma chave vinculada a um certificado digital confiável. | |
XMLSocket | flash.net | A classe XMLSocket implementa soquetes de cliente que permitem a comunicação do aplicativo Flash Player ou AIR com um computador de servidor identificado por um endereço IP ou nome de domínio. | |
XMLUI | adobe.utils | A classe XMLUI permite a comunicação com arquivos SWF que são usados como interfaces de usuário personalizadas para os recursos de extensibilidade da ferramenta de autoria do Flash. | |
XMLUtil | mx.utils | The XMLUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with XML within Flex. | |
ZipCodeFormatter | mx.formatters | The ZipCodeFormatter class formats a valid number into one of the following formats, based on a user-supplied formatString property. | |
ZipCodeValidator | mx.validators | The ZipCodeValidator class validates that a String has the correct length and format for a five-digit ZIP code, a five-digit+four-digit United States ZIP code, or Canadian postal code. | |
ZipCodeValidatorDomainType | mx.validators | The ZipCodeValidatorDomainType class defines the values for the domain property of the ZipCodeValidator class, which you use to specify the type of ZIP code to validate. | |
Zoom | fl.transitions | A classe Zoom aplica mais ou menos zoom ao objeto de clipe de filme escalando-o na proporção. | |
Zoom | mx.effects | The Zoom effect zooms the object in or out on a center point. | |
ZoomInstance | mx.effects.effectClasses | The ZoomInstance class implements the instance class for the Zoom effect. | |
ZoomViewTransition | spark.transitions | The ZoomViewTransition class performs a zoom in or out transition for views. |
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:25 AM Z