Pacote | |
Classe | public class ViewMenuItemSkin |
Herança | ViewMenuItemSkin ButtonSkin ButtonSkinBase MobileSkin UIComponent FlexSprite Sprite DisplayObjectContainer InteractiveObject DisplayObject EventDispatcher Object |
Versão da linguagem: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versão de produto: | Flex 4.5 |
Versões de runtime: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
Propriedades públicas
Propriedades protegidas
Propriedade | Definido por | ||
applicationDPI : Number [somente leitura]
Returns the DPI of the application. | MobileSkin | ||
border : DisplayObject [somente leitura]
Read-only button border graphic. | ButtonSkin | ||
currentCSSState : String [somente leitura]
The state to be used when matching CSS pseudo-selectors. | UIComponent | ||
downBorderSkin : Class
Class to use for the border in the down state. | ButtonSkin | ||
focusSkinExclusions : Array [somente leitura]
List of IDs of items that should be excluded when rendering the focus ring. | MobileSkin | ||
hasComplexLayoutMatrix : Boolean [somente leitura]
Returns true if the UIComponent has any non-translation (x,y) transform properties. | UIComponent | ||
layoutBorderSize : uint | ButtonSkinBase | ||
layoutCornerEllipseSize : uint
Defines the corner radius. | ButtonSkin | ||
layoutGap : int | ButtonSkinBase | ||
layoutPaddingBottom : int
Bottom padding for icon or labelDisplay. | ButtonSkinBase | ||
layoutPaddingLeft : int
Left padding for icon or labelDisplay. | ButtonSkinBase | ||
layoutPaddingRight : int
Right padding for icon or labelDisplay. | ButtonSkinBase | ||
layoutPaddingTop : int
Top padding for icon or labelDisplay. | ButtonSkinBase | ||
measuredDefaultHeight : Number = 0
Specifies a default height. | MobileSkin | ||
measuredDefaultWidth : Number = 0
Specifies a default width. | MobileSkin | ||
resourceManager : IResourceManager [somente leitura]
A reference to the object which manages
all of the application's localized resources. | UIComponent | ||
showsCaretBorderSkin : Class
Class to use for the border in the showsCaret state. | ViewMenuItemSkin | ||
symbolItems : Array [somente leitura]
Names of items that should have their color property defined by
the symbolColor style. | MobileSkin | ||
unscaledHeight : Number [somente leitura]
A convenience method for determining the unscaled height
of the component. | UIComponent | ||
unscaledWidth : Number [somente leitura]
A convenience method for determining the unscaled width
of the component
All of a component's drawing and child layout should be done
within a bounding rectangle of this width, which is also passed
as an argument to updateDisplayList(). | UIComponent | ||
upBorderSkin : Class
Class to use for the border in the up state. | ButtonSkin | ||
useCenterAlignment : Boolean = true
If true, then the labelDisplay and iconDisplay are centered. | ButtonSkinBase | ||
useIconStyle : Boolean = true
If true, then create the iconDisplay using the icon style. | ButtonSkinBase | ||
useSymbolColor : Boolean = false
Specifies whether or not this skin should be affected by the symbolColor style. | MobileSkin |
Métodos públicos
Método | Definido por | ||
Constructor. | ViewMenuItemSkin | ||
Adiciona uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject a essa ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Adiciona uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject a essa ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | EventDispatcher | ||
Adds a non-visual style client to this component instance. | UIComponent | ||
Indica se restrições de segurança fariam com que qualquer objeto de exibição fosse omitido da lista retornada com a chamada do método DisplayObjectContainer.getObjectsUnderPoint() junto com o ponto especificado. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Called before a bitmap capture is made for this skin. | MobileSkin | ||
Queues a function to be called later. | UIComponent | ||
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | UIComponent | ||
Determina se o objeto de exibição especificado é um filho da ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer ou se é a própria ocorrência. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Converts a Point object from content coordinates to global coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
Converts a Point object from content to local coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within
this container. | UIComponent | ||
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within
this container. | UIComponent | ||
Creates an id reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object. | UIComponent | ||
Deletes the id reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object. | UIComponent | ||
Returns a UITextFormat object corresponding to the text styles
for this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
Dispatches an event into the event flow. | UIComponent | ||
Shows or hides the focus indicator around this component. | UIComponent | ||
drawRoundRect(x:Number, y:Number, w:Number, h:Number, r:Object = null, c:Object = null, alpha:Object = null, rot:Object = null, gradient:String = null, ratios:Array = null, hole:Object = null):void
Programmatically draws a rectangle into this skin's Graphics object. | UIComponent | ||
Called by the effect instance when it stops playing on the component. | UIComponent | ||
Called by the effect instance when it starts playing on the component. | UIComponent | ||
Ends all currently playing effects on the component. | UIComponent | ||
Called after a bitmap capture is made for this skin. | MobileSkin | ||
Executes all the bindings for which the UIComponent object is the destination. | UIComponent | ||
Called after printing is complete. | UIComponent | ||
Provides the automation object at the specified index. | UIComponent | ||
Provides the automation object list . | UIComponent | ||
Retorna um retângulo que define a área do objeto de exibição com relação ao sistema de coordenadas do objeto targetCoordinateSpace. | DisplayObject | ||
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | UIComponent | ||
Retorna a ocorrência do objeto de exibição-filho que existe no índice especificado. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Retorna o objeto de exibição-filho que existe com o nome especificado. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Retorna a posição de índice de uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Finds the type selectors for this UIComponent instance. | UIComponent | ||
Returns a layout constraint value, which is the same as
getting the constraint style for this component. | UIComponent | ||
A convenience method for determining whether to use the
explicit or measured height
| UIComponent | ||
A convenience method for determining whether to use the
explicit or measured width
| UIComponent | ||
Gets the object that currently has focus. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's layout height. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's layout width. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's
layout relative to its siblings. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's maximum height. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's maximum width. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's minimum height. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's minimum width. | UIComponent | ||
Retorna uma matriz de objetos que estão dispostos no ponto especificado e são filhos (ou netos e assim por diante) desta ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Returns the element's preferred height. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's preferred width. | UIComponent | ||
Retorna um retângulo que define o limite do objeto de exibição, com base no sistema de coordenadas definido pelo parâmetro espaçoCoordenadasDestino, excluindo quaisquer traçados em formas. | DisplayObject | ||
Returns the item in the dataProvider that was used
by the specified Repeater to produce this Repeater, or
null if this Repeater isn't repeated. | UIComponent | ||
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this
component's style lookup chain. | UIComponent | ||
Converts a Point object from global to content coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
Converte o objeto de ponto a partir de coordenadas de Palco (globais) em coordenadas do objeto de exibição (locais). | DisplayObject | ||
Converte um ponto bidimensional das coordenadas do Palco (globais) em coordenadas do objeto de exibição tridimensional (locais). | DisplayObject | ||
Returns true if currentCSSState is not null. | UIComponent | ||
Verifica se o objeto EventDispatcher tem ouvintes registrados para um tipo específico de evento. | EventDispatcher | ||
Indica se um objeto tem uma propriedade especificada definida. | Object | ||
MobileSkin does not use states. | MobileSkin | ||
Avalia a caixa delimitadora do objeto de exibição para ver se ela sobrepõe ou faz interseção com a caixa delimitadora do objeto de exibição obj. | DisplayObject | ||
Avalia o objeto de exibição para ver se ele sobrepõe ou faz interseção com o ponto especificado pelos parâmetros x e y. | DisplayObject | ||
Returns a box Matrix which can be passed to the
drawRoundRect() method
as the rot parameter when drawing a horizontal gradient. | UIComponent | ||
Initializes the internal structure of this component. | UIComponent | ||
Initializes various properties which keep track of repeated instances
of this component. | UIComponent | ||
Marks a component so that its updateDisplayList()
method gets called during a later screen update. | UIComponent | ||
Called by a component's items to indicate that their depth
property has changed. | UIComponent | ||
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or
when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | UIComponent | ||
Marks a component so that its commitProperties()
method gets called during a later screen update. | UIComponent | ||
Marks a component so that its measure()
method gets called during a later screen update. | UIComponent | ||
Indica se uma ocorrência da classe Object está na cadeia de protótipos do objeto especificado como o parâmetro. | Object | ||
Converte um ponto tridimensional das coordenadas (locais) do objeto de exibição tridimensional em ponto bidimensional das coordenadas (globais) do Palco. | DisplayObject | ||
Converts a Point object from local to content coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
Converte o objeto de ponto a partir das coordenadas do objeto de exibição (locais) em coordenadas do Palco (globais). | DisplayObject | ||
Returns true if cssState matches currentCSSState. | UIComponent | ||
Determines whether this instance is the same as, or is a subclass of,
the given type. | UIComponent | ||
Measures the specified HTML text, which can contain HTML tags such
as <font> and <b>,
assuming that it is displayed
in a single-line UITextField using a UITextFormat
determined by the styles of this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
Measures the specified text, assuming that it is displayed
in a single-line UITextField (or UIFTETextField) using a UITextFormat
determined by the styles of this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
Moves the component to a specified position within its parent. | UIComponent | ||
Propagates style changes to the children. | UIComponent | ||
Returns true if the chain of owner properties
points from child to this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
Called by Flex when a UIComponent object is added to or removed from a parent. | UIComponent | ||
Prepares an IFlexDisplayObject for printing. | UIComponent | ||
Indica se a propriedade especificada existe e é enumerável. | Object | ||
Builds or rebuilds the CSS style cache for this component
and, if the recursive parameter is true,
for all descendants of this component as well. | UIComponent | ||
For each effect event, registers the EffectManager
as one of the event listeners. | UIComponent | ||
Remove uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject especificada da lista de filhos da ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Remove um DisplayObject filho da posição de índice especificada na lista de filhos de DisplayObjectContainer. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Remove todas as instâncias filho DisplayObject especificadas da lista de filhos da instância DisplayObjectContainer. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Remove um ouvinte do objeto EventDispatcher. | EventDispatcher | ||
Removes a non-visual style client from this component instance. | UIComponent | ||
Replays the specified event. | UIComponent | ||
Ativa um teclado virtual. | InteractiveObject | ||
Resolves a child by using the id provided. | UIComponent | ||
Resumes the background processing of methods
queued by callLater(), after a call to
suspendBackgroundProcessing(). | UIComponent | ||
Sizes the object. | UIComponent | ||
Altera a posição de um filho existente no contêiner de objetos de exibição. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Sets a layout constraint value, which is the same as
setting the constraint style for this component. | UIComponent | ||
Set the current state. | UIComponent | ||
Sets the focus to this component. | UIComponent | ||
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen. | UIComponent | ||
Sets the layout size of the element. | UIComponent | ||
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout
size and position relative to its siblings. | UIComponent | ||
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout
size and position relative to its siblings. | UIComponent | ||
Define a disponibilidade de uma propriedade dinâmica para operações de repetição. | Object | ||
Sets a style property on this component instance. | UIComponent | ||
Called when the visible property changes. | UIComponent | ||
Permite ao usuário arrastar a entidade gráfica especificada. | Sprite | ||
Deixa o usuário arrastar o sprite especificado em um dispositivo ativado pelo toque. | Sprite | ||
Interrompe repetitivamente a execução da linha de tempo de todos os MovieClips enraizados neste objeto. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Finaliza o método startDrag(). | Sprite | ||
Termina o método startTouchDrag() para o uso com dispositivos ativados pelo toque. | Sprite | ||
Detects changes to style properties. | UIComponent | ||
Flex calls the stylesInitialized() method when
the styles for a component are first initialized. | UIComponent | ||
Blocks the background processing of methods
queued by callLater(),
until resumeBackgroundProcessing() is called. | UIComponent | ||
Alterna a ordem z (ordem da frente para trás) dos dois objetos filhos especificados. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Alterna a ordem z (ordem da frente para trás) dos objetos-filho nas duas posições de índice especificadas na lista de filhos. | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Retorna a representação da string deste objeto, formatado segundo as convenções específicas para a localidade. | Object | ||
Returns a string indicating the location of this object
within the hierarchy of DisplayObjects in the Application. | FlexSprite | ||
transformAround(transformCenter:Vector3D, scale:Vector3D = null, rotation:Vector3D = null, translation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutScale:Vector3D = null, postLayoutRotation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutTranslation:Vector3D = null, invalidateLayout:Boolean = true):void
A utility method to update the rotation, scale, and translation of the
transform while keeping a particular point, specified in the component's
own coordinate space, fixed in the parent's coordinate space. | UIComponent | ||
A utility method to transform a point specified in the local
coordinates of this object to its location in the object's parent's
coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
Validates the position and size of children and draws other
visuals. | UIComponent | ||
Validate and update the properties and layout of this object
and redraw it, if necessary. | UIComponent | ||
Used by layout logic to validate the properties of a component
by calling the commitProperties() method. | UIComponent | ||
Validates the measured size of the component
If the LayoutManager.invalidateSize() method is called with
this ILayoutManagerClient, then the validateSize() method
is called when it's time to do measurements. | UIComponent | ||
Handles both the valid and invalid events from a
validator assigned to this component. | UIComponent | ||
Retorna o valor primitivo do objeto especificado. | Object | ||
Returns a box Matrix which can be passed to drawRoundRect()
as the rot parameter when drawing a vertical gradient. | UIComponent | ||
Verifica se um ouvinte de evento está registrado nesse objeto EventDispatcher ou em qualquer um de seus ancestrais para o tipo de evento especificado. | EventDispatcher |
Métodos protegidos
Os estilos são comuns ou associados a um tema específico. Se o estilo for comum, poderá ser usado com qualquer tema. Se o estilo for associado a um tema específico, só poderá ser usado se o seu aplicativo usar esse tema.
Estilos comuns
Estilos do tema Spark
Estilos do tema Halo
Constantes públicas
Detalhes da propriedade
showsCaretBorderSkin | propriedade |
protected var showsCaretBorderSkin:Class
Versão da linguagem: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versão de produto: | Flex 4.5 |
Versões de runtime: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
Class to use for the border in the showsCaret state.
O valor padrão é Button_down.
Detalhes do construtor
ViewMenuItemSkin | () | Construtor |
public function ViewMenuItemSkin()
Versão da linguagem: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versão de produto: | Flex 4.5 |
Versões de runtime: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:10 AM Z