O pacote lc.foundation.util.package contém classes e componentes úteis para manipular mensagens do servidor Document. As classes são úteis para manipular chamadas assíncronas dos provedores de dados.
| Função | Descrição |
| addOneShotEventListener |
Add an event listener to the specified event dispatcher ensuring that it will only fire once. |
| addParams |
Create an adapter function that calls the provided function with the provided parameters,
appending any parameters passed in when it is invoked. |
| Classe | Descrição |
| CollectionToken |
The CollectionToken class represents a token for asynchronous calls that return a collection. |
| CompositeMessage |
The CompositeMessage class encapsulates a composite message. |
| DefaultResponder |
The DefaultResponder class is an implementation of the mx.rpc.IResponder interface. |
| ObjectToken |
The ObjectToken class represents a token for an asynchronous call that returns an object. |
| Token |
The Token class provides a mechanism to specify handlers for asynchronous calls. |
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Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:25 AM Z