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CurrencyFormatter  - AS3 Flex

Classepublic class CurrencyFormatter
HerançaCurrencyFormatter Inheritance NumberFormatterBase Inheritance GlobalizationBase Inheritance AdvancedStyleClient Inheritance EventDispatcher Inheritance Object
Implementações IFormatter

Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

The CurrencyFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of currency values.

This class is a wrapper class around the flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter. Therefore, the locale-specific formatting is provided by the flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter. However, this CurrencyFormatter class can be used in MXML declarations, uses the locale style for the requested Locale ID name, and has methods and properties that are bindable.

The flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter class uses the underlying operating system for the formatting functionality and to supply the locale specific data. On some operating systems, the flash.globalization classes are unsupported, on these systems this wrapper class provides fallback functionality.

Sintaxe MXMLexpandedOcultar sintaxe MXML

The <s:CurrencyFormatter> tag inherits all of the tag attributes of its superclass and adds the following tag attributes:

    currencyISOCode="locale and OS dependent"
    currencySymbol="locale and OS dependent"
    negativeCurrencyFormat="locale and OS dependent"
    positiveCurrencyFormat="locale and OS dependent"

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Elementos da API relacionados

Propriedades públicas
 PropriedadeDefinido por
  actualLocaleIDName : String
[substituir] [somente leitura] The name of the actual locale ID used by this class object.
 InheritedclassName : String
[somente leitura] The name of the component class.
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
Uma referência ao objeto de classe ou à função de construtor de uma determinada ocorrência de objeto.
  currencyISOCode : String
The three letter ISO 4217 currency code for the actual locale being used (e.g.
  currencySymbol : String
The currency symbol or string for the actual locale being used.
 InheriteddecimalSeparator : String
The decimal separator character used for formatting or parsing numbers that have a decimal part.
 InheriteddigitsType : uint
Defines the set of digit characters to be used when formatting numbers.
 InheritederrorText : String
Replacement string returned by the format() method when an error occurs.
 InheritedfractionalDigits : int
The maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal separator.
 InheritedgroupingPattern : String
Describes the placement of grouping separators within the formatted number string.
 InheritedgroupingSeparator : String
The character or string used for the grouping separator.
 Inheritedid : String
The identity of the component.
 InheritedinheritingStyles : Object
An object containing the inheritable styles for this non-visual style client instance.
 InheritedlastOperationStatus : String
[substituir] [somente leitura] The status of the most recent operation that this class object performed.
 InheritedleadingZero : Boolean
Specifies whether a leading zero is included in a formatted number when there are no integer digits to the left of the decimal separator.
 InheritedmoduleFactory : IFlexModuleFactory
A module factory is used as context for finding the style manager that controls the styles for this non-visual style client instance.
  negativeCurrencyFormat : uint
A numeric value that indicates a formatting pattern for negative currency amounts.
 InheritednegativeSymbol : String
The negative symbol to be used when formatting negative values.
 InheritednonInheritingStyles : Object
The beginning of this component's chain of non-inheriting styles.
  positiveCurrencyFormat : uint
A numeric value that indicates a formatting pattern for positive currency amounts.
 InheritedstyleDeclaration : CSSStyleDeclaration
The style declaration that holds the inline styles declared by this object.
 InheritedstyleManager : IStyleManager2
[somente leitura] Returns the StyleManager instance used by this component.
 InheritedstyleName : Object
The source of this object's style values.
 InheritedstyleParent : IAdvancedStyleClient
A component's parent is used to evaluate descendant selectors.
 InheritedtrailingZeros : Boolean
Specifies whether trailing zeros are included in a formatted number.
  useCurrencySymbol : Boolean
Enables the use of the currencySymbol property when formatting currency amounts.
 InheriteduseGrouping : Boolean
Enables the use of the grouping separator when formatting numbers.
Métodos públicos
 MétodoDefinido por
Constructs a new CurrencyFormatter object to format numbers representing currency amounts according to the conventions of a given locale.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento.
Deletes a style property from this component instance.
Envia um evento para o fluxo de eventos.
Creates a string representing a currency amount formatted according to the current properties of this CurrencyFormatter object, including the locale, useCurrencySymbol, the currencySymbol, or the currencyISOCode properties.
Determines whether the currently specified currency symbol can be used when formatting currency amounts.
[estático] Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class.
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist.
[substituir] Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
Returns true if currentCSSState is not null.
Verifica se o objeto EventDispatcher tem ouvintes registrados para um tipo específico de evento.
Indica se um objeto tem uma propriedade especificada definida.
The initialized method is called when this class or a class that extends this class is used in an MXML declaration.
Indica se uma ocorrência da classe Object está na cadeia de protótipos do objeto especificado como o parâmetro.
Returns true if cssState matches currentCSSState.
Determines whether this instance is the same as, or is a subclass of, the given type.
Propagates style changes to the children of this style client instance.
Parses a string into a currency amount and a currency symbol.
Indica se a propriedade especificada existe e é enumerável.
Sets up the internal style cache values so that the getStyle() method functions.
Registers the EffectManager as one of the event listeners for each effect event.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Remove um ouvinte do objeto EventDispatcher.
Define a disponibilidade de uma propriedade dinâmica para operações de repetição.
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:*):void
Sets a style property on this component instance.
Detects changes to style properties.
Flex calls the stylesInitialized() method when the styles for a component are first initialized.
Retorna a representação da string deste objeto, formatado segundo as convenções específicas para a localidade.
Retorna a representação de string do objeto especificado.
Retorna o valor primitivo do objeto especificado.
Verifica se um ouvinte de evento está registrado nesse objeto EventDispatcher ou em qualquer um de seus ancestrais para o tipo de evento especificado.
 Evento Resumo Definido por
 Inherited[transmissão de evento] Despachado quando o Flash Player ou o aplicativo do AIR ganha o foco do sistema operacional e está se tornando inativo.EventDispatcher
 InheritedThe change event is generated whenever the locale style is changed or another property is set that would cause the format of a number to change or cause updates to the other values available through this class.GlobalizationBase
 Inherited[transmissão de evento] Despachado quando o Flash Player ou o aplicativo do AIR perde o foco do sistema operacional e está se tornando inativo.EventDispatcher

Os estilos são comuns ou associados a um tema específico. Se o estilo for comum, poderá ser usado com qualquer tema. Se o estilo for associado a um tema específico, só poderá ser usado se o seu aplicativo usar esse tema.

Estilos comuns
 Estilo Descrição Definido por
 InheritedTipo: String Herança de CSS: Sim
Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0  Versão de produto: Flex 4.5  Versões de runtime: Flash10.1, AIR 2.5

The locale identifier that specifies the language, region, script and optionally other related tags and keys.
Detalhes da propriedade


actualLocaleIDName:String  [somente leitura] [substituir]

Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

The name of the actual locale ID used by this class object. This is the locale that is used to access the formatting data and functionality from the operating system.

If the locale that was set by the locale style is not available, then the value of the actualLocaleIDName is different from the value of the locale style. It indicates the fallback locale that is being used. If the locale style was set to LocaleID.DEFAULT the name of the locale specified by the user's operating system is used.

Essa propriedade pode ser usada como a origem para o vínculo de dados. Quando essa propriedade é modificada, ela despacha o evento change .

    override public function get actualLocaleIDName():String

Elementos da API relacionados



Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

The three letter ISO 4217 currency code for the actual locale being used (e.g. USD, EUR, JPY, CNY).

When the useCurrencySymbol property is set to false, this code is used to indicate the currency type when formatting currency amounts using the format() method.

This property is initialized when the locale style is set based on the actual locale that is used. When a fallback locale is used, this property reflects the preferred/default currency code for the fallback locale.

The default value is dependent on the actual locale and operating system.

Essa propriedade pode ser usada como a origem para o vínculo de dados. Quando essa propriedade é modificada, ela despacha o evento change .

    public function get currencyISOCode():String
    public function set currencyISOCode(value:String):void

TypeError — if this property is assigned a null value.

Elementos da API relacionados



Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

The currency symbol or string for the actual locale being used.

This property is used as the currency symbol when formatting currency amounts using the format() method with the withCurrencySymbol parameter set to true.

This property is initialized when the locale style is set based on the actual locale that is used. When a fallback locale is used, this property reflects the preferred/default currency symbol for the fallback locale which may be different then the locale style.

The default value is dependent on the actual locale and operating system.

Essa propriedade pode ser usada como a origem para o vínculo de dados. Quando essa propriedade é modificada, ela despacha o evento change .

    public function get currencySymbol():String
    public function set currencySymbol(value:String):void

TypeError — if this property is assigned a null value.

Elementos da API relacionados



Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

A numeric value that indicates a formatting pattern for negative currency amounts. This pattern defines the location of the currency symbol and the negative symbol or parentheses in relation to the numeric portion of the currency amount.

The value of this property must be one of the constants defined in the table below.

The table below summarizes the possible formatting patterns for negative currency amounts. When a currency amount is formatted with the format() method:

  • The '¤' symbol is replaced with the value of the currencyISOCode or the currencySymbol property, depending on the value of the withCurrencySymbol parameter passed to the format() method;
  • The '-' character is replaced with the value of the negativeNumberSymbol property;
  • The 'n' character is replaced with the currency amount value that is passed to the format() method.
Negative currency format typeFormatting pattern
8-n ¤
9-¤ n
10n ¤-
11¤ n-
12¤ -n
13n- ¤
14(¤ n)
15(n ¤)

The default value is dependent on the actual locale and operating system.

Essa propriedade pode ser usada como a origem para o vínculo de dados. Quando essa propriedade é modificada, ela despacha o evento change .

    public function get negativeCurrencyFormat():uint
    public function set negativeCurrencyFormat(value:uint):void

ArgumentError — if the assigned value is not between 0 and 15.

Elementos da API relacionados



Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

A numeric value that indicates a formatting pattern for positive currency amounts. This format defines the location of the currency symbol relative to the numeric portion of the currency amount.

The value of this property must be one of the constants defined in the table below.

The table below summarizes the possible formatting patterns for positive currency amounts. When a currency amount is formatted with the format() method:

  • The '¤' symbol is replaced with the value of the currencyISOCode or the currencySymbol property, depending on the value of the withCurrencySymbol parameter passed to the format() method;
  • The 'n' character is replaced with the currency amount value that is passed to the format() method.
Positive currency format typeFormatting pattern
2¤ n
3n ¤

The default value is dependent on the actual locale and operating system.

Essa propriedade pode ser usada como a origem para o vínculo de dados. Quando essa propriedade é modificada, ela despacha o evento change .

    public function get positiveCurrencyFormat():uint
    public function set positiveCurrencyFormat(value:uint):void

ArgumentError — if the assigned value is not between 0 and 3.

Elementos da API relacionados



Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

Enables the use of the currencySymbol property when formatting currency amounts.

When the useCurrencySymbol property is set to true, the value of the currencySymbol property is used in the string returned by the format method. For example: $123,456,789.22

When the useCurrencySymbol property is set to false, the value of the currencyISOCode property is used in the string returned by the format method. For example: USD123,456,789.22

O valor padrão é false.

Essa propriedade pode ser usada como a origem para o vínculo de dados. Quando essa propriedade é modificada, ela despacha o evento change .

    public function get useCurrencySymbol():Boolean
    public function set useCurrencySymbol(value:Boolean):void

Elementos da API relacionados

Detalhes do construtor


public function CurrencyFormatter()

Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

Constructs a new CurrencyFormatter object to format numbers representing currency amounts according to the conventions of a given locale.

The locale for this class is supplied by the locale style. The locale style can be set in several ways:

  • By using the class in an MXML declaration and inheriting the locale from the document that contains the declaration.
  • Example:
                 <s:CurrencyFormatter id="cf" /> 
  • By using an MXML declaration and specifying the locale value in the list of assignments.
  • Example:
              <s:CurrencyFormatter id="cf_Japanese" locale="ja-JP" /> 
  • Calling the setStyle() method, e.g. cf.setStyle("locale", "ja-JP")
  • Inheriting the style from a UIComponent by calling the UIComponent's addStyleClient() method.

If the locale style is not set by one of the above techniques, the instance of this class will be added as a StyleClient to the topLevelApplication and will therefore inherit the locale style from the topLevelApplication object when the locale dependent property getter or locale dependent method is called.

Most of the properties of this class are automatically set based on the locale style. If the locale style is changed, any properties that have not been explicitly set will also be updated based on the new locale. Note that the actual locale that is used is specified by the actualLocaleIDName property.

NOTE: When a fallback locale is used, the currency properties are set to default values, and therefore the currencySymbol or currencyISOCode properties might be given unexpected values. It is a good idea to examine the currencySymbol and currencyISOCode property values before formatting a currency amount.

Elementos da API relacionados

Detalhes do método


public function format(value:Object):String

Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

Creates a string representing a currency amount formatted according to the current properties of this CurrencyFormatter object, including the locale, useCurrencySymbol, the currencySymbol, or the currencyISOCode properties.

The useCurrencySymbol property determines whether the format method uses the currencySymbol or the currencyISOCode in the formatted currency amount. The default value for useCurrencySymobl is false and thus by default currency amounts will be formatted with the currencyISOCode

Many countries and regions use the same currency symbols for different currencies. For example, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Mexico all use the same dollar sign symbol ($) for local currency values. When the formatting currency differs from the user's local currency it is best to use the ISO code as the currency string. You can use the formattingWithCurrencySymbolIsSafe() method to test whether or the ISO code of the currency to be formatted matches the default currency ISO code for the actual local used by the formatter.

This method can format numbers of very large and very small magnitudes. However, the number of significant digits is limited to the precision provided by the Number data type.

If there is an error when formatting, due to an illegal input value or other error, by default the format() method returns null. However if the errorText property is non-null, then the value of the errorText property is returned. The lastOperationStatus property is set to indicate the error that occurred.


value:Object — An object that contains the numeric value to be formatted into a currency string. If the object is not a Number then it will be converted to a number using the Number() conversion function.

String — A string containing the formatted currency value.

Elementos da API relacionados

Exemplo  ( Como usar este exemplo )
In this example the locale style is set to fr-CA [French (Canada)]. The example assumes that this locale is supported in the user's operating system and therefore no fallback locale is used. For fr-CA, the default currency is Canadian dollars with an ISO code of CAD. Therefore when formatting a currency with the default values, CAD is used as the currency symbol. However when the useCurrencySymbol property is set to true, the currencySymbol property is used to format the currency amount.
        <s:CurrencyFormatter id="cf_use_ISOCode" locale="fr-CA" />
        <s:CurrencyFormatter id="cf_use_Symbol" locale="fr-CA" 
                           useCurrencySymbol="true" />
        <!-- label will use ISO code: 1,234,567.89 CAD -->
        <s:Label text="{cf_use_ISOCode.format(1234567.89)}" /> 
        <!-- label will use currency symbol: 1,234,567.89 $ -->
        <s:Label text="{cf_use_Symbol.format(1234567.89)}" /> 

The second example shows a method of formatting a currency amount in Canadian dollars using the default user's locale. The formattingWithCurrencySymbolIsSafe() method is used to set the value of useCurrencySymbol property. If the user's default locale is Canada (for example fr-CA or en-CA), then the default currency symbol for Canada is used. If there is some locale is the default, then the currencyISOCode of CAD will be used in the formatted currency amount.

       <s:CurrencyFormatter id="cf_CAD" locale="{LocaleID.DEFAULT}"
          import flash.globalization.LocaleID;
      <!-- label will use ISO code or currency symbol depending on
              user's default locale -->
      <s:Label text="{cf_CAD.format(1234567.89)}" />


public function formattingWithCurrencySymbolIsSafe(requestedISOCode:String):Boolean

Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

Determines whether the currently specified currency symbol can be used when formatting currency amounts.

Many regions and countries use the same currency symbols. This method can be used to safeguard against the use of an ambiguous currency symbol, or a currency symbol or ISO code that is different than expected due to the use of a fallback locale.

A common use case for this method is to determine whether to show a local currency symbol (if the amount is formatted in the user's default currency), or a more specific ISO code string (if the amount is formatted in a currency different from the user's default).

This method compares the requestedISOCode parameter against the actual locale's default currencyISOCode, returning true if the strings are equal and false if they are not. When the strings are equal, using the format() method with the useCurrencySymbol property set to true results in a formatted currency value string with a currency symbol that is used in the current locale. If this method returns false, then using the format() method with the useCurrencySymbol property set to true could result in the use of an ambiguous or incorrect currency symbol.


requestedISOCode:String — A three letter ISO 4217 currency code (for example, USD for US dollars, EUR for Euros). Must contain three uppercase letters from A to Z.

Booleantrue if the default currencyISOCode for the locale corresponding to the actualLocaleIDName matches the requestedISOCode parameter; otherwise false.

TypeError — if the requestedISOCode parameter is null.

Elementos da API relacionados


public static function getAvailableLocaleIDNames():Vector.<String>

Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class. This is a list of locales supported by the operating system, not a list of locales that the ResourceManager has resources for.

Vector.<String> — A vector of strings containing all of the locale ID names supported by this class and operating system.


public function parse(inputString:String):CurrencyParseResult

Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Flex 4.5
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2.5

Parses a string into a currency amount and a currency symbol.

The parsing algorithm uses the value of the decimalSeparator property to determine the integral and fractional portion of the number. It uses the values of the negativeCurrencyFormat and positiveCurrencyFormat properties to determine the location of the currency symbol or string relative to the currency amount. For negative amounts the value of the negativeCurrencyFormat property determines the location of the negative symbol and whether parentheses are used.

If the order of the currency symbol, minus sign, and number in the input string does not match the pattern identified by the negativeCurrencyFormat and positiveCurrencyFormat properties, then:

  1. The value property of the returned CurrencyParseResult object is set to NaN.
  2. The currencyString property of the returned CurrencyParseResult object is set to null.
  3. The lastOperationStatus property is set to LastOperationStatus.PARSE_ERROR indicate that parsing failed.

The input string may include space characters, which are ignored during the parsing.

Parsing can succeed even if there is no currency symbol. No validation is done of the portion of the string corresponding to the currency symbol. If there is no currency symbol or string, the currencyString property in the returned CurrencyParseResult object is set to an empty string.


inputString:String — The input string to parse.

CurrencyParseResult — A CurrencyParseResult object containing the numeric value and the currency symbol or string.

TypeError — if the inputString parameter is null.

Elementos da API relacionados

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Sample program for spark.formatters.CurrencyFormatter -->

        <s:CurrencyFormatter id="currencyFormatter"/>

            import flash.globalization.CurrencyParseResult;

            private function localeChange():void
                // Sets the locale style on the document UI component.
                // The formatter will inherit this style.
                setStyle('locale', inputLocaleIDName.text);

            private function inputCurrencyChange():void
                const cpr:CurrencyParseResult
                                = currencyFormatter.parse(inputCurrency.text);
                parsedResult.text = "Currency String: [" + cpr.currencyString
                    + "], Amount: [" + cpr.value.toString() + "]";

        <mx:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
                <s:TextInput id="inputLocaleIDName"/>
                <s:Button click="localeChange()" label="Apply"/>
            <mx:Text text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Input Currency Amount">
            <s:TextInput id="inputCurrency" change="inputCurrencyChange()"/>
            <mx:Text text="Example: {currencyFormatter.format(123456789.123)}"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
            <mx:Text text="{currencyFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Parsed Result">
            <mx:Text id="parsedResult"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Spark CurrencyFormatter. -->

        <s:CurrencyFormatter id="currencyFormatter"/>

            private var currencyAmount:Number = 123456.789;

        <mx:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
                <s:TextInput id="inputLocaleIDName"/>
                <!-- Upon button click, sets the locale style on the document
                    UI component. The formatter will inherit this style. -->
                <s:Button click="setStyle('locale', inputLocaleIDName.text);"
            <mx:Text text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Use Currency Symbol">
            <s:CheckBox id="useSymbol"
                click="currencyFormatter.useCurrencySymbol = useSymbol.selected"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
            <s:Label text="{currencyFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Formatted Result">
            <s:Label text="{currencyFormatter.format(currencyAmount)}"/>

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Nem todas as partes da Referência do ActionScript 3.0 estão traduzidas em todos os idiomas. Quando um elemento de um idioma não está traduzido, ele é exibido em inglês. Por exemplo, a classe ga.controls.HelpBox não está traduzida em nenhum idioma. Por isso, na versão da referência em português do Brasil, a classe ga.controls.HelpBox é exibida em inglês.