Referência do ActionScript® 3.0 para Adobe® Flash® Platform
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Filtros: Recuperando dados do servidor...
Recuperando dados do servidor... 

IFileDataService  - AS3 Review, Commenting, and Approval
Interfacepublic interface IFileDataService
Implementadores FileDataService

Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 10
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported)

Defines the operations on managed file instances.

Métodos públicos
 MétodoDefinido por
Gets managed instance of file located at the filePath.
Detalhes do método


public function getManagedFile(filePath:String):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Versão da linguagem: ActionScript 3.0
Versão de produto: Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 10
Versões de runtime: Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported)

Gets managed instance of file located at the filePath. This helps to listen to any changes in the content of the file.


filePath:String — The path to the file of which a managed instance is sought.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — It returns a token on which success or failure handlers can be attached. The resulting event contains a managed instance of the file.

Elementos da API relacionados

[ X ]Por que inglês?
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