O pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model package define as classes de modelo para Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5.
| Classe | Descrição |
| AuditLevel |
The audit level object as configured through audit service. |
| CustomAttribute |
Represents a custom attribute associated with a review. |
| Review |
The Review object as returned by the searchReview API. |
| ReviewContext |
Defines the basic structure of a review. |
| ReviewSearchFilter |
Defines properties that are used to search reviews. |
| ReviewTemplateReference |
A light-weight reference object for a review template. |
| TemplateSearchFilter |
Defines properties that are used to search review templates. |
| UserPreference | User preference class that is used to save user preferences on the server. |
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Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:25 AM Z