O pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.events contém a definição dos eventos que são devolvidos por meio de um ouvinte de mensagens ou retornados como um parâmetro para um manipulador de sucesso ou falha para uma variedade de APIs de estrutura de aplicativo composto como, por exemplo, addTile, AddView, addPanel, removeView, removeTile, removePanel, loadCatalog e métodos resolveReferences.
Classe | Descrição | |
AddPanelEvent | The AddPanelEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a Panel. | |
AddServiceEvent | The AddServiceEvent is dispatched when a service is added to the composite application. | |
AddTileEvent | The AddTileEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a Tile. | |
AddViewEvent | The AddViewEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a view. | |
AddViewManagerEvent | The AddViewManagerEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a ViewManager. | |
AnnotationParseEvent | The AnnotationParseEvent is dispatched when annotation parsers have completed processing, digesting, and injecting values onto eligible composite application parts, such as Tile or Service. | |
BaseEvent | The BaseEvent class defines a generic base event that can be tranferred to JavaScript for processing. | |
CatalogLoadEvent | The CatalogLoadEvent class defines a transient notification of catalog load results. | |
CloseSessionEvent | The CloseSessionEvent class defines a transient notification of closing an ISession. | |
DeleteViewEvent | The DeleteViewEvent class defines a transient notification of deleted views. | |
DisplayEvent | The DisplayEvent class defines a transient notification of revealed nodes. | |
LoadApplicationEvent | The LoadApplicationEvent class defines a notification of loading an IApplication. | |
MaximizeTileEvent | NOT IMPLEMENTED The MaximizeTileEvent class defines a transient notification of maximizing a Tile. | |
Message | The Message class defines a transient notification including a namespace, a name, and a valid payload. | |
MinimizeTileEvent | NOT IMPLEMENTED The MinimizeTileEvent class defines a transient notification of minimizing a Tile. | |
MoveTileEvent | NOT IMPLEMENTED The MoveTileEvent class defines a transient notification of moving a Tile. | |
OpenSessionEvent | The OpenSessionEvent class defines a transient notification of opening an ISession. | |
RemovePanelEvent | The RemovePanelEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a Panel. | |
RemoveTileEvent | The RemoveTileEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a Tile. | |
RemoveViewEvent | The RemoveViewEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a View. | |
RemoveViewManagerEvent | The RemoveViewManagerEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a ViewManager. | |
ReparentTileEvent | NOT IMPLEMENTED The ReparentTileEvent class defines a transient notification of Tile that has been reparented. | |
RequestApplicationEvent | NOT IMPLEMENTED The RequestApplicationEvent class defines a transient notification of an initialized but unresolved and non-loaded IApplicationSpecifier object. | |
RequestApplicationListEvent | The RequestApplicationListEvent class defines a transient notification of an array of type IApplicationListItem representing the applications available to the current user. | |
RequestCatalogEvent | NOT IMPLEMENTED The RequestCatalogEvent class defines a transient notification of an initialized but unresolved and non-loaded ICatalogSpecifier object. | |
RequestCatalogListEvent | NOT IMPLEMENTED The RequestCatalogListEvent class defines a transient notification of an array of type ICatalogListItem representing the catalogs available to the current user. | |
ResolveReferencesEvent | The ResolveReferencesEvent class defines a transient notification of references resolved. | |
RestoreTileEvent | NOT IMPLEMENTED The RestoreTileEvent class defines a transient notification of restoring a Tile. | |
SaveViewEvent | The SaveViewEvent class defines a transient notification of a view save result. | |
SearchCatalogEvent | The SearchCatalogEvent class defines a transient notification of catalog search results. | |
UnloadApplicationEvent | The UnloadApplicationEvent class defines a transient notification of unloading an IApplication. | |
UserViewsLoadEvent | The UserViewsLoadEvent class defines a transient notification of user views load results. |
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:25 AM Z