O pacote mx.skins.wireframe contém as classes usadas para dispor componentes em formato de casca de cebola com as casca de cebola do tema Wireframe. O tema Wireframe é um tema simplificado para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos com uma aparência de "protótipo" deles. Para usar essas casca de cebola, você pode aplicar o tema Wireframe ou as casca de cebola usando um critério por componente.
Classe | Descrição | |
AccordionHeaderSkin | The wireframe skin class for the header of the MX Accordion container. | |
BorderSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX Border base class. | |
ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the first button in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarLastButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the last button in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the middle buttons in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX Button component. | |
CheckBoxSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX CheckBox component. | |
ColorPickerSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX ColorPicker component. | |
ComboBoxSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX ComboBox component. | |
ContainerBorderSkin | Defines the border and background for the MX Container class's wireframe skin. | |
ControlBarSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin | The wireframe skin class for the header background of the MX DataGrid component. | |
DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the separator of the MX DataGrid component. | |
DataGridSortArrow | The wireframe skin for the sort arrow in a column header in the MX DataGrid component. | |
DateChooserNextMonthSkin | The wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserNextYearSkin | The wireframe skin class for the next year arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserPrevMonthSkin | The wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserPrevYearSkin | The wireframe skin class for the previous year arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the rollover indicator of a MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the selection indicator of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the current day indicator in a MX DateChooser component. | |
DefaultButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX default button. | |
DividerSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX DividedBox component. | |
DropDownSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX components that use drop downs. | |
EditableComboBoxSkin | The wireframe skin class for the editable MX ComboBox component. | |
EmphasizedButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the emphasized state of the MX Button component. | |
LinkButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX LinkButton component. | |
MenuArrow | The wireframe skin class for the branchIcon of a MX Menu component. | |
MenuArrowDisabled | The wireframe skin class for the disabled branchIcon of a MX Menu component. | |
MenuBarItemSkin | The wireframe skin class for menu items in the MX MenuBar component. | |
MenuBarSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX MenuBar component. | |
MenuCheck | The wireframe skin class for the check icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuCheckDisabled | The wireframe skin class for the disabled check icon of a MX Menu component. | |
MenuRadio | The wireframe skin class for the radio icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuRadioDisabled | The wireframe skin class for the disabled radio icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuSeparatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the menu item separators in the MX menu component. | |
MenuSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX Menu component. | |
PanelBorderSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
PopUpButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX PopUpButton component. | |
ProgressBarSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressBarTrackSkin | The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin | The wireframe skin for the indeterminate state of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressMaskSkin | The wireframe skin for the mask of the MX ProgressBar component's determinate and indeterminate bars. | |
RadioButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX RadioButton component. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarThumbSkin | The wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarTrackSkin | The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
SliderThumbSkin | The wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackHighlightSkin | The wireframe skin class for the track highlight of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackSkin | The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX Slider component. | |
StepperDecrButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StepperIncrButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
TabSkin | The wireframe skin class for the tabs of the MX TabNavigator container. | |
TextAreaSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX TextArea component. | |
TextInputSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX TextInput component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonDownSkin | The wireframe skin class for the close button's down state in the TitleWindow component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonOverSkin | The wireframe skin class for the close button's over state in the TitleWindow component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonUpSkin | The wireframe skin class for the close button's up state in the TitleWindow component. | |
ToolTipSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX ToolTip component. | |
WindowedApplicationSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component. |
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:25 AM Z