Símbolos A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
I — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante associada ao valor de código de tecla da tecla I (73). | |
IAbstractEffect — Interface, pacote mx.effects | |
The IAbstractEffect interface is used to denote that a property or parameter must be of type Effect, but does not actually implement any of the APIs of the IEffect interface. | |
IAccessPrivileges — Interface, pacote mx.data | |
Objects that must restrict access must implement the IAccessPrivileges interface. | |
IActionHandler — Interface, pacote com.adobe.acm.solutions.authoring.domain.extensions | |
Interface for adding and handling custom actions in Extensible Toolbar. | |
IActionRenderer — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar | |
Interface for adding and handling custom actions in Extensible Toolbar. | |
IAdvancedDataGridRendererProvider — Interface, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The IAdvancedDataGridRendererProvider interface defines the interface implemented by the AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider class, which defines the item renderer for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
IAdvancedStyleClient — Interface, pacote mx.styles | |
This interface describes the advanced properties that a component must implement to fully participate in the advanced style subsystem. | |
IAnimationTarget — Interface, pacote spark.effects.animation | |
The IAnimationTarget interface is implemented by classes that support the events for an Animation instance. | |
IApplication — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IApplication interface provides access to the DOM for an application, and provides methods for adding views, panels, and tiles, as well as querying aspects of the application's environment. | |
IApplicationDomainManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.framework | |
The IApplicationDomainManager interface provides a mechanism to create ApplicationDomains such that they can be tracked, primarily for debugging purposes. | |
IApplicationListItem — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IApplicationListItem provides information about a given IApplication suitable for display to a user, or as a specifier to load the Application. | |
IApplicationSpecifier — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IApplicationSpecifier interface is used to specify an application for loading. | |
IApprover — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Represents an approver in an approval stage. | |
IAsset — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | |
An interface for defining an asset domain object. | |
IAssetActionRenderer — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.toolbar | |
Defines the contract that the custom AssetActionRenderer should implement in order to work with Toolbar Actions. | |
IAssetCustomAttribute — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | |
Interface for defining a custom attribute for an asset. | |
IAssetHandler — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers | |
Interface to be implemented by the component who wants to introduce a new Asset or write a custom handler for an existing asset type | |
IAssetHandler — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler | |
Used by a component to introduce a new asset or create a custom handler for an existing asset type. | |
IAssetLayoutFeatures — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IAssetLayoutFeatures interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for an Object to support advanced transforms in embedded assets. | |
IAssetLoaderService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.load | |
Service to load Data Dictionaries | |
IAssetPermissionService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.permissions | |
Loads the permissions associated with the current user. | |
IAssetPreviewRenderer — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview | |
Interface to be implemented by all the preview renderers | |
IAssetPreviewService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.preview | |
Service to get Content of the Asset. | |
IAssetQueryService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.query | |
The IAssetQueryService class is a simple delegate to QueryService which attach success or fault listeners to QueryService response. | |
IAssetRelationshipService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.relationships | |
Service to get Relationships of Asset. | |
IAssetVersionService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.version | |
Service to get Version History of Asset. | |
IAssignmentModel — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
Base class for all assignment models | |
IAsyncToken — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.token | |
Used to manage asynchronous method calls. | |
IAsyncToken — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token | |
Used to manage asynchronous method calls. | |
IAttachment — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | |
The interface for attachments returned by the IAttachmentManager class. | |
IAttachmentManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | |
The IAttachmentManagerinterface retrieves and manages attachments associated with tasks. | |
IAttachmentPermissions — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | |
The interface for the permissions associated with attachments. | |
IAuditManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.manager | |
This interface defines operations for audit management. | |
IAuditor — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | |
Signature of Audit service. | |
IAuthor — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines a stage participant who is responsible for creation of an asset in a creation stage. | |
IAuthResult — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
The AuthResult object is returned as part of calls to perform Single Sign On (SSO) and login methods of ISecurityManager service. | |
IAutomationClass — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationClass interface defines the interface for a component class descriptor. | |
IAutomationClass2 — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationClass2 interface defines the interface for a component class descriptor. | |
IAutomationDebugTracer — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationDebugTracer interface provides centralized methods that needs to be implemented in order to show detailed trace messages while debugging | |
IAutomationEnvironment — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationEnvironment interface provides information about the objects and properties of automatable components needed for communicating with agents. | |
IAutomationEventDescriptor — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationEventDescriptor interface defines the interface for an event descriptor. | |
IAutomationManager — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationManager interface defines the interface expected from an AutomationManager object by the automation module. | |
IAutomationManager2 — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationManager interface defines the interface expected from an AutomationManager object by the automation module. | |
IAutomationMethodDescriptor — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationMethodDescriptor interface defines the interface for a method descriptor. | |
IAutomationMouseSimulator — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationMouseSimulator interface describes an object that simulates mouse movement so that components capturing the mouse use the simulated versions of the mouse cursor instead of the live Flash Player version. | |
IAutomationObject — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationObject interface defines the interface for a delegate object that implements automation for a component. | |
IAutomationObjectHelper — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationObjectHelper interface defines helper methods for IAutomationObjects. | |
IAutomationPropertyDescriptor — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationPropertyDescriptor interface describes a property of a test object. | |
IAutomationTabularData — Interface, pacote mx.automation | |
The IAutomationTabularData interface is implemented by components which can provide their content information in a tabular form. | |
IAxis — Interface, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The IAxis class is an abstract interface for defining label, tick mark, and data positioning properties for a chart axis. | |
IAxisRenderer — Interface, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The IAxis class is an abstract interface for defining label, tick mark, and data positioning properties for a chart axis. | |
IAXMRichTextEditorControlBar — Interface, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components.support | |
The IAXMRichTextEditorControlBar interface. | |
IBar — Interface, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The IBar interface is implemented by any any series that can be clustered vertically, such as a BarSeries. | |
IBEAM — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.MouseCursor | |
Usada para especificar se o cursor em forma de I deve ser usado. | |
IBindingClient — Interface, pacote mx.binding | |
This is used to mark documents, which have data bindings. | |
IBitmapDrawable — Interface, pacote flash.display | |
A interface IBitmapDrawable é implementada por objetos que podem ser transmitidos como parâmetro "source" do método draw() da classe BitmapData. | |
IBitmapFilter — Interface, pacote mx.filters | |
Interface used by some Spark filters. | |
IBorder — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IBorder interface defines the interface that all classes used for border skins should implement. | |
IBrowserManager — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
The interface that the shared instance of the BrowserManager implements. | |
IBundle — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.framework | |
The IBundle interface represents a single physical component. | |
IBundleActivator — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.framework | |
IBundleActivator is the interface to implement when creating a bundle. | |
IBundleBuilder — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | |
Builder interface for Client Component Framework bundles. | |
IBundleContext — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.framework | |
The IBundleContext interface is the main point of access to all bundle framework functionality. | |
IBundleElementHandler — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | |
Parse a <bundle> child element. | |
IBundleLoader — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader | |
IBundleLoader implementations are used by the Client Component Framework to load bundles. | |
IBundleLoaderContext — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader | |
Context object for bundle loaders. | |
IBundleLoaderFactory — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader | |
The factory service interface for bundle loaders. | |
IButton — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IButton interface is a marker interface that indicates that a component acts as a button. | |
ICachePolicy — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The ICachePolicy interface specifies cache options to use within a composite application when running using the AIR Runtime. | |
ICatalog — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The ICatalog interface represents a particular catalog, and provides methods for retrieving tiles from a catalog deployed to the Experience Server. | |
ICatalogListItem — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The ICatalogListItem provides information about a given ICatalog suitable for display to a user, or as a specifier to load the Catalog into an IApplication. | |
ICatalogSpecifier — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The ICatalogSpecifier provides information about a given ICatalog suitable for display to a user. | |
ICategoryService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.category | |
Defines a service for Category management. | |
IccRichTextControl — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte | |
The component representing the Text Editor and rich text control toolbar. | |
IccRichTextControl() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControl | |
Constructor. | |
IccRichTextControlToolbar — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte | |
This component represents the rich text control tool bar in Text Editor allows formatting the text in rich way. | |
IccRichTextControlToolbar() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
Constructor. | |
IccSearchManager — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | |
Icc specific implementation of SearchManager which removes "Archive" state assets from results. | |
IccSearchManager() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.IccSearchManager | |
Constructor. | |
ICellRenderer — Interface, pacote fl.controls.listClasses | |
A interface ICellRenderer fornece os métodos e as propriedades exigidos por um renderizador de células. | |
IChangeObject — Interface, pacote mx.data | |
Provides the methods and properties needed when detecting local conflicts. | |
IChartElement — Interface, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
IChartElement defines the base set of properties and methods required by a UIComponent to be representable in the data space of a chart. | |
IChartElement2 — Interface, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
IChartElement2 defines the base set of properties and methods required by a UIComponent to be representable in the data space of a chart. | |
IChildList — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IChildList interface defines the properties and methods for accessing and manipulating child lists, which are subsets of a DisplayObjectContainer's children. | |
IClassServiceProperty — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IClassServiceProperty interface provides methods for getting a Tile property or a Service property's name and type. | |
IClientFramework — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IClientFramework interface is the highest-level interface in the object model and provides access to the framework manager objects which provide high-level application functionality. | |
ICMSQueryService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.search.cms | |
A query service interface for doing searches that are specific to the content management system. | |
ICollapsibleSegment — Interface, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components.support | |
The ICollapsibleSegment interface. | |
ICollectionToken — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | |
The CollectionToken class represents a token for asynchronous calls that return a collection. | |
ICollectionView — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
An ICollectionView is a view onto a collection of data. | |
IColumn — Interface, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
ChartElements that can be clustered along the vertical axis should implement this interface. | |
ICombineMultipleDocuments — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process | |
Defines a service for combining multiple documents. | |
ICommand — Interface, pacote lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The ICommand interface defines a common interface for self-contained commands. | |
IComment — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines the structure of a comment published during a stage on an asset. | |
ICommentManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.manager | |
This interface defines operations for comment management. | |
IComparisonOperator — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter | |
The IComparison interface provides filtering for comparison operators, such as EQUAL and LESS_THAN. | |
IComputedExpression — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | |
Interface representing an expression managed by the Expression Manager. | |
icon — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
Defines the icon used in a project. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Defines the icon used in a project. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.ProjectVO | |
Defines the icon used in a project. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.listClasses.ListData | |
Uma classe que representa o ícone para o item no componente Lista, calculado a partir do método da classe Lista. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
O ícone do aplicativo. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe flash.filesystem.File | |
Um objeto Icon que contém os ícones definidos para o arquivo. | |
icon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.RevertAssets | |
A skin part that defines A skin part that defines | |
icon — Estilo, classe fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Nome da classe a ser usado como o ícone quando um botão de alternância não está selecionado e o mouse não está sobre o botão. | |
icon — Estilo, classe fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
Nome da classe a ser usada como ícone padrão. | |
icon — Estilo, classe fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Nome da classe a ser usado como o ícone quando um botão de alternância não está selecionado e o mouse não está sobre o botão. | |
icon — Estilo, classe fl.controls.CheckBox | |
Nome da classe a ser usado como o ícone quando um botão de alternância não está selecionado e o mouse não está sobre o botão. | |
icon — Estilo, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
The class to use as the skin for the arrow that indicates the column sort direction. | |
icon — Estilo, classe mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the default icon. | |
icon — Estilo, classe mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
The default icon class for the main button. | |
icon — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Class or instance to use as the default icon. | |
icon — Parte da capa, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
A skin part that defines the segment icon. A skin part that defines the segment icon. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer | |
The internal IFlexDisplayObject that displays the icon in this renderer. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData | |
A Class representing the icon for the item in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListData | |
A Class representing the icon for the item in the List control computed from the list class's itemToIcon() method | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer | |
The internal IFlexDisplayObject that displays the icon in this renderer. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.TileListItemRenderer | |
The internal IFlexDisplayObject that displays the icon in this renderer. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem | |
The IFlexDisplayObject that displays the icon in this MenuBarItem. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuItemRenderer | |
The internal IFlexDisplayObject that displays the icon in this renderer. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer | |
The internal IFlexDisplayObject that displays the icon in this renderer. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeListData | |
A Class representing the icon for the item in the Tree control. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe mx.core.Container | |
The Class of the icon displayed by some navigator containers to represent this Container. | |
icon — Propriedade, interface mx.core.INavigatorContent | |
The icon displayed by the navigator container for this container. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe spark.components.NavigatorContent | |
The Class of the icon displayed by some navigator containers to represent this Container. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase | |
The icon used when this navigator is represented by a visual component. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
The Class of the icon displayed by some navigator containers to represent this Container. | |
icon — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAccordionSegmentSkin | |
The icon for the segement. | |
Icon — classe, pacote flash.desktop | |
A classe Icon representa um ícone do sistema operacional. | |
iconClass — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.Alert | |
The class of the icon to display. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.RadioButton | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.CheckBox | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.DateChooser | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.DateField | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
The color for the icon in a skin. | |
iconContentLoader — Propriedade, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
Optional custom image loader, such as an image cache or queue, to associate with content loader client. | |
iconDelay — Estilo, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
The delay value before attempting to load the icon's source if it has not been cached already. | |
iconDisplay — Parte da capa, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
A skin part that defines an optional icon for the button. A skin part that defines an optional icon for the button. | |
iconDisplay — Propriedade, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
The bitmap image component used to display the icon data of the item renderer. | |
iconDisplay — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines an optional icon for the button. | |
iconDisplay — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonSkin | |
iconDisplay — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCloseButtonSkin | |
icon to display in the closer | |
iconDisplay — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseIconButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines an optional icon for the button. | |
iconDisplay — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines an optional icon for the button. | |
iconDisplay — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines an optional icon for the button. | |
iconDisplay — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToggleButtonSkin | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.List | |
Obtém ou define o campo de item que fornece o ícone para o item. | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.TileList | |
Obtém ou define o campo de item que fornece o ícone para o item. | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The name of the field in the data provider that determines the icon to display for each menu item. | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.NavBar | |
Name of the field in the dataProvider object to display as the icon for each navigation item. | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton | |
Name of the field in the dataProvider Array that contains the icon to show for each menu item. | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The name of the field in the data provider object that determines what to display as the icon. | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The name of the field in the data provider object that determines what to display as the icon. | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
The name of the field in the data item to display as the icon. | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBarBase | |
The name of the field in the data provider items which serves as the icon to display. | |
iconField — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
The icon field | |
IConfigProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.model.config | |
The interface to load xml config for the editor | |
IConfigService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.config | |
Defines a service for Configuration management. | |
IConfiguration — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.elements | |
Interface exclusiva para leitura de um objeto de configuração. | |
iconFillMode — Propriedade, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
Determines how the bitmap fills in the dimensions. | |
iconFunction — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.List | |
Obtém ou define a função a ser usada para obter o ícone do item. | |
iconFunction — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.TileList | |
Obtém ou define a função a ser usada para obter o ícone do item. | |
iconFunction — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton | |
A function that determines the icon to display for each menu item. | |
iconFunction — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its icon. | |
iconFunction — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its icon. | |
iconFunction — Propriedade, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its icon. | |
iconFunction — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBarBase | |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its icon. | |
iconFunction — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
The icon Function | |
iconGroupPaddingBottom — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin | |
Number of pixels between the buttons's bottom edge and the bottom edge of the icon or label. | |
iconGroupPaddingLeft — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin | |
The minimum number of pixels between the buttons's left edge and the left edge of the icon or label. | |
iconGroupPaddingRight — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin | |
The minimum number of pixels between the buttons's right edge and the right edge of the icon or label. | |
iconGroupPaddingTop — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin | |
Number of pixels between the buttons's top edge and the top edge of the first icon or label. | |
iconHeight — Propriedade, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
The height of the icon. | |
iconImg — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListItemRenderer | |
the icon image for this renderer | |
IconItemRenderer — classe, pacote spark.components | |
The IconItemRenderer class is a performant item renderer optimized for mobile devices. | |
IconItemRenderer() — Construtor, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
IConnectionService — Interface, pacote ga.util | |
The interface implemented by guide wrappers used to communicate with a client such as Workspace. | |
iconPlaceholder — Propriedade, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
The icon asset to use while an externally loaded asset is being downloaded. | |
iconPlacement — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBarBase | |
Orientation of the icon in relation to the label. | |
iconPlacement — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Orientation of the icon in relation to the label. | |
iconPlacement — Estilo, classe spark.components.RadioButton | |
Orientation of the icon in relation to the label. | |
iconPlacement — Estilo, classe spark.components.CheckBox | |
Orientation of the icon in relation to the label. | |
IconPlacement — classe final, pacote spark.components | |
The IconPlacement class defines the constants for the allowed values of the iconPlacement style of a Button, CheckBox, RadioButton or ToggleButton. | |
icons — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.Button | |
The icons array contains references to all icons that have been created. | |
iconScaleMode — Propriedade, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
Determines how the image is scaled when fillMode is set to mx.graphics.BitmapFillMode.SCALE. | |
iconSource — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
The icon source. | |
iconSource — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.ToDoModel | |
The icon associated with the CSS style name ToDo. | |
iconSource — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.TrackingModel | |
The location of the icon image for the component. | |
IConstraintClient — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IConstraintClient interface defines the interface for components that support layout constraints. | |
IConstraintLayout — Interface, pacote mx.containers.utilityClasses | |
IConstraintLayout is a marker interface that indicates that a container supports ConstraintColumn class and ConstraintRow class within its layout. | |
IContainer — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
IContainer is a interface that indicates a component extends or mimics mx.core.Container | |
IContainerInstance — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | |
Interface to be implemented by the container classes that can contain selected or optional ModuleInstance objects | |
IContentDomainFactory — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory | |
DomainFactory to get hold of Domain Objects | |
IContentLoader — Interface, pacote spark.core | |
Provides custom image/content loader for BitmapImage instances. | |
IContentServiceProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.providers | |
Service Provider to get all Services in LCC | |
IContext — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IContext interface models a simple hash map that allows tiles to store attibutes in name-value pairs. | |
IContextProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IContextProvider interface provides a method for retrieving context from nodes that support context in the DOM. | |
iconType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.RevertAssets | |
Gets the icon (warning or ok) depending upon whether the asset can be reverted or not. | |
iconUrl — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
The URL of a 16x16 size icon representing the asset. | |
iconUrl — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Specifies the URL icon of the asset.The icon size is 16 x 16 pixels. | |
iconWidth — Propriedade, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
The width of the icon. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Category | |
Specifies a unique identifier for the category object and its revision. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Form | |
unique ID (GUID) which identifies the form and its revision | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
unique ID (GUID) which identifies the letter and its revision | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.BindingElement | |
The id of a BindingElement. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary | |
The unique id for the data dictionary. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElement | |
The unique id of the DataDictionaryElement. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryReference | |
The unique Id for the data dictionary. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationInfo | |
The unique id for the OperationInfo. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationParameter | |
The unique id for the OperationParameter. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.RemotingServiceInfo | |
The unique Id for the RemotingServiceInfo. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachment | |
The identifier for the attachment or note. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ITask | |
The task identifier. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.events.AttachmentEvent | |
The identifier of the attachment that has the cursor. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance | |
Unique identification associated with this ModuleInstance. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance | |
Unique identification associated with this ModuleInstance. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstance | |
Unique identification of this instance of letter. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
The GUID of the underlying value object. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.CategoryModel | |
The GUID of the underlying value object. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.VariableModel | |
The GUID of the underlying variable value object. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
Identifier of the container layout | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Specifies the unique identifier for this data module. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
Specifies a unique identifier for the document. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DocumentAssignment | |
Specifies the unique identifier for this assignment. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Field | |
Field's GUID. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.FieldAssignment | |
Specifies the unique identifier for this assignment. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Folder | |
Specifies the unique identifier for the Folder object. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ModuleAssignment | |
GUID. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
An identifier for the form and its revision. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
Identifier of the table | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.TableColumnDetails | |
Identifier of the Table column | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetArea | |
Target area GUID. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetAreaAssignment | |
Specifies the unique identifier for the assignment. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable | |
Specifies the unique identifier for the variable. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Specifies the unique identifier for the assignment. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.AttachmentLoader | |
The id attribute is the key that maps this component to an asset in the package definition file. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
The id attribute is the key that maps this component to an asset in the package definition file. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImageSlideShow | |
The id attribute is the key that maps this component to an asset in the package definition file. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoSWFLoader | |
The id attribute is the key that maps this component to an asset in the package definition file. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.XMLDataLoader | |
The id of this object, which is used to link up to the controller attribute in the assets section of the package definition file. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Controller | |
The id of this controller. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.content.File | |
The identifier of the file node. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.BaseUser | |
Specifies the user ID of the user, as defined in Adobe User Management. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.IPin | |
An identifier to uniquely identify a pin on the server-side. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.Pin | |
An identifier to uniquely identify a pin on the server-side. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
Returns the id of the component | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression.IExpression | |
Returns the unique ID of this expression. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method.IFunctionFamily | |
Returns the unique ID for this function-family. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.expression.ExpressionVO | |
The unique expression ID. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.method.FunctionFamilyVO | |
The unique ID of the family. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IAsset | |
This property defines the unique identifier for the asset. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
Unique identifier. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.ITeamMember | |
Unique identifier. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
Unique identifier. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Asset | |
This property defines the unique identifier for the asset. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Unique identifier. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.TeamMember | |
Unique identifier. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Unique identifier. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AssetVO | |
Defines the unique identifier for an asset. | |
_id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.BaseEntityVO | |
Unique identifier. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.BaseEntityVO | |
Unique identifier. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IParticipant | |
Unique identifier for a participant. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
A unique identifier for this review version. | |
id — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IStage | |
A unique identifier for this stage. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Participant | |
Unique identifier for a participant. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
A unique identifier for this review version. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
A unique identifier for this stage. | |
id — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.BaseVO | |
Get the ID of the VO. | |
id — Propriedade da constante, classe flash.sampler.DeleteObjectSample | |
O número de identificação exclusivo compatível com o número de identificação do NewObjectSample. | |
id — Propriedade, classe flash.ui.GameInputControl | |
Retorna o ID desse dispositivo. | |
id — Propriedade, classe flash.ui.GameInputDevice | |
Retorna a ID deste dispositivo. | |
id — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
Atribui um nome identificador ao elemento, possibilitando definir um estilo para o elemento através da referência à id. | |
id — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo | |
The identifier for the attachment or note. | |
id — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptor | |
The unique identifier of the search template descriptor. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.HitData | |
Specifies a unique identifier representing the data point. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintColumn | |
ID of the ConstraintColumn instance. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintRow | |
ID of the ConstraintRow instance. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.core.ComponentDescriptor | |
The identifier for the component, as specified in MXML. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.core.DesignLayer | |
ID of the layer component. | |
id — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent | |
ID of the component. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
ID of the component. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.data.CacheDataDescriptor | |
The unique ID of the data cached. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
ID of the component. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.logging.AbstractTarget | |
Provides access to the id of this target. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.Channel | |
Provides access to the id of this channel. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.FlexClient | |
The global FlexClient Id for this Player instance. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
The identity of the component. | |
id — Propriedade, interface mx.styles.IAdvancedStyleClient | |
The identity of the component. | |
id — Propriedade, classe mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
The identity of the component. | |
id — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.media.MediaFactoryItem | |
An identifier that represents this MediaFactoryItem. | |
id — Propriedade, classe spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
The identity of the component. | |
id — Propriedade, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The identity of the component. | |
ID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.Property | |
The ID constant specifies the task property named id. | |
ID — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.CDMAssignment | |
GUID. | |
ID — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.LDMAssignment | |
Specifies the globally unique identifier, that is, the GUID. | |
ID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.styles.CSSConditionKind | |
A selector condition to match a component by id. | |
id3 — Evento, classe flash.media.Sound | |
Despachado por um objeto Sound quando dados ID3 estão disponíveis para sons MP3. | |
id3 — Propriedade, classe flash.media.Sound | |
Fornece acesso aos metadados que fazem parte de um arquivo MP3. | |
id3 — Evento, classe mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Dispatched when ID3 data is available for an MP3 sound file. | |
ID3 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.Event | |
A constante Event.ID3 define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento id3. | |
ID3Info — classe dinâmica final, pacote flash.media | |
A classe ID3Info contém propriedades que refletem metadados ID3. | |
IDataCanvas — Interface, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
This interface is for internal use only. | |
IDataCaptureUIControl — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture | |
This interface should be implemented by components that want to provide a custom Data Capture Control (Data Capture Renderer). | |
IDataGridElement — Interface, pacote spark.components.gridClasses | |
Visual elements of the Spark DataGrid control that must remain in sync with the grid's layout and scroll position must implement this interface. | |
IDataInput — Interface, pacote flash.utils | |
A interface IDataInput fornece um conjunto de métodos para a leitura de dados binários. | |
IDataInstance — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | |
Represents the Data elements used in the letter which can be a variable or a field type data instance. | |
IDataManagementSupport — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | |
The IDataManagementSupport interface provides support for client-side Data Management Services operations for the TaskMananger service. | |
IDataOutput — Interface, pacote flash.utils | |
A interface IDataOutput fornece um conjunto de métodos para a gravação de dados binários. | |
IDataRenderer — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IDataRenderer interface defines the interface for components that have a data property. | |
IDCTServiceProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.dct.service.provider | |
Interface whose implementaion class can be plugged into the DCT service provider for obtaining services. | |
IDeferredContentOwner — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IDeferredContentOwner interface defines the properties and methods for deferred instantiation. | |
IDeferredInstance — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IDeferredInstance interface defines the Flex deferred instance factory interface. | |
IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent interface defines the interface for a component or object that defers instantiation. | |
identifier — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.error.AugmentedError | |
The error identifier. | |
identifier — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
The identifier of this DataStore. | |
identities — Propriedade, classe mx.data.RPCDataManager | |
For objects to be managed by a data manager, they must have one or more properties that uniquely identify them. | |
identities — Propriedade, classe mx.data.UpdateCollectionRange | |
An Array of identity objects that represent which items were either deleted or inserted in the associated collection starting at the position indicated by the position property. | |
identitiesArray — Propriedade, classe mx.data.RPCDataManager | |
Provides access to a list of the property names that combine to create a unique id for objects within the associated destination. | |
identity() — método, classe flash.geom.Matrix | |
Define cada propriedade de matriz como um valor que causa uma transformação nula. | |
identity() — método, classe flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Converte a matriz atual em uma matriz de identidade ou unitária. | |
identity — Propriedade, interface mx.data.IChangeObject | |
Identity of the item being changed. | |
identity — Propriedade, classe mx.data.events.DataServiceFaultEvent | |
The identity of the item that generated the fault. | |
identity — Propriedade, classe mx.data.messages.DataMessage | |
Provides access to the identity map which defines the unique identity of the item affected by this DataMessage (relevant for create/update/delete but not fill operations). | |
identityStatus — Propriedade, classe flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator | |
A validade do status do certificado de assinatura. | |
IDEOGRAPHIC_BOTTOM — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.TextBaseline | |
Especifica uma linha de base inferior ideográfica. | |
IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.TextBaseline | |
Especifica uma linha de base central ideográfica. | |
IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER_DOWN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.LeadingModel | |
Especifica se a base de leading é IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER e se a direção de leading é para baixo. | |
IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER_UP — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.LeadingModel | |
Especifica que a base de leading é IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER e que a direção de leading é UP. | |
IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.TextBaseline | |
Especifica uma linha de base superior ideográfica. | |
IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_DOWN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.LeadingModel | |
Especifica que a base de leading é IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP e que a direção de leading é DOWN. | |
IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_UP — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.LeadingModel | |
Especifica que a base de leading é IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP e que a direção de leading é UP. | |
idInput — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryPropertiesView | |
A skin part that defines SkinnableTextBase for data dictionary id. A skin part that defines SkinnableTextBase for data dictionary id. | |
IDisplayable — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IDisplayable interface provides methods for getting and setting the display state of nodes that hold content (panel, view, and tile) in the DOM. | |
IDisplayText — Interface, pacote spark.core | |
The IDisplayText interface defines the properties and methods for simple text display. | |
idle — Evento, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Dispatched every 100 milliseconds when there has been no keyboard or mouse activity for 1 second. | |
IDLE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.IDLE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a idle event. | |
idleThreshold — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
O número de segundos que deve transcorrer sem entrada do usuário antes que um evento userIdle seja despachado. | |
idleTimeout — Propriedade, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
A espaço de tempo, em milésimos de segundo, antes que o Flash finalize uma conexão inativa com o FMS (Flash Media Server) porque a reprodução foi pausada ou parada. | |
idleTimeout — Propriedade, classe fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
A espaço de tempo, em milésimos de segundo, antes que o Flash finalize uma conexão inativa com um servidor de vídeo, como o Flash Media Server porque a reprodução foi pausada ou parada. | |
idleTimeout — Propriedade, classe flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Especifica o valor de tempo limite ocioso (em milissegundos) para pedidos de HTTP emitidos por este objeto. | |
idleTimeout — Propriedade, classe flash.net.URLRequest | |
Especifica o valor de intervalo ocioso (em milissegundos) para esta solicitação. | |
idleTimeout — Propriedade estática, classe flash.net.URLRequestDefaults | |
A configuração padrão da propriedade idleTimeout de objetos URLRequest e de objetos HTMLLoader. | |
idleTimeout — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the connection is idle (playing is paused or stopped) before the connection to the Flash Media Server is stopped. | |
id_list — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.events.AttachmentEvent | |
An ArrayCollection object of identifiers that were selected. | |
idMap — Propriedade, classe flash.xml.XMLDocument | |
Um Objeto contendo os nós do XML que possuem um atributo de id designado. | |
IDocument — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | |
This interface defines the basic properties of a document. | |
IDocumentCollection — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | |
This interface defines an entity that has a collection of documents associated with it. | |
IDomainFactory — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.factory | |
The factory interface to get a reference of domain objects. | |
IDomainInstanceFactory — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory | |
Interface being implemented by the DomainInstanceFactory. | |
IDownloadService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.download | |
Defines a service for downloading data related to assets on the server. | |
idProperty — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
The ID Property for this asset. | |
IDropDownController — Interface, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components.support | |
The interface for a Drop Down Controller component. | |
IDropInListItemRenderer — Interface, pacote mx.controls.listClasses | |
The interface for "drop-in" item renderers. | |
IEaser — Interface, pacote spark.effects.easing | |
The IEaser interface is implemented by classes that provide time-easing functionality for the Animation class. | |
IEditableText — Interface, pacote spark.core | |
The IEditableText interface defines the properties and methods for editable text. | |
IEditManager — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.edit | |
IEditManager define a interface para tratar das operações de edição de um fluxo de texto. | |
IEffect — Interface, pacote mx.effects | |
The IEffect interface defines the base interface of all Flex effects. | |
IEffectInstance — Interface, pacote mx.effects | |
The IEffectInstance interface represents an instance of an effect playing on a target. | |
IEffectTargetHost — Interface, pacote mx.effects | |
The IEffectTargetHost interface defines the interface that lets you access the target list-based control of a data effect. | |
IErrorManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | |
The interface to handle errors occurring on the client. | |
IEventDispatcher — Interface, pacote flash.events | |
A interface IEventDispatcher define métodos para adicionar ou remover ouvintes de eventos, verifica se tipos de ouvinte de evento específicos estão registrados, além de enviar eventos. | |
IExportService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.export | |
Defines a service for exporting data related to assets. | |
IExpression — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | |
Represents an expression object for authoring purposes. | |
IExpression — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | |
Interface representing an expression which is passed to the Expression Manager for management. | |
IExpressionEvaluationService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.exm.expression | |
This Interface is used to register the expression SWF and evaluate the expression using pre-loaded swf. | |
IExpressionLoader — Interface, pacote com.adobe.exm.expression | |
Interface to load the expression swf in a loader context | |
IExpressionManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | |
The ExpressionManager interface is the entry point into the Expression Manager runtime. | |
IExpressionProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression | |
The IExpressionProvider interface serves as the entry point for expression-specific operations during expression authoring. | |
IExpressionService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.expression | |
IExpressionService provides infrastructure services for expression persistence. | |
IExternalDataService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.external | |
Defines a service for reading data external to the service itself (i.e. | |
if — Instrução | |
Avalia uma condição para determinar a próxima instrução a ser executada. | |
IFactory — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.factory | |
A generic factory interface for general purpose use. | |
IFactory — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IFactory interface defines the interface that factory classes such as ClassFactory must implement. | |
IFavoritesManager — Interface, pacote lc.procmgmt | |
The IFavoritesManager interface is implemented to manage favorite TaskManager startpoints. | |
IFiberManagingService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.fiber.services | |
A managing service instance provides generated value objects with a means to retrieve services that may be involved in calculation of properties of the value object. | |
IFiberService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.fiber.services | |
This is a marker interface for all custom services generated from models created by using the Adobe application modeling technology. | |
IFileDataService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | |
Defines the operations on managed file instances. | |
IFilePromise — Interface, pacote flash.desktop | |
A interface de IFilePromise define a interface usada pelo tempo de execução de AIR para ler dados de uma promessa de arquivo. | |
IFill — Interface, pacote mx.graphics | |
Defines the interface that classes that perform a fill must implement. | |
IFilter — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter | |
The Filter interface is provided to define task filters. | |
IFilter — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.framework | |
An object that can be used to match against a set of properties. | |
IFlexAsset — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
IFlexAsset is a marker interface with the following meaning: if a class declares that it implements IFlexAsset, then that class represents an asset -- such as a bitmap, a font, or a sound -- that has been embedded in a Flex application. | |
IFlexContextMenu — Interface, pacote mx.controls | |
The IFlexContextMenu interface defines the interface for a Flex context menus. | |
IFlexDisplayObject — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IFlexDisplayObject interface defines the interface for skin elements. | |
IFlexModule — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IFlexModule interface is used as an optional contract with IFlexModuleFactory. | |
IFlexModuleFactory — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IFlexModuleFactory interface represents the contract expected for bootstrapping Flex applications and dynamically loaded modules. | |
IFlowComposer — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.compose | |
IFlowComposer define a interface para gerenciar o layout e a exibição de um fluxo de texto. | |
IFocusManager — Interface, pacote fl.managers | |
Implementa a interface IFocusManager para criar um gerenciador de foco personalizado. | |
IFocusManager — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
The IFocusManager interface defines the interface that components must implement to manage the focus on components in response to mouse activity or keyboard activity (Tab key), and to support a default button. | |
IFocusManagerComplexComponent — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
The IFocusManagerComplexComponent interface defines the interface that components that can have more than one internal focus target should implement in order to receive focus from the FocusManager. | |
IFocusManagerComponent — Interface, pacote fl.managers | |
A interface IFocusManagerComponent fornece métodos e propriedades que dão aos componentes a capacidade de receber foco. | |
IFocusManagerComponent — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
The IFocusManagerComponent interface defines the interface that focusable components must implement in order to receive focus from the FocusManager. | |
IFocusManagerContainer — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
The IFocusManagerContainer interface defines the interface that containers implement to host a FocusManager. | |
IFocusManagerGroup — Interface, pacote fl.managers | |
A interface IFocusManagerGroup fornece propriedades que são usadas para gerenciar um conjunto de componentes dos quais apenas um pode ser selecionado por vez. | |
IFocusManagerGroup — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
The IFocusManagerGroup interface defines the interface that any component must implement if it is grouped in sets, where only one member of the set can be selected at any given time. | |
IFontContextComponent — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
Allows a component to support a font context property. | |
IFormatResolver — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.elements | |
Interface com um conversor de formato. | |
IFormatter — Interface, pacote mx.formatters | |
This interface specifies the method that a formatter object must implement to allow it to be used as the formatter property for UI controls such as the AdvancedDataGridColumn. | |
IFormBridgeService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.formbridge | |
Defines the FormBridge External API for use with ICC and a LiveCycle ES2-generated PDF running in the HTML wrapper. | |
IFragmentLayoutService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.fragmentlayout | |
Defines a service for Fragment Layout management. | |
IFunction — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | |
Represents a function available for use inside expressions during expression authoring. | |
IFunctionFamily — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | |
Represents a family (group) of similar functions (e.g. | |
IFunctionMapper — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | |
Used by the Expression Manager for resolving any function calls encountered in an expression string. | |
IFunctionParameter — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | |
Represents an input parameter to a function. | |
IFunctionProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method | |
The IFunctionProvider interface serves as the entry point for function-specific operations during expression authoring. | |
IFunctionService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.method | |
IFunctionService provides infrastructure services for listing functions and function-families. | |
IGanttDataItem — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | |
This interface defines the data item that can be displayed in a GanttChart. | |
ignore — Propriedade, classe mx.data.ManagedOperation | |
It may be useful in some cases to ignore a particular managed operation. | |
IGNORE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilterMode | |
Se o valor de deslocamento estiver fora da faixa, ignorará o deslocamento e usará o pixel de origem. | |
ignoreCase — Propriedade, classe RegExp | |
Especifica se a expressão regular trata igualmente maiúsculas e minúsculas. | |
ignoreCase — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.Collator | |
Quando esta propriedade é definida como true, strings idênticas e strings cuja única diferença é uma questão de maiúsculas/minúsculas são consideradas iguais. | |
ignoreCase — Propriedade, classe spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
When this property is set to true, identical strings and strings that differ only in the case of the letters are evaluated as equal. | |
ignoreCharacterWidth — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.Collator | |
Quando esta propriedade for verdadeira, as formas de largura total e meia largura de alguns caracteres chineses e japoneses serão consideradas iguais. | |
ignoreCharacterWidth — Propriedade, classe spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
When this property is true, full-width and half-width forms of some Chinese and Japanese characters are evaluated as equal. | |
ignoreCollectionUpdates — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
Indicates if changes to managed collections should be ignored instead of being communicated to the server on a commit. | |
ignoreCollectionUpdates — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
Indicates if changes to managed collections should be ignored instead of being communicated to the server on a commit. | |
ignoreComments — Propriedade estática, classe XML | |
Determina se comentários XML são ignorados quando objetos XML analisam os dados XML de origem. | |
ignoreDiacritics — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.Collator | |
Quando esta propriedade for definida como verdadeira, as strings que usam os mesmos caracteres básicos, mas acentos diferentes ou outras marcas diacríticas, serão avaliadas como iguais. | |
ignoreDiacritics — Propriedade, classe spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
When this property is set to true, strings that use the same base characters but different accents or other diacritic marks are evaluated as equal. | |
ignoreKanaType — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.Collator | |
Quando esta propriedade é definida como true, strings cuja única diferença é o tipo de caractere kana que é usado são consideradas iguais. | |
ignoreKanaType — Propriedade, classe spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
When this property is set to true, strings that differ only by the type of kana character being used are treated as equal. | |
ignoreListStyle — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListAssignmentModel | |
Only applicable if the 'target' is a List Module. | |
ignoreListStyle — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.LDMAssignment | |
Only applicable if the 'target' is a List Module. | |
ignoreListStyleBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListItemEditor | |
A skin part that defines ignore list style checkbox A skin part that defines ignore list style checkbox | |
ignoreListStyleBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.NestedListSettings | |
A skin part which defines the ignore list style input. A skin part which defines the ignore list style input. | |
ignorePadding — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IUITextField | |
If true, the paddingLeft and paddingRight styles will not add space around the text of the component. | |
ignorePadding — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
If true, the paddingLeft and paddingRight styles will not add space around the text of the component. | |
ignorePadding — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
If true, the paddingLeft and paddingRight styles will not add space around the text of the component. | |
ignoreProcessingInstructions — Propriedade estática, classe XML | |
Determina se instruções de processamento XML são ignoradas quando objetos XML analisam os dados XML de origem. | |
ignoreSymbols — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.Collator | |
Quando esta propriedade é definida como true, os caracteres de símbolo, como espaços, símbolos de moeda, símbolos matemáticos, e outros tipos de símbolos são ignorados na classificação ou na correspondência. | |
ignoreSymbols — Propriedade, classe spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
When this property is set to is true, symbol characters such as spaces, currency symbols, math symbols, and other types of symbols are ignored when sorting or matching. | |
ignoreWhite — Propriedade, classe flash.xml.XMLDocument | |
Quando definidos como verdadeiros, os nós de texto que contêm apenas espaço em branco são descartados durante o processo de análise. | |
ignoreWhitespace — Propriedade estática, classe XML | |
Determina se caracteres de espaço em branco no início e no final de nós de texto são ignorados durante a análise. | |
ignoreWhitespace — Propriedade, classe mx.rpc.soap.Operation | |
Determines whether whitespace is ignored when processing XML for a SOAP encoded request or response. | |
IGraphicElement — Interface, pacote spark.core | |
The IGraphicElement is implemented by IVisualElements that take advantage of the parent IGraphicElementContainer DisplayObject management. | |
IGraphicElementContainer — Interface, pacote spark.core | |
The IGraphicElementContainer is the minimal contract for a container class to support IGraphicElement children. | |
IGraphicsData — Interface, pacote flash.display | |
Essa interface é usada para definir objetos que possam ser usados como parâmetros nos métodos flash.display.Graphics, incluindo preenchimentos, traçados e caminhos. | |
IGraphicsFill — Interface, pacote flash.display | |
Essa interface é usada para definir objetos que possam ser usados como parâmetros de preenchimento nas classes de desenho e métodos flash.display.Graphics. | |
IGraphicsPath — Interface, pacote flash.display | |
Essa interface é usada para definir objetos que possam ser usados como parâmetros de caminho nas classes de desenho e métodos flash.display.Graphics. | |
IGraphicsStroke — Interface, pacote flash.display | |
Essa interface é usada para definir objetos que possam ser usados como parâmetros de traçado nas classes de desenho e métodos flash.display.Graphics. | |
IGravityFrameInit — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.init | |
Interface for the frame class in any extra frames of the bootstrapper. | |
IGridItemEditor — Interface, pacote spark.components.gridClasses | |
The IGridItemEditor interface defines the interface that item editors for the Spark DataGrid and Spark Grid controls must implement. | |
IGridItemRenderer — Interface, pacote spark.components.gridClasses | |
The IGridItemRenderer interface must be implemented by DataGrid item renderers. | |
IGridVisualElement — Interface, pacote spark.components.gridClasses | |
This interface provides a method that dynamically created visual elements can use to configure themselves before they're displayed. | |
IGroupingCollection — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
The IGroupingCollection interface defines the interface required to create grouped data from flat data. | |
IGroupingCollection2 — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
The IGroupingCollection2 interface defines the interface required to create grouped data from flat data. | |
IGuide — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.control | |
The IGuide interface is used to load, control and interact with a Guide definition. | |
IGuideData — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.control | |
The IGuideData interface provides properties and methods which allow interaction with the guide's Data content. | |
IGuideDisplay — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.control | |
The IGuideDisplay interface provides access to properties which control the visual composition of the guide. | |
IGuideErrors — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.control | |
The IGuideErrors interface provides access to properties and methods which assist with dealing with validations and error states. | |
IGuideNavigation — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.control | |
The IGuideNaviagation interface provides access to properties and methods to set, report current (Panel, Item), and provide some state information to assist with external navigation state. | |
IGuideNode — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.domain | |
The IGuideNode interface is used to manage the shared structure of a guide with the Guide Component. | |
IGuideNodeMessage — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.domain | |
The IGuideNodeMessage interface provides the properties for Error message processing. | |
IGuideResourceModule — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.i18n | |
The IGuideResourceModule is used to identify a locale and the associated resource modules that are needed to be loaded. | |
IGuideSkinPart — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components | |
Interface implemenent by guide wrapper level skin parts. | |
IGuideSource — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.control | |
The IGuideSource interface provides access to properties to set the current Guide and resource bundle. | |
IGuideVariables — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.control | |
The IGuideVariables interface provides access to properties and methods to set/get a guide's Model and/or Inputs values directly. | |
IGuideView — Interface, pacote ga.views | |
The IGuideView interface provides a view to the guide sections and panels and can be used as a data provider. | |
IHeaderComponent — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components | |
The interface implemented by the guide header skin part. | |
IHelpSource — Interface, pacote lc.procmgmt.ui.help | |
For internal use only. | |
IHierarchicalCollectionView — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
The IHierarchicalCollectionView interface defines an interface for hierarchical or grouped data. | |
IHierarchicalCollectionViewCursor — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
The IHierarchicalCollectionViewCursor interface defines the interface for enumerating a hierarchical collection view bidirectionally. | |
IHierarchicalData — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
The IHierarchicalData interface defines the interface used to represent hierarchical data as the data provider for a Flex component. | |
IHighlightBitmapCaptureClient — Interface, pacote spark.skins | |
The IHighlightBitmapCaptureClient defines the interface for skins that support highlight bitmap capture. | |
IHistoryManagerClient — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
Interface that must be implemented by objects registered with the History Manager. | |
IHTMLImporter — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.conversion | |
Esta interface deve ser implementada por conversores que importam HTML ou dados estruturados pelo HTML. | |
IImageEncoder — Interface, pacote mx.graphics.codec | |
The IImageEncoder interface defines the interface that image encoders implement to take BitmapData objects, or ByteArrays containing raw ARGB pixels, as input and convert them to popular image formats such as PNG or JPEG. | |
IIMEClient — Interface, pacote flash.text.ime | |
Interface de clientes IME (editor de método de entrada). | |
IIMESupport — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IIMESupport interface defines the interface for any component that supports IME (input method editor). | |
IInitiator — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines an initiator of a review. | |
IInjectableValue — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IInjectableValue interface provides an type for values that can be dependency injected into tiles. | |
IInteractionEventHandler — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.edit | |
A interface IInteractionEventHandler define as funções do gerenciador de eventos tratadas por uma seleção do Text Layout Framework ou pelo gerenciador de edições. | |
IInterface — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IInterface interface provides methods for getting an interface name and an interface library name. | |
IInterfaceBuilder — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | |
Builder interface for interface SWF definitions. | |
IInterfaceElementHandler — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | |
Parse a <interface> child element. | |
IInterpolator — Interface, pacote spark.effects.interpolation | |
The IInterpolator interface is implemented by classes that calculate values for the Animation class. | |
IInvalidating — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.ui | |
Interface for visual components that can be invalidated. | |
IInvalidating — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IInvalidating interface defines the interface for components that use invalidation to do delayed -- rather than immediate -- property commitment, measurement, drawing, and layout. | |
IItemReference — Interface, pacote mx.data | |
The IItemReference interface provides the contract for a ItemReference. | |
IItemRenderer — Interface, pacote spark.components | |
The IItemRenderer interface defines the basic set of APIs that a class must implement to create an item renderer that can communicate with a host component. | |
IItemRendererOwner — Interface, pacote spark.components | |
The IItemRendererOwner interface defines the basic set of APIs that a class must implement to support items renderers. | |
IKArmature — classe, pacote fl.ik | |
A classe IKArmature descreve uma armadura de cinemática inversa (IK). | |
IKBone — classe, pacote fl.ik | |
A classe IKBone descreve um único segmento, que é um componente fundamental de uma armadura de cinemática inversa (IK). | |
IKEvent — classe, pacote fl.ik | |
A classe IKEvent define eventos relacionados a objetos que contêm armaduras de cinemática inversa (IK). | |
IKEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Construtor, classe fl.ik.IKEvent | |
Cria um objeto de evento que contém informações sobre eventos IK. | |
IKJoint — classe, pacote fl.ik | |
A classe IKJoint define uma conexão entre dois bones, que são componentes fundamentais necessários de uma armadura cinemática inversa (IK). | |
IKManager — classe, pacote fl.ik | |
A classe IKManager é uma classe de contêiner que representa todas as árvores (armaduras) de cinemática inversa (IK) definidas em um documento e que permite o gerenciamento dessas armaduras no tempo de execução. | |
IKMover — classe, pacote fl.ik | |
A classe IKMover inicia e controla o movimento de cinemática inversa (IK) das armaduras. | |
IKMover(endEffector:fl.ik:IKJoint, targetIn:flash.geom:Point) — Construtor, classe fl.ik.IKMover | |
Construtor de um objeto IKMover. | |
ILayout — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The ILayout interface provides the interface for describing the layout of a container. | |
ILayoutChild — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | |
Components that are used with the SmartGridLayout, SmartColumnLayout, and SmartRowLayout, should implement this interface. | |
ILayoutComponent — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | |
Interface supported by the skinnable layout host components | |
ILayoutDirectionElement — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The ILayoutDirectionElement interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for an Object to support the layoutDirection property. | |
ILayoutElement — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The ILayoutElement interface is used primarily by the layout classes to query, size and position the elements of GroupBase containers. | |
ILayoutHost — Interface, pacote ga.model | |
This is the core interface of Guide panel layouts and needs to be implemented by all guide panel layouts. | |
ILayoutManager — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
The LayoutManager is the engine behind Flex's measurement and layout strategy. | |
ILayoutManagerClient — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
The ILayoutManagerClient interface defines the interface that a component must implement to participate in the LayoutManager's commit/measurement/layout sequence. | |
ILayoutService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.layout | |
Defines a service for Layout (a.k.a. | |
ILayoutTarget — Interface, pacote org.osmf.layout | |
ILayoutTarget defines the interface for an object that can be laid out visually. | |
ILCTask — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | |
The interface for using and integrating with tasks from the Document Server. | |
ILCTaskManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | |
The ILCTaskManagerinterface for the Task Manager service for the Document Server. | |
ILetterRenderService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.render | |
Defines a service for rendering Letters to PDFs. | |
ILetterService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.letter | |
Defines a service for Letter management. | |
IList — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
A collection of items organized in an ordinal fashion. | |
IListItemRenderer — Interface, pacote mx.controls.listClasses | |
Item renderers and item editors for list components must implement the IListItemRenderer interface. | |
IListMarkerFormat — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Esta interface dá acesso de leitura a propriedades relacionadas a ListMarkerFormat. | |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indica que o argumento passado ao método é ilegal. | |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that an argument passed to a method was illegal. | |
ILLEGAL_CUE_POINT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.video.VideoError | |
Variável de estado indicando o ponto de sinalização ilegal. | |
ILLEGAL_CUE_POINT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError | |
Illegal cue point. | |
ILLEGAL_OPERATION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.automation.AutomationError | |
Defines the code for the error when the Flex automation mechanism encounters an illegal operation. | |
IllegalOperationError — Classe dinâmica, pacote flash.errors | |
A exceção IllegalOperationError é lançada quando um método não é implementado ou quando a implementação não abrange o uso atual. | |
IllegalOperationError(message:String) — Construtor, classe flash.errors.IllegalOperationError | |
Cria um novo objeto IllegalOperationError. | |
ILLEGAL_RUNTIME_ID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.automation.AutomationError | |
Defines the code for the error when the Flex automation mechanism encounters an illegal runtime ID. | |
ILocalizeableMessage — Interface, pacote com.adobe.fiber.styles | |
The ILocalizeableAspect class represents a single message aspect of a style used by Adobe application modeling technology. | |
ILocatorService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.locator | |
Defines a service for locating external services accessible from the Correspondence Management Solution Accelerator. | |
ILogDestination — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.logging | |
Service interface for log destinations. | |
ILogger — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging | |
The ILogger interface represents a logger. | |
ILogger — Interface, pacote mx.logging | |
All loggers within the logging framework must implement this interface. | |
ILoggingTarget — Interface, pacote mx.logging | |
All logger target implementations within the logging framework must implement this interface. | |
ILoginPage — Interface, pacote lc.foundation.ui | |
The ILoginPage interface is implemented for configuring and retrieving user login information. | |
image — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Image used as a watermark. | |
image — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.FileRenderer | |
The skin part for displaying an image. The skin part for displaying an image. | |
Image — classe, pacote coldfusion.service.mxml | |
The proxy class for image services exposed by ColdFusion. | |
Image — classe, pacote mx.controls | |
The Image control lets you import JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SWF files at runtime. | |
Image — classe, pacote spark.components | |
The Spark Image control is a skinnable component that provides a customizable loading state, chrome, and error state. | |
Image() — Construtor, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Image | |
Creates an instance of the Image class. | |
Image() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.Image | |
Constructor. | |
Image() — Construtor, classe spark.components.Image | |
Constructor. | |
IMAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for object type Image. | |
IMAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.TBXType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for an Image Module. | |
IMAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.media.MediaType | |
Uma única imagem. | |
IMAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.media.MediaType | |
The type constant for images. | |
ImageAssetPreviewRenderer — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | |
This class defines the preview pod shown for Image. | |
ImageAssetPreviewRenderer() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ImageAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
imageBlob — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ImageModule | |
The byte stream of the image | |
imageCaptionDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ImageEditor | |
A skin part that defines the image caption A skin part that defines the image caption | |
ImageCell — classe, pacote fl.controls.listClasses | |
A ImageCell é o renderizador de célula padrão do componente TileList. | |
ImageCell() — Construtor, classe fl.controls.listClasses.ImageCell | |
Cria uma nova ocorrência de ImageCell. | |
imageClass — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
The image class to use when inserting an image inline into the rich editable text area | |
imageClearHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
This method is called upon clicking the delete image button. | |
imageDecodingPolicy — Propriedade, classe flash.system.LoaderContext | |
Especifica se é necessário decodificar dados de imagem quando utilizados ou quando carregados. | |
ImageDecodingPolicy — classe final, pacote flash.system | |
A classe ImageDecodingPolicy fornece valores para imageDecodingPolicy na classe LoaderContext. | |
imageDisplay — Parte da capa, classe spark.components.Image | |
A required skin part that defines image content. A required skin part that defines image content. | |
imageDisplay — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.ImageSkin | |
Image imageDisplay skin part that contains the image content | |
imageDisplay — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.ImageSkin | |
Primary image display skin part. | |
ImageEditor — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | |
Editor to edit Image content | |
ImageEditor() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ImageEditor | |
Constructor. | |
ImageElement — classe, pacote org.osmf.elements | |
ImageElement is a media element specifically created for presenting still images. | |
ImageElement(resource:org.osmf.media:URLResource, loader:org.osmf.elements:ImageLoader) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.elements.ImageElement | |
Constructor. | |
imageFileBrowser_clickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
This method is called upon clicking the image browse button. | |
imageFileNameBrowser — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
The skin part for uploading an image for a project. The skin part for uploading an image for a project. | |
imageFileNameDelete — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
The skin part for deleting an image from a project. The skin part for deleting an image from a project. | |
imageFileNameLabel — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
The skin part for displaying the image label. The skin part for displaying the image label. | |
imageFileUploaderDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ImageEditor | |
A skin part that defines FileUploader component for uploading an image A skin part that defines FileUploader component for uploading an image | |
imageFilterBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.ContentLibrary | |
A skin part that defines image filter button A skin part that defines image filter button | |
ImageHandler — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | |
The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Image. | |
ImageHandler() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constructor. | |
imageHolder — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.ImageSkin | |
Container of the BitmapImage to be displayed | |
imageInvalidClass — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.ImageSkin | |
Specifies the FXG class to use in the "invalid" image state | |
ImageLoader — classe, pacote org.osmf.elements | |
ImageLoader is a loader that is capable of loading and displaying image files. | |
ImageLoader(checkPolicyFile:Boolean) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.elements.ImageLoader | |
Constructor. | |
ImageLoadingSkin — classe, pacote spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark Image skin progress bar preloader. | |
ImageLoadingSkin() — Construtor, classe spark.skins.spark.ImageLoadingSkin | |
Constructor. | |
imageModel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ImageEditor | |
The ImageModel instance currently being worked upon. | |
ImageModel — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The ImageModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Image. | |
ImageModule — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.vo | |
A value object for an image module. | |
ImageModule() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ImageModule | |
Constructor | |
ImageModuleInstance — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | |
This class is the runtime representation of the image module present in the letter. | |
ImageModuleInstance(moduleData:com.adobe.icc.dc.data:ModuleData, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, remod:com.adobe.icc.dc.data.reload:ReloadModule) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ImageModuleInstance | |
Constructor. | |
imagePadding — Estilo, classe fl.controls.listClasses.ImageCell | |
O preenchimento em pixels que separa a borda da célula da borda da imagem. | |
ImagePopUp — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | |
The host component to display an enlarged image. | |
ImagePopUp() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.ImagePopUp | |
The constructor for ImagePopUp class. | |
imagePrefix — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Prefix used for each image thumbnail file generated. | |
imagePreviewDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ImageEditor | |
A skin part that defines the image holding image's preview A skin part that defines the image holding image's preview | |
imagePreviewRenderer — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.preview.ContentHoverPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the factory used for displaying Image's preview on hover. A skin part that defines the factory used for displaying Image's preview on hover. | |
imageSelected() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.search.SearchDescriptorCardRendererModel | |
Dispatches a SearchTemplateEvent.SEARCH_OPEN event when the image on the search descriptor card is selected in Workspace. | |
imageSelected() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointCardRendererModel | |
Invokes the process when its image is selected. | |
imageSelected() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskCardRendererModel | |
Dispatches the TaskEvent.OPEN event when the image on the card for a task is clicked. | |
ImageSkin — classe, pacote spark.skins.mobile | |
ActionScript-based skin for the Image component in mobile applications. | |
ImageSkin — classe, pacote spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark Image component. | |
ImageSkin() — Construtor, classe spark.skins.mobile.ImageSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ImageSkin() — Construtor, classe spark.skins.spark.ImageSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ImageSnapshot — Classe dinâmica, pacote mx.graphics | |
A helper class used to capture a snapshot of any Flash component that implements flash.display.IBitmapDrawable, including Flex UIComponents. | |
ImageSnapshot(width:int, height:int, data:flash.utils:ByteArray, contentType:String) — Construtor, classe mx.graphics.ImageSnapshot | |
Constructor. | |
imageSourceResolveFunction — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.conversion.IHTMLImporter | |
Esta propriedade permite a especificação de uma função para modificar a propriedade de origem fornecida a um elemento <img>. | |
imageSourceResolveFunction — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextLayoutImporter | |
Esta propriedade permite a especificação de uma função para modificar a propriedade de origem fornecida a um elemento <img>. | |
imageUrl — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Process | |
The location of the image (as a URL) for the process. | |
imageUrl — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
The location of an image for the process instance. | |
IManaged — Interface, pacote mx.data | |
The IManaged interface provides the contract for a managed object. | |
IManagedObject — Interface, pacote lc.foundation.domain | |
The IManagedObject interface is to be implemented by all classes that are to be managed by Data Services and need to communicate with a Document Server. | |
IManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IManager interface serves as a base-interface for the framework manager objects that provide high-level application functionality. | |
IManager — Interface, pacote lc.foundation | |
The IManager interface is implemented to expose operations and properties related to the Document Server session. | |
IManifestElementHandler — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | |
Parse a <manifest> child element. | |
IManifestLoader — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | |
Service interface for loading manifest files. | |
IManifestParseContext — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest | |
Context interface for bundle manifest parsing. | |
IMarshalSystemManager — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
The IMarshalSystemManager interface defines the methods and properties that classes must implement if they want to access, add, and remove bridges to other applications in a cross-versioned configuration. | |
ime — Propriedade estática, classe flash.system.System | |
O IME do sistema instalado atualmente. | |
IME — classe final, pacote flash.system | |
A classe IME permite manipular diretamente o IME (editor de métodos de entrada) do sistema operacional no aplicativo de tempo de execução Flash em execução em um computador cliente. | |
IMeasurable — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.ui | |
Interface for visual components that implement a multiple-pass measurement protocol. | |
imeClient — Propriedade, classe flash.events.IMEEvent | |
Especifica um objeto que implementa a interface de IMEClient. | |
imeComposition — Evento, classe flash.system.IME | |
Despachado quando um usuário concluiu uma composição do IME (editor de métodos de entrada) e a string de leitura está disponível. | |
IME_COMPOSITION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.IMEEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento imeComposition. | |
IMEConversionMode — classe final, pacote flash.system | |
Esta classe contém constantes para uso com a propriedade IME.conversionMode. | |
IMediaContainer — Interface, pacote org.osmf.containers | |
Defines the interface of objects within the OSMF that act as a container to a media object. | |
IMEEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
Um objeto IMEEvent é despachado quando o usuário insere texto usando um editor de método de entrada (IME). | |
IMEEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, text:String, imeClient:flash.text.ime:IIMEClient) — Construtor, classe flash.events.IMEEvent | |
Cria um objeto Event com informações específicas pertinentes a eventos IME. | |
IMember — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | |
This interface defines the basic properties of a member. | |
IMemberCollection — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common | |
This interface defines an entity that has a collection of members associated with it. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Obtém ou define o modo do editor de métodos de entrada (IME). | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Obtém ou define o modo do editor de métodos de entrada (IME). | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
Obtém ou define o modo do editor de métodos de entrada (IME). | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.TextArea | |
Obtém ou define o modo do editor de métodos de entrada (IME). | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.TextInput | |
Obtém ou define o modo do editor de métodos de entrada (IME). | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Modo do editor de métodos de entrada (IME). | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.HTML | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.List | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Specifies the IME (Input Method Editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.TextArea | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.TextInput | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.core.FlexHTMLLoader | |
This is just a stub to support the interface. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IIMESupport | |
The IME mode of the component. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ComboBox | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
The default value for the GridColumn imeMode property, which specifies the IME (Input Method Editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Specifies the IME (Input Method Editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
Specifies the IME (Input Method Editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor | |
Specifies the IME (Input Method Editor) mode. | |
imeMode — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode. | |
IMenuBarItemRenderer — Interface, pacote mx.controls.menuClasses | |
The IMenuBarItemRenderer interface defines the interface that an item renderer for the top-level menu bar of a MenuBar control must implement. | |
IMenuDataDescriptor — Interface, pacote mx.controls.menuClasses | |
The IMenuDataDescriptor interface defines the interface that a dataDescriptor for a Menu or MenuBar control must implement. | |
IMenuItemRenderer — Interface, pacote mx.controls.menuClasses | |
The IMenuItemRenderer interface defines the interface that a menu item renderer for a Menu control must implement. | |
IMessage — Interface, pacote mx.messaging.messages | |
This interface defines the contract for message objects. | |
IMessageBus — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IMessageBus interface provides methods for handling inter-tile communication. | |
imeStartComposition — Evento, classe flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Este evento é despachado para qualquer aplicativo cliente que suporte a entrada incorporada com um IME | |
imeStartComposition — Evento, interface flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
Despachado quando o usuário começa a usar um IME (editor de método de entrada). | |
IME_START_COMPOSITION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.IMEEvent | |
Para controlar a entrada de texto IME, o receptor deve definir o campo imeClient do evento a um objeto que implementa a interface de IIMEClient. | |
imeStartCompositionHandler(event:flash.events:IMEEvent) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Processa o evento IMEEvent.IME_START_COMPOSITION quando o cliente gerencia eventos. | |
imeStartCompositionHandler(event:flash.events:IMEEvent) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Processa o evento IME_START_COMPOSITION quando o cliente gerencia eventos. | |
imeStartCompositionHandler(event:flash.events:IMEEvent) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IInteractionEventHandler | |
Processa um evento imeStartComposition | |
imeStartCompositionHandler(event:flash.events:IMEEvent) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
Processa um evento imeStartComposition | |
IMetadata — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IMetadata interface provides methods for querying the metadata elements. | |
IMetadataAvailable — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IMetadataAvailable interface provides methods for retrieving metadata about nodes in the DOM. | |
IMMEDIATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.data.SQLTransactionLockType | |
Especifica a opção de transação de bloqueio imediato. | |
IMMEDIATE_CHILDREN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms.SearchParameters | |
Specifies to fetch first-level children only. | |
ImmediateFaultToken — classe, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | |
ImmediateFaultToken is an implementation of IToken that simply calls the fault handlers "immediately" (on the next stack frame, so that recipients can add handlers to the token first). | |
ImmediateFaultToken(error:Error) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.ImmediateFaultToken | |
Constructor. | |
ImmediateSuccessToken — classe, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | |
ImmediateSuccessToken is an implementation of IToken that simply calls the success handlers "immediately" (on the next stack frame, so that recipients can add handlers to the token first). | |
ImmediateSuccessToken(... rest) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.ImmediateSuccessToken | |
Construct an ImmediateSuccessToken. | |
IModelInstance — Interface, pacote com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | |
The IModelInstance interface declares functions that expose metadata that depends on the instance state of value objects generated by Adobe application modeling technology. | |
IModelType — Interface, pacote com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | |
The IModelType interface declares functions that expose metadata information that does not depend on instance state of value objects generated by Adobe application modeling technology. | |
IModerator — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines a moderator of a stage. | |
IModule — Interface, pacote mx.modules | |
An interface that marks a class as being a module. | |
IModuleInfo — Interface, pacote mx.modules | |
An interface that acts as a handle for a particular module. | |
IModuleInstance — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | |
Domain model Interface corresponding to all data modules | |
IModuleResolverService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.module | |
Service for resolving modules into values that can be pushed into the PDF. | |
IModuleService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.module | |
Defines a service for Module management. | |
IMosaicComponent — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.skinning | |
The IMosaicComponent interface is implemented by composite application user-interface components. | |
IMosaicContainer — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.skinning | |
The IMosaicContainer interface is implemented by most composite application container, such as View, ViewManager, Panel, and Shell. | |
IMosaicNode — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IMosaicNode interface provides methods for retrieving information about nodes in the DOM. | |
impact — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.management.MBeanOperationInfo | |
The impact of the operation. | |
impl — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.dct.service.provider.DCTServiceProvider | |
Storage for the implementation Class of IDCTServiceProvider. | |
impl — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory.ContentDomainFactory | |
Instance of Content Domain Factory to create Domain Objects | |
impl — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.ProviderFactory | |
The IProviderFactory instance for which this class serves as a container. | |
impl — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.ServiceProvider | |
This property holds a reference to the implementation instance, which creates the service objects. | |
impl — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.service.RCAServiceProvider | |
This property holds a reference to the actual implementation instance which creates the service objects. | |
implementationVersion — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
Version of the implementation classes. | |
implementationVersion — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationClass2 | |
Version of the implementation classes. | |
implements — Instrução | |
Especifica se a classe implementa uma ou mais interfaces. | |
implementsInterfaces — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IService | |
The list of the interfaces this service implements. | |
import — Instrução | |
Torna externamente definidas as classes e pacotes disponíveis em seu código. | |
importAsset(importFilePath:String) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ImportExportManager | |
This function imports the package using the crx path by making a server call . | |
importAsset(dataDownload:com.adobe.icc.vo:DataDownload) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.services.export.IExportService | |
Imports all the assets from the zip file. | |
importAssetDefinition(assetType:int, bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, isCompressed:Boolean) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.services.export.IExportService | |
Reads the given XML data bytes (serialized asset bytes) and creates the corresponding asset object. | |
ImportAssets — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common | |
TitleWindow Host component for showing the Import Assets Pop Up. | |
ImportAssets() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.ImportAssets | |
Constructor. | |
IMPORT_BUSINESS_CALENDAR_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.foundation.events.ObjectResultEvent | |
A special value that specifies that the business calendars were imported. | |
importDate — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IDocument | |
Date when a document was imported in the workflow. | |
importDocument(evt:flash.events:Event) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.document.DocumentPod | |
This method imports a supporting document. | |
importedBy — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IDocument | |
Name of the user who imported the document in the workflow. | |
importerClass — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.conversion.FormatDescriptor | |
Retorna a classe usada para converter dados do formato. | |
ImportExportManager — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | |
A manager for managaging the asset import export functionality. | |
ImportExportManager() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ImportExportManager | |
Constructor. | |
importFilePath — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.ImportAssets | |
Gets Crx path of the package to be imported. | |
importFMLUploadButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars.DDToolbar | |
A skin part that defines a Button which imports fml. A skin part that defines a Button which imports fml. | |
ImportFMLView — classe, pacote com.adobe.dct.view | |
The ImportFMLView component is a TitleWindow that is shown(optionally) when an FML is imported for creating data dictionary. | |
ImportFMLView() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.dct.view.ImportFMLView | |
Constructor. | |
importFromString(markup:String, whiteSpaceCollapse:String) — Método estático , classe spark.utils.TextFlowUtil | |
Creates a TextFlow by importing (i.e., parsing) a String containing the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework. | |
importFromXML(markup:XML, whiteSpaceCollapse:String) — Método estático , classe spark.utils.TextFlowUtil | |
Creates a TextFlow by importing (parsing) XML that contains the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework. | |
importItemData(expectedVersion:String, archiveData:flash.utils:IDataInput) — método, classe mx.data.SQLiteOfflineAdapter | |
Imports archived changed items instance from the byte array, which typically comes from a file. | |
importItems(changedItems:mx.data:ChangedItems) — método, classe mx.data.SQLiteOfflineAdapter | |
Imports archived data items into the local cache. | |
importPackage() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
This method imports the assets from the zip file . | |
importPackage() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ImportExportManager | |
Calls the server for importing the package. | |
importPackage(dataDownload:com.adobe.icc.vo:DataDownload) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.services.export.IExportService | |
Fetches all the assets to be imported from the (.zip) file . | |
importPackage() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.ExportAssets | |
This function imports the package. | |
importPackage() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.ImportAssets | |
This function imports the package selected by the user. | |
importStageButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.StageBuilding | |
A reference to the Button object that is used to launch a dialog to import a stage. A reference to the Button object that is used to launch a dialog to import a stage. | |
importToFlow(source:Object) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextImporter | |
Importar conteúdo de texto de uma origem externa e convertê-lo em um TextFlow. | |
importToFlow(source:Object, format:String, config:flashx.textLayout.elements:IConfiguration) — Método estático , classe flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter | |
Cria um TextFlow do conteúdo de origem em um formato especificado. | |
importUrl(evt:flash.events:Event) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.document.DocumentPod | |
This method creates a dialog for importing a URL. | |
ImportUrlDialog — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.document | |
The host component for displaying import URL dialog. | |
ImportUrlDialog() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.document.ImportUrlDialog | |
The constructor for ImportUrlDialog class. | |
IMPORT_URL_EVENT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.event.DocumentPodEvent | |
This special constant denotes that import URL event. | |
importUrlHandler(event:com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.event:DocumentPodEvent) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.document.DocumentPod | |
The import URL handler. | |
importXSDUploadButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars.DDToolbar | |
A skin part that defines a Button which imports an XSD. A skin part that defines a Button which imports an XSD. | |
ImportXSDView — classe, pacote com.adobe.dct.view | |
The ImportXSDView component is a TitleWindow that is shown(optionally) when an XSD is imported for creating data dictionary. | |
ImportXSDView() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.dct.view.ImportXSDView | |
Constructor. | |
IMXMLObject — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IMXMLObject interface defines the APIs that a non-visual component must implement in order to work properly with the MXML compiler. | |
IMXMLSupport — Interface, pacote mx.rpc.mxml | |
Implementing this interface means that an RPC service can be used in an MXML document by using MXML tags. | |
in — Operador | |
Avalia se uma propriedade é parte de um objeto específico. | |
IN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.ComparisonOperator | |
The IN constant that represents the In list operator. | |
IN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.transitions.Transition | |
Constante para a propriedade direction que determina o tipo de atenuação. | |
IN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.effects.easing.EasingFraction | |
Specifies that the easing instance spends the entire animation easing in. | |
inactive — Estado da capa, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
The inactive state. This is the state when there is no content to scroll, which means maximum <= minimum. | |
inactive — Estado da capa, classe spark.components.TitleWindow | |
Inactive view state used for a TitleWindow when it, or all of its children, are not in focus. | |
INACTIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant.ProjectState | |
The initial state for a project or workitem is Inactive. | |
inactiveSelectionFormat — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
O objeto SelectionFormat usado para desenhar a seleção quando ela não estiver na janela ativa. | |
inactiveSelectionFormat — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
O objeto SelectionFormat usado para desenhar a seleção quando ela não estiver na janela ativa. | |
inactiveSelectionFormat — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
O formato de seleção inicial (SelectionFormat) de um fluxo de texto (TextFlow) quando sua janela estiver inativa. | |
inactiveSelectionFormat — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration | |
O formato de seleção inicial (SelectionFormat) de um fluxo de texto (TextFlow) quando sua janela estiver inativa. | |
inactiveTextSelectionColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The color of text when the component is disabled. | |
inactiveTextSelectionColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The color of text when the component is disabled. | |
inactiveTextSelectionColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The color of text when the component is disabled. | |
inactiveTextSelectionColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The color of text when the component is disabled. | |
inactiveTextSelectionColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.Scroller | |
The color of text when the component is disabled. | |
inactiveTextSelectionColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The color of text when the component is disabled. | |
inactiveTextSelectionColor — Estilo, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The color of text when the component is disabled. | |
inactiveTextSelectionColor — Estilo, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The color of text when the component is disabled. | |
inactiveWithControlBar — Estado da capa, classe spark.components.TitleWindow | |
Inactive view state with a control bar visible. | |
INavigatorComponent — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components | |
Interface implemented by a guide navigator skin part. | |
INavigatorContent — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The INavigatorContent interface defines the interface that a container must implement to be used as the child of a navigator container, such as the ViewStack, TabNavigator, and Accordion navigator containers. | |
inBufferSeek — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Especifica se os dados exibidos são armazenados em cache para a busca inteligente (TRUE), ou não (FALSE). | |
include — Instrução | |
Inclui o conteúdo do arquivo especificado, como se os comandos no arquivo fizessem parte do script de chamada. | |
INCLUDE_ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.PropertySpecifier | |
Special value for a PropertySpecifier mode to include all properties of an item. | |
includeCategory — Propriedade, classe mx.logging.targets.LineFormattedTarget | |
Indicates if the category for this target should added to the trace. | |
includeCommonVariables — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
A flag that indicates whether to include all common process variables in the search results. | |
includeContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.relation.RelationParameters | |
This parameter specifies whether the content has to be retrieved or not | |
includeContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SearchParameters | |
This parameter specifies whether content is to be retrieved. | |
includeContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms.SearchParameters | |
Specifies whether to retrieve content or not. | |
includeDate — Propriedade, classe mx.logging.targets.LineFormattedTarget | |
Indicates if the date should be added to the trace. | |
INCLUDE_DEFAULT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.PropertySpecifier | |
Special value for a PropertySpecifier mode to include properties based on the default configuration. | |
INCLUDE_DEFAULT_PLUS_LIST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.PropertySpecifier | |
Special value for a PropertySpecifier mode to include properties based on the default configuration, as well as additional properties specified in a list. | |
includeEmptyConditions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ContextData | |
True if nested empty conditions (nested conditional modules that produce no output) should be included in the resolved content list. | |
includeEmptyLists — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ContextData | |
True if nested empty lists (nested list modules that produce no output) should be included in the resolved content list. | |
includeEmptySections — Propriedade, classe ga.views.SectionListView | |
Specifies whether to include sections that do not include any panels in the view. | |
includeFile — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SearchParameters | |
A flag that indicaates whether to include the file reference by default in the search results. | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the parent container. | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IUIComponent | |
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the parent container. | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the parent container. | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the parent container. | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the parent container. | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the parent container. | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.layout.LayoutMetadata | |
When set to true (default), the target will participate in the layout process. | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the parent container. | |
includeInLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Specifies whether this element is included in the layout of the parent. | |
includeInRanges — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
If true, the computed range of the chart is affected by this canvas. | |
includeInRanges — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
If true, the computed range of the chart is affected by this canvas. | |
includeLevel — Propriedade, classe mx.logging.targets.LineFormattedTarget | |
Indicates if the level for the event should added to the trace. | |
INCLUDE_LIST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.PropertySpecifier | |
Special value for a PropertySpecifier mode to include only properties specified in a list. | |
includeMode — Propriedade, classe mx.data.PropertySpecifier | |
The mode of this PropertySpecifier, determining what properties should be included. | |
includeNavigationMinHeight — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Set the minimal height such that the navigation will collapse if the height is less than the value. | |
includeNavigationMinHeight — Propriedade, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Indicates the minimum height at which the Navigation part of the guide will still display. | |
includeNavigationMinWidth — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Set the minimal width such that the navigation container will collapse if the width is less than the value. | |
includeNavigationMinWidth — Propriedade, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Indicates the minimum width at which the Navigation part of the guide will still display. | |
includeNestedSections — Propriedade, classe ga.controls.MxTreeNav | |
Specifies if nested sections should be included in the tree. | |
includeNestedSections — Propriedade, classe ga.views.TreeView | |
Indicates if nested sections should appear in the tree. | |
INCLUDE_OPERATION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.messages.ManagedRemotingMessage | |
For simple invocation of a ManagedRemoteService method. | |
includeProcessVariables — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
A flag that indicates whether to include all process-specific variables in the search results. | |
includeProperty(propName:String) — método, classe mx.data.PropertySpecifier | |
Check if the given property should be included based on this specifier. | |
includeSpecifierString — Propriedade, classe mx.data.PropertySpecifier | |
Returns the value for DSincludeSpec. | |
includeTime — Propriedade, classe mx.logging.targets.LineFormattedTarget | |
Indicates if the time should be added to the trace. | |
INCManager — Interface, pacote fl.video | |
O INCManager é a interface de classes que criam o flash.net.NetConnection para a classe VideoPlayer. | |
iNCManagerClass — Propriedade estática, classe fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
Para fazer com que todos os objetos VideoPlayer usam sua classe personalizada como a implementação padrão de INCManager, defina a propriedade de iNCManagerClass como o nome de string ou objeto de classe da sua classe personalizada. | |
INCMANAGER_CLASS_UNSET — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.video.VideoError | |
Variável de estado indicando que não a classe INCManager não está definida. | |
INCOMPATIBLE_DATADICTIONARY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.events.AssetValidationFaultType | |
The AssetValidationFaultType.INCOMPATIBLE_DATADICTIONARY constant indicates that the data dictionary associated with the domain object isn't compatible and cannot be saved. | |
increment(baseValue:Object, incrementValue:Object) — método, classe spark.effects.interpolation.HSBInterpolator | |
Returns the result of the two RGB values added together as HSB colors. | |
increment(baseValue:Object, incrementValue:Object) — método, interface spark.effects.interpolation.IInterpolator | |
Given a base value and a value to add to it, return the result of that operation. | |
increment(baseValue:Object, incrementValue:Object) — método, classe spark.effects.interpolation.MultiValueInterpolator | |
Given a base value and a value to add to it, return the result of that operation. | |
increment(baseValue:Object, incrementValue:Object) — método, classe spark.effects.interpolation.NumberInterpolator | |
Given a base value and a value to add to it, return the result of that operation. | |
increment(baseValue:Object, incrementValue:Object) — método, classe spark.effects.interpolation.RGBInterpolator | |
Returns the result of the two values added together on a per-channel basis. | |
incrementButton — Parte da capa, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
An optional skin part that defines a button that, when pressed, steps the scrollbar down. This is equivalent to an increasing step to the value property. An optional skin part that defines a button that, when pressed, steps the scrollbar down. | |
incrementButton — Parte da capa, classe spark.components.Spinner | |
A skin part that defines the button that, when pressed, increments the value property by stepSize. A skin part that defines the button that, when pressed, increments the value property by stepSize. | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.HScrollBarSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.NumericStepperSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.SpinnerSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.wireframe.HScrollBarSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.wireframe.NumericStepperSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.wireframe.SpinnerSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.wireframe.VScrollBarSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollBarLargeSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperSkin | |
incrementButton — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarSkin | |
incrementBy(a:flash.geom:Vector3D) — método, classe flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Aumenta o valor dos elementos x, y e z do objeto Vector3D atual usando os valores dos elementos x, y e z de um objeto Vector3D especificado. | |
incrementCacheCounter() — método, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Increments the cache counter. | |
INCREMENT_COLLECTION_SIZE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.UpdateCollectionRange | |
Indicates an increase in the collection size. | |
INCREMENT_SATURATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DStencilAction | |
Incremente o valor de buffer de estêncil até 255, o valor máximo. | |
INCREMENT_WRAP — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DStencilAction | |
Incremente o valor de buffer de estêncil. | |
indent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
The indentation value to be applied when indenting modules in a Target (in Doc Composer) | |
indent — Propriedade, classe flash.text.TextFormat | |
Indica o recuo da margem esquerda para o primeiro caractere no parágrafo. | |
indent — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FileSystemComboBox | |
The number of pixels to indent each entry in the dropdown list. | |
indent — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData | |
The default indentation for this row of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
indent — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeListData | |
The default indentation for this row of the Tree control. | |
indentation — Estilo, classe mx.controls.Tree | |
Indentation for each tree level, in pixels. | |
indentation — Estilo, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The indentation for each node of the navigation tree, in pixels. | |
indentationDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.ModuleAssignmentEditor | |
A skin part that defines the indentation numeric stepper A skin part that defines the indentation numeric stepper | |
indentationDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListItemEditor | |
A skin part that defines the indentation numeric stepper A skin part that defines the indentation numeric stepper | |
indentationLevel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance | |
The level of indentation of the module with respect to the container holding the module instance. | |
indentationLevel — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance | |
The level of indentation of the module with respect to the container holding the module instance. | |
indentationLevel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListAssignmentModel | |
Specifies The indentation level for the target data module. | |
indentationLevel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleAssignmentModel | |
The indentationLevel property of the underlying value object. | |
indentationLevel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.LDMAssignment | |
Specifies The indentation level for the target data module. | |
indentationLevel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ModuleAssignment | |
Specifies the indentation level for the target data module. | |
indentLevel — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.NestedListSettings | |
A skin part which defines indent level input. A skin part which defines indent level input. | |
indeterminate — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
Obtém ou define um valor que indica o tipo de preenchimento que a barra de progresso utiliza e se a fonte de carregamento é conhecida ou desconhecida. | |
indeterminate — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Whether the ProgressBar control has a determinate or indeterminate appearance. | |
indeterminateBar — Estilo, classe fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
A classe a ser usada como um renderizador para a animação da barra indeterminada. | |
IndeterminateBar — classe, pacote fl.controls.progressBarClasses | |
A classe IndeterminateBar manipula o desenho do componente da barra de progresso quando o tamanho da origem que está sendo carregada é desconhecido. | |
IndeterminateBar() — Construtor, classe fl.controls.progressBarClasses.IndeterminateBar | |
Cria uma nova ocorrência do componente IndeterminateBar. | |
indeterminateMoveInterval — Estilo, classe mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
The number of pixels to move the indeterminate progress bar for each indeterminate loop. | |
indeterminateSkin — Estilo, classe fl.controls.progressBarClasses.IndeterminateBar | |
Nome da classe a ser usada como barra de progresso indeterminada. | |
indeterminateSkin — Estilo, classe fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
Nome da classe a ser usada como barra de progresso indeterminada. | |
indeterminateSkin — Estilo, classe mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Skin style for an indeterminate progress bar. | |
index — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuEvent | |
The index of the selected item when the event type is SELECT_ITEM. | |
index — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.events.TabLayoutEvent | |
The index of the tab target of this event. | |
index — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.listClasses.ListData | |
O índice do item no provedor de dados. | |
index — Propriedade, classe fl.events.ListEvent | |
Obtém o índice com base em zero da célula que contém o renderizador. | |
index — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
O valor de tempo exclusivo do quadro-chave na interpolação de movimento. | |
index — Propriedade, classe flash.display.ShaderInput | |
O índice com base em zero da entrada no shader, o que indica a ordem das definições de entrada no shader. | |
index — Propriedade, classe flash.display.ShaderParameter | |
O índice com base em zero do parâmetro. | |
index — Propriedade, classe flash.media.Camera | |
Um índice com base em zero que especifica a posição da câmera na matriz Camera.names, que enumera todas as câmeras disponíveis. | |
index — Propriedade, classe flash.media.Microphone | |
O índice do microfone, refletido na matriz retornada por Microphone.names. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.ChartItem | |
The index of the data from the series' data provider that the ChartItem represents. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesSegment | |
The index of this segment in the array of segments representing the line series. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
The index of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSelectionData | |
The index in the data provider of the selected item. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.AddChildAction | |
The index of the child within the parent. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.AddChildActionInstance | |
The index of the child within the parent. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.events.ColorPickerEvent | |
The zero-based index in the Color's data provider that corresponds to the color that was rolled over, rolled out of, or selected. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.events.FlexNativeMenuEvent | |
The index of the associated menu item within its parent menu or submenu. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.events.ItemClickEvent | |
The index of the associated navigation item. | |
index — Propriedade, classe mx.events.MenuEvent | |
The index of the associated menu item within its parent menu or submenu. | |
index — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.layout.LayoutMetadata | |
Defines the desired position of the target in the display list of its context. | |
index — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.qos.FragmentDetails | |
The index of the stream of which this fragment is a part | |
index — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.qos.PlaybackDetails | |
The index of the stream of which this fragment is a part | |
index — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.qos.QualityLevel | |
The index of the quality level | |
index — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.AddAction | |
The index of the child within the parent. | |
index — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AddActionInstance | |
The index of the child within the parent. | |
index — Propriedade, classe spark.events.ElementExistenceEvent | |
The index where the element was added or removed. | |
index — Propriedade, classe spark.events.RendererExistenceEvent | |
The index where the item renderer was added or removed. | |
INDEX — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.effects.AddAction | |
Constant used to specify the position to add the item relative to the object specified by the relativeTo property. | |
IndexBuffer3D — classe final, pacote flash.display3D | |
IndexBuffer3D é usado para representar listas de índices de vértice que compreendem elementos gráficos retidos pelo subsistema de gráficos. | |
IndexChangedEvent — classe, pacote mx.events | |
The IndexChangedEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an index changes. | |
IndexChangedEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, relatedObject:flash.display:DisplayObject, oldIndex:Number, newIndex:Number, triggerEvent:flash.events:Event) — Construtor, classe mx.events.IndexChangedEvent | |
Constructor. | |
IndexChangeEvent — classe, pacote spark.events | |
The IndexChangeEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an index changes in a Spark component. | |
IndexChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, oldIndex:int, newIndex:int) — Construtor, classe spark.events.IndexChangeEvent | |
Constructor. | |
indexOf(searchElement:any, fromIndex:int) — método, classe Array | |
Procura um item em uma matriz, usando a igualdade estrita (===), e retorna a posição de índice do item. | |
indexOf(val:String, startIndex:Number) — método, classe String | |
Pesquisa a string e retorna a posição da primeira ocorrência de val encontrada em ou após índiceInicial na string de chamada. | |
indexOf(searchElement:T, fromIndex:int) — método, classe Vector | |
Procura um item no Vector e retorna a posição do índice do item. | |
INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indica que um iterador saiu do intervalo ou que foi especificado um parâmetro inválido de mês, dia ou hora. | |
INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that an iterator went out of range or an invalid parameter was specified for month, day, or time. | |
indexReferences — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
To tune the speed of your application, set this property to false if you have a small number of fills or references to items managed by this DataManager from association properties of other items. | |
indexToColNum(columnIndex:int) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Returns the column number of a currently displayed column as it is currently displayed. | |
indexToColumn(index:int) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The column for the data provider item at the given index. | |
indexToColumn(index:int) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The column for the data provider item at the given index. | |
indexToItemRenderer(index:int) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Get an item renderer for the index of an item in the data provider, if one exists. | |
indexToItemRenderer(index:int) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Get an item renderer for the index of an item in the data provider, if one exists. | |
indexToRow(index:int) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The row for the data provider item at the given index. | |
indexToRow(index:int) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The row for the data provider item at the given index. | |
_indexToSwitchTo — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.traits.AlternativeAudioTrait | |
indicatorGap — Estilo, classe mx.containers.FormHeading | |
Number of pixels between the label area and the heading text. | |
indicatorGap — Estilo, classe mx.containers.Form | |
Number of pixels between the label and child components. | |
indicatorGap — Estilo, classe mx.containers.FormItem | |
Number of pixels between the label and child components of the form item. | |
indicatorSkin — Estilo, classe mx.containers.FormItem | |
Specifies the skin to use for the required field indicator. | |
indices — Propriedade, classe flash.data.SQLSchemaResult | |
Uma matriz das ocorrências SQLIndexSchema solicitadas em uma chamada de SQLConnection.loadSchema(). | |
indices — Propriedade, classe flash.display.GraphicsTrianglePath | |
Um Vector de inteiros ou índices, em que cada grupo de três índices define um triângulo. | |
indicesToIndex(rowIndex:int, colIndex:int) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Computes the offset into the data provider of the item at colIndex, rowIndex. | |
indicesToIndex(rowIndex:int, colIndex:int) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Computes the offset into the data provider of the item at colIndex, rowIndex. | |
Infinity — Propriedade da constante do pacote, Nível superior | |
Um valor especial que representa "Infinity" positivo. | |
-Infinity — Propriedade da constante do pacote, Nível superior | |
Um valor especial que representa "Infinity" negativo. | |
inflate(dx:Number, dy:Number) — método, classe flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Aumenta o tamanho do objeto Rectangle de acordo com as intensidades especificadas, em pixels. | |
inflate() — método, classe flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Descompacta a matriz de bytes usando o algoritmo de compactação deflate. | |
inflatePoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, classe flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Aumenta o tamanho do objeto Rectangle. | |
info — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Structure variable for relevant information, for example, “ #infoStruct#". | |
info(message:String, params:Object, actor:Object, error:Error) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.Logger | |
Log an INFO message. | |
info — Propriedade, classe fl.video.MetadataEvent | |
Um objeto com propriedades dinâmicas adicionadas dependendo do tipo de evento. | |
info — Propriedade, classe flash.events.NetDataEvent | |
Um objeto de dados que descreve a mensagem. | |
info — Propriedade, classe flash.events.NetStatusEvent | |
Um objeto com propriedades que descrevem o status ou condição de erro do objeto. | |
info — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetGroup | |
Retorna um objeto de NetGroupInfo cujas propriedades fornecem a estatística de Qualidade de Serviço relacionada ao transporte de dados ponto a ponto RTMFP deste NetGroup. | |
info — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Retorna um objeto NetStreamInfo cujas propriedades contêm estatísticas sobre a qualidade de serviço. | |
info() — método, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
Returns a block of key/value pairs that hold static data known to the module. | |
info — Propriedade, classe mx.events.MetadataEvent | |
For events off type ACTION_SCRIPT and CUE_POINT, the index of the cue point in the VideoDisplay.cuePoint Array. | |
info(message:String, ... rest) — método, interface mx.logging.ILogger | |
Logs the specified data using the LogEvent.INFO level. | |
info(msg:String, ... rest) — método, classe mx.logging.LogLogger | |
Logs the specified data using the LogEvent.INFO level. | |
info(message:String, ... rest) — método, classe org.osmf.logging.Logger | |
Logs a message with a "info" level. | |
info — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.StreamingItem | |
Returns an Object containing any custom information associated with the stream. | |
INFO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.LogLevel | |
Log level for low volume information of interest. | |
INFO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante associada ao valor de código de tecla do botão de informações. | |
INFO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.logging.LogEventLevel | |
Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. | |
INFO — Propriedade da constante, classe mx.messaging.management.MBeanOperationInfo | |
The operation is purely informational with no side-effects, read-only. | |
InfoAreaSkin — classe, pacote com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.skins | |
The skin for the GroupInformationArea renderer. | |
InfoAreaSkin() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.skins.InfoAreaSkin | |
Constructor. | |
Info_Icon — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManager | |
The constant specifying the Info Icon. | |
INFO_ICON — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util.AlertFormatter | |
This property refers to information icon. | |
INFORMATIONAL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.desktop.NotificationType | |
Especifica se um alerta de notificação é meramente informativo e se o usuário pode ignorá-lo com segurança. | |
INHERIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.FormatValue | |
Especifica que uma propriedade deve herdar o valor de seu pai. | |
inheritDocsFromParent — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
Defines the current value of inheritDocsFromParent flag. | |
inheritDocsFromParent — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
Defines the current value of inheritDocsFromParent flag. | |
inheritDocsFromParent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Defines the current value of inheritDocsFromParent flag. | |
inheritDocsFromParent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Defines the current value of inheritDocsFromParent flag. | |
inheritDocsFromParent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.ProjectVO | |
Defines the current value of inheritDocsFromParent flag. | |
inheritDocsFromParent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.WorkItemVO | |
Defines the current value of inheritDocsFromParent flag. | |
inheritingStyles — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IUITextField | |
The beginning of this UITextField's chain of inheriting styles. | |
inheritingStyles — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
The beginning of this component's chain of inheriting styles. | |
inheritingStyles — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
The beginning of this UITextField's chain of inheriting styles. | |
inheritingStyles — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
The beginning of this UITextField's chain of inheriting styles. | |
inheritingStyles — Propriedade, classe mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
An object containing the inheritable styles for this non-visual style client instance. | |
inheritingStyles — Propriedade, interface mx.styles.IStyleClient | |
An object containing the inheritable styles for this component. | |
inheritingStyles — Propriedade, classe mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
An object containing the inheritable styles for this component. | |
init(rootContent:flash.display:MovieClip, context:com.adobe.gravity.framework:IBundleContext, gravityCoreApplicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.init.IGravityFrameInit | |
Initialize whatever there is to be initialized in this frame. | |
init(topGroup:spark.components:Group, itemFactories:Array, tabIndex:int, tabOffset:int) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.AlignmentArea | |
Create the groups to represent an alignment area. | |
init(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Called when the guide is initalized. | |
init — Evento, classe fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Despachado quando as propriedades e os métodos de um arquivo SWF carregado estão acessíveis. | |
init — Evento, classe fl.containers.UILoader | |
Despachado quando as propriedades e os métodos de um arquivo SWF carregado estão acessíveis. | |
init — Evento, classe flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Despachado quando as propriedades e os métodos de um arquivo SWF carregado estão acessíveis e prontos para uso. | |
init(event:flash.events:Event) — método, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Called when the guide is initalized. | |
init(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Called when the guide is initalized. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.DragManagerAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedDataGridAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedDataGridBaseExAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedDataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedListBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.OLAPDataGridAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.OLAPDataGridGroupRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.AreaSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.AxisRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.BarSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.BubbleSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.CartesianChartAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.ChartBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.ColumnSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.HLOCSeriesBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.LegendAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.LegendItemAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.LineSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.PieSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.PlotSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.SeriesAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.AccordionAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.ApplicationAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.BoxAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.CanvasAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.DividedBoxAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.FormAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.FormItemAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.PanelAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.TabNavigatorAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.ViewStackAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.WindowedApplicationAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.WindowsAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.AlertAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.AlertFormAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ButtonAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ButtonBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.CheckBoxAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ColorPickerAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ComboBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.DataGridAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.DataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.DateChooserAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.DateFieldAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.FileSystemTreeAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.FlexNativeMenuAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.LabelAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.LinkBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.MenuAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.MenuBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.MenuBarItemAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.MenuItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.NavBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.NumericStepperAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.PopUpButtonAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ProgressBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.RadioButtonAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.SWFLoaderAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ScrollBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.SliderAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.TextAreaAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.TextInputAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.TileBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.TileListItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ToggleButtonBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ToolTipAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.TreeAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.TreeItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.VideoDisplayAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.fileSystemClasses.FileSystemDataGridNameColumnRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.core.ContainerAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.core.RepeaterAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.core.ScrollControlBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UITextFieldAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.ContainerMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.FlexContentHolderAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(styleManager:mx.styles:IStyleManager2) — Método estático , classe mx.charts.styles.HaloDefaults | |
Initializes the common values used by the default styles for the chart and element classes. | |
init — Evento, classe mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Dispatched when the properties and methods of a loaded SWF file are accessible. | |
init(value:String, title:String) — método, interface mx.managers.IBrowserManager | |
Initializes the BrowserManager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkApplicationAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkBorderContainerAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkButtonAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkButtonBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkButtonBarButtonAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkCheckBoxAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkComboBoxAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDataGridAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDataGroupAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDropDownListAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkFormAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkFormItemAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkGroupAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkImageAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkLabelAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkListAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkNavigatorContentAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkNumericStepperAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkPanelAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkPopUpAnchorAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkRadioButtonAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkRichEditableTextAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkSkinnableContainerAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkSkinnableDataContainerAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkSpinnerAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTabBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTextAreaAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTextInputAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTileGroupAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTitleWindowAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkToggleButtonAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkVideoDisplayAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkVideoPlayerAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkWindowAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkWindowedApplicationAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.gridClasses.SparkGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses.SparkMuteButtonAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses.SparkVolumeBarAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkButtonBarBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkButtonBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkDropDownListBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkGroupBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkListBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkRangeAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkScrollBarBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableComponentAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableContainerBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableTextBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSliderBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkTextBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkToggleButtonBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkTrackBaseAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultComplexItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultGridHeaderRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
init(root:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Método estático , classe spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkUITextFieldGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Registers the delegate class for a component class with automation manager. | |
INIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.Event | |
A constante Event.INIT define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento init. | |
initAdvancedLayoutFeatures() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Initializes the implementation and storage of some of the less frequently used advanced layout features of a component. | |
initChannelSet(message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — método, classe mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Used to automatically initialize the channelSet property for the MessageAgent before it connects for the first time. | |
initComplete() — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.init.GravityBootstrap | |
Called when initialization is complete. | |
initComplete() — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.init.GravityBootstrapWithProgress | |
initComplete — Evento, classe lc.procmgmt.AuthenticatingApplication | |
Dispatched after the Application object is initialized, processed by the LayoutManager object, and attached to the display list. | |
INIT_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleEvent | |
The initComplete event type. | |
INIT_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.FlexEvent | |
Dispatched when a Flex application finishes initialization. | |
initCompleteHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Event listener for the FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE event. | |
initCompleteHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Event listener for the FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE event. | |
initDataProvider() — método, classe ga.model.Section | |
Sets the instance manager and the data provider for this repeating panel | |
initEffect(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
This method is called if the effect was triggered by the EffectManager. | |
initEffect(event:flash.events:Event) — método, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
This method is called if the effect was triggered by the EffectManager. | |
initFilters(filterClasses:Array, gradientSubarrayLengths:Array, startFrame:int, endFrame:int) — método, classe fl.motion.MotionBase | |
Inicializa a lista de filtros para o objeto de destino e a copia para todas as ocorrências de Keyframe do objeto Motion. | |
initForHistoryManager() — método, interface mx.managers.IBrowserManager | |
Initializes the BrowserManager. | |
initialDestinationId — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Provides access to the initial destination this ChannelSet is used to access. | |
INITIAL_DETAILS_REPLY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.automation.events.MarshalledAutomationEvent | |
INITIAL_DETAILS_REQUEST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.automation.events.MarshalledAutomationEvent | |
initialHeight — Propriedade, classe mx.core.MovieClipLoaderAsset | |
Backing storage for the measuredHeight property. | |
initialIndex — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.DynamicStreamingResource | |
The preferred starting index. | |
initialIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoSource | |
The preferred starting index. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutFirstButtonSkin | |
??? | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutLastButtonSkin | |
??? | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutMiddleButtonSkin | |
??? | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmallSkin | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollBarLargeSkin | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterprisePanelSkin | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButtonSkin | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTitleWindowSkin | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToolPopUp | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initializationComplete() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
Finalizes the initialization of this component. | |
initialize() — método, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Inicializa o atualizador. | |
initialize() — método, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Inicializa o atualizador. | |
initialize() — método, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.IAssetHandler | |
initialize the Handler. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstance | |
The function that performs the initialization of the Letter instance.This should be called after form bridge has connected. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | |
initialize(val:com.adobe.portfolio.api:INavigatorHost) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.NavigatorHostInstance | |
Store the single INavigatorHost for the application This should be called during the handshaking between the host and the navigator. | |
initialize() — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.IAssetHandler | |
Initializes the handler. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.PermissionBasedAssetHandler | |
Initializes the handler. | |
initialize() — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.AssetManager | |
Initialization is not required if the client explicitly sets UserPermissions and loads assets using fetchAssetDescriptors(). | |
initialize() — Método estático , classe fl.lang.Locale | |
Determina automaticamente o idioma a ser usado e carrega o arquivo de idioma XML. | |
initialize() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentListModel | |
Initializes the model. | |
initialize() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.DesktopModel | |
Initializes the user preferences and displays the appropriate view depending on the user's start location. | |
initialize() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.presentationmodel.PresentationModel | |
Initializes the presentation model after the view bindings are processed to prevent view bindings from overriding the initial model state. | |
initialize() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
Initialize the model. | |
initialize() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointCardRendererModel | |
Initializes property bindings and sets the source for the card image. | |
initialize() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
Initializes the presentation model after the view bindings are processed to prevent view bindings from overriding the initial model state. | |
initialize() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.TrackingModel | |
Initializes the presentation model for the Tracking component and displays the processes the user participated in by process name. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Initialize the object. | |
initialize() — método, interface mx.core.IUIComponent | |
Initialize the object. | |
initialize — Evento, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction and has all initialization properties set. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Initializes the internal structure of this component. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Initializes this component. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
Initializes this component. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
Forces initialization of the DataStore. | |
initialize(success:Function, failed:Function) — método, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
Initializes the DataStore which involves initialization of metadata of all the attached ConcreteDataService instances. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.data.ManagedOperation | |
Initializes the managed operation throwing errors for any configuration problems that are encountered along the way. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.data.ManagedQuery | |
Initializes the managed operation throwing errors for any configuration problems that are encountered along the way. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.data.RPCDataManager | |
Forces initialization of the DataStore. | |
initialize — Evento, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction and has all initialization properties set. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Initialize the object. | |
initialize(sm:mx.managers:ISystemManager) — Método estático , classe mx.managers.HistoryManager | |
DEPRECATED - Initializes the HistoryManager. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Called by the Preloader after the download progress bar has been added as a child of the Preloader. | |
initialize() — método, interface mx.preloaders.IPreloaderDisplay | |
Called by the Preloader after the download progress bar has been added as a child of the Preloader. | |
initialize(showDisplay:Boolean, displayClassName:Class, backgroundColor:uint, backgroundAlpha:Number, backgroundImage:Object, backgroundSize:String, displayWidth:Number, displayHeight:Number, libs:Array, sizes:Array, rslList:Array, resourceModuleURLs:Array, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain) — método, classe mx.preloaders.Preloader | |
Called by the SystemManager to initialize a Preloader object. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Called by the Preloader after the download progress bar has been added as a child of the Preloader. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.rpc.AbstractService | |
Called to initialize the service. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.states.AddChild | |
IOverride interface method; this class implements it as an empty method. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.states.AddItems | |
IOverride interface method; this class implements it as an empty method. | |
initialize() — método, interface mx.states.IOverride | |
Initializes the override. | |
initialize() — método, classe mx.states.OverrideBase | |
initialize() — método, classe spark.preloaders.SplashScreen | |
Called by the Preloader after the download progress bar has been added as a child of the Preloader. | |
INITIALIZE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.INITIALIZE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a initialize event. | |
initializeAccessibility() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Initializes this component's accessibility code. | |
initializeApplication() — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Initializes either a "Transient" or "CADL" Application. | |
initializeCacheStore() — método, classe mx.data.DataServiceOfflineAdapter | |
Initialize the cacheId store. | |
initialized — Evento, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Despachado após a inicialização ter sido concluída. | |
initialized — Evento, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Despachado após a inicialização ter sido concluída. | |
initialized — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.acm.solutions.authoring.domain.extensions.ExtensionsConfigManager | |
The flag indicating whether the acmExtensionsConfig has been initialized from server. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper.AbstractServiceWrapper | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper.DataServiceWrapper | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Implementation of IMXMLObject initialized, makes a call to initializeApplication | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Catalog | |
Implementation of IMXMLObject initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
Implementation of IMXMLObject initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
Implementation of IMXMLObject initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
Uma chamada dos objetos MXML depois do objeto de implementação foi criada, e todas as propriedades componentes especificadas na tag de MXML foram inicializadas. | |
initialized — Evento, classe ga.model.PanelManager | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Initializes communication with Workspace. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Initializes communication with Workspace. | |
initialized — Propriedade estática, classe mx.automation.Automation | |
Contains true if the automation module has been initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Called automatically by the MXML compiler when the ListCollectionView is created using an MXML tag. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintColumn | |
Called automatically by the MXML compiler when the ConstraintColumn instance is created using an MXML tag. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintRow | |
Called automatically by the MXML compiler when the ConstraintRow instance is created using an MXML tag. | |
initialized — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout: commitment, measurement, and layout (provided that any were required). | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Implementation of the IMXMLObject.initialized() method to support deferred instantiation. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.core.DesignLayer | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, interface mx.core.IMXMLObject | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.core.MXMLObjectAdapter | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized. | |
initialized — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout: commitment, measurement, and layout (provided that any were required). | |
initialized — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout validation (provided that any were required). | |
initialized — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout validation (provided that any were required) | |
initialized — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout: commitment, measurement, and layout (provided that any were required). | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.logging.AbstractTarget | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all properties specified on the tag have been assigned. | |
initialized — Propriedade, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout validation (provided that any were required) This flag should only be modified by the LayoutManager. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all properties specified on the tag have been assigned. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPMultiService | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject | |
Called automatically by the MXML compiler if the RemoteObject is set up using a tag. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService | |
Called automatically by the MXML compiler if the WebService is setup using a tag. | |
initialized — Propriedade, classe mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout: commitment, measurement, and layout (provided that any were required). | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
The initialized method is called when this class or a class that extends this class is used in an MXML declaration. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe mx.validators.Validator | |
Called automatically by the MXML compiler when the Validator is created using an MXML tag. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe spark.components.RadioButtonGroup | |
Implementation of the IMXMLObject.initialized() method to support deferred instantiation. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Called automatically by the MXML compiler when the SpriteVisualElement is created using an MXML tag. | |
initialized — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransformInstance | |
If true, this single instance of the transform-related effects has already been initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe spark.preloaders.SplashScreenImage | |
Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized. | |
initialized(document:Object, id:String) — método, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Called automatically by the MXML compiler when the GraphicElement is created using an MXML tag. | |
INITIALIZED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe air.update.events.UpdateEvent | |
A constante UpdateEvent.INITIALIZED define o valor da propriedade de tipo do objeto de um evento inicializado. | |
INITIALIZED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe ga.model.GAEvent | |
Dispatched when a Guide initializes. | |
initializeDefaultCompareFunction(obj:Object) — método, interface mx.collections.ISortField | |
A helper function called by the Sort class to set the default comparison function to perform a comparison based on one of three things: whether or not a custom compare function has been set, the data type for the specified field or the the value of the numeric property. | |
initializeDefaultCompareFunction(obj:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.SortField | |
A helper function called by the Sort class to set the default comparison function to perform a comparison based on one of three things: whether or not a custom compare function has been set, the data type for the specified field or the the value of the numeric property. | |
initializeDefaultCompareFunction(obj:Object) — método, classe spark.collections.SortField | |
A helper function called by the Sort class to set the default comparison function to perform a comparison based on one of three things: whether or not a custom compare function has been set, the data type for the specified field or the the value of the numeric property. | |
initializeInterpolationData(srcCache:Array, dstCache:Array, iProps:Object, cacheType:Class, customData:Object) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Helper method to implement the interpolation effect. | |
initializeLocaleChain(compiledLocales:Array) — método, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Initializes the localeChain property of the ResourceManager using an algorithm that compares the operating system's list of user-preferred locales with the list of locales available in the SWF. | |
initializeOfflineMetadata(metadata:mx.data:Metadata) — método, classe mx.data.DataServiceOfflineAdapter | |
Initializes the offline cache. | |
initializeOfflineMetadata(metadata:mx.data:Metadata) — método, classe mx.data.SQLiteOfflineAdapter | |
Initializes the offline cache. | |
initializeOperation(operation:mx.rpc.soap:Operation) — método, classe mx.rpc.soap.WebService | |
Initializes a new Operation. | |
initializePadding() — método, classe ga.controls.HelpPanel | |
Sets the padding of the help panel component. | |
initializePlugin(resource:org.osmf.media:MediaResourceBase) — método, classe org.osmf.media.PluginInfo | |
Initialization method invoked by the media framework when this plugin is being initialized, and which provides the plugin the resource which was used to request the plugin. | |
initializeRepeater(container:mx.core:IContainer, recurse:Boolean) — método, interface mx.core.IRepeater | |
Initializes a new Repeater object. | |
initializeRepeater(container:mx.core:IContainer, recurse:Boolean) — método, classe mx.core.Repeater | |
Initializes a new Repeater object. | |
initializeRepeaterArrays(parent:mx.core:IRepeaterClient) — método, interface mx.core.IRepeaterClient | |
Initializes the instanceIndices, repeaterIndices, and repeaters properties. | |
initializeRepeaterArrays(parent:mx.core:IRepeaterClient) — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Initializes various properties which keep track of repeated instances of this component. | |
initializeService() — método, classe mx.data.ManagedRemoteService | |
Force initialization of the Managed Remote Service. | |
initializingGuide(guideSuperIn:mx.core:UIComponent, guideThisIn:mx.core:UIComponent, initDataIn:String) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Initializes the guide and prepares it for viewing. | |
initializingGuide(guideSuperIn:mx.core:UIComponent, guideThisIn:mx.core:UIComponent, initDataIn:String) — método, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Initializes the guide and prepares it for viewing. | |
initializingLabel — Propriedade estática, classe mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
The string to display as the label while in the initializing phase. | |
initialPosition — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.Animator3D | |
Estabelece as coordenadas x, y e z do objeto de exibição. | |
initialPosition — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Uma matriz de coordenadas que define o local inicial da animação. | |
initialQueue — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.QueuesManager | |
The initial queue of the QueuesManager object. | |
InitialQueue — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The InitialQueue class represents the initial queue on the Document Server. | |
InitialQueue() — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.InitialQueue | |
Constructor. | |
initials — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IUser | |
Initials of a user. | |
initials — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.User | |
Initials of a user. | |
initials — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.um.UserVO | |
Initials of this user. | |
initials — Propriedade, classe lc.foundation.domain.User | |
The middle initial(s) of the user. | |
initialWidth — Propriedade, classe mx.core.MovieClipLoaderAsset | |
Backing storage for the measuredWidth property. | |
initialXmlData — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.pdf.LetterPDFContainer | |
The initial xml data merged with PDF. | |
initiateDataChangeEffect(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Initiates a data change effect when there have been changes in the data provider. | |
initiateDataChangeEffect(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Initiates a data change effect when there have been changes in the data provider. | |
InitiateFromStartTaskCommand — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The InitiateFromStartTaskCommand class starts a new task from an existing task. | |
InitiateFromStartTaskCommand(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.commands.InitiateFromStartTaskCommand | |
Constructor. | |
initiateReview(reviewContext:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:ReviewContext, reviewDocument:mx.rpc.livecycle:DocumentReference, supportingDocs:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Initiates a review based on a specified review context. | |
initiateReview(reviewContext:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:ReviewContext, reviewDocument:mx.rpc.livecycle:DocumentReference, supportingDocs:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Initiates a review based on a specified review context. | |
initiateReview(reviewTemplate:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:ReviewTemplateVO, reviewDocument:com.adobe.livecycle.content:File) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.service.IReviewCommentingAndApproval | |
This method initiates a multi-stage process consisting of a creation, a review, or an approval stages on an asset. | |
initiateReview(reviewTemplate:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:ReviewTemplateVO, reviewDocument:com.adobe.livecycle.content:File) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl.ReviewCommentingAndApproval | |
This method initiates a multi-stage process consisting of a creation, a review, or an approval stages on an asset. | |
initiateReviewLongLived(reviewContext:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:ReviewContext, reviewDocument:mx.rpc.livecycle:DocumentReference, supportingDocs:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Initiates a review based on a review context. | |
initiateReviewLongLived(reviewContext:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:ReviewContext, reviewDocument:mx.rpc.livecycle:DocumentReference, supportingDocs:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Initiates a review based on a review context. | |
INITIATION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.CreatedAtType | |
Specifies that the participant was added when the review was initiated. | |
INITIATION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.CreatedAtType | |
The value specifies that the participant was added during review initiation. | |
initiationProcess — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.TasksTab | |
A reference to the ProcessComponent object that displays the details of an initiation process. This is displayed in case of custom task type only. A reference to the ProcessComponent object that displays the details of an initiation process. | |
initiator — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.Review | |
Specifies the initiator of the review. | |
initiator — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies the initiator of the review. | |
initiator — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
Initiator of a review. | |
initiator — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Initiator of a review. | |
initiator — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewContextVO | |
Initiator of the review. | |
initiator — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
The initiator of the process instance. | |
Initiator — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | |
Defines the properties of an initiator of a review. | |
Initiator — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | |
This class defines an initiator in a review workflow. | |
Initiator() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.Initiator | |
Constructor. | |
Initiator(value:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:InitiatorVO) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Initiator | |
The constructor for Initiator class. | |
INITIATOR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.RecipientType | |
Specifies that a reminder is sent to the initiator of the review. | |
INITIATOR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant.Roles | |
The role of an initiator in a review workflow. | |
INITIATOR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.RecipientType | |
The property specifies that reminder is sent to the initiatior of the review. | |
initiatorId — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
The identifier of the initiator who started the process instance. | |
INITIATOR_ROLE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewSearchFilter | |
Specifies the initiator role. | |
InitiatorVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | |
Represents the initiator of a review. | |
InitiatorVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.InitiatorVO | |
The constructor for InitiatorVO class. | |
initInstance(inst:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — método, classe mx.charts.effects.SeriesSlide | |
Copies properties of the effect to the effect instance. | |
initInstance(instance:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — método, classe mx.effects.Effect | |
Copies properties of the effect to the effect instance. | |
initListData(item:Object, adgListData:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridListData) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Initializes an AdvancedDataGridListData object that is used by the AdvancedDataGrid item renderer. | |
initListData(item:Object, treeListData:mx.controls.treeClasses:TreeListData) — método, classe mx.controls.Tree | |
Initializes a TreeListData object that is used by the tree item renderer. | |
INIT_MANAGER_REQUEST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.InterManagerRequest | |
Ask the other ApplicationDomain to instantiate a manager in that ApplicationDomain (if it is not already instantiated) so it is available to listen to subsequent InterManagerRequests. | |
initMaskEffect() — método, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Initializes the move and scale properties of the effect. | |
initMethod — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IService | |
The initialization method. | |
INIT_PROGRESS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.FlexEvent | |
Dispatched when the Flex application completes an initialization phase, as defined by calls to the measure(), commitProperties(), or updateDisplayList() methods. | |
initProgressHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Event listener for the FlexEvent.INIT_PROGRESS event. | |
initProgressHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Event listener for the FlexEvent.INIT_PROGRESS event. | |
initProgressTotal — Propriedade, classe mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
The total number of validation events you expect to get in the initializing phase. | |
initProgressTotal — Propriedade, classe mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
The total number of validation events you expect to get in the initializing phase. | |
initProtoChain() — método, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Sets up the inheritingStyles and nonInheritingStyles objects and their proto chains so that the getStyle() method can work. | |
initProtoChain() — método, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Sets up the inheritingStyles and nonInheritingStyles objects and their proto chains so that the getStyle() method can work. | |
initProtoChain() — método, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
Sets up the inheritingStyles and nonInheritingStyles objects and their proto chains so that the getStyle() method can work. | |
initProtoChain() — método, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
Sets up the inheritingStyles and nonInheritingStyles objects and their proto chains so that the getStyle() method can work. | |
injector(target:Object, propertyName:String) — Função do pacote, com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | |
A convenience method for a success handler. | |
InlineGraphicElement — classe final, pacote flashx.textLayout.elements | |
A classe InlineGraphicElement gerencia objetos gráficos exibidos linearmente no texto. | |
InlineGraphicElement() — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement | |
Construtor – cria um novo objeto InlineGraphicElement | |
InlineGraphicElementStatus — classe final, pacote flashx.textLayout.elements | |
A classe InlineGraphicElementStatus define um conjunto de constantes para verificar o valor de InLineGraphicElement.status. | |
inlineGraphicResolverFunction — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
Especifica o callback usado para resolver um elemento gráfico em linha. | |
inlineGraphicResolverFunction — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration | |
Especifica o callback usado para resolver um elemento gráfico em linha. | |
INLINE_GRAPHIC_STATUS_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.events.StatusChangeEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento inlineGraphicStatusChanged. | |
inlineGraphicStatusChanged — Evento, classe flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Despachado quando um InlineGraphicElement for redimensionado por ter a largura ou a altura definida como automática ou porcentagem e quando o gráfico terminar de ser carregado. | |
inlineGraphicStatusChanged — Evento, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
Despachado quando um InlineGraphicElement for redimensionado por ter a largura ou a altura definida como automática ou porcentagem e quando o gráfico terminar de ser carregado. | |
inner — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
Indica se a sombra é ou não uma sombra interna. | |
inner — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.GlowFilter | |
Especifica se o brilho é um brilho interno. | |
inner — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Glow | |
Specifies whether the glow is an inner glow. | |
inner — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.GlowInstance | |
The inner flag of the glow. | |
inner — Propriedade, classe spark.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
Specifies whether the glow is an inner glow. | |
inner — Propriedade, classe spark.filters.GlowFilter | |
Specifies whether the glow is an inner glow. | |
INNER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.filters.BitmapFilterType | |
Define a configuração que aplica um filtro à área interna de um objeto. | |
innerHeight — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.TileList | |
Obtém a altura da área de conteúdo, em pixels. | |
innerJoinOperator — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SearchFilter | |
Operator used to join this searchfilter with it's nested innerSearchFilters | |
innerJoinOperator — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies the operator that is used to join the search filter with its nested, inner search filters. | |
innerRadius — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
A number from 0 to 1 specifying the distance from the center of the series to the inner edge of the rendered wedges, as a percentage of the total radius assigned to the series. | |
innerRadius — Estilo, classe mx.charts.PieChart | |
Determines the size of the hole in the center of the pie chart. | |
innerRadius — Estilo, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressSpinner | |
innerRadius — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem | |
The distance of the inner edge of this wedge from its origin, measured in pixels. | |
innerRadius — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
Accessor for innerRadius value | |
innerSearchFilters — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SearchFilter | |
Nested list of search filters which will be inner-joined (using innerJoinOperator) to the parent searchfilter (this). | |
innerSearchFilters — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a nested list of search filters that are inner-joined to the parent search filter. | |
innerStatement — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Inner statement for this statement. | |
innerWidth — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.TileList | |
Obtém a largura da área de conteúdo, em pixels. | |
INode — Interface, pacote ga.util | |
For internal use only. | |
IN_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.effects.easing.EasingFraction | |
Specifies that an easing instance that eases in for the first half and eases out for the remainder. | |
IN_PROGRESS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant.ProjectState | |
A project or workitem move to the Pending state before it starts. | |
input — Propriedade, classe flash.display.ShaderInput | |
Os dados de entrada usados durante a execução do shader. | |
INPUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.TextFieldType | |
Utilizada para especificar um TextField input. | |
INPUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante associada ao valor de código de tecla do botão da entrada de ciclos. | |
inputFieldStyleFilters — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Set of styles to pass from the NumericStepper to the input field. | |
inputFiles — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Structure that maps the PDF source files to the input variables in the DDX file, or a string of elements and their pathname. | |
inputFormat — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.DateValidator | |
The date format to validate the value against. | |
inputMode — Propriedade estática, classe flash.ui.Multitouch | |
Identifica o modo de multitoque de manipulação de eventos de gesto e toque. | |
inScopeNamespaces() — método, classe XML | |
Lista os namespaces do objeto XML, com base no pai do objeto. | |
insert(sub:String, str:String, pos:int) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Inserts a substring in a string after a specified character position. | |
insert — Evento, classe flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Despachado quando os dados em qualquer tabela, em qualquer banco de dados conectado, são alterados como resultado de um comando SQL INSERT. | |
insert(item:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor | |
Inserts the specified item before the cursor's current position. | |
insert(item:Object) — método, interface mx.collections.IViewCursor | |
Inserts the specified item before the cursor's current position. | |
INSERT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.SQLUpdateEvent | |
A constante SQLUpdateEvent.INSERT define o valor da propriedade type de um evento insert do SQLConnection. | |
INSERT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante associada ao valor de código de tecla da tecla Insert (45). | |
insertAfter(value:any, prev:mx.utils:LinkedListNode) — método, classe mx.utils.LinkedList | |
Inserts new node after a previously existing node. | |
insertAt(index:int, element:any) — método, classe Array | |
Inserir um único elemento em uma matriz. | |
insertAt(index:int, element:T) — método, classe Vector | |
Inserir um único elemento no Vector. | |
insertBefore(node:flash.xml:XMLNode, before:flash.xml:XMLNode) — método, classe flash.xml.XMLNode | |
Insere um novo nó filho na lista de filhos do objeto XML, antes do nó beforeNode. | |
insertBefore(value:any, next:mx.utils:LinkedListNode) — método, classe mx.utils.LinkedList | |
Inserts new node before a previously existing node. | |
insertButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanelToolBar | |
A skin part that defines a Button which inserts a Data Element. A skin part that defines a Button which inserts a Data Element. | |
insertButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement | |
A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for adding a data element. A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for adding a data element. | |
insertButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars.ExpressionsPanelToolBar | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Insert Button. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Insert Button. | |
insertButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars.FunctionsPanelToolBar | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Insert Button. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Insert Button. | |
INSERT_BUTTON_CLICKED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.dct.event.DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent | |
Constant indicating click event for Insert Button. | |
insertButtonEnablementFunction — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
The enable function for insert button which can be provided from outside. | |
insertButtonEnablementFunction — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanelToolBar | |
Function that determines the enabled state of Insert button. | |
insertChildAfter(child1:Object, child2:Object) — método, classe XML | |
Insere o parâmetro child2 especificado após o parâmetro child1 neste objeto XML e retorna o objeto resultante. | |
insertChildBefore(child1:Object, child2:Object) — método, classe XML | |
Insere o parâmetro child2 especificado antes do parâmetro child1 neste objeto XML e retorna o objeto resultante. | |
insertDataElement — Evento, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Dispatched when the Insert button is clicked or mouse is double clicked. | |
insertFreeFormTexBtn — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.FreeTextSettings | |
The insert free form text button. | |
insertFreeFormTexBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.TargetAreaRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the insert free form text button. A skin part that defines the insert free form text button. | |
insertGraphicButton — Parte da capa, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
INSERT_GRAPHIC_CLICKED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.TextEditingConstants | |
INSERT_IMAGE_CLICKED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.TextEditingConstants | |
insertInlineGraphic(source:Object, width:Object, height:Object, options:Object, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Insere uma imagem. | |
insertInlineGraphic(source:Object, width:Object, height:Object, options:Object, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Insere uma imagem. | |
InsertInlineGraphicOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe InsertInlineGraphicOperation encapsula a inserção de um gráfico inline em um fluxo de texto. | |
InsertInlineGraphicOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, source:Object, width:Object, height:Object, options:Object) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertInlineGraphicOperation | |
Cria um objeto InsertInlineGraphicsOperation. | |
insertInstance(index:int, copy:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost | |
insert instance into the data provider | |
INSERT_INTO_COLLECTION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.UpdateCollectionRange | |
Indicates a range of items have been inserted into the collection. | |
insertLinkButton — Parte da capa, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
INSERT_LINK_CLICKED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.TextEditingConstants | |
insertNewLineBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.TargetAreaRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the insert new line button. A skin part that defines the insert new line button. | |
insertNewLineBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ModuleItemRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the insert new line button. A skin part that defines the insert new line button. | |
insertNewLines — Propriedade, classe mx.utils.Base64Encoder | |
A Boolean flag to control whether the sequence of characters specified for Base64Encoder.newLine are inserted every 76 characters to wrap the encoded output. | |
insertPosition — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.InstanceCache | |
The position of the instance in the parent's child list. | |
insertSelectedItem — Evento, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.AdvanceDataElementsPanel | |
Dispatched when the Insert button is clicked. | |
insertSelectedItem — Evento, interface com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.IVariablePanel | |
The event dispatched when the Insert button is clicked. | |
insertSelectedItem — Evento, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.controls.FunctionsPanel | |
The event dispatched when the Insert button is clicked. | |
insertSelectedItem — Evento, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars.EBToolBar | |
The event dispatched when the Insert button is clicked. | |
insertSelectedItem — Evento, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars.ExpressionsPanelToolBar | |
The event dispatched when the Insert button is clicked. | |
insertSelectedItem — Evento, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars.FunctionsPanelToolBar | |
The event dispatched when the Insert button is clicked. | |
insertSelectedItem — Evento, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.view.ExpressionBuilder | |
The event dispatched when the Insert button is clicked. | |
INSERT_SELECTED_ITEM — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.events.ExpressionInsertEvent | |
The ExpressionInsertEvent.INSERT_SELECTED_ITEM constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the agent clicks the Insert button of a Function and Expression Toolbar in Expression Builder UI. | |
insertText(text:String, origOperationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Insere o texto. | |
insertText(text:String, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Insere o texto. | |
insertText(text:String) — método, classe spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Inserts the specified text into the RichEditableText as if you had typed it. | |
insertText(text:String) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Inserts the specified text into the text component as if you had typed it. | |
insertText(text:String) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Inserts the specified text into the text component as if you had typed it. | |
insertText(text:String) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Inserts the specified text into the text component as if you had typed it. | |
insertText(text:String) — método, interface spark.core.IEditableText | |
Inserts the specified text into the text component as if you had typed it. | |
InsertTextOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe InsertTextOperation encapsula uma operação de inserção de texto. | |
InsertTextOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, text:String, deleteSelectionState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertTextOperation | |
Cria um objeto InsertTextOperation. | |
INSERT_URL_CLICKED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.TextEditingConstants | |
insertVariable(variable:com.adobe.icc.vo:Variable) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControl | |
The function called when a protected or unprotected variable is inserted in the text content. | |
INSET — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.components.ContentBackgroundAppearance | |
Applies a shadow and mask to the contentGroup. | |
INSIDE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStylePosition | |
O marcador aparecerá incorporado com o item de lista. | |
insideCutoff — Propriedade, classe flash.text.CSMSettings | |
O valor limite interno, acima do qual as densidades são definidas como um valor máximo de densidade (como 255). | |
insideLabelSizeLimit — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Specifies the font size threshold, in points, below which inside labels are considered illegible. | |
installActions(name:String, data:String) — Método estático , classe adobe.utils.CustomActions | |
Instala um novo arquivo de definições XML de ações personalizadas indicado pelo parâmetro de nome. | |
installBundle(bundleBuilder:com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest:IBundleBuilder) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IManifestParseContext | |
Install a completed bundle definition. | |
installBundlesFromURL(bundleManifestLocation:String, allowCodeImport:Boolean, autoStart:Boolean) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundleContext | |
Install all bundles in the specified bundle manifest. | |
installBundlesFromXML(bundleManifest:XML, allowCodeImport:Boolean, autoStart:Boolean, baseUrl:String) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundleContext | |
Install all bundles in the specified bundle manifest. | |
installCompiledResourceBundles(applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, locales:Array, bundleNames:Array, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Creates instances of all ResourceBundle subclasses that were compiled into the SWF and adds them to the ResourceManager. | |
INSTALLED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.gravity.framework.BundleConstants | |
The bundle has been installed but not resolved or started. | |
installFromAIRFile(file:flash.filesystem:File) — método, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Inicia o processo de atualização usando um arquivo AIR local. | |
installFromAIRFile(file:flash.filesystem:File) — método, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Inicia o processo de atualização usando um arquivo AIR local. | |
installInterface(interfaceBuilder:com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest:IInterfaceBuilder) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IManifestParseContext | |
Install a completed interface SWF definition. | |
installUpdate() — método, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Instala o arquivo de atualização. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.dct.model.Model | |
Get the singleton instance. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.providers.ContentServiceProvider | |
Singleton instance of the Service Provider | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.model.Model | |
Gets the single instance of the Model class. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.manager.AuditManager | |
This method returns a reference to an instance of AuditManager. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.manager.CommentManager | |
This method returns a reference to an instance of CommentManager. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.manager.ProcessManager | |
This method returns a reference to an instance of ProcessManager. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl.UserManager | |
This operation is used when a single instance of this class is to be shared across the application. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
The singleton instance of the Guide layout. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
Returns the singleton instance of this model. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe ga.model.PanelManager | |
Returns a single instance of the PanelManager class. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe ga.views.DynamicSectionView | |
The common instance of this class. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe ga.views.PanelListView | |
The common instance of this class. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe ga.views.SectionListView | |
The common instance of this class. | |
instance — Propriedade estática, classe ga.views.TreeView | |
The common instance of this class. | |
InstanceCache — classe, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
InstanceCache is a utility that governs the task of creating and managing a set of n object instances, where n changes frequently. | |
InstanceCache(type:Object, parent:Object, insertPosition:int, moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — Construtor, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.InstanceCache | |
Constructor. | |
instanceClass — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Effect | |
An object of type Class that specifies the effect instance class class for this effect class. | |
instanceFactoryClass — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Ao criar instâncias com ActionScript, esta é a classe que cria a instância. | |
instanceId — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
Defines the instance ID of the workflow associated with a workItem. | |
instanceId — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Defines the instance ID of the workflow associated with a workItem. | |
instanceId — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.WorkItemVO | |
Defines the instance ID of the workflow associated with a workItem. | |
instanceIndex — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
The index of a repeated component. | |
instanceIndices — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IRepeaterClient | |
An Array that contains the indices required to reference the repeated component instance from its document. | |
instanceIndices — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
An Array containing the indices required to reference this UIComponent object from its parent document. | |
instanceName — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.Source | |
Indica o nome da ocorrência especificado para o clipe de filme a partir do qual a ocorrência Motion foi gerada. | |
instanceof — Operador | |
Avalia se uma cadeia de protótipos de expressão inclui o objeto de protótipo para function. | |
instances — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.InstanceCache | |
The Array of cached instances. | |
instructions — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ITask | |
The instructions to complete the task. | |
instructions — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The task instructions. | |
instructions — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskInfoModel | |
The set of instructions to complete the task. | |
INSTRUCTIONS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.Property | |
The INSTRUCTIONS constant specifies the task property named instructions. | |
InsufficientBandwidthRule — classe, pacote org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming | |
InsufficientBandwidthRule is a switching rule that switches down when the bandwidth is insufficient for the current stream. | |
InsufficientBandwidthRule(metrics:org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming:RTMPNetStreamMetrics, bitrateMultiplier:Number) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming.InsufficientBandwidthRule | |
Constructor. | |
InsufficientBufferRule — classe, pacote org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming | |
InsufficientBufferRule is a switching rule that switches down when the buffer has insufficient data. | |
InsufficientBufferRule(metrics:org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming:RTMPNetStreamMetrics, minBufferLength:Number) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming.InsufficientBufferRule | |
Constructor. | |
INSUFFICIENT_WIDTH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.TextLineCreationResult | |
Indica que nenhuma linha foi criada porque nenhum texto coube na largura especificada e fitSomething não foi especificado na chamada de createTextLine(). | |
int(value:Number) — Função do pacote, Nível superior | |
Converte um valor numérico especificado em um valor inteiro. | |
int — classe final, Nível superior | |
A classe int permite trabalhar com o tipo de dados que representa um inteiro assinado de 32 bits. | |
int(num:Object) — Construtor, classe int | |
Construtor, cria um novo objeto int. | |
INT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.ShaderParameterType | |
Indica que o parâmetro do shader é definido como um valor int, equivalente a uma ocorrência exclusiva de int ou de uint no ActionScript. | |
INT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.validators.NumberValidatorDomainType | |
Specifies to validate an integer number. | |
INT2 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.ShaderParameterType | |
Indica que o parâmetro do shader é definido como um valor int2, equivalente a uma matriz com duas ocorrências de int ou de uint no ActionScript. | |
INT3 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.ShaderParameterType | |
Indica que o parâmetro do shader é definido como um valor int3, equivalente a uma matriz com três ocorrências de int ou de uint no ActionScript. | |
INT4 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.ShaderParameterType | |
Indica que o parâmetro do shader é definido como um valor int4, equivalente a uma matriz com quatro ocorrências de int ou de uint no ActionScript. | |
integerError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.NumberValidator | |
Error message when the number must be an integer, as defined by the domain property. | |
InteractionInputType — classe, pacote fl.events | |
A classe InteractionInputType define constantes para os valores da propriedade triggerEvent do objeto SliderEvent. | |
interactionManager — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
O InteractionManager associado a este objeto TextFlow. | |
interactionManager — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
O InteractionManager associado a este objeto TextFlow. | |
interactionManagerChanged(newInteractionManager:flashx.textLayout.edit:ISelectionManager) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
Chamado pelo TextFlow quando o gerenciador de interações muda. | |
interactionManagerChanged(newInteractionManager:flashx.textLayout.edit:ISelectionManager) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
Chamado pelo TextFlow quando o gerenciador de interações muda. | |
interactionMode — Estilo, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
The primary interaction mode for this component. | |
InteractionMode — classe final, pacote mx.core | |
The InteractionMode class defines the alues for the interactionMode property of the UIComponent class. | |
InteractionState — classe final, pacote spark.components.supportClasses | |
Values for the state property of the InteractionStateDetector class. | |
InteractionStateDetector — classe, pacote spark.components.supportClasses | |
A helper class for components to use to help them determine if they should be in the up, over, or down states. | |
InteractionStateDetector(component:mx.core:UIComponent) — Construtor, classe spark.components.supportClasses.InteractionStateDetector | |
Constructor | |
interactive — Propriedade, classe flash.events.FullScreenEvent | |
Indica se o objeto Palco está no modo de tela cheia interativa (true) ou não (false). | |
interactive — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A flag that indicates whether the form is an interactive form. | |
interactive — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Determines whether data tips appear when users interact with chart data on the screen. | |
InteractiveIcon — classe, pacote flash.desktop | |
A classe InteractiveIcon é a classe base para os ícones do sistema operacional associados a aplicativos. | |
InteractiveObject — classe, pacote flash.display | |
A classe InteractiveObject é a classe base abstrata de todos os objetos de exibição com os quais o usuário pode interagir usando o mouse, o teclado e outro dispositivo de entrada. | |
InteractiveObject() — Construtor, classe flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Chamar o construtor InteractiveObject() lança uma exceção ArgumentError. | |
interactivePdfBackgroundLoadDelay — Propriedade, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Indicates the delay, in milliseconds, of a background load of the interactive pdf should be. | |
interactivePdfLoad — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Indicates when the load of the interactive pdf should happen. | |
interactivePdfLoad — Propriedade, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Indicates when the load of the interactive pdf should happen. | |
interactivePdfLoad — Propriedade, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Indicates when the load of the interactive pdf should happen. | |
interactivePdfUrl — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Provides the url to retreive the interactive pdf from. | |
interactivePdfUrl — Propriedade, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Provides the url to retreive the interactive pdf from. | |
interactivePdfUrl — Propriedade, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Provides the url to retreive the interactive pdf from. | |
interactivePdfValidate — Propriedade, classe ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
Indicates whether to run validation before flipping to the interactive PDF document view. | |
interAppDataToMainApp — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.MarshalledAutomationEvent | |
Contains Object which represents the result details for findObjectIDs. | |
interAppDataToSubApp — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.MarshalledAutomationEvent | |
Contains string which represents the descriptionXML details for findObjectIDs. | |
InterDragManagerEvent — classe, pacote mx.events | |
An event sent between DragManagers that are in separate but trusted ApplicationDomains to handle the dispatching of DragEvents to the drag targets. | |
InterDragManagerEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, localX:Number, localY:Number, relatedObject:flash.display:InteractiveObject, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, buttonDown:Boolean, delta:int, dropTarget:flash.display:DisplayObject, dragEventType:String, dragInitiator:mx.core:IUIComponent, dragSource:mx.core:DragSource, action:String, draggedItem:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.events.InterDragManagerEvent | |
Constructor. | |
interface — Instrução | |
Define uma interface. | |
InterfaceAddress — classe, pacote flash.net | |
A classe InterfaceAddress informa as propriedades de um endereço de interface de rede. | |
interfaceName — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IInterface | |
Returns the interface name String. | |
InterManagerRequest — classe, pacote mx.events | |
This is an event that is sent between ApplicationDomains to notify trusted listeners about activity in a particular manager. | |
InterManagerRequest(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, name:String, value:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.events.InterManagerRequest | |
Constructor. | |
internal — Instrução | |
Especifica que uma classe, variável, constante ou função está disponível para qualquer chamador no mesmo pacote. | |
InternalConfig — classe, pacote coldfusion.service | |
The internal config object that stores all config-related information. | |
InternalConfig() — Construtor, classe coldfusion.service.InternalConfig | |
Creates an instance of the InternalConfig class. | |
internalConnect() — método, classe mx.messaging.Channel | |
Connects the Channel to its endpoint. | |
internalDisconnect(rejected:Boolean) — método, classe mx.messaging.Channel | |
Disconnects the Channel from its endpoint. | |
internalExecuteOfflineQuery(sqlText:String, parameters:Object, startIndex:int, numItems:int) — método, classe mx.data.SQLiteOfflineAdapter | |
Executes a SQL query against the local store and returns a collection of strongly typed items. | |
internalGetItem(dataManager:mx.data:RPCDataManager, identity:Object, defaultValue:Object, includeSpecifier:mx.data:PropertySpecifier) — método, classe mx.data.RPCDataServiceAdapter | |
This method actually performs the getItem operation but the result handler will not be used to update the managed result. | |
internalLabelFunction — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
A function that gets created if the column grouping requires extracting data from nested objects. | |
internalSend(messageResponder:mx.messaging:MessageResponder) — método, classe mx.messaging.Channel | |
Sends the Message out over the Channel and routes the response to the responder. | |
internalSend(message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage, waitForClientId:Boolean) — método, classe mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Sends a Message from the MessageAgent to its destination using the agent's ChannelSet. | |
internalStyleName — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.DualStyleObject | |
The name of a class selector this instance inherits values from. | |
interpolate(thisMat:flash.geom:Matrix3D, toMat:flash.geom:Matrix3D, percent:Number) — Método estático , classe flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Interpola a tradução, rotação, e transformação de escala de uma matriz em direção àqueles da matriz de destino. | |
interpolate(pt1:flash.geom:Point, pt2:flash.geom:Point, f:Number) — Método estático , classe flash.geom.Point | |
Determina um ponto entre dois pontos especificados. | |
interpolate(interpolationValues:Array, interpolationData:Object) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Called by the SeriesInterpolate effect to advance an interpolation. | |
interpolate(interpolationValues:Array, interpolationData:Object) — método, classe mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
interpolate(fraction:Number, startValue:Object, endValue:Object) — método, classe spark.effects.interpolation.HSBInterpolator | |
The interpolation for the HSBInterpolator class takes the form of parametric calculations on each of the three values h (hue), s (saturation), and b (brightness) of HSB colors derived from the start and end RGB colors. | |
interpolate(fraction:Number, startValue:Object, endValue:Object) — método, interface spark.effects.interpolation.IInterpolator | |
Given an elapsed fraction of an animation, between 0.0 and 1.0, and start and end values to interpolate, return the interpolated value. | |
interpolate(fraction:Number, startValue:Object, endValue:Object) — método, classe spark.effects.interpolation.MultiValueInterpolator | |
Given an elapsed fraction of an animation, between 0.0 and 1.0, and start and end values to interpolate, return the interpolated value. | |
interpolate(fraction:Number, startValue:Object, endValue:Object) — método, classe spark.effects.interpolation.NumberInterpolator | |
Interpolation for NumberInterpolator consists of a simple parametric calculation between startValue and endValue, using fraction as the fraction of the elapsed time from start to end: return startValue + fraction (endValue - startValue); | |
interpolate(fraction:Number, startValue:Object, endValue:Object) — método, classe spark.effects.interpolation.RGBInterpolator | |
Interpolation for the RGBInterpolator class takes the form of parametric calculations on each of the bottom three bytes of startValue and endValue. | |
interpolateColor(fromColor:uint, toColor:uint, progress:Number) — Método estático , classe fl.motion.Color | |
Mescla uniformemente de um valor de cor para outro. | |
interpolateFilter(fromFilter:flash.filters:BitmapFilter, toFilter:flash.filters:BitmapFilter, progress:Number) — Método estático , classe fl.motion.Motion | |
Mescla filtros uniformemente de um objeto de filtro para outro. | |
interpolateFilters(fromFilters:Array, toFilters:Array, progress:Number) — Método estático , classe fl.motion.Motion | |
Mescla filtros uniformemente de uma matriz de objetos de filtro para outra. | |
interpolateTo(toMat:flash.geom:Matrix3D, percent:Number) — método, classe flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Interpola esta matriz em direção à tradução, rotação, e transformações de escala da matriz de destino. | |
interpolateTransform(fromColor:flash.geom:ColorTransform, toColor:flash.geom:ColorTransform, progress:Number) — Método estático , classe fl.motion.Color | |
Mescla uniformemente de um objeto ColorTransform para outro. | |
interpolateValues — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
Specifies how to represent missing data. | |
interpolation — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Image | |
The interpolation method for resampling. | |
interpolationMethod — Propriedade, classe flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill | |
Um valor da classe InterpolationMethod que especifica o valor a ser usado. | |
interpolationMethod — Propriedade, classe mx.graphics.GradientBase | |
A value from the InterpolationMethod class that specifies which interpolation method to use. | |
InterpolationMethod — classe final, pacote flash.display | |
A classe InterpolationMethod fornece valores para o parâmetro interpolationMethod nos métodos Graphics.beginGradientFill() e Graphics.lineGradientStyle(). | |
interpolationValues — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesEffectInstance | |
The current position of each chart item being managed by this effect. | |
interpolator — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Animate | |
The interpolator used by this effect to calculate values between the start and end values of a property. | |
interpolator — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
The interpolator used by the Animation instance to calculate values between the start and end values of the property. | |
interpolator — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.animation.MotionPath | |
The interpolator determines how in-between values in an animation are calculated. | |
interpolator — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateInstance | |
The interpolator used by this effect to calculate values between the start and end values of a property. | |
interruptionBehavior — Propriedade, classe mx.states.Transition | |
Flex does not support the playing of multiple transitions simultaneously. | |
InterruptionBehavior — classe final, pacote mx.states | |
The InterruptionBehavior class defines constants for use with the interruptionBehavior property of the mx.states.Transition class. | |
intersection(toIntersect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — método, classe flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Se o objeto Rectangle especificado no parâmetro toIntersect fizer interseção com este objeto Rectangle, ele retorna a área da interseção como um objeto Rectangle. | |
intersects(toIntersect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — método, classe flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Determina se o objeto especificado no parâmetro toIntersect faz interseção com este objeto Rectangle. | |
INTER_STAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ReviewCommentVisibility | |
Specifies that comments added to a review stage are visible in other stages. | |
INTER_STAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.ReviewCommentVisibility | |
Comments are shared across multiple stages. | |
interval — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.DateTimeAxis | |
Specifies the number of labelUnits between label values along the axis. | |
interval — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.LinearAxis | |
Specifies the numeric difference between label values along the axis. | |
interval — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.LogAxis | |
Specifies the multiplier label values along the axis. | |
INTER_WORD — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TextJustify | |
Especifica que a justificação é acrescentar espaços aos caracteres de espaço. | |
inTransaction — Propriedade, classe flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Indica se essa conexão está envolvida em uma transação no momento. | |
IntUtil — classe, pacote mx.data.crypto | |
Contains reusable methods for operations pertaining to int values. | |
invalid — Estado da capa, classe spark.components.Image | |
The invalid state of the Image control. This means that the image could not be successfully loaded. | |
invalid — Evento, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched when a component is monitored by a Validator and the validation failed. | |
invalid — Evento, classe mx.validators.Validator | |
Dispatched when validation fails. | |
invalid — Evento, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Dispatched when validation fails. | |
INVALID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.events.AssetValidationEvent | |
The AssetValidationEvent.INVALID constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a invalid event. | |
INVALID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.security.CertificateStatus | |
Um certificado inválido. | |
INVALID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.security.SignatureStatus | |
Status inválido. | |
INVALID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.TextLineValidity | |
Especifica se a linha é inválida. | |
INVALID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowDamageType | |
O valor é usado para definir a propriedade de validade se o conteúdo de texto foi modificado desde que a linha foi criada originalmente. | |
INVALID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.INVALID constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a invalid event. | |
INVALID — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ValidationResultEvent | |
The ValidationResultEvent.INVALID constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an invalid event. | |
invalidate(property:String, callLater:Boolean) — método, classe fl.core.UIComponent | |
Marca uma propriedade como inválida e redesenha o componente no quadro seguinte, a não ser que especificado de outra forma. | |
invalidate() — método, classe fl.data.DataProvider | |
Invalida todos os itens de dados que o DataProvider contém e despacha um evento DataChangeEvent.INVALIDATE_ALL. | |
invalidate() — método, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Chamar o método invalidate() dá um sinal para que o Flash Player alerte os objetos de exibição na próxima oportunidade que tiver de renderizar a lista de exibição (por exemplo, quando o indicador de reprodução avança para um novo quadro). | |
invalidate(target:Object) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IFormatResolver | |
Invalida as informações de formatação deste elemento na cache porque, por exemplo, o pai, a ID, o styleName ou o typeName foram alterados. | |
invalidate() — método, classe org.osmf.layout.LayoutRendererBase | |
Method that will mark the renderer's last rendering pass invalid. | |
INVALIDATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.DataChangeType | |
Foi feita uma alteração nos dados contidos em um item. | |
invalidateAll(textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IFormatResolver | |
Invalida todas as informações de formatação de um TextFlow na cache, obrigando o recálculo da formatação. | |
INVALIDATE_ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.DataChangeType | |
O conjunto de dados é inválido. | |
invalidateAllFormats() — método, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
Invalida todas as informações de formatação do TextFlow, obrigando seu recálculo. | |
invalidateCache() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Invalidates the cached labels and tick marks that represent this axis's values. | |
invalidateCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — método, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
If the specified cell is visible, it is redisplayed. | |
invalidateCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — método, classe spark.components.Grid | |
If the specified cell is visible, it is redisplayed. | |
invalidateChildOrder() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Informs the chart that its child list was modified and should be reordererd. | |
invalidateContents() — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Marca todo o texto neste contêiner como texto que requer composição. | |
invalidateData(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Informs the canvas that the underlying data in the data provider has changed. | |
invalidateData() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Triggers a redraw of the chart. | |
invalidateData(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Informs the canvas that the underlying data in the dataProvider has changed. | |
invalidateData(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Informs the series that the underlying data in the data provider has changed. | |
invalidateData(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
invalidateData(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Informs the series that the underlying data in the data provider has changed. | |
invalidateData(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Informs the series that the underlying data in the data provider has changed. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, classe mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Marks a component so that its updateDisplayList() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Marks a component so that its updateDisplayList() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Marks a component so that its updateDisplayList() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Calling this method results in a call to the component's validateDisplayList() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, interface mx.core.IInvalidating | |
Calling this method results in a call to the component's validateDisplayList() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Marks a component so that its updateDisplayList() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Marks a component so that its updateDisplayList() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
Marks a component so that its updateDisplayList() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateDisplayList(obj:mx.managers:ILayoutManagerClient) — método, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManager | |
Called when a component changes in some way that its layout and/or visuals need to be changed. | |
invalidateDisplayList(obj:mx.managers:ILayoutManagerClient) — método, classe mx.managers.LayoutManager | |
Called when a component changes in some way that its layout and/or visuals need to be changed. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, classe mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Marks a component so that its updateDisplayList() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateDisplayList() — método, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Calling this method results in a call to the elements's validateDisplayList() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateDisplayObjectSharing() — método, classe spark.primitives.Path | |
Utility method that notifies the host that this element has changed and needs its layer to be updated. | |
invalidateDisplayObjectSharing() — método, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Utility method that notifies the host that this element has changed and needs its layer to be updated. | |
invalidateFilter(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Informs the series that the filter of the data against the axes has changed and must be recalculated. | |
invalidateGraphicElementDisplayList(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, classe spark.components.Group | |
Notify the host component that an element has changed and needs to be redrawn. | |
invalidateGraphicElementDisplayList(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
Notify the host component that an element has changed and needs to be redrawn. | |
invalidateGraphicElementDisplayList(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, interface spark.core.IGraphicElementContainer | |
Notify the host component that an element has changed and needs to be redrawn. | |
invalidateGraphicElementProperties(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, classe spark.components.Group | |
Notify the host component that an element changed and needs to validate properties. | |
invalidateGraphicElementProperties(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
Notify the host component that an element changed and needs to validate properties. | |
invalidateGraphicElementProperties(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, interface spark.core.IGraphicElementContainer | |
Notify the host component that an element changed and needs to validate properties. | |
invalidateGraphicElementSharing(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, classe spark.components.Group | |
Notify the host that an element layer has changed. | |
invalidateGraphicElementSharing(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
Notify the host that an element layer has changed. | |
invalidateGraphicElementSharing(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, interface spark.core.IGraphicElementContainer | |
Notify the host component that an element layer has changed. | |
invalidateGraphicElementSize(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, classe spark.components.Group | |
Notify the host component that an element size has changed. | |
invalidateGraphicElementSize(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
Notify the host component that an element size has changed. | |
invalidateGraphicElementSize(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — método, interface spark.core.IGraphicElementContainer | |
Notify the host component that an element size has changed. | |
invalidateItem(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Invalida um renderizador de item específico. | |
invalidateItem(item:Object) — método, classe fl.data.DataProvider | |
Invalida o item especificado. | |
invalidateItemAt(index:uint) — método, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Invalida o renderizador do item no índice especificado. | |
invalidateItemAt(index:int) — método, classe fl.data.DataProvider | |
Invalida o item no índice especificado. | |
invalidateLayering() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Called by a component's items to indicate that their depth property has changed. | |
invalidateLayoutDirection() — método, classe mx.core.BitmapAsset | |
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | |
invalidateLayoutDirection() — método, interface mx.core.ILayoutDirectionElement | |
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | |
invalidateLayoutDirection() — método, classe mx.core.SpriteAsset | |
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | |
invalidateLayoutDirection() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | |
invalidateLayoutDirection() — método, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | |
invalidateLayoutDirection() — método, classe spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | |
invalidateLayoutDirection() — método, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | |
invalidateList() — método, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Invalida a lista inteira, forçando o redesenho dos itens da lista. | |
invalidateList() — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Refresh all rows on next update. | |
invalidateList() — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Refresh all rows on the next update. | |
invalidateLoader — Evento, classe spark.core.ContentCache | |
Dispatched when a cache entry is invalidated, generally this occurs when the entry is determined to be untrusted while one or more outstanding load requests are active for a given cache entry. | |
INVALIDATE_LOADER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.events.LoaderInvalidationEvent | |
The LoaderInvalidationEvent.INVALIDATE_LOADER constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a invalidateLoader event. | |
invalidateMapping(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Informs the series that the mapping of the data into numeric values has changed and must be recalculated. | |
invalidateMapping(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
invalidateMapping(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Informs the series that the mapping of the data into numeric values has changed and must be recalculated. | |
invalidateMapping(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Informs the series that the mapping of the data into numeric values has changed and must be recalculated. | |
invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Helper method to invalidate parent size and display list if this object affects its layout (includeInLayout is true). | |
invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList() — método, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Helper method to invalidate parent size and display list if this object affects its layout (includeInLayout is true). | |
invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList() — método, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
Attempt to notify the parent SWFLoader that the application's size may have changed. | |
invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList() — método, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Attempts to notify the parent SWFLoader that the Application's size has changed. | |
invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList() — método, classe mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Attempts to notify the parent SWFLoader that the Application's size has may have changed. | |
invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList() — método, classe spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Invalidates parent size and display list if this object affects its layout (includeInLayout is true). | |
invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList() — método, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Helper method to invalidate parent size and display list if this object affects its layout (includeInLayout is true). | |
invalidateProperties() — método, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Calling this method results in a call to the component's validateProperties() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateProperties() — método, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Marks a component so that its commitProperties() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateProperties() — método, classe mx.core.ComponentDescriptor | |
Invalidates the cached properties property. | |
invalidateProperties() — método, interface mx.core.IInvalidating | |
Calling this method results in a call to the component's validateProperties() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateProperties() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Marks a component so that its commitProperties() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateProperties() — método, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Marks a component so that its commitProperties() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateProperties() — método, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
Marks a component so that its commitProperties() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateProperties(obj:mx.managers:ILayoutManagerClient) — método, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManager | |
Adds an object to the list of components that want their validateProperties() method called. | |
invalidateProperties(obj:mx.managers:ILayoutManagerClient) — método, classe mx.managers.LayoutManager | |
Adds an object to the list of components that want their validateProperties() method called. | |
invalidateProperties() — método, classe mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Calling this method results in a call to the component's validateProperties() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateProperties() — método, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Calling this method results in a call to the elements's validateProperties() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateRendererState() — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer | |
Marks the renderer's state as invalid so that the new state is set during a later screen update. | |
INVALIDATE_REQUEST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest | |
Requests that the loader of the current application invalidate its properties, size, or display list. | |
InvalidateRequestData — classe final, pacote mx.events | |
The InvalidateRequestData class defines constants for the values of the data property of a SWFBridgeRequest object when used with the SWFBridgeRequest.INVALIDATE_REQUEST request. | |
invalidateSelectionFormats() — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Chame se você alterar os formatos de seleção (SelectionFormat) e quiser atualizar o interactionManager. | |
invalidateSeries() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Informs the chart that its series array was modified and should be reprocessed. | |
invalidateSeries() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
Call this method to trigger a call to the buildSubSeries() method on the next call to the commitProperties() method. | |
invalidateSeriesStyles() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Triggers a redraw of the chart. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader.UIServiceBase | |
Invalidate the size of visual component. | |
invalidateSize() — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.ui.IInvalidating | |
Invalidate the size of visual component. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Shell | |
Overridden invalidateSize will call super.invalidateSize() and super.invalidateDisplayList() Marks a component so that its measure() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Marks a component so that its measure() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartLabel | |
Marks a component so that its measure() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Calling this method results in a call to the component's validateSize() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateSize() — método, interface mx.core.IInvalidating | |
Calling this method results in a call to the component's validateSize() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Marks a component so that its measure() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Marks a component so that its measure() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
Marks a component so that its measure() method gets called during a later screen update. | |
invalidateSize(obj:mx.managers:ILayoutManagerClient) — método, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManager | |
Adds an object to the list of components that want their validateSize() method called. | |
invalidateSize(obj:mx.managers:ILayoutManagerClient) — método, classe mx.managers.LayoutManager | |
Adds an object to the list of components that want their validateSize() method called. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Calling this method results in a call to the component's validateSize() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateSize() — método, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Calling this method results in a call to the elements's validateSize() method before the display list is rendered. | |
invalidateSkinState() — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Marks the component so that the new state of the skin is set during a later screen update. | |
invalidateStacking() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
Call this method to trigger a regeneration of the stacked values on the next call to the commitProperties() method. | |
invalidateTransform(invalid:Boolean) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Informs the series that the transform of the data to screen coordinates has changed and must be recalculated. | |
invalidateTransitions() — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Informs the series that a significant change has occured in the display of data. | |
invalidateTypicalItem() — método, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
invalidateTypicalItemRenderer() — método, classe spark.components.DataGroup | |
Call this method if some aspect of the typicalItem has changed that should be reflected by the layout. | |
invalidateTypicalItemRenderer() — método, classe spark.components.Grid | |
Clears cached column width data that had been based on the typicalItem property, and requests a new layout pass. | |
invalidateUndoManager() — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Chame se você estiver editando e quiser reiniciar o gerenciador de reversão usado na edição. | |
InvalidationType — classe, pacote fl.core | |
A classe InvalidationType define constantes InvalidationType que são usadas pela propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento despachado após a invalidação de um componente. | |
INVALID_ATTR_VALUE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indica que um determinado valor de atributo está fora do intervalo esperado. | |
INVALID_ATTR_VALUE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that a given attribute value is out of the expected range. | |
InvalidCategoryError — classe, pacote mx.logging.errors | |
This error is thrown when a category specified for a logger contains invalid characters or is malformed. | |
InvalidCategoryError(message:String) — Construtor, classe mx.logging.errors.InvalidCategoryError | |
Constructor. | |
INVALID_CHAIN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.security.CertificateStatus | |
Uma raiz ou certificado intermediário no conjunto de certificados é inválido. | |
InvalidChannelError — classe, pacote mx.messaging.errors | |
This error is thrown when a Channel can't be accessed or is not valid for the current destination. | |
InvalidChannelError(msg:String) — Construtor, classe mx.messaging.errors.InvalidChannelError | |
Constructs a new instance of an InvalidChannelError with the specified message. | |
invalidCharError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Error message when the cardNumber field contains invalid characters. | |
invalidCharError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Error message when the currency contains invalid characters. | |
invalidCharError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.DateValidator | |
Error message when there are invalid characters in the date. | |
invalidCharError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.EmailValidator | |
Error message when there are invalid characters in the e-mail address. | |
invalidCharError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.NumberValidator | |
Error message when the value contains invalid characters. | |
invalidCharError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.PhoneNumberValidator | |
Error message when the value contains invalid characters. | |
invalidCharError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.SocialSecurityValidator | |
Error message when the value contains characters other than digits and formatting characters defined by the allowedFormatChars property. | |
invalidCharError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.ZipCodeValidator | |
Error message when the ZIP code contains invalid characters. | |
invalidCharError — Propriedade, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase | |
Error message when the value contains invalid characters. | |
INVALID_CHAR_FOUND — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indica que foi encontrado um valor de Unicode inválido. | |
INVALID_CHAR_FOUND — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that invalid Unicode value was found. | |
invalidConstraints — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata | |
Returns an Array of currently invalid constraints or an empty Array if the value object is currently valid. | |
invalidConstraints — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelInstance | |
Returns an Array of currently invalid constraints or an empty Array if the value object is currently valid. | |
INVALID_CONTENT_PATH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError | |
Invalid content path. | |
INVALID_CREDENTIALS_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManagerImpl | |
The constant specifying the invalid credentials exception message. | |
InvalidDestinationError — classe, pacote mx.messaging.errors | |
This error is thrown when a destination can't be accessed or is not valid. | |
InvalidDestinationError(msg:String) — Construtor, classe mx.messaging.errors.InvalidDestinationError | |
Constructs a new instance of an InvalidDestinationError with the specified message. | |
invalidDomainError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.EmailValidator | |
Error message when the suffix (the top level domain) is not 2, 3, 4 or 6 characters long. | |
invalidDomainError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.ZipCodeValidator | |
Error message when the domain property contains an invalid value. | |
invalidElements — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Form | |
A sorted Array of descendant elements that are in an invalid state. | |
invalidExpression — Estado da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.view.ValidateExpression | |
InvalidExpression State of the ValidateExpession | |
INVALID_EXPRESSION_MSG — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.view.ValidateExpression | |
Invalid Expression Message | |
INVALID_EXPRESSION_STATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.view.ValidateExpression | |
Invalid Expession State | |
InvalidFilterError — classe, pacote mx.logging.errors | |
This error is thrown when a filter specified for a target contains invalid characters or is malformed. | |
InvalidFilterError(message:String) — Construtor, classe mx.logging.errors.InvalidFilterError | |
Constructor. | |
invalidFormatCharsError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Error message when the value contains an invalid formatting character. | |
invalidFormatCharsError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.NumberValidator | |
Error message when the value contains invalid format characters, which means that it contains a digit or minus sign (-) as a separator character, or it contains two or more consecutive separator characters. | |
invalidFormatCharsError — Propriedade, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase | |
Error message when the value contains invalid format characters, which means that it contains a digit or minus sign (-) as a separator character, or it contains two or more consecutive separator characters. | |
invalidIPDomainError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.EmailValidator | |
Error message when the IP domain is invalid. | |
INVALID_METRIC_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.events.MetricErrorCodes | |
Error constant for when a request for a metric was made with an inexistent metric type | |
invalidNumberError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Error message when the credit card number is invalid. | |
INVALID_PARAMETER_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManagerImpl | |
The constant specifying the invalid parameter exception message. | |
invalidPeriodsInDomainError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.EmailValidator | |
Error message when there are continuous periods in the domain. | |
INVALID_RESPONSE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.services.formbridge.FormBridgeError | |
Error code for an invalid response from the API call to the PDF. | |
INVALID_SEEK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.video.VideoError | |
Variável de estado indicando uma busca inválida. | |
INVALID_SEEK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError | |
Invalid seek. | |
INVALID_SOURCE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.video.VideoError | |
Variável de estado indicando uma origem inválida. | |
InvalidSWFError — Classe dinâmica, pacote flash.errors | |
Os tempos de execução de Flash lançam esta exceção quando encontram um arquivo SWF corrompido. | |
InvalidSWFError(message:String, id:int) — Construtor, classe flash.errors.InvalidSWFError | |
Cria um novo objeto InvalidSWFError. | |
INVALID_TRANSITION_INDEX — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.traits.AlternativeAudioTrait | |
INVALID_XML — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.video.VideoError | |
Variável de estado indicando um XML inválido. | |
INVALID_XML — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError | |
Invalid XML. | |
invert() — método, classe flash.geom.Matrix | |
Realiza a transformação oposta da matriz original. | |
invert() — método, classe flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Inverte a matriz atual. | |
INVERT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.BlendMode | |
Inverte o plano de fundo. | |
INVERT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DStencilAction | |
Inverta o valor de buffer de estêncil, em nível de bit. | |
invertThumbDirection — Estilo, classe mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Invert the direction of the thumbs. | |
invertTransform(value:Number) — método, classe mx.charts.CategoryAxis | |
Maps a position along the axis back to a numeric data value. | |
invertTransform(... rest) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianTransform | |
Transforms x and y coordinates relative to the DataTransform coordinate system into a 2-dimensional value in data space. | |
invertTransform(... rest) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTransform | |
Transforms x and y coordinates relative to the DataTransform coordinate system into a two-dimensional value in data space. | |
invertTransform(value:Number) — método, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis | |
Maps a position along the axis back to a numeric data value. | |
invertTransform(value:Number) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Maps a position along the axis back to a numeric data value. | |
invocationId — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
The ID of the invocation request when a review is initiated. | |
invocationId — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
The ID of the invocation request when a review is initiated. | |
invocationId — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewContextVO | |
The ID of the invocation request when a review is initiated. | |
invocationId — Propriedade, classe mx.rpc.livecycle.FaultResponse | |
The invocation id. | |
invoke(documentsList:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process.ICombineMultipleDocuments | |
Invokes the process to combine multiple documents. | |
invoke(documentsList:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process.delegate.CombineMultipleDocuments | |
Invokes multiple documents to convert for use with the Review, Commenting, and Approval building block. | |
invoke — Evento, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Despachado quando um aplicativo é invocado. | |
invoke() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Startpoint | |
Invokes the specified TaskManager startpoint. | |
invoke — Evento, classe mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched when an application is invoked. | |
invoke — Evento, classe mx.rpc.AbstractService | |
The invoke event is dispatched when a service Operation is invoked so long as an Error is not thrown before the Channel attempts to send the message. | |
invoke(msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage, responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, classe mx.rpc.AsyncRequest | |
Dispatches the asynchronous request and stores the responder to call later. | |
invoke — Evento, classe mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService | |
The invoke event is fired when an HTTPMultiService call is invoked so long as an Error is not thrown before the Channel attempts to send the message. | |
invoke — Evento, classe mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
The invoke event is fired when an HTTPService call is invoked so long as an Error is not thrown before the Channel attempts to send the message. | |
invoke — Evento, classe spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched when an application is invoked. | |
INVOKE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.InvokeEvent | |
A constante InvokeEvent.INVOKE define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto InvokeEvent. | |
INVOKE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointEvent | |
A special value that specifies that an startpoint was invoked successfully. | |
INVOKE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.rpc.events.InvokeEvent | |
The INVOKE event type. | |
InvokeEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
O objeto NativeApplication de um aplicativo AIR despacha um evento de invocação quando o aplicativo é invocado. | |
InvokeEvent — classe, pacote mx.rpc.events | |
The event that indicates an RPC operation has been invoked. | |
InvokeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, dir:flash.filesystem:File, argv:Array, reason:String) — Construtor, classe flash.events.InvokeEvent | |
A função de construtor da classe InvokeEvent. | |
InvokeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Construtor, classe mx.rpc.events.InvokeEvent | |
Create a new InvokeEvent. | |
InvokeEventReason — classe final, pacote flash.desktop | |
A classe InvokeEventReason enumera valores retornados pela propriedade do motivo de um objeto InvokeEvent. | |
invokeHandler(event:flash.events:InvokeEvent) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | |
This method is called when the application is invoked by the operating system in response to an InvokeEvent.INVOKEevent event. | |
invokeLiveCycleService(serviceName:String, operationName:String, inputParams:Array) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.service.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | |
This remote operation can be used to invoke a document sever service. | |
invokeLiveCycleService(serviceName:String, operationName:String, inputParams:Array) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | |
This remote operation can be used to invoke a document sever service. | |
InvokeParams — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.external.dc | |
Formal definition of DC invocation parameters. | |
InvokeParams(url:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams | |
Determines the invocation parameters based on the specified URL. | |
invokeSelect — Evento, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointCardRenderer | |
Dispatched to display the details of an startpoint. | |
invokeSelect — Evento, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointCardRendererModel | |
Dispatched to start a process by using a form. | |
invokeSelect — Evento, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointGridSelector | |
Dispatched to invoke an startpoint. | |
invokeSelect — Evento, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointGridSelectorModel | |
Dispatched to invoke an startpoint. | |
invokeSelect — Evento, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointTileList | |
Dispatched when a user has selected to start a process from the list. | |
invokeSelectedStartpoint(startpoint:Object) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointGridSelectorModel | |
Invokes an startpoint to start a process. | |
invokeService(args:Array) — método, classe mx.data.ManagedOperation | |
Invokes the operation on the real service without any management. | |
invokeStartpoint(startpointId:String) — método, interface lc.procmgmt.IStartpointManager | |
Invokes the specified startpoint by its unique identifier. | |
invokeStartpointFromStartTask(taskId:String) — método, interface lc.procmgmt.IStartpointManager | |
Invokes an startpoint with the data from the task that the task ID identified as the initial data. | |
invokeStartpointFromStartTask() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Invokes the startpoint that created the Task object and uses the data from the current task as initial data for the task. | |
invokeUrl — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams | |
The invocation URL (should be absolute) or null if this InvokeParams object wasn't constructed from one. | |
IObjectToken — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | |
The ObjectToken class represents a token for an asynchronous call that returns an object. | |
ioError — Evento, classe air.desktop.URLFilePromise | |
Despachado quando um IOError evita o carregamento de arquivo. | |
ioError — Evento, classe fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Despachado após a ocorrência de um erro de entrada ou saída. | |
ioError — Evento, classe fl.containers.UILoader | |
Despachado após a ocorrência de um erro de entrada ou saída. | |
ioError — Evento, classe fl.video.FLVPlaybackCaptioning | |
Despachado se uma chamada para o evento URLLoader.load() resultar em um erro fatal que termine o download do arquivo XML de Texto cronometrado. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro de entrada ou saída que resulta na falha de uma operação de carregamento. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.filesystem.File | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro durante uma operação de arquivo assíncrona. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Indica que um erro ocorreu durante uma operação assíncrona de E/S de arquivo. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.media.AVURLLoader | |
Despachado se uma chamada para URLLoader.load() resultar em um erro fatal que finaliza o download. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.media.MediaPromise | |
Um objeto MediaPromise emite um evento ioError quando um erro é encontrado durante a leitura do fluxo de dados subjacente. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.media.Sound | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro de entrada/saída que resulta na falha de uma operação de carregamento. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.net.DatagramSocket | |
Despachado quando este soquete recebe um erro de E/S. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.net.FileReference | |
Despachado quando ocorre uma falha na operação de upload ou download. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.net.NetConnection | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro de entrada ou saída que resulta na falha de uma operação de rede. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro de entrada ou saída que resulta na falha de uma operação de rede. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.net.SecureSocket | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro de entrada/saída que resulta na falha de uma operação de envio ou recebimento. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.net.Socket | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro de entrada/saída que resulta na falha de uma operação de envio ou carregamento. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.net.URLLoader | |
Despachado se uma chamada para URLLoader.load() resultar em um erro fatal que finaliza o download. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.net.URLStream | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro de entrada/saída que resulta na falha de uma operação de carregamento. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.net.XMLSocket | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro de entrada/saída que resulta na falha de uma operação de envio ou recebimento. | |
ioError — Evento, classe flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
Despachado quando ocorre um erro de entrada/saída. | |
ioError — Evento, classe mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Dispatched when an input/output error occurs. | |
ioError — Evento, classe mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Dispatched when an error occurs during the loading of the sound file. | |
ioError — Evento, classe spark.components.Image | |
Dispatched when an input or output error occurs. | |
ioError — Evento, classe spark.core.ContentRequest | |
Dispatched when an input/output error occurs. | |
ioError — Evento, classe spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Dispatched when an input/output error occurs. | |
IOError — Classe dinâmica, pacote flash.errors | |
A exceção IOError é lançada quando ocorre um certo tipo de falha de entrada ou saída. | |
IOError(message:String) — Construtor, classe flash.errors.IOError | |
Cria um novo objeto IOError. | |
IO_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.IOErrorEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento ioError. | |
IO_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.events.MediaErrorCodes | |
Error constant for when a MediaElement fails to load due to an I/O error. | |
IOErrorEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
Um objeto IOErrorEvent é despachado quando um erro causa falha em uma operação de envio ou carregamento. | |
IOErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, text:String, id:int) — Construtor, classe flash.events.IOErrorEvent | |
Cria um objeto Event que contém informações específicas sobre eventos de ioError. | |
IOLAPAttribute — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPAttribute interface represents an attribute within a dimension of an OLAP schema. | |
IOLAPAxisPosition — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPAxisPosition interface represents a position on an OLAP axis. | |
IOLAPCell — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPCell interface represents a cell in an OLAPResult instance. | |
IOLAPCube — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPCube interface represents an OLAP cube that holds an N-dimensional representation of a flat data set. | |
IOLAPCustomAggregator — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPCustomAggregator interface defines the interface implemented by custom aggregator classes. | |
IOLAPDimension — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPDimension interface represents a dimension in an IOLAPCube instance. | |
IOLAPElement — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPElement interface defines a base interface that provides common properties for all OLAP elements. | |
IOLAPHierarchy — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPHierarchy interface represents a user-defined hierarchy in a dimension of an OLAP schema. | |
IOLAPLevel — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPLevel interface represents a level within the OLAP schema of an OLAP cube, where a hierarchy of a dimension contains one or more levels. | |
IOLAPMember — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPMember interface represents a member of a level of an OLAP schema. | |
IOLAPQuery — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPQuery interface represents an OLAP query that is executed on an IOLAPCube. | |
IOLAPQueryAxis — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPQueryAxis interface represents an axis of an OLAP query. | |
IOLAPResult — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPResult interface represents the result of a query on an OLAP cube. | |
IOLAPResultAxis — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPResultAxis interface represents an axis of the result of an OLAP query. | |
IOLAPSchema — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPSchema interface represents the OLAP schema. | |
IOLAPSet — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPSet interface represents a set, which is used to configure the axis of an OLAP query. | |
IOLAPTuple — Interface, pacote mx.olap | |
The IOLAPTuple interface represents a tuple. | |
IOperand — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el | |
This is interface for all the operands | |
IOperation — Interface, pacote flashx.undo | |
IOperation define a interface para as operações que podem ser desfeitas e refeitas. | |
IOperator — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el | |
This is the interface for all operators | |
IOverride — Interface, pacote mx.states | |
The IOverride interface is used for view state overrides. | |
IPackageObject — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller | |
All component objects that load attachments or resources from the package definition file must implement this interface. | |
IPagedList — Interface, pacote mx.data | |
The IPagedList is a marker interface for list implementations that implement their own paging. | |
IPanel — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IPanel interface defines the methods for adding tiles to a panel. | |
IPanel — Interface, pacote ga.model | |
The IPanel interface defines the properties that can be extracted from a Guide panel. | |
IPanelItem — Interface, pacote ga.model | |
The IPanelItem interface is implemented by components that are passed as inputs into the LayoutTemplate class. | |
IPanelText — Interface, pacote ga.model | |
The IPanelText interface represents the text in panel as a string or HTML formatted string. | |
IParticipant — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines a participant in review. | |
IPersistenceManager — Interface, pacote spark.managers | |
IPersistenceManager defines the interface that all persistence managers must implement. | |
IPin — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
An IPin object is a type of ticket which can be used to authenticate a user in remote call. | |
IPlainTextExporter — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.conversion | |
Esta interface deve ser implementada por conversores que exportam texto simples. | |
ipMulticastMemberUpdatesEnabled — Propriedade, classe flash.net.GroupSpecifier | |
Especifica se as informações sobre a participação de grupo podem ser trocadas em socketes de multicast IP. | |
IPortfolioRenderService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.render | |
Defines a service for rendering portfolio templates to PDF Portfolios. | |
IPreferencesManager — Interface, pacote lc.foundation | |
The IPreferencesManagerinterface is implemented to manage the various preferences that the user has access to. | |
IPreloaderDisplay — Interface, pacote mx.preloaders | |
Defines the interface that a class must implement to be used as a download progress bar. | |
IPreviewManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | |
Handles Preview pod data retrieval from the back end. | |
IPreviewUIControl — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview | |
This interface should be implemented by components who want to provide their custom Preview Pod renderer. | |
IProcessManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.manager | |
This interface defines operations around process that can be used as hooks to customize review workflow. | |
IProcessManager — Interface, pacote lc.procmgmt | |
The IProcessManager interface is implemented to determine the list of processes that the user has participated in. | |
IProgrammaticSkin — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IProgrammaticSkin interface defines the interface that skin classes must implement if they use the name property skin interface. | |
IProgressOperation — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.progress | |
Represents an in-progress operation for the purposes of status reporting. | |
IProgressReporter — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.progress | |
Returned by IProgressService.startOperation() for in-progress operation reporting. | |
IProgressService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.progress | |
A service for reporting the progress of background operations. | |
IProgressTracker — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.service.progress | |
A service for receiving progress events for asynchronous operations. | |
IProject — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | |
An interface for defining a project domain object. | |
IProjectManagementCoreService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.service | |
This interface defines core operation for project management like, create, update, and delete entities. | |
IProjectManagementQueryService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.service | |
This interface defines the operations to retrieve and search projects and WorkItems. | |
IProperty — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter | |
The IProperty provides the interface for task filter property names. | |
IPropertyChangeNotifier — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IPropertyChangeNotifier interface defines a marker interface. | |
IPropertyIterator — Interface, pacote com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | |
Interface defines methods for navigating through an iterator of property names of a particular entity. | |
IProviderFactory — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain | |
The IProviderFactory represents the entry point into the EXM authoring domain model. | |
IPV4 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.net.IPVersion | |
Um endereço da versão 4 do Protocolo de Internet (IPv4). | |
IPV6 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.net.IPVersion | |
Um endereço da versão 6 do Protocolo de Internet (IPv6). | |
ipVersion — Propriedade, classe flash.net.InterfaceAddress | |
O tipo de endereço IP (IPv4 ou IPv6). | |
IPVersion — classe final, pacote flash.net | |
A classe IPVersion define constantes que representam as diversas famílias de endereços IP. | |
IQueryService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.search.lccontent | |
Query Service Interface for doing Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content Repository specific searches. | |
IQueryService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.search | |
An interface that provides search capability from backend Data Services destinations. | |
IQueueManager — Interface, pacote lc.procmgmt | |
The IQueueManager interface is implemented to manage Queue objects. | |
IRawChildrenContainer — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IRawChildrenContainer interface defines the APIs for containers that can return an IChildList that represents all their children. | |
IRCADomainFactory — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.factory | |
The factory interface to get the reference of domain objects. | |
IRCAServiceProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | |
This interface defines methods that can be invoked to get service instances. | |
IReconnect — Interface, pacote lc.foundation.ui | |
The IReconnect interface is implemented for permitting users to reconnect to Workspace. | |
IRectangularBorder — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IRectangularBorder interface defines the interface that all classes used for rectangular border skins should implement. | |
IReferenceServiceProperty — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IReferenceServiceProperty interface provides methods for getting a name, a reference name, and an IService. | |
IRelationshipManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | |
Interface to implement if application want to provide it's own relationship/publish implementation | |
IRenderService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | |
The IRenderService interface is used by classes to implement render support for stand-alone tasks. | |
IRepeater — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IRepeater interface defines the public APIs of the Repeater object. | |
IRepeaterClient — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IRepeaterClient interface defines the APIs for components that can have multiple instances created by a Repeater. | |
IResourceBundle — Interface, pacote mx.resources | |
The IResourceBundle and IResourceManager interfaces work together to provide localization support for Flex applications. | |
IResourceManager — Interface, pacote mx.resources | |
The APIs of the IResourceManager interface provide localization support for Flex applications. | |
IResponder — Interface, pacote mx.rpc | |
This interface provides the contract for any service that needs to respond to remote or asynchronous calls. | |
IReviewCommentingAndApproval — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | |
Signature for core service of Review Commenting and Approval Building Block 10.0. | |
IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core | |
Defines core functionality for the Review Commenting and Approval building block. | |
IReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core | |
Defines core functionality for the Review Commenting and Approval Utility service. | |
IReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | |
This interface defines the utility functions that are exposed by Review Commenting and Approval utility service. | |
IReviewContext — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines details of a particular review version. | |
IReviewer — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines the properties of a reviewer participant in a review stage. | |
IReviewTemplate — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines a schedule template, | |
Iris — classe, pacote fl.transitions | |
A classe Iris revela o objeto de clipe de filme usando uma máscara animada de uma forma quadrada ou uma forma circular que aumenta ou diminui o zoom. | |
Iris — classe, pacote mx.effects | |
The Iris effect animates the effect target by expanding or contracting a rectangular mask centered on the target. | |
Iris(target:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.effects.Iris | |
Constructor. | |
IrisInstance — classe, pacote mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The IrisInstance class implements the instance class for the Iris effect. | |
IrisInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.IrisInstance | |
Constructor. | |
IRulerItemRenderer — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.ruler | |
This interface defines the properties of an item renderer that can be used to render the ruler in the Gantt chart. | |
IRuntimeManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IRuntimeManager interface represents an instance of a process runtime. | |
is — Operador | |
Avalia se um objeto é compatível com um tipo de dados, uma classe ou uma interface específica. | |
is3D — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.MotionBase | |
Especifica se o movimento contém alterações na propriedade 3D. | |
is3D — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
True if the computed transform has 3D values. | |
is3D — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IVisualElement | |
Contains true when the element is in 3D. | |
is3D — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Contains true when the element is in 3D. | |
is3D — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Contains true when the element is in 3D. | |
is3D — Propriedade, classe spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Contains true when the element is in 3D. | |
is3D — Propriedade, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Contains true when the element is in 3D. | |
isAccessible() — Método estático , classe flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Especifica se a última tecla pressionada é acessível por outros arquivos SWF. | |
isActive — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Returns whether the task is active based on the task status. | |
isActive — Propriedade, classe spark.components.View | |
Indicates whether the current view is active. | |
isActive — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase | |
Set to true when this navigator is active. | |
isAddEnabled — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
A flag that indicates whether a user was added based on a certain condition. | |
isAirClassLoaded() — Método estático , classe mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
Returns false if AIR helper class (AirFunctionsHelper) is not loaded. | |
isAll — Propriedade, interface mx.olap.IOLAPMember | |
Returns true if this is the all member of a hierarchy. | |
isAll — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPMember | |
Returns true if this is the all member of a hierarchy. | |
isAncestorDisabled(component:mx.core:UIComponent) — Método estático , classe mx.accessibility.AccImpl | |
Returns true if an ancestor of the component has enabled set to false. | |
ISandboxSupport — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.container | |
Interface para suportar conteúdo TLF em um subaplicativo. | |
isAnonymous — Propriedade, classe flash.events.DRMStatusEvent | |
Indica se o conteúdo, protegido pela criptografia de gerenciamento digital dos direitos (DRM), está disponível sem precisar que o usuário forneça as credenciais de autenticação. | |
isArray — Propriedade, classe mx.states.AddItems | |
Denotes whether or not the collection represented by the target property is to be treated as a single array instance instead of a collection of items (the default). | |
isAsync — Propriedade, classe air.desktop.URLFilePromise | |
Indica se o dado de recurso está disponível assincronamente. | |
isAsync — Propriedade, interface flash.desktop.IFilePromise | |
Indica se a transferência de dados assíncrona é suportada. | |
isAsync — Propriedade, classe flash.media.MediaPromise | |
Indica se a fonte de dados subjacente é assíncrona ou síncrona. | |
isAutomationComposite(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — método, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObjectHelper | |
Determines whether an object is a composite or not. | |
isAvailable(propertyName:String) — método, classe com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata | |
Determines if a property is available as is determined by variants. | |
isAvailable(propertyName:String) — método, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelInstance | |
Determines if a property is available as is determined by variants. | |
isAvailableOffline — Propriedade, classe flash.events.DRMStatusEvent | |
Indica se o conteúdo, protegido pela criptografia de gerenciamento digital de direitos (DRM), está disponível offline. | |
isbase64 — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Valid only when the image attribute is specified. | |
isBranch(node:Object, model:Object) — método, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Tests a node for termination. | |
isBranch(node:Object, model:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Tests a node for termination. | |
isBranch(node:Object, model:Object) — método, interface mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor | |
Tests a node for termination. | |
IS_BRIDGE_CHILD_REQUEST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest | |
Tests if a given DisplayObject is a child of a SWF or one of its child SWFs. | |
isBuffering — Propriedade, classe flash.media.Sound | |
Retorna o estado de buffer dos arquivos MP3 externos. | |
isCellSelectionMode() — método, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Returns true if selectedMode is SINGLE_CELL or MULTIPLE_CELLS. | |
isCellVisible(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — método, classe spark.components.Grid | |
Returns true if the specified cell is at least partially visible. | |
isCheckForUpdateVisible — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Permite a visibilidade das caixas de diálogo Verificar atualizações, Nenhuma atualização e Erro de atualização. | |
isCollection — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel | |
Returns if the DataElements is a Collection | |
isCollectionElement — Estado da capa, classe com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor | |
State of the DDEMetaEditor when the DDE in question represents the collection type and is immediate child of a collection DDE. | |
isCollectionManaged(view:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — método, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
Returns true if the passed collection is managed by this service. | |
isCollectionPaged(view:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — método, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
Returns true if the passed collection is using paging features. | |
isColor — Propriedade, classe flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Indica se a impressora atualmente selecionada nas impressões de configurações de impressão atuais imprime usando cor (true) ou tons de cinza (false). | |
isColorName(colorName:String) — método, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Tests to see if the given String is an alias for a color value. | |
isColorName(colorName:String) — Método estático , classe mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Tests to see if the given String is an alias for a color value. | |
isColumnFullyVisible(columnIndex:int, rowIndex:int) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Returns true if the specified row in a column is visible. | |
isCommitRequired() — método, classe coldfusion.air.Session | |
Determines whether a commit must be called on the session to commit any pending operations to the server. | |
isCompiledAOT — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Especifica se o aplicativo foi compilado ou interpretado para a plataforma desejada. | |
isComposite() — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Method to check whether this property is a composite property that have child properties or not. | |
isComposite() — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies whether the property is a composite property that has child properties. | |
isConfirmation — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.UserActionProperty | |
Indicates whether the confirmation message is enabled. | |
isConnected() — método, classe mx.data.DataServiceOfflineAdapter | |
Returns true if the local store is "connected"; for example, if the local database is open. | |
isConstrained(dof:int) — método, classe fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Retorna se o tipo de grau de liberdade estiver restrito. | |
isCopy — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
Indicates that the object is a copy of an existing Asset. | |
isCreate() — método, interface mx.data.IChangeObject | |
Indicates if the change is due to a new item. | |
isCreate() — método, classe mx.data.messages.DataMessage | |
Returns true if this is a create operation. | |
isCreationAllowed — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.NewStageDialog | |
A Boolean variable to decide if the new stage is a creation stage. | |
isCurrentAppAir() — Método estático , classe mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
Returns true if the current application is an AIR app, false otherwise. | |
isCustom — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
The flag indicating whether Custom style is used for the List items or not | |
isDamaged(absolutePosition:int) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowComposerBase | |
Indica se algum objeto TextFlowLine entre o início do fluxo e a linha que contém o conteúdo na posição especificada está marcado como ‘danificado’. | |
isDamaged(absolutePosition:int) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
Indica se algum objeto TextFlowLine entre o início do fluxo e a linha que contém o conteúdo na posição especificada está marcado como ‘danificado’. | |
isDamaged() — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Determina se o contêiner possui texto que requer composição. | |
isDamaged() — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Retorna true se o conteúdo precisar ser composto. | |
isDataEditable(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Checks if editing is allowed for a group or summary row. | |
isDDReferenced() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
Indicates whether the data dictionary defined for this condition has been referred in any of the assignments. | |
isDDReferenced() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
Indicates whether the data dictionary defined for this image has been referred in any of the assignments. | |
isDDReferenced() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
Indicates whether the data dictionary defined for this letter has been referred in any of the assignments. | |
isDDReferenced — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Indicates whether the data dictionary defined for this list has been referred in any of the assignments. | |
isDDReferenced — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TextModel | |
Indicates whether the data dictionary defined for this text has been referred in any of the assignments. | |
isDDReferencedInNestedLayouts(targetAreaAssignments:mx.collections:IList) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
The function indicates whether data dictionary is referenced in the nested layout. | |
isDeadlined — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A flag that indicates whether the task was deadlined. | |
isDebug() — Método estático , classe mx.logging.Log | |
Indicates whether a debug level log event will be processed by a log target. | |
isDebugger — Propriedade estática, classe flash.system.Capabilities | |
Especifica se o sistema é uma versão de depuração especial (true) ou uma verão oficialmente lançada (false). | |
isDefault() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionAssignmentModel | |
Indicates if this condition assignment is for the default case. | |
isDefault — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.AuditLevel | |
Specifies whether the audit level is the default one for the module. | |
isDefault — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditLevelVO | |
Gets whether the audit level is the default audit level or not. | |
isDefault — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.QueueBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the queue is default. | |
isDefaultPrevented() — método, classe flash.events.Event | |
Verifica se o método preventDefault() foi chamado no evento. | |
isDelete() — método, interface mx.data.IChangeObject | |
Indicates if the item was deleted. | |
isDesignItem(oFactory:Object) — método, interface com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ILayoutComponent | |
Determine if the factory that was created for design mode and is running inside the guide builder canvas. | |
isDesignItem(oItem:Object) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
Determine if the factory that was created for design mode and is running inside the guide builder canvas. | |
isDeviceFontCompatible(fontName:String, fontWeight:String, fontPosture:String) — Método estático , classe flash.text.engine.FontDescription | |
True é retornado se uma fonte de dispositivo utilizável está disponível com o fontName especificado, fontWeight, e fontPosture. | |
isDigit(ccode:uint) — Método estático , classe spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationUtils | |
Return true if a codepoint is a numeric digit. | |
isDirectory — Propriedade, classe flash.filesystem.File | |
Indica se a referência é um diretório. | |
isDisplayObjectInABridgedApplication(displayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, interface mx.managers.IMarshalSystemManager | |
Tests if a display object is in a child application that is loaded in compatibility mode or in an untrusted sandbox. | |
isDocPanel() — método, interface ga.model.ILayoutHost | |
True if this is a panel containing is a document of record. | |
isDocument — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IRepeaterClient | |
Contains true if this UIComponent instance is a document object. | |
isDocument — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Contains true if this UIComponent instance is a document object. | |
isDocumentDeletionAllowed() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.document.DocumentPod | |
This method determines whether a selected document can be deleted or not. | |
isDownloadProgressVisible — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Permite a visibilidade da caixa de diálogo Baixar atualização. | |
isDownloadUpdateVisible — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Permite a visibilidade da caixa de diálogo Baixar atualização. | |
isDraft — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A flag that indicates whether the task is saved as a draft. | |
isDragging — Propriedade estática, classe flash.desktop.NativeDragManager | |
Informa se uma operação de arrastar está em andamento no momento. | |
isDragging — Propriedade estática, classe mx.managers.DragManager | |
Read-only property that returns true if a drag is in progress. | |
isDraggingAllowed(draggedColumn:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridColumn) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Checks if dragging is allowed for a particular column or not. | |
isDropDownOpen — Propriedade, classe spark.components.CalloutButton | |
Contains true if the drop down is open. | |
isDropDownOpen — Propriedade, classe spark.components.mediaClasses.VolumeBar | |
Contains true if the drop down is open. | |
isDropDownOpen — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase | |
Contains true if the drop down is open. | |
isDropDownOpen — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.support.AXMDropDownListBase | |
Contains true if the drop down is open. | |
isDVRRecording — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Returns true if the media is DVR-enabled and currently recording, false if the media is either not DVR-enabled, or is DVR-enabled but not currently recording. | |
isDynamicObject(obj:Object) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.ObjectUtil | |
Returns true if the object is an instance of a dynamic class. | |
isDynamicStream — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Indicates whether the media consists of a dynamic stream. | |
isDynamicStreamChange — Evento, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Dispatched when the isDynamicStream property has changed. | |
IS_DYNAMIC_STREAM_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.events.MediaPlayerCapabilityChangeEvent | |
The MediaPlayerCapabilityChangeEvent.IS_DYNAMIC_STREAM_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a isDynamicStreamChange event. | |
ISearchableText — Interface, pacote flash.accessibility | |
A interface ISearchableText pode ser implementada por objetos que contêm o texto que deve ser pesquisável na web. | |
ISearchProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | |
The ISearchProvider interface implements a custom search implementation. | |
ISearchProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client | |
Enables an application to provide its own search implementation. | |
ISearchUIControl — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | |
This interface should be implemented by components that want to provide a custom Search Control (Search Renderer) | |
ISearchView — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search | |
Interface to be implemented by component that wants to provide custom search view similar to BasicSearchView or AdvanceSearchView | |
ISection — Interface, pacote ga.model | |
The ISection interface defines the properties that can be extracted from a section. | |
ISecurityManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
The ISecurityManager interface provides methods to perform user authentication. | |
isEditableEnabled — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FieldAssignmentModel | |
Specifies whether this assignement model is editable | |
isEditableEnabled — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.icc.editors.model.IAssignmentModel | |
Specifies whether this assignement model is editable | |
isEditableEnabled — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.VariableAssignmentModel | |
Specifies whether this assignement model is editable | |
ISelectable — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.interfaces | |
This interface is implemented by classes that provide the ability to single-out, or select, one of their elements. | |
ISelectableList — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The ISelectableList interface indicates that the implementor is an IList element that supports a selectedIndex property. | |
ISelectionManager — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.edit | |
A interface ISelectionManager define a interface para gerenciar a seleção de texto. | |
isEmbeddedInAcrobat — Propriedade estática, classe flash.system.Capabilities | |
Especifica se o tempo de execução do Flash está incorporado em um arquivo PDF que é aberto no Acrobat 9.0 ou posterior (true) ou não (false). | |
isEmpty(collection:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.CollectionFunc | |
Checks if a collection is empty. | |
isEmpty() — método, classe flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Determina se este objeto Rectangle está ou não vazio. | |
isEmpty() — método, classe mx.automation.AutomationID | |
Indicates if there are more parts of the id. | |
isEmptyUpdate() — método, classe mx.data.messages.DataMessage | |
Returns true if this message is both an update and its list of property names has a length of zero. | |
isEnabled(dof:int) — método, classe fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Retorna se o tipo de grau de liberdade especificado está ativado. | |
isEnabled — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.ReaderSubmit | |
A flag that indicates if option to submit using Adobe Reader 9.1 or later is enabled. | |
isEnabled(node:Object) — método, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Returns whether the node is enabled. | |
isEnabled(node:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Returns whether the node is enabled. | |
isEqual(p1:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITabStopFormat, p2:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITabStopFormat) — Método estático , classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat | |
Compara as propriedades da instância ITabStopFormat p1 com as propriedades na instância ITabStopFormat p2 e gera ‘true’ se todas as propriedades coincidirem. | |
isEqual(p1:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, p2:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — Método estático , classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Compara as propriedades da instância ITextLayoutFormat p1 com as propriedades na instância ITextLayoutFormat p2 e gera ‘true’ se todas as propriedades coincidirem. | |
isError(result:Array) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util.MultiTriggerValidator | |
This method returns a True value if any of the triggers have failed. | |
isError() — Método estático , classe mx.logging.Log | |
Indicates whether an error level log event will be processed by a log target. | |
isError — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.ValidationResult | |
Contains true if the field generated a validation failure. | |
IServer — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IServer interface defines methods for retrieving Experience Server information. | |
IService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IService interface defines methods for retrieving service information. | |
IServiceFactory — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.framework | |
Services implement IServiceFactory when they need additional control over how service objects are dispensed. | |
IServiceLibrary — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IServiceLibrary interface defines methods for retrieving service library information. | |
IServiceProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm | |
The IServiceProvider interface represents the entry point for the Expression Manager infrastructure services, and provides common services which can be used by both the authoring component and the runtime (these services are typically data-centric, for example, services for listing available functions and variables). | |
IServiceProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.service | |
This interface defines methods that can be invoked to get service instances. | |
IServiceReference — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.framework | |
The IServiceReference interface is a "handle" to a service. | |
IServiceRegistration — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.framework | |
The IServiceRegistration interface is used can be used by a bundle to manage the properties of services exposed by that bundle and to unregister the services. | |
IServiceTrackerCustomizer — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.tracker | |
Interface for customizing the behaviour of a ServiceTracker. | |
ISession — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
The ISession class defines the interfaces to access user-related states, such as a security ticket. | |
ISession — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The ISession interface represents an instance of a user's server connection. | |
ISessionConfiguration — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The ISessionConfiguration provides a descriptor to the runtime for any options that the application author wishes to specify for the creation of the ISession. | |
ISessionManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The ISessionManager interface represents an instance of a server connection pool. | |
ISessionManager — Interface, pacote lc.foundation | |
The ISessionManager interface is implemented to expose operations and properties related to the Document Server session. | |
isExecuteEnabled — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
A flag that indicates whether the condition for executing the task directive was satisfied. | |
isExpired() — método, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Resource | |
Using the expiration attribute specified on the resource, this function calculates whether the resource is expired based on the current date. | |
isExpressionValid — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.view.ValidateExpression | |
Is Expression Valid | |
isExtended — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.TableColumnDetails | |
The flag indicating if the column was present in original layout or added after customization | |
isFatal() — Método estático , classe mx.logging.Log | |
Indicates whether a fatal level log event will be processed by a log target. | |
isFault — Propriedade, classe mx.rpc.soap.SOAPResult | |
Flag indicating if this result object represents a SOAP Fault message. | |
isFavorite(startpoint:lc.procmgmt.domain:Startpoint) — método, interface lc.procmgmt.IFavoritesManager | |
Returns whether the specified startpoint is a favorite. | |
isFavorite(startpoint:lc.procmgmt.domain:Startpoint) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.impl.FavoritesManager | |
Returns whether the specified startpoint is a favorite. | |
isFiberGuide() — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
True if this guide is based off of a Fiber Model. | |
isFiberGuide() — método, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
True if this guide is based off of a Fiber Model. | |
isFiberGuide() — método, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
True if this guide is based off of a Fiber Model. | |
isFileUpdateVisible — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Permite a visibilidade das caixas de diálogo Atualização de arquivo, Nenhuma atualização de arquivo e Erro de arquivo. | |
isFinite(num:Number) — Função do pacote, Nível superior | |
Retornará "true" se o valor for um número finito ou "false" se o valor for Infinity ou -Infinity. | |
isFirst — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.ruler.IRulerItemRenderer | |
If this Boolean flag is set to True, this is the first item in the ruler rendition. | |
isFirstRun — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Independentemente desta ser a primeira execução após uma atualização bem-sucedida (true) ou malsucedida (false). | |
isFirstRun — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Independentemente desta ser a primeira execução após uma atualização bem-sucedida (true) ou malsucedida (false). | |
isFlatView — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
isFLVCuePointEnabled(timeNameOrCuePoint:any) — método, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Retornará false se o ponto de sinalização incorporado do arquivo FLV estiver desativado. | |
isFocusInaccessible() — método, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Determina se a propriedade Stage.focus retornará "null" por motivos de segurança. | |
isFontCompatible(fontName:String, fontStyle:String) — método, classe fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Retorna true se uma fonte incorporada estiver disponível com os parâmetros fontName e fontStyle especificados, em que Font.fontType é flash.text.FontType.EMBEDDED_CFF. | |
isFontCompatible(fontName:String, fontStyle:String) — Método estático , classe flash.text.TextField | |
Retorna true se uma fonte incorporada estiver disponível com os parâmetros fontName e fontStyle especificados, em que Font.fontType é flash.text.FontType.EMBEDDED. | |
isFontCompatible(fontName:String, fontWeight:String, fontPosture:String) — Método estático , classe flash.text.engine.FontDescription | |
True será retornado se uma fonte incorporada estiver disponível com os parâmetros fontName, fontWeight e fontPosture especificados, em que Font.fontType é flash.text.FontType.EMBEDDED_CFF. | |
isFontFaceEmbedded(tf:flash.text:TextFormat) — método, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
Returns true if the required font face is embedded in this application, or has been registered globally by using the Font.registerFont() method. | |
isFontFaceEmbedded(textFormat:flash.text:TextFormat) — método, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Returns true if the required font face is embedded in this application, or has been registered globally by using the Font.registerFont() method. | |
isFontFaceEmbedded(textFormat:flash.text:TextFormat) — método, classe mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Returns true if the required font face is embedded in this application, or has been registered globally by using the Font.registerFont() method. | |
isFrameworkVersionSupported(version:String) — método, classe org.osmf.media.PluginInfo | |
Returns true if the plugin supports the specified version of the framework, in which case the loading application loads the plugin. | |
isGetterSetter(obj:Object, qname:QName) — Função do pacote, flash.sampler | |
Verifique para consultar se uma propriedade está definida pela função get/set. | |
isGroup — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.BaseUser | |
Specifies whether the user is a group, as defined in Adobe User Management. | |
isGroupQueue() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.QueueBase | |
Determines whether the queue is a group queue. | |
isGuideInitialized() — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Return whether or not the guide is initialized. | |
isGuideInitialized() — método, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Return whether or not the guide is initialized. | |
isGuideInitialized() — método, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Return whether or not the guide is initialized. | |
ISharedDisplayObject — Interface, pacote spark.core | |
The ISharedDisplayObject interface defines the minimum requirements that a DisplayObject must implement to be shared between IGraphicElement objects. | |
isHeaderOpen — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.DesktopModel | |
IShell — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IShell interface provides access to the DOM that makes up a composite application. | |
isHidden — Propriedade, classe flash.filesystem.File | |
Indica se o arquivo ou diretório referenciado está "oculto". O valor é true se o arquivo ou diretório referenciado estiver oculto; caso contrário, é false. | |
isHighSurrogate(charCode:int) — Método estático , classe flashx.textLayout.utils.CharacterUtil | |
Retorna 'true' se o argumento charCode for um caractere alto de um par de códigos. | |
isHistoryBackEnabled — Propriedade, classe flash.media.StageWebView | |
Indica se há uma página anterior no histórico de navegação. | |
isHistoryForwardEnabled — Propriedade, classe flash.media.StageWebView | |
Indica se há uma página seguinte no histórico de navegação. | |
isHTTPS — Propriedade, classe flash.events.BrowserInvokeEvent | |
Se o conteúdo do navegador usa o esquema de URL HTTPS (true) ou não (false). | |
isHttpsURL(url:String) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Determines if the URL uses the secure HTTPS protocol. | |
isHttpURL(url:String) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Determines if the URL uses the HTTP, HTTPS, or RTMP protocol. | |
isImage — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Field | |
True if the field's data type is image. | |
isImage — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ResolvedContent | |
True if the resolved content is an image. | |
ISimpleStyleClient — Interface, pacote mx.styles | |
This interface describes the properties and methods that an object must implement so that it can participate in the style subsystem. | |
ISimpleTextSelection — Interface, pacote flash.accessibility | |
A classe ISimpleTextSelection pode ser usada para incluir suporte para a interface MSAA ISimpleTextSelection para uma AccessibilityImplementation. | |
isIncludeAttachments — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderBase | |
A flag that specifies whether to include Attachments in the display. | |
isIncludeAttachments — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Indicator to include Attachments in the display. | |
isIncludeAttachments — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.Attachments | |
A flag that specifies whether to include attachments in the display. | |
isIncludeNotes — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderBase | |
A flag that specifies whether to to include Notes in the display. | |
isIncludeNotes — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Indicator to include Notes in the display. | |
isIncludeNotes — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.Attachments | |
A flag that specifies whether to include notes in the display. | |
isInfo() — Método estático , classe mx.logging.Log | |
Indicates whether an info level log event will be processed by a log target. | |
isInheritingStyle(styleName:String) — método, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Tests to see if a style is inheriting. | |
isInheritingStyle(styleName:String) — Método estático , classe mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Tests to see if a style is inheriting. | |
isInheritingTextFormatStyle(styleName:String) — método, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Test to see if a TextFormat style is inheriting. | |
isInheritingTextFormatStyle(styleName:String) — Método estático , classe mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Test to see if a TextFormat style is inheriting. | |
isInitalTask — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Deprecated Since LiveCycle ES Update 1 (8.2): Please use isInitialTask. | |
isInitialized — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
Indicates whether the metadata associated with this DataManager instance is initialized. | |
isInitialized — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
Indicates when this DataStore is initialized and ready for use. | |
isInitialTask — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A flag that indicates whether the task was created from an startpoint. | |
isInstallUpdateVisible — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Permite a visibilidade da caixa de diálogo Instalar atualização. | |
isInvalid() — método, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManager | |
Returns true if there are components that need validating; false if all components have been validated. | |
isInvalid() — método, classe mx.managers.LayoutManager | |
Returns true if there are components that need validating; false if all components have been validated. | |
isIs — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.management.MBeanAttributeInfo | |
Indicates if the server-side getter for the attribute has an 'is' prefix. | |
isItemEditable(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Determines whether to allow editing of a dataprovider item on a per-row basis. | |
isItemEditable(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.List | |
Determines if the item renderer for a data provider item is editable. | |
isItemHighlighted(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Determines if the item renderer for a data provider item is highlighted (is rolled over via the mouse or or under the caret via keyboard navigation). | |
isItemHighlighted(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Determines if the item renderer for a data provider item is highlighted (is rolled over via the mouse or under the caret due to keyboard navigation). | |
isItemOpen(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Returns true if the specified branch node is open. | |
isItemOpen(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.Tree | |
Returns true if the specified item branch is open (is showing its children). | |
isItemSelectable(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Determines if the item renderer for a data provider item is selectable. | |
isItemSelectable(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Determines if the item renderer for a data provider item is selectable. | |
isItemSelected(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Verifica se o item especificado está selecionado na lista. | |
isItemSelected(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Determines if the item renderer for a data provider item is selected. | |
isItemSelected(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Determines if the item renderer for a data provider item is selected. | |
isItemShowingCaret(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Determines if the item renderer for a data provider item is the item under the caret due to keyboard navigation. | |
isItemShowingCaret(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Determines if the item renderer for a data provider item is the item under the caret due to keyboard navigation. | |
isItemVisible(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Determines if an item is being displayed by a renderer. | |
isItemVisible(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Determines if an item is being displayed by a renderer. | |
isKeyEditable — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.component.ExtendedProperty | |
isKeyPressed — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Contains true if a key press is in progress. | |
isKeyTypeEvent — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkDropDownListBaseAutomationImpl | |
isLabeledBy(labelBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — método, classe flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
retorna verdadeiro ou falso para indicar se um objeto de texto que especifica uma caixa delimitadora por um x, y, largura, e altura deve considerar-se um rótulo do componente que este AccessibilityImplementation representa. | |
isLargeIcon — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.file.PRMFileRenderer | |
This variable holds a Boolean value to decide whether to display a large icon or a small icon. | |
isLast — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.ruler.IRulerItemRenderer | |
If this Boolean flag is set to True, this is the last item in the ruler rendition. | |
isLastStateValid — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.MultiTriggerValidator | |
The flag that returns true indicating that the last validation performed by this validator was valid. | |
isLastStateValid — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util.MultiTriggerValidator | |
This property returns a True value if the last state of validator was valid. | |
isLC8Task() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Returns whether the task is an LiveCycle ES (version 8.x) task. | |
isLeadingSurrogate(ccode:uint) — Método estático , classe spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationUtils | |
Return true if a codepoint is a leading surrogate. | |
isLeapYear(year:int) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc | |
Returns a boolean indicating whether a year is a leap year or not. | |
isLive — Propriedade, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Um valor booliano que será true se o fluxo de vídeo for ao vivo. | |
isLive — Propriedade, classe fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
Um valor booliano que será true se o fluxo de vídeo for ao vivo. | |
isLive — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStreamInfo | |
Se a mídia que está sendo reproduzida é gravada ou ao vivo. | |
isLoading — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
This property is true if the MP3 has been loaded. | |
isLoading — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
This property is true if the MP3 has been loaded. | |
isLoadingInteractivePdf — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Indicates an interactivePdf is in the process of being loaded. | |
isLoadingInteractivePdf — Propriedade, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Indicates an interactivePdf is in the process of being loaded. | |
isLoadingInteractivePdf — Propriedade, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Indicates an interactivePdf is in the process of being loaded. | |
isLocal — Propriedade, classe flash.events.DRMStatusEvent | |
Indica se o comprovante está armazenado em cache no armazenamento de comprovantes local. | |
isLocked — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A flag that indicates whether the task is locked. | |
isLoggable(level:int, loggerName:String) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.init.GravityBootstrap | |
Determine whether a message will be logged. | |
isLoggable(level:int, loggerName:String) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.init.GravityInit | |
Determine whether a message will be logged. | |
isLoggable(level:int, loggerName:String) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.ILogger | |
Determine whether a message will be logged. | |
isLoggable(level:int) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.Logger | |
Determine whether a message will be logged. | |
isLowSurrogate(charCode:int) — Método estático , classe flashx.textLayout.utils.CharacterUtil | |
Retorna 'true' se o argumento charCode for um caractere baixo de um par de códigos. | |
ISmallMessage — Interface, pacote mx.messaging.messages | |
A marker interface that is used to indicate that an IMessage has an alternative smaller form for serialization. | |
isMaximized() — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.MosaicLayoutBase | |
When a value of true is return, this layout is currently showing a maximized child element. | |
isMeasure — Propriedade, interface mx.olap.IOLAPDimension | |
Contains true if this is the measures dimension, which holds all the measure members. | |
isMeasure — Propriedade, interface mx.olap.IOLAPMember | |
Returns true if this member represents a measure of a dimension. | |
isMeasure — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPDimension | |
Contains true if this is the measures dimension, which holds all the measure members. | |
isMeasure — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPMember | |
Returns true if this member represents a measure of a dimension. | |
isMemberOf(groupName:String) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.IUser | |
Determines whether the current user is member of given group. | |
isMemberOf(name:String) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.User | |
Determines whether the current user is member of given group. | |
isModified — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event.TemplateEvent | |
A True value of this Boolean flag indicates that the template has been modified locally. | |
isModuleReferenced(moduleId:String) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.services.module.IModuleService | |
Determine if the specified module is reference by some other asset (e.g. | |
isMonitoring() — Método estático , classe mx.netmon.NetworkMonitor | |
Returns true if the monitor is linked and monitoring. | |
isMonitoringImpl — Propriedade estática, classe mx.netmon.NetworkMonitor | |
To be assigned by mix-in. | |
isMouseTargetInaccessible — Propriedade, classe flash.events.ContextMenuEvent | |
Indica se a propriedade mouseTarget foi definida como “null” por motivos de segurança. | |
isMultiUser() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Returns whether the task is a multi-user task on the Document Server. | |
isNaN(num:Number) — Função do pacote, Nível superior | |
Retornará "true" se o valor for NaN (não é um número). | |
isNavigationUnit(keyCode:uint) — Método estático , classe spark.core.NavigationUnit | |
Returns true if the keyCode maps directly to a NavigationUnit enum value. | |
isNew — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
Indicates if this Asset is new. | |
isNew — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.CategoryModel | |
Indicates if this Category is new. | |
isNewerVersionFunction — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Uma função que o atualizador deve usar para realizar comparações entre versões. | |
isNewerVersionFunction — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Uma função que o atualizador deve usar para realizar comparações entre versões. | |
isNewField — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.FieldInstance | |
[Applicable during reload] True if this is a new Field, that did not exist when the Letter was submitted. | |
isNewTarget — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.TargetInstance | |
[Applicable during reload] True if this is a new container target, that did not exist when the Letter was submitted. | |
isObjectPopUp(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — método, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for tool): Returns true if the passed object is a pop up. | |
isOn — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
isOpen — Propriedade, classe spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
Contains true when the container is open and is currently showing as a pop-up. | |
isOpen — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController | |
Contains true if the drop down is open. | |
isOpen — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
isOpen | |
isOpen — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.support.AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | |
Contains true if the drop down is open. | |
isOpen — Propriedade, interface xd.core.axm.view.components.support.ICollapsibleSegment | |
A flag that indiates whether the component is open or collapsed. | |
isOpen — Propriedade, interface xd.core.axm.view.components.support.IDropDownController | |
A flag that indicates whether the dropdown is open. | |
isOptional — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.Reviewer | |
If the value is true, the reviewer is optional. | |
isOptionalEnabled — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FieldAssignmentModel | |
Specifies whether this assignement model is optional | |
isOptionalEnabled — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.icc.editors.model.IAssignmentModel | |
Specifies whether this assignement model is optional | |
isOptionalEnabled — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.VariableAssignmentModel | |
Specifies whether this assignement model is optional | |
ISort — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
The ISort interface defines the interface for classes that provide the sorting information required to sort the data of a collection view. | |
ISortField — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
The ISortField interface defines the interface for classes that are used with ISort classes, to provide the sorting information required to sort the specific fields or property in a collection view. | |
isOurFocus(target:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Typically overridden by components containing UITextField objects, where the UITextField object gets focus. | |
isOutOfOffice — Propriedade, classe lc.foundation.domain.User | |
The out of office indicator for the user. | |
isOwner() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Indicates whether the current user is the owner of the task. | |
isPackage — Propriedade, classe flash.filesystem.File | |
Indica se o diretório referenciado é um pacote. | |
isParentDisplayListInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — método, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Tests to see if this style affects the component's parent container in such a way as to require that the parent container redraws itself when this style changes. | |
isParentDisplayListInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — Método estático , classe mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Tests to see if this style affects the component's parent container in such a way as to require that the parent container redraws itself when this style changes. | |
isParentSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — método, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Tests to see if the style changes the size of the component's parent container. | |
isParentSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — Método estático , classe mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Tests to see if the style changes the size of the component's parent container. | |
isPDFPanel() — método, interface ga.model.ILayoutHost | |
True if this is a panel containing a PDF rendition. | |
isPerUser — Propriedade, classe flash.net.LocalConnection | |
Indica se o objeto LocalConnection está no escopo do usuário atual (true) ou é globalmente acessível a todos os usuários do computador (false). | |
isPinExpired() — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.IPin | |
Determines whether the current pin has expired. | |
isPinExpired() — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.Pin | |
Determines whether the current pin has expired. | |
isPlainText() — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.TextScrap | |
Retorna true se o texto é simples (sem formatação) | |
isPlaying — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Indica se a animação está sendo reproduzida no momento. | |
isPlaying — Propriedade, classe fl.transitions.Tween | |
Indica se a interpolação está sendo reproduzida no momento. | |
isPlaying — Propriedade, classe flash.display.MovieClip | |
Valor booliano que indica se um clipe de filme está sendo reproduzido. | |
isPlaying — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Effect | |
A read-only flag which is true if any instances of the effect are currently playing, and false if none are. | |
isPlaying — Propriedade, interface mx.effects.IEffect | |
A read-only flag which is true if any instances of the effect are currently playing, and false if none are. | |
isPlaying — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
If true, the animation is currently playing. | |
isPopUp — Propriedade, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
isPopUp — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IUIComponent | |
Set to true by the PopUpManager to indicate that component has been popped up. | |
isPopUp — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Set to true by the PopUpManager to indicate that component has been popped up. | |
isPopUp — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Set to true by the PopUpManager to indicate that component has been popped up. | |
isPopUp — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
Set to true by the PopUpManager to indicate that component has been popped up. | |
isPopUp — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Set to true by the PopUpManager to indicate that component has been popped up. | |
isPost — Propriedade, classe flash.html.HTMLHistoryItem | |
Indica se a página HTML inclui dados POST. | |
isPrimaryTouchPoint — Propriedade, classe flash.events.TouchEvent | |
Indica se o primeiro ponto do contato é mapeado a eventos de mouse. | |
isPrimordial — Propriedade, classe flash.system.Worker | |
Indica se o worker é o worker principal. | |
isPropertyCached — Propriedade, classe lc.foundation.events.PropertyLoadEvent | |
The flag indicates whether the property is cached. | |
isPrototypeOf(theClass:Object) — método, classe Object | |
Indica se uma ocorrência da classe Object está na cadeia de protótipos do objeto especificado como o parâmetro. | |
isProxy — Propriedade, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
True if the ISystemManager is a proxy and not a root class. | |
isProxy — Propriedade, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
True if SystemManager is a proxy and not a root class | |
isProxy — Propriedade, classe mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
True if SystemManager is a proxy and not a root class | |
isQuerySupported() — método, classe mx.data.DataServiceOfflineAdapter | |
Returns true if custom queries are supported with this adapter. | |
isQuerySupported() — método, classe mx.data.SQLiteOfflineAdapter | |
Indicates whether the adapter supports query execution. | |
isRangeResident(view:mx.collections:ListCollectionView, startIndex:int, numberOfItems:int) — método, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
Returns true if the supplied range of items is all paged in. | |
isRangeSelection() — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
Indica se a seleção cobre um intervalo de texto. | |
isRangeSelection() — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
Indica se a seleção cobre um intervalo de texto. | |
isRealValue(value:Object) — método, classe mx.validators.Validator | |
Returns true if value is not null. | |
isRealValue(value:Object) — método, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Returns true if value is not null. | |
isRecording — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.traits.DVRTrait | |
Defines if the recording is ongoing. | |
isRecordingChange — Evento, classe org.osmf.traits.DVRTrait | |
Dispatched when the object's isRecording property changes. | |
isRecordingChange — Evento, classe org.osmf.traits.TraitEventDispatcher | |
Dispatched when the isRecording property has changed. | |
IS_RECORDING_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.events.DVREvent | |
The DVREvent.IS_RECORDING_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an isRecordingChange event. | |
isRegistered(assetType:String) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
Checks whether a handler is registered for give assetType. | |
isRegistered(assetType:String) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
Checks whether a handler is registered for a specified assetType. | |
isRelatedObjectInaccessible — Propriedade, classe flash.events.FocusEvent | |
Se verdadeiro, a propriedade relatedObject será definida como nula por motivos relacionados às caixas de proteção de segurança. | |
isRelatedObjectInaccessible — Propriedade, classe flash.events.MouseEvent | |
Se verdadeiro, a propriedade relatedObject será definida como nula por motivos relacionados às caixas de proteção de segurança. | |
isRelatedObjectInaccessible — Propriedade, classe flash.events.TouchEvent | |
Se verdadeiro, a propriedade relatedObject será definida como nula por motivos relacionados às caixas de proteção de segurança. | |
isReliable(index:uint) — método, classe org.osmf.net.httpstreaming.DefaultHTTPStreamingSwitchManager | |
Determines whether an index is reliable. This is achieved by comparing the index's reliability with the minimumReliability | |
isRemovable — Propriedade, classe flash.filesystem.StorageVolume | |
Se o sistema operacional considerar que o volume de armazenamento é removível (verdadeiro) ou não (falso). | |
isRemoved — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.FieldInstance | |
[Applicable during reload] True if this Field has been removed from the latest version of the layout. | |
isRemoveEnabled — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
A flag that indicates whether the condition for removing a user is satisfied. | |
isRendererUnconstrained(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns true if an item renderer is no longer being positioned by the list's layout algorithm while a data change effect is running as a result of a call to the unconstrainRenderer() method. | |
isRendererUnconstrained(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns true if an item renderer is no longer being positioned by the list's layout algorithm while a data change effect is running as a result of a call to the unconstrainRenderer() method. | |
isRequiredAirClassPresent() — Método estático , classe mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
Returns false if AIR helper class (mx.automation.air.AirFunctionsHelper) is not found. | |
isRequiredSparkClassPresent() — Método estático , classe mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
isResourceModule — Propriedade, classe mx.events.RSLEvent | |
True if the event is for loading a resourceModule instead of an RSL | |
isRightToLeft() — método, classe flash.globalization.LocaleID | |
Especifica se a direção de texto para a localidade especificada é da direita para a esquerda. | |
isRouteSelectionRequired — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A flag that indicates whether a route selection is required. | |
isRowSelectionMode() — método, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Return true if selectedMode is SINGLE_ROW or MULTIPLE_ROWS. | |
isRTMP — Propriedade, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Um valor booliano que será true se o streaming do arquivo FLV estiver sendo feito a partir do FMS (Flash Media Server) usando RTMP. | |
isRTMP — Propriedade, interface fl.video.INCManager | |
Se a URL é para streaming RTMP a partir de um FMS (Flash Media Server) ou um download progressivo. | |
isRTMP — Propriedade, classe fl.video.NCManager | |
Se a URL é para streaming RTMP a partir de um FMS (Flash Media Server) ou um download progressivo. | |
isRTMP — Propriedade, classe fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
Um valor booliano que será true se o streaming do arquivo FLV estiver sendo feito a partir do FMS (Flash Media Server) usando RTMP. | |
isSeparator — Propriedade, classe flash.display.NativeMenuItem | |
Relata se este item é uma linha separadora de menu. | |
isSetAsDefaultApplication(extension:String) — método, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Especifica se esse aplicativo é atualmente o aplicativo padrão para a abertura de arquivos com a extensão especificada. | |
isShallow() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
Indicates if the underlying value object is shallow. | |
isShallow() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LayoutModel | |
Indicates if the underlying value object is shallow. | |
isShallow() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleModel | |
Indicates if the underlying value object is shallow. | |
isSharedQueue() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.QueueBase | |
Determines whether the queue is a shared queue. | |
isShowAttachments — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A flag that indicates whether the attachments should be available to the user. | |
isSigned — Propriedade, classe mx.core.RSLData | |
True if the RSL has been signed by Adobe. | |
isSimple(value:Object) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.ObjectUtil | |
Returns true if the object reference specified is a simple data type. | |
isSingleUser() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Returns whether the task is a single user task on the Document Server. | |
isSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — método, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Tests to see if a style changes the size of a component. | |
isSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — Método estático , classe mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Tests to see if a style changes the size of a component. | |
ISSOManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.user | |
The ISSOManager expose operations related to Single Sign On (SSO) in LiveCycle ES environment. | |
isSortIndicatorVisible(columnIndex:int) — método, classe spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Returns true if the sort indicator for the specified column is visible. | |
isStageSerial(type:String) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.StageTypes | |
Determines whether a stage is parallel or sequential. | |
isStageSerial(type:String) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.StageTypes | |
Utility method to determine if a stage is parallel or sequential. | |
isStandardTaskProperty — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.IProperty | |
Returns a value of true when the property is a built-in task property. | |
isStartTask — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A flag that indicates whether this is a newly started task. | |
isStyle — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.AnimateProperty | |
If true, the property attribute is a style and you set it by using the setStyle() method. | |
isStyle — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.AnimatePropertyInstance | |
If true, the property attribute is a style and you set it by using the setStyle() method. | |
isStyle — Propriedade, classe mx.states.AddItems | |
Denotes whether or not the collection represented by the target property is a style. | |
issuer — Propriedade, classe flash.security.X509Certificate | |
Fornece o Distinguished Name (DN) do emissor. | |
issuerUniqueID — Propriedade, classe flash.security.X509Certificate | |
Fornece o identificador exclusivo do emissor. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.concurrent.Condition | |
Indica se a classe Condition é suportada na plataforma atual. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.data.EncryptedLocalStore | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe EncryptedLocalStore for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Indica se a classe SQLConnection tem suporte na plataforma atual ou não. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.desktop.NativeDragManager | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe EncryptedLocalStore for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como falsa. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Indica se processos nativos em execução são suportados no perfil atual. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.desktop.Updater | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe Atualizador estiver disponível na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como falsa. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.display.NativeMenu | |
Indica se alguma forma do menu nativo é suportada no sistema cliente. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Indica se as janelas nativas são suportadas no sistema cliente. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.filesystem.StorageVolumeInfo | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe StorageVolumeInfo for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Indica se a classe HTMLLoader é suportada no sistema do cliente. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.media.AudioDeviceManager | |
Se o AudioDeviceManager está ativado. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.media.Camera | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe Camera for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.media.CameraUI | |
Indica se há suporte à classe CameraUI no dispositivo atual. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.media.Microphone | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe Microphone for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.media.StageWebView | |
Indica se há suporte à classe StageWebView no dispositivo atual. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.net.DatagramSocket | |
Indica se os recursos de DatagramSocket são suportados no meio de tempo de execução. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.net.LocalConnection | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe LocalConnection for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.net.NetworkInfo | |
Indica qual acesso à informação sobre a interface é suportado no sistema cliente. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.net.SecureSocket | |
Indica se os soquetes seguros são suportados no sistema atual. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.net.ServerSocket | |
Indica se os recursos de ServerSocket são suportados no meio de tempo de execução. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.net.dns.DNSResolver | |
Indica se as buscas de DNS são suportadas no sistema cliente. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.net.drm.DRMManager | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe DRMManager for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Indica se a classe PrintJob é suportada na plataforma atual (sou verdade) ou não (falsa). | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe XMLSignatureValidator for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.sensors.Accelerometer | |
A propriedade isSupported é definida para verdadeiro se o sensor de acelerômetro estiver disponível no dispositivo, de outra maneira, ela é definida para falso. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.sensors.DeviceRotation | |
A propriedade isSupported é definida para true se os sensores de acelerômetro e de giroscópio estiverem disponíveis no dispositivo, de outra maneira, ela é definida para false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.sensors.Geolocation | |
Se um sensor de local estiver disponível no dispositivo (verdadeiro); caso contrário, falso. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.system.IME | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe IME for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.system.Worker | |
Indica se o contexto do runtime atual suporta o objeto Worker para execuções de código concorrentes. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.system.WorkerDomain | |
Indica se o contexto do runtime atual suporta os objetos WorkerDomain e Worker para execuções de código concorrentes. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
A propriedade isSupported será definida como true se a classe ContextMenu for suportada na plataforma atual; de outra maneira, ela será definida como false. | |
isSupported — Propriedade estática, classe flash.ui.GameInput | |
Indica se a sua plataforma é compatível com a API GameInput. | |
isSymbolicLink — Propriedade, classe flash.filesystem.File | |
Indica se a referência é um link simbólico. | |
isSynchronized(target:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — método, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Tests if the provided target needs to wait until a previous operation completes. | |
isTableField — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FieldAssignmentModel | |
The isTableField property. | |
isTableTargetArea — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
The table name property. | |
IStackable — Interface, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The IStackable interface is implemented by any series that can be stacked. | |
IStackable2 — Interface, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The IStackable2 interface is implemented by any series that can be stacked. | |
IStage — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines a stage inside a schedule template. | |
IStageManagement — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | |
Signatures of operations supported on stage templates. | |
IStageParticipant — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines the basic properties of a participant of a creation, a review, or an approval stage. | |
IStageTemplate — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines a stage template. | |
IStartpointManager — Interface, pacote lc.procmgmt | |
The IStartpointManager interface is implemented to manage TaskManager startpoints. | |
IStateClient — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IStateClient interface defines the interface that components must implement to support view states. | |
IStateClient2 — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IStateClient2 interface defines the interface that components must implement to support Flex 4 view state semantics. | |
isText — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Field | |
True if the field's data type is text (plain or rich). | |
isText — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ResolvedContent | |
True if the resolved content is text. | |
isToggled(node:Object) — método, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Returns whether the node is toggled. | |
isToggled(node:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Returns whether the node is toggled. | |
isToolButtonDown(index:int) — método, classe flash.events.TouchEvent | |
Relata que o botão de hardware no índice especificado foi pressionado. | |
isTopLevel() — método, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
Returns true if this ISystemManager is responsible for an application window, and false if this application has been loaded into another application. | |
isTopLevel() — método, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Returns true if this ISystemManager is responsible for an application window, and false if this application has been loaded into another application. | |
isTopLevel() — método, classe mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Returns true if this ISystemManager is responsible for an application window, and false if this application has been loaded into another application. | |
isTopLevelRoot() — método, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
Tests if this system manager is the root of all top level system managers. | |
isTopLevelRoot() — método, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Tests if this system manager is the root of all top level system managers. | |
isTopLevelRoot() — método, classe mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
isTopLevelWindow(object:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Determines if the given DisplayObject is the top-level window. | |
isTopLevelWindow(object:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Returns true if the given DisplayObject is the top-level window. | |
isTouchPointCanceled — Propriedade, classe flash.events.TouchEvent | |
Relata que essa sequência de entrada de toque foi cancelada pelo sistema operacional. | |
isTrailingSurrogate(ccode:uint) — Método estático , classe spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationUtils | |
Return true if a codepoint is a trailing surrogate. | |
IStroke — Interface, pacote mx.graphics | |
Defines the interface that classes that define a line must implement. | |
isTruncated — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.factory.TextLineFactoryBase | |
Indica se o texto foi truncado quando foram criadas linhas pela última vez. | |
isTruncated — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Indicates whether the text has been truncated, true, or not, false. | |
isTruncated — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.TextBase | |
A read-only property reporting whether the text has been truncated. | |
isTruncated — Propriedade, interface spark.core.IDisplayText | |
A flag that indicates whether the text has been truncated. | |
IStyle — Interface, pacote com.adobe.fiber.styles | |
The IStyle interface defines a representation of a style associated with the Adobe application modeling technology. | |
IStyleClient — Interface, pacote mx.styles | |
This interface describes the properties and methods that an object must implement so that it can fully participate in the style subsystem. | |
IStyleManager — Interface, pacote mx.styles | |
The IStyleManager class manages the following: Which CSS style properties the class inherits Which style properties are colors, and therefore get special handling A list of strings that are aliases for color values This interface was used by Flex 2.0.1. | |
IStyleManager2 — Interface, pacote mx.styles | |
The IStyleManager2 class manages the following: Which CSS style properties the class inherits Which style properties are colors, and therefore get special handling A list of strings that are aliases for color values | |
IStyleModule — Interface, pacote mx.styles | |
Simple interface to manipulate style modules. | |
ISubmit — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.submit | |
The ISubmit interface is used to call one of the components built-in submission processes with supplied data. | |
ISubmitResult — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.submit | |
The ISubmitResult interface is used to handle the results, success or failure, of an ISubmit submit(x) call. | |
ISubmitResultAware — Interface, pacote com.adobe.guides.submit | |
The ISubmitResultAware interface is used to register to handle the results, success or failure, of an ISubmit submit(x) call. | |
ISubmitService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.services.submit | |
Defines a service for submitting filled letter data (ICC Data). | |
isUID(uid:String) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.RPCUIDUtil | |
A utility method to check whether a String value represents a correctly formatted UID value. | |
isUID(uid:String) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.UIDUtil | |
A utility method to check whether a String value represents a correctly formatted UID value. | |
ISummaryCalculator — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
The ISummaryCalculator interface defines the interface implemented by custom summary calculator classes. | |
isUnexpectedErrorVisible — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Permite a visibilidade da caixa de diálogo Erro inesperado. | |
isUpdate() — método, interface mx.data.IChangeObject | |
Indicates if the change is due to an update. | |
isUpdateInProgress — Propriedade, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Uma propriedade Boolean que será true se uma atualização estiver sendo executada; caso contrário, será false. | |
isUploading — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.FileUploadManager | |
Indicates whether a file upload is currenly in progress. | |
ISupportingDocument — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines a supporting document. | |
isURLInaccessible — Propriedade, classe fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
Indica se a propriedadeProLoaderInfo.url foi truncada. | |
isURLInaccessible — Propriedade, classe flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Indica se a propriedade LoaderInfo.url foi truncada. | |
isURLInaccessible — Propriedade, classe flash.media.Sound | |
Indica se a propriedade Sound.url foi truncada. | |
isUseCounterExceededMaxUsage() — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.IPin | |
Determines whether a pin usage has exceeded the maximum usage limit. | |
isUseCounterExceededMaxUsage() — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.Pin | |
Determines whether a pin usage has exceeded the maximum usage limit. | |
isUserEvent — Propriedade, classe flash.events.BrowserInvokeEvent | |
Se a chamada do navegador resultou em um evento de usuário (como o clique do mouse). | |
isUserQueue() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.QueueBase | |
Determines whether the queue is the user's queue. | |
isValid() — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.IPin | |
Determines whether a pin is valid and can be used. | |
isValid() — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.Pin | |
Determines whether a pin is valid and can be used. | |
isValid — Propriedade, classe mx.formatters.NumberBase | |
If true, the format succeeded, otherwise it is false. | |
isValidStyleValue(value:any) — método, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Determines if a specified parameter is a valid style property. | |
isValidStyleValue(value:any) — Método estático , classe mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Determines if a specified parameter is a valid style property. | |
isVisible(obj:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns true if an object and all of its parents are visible. | |
isVoiceDetected — Propriedade, classe flash.media.MicrophoneEnhancedOptions | |
Indica se o Microfone introduzido descobriu uma voz. | |
isWarn() — Método estático , classe mx.logging.Log | |
Indicates whether a warn level log event will be processed by a log target. | |
isWatching() — método, classe mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher | |
Returns true if each watcher in the chain is attached to at least one change event. | |
ISWFBridgeGroup — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
A sandbox bridge group is a group of bridges that represent applications that this application can communicate with. | |
ISWFBridgeProvider — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
An implementor of ISWFBridgeProvider provides a bridge to an application in a different security sandbox or to an application that was compiled with a different version of the Flex compiler and is running in a separate ApplicationDomain. | |
ISWFContext — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.compose | |
A interface de ISWFContext permite que um arquivo SWF compartilhe o seu contexto com outros arquivos SWF que o carregam. | |
ISWFLoader — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The ISWFLoader interface defines an API with special properties and method required when loading compatible applications and untrusted applications. | |
isWhitespace(charCode:int) — Método estático , classe flashx.textLayout.utils.CharacterUtil | |
Retorna "true" se charCode for um caractere de espaço em branco. | |
isWhitespace(character:String) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.RPCStringUtil | |
Returns true if the specified string is a single space, tab, carriage return, newline, or formfeed character. | |
isWhitespace(character:String) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.StringUtil | |
Returns true if the specified string is a single space, tab, carriage return, newline, or formfeed character. | |
isWhiteSpace(ccode:uint) — Método estático , classe spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationUtils | |
Return true if a codepoint is a white space character. | |
isWritable — Propriedade, classe flash.filesystem.StorageVolume | |
Se um volume for gravável (verdadeiro) ou não (falso). | |
isXfaGuide() — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
True if this guide is based off of a XFA Model. | |
isXfaGuide() — método, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
True if this guide is based off of a XFA Model. | |
isXfaGuide() — método, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
True if this guide is based off of a XFA Model. | |
isXMLName(str:String) — Função do pacote, Nível superior | |
Determina se a string especificada é um nome válido para um elemento ou atributo XML. | |
ISystemManager — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
An ISystemManager manages an "application window". | |
ITabStopFormat — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Esta interface dá acesso de leitura a propriedades relacionadas a paradas de tabulação. | |
italic — Propriedade, classe flash.text.TextFormat | |
Indica se o texto neste formato de texto pode ser formato em itálico. | |
ITALIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.FontStyle | |
Define o estilo em itálico de uma fonte para o parâmetro fontStyle no método setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable(). | |
ITALIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.FontPosture | |
Usado para indicar a postura de fonte em itálico. | |
italicButton — Parte da capa, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
ITALICIZE_CLICKED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.TextEditingConstants | |
italicizeSelectedText() — método, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
method for setting the selected text to italic | |
italicToolTip — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.RichTextEditor | |
The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the text italic button. | |
ITask — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | |
The interface for task objects that are managed by the ITaskManager API. | |
ITaskManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | |
The ITaskManager interface for the API to manage tasks such as create tasks, delete tasks, modify tasks, complete tasks. | |
ITaskManager — Interface, pacote lc.procmgmt | |
The ITaskManager interface contains methods and properties to retrieve and manage tasks. | |
ITaskProperty — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | |
The ITaskProperty class defines the interface for creating classes that store custom task properties. | |
ITaskPropertyDefinition — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain | |
The interface defines the custom task type property definitions. | |
ITeamMember — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | |
An interface for defining a Team Member domain object. | |
item — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.ChartData | |
Data point name. | |
item — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.MosaicDragEvent | |
The item being dragged. | |
item — Propriedade, classe fl.events.ListEvent | |
Obtém os dados que pertencem ao renderizador de célula atual. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.ChartItem | |
The item from the series' data provider that the ChartItem represents. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.HitData | |
Specifies the data item that the HitData structure describes. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.events.LegendMouseEvent | |
The item in the Legend on which this event was triggered. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData | |
The data for this item in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeListData | |
The data for this item in the Tree control. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.data.MessageCacheItem | |
Returns the item modified in this change. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.data.events.DataServiceFaultEvent | |
Stores the item that generated the fault. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
Storage for the node property. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.events.FlexNativeMenuEvent | |
The specific item in the dataProvider. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.events.ItemClickEvent | |
The item in the data provider of the associated navigation item. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.events.MenuEvent | |
The specific item in the dataProvider. | |
item — Propriedade, classe mx.events.TreeEvent | |
Storage for the item property. | |
item — Propriedade, classe spark.events.GridEvent | |
The data provider item for this row, or null if the event did not occur over a grid row. | |
item — Propriedade, classe spark.events.ListEvent | |
The data provider item the item renderer is displaying. | |
ITEM — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.guides.domain.GuideNodeType | |
ITEM represents a panel item object. | |
ITEM — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.CacheDataDescriptor | |
Option for use with the getCacheDescriptors() method to indicate the type of descriptors to return. | |
itemAddBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ConditionEditor | |
A skin part that defines the button to launch Expression Builder A skin part that defines the button to launch Expression Builder | |
itemAdded(index:int) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Called when an item has been added to this component. | |
itemAutomationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.AdvancedDataGridHeaderShiftEvent | |
The automationValue string of the item to be selected. | |
itemAutomationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent | |
The automationValue string of the item to be selected. | |
itemAutomationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.ChartSelectionChangeEvent | |
The automationValue string of the item to be selected. | |
itemAutomationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.ListItemSelectEvent | |
The automationValue string of the item to be selected. | |
itemAutomationValue — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.events.SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent | |
The automationValue string of the item to be selected. | |
itemAutomationValue — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.events.SparkListItemSelectEvent | |
The automationValue string of the item to be selected. | |
itemCheckBox — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers.SingleCheckBoxSearchRenderer | |
Checkbox Skin Part Checkbox Skin Part | |
itemCheckBox — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.SingleCheckBoxDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines UI control to capture Boolean input from the agent. A Skin part which defines UI control to capture Boolean input from the agent. | |
itemClass — Propriedade, classe flash.data.SQLStatement | |
Indica uma classe (tipo de dado) que é usada para cada linha retornada como um resultado da execução da instrução. | |
itemClass — Propriedade, classe mx.data.RPCDataManager | |
Specified the class of the objects managed by this data manager. | |
itemClassDynamicProperties — Propriedade, classe mx.data.RPCDataManager | |
Returns the list of dynamic properties that are associated with the itemClass. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.component.TaskListComponent | |
The component dispatches the event after selecting a row. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.domain.TaskList | |
The itemClicked event is dispatched after a task is selected by selecting the item in the list. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Despachado quando o usuário clica em um item no componente. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Dispatched when the user clicks on a LegendItem in the Legend control. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when a data point is found under the mouse pointer when it is clicked. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.ButtonBar | |
Dispatched when a user clicks a button. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.FileSystemHistoryButton | |
Dispatched when a user selects an item from the pop-up menu. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Dispatched when a menu item is selected. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.Menu | |
Dispatched when a menu item is selected. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Dispatched when the user selects an item in a pop-up submenu. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.NavBar | |
Dispatched when a navigation item is selected. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton | |
Dispatched when a user selects an item from the pop-up menu. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Dispatched when a user selects a RadioButton control in the group. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.TabBar | |
Dispatched when a tab navigation item is selected. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Dispatched when the user clicks on an item in the control. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched when the user clicks on an item in the control. | |
itemClick — Evento, classe spark.components.RadioButtonGroup | |
Dispatched when a user selects a RadioButton component in the group. | |
ITEM_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.ListEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemClick. | |
ITEM_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationFlexNativeMenuEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemClick event. | |
ITEM_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user clicked the mouse button over a chart item representing data in the chart. | |
ITEM_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.LegendMouseEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user clicked the mouse button over a legend item. | |
ITEM_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.FlexNativeMenuEvent | |
The FlexNativeMenuEvent.ITEM_CLICK event type constant indicates that the user selected a menu item. | |
ITEM_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ItemClickEvent | |
The ItemClickEvent.ITEM_CLICK constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an itemClick event. | |
ITEM_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for an itemClick event, which indicates that the user clicked the mouse over a visual item in the control. | |
ITEM_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.MenuEvent | |
The MenuEvent.ITEM_CLICK event type constant indicates that the user selected a menu item. | |
ItemClickEvent — classe, pacote mx.events | |
Represents events that are dispatched when a navigation item on a navigator bar, such as a ButtonBar, LinkBar, or TabBar control, has been clicked. | |
ItemClickEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, label:String, index:int, relatedObject:flash.display:InteractiveObject, item:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.events.ItemClickEvent | |
Constructor. | |
item_clickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttChart | |
This function is invoked when an item is clicked on the Gantt chart. | |
itemClose — Evento, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Dispatched when a branch of the navigation tree is closed or collapsed. | |
itemClose — Evento, classe mx.controls.Tree | |
Dispatched when a branch is closed or collapsed. | |
ITEM_CLOSE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM_CLOSE event type constant indicates that a AdvancedDataGrid branch closed or collapsed. | |
ITEM_CLOSE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.TreeEvent | |
The TreeEvent.ITEM_CLOSE event type constant indicates that a tree branch closed or collapsed. | |
itemComboBox — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers.ComboBoxSearchRenderer | |
Drop down list skin Part Drop down list skin Part | |
itemComboBox — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.ComboBoxDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines UI control to capture enum input from the agent. A Skin part which defines UI control to capture enum input from the agent. | |
itemCopyBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ConditionEditor | |
A skin part that defines copy button A skin part that defines copy button | |
itemDateField — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.DateInputDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines UI control to capture date input from the agent. A Skin part which defines UI control to capture date input from the agent. | |
itemDeleteBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
A skin part that defines the delete button A skin part that defines the delete button | |
itemDeleteBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ConditionEditor | |
A skin part that defines delete button A skin part that defines delete button | |
itemDeleteBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.ToolBar | |
A skin part that defines the item Delete button. A skin part that defines the item Delete button. | |
itemDisabledColor — Estilo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Color of disabled chartitem in the chart. | |
itemDoubleClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.component.TaskListComponent | |
The component dispatches the event after double clicking the selected row. | |
itemDoubleClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.domain.TaskList | |
The itemDoubleClick event is dispatched after a task is selected by double-clicking an item in the list. | |
itemDoubleClick — Evento, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Despachado quando o usuário clica em um item no componente duas vezes em rápida sucessão. | |
itemDoubleClick — Evento, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when a data point is found under the mouse pointer when it is double clicked. | |
itemDoubleClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Dispatched when the user double-clicks on an item in the control. | |
itemDoubleClick — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched when the user double-clicks on an item in the control. | |
ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.ListEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemDoubleClick. | |
ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user double-clicked the mouse button over a chart item representing data in the chart. | |
ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for an itemDoubleClick event, which indicates that the user double clicked the mouse over a visual item in the control. | |
item_doubleClickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttChart | |
This function is invoked when an item on the Gantt chart is double-clicked. | |
itemDownSkin — Estilo, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The skin when a MenuBar item is selected. | |
itemDrop — Evento, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.DragAndDropGroup | |
Dispatched by the DragAndDropGroup when a drop happens. | |
ITEM_DROP — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.MosaicDragEvent | |
The static constant String "itemDrop" | |
itemEditBegin — Evento, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Despachado depois que a propriedade editedItemPosition é definida e o item pode ser editado. | |
itemEditBegin — Evento, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Dispatched when the editedItemPosition property has been set and the item can be edited. | |
itemEditBegin — Evento, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when the editedItemPosition property has been set and the item can be edited. | |
itemEditBegin — Evento, classe mx.controls.List | |
Dispatched when the editedItemPosition property is set and the item can be edited. | |
ITEM_EDIT_BEGIN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.DataGridEvent | |
A constante DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_BEGIN define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemEditBegin. | |
ITEM_EDIT_BEGIN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_BEGIN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemEditBegin event, which indicates that an item is ready to be edited. | |
ITEM_EDIT_BEGIN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.DataGridEvent | |
The DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_BEGIN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemEditBegin event, which indicates that an item is ready to be edited. | |
ITEM_EDIT_BEGIN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_BEGIN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemEditBegin event, which indicates that an item is ready to be edited. | |
itemEditBeginning — Evento, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Despachado depois que um usuário se prepara para editar um item, por exemplo, soltando o botão do mouse sobre o item. | |
itemEditBeginning — Evento, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Dispatched when the user releases the mouse button while over an item renderer, tabs to the AdvancedDataGrid control or within the AdvancedDataGrid control, or in any other way attempts to edit an item. | |
itemEditBeginning — Evento, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when the user releases the mouse button while over an item renderer, tabs to the DataGrid control or within the DataGrid control, or in any other way attempts to edit an item. | |
itemEditBeginning — Evento, classe mx.controls.List | |
Dispatched when the user releases the mouse button while over an item, tabs to the List or within the List, or in any other way attempts to edit an item. | |
ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.DataGridEvent | |
A constante DataGridEvent.ITEM__EDIT_BEGINNING define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemEditBeginning. | |
ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM__EDIT_BEGINNING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemEditBeginning event, which indicates that the user has prepared to edit an item, for example, by releasing the mouse button over the item. | |
ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.DataGridEvent | |
The DataGridEvent.ITEM__EDIT_BEGINNING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemEditBeginning event, which indicates that the user has prepared to edit an item, for example, by releasing the mouse button over the item. | |
ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for a itemEditBeginning event, which indicates that the user has prepared to edit an item, for example, by releasing the mouse button over the item. | |
itemEditBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ConditionEditor | |
A skin part that defines the edit button A skin part that defines the edit button | |
itemEditEnd — Evento, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Despachado quando uma sessão de edição de item é finalizada por qualquer motivo. | |
itemEditEnd — Evento, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Dispatched when an item editing session ends for any reason. | |
itemEditEnd — Evento, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when an item editing session ends for any reason. | |
itemEditEnd — Evento, classe mx.controls.List | |
Dispatched when an item editing session is ending for any reason. | |
ITEM_EDIT_END — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.DataGridEvent | |
A constante DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemEditEnd. | |
ITEM_EDIT_END — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemEditEnd event, which indicates that an edit session is ending. | |
ITEM_EDIT_END — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.DataGridEvent | |
The DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemEditEnd event, which indicates that an edit session is ending. | |
ITEM_EDIT_END — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for a itemEditEnd event, which indicates that an edit session is ending. | |
itemEditor — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Indica a classe das ocorrências do editor de itens a serem usadas para a coluna, quando ela for editável. | |
itemEditor — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.List | |
The class factory for the item editor to use for the control, if the editable property is set to true. | |
itemEditor — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
A class factory for the instances of the item editor to use for the column, when it is editable. | |
itemEditor — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
A class factory for the instances of the item editor to use for the column, when it is editable. | |
itemEditor — Propriedade, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
The default value for the GridColumn itemEditor property, which specifies the IGridItemEditor class used to create item editor instances. | |
itemEditor — Propriedade, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
A class factory for IGridItemEditor class used to edit individual grid cells in this column. | |
itemEditorCreate — Evento, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when the item editor has just been instantiated. | |
ITEM_EDITOR_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.DataGridEvent | |
The DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDITOR_CREATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemEditorCreate event, which indicates that the datagrid has completed the creation of the item editor. | |
itemEditorInstance — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Uma referência à ocorrência atualmente ativa do editor de item, se houver. | |
itemEditorInstance — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
A reference to the currently active instance of the item editor, if it exists. | |
itemEditorInstance — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
A reference to the currently active instance of the item editor, if it exists. | |
itemEditorInstance — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.List | |
A reference to the currently active instance of the item editor, if it exists. | |
itemEditorInstance — Propriedade, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
A reference to the currently active instance of the item editor, if it exists. | |
itemEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
End date of the item. | |
itemEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
End date of the item. | |
itemEndDate — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IGanttDataItem | |
End date of the item. | |
itemEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
End date of the item. | |
itemEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
End date of the item. | |
itemEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageParticipant | |
End date of the item. | |
itemFocusIn — Evento, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Despachado depois que um item recebe o foco. | |
itemFocusIn — Evento, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Dispatched when an item renderer gets focus, which can occur if the user clicks on an item in the AdvancedDataGrid control or navigates to the item using a keyboard. | |
itemFocusIn — Evento, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when an item renderer gets focus, which can occur if the user clicks on an item in the DataGrid control or navigates to the item using a keyboard. | |
itemFocusIn — Evento, classe mx.controls.List | |
Dispatched when an item renderer gets focus, which can occur if the user clicks on an item in the List control or navigates to the item using a keyboard. | |
ITEM_FOCUS_IN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.DataGridEvent | |
A constante DataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_IN define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemFocusIn. | |
ITEM_FOCUS_IN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_IN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemFocusIn event, which indicates that an item has received the focus. | |
ITEM_FOCUS_IN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.DataGridEvent | |
The DataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_IN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemFocusIn event, which indicates that an item has received the focus. | |
ITEM_FOCUS_IN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_IN constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for an itemFocusIn event, which indicates that an item has received the focus. | |
itemFocusOut — Evento, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Despachado depois que um item perde o foco. | |
itemFocusOut — Evento, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Dispatched when an item renderer loses focus, which can occur if the user clicks another item in the AdvancedDataGrid control or clicks outside the control, or uses the keyboard to navigate to another item in the AdvancedDataGrid control or outside the control. | |
itemFocusOut — Evento, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when an item renderer loses focus, which can occur if the user clicks another item in the DataGrid control or clicks outside the control, or uses the keyboard to navigate to another item in the DataGrid control or outside the control. | |
itemFocusOut — Evento, classe mx.controls.List | |
Dispatched when an item renderer loses the focus, which can occur if the user clicks another item in the List control or outside the list, or uses the keyboard to navigate to another item in the List control or outside the List control. | |
ITEM_FOCUS_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.DataGridEvent | |
A constante DataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_OUT define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemFocusOut. | |
ITEM_FOCUS_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_OUT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemFocusOut event, which indicates that an item has lost the focus. | |
ITEM_FOCUS_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.DataGridEvent | |
The DataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_OUT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a itemFocusOut event, which indicates that an item has lost the focus. | |
ITEM_FOCUS_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_OUT constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for an itemFocusOut event, which indicates that an item has lost the focus. | |
itemIcon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListItemEditor | |
A skin part that defines the asset icon A skin part that defines the asset icon | |
itemIcons — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
An object that specifies the icons for the items. | |
itemIcons — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.Tree | |
An object that specifies the icons for the items. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.GapDisplayer | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.TableRowNameDisplayer | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.TargetAreaAssignmentEditor | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ModuleItemRenderer | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.TargetAreaRenderer | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.ListItemSelectEvent | |
The data provider index of the item to be selected. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.events.SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent | |
The data provider index of the item to be selected. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.events.SparkListItemSelectEvent | |
The data provider index of the item to be selected. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ButtonBarButton | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, interface spark.components.IItemRenderer | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.events.ListEvent | |
The index of the data item the item renderer is displaying. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The index of the item in the data provider of the host component of the item renderer. | |
itemInformationIcon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ModuleItemRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the icon displayed if there is some information to be displayed for the module. A skin part that defines the icon displayed if there is some information to be displayed for the module. | |
itemInformationIcon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.DateInputDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines icon displayed when there is some information to displayed for the data element. A Skin part which defines icon displayed when there is some information to displayed for the data element. | |
itemInformationIcon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.TextInputDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines icon displayed when there is some information to displayed for the data element. A Skin part which defines icon displayed when there is some information to displayed for the data element. | |
itemInformationIcon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.SingleCheckBoxDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines icon displayed when there is some information to displayed for the data element. A Skin part which defines icon displayed when there is some information to displayed for the data element. | |
_itemInstance — Propriedade, classe ga.model.Section | |
itemInstancesPerCycle — Propriedade, classe ga.model.PanelItem | |
The number of instances of a panel item that are filled per repeating cycle. | |
itemLabel — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttItem | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the GanttItem name. A reference to the Label object that displays the GanttItem name. | |
itemLabel — Propriedade, classe mx.containers.FormItem | |
A read-only reference to the FormItemLabel subcomponent displaying the label of the FormItem. | |
itemMatchingFunction — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ComboBox | |
Specifies a callback function used to search the item list as the user enters characters into the prompt area. | |
itemMenu — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttItem | |
A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the operation list. A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the operation list. | |
itemMouseDown — Evento, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Dispatched when the user presses the mouse button while over a LegendItem in the Legend control. | |
itemMouseDown — Evento, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when a data point is found under the mouse pointer when it is pressed down. | |
ITEM_MOUSE_DOWN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user pressed the mouse button over a chart item representing data in the chart. | |
ITEM_MOUSE_DOWN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.LegendMouseEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user clicked the mouse button over a legend item. | |
itemMouseMove — Evento, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when the mouse pointer moves while over a data point. | |
ITEM_MOUSE_MOVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user moved the mouse pointer while hovering over a chart item representing data in the chart. | |
itemMouseOut — Evento, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Dispatched when the user moves the mouse off of a LegendItem in the Legend. | |
ITEM_MOUSE_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.LegendMouseEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer away from a legend item. | |
itemMouseOver — Evento, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Dispatched when the user moves the mouse over a LegendItem in the Legend control. | |
ITEM_MOUSE_OVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.LegendMouseEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer over a legend item. | |
itemMouseUp — Evento, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Dispatched when the user releases the mouse button while over a LegendItem in the Legend. | |
itemMouseUp — Evento, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when a data point is found under the mouse pointer when it is released. | |
ITEM_MOUSE_UP — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user released the mouse button while over a chart item representing data in the chart. | |
ITEM_MOUSE_UP — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.LegendMouseEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user released the mouse button while over a legend item. | |
itemMoveDownBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
A skin part that defines the move down button A skin part that defines the move down button | |
itemMoveDownBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ConditionEditor | |
A skin part that defines move down button A skin part that defines move down button | |
itemMoveDownBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.ToolBar | |
A skin part that defines the item Move Down button. A skin part that defines the item Move Down button. | |
itemMoveUpBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
A skin part that defines the move up button A skin part that defines the move up button | |
itemMoveUpBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ConditionEditor | |
A skin part that defines move up button A skin part that defines move up button | |
itemMoveUpBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.ToolBar | |
A skin part that defines the item Move Up button. A skin part that defines the item Move Up button. | |
itemName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Name of the item. | |
itemName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Name of the item. | |
itemName — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IGanttDataItem | |
Name of the item. | |
itemName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Name of the item. | |
itemName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewTemplate | |
Name of the item. | |
itemName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
Name of the item. | |
itemName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageParticipant | |
Name of the item. | |
itemNameDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListItemEditor | |
A skin part that defines the asset name A skin part that defines the asset name | |
itemOldY — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListRowInfo | |
The last Y value for the renderer. | |
itemOpen — Evento, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Dispatched when a branch of the navigation tree is opened or expanded. | |
itemOpen — Evento, classe mx.controls.Tree | |
Dispatched when a branch is opened or expanded. | |
ITEM_OPEN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM_OPEN event type constant indicates that an AdvancedDataGrid branch opened or expanded. | |
ITEM_OPEN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.TreeEvent | |
The TreeEvent.ITEM_OPEN event type constant indicates that a tree branch opened or expanded. | |
itemOpening — Evento, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Dispatched when a tree branch open or close operation is initiated. | |
itemOpening — Evento, classe mx.controls.Tree | |
Dispatched when a branch open or close is initiated. | |
ITEM_OPENING — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM_OPENING event type constant is dispatched immediately before a AdvancedDataGrid opens or closes. | |
ITEM_OPENING — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.TreeEvent | |
The TreeEvent.ITEM_OPENING event type constant is dispatched immediately before a tree opens or closes. | |
itemOverSkin — Estilo, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The skin when focus is over a MenuBar item. | |
ItemPendingError — classe, pacote mx.collections.errors | |
This error is thrown when retrieving an item from a collection view requires an asynchronous call. | |
ItemPendingError(message:String) — Construtor, classe mx.collections.errors.ItemPendingError | |
Constructor. | |
ItemReference — Classe dinâmica, pacote mx.data | |
An ItemReference instance is returned from the DataService.getItem() and DataService.createItem() methods to provide a way to manage a reference to the remote object. | |
ItemReference(msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Construtor, classe mx.data.ItemReference | |
Constructor. | |
itemRemoved(index:int) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Called when an item has been removed from this component. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe fl.events.DataGridEvent | |
Obtém o renderizador de item referente ao item que está sendo editado ou o renderizador de cabeçalho que está sendo clicado ou redimensionado. | |
itemRenderer — Estilo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
A factory that represents the class the series will use to represent individual items on the chart. | |
itemRenderer — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
A factory that represents the class the series will use to represent individual items on the chart. | |
itemRenderer — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
A factory that represents the class the series will use to represent individual items on the chart. | |
itemRenderer — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
A factory that represents the class the series will use to represent individual items on the chart. | |
itemRenderer — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
A factory that represents the class the series will use to represent individual items on the chart. | |
itemRenderer — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
A factory that represents the class the series will use to represent individual items on the chart. | |
itemRenderer — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
A factory that represents the class the series will use to represent individual items on the chart. | |
itemRenderer — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
A factory that represents the class the series will use to represent individual items on the chart. | |
itemRenderer — Estilo, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent | |
Item renderer object for the item being selected or deselected. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.ListItemSelectEvent | |
Item renderer object for the item being selected or deselected. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.MenuShowEvent | |
The item renderer of the associated menu item where the event occurred. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.ChartItem | |
The instance of the chart's itemRenderer that represents this ChartItem. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.ComboBox | |
IFactory that generates the instances that displays the data for the drop-down list of the control. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
The class factory for item renderer instances that display the data for each item in the column. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
The class factory for item renderer instances that display the data for each item in the column. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The custom item renderer for the control. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The custom item renderer for the control. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The item renderer for the item that is being edited, or the header render that is being clicked or stretched. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.events.DataGridEvent | |
The item renderer for the item that is being edited or the header render that is being clicked or stretched. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The item renderer where the event occurred. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe mx.events.TreeEvent | |
The ListItemRenderer for the node that closed or opened. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.events.SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent | |
Item renderer object for the item being selected or deselected. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.events.SparkListItemSelectEvent | |
Item renderer object for the item being selected or deselected. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
The item renderer that's used for columns that do not specify one. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.components.DataGroup | |
The item renderer to use for data items. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Grid | |
The item renderer that's used for columns that do not specify one. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
The item renderer to use for data items. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
The class factory for the IGridItemRenderer class used to render individual grid cells. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor | |
The item renderer associated with the edited cell. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.events.GridEvent | |
The item renderer that displayed this cell, or null if the event did not occur over a visible cell. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe spark.events.ListEvent | |
The item renderer that is displaying the item. | |
_itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
The itemRenderer to be used for each section of the accordion. | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
itemRenderer | |
itemRenderer — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.support.AXMAccordionItemVO | |
The item renderer. | |
ItemRenderer — classe, pacote spark.components.supportClasses | |
The ItemRenderer class is the base class for Spark item renderers. | |
ItemRenderer() — Construtor, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
itemRendererContains(renderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, object:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Determines whether a renderer contains (or owns) a display object. | |
itemRendererContains(renderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, object:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Determines whether a renderer contains (or owns) a display object. | |
itemRendererFunction — Propriedade, classe spark.components.DataGroup | |
Function that returns an item renderer IFactory for a specific item. | |
itemRendererFunction — Propriedade, classe spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
Function that returns an item renderer IFactory for a specific item. | |
itemRendererFunction — Propriedade, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
If specified, the value of this property must be an idempotent function that returns an item renderer IFactory based on its data provider item and column parameters. | |
itemRendererProviders — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
Array of OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider instances that specify a custom item renderer for the cells of the control. | |
_itemRenderers — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
A convenience list to access the itemRenderers | |
itemRenderers — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
itemRenderers | |
itemRendererToFactoryMap — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Maps item renderers to the Factory instacne from which they have been created. | |
itemRendererToIndex(itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns the index of the item in the data provider of the item being rendered by this item renderer. | |
itemRendererToIndex(itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns the index of the item in the data provider of the item being rendered by this item renderer. | |
itemRendererToIndices(item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Returns a Point object that defines the columnIndex and rowIndex properties of an item renderer. | |
itemRendererToIndices(item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns a Point instance containing the column index and row index of an item renderer. | |
itemRendererToIndices(item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns a Point containing the columnIndex and rowIndex of an item renderer. | |
ItemResponder — classe, pacote mx.collections | |
The ItemResponder class provides a default implementation of the mx.rpc.IResponder interface. | |
ItemResponder(result:Function, fault:Function, token:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.collections.ItemResponder | |
Constructs an instance of the responder with the specified data and handlers. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Despachado quando o usuário rola para fora de uma amostra na paleta de cores. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Despachado quando o usuário rola o ponteiro para fora de um item no componente. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Despachado quando o usuário rola o ponteiro para fora de um item no componente. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when the closest data point under the mouse pointer changes. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Dispatched when the user rolls the mouse out of a swatch in the SwatchPanel object. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Dispatched when user rolls the mouse out of a drop-down list item. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe mx.controls.Menu | |
Dispatched when a user rolls the mouse out of a menu item. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Dispatched when the mouse pointer rolls out of a menu item. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Dispatched when the user rolls the mouse pointer out of an item in the control. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched when the user rolls the mouse pointer out of an item in the control. | |
itemRollOut — Evento, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched when the user rolls the mouse pointer out of an item in the control. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.ColorPickerEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemRollOut. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.ListEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemRollOut. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer away from a chart item representing data in the chart. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ColorPickerEvent | |
The ColorPickerEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT constant defines the value of the type property of the event that is dispatched when the user rolls the mouse out of a swatch in the swatch panel. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for an itemRollOut event, which indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer out of a visual item in the control. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.MenuEvent | |
The MenuEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT type constant indicates that the mouse pointer rolled out of a menu item. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for an itemRollOut event, which indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer out of a visual item in the control. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Despachado quando o usuário rola sobre uma amostra na paleta de cores. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Despachado quando o usuário rola o ponteiro sobre um item no componente. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Despachado quando o usuário rola o ponteiro sobre um item no componente. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when a new data point is found under the mouse pointer. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Dispatched when the user rolls the mouse over a swatch in the SwatchPanel object. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Dispatched when the user rolls the mouse over a drop-down list item. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe mx.controls.Menu | |
Dispatched when a user rolls the mouse over a menu item. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Dispatched when the mouse pointer rolls over a menu item. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Dispatched when the user rolls the mouse pointer over an item in the control. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched when the user rolls the mouse pointer over an item in the control. | |
itemRollOver — Evento, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched when the user rolls the mouse pointer over an item in the control. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.ColorPickerEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemRollOver. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.ListEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento itemRollOver. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent | |
Event type constant; indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer over a chart item representing data in the chart. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ColorPickerEvent | |
The ColorPickerEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER constant defines the value of the type property of the event that is dispatched when the user rolls the mouse over of a swatch in the swatch panel. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for an itemRollOver event, which indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer over a visual item in the control. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.MenuEvent | |
The MenuEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER type constant indicates that the mouse pointer rolled over a menu item. | |
ITEM_ROLL_OVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.events.ListEvent | |
The ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for an itemRollOver event, which indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer over a visual item in the control. | |
itemRollOverColor — Estilo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Color of rolledOver chartitem in the chart. | |
items — Propriedade, classe fl.events.DataChangeEvent | |
Obtém uma matriz que contém os itens alterados. | |
items — Propriedade, classe flash.display.NativeMenu | |
A matriz dos objetos NativeMenuItem neste menu. | |
items — Propriedade, classe flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
A matriz de itens personalizados nesse menu. | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Gets all the items that are there in the series after filtering. | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Gets all the items that are there in the series after filtering. | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Gets all the items that are there in the series after filtering. | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Gets all the items that are there in the series after filtering. | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Gets all the items that are there in the series after filtering. | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
Gets all the items that are there in the series after filtering. | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesSegment | |
The array of chartItems representing the full line series that owns this segment. | |
items — Propriedade da constante, classe mx.data.MessageBatch | |
This stores the list of MessageCacheItem instances which represent the changes in the batch. | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.events.CollectionEvent | |
When the kind is CollectionEventKind.ADD or CollectionEventKind.REMOVE the items property is an Array of added/removed items. | |
items — Propriedade, classe mx.states.AddItems | |
The items to be added. | |
items — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ViewMenu | |
The Vector of ViewMenuItem controls to display in the ViewMenu container. | |
itemsChangeEffect — Efeito, classe mx.controls.List | |
The data effect to play when a change occur to the control's data provider. By default, the List control does not use a data effect. For the List control, use an instance of the the DefaultListEffect class to configure the data effect. | |
itemsChangeEffect — Efeito, classe mx.controls.TileList | |
The data effect to play when a change occur to the control's data provider. By default, the TileList control does not use a data effect. For the TileList control, use an instance of the DefaultTileListEffect class. | |
itemSelected(index:int, selected:Boolean) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Called when an item is selected or deselected. | |
itemSelectionColor — Estilo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Color of selected chartitem in the chart. | |
itemsFactory — Propriedade, classe mx.states.AddItems | |
The factory that creates the items. | |
itemShowingCaret(index:int, showsCaret:Boolean) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Called when an item is in its caret state or not. | |
itemSkin — Estilo, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The default skin for a MenuBar item. | |
itemsNeedMeasurement — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the columnWidth and rowHeight properties need to be calculated. | |
itemsNeedMeasurement — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the columnWidth and rowHeight properties need to be calculated. | |
itemSource — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.DateInputDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines source of the data element. A Skin part which defines source of the data element. | |
itemSource — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.TextInputDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines source of the data element. A Skin part which defines source of the data element. | |
itemSource — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.SingleCheckBoxDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines source of the data element. A Skin part which defines source of the data element. | |
itemsSizeChanged — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates that the size of the renderers may have changed. | |
itemsSizeChanged — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates that the size of the renderers may have changed. | |
itemStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Start date of the item. | |
itemStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Start date of the item. | |
itemStartDate — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IGanttDataItem | |
Start date of the item. | |
itemStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Start date of the item. | |
itemStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
Start date of the item. | |
itemStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageParticipant | |
Start date of the item. | |
itemState — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
State of the item. | |
itemState — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
State of the item. | |
itemState — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IGanttDataItem | |
State of the item. | |
itemState — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
State of the item. | |
itemState — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
State of the item. | |
itemState — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageParticipant | |
State of the item. | |
itemStatus — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Status of the item. | |
itemStatus — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Status of the item. | |
itemStatus — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IGanttDataItem | |
Status of the item. | |
itemStatus — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Status of the item. | |
itemStatus — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
Status of the item. | |
itemStatus — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageParticipant | |
Status of the item. | |
itemsToAreas() — método, interface com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ILayoutComponent | |
Return the panelItems split into arrays based on how the list has been delimited with panel breaks. | |
itemsToAreas() — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
Return the panelItems split into arrays based on how the list has been delimited with panel breaks. | |
itemSum — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.renderData.PieSeriesRenderData | |
The total sum of the values represented in the pie series. | |
itemTextInput — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers.TextInputSearchRenderer | |
Text Input Skin Part Text Input Skin Part | |
itemTextInput — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers.DefaultStringTextInputSearchRenderer | |
Text input Skin Part Text input Skin Part | |
itemTextInput — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.TextInputDataCaptureRenderer | |
A Skin part which defines UI control to capture text input from the agent. A Skin part which defines UI control to capture text input from the agent. | |
itemToCellRenderer(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
O componente DataGrid tem várias células para qualquer item especificado e, portanto, o método itemToCellRenderer sempre retorna nulo. | |
itemToCellRenderer(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Recupera ICellRenderer para um determinado objeto de item, se houver um. | |
itemToData(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup | |
Returns the data from the data provider for the specified Object. | |
itemToDataTip(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Returns a String that the item renderer displays as the data tip for the given data object, based on the dataTipField and dataTipFunction properties. | |
itemToDataTip(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Returns a String that the item renderer displays as the datatip for the given data object, based on the dataTipField and dataTipFunction properties. | |
itemToDataTip(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns the dataTip string the renderer would display for the given data object based on the dataTipField and dataTipFunction properties. | |
itemToDataTip(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns the dataTip string the renderer would display for the given data object based on the dataTipField and dataTipFunction properties. | |
itemToDataTip(item:Object) — método, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
Convert the specified data provider item to a column-specific datatip String. | |
itemToIcon(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Returns the class for an icon, if any, for a data item, based on the iconField property. | |
itemToIcon(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns the class for an icon, if any, for a data item, based on the iconField and iconFunction properties. | |
itemToIcon(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns the class for an icon, if any, for a data item, based on the iconField and iconFunction properties. | |
itemToItemRenderer(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns the item renderer for a given item in the data provider, if there is one. | |
itemToItemRenderer(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns the item renderer for a given item in the data provider, if there is one. | |
itemToKeyEquivalent(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Returns the key equivalent for the given data object based on the keyEquivalentField and keyEquivalentFunction properties. | |
itemToKeyEquivalentModifiers(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Returns the key equivalent modifiers for the given data object based on the keyEquivalentModifiersFunction property. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Recupera a string exibida pelo renderizador para o objeto de dados especificado com base nas propriedades labelField e labelFunction. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.List | |
Recupera a string exibida pelo renderizador para o objeto de dados especificado com base nas propriedades labelField e labelFunction. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Recupera a string exibida pelo renderizador para o objeto de dados especificado com base nas propriedades de rótulo do objeto. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.TileList | |
Recupera a string exibida pelo renderizador para um objeto de dados especificado com base nas propriedades labelField e labelFunction. | |
itemToLabel(data:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Retorna a string exibida pelo renderizador de itens para o objeto de dados especificado. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object, ... rest) — método, classe mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Returns a string representing the item parameter. | |
itemToLabel(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Returns the String to use as the menu item label for the given data object, based on the labelField and labelFunction properties. | |
itemToLabel(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Returns the string the renderer would display for the given data object based on the labelField and labelFunction properties. | |
itemToLabel(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.NavBar | |
Returns the string the renderer would display for the given data object based on the labelField and labelFunction properties. | |
itemToLabel(data:Object, withFormatting:Boolean) — método, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Returns the String that the item renderer displays for the given data object. | |
itemToLabel(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Returns the String that the item renderer displays for the given data object. | |
itemToLabel(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns the string the renderer would display for the given data object based on the labelField and labelFunction properties. | |
itemToLabel(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns the string the renderer would display for the given data object based on the labelField and labelFunction properties. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object) — método, classe spark.components.DataGroup | |
itemToLabel(item:Object) — método, interface spark.components.IItemRendererOwner | |
Returns the String for display in an item renderer. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object) — método, classe spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
From the specified data item, return the String representation of the data item for an item renderer to display. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object) — método, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
Convert the specified data provider item to a column-specific String. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Given a data item, return the correct text a renderer should display while taking the labelField and labelFunction properties into account. | |
itemToLabel(item:Object, labelField:String, labelFunction:Function) — Método estático , classe spark.utils.LabelUtil | |
A function used by components that support item renderers to determine the correct text an item renderer should display for a data item. | |
itemToMnemonicIndex(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Returns the mnemonic index for the given data object based on the mnemonicIndexField and mnemonicIndexFunction properties. | |
itemToRenderer(item:Object) — método, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
Convert the specified data provider item to a column-specific item renderer factory. | |
itemToUID(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Determines the UID for a dataProvider item. | |
itemToUID(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Determines the UID for a data provider item. | |
itemToUID(data:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Determines the UID for a data provider item. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Type of item. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Type of item. | |
itemType — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IGanttDataItem | |
Type of item. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Type of item. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
Type of item. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageParticipant | |
Type of item. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
The subtype of ChartItem used by this series to represent individual items. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
The subtype of ChartItem used by this series to represent individual items. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
The subtype of ChartItem used by this series to represent individual items. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
The subtype of ChartItem used by this series to represent individual items. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
The subtype of ChartItem used by this series to represent individual items. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
The subtype of ChartItem used by this series to represent individual items. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
The subtype of ChartItem used by this series to represent individual items. | |
itemType — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
The subtype of ChartItem used by this series to represent individual items. | |
itemUpdated(item:Object, property:Object, oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Notify the view that an item has been updated. | |
itemUpdated(item:Object, property:Object, oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
Notifies the view that an item has been updated. | |
itemUpdated(item:Object, property:Object, oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — método, interface mx.collections.ICollectionView | |
Notifies the view that an item has been updated. | |
itemUpdated(item:Object, property:Object, oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — método, interface mx.collections.IList | |
Notifies the view that an item has been updated. | |
itemUpdated(item:Object, property:Object, oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Notifies the view that an item has been updated. | |
itemUpdated(item:Object, property:Object, oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — método, classe spark.collections.NumericDataProvider | |
This function is not supported. | |
itemUpdated(item:Object, property:Object, oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — método, classe spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Notify external components that a property on a view navigator has been updated. | |
itemUpdateHandler(event:mx.events:PropertyChangeEvent) — método, classe mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Called when any of the contained items in the list dispatch an ObjectChange event. | |
itemUpSkin — Estilo, classe mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The skin when a MenuBar item is not selected. | |
iterationCount — Propriedade, classe fl.ik.IKEvent | |
Número de iterações de movimentos IK executados. | |
iterationLimit — Propriedade, classe fl.ik.IKMover | |
Especifica o número máximo de iterações que o mecanismo IK executa para cada movimento. | |
ITERATION_LIMIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.ik.IKEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento iterationLimit. | |
iterator — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.ComboBase | |
The main IViewCursor used to fetch items from the dataProvider and pass the items to the renderers. | |
iterator — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The main IViewCursor instance used to fetch items from the data provider and pass the items to the renderers. | |
iterator — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The main IViewCursor used to fetch items from the data provider and pass the items to the renderers. | |
iterator — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
The IViewCursor instance used to fetch items from the data provider and pass the items to the renderers. | |
iteratorValid — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates that a page fault as occurred and that the iterator's position is not valid (not positioned at the topmost item being displayed). | |
iteratorValid — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates that a page fault as occurred and that the iterator's position is not valid (not positioned at the topmost item being displayed). | |
ITextExporter — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.conversion | |
Interface para exportar o conteúdo de texto de um exemplo TextFlow para um formato específico, que pode ser por exemplo formato de sequência de caracteres, XML ou um formato definido pelo usuário. | |
ITextImporter — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.conversion | |
Interface para importar conteúdo de texto para um TextFlow a partir de uma origem externa. | |
ITextInput — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
Defines an interface for a single-line text field that is optionally editable. | |
ITextLayoutFormat — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Esta interface dá acesso de leitura a propriedades relacionadas a FlowElements. | |
ITextLayoutImporter — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.conversion | |
Esta interface deve ser implementada por conversores que importam dados estruturados de TextLayout. | |
ITicket — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
A ticket can be used to authenticate the user while making remote calls. | |
ITile — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The ITile interface provides methods for retrieving information about composite application tile's details. | |
ITitleManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.manager | |
This interface defines the operations for managing the titles that can be assigned to members of a project or workitem. | |
IToggleButton — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IToggleButton interface is a marker interface that indicates that a component acts as a toggleable button. | |
IToken — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | |
The Token class provides a mechanism to specify handlers for asynchronous calls. | |
IToken — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | |
IToken objects are returned from functions that initiate asynchronous operations. | |
ITokenResponder — Interface, pacote mx.data | |
An extension of mx.rpc.IResponder with an additional result token, AsyncToken field. | |
IToolTip — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IToolTip interface defines the API that tooltip-like components must implement in order to work with the ToolTipManager. | |
IToolTipManagerClient — Interface, pacote mx.managers | |
Components that implement IToolTipManagerClient can have tooltips and must have a toolTip getter/setter. | |
ITransientDeferredInstance — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The ITransientDeferredInstance interface extends IDeferredInstance and adds the ability for the user to reset the deferred instance factory to its initial state (usually this implies releasing any known references to the component, such as the setting the owning document property that refers to the instance to null). | |
ITreeDataDescriptor — Interface, pacote mx.controls.treeClasses | |
Interface providing methods for parsing and adding nodes to a collection of data that is displayed by a Tree control. | |
ITreeDataDescriptor2 — Interface, pacote mx.controls.treeClasses | |
The ITreeDataDescriptor2 Interface defines methods for parsing and adding nodes to a collection of data that is displayed by a Tree control. | |
ITween — Interface, pacote fl.motion | |
A interface ITween define a API (Interface de programação de aplicativos) implementada pelas classes de interpolação para funcionamento com as classes fl.motion. | |
IUIAttributes — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IUIAttributes interface provides methods for setting and getting values that map directly to Flex UIComponent attributes. | |
IUIComponent — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IUIComponent interface defines the basic set of APIs that you must implement to create a child of a Flex container or list. | |
IUID — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IUID interface defines the interface for objects that must have Unique Identifiers (UIDs) to uniquely identify the object. | |
IUIService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.ui | |
The interface for visual components returned from user interface service factories (IUIServiceFactory service objects). | |
IUIServiceFactory — Interface, pacote com.adobe.gravity.ui | |
A factory for IUIService instances. | |
IUITextField — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IUITextField interface defines the basic set of APIs for UITextField instances. | |
IUndoManager — Interface, pacote flashx.undo | |
IUndoManager define a interface para gerenciamento das pilhas de reversão e repetição. | |
IURIDereferencer — Interface, pacote flash.security | |
IURIDereferencer define uma interface para objetos que resolvem URIs em uma assinatura XML. | |
IUser — Interface, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
The IUser interface provides read-access to a user's attributes, and offers basic support for authorization checking. | |
IUser — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain | |
Defines a user such as a project or an asset owner, a team member, or a stage participant. | |
IUserAware — Interface, pacote lc.foundation.domain | |
The IUserAware interface is to be implemented by classes that need to be aware of a User object. | |
IUserManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.service | |
This interface defines methods exposed for user management. | |
IUserManager — Interface, pacote lc.foundation | |
The IUserManager interface contains methods for finding users and groups. | |
IValidation — Interface, pacote com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | |
Interface to be implemented by the claases containing content that requires validation | |
IValidator — Interface, pacote mx.validators | |
This interface specifies the methods and properties that a Validator object must implement. | |
IValidatorListener — Interface, pacote mx.validators | |
The interface that components implement to support the Flex data validation mechanism. | |
IValueObject — Interface, pacote com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | |
Every value object generated from a model implements the IValueObject interface, and is guaranteed to expose a _model getter. | |
IVariable — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.variable | |
Domain interface representing a variable which can be used inside an expression during expression authoring. | |
IVariablePanel — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring | |
The interface for "drop-in" VariablePanel or DataElementPanel | |
IVariableProvider — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.variable | |
The IVariableProvider interface serves as the entry point for variable-specific operations during expression authoring. | |
IVariableResolver — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime | |
Used by the Expression Manager for resolving any variable references encountered in an expression, for setting the values of variables which are targets of expressions and for being notified of externally triggered changes in variable values. | |
IVariableService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.exm.variable | |
IVariableService provides infrastructure services for listing available variables. | |
IVersionManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | |
Handles version history retrieval from the Experience Server. | |
IVerticalJustificationLine — Interface, pacote flashx.textLayout.compose | |
A interface IVerticalJustificationLine define os métodos e propriedades necessários para permitir a justificação vertical de linhas de texto. | |
IView — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IView interface defines methods for adding panels, saving views, and retrieving view context and a list of panels. | |
IViewCursor — Interface, pacote mx.collections | |
Defines the interface for enumerating a collection view bi-directionally. | |
IViewManager — Interface, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces | |
The IViewManager interface provides access to the views and includes add/remove/get of views. | |
IViewport — Interface, pacote spark.core | |
The IViewport interface is implemented by components that support a viewport. | |
IVisualElement — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IVisualElement interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for a visual element to be laid out and displayed in a Spark container. | |
IVisualElementContainer — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IVisualElementContainer interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for a container to manage Spark components for display. | |
IVPEvent — Interface, pacote fl.video | |
A interface IVPEvent é implementada por eventos de vídeo que se aplicam a um objeto VideoPlayer específico no componente FLVPlayback. | |
IWindow — Interface, pacote mx.core | |
The IWindow interface defines the API for components that serve as top-level containers in Flex-based AIR applications (containers that represent operating system windows). | |
IWorkItem — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain | |
An interface for defining a WorkItem domain object. | |
IWorkItemManagementService — Interface, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.service | |
This interface defines operations to manage a work item. | |
IWrapperHost — Interface, pacote ga.controls | |
Interface that must be implemented by all guide wrapper components. | |
IXMLDecoder — Interface, pacote mx.rpc.xml | |
Decodes an XML document to an ActionScript object graph based on XML Schema definitions. | |
IXMLEncoder — Interface, pacote mx.rpc.xml | |
Encodes an ActionScript object graph to XML based on an XML schema. | |
IXMLNotifiable — Interface, pacote mx.utils | |
The IXMLNotifiable interface. | |
IXMLSchemaInstance — Interface, pacote mx.rpc.xml | |
An ActionScript type should implement this interface when it needs to instruct an XML Schema based encoder (such as the WebService SOAP client) which concrete type definition to use while encoding instances of the type. | |
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Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:26 AM Z