Símbolos A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
a — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.BezierSegment | |
O primeiro ponto da curva de Bezier. | |
a — Propriedade, classe flash.geom.Matrix | |
O valor afeta o posicionamento dos pixels ao longo do eixo x ao rotacionar ou dimensionar a escala de uma imagem. | |
A — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante associada ao valor de código de tecla da tecla A (65). | |
A4 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.printing.PaperSize | |
A4 | |
A5 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.printing.PaperSize | |
A5 | |
A6 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.printing.PaperSize | |
A6 | |
AAAARecord — classe, pacote flash.net.dns | |
A classe AAAARecord representa um registro de recurso do Sistema de nome de domínio (DNS) AAAA que contém um endereço IPv6. | |
AAAARecord() — Construtor, classe flash.net.dns.AAAARecord | |
Cria um registro de recurso AAAA. | |
abandon(taskId:String) — método, interface lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Abandons the task identified by the task identifier. | |
abandon() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Abandons the task. | |
AbandonCommand — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The AbandonCommand class executes the abandon operation for a task. | |
AbandonCommand(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.commands.AbandonCommand | |
Constructor. | |
ABOVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.components.PopUpPosition | |
Position above the target | |
ABRUtils — classe, pacote org.osmf.net | |
ABRUtils provides utility functions used in the Adaptive Bitrate components | |
abs(val:Number) — Método estático , classe Math | |
Calcula e retorna um valor absoluto para o número especificado pelo parâmetro val. | |
abs(n:Number) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.MathFunc | |
The absolute value of a number. | |
ABSOLUTE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.core.ContainerLayout | |
Use absolute layout for the contents of this container. | |
absoluteEnd — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
A posição absoluta de texto do objeto FlowLeafElement que contém o final do intervalo. | |
absoluteEnd — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
A posição de texto do final da seleção, como deslocamento a partir do início do fluxo de texto. | |
absoluteEnd — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
A posição de texto do final da seleção, como deslocamento a partir do início do fluxo de texto. | |
absoluteEnd — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextRange | |
Fim da seleção, como posição absoluta no TextFlow. | |
absoluteEnd — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowTextOperation | |
O ponto final absoluto do intervalo de texto ao qual esta operação é aplicada. | |
absoluteStart — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
A localização de uma linha como a posição absoluta de um caractere no objeto TextFlow. | |
absoluteStart — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Retorna o primeito caractere do contêiner. | |
absoluteStart — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
A posição absoluta de texto do objeto FlowLeafElement que contém o início do intervalo. | |
absoluteStart — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
A posição de texto do início da seleção, como deslocamento a partir do início do fluxo de texto. | |
absoluteStart — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
A posição de texto do início da seleção, como deslocamento a partir do início do fluxo de texto. | |
absoluteStart — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextRange | |
Início da seleção, como posição absoluta no TextFlow. | |
absoluteStart — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowTextOperation | |
O ponto inicial absoluto do intervalo de texto ao qual esta operação é aplicada. | |
absoluteToDisplayColumnIndex(columnIndex:int) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Converts an absolute column index to the corresponding index in the displayed columns. | |
absoluteToVisibleColumnIndex(columnIndex:int) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Converts an absolute column index to the corresponding index in the visible columns. | |
absoluteToVisibleIndices(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Convert an absolute row index and column index into the corresponding row index and column index of the item as it is currently displayed by the control. | |
AbstractConsumer — classe, pacote mx.messaging | |
The AbstractConsumer is the base class for both the Consumer and MultiTopicConsumer classes. | |
AbstractConsumer() — Construtor, classe mx.messaging.AbstractConsumer | |
Constructs a Consumer. | |
AbstractEntityMetadata — classe, pacote com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | |
This class defines default, error throwing implementations of all of the functions declared in the IModelType and IModelInstance interfaces. | |
AbstractEvent — classe, pacote mx.rpc.events | |
The base class for events that RPC services dispatch. | |
AbstractInvoker — classe, pacote mx.rpc | |
An invoker is an object that actually executes a remote procedure call (RPC). | |
AbstractMessage — classe, pacote mx.messaging.messages | |
Abstract base class for all messages. | |
AbstractMessage() — Construtor, classe mx.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage | |
Constructs an instance of an AbstractMessage with an empty body and header. | |
AbstractOperation — classe, pacote mx.rpc | |
The AbstractOperation class represents an individual method on a service. | |
AbstractOperation — classe, pacote mx.rpc.http | |
An Operation used specifically by HTTPService or HTTPMultiService. | |
AbstractOperation(service:mx.rpc:AbstractService, name:String) — Construtor, classe mx.rpc.AbstractOperation | |
Creates a new Operation. | |
AbstractOperation(service:mx.rpc:AbstractService, name:String) — Construtor, classe mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
Creates a new Operation. | |
AbstractParticipant — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | |
Defines the basic properties of a participant in a review. | |
AbstractParticipant(self:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant:AbstractParticipant) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.AbstractParticipant | |
Constructor. | |
AbstractProducer — classe, pacote mx.messaging | |
The AbstractProducer is the base class for the Producer and MultiTopicConsumer classes. | |
AbstractSearchFilterVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | |
This class defines an abstract search filter for Project Management search operations. | |
AbstractSearchFilterVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AbstractSearchFilterVO | |
The constructor for AbstractSearchFilterVO class. | |
AbstractService — Classe dinâmica, pacote mx.rpc | |
The AbstractService class is the base class for the HTTPMultiService, WebService, and RemoteObject classes. | |
AbstractService(destination:String) — Construtor, classe mx.rpc.AbstractService | |
Constructor. | |
AbstractServiceWrapper — classe, pacote com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper | |
The AbstractServiceWrapper class is the superclass of the hierarchy for generated service wrappers.As such it declares functions and variables common to all generated service wrappers. | |
AbstractServiceWrapper(target:flash.events:IEventDispatcher) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.fiber.services.wrapper.AbstractServiceWrapper | |
Constructor. | |
AbstractStage — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage | |
Defines the basic properties of a stage. | |
AbstractStage(self:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage:AbstractStage) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.AbstractStage | |
This constructor function cannot be called directly because this is an abstract class. | |
AbstractTarget — classe, pacote mx.logging | |
This class provides the basic functionality required by the logging framework for a target implementation. | |
AbstractTarget() — Construtor, classe mx.logging.AbstractTarget | |
Constructor. | |
AbstractWebService — classe, pacote mx.rpc.soap | |
AbstractWebService is an abstract base class for implementations that provide RPC access to SOAP-based web services. | |
AbstractWebService(destination:String, rootURL:String) — Construtor, classe mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
Creates a new WebService. | |
AccConst — classe final, pacote mx.accessibility | |
The AccConst class defines constants defined in Microsoft's Active Accessibility (MSAA) specification. | |
accDoDefaultAction(childID:uint) — método, classe flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
Um método IAccessible que executa a ação padrão associada ao componente que esta AccessibilityImplementation representa ou um do seus elementos filho. | |
ACCELERATED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.media.VideoStatus | |
Indica decodificação de vídeo acelerada por hardware (GPU). | |
accelerationX — Propriedade, classe flash.events.AccelerometerEvent | |
Aceleração ao longo de eixo X, medido em Gs. | |
accelerationY — Propriedade, classe flash.events.AccelerometerEvent | |
Aceleração ao longo de eixo Y, medido em Gs. | |
accelerationZ — Propriedade, classe flash.events.AccelerometerEvent | |
Aceleração ao longo de eixo Z, medido em Gs. | |
Accelerometer — classe, pacote flash.sensors | |
A classe Accelerometer despacha eventos com base na atividade detectada pelo sensor de movimento do dispositivo. | |
Accelerometer() — Construtor, classe flash.sensors.Accelerometer | |
Cria uma nova instância de Accelerometer. | |
AccelerometerEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
A classe Acelerômetro despacha objetos AccelerometerEvent quando as atualizações de aceleração são obtidas do sensor de Acelerômetro instalado no dispositivo. | |
AccelerometerEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, timestamp:Number, accelerationX:Number, accelerationY:Number, accelerationZ:Number) — Construtor, classe flash.events.AccelerometerEvent | |
Cria um objeto AccelerometerEvent que contém informações sobre a aceleração ao longo de três eixos dimensionais. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Accent color used by component skins. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Color of the track highlight. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe mx.controls.Button | |
Color applied to the button when the emphasized flag is true. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Accent color used by component skins. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe mx.core.Container | |
Accent color used by component skins. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Accent color used by component skins. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.Button | |
Color applied to the button when the emphasized flag is true. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.ActionBar | |
Accent color used by component skins. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Accent color used by component skins. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.DateSpinner | |
Color applied for the date items that match today's date. | |
accentColor — Estilo, classe spark.components.ToggleSwitch | |
Color applied to highlight the selected side of the ToggleSwitch control. | |
accept() — Método estático , classe adobe.utils.XMLUI | |
Faz a caixa de diálogo XMLUI atual fechar com um estado de "aceito". | |
acceptableStatusCodes — Propriedade, classe air.net.URLMonitor | |
Os códigos numéricos de status que representam um resultado bem-sucedido. | |
acceptAllClient() — método, classe mx.data.Conflicts | |
This is a convenience method that iterates all of the conflicts within this list and invokes the Conflict.acceptClient() method. | |
acceptAllServer() — método, classe mx.data.Conflicts | |
This is a convenience method that iterates all of the conflicts within this list and invokes the Conflict.acceptClient() method. | |
acceptClient() — método, classe mx.data.Conflict | |
Requeues the current local changes and updates the property values such that a subsequent call to DataService.commit() should succeed, causing these changes to override the previous ones. | |
acceptDragDrop(target:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — Método estático , classe flash.desktop.NativeDragManager | |
Informa ao NativeDragManager que o objeto interativo de destino especificado pode aceitar uma ação de soltar correspondente ao evento de arrastar atual. | |
acceptDragDrop(target:mx.core:IUIComponent) — Método estático , classe mx.managers.DragManager | |
Call this method from your dragEnter event handler if you accept the drag/drop data. | |
acceptServer() — método, classe mx.data.Conflict | |
Removes the conflicting local change and applies the property values found on the Conflict.serverObject property to the local item. | |
Accessibility — classe final, pacote flash.accessibility | |
A classe Accessibility gerencia a comunicação com leitores de tela. | |
accessibilityDescription — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
A convenience accessor for the description property in this UIComponent's accessibilityProperties object. | |
accessibilityEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
A convenience accessor for the silent property in this UIComponent's accessibilityProperties object. | |
accessibilityImplementation — Propriedade, classe flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
A implementação de acessibilidade atual (AccessibilityImplementation) para esta instância do InteractiveObject. | |
AccessibilityImplementation — classe, pacote flash.accessibility | |
A classe AccessibilityImplementation é a classe base no Flash Player que permite a implementação da acessibilidade em componentes. | |
AccessibilityImplementation() — Construtor, classe flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
Construtor estático. | |
accessibilityName — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
A convenience accessor for the name property in this UIComponent's accessibilityProperties object. | |
accessibilityProperties — Propriedade, classe flash.display.DisplayObject | |
As opções de acessibilidade atuais para este objeto de exibição. | |
accessibilityProperties — Propriedade, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
accessibilityProperties — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
As opções de acessibilidade atuais para este objeto de exibição. | |
accessibilityProperties — Propriedade, interface spark.core.IEditableText | |
As opções de acessibilidade atuais para este objeto de exibição. | |
AccessibilityProperties — classe, pacote flash.accessibility | |
A classe AccessibilityProperties permite controlar a apresentação de objetos do Flash em ferramentas de acessibilidade, como leitores de tela. | |
AccessibilityProperties() — Construtor, classe flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties | |
Cria um novo objeto CameraRollBrowseOptions. | |
accessibilityShortcut — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
A convenience accessor for the shortcut property in this UIComponent's accessibilityProperties object. | |
AccessibleButton — classe, pacote ga.uiComponents | |
For internal use only. | |
accessibleName — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
Sets the accessible name of the list that is read by a screen reader. | |
AccessibleText — classe, pacote ga.uiComponents | |
For internal use only. | |
AccessPrivileges — classe, pacote mx.data | |
Encapsulates the allowed privileges and provides access to simple descriptions of what operations are allowed. | |
AccessPrivileges(privileges:uint) — Construtor, classe mx.data.AccessPrivileges | |
Constructs an instance with the specified privileges. | |
AccImpl — classe, pacote fl.accessibility | |
A classe AccImpl, também chamada de classe de Implementação de acessibilidade, é a classe base para a implementação da acessibilidade em componentes. | |
AccImpl — classe, pacote mx.accessibility | |
AccImpl is Flex's base accessibility implementation class for MX and Spark components. | |
AccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Construtor, classe mx.accessibility.AccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
accLocation(childID:uint) — método, classe flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
Método de MSAA para retornar um DisplayObject ou Retângulo que especifica a caixa delimitadora de um elemento de filho no AccessibilityImplementation. | |
Accordion — classe, pacote mx.containers | |
An MX Accordion navigator container has a collection of child MX containers or Spark NavigatorContent containers, but only one of them at a time is visible. | |
Accordion() — Construtor, classe mx.containers.Accordion | |
Constructor. | |
AccordionAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.containers | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Accordion class. | |
AccordionAutomationImpl(obj:mx.containers:Accordion) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.AccordionAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AccordionHeader — classe, pacote mx.containers.accordionClasses | |
The AccordionHeader class defines the appearance of the navigation buttons of an Accordion. | |
AccordionHeader() — Construtor, classe mx.containers.accordionClasses.AccordionHeader | |
Constructor. | |
AccordionHeaderAccImpl — classe, pacote mx.accessibility | |
AccordionHeaderAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the AccordionHeader class. | |
AccordionHeaderAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Construtor, classe mx.accessibility.AccordionHeaderAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AccordionHeaderSkin — classe, pacote mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of an AccordionHeader in an Accordion. | |
AccordionHeaderSkin — classe, pacote mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the header of the MX Accordion container. | |
AccordionHeaderSkin — classe, pacote mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the header of the MX Accordion container. | |
AccordionHeaderSkin() — Construtor, classe mx.skins.halo.AccordionHeaderSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AccordionHeaderSkin() — Construtor, classe mx.skins.spark.AccordionHeaderSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AccordionHeaderSkin() — Construtor, classe mx.skins.wireframe.AccordionHeaderSkin | |
Constructor. | |
_accordionMode — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
The accordionMode determines if the accordion is in MODE_ACCORDION or MODE_DISCLOSURE | |
accordionMode — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
accordionMode | |
AccordionNav — classe, pacote ga.controls | |
The AccordionNav component is an accordion control that lists section names where each section contains a list of panels. | |
AccordionNav() — Construtor, classe ga.controls.AccordionNav | |
Constructor. | |
AccordionSkin — classe, pacote com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.skins | |
Defines the Accordion wrapper skin. | |
AccordionSkin() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.skins.AccordionSkin | |
Constructor. | |
accSelect(operation:uint, childID:uint) — método, classe flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
Método IAccessible para alterar a seleção no componente que esta AccessibilityImplementation representa. | |
accurate — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisLabelSet | |
When returned from the getLabelEstimate() method, set to true if the estimate accurately represents the final labels to be rendered. | |
acknowledge — Evento, classe mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Dispatched when an acknowledge message is received for a sent message. | |
acknowledge(ackMsg:mx.messaging.messages:AcknowledgeMessage, msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — método, classe mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Invoked by a MessageResponder upon receiving a result for a sent message. | |
ACKNOWLEDGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.messaging.events.MessageAckEvent | |
The ACKNOWLEDGE event type; dispatched upon receipt of an acknowledgement. | |
acknowledgeMessage — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.events.MessageAckEvent | |
Utility property to get the message property from the MessageEvent as an AcknowledgeMessage. | |
AcknowledgeMessage — classe, pacote mx.messaging.messages | |
An AcknowledgeMessage acknowledges the receipt of a message that was sent previously. | |
AcknowledgeMessage() — Construtor, classe mx.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage | |
Constructs an instance of an AcknowledgeMessage with an empty body and header. | |
ACMRelationshipManager — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | |
Relationship manager for managing the Relationship browser. | |
ACMRelationshipManager() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ACMRelationshipManager | |
Constructor. | |
acos(val:Number) — Método estático , classe Math | |
Calcula e retorna o cosseno de arco do número especificado no parâmetro val, em radianos. | |
acquireContextByName(name:String) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IApplication | |
Returns the context interface with the given name for the application. | |
acquireManager(name:String) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IClientFramework | |
Creates or gets the instance of the requested Composite Application Framework component that implements IManager. | |
ACROBAT_DETECT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.DesktopModel | |
A special value that specifies to set the state to for detecting Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader version installed on the computer of the user. | |
action — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.BasicService | |
Action string for the service. | |
action — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.acm.solutions.authoring.domain.extensions.IActionHandler | |
Fetch action associated with this handler instance. | |
action — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.acm.solutions.ccr.domain.extensions.CCRDefaultActionHandler | |
Fetch action associated with this handler instance. | |
action — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.DataDictionaryEditor | |
The action (AssetAction) being performed on this particular instance of data dictionary. | |
action — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar.ActionRenderer | |
The custom action instance associated with the action renderer. | |
action — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar.IActionRenderer | |
Fetch action associated with this handler instance. | |
action — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationDragEvent | |
The requested action. | |
action — Propriedade, classe mx.events.DragEvent | |
The requested action. | |
action — Propriedade, classe spark.events.ViewNavigatorEvent | |
The navigation action committed by the view navigator that resulted in the event. | |
ACTION — Propriedade da constante, classe mx.messaging.management.MBeanOperationInfo | |
The operation is write-like, updating the control in some way. | |
ACTION_ACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | |
ACTION_ACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | |
ACTION_ACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | |
ACTION_ACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | |
ACTION_ACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | |
ACTION_ACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | |
ACTION_ACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset. | |
ACTION_ASSET_FOCUS_GAINED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetFocusEvent | |
This constant specifies that the asset has gained focus. | |
actionBar — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.Toolbar | |
Skin Part for holding the multiple number of buttons/any control Skin Part for holding the multiple number of buttons/any control | |
actionBar — Parte da capa, classe spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
A skin part that defines the action bar of the navigator. A skin part that defines the action bar of the navigator. | |
actionBar — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ViewNavigatorApplication | |
A reference to the view navigator's ActionBar control, if one exists. | |
actionBar — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.ViewNavigatorSkin | |
A skin part that defines the action bar of the navigator. | |
ActionBar — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar | |
Actionbar Host Component | |
ActionBar — classe, pacote spark.components | |
The ActionBar class defines a component that includes title, navigation, and action content groups. | |
ActionBar() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar | |
Constructor | |
ActionBar() — Construtor, classe spark.components.ActionBar | |
Constructor. | |
ActionBarButtonSkinBase — classe, pacote spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses | |
Base skin class for ActionBar buttons in mobile applications. | |
ActionBarButtonSkinBase() — Construtor, classe spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ActionBarButtonSkinBase | |
Constructor. | |
ActionBarDefaultButtonAppearance — classe final, pacote spark.components | |
The ActionBarDefaultButtonAppearance class defines the constants for the allowed values of the defaultButtonAppearance style of ActionBar. | |
ActionBarSkin — classe, pacote spark.skins.mobile | |
The default skin class for the Spark ActionBar component in mobile applications. | |
ActionBarSkin() — Construtor, classe spark.skins.mobile.ActionBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
actionBarVisible — Propriedade, classe spark.components.View | |
Specifies whether a view should show the action bar or not. | |
actionButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain.TaskAction | |
The skin for each button. There is one button for each user action. All buttons are added to the contentGroup SkinPart of the SkinnableContainer parent class. The skin for each button. | |
actionButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar.ActionRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the action button A skin part that defines the action button | |
actionButton — Parte da capa, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
actionButton — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin | |
The action button. | |
ACTION_BUTTON_CLICK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
actionConfig — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.CustomAction | |
Specifies the extended properties of the underlying object. | |
actionContent — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ActionBar | |
The components that define actions the user can take in a view. | |
actionContent — Propriedade, classe spark.components.View | |
actionContent — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
actionContent — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ViewNavigatorApplication | |
ACTION_COPY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to copying of an asset. | |
ACTION_COPY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to copying of an asset. | |
ACTION_COPY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to copying of an asset. | |
ACTION_COPY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to copying of an asset. | |
ACTION_COPY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to copying of an asset. | |
ACTION_COPY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to copying of an asset. | |
ACTION_COPY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to copying of an asset. | |
ACTION_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | |
ACTION_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | |
ACTION_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | |
ACTION_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | |
ACTION_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | |
ACTION_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | |
ACTION_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | |
ACTION_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | |
ACTION_CREATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | |
ACTION_DEFAULT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
This constant specifies the default action to be taken on the asset | |
ACTION_DEFAULT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetFocusEvent | |
This constant specifies the default action on the asset. | |
ACTION_DEFAULT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Specifies the default action when the user double-clicks an action. | |
ACTION_DEFAULT_VERSION_SPECIFIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
This constant specifies the default action to be taken in the version browser for that asset | |
ACTION_DEFAULT_VERSION_SPECIFIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset(dispatched by LCC). | |
ACTION_DEFAULT_VERSION_SPECIFIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset(dispatched by LCC). | |
ACTION_DEFAULT_VERSION_SPECIFIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset(dispatched by LCC). | |
ACTION_DEFAULT_VERSION_SPECIFIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset(dispatched by LCC). | |
ACTION_DEFAULT_VERSION_SPECIFIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset(dispatched by LCC). | |
ACTION_DEFAULT_VERSION_SPECIFIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset(dispatched by LCC). | |
ACTION_DEFAULT_VERSION_SPECIFIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset(dispatched by LCC). | |
ACTION_DELETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | |
ACTION_DELETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | |
ACTION_DELETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | |
ACTION_DELETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | |
ACTION_DELETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | |
ACTION_DELETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | |
ACTION_DELETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | |
ACTION_DELETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | |
ACTION_DELETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | |
ACTION_DEPENDENCY_BROWSER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Dependency/Relationship action name. | |
ACTION_DEPENDENCY_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
This constant specifies that report action on Dependency Browser needs to be performed. | |
ACTION_DEPENDENCY_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to downloading dependency browser report. | |
ACTION_DEPENDENCY_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to downloading dependency browser report. | |
ACTION_DEPENDENCY_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to downloading dependency browser report. | |
ACTION_DEPENDENCY_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to downloading dependency browser report. | |
ACTION_DEPENDENCY_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to downloading dependency browser report. | |
ACTION_DEPENDENCY_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to downloading dependency browser report. | |
ACTION_DEPENDENCY_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to downloading dependency browser report. | |
ACTION_EDIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | |
ACTION_EDIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | |
ACTION_EDIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | |
ACTION_EDIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | |
ACTION_EDIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | |
ACTION_EDIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | |
ACTION_EDIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | |
ACTION_EDIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | |
ACTION_EDIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | |
ActionEffectInstance — classe, pacote mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The ActionEffectInstance class is the superclass for all action effect instance classes. | |
ActionEffectInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.ActionEffectInstance | |
Constructor. | |
actionEnabled(extraParams:Object) — método, interface com.adobe.acm.solutions.authoring.domain.extensions.IActionHandler | |
Should the action be enabled in toolbar | |
actionEnabled(extraParams:Object) — método, classe com.adobe.acm.solutions.ccr.domain.extensions.CCRDefaultActionHandler | |
Should the action be enabled in toolbar | |
ACTION_EXPORTDEFINITION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTDEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTDEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTDEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTDEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTDEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTDEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ImportExportManager | |
The constant specifying the export package action. | |
actionGroup — Parte da capa, classe spark.components.ActionBar | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the action area of the component. By default, the ActionBarSkin class defines the action area to appear to the right of the title area. The skin part that defines the appearance of the action area of the component. | |
actionGroup — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.ActionBarSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the action area of the component. | |
actionHandler — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.CustomAction | |
Qulaified class name of the handler who will be handling this action click. | |
actionHandler — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar.ActionRenderer | |
The handler invoked on click of the custom action button on extensible toolbar. | |
actionHandler — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar.IActionRenderer | |
Fetches the action handler associated with the click of custom action in extensible tool bar. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ImportExportManager | |
The constant specifying the import package action. | |
actionIndex — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetAction | |
Relative index of action in it's group | |
ACTION_INFO — Propriedade da constante, classe mx.messaging.management.MBeanOperationInfo | |
The operation is both read-like and write-like, updating the control and returning information. | |
ACTION_INVALID_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe coldfusion.service.ProxyServiceError | |
actionItemGroup — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar | |
Group for displaying all the asset actions Group for displaying all the asset actions | |
actionItemRenderer — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar.ExtensibleActionbar | |
A skin part that defines ActionRenderer A skin part that defines ActionRenderer | |
actionItems — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Selected Itmes on which action is taken | |
actionItems — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Specifies the selected items on which to take the action. | |
actionItemsInstances — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar | |
actionLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ActionBar | |
Defines the layout of the components defined in the action area by the actionGroup property. | |
actionLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.components.View | |
Defines the layout of the components defined in the action area by the actionGroup property. | |
actionLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
The components that define actions the user can take in a view. | |
actionLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ViewNavigatorApplication | |
Defines the layout of the components defined in the action area by the actionGroup property. | |
ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | |
ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | |
ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset. | |
ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset. | |
ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset. | |
ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset. | |
ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset. | |
ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | |
actionMenu — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars.EBToolBar | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display menu item. A Skin part which defines UI component to display menu item. | |
actionName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.TaskCompletedEvent | |
The name of the user action used to complete the task. | |
actionName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionCompleteEvent | |
Name of the action | |
actionName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Name of the action | |
actionName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain.events.ActionSelectedEvent | |
The name of the selected user action. | |
actionName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.AssetActionCompleteEvent | |
Specifies the name of the action. | |
actionName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Specifies the name of the action. | |
actionName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditActionVO | |
Retrieves the name of the audit action. | |
actionName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditMetaInfoVO | |
Gets the action name. | |
actionName — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.UserActionProperty | |
Returns name of the action. | |
actionNames — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ILCTask | |
Retrieves the list of user actions supported by the task. | |
ActionNames — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ITask | |
The list of user actions supported by the task. | |
ACTION_PREVIEW_WITHOUT_DATA — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to previewing letter without data. | |
ACTION_PREVIEW_WITH_TEST_DATA — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to previewing letter with data. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Publish action name. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
This constant specifies that the publish action on Publish Browser needs to be performed. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_PUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
This constant specifies that report action on Publish Browser needs to be performed. | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing report of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing report of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing report of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing report of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing report of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing report of an asset | |
ACTION_PUBLISH_BROWSER_REPORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to publishing report of an asset | |
actionRenderer — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetAction | |
Can specify Renderer for Asset Action | |
ActionRenderer — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar | |
The renderer that is used to render the custom action instance on the extensible tool bar. | |
ActionRenderer() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.actionbar.ActionRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset. | |
ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset. | |
ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset. | |
ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset. | |
ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset. | |
ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset. | |
ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset. | |
ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset. | |
actions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditLevelVO | |
Gets the audit actions associated with the audit level. | |
ACTIONSCRIPT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.video.CuePointType | |
Define o valor do parâmetro de tipo dos métodos findCuePoint() e findNearestCuePoint(). | |
ACTION_SCRIPT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.MetadataEvent | |
The MetadataEvent.ACTION_SCRIPT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a actionscript event. | |
ACTIONSCRIPT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.metadata.CuePointType | |
An ActionScript cue point. | |
ACTIONSCRIPT2 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.ActionScriptVersion | |
Linguagem ActionScript versão 2.0 e anterior. | |
ACTIONSCRIPT3 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.ActionScriptVersion | |
Linguagem ActionScript versão 3.0. | |
actionScriptData — Propriedade, classe flash.external.ExtensionContext | |
O objeto ActionScript associado a este contexto, se houver. | |
actionScriptVersion — Propriedade, classe fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
A versão ActionScript do arquivo SWF carregado. | |
actionScriptVersion — Propriedade, classe flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
A versão ActionScript do arquivo SWF carregado. | |
ActionScriptVersion — classe final, pacote flash.display | |
A classe ActionScriptVersion é uma enumeração de valores constantes que indicam a versão de linguagem de um arquivo SWF carregado. | |
actionSelected — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.domain.DocumentSubmit | |
Dispatched when a button is selected. | |
actionSelected — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.component.TaskActionComponent | |
Dispatched when the user clicks a user action button. | |
actionSelected — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain.TaskAction | |
Dispatched when the user selects an action. | |
ActionSelectedEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain.events | |
The ActionSelectedEvent event is dispatched when the user selects a user action in the TaskAction UX component. | |
ActionSelectedEvent(actionName:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain.events.ActionSelectedEvent | |
Constructor. | |
ACTION_SELECTED_EVENT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain.events.ActionSelectedEvent | |
The ACTION_SELECTED_EVENT constant define the event type name for the event. | |
actionSeperator — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar | |
Factory for Separator between the actions Factory for Separator between the actions | |
actionsList — Propriedade estática, classe adobe.utils.CustomActions | |
Retorna um objeto Array contendo os nomes de todas as ações personalizadas que são registradas com a ferramenta de autoria do Flash. | |
ACTION_VERSION_HISTORY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Version History action name. | |
ACTION_VERSIONHISTORY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset. | |
ACTION_VERSIONHISTORY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset. | |
ACTION_VERSIONHISTORY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset. | |
ACTION_VERSIONHISTORY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset. | |
ACTION_VERSIONHISTORY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset. | |
ACTION_VERSIONHISTORY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset. | |
ACTION_VERSIONHISTORY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to getting version history of an asset(Used to just enable and disable icon). | |
ACTION_VIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset. | |
ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset. | |
actionVisible(extraParams:Object) — método, interface com.adobe.acm.solutions.authoring.domain.extensions.IActionHandler | |
Should the action be visible in toolbar | |
actionVisible(extraParams:Object) — método, classe com.adobe.acm.solutions.ccr.domain.extensions.CCRDefaultActionHandler | |
Should the action be visible in toolbar | |
activate() — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
This remote operation activates a current project and its child projects or workItems. | |
activate() — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
This remote operation activates the current workitem. | |
activate() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
This remote operation activates a current project and its child projects or workItems. | |
activate() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
This remote operation activates the current workitem. | |
activate() — método, classe fl.managers.FocusManager | |
Ativa a ocorrência FocusManager. | |
activate() — método, interface fl.managers.IFocusManager | |
Ativa um gerenciador de foco. | |
activate — Evento, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Despachado quando esse aplicativo se torna o aplicativo ativo da área de trabalho. | |
activate(window:flash.display:NativeWindow) — método, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Ativa esse aplicativo. | |
activate — Evento, classe flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Despachado por este objeto NativeWindow depois que a janela tiver sido ativada. | |
activate() — método, classe flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Ativa esta janela. | |
activate — Evento, classe flash.events.EventDispatcher | |
[transmissão de evento] Despachado quando o Flash Player ou o aplicativo do AIR ganha o foco do sistema operacional e está se tornando inativo. | |
activate() — método, classe mx.core.Window | |
Activates the underlying NativeWindow (even if this Window's application is not currently active). | |
activate() — método, classe mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Activates the underlying NativeWindow (even if this application is not the active one). | |
activate() — método, classe mx.managers.FocusManager | |
The SystemManager activates and deactivates a FocusManager if more than one IFocusManagerContainer is visible at the same time. | |
activate() — método, interface mx.managers.IFocusManager | |
The SystemManager activates and deactivates a FocusManager if more than one IFocusManagerContainer is visible at the same time. | |
activate() — método, classe spark.components.Window | |
Activates the underlying NativeWindow (even if this Window's application is not currently active). | |
activate() — método, classe spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Activates the underlying NativeWindow (even if this application is not the active one). | |
ACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.Event | |
A constante ACTIVATE define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento activate. | |
activateCheckbox — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.definition.TemplateDefintion | |
A reference to the CheckBox object that allows users to activate or deactivate a template. Only active templates can be assigned to a project or to an asset. A reference to the CheckBox object that allows users to activate or deactivate a template. | |
activateCondition() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Activate. | |
activateDataModule(moduleId:String, updateDependencies:Boolean) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.services.module.IModuleService | |
Activates the specified data module. | |
activateDocumentViewCB(error:ga.model:FormBridgeError, data:String) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Call back indicating document view has activated. | |
activateDocumentViewCB(error:ga.model:FormBridgeError, data:String) — método, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Call back indicating document view has activated. | |
activateDocumentViewCB(error:ga.model:FormBridgeError, data:String) — método, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Call back indicating document view has activated. | |
ACTIVATE_FOCUS_REQUEST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest | |
Sent from the top-level focus manager to a subordinate focus managers so all the focus managers participating in a tab loop get activated. | |
activateForm(formId:String, updateDependencies:Boolean) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.services.layout.ILayoutService | |
Activates a form template | |
activateFragmentLayout(fragmentLayoutId:String, updateDependencies:Boolean) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.services.fragmentlayout.IFragmentLayoutService | |
Activates a fragmentLayout template | |
activateFragmentLayouts() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Activate. | |
activateHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Processa o evento Event.ACTIVATE quando o cliente gerencia os eventos. | |
activateHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Processa o evento Event.ACTIVATE quando o cliente gerencia os eventos. | |
activateHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IInteractionEventHandler | |
Processa um evento de ativação. | |
activateHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
Processa um evento de ativação. | |
activateImages() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Activate. | |
activateLayouts() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Activate. | |
activateLetter(letterID:String, updateDependencies:Boolean) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.services.letter.ILetterService | |
Activates a letter template | |
activateLetters() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Activate. | |
activateLists() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Activate. | |
ACTIVATE_POP_UP_REQUEST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest | |
Requests that a child application's pop up be activated. | |
activateProject(projectId:String) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.IProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function activates a given project and its child projects or workItems. | |
activateProject(projectId:String) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl.ProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function activates a given project and its child projects or workItems. | |
activateTexts() — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Activate. | |
activateWorkItem(workItemId:String) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.IWorkItemManagementService | |
This function activates a given workitem. | |
activateWorkItem(workItemId:String) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl.WorkItemManagementService | |
This function activates a given workitem. | |
activating — Propriedade, classe flash.events.ActivityEvent | |
Indica se o dispositivo é @activating (true) ou deactivating (false). | |
ActivationBrowser — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate | |
Custom Component derived from TitleWindow which shows an asset's publish dependencies. | |
ActivationBrowser() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate.ActivationBrowser | |
Constructor | |
ACTIVATION_MANAGER_SERVICE_RO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.ServiceLocator | |
The ServiceLocator.ACTIVATION_MANAGER_SERVICE_RO constant defines the value of the ActivationManager service destination. | |
activator — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader.IBundleLoaderContext | |
The bundle activator for this bundle. | |
ActivatorSkin — classe, pacote mx.skins.halo | |
Defines the up, down, and over states for MenuBarItem objects. | |
ActivatorSkin() — Construtor, classe mx.skins.halo.ActivatorSkin | |
Constructor. | |
active — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewTemplateReference | |
Specifies whether the template is active. | |
active — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewTemplate | |
A Boolean flag to determine if a template is active. | |
active — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IStageTemplate | |
A Boolean value to decide if the template is active. | |
active — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewTemplate | |
A Boolean flag to determine if a template is active. | |
active — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageTemplate | |
A Boolean value to decide if the template is active. | |
active — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewTemplateVO | |
A Boolean flag to determine if template is active or not. | |
active — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.StageTemplateSearchFilterVO | |
Whether to search for active templates only or for all templates. | |
active — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.StageTemplateVO | |
A Boolean flag to determine if template is active or not. | |
active — Propriedade estática, classe flash.accessibility.Accessibility | |
Indica se um leitor de tela está atualmente ativo e se o aplicativo está em comunicação com ele. | |
active — Propriedade, classe flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Indica se esta janela é a janela do aplicativo ativo. | |
active — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetworkInterface | |
Relata se esta interface está ativa. | |
active — Propriedade estática, classe flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Indica se um trabalho de impressão está ativo atualmente. | |
ACTIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.gravity.framework.BundleConstants | |
The bundle has been started and is ready for use. | |
ACTIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.FormState | |
Specifies the enumerator code for Active state. | |
ACTIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.LetterState | |
Specifies the enumerator code for Active state. | |
ACTIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectState | |
Specifies the enumerator code for Active state. | |
ACTIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.TBXState | |
Specifies the enumerator code for Active state. | |
ACTIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkState | |
Valor do estado ativo, que ocorre quando você mantém o mouse clicado sobre um link. | |
activeAssetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar | |
Active Asset Type Descriptor which enables or disables the action buttons | |
activeAssetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.Toolbar | |
Active Asset Type Descriptor which enables or disables the action buttons | |
ACTIVE_CONTENT_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.ActiveContentEvent | |
The ActiveContentEvent.ACTIVE_CONTENT_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the selected content(module) changes in the content panel in the Create Correspondence UI. | |
ActiveContentEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events | |
ActiveContentEvent is the event dispatched when the selected content(module) changes in the content panel in the Create Correspondence UI. | |
ActiveContentEvent(type:String, activeModuleValue:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IModuleInstance, activeModuleListValue:spark.components.supportClasses:ListBase, activeTargetModuleList:spark.components.supportClasses:ListBase) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.ActiveContentEvent | |
Constructor. | |
activeData — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.ActiveDataEvent | |
The current selected data capture item. | |
activeData — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.DataCapturePod | |
The current selected data item in the Data capture Panel. | |
ACTIVE_DATA_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.ActiveDataEvent | |
The ActiveDataEvent.ACTIVE_DATA_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the selected data capture item changes in the Create Correspondence UI. | |
ActiveDataEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events | |
ActiveDataEvent is the event dispatched when the selected data capture item changes in the the Create Correspondence UI. | |
ActiveDataEvent(type:String, activeData:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IDataInstance) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.ActiveDataEvent | |
Constructor. | |
activeEffects — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
The list of effects that are currently playing on the component, as an Array of EffectInstance instances. | |
activeEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Form | |
activeEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
activeEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
The activeEndDate of the underlying value object. | |
activeEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
activeEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
activeEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
activeEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
activeEndDateDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.AssetPropertiesEditor | |
A skin part that defines the asset's active end date A skin part that defines the asset's active end date | |
activeModule — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
The current selected module in the content capture Panel. | |
activeModule — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentLibraryContainer | |
The currently selected module in the list. | |
activeModule — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.TextEditorContainer | |
The current text module being edited in the text editor. | |
activeModule — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.ActiveContentEvent | |
The current selected module in the content capture panel. | |
activeModuleList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
The module display list which contains the current selected module. | |
activeModuleList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.ActiveContentEvent | |
The module display list which contains the current selected module. | |
activePosition — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
O ponto ativo da seleção. | |
activePosition — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
O ponto ativo da seleção. | |
activePosition — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextRange | |
Posição ativa da seleção, como posição absoluta no TextFlow. | |
activeRequests — Propriedade, classe spark.core.ContentCache | |
List of queued CacheEntryNode instances currently executing. | |
activeStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Form | |
activeStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
activeStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
The activeStartDate date of the underlying value object. | |
activeStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
activeStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
activeStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
activeStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
activeStartDateDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.AssetPropertiesEditor | |
A skin part that defines the asset's active start date A skin part that defines the asset's active start date | |
activeTargetAssignmentEditor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterEditor | |
The instance of TargetAreaAssignmentEditor associated with the target area of the Letter currently being worked upon. | |
activeTargetModuleList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
The target area display list which contains the current selected module. | |
activeTargetModuleList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.ActiveContentEvent | |
The target area display list which contains the current selected module. | |
activeTask — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services.ITaskManager | |
Retrieves the active task from the task list. | |
activeVideoPlayerIndex — Propriedade, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Um número que especifica qual ocorrência do player de vídeo é afetada por outras APIs (interfaces de programação de aplicativo). | |
activeView — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
During a view transition, this property references the view that the navigator is transitioning to. The currently active view of the navigator. | |
activeView — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase | |
The currently active view of the navigator. | |
activeViewType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Indicates the type of communication expected, either DOR or interactive. | |
activeViewType — Propriedade, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Indicates the type of communication expected, either DOR or interactive. | |
activeViewType — Propriedade, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Indicates the type of communication expected, either DOR or interactive. | |
activeWindow — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
A janela do aplicativo ativo. | |
activeWindow — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.air.AirFunctionsHelper | |
Returns current window that is active | |
activity — Evento, classe flash.media.Camera | |
Despachado quando uma câmera inicia ou encerra uma sessão. | |
ACTIVITY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.ActivityEvent | |
A constante ActivityEvent.ACTIVITY define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento activity. | |
ActivityEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
Um objeto Camera ou Microphone envia um objeto ActivityEvent sempre que uma câmera ou um microfone reportar que se tornou ativo ou inativo. | |
ActivityEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, activating:Boolean) — Construtor, classe flash.events.ActivityEvent | |
Cria um objeto de evento que contém informações sobre eventos activity. | |
activityLevel — Propriedade, classe flash.media.Camera | |
A quantidade de movimento que a câmera está detectando. | |
activityLevel — Propriedade, classe flash.media.Microphone | |
A quantidade de som que o microfone está detectando. | |
ACTUAL_BITRATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.net.metrics.MetricType | |
The type constant for the actual bitrate metric. | |
ActualBitrateMetric — classe, pacote org.osmf.net.metrics | |
Metric computing the actual bitrate of the currently downloading quality level. This metric's type is MetricType.ACTUAL_BITRATE (org.osmf.net.abr.metrics.actualBitrate) | |
ActualBitrateMetric(qosInfoHistory:org.osmf.net.qos:QoSInfoHistory, maxFragments:uint) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.net.metrics.ActualBitrateMetric | |
Constructor. | |
actualCollection — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A copy of the value normally stored in the collection property used while running data changes effects. | |
actualCollection — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A copy of the value normally stored in collection used while running data changes effects. | |
actualColNum — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
The actual column index at which the header starts, relative to the currently displayed columns. | |
actualCreationPolicy — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
The creation policy of this container. | |
actualCreationPolicy — Propriedade, classe mx.core.Container | |
The creation policy of this container. | |
actualHeight — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement | |
A altura real aplicada. | |
actualHorizontalPosition — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Callout | |
Fully resolved horizontal position after evaluating CalloutPosition.AUTO. | |
actualIndex — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.NetStreamSwitcher | |
The index of the quality level currently being downloaded | |
actualIndex — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.RuleSwitchManagerBase | |
The index of the currently downloading quality level | |
actualIndex — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.qos.QoSInfo | |
The index of the currently downloading quality level | |
actualIterator — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A copy of the value normally stored in the iterator property used while running data changes effects. | |
actualIterator — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A copy of the value normally stored in iterator used while running data changes effects. | |
actualListeners — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.Validator | |
Contains an Array of listener objects, if any, or the source object. | |
actualListeners — Propriedade, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Contains an Array of listener objects, if any, or the source object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.Collator | |
O nome do ID de localidade real usado por este objeto Collator. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
O nome do ID da localidade real usado por este objeto de CurrencyFormatter. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
O nome de ID de localidade real usado por este objeto de DateTimeFormatter. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.NumberFormatter | |
O nome do ID real de local usado por este objeto de NumberFormatter. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe flash.globalization.StringTools | |
O nome da localidade real ID usado por este objeto de StringTools. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe spark.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this class object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this class object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe spark.formatters.NumberFormatter | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this class object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe spark.globalization.StringTools | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this class object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this class object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — Propriedade, classe spark.globalization.supportClasses.GlobalizationBase | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this class object. | |
ACTUALSORT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.SortInfo | |
Specifies that the sort is the actual current sort. | |
actualText — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers.DefaultStringTextInput | |
The actual text being shown in the text box. | |
actualTrigger — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.Validator | |
Contains the trigger object, if any, or the source object. | |
actualTrigger — Propriedade, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Contains the trigger object, if any, or the source object. | |
actualVerticalPosition — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Callout | |
Fully resolved vertical position after evaluating CalloutPosition.AUTO. | |
actualWidth — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement | |
A largura real aplicada. | |
adapter — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
An instance of a class that controls interaction with the server. | |
ADAPTIVE_FREQUENCY_DESTINATION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.messaging.AdvancedChannelSet | |
Special value of a destination using adaptive frequency. | |
add(v:flash.geom:Point) — método, classe flash.geom.Point | |
Adiciona as coordenadas de outro ponto às coordenadas deste ponto a fim de criar um novo ponto. | |
add(a:flash.geom:Vector3D) — método, classe flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Adiciona o valor dos elementos x, y e z do objeto Vector3D atual aos valores dos elementos x, y e z de outro objeto Vector3D. | |
add — Evento, classe lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Dispatched when an add event is received by Workspace. | |
add — Evento, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched when the component is added to a container as a content child by using the addChild(), addChildAt(), addElement(), or addElementAt() method. | |
add — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.AddRemoveEffectTargetFilter | |
Determines if this is an add or remove filter. | |
add — Evento, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Dispatched when the component is added to a container as a content child by using the addChild() or addChildAt() method. | |
Add(inMatrix:fl.motion:DynamicMatrix) — método, classe fl.motion.DynamicMatrix | |
Adiciona a matriz atual a uma matriz especifica. | |
ADD — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.events.DataChangeType | |
Os itens foram adicionados ao provedor de dados. | |
ADD — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.BlendMode | |
Adiciona os valores das cores constituintes do objeto de exibição às cores do seu plano de fundo, aplicando um limite superior de 0xFF. | |
ADD — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.AccessPrivileges | |
Indicates that add operations are allowed. | |
ADD — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.CollectionEventKind | |
Indicates that the collection added an item or items. | |
ADD — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.ADD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an add event. | |
AddAction — classe, pacote spark.effects | |
The AddAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the AddChild property of a view state definition. | |
AddAction(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.AddAction | |
Constructor. | |
AddActionInstance — classe, pacote spark.effects.supportClasses | |
The AddActionInstance class implements the instance class for the AddAction effect. | |
AddActionInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AddActionInstance | |
Constructor. | |
addAll(addList:mx.collections:IList) — método, classe mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Adds a list of items to the current list, placing them at the end of the list in the order they are passed. | |
addAll(addList:mx.collections:IList) — método, classe mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Adds a list of items to the current list, placing them at the end of the list in the order they are passed. | |
addAllAt(addList:mx.collections:IList, index:int) — método, classe mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Adds a list of items to the current list, placing them at the position index passed in to the function. | |
addAllAt(addList:mx.collections:IList, index:int) — método, classe mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Adds a list of items to the current list, placing them at the position index passed in to the function. | |
AddApprovalStageParticipant — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | |
The host component for the dialog to add participants to an approval stage. | |
AddApprovalStageParticipant() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.AddApprovalStageParticipant | |
The constructor for AddApprovalStageParticipant class. | |
addApprovalStageParticipantPanel — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.AddApprovalStageParticipant | |
The skin part that defines the Panel where the content of ApprovalStageParticipant get pushed into and laid out. The skin part that defines the Panel where the content of ApprovalStageParticipant get pushed into and laid out. | |
addApprover(approver:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant:Approver) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ApproverCollection | |
Adds items of type Approver to the collection. | |
addApprover(reviewId:String, stageNo:int, domain:String, canonicalName:String) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Adds an approver to an approval stage of an ongoing review. | |
addApprover(reviewId:String, stageNo:int, domain:String, canonicalName:String) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Adds an approver to an approval stage of an ongoing review. | |
ADD_APPROVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.OperationType | |
This operation adds an approver to an approver stage. | |
addApproverAt(approver:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant:Approver, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ApproverCollection | |
Adds items of type Approver to the collection. | |
addASCuePoint(timeOrCuePoint:any, name:String, parameters:Object) — método, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Adiciona um ponto de sinalização ActionScript e tem o mesmo efeito de adicionar um ponto de sinalização ActionScript usando a caixa de diálogo Pontos de sinalização, exceto por ocorrer quando um aplicativo é executado e não durante o desenvolvimento do aplicativo. | |
AddAssetPopUp — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar | |
New Drop Down Control for the Toolbar | |
AddAssetPopUp() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.AddAssetPopUp | |
Constructor | |
addAtEnd(child:com.adobe.mosaic.layouts:ILayoutChild) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartColumnLayout | |
Adds the item, given by its index, to either the end of the matrix or into the first vacant cell. | |
addAtEnd(child:com.adobe.mosaic.layouts:ILayoutChild) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartRowLayout | |
Adds the item, given by its index, to either the end of the matrix or into the first vacant cell. | |
addAtRowCol(index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartColumnLayout | |
Adds the item using the item's column and row properties to place the item. | |
addAtRowCol(index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartRowLayout | |
Adds the item using the item's column and row properties to place the item. | |
add_attachment — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.AttachmentList | |
The Add Attachment button. The Add Attachment button. | |
add_attachment — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.skin.AttachmentListSkin | |
The Add Attachment button. | |
addAttachment(taskId:String, file:flash.net:FileReference, attachmentPermissions:com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain:IAttachmentPermissions, assertionId:String) — método, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services.IAttachmentManager | |
Adds a new attachment to the Document Server. | |
addAttachment(taskId:String, file:flash.net:FileReference, attachmentPermissions:com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain:IAttachmentPermissions, assertionId:String) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services.LCTaskManager | |
Adds a new attachment to the Document Server. | |
addAttachment — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.AttachmentList | |
Dispatched when the Add Attachment button has been clicked. | |
addAttachment(taskId:String, file:flash.net:FileReference, attachmentPermissions:lc.procmgmt.domain:AttachmentPermissions) — método, interface lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Adds an attachment to a task item. | |
addAttachment(attachment:flash.net:FileReference, permissions:lc.procmgmt.domain:AttachmentPermissions) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Adds an attachment to the task. | |
addAttachment() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Adds the file property to the current Task object, with the specified AttachmentPermissions object set. | |
ADD_ATTACHMENT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.events.AttachmentEvent | |
The ADD_ATTACHMENT constant specifies when an attachment has been added. | |
ADD_ATTACHMENT_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.foundation.events.ObjectResultEvent | |
A special value that specifies attachments were added to a task. | |
addAttributesWatcher(name:Array, listener:Object, tile:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:ITile) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IContext | |
Adds a watcher to a specific set of context attributes. | |
addAttributeWatcher(name:String, listener:Object, tile:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:ITile) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IContext | |
Adds a watcher to the context. | |
addBackgroundShape(shape:flash.display:Shape) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Adiciona um objeto flash.display.Shape em que as formas do plano de fundo (como cor do fundo) são desenhadas. | |
addBinaryChainBuildingCertificate(certificate:flash.utils:ByteArray, trusted:Boolean) — método, classe flash.net.SecureSocket | |
Adiciona um certificado X.509 à cadeia de certificado local que seu sistema utiliza para validar o certificado de servidor. | |
addBitmapData(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData) — método, classe flash.media.CameraRoll | |
Adiciona uma imagem ao rolo da câmera do dispositivo. | |
addBootstrapPeer(peerID:String) — método, classe flash.net.GroupSpecifier | |
Faz com que o NetStream ou NetGroup associado crie uma conexão vizinha inicial à peerID especificada. | |
addBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryPropertiesView | |
A skin part that defines SkinnableComponent which adds extended property to the data dictionary. A skin part that defines SkinnableComponent which adds extended property to the data dictionary. | |
addBtn — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.component.ExtendedProperty | |
addButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
The add button, a Spark Button. The add button, a Spark Button. | |
addButton — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutSkin | |
The Add button control | |
addCacheEntry(source:Object, value:Object) — método, classe spark.core.ContentCache | |
Adds new entry to cache (or replaces existing entry). | |
addCallback(functionName:String, closure:Function) — Método estático , classe flash.external.ExternalInterface | |
Registra um método ActionScript como chamável a partir do contêiner. | |
ADD_CELL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.events.GridSelectionEventKind | |
Indicates that this cell should be added to the current selection. | |
addCellSelectionData(uid:String, columnIndex:int, selectionData:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Adds cell selection information to the control, as if you used the mouse to select the cell. | |
addCertificate(cert:flash.utils:ByteArray, trusted:Boolean) — método, classe flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator | |
Adiciona um certificado x509 pela criação do conjunto de chaves. | |
addChannel(channel:mx.messaging:Channel) — método, classe mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Adds a Channel to the ChannelSet. | |
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
Adiciona uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject a essa ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | |
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Adiciona uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject a essa ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | |
addChild(child:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement | |
Anexa um objeto FlowElement filho. | |
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Adds a child DisplayObject to this Container. | |
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Adds a child DisplayObject after the end of this child list. | |
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Adds a child DisplayObject after the end of this child list. | |
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Adds a child DisplayObject after the end of this child list. | |
addChild(parent:Object, newChild:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
Adds a child node to a node of the data. | |
addChild(parent:Object, newChild:Object) — método, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
Adds a child node to a node of the data. | |
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.core.Container | |
Adds a child DisplayObject to this Container. | |
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, interface mx.core.IChildList | |
Adds a child DisplayObject after the end of this child list. | |
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, interface mx.core.IContainer | |
Adiciona uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject a essa ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | |
addChild(childEffect:mx.effects:IEffect) — método, classe mx.effects.CompositeEffect | |
Adds a new child effect to this composite effect. | |
addChild(child:org.osmf.media:MediaElement) — método, classe org.osmf.elements.CompositeElement | |
Adds the specified child to the end of the list. | |
AddChild — classe, pacote mx.states | |
The AddChild class adds a child display object, such as a component, to a container as part of a view state. | |
AddChild(relativeTo:mx.core:UIComponent, target:flash.display:DisplayObject, position:String) — Construtor, classe mx.states.AddChild | |
Constructor. | |
AddChildAction — classe, pacote mx.effects | |
The AddChildAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the AddChild property of a view state definition. | |
AddChildAction(target:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.effects.AddChildAction | |
Constructor. | |
AddChildActionInstance — classe, pacote mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The AddChildActionInstance class implements the instance class for the AddChildAction effect. | |
AddChildActionInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.AddChildActionInstance | |
Constructor. | |
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, classe flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
Adiciona uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject a essa ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | |
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Adiciona uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject a essa ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | |
addChildAt(index:uint, child:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement | |
Acrescenta um objeto FlowElement filho na posição de índice especificada. | |
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Adds a child DisplayObject to this Container. | |
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance. | |
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance. | |
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance. | |
addChildAt(parent:Object, newChild:Object, index:int) — método, classe mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
Add a child node to a node at the specified index. | |
addChildAt(parent:Object, newChild:Object, index:int) — método, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
Adds a child node to a node of the data at a specific index in the data. | |
addChildAt(parent:Object, newChild:Object, index:int, model:Object) — método, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Add a child node to a node at the specified index. | |
addChildAt(parent:Object, newChild:Object, index:int, model:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Add a child node to a node at the specified index. | |
addChildAt(parent:Object, newChild:Object, index:int, model:Object) — método, interface mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor | |
Adds a child node to a node at the specified index. | |
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, classe mx.core.Container | |
Adds a child DisplayObject to this Container. | |
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, interface mx.core.IChildList | |
Adds a child DisplayObject to this child list at the index specified. | |
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, interface mx.core.IContainer | |
Adiciona uma ocorrência-filho de DisplayObject a essa ocorrência de DisplayObjectContainer. | |
addChildAt(child:org.osmf.media:MediaElement, index:Number) — método, classe org.osmf.elements.CompositeElement | |
Adds the child to the list at the specified index. | |
addChildBridge(bridge:flash.events:IEventDispatcher, bridgeProvider:mx.core:ISWFBridgeProvider) — método, interface mx.core.ISWFBridgeGroup | |
Adds a new bridge to the pod. | |
addChildBridge(bridge:flash.events:IEventDispatcher, bridgeProvider:mx.core:ISWFBridgeProvider) — método, classe mx.core.SWFBridgeGroup | |
Adds a new bridge to the pod. | |
addChildBridge(bridge:flash.events:IEventDispatcher, owner:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, interface mx.managers.IMarshalSystemManager | |
Adds a child bridge to the system manager. | |
addChildSet(childSet:Array) — método, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.CompositeEffectInstance | |
Adds a new set of child effects to this Composite effect. | |
addChildToSandboxRoot(layer:String, child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, interface mx.managers.IMarshalSystemManager | |
Adds the specified child to the sandbox root in the layer requested. | |
addColumn(column:any) — método, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Adiciona uma coluna ao final da matriz de colunas. | |
addColumnAt(column:any, index:uint) — método, classe fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Insere uma coluna no índice especificado da matriz de colunas. | |
addCondition(aProperty:com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter:IProperty, aComparisonOperator:com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter:IComparisonOperator, aComparisonValue:Object) — método, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.IFilter | |
Adds a condition to the filter. | |
addContentRenderer() — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.HoverRenderer | |
Current Preview Pod shows name/description in its title area and content of the asset like text/xml/image in the canvas area. | |
addController(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
Adiciona um controlador a esta instância do IFlowComposer. | |
addController(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
Adiciona um controlador a esta instância do IFlowComposer. | |
addControllerAt(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController, index:int) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
Adiciona um controlador a esta instância do IFlowComposer no índice especificado. | |
addControllerAt(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController, index:int) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
Adiciona um controlador a esta instância do IFlowComposer no índice especificado. | |
addCreatorButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.CreatorTab | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to add a new creator. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to add a new creator. | |
AddCreatorDialog — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | |
The host component for dialog used to adding creator to a creation stage. | |
AddCreatorDialog() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.AddCreatorDialog | |
The constructor for AddCreatorDialog class. | |
addCreatorDialogPanel — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.AddCreatorDialog | |
The skin part that defines the Panel where the content of Add Creator get pushed into and laid out. The skin part that defines the Panel where the content of Add Creator get pushed into and laid out. | |
addCuePoint(cuePoint:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.videoClasses.CuePointManager | |
Adds a cue point. | |
addData(data:Object, format:String) — método, classe mx.core.DragSource | |
Adds data and a corresponding format String to the drag source. | |
addDataChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, left:any, top:any, right:any, bottom:any, hCenter:any, vCenter:any) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Adds the specified display object as a child to the current canvas. | |
addDataChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, angleLeft:any, radialTop:any, angleRight:any, radialBottom:any, angleCenter:any, radialCenter:any) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
This adds any DisplayObject as child to current canvas | |
addDataDictionary(dataDictionary:com.adobe.dct.model:DEPDictionaryModel) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Adds an instance of DEPDictionaryModel to the existing list on which data elements panel is working. | |
addDataEffectItem(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Adds an item renderer if a data change effect is running. | |
addDataEffectItem(item:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Adds an item renderer if a data change effect is running. | |
addDataEffectItem(target:Object) — método, interface mx.effects.IEffectTargetHost | |
Adds an item renderer if a data change effect is running. | |
addDataElement — Evento, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement | |
Dispatched when the user presses the Insert ButtonBase control. | |
addDDE(elementType:String) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDExplorer | |
Adds a new data dictionary element as child to the current selected element. | |
addDeferredInclude(includeURL:String) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IManifestParseContext | |
Add a deferred include. | |
addDelayedInstance(instance:Object, stringID:String) — Método estático , classe fl.lang.Locale | |
Adiciona o par {instance, string ID} à matriz interna para uso posterior. | |
addDisplayObject(displayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject, depth:Number) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.DisplayLayer | |
Adds a displayObject with the specified depth to the ordered list. | |
addDocumentAndSave(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
This remote operation adds a document from the collection and submits the change on the server. | |
addDocumentAndSave(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
This remote operation adds a document from the collection and submits the change on the server. | |
addDocumentAndSave(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IDocumentCollection | |
This remote operation adds a document from the collection and submits the change on the server. | |
addDragData(ds:Object) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Adds the selected items to the DragSource object as part of a drag and drop operation. | |
addDragData(dragSource:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Adds the selected items to the DragSource object as part of a drag-and-drop operation. | |
addDragData(dragSource:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Adds the selected items to the DragSource object as part of a drag-and-drop operation. | |
addDragData(dragSource:mx.core:DragSource) — método, classe spark.components.List | |
Adds the selected items to the DragSource object as part of a drag-and-drop operation. | |
added — Propriedade, classe fl.video.CaptionChangeEvent | |
Um valor booliano que determina se a legenda foi adicionada ou removida. | |
added — Evento, classe flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Despachado quando um objeto de exibição é adicionado à lista de exibição. | |
ADDED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.Event | |
A constante Event.ADDED define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento added. | |
addedEffect — Efeito, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Played when the component is added as a child to a Container. | |
addedToStage — Evento, classe flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Despachado quando um objeto de exibição é adicionado à lista de exibição no palco, seja diretamente ou através da adição de uma subárvore na qual esse objeto de exibição está contido. | |
ADDED_TO_STAGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.Event | |
A constante Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento addedToStage. | |
addElement — Evento, classe com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars.DDToolbar | |
Dispatched when the New Element button is clicked. | |
addElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — método, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — método, classe mx.core.Container | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — método, interface mx.core.IVisualElementContainer | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — método, classe mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElement(element:mx.olap:IOLAPElement) — método, interface mx.olap.IOLAPSet | |
Adds a new member to the set. | |
addElement(e:mx.olap:IOLAPElement) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPSet | |
Adds a new member to the set. | |
addElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — método, classe spark.components.Group | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — método, classe spark.components.Scroller | |
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | |
addElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — método, classe spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElementAt(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — método, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElementAt(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — método, classe mx.core.Container | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElementAt(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — método, interface mx.core.IVisualElementContainer | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElementAt(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — método, classe mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElementAt(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — método, classe spark.components.Group | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElementAt(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — método, classe spark.components.Scroller | |
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | |
addElementAt(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — método, classe spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Adds a visual element to this container. | |
addElements(elements:mx.collections:IList) — método, interface mx.olap.IOLAPSet | |
Adds a list of members to the set. | |
addElements(members:mx.collections:IList) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPSet | |
Adds a list of members to the set. | |
addEnabled — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost | |
Whether or not the add button is enabled. | |
addEntry(url:String, policyFileURL:String) — método, classe fl.rsl.RSLInfo | |
Adiciona uma série de URLs (arquivos de RSL e arquivos de política). | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe coldfusion.air.Session | |
Registers an event listener object with the Session object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe coldfusion.air.SyncManager | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe coldfusion.service.BasicService | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Category | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Form | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.BindingElement | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElement | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryReference | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionarySearchFilter | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationInfo | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationParameter | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.RemotingServiceInfo | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.TaskProperty | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.CollectionToken | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.ObjectToken | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetAction | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SearchFilter | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.search.SearchQuery | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.relationships.RelationshipVO | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.fiber.styles.Style | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.PreferencesManager | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FileModel | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.obj.FileData | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.CDMAssignment | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataDownload | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DocumentAssignment | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Field | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.FieldAssignment | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Folder | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.LDMAssignment | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ModuleAssignment | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Query | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.TableColumnDetails | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetArea | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetAreaAssignment | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.User | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ContextData | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.PDFResponseType | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ResolvedContent | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.AttachmentLoader | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.PackageDefinitionLoader | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetAction | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchQuery | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.AuditLevel | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.CustomAttribute | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.Review | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewSearchFilter | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewTemplateReference | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.TemplateSearchFilter | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.UserPreference | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document.SupportingDocument | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.BaseUser | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder.Reminder | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.AbstractStage | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Catalog | |
Overridden EventDispatcher addEventListener. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Asset | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.TeamMember | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AbstractSearchFilterVO | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AssetVO | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.BaseEntityVO | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Participant | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.User | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util.FormatterUtil | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewTemplateVO | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.StageTemplateVO | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flash.events.EventDispatcher | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, interface flash.events.IEventDispatcher | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flash.media.AVURLLoader | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flash.net.URLLoader | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flash.system.MessageChannel | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flash.system.Worker | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
Registra um objeto de ouvinte de evento em um objeto EventDispatcher, de forma que o ouvinte receba a notificação de um evento. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.foundation.domain.Message | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.foundation.domain.Preference | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.foundation.domain.Principal | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.foundation.util.CollectionToken | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.foundation.util.ObjectToken | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.commands.AttachmentCommand | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.commands.InitiateFromStartTaskCommand | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Category | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.DocumentReference | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Process | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessVariable | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.QueueBase | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.QueuesManager | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.ReaderSubmit | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterAttribute | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterCondition | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterSort | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplate | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptor | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptors | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Startpoint | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskAttachmentInfo | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.UserActionProperty | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.impl.FavoritesManager | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe mx.data.DataStoreEventDispatcher | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, weakRef:Boolean) — método, classe mx.data.DynamicManagedItem | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe mx.data.ManagedRemoteService | |
Add an event listener to the service. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPCube | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Registers an event listener object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, classe mx.utils.OnDemandEventDispatcher | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_REQUEST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.EventListenerRequest | |
Request to add an event listener. | |
addEventListenersToAllChildApplications(eventDetailsArray:Array) — método, classe mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
addEventListenersToAllChildApplications(eventDetailsArray:Array) — método, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for tool): Adds the passed EventDetails objects to the probable child applications in the current ApplicationDomain. | |
addEventListenersToAllParentApplications(eventDetailsArray:Array) — método, classe mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
addEventListenersToAllParentApplications(eventDetailsArray:Array) — método, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for tool): Adds the passed EventDetails objects to the probable parent applications in the current ApplicationDomain. | |
addExport(name:String) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IInterfaceBuilder | |
Add a service export. | |
addExtendedPropertyRow(key:String, value:String, isKeyEditable:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryPropertiesView | |
Adds an extended property row in the PropertiesView. | |
addFaultHandler(handler:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.IToken | |
Adds a fault handler for this asynchronous invocation. | |
addFaultHandler(handler:Function) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.Token | |
Adds a fault handler for this asynchronous invocation. | |
addFaultHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.AggregatingToken | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation fails. | |
addFaultHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.IToken | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation fails. | |
addFaultHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.ImmediateFaultToken | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation fails. | |
addFaultHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.ImmediateSuccessToken | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation fails. | |
addFaultHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.Token | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation fails. | |
addFaultHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.flex.async.AsyncTokenWrapper | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation fails. | |
addFaultHandler(fault:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.token.IAsyncToken | |
Adds a fault handler to this token. | |
addFaultHandler(fault:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.IAsyncToken | |
Adds a fault handler to this token. | |
addFaultHandler(fault:Function) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.RCAToken | |
Adds a fault handler to this token. | |
addFaultHandler(handler:Function) — método, classe lc.foundation.util.Token | |
Adds a fault handler for this asynchronous invocation. | |
ADD_FAVORITE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointEvent | |
A special value that specifies that an startpoint was added to the favorites list. | |
addFilterPropertyArray(index:int, name:String, values:Array, startFrame:int, endFrame:int) — método, classe fl.motion.MotionBase | |
Modifica uma propriedade de filtro em todos os quadros-chave correspondentes de um objeto Motion. | |
addFirst(p:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart) — método, classe mx.automation.AutomationID | |
Adds a parts to the front of the id. | |
ADD_FOCUS_MANAGER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.ADD_FOCUS_MANAGER constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an addFocusManager event. | |
addFormat(format:String, importerClass:Class, exporterClass:Class, clipboardFormat:String) — Método estático , classe flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter | |
Registre um novo formato para importação/exportação. | |
addFormatAt(index:int, format:String, importerClass:Class, exporterClass:Class, clipboardFormat:String) — Método estático , classe flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter | |
Registre um novo formato para importar/exportar no local especificado. | |
addFunction(inExpr:String, actual:String) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.impl.SimpleFunctionMapper | |
Adds a new local function mapping. | |
addHaloColors(colors:Object, themeColor:uint, fillColor0:uint, fillColor1:uint) — Método estático , classe mx.skins.halo.HaloColors | |
Calculates colors that are used by components that support the Halo theme, such as the colors of beveled edges. | |
addHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.HandlerHolder | |
Add a handler function. | |
addHandler(handler:Function, format:String) — método, classe mx.core.DragSource | |
Adds a handler that is called when data for the specified format is requested. | |
addHandler(name:String, handler:Function, priority:int) — método, classe org.osmf.net.NetClient | |
Adds a handler for the specified callback name. | |
addHandlers(token:com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken, successHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — Função do pacote, com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | |
A convenience function for adding a success and fault handler without declaring a local variable. | |
addHandlers(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.IToken | |
Adds a result and fault handler for this asynchronous invocation. | |
addHandlers(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.Token | |
Adds a result and fault handler for this asynchronous invocation. | |
addHandlers(success:Function, fault:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.token.IAsyncToken | |
Adds a success and a fault handler to this token. | |
addHandlers(success:Function, fault:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.IAsyncToken | |
Adds success and fault handlers to this token. | |
addHandlers(success:Function, fault:Function) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.RCAToken | |
Adds success and fault handlers to this token. | |
addHandlers(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function) — método, classe lc.foundation.util.Token | |
Adds a result and fault handler for this asynchronous invocation. | |
addHaveObjects(startIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) — método, classe flash.net.NetGroup | |
Adiciona objetos de startIndex a endIndex ao conjunto de objetos que este nó anuncia aos vizinhos como objetos para os quais ele atenderá as solicitações. | |
addHeader(operation:String, mustUnderstand:Boolean, param:Object) — método, classe flash.net.NetConnection | |
Adiciona um cabeçalho de contexto à estrutura de pacotes AMF (Action Message Format). | |
addHeader(header:Object) — método, classe mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
Adds a header that will be applied to all operations of this web service. | |
addHeader(header:Object) — método, classe mx.rpc.soap.Operation | |
Adds a header that is applied only to this Operation. | |
addImplementationClassName(className:String) — método, classe mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
Add Flex class names which match this class description. | |
addImport(name:String) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IBundleBuilder | |
Add a service import. | |
addImport(name:String) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IInterfaceBuilder | |
Add a service import. | |
addingService(reference:com.adobe.gravity.framework:IServiceReference) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.tracker.IServiceTrackerCustomizer | |
Called when a new service appears that is to be tracked. | |
addingService(reference:com.adobe.gravity.framework:IServiceReference) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.tracker.ServiceTracker | |
Called when a new service appears that is to be tracked. | |
addInlineGraphicElement(parent:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, inlineGraphicElement:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Adiciona um objeto flash.display.DisplayObject como um descendente do pai. | |
addIPMulticastAddress(address:String, port:any, source:String) — método, classe flash.net.GroupSpecifier | |
Faz com que o NetStream ou NetGroup associado junte-se ao grupo de multicast IP especificado e escute a porta UDP especificada. | |
addItem(group:spark.components:Group, itemFactory:mx.core:IFactory) — método, interface com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ILayoutComponent | |
instantiate the itemFactory and add it to the specified group | |
addItem(group:spark.components:Group, itemFactory:mx.core:IFactory) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
instantiate the itemFactory and add it to the specified group | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document.DocumentCollection | |
Overrides the addItem() method for ArrayCollection. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ApproverCollection | |
Overrides the addItem() method of ArrayCollection. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ModeratorCollection | |
Overrides the addItem() method of ArrayCollection. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ReviewerCollection | |
Overrides the addItem() method of ArrayCollection. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder.ReminderCollection | |
Overrides the addItem() method of ArrayCollection. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.StageCollection | |
Overrides the addItem() method of the ArrayCollection. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Acrescenta um item ao final da lista de itens. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Acrescenta um item ao final da lista de itens. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe fl.data.DataProvider | |
Acrescenta um item ao final do provedor de dados. | |
addItem(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem) — método, classe flash.display.NativeMenu | |
Adiciona um item de menu à parte inferior do menu. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Add the specified item to the end of the list. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
Adds the specified item to the end of the list. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, interface mx.collections.IList | |
Adds the specified item to the end of the list. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Adds the specified item to the end of the list. | |
addItem(item:org.osmf.media:MediaFactoryItem) — método, classe org.osmf.media.MediaFactory | |
Adds the specified MediaFactoryItem to the factory. | |
addItem(item:org.osmf.net.metrics:MetricFactoryItem) — método, classe org.osmf.net.metrics.MetricFactory | |
Adds the specified MetricFactoryItem to the factory. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe spark.collections.NumericDataProvider | |
This function is not supported. | |
addItem(item:Object) — método, classe spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Add the specified view navigator to the end of the list. | |
AddItemAction — classe, pacote mx.effects | |
The AddItemAction class defines an action effect that determines when the item renderer appears in the control for an item being added to a list-based control, such as List or TileList, or for an item that replaces an existing item in the control. | |
AddItemAction(target:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.effects.AddItemAction | |
Constructor. | |
AddItemActionInstance — classe, pacote mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The AddItemActionInstance class implements the instance class for the AddItemAction effect. | |
AddItemActionInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.AddItemActionInstance | |
Constructor. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document.DocumentCollection | |
Overrides the addItemAt() method for ArrayCollection. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ApproverCollection | |
Overrides the addItemAt() method for ArrayCollection. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ModeratorCollection | |
Overrides the addItemAt() method of ArrayCollection. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ReviewerCollection | |
Overrides the addItemAt() method of ArrayCollection. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder.ReminderCollection | |
Overrides the addItemAt() method of ArrayCollection. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.StageCollection | |
Overrides the addItemAt() method of the ArrayCollection. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:uint) — método, classe fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Insere um item na lista, na localização de índice especificada. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:uint) — método, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Insere um item na lista, na localização de índice especificada. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:uint) — método, classe fl.data.DataProvider | |
Adiciona um novo item ao provedor de dados no índice especificado. | |
addItemAt(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem, index:int) — método, classe flash.display.NativeMenu | |
Insere um item de menu na posição especificada. | |
addItemAt(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem, index:int) — método, classe flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
Adiciona um item de menu à parte inferior do menu. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Add the item at the specified index. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
Adds the item at the specified index. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, interface mx.collections.IList | |
Adds the item at the specified index. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Adds the item at the specified index. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe spark.collections.NumericDataProvider | |
This function is not supported. | |
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — método, classe spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Add the view navigator at the specified index. | |
addItems(oItems:Array, oContainers:Array, nStartTabIndex:int, nTabIncrement:int, oAreaContainer:spark.components:Group) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.AlignmentArea | |
Add items to an alignment area obeying "keepWithPrevious" settings. | |
addItems(items:Object) — método, classe fl.data.DataProvider | |
Acrescenta vários itens ao final de DataProvider e despacha um evento DataChangeType.ADD. | |
AddItems — classe, pacote mx.states | |
Documentation is not currently available. | |
AddItems() — Construtor, classe mx.states.AddItems | |
Constructor. | |
addItemsAt(items:Object, index:uint) — método, classe fl.data.DataProvider | |
Adiciona vários itens ao provedor de dados no índice especificado e despacha um evento DataChangeType.ADD. | |
addItemsToGroup(group:spark.components:Group, itemFactories:Array) — método, interface com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ILayoutComponent | |
instantiate the itemFactories and add them to the specified group. | |
addItemsToGroup(group:spark.components:Group, itemFactories:Array) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
instantiate the itemFactories and add them to the specified group. | |
addItemsToGroup(group:spark.components:Group, itemFactories:Array) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost | |
instantiate the itemFactories and add them to the specified group. | |
addItemsToGroups(groups:Array, itemFactories:Array, startTabIndex:int, tabIncrement:int) — método, interface com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ILayoutComponent | |
Add items alternating between the specified groups, incremented the tab indexes. | |
addItemsToGroups(groups:Array, itemFactories:Array, startTabIndex:int, tabIncrement:int) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
Add items alternating between the specified groups, incremented the tab indexes. | |
addItemToCollectionOperation — Propriedade, classe mx.data.ManagedQuery | |
These addItemToCollectionOperation() and removeItemFromCollectionOperation() methods are optional operations which let you define a function to be invoked as an item is added to or removed from a collection. | |
additionalColumnListDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.fragment.FragmentTableConfigPanel | |
A skin part that defines the list having additional column properties A skin part that defines the list having additional column properties | |
additionalEditOptions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
Fetches the array of Edit Options. | |
additionalMetadata — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IParticipant | |
This property can be used to store additional metadata, while extending the application. | |
additionalMetadata — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
Any review-specific data can be preserved in this field. | |
additionalMetadata — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IStage | |
This property can be used to store additional metadata while extending the application. | |
additionalMetadata — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Participant | |
This property can be used to store additional metadata, while extending the application. | |
additionalMetadata — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Any review-specific data can be preserved in this field. | |
additionalMetadata — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
This property can be used to store additional metadata while extending the application. | |
additionalMetadata — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ParticipantVO | |
This property can be used to store additional metadata, while extending the application. | |
additionalMetadata — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewContextVO | |
Any review specific data can be preserved in this field. | |
additionalMetadata — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewStageVO | |
This property can be used to store additional metadata, while extending the application. | |
additionalMetaData — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies any data specific to this review to save. | |
additionalMetaData — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.AbstractParticipant | |
Specifies additional metadata when you extend the application. | |
additionalMetaData — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.AbstractStage | |
Stores additional metadata when the application is extended. | |
additionalTableColumns — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
Table column details for all the columns inside the table. | |
addKeyframe(newKeyframe:fl.motion:KeyframeBase) — método, classe fl.motion.MotionBase | |
Adiciona um objeto de quadro-chave à ocorrência Motion. | |
addKeyPair(key:String, value:String) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams | |
Adds an entry to the ddkeMap for the specified key/value pair. | |
addLast(p:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart) — método, classe mx.automation.AutomationID | |
Adds a parts to the end of the id. | |
addLayer(value:mx.core:DesignLayer) — método, classe mx.core.DesignLayer | |
Adds a DesignLayer child to this layer. | |
addLayoutCompleteSynchronization() — método, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
Sets up an automation synchronization with the Layout Manager's UPDATE_COMPLETE event. | |
addLayoutCompleteSynchronization() — método, classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
Sets up a automation synchronization with layout manager update complete event. | |
addLineForReuse(textLine:flash.text.engine:TextLine) — Método estático , classe flashx.textLayout.compose.TextLineRecycler | |
Adicione uma TextLine no agrupamento para reutilização. | |
addListenerHandler() — método, classe mx.validators.Validator | |
Sets up all of the listeners for the valid and invalid events dispatched from the validator. | |
addListenerHandler() — método, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Sets up all of the listeners for the valid and invalid events dispatched from the validator. | |
addLoader(bundleLoaderFactory:com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader:IBundleLoaderFactory, configuration:XML) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IBundleBuilder | |
Add a bundle loader factory for loading the bundle. | |
addLocalUser(projectId:String, user:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:TeamMemberVO) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.IProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function adds a local user to a project. | |
addLocalUser(projectId:String, user:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:TeamMemberVO) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl.ProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function adds a local user to a project. | |
addLogger(logger:mx.logging:ILogger) — método, classe mx.logging.AbstractTarget | |
Sets up this target with the specified logger. | |
addLogger(logger:mx.logging:ILogger) — método, interface mx.logging.ILoggingTarget | |
Sets up this target with the specified logger. | |
addManagedOperation(mop:mx.data:ManagedOperation) — método, classe mx.data.RPCDataManager | |
Adds a managed operation to the set managed by this data manager. | |
addMarker(marker:org.osmf.metadata:TimelineMarker) — método, classe org.osmf.metadata.TimelineMetadata | |
Adds the specified TimelineMarker to this object. | |
addMediaElement(element:org.osmf.media:MediaElement) — método, interface org.osmf.containers.IMediaContainer | |
Adds a MediaElement instance to the container. | |
addMediaElement(element:org.osmf.media:MediaElement) — método, classe org.osmf.containers.MediaContainer | |
Adds a MediaElement instance to the container. | |
addMember(s:mx.olap:IOLAPMember) — método, interface mx.olap.IOLAPQueryAxis | |
Adds a single member to the query axis. | |
addMember(member:mx.olap:IOLAPElement) — método, interface mx.olap.IOLAPTuple | |
Adds a new member to the tuple. | |
addMember(m:mx.olap:IOLAPMember) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPQueryAxis | |
Adds a single member to the query axis. | |
addMember(element:mx.olap:IOLAPElement) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPTuple | |
Adds a new member to the tuple. | |
addMemberAndSave(member:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common:IMember) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
This remote operation adds a member to the collection and submits the change to the server. | |
addMemberAndSave(member:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common:IMember) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
This remote operation adds a member to the collection and submits the change to the server. | |
addMemberAndSave(member:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common:IMember) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IMemberCollection | |
This remote operation adds a member to the collection and submits the change to the server. | |
addMemberAndSave(member:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common:IMember) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
This remote operation adds a member to the collection and submits the change to the server. | |
addMemberAndSave(member:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common:IMember) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
This remote operation adds a member to the collection and submits the change to the server. | |
addMemberHint(peerID:String) — método, classe flash.net.NetGroup | |
Adiciona manualmente um registro que especifica que peerID é membro do Grupo. | |
addMembers(value:mx.collections:IList) — método, interface mx.olap.IOLAPTuple | |
Adds a list of members to the tuple. | |
addMembers(value:mx.collections:IList) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPTuple | |
Adds a list of members to the tuple. | |
addMenuItem(obj:flash.display:InteractiveObject, url:String, hideBuiltIns:Boolean) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.viewsource.ViewSource | |
Adds a "View Source" context menu item to the context menu of the given object. | |
addMessageListener(namespace:String, name:String, handler:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IMessageBus | |
Adds a listener for a namespace and name combination. | |
addMetadata(namespaceURL:String, metadata:org.osmf.metadata:Metadata) — método, classe org.osmf.media.MediaElement | |
Adds a Metadata object to this MediaElement under the specified namespace URL. | |
addMetadataValue(namespaceURL:String, value:Object) — método, classe org.osmf.media.MediaResourceBase | |
Adds a metadata value to this resource. | |
addModerator(moderator:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant:Moderator) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ModeratorCollection | |
Adds items of type Moderator to the collection. | |
addModeratorAt(moderator:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant:Moderator, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ModeratorCollection | |
Adds items of type Moderator to the collection. | |
addModuleAssignment(value:com.adobe.icc.editors.model:ModuleAssignmentModel, addAt:int) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
Adds a module assignment to this target area assignment object. | |
addModuleInstance(moduleInstance:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IModuleInstance) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.VariableInstance | |
Add the given moduleInstance to this VariableInstance, as a source of the associated Variable. | |
addMotionPath(newMotionPath:spark.effects.animation:MotionPath, newEffectStartTime:Number) — método, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransformInstance | |
Adds a MotionPath object to the set of MotionPath objects in this instance, with the start time relative to the outermost parent effect. | |
addMouseClickHandlerToExistingRenderers() — método, classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkListBaseAutomationImpl | |
addMouseEvent(obj:flash.display:DisplayObject, event:String, handler:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeekRef:Boolean) — método, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
addMouseEvent(obj:flash.display:DisplayObject, event:String, handler:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeekRef:Boolean) — método, classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkGroupBaseAutomationImpl | |
addNamespace(ns:Object) — método, classe XML | |
Adiciona um namespace ao conjunto de namespaces em escopo para o objeto XML. | |
addNeighbor(peerID:String) — método, classe flash.net.NetGroup | |
Adiciona manualmente um vizinho conectando-se imediata e diretamente à peerID especificada, que já deve estar neste grupo. | |
addNewAsset() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetPod | |
This method adds a new asset. | |
addNote(taskId:String, title:String, note:String, attachmentPermissions:lc.procmgmt.domain:AttachmentPermissions) — método, interface lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Adds a note to a task item. | |
addNote(title:String, note:String, permissions:lc.procmgmt.domain:AttachmentPermissions) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Adds a note to the task. | |
addNote() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Adds the title and note properties to the current Task object, with the specified AttachmentPermissions object set. | |
ADD_NOTE_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.foundation.events.ObjectResultEvent | |
A special value that specifies notes were added to a task. | |
addObject(obj:mx.core:IUIComponent, scaleType:String) — método, classe mx.printing.FlexPrintJob | |
Adds a UIComponent object to the list of objects being printed. | |
addOfflineItem(item:Object) — método, classe mx.data.DataServiceOfflineAdapter | |
Adds the specified offline item to the localStore. | |
addOfflineItem(item:Object) — método, classe mx.data.SQLiteOfflineAdapter | |
Adds the specified offline item to the localStore. | |
addOneShotEventListener(dispatcher:flash.events:IEventDispatcher, type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int) — Função do pacote, com.adobe.gravity.utility.events | |
Add an event listener to the specified event dispatcher ensuring that it will only fire once. | |
addOneShotEventListener(dispatcher:flash.events:IEventDispatcher, type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int) — Função do pacote, lc.foundation.util | |
Add an event listener to the specified event dispatcher ensuring that it will only fire once. | |
addOperation(operation:flashx.textLayout.operations:FlowOperation) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.CompositeOperation | |
Acrescenta mais uma operação ao final da lista. | |
addOperationParameterButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryServiceView | |
A skin part that defines a Button which adds an operation parameter. A skin part that defines a Button which adds an operation parameter. | |
addPage(sprite:flash.display:Sprite, printArea:flash.geom:Rectangle, options:flash.printing:PrintJobOptions, frameNum:int) — método, classe flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Envia o objeto Sprite especificado como página única ao spooler de impressão. | |
addPage() — método, classe ga.model.PanelManager | |
If the panel is allowed to repeat, this method adds a new panel after the current panel. | |
addPanel(panel:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IPanel, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IPanel | |
Adds a Panel to the Panel. | |
addPanel(panel:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IPanel, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IShell | |
Adds a Panel to the shell. | |
addPanel(panel:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IPanel, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IView | |
Adds a Panel to the View. | |
addPanelButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.StandardWrapperHost | |
The add panel button skin part. The add panel button skin part. | |
AddPanelButton — classe, pacote ga.controls | |
The AddPanelButton class defines the Add Panel Button component, which adds a new instance of a repeating panel to a list of panels contained within a section. | |
AddPanelEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | |
The AddPanelEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a Panel. | |
AddPanelEvent(type:String, panelNode:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IPanel, msg:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.AddPanelEvent | |
Constructor. | |
addParams(func:Function, ... rest) — Função do pacote, com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | |
Create an adapter function that calls the provided function with the provided parameters, appending any parameters passed in when it is invoked. | |
addParams(func:Function, ... rest) — Função do pacote, lc.foundation.util | |
Create an adapter function that calls the provided function with the provided parameters, appending any parameters passed in when it is invoked. | |
addParticipant(participant:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:IStageParticipant) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IStage | |
Adds a participant at the end of the list of participants for this stage. | |
addParticipant(participant:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:IStageParticipant) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
Adds a participant at the end of the list of participants for this stage. | |
addParticipantAt(participant:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:IStageParticipant, index:int) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IStage | |
Adds a participant at the end of the list of participants for this stage. | |
addParticipantAt(participant:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:IStageParticipant, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
Adds a participant at the end of the list of participants for this stage. | |
addParticipantToStage(reviewId:String, stageNo:int, stageParticipant:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:StageParticipantVO) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.service.IReviewCommentingAndApproval | |
This operation adds a new non-moderator participant in an ongoing creation, review, or approval stage. | |
addParticipantToStage(reviewId:String, stageNo:int, stageParticipant:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:StageParticipantVO) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl.ReviewCommentingAndApproval | |
This operation adds a new non-moderator participant in an ongoing creation, review, or approval stage. | |
addPopUp(window:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject, parent:flash.display:DisplayObject, modal:Boolean, childList:String, moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — Método estático , classe mx.managers.PopUpManager | |
Pops up a top-level window. | |
ADD_POP_UP_PLACE_HOLDER_REQUEST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest | |
Adds a placeholder for a pop up window hosted by a child SystemManager. | |
ADD_POP_UP_REQUEST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest | |
Adds a popup on the targeted application. | |
addPosition(p:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPResultAxis | |
Adds a position to the axis of the query result. | |
addPostLoadAction(action:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IManifestParseContext | |
Add a post-load action. | |
addPreloadedRSL(loaderInfo:flash.display:LoaderInfo, rsl:Vector$mx.core:RSLData) — método, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
Adds an RSL to the preloadedRSLs list. | |
addPreloadedRSL(loaderInfo:flash.display:LoaderInfo, rsl:Vector$mx.core:RSLData) — método, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Adds an RSL to the preloadedRSLs list. | |
addProject(prj:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:IProject) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
This method adds a project to a collection of projects. | |
addProject(project:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:IProject) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
This method adds a project to a collection of projects. | |
addProject(projectId:String, childProject:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:ProjectVO) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.IProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function adds or creates a sub-project within an existing project. | |
addProject(projectId:String, childProject:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:ProjectVO) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl.ProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function adds or creates a sub-project within an existing project. | |
addProjectAndSave(project:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:IProject) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
This remote operation adds a sub-project to the current project and updates it on the server. | |
addProjectAndSave(project:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:IProject) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
This remote operation adds a sub-project to the current project and updates it on the server. | |
addPropertiesIcon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.dct.view.PropertyContainer | |
A skin part that defines SkinnableComponent which adds extended property to the data dictionary element. A skin part that defines SkinnableComponent which adds extended property to the data dictionary element. | |
addPropertyArray(name:String, values:Array, startFrame:int, endFrame:int) — método, classe fl.motion.MotionBase | |
Armazena uma matriz de valores em quadros-chave correspondentes de uma propriedade declarada da classe Motion. | |
addQuads — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Add the position or quadrants of the thumbnail | |
addRadioButton(radioButton:fl.controls:RadioButton) — método, classe fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Adiciona um botão de rádio à matriz interna de botões de rádio para uso com a indexação de grupo de botões de rádio, que possibilita a seleção de um único botão de rádio em um grupo de botões de rádio. | |
addRawModule(dataModule:com.adobe.icc.vo:DataModule, position:int) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ListModuleInstance | |
Inserts the specified raw DataModule into the list's contents as extra selected content if list is open. | |
addRawModule(dataModule:com.adobe.icc.vo:DataModule, position:int) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.TargetInstance | |
Inserts the specified raw DataModule into the list's contents as extra selected content if list is open. | |
addRef(applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.framework.IApplicationDomainManager | |
Increment the reference count on the ApplicationDomain. | |
addReferenceDocument(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
This method adds a reference document to a collection of referenceDocuments. | |
addReferenceDocument(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
This method adds a reference document to the referenceDocuments collection. | |
addReferenceDocument(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
This method adds a reference document to a collection of referenceDocuments. | |
addReferenceDocument(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
This method adds a reference document to the referenceDocuments collection. | |
addReminder(reminder:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder:Reminder) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder.ReminderCollection | |
Adds items of type Reminder to the collection. | |
addReminderAt(reminder:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder:Reminder, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder.ReminderCollection | |
Adds items of type Reminder to the collection. | |
AddRemoveEffectTargetFilter — classe, pacote mx.effects.effectClasses | |
AddRemoveEffectTargetFilter is a subclass of EffectTargetFilter that handles the logic for filtering targets that have been added or removed as children to a container. | |
AddRemoveEffectTargetFilter() — Construtor, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.AddRemoveEffectTargetFilter | |
Constructor. | |
addResource(ns:Namespace, resource:Object) — método, classe mx.rpc.xml.QualifiedResourceManager | |
Adds a resource to a potential Array of resources for a given namespace. | |
addResourceBundle(resourceBundle:mx.resources:IResourceBundle, useWeakReference:Boolean) — método, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Adds the specified ResourceBundle to the ResourceManager so that its resources can be accessed by ResourceManager methods such as getString(). | |
addResources(lang:String, res:Object) — método, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Adiciona dinamicamente um novo grupo de recursos para o idioma especificado. | |
addResponder(responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, classe coldfusion.air.SessionToken | |
addResponder adds a responder to an Array of responders. | |
addResponder(responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.IToken | |
Adds an object to handle the result or failure for an asynchronous invocation. | |
addResponder(responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.Token | |
Adds an object to handle the result or failure for an asynchronous invocation. | |
addResponder(responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.token.IAsyncToken | |
Adds a responder to this token. | |
addResponder(responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.IAsyncToken | |
Adds a responder to this token. | |
addResponder(responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.RCAToken | |
Adds a responder to this token. | |
addResponder(responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, classe lc.foundation.util.Token | |
Adds an object to handle the result or failure for an asynchronous invocation. | |
addResponder(responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, classe mx.collections.errors.ItemPendingError | |
addResponder adds a responder to an Array of responders. | |
addResponder(responder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — método, classe mx.rpc.AsyncToken | |
Adds a responder to an Array of responders. | |
address — Propriedade, classe flash.net.InterfaceAddress | |
O endereço de Protocolo de Internet (IP). | |
address — Propriedade, classe flash.net.dns.AAAARecord | |
O endereço IPv6. | |
address — Propriedade, classe flash.net.dns.ARecord | |
O endereço IPv4. | |
address — Propriedade, classe lc.foundation.domain.User | |
Deprecated Since Workspace 10: Please use the postalAddress property. | |
addressedTo — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.MessageVO | |
Defines the addressed-to field for a message. | |
addresses — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetworkInterface | |
A lista dos endereços vinculados à esta interface de rede. | |
addResultHandler(handler:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.IToken | |
Adds a result handler for this asynchronous invocation. | |
addResultHandler(handler:Function) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.Token | |
Adds a result handler for this asynchronous invocation. | |
addResultHandler(handler:Function) — método, classe lc.foundation.util.Token | |
Adds a result handler for this asynchronous invocation. | |
addReviewer(reviewer:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant:Reviewer) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ReviewerCollection | |
Adds items of type Reviewer to the collection. | |
addReviewer(reviewId:String, stageNo:int, domain:String, canonicalName:String, isOptional:Boolean) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Adds a reviewer to a stage of an ongoing review. | |
addReviewer(reviewId:String, stageNo:int, domain:String, canonicalName:String, isOptional:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Adds a reviewer to a stage of an ongoing review. | |
ADD_REVIEWER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.OperationType | |
This operation adds a reviewer to a review stage. | |
addReviewerAt(reviewer:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant:Reviewer, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ReviewerCollection | |
Adds items of type Reviewer to the collection. | |
AddReviewStageParticipant — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | |
The host component for dialog used to adding participants to an review stage. | |
AddReviewStageParticipant() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.AddReviewStageParticipant | |
The constructor for AddReviewStageParticipant class. | |
addReviewStageParticipantPanel — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.AddReviewStageParticipant | |
The skin part that defines the Panel where the content of AddReviewParticipant get pushed into and laid out. The skin part that defines the Panel where the content of AddReviewParticipant get pushed into and laid out. | |
ADD_ROW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.events.GridSelectionEventKind | |
Indicates that this row should be added to the current selection. | |
addRSLInfo(info:fl.rsl:RSLInfo) — método, classe fl.rsl.RSLPreloader | |
Adiciona um registro de RSLInfo descritivo do SWF ou arquivo SWZ que está sendo carregado. | |
addScrollers(chilArray:Array) — método, classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDataGridAutomationImpl | |
private | |
addScrollers(chilArray:Array) — método, classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkSkinnableDataContainerAutomationImpl | |
addScrollers(chilArray:Array) — método, classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkListBaseAutomationImpl | |
private | |
addSection() — método, classe ga.model.PanelManager | |
If the section is repeatable, this method adds a new section after the current section. | |
addSelectedCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — método, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, adds the cell to the selection and sets the caret position to the cell. | |
addSelectedCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — método, classe spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, adds the cell to the selection and sets the caret position to the cell. | |
addSelectedIndex(rowIndex:int) — método, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, adds this row to the selection and sets the caret position to this row. | |
addSelectedIndex(rowIndex:int) — método, classe spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, adds this row to the selection and sets the caret position to this row. | |
addSelectionContainer(selectionContainer:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Adiciona um objeto flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer ao qual a seleção se forma (como realce de seleção de bloco, cursor etc.) são adicionados. | |
addService(service:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IService, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IShell | |
Adds a service to this shell. | |
AddServiceEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | |
The AddServiceEvent is dispatched when a service is added to the composite application. | |
AddServiceEvent(type:String, serviceNode:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IService, msg:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.AddServiceEvent | |
Constructor. | |
addServiceEventFailure — Evento, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
The addServiceEventFailure defines a failure notification of an attempt to load a Service. | |
addServiceEventSuccess — Evento, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
The addServiceEventSuccess defines a successful notification of loading a Service. | |
addSet(s:mx.olap:IOLAPSet) — método, interface mx.olap.IOLAPQueryAxis | |
Adds a set to the query axis. | |
addSet(s:mx.olap:IOLAPSet) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPQueryAxis | |
Adds a set to the query axis. | |
addSimpleHeader(qnameLocal:String, qnameNamespace:String, headerName:String, headerValue:String) — método, classe mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
Add a header that will be applied to all operations of this WebService. | |
addSimpleHeader(qnameLocal:String, qnameNamespace:String, headerName:String, headerValue:String) — método, classe mx.rpc.soap.Operation | |
Adds a header that is applied only to this Operation. | |
addSortField(columnName:String, columnNumber:int, collection:mx.collections:ICollectionView) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Adds a data field to the list of sort fields. | |
addStage(stage:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage:AbstractStage) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.StageCollection | |
Adds items of type AbstractStage to the collection | |
addStage(stage:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:IStage) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
Adds stage to the review after the last stage. | |
addStage(stage:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:IStage) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Adds stage to the review after the last stage. | |
addStageAt(stage:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage:AbstractStage, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.StageCollection | |
Adds items of type AbstractStage to the collection. | |
addStageAt(stage:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:IStage, index:int) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
Adds stage to the review at the specified index from the beginning. | |
addStageAt(stage:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:IStage, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Adds stage to the review at the specified index from the beginning. | |
AddStageParticipant — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation | |
This class defines the base functionality for adding a participant to a stage. | |
AddStageParticipant() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.AddStageParticipant | |
The constructor for AddStageParticipant class. | |
addStageParticipantHandler(event:com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event:StageParticipantEvent) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.ApprovalStage | |
Adds a participant to an approval stage if not already added. | |
addStageParticipantHandler(event:com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event:StageParticipantEvent) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.ReviewStage | |
This function adds a participant to an approval stage if the participant does not already exist. | |
addStyleClient(styleClient:mx.styles:IAdvancedStyleClient) — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Adds a non-visual style client to this component instance. | |
addSubmenu(submenu:flash.display:NativeMenu, label:String) — método, classe flash.display.NativeMenu | |
Adiciona um submenu ao menu inserindo um novo item de menu. | |
addSubmenuAt(submenu:flash.display:NativeMenu, index:int, label:String) — método, classe flash.display.NativeMenu | |
Adiciona um submenu ao menu inserindo um novo item de menu na posição especificada. | |
addSubscription(subtopic:String, selector:String, maxFrequency:uint) — método, classe mx.messaging.MultiTopicConsumer | |
This is a convenience method for adding a new subscription. | |
ADD_SUBSCRIPTIONS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
Header used in a MULTI_SUBSCRIBE message to specify an Array of subtopic/selector pairs to add to the existing set of subscriptions. | |
addSubtopic(subtopic:String) — método, classe mx.messaging.MultiTopicProducer | |
Adds a subtopic to the current list of subtopics for messages sent by this producer. | |
addSuccessHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.AggregatingToken | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation succeeds. | |
addSuccessHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, interface com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.IToken | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation succeeds. | |
addSuccessHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.ImmediateFaultToken | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation succeeds. | |
addSuccessHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.ImmediateSuccessToken | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation succeeds. | |
addSuccessHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.Token | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation succeeds. | |
addSuccessHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.flex.async.AsyncTokenWrapper | |
Add a handler to be called if the operation succeeds. | |
addSuccessHandler(success:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.token.IAsyncToken | |
Adds a success handler to this token. | |
addSuccessHandler(success:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.IAsyncToken | |
Adds a success handler to this token. | |
addSuccessHandler(success:Function) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.RCAToken | |
Adds a success handler to this token. | |
addSupportingDocument(doc:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document:SupportingDocument) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document.DocumentCollection | |
Adds items of type SupportingDocument to the collection. | |
addSupportingDocument(projectId:String, supportingDocument:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:DocumentVO) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.IProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function adds a supporting document to a project. | |
addSupportingDocument(workItemId:String, supportingDocument:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:DocumentVO) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.IWorkItemManagementService | |
This function adds a supporting document to a workitem. | |
addSupportingDocument(projectId:String, supportingDocument:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:DocumentVO) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl.ProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function adds a supporting document to a project. | |
addSupportingDocument(workItemId:String, supportingDocument:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:DocumentVO) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl.WorkItemManagementService | |
This function adds a supporting document to a workitem. | |
addSupportingDocument(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
Adds the supporting document at the end of the list of supportingDocuments for this review. | |
addSupportingDocument(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Adds the supporting document at the end of the list of supportingDocuments for this review. | |
addSupportingDocumentAt(doc:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document:SupportingDocument, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document.DocumentCollection | |
Adds items of type SupportingDocument to the collection. | |
addSupportingDocumentAt(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument, index:int) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
Adds the supporting document at the index in the list of supportingDocuments for this review. | |
addSupportingDocumentAt(doc:com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain:ISupportingDocument, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Adds the supporting document at the index in the list of supportingDocuments for this review. | |
addSynchronization(isComplete:Function, target:Object) — método, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObjectHelper | |
Adds a synchronization object to the automation manager. | |
addTab — Evento, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
Dispatched when the add button is clicked. | |
addTab(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
Adds a child to the end of the tab list. | |
ADD_TAB — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.events.TabLayoutEvent | |
A new tab is requested. | |
addTabAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
Adds a child in a specific location to the tab list. | |
addTarget(target:flash.display:DisplayObject, repeatCount:int, autoPlay:Boolean, startFrame:int, useCurrentFrame:Boolean) — método, classe fl.motion.AnimatorFactoryBase | |
Cria e retorna uma ocorrência de AnimatorBase cuja propriedade de destino é definida como DisplayObject (se aplicável), que é a propriedade targetName de targetParent, e cuja propriedade Motion é armazenada na ocorrência de AnimatorFactoryBase durante a criação. | |
addTarget(target:mx.logging:ILoggingTarget) — Método estático , classe mx.logging.Log | |
Allows the specified target to begin receiving notification of log events. | |
addTarget(target:org.osmf.layout:ILayoutTarget) — método, classe org.osmf.layout.LayoutRendererBase | |
Method for adding a target to the layout renderer's list of objects that it calculates the size and position for. | |
addTargetInfo(targetParent:flash.display:DisplayObject, targetName:String, repeatCount:int, autoPlay:Boolean, startFrame:int, useCurrentFrame:Boolean, initialPosition:Array, zIndex:int, placeholderName:String, instanceFactoryClass:Class) — método, classe fl.motion.AnimatorFactoryBase | |
Referencia DisplayObjectContainer pai, cria e retorna uma ocorrência de AnimatorBase cuja propriedade de destino é definida como DisplayObject (se aplicável), que é a propriedade targetName de targetParent, e cuja propriedade Motion é armazenada na ocorrência de AnimatorFactoryBase durante a criação. | |
addTask(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.QueueBase | |
Adds a task to the queue. | |
addTeamMember(teamMember:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:ITeamMember) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
This method adds a team member to a collection of members. | |
addTeamMember(teamMember:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:ITeamMember) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
This method adds a team member to the collection of the members. | |
addTeamMember(teamMember:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:ITeamMember) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
This method adds a team member to a collection of members. | |
addTeamMember(teamMember:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:ITeamMember) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
This method adds a team member to the collection of the members. | |
addTeamMember(projectId:String, member:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:TeamMemberVO) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.IProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function adds a team member to the project. | |
addTeamMember(workItemId:String, member:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:TeamMemberVO) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.IWorkItemManagementService | |
This function adds a team member to a workitem. | |
addTeamMember(projectId:String, member:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:TeamMemberVO) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl.ProjectManagementCoreService | |
This function adds a team member to the project. | |
addTeamMember(workItemId:String, member:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:TeamMemberVO) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl.WorkItemManagementService | |
This function adds a team member to a workitem. | |
addTextLine(textLine:flash.text.engine:TextLine, index:int) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Adiciona um objeto flash.text.engine.TextLine como um descendente do container. | |
addTile(tile:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:ITile, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IPanel | |
Adds a Tile to the Panel. | |
addTile(tile:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:ITile, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IShell | |
Adds a Tile to the Shell. | |
AddTileEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | |
The AddTileEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a Tile. | |
AddTileEvent(type:String, tileNode:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:ITile, msg:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.AddTileEvent | |
Constructor. | |
addTileEventFailure — Evento, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Tile | |
The addTileEventFailure event indicates that an attempt to add a Tile from a Catalog failed. | |
addTileEventSuccess — Evento, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Tile | |
The addTileEventSuccess event indicates that adding a Tile from a Catalog was successful. | |
addToCreationQueue(id:Object, preferredIndex:int, callbackFunc:Function, parent:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — método, classe mx.core.Application | |
Add a container to the Application's creation queue. | |
addToDeviceGroup(deviceGroup:flash.net.drm:DRMDeviceGroup, forceRefresh:Boolean) — método, classe flash.net.drm.DRMManager | |
adiciona o dispositivo atualmente em execução a um grupo de dispositivos. | |
ADD_TO_DEVICE_GROUP_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.DRMDeviceGroupEvent | |
ADD_TO_DEVICE_GROUP_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.DRMDeviceGroupErrorEvent | |
addToFavorites(startpoint:lc.procmgmt.domain:Startpoint) — método, interface lc.procmgmt.IFavoritesManager | |
Adds an startpoint to the Favorites collection. | |
addToFavorites(startpoint:lc.procmgmt.domain:Startpoint) — método, classe lc.procmgmt.impl.FavoritesManager | |
Adds an startpoint to the Favorites collection. | |
addToFreeItemRenderers(item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Adds a renderer to the recycled renderer list, making it invisible and cleaning up references to it. | |
addToFreeItemRenderers(item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Adds a renderer to the recycled renderer list, making it invisible and cleaning up references to it. | |
addToken(token:com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken) — método, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.AggregatingToken | |
Add a token to be aggregated. | |
addToRowArrays() — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Add a blank row to the beginning of the arrays that store references to the rows. | |
addToShortestColumn(index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartColumnLayout | |
Adds the item, given by its index, to the column that is visually the shortest. | |
addToShortestRow(index:int) — método, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartRowLayout | |
Adds the item, given by its index, to the row that is visually the shortest. | |
addTrait(type:String, instance:org.osmf.traits:MediaTraitBase) — método, classe org.osmf.media.MediaElement | |
Adds a new media trait to this media element. | |
addTuple(t:mx.olap:IOLAPTuple) — método, interface mx.olap.IOLAPQueryAxis | |
Adds a tuple to the query axis. | |
addTuple(tuple:mx.olap:IOLAPTuple) — método, interface mx.olap.IOLAPSet | |
Adds a new tuple to the set. | |
addTuple(t:mx.olap:IOLAPTuple) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPQueryAxis | |
Adds a tuple to the query axis. | |
addTuple(tuple:mx.olap:IOLAPTuple) — método, classe mx.olap.OLAPSet | |
Adds a new tuple to the set. | |
addUser() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
Adds the selected users from the UserSearchDataGridModel object to the selectedUsers property. | |
addValidationListeners(validator:com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util:MultiTriggerValidator) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetDetailsPod | |
This method adds event listeners to a validator. | |
addValidationListeners(validator:com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util:MultiTriggerValidator) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
This method adds listeners for validation events on the given validator. | |
addValue(key:String, value:Object) — método, classe org.osmf.metadata.Metadata | |
Stores the specified value in this Metadata object, using the specified key. | |
addView(view:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IView, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IViewManager | |
Adds a view to the ViewManager. | |
AddViewEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | |
The AddViewEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a view. | |
AddViewEvent(type:String, viewNode:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IView, msg:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.AddViewEvent | |
Constructor. | |
addViewManager(viewManager:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IViewManager, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IPanel | |
Adds a viewManager to this panel. | |
addViewManager(viewManager:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IViewManager, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IShell | |
Adds a viewManager to the shell. | |
AddViewManagerEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | |
The AddViewManagerEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a ViewManager. | |
AddViewManagerEvent(type:String, viewManagerNode:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IViewManager, msg:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.AddViewManagerEvent | |
Constructor. | |
addWantObjects(startIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) — método, classe flash.net.NetGroup | |
Adiciona objetos de startIndex a endIndex ao conjunto de objetos a ser recuperado. | |
addWorkItem(item:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:IWorkItem) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
This method adds a workitem to a collection of workitems. | |
addWorkItem(item:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:IWorkItem) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
This method adds a workitem to a collection of workitems. | |
addWorkItem(projectId:String, workItem:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:WorkItemVO) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.service.IWorkItemManagementService | |
This function adds a work item to an existing project. | |
addWorkItem(projectId:String, workItem:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:WorkItemVO) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.services.impl.WorkItemManagementService | |
This function adds a work item to an existing project. | |
addWorkItemAndSave(workItem:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:IWorkItem) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
This remote operation adds a workitem to the current project and updates the changes on the server. | |
addWorkItemAndSave(workItem:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:IWorkItem) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
This remote operation adds a workitem to the current project and updates the changes on the server. | |
addXMLPath(langCode:String, path:String) — Método estático , classe fl.lang.Locale | |
Adiciona o par {languageCode e languagePath} à matriz interna para uso posterior. | |
AD_HOC_REVIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ReviewType | |
Specifies the review type for an ad hoc review. | |
AD_HOC_REVIEW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.ReviewType | |
The review type of an ad-hoc review. | |
adjustBrightness(rgb:uint, brite:Number) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.ColorUtil | |
Performs a linear brightness adjustment of an RGB color. | |
adjustBrightness2(rgb:uint, brite:Number) — Método estático , classe mx.utils.ColorUtil | |
Performs a scaled brightness adjustment of an RGB color. | |
AdjustColor — classe, pacote fl.motion | |
A classe AdjustColor define várias propriedades de cor, por exemplo, brilho, contraste, matiz e saturação, para oferecer suporte à classe ColorMatrixFilter. | |
AdjustColor() — Construtor, classe fl.motion.AdjustColor | |
A classe AdjustColor define várias propriedades de cor para oferecer suporte a ColorMatrixFilter. | |
adjustColorObjects — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Armazena ocorrências de AdjustColor mapeadas para o índice correspondente na matriz de filtros do quadro-chave. | |
adjustedRadius — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
Specifies the number of pixels by which radius of the chart item is to be increased when highlighted or selected. | |
adjustedRadius — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
Specifies the number of pixels by which radius of the chart item is to be increased when highlighted or selected. | |
adjustedRadius — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Specifies the number of pixels by which radius of the chart item is to be increased when highlighted or selected. | |
adjustFocusRect(obj:flash.display:DisplayObject) — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Adjust the focus rectangle. | |
adjustGutters(workingGutters:flash.geom:Rectangle, adjustable:Object) — método, classe mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Adjusts its layout to accomodate the gutters passed in. | |
adjustGutters(workingGutters:flash.geom:Rectangle, adjustable:Object) — método, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer | |
Adjusts its layout to accomodate the gutters passed in. | |
adjustItemDeleteEnablement() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
The function which dispatches event to set the status of toolbar item delete button. | |
adjustItemMoveDownEnablement() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
The function which dispatches event to set the status of toolbar item move down button. | |
adjustItemMoveUpEnablement() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
The function which dispatches event to set the status of toolbar item move up button. | |
adjustLeftIndentBtnEnablement() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
The function which dispatches event to set the status of toolbar item left indent button. | |
adjustListContent(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, classe mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Called from the updateDisplayList() method to adjust the size and position of listContent. | |
adjustListContent(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Called from the updateDisplayList() method to adjust the size and position of list content. | |
adjustListContent(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Called from the updateDisplayList() method to adjust the size and position of listContent. | |
adjustListContent(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.TileBase | |
Called from the updateDisplayList() method to adjust the size and position of listContent. | |
adjustMinMax(minValue:Number, maxValue:Number) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Adjusts the generated or assigned range of the axis's labels. | |
adjustNetConnectionURL(rootUrl:String, url:String) — Método estático , classe mx.netmon.NetworkMonitor | |
Adjust the URL for NetConnectionChannel and HTTPChannel Requests so that it goes through the monitor. | |
adjustNetConnectionURLImpl — Propriedade estática, classe mx.netmon.NetworkMonitor | |
To be assigned by mix-in. | |
adjustRightIndentBtnEnablement() — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
The function which dispatches event to set the status of toolbar item right indent button. | |
adjustRow(contentHolder:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseContentHolder, rowNum:int, yy:Number, hh:Number) — método, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Adjusts the size and positions of the renderers for the given rowNum, row position and height. | |
adjustSelection(index:int, add:Boolean) — método, classe spark.components.List | |
Adjusts the selected indices to account for items being added to or removed from this component. | |
adjustSelection(newIndex:int, add:Boolean) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Adjusts the selected index to account for items being added to or removed from this component. | |
adjustSelectionAndCaretUponNavigation(event:flash.events:KeyboardEvent) — método, classe spark.components.List | |
Adjusts the selection based on what keystroke or keystroke combinations were encountered. | |
adjustURLRequest(urlRequest:flash.net:URLRequest, rootURL:String, correlationID:String) — Método estático , classe mx.netmon.NetworkMonitor | |
Adjust the URLRequest so that it goes through the monitor. | |
adjustURLRequestImpl — Propriedade estática, classe mx.netmon.NetworkMonitor | |
To be assigned by mix-in. | |
adobe.utils — pacote | |
O pacote adobe.utils contém funções e classes usadas pelos desenvolvedores de ferramentas de criação do Flash. | |
advanceBrowser(asset:Object, assetDescriptor:com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset:AssetTypeDescriptor) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate.ActivationBrowser | |
Keeps a copy of asset and assetDescriptor for the asset whose versions are retrieved. | |
advanceBrowser(asset:Object, assetDescriptor:com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset:AssetTypeDescriptor) — método, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.version.VersionBrowser | |
Keeps a copy of asset and assetDescriptor for the asset whose versions are retrieved. | |
ADVANCED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.AntiAliasType | |
Define a suavização de borda como suavização de borda avançada. | |
AdvanceDataElementsPanel — classe, pacote com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel | |
The AdvanceDataElementsPanel component is an extension of DataElementsPanel, which is used in Expression Builder where data elements are used for authoring expressions. | |
AdvanceDataElementsPanel() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.AdvanceDataElementsPanel | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedChannelSet — classe, pacote mx.messaging | |
Extends the base ChannelSet to add advanced messaging functionality. | |
AdvancedChannelSet(channelIds:Array, clusteredWithURLLoadBalancing:Boolean) — Construtor, classe mx.messaging.AdvancedChannelSet | |
Constructs an AdvancedChannelSet. | |
AdvancedDataGrid — classe, pacote mx.controls | |
The AdvancedDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the standard DataGrid control to add data visualization features to your Adobe Flex application. | |
AdvancedDataGrid() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridAccImpl — classe, pacote mx.accessibility | |
The AdvancedDataGridAccImpl class is the accessibility class for AdvancedDataGrid. | |
AdvancedDataGridAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Construtor, classe mx.accessibility.AdvancedDataGridAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:AdvancedDataGrid) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedDataGridAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridBase — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridBase class is the base class for controls that display lists of items in multiple columns, such as the AdvancedDataGrid and OLAPDataGrid controls. | |
AdvancedDataGridBase() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseEx — classe, pacote mx.controls | |
The AdvancedDataGridBaseEx class is a base class of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseEx() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseExAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseExAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:AdvancedDataGrid) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedDataGridBaseExAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData class defines a data structure used by the advanced data grid classes to track selected cells in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData(data:Object, rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int, approximate:Boolean) — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridColumn — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridColumn class describes a column in an AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridColumn(columnName:String) — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
Use the AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup class to specify column groups for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup(columnName:String) — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridDragProxy — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used when dragging data from an AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridDragProxy() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridDragProxy | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridEvent — classe, pacote mx.events | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the AdvancedDataGrid control, such as the event that is dispatched when an editable grid item gets the focus. | |
AdvancedDataGridEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, columnIndex:int, dataField:String, rowIndex:int, reason:String, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, localX:Number, multiColumnSort:Boolean, removeColumnFromSort:Boolean, item:Object, triggerEvent:flash.events:Event, headerPart:String) — Construtor, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridEventReason — classe final, pacote mx.events | |
The AdvancedDataGridEventReason class defines constants for the values of the reason property of a AdvancedDataGridEvent object when the type property is itemEditEnd. | |
AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for the nodes of the navigation tree. | |
AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRendererAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer class. | |
AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderHorizontalSeparator — classe, pacote mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the separator between column headers in an AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderHorizontalSeparator() — Construtor, classe mx.skins.halo.AdvancedDataGridHeaderHorizontalSeparator | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo class contains information that describes the hierarchy of the columns of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo(column:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridColumn, parent:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo, index:int, depth:int, children:Array, internalLabelFunction:Function, headerItem:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer class defines the default header renderer for a AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderShiftEvent — classe, pacote mx.automation.events | |
The AdvancedDataGridHeaderShiftEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an AdvancedDataGrid control's header item is shifted. | |
AdvancedDataGridHeaderShiftEvent(type:String, movingColumnIndex:int, oldColumnIndex:int, newColumnIndex:int, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, triggerEvent:flash.events:Event) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.events.AdvancedDataGridHeaderShiftEvent | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class. | |
AdvancedDataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedDataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent — classe, pacote mx.automation.events | |
The AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in the header of an AdvancedDataGrid control is selected or deselected. | |
AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent(type:String, columnIndex:int, dataField:String, headerPart:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, triggerEvent:flash.events:Event, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.events.AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent | |
Constructor. | |
advancedDataGridListData — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.MXAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
AdvancedDataGridListData — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridListData(text:String, dataField:String, columnIndex:int, uid:String, owner:mx.core:IUIComponent, rowIndex:int) — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription class contains information that describes an item renderer for the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
An AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider instance defines the characteristics for a single item renderer used by the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer — classe, pacote mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer class defines the item renderer for the sort icon and text field in the column header of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedListBase — classe, pacote mx.controls.listClasses | |
The AdvancedListBase class is the base class for controls, such as the AdvancedDataGrid and OLAPDataGrid controls, that represent lists of items that can have one or more selected items and can scroll through the items. | |
AdvancedListBase() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedListBaseAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedListBase class. | |
AdvancedListBaseAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.listClasses:AdvancedListBase) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedListBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedListBaseContentHolder class. | |
AdvancedListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.listClasses:AdvancedListBaseContentHolder) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
advancedSearchButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
Skin Part for Toggle Button to switch between advanced search pod and basic search pod Skin Part for Toggle Button to switch between advanced search pod and basic search pod | |
advancedSearchPod — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
Skin Part for Advanced Search Pod Skin Part for Advanced Search Pod | |
AdvancedSearchPod — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod | |
Advanced Search Results Pod | |
AdvancedSearchPod() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Constructor. | |
AdvancedStyleClient — classe, pacote mx.styles | |
A base class that can be used when implementing an object that uses the IAdvancedStyleClient interface. | |
AdvancedStyleClient() — Construtor, classe mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
Constructor. | |
affectsTweenable(tweenableName:String) — método, classe fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Indica se o quadro-chave tem influência sobre uma propriedade de animação específica. | |
AFTER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.states.AddItems | |
Documentation is not currently available. | |
AFTER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.components.CalloutPosition | |
Position the leading edge of the callout after the trailing edge of the owner. | |
AFTER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.effects.AddAction | |
Constant used to specify the position to add the item relative to the object specified by the relativeTo property. | |
afterBounds — Propriedade, classe flash.events.NativeWindowBoundsEvent | |
Os limites da janela depois da mudança. | |
afterBounds — Propriedade, classe spark.events.TitleWindowBoundsEvent | |
The bounds of the object after the action. | |
afterContent — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.IListMarkerFormat | |
Especifica uma sequência de caracteres que vem depois do marcador. | |
afterContent — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.ListMarkerFormat | |
Especifica uma sequência de caracteres que vem depois do marcador. | |
afterDisplayState — Propriedade, classe flash.events.NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent | |
O estado de exibição do NativeWindow após a mudança. | |
afterLast — Propriedade, classe mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor | |
If the cursor is located after the last item in the view, this property is true . | |
afterLast — Propriedade, interface mx.collections.IViewCursor | |
If the cursor is located after the last item in the view, this property is true . | |
afterOrientation — Propriedade, classe flash.events.StageOrientationEvent | |
A orientação do palco depois da mudança. | |
AFTER_UP_SWITCH_BANDWIDTH_BUFFER_RULE_BUFFER_FRAGMENTS_THRESHOLD — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.net.httpstreaming.HTTPStreamingNetLoader | |
AFTER_UP_SWITCH_BANDWIDTH_BUFFER_RULE_MIN_RATIO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.net.httpstreaming.HTTPStreamingNetLoader | |
AFTER_UP_SWITCH_BUFFER_BANDWIDTH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.net.rules.RuleType | |
The type constant for the After Up-Switch Buffer Bandwidth rule. | |
AfterUpSwitchBufferBandwidthRule — classe, pacote org.osmf.net.rules | |
AfterUpSwitchBufferBandwidthRule is an emergency rule based on BufferBandwidthRule. | |
AfterUpSwitchBufferBandwidthRule(metricRepository:org.osmf.net.metrics:MetricRepository, bufferFragmentsThreshold:Number, minBandwidthToBitrateRatio:Number) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.net.rules.AfterUpSwitchBufferBandwidthRule | |
Constructor. | |
agent — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.MessageResponder | |
Provides access to the MessageAgent that sent the message. | |
AggregatingToken — classe, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | |
AggregatingToken objects are returned from functions that initiate multiple asynchronous operations and must accumulate the results. | |
AggregatingToken() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.AggregatingToken | |
Constructor. | |
AggregatingTokenError — classe, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | |
An AggregatingTokenError is passed to fault handlers added to an AggregatingToken if faults occur on an aggregated token. | |
AggregatingTokenError(errors:Array) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.AggregatingTokenError | |
Constructor. | |
aggregator — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPMeasure | |
The aggregation to be performed for this measure. | |
air.desktop — pacote | |
O pacote air.desktop contém a classe URLFilePromise, que permite trabalhar com arquivos remotos transferidos do aplicativo AIR para a área de trabalho. | |
AirDragManagerAutomationHandler — classe, pacote mx.automation.air | |
Helper class that provides methods required for automation of drag and drop in AIR applications | |
AirDragManagerAutomationHandler() — Construtor, classe mx.automation.air.AirDragManagerAutomationHandler | |
Constructor | |
AIREvent — classe, pacote mx.events | |
The AIREvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for several AIR-specific events dispatched by the Window and WindowedApplication components. | |
AIREvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Construtor, classe mx.events.AIREvent | |
Constructor. | |
AirFunctionsHelper — classe, pacote mx.automation.air | |
Helper class that provides methods required for automation of AIR applications | |
AirFunctionsHelper(windowId:String) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.air.AirFunctionsHelper | |
Constructor | |
AIR_LOCAL_STORAGE_ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl.CachePolicy | |
For AIR applications, cache all content that supports caching in application storage. | |
AIR_LOCAL_STORAGE_CATALOGS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl.CachePolicy | |
For AIR applications, cache catalogs in application storage. | |
air.net — pacote | |
O pacote air.net contém classes para detecção de rede. Este pacote só está disponível para o conteúdo que está sendo executado no tempo de execução do AIR. | |
air.update — pacote | |
O pacote air.update contém classes para atualização dos aplicativos AIR. Este pacote só está disponível para o conteúdo que está sendo executado no tempo de execução do AIR. | |
air.update.events — pacote | |
O pacote air.update.events contém classes que definem os eventos usados pela estrutura de atualização do aplicativo AIR. Este pacote só está disponível para o conteúdo que está sendo executado no tempo de execução do AIR. | |
airWindowIndicatorPropertyName — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
album — Propriedade, classe flash.media.ID3Info | |
O nome do álbum; corresponde à marca ID3 2.0 TALB. | |
Alert — classe, pacote mx.controls | |
The Alert control is a pop-up dialog box that can contain a message, a title, buttons (any combination of OK, Cancel, Yes, and No) and an icon. | |
Alert() — Construtor, classe mx.controls.Alert | |
Constructor. | |
ALERT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.notifications.NotificationStyle | |
Um estilo de notificação para exibir uma caixa de alerta ao receber uma notificação. | |
AlertAccImpl — classe, pacote mx.accessibility | |
AlertAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Alert class. | |
AlertAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Construtor, classe mx.accessibility.AlertAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AlertAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Alert control. | |
AlertAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:Alert) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.AlertAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AlertFormatter — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util | |
This class is used to format the alert dialog. | |
AlertFormatter(alertParent:mx.core:UIComponent) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util.AlertFormatter | |
The constructor for AlertFormatter class. | |
AlertFormAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AlertForm class. | |
AlertFormAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.alertClasses:AlertForm) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.AlertFormAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
align — Propriedade, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Especifica o layout de vídeo quando a propriedade scaleMode está definida como VideoScaleMode.MAINTAIN_ASPECT_RATIO ou VideoScaleMode.NO_SCALE. | |
align — Propriedade, classe fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
Especifica como o vídeo é exibido com relação às propriedades registrationX, registrationY, registrationWidth e registrationHeight. | |
align — Propriedade, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Um valor da classe StageAlign que especifica o alinhamento do palco no Flash Player ou no navegador. | |
align — Propriedade, classe flash.text.TextFormat | |
Indica o alinhamento do parágrafo. | |
alignHorizontalGroupContent(outerGroup:spark.components:Group) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.AlignmentArea | |
Aligns each row in a multi-column layout by making each item in each row the same height | |
alignHorizontalGroupContent(outerGroup:spark.components:Group) — método, interface com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ILayoutComponent | |
Aligns each row in a multi-column layout by making each item in each row the same height. | |
alignHorizontalGroupContent(outerGroup:spark.components:Group) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
Aligns each row in a multi-column layout by making each item in each row the same height. | |
alignLabelsToUnits — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.DateTimeAxis | |
Determines the placement of labels along the axis. | |
alignment — Propriedade, classe flash.text.engine.TabStop | |
Especifica o alinhamento da tabulação na parada. | |
alignment — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITabStopFormat | |
O alinhamento dessa parada de tabulação. | |
alignment — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat | |
O alinhamento dessa parada de tabulação. | |
AlignmentArea — classe, pacote com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | |
This class aligns columns inside a Spark Group honouring the "keepWithPrevious" settings of the passed in items. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.Label | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.RichText | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.FormHeading | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.Scroller | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Estilo, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. | |
alignmentBaseline — Propriedade, classe flash.text.engine.ElementFormat | |
Especifica o tipo da linha de base no elemento contido para o qual alinhar as linhas de base dominantes dos elementos que têm este formato. | |
alignmentBaseline — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: especifica a linha de base à qual a linha de base dominante se alinha. | |
alignmentBaseline — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: especifica a linha de base à qual a linha de base dominante se alinha. | |
alignmentBaseline — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Especifica a linha de base à qual a linha de base dominante se alinha. | |
alignmentBaseline — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Especifica a linha de base à qual a linha de base dominante se alinha. | |
alignSymbol — Propriedade, classe mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
Aligns currency symbol to the left side or the right side of the formatted number. | |
alignSymbol — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Specifies the alignment of the currencySymbol relative to the rest of the expression. | |
alignToolTip — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.RichTextEditor | |
The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the text alignment buttons. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.LogLevel | |
Log level constant for enabling all logging levels. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.RecipientType | |
Specifies that a reminder is sent to all the participants of the stage regardless of their status. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.RecipientType | |
The property specifies that reminder is sent to all the participants of the stage irrespective of their status. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.core.InvalidationType | |
A constante InvalidationType.ALL define o valor da propriedade de tipo do objeto de evento que é despachado para indicar que o componente deve se redesenhar completamente. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.video.CuePointType | |
Define o valor do parâmetro de tipo dos métodos findCuePoint() e findNearestCuePoint(). | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DClearMask | |
Limpar todos os buffers. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.GesturePhase | |
Um valor exclusivo que abrange todas as fases de gestos simples como torneira com dois dedos ou batida. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.AutoCapitalize | |
Escreva os caracteres em maiúsculas. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.BreakOpportunity | |
Considerar todos os caracteres no objeto ContentElement como oportunidades de quebra de linha, significando que uma quebra de linha ocorrerá após cada caractere. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.core.ContainerCreationPolicy | |
Immediately create all descendants. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.AccessPrivileges | |
Indicates that no restrictions are imposed. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.CacheDataDescriptor | |
Option for use with the getCacheDescriptors() method to indicate the type of descriptors to return. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.data.PropertySpecifier | |
Reusable instance of a PropertySpecifier to include all properties of an item. | |
ALL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.logging.LogEventLevel | |
Tells a target to process all messages. | |
ALL_BUT_LAST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.LineJustification | |
Justifique todos exceto a linha última. | |
ALL_BUT_MANDATORY_BREAK — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.LineJustification | |
Justifica todas as linhas com exceção da última e linhas que terminam em quebras obrigatórias. | |
allCategories — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.CategoryManager | |
The aggregated list of all the categories present in the system. | |
ALL_CHILDREN — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms.SearchParameters | |
Specifies to fetch all children. | |
allElements — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
The set of all chart elements displayed in the chart. | |
ALL_INCLUDING_LAST — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.LineJustification | |
Justifique todas as linhas. | |
allLocalAssetActionsChange — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.AssetManager | |
allLocalAssetActionsChange event is thrown when local list of asset actions change | |
allMemberList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
The property returns a collection of all members. | |
allMemberList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
The property returns a collection of all members. | |
allMemberList — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IMemberCollection | |
The property returns a collection of all members. | |
allMemberList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
The property returns a collection of all members. | |
allMemberList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
The property returns a collection of all members. | |
allMemberName — Propriedade, interface mx.olap.IOLAPHierarchy | |
The name of the all member of the hierarchy. | |
allMemberName — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPHierarchy | |
The name of the all member of the hierarchy. | |
allowAdd — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
When allowAdd is true, the "+" button is revealed on the left side of the tab bar. | |
allowClose — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
When allowClose is true, a tab may be closed using a button that appears on the tab. | |
allowCodeImport — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader.IBundleLoaderContext | |
Whether the bundle should be import loaded if it naturally belongs in another SecurityDomain. | |
allowCodeImport — Propriedade, classe flash.system.LoaderContext | |
Especifica se você pode usar um objeto Loader para importar o conteúdo com o código executável, tal como um arquivo SWF, na área de segurança do chamador. | |
allowContentAdd — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IView | |
Returns the allowContentAdd value | |
allowContentAdd — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IViewManager | |
Returns the allowContentAdd value | |
allowContentDelete — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IPanel | |
Returns the allowContentDelete value | |
allowContentDelete — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IView | |
Returns the allowContentDelete value | |
allowCopy — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeDragOptions | |
É permitido a um destino da ação de soltar copiar os dados arrastados. | |
allowDelayedOperations — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
allowDelayedOperations — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Controla se as operações podem ser enfileiradas para execução posterior. | |
allowDelete — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachmentPermissions | |
A flag that indicates whether an attachment can be deleted. | |
allowDelete — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.ITile | |
The tile's allowDelete setting. | |
allowDelete — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.IMosaicComponent | |
Indicates if this component may be deleted or not. | |
allowDelete — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentPermissions | |
A flag that indicates the delete permission for an attachment. | |
allowDeselection — Propriedade, classe spark.components.ButtonBarButton | |
If true, the user click on a currently selected button to deselect it. | |
allowDisjointSelection — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.DateChooser | |
If true, specifies that non-contiguous(disjoint) selection is allowed in the DateChooser control. | |
allowDomain(... rest) — método, classe flash.net.LocalConnection | |
Especifica um ou mais domínios que podem enviar chamadas LocalConnection a esta ocorrência de LocalConnection. | |
allowDomain(... rest) — Método estático , classe flash.system.Security | |
Permite que arquivos SWF dos domínios identificados acessem objetos e variáveis do arquivo SWF que contém a chamada allowDomain(). | |
allowDomain(... rest) — método, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
Calls the Security.allowDomain() method for the SWF associated with this IFlexModuleFactory plus all the SWFs associated with RSLs preloaded by this IFlexModuleFactory. | |
allowDomain(... rest) — método, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Calls Security.allowDomain() for the SWF associated with this SystemManager plus all the SWFs assocatiated with RSLs preloaded by this SystemManager. | |
allowDomainsInNewRSLs — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
Controls whether the domains allowed by calls to allowDomain() are also allowed by RSLs loaded after the call. | |
allowDomainsInNewRSLs — Propriedade, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Controls whether the domains allowed by calls to allowDomain() are also allowed by RSLs loaded after the call. | |
allowDomainsInNewRSLs — Propriedade, classe mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Controls whether the domains allowed by calls to allowDomain() are also allowed by RSLs loaded after the call. | |
allowDragSelection — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether drag-selection is enabled. | |
allowDragSelection — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether drag-selection is enabled. | |
allowDynamicPropertyChangesWithCachedData — Propriedade, classe mx.data.RPCDataManager | |
If false (default), then changing the item class dynamic properties when the local store is not empty causes an error fault when setItemClassDynamicProperties() is called. | |
allowedActions — Propriedade, classe flash.events.NativeDragEvent | |
O objeto NativeDragOptions especificando as ações que são permitidas pelo objeto de exibição que iniciou esta operação de arrastar. | |
allowedFormatChars — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
The set of formatting characters allowed in the cardNumber field. | |
allowedFormatChars — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.DateValidator | |
The set of formatting characters allowed for separating the month, day, and year values. | |
allowedFormatChars — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.PhoneNumberValidator | |
The set of allowable formatting characters. | |
allowedFormatChars — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.SocialSecurityValidator | |
Specifies the set of formatting characters allowed in the input. | |
allowedFormatChars — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.ZipCodeValidator | |
The set of formatting characters allowed in the ZIP code. | |
allowFreeText — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.TargetInstance | |
True if the free text can be added to target instance. | |
allowFreeText — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Flag to indicate if this assignment allows adding free text. | |
allowFreeText — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
Flag to indicate if this assignment allows adding free text. | |
allowFreeText — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Specifies whether free text can be added to the list | |
allowFreeText — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetAreaAssignment | |
The flag indicating the user if he is allowed to add free text while generating final correspondence | |
allowFreeTextBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterEditor | |
A skin part that defines the allow free text button A skin part that defines the allow free text button | |
allowInsecureDomain(... rest) — método, classe flash.net.LocalConnection | |
Especifica um ou mais domínios que podem enviar chamadas LocalConnection a este objeto LocalConnection. | |
allowInsecureDomain(... rest) — Método estático , classe flash.system.Security | |
Permite que arquivos SWF e HTML nos domínios identificados acessem objetos e variáveis no arquivo SWF que está chamando, que é hospedado por meio do protocolo HTTPS. | |
allowInsecureDomain(... rest) — método, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
Calls the Security.allowInsecureDomain() method for the SWF associated with this IFlexModuleFactory plus all the SWFs associated with RSLs preloaded by this IFlexModuleFactory. | |
allowInsecureDomain(... rest) — método, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Calls Security.allowInsecureDomain() for the SWF associated with this SystemManager plus all the SWFs assocatiated with RSLs preloaded by this SystemManager. | |
allowInsecureDomainsInNewRSLs — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
Controls whether the domains allowed by calls to allowInsecureDomain() are also allowed by RSLs loaded after the call. | |
allowInsecureDomainsInNewRSLs — Propriedade, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Controls whether the domains allowed by calls to allowInsecureDomain() are also allowed by RSLs loaded after the call. | |
allowInsecureDomainsInNewRSLs — Propriedade, classe mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Controls whether the domains allowed by calls to allowInsecureDomain() are also allowed by RSLs loaded after the call. | |
allowInteraction — Propriedade, classe mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid | |
If true, allows some interactions with the control, such as column resizing, column reordering, and expanding or collapsing nodes. | |
allowInteraction — Propriedade, classe mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid | |
If true, allows some interactions with the control, such as column resizing. | |
allowItemSizeChangeNotification — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
If false, renderers cannot invalidate size of List. | |
allowLibraryAccessBtn — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
A skin part that defines the allow library access button A skin part that defines the allow library access button | |
allowLink — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeDragOptions | |
É permitido a um destino da ação de soltar criar um vínculo com os dados arrastados. | |
allowLoadBytesCodeExecution — Propriedade, classe flash.system.LoaderContext | |
Propriedade legacy, substituída por allowCodeImport, mas ainda suportada para fim de compatibilidade. | |
allowMerge — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.DeleteTextOperation | |
Indica se esta operação pode ser combinada com operações executadas antes ou depois dela. | |
allowMove — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeDragOptions | |
É permitido a um destino da ação de soltar mover os dados arrastados. | |
allowMultipleSelection — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Obtém um valor booliano que indica se mais de um item de lista pode ser selecionado por vez. | |
allowMultipleSelection — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.DateChooser | |
If true, specifies that multiple selection is allowed in the DateChooser control. | |
allowMultipleSelection — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether you can allow more than one item to be selected at the same time. | |
allowMultipleSelection — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether you can allow more than one item to be selected at the same time. | |
allowMultipleSelection — Propriedade, classe spark.components.List | |
If true multiple selection is enabled. | |
allowNegative — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Specifies whether negative numbers are permitted. | |
allowNegative — Propriedade, classe mx.validators.NumberValidator | |
Specifies whether negative numbers are permitted. | |
allowNegative — Propriedade, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase | |
Specifies whether negative numbers are permitted. | |
allowNegativeForStacked — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
Setting this property to true will stack positive and negative values separately | |
allowNewAttachments — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
The indicator that adding Attachments is permitted. | |
allowNewNotes — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
The indicator that adding Notes is permitted. | |
allowNull — Propriedade, classe flash.data.SQLColumnSchema | |
Indica se valores NULL são permitidos nessa coluna. | |
allowPDFInteraction — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.pdf.LetterPDFContainer | |
The flag indicating whether the PDF rendered is interactive or not.The value true specifies that PDF is interactive. | |
allowRead — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachmentPermissions | |
A flag that indicates whether an attachment can be read. | |
allowRead — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentPermissions | |
A flag that indicates the read permission for an attachment. | |
allowsAdd() — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.IMosaicContainer | |
The skin should present a control to allow the user to request a new child element. | |
allowSave — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
When allowSave is true, the "Save" action appears in the option menu. | |
allowsClose() — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.IMosaicContainer | |
The skin should present a control to allow the user to close a child element. | |
allowsClose — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
When false, displays a "Close" item in the menu. | |
allowsFullScreen — Propriedade, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Especifica se este palco permite o uso do modo de tela inteira | |
allowsFullScreenInteractive — Propriedade, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Especifica se este palco permite o uso do modo de tela inteira com entrada de texto | |
allowsSave() — método, interface com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.IMosaicContainer | |
The skin should present a control to allow the user to save a child element. | |
allowsSave — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
A special value when true, displays a "Save" item in the menu. | |
allowThumbOverlap — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
If set to false, then each thumb can only be moved to the edge of the adjacent thumb. | |
allowTrackClick — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Specifies whether clicking on the track will move the slider thumb. | |
allowValueWrap — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Spinner | |
Determines the behavior of the control for a step when the current value is either the maximum or minimum value. | |
allowWrite — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachmentPermissions | |
A flag that indicates whether an attachment can be overwritten or writable. | |
allowWrite — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentPermissions | |
A flag that indicates the write permission for an attachment. | |
AllRuntimeSparkControls — classe, pacote com.adobe.guides.spark.util | |
This class forces the framework spark controls to be included into the runtime swf | |
AllValuesAreSet() — método, classe fl.motion.AdjustColor | |
Verifica se as quatro propriedades AdjustColor estão definidas. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Indica o valor de transparência alfa do objeto especificado. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe flash.display.GraphicsSolidFill | |
Indica o valor de transparência alfa do preenchimento. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
Valor de transparência alfa da cor substituta. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Especifica o valor da transparência alfa a ser usado para deslocamentos fora dos limites. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
Valor de transparência alfa da cor de sombra. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.GlowFilter | |
Valor de transparência alfa da cor. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe flash.text.engine.ElementFormat | |
Especifica a transparência dos elementos de linha afetados por este obect. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe mx.core.DesignLayer | |
The alpha for this design layer instance, between 0.0 and 1.0. | |
alpha — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Indica o valor de transparência alfa do objeto especificado. | |
alpha — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IVisualElement | |
Indica o valor de transparência alfa do objeto especificado. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe mx.graphics.BitmapFill | |
The transparency of a fill. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe mx.graphics.GradientEntry | |
The transparency of a gradient fill. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe mx.graphics.RectangularDropShadow | |
Valor de transparência alfa da cor de sombra. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe mx.graphics.SolidColor | |
The transparency of a color. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe mx.graphics.SolidColorStroke | |
The transparency of a line. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe spark.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
The alpha transparency value for the color. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe spark.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Specifies the alpha transparency value to use for out-of-bounds displacements. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe spark.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
The alpha transparency value for the color. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe spark.filters.GlowFilter | |
The alpha transparency value for the color. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe spark.primitives.RectangularDropShadow | |
The alpha transparency value for the color. | |
alpha — Propriedade, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The level of transparency of the graphic element. | |
ALPHA — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.BitmapDataChannel | |
O canal alfa. | |
ALPHA — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.BlendMode | |
Aplica o valor alfa de cada pixel do objeto de exibição ao plano de fundo. | |
ALPHA — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.core.MaskType | |
The mask respects opacity and uses the strokes and bitmap filters of the mask. | |
alphaFrom — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Dissolve | |
Initial transparency level between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaFrom — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Fade | |
Initial transparency level between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaFrom — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Glow | |
Starting transparency level between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaFrom — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.DissolveInstance | |
Initial transparency level between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaFrom — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.FadeInstance | |
Initial transparency level between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaFrom — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.GlowInstance | |
Starting transparency level. | |
alphaFrom — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Fade | |
Initial value of the alpha property, between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaFrom — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.FadeInstance | |
Initial value of the alpha property, between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaMultiplier — Propriedade, classe flash.geom.ColorTransform | |
Valor decimal multiplicado pelo valor do canal de transparência alfa. | |
ALPHANUMERIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.KeyboardType | |
Um teclado padrão com um conjunto completo de números e letras. | |
ALPHANUMERIC_FULL — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.system.IMEConversionMode | |
A string "ALPHANUMERIC_FULL", para uso com a propriedade IME.conversionMode. | |
ALPHANUMERIC_HALF — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.system.IMEConversionMode | |
A string "ALPHANUMERIC_HALF", para uso com a propriedade IME.conversionMode. | |
alphaOffset — Propriedade, classe flash.geom.ColorTransform | |
Número de -255 a 255 que será adicionado ao valor de canal de transparência alfa após ter sido multiplicado pelo valor de alphaMultiplier. | |
alphas — Propriedade, classe flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill | |
Matriz de valores alfa para as cores correspondentes na matriz de cores. | |
alphas — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter | |
Matriz de valores de transparência alfa para as cores correspondentes na matriz de cores. | |
alphas — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter | |
Matriz de valores de transparência alfa para as cores correspondentes na matriz de cores. | |
alphaTo — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Dissolve | |
Final transparency level between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaTo — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Fade | |
Final transparency level, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaTo — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Glow | |
Ending transparency level between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaTo — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.DissolveInstance | |
Final transparency level between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaTo — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.FadeInstance | |
Final transparency level between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaTo — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.GlowInstance | |
Ending transparency level. | |
alphaTo — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Fade | |
Final value of the alpha property, between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
alphaTo — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.FadeInstance | |
Final value of the alpha property, between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means transparent and 1.0 means fully opaque. | |
ALTERNATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.NativeWindowSystemChrome | |
Reservado para uso futuro. | |
ALTERNATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante associada ao valor de código de tecla da tecla Alternativa (Opção) (18). | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe mx.controls.Tree | |
Colors for rows in an alternating pattern. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The set of BackgroundColors for drop-down list rows in an alternating pattern. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe mx.controls.Menu | |
The colors used for menu or submenu menu items in an alternating pattern. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Colors for rows in an alternating pattern. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe spark.components.List | |
The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe spark.components.Scroller | |
The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. | |
alternatingItemColors — Estilo, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. | |
alternatingRowColors — Estilo, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
Used to initialize the DataGrid's rowBackground skin part. | |
alternatingRowColorsBackground — Parte da capa, classe spark.components.DataGrid | |
The IVisualElement class used to render the alternatingRowColors style. The IVisualElement class used to render the alternatingRowColors style. | |
ALTERNATIVE_AUDIO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.traits.MediaTraitType | |
Identifies an instance of an AlternativeAudioTrait. | |
AlternativeAudioEvent — classe, pacote org.osmf.events | |
An AlternativeAudioEvent is dispatched when the properties of an AlternativeAudioTrait change. | |
AlternativeAudioEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, switching:Boolean) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.events.AlternativeAudioEvent | |
Default Constructor. | |
alternativeAudioStreamItems — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.StreamingURLResource | |
Vector containing all alternative audio items associated with the current streaming resource. | |
alternativeAudioStreamSwitching — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Indicates whether or not an alternative audio stream switch is currently in progress. | |
AlternativeAudioTrait — classe, pacote org.osmf.traits | |
AlternativeAudioTrait defines the trait interface for media supporting alternative audio streams. | |
AlternativeAudioTrait(numAlternativeAudioStreams:int) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.traits.AlternativeAudioTrait | |
Default Constructor. | |
altitude — Propriedade, classe flash.events.GeolocationEvent | |
A altitude em metros. | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe flash.events.GestureEvent | |
Indica se a tecla Alt está ativa (true) ou inativa (false). | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe flash.events.KeyboardEvent | |
Indica se a tecla Alt está ativa (true) ou inativa (false) no Windows; indica se a tecla Option está ativa no Mac OS. | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe flash.events.MouseEvent | |
Indica se a tecla Alt está ativa (true) ou inativa (false). | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe flash.events.TouchEvent | |
Indica se a tecla Alt está ativa (true) ou inativa (false). | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent | |
Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.ChartSelectionChangeEvent | |
Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.ListItemSelectEvent | |
Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe mx.events.SandboxMouseEvent | |
Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed. | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.events.SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent | |
Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
altKey — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.events.SparkListItemSelectEvent | |
Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
altText — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Resource | |
Alternative text (alt text) is used as a replacement for an image, whenever the image cannot be seen. | |
ALWAYS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.PixelSnapping | |
Um valor constante usado na propriedade pixelSnapping de um objeto Bitmap para especificar que a imagem bitmap é sempre ajustada ao pixel mais próximo, independentemente de qualquer transformação. | |
ALWAYS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DCompareMode | |
A comparação sempre avalia como true. | |
ALWAYS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.StageTextClearButtonMode | |
O clearButton do StageText é mostrado sempre | |
ALWAYS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.components.TextSelectionHighlighting | |
Always show the text selection, even if the component doesn't have the keyboard focus or if the component's window isn't the active window. | |
alwaysCreateDisplayObject — Propriedade, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Specifies that this GraphicElement is to be associated with and be rendered to its own DisplayObject. | |
alwaysInFront — Propriedade, classe flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Especifica se esta janela estará sempre à frente das demais janelas (incluindo as de outros aplicativos). | |
alwaysInFront — Propriedade, classe mx.core.Window | |
Determines whether the underlying NativeWindow is always in front of other windows (including those of other applications). | |
alwaysInFront — Propriedade, classe mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Determines whether the underlying NativeWindow is always in front of other windows. | |
alwaysInFront — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Window | |
Determines whether the underlying NativeWindow is always in front of other windows (including those of other applications). | |
alwaysInFront — Propriedade, classe spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Determines whether the underlying NativeWindow is always in front of other windows. | |
ALWAYS_REQUIRED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.security.RevocationCheckSettings | |
Sempre verificar a revogação do certificado. | |
alwaysShowSelection — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.TextArea | |
Obtém ou define um valor booliano que indica se o Flash Player realça uma seleção no campo de texto quando o campo de texto não possui foco. | |
alwaysShowSelection — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.TextInput | |
Obtém ou define um valor booliano que indica como uma seleção é exibida quando o campo de texto não possui foco. | |
alwaysShowSelection — Propriedade, classe fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Quando definida como true e o campo de texto não estiver em foco, o Flash Player realçará a seleção no campo de texto em azul claro. | |
alwaysShowSelection — Propriedade, classe flash.text.TextField | |
Quando definida como true e o campo de texto não está em foco, o Flash Player realça a seleção no campo de texto em cinza. | |
alwaysShowSelection — Propriedade, classe mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property is not implemented in FTETextField because FTETextField does not support selection. | |
alwaysShowSelection — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IUITextField | |
Quando definida como true e o campo de texto não está em foco, o Flash Player realça a seleção no campo de texto em cinza. | |
AMBIENT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.media.AudioPlaybackMode | |
Um modo para reproduzir o som ambiente. | |
AMERICAN_EXPRESS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.validators.CreditCardValidatorCardType | |
Specifies the card type as American Express. | |
AMF0 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.net.ObjectEncoding | |
Especifica se os objetos são serializados com o uso do AMF (Action Message Format) para o ActionScript 1.0 e 2.0. | |
AMF3 — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.net.ObjectEncoding | |
Especifica se os objetos são serializados com o uso do AMF (Action Message Format) para o ActionScript 3.0. | |
AMFChannel — classe, pacote mx.messaging.channels | |
The AMFChannel class provides the AMF support for messaging. | |
AMFChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Construtor, classe mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel | |
Constructor. | |
amfChannelURI — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.dct.model.ConfigModel | |
The amfChannel URI. | |
analyze — Evento, classe flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Despachado quando uma operação analyze() é concluída com êxito. | |
analyze(resourceName:String, responder:flash.net:Responder) — método, classe flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Reúne estatísticas sobre os índices de banco de dados e as armazena no banco de dados. | |
ANALYZE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation | |
Indica que o método SQLConnection.analyze() foi chamado. | |
ANALYZE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.SQLEvent | |
A constante SQLEvent.ANALYZE define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento analyze. | |
ancestor — Propriedade, classe mx.styles.CSSSelector | |
If this selector is part of a descendant selector it may have a further selector defined for an arbitrary ancestor. | |
anchorBookmark — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A bookmark to the item that is the anchor. | |
anchorBookmark — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A bookmark to the item that is the anchor. | |
anchorColumnIndex — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The column index of the current anchor. | |
anchorColumnIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Grid | |
The column index of the anchor for the next shift selection. | |
anchorIndex — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The offset of the item in the data provider that is the selection anchor point. | |
anchorIndex — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The offset of the item in the data provider that is the selection anchor point. | |
anchorPosition — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
O ponto de ancoragem da seleção. | |
anchorPosition — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
O ponto de ancoragem da seleção. | |
anchorPosition — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextRange | |
Posição de ancoragem da seleção, como posição absoluta no TextFlow. | |
anchorRowIndex — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Grid | |
The row index of the anchor for the next shift selection. | |
AndOperator — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators | |
The implementation of the and operator | |
AndOperator() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators.AndOperator | |
Constructor. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Image | |
Rotates the image; Angle in degrees. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.BevelFilter | |
Ângulo do bisel. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
Ângulo da sombra. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter | |
Ângulo, em graus. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter | |
Ângulo, em graus. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem | |
The angle, in radians, that this wedge subtends. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe mx.graphics.GradientBase | |
By default, the LinearGradientStroke defines a transition from left to right across the control. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe mx.graphics.RectangularDropShadow | |
Ângulo da sombra. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe spark.filters.BevelFilter | |
The angle of the bevel, in degrees. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe spark.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
The angle of the bevel. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe spark.filters.GradientFilter | |
The angle, in degrees. | |
angle — Propriedade, classe spark.primitives.RectangularDropShadow | |
The angle of the bevel. | |
angleBetween(a:flash.geom:Vector3D, b:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Método estático , classe flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Retorna o ângulo em radianos entre dois vetores. | |
angleBy — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Rotate | |
Degrees by which to rotate the target object. | |
angleFrom — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Rotate | |
The starting angle of rotation of the target object, expressed in degrees. | |
angleFrom — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.RotateInstance | |
The starting angle of rotation of the target object, expressed in degrees. | |
angleFrom — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Rotate | |
The starting angle of rotation of the target object, in degrees. | |
angleTo — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Rotate | |
The ending angle of rotation of the target object, expressed in degrees. | |
angleTo — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.RotateInstance | |
The ending angle of rotation of the target object, expressed in degrees. | |
angleTo — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Rotate | |
The ending angle of rotation of the target object, in degrees. | |
angleXFrom — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Rotate3D | |
The starting angle of rotation of the target object around the x axis, expressed in degrees. | |
angleXTo — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Rotate3D | |
The ending angle of rotation of the target object around the x axis, expressed in degrees. | |
angleYFrom — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Rotate3D | |
The starting angle of rotation of the target object around the y axis, expressed in degrees. | |
angleYTo — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Rotate3D | |
The ending angle of rotation of the target object around the y axis, expressed in degrees. | |
angleZFrom — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Rotate3D | |
The starting angle of rotation of the target object around the z axis, expressed in degrees. | |
angleZTo — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.Rotate3D | |
The ending angle of rotation of the target object around the z axis, expressed in degrees. | |
angularAxis — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart | |
The axis object used to map data values to an angle between 0 and 2 PI. | |
angularAxis — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis. | |
angularAxis — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
The axis object used to map data values to an angle between 0 and 2 PI. | |
ANGULAR_AXIS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarTransform | |
A string representing the angular axis. | |
animate — Propriedade, classe mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
If true, animate an opening or closing operation; used for ITEM_OPENING type events only. | |
animate — Propriedade, classe mx.events.TreeEvent | |
Whether to animate an opening or closing operation; used for ITEM_OPENING type events only. | |
Animate — classe, pacote spark.effects | |
This Animate effect animates an arbitrary set of properties between values. | |
Animate(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.Animate | |
Constructor. | |
AnimateColor — classe, pacote spark.effects | |
The AnimateColor effect animates a change in a color property over time, interpolating between given from/to color values on a per-channel basis. | |
AnimateColor(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.AnimateColor | |
Constructor. | |
AnimateColorInstance — classe, pacote spark.effects.supportClasses | |
The AnimateColorInstance class is the instance class of the AnimateColor effect, which animates a change in color by interpolating the from/to values per color channel. | |
AnimateColorInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateColorInstance | |
Constructor. | |
AnimateFilter — classe, pacote spark.effects | |
The AnimateFilter effect applies an mx.filters.IBitmapFilter instance to the target and allows you to animate properties of the filter between values. | |
AnimateFilter(target:Object, filter:mx.filters:IBitmapFilter) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.AnimateFilter | |
Constructor. | |
AnimateFilterInstance — classe, pacote spark.effects.supportClasses | |
The AnimateFilterInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateFilter effect. | |
AnimateFilterInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateFilterInstance | |
Constructor. | |
AnimateInstance — classe, pacote spark.effects.supportClasses | |
The AnimateInstance class implements the instance class for the Animate effect. | |
AnimateInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateInstance | |
Constructor. | |
animatePaging(newValue:Number, pageSize:Number) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
Animates the operation to move to newValue. | |
AnimateProperty — classe, pacote mx.effects | |
The AnimateProperty effect animates a property or style of a component. | |
AnimateProperty(target:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.effects.AnimateProperty | |
Constructor. | |
AnimatePropertyInstance — classe, pacote mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The AnimatePropertyInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateProperty effect. | |
AnimatePropertyInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.AnimatePropertyInstance | |
Constructor. | |
animateStepping(newValue:Number, stepSize:Number) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
Animates the operation to step to newValue. | |
AnimateTransform — classe, pacote spark.effects | |
The AnimateTransform effect controls all transform-related animations on target objects. | |
AnimateTransform(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.AnimateTransform | |
Constructor. | |
AnimateTransform3D — classe, pacote spark.effects | |
The AnimateTransform3D effect extends the abilities of the AnimateTransform effect to 3D transform properties. | |
AnimateTransform3D(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.AnimateTransform3D | |
Constructor. | |
AnimateTransformInstance — classe, pacote spark.effects.supportClasses | |
The AnimateTransformInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateTransform effect. | |
AnimateTransformInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransformInstance | |
Constructor. | |
AnimateTransitionShader — classe, pacote spark.effects | |
The AnimateTransitionShader effect animates a transition between two bitmaps, one representing the start state (bitmapFrom), and the other representing the end state (bitmapTo). | |
AnimateTransitionShader(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.AnimateTransitionShader | |
Constructor. | |
AnimateTransitionShaderInstance — classe, pacote spark.effects.supportClasses | |
The AnimateTransitionShaderInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateTransitionShader effect. | |
AnimateTransitionShaderInstance(target:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransitionShaderInstance | |
Constructor. | |
Animation — classe final, pacote spark.effects.animation | |
The Animation class defines an animation that happens between the start and end values of a property over a specified period of time. | |
Animation(duration:Number, property:String, startValue:Object, endValue:Object) — Construtor, classe spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
Constructor. | |
animationDuration — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.MosaicLayoutBase | |
The amount of time to give any annimation to run its course. | |
animationEnd(animation:spark.effects.animation:Animation) — método, interface spark.effects.animation.IAnimationTarget | |
Called when an Animation instance ends. | |
animationRepeat(animation:spark.effects.animation:Animation) — método, interface spark.effects.animation.IAnimationTarget | |
Called when an Animation instance repeats. | |
animationStart(animation:spark.effects.animation:Animation) — método, interface spark.effects.animation.IAnimationTarget | |
Called when an Animation instance starts. | |
animationStop(animation:spark.effects.animation:Animation) — método, interface spark.effects.animation.IAnimationTarget | |
Called when an Animation instance stops. | |
animationTarget — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
The IAnimationTarget object notified with all start, end, repeat, and update events for this animation. | |
animationUpdate(animation:spark.effects.animation:Animation) — método, interface spark.effects.animation.IAnimationTarget | |
Called during every update of an Animation instance. | |
Animator — classe, pacote fl.motion | |
A classe Animator aplica uma descrição XML de uma interpolação de movimento a um objeto de exibição. | |
Animator(xml:XML, target:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Construtor, classe fl.motion.Animator | |
Cria um objeto Animator para aplicar a descrição de interpolação de movimento com base em XML a um objeto de exibição. | |
Animator3D — classe, pacote fl.motion | |
A classe Animator3D aplica uma descrição XML de uma interpolação de movimento tridimensional a um objeto de exibição. | |
Animator3D(xml:XML, target:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Construtor, classe fl.motion.Animator3D | |
Cria um objeto Animator3D para aplicar a descrição de interpolação de movimento com base em XML em três dimensões a um objeto de exibição. | |
AnimatorBase — classe, pacote fl.motion | |
A classe AnimatorBase aplica uma descrição XML de uma interpolação de movimento a um objeto de exibição. | |
AnimatorBase(xml:XML, target:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Construtor, classe fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Cria um objeto AnimatorBase para aplicar a descrição de interpolação de movimento com base em XML a um objeto de exibição. | |
AnimatorFactory — classe, pacote fl.motion | |
A classe AnimatorFactory oferece suporte com base no ActionScript para associar um objeto Motion a vários objetos de exibição. | |
AnimatorFactory(motion:fl.motion:MotionBase, motionArray:Array) — Construtor, classe fl.motion.AnimatorFactory | |
Cria uma ocorrência de AnimatorFactory que pode ser usada para atribuir as propriedades de um objeto MotionBase a objetos de exibição. | |
AnimatorFactory3D — classe, pacote fl.motion | |
A classe AnimatorFactory3D oferece suporte com base no ActionScript para associar um objeto Motion, que contém propriedades tridimensionais, a vários objetos de exibição. | |
AnimatorFactory3D(motion:fl.motion:MotionBase, motionArray:Array) — Construtor, classe fl.motion.AnimatorFactory3D | |
Cria uma ocorrência de AnimatorFactory3D que pode ser usada para atribuir as propriedades de um objeto MotionBase a objetos de exibição. | |
AnimatorFactoryBase — classe, pacote fl.motion | |
A classe AnimatorFactoryBase oferece suporte com base no ActionScript para exibir e interpolar dinamicamente vários objetos de destino com um movimento durante o tempo de execução. | |
AnimatorFactoryBase(motion:fl.motion:MotionBase, motionArray:Array) — Construtor, classe fl.motion.AnimatorFactoryBase | |
Cria uma ocorrência da classe AnimatorFactoryBase. | |
AnimatorFactoryUniversal — classe, pacote fl.motion | |
A classe AnimatorFactoryUniversal oferece suporte com base no ActionScript para associar um objeto Motion a vários objetos de exibição. | |
AnimatorFactoryUniversal(motion:fl.motion:MotionBase, motionArray:Array) — Construtor, classe fl.motion.AnimatorFactoryUniversal | |
Cria uma ocorrência de AnimatorFactory que pode ser usada para atribuir as propriedades de um objeto MotionBase a objetos de exibição. | |
AnimatorUniversal — classe, pacote fl.motion | |
A classe AnimatorUniversal aplica uma descrição ActionScript de um movimento de duas e três tridimensões a um objeto de exposição. | |
AnimatorUniversal() — Construtor, classe fl.motion.AnimatorUniversal | |
Cria um movimento de objeto de AnimatorUniversal para um objeto de exibição. | |
ANISOTROPIC16X — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter | |
Use o filtro anisotrópico com uma razão de 16:1 ao interpolar texturas | |
ANISOTROPIC2X — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter | |
Use o filtro anisotrópico com uma razão de 2:1 ao interpolar texturas | |
ANISOTROPIC4X — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter | |
Use o filtro anisotrópico com uma razão de 4:1 ao interpolar texturas | |
ANISOTROPIC8X — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter | |
Use o filtro anisotrópico com uma razão de 8:1 ao interpolar texturas | |
annotationElements — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Sets an array of ChartElement objects that appears on top of any data series rendered by the chart. | |
AnnotationParseEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | |
The AnnotationParseEvent is dispatched when annotation parsers have completed processing, digesting, and injecting values onto eligible composite application parts, such as Tile or Service. | |
AnnotationParseEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.AnnotationParseEvent | |
Constructor. | |
anonymous — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.IUser | |
A flag that indicates whether the current user is anonymous. | |
anonymous — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.User | |
A flag that indicates whether the current user is anonymous. | |
ANONYMOUS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.net.drm.AuthenticationMethod | |
Indica que nenhuma autenticação é necessária. | |
antiAliasType — Propriedade, classe fl.text.TLFTextField | |
O tipo de suavização de borda utilizado para esse campo de texto. | |
antiAliasType — Propriedade, classe flash.text.TextField | |
O tipo de suavização de borda utilizado para esse campo de texto. | |
antiAliasType — Propriedade, classe mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property has no effect in FTETextField because FTE uses a newer font renderer than TextField. | |
antiAliasType — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IUITextField | |
O tipo de suavização de borda utilizado para esse campo de texto. | |
antiAliasType — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextFormat | |
Defines the anti-aliasing setting for the UITextField class. | |
AntiAliasType — classe final, pacote flash.text | |
A classe AntiAliasType fornece valores para suavização de borda na classe flash.text.TextField. | |
ANY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.StageAspectRatio | |
Especifica uma orientação de dispositivo que suporta interfaces de retrato e de paisagem. | |
ANY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.BreakOpportunity | |
Trata qualquer caractere no objeto ContentElement como uma oportunidade de quebra de linha. | |
ANY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.validators.CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol | |
Specifies "any" as the alignment of the currency symbol for the CurrencyValidator class. | |
ANY_INDEX_MODE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.collections.Sort | |
When executing a find return the index any matching item. | |
ANY_INDEX_MODE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.collections.Sort | |
When executing a find return the index any matching item. | |
appContext — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.search.lccontent.LCCQueryServiceFactory | |
The Aplication Context to be used for this application instance. | |
appContext — Propriedade estática, classe com.adobe.icc.services.ServiceProvider | |
Fetch the Application Context for the current application. | |
appContextFolder — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewTemplateVO | |
APP_CONTEXT_PREFIX — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.search.lccontent.LCCQueryServiceFactory | |
A special value that defines the Application Context prefix to add before the actual value of the Application Context. | |
APPCONTEXT_REMOTING_SERVICE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.search.lccontent.LCCQueryServiceFactory | |
A special value that defines the Application Context Remoting Service exposed by Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content Repository to register the Application Context. | |
append(lhs:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — método, classe flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Anexa a matriz multiplicando outro objeto Matrix3D pelo objeto Matrix3D atual. | |
APPEND — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.filesystem.FileMode | |
Usada para que um arquivo seja aberto no modo de gravação, com todos os dados gravados acrescentados ao fim do arquivo. | |
APPEND — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.net.NetStreamPlayTransitions | |
Adiciona o fluxo a uma playlist e começa a reprodução com o primeiro fluxo. | |
APPEND_AND_WAIT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.net.NetStreamPlayTransitions | |
Constrói uma lista de reprodução sem iniciar a sua reprodução do primeiro fluxo contínuo. | |
appendBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray) — método, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Transmite uma ByteArray para um NetStream para executar uma reprodução. | |
appendBytesAction(netStreamAppendBytesAction:String) — método, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Indica uma descontinuidade de escala de tempo, limpa o FIFO e instrui o analisador de bytes a esperar o cabeçalho do arquivo ou o início de uma marca FLV. | |
appendChild(child:Object) — método, classe XML | |
Acrescenta o filho especificado ao final das propriedades do objeto XML. | |
appendChild(node:flash.xml:XMLNode) — método, classe flash.xml.XMLNode | |
Acrescenta o nó especificado à lista de filhos do objeto XML. | |
appendItemData(archiveData:flash.utils:IDataOutput, version:String, changedItems:mx.data:ChangedItems) — método, classe mx.data.SQLiteOfflineAdapter | |
Appends to the byte array the specified data items. | |
appendRandomQueryParameter — Propriedade, classe flash.media.AVNetworkingParams | |
appendRotation(degrees:Number, axis:flash.geom:Vector3D, pivotPoint:flash.geom:Vector3D) — método, classe flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Acrescenta uma rotação incremental a um objeto Matrix3D. | |
appendScale(xScale:Number, yScale:Number, zScale:Number) — método, classe flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Acrescenta uma alteração de dimensionamento incremental nos eixos x, y e z a um objeto Matrix3D. | |
appendSecurityTicket(url:String, ticket:com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api:ITicket) — método, classe com.adobe.livecycle.content.File | |
Appends User Manager (UM) ticket to the URL. | |
appendText(text:String) — método, classe fl.controls.TextArea | |
Acrescenta a string especificada após o último caractere que o componente TextArea contém. | |
appendText(text:String) — método, classe fl.controls.TextInput | |
Acrescenta a string especificada após o último caractere que TextArea contém. | |
appendText(newText:String) — método, classe fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Acrescenta a string especificada pelo parâmetro newText ao final do texto do campo de texto. | |
appendText(newText:String) — método, classe flash.text.TextField | |
Acrescenta a string especificada pelo parâmetro newText ao final do texto do campo de texto. | |
appendText(newText:String) — método, classe mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
appendText(newText:String) — método, interface mx.core.IUITextField | |
Acrescenta a string especificada pelo parâmetro newText ao final do texto do campo de texto. | |
appendText(text:String) — método, classe spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Appends the specified text to the end of the RichEditableText, as if you had clicked at the end and typed. | |
appendText(text:String) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Appends the specified text to the end of the text component, as if you had clicked at the end and typed. | |
appendText(text:String) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Appends the specified text to the end of the text component, as if you had clicked at the end and typed. | |
appendText(text:String) — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Appends the specified text to the end of the text component, as if you had clicked at the end and typed. | |
appendText(text:String) — método, interface spark.core.IEditableText | |
Appends the specified text to the end of the text component, as if you had clicked at the end and typed. | |
appendTranslation(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) — método, classe flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Acrescenta uma translação incremental, um reposicionamento ao longo dos eixos x, y e z, a um objeto Matrix3D. | |
application — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Application used to create the PDF document. | |
application — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Shell | |
The value of the Application MXML on the Shell. | |
application — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.LoadApplicationEvent | |
The IApplication loaded if successful. | |
application — Propriedade estática, classe mx.core.Application | |
A reference to the top-level application. | |
application — Propriedade, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
The application parented by this SystemManager. | |
Application — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | |
The Application mxml component represents a composite application that can placed onto the Flex Display List using the composite application shell MXML component. | |
Application — classe, pacote mx.core | |
Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your application without explicitly defining another container. | |
Application — classe, pacote spark.components | |
Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your application without explicitly defining another container. | |
Application() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Constructor. | |
Application() — Construtor, classe mx.core.Application | |
Constructor. | |
Application() — Construtor, classe spark.components.Application | |
Constructor. | |
APPLICATION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.system.Security | |
O arquivo está em execução em um aplicativo AIR e foi instalado com o pacote (arquivo AIR) para o aplicativo. | |
APPLICATION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.managers.PopUpManagerChildList | |
Indicates that the popup is placed in the same child list as the application. | |
applicationActivate — Evento, classe mx.core.Window | |
Dispatched when this application gets activated. | |
applicationActivate — Evento, classe mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched when this application is activated. | |
applicationActivate — Evento, classe spark.components.Window | |
Dispatched when this application gets activated. | |
applicationActivate — Evento, classe spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched when this application is activated. | |
APPLICATION_ACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AIREvent | |
The AIREvent.APPLICATION_ACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an applicationActivate event. | |
ApplicationAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.containers | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Application class. | |
ApplicationAutomationImpl(obj:mx.core:Application) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.containers.ApplicationAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ApplicationBackground — classe, pacote mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for application background gradient. | |
ApplicationBackground() — Construtor, classe mx.skins.halo.ApplicationBackground | |
Constructor | |
applicationComplete — Evento, classe mx.core.Application | |
Dispatched after the Application has been initialized, processed by the LayoutManager, and attached to the display list. | |
applicationComplete — Evento, classe mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Dispatched when the application has finished initializing | |
applicationComplete — Evento, classe spark.components.Application | |
Dispatched after the Application has been initialized, processed by the LayoutManager, and attached to the display list. | |
APPLICATION_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.APPLICATION_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a applicationComplete event. | |
ApplicationConstants — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.constants | |
The ApplicationConstants provides constants to indicate the current status of an Application in its lifecycle. | |
ApplicationControlBar — classe, pacote mx.containers | |
The ApplicationControlBar container holds components that provide global navigation and application commands For the Halo Application container. | |
ApplicationControlBar() — Construtor, classe mx.containers.ApplicationControlBar | |
Constructor. | |
applicationDeactivate — Evento, classe mx.core.Window | |
Dispatched when this application gets deactivated. | |
applicationDeactivate — Evento, classe mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched when this application is deactivated. | |
applicationDeactivate — Evento, classe spark.components.Window | |
Dispatched when this application gets deactivated. | |
applicationDeactivate — Evento, classe spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched when this application is deactivated. | |
APPLICATION_DEACTIVATE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.AIREvent | |
The AIREvent.APPLICATION_DEACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an applicationDeactivate event. | |
applicationDescriptor — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
O conteúdo do arquivo do descritor do aplicativo para esse aplicativo AIR. | |
applicationDirectory — Propriedade estática, classe flash.filesystem.File | |
A pasta contendo os arquivos instalados do aplicativo. | |
applicationDomain — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader.IBundleLoaderContext | |
The ApplicationDomain for the bundle being loaded. | |
applicationDomain — Propriedade, classe fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
Quando um arquivo SWF externo é carregado, todas as definições do ActionScript 3.0 contidas na classe carregada são armazenadas na propriedade applicationDomain. | |
applicationDomain — Propriedade, classe flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Quando um arquivo SWF externo é carregado, todas as definições do ActionScript 3.0 contidas na classe carregada são armazenadas na propriedade applicationDomain. | |
applicationDomain — Propriedade, classe flash.system.LoaderContext | |
Especifica o domínio de aplicativo a ser usado para o método Loader.load() ou Loader.loadBytes(). | |
applicationDomain — Propriedade, classe mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
The application domain to load your module into. | |
applicationDomain — Propriedade, classe spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
The application domain to load your module into. | |
ApplicationDomain — classe final, pacote flash.system | |
A classe ApplicationDomain é um contêiner de grupos distintos de definições de classe. | |
ApplicationDomain(parentDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain) — Construtor, classe flash.system.ApplicationDomain | |
Cria um novo domínio de aplicativo. | |
applicationDomainTarget — Propriedade, classe mx.core.RSLData | |
The requested application domain to load the RSL into. | |
ApplicationDomainTarget — classe final, pacote mx.core | |
The ApplicationDomainTarget class defines the possible values for the applicationDomainTarget property of the RSLData class. | |
applicationDPI — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Application | |
The DPI of the application. | |
applicationDPI — Propriedade, classe spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Returns the DPI of the application. | |
applicationDPI — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.ViewMenuSkin | |
Returns the DPI of the application. | |
applicationDPI — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.MobileSkin | |
Returns the DPI of the application. | |
applicationID — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
O ID desse aplicativo. | |
applicationID — Propriedade, classe mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
The identifier that AIR uses to identify the application. | |
applicationID — Propriedade, classe spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
The identifier that AIR uses to identify the application. | |
applicationList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.RequestApplicationListEvent | |
An array of type IApplicationListItem representing the applications available to the current user. | |
ApplicationListItem — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl | |
The ApplicationListItem provides information about a given IApplication suitable for display to a user. | |
ApplicationListItem() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl.ApplicationListItem | |
Constructor. | |
applicationName — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.MarshalledAutomationEvent | |
Contains string which represents the application Name for the application. | |
applicationNode — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Returns the underlying Composite Application Framework SDK IApplication. | |
ApplicationSkin — classe, pacote spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark Application component. | |
ApplicationSkin — classe, pacote spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark Application component. | |
ApplicationSkin() — Construtor, classe spark.skins.spark.ApplicationSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ApplicationSkin() — Construtor, classe spark.skins.wireframe.ApplicationSkin | |
Constructor. | |
applicationSpecifier — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.RequestApplicationEvent | |
The initialized, but unresolved and non-loaded IApplicationSpecifier object | |
ApplicationSpecifier — classe, pacote com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl | |
The ApplicationSpecifier provides information about a given IApplication suitable for display to a user. | |
ApplicationSpecifier(name:String, session:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:ISession) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl.ApplicationSpecifier | |
Constructor. | |
applicationStorageDirectory — Propriedade estática, classe flash.filesystem.File | |
O diretório de armazenamento particular do aplicativo. | |
applicationTimeOut — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
Application Idle time out in seconds | |
ApplicationTitleBarBackgroundSkin — classe, pacote mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
ApplicationTitleBarBackgroundSkin() — Construtor, classe mx.skins.halo.ApplicationTitleBarBackgroundSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ApplicationUpdater — classe, pacote air.update | |
A classe ApplicationUpdater define a funcionalidade básica da estrutura de atualização de aplicativos do Adobe® AIR®, sem fornecer nenhuma interface de usuário padrão. | |
ApplicationUpdater() — Construtor, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
A função de construtor. | |
ApplicationUpdaterUI — classe, pacote air.update | |
A classe ApplicationUpdaterUI define a funcionalidade básica da estrutura de atualização para aplicativos do Adobe® AIR® e fornece uma interface de usuário padrão. | |
ApplicationUpdaterUI() — Construtor, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
A função de construtor. | |
APPLICATION_URL_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.BrowserChangeEvent | |
The BrowserChangeEvent.APPLICATION_URL_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a applicationURLChange event. | |
apply(thisArg:any, argArray:any) — método, classe Function | |
Especifica o valor de thisObject a ser usado em qualquer função chamada pelo ActionScript. | |
apply(... rest) — método, interface com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.IOperator | |
Applies the operator to the given operands | |
apply(... rest) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators.BinaryOperator | |
Applies the operator to the given operands | |
apply(... rest) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators.UnaryOperator | |
Applies the operator to the given operands | |
apply(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITabStopFormat) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat | |
Substitui os valores de propriedades neste objeto TabStopFormat pelos valores das propriedades definidas na instância ITabStopFormat de entrada. | |
apply(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Substitui os valores de propriedades neste objeto TextLayoutFormat pelos valores das propriedades definidas na instância ITextLayoutFormat de entrada. | |
apply(g:flash.display:Graphics, targetBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, targetOrigin:flash.geom:Point) — método, classe mx.graphics.GradientStroke | |
Applies the properties to the specified Graphics object. | |
apply(graphics:flash.display:Graphics, targetBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, targetOrigin:flash.geom:Point) — método, interface mx.graphics.IStroke | |
Applies the properties to the specified Graphics object. | |
apply(graphics:flash.display:Graphics, targetBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, targetOrigin:flash.geom:Point) — método, classe mx.graphics.LinearGradientStroke | |
Applies the properties to the specified Graphics object. | |
apply(graphics:flash.display:Graphics, targetBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, targetOrigin:flash.geom:Point) — método, classe mx.graphics.SolidColorStroke | |
Applies the properties to the specified Graphics object. | |
apply(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — método, classe mx.states.AddChild | |
Applies the override. | |
apply(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — método, classe mx.states.AddItems | |
Applies the override. | |
apply(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — método, interface mx.states.IOverride | |
Applies the override. | |
apply(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — método, classe mx.states.OverrideBase | |
Applies the override. | |
apply(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — método, classe mx.states.RemoveChild | |
Applies the override. | |
apply(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — método, classe mx.states.SetEventHandler | |
Applies the override. | |
apply(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — método, classe mx.states.SetProperty | |
Applies the override. | |
apply(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — método, classe mx.states.SetStyle | |
Applies the override. | |
applyCellSelectionEffect(indicator:flash.display:Sprite, uid:String, columnIndex:int, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Sets up the effect for applying the selection indicator. | |
applyChangesPostLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.AnimateTransform | |
Subclasses of AnimateTransform use this flag to specify whether the effect changes transform values used by the layout manager, or whether it changes values used after layout is run. | |
applyChangesPostLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.AnimateTransform3D | |
Used by the subclasses of AnimateTransform to specify whether the effect changes transform values used by the layout manager, or whether it changes values used after layout is run. | |
applyClientLoadBalancingSettings(props:XML) — método, classe mx.messaging.Channel | |
Applies the client load balancing urls if they exists. | |
applyColorTransform(displayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject, originalColor:uint, tintColor:uint) — método, classe spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.MobileSkin | |
A helper method to set a color transform on a DisplayObject. | |
applyComputedMatrix() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Commits the computed matrix built from the combination of the layout matrix and the transform offsets to the flash displayObject's transform. | |
applyContainerFormat(containerFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Aplica estilos do contêiner a todos os contêineres da seleção. | |
applyContainerFormat(format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Aplica estilos do contêiner a todos os contêineres da seleção. | |
ApplyElementIDOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe ChangeElementIDOperation encapsula uma alteração de ID de elemento. | |
ApplyElementIDOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, newID:String, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyElementIDOperation | |
Cria um objeto ChangeElementIDOperation. | |
ApplyElementStyleNameOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe ApplyElementStyleNameOperation encapsula a alteração de um nome de estilo. | |
ApplyElementStyleNameOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, newStyleName:String, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyElementStyleNameOperation | |
Cria um objeto ApplyElementStyleNameOperation. | |
ApplyElementTypeNameOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe ApplyElementTypeNameOperation encapsula a alteração de um nome de tipo. | |
ApplyElementTypeNameOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, typeName:String, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyElementTypeNameOperation | |
Cria um objeto ApplyElementTypeNameOperation. | |
ApplyElementUserStyleOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe ApplyElementUserStyleOperation encapsula uma alteração em um valor de estilo de um elemento. | |
ApplyElementUserStyleOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, styleName:String, value:any, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyElementUserStyleOperation | |
Cria um objeto ApplyElementUserStyleOperation. | |
applyFilter(sourceBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, destPoint:flash.geom:Point, filter:flash.filters:BitmapFilter) — método, classe flash.display.BitmapData | |
Usa uma imagem de origem e um objeto de filtro e gera a imagem filtrada. | |
applyFormat(leafFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Altera os formatos da seleção especificada (ou atual). | |
applyFormat(leafFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Altera os formatos da seleção especificada (ou atual). | |
ApplyFormatOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe ApplyFormatOperation encapsula a alteração de estilo. | |
ApplyFormatOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, leafFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyFormatOperation | |
Cria um objeto ApplyFormatOperation. | |
applyFormatToElement(targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Aplica estilos ao elemento especificado. | |
applyFormatToElement(targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Aplica estilos ao elemento especificado. | |
ApplyFormatToElementOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe ApplyFormatToElementOperation encapsula a alteração de estilo de um elemento. | |
ApplyFormatToElementOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyFormatToElementOperation | |
Cria um objeto ApplyFormatToElementOperation. | |
applyItemRendererProperties(instance:flash.display:DisplayObject, cache:mx.charts.chartClasses:InstanceCache) — método, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Customizes the item renderer instances used to represent the chart. | |
applyItemRendererProperties(instance:flash.display:DisplayObject, cache:mx.charts.chartClasses:InstanceCache) — método, classe mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Customizes the item renderer instances that are used to represent the chart. | |
applyItemRendererProperties(instance:flash.display:DisplayObject, cache:mx.charts.chartClasses:InstanceCache) — método, classe mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Applies style properties to the specified DisplayObject. | |
applyItemRendererProperties(instance:flash.display:DisplayObject, cache:mx.charts.chartClasses:InstanceCache) — método, classe mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Customizes the item renderer instances that are used to represent the chart. | |
applyItemRendererProperties(instance:flash.display:DisplayObject, cache:mx.charts.chartClasses:InstanceCache) — método, classe mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
Customizes the item renderer instances that are used to represent the chart. | |
applyItemRendererProperties(instance:flash.display:DisplayObject, cache:mx.charts.chartClasses:InstanceCache) — método, classe mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
Customizes the item renderer instances that are used to represent the chart. | |
applyLeafFormat(characterFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Alterações no formato aplicadas aos elementos folha na seleção especificada (ou atual). | |
applyLeafFormat(format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Alterações no formato aplicadas aos elementos folha na seleção especificada (ou atual). | |
applyLink(href:String, targetString:String, extendToLinkBoundary:Boolean, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Transforma uma seleção em um link, ou um link em texto normal. | |
applyLink(href:String, target:String, extendToLinkBoundary:Boolean, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Transforma uma seleção em um link, ou um link em texto normal. | |
ApplyLinkOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe ApplyLinkOperation encapsula uma operação de criação ou modificação de link. | |
ApplyLinkOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, href:String, target:String, extendToLinkBoundary:Boolean) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyLinkOperation | |
Cria um objeto ApplyLinkOperation. | |
applyLocalProjection — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.AnimateTransform3D | |
If true, the effect creates a perspective projection using the other projection-related properties in the effect and applies it to the target component's parent when it starts playing. | |
applyNonLinearFontScaling — Propriedade, classe flash.text.engine.TextBlock | |
Especifica que você deseja aprimorar a aparência da tela em detrimento da fidelidade de impressão de WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get, você tem o que vê). | |
applyParagraphFormat(paragraphFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Aplica estilos do parágrafo a todos os parágrafos da seleção. | |
applyParagraphFormat(format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Aplica estilos do parágrafo a todos os parágrafos da seleção. | |
applySelectionEffect(indicator:flash.display:Sprite, uid:String, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Sets up the effect for applying the selection indicator. | |
applySelectionEffect(indicator:flash.display:Sprite, uid:String, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Sets up the effect for applying the selection indicator. | |
applySeriesSet(seriesSet:Array, transform:mx.charts.chartClasses:DataTransform) — método, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Preprocesses the series and transform for display. | |
applySettings(settings:XML) — método, classe mx.messaging.Channel | |
Subclasses should override this method to apply any settings that may be necessary for an individual channel. | |
applySubtitutionRule(varName:String, rule:String, value:String) — método, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ContextData | |
Convenience method to apply the specified rule to the specified variable in the variableSubstitutionRules property. | |
applyTCY(tcyOn:Boolean, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Transforma o texto em uma execução TCY, ou uma execução TCY em texto não TCY. | |
applyTCY(tcyOn:Boolean, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — método, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Transforma o texto em uma execução TCY, ou uma execução TCY em texto não TCY. | |
ApplyTCYOperation — classe, pacote flashx.textLayout.operations | |
A classe ApplyTCYOperation encapsula uma transformação TCY. | |
ApplyTCYOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, tcyOn:Boolean) — Construtor, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyTCYOperation | |
Cria um objeto ApplyTCYOperation. | |
applyTransitionEndProperties — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.Effect | |
This flag controls whether the effect, when run in a transition, automatically applies the property values according to the end state, as opposed to leaving values as set by the effect itself. | |
applyUserStylesForItemRenderer(givenItemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Applies styles from the AdvancedDatagrid control to an item renderer. | |
applyValueToTarget(target:Object, property:String, value:any, props:Object) — método, classe mx.effects.Effect | |
Used internally by the Effect infrastructure. | |
appName — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewTemplate | |
Name of the application that created a template. | |
appName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewTemplate | |
Name of the application that created a template. | |
appName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewTemplateVO | |
Name of the application that created the template. | |
appName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.TemplateSearchFilterVO | |
Name of the application that created the template. | |
approvalStage — Estado da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.StageInfo | |
The skin state when a approval stage is associated with the component. | |
approvalStage — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.ApprovalStage | |
The approval stage associated with this component. | |
approvalStage — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.SignatureTab | |
The approval stage associated with the signature tab. | |
ApprovalStage — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage | |
Specifies the properties of an approval stage. | |
ApprovalStage — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages | |
The host component for the component displaying information about an approval stage. | |
ApprovalStage() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.ApprovalStage | |
Constructor. | |
ApprovalStage() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.ApprovalStage | |
The constructor for ApprovalStage class. | |
approvalStageView — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.StageInfo | |
A reference to the ApprovalStage object that displays the details of an approval stage. A reference to the ApprovalStage object that displays the details of an approval stage. | |
APPROVED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ApproverStatus | |
Specifies the approver status when the document has been approved by the approver. | |
APPROVED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.StageStatus | |
Specifies that the review stage is over. | |
APPROVED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.ApproverStatus | |
The approver status when the document (task) has been approved by the approver. | |
APPROVED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.StageStatus | |
APPROVED status means the stage is over. | |
APPROVED_BY_INITIATOR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.AuthorStatus | |
APPROVED_BY_INITIATOR implies that content submitted by author has been approved by initiator. | |
Approver — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | |
Specifies the properties of a review participant who is an approver. | |
Approver — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | |
This class defines an approver in an approval stage. | |
Approver() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.Approver | |
Constructor. | |
Approver(value:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:ApproverVO) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Approver | |
The constructor for Approver class. | |
APPROVER — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant.Roles | |
The role of an approver in a review workflow. | |
approverChkBox — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.AddApprovalStageParticipant | |
A reference to the CheckBox object. If the check box is selected then the added participant is added as an approver. A reference to the CheckBox object. | |
ApproverCollection — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant | |
Specifies that Approver objects are added to a collection. | |
ApproverCollection(source:Array) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.ApproverCollection | |
Constructor. | |
approverEndDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.Approver | |
Specifies the date when the approver completed the task. | |
APPROVER_EVENT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event.StageParticipantEvent | |
This value indicates that the added participant is an approver. | |
APPROVER_ROLE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewSearchFilter | |
Specifies the approver role. | |
approvers — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.ApprovalStage | |
Specifies a collection of approvers for this stage. | |
approverStartDate — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.Approver | |
Specifies the date when the task is assigned to the approver. | |
ApproverStatus — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | |
The ApproverStatus enumerator. | |
ApproverStatus — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | |
ApproverStatus Enum. | |
ApproverStatus() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ApproverStatus | |
Provides values for the status property of an approver. | |
ApproverStatus() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.ApproverStatus | |
The constructor for ApproverStatus class. | |
ApproverVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | |
Represents an approver in an approval stage. | |
ApproverVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ApproverVO | |
The constructor for ApproverVO class. | |
approximate — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData | |
If true, the rowIndex and columnIndex properties contain approximate values, and not the exact value. | |
approximate — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSelectionData | |
If true, then the index property is an approximate value and not the exact value. | |
APPROXIMATE_TEXT_FIELD — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.LeadingModel | |
Especifica um modelo de entrelinha que aproxima o comportamento de espaçamento entre linhas de TextField. | |
appTitle — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.air.AirFunctionsHelper | |
Returns the title of window of top level application | |
appVersion — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
CM Version string. | |
ARABIC_INDIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Representa o valor de Unicode para o dígito zero do conjunto de dígitos arábico e indianos. | |
ARABIC_INDIC — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
Numeração que usa script arábico. | |
ARCHIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.FormState | |
Specifies the enumerator code for Archive state. | |
ARCHIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.LetterState | |
Specifies the enumerator code for Archive state. | |
ARCHIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectState | |
Specifies the enumerator code for Archive state. | |
ARCHIVE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.TBXState | |
Specifies the enumerator code for Archive state. | |
AreaChart — classe, pacote mx.charts | |
The AreaChart control represents data as an area bounded by a line connecting the values in the data. | |
AreaChart() — Construtor, classe mx.charts.AreaChart | |
Constructor. | |
areaCode — Propriedade, classe mx.formatters.PhoneFormatter | |
Area code number added to a seven-digit United States format phone number to form a 10-digit phone number. | |
areaCodeFormat — Propriedade, classe mx.formatters.PhoneFormatter | |
Default format for the area code when the areacode property is rendered by a seven-digit format. | |
areaFill — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Sets the fill for the area. | |
areaRenderer — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
The class that the series uses to represent the filled area on the chart. | |
AreaRenderer — classe, pacote mx.charts.renderers | |
The default class used to render the area beneath the dataPoints of an AreaSeries object. | |
AreaRenderer() — Construtor, classe mx.charts.renderers.AreaRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
AreaSeries — classe, pacote mx.charts.series | |
Defines a data series for an AreaChart control. | |
AreaSeries() — Construtor, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Constructor. | |
AreaSeriesAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AreaSeries class. | |
AreaSeriesAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts.series:AreaSeries) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.AreaSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
AreaSeriesItem — classe, pacote mx.charts.series.items | |
Represents the information required to render an item as part of an AreaSeries. | |
AreaSeriesItem(element:mx.charts.series:AreaSeries, item:Object, index:uint) — Construtor, classe mx.charts.series.items.AreaSeriesItem | |
Constructor. | |
AreaSeriesRenderData — classe, pacote mx.charts.series.renderData | |
Represents all the information needed by the AreaSeries to render. | |
AreaSeriesRenderData(element:mx.charts.series:AreaSeries, cache:Array, filteredCache:Array, renderedBase:Number, radius:Number) — Construtor, classe mx.charts.series.renderData.AreaSeriesRenderData | |
Constructor. | |
AreaSet — classe, pacote mx.charts.series | |
A grouping set that can be used to stack AreaSeries objects in any chart. | |
AreaSet() — Construtor, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSet | |
Constructor. | |
areaStroke — Estilo, classe mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Sets the line style for the area. | |
ARecord — classe, pacote flash.net.dns | |
A classe ARecord representa um registro de recurso do Sistema de nome de domínio (DNS) que contém um endereço IPv4. | |
ARecord() — Construtor, classe flash.net.dns.ARecord | |
Cria um registro de recurso A. | |
areInaccessibleObjectsUnderPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, classe flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
Indica se restrições de segurança fariam com que qualquer objeto de exibição fosse omitido da lista retornada com a chamada do método DisplayObjectContainer.getObjectsUnderPoint() junto com o ponto especificado. | |
areInaccessibleObjectsUnderPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, interface mx.core.IContainer | |
Indica se restrições de segurança fariam com que qualquer objeto de exibição fosse omitido da lista retornada com a chamada do método DisplayObjectContainer.getObjectsUnderPoint() junto com o ponto especificado. | |
areSoundsInaccessible() — Método estático , classe flash.media.SoundMixer | |
Determina se os sons não são acessíveis devido a restrições de segurança. | |
args — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationFlexNativeMenuEvent | |
args — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationRecordEvent | |
A serialized representation of the event as an Array of it's property values. | |
args — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.CallAction | |
Arguments passed to the function that is called by this effect. | |
args — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.CallActionInstance | |
Arguments passed to the function that is called by this effect. | |
ArgumentError — Classe dinâmica, Nível superior | |
A classe ArgumentError representa um erro que ocorre quando os argumentos fornecidos em uma função não correspondem aos argumentos definidos para essa função. | |
ArgumentError(message:String) — Construtor, classe ArgumentError | |
Cria um objeto ArgumentError. | |
ARGUMENT_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.events.MediaErrorCodes | |
Error constant for when a MediaElement encounters an argument error. | |
argumentNames — Propriedade, classe mx.data.ManagedRemoteServiceOperation | |
An ordered list of the names of the arguments to pass to a method invocation. | |
argumentNames — Propriedade, classe mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
An ordered list of the names of the arguments to pass to a method invocation. | |
argumentNames — Propriedade, classe mx.rpc.remoting.Operation | |
An ordered list of the names of the arguments to pass to a method invocation. | |
arguments — classe, Nível superior | |
Um objeto de argumentos é usado para armazenar e acessar os argumentos de uma função. | |
arguments — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeProcessStartupInfo | |
Os argumentos da linha de comando que serão passados para o processo na inicialização. | |
arguments — Propriedade, classe flash.events.BrowserInvokeEvent | |
A matriz dos argumentos (strings) a ser transmitida ao aplicativo. | |
arguments — Propriedade, classe flash.events.InvokeEvent | |
A matriz dos argumentos da string transmitida durante esta invocação. | |
arguments — Propriedade, classe mx.rpc.AbstractOperation | |
The arguments to pass to the Operation when it is invoked. | |
arithmeticalOperButtonBar — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars.EBToolBar | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display arithmetical Buttonbar. A Skin part which defines UI component to display arithmetical Buttonbar. | |
Array(... rest) — Função do pacote, Nível superior | |
Cria uma nova matriz. | |
Array — Classe dinâmica, Nível superior | |
A classe Array permite acessar e manipular matrizes. | |
Array(... rest) — Construtor, classe Array | |
Permite criar uma matriz que contenha os elementos especificados. | |
Array(numElements:int) — Construtor, classe Array | |
Permite criar uma matriz do número especificado de elementos. | |
arrayAdd(parent:Array, child:Array) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.fiber.util.FiberUtils | |
Adds the contents of child array to the contents of parent array. | |
ArrayCollection — classe, pacote mx.collections | |
The ArrayCollection class is a wrapper class that exposes an Array as a collection that can be accessed and manipulated using the methods and properties of the ICollectionView or IList interfaces. | |
ArrayCollection(source:Array) — Construtor, classe mx.collections.ArrayCollection | |
Constructor. | |
arrayCompare(array1:Array, array2:Array) — Método estático , classe com.adobe.fiber.util.FiberUtils | |
Compares the contents of two arrays. | |
ArrayList — classe, pacote mx.collections | |
The ArrayList class is a simple implementation of IList that uses a backing Array as the source of the data. | |
ArrayList(source:Array) — Construtor, classe mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Construct a new ArrayList using the specified array as its source. | |
arraySortOnOptions — Propriedade, interface mx.collections.ISortField | |
This helper property is used internally by the findItem() and sort() methods. | |
arraySortOnOptions — Propriedade, classe mx.collections.SortField | |
This helper property is used internally by the findItem() and sort() methods. | |
arraySortOnOptions — Propriedade, classe spark.collections.SortField | |
This helper property is used internally by the findItem() and sort() methods. | |
ArrayUtil — classe, pacote mx.utils | |
The ArrayUtil utility class is an all-static class with methods for working with arrays within Flex. | |
arrow — Parte da capa, classe spark.components.Callout | |
An optional skin part that visually connects the owner to the contentGroup. An optional skin part that visually connects the owner to the contentGroup. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins.ScrollMenuDownButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the up arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins.ScrollMenuUpButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the up arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe mx.skins.wireframe.ComboBoxSkin | |
The arrow that users click to drop down the list. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe mx.skins.wireframe.EditableComboBoxSkin | |
The arrow that users click to drop down the list. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe mx.skins.wireframe.PopUpButtonSkin | |
The arrow that users click to drop down the list. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.CalloutSkin | |
An optional skin part that visually connects the owner to the contentGroup. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxButtonSkin | |
The arrow graphic displayed in the anchor button. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.DropDownListButtonSkin | |
The arrow graphic displayed in the anchor button. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.NumericStepperDecrementButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the down arrow. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.NumericStepperIncrementButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the up arrow. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the down arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the left arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarRightButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the right arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the up arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the down arrow. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.spark.SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the up arrow. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.wireframe.ComboBoxButtonSkin | |
The arrow that users click to drop down the list. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DropDownListButtonSkin | |
The arrow that users click to drop down the list. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButtonSkin | |
The arrow graphic displayed in the anchor button. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButtonSkin | |
The arrow graphic displayed in the anchor button. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the up arrow. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperIncrementButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the up arrow. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin | |
The arrow graphic displayed in the anchor button. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseScrollDownArrowSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the down arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseScrollLeftArrowSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the down arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the down arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
arrow — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseScrollUpArrowSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the up arrow in the ScrollBar component. | |
ARROW — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.MouseCursor | |
Usada para especificar se o cursor de seta deve ser usado. | |
arrowButtonStyleFilters — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Set of styles to pass from the ComboBase to the down arrow button | |
arrowButtonWidth — Estilo, classe mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Width of the arrow button in pixels. | |
arrowButtonWidth — Estilo, classe mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Number of pixels between the divider line and the right edge of the component. | |
arrowColor — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButtonSkin | |
The color of the arrow. | |
arrowColor — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButtonSkin | |
The color of the arrow. | |
arrowColor — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin | |
the color of the arrow | |
arrowColor — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin | |
the arrow color | |
arrowDirection — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Callout | |
A read-only property that indicates the direction from the callout towards the owner. | |
ArrowDirection — classe, pacote spark.components | |
Enumeration of arrow directions for use in visual components. | |
arrowDown — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin | |
The down arrow graphic displayed in the anchor button. | |
arrowHeight — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.CalloutSkin | |
Height of the arrow in vertical directions. | |
arrowKeysWrapFocus — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
If true, using arrow keys to navigate within the component wraps when it hits either end. | |
arrowPath — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutOptionMenuButtonSkin | |
Arrow and path doc. | |
arrowScrollPolicy — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableArrowMenu | |
Just like verticalScrollPolicy, except it controls how we display the up and down arrows for scrolling. | |
arrowUp — Propriedade, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin | |
The up arrow graphic displayed in the anchor button. | |
arrowWidth — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.mobile.CalloutSkin | |
Width of the arrow in vertical directions. | |
arsProcessName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies the name of the process that is used to generate an approval routing sheet. | |
arsProcessName — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
Name of the process used to generate Approval Routing Sheet (ARS). | |
arsProcessName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Name of the process used to generate Approval Routing Sheet (ARS). | |
arsProcessName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewContextVO | |
Name of the process used to generate Approval Routing Sheet (ARS). | |
artist — Propriedade, classe flash.media.ID3Info | |
O nome do artista; corresponde à marca ID3 2.0 TPE1. | |
as — Operador | |
Avalia se uma expressão especificada pelo primeiro operando é um membro do tipo de dados especificado pelo segundo operando. | |
AS3 — Instrução | |
Define métodos e propriedades das principais classes ActionScript que são propriedades fixas em vez de propriedades de protótipo. | |
ascending — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SortField | |
Tells whether the sorting has to be done in asecnding or descending order. | |
ascending — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SortFieldImpl | |
Tells whether the sorting has to be done in asecnding or descending order. | |
ascent — Propriedade, classe flash.text.TextLineMetrics | |
O valor de subida do texto é o comprimento da linha de base até o topo da altura da linha em pixels. | |
ascent — Propriedade, classe flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
Especifica o número de pixels da linha de base até a parte superior dos caracteres mais altos da linha. | |
ascent — Propriedade, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IVerticalJustificationLine | |
Especifica o número de pixels da linha de base até a parte superior dos caracteres mais altos da linha. | |
ascent — Propriedade, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
Especifica o número de pixels da linha de base até a parte superior dos caracteres mais altos da linha. | |
ASCENT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.TextBaseline | |
Especifica uma linha de base elevada. | |
ASCENT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.BaselineOffset | |
Especifica um deslocamento igual à subida da linha, ou seja, a subida da fonte mais alta da linha, dando conta de gráficos inline que têm a parte inferior do gráfico na linha de base. | |
ASCENT_DESCENT_UP — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.LeadingModel | |
Especifica que a base de leading é ASCENT/DESCENT e que a direção de leading é UP. | |
asin(val:Number) — Método estático , classe Math | |
Calcula e retorna o seno de arco do número especificado no parâmetro val, em radianos. | |
aspectRatio — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.LegendData | |
Determines the size and placement of the legend marker. | |
aspectRatio — Propriedade, classe spark.components.Application | |
Returns the aspect ratio of the top level stage based on its width and height. | |
aspectRatio — Propriedade, classe spark.preloaders.SplashScreenImageSource | |
The required aspect ratio of the mobile device. | |
ASSERTION — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.TicketType | |
A special value that specifies that ticket referes to an assertion. | |
assertionId — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.component.AttachmentListComponent | |
The assertion string used by this component. | |
assertionId — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.icc.services.user.ISSOManager | |
Get the assertionId for the logged in user | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetFocusEvent | |
Name of the action. | |
asset — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview.IAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset for which the preview needs to be created | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.BaseAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Asset value object used in the renderer | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.relationships.RelationshipVO | |
Asset whose relationships are obtained. | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ConditionAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset for which the preview needs to be created | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.FragmentAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset for which the preview needs to be created | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ImageAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset for which the preview needs to be created | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LayoutAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset for which the preview needs to be created | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LetterAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset for which the preview needs to be created | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset for which the preview needs to be created | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.TextAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset for which the preview needs to be created | |
asset — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.ITeamMember | |
A reference of the asset to which the team member is assigned. | |
asset — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
Defines the asset of WorkItem. | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.TeamMember | |
A reference of the asset to which the team member is assigned. | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Defines the asset of WorkItem. | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.event.TeamPodEvent | |
This method gets the asset associated with the event. | |
asset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.WorkItemVO | |
Defines the asset of WorkItem. | |
Asset — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl | |
This class defines an Asset domain entity. | |
Asset(value:com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo:AssetVO, workItem:com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain:IWorkItem) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Asset | |
The constructor of Asset class. | |
assetAction — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.toolbar.IAssetActionRenderer | |
AssetAction associated with the ActionsRenderer | |
assetAction — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlButtonAssetActionRenderer | |
Asset action associated with this renderer | |
assetAction — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlImageAssetActionRenderer | |
Asset Action used to render the action | |
AssetAction — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset | |
This Class represent the Action (and it's visual properties) that can be taken on the Asset Type to which this AssetAction is associated | |
AssetAction — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | |
Represents an action that can be taken on an asset type that is associated with the action. | |
AssetAction() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetAction | |
Constructor | |
assetActionClick — Evento, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.toolbar.IAssetActionRenderer | |
Throws an Event (assetActionClick) on Click of Asset Action of type (AssetActionEvent) | |
assetActionClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.SearchResultsGrid | |
Dispatches this event when an asset has been clicked | |
assetActionClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar | |
Throws assetActionClick event on Click of Asset Action of type (AssetActionEvent) | |
assetActionClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.AddAssetPopUp | |
Throws assetActionClick event on Click of Asset Action of type (AssetActionEvent) | |
assetActionClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.Toolbar | |
assetActionClick is dispatched from the Toolbar when any control is clicked on the toolbar | |
assetActionClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlButtonAssetActionRenderer | |
Throws an Event (assetActionClick) on Click of Asset Action of type (AssetActionEvent) | |
assetActionClick — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlImageAssetActionRenderer | |
Throws an Event (assetActionClick) on Click of Asset Action of type (AssetActionEvent) | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
assetActionComplete event thrown when AssetHandler has completed the assetAction taken by user through ui. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
Dispatched when the handling of an action is complete. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Dispatched when an handling of an action is complete. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Dispatched when an handling of an action is complete. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Dispatched when an handling of an action is complete. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Dispatched when an handling of an action is complete. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Dispatched when an handling of an action is complete. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Dispatched when an handling of an action is complete. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Dispatched when an handling of an action is complete. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Dispatched when the handling of an action is complete. | |
assetActionComplete — Evento, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
An event that is thrown when AssetHandler has completed the assetAction initiated by the user via the user interface. | |
AssetActionCompleteEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | |
Event to be thrown by AssetHandlers to notify Asset Manager when action taken from AssetManager UI is completed | |
AssetActionCompleteEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event | |
Thrown by AssetHandlers to notify the Asset Manager building block that an action from the Manage Assets UI is complete. | |
AssetActionCompleteEvent(type:String, vActionName:String, vAssetType:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionCompleteEvent | |
Constructor | |
AssetActionCompleteEvent(type:String, vActionName:String, vAssetType:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.AssetActionCompleteEvent | |
Constructor. | |
AssetActionEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | |
Event dispatched when user clicks on one of asset action shown on the Search Results Viewer's AssetActionsRenderer (Control button bar). | |
AssetActionEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event | |
Dispatched when the user selects an action from the toolbar of the Manage Assets UI Search Results Viewer. | |
AssetActionEvent(actionName:String, actionItems:Array, vAssetType:String, type:String, creationDate:Date) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Constructor | |
AssetActionEvent(actionName:String, actionItems:Array, vAssetType:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Constructor. | |
assetActionItem — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar | |
Factory for Asset Action Factory for Asset Action | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionsChangeEvent | |
The actions associated with an Asset | |
assetActions — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.IAssetHandler | |
returns the list of Actions associated with the asset handled by this handler | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Collection of the actions associated with asset. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.IAssetHandler | |
Specifies the list of actions that are associated with the asset that is handled by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.PermissionBasedAssetHandler | |
Specifies the list of actions that are associated with the asset that is handled by this handler. | |
assetActions — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Specifies the collection of actions associated with the asset. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
assetActionsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
ASSET_ACTIONS_CHANGED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
This constant specifies the event that the asset actions have changed | |
AssetActionsChangeEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | |
This event must be thrown by the Custom Asset Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | |
AssetActionsChangeEvent(assetActions:Array, assetType:String, type:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionsChangeEvent | |
Constructor | |
assetActionsRenderer — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Fully qualified class name of the custiom asset actions renderer (toolbar). | |
assetActionsRenderer — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Specifies the fully qualified class name of the custom asset actions renderer. | |
assetButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlButtonAssetActionRenderer | |
Button Renderer Skin Part Button Renderer Skin Part | |
assetCondition — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ConditionAssetPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the list of conditions and results A skin part that defines the list of conditions and results | |
assetContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.PreviewEvent | |
Content associated to the asset. | |
assetContent — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview.IAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Get content of the asset | |
assetContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.BaseAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Get the content of the asset | |
assetContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ConditionAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Get content of the asset | |
assetContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.FragmentAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Get content of the asset | |
assetContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ImageAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Get content of the asset | |
assetContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LayoutAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Get content of the asset | |
assetContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LetterAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Get content of the asset | |
assetContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Get content of the asset | |
assetContent — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.TextAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Get content of the asset | |
ASSET_CONTENT_MISSING — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant.StatusReasonCode | |
Indicates that an asset entity does not have any associated content. | |
assetDescList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.search.SearchQuery | |
List of AssetDescriptor on which search is to be performed | |
assetDescNameList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
List of Asset Descriptors | |
assetDescription — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.review.AssetReviewPod | |
Skin Part to display the Asset Description Skin Part to display the Asset Description | |
assetDescription — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
The description of the asset. | |
assetDescription — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Specifies the description for the asset. | |
assetDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.RelationEvent | |
Asset Type Descriptor for the above asset. | |
assetDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.VersionEvent | |
The Type of Asset Descriptor for which version history is retrieved. | |
assetDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.search.SearchQuery | |
AssetDescriptor for the asset type on which search has to be performed. | |
assetDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.SearchResultsGrid | |
Asset Type Descriptor associated with the Search results Container | |
assetDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchQuery | |
Specifies the AssetDescriptor for the asset type to perform the search on. | |
assetDescriptors — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.AssetManager | |
Local list of Asset Descriptors | |
assetDescriptors — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
local list of asset descriptors | |
assetDescriptors — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.AddAssetPopUp | |
List of Asset Descriptors | |
assetDescriptors — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.AssetManager | |
Returns the list of available AssetDescriptors. | |
assetDescriptorsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.AssetManager | |
assetDescriptorsChanged event is thrown when assetDescriptors are reset. | |
assetDescriptorsChanged — Evento, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.AssetManager | |
Thrown when assetDescriptors are reset. | |
AssetDetailsPod — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | |
Host component to show the asset details pod. | |
AssetDetailsPod() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetDetailsPod | |
The constructor for AssetDetailsPod class. | |
AssetEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.events | |
The AssetEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for domain api invokers. | |
AssetEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, fault:mx.rpc:Fault) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.events.AssetEvent | |
Constructor. | |
ASSET_EXPIRED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant.StatusReasonCode | |
Indicates that a workflow associated with an asset has reached its deadline. | |
AssetExplorerServiceDelegate — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service | |
Loads system data dictionaries. | |
assetExtendedProperty — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Is property represented by this instance is extended property of the original asset/vo | |
assetExtendedProperty — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies whether this instance of the property is an extended property of the original asset or value object. | |
ASSET_EXTENDED_PROPERTY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
This special value signifies that the property defined is an extended property | |
ASSET_EXTENDED_PROPERTY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies that the property is extended. | |
AssetFocusEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | |
Event dispatched when user hovers on one of asset shown on the Search Results Viewer's . | |
AssetFocusEvent(asset:Object, focusX:int, focusY:int, eventType:String, type:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetFocusEvent | |
Constructor | |
AssetHandlerRegistry — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers | |
This is the central registry for all the available handlers in the system. | |
AssetHandlerRegistry — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler | |
The central registry for all the available handlers in the system. | |
AssetHandlerRegistry() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
Constructor | |
AssetHandlerRegistry() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
Constructor. | |
assetIcon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListItemPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the asset icon A skin part that defines the asset icon | |
assetIcon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ConditionItemPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the asset's icon A skin part that defines the asset's icon | |
assetIcon — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ConditionItemEditor | |
A skin part that defines the asset icon A skin part that defines the asset icon | |
assetId — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.RevertAssets | |
??? | |
assetIdList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ImportExportManager | |
Gets the List of Id's of assets to be exported . | |
assetImage — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.review.AssetReviewPod | |
Skin Part of the image to be shown in Review Pod Skin Part of the image to be shown in Review Pod | |
assetImage — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlImageAssetActionRenderer | |
Image used to render the control Image used to render the control | |
assetImage — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ImageAssetPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the image A skin part that defines the image | |
assetList — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListAssetPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the list of assets included in List asset A skin part that defines the list of assets included in List asset | |
assetList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.ExportAssets | |
List of Id's of assets to be exported . | |
assetList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.ImportAssets | |
Gets the Id's of assets to be imported . | |
assetList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.RevertAssets | |
Gets the List of Id's of assets that would be reverted. | |
assetLoadError — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
assetLoadError is dispatched when there is some error in loading of assets | |
assetLoadError — Evento, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.AssetManager | |
Thrown if an error occurs when AssetTypeDescriptor is loading. | |
assetManager — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
Asset Manager Instance | |
assetManager — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.Toolbar | |
Asset Manager instance required for asset permissions and asset descriptors | |
AssetManager — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers | |
This is the domain model for the local set of asset descriptors | |
AssetManager — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers | |
The domain model that is used to load AssetDescriptors. | |
AssetManager() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.AssetManager | |
Constructor. | |
AssetManager() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.AssetManager | |
Constructor. | |
AssetManagerView — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view | |
The Uber host component of LCC which host all the other host components | |
AssetManagerView() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
Constructor | |
AssetModel — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The base domain class for all the assets. | |
assetName — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.review.AssetReviewPod | |
Skin Part to display the Asset Name Skin Part to display the Asset Name | |
assetName — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListItemPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the asset name A skin part that defines the asset name | |
assetName — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ConditionItemPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the asset name A skin part that defines the asset name | |
assetName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.WorkItemAssetSearchFilterVO | |
Defines an asset name filter to search workItems. | |
assetNameCharset — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
Set of characters that can be used for the name property of the editors | |
assetNameDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ConditionItemEditor | |
A skin part that defines the asset name A skin part that defines the asset name | |
assetNameField — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.NewAssetDialog | |
The skin part for the Asset Name field. The skin part for the Asset Name field. | |
assetNameValidator — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetDetailsPod | |
The skin part for the Asset Name validator. The skin part for the Asset Name validator. | |
assetNameValidator — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.NewAssetDialog | |
The skin part for the Asset Name validator. The skin part for the Asset Name validator. | |
assetPermissionsLoadError — Evento, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
assetPermissionsLoadError is dispatched when there is some error in loading the permission of assets | |
assetPermissionsLoadError — Evento, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.AssetManager | |
Thrown if an error occurs when permissions are loading. | |
AssetPod — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | |
This is the host component for the Asset pod. | |
AssetPod() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetPod | |
The constructor for AssetPod class. | |
AssetPropertiesEditor — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | |
The AssetPropertiesEditor class defines the base class for all the Editors | |
AssetPropertiesEditor() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.AssetPropertiesEditor | |
Constructor. | |
AssetPropertyDescriptor — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset | |
This class holds the matadata assoctiated with the Asset Property representated by this instance. | |
AssetPropertyDescriptor — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | |
Holds the metadata associated with the instance of the asset property. | |
AssetPropertyDescriptor() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Constructor. | |
assetPropertyType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Asset property type whether it is extended or core property | |
assetPropertyType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies whether the asset property type is extended or core. | |
AssetQueryServiceDelegate — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service | |
A simple delegate to QueryService that attaches success and fault listeners to the QueryService response. | |
AssetQueryServiceDelegate(vResponder:mx.rpc:IResponder) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.AssetQueryServiceDelegate | |
Constructor. | |
ASSET_REJECTED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant.StatusReasonCode | |
Indicates that an asset is rejected in the workflow. | |
AssetReviewPod — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.review | |
Review section shown as the left pane in Relationship Browser. | |
AssetReviewPod() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.review.AssetReviewPod | |
Constructor | |
assets — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetPod | |
A list of assets, to be displayed in the Asset Pod. | |
assetsDataGrid — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetPod | |
The skin part for showing the Asset datagrid. The skin part for showing the Asset datagrid. | |
ASSET_TEMPLATE_MISSING — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant.StatusReasonCode | |
Indicates that no schedule associated with a current asset is being activated. | |
assetText — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.TextAssetPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines rich editable text in preview pod A skin part that defines rich editable text in preview pod | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionCompleteEvent | |
Type of the Asset on which action is taken | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Type of asset on which action is taken | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionsChangeEvent | |
The type of asset | |
assetType — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.toolbar.IAssetActionRenderer | |
Asset Type associated with this instance of actions renderer | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.relationships.RelationshipVO | |
AssetTypeDescriptor of the above asset. | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlButtonAssetActionRenderer | |
Type of Asset to be rendered | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlImageAssetActionRenderer | |
Type of Asset to be rendered | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
The type of asset being handled by this handler. | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.AssetActionCompleteEvent | |
Specifies what type of asset the action is taken on. | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Specifies the type of asset on which to take the action. | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.RevertAssets | |
Gets the Type of the asset (Text , List , Condition etc ) | |
assetType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.WorkItemAssetSearchFilterVO | |
Defines an asset type filter to search workItems. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | |
ASSET_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.file.PRMFileRenderer | |
This constant indicates that the object for which an image is to be displayed, is an asset. | |
_assetTypeDescList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Asset Type Descriptor List on which search is to be performed. | |
assetTypeDescriptor — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview.IAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset type descriptor for the asset for which preview needs to be created | |
assetTypeDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.BaseAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Asset Type descriptor of the renderer | |
assetTypeDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ConditionAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset type descriptor for the asset for which preview needs to be created | |
assetTypeDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.FragmentAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset type descriptor for the asset for which preview needs to be created | |
assetTypeDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ImageAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset type descriptor for the asset for which preview needs to be created | |
assetTypeDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LayoutAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset type descriptor for the asset for which preview needs to be created | |
assetTypeDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LetterAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset type descriptor for the asset for which preview needs to be created | |
assetTypeDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset type descriptor for the asset for which preview needs to be created | |
assetTypeDescriptor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.TextAssetPreviewRenderer | |
The asset type descriptor for the asset for which preview needs to be created | |
AssetTypeDescriptor — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset | |
The AssetTypeDescriptor class holds the metadata properties associated with the Asset represented by this AssetTypeDescriptor. | |
AssetTypeDescriptor — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | |
Holds the metadata properties that are associated with the asset represented by the asset type descriptor. | |
AssetTypeDescriptor() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Constructor. | |
assetTypeFilter — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
DataGroup Skin Part for dynamic checkboxes created for multiple assets DataGroup Skin Part for dynamic checkboxes created for multiple assets | |
ASSET_TYPE_FILTER_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
This special constant specifies the type of event dispatched when a checkbox (for the assets) state is changed | |
assetTypesLoaded — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.AddAssetPopUp | |
Which all assets are to be loaded (based on whether they have Create Action or not ? | |
AssetValidationEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.events | |
The AssetValidationEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for domain api invokers. | |
AssetValidationEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.events.AssetValidationEvent | |
Constructor. | |
AssetValidationFaultType — classe, pacote com.adobe.icc.editors.events | |
The AssetValidationFaultType class enumerates the list of constants related to the type of errors resulting from domain validations. | |
AssetVersionPod — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset | |
The host component for Asset Version pod. | |
AssetVersionPod() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetVersionPod | |
The constructor for AssetVersionPod class. | |
assetVersionsDataGrid — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetVersionPod | |
The skin part for showing different asset versions in a datagrid. The skin part for showing different asset versions in a datagrid. | |
assetVO — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.RelationEvent | |
The Asset whose dependencies/relations are being searched for. | |
assetVO — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.VersionEvent | |
The Asset for which version history is retrieved. | |
AssetVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo | |
Defines an asset, that can be associated with a workItem in a project. | |
AssetVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AssetVO | |
The constructor for AssetVO class. | |
assignControlValueToModelValue() — método, classe ga.model.PanelItem | |
Assign the control's value to the model, doing any necessary coercions | |
assignedMaximum — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
The explicitly assigned maximum value. | |
assignedMinimum — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
The explicitly assigned minimum value. | |
assignedPosition — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance | |
The assigned position of the module within its container. | |
assignedPosition — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance | |
The assigned position of the module within its container. | |
assignedTo — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression.IExpression | |
Returns the variable this expression is assigned to, or null if the expression is not assigned to any variable. | |
assignedTo — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.TeamMember | |
Reference to the member collection to which this member is assigned. | |
assignedTo — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.common.IMember | |
Reference to the member collection to which this member is assigned. | |
assignedTo — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Participant | |
Reference to the member collection to which this member is assigned. | |
assignedTo — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageParticipant | |
Reference to the member collection to which this member is assigned. | |
assignFocus(objectToFocus:flash.display:InteractiveObject, direction:String) — método, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Define o foco do teclado como o objeto interativo especificado pelo objectToFocus, com a direção do foco especificada pelo parâmetro de direção. | |
assignFocus(direction:String) — método, classe flash.media.StageWebView | |
Atribui o foco ao conteúdo dentro deste objeto StageWebView. | |
assignFocus() — método, classe flash.text.StageText | |
Atribuir o foco para o objeto do StageText. | |
assignFocus(direction:String) — método, classe mx.core.FlexHTMLLoader | |
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. | |
assignFocus(direction:String) — método, interface mx.managers.IFocusManagerComplexComponent | |
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. | |
Assignment — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The Assignment class describes the assignment of a task and carries information that determines the queue that contains the task. | |
assignmentAdd — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
Dispatched when an assignment is added to the assignments list. | |
assignmentAdd — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Dispatched when an assignment is added to the assignments list. | |
AssignmentConstants — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt | |
The AssignmentConstants class holds constants for the Assignment class assignmentType property. | |
assignmentCreateTime — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Assignment | |
The creation date of the assignment. | |
assignmentLinkageDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.DataAssignmentRenderer | |
A skin part that defines data assignment linkage name A skin part that defines data assignment linkage name | |
assignmentList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ConditionalDataModule | |
Specifies a list of condition assignments for this condition module. | |
assignmentList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ConditionalDocument | |
Specifies the list of document assignments for this condition document. | |
assignmentList — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Specifies the array of LDMAssignment objects. | |
assignmentNameDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.DataAssignmentRenderer | |
A skin part that defines data assignment name A skin part that defines data assignment name | |
assignmentRemove — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
Dispatched when an assignment is removed from the assignments list. | |
assignmentRemove — Evento, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Dispatched when an assignment is removed from the assignments list. | |
assignments — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
The list of ConditionAssignmentModel objects. | |
assignments — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
The consolidated list of variable and field assignments of this letter. | |
assignments — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
The list of ListAssignmentModel objects. | |
assignments — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The collection of Assignment objects for the task. | |
ASSIGNMENTS_FOR_TASK_RESULT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.foundation.events.CollectionResultEvent | |
A special value that specifies to retrieve the assignments for a task. | |
assignmentSourceDisplay — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.DataAssignmentRenderer | |
A skin part that defines data assignment source A skin part that defines data assignment source | |
assignmentType — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.CDMAssignment | |
Default Assignment. | |
assignmentType — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Assignment | |
The type of assignment. | |
assignmentUpdateTime — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Assignment | |
The date of the last assignment update. | |
assignTabIndexes(startTabIndex:int) — método, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Atribui um valor tabIndex a cada um dos controles de FLVPlayback classificando-os horizontalmente da esquerda para a direita. | |
assigntaskToApproverProcess — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.ApprovalStage | |
Specifies a process that overrides the default AsignTaskToApprover process. | |
assignTaskToInitiatorProcess — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.AbstractStage | |
Specifies a process that is used to override the default AsignTaskToInitiator process. | |
assignTaskToInitiatorProcess — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IStage | |
The process that overrides the default AssignTaskToInitiator process. | |
assignTaskToInitiatorProcess — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
The process that overrides the default AssignTaskToInitiator process. | |
assignTaskToInitiatorProcess — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewStageVO | |
Process that can be used to override the default AssignTaskToInitiator process. | |
assignTaskToParticipantProcess — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IStage | |
The process that overrides the default AssignTaskToParticipant process. | |
assignTaskToParticipantProcess — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Stage | |
The process that overrides the default AssignTaskToParticipant process. | |
assignTaskToParticipantProcess — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewStageVO | |
Process that can be used to override the default AssignTaskToParticipant process. | |
assigntaskToReviewerProcess — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.ReviewStage | |
Specifies a process that overrides the default AsignTaskToReviewer process. | |
assignTo — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.expression.ExpressionVO | |
The variable to which the expression is assigned. | |
assignTo — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.IExpression | |
Returns the variable to which this expression is assigned, if any. | |
assignTo(assignTo:String, expression:String) — método, interface com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.IExpressionManager | |
Assigns the result of evaluation of the given expression to the given variable. | |
assignTo — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.impl.ExpressionImpl | |
Returns the variable to which this expression is assigned, if any. | |
assignTo(assignTo:String, expression:String) — método, classe com.adobe.solutions.exm.runtime.impl.ExpressionManagerImpl | |
Assigns the result of evaluation of the given expression to the given variable. | |
associations — Propriedade, classe mx.data.RPCDataManager | |
Array of associations for this data manager's destination. | |
asType — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationPropertyDescriptor | |
ActionScript type of this property, as a String. | |
asyncError — Evento, classe flash.net.LocalConnection | |
Despachado quando uma exceção é lançada assincronamente – ou seja, a partir do código assíncrono nativo. | |
asyncError — Evento, classe flash.net.NetConnection | |
Despachado quando uma exceção é lançada assincronamente – ou seja, a partir do código assíncrono nativo. | |
asyncError — Evento, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Despachado quando uma exceção é lançada assincronamente – ou seja, a partir do código assíncrono nativo. | |
asyncError — Evento, classe flash.net.SharedObject | |
Despachado quando uma exceção é lançada assincronamente – ou seja, a partir do código assíncrono nativo. | |
ASYNC_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.AsyncErrorEvent | |
A constante AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento asyncError. | |
ASYNC_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.events.MediaErrorCodes | |
Error constant for when a MediaElement encounters an asynchronous error. | |
AsyncErrorEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
O Flash® Player envia um AsyncErrorEvent quando uma exceção é lançada a partir de um código assíncrono nativo, que pode ser proveniente de, por exemplo, LocalConnection, NetConnection, SharedObject ou NetStream. | |
AsyncErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, text:String, error:Error) — Construtor, classe flash.events.AsyncErrorEvent | |
Cria um objeto AsyncErrorEvent que contém informações sobre eventos asyncError. | |
AsyncListView — classe, pacote mx.collections | |
The AsyncListView class is an implementation of the IList interface that handles ItemPendingErrors errors thrown by the getItemAt(), removeItemAt(), and toArray() methods. | |
AsyncListView(list:mx.collections:IList) — Construtor, classe mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
Constructor. | |
AsyncMessage — classe, pacote mx.messaging.messages | |
AsyncMessage is the base class for all asynchronous messages. | |
AsyncMessage(body:Object, headers:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage | |
Constructs an instance of an AsyncMessage with an empty body and header. | |
asyncRequest — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataServiceAdapter | |
Contains an AsyncRequest object that is used to handle all DataService operations. | |
asyncRequest — Propriedade, classe mx.data.MessagingDataServiceAdapter | |
Contains an AsyncRequest object that is used to handle all DataService operations. | |
asyncRequest — Propriedade, classe mx.data.RPCDataServiceAdapter | |
An abstract method which returns an AsyncRequest that is used to handle all DataService operations. | |
AsyncRequest — classe, pacote mx.rpc | |
The AsyncRequest class provides an abstraction of messaging for RPC call invocation. | |
AsyncRequest() — Construtor, classe mx.rpc.AsyncRequest | |
Constructs a new asynchronous request. | |
AsyncResponder — classe, pacote mx.rpc | |
This class provides an RPC specific implementation of mx.rpc.IResponder. | |
AsyncResponder(result:Function, fault:Function, token:Object) — Construtor, classe mx.rpc.AsyncResponder | |
Constructs an instance of the responder with the specified data and handlers. | |
AsyncToken — Classe dinâmica, pacote mx.rpc | |
This class provides a place to set additional or token-level data for asynchronous RPC operations. | |
AsyncToken(message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Construtor, classe mx.rpc.AsyncToken | |
Constructs an instance of the token with the specified message. | |
AsyncTokenResponder — classe, pacote mx.data | |
Subclass of AsyncResponder that exposes the result token. | |
AsyncTokenResponder(result:Function, fault:Function, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken) — Construtor, classe mx.data.AsyncTokenResponder | |
Constructor. | |
AsyncTokenWrapper — classe, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.flex.async | |
Adapt an AsyncToken to implement the IToken interface. | |
AsyncTokenWrapper(asyncToken:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, resultObject:Object) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.flex.async.AsyncTokenWrapper | |
Constructor. | |
atan(val:Number) — Método estático , classe Math | |
Calcula e retorna o valor, em radianos, do ângulo cuja tangente está especificada no parâmetro val. | |
atan2(y:Number, x:Number) — Método estático , classe Math | |
Calcula e retorna o ângulo do ponto y/x em radianos, quando medido em sentido anti-horário a partir do eixo x de um círculo (em que 0,0 representa o centro do círculo). | |
AT_BOTTOM — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar is at the bottom of its scrolling range. | |
atLeastOneProperty(o:Object) — método, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Returns true if the Object has at least one property, which means that the dictionary has at least one key. | |
AT_LEFT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar is at the left of its scrolling range. | |
atomCount — Propriedade, classe flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
O número de átomos da linha, que é o número de elementos indivisíveis, inclusive espaços e elementos gráficos. | |
atomicCompareAndSwapIntAt(byteIndex:int, expectedValue:int, newValue:int) — método, classe flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Em uma única operação atômica, ela compara um valor inteiro nesta matriz de bytes a outro valor inteiro. Se forem compatíveis, troque estes bytes por outros valores. | |
atomicCompareAndSwapLength(expectedLength:int, newLength:int) — método, classe flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Em uma operação atômica simples, ele compara o comprimento da matriz de bytes com o valor fornecido e, se forem correspondentes, altera o comprimento desta matriz de bytes. | |
AT_RIGHT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar is at the right of its scrolling range. | |
attach — Evento, classe flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Despachado quando uma operação de chamada do método attach() é concluída com êxito. | |
attach(name:String, reference:Object, responder:flash.net:Responder, encryptionKey:flash.utils:ByteArray) — método, classe flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Adiciona outro banco de dados à ocorrência SQLConnection, dando ao novo banco de dados o nome especificado. | |
attach(connection:flash.net:NetConnection) — método, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Anexa um fluxo contínuo a um novo objeto NetConnection. | |
ATTACH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation | |
Indica que o método SQLConnection.attach() foi chamado. | |
ATTACH — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.SQLEvent | |
A constante SQLEvent.ATTACH define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento attach. | |
attachAudio(microphone:flash.media:Microphone) — método, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Anexa um fluxo de áudio a um objeto NetStream a partir de um objeto Microphone transmitido como a origem. | |
attachButton — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.documents.SupportingDocuments | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object which allows users to attach a document to the list of supporting documents for this schedule template. A reference to the ButtonBase object which allows users to attach a document to the list of supporting documents for this schedule template. | |
attachCamera(theCamera:flash.media:Camera) — método, classe flash.display3D.textures.VideoTexture | |
Especifica um fluxo de vídeo de uma câmera a ser renderizado na textura do objeto VideoTexture. | |
attachCamera(theCamera:flash.media:Camera) — método, classe flash.media.StageVideo | |
Especifica um fluxo de vídeo de uma câmera a ser exibido dentro dos limites do objeto StageVideo no aplicativo utilizando o GPU para renderização. | |
attachCamera(camera:flash.media:Camera) — método, classe flash.media.Video | |
Especifica um fluxo de vídeo a partir de uma câmera a ser exibido dentro dos limites do objeto Video no aplicativo. | |
attachCamera(theCamera:flash.media:Camera, snapshotMilliseconds:int) — método, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Inicia a captura de vídeo a partir da câmera ou para a captura quando theCamera está definido como "null". | |
attachCamera(camera:flash.media:Camera) — método, classe mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies to play a video stream from a camera. | |
attachListeners(systemManager:mx.managers:ISystemManager) — método, classe mx.managers.LayoutManager | |
Attachment — classe, pacote com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | |
This class models an <attachment> element in the package definition. | |
Attachment() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Attachment | |
Constructor. | |
AttachmentCommand — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The AttachmentCommand class is a generic command that has direct association with a TaskAttachmentInfo object. | |
AttachmentCommand(name:String, taskAttachmentInfo:lc.procmgmt.domain:TaskAttachmentInfo) — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.commands.AttachmentCommand | |
Constructor. | |
attachmentCount — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.AttachmentLoader | |
The number of Attachment objects associated to this loader. | |
AttachmentEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.events | |
The AttachmentEvent event is dispatched when the user adds, removes and uploads attachments. | |
attachmentFiles — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.PopRecord | |
A tab-separated list of the locations of the attachment files. | |
ATTACHMENT_FILL_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleEvent | |
The attachmentFillComplete event type. | |
AttachmentHeader — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | |
The AttachmentHeader component provides the user interface for adding a note or an attachment to a task. | |
AttachmentHeader() — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeader | |
Constructor. | |
AttachmentHeaderBase — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | |
The AttachmentHeaderBase class acts as the parent for the AttachmentHeader class. | |
attachmentHeaderModel — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentsModel | |
The model for the AttachmentHeader component. | |
AttachmentHeaderModel — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | |
The AttachmentsHeaderModel class acts as the model for the AttachmentsHeader component. | |
AttachmentHeaderModel() — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Constructor. | |
AttachmentIconRenderer — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.renderers | |
The AttachmentIconRenderer class is the default icon renderer for the AttachmentList class. | |
AttachmentIconRendererSkin — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.skin.renderers | |
The AttachmentIconRenderSkin class provides the renderer for the attachment icon. | |
AttachmentIconRendererSkin() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.skin.renderers.AttachmentIconRendererSkin | |
Constructor. | |
attachmentInfo — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskAttachmentInfo | |
An AttachmentInfo object that stores the information for the attachments. | |
AttachmentInfo — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The AttachmentInfo class provides support for managing attachments and notes with tasks. | |
AttachmentList — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain | |
The AttachmentList class is an extension of the List class. | |
AttachmentList — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | |
The AttachmentsList component displays the list of attachments and notes associated with a task. | |
AttachmentList() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.AttachmentList | |
Constructor. | |
AttachmentList() — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentList | |
Constructor. | |
AttachmentListComponent — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.component | |
The AttachmentListComponent UX component displays the list of attachments associated with a specific task and allows the user to add, remove, and download attachments. | |
AttachmentListComponent() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.component.AttachmentListComponent | |
Constructor. | |
attachmentListModel — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentsModel | |
The model for the AttachmentList component. | |
AttachmentListModel — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | |
The AttachmentListModel class acts as the presentation model for the AttachmentList component. | |
AttachmentListModel() — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentListModel | |
Constructor. | |
AttachmentListSkin — classe, pacote com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.skin | |
The default skin for the AttachmentList UX component. | |
AttachmentListSkin() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.skin.AttachmentListSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AttachmentLoader — classe, pacote com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller | |
The attachment loader class is associated with a list of attachments in a package definition given a controller id. | |
AttachmentLoader(id:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.AttachmentLoader | |
Construct an AttachmentLoader. | |
attachmentPermissions — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
An array of the possible combinations of the AttachmentPermissions object that can be associated with an AttachmentHeader component. | |
AttachmentPermissions — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The AttachmentPermissions class stores the read/write/delete permissions for an attachment or note. | |
AttachmentPermissions(readPermission:Boolean, writePermission:Boolean, deletePermission:Boolean) — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentPermissions | |
Constructor. | |
attachments — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.PopRecord | |
Mail message attachments. | |
attachments — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Mail | |
A list of attachment filenames. | |
attachments — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.component.AttachmentListComponent | |
The embedded AttachmentList UX component. | |
attachments — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.PackageDefinition | |
A list that contains all of <attachment> entries in the package definition, wrapped in Attachment objects. | |
attachments — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A collection of Attachment objects for the task. | |
Attachments — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | |
The Attachments component provides a complete user interface for working with the attachments and notes associated with a task. | |
Attachments() — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.Attachments | |
Constructor. | |
AttachmentsModel — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments | |
The AttachmentsModel class acts as the model for the Attachments component. | |
AttachmentsModel() — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentsModel | |
Constructor. | |
attachNetStream(netStream:flash.net:NetStream) — método, classe flash.display3D.textures.VideoTexture | |
Especifica um fluxo de vídeo a ser renderizado na textura do objeto VideoTexture. | |
attachNetStream(netStream:flash.net:NetStream) — método, classe flash.media.StageVideo | |
Especifica um fluxo de vídeo a ser exibido dentro dos limites do objeto StageVideo no aplicativo. | |
attachNetStream(netStream:flash.net:NetStream) — método, classe flash.media.Video | |
Especifica um fluxo de vídeo a ser exibido dentro dos limites do objeto Video no aplicativo. | |
attachOverlay() — método, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
Used internally by the Dissolve Effect to add the overlay to the chrome of a container. | |
attachOverlay() — método, classe mx.core.Container | |
Used internally by the Dissolve Effect to add the overlay to the chrome of a container. | |
attachOverlay() — método, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
This is an internal method used by the Flex framework to support the Dissolve effect. | |
attachSkin() — método, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Create the skin for the component. | |
AT_TARGET — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.EventPhase | |
A fase de destino, que é a segunda fase do fluxo de eventos. | |
AT_TOP — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar is at the top of its scrolling range. | |
attribute(attributeName:any) — método, classe XML | |
Retorna o valor XML do atributo cujo nome corresponde ao parâmetro nomeAtributo. | |
attribute(attributeName:any) — método, classe XMLList | |
Chama o método attribute() de cada objeto XML e retorna um objeto XMLList dos resultados. | |
attribute — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterCondition | |
The attribute of the search filter condition. | |
attribute — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterSort | |
The attribute of the search filter sort. | |
attribute(attributeName:Object) — método, classe mx.collections.XMLListCollection | |
Calls the attribute() method of each XML object in the XMLList and returns an XMLList of the results, which match the given attributeName. | |
attribute — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPLevel | |
The attribute connected to this level, as an instance of OLAPAttribute. | |
Attribute — classe, pacote mx.messaging.management | |
Client representation of a MBean attribute. | |
Attribute() — Construtor, classe mx.messaging.management.Attribute | |
Creates a new instance of an empty Attribute. | |
attributeName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SearchFilter | |
Name of the attribute on which the search has to be performed. | |
attributeName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SimpleStatement | |
name of the attribute on which the search has to be performed | |
attributeName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers.BasicSearchFSTRenderer | |
Attribute name for this renderer | |
attributeName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Name of the attribute for the LHS of the statement. | |
attributeName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies the name of the attribute to perform the search on using the format <Unqualified Entity Name>.<fieldName>. | |
attributeName — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditAttributeVO | |
Gets name of the attribute. | |
attributeName — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPLevel | |
The name of the attribute to be used at this level. | |
attributes() — método, classe XML | |
Retorna uma lista de valores de atributos para o objeto XML especificado. | |
attributes() — método, classe XMLList | |
Chama o método attributes() de cada objeto XML e retorna um objeto XMLList dos atributos de cada objeto XML. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Image | |
The attributes of the cfimage tag. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
For queries: comma-delimited list of attributes to return. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthOptions | |
Current set of attributes. | |
attributes — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.IUser | |
The other attributes of the user depending on available details on the server-side. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.User | |
The other attributes of the user depending on available details on the server-side. | |
attributes — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
Defines the map of key value pair attributes. | |
attributes — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.ITeamMember | |
Defines the map of key value pair attributes. | |
attributes — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
Defines the map of key value pair attributes. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Defines the map of key value pair attributes. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.TeamMember | |
Defines the map of key value pair attributes. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Defines the map of key value pair attributes. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AbstractSearchFilterVO | |
Contain attributes like, name or template name, which uses LIKE query. | |
_attributes — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.ExtendableTaggedEntityVO | |
Map of key value pair attributes. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.ExtendableTaggedEntityVO | |
Defines the map of key value pair attributes. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe flash.xml.XMLNode | |
Um objeto contendo todos os atributos da ocorrência de XMLNode especificado. | |
attributes() — método, classe mx.collections.XMLListCollection | |
Calls the attributes() method of each XML object in the XMLList object and returns an XMList of attributes for each XML object. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.management.MBeanInfo | |
The attributes exposed by the MBean. | |
attributes — Propriedade, interface mx.olap.IOLAPDimension | |
The attributes of this dimension, as a list of OLAPAttribute instances. | |
attributes — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPDimension | |
The attributes of this dimension, as a list of OLAPAttribute instances. | |
attributeValue — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SearchFilter | |
Attribute value for the filter. | |
attributeValue — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.SimpleStatement | |
Value of the attribute to be used in search query | |
attributeValue — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Value for the RHS of the statement. | |
attributeValue — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies the attribute value for the filter. | |
attributeValue — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditAttributeVO | |
Gets value of the audit attribute. | |
attrKey — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.CustomAttribute | |
Specifies the key of the custom attribute. | |
attrKey — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.CustomAttributeVO | |
Returns the custom attribute key. | |
attrValue — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.CustomAttribute | |
Specifies the value that corresponds to the key. | |
attrValue — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.CustomAttributeVO | |
Gets the attribute value. | |
AUDIO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante associada ao valor de código de tecla do botão para selecionar o modo de áudio. | |
AUDIO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.media.MediaType | |
The type constant for audio. | |
AUDIO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.net.StreamingItemType | |
The AUDIO stream type represents an audio-only stream. | |
AUDIO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.traits.MediaTraitType | |
Identifies an instance of an AudioTrait. | |
audioBufferByteLength — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStreamInfo | |
Fornece o tamanho do buffer de áudio do Netstream em bytes. | |
audioBufferLength — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStreamInfo | |
Fornece o tamanho do buffer de áudio de NetStream em segundos. | |
audioByteCount — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStreamInfo | |
Especifica o total de bytes de áudio que chegou na fila, independentemente de quantos foram reproduzidos ou liberados. | |
audioBytesPerSecond — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStreamInfo | |
Especifica a taxa na qual o buffer de áudio NetStream é preenchido, em bytes por segundo. | |
AudioDecoder — classe final, pacote flash.media | |
A classe AudioDecoder enumera os tipos do áudio multicanal que um sistema pode suportar. | |
audioDeviceManager — Propriedade estática, classe flash.media.AudioDeviceManager | |
A ocorrência singleton do objeto AudioDeviceManager. | |
AudioDeviceManager — classe final, pacote flash.media | |
Use a classe AudioDeviceManager para obter informações do dispositivo de áudio do sistema e selecione um dispositivo para reprodução de áudio. | |
AudioElement — classe, pacote org.osmf.elements | |
AudioElement is a media element specifically created for audio playback. | |
AudioElement(resource:org.osmf.media:URLResource, loader:org.osmf.traits:LoaderBase) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.elements.AudioElement | |
Constructor. | |
AudioEvent — classe, pacote org.osmf.events | |
An AudioEvent is dispatched when the properties of an AudioTrait change. | |
AudioEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, muted:Boolean, volume:Number, pan:Number) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.events.AudioEvent | |
Constructor. | |
audioLossRate — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStreamInfo | |
Especifica a perda de áudio para a sessão de NetStream. | |
audioOutputChange — Evento, classe flash.media.AudioDeviceManager | |
Despachado quando o dispositivo de saída de áudio é alterado pelos seguintes motivos: (1) Seleção do usuário - o usuário seleciona por meio da interface do usuário de configurações do Flash Player a configuração de conteúdo AudioDeviceManager.selectedDeviceIndex; (2) Alteração de dispositivo - o dispositivo de áudio é adicionado/removido do sistema. | |
AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.AudioOutputChangeEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade type de um objeto de evento AudioOutputchangeEven. | |
AudioOutputChangeEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
Esse evento é acionado quando o usuário seleciona um dispositivo de saída de áudio diferente na interface do usuário de configurações do Flash Player, ou quando um dispositivo de áudio é adicionado ao / removido do sistema. | |
AudioOutputChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, reason:String) — Construtor, classe flash.events.AudioOutputChangeEvent | |
Construtor. | |
AudioOutputChangeReason — classe final, pacote flash.media | |
Essa classe define uma enumeração que indica o motivo do AudioOutputChangeEvent. | |
audioPan — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Pan property of the media. | |
audioPlaybackMode — Propriedade estática, classe flash.media.SoundMixer | |
Especifica o modo de reprodução de áudio de todos os objetos Sound. | |
AudioPlaybackMode — classe final, pacote flash.media | |
A classe AudioPlaybackMode define constantes da propriedade audioPlaybackMode da classe SoundMixer. | |
audioReliable — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Para conexões RTMFP, especifica se o áudio é despachado com total confiança. | |
audioSampleAccess — Propriedade, classe flash.net.NetStream | |
Para conexões RTMFP, especifica se os assinantes pontos a ponto neste NetStream têm autorização para capturar o fluxo contínuo de áudio. | |
audioSwitchingChange — Evento, classe org.osmf.traits.AlternativeAudioTrait | |
Dispatched when an alternative audio stream switch is requested, completed, or has failed. | |
audioSwitchingChange — Evento, classe org.osmf.traits.TraitEventDispatcher | |
Dispatched when an alternative audio stream switch is requested, completed, or has failed. | |
AUDIO_SWITCHING_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.events.AlternativeAudioEvent | |
Dispatched when the switching state of the alternative audio stream has changed. | |
AudioTrait — classe, pacote org.osmf.traits | |
AudioTrait defines the trait interface for media that have audio. | |
AudioTrait() — Construtor, classe org.osmf.traits.AudioTrait | |
Constructor. | |
AuditActionVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | |
Defines an audit action. | |
AuditActionVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditActionVO | |
The constructor for AuditActionVO class. | |
auditAttributes — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditMetaInfoVO | |
Gets additional attributes associated with audit entry. | |
AuditAttributeVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | |
Defines an instance of Audit Attribute. | |
AuditAttributeVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditAttributeVO | |
The constructor for AuditAttributeVO class. | |
auditedBy — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditMetaInfoVO | |
Returns name or ID of the user or a component that has requested the audit entry. | |
auditLevel — Estado da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.TemplatePreview | |
The skin state when the component is displaying the audit level screen. | |
auditLevel — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.TemplatePreview | |
A reference to the AuditLevel object that displays the audit level screen. A reference to the AuditLevel object that displays the audit level screen. | |
auditLevel — Estado da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.ReviewTemplateWorkflow | |
The skin state when the component is displaying the audit level screen. | |
auditLevel — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.ReviewTemplateWorkflow | |
A reference to the AuditLevel object that displays the audit level screen. A reference to the AuditLevel object that displays the audit level screen. | |
auditLevel — Estado da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.TemplateEdit | |
The skin state when the component is displaying the audit level screen. | |
auditLevel — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.TemplateEdit | |
A reference to the AuditLevel object that displays the audit level screen. A reference to the AuditLevel object that displays the audit level screen. | |
auditLevel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies the level of audit associated with this review. | |
auditLevel — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
The level of audit associated with this review. | |
auditLevel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
The level of audit associated with this review. | |
auditLevel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditActionVO | |
Gets name of the audit level associated with audit action. | |
auditLevel — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewContextVO | |
The level of audit associated with this review. | |
AuditLevel — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | |
The audit level object as configured through audit service. | |
AuditLevel — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.audit | |
The host component for the Audit Level tab in schedule template workflow. | |
AuditLevel() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.AuditLevel | |
Constructor. | |
AuditLevel() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.audit.AuditLevel | |
The constructor for AuditLevel class. | |
auditLevelDatagrid — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.audit.AuditLevel | |
A reference to the DataGrid object that displays the details of the available audit levels. A reference to the DataGrid object that displays the details of the available audit levels. | |
auditLevelInput — Parte da capa, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.audit.AuditLevel | |
A reference to the TextInput object that is used to display the audit level assigned to a schedule template. A reference to the TextInput object that is used to display the audit level assigned to a schedule template. | |
AuditLevelVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | |
Represents an Audit Level in the system. | |
AuditLevelVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditLevelVO | |
The constructor for AuditLevelVO class. | |
auditManager — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.audit.AuditLevel | |
An instance of AuditManager service to be used by the host component. | |
AuditManager — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.manager | |
This class implements operations for audit management. | |
AuditManager() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.manager.AuditManager | |
The constructor for AuditManager class. | |
auditMetaInfo — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditAttributeVO | |
Returns reference to parent Audit MetaData Info object. | |
AuditMetaInfoVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | |
Represents an Audit entry in the system. | |
AuditMetaInfoVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditMetaInfoVO | |
The constructor for AuditMetaInfoVO class. | |
auditModule — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditLevelVO | |
Gets the reference to an instance of AuditModuleVO. | |
AuditModuleVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | |
Represents an Audit module. | |
AuditModuleVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditModuleVO | |
The constructor for AuditModuleVO class. | |
auditor — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.manager.AuditManager | |
Auditor — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl | |
This class implements the operations of Audit service. | |
Auditor() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl.Auditor | |
The constructor for Auditor class. | |
AUDITOR_RO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl.ServiceLocator | |
Name of the auditor service. | |
auditTimestamp — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditMetaInfoVO | |
Timestamp for the audit entry. | |
AugmentedError — classe, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.error | |
The AugmentedError class extends the standard Error class to provide access to error parameters and access to the original error(s). | |
AugmentedError(identifier:String, message:String, parameters:Object, parameterNamespace:String, cause:Object) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.error.AugmentedError | |
Constructor. | |
AugmentedErrorEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.gravity.utility.events | |
The AugmentedErrorEvent extends the ErrorEvent class to provide access to the original Error object. | |
AugmentedErrorEvent(error:Error, type:String, bubbles:Boolean) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.events.AugmentedErrorEvent | |
Constructor. | |
authenticate — Propriedade, classe flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Especifica se as solicitações de autenticação devem ser manipuladas (true) ou não (false) para solicitações HTTP emitidas por este objeto. | |
authenticate — Propriedade, classe flash.net.URLRequest | |
Especifica se as solicitações de autenticação devem ser manipuladas (true) ou não (false) para esta solicitação. | |
authenticate — Propriedade estática, classe flash.net.URLRequestDefaults | |
A configuração padrão para a propriedade authenticate dos objetos URLRequests. | |
authenticate(serverURL:String, domain:String, username:String, password:String) — método, classe flash.net.drm.DRMManager | |
Autentica um usuário. | |
authenticate(username:String, password:String) — método, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Authenticates the media. | |
authenticate(username:String, password:String) — método, classe org.osmf.traits.DRMTrait | |
Authenticates the media. | |
authenticated — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.IAuthResult | |
A flag that indicates whether the user authentication is complete. | |
authenticated — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.AuthResult | |
A flag that indicates whether the user authentication is complete. | |
authenticated — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.Channel | |
Indicates if this channel is authenticated. | |
authenticated — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Indicates whether the ChannelSet has an underlying Channel that successfully authenticated with its endpoint. | |
authenticated — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Indicates if this MessageAgent is using an authenticated connection to its destination. | |
authenticatedUser — Propriedade, interface lc.foundation.ISessionManager | |
The authenticated user, after the successful call using the login or singleSignOn methods. | |
authenticatedUser — Propriedade, classe lc.foundation.SessionManager | |
The authenticated user, after the successful call using the login or singleSignOn methods. | |
authenticatedUserId — Propriedade, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskAttachmentInfo | |
A String stores the ID of the user. | |
authenticateWithToken(token:Object) — método, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Authenticates the media using an object which serves as a token. | |
authenticateWithToken(token:Object) — método, classe org.osmf.traits.DRMTrait | |
Authenticates the media using an object which serves as a token. | |
AUTHENTICATING — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.traits.DRMState | |
The media is authenticating (the DRM system is in the process of validating the credentials, or for anonymous content, of validating that the content is still valid to play). | |
AuthenticatingApplication — classe, pacote lc.procmgmt | |
The AuthenticatingApplication class handles the loading localized resources based on the browser language, authentication, and other initialization activities. | |
AuthenticatingApplication() — Construtor, classe lc.procmgmt.AuthenticatingApplication | |
Constructor. | |
authenticationComplete — Evento, classe flash.net.drm.DRMManager | |
O DRMManager despacha um objeto DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent quando o usuário não é autenticado pelo servidor de direitos de mídia depois de uma chamada para o método authenticate(). | |
AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent | |
A constante de string a ser usada para o evento de conclusão de autenticação no parâmetro de tipo, ao adicionar e remover ouvintes de eventos. | |
AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleEvent | |
The authenticationComplete event type. | |
AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.traits.DRMState | |
The media has been successfully authenticated. | |
authenticationError — Evento, classe flash.net.drm.DRMManager | |
O DRMManager despacha um objeto DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent quando o usuário não é autenticado pelo servidor de direitos de mídia depois de uma chamada para o método authenticate(). | |
AUTHENTICATION_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent | |
A constante de string a ser usada para o evento de erro de autenticação no parâmetro de tipo, ao adicionar e remover ouvintes de eventos. | |
AUTHENTICATION_ERROR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.traits.DRMState | |
The media's authentication attempt failed. | |
AuthenticationEvent — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
AuthenticationEvent objects are dispatched by the ISecurityManager class when an authentication related operation is performed. | |
AuthenticationEvent(type:String, authResult:com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api:IAuthResult, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthenticationEvent | |
Constructor. | |
authenticationExpired — Evento, classe lc.foundation.SessionManager | |
Dispatched when the authenticated session with the Document Server expires. | |
AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleFaultEvent | |
A special value that specifies that the session for a user timeed-out. | |
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.services.user.UserEvent | |
This type of event would be dispatched when authentication fails using the username, password. | |
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthStatus | |
A special value that indicates the type of event dispatched when authentication fails using the username and password. | |
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthenticationEvent | |
A special value that indicates the type of event that is dispatched when authentication fails using the username and password. | |
AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE_REF_TYPE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
The server message type for authentication commands. | |
authenticationMethod — Propriedade, classe flash.net.drm.DRMContentData | |
O tipo de autenticação necessária para obter um comprovante para o conteúdo associado. | |
authenticationMethod — Propriedade, classe flash.net.drm.DRMDeviceGroup | |
O tipo da autenticação necessário para o registro nesse grupo de dispositivos. | |
authenticationMethod — Propriedade, classe flash.net.drm.VoucherAccessInfo | |
O tipo de autenticação necessária para obter um comprovante para o conteúdo associado. | |
AuthenticationMethod — classe final, pacote flash.net.drm | |
A classe AuthenticationMethod fornece constantes de strings que enumeram os diferentes tipos de autenticação usados pela propriedade authenticationMethod da classe DRMContentData. | |
AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.traits.DRMState | |
The media needs credential-based authentication. | |
AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.services.user.UserEvent | |
This type of event would be dispatched when authentication using SSO is not achieved. | |
AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthStatus | |
A special value that indicates the type of event that is dispatched when authentication using single sign-on (SSO) fails. | |
AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthenticationEvent | |
A special value that indicates the type of event that is dispatched when authentication using single sign-on (SSO) fails. | |
AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.icc.services.user.UserEvent | |
This type of event would be dispatched when the Authentication process is successful. | |
AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthStatus | |
A special value that indicates that the authentication process was successful. | |
AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthenticationEvent | |
A special value that indicates that the authentication process was successful. | |
authenticationType — Propriedade, classe flash.events.DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
Indica se as credenciais fornecidas são para autenticação pelo Flash Media Rights Management Server (FMRMS) ou um servidor proxy. | |
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_DRM — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
A constante DRMAuthenticateEvent.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_DRM define o valor da propriedade authenticationType de um objeto DRMAuthenticateEvent. | |
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_PROXY — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
A constante DRMAuthenticateEvent.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_PROXY define o valor da propriedade authenticationType de um objeto DRMAuthenticateEvent. | |
AuthFailureCode — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
Defines constants that define possible causes related to an authentication failure. | |
AuthOptions — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
The AuthOptions class captures the authentication options. | |
AuthOptions() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthOptions | |
Constructor. | |
author — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Author of the PDF document. | |
author — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewTemplateReference | |
Specifies the author of the template. | |
author — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.TemplateSearchFilter | |
Specifies the author of the template. | |
author — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewTemplate | |
Author of a template. | |
author — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewTemplate | |
Author of a template. | |
author — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.CreationStage | |
The author of the stage. | |
author — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.CreatorTab | |
The author of a creation stage. | |
author — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewTemplateVO | |
Author of the template. | |
author — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.TemplateSearchFilterVO | |
Author of the template. | |
Author — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl | |
This class defines an author in a creation stage. | |
Author(value:com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo:AuthorVO) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.Author | |
The constructor for Author class. | |
AUTHOR — Propriedade estática da constante, classe com.adobe.solutions.prm.constant.Roles | |
The role of an author in a review workflow. | |
authorInstance — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
Boolean indicating wthether the server to which the client is connected is an Author Instance or Publish Instance; | |
authority — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.gravity.utility.url.URIParser | |
The URI authority component. | |
authorizations() — método, classe flash.net.GroupSpecifier | |
Devolve uma string que representa senhas da publicação de multicast IP e da postagem. | |
AuthorStatus — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant | |
AuthorStatus Enum. | |
AuthorStatus() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.constant.AuthorStatus | |
The constructor for AuthorStatus class. | |
AuthorVO — classe, pacote com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo | |
AuthorVO is the concrete implementation of the abstract StageParticipantVO. | |
AuthorVO() — Construtor, classe com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuthorVO | |
The constructor for AuthorVO class. | |
authpassword — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.DocumentSection | |
Password sent to the target URL for Basic Authentication. | |
authPassword — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Document | |
Password sent to the target URL for Basic Authentication. | |
authResult — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthenticationEvent | |
The authentication result associated with the event. | |
AuthResult — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service | |
The AuthResult object is returned as part of calls to perform Single Sign On (SSO) and login methods of ISecurityManager service. | |
AuthResult(status:com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api:AuthStatus, user:com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api:IUser, failureCode:String) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.AuthResult | |
Constructor. | |
AuthStatus — classe, pacote com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api | |
Defines the constants for various types of authentication status. | |
authuser — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.DocumentSection | |
User name sent to the target URL for Basic Authentication. | |
authUser — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Document | |
User name sent to the target URL for Basic Authentication. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.controls.ScrollPolicy | |
Mostra a barra de ferramentas, se os filhos excederem as dimensões do proprietário. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.motion.RotateDirection | |
Escolhe uma direção de giro que exige a menor intensidade de volta. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.NativeWindowRenderMode | |
Uma janela típica. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display.PixelSnapping | |
Um valor constante usado na propriedade pixelSnapping de um objeto Bitmap para especificar que a imagem bitmap será encaixada no pixel mais próximo se for desenhada sem giro ou inclinação e em um fator de escala de 99,9% a 100,1%. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DRenderMode | |
Selecione automaticamente o mecanismo de renderização. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.printing.PrintMethod | |
Seleção automática do melhor método de impressão. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.BreakOpportunity | |
Baseia oportunidades de quebra de linha em propriedades de caractere Unicode. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.Kerning | |
Usado para indicar que o ajuste de espaço é ativado exceto onde impróprio na tipografia asiática. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.text.engine.TextRotation | |
Especifica uma rotação de 90 graus no sentido anti-horário somente para glifos de largura total, conforme determinado pelas propriedades Unicode do glifo. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.ui.MouseCursor | |
Usada para especificar se o cursor deve ser selecionado automaticamente com base no objeto sob o mouse. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ScrollPolicy | |
Especifica que a rolagem deve ocorrer se o conteúdo ultrapassar a dimensão do contêiner. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.BaselineOffset | |
Alinha a subida da linha com a inserção superior do contêiner. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.FormatValue | |
Especifica que o valor de uma propriedade é gerado automaticamente. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.LeadingModel | |
Especifica que o modelo de leading é escolhido automaticamente de acordo com a propriedade locale do parágrafo. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.Suffix | |
Especifica que o sufixo automático é acrescentado ao marcador de lista depois do conteúdo. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.core.ContainerCreationPolicy | |
Delay creating some or all descendants until they are needed. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.core.ScrollPolicy | |
Show the scrollbar if the children exceed the owner's dimension. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe mx.core.UIComponentCachePolicy | |
Specifies that the Flex framework should use heuristics to decide whether to cache the object as a bitmap. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.components.CalloutPosition | |
Position the callout on the exterior of the owner where the callout requires the least amount of resizing to fit. | |
AUTO — Propriedade estática da constante, classe spark.core.ContainerDestructionPolicy | |
The lifespan of the container's children is automatically managed by the container based on the container's own heuristic. | |
autoAdjust — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Specifies whether Flex rounds values. | |
autoBandWidthDetection — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies whether the VideoDisplay control should use the built-in automatic bandwidth detection feature. | |
autoCapitalize — Propriedade, classe flash.text.StageText | |
Controla como um dispositivo aplica a capitalização automática na entrada de usuário. | |
autoCapitalize — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Hint indicating what captialization behavior soft keyboards should use. | |
autoCapitalize — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Hint indicating what captialization behavior soft keyboards should use. | |
AutoCapitalize — classe final, pacote flash.text | |
A classe AutoCapitalize define constantes da propriedade autoCapitalize da classe StageText. | |
autoCenterProjection — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.AnimateTransform3D | |
Set to false to disable a 3D effect from automatically setting the projection point to the center of the target. | |
autoCenterTransform — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.AnimateTransform | |
Specifies whether the transform effect occurs around the center of the target, (width/2, height/2) when the effect begins playing. | |
autoCenterTransform — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransformInstance | |
autoCommit — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.air.SyncManager | |
If autoCommit is set to true, then the changes from the offline database will be commited to the server after save/update/saveUpdate or remove function is invoked. | |
autoCommit — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
Indicates whether changes to the local cache are automatically committed. | |
autoCommit — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
If set to true, operations that modify the state managed by the DataService are committed immediately. | |
autoCommitCollectionChanges — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
When set to true, any changes made to a collection are committed immediately if the autoCommit property is true. | |
autoCommitPropertyChanges — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
When set to true and the autoCommit property is set to true, any property value change automatically leads to a "commit" for that change. | |
autoCompact — Propriedade, classe flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Indica se a compactação automática foi ativada quando o banco de dados atual foi originalmente criado (o valor que foi especificado para o parâmetro autoCompact na chamada open() ou openAsync() que criou o banco de dados). | |
autoConnect — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
Returns the value of autoConnect. | |
autoConnect — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
Indicates if this service should attempt to connect for any operations that require a connection. | |
autoConnect — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
Indicates if this service should attempt to connect for any operations that require a connection. | |
autoConnect — Propriedade, classe mx.messaging.AbstractProducer | |
If true the Producer automatically connects to its destination the first time the send() method is called. | |
autoConnectInterval — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
Time interval in milliseconds to wait between attempts to connect to the server when the autoConnect property is true. | |
autoCorrect — Propriedade, classe flash.text.StageText | |
Indica se um dispositivo corrige automaticamente erros de pontuação ou ortografia na entrada de usuário. | |
autoCorrect — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Hint indicating whether a soft keyboard should use its auto-correct behavior, if supported. | |
autoCorrect — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Hint indicating whether a soft keyboard should use its auto-correct behavior, if supported. | |
autoDisplayFirstFrame — Propriedade, classe spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
If autoPlay = false, then autoDisplayFirstFrame controls whether the video is loaded when the source is set. | |
autoDisplayFirstFrame — Propriedade, classe spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
If autoPlay = false, then autoDisplayFirstFrame controls whether the video is loaded when the source is set. | |
autoDrawBackground — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer | |
Specifies whether the item renderer draws the background of the data item during user interaction. | |
autoDynamicStreamSwitch — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Indicates whether or not the media will automatically switch between dynamic streams. | |
autoExit — Propriedade, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Especifica se o aplicativo deverá encerrar automaticamente quando todas as janelas tiverem sido fechadas. | |
autoExit — Propriedade, classe mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Specifies whether the AIR application will quit when the last window closes or will continue running in the background. | |
autoExit — Propriedade, classe spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Specifies whether the AIR application will quit when the last window closes or will continue running in the background. | |
autoGeneratedId — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.air.SessionToken | |
The auto-generated key for inserts. | |
autoGeneratedId — Propriedade, classe coldfusion.air.events.SessionResultEvent | |
The auto-generated key for inserts. | |
autoHideFirstViewNavigator — Propriedade, classe spark.components.SplitViewNavigator | |
Specifies whether the visibility of the first view navigator should automatically be toggled when the device receives an orientation change event. | |
autoIconManagement — Propriedade, classe spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin | |
If enabled will automatically construct the necessary constructs to present and layout an iconDisplay part. | |
autoIncrement — Propriedade, classe flash.data.SQLColumnSchema | |
Indica se essa é uma coluna de incrementação automática. | |
autoInvokeTargetURL — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
Set this property to true to automatically invoke targetURL when this object receives a click event. | |
autoInvokeTargetURL — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoSWFLoader | |
Set this property to true to automatically invoke targetURL when this object receives a click event. | |
autoLayout — Evento, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Despachado quando o player de vídeo é redimensionado ou disposto automaticamente. | |
autoLayout — Propriedade, classe fl.video.FLVPlaybackCaptioning | |
Determina se o componente FLVPlaybackCaptioning move e redimensiona automaticamente o objeto TextField para colocação de legendas. | |
autoLayout — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.Legend | |
If true, measurement and layout are done when the position or size of a child is changed. | |
autoLayout — Propriedade, classe mx.core.Container | |
If true, measurement and layout are done when the position or size of a child is changed. | |
autoLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
If true, measurement and layout are done when the position or size of a child is changed. | |
autoLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
If true, measurement and layout are done when the position or size of a child is changed. | |
autoLayout — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
If true, measurement and layout are done when the position or size of a child is changed. | |
AUTO_LAYOUT — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.video.AutoLayoutEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento autoLayout. | |
AutoLayoutEvent — classe, pacote fl.video | |
O Flash® Player despacha um objeto AutoLayoutEvent quando o player de vídeo é redimensionado e disposto automaticamente. | |
AutoLayoutEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, oldBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, oldRegistrationBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, vp:uint) — Construtor, classe fl.video.AutoLayoutEvent | |
Cria um objeto Event que contém informações sobre eventos autoLayout. | |
autoLoad — Propriedade, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.XMLDataLoader | |
A flag that indictes whether content starts loading automatically when the id is set or waits for a call to the loadData() method. | |
autoLoad — Propriedade, classe fl.containers.UILoader | |
Obtém ou define um valor que indica se a ocorrência UILoader carrega automaticamente o conteúdo especificado. | |
autoLoad — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
A flag that indicates whether content starts loading automatically or waits for a call to the load() method. | |
autoLoad — Propriedade, classe mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
If true, load the MP3 file when the source has been specified. | |
autoLoadPdf(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Pre-loads the PDF rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | |
autoLoadPdf(event:flash.events:Event) — método, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Pre-loads the PDF rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | |
autoLoadPdf(event:flash.events:Event) — método, classe ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Pre-loads the PDF rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | |
Automation — classe, pacote mx.automation | |
The Automation class defines the entry point for the Flex Automation framework. | |
AutomationAirEvent — classe, pacote mx.automation.events | |
The AutomationAirEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager. | |
AutomationAirEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, windowId:String) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationAirEvent | |
Constructor. | |
AutomationClass — classe, pacote mx.automation | |
Provides serializable class information for external automation tools. | |
AutomationClass(name:String, superClassName:String) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
automationDebugTracer — Propriedade estática, classe mx.automation.Automation | |
The available IAutomationDebugTracer instance. | |
automationDelegate — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
The delegate object that is handling the automation-related functionality. | |
automationDelegate — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationDelegate — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
The delegate object that handles the automation-related functionality. | |
automationDelegate — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
The delegate object that handles the automation-related functionality. | |
automationDelegate — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
The delegate object which is handling the automation related functionality. | |
automationDelegate — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
The delegate object which is handling the automation related functionality. | |
automationDelegate — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
The delegate object that handles the automation-related functionality. | |
AutomationDragEvent — classe, pacote mx.automation.events | |
The AutomationDragEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a drag-and-drop operation. | |
AutomationDragEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, action:String, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationDragEvent | |
Constructor. | |
AutomationDragEventWithPositionInfo — classe, pacote mx.automation.events | |
The AutomationDragEventWithPositionInfo class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a drag-and-drop operation. | |
AutomationDragEventWithPositionInfo(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, action:String, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, localx:int, localy:int) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationDragEventWithPositionInfo | |
Constructor. | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
True if this component is enabled for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UITextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
True if this component is enabled for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
True if this component is enabled for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
True if this component is enabled for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
True if this component is enabled for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
True if this component is enabled for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationEnvironment — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
The automation environment for this automation manager. | |
automationEnvironmentHandlingClassName — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for tool): The tool class which is responsible for handling the automation environment. | |
automationEnvironmentString — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
The automation environment for this automation manager. | |
AutomationError — classe, pacote mx.automation | |
The AutomationError class defines the error constants used by the Flex Automation mechanism. | |
AutomationError(msg:String, code:Number) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.AutomationError | |
Constructor. | |
AutomationEvent — classe, pacote mx.automation.events | |
The AutomationEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager. | |
AutomationEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationEvent | |
Constructor. | |
AutomationEventDescriptor — classe, pacote mx.automation | |
Method descriptor class. | |
AutomationEventDescriptor(name:String, eventClassName:String, eventType:String, args:Array) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.AutomationEventDescriptor | |
Constructor | |
AutomationFlexNativeMenuEvent — classe, pacote mx.automation.events | |
The AutomationFlexNativeEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a flexnativemenu selection operation. | |
AutomationFlexNativeMenuEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, args:String) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationFlexNativeMenuEvent | |
Constructor. | |
AutomationHelper — classe, pacote mx.automation | |
Helper class used to call appropriate methods based on whether the current app is an AIR app or a Flex app. | |
AutomationHelper() — Construtor, classe mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
Constructor | |
AutomationID — classe, pacote mx.automation | |
The Flex automation framework uses the AutomationID class to build object identification that Agents can use. | |
AutomationID() — Construtor, classe mx.automation.AutomationID | |
Constructor. | |
AutomationIDPart — Classe dinâmica, pacote mx.automation | |
The AutomationIDPart class represents a component instance to agents. | |
automationManager — Propriedade estática, classe mx.automation.Automation | |
The IAutomationManager instance. | |
AutomationManager — classe, pacote mx.automation | |
Provides the interface for manipulating the automation hierarchy, and for recording and replaying events. | |
automationManager2 — Propriedade estática, classe mx.automation.Automation | |
AutomationMethodDescriptor — classe, pacote mx.automation | |
Basic method descriptor class. | |
AutomationMethodDescriptor(name:String, asMethodName:String, returnType:String, args:Array) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.AutomationMethodDescriptor | |
automationName — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.FlexNativeMenuAutomationImpl | |
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.fileSystemClasses.FileSystemDataGridNameColumnRendererAutomationImpl | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | |
automationName — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | |
automationObject — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationRecordEvent | |
The delegate of the UIComponent object that is recording this event. | |
automationObject — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationReplayEvent | |
Delegate of the UIComponent object on which this event will be replayed since the target on an event that was not really dispatched is not available. | |
automationObjectHelper — Propriedade estática, classe mx.automation.Automation | |
The available IAutomationObjectHelper instance. | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
The owner of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UITextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
The owner of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
The owner of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
The owner of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
The owner of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationOwner — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
The owner of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationParent — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
The parent of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationParent — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
automationParent — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationParent — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UITextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationParent — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
automationParent — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
The parent of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationParent — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
The parent of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationParent — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
The parent of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationParent — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
The parent of this component for automation purposes. | |
automationParent — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
The parent of this component for automation purposes. | |
AutomationPropertyDescriptor — classe, pacote mx.automation | |
Describes a property of a test object. | |
AutomationPropertyDescriptor(name:String, forDescription:Boolean, forVerification:Boolean, defaultValue:String) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.AutomationPropertyDescriptor | |
Constructor | |
AutomationRecordEvent — classe, pacote mx.automation.events | |
The AutomationRecordEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager. | |
AutomationRecordEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, automationObject:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, replayableEvent:flash.events:Event, args:Array, name:String, cacheable:Boolean, recordTriggeredByCustomHandling:Boolean) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationRecordEvent | |
Constructor. | |
AutomationReplayEvent — classe, pacote mx.automation.events | |
The AutomationReplayEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager, and used by the functional testing classes and any other classes that must replay user interactions. | |
AutomationReplayEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, automationObject:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, replayableEvent:flash.events:Event) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.events.AutomationReplayEvent | |
Constructor. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
An implementation of the IAutomationTabularData interface, which can be used to retrieve the data. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedDataGridAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid1. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedListBaseAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.OLAPDataGridAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid1. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.DataGridAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.FileSystemTreeAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListBaseAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.TileBaseAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.TreeAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.RepeaterAutomationImpl | |
An array of all components within this repeater found in the automation hierarchy. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
An implementation of the IAutomationTabularData interface, which can be used to retrieve the data. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
An implementation of the IAutomationTabularData interface, which can be used to retrieve the data. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
An implementation of the IAutomationTabularData interface, which can be used to retrieve the data. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDataGridAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid. | |
automationTabularData — Propriedade, classe spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkListBaseAutomationImpl | |
A matrix of the automationValues of each item in the grid. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.FlexNativeMenuAutomationImpl | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UITextFieldAutomationImpl | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationValue — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application. | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
True if this component is visible for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.core.UITextFieldAutomationImpl | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, classe mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
True if this component is visible for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIComponent | |
True if this component is visible for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
True if this component is visible for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, classe mx.core.UITextField | |
True if this component is visible for automation, false otherwise. | |
automationVisible — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
True if this component is visible for automation, false otherwise. | |
autoMerge — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
If set to false, when changes are pushed from the remote destination to the client they are not immediately applied. | |
autoMerge — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
Controls how changes that other clients make are merged into this client's current view of the data. | |
autoOrients — Propriedade, classe flash.display.Stage | |
Especifica se o palco é automaticamente reorientado quando a orientação do dispositivo é alterada. | |
autoPlay — Propriedade, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Um valor booliano que, se definido como verdadeiro, faz com que o arquivo FLV comece a reproduzir automaticamente após a definição da propriedade de origem. | |
autoPlay — Propriedade, classe ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
Specifies whether the video should start playing immediately when the source property is set. | |
autoPlay — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies whether the video should start playing immediately when the source property is set. | |
autoPlay — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Indicates whether the MediaPlayer starts playing the media as soon as its load operation has successfully completed. | |
autoPlay — Propriedade, classe spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies whether the video starts playing immediately when the source property is set. | |
autoPlay — Propriedade, classe spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Specifies whether the video starts playing immediately when the source property is set. | |
autoRemoveTarget — Propriedade, classe spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateInstance | |
If true, the effect retains its target during a transition and removes it when finished. | |
autoRepeat — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.BaseButton | |
Obtém ou define um valor booliano que indica se o evento buttonDown é despachado mais de uma vez quando o usuário mantém o botão do mouse pressionado sobre o componente. | |
autoRepeat — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.CheckBox | |
Uma CheckBox nunca se autorrepete por definição e, portanto, a propriedade autoRepeat é definida como false no construtor e não pode ser alterada para CheckBox. | |
autoRepeat — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Um botão de rádio nunca se autorrepete por definição e, portanto, a propriedade autoRepeat é definida como false no construtor e não pode ser alterada. | |
autoRepeat — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.Button | |
Specifies whether to dispatch repeated buttonDown events if the user holds down the mouse button. | |
autoRepeat — Propriedade, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Specifies whether to dispatch repeated buttonDown events if the user holds down the mouse button. | |
autoReplace — Propriedade estática, classe fl.lang.Locale | |
Determina se as strings são substituídas automaticamente após o carregamento do arquivo XML. | |
autoReverse — Propriedade, classe mx.states.Transition | |
Set to true to specify that this transition applies to both the forward and reverse view state changes. | |
autoRewind — Propriedade, classe fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Define a animação para que ela seja reiniciada depois que terminar. | |
autoRewind — Propriedade, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Um valor booliano que, se verdadeiro, faz com que o arquivo FLV retorne ao Quadro 1 quando a reprodução parar, seja porque o player atingiu o final do fluxo ou porque o método stop() foi chamado. | |
autoRewind — Propriedade, classe fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
Um valor booliano que, se verdadeiro, faz com que o arquivo FLV retorne ao Quadro 1 quando a reprodução parar, seja porque o player atingiu o final do fluxo ou porque o método stop() foi chamado. | |
autoRewind — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies whether the FLV file should be rewound to the first frame when play stops, either by calling the stop() method or by reaching the end of the stream. | |
autoRewind — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Indicates whether media is returned to the beginning after playback completes. | |
autoRewind — Propriedade, classe spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies whether the FLV file should rewind to the first frame when play stops, either by calling the stop() method or by reaching the end of the stream. | |
autoRewind — Propriedade, classe spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Specifies whether the FLV file should rewind to the first frame when play stops, either by calling the stop() method or by reaching the end of the stream. | |
autoRewound — Evento, classe fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Despachado quando o ponto de reprodução é movido para o início do player de vídeo porque a propriedade autoRewind está definida como true. | |
autoRewound — Evento, classe fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
Despachado quando o ponto de reprodução é movido para o início do player de vídeo porque a propriedade autoRewind está definida como true. | |
AUTO_REWOUND — Propriedade estática da constante, classe fl.video.VideoEvent | |
Define o valor da propriedade de tipo de um objeto de evento autoRewound. | |
autoSaveCache — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
You can store the local cache of data and changes to disk. | |
autoSaveCache — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataStore | |
The local cache of data and changes can be stored to disk. | |
autoScrollIfNecessary(mouseX:int, mouseY:int) — método, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Trata um evento de rolagem durante uma seleção de "arrastar". | |
autoSize — Propriedade, classe fl.controls.Label | |
Obtém ou define uma string que indica como um rótulo é dimensionado e alinhado para ajustar o valor da sua propriedade de texto. | |
autoSize — Propriedade, classe fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Controla o dimensionamento e o alinhamento automáticos de campos de texto. | |
autoSize — Propriedade, classe flash.text.TextField | |
Controla o dimensionamento e o alinhamento automáticos de campos de texto. | |
autoSize — Propriedade, classe mx.core.FTETextField | |
Controla o dimensionamento e o alinhamento automáticos de campos de texto. | |
autoSize — Propriedade, interface mx.core.IUITextField | |
Controla o dimensionamento e o alinhamento automáticos de campos de texto. | |
autoStop — Propriedade, classe mx.controls.MovieClipSWFLoader | |
When the content of the SWF is a MovieClip, if autoStop is true then the MovieClip is stopped immediately after loading. | |
autoSwitch — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.events.DynamicStreamEvent | |
The new autoSwitch value. | |
_autoSwitch — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.NetStreamSwitchManagerBase | |
autoSwitch — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.NetStreamSwitchManagerBase | |
Indicates whether the switching manager should automatically switch between streams. | |
autoSwitch — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.RuleSwitchManagerBase | |
autoSwitch — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Defines whether or not the trait should be in manual or auto-switch mode. | |
autoSwitchChange — Evento, classe org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Dispatched when the autoSwitch property changed. | |
autoSwitchChange — Evento, classe org.osmf.traits.TraitEventDispatcher | |
Dispatched when the autoSwitch property has changed. | |
AUTO_SWITCH_CHANGE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.events.DynamicStreamEvent | |
The DynamicStreamEvent.AUTO_SWITCH_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an autoSwitchChange event. | |
autoSwitchChangeEnd() — método, classe org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Called just after the autoSwitch property has changed. | |
autoSwitchChangeStart(value:Boolean) — método, classe org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Called immediately before the autoSwitch property is changed. | |
autoSyncEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.data.DataManager | |
When true, fill(), createItem() and getItem() requests return items that listen for updates made to these items from the remote destination. | |
autoSyncEnabled — Propriedade, classe mx.data.RPCDataManager | |
The RPCDataManager does not support the autoSync property. | |
autoThumbVisibility — Estilo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
If true (the default), the thumb's visibility will be reset whenever its size is updated. | |
autoUpdateCurrentState — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Whether we should actively watch changes to the label of the flash object. | |
autoUpdateMeasuredSize — Propriedade, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Whether we should actively watch changes to the size of the flash object. | |
availability — Propriedade, classe flash.events.StageVideoAvailabilityEvent | |
Relata a disponibilidade do vídeo de palco usando uma constante da classe flash.media.StageVideoAvailability. | |
available — Propriedade, classe air.net.ServiceMonitor | |
Se o serviço é considerado ou não "disponível" atualmente. O valor inicial é false até que a verificação de status defina a propriedade como true ou que a propriedade seja inicializada como true explicitamente. Geralmente, essa propriedade é definida pela implementação checkStatus() em uma subclasse ou specializer, mas se o aplicativo tiver informações independentes sobre a disponibilidade de um serviço (por exemplo, uma solicitação foi bem-sucedida ou falhou), a propriedade poderá ser definida explicitamente. | |
available — Propriedade, classe air.update.events.StatusFileUpdateEvent | |
Indica se está disponível uma versão diferente da versão do aplicativo atual (verdadeiro); caso contrário, falso (mesma versão). | |
available — Propriedade, classe air.update.events.StatusUpdateEvent | |
Indica se uma atualização está disponível. | |
available — Propriedade, interface com.adobe.icc.services.formbridge.IFormBridgeService | |
Determines if the FormBridge External API is available. | |
available — Propriedade, classe flash.events.VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent | |
Indica que vsync state de Stage é alterável. | |
available — Propriedade estática, classe flash.external.ExternalInterface | |
Indica se este player está em um contêiner que oferece uma interface externa. | |
AVAILABLE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.media.StageVideoAvailability | |
O vídeo de palco está disponível. | |
availableCommands() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Retrieves a list of TaskCommand objects that are available for execution on the task. | |
availableCommands() — método, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskAttachmentInfo | |
Retrieves the list of currently available commands for the attachment. | |
AvailablePropertyIterator — classe, pacote com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects | |
An implementation of IPropertyIterator for iterating over the set of a value object's available properties at a given point in time. | |
AvailablePropertyIterator(valueObject:com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects:AbstractEntityMetadata) — Construtor, classe com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AvailablePropertyIterator | |
Creates an instance of this iterator for a particular value object | |
availableQualityLevels — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.qos.QoSInfo | |
The available quality levels | |
AVAILABLE_QUALITY_LEVELS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe org.osmf.net.metrics.MetricType | |
The type constant for the available bitrates metric. | |
AvailableQualityLevelsMetric — classe, pacote org.osmf.net.metrics | |
Metric listing all the available quality levels as pairs (index, bitrate) | |
AvailableQualityLevelsMetric(qosInfoHistory:org.osmf.net.qos:QoSInfoHistory) — Construtor, classe org.osmf.net.metrics.AvailableQualityLevelsMetric | |
Constructor. | |
AV_DICTIONARY_DATA — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.AVDictionaryDataEvent | |
AVDictionaryDataEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
AVStream envia AVDictionaryDataEvent para sinalizar informações de tags ID3 | |
AVDictionaryDataEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, init_dictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, init_dataTime:Number) — Construtor, classe flash.events.AVDictionaryDataEvent | |
Construtor | |
AverageAggregator — classe, pacote mx.olap.aggregators | |
The AverageAggregator class implements the average aggregator. | |
averageDroppedFPS — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.NetStreamMetricsBase | |
The average frame-drop rate calculated over the life of the NetStream. | |
averageMaxBytesPerSecond — Propriedade, classe org.osmf.net.rtmpstreaming.RTMPNetStreamMetrics | |
The average max bytes per second value, calculated based on a recent set of samples. | |
avHardwareDisable — Propriedade estática, classe flash.system.Capabilities | |
Especifica se o acesso à câmera e ao microfone do usuário foi administrativamente proibido (true) ou permitido (false). | |
AV_HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.AVHTTPStatusEvent | |
Ao contrário do evento httpStatus, o evento httpResponseStatus é entregue antes de qualquer dado de resposta. | |
AVHTTPStatusEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
O aplicativo envia objetos AVHTTPStatusEvent quando uma solicitação de rede retorna um código de status HTTP. | |
AVHTTPStatusEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, status:int, responseUrl:String, responseHeaders:Array) — Construtor, classe flash.events.AVHTTPStatusEvent | |
Cria um objeto Event que contém informações específicas sobre eventos de status http. | |
AVLoader — classe, pacote flash.display | |
AVLoader() — Construtor, classe flash.display.AVLoader | |
AVM1Movie — classe, pacote flash.display | |
AVM1Movie é uma classe simples que representa clipes de filme AVM1, que usam o ActionScript 1.0 ou 2.0. | |
AVNetworkingParams — classe, pacote flash.media | |
O AVStream expede o AVPlayStateEvent durante a reprodução para indicar alterações no status. | |
AVNetworkingParams(init_forceNativeNetworking:Boolean, init_readSetCookieHeader:Boolean, init_useCookieHeaderForAllRequests:Boolean, init_networkDownVerificationUrl:String) — Construtor, classe flash.media.AVNetworkingParams | |
Cria uma nova instância de um objeto AVNetworkingParams. | |
AV_PAUSE_AT_PERIOD_END — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.events.AVPauseAtPeriodEndEvent | |
AVPauseAtPeriodEndEvent — classe, pacote flash.events | |
AVStream despacha AVPauseAtPeriodEndEvent quando a extremidade da extensão é acessada para o período em que o evento é solicitado. | |
AVPauseAtPeriodEndEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, userData:int) — Construtor, classe flash.events.AVPauseAtPeriodEndEvent | |
avSendToURL(auth:flash.system:AuthorizedFeatures, request:flash.net:URLRequest, cookieHeader:String) — Função do pacote, flash.media | |
AVTagData — classe, pacote flash.media | |
Fornece informações sobre um ponto de sinalização de um período em um fluxo HLS. | |
AVURLLoader — classe, pacote flash.media | |
A classe URLLoader baixa dados de uma URL como texto, dados binários ou variáveis codificadas em URL. | |
AVURLLoader(request:flash.net:URLRequest) — Construtor, classe flash.media.AVURLLoader | |
Cria um objeto URLLoader. | |
AVURLStream — classe, pacote flash.media | |
A classe URLStream fornece acesso de baixo nível a URLs de download. | |
axes — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTransform | |
The set of axes associated with this transform. | |
axes — Propriedade, interface mx.olap.IOLAPResult | |
An Array of IOLAPResultAxis instances that represent all the axes of the query. | |
axes — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPQuery | |
The axis of the Query as an Array of OLAPQueryAxis instances. | |
axes — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPResult | |
An Array of IOLAPResultAxis instances that represent all the axes of the query. | |
axis — Propriedade, classe mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
The axis object associated with this renderer. | |
axis — Propriedade, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer | |
The axis object associated with this renderer. | |
AXIS_ANGLE — Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.geom.Orientation3D | |
A orientação de tipo ângulo do eixo usa uma combinação de um eixo e um ângulo para determinar a orientação. | |
AxisBase — classe, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The AxisBase class serves as a base class for the various axis types supported in Flex. | |
AxisBase() — Construtor, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisBase | |
Constructor. | |
AxisLabel — classe, pacote mx.charts | |
An AxisLabel object represents a single label on the chart axis. | |
AxisLabel(position:Number, value:Object, text:String) — Construtor, classe mx.charts.AxisLabel | |
Constructor. | |
AxisLabelSet — classe, pacote mx.charts.chartClasses | |
An AxisLabelSet represents the label and tick data generated by an implementation of IAxis. | |
AxisLabelSet() — Construtor, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisLabelSet | |
Constructor. | |
axisOrdinal — Propriedade, classe mx.olap.OLAPQueryAxis | |
The type of axis, as OLAPQuery.COLUMN AXIS for a column axis, OLAPQuery.ROW_AXIS for a row axis, and OLAPQuery.SLICER_AXIS for a slicer axis. | |
AxisRenderer — classe, pacote mx.charts | |
You use the AxisRenderer class to describe the horizontal and vertical axes of a chart. | |
AxisRenderer() — Construtor, classe mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
AxisRendererAutomationImpl — classe, pacote mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AxisRenderer class. | |
AxisRendererAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts:AxisRenderer) — Construtor, classe mx.automation.delegates.charts.AxisRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
axisStroke — Estilo, classe mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies the characteristics of the line for the axis. | |
axisTitleStyleName — Estilo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
The name of the CSS class selector to use when formatting titles on the axes. | |
axisTitleStyleName — Estilo, classe mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
The name of the CSS class selector to use when formatting the axis title. | |
AXMAccordion — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXMAccordion component | |
AXMAccordion() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
Constructor. | |
AXMAccordionItemVO — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components.support | |
The AXMAccordionItemVO component. | |
AXMAccordionSegment — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXMAccordionSegment component | |
AXMAccordionSegment() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
Constructor. | |
AXMBreadCrumb — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXMBreadCrumb component | |
AXMBreadCrumb() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMBreadCrumb | |
Constructor. | |
AXMButton — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
Base Button for XD AXM Components | |
AXMButton() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
Constructor. | |
AXMButtonBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Default Button Bar Component | |
AXMButtonBar() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
Constructor. | |
AXMButtonBarButton — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Button Bar Button | |
AXMButtonBarButton() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
Constructor. | |
AXMCheckBox — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Checkbox Component | |
AXMCheckBox() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
Constructor. | |
AXMComboBox — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Combo Box Component | |
AXMComboBox() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
Constructor. | |
AXMDropDownList — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Drop Down List | |
AXMDropDownList() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
Constructor. | |
AXMDropDownListBase — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components.support | |
The DropDownListBase control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value. | |
AXMDropDownListBase() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.support.AXMDropDownListBase | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseAccordionSegmentSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMAccordionSegment. | |
AXMEnterpriseAccordionSegmentSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAccordionSegmentSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseAccordionSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMAccordionSegment. | |
AXMEnterpriseAccordionSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAccordionSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | |
An extension point (or hook) that extends the spark.components.TabBar class for the AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXM Tab Bar Button component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the Spark TabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | |
An extension point (or hook) that extends spark.components.TabBarclass for use with the AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBar | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbButto component. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbFocusSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbFocusSkin component. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbFocusSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbFocusSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumb component. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarFirstButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBarFirstButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarFirstButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarLastButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBarLastButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarLastButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonBarLastButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBarMiddleButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseCheckbox component. | |
AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmallSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmall component. | |
AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmallSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmallSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for a AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseCloseButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseCloseButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseCloseButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCloseButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButton | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseComboBox. | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseComboBoxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxTextInputSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the textInput of a AXMEnterpriseComboBoxTextInput component. | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxTextInputSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseComboBoxTextInputSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListItemRenderer — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseDropDownListItemRenderer. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListItemRenderer() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseDropDownList. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseFocusSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
AXMEnterpriseFocusSkin is a custom focus skin to handle the exceptions not covered in the spark FocusSkin | |
AXMEnterpriseFooterSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseFooterSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseFooterSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseFooterSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseGridHeaderRenderer — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | |
The DefaultGridHeaderRenderer class defines the default header renderer for the columns of a Spark DataGrid control. | |
AXMEnterpriseGridHeaderRenderer() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components.AXMEnterpriseGridHeaderRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseGridSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseGridSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseGridSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseGridSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseHeaderBarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseHeaderBarSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseHeaderBarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHeaderBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseHeaderButtonBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | |
The AXMEnterpriseHeaderButtonBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseHeaderButtonBar() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components.AXMEnterpriseHeaderButtonBar | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollBarLargeSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollBar. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollBarLargeSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollBarLargeSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarNoControlsSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarNoControls The thumb and track are defined in separate skins. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarNoControlsSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarNoControlsSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollbar The thumb and track skins are defined by separate skins. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarThumbSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarThumbSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarThumbSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackNoControls The thumb and track skins are defined in separate skins. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrack | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseIconButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseIconButton | |
AXMEnterpriseIconButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseIconButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBar The buttons on the ButtonBar component use the ButtonBarLastButtonSkin, ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin and ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin classes. | |
AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
Skin for AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButton | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperIncrementButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
Skin for AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButton | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperIncrementButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperIncrementButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for a Spark NumericStepper component. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperTextInputSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for Spark TextInput component. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperTextInputSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperTextInputSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterprisePanelSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for a AXMEnterprisePanel. | |
AXMEnterprisePanelSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterprisePanelSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for a AXMEnterprisePanel. | |
AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietHeaderBarButton — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseQuietHeaderBarButton | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietHeaderBarButton() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietHeaderBarButton | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseRadioButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseRadioButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseRadioButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseRadioButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseResizeHandleSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseResizeHandle. | |
AXMEnterpriseResizeHandleSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseResizeHandleSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollDownArrowSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollDownArrow. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollDownArrowSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseScrollDownArrowSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollLeftArrowSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollLeftArrow. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollLeftArrowSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseScrollLeftArrowSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin.mxml. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollUpArrowSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin.mxml. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollUpArrowSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseScrollUpArrowSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseSlideToggleButton — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components | |
The AXMEnterpriseSlideToggleButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseSlideToggleButton() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components.AXMEnterpriseSlideToggleButton | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMSplitActionButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseTabBarButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseTabBarButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseTabBarButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTabBarButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseTabBarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseTabBarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTabBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseTextAreaSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseTextArea. | |
AXMEnterpriseTextAreaSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTextAreaSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseTextInputSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseTextInput. | |
AXMEnterpriseTextInputSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTextInputSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseTitleWindowSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for a AXMEnterpriseTitleWindow. | |
AXMEnterpriseTitleWindowSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTitleWindowSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseToggleButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToggleButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseToggleButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToggleButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarBottomSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarBottom. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarBottomSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolBarBottomSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarFirstButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarFirstButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarFirstButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarLastButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarLastButton | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarLastButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarLastButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarMiddleButton | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarTopSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarTopSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolBarTopSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarButtonSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarButtonSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBar. | |
AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarNoControlsSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarNoControls The thumb and track skins are defined by the VScrollBarThumbSkin and VScrollBarTrackSkin classes, respectively. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarNoControlsSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarNoControlsSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseVScrollbar. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarThumbSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarThumb. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarThumbSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackNoControls The thumb and track skins are defined by the VScrollBarThumbSkin and VScrollBarTrackSkin classes, respectively. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackSkin — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrack The thumb and track skins are defined by the VScrollBarThumbSkin and VScrollBarTrackSkin classes, respectively. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackSkin() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
AXMHeaderBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Header Bar Components | |
AXMHeaderBar() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
Constructor. | |
AXMHScrollBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
Default AXM Horizontal Scrollbar | |
AXMHScrollBar() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
Constructor. | |
AXMLightItemRenderer — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
Item Renderer for the AXM Light style list | |
AXMLightItemRenderer() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMLightItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
AXMList — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM List Component | |
AXMList() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
Constructor. | |
AXMPopUp — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Pop Up | |
AXMPopUp() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
Constructor. | |
AXMProgressBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Progress bar component | |
AXMProgressBar() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
Constructor. | |
AXMProgressSpinner — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
Progress spinner component | |
AXMProgressSpinner() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressSpinner | |
Constructor. | |
AXMResizableContainer — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Resizable Container | |
AXMResizableContainer() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMResizableContainer | |
Constructor. | |
AXMRichTextEditor — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Rich Text Editor Composite Component | |
AXMRichTextEditor() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
Constructor. | |
AXMRichTextEditorControlBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
Control bar for the AXM RichTextEditor | |
AXMRichTextEditorControlBar() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
Constructor. | |
AXMScroller — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
The AXMScroller Component. | |
AXMScroller() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
Constructor. | |
AXMSplitActionButton — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
Split Action Button | |
AXMSplitActionButton() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
Constructor. | |
AXMSwitch — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Toggle Button | |
AXMSwitch() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
Constructor. | |
AXMTabBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM tab bar compoenent | |
AXMTabBar() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBar | |
Constructor. | |
AXMTabBarButton — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Button Bar Button | |
AXMTabBarButton() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBarButton | |
Constructor. | |
AXMTitleWindow — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
footerGradientEndColor | |
AXMTitleWindow() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTitleWindow | |
Constructor. | |
AXMToggleButton — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Toggle Button Component | |
AXMToggleButton() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
Constructor. | |
AXMToolPopUp — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Tool Pop Up Component | |
AXMToolPopUp() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToolPopUp | |
Constructor. | |
AXMToolPopUpDropDownController — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components.support | |
The AXMToolPopUpDropDownController class handles the mouse, keyboard, and focus interactions for an anchor button and its associated tool pop up drop down. | |
AXMToolPopUpDropDownController() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.support.AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | |
Constructor. | |
AXMVerticalDivider — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM AXM Vertical Divider Component | |
AXMVerticalDivider() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVerticalDivider | |
Constructor. | |
AXMVScrollBar — classe, pacote xd.core.axm.view.components | |
AXM Vertical Scroll Bar Component | |
AXMVScrollBar() — Construtor, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
Constructor. | |
Símbolos A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:26 AM Z