Symboler A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
S — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för tangenten S (83). | |
sameDomain — Egenskap, klass fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
Uttrycker domänförhållandena mellan inläsaren och innehållet: true om de tillhör samma domän, annars false. | |
sameDomain — Egenskap, klass flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Uttrycker domänförhållandena mellan inläsaren och innehållet: true om de tillhör samma domän, annars false. | |
Sample — klass, paket flash.sampler | |
Klassen Sample skapar objekt som innehåller minnesanalysinformation från angivna varaktigheter. | |
sampleData — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när miljön begär nya ljuddata. | |
SAMPLE_DATA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet på type-egenskapen för ett SampleDataEvent-händelseobjekt. | |
SampleDataEvent — klass, paket | |
Skickas när ett Sound-objekt begär nya ljuddata eller när ett Microphone-objekt har nya ljuddata att skicka. | |
SampleDataEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, theposition:Number, thedata:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt händelseobjekt som innehåller information om ljuddatahändelser. | |
sampleDataUploaderDisplay — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines FileUploader component for sample data A skin part that defines FileUploader component for sample data | |
sampleInternalAllocs(b:Boolean) — Paketfunktion, flash.sampler | |
Anger om NewObjectSamples ska skapas för interna tilldelningar från Flash Player. | |
sampleInterval — Egenskap, klass flash.ui.GameInputDevice | |
Anger med vilken hastighet (i millisekunder) som kontrollvärden hämtas. | |
SandboxMouseEvent — klass, paket | |
This is an event sent between applications in different security sandboxes to notify listeners about mouse activity in another security sandbox. | |
SandboxMouseEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, buttonDown:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
sandboxType — Egenskap, klass | |
Sandlådetypen för innehållet i webbläsaren. | |
sandboxType — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.system.Security | |
Anger den typ av säkerhetssandlåda som den anropande filen körs i. | |
saturation — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.AdjustColor | |
Anger mättnaden för AdjustColor-filtret. | |
saturation — Egenskap, klass mx.utils.HSBColor | |
The saturation parameter for this HSB color. | |
SaturationShader — klass, paket | |
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Saturation' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
SaturationShader() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SAURASHTRA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Representerar Unicode-värdet för siffran noll i Saurashtra-sifferuppsättningen. | |
save(saveObj:Object) — metod, klass coldfusion.air.Session | |
Saves an instance of the object in the local database. | |
save(task:com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain:ITask) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Persists the given task to the server. | |
save() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
Saves the user edits for any asset. | |
save() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.CategoryModel | |
Saves the underlying value object on the server. | |
save() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
Saves the underlying value object on the server. | |
save() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
Saves the underlying value object on the server. | |
save() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
Saves the underlying value object on the server. | |
save() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LayoutModel | |
Saves the underlying value object on the server. | |
save() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
Saves the underlying value object on the server. | |
save() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Saves the underlying value object on the server. | |
save() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TextModel | |
Saves the underlying value object on the server. | |
save(label:String, description:String, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Programmatically saves the view with a label and description. | |
save() — metod, gränssnitt | |
This remote operation saves the current state of a project on a server. | |
save() — metod, gränssnitt | |
This remote operation saves the current state of team member on server. | |
save() — metod, gränssnitt | |
This remote operation saves the current state of a workitem on a server. | |
save() — metod, klass | |
This remote operation saves the current state of a project on a server. | |
save() — metod, klass | |
This remote operation saves the current state of team member on server. | |
save() — metod, klass | |
This remote operation saves the current state of a workitem on a server. | |
save() — metod, gränssnitt | |
Persists the schedule template. | |
save() — metod, gränssnitt | |
Saves the template. | |
save() — metod, klass | |
Persists the schedule template. | |
save() — metod, klass | |
Saves the template. | |
save(data:any, defaultFileName:String) — metod, klass | |
Öppnar en dialogruta som kan användas för att spara en fil på en lokal dator. | |
save — Egenskap, klass flash.ui.ContextMenuBuiltInItems | |
Gör att användare som har Shockmachine installerat spara en SWF-fil. | |
save() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Saves the form data associated with a specific task. | |
save() — Statisk metod , klass mx.managers.HistoryManager | |
Saves the application's current state so it can be restored later. | |
save() — metod, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor | |
Saves the value in the editor to the data provider of the item renderer's owner. | |
save() — metod, gränssnitt spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemEditor | |
Saves the value in the editor to the data provider of the item renderer's owner. | |
save() — metod, gränssnitt spark.managers.IPersistenceManager | |
Flushes the data being managed by the persistence manager to disk, or to another external storage file. | |
save() — metod, klass spark.managers.PersistenceManager | |
Flushes the data being managed by the persistence manager to disk, or to another external storage file. | |
SAVE_AS_ITEM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuEvent | |
A special value that is dispatched when the Save As item is selected from the menu. | |
saveAsLabel — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
The label for the "Save As" menu item | |
saveAsPDF( — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Forwards the request to save the PDF rendition of the Guide. | |
saveAsPDF( — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Forwards the request to save the PDF rendition of the Guide. | |
saveAsPDF() — metod, klass ga.controls.ToolBar | |
Saves the PDF associated with the Guide. | |
saveAsPDF( — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Forwards the request to save the PDF rendition of the Guide. | |
SaveAttachmentCommand — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The SaveAttachmentCommand class returns the attachment document that is referenced by the TaskAttachmentInfo object. | |
SaveAttachmentCommand(taskAttachmentInfo:lc.procmgmt.domain:TaskAttachmentInfo) — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.commands.SaveAttachmentCommand | |
Constructor. | |
saveButton — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDEditor | |
A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for saving data dictionary. A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for saving data dictionary. | |
saveButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the button to save a category A skin part that defines the button to save a category | |
saveButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the save button A skin part that defines the save button | |
saveButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Save Button. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Save Button. | |
saveCache(coll:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — metod, klass coldfusion.air.Session | |
Saves in the local database an ArrayCollection of data instances returned by the server CFC fetch method. | |
saveCache(value:Object) — metod, klass | |
This method saves the current state of the DataManager instance's cache. | |
saveCacheMinIntervalMillis — Egenskap, klass | |
This time interval can be set to reduce the frequency of how often the cache is saved. | |
saveCacheObject(obj:Object) — metod, klass coldfusion.air.Session | |
Saves a single object instance in the local database. | |
saveCacheObjectCallCache(obj:Object, callCache:coldfusion.air:CallCache) — metod, klass coldfusion.air.Session | |
saveCacheRequired — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates if there are changes that have not been saved to the local cache and the saveCache() method should be called. | |
saveCacheRequiredOn(object:Object) — metod, klass | |
Indicates if there are pending changes for this particular object that are not saved to the local cache. | |
saveComplete — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.CategoryModel | |
Dispatched when the category is successfully saved. | |
saveComplete — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
Dispatched when the condition is successfully saved. | |
saveComplete — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
Dispatched when the fragmentLayout is successfully saved. | |
saveComplete — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
Dispatched when the image is successfully saved. | |
saveComplete — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LayoutModel | |
Dispatched when the layout is successfully saved. | |
saveComplete — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
Dispatched when the letter is successfully saved. | |
saveComplete — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Dispatched when the list is successfully saved. | |
saveComplete — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TextModel | |
Dispatched when the text is successfully saved. | |
SAVE_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The AssetEvent.SAVE_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a saveComplete event. | |
SAVE_DATA_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies form data was saved. | |
savedSearches — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.UserPreference | |
Specifies a list of the user's saved searches. | |
savedSearches — Egenskap, klass | |
List of saved searches for a user. | |
saveExpression — Händelse, klass | |
The event dispatched when the Save button is clicked. | |
SaveExpression — klass, paket | |
The SaveExpression class defines a container that includes a nameTextInput and descripationTextArea for saving expression | |
SaveExpression() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SAVE_EXPRESSION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The ExpressionBuilderEvent.SAVE_EXPRESSION constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the agent clicks the Save button of a Expression Toolbar in Expression Builder UI. | |
SAVE_EXPRESSION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies an Save Expression. | |
saveFault — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.CategoryModel | |
Dispatched when a fault occurs while saving the category. | |
saveFault — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
Dispatched when a fault occurs while saving the condition. | |
saveFault — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
Dispatched when a fault occurs while saving the fragmentLayout. | |
saveFault — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
Dispatched when a fault occurs while saving the image. | |
saveFault — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LayoutModel | |
Dispatched when a fault occurs while saving the layout. | |
saveFault — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
Dispatched when a fault occurs while saving the letter. | |
saveFault — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Dispatched when a fault occurs while saving the list. | |
saveFault — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TextModel | |
Dispatched when a fault occurs while saving the text. | |
SAVE_FAULT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The AssetEvent.SAVE_FAULT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a saveFault event. | |
saveItem — Händelse, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
Event dispatched when the Save item is selected from the menu. | |
SAVE_ITEM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuEvent | |
A special value that is dispatched when the Save item is selected from the menu. | |
saveItemData(taskId:String, taskItemIndex:int, data:Object) — metod, gränssnitt lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Saves the task item data to the server. | |
saveItemData(taskItemIndex:int, data:Object) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Saves task item data to the server. | |
saveItems(items:Array) — metod, klass | |
Add/Remove all the items specified within the dictionary. | |
saveItems(items:Array) — metod, klass | |
Add/Remove all the items specified within the dictionary. | |
saveLabel — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
The label for the "Save" menu item | |
saveMessageCache(, unmergedMessages:Array) — metod, klass | |
Saves the pending uncommitted messages and unmerges messages. | |
saveMetaData(metadata:Object) — metod, klass | |
Save the meta data configuration for a given destination. | |
saveMode — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns the saveMode that controls the ability to save and close views managed by the ViewManager. | |
saveNavigatorState() — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | |
Responsible for persisting the application state to the persistence manager. | |
saveQuery(queryParams:Object, data:Object) — metod, klass | |
Saves queries to be replayed offline later. | |
saveStartValue() — metod, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.ActionEffectInstance | |
Subclasses implement this method to save the starting state before the effect plays. | |
saveState() — metod, klass mx.containers.Accordion | |
Saves the state of this object. | |
saveState() — metod, klass mx.containers.ViewStack | |
Saves the state of this object. | |
saveState() — metod, gränssnitt mx.managers.IHistoryManagerClient | |
Saves the state of this object. | |
saveTab — Händelse, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
Dispatched when the save action is picked from the option menu. | |
SAVE_TAB — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Tab at index should be saved. | |
saveUpdate(saveObj:Object) — metod, klass coldfusion.air.Session | |
Checks if the object specified in the parameter exists in the database. | |
saveUpdateCache(coll:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — metod, klass coldfusion.air.Session | |
Saves or updates in the local database tan ArrayCollection of data instances returned by the server CFC fetch method. | |
saveUpdateCacheObject(obj:Object) — metod, klass coldfusion.air.Session | |
Saves or updates in the local database a data instance returned by the server CFC fetch method. | |
saveViewData() — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase | |
Serializes all data related to the navigator's children into an object that can be saved by the persistence manager. | |
SaveViewEvent — klass, paket | |
The SaveViewEvent class defines a transient notification of a view save result. | |
SaveViewEvent(type:String,, msg:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
saving — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.CategoryModel | |
Dispatched when the current category is requested for save. | |
saving — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
Dispatched when the current condition is requested for save. | |
saving — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
Dispatched when the current fragmentLayout is requested for save. | |
saving — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
Dispatched when the current image is requested for save. | |
saving — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LayoutModel | |
Dispatched when the current layout is requested for save. | |
saving — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
Dispatched when the current letter is requested for save. | |
saving — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Dispatched when the current list is requested for save. | |
saving — Händelse, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TextModel | |
Dispatched when the current text is requested for save. | |
SAVING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The AssetEvent.SAVING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a saving event. | |
scale — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Document | |
Scale factor as a percentage. | |
scale — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Size of the thumbnail relative to the source page. | |
scale(sx:Number, sy:Number) — metod, klass flash.geom.Matrix | |
Tillämpar skalningsomformning på Matrix-objektet. | |
Scale — klass, paket spark.effects | |
The Scale effect scales a target object in the x and y directions around the transform center. | |
Scale(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass spark.effects.Scale | |
Constructor. | |
SCALE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The bitmap fill stretches to fill the region. | |
SCALE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass spark.components.ResizeMode | |
Resizes by setting the scaleX and scaleY properties. | |
Scale3D — klass, paket spark.effects | |
The Scale3D class scales a target object in three dimensions around the transform center. | |
Scale3D(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
Constructor. | |
scale9Grid — Egenskap, klass flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Det skalningsrutnät som används för närvarande. | |
scale9Grid — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
scale9Grid — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Det skalningsrutnät som används för närvarande. | |
scaleBy(s:Number) — metod, klass flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Genomför skalning av det aktuella Vector3D-objektet med ett skalärt värde, en storlek. | |
scaleChangedEvent — Händelse, klass | |
The event dispatched when the GanttItem scale changes. | |
ScaleChangedEvent — klass, paket | |
This event is dispatched when the scale of the Gantt chart is changed. | |
ScaleChangedEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for ScaleChangedEvent class. | |
SCALE_CHANGED_EVENT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This constant denotes that the scale of the Gantt chart has changed. | |
scaleContent — Egenskap, klass fl.containers.UILoader | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett värde som anger om bilden automatiskt ska skalas till storleken på UILoader-instansen. | |
scaleContent — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
A flag that indicates whether to scale the content to fit the size of the control or resize the control to the content's size. | |
scaleContentWhenResized — Egenskap, klass mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
Whether the scale of the container due to sizing affects the scale of the flex content. | |
scaleDownFactor — Egenskap, klass | |
The factor to be applied to the current downloading bitrate in order to compute this rule's recommendation | |
scaleEasingFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.MaskEffect | |
Easing function to use for scaling the mask. | |
scaleEasingFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Easing function to use for scaling the mask. | |
scaleFrom — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Y-axis minimum value; integer. | |
scaleGridBottom — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Group | |
Specifies the bottom coordinate of the scale grid. | |
scaleGridLeft — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Group | |
Specifies the left coordinate of the scale grid. | |
scaleGridRight — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Group | |
Specifies the right coordinate of the scale grid. | |
scaleGridTop — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Group | |
Specifies the top coordinate of the scale grid. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger hur videons storlek ändras när den har lästs in. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger hur videons storlek ändras när den har lästs in. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass flash.display.GraphicsStroke | |
Anger skalningen av linjens tjocklek. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Ett värde från klassen StageScaleMode som anger vilket skalningsläge som ska användas. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass | |
Specifies which scale mode to use. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
A value from the LineScaleMode class that specifies which scale mode to use. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass | |
A value from the LineScaleMode class that specifies which scale mode to use. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass org.osmf.layout.LayoutMetadata | |
Defines the desired scaleMode to be applied to the target. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines how content within the MediaPlayerSprite will be laid out. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Image | |
Determines how the image is scaled when fillMode is set to | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
The scaleMode property describes different ways of sizing the video content. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
The scaleMode property describes different ways of sizing the video content. | |
scaleMode — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Determines how the image is scaled when fillMode is set to | |
ScaleMode — slutgiltig klass, paket org.osmf.display | |
Note: This class provides backwards compatibility with Flex 4, and is for use with Flex 4 only. | |
ScaleMode — slutgiltig klass, paket org.osmf.layout | |
ScaleMode defines the layout of a single piece of content within a MediaContainer. | |
scaleTo — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Y-axis maximum value; integer. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass fl.core.UIComponent | |
Multiplicerar komponentens aktuella bredd med en skalfaktor. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Visar vågrät skala i procent för objektet utifrån dess omformningspunkt. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.Source | |
Anger det ursprungliga objektets scaleX-värde. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett tal som representerar den vågräta skalan. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett tal som representerar den vågräta skalan. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Anger vågrät skala (i procent) för objektet utifrån dess registreringspunkt. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass | |
Visningsobjektets vågräta skala sedan den föregående gesthändelsen. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Multiplikatorn som används för att skala x-ersättningsresultatet från mappningsberäkningen. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
scaleX — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Anger vågrät skala (i procent) för objektet utifrån dess registreringspunkt. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Number that specifies the horizontal scaling factor. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Number that specifies the horizontal scaling factor. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass mx.geom.CompoundTransform | |
The scaleX of the transform. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass mx.geom.TransformOffsets | |
the multiplier applied to the scaleX of the transform. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass | |
The percent to horizontally scale the bitmap when filling, from 0.0 to 1.0. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass | |
The horizontal scale of the gradient transform, which defines the width of the (unrotated) gradient | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass | |
The horizontal scale of the gradient transform, which defines the width of the (unrotated) gradient | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass | |
The horizontal scale of the gradient transform, which defines the width of the (unrotated) gradient | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass | |
The horizontal scale of the gradient transform, which defines the width of the (unrotated) gradient | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass spark.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
The multiplier to use to scale the x displacement result from the map calculation. | |
scaleX — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The horizontal scale (percentage) of the element as applied from the transform point. | |
SCALE_X — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.motion.Tweenables | |
Konstant för egenskapen scaleX. | |
scaleXBy — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale | |
The factor by which to scale the object in the x direction. | |
scaleXBy — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
The factor by which to scale the object in the x direction. | |
scaleXFrom — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.MaskEffect | |
Initial scaleX for mask. | |
scaleXFrom — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Initial scaleX for mask. | |
scaleXFrom — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale | |
The starting scale factor in the x direction. | |
scaleXFrom — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
The starting scale factor in the x direction. | |
scaleXTo — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.MaskEffect | |
Ending scaleX for mask. | |
scaleXTo — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Ending scaleX for mask. | |
scaleXTo — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale | |
The ending scale factor in the x direction. | |
scaleXTo — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
The ending scale factor in the x direction. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass fl.core.UIComponent | |
Multiplicerar komponentens aktuella höjd med en skalfaktor. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Visar lodrät skala i procent för objektet utifrån dess omformningspunkt. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.Source | |
Anger det ursprungliga objektets scaleY-värde. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett tal som representerar den lodräta skalan. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett tal som representerar den lodräta skalan. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Anger lodrät skala (i procent) för objektet utifrån dess registreringspunkt. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass | |
Visningsobjektets lodräta skala sedan den föregående gesthändelsen. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Multiplikatorn som används för att skala y-ersättningsresultatet från mappningsberäkningen. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
scaleY — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Anger lodrät skala (i procent) för objektet utifrån dess registreringspunkt. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Number that specifies the vertical scaling factor. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Number that specifies the vertical scaling factor. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass mx.geom.CompoundTransform | |
The scaleY of the transform. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass mx.geom.TransformOffsets | |
the multiplier applied to the scaleY of the transform. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass | |
The percent to vertically scale the bitmap when filling, from 0.0 to 1.0. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass | |
The vertical scale of the gradient transform, which defines the height of the (unrotated) gradient | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass | |
The vertical scale of the gradient transform, which defines the height of the (unrotated) gradient | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass spark.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
The multiplier to use to scale the y displacement result from the map calculation. | |
scaleY — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The vertical scale (percentage) of the element as applied from the transform point. | |
SCALE_Y — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.motion.Tweenables | |
Konstant för egenskapen scaleY. | |
scaleYBy — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale | |
The factor by which to scale the object in the y direction. | |
scaleYBy — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
The factor by which to scale the object in the y direction. | |
scaleYFrom — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.MaskEffect | |
Initial scaleY for mask. | |
scaleYFrom — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Initial scaleY for mask. | |
scaleYFrom — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale | |
The starting scale factor in the y direction. | |
scaleYFrom — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
The starting scale factor in the y direction. | |
scaleYTo — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.MaskEffect | |
Ending scaleY for mask. | |
scaleYTo — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Ending scaleY for mask. | |
scaleYTo — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale | |
The ending scale factor in the y direction. | |
scaleYTo — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
The ending scale factor in the y direction. | |
scaleZ — Egenskap, klass flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Anger djupskala (procent) för objektet utifrån dess registreringspunkt. | |
scaleZ — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Number that specifies the scaling factor along the z axis. | |
scaleZ — Egenskap, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Number that specifies the scaling factor along the z axis. | |
scaleZ — Egenskap, klass mx.geom.CompoundTransform | |
The scaleZ of the transform. | |
scaleZ — Egenskap, klass mx.geom.TransformOffsets | |
the multiplier applied to the scaleZ of the transform. | |
scaleZ — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The z scale (percentage) of the element as applied from the transform point. | |
scaleZBy — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
The factor by which to scale the object in the z direction. | |
scaleZFrom — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
The starting scale factor in the z direction. | |
scaleZTo — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Scale3D | |
The ending scale factor in the z direction. | |
scalingMethod — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
Identifies how an image is to be scaled. | |
SCALING_METHOD_ACTUAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
Constant used with scalingMethod. | |
SCALING_METHOD_FIT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
Constant used with scalingMethod. | |
SCALING_METHOD_SHOWALL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
Constant used with scalingMethod. | |
scanHardware() — Paketfunktion, | |
Framtvingar en ny genomsökning av mikrofonerna och kamerorna i systemet. | |
Scene — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen Scene innehåller egenskaper som används för att identifiera namn, etiketter och antal bildrutor i en scen. | |
sceneName — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
En referens för exporterade scener, för 3D-rörelser, så att scenen kan läsas in i en överordnad tidslinje. | |
sceneName — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.AnimatorFactoryBase | |
En referens för exporterade scener, för 3D-rörelser, så att scenen kan läsas in i en överordnad tidslinje. | |
scenes — Egenskap, klass flash.display.MovieClip | |
En array med Scene-objekt som listar namn, antal bildrutor och bildruteetiketter för en scen i MovieClip-instansen. | |
SchedulesStateEvent — klass, paket | |
This is a simple event to trigger state change in the Schedules component. | |
SchedulesStateEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for SchedulesStateEvent class. | |
schema — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när en åtgärd för ett loadSchema()-metodanrop har slutförts och schemaresultaten är klara. | |
SCHEMA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation | |
Anger att SQLConnection.loadSchema()-metoden anropades. | |
SCHEMA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
SQLEvent.SCHEMA-konstanten definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett schema-händelseobjekt. | |
SchemaTypeRegistry — klass, paket mx.rpc.xml | |
XMLDecoder uses this class to map an XML Schema type by QName to an ActionScript Class so that it can create strongly typed objects when decoding content. | |
scheme — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.gravity.utility.url.URIParser | |
The URI scheme. | |
scope — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.air.SessionToken | |
scope — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
Scope of search, from entry specified in start attribute for action="Query" . | |
scope — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
he scope of the service. | |
scope — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterAttribute | |
The scope of a search filter attribute. | |
scrapToCut — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.CutOperation | |
scrapToCut är den ursprungliga borttagna texten. | |
screen — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IToolTip | |
A Rectangle that specifies the size and position of the base drawing surface for this tooltip. | |
screen — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns an object that contains the size and position of the base drawing surface for this object. | |
screen — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
The size and position of the application window. | |
screen — Egenskap, klass mx.managers.SystemManager | |
The size and position of the application window. | |
screen — Egenskap, klass mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
The size and position of the application window. | |
Screen — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen Screen ger information om de visningsskärmar som är tillgängliga för det här programmet. | |
SCREEN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display.BlendMode | |
Multiplicerar komplementfärgen (motsatsfärgen) för visningsobjektets färg med komplementfärgen för bakgrundsfärgen, vilket ger en blekningseffekt. | |
screenColor — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.system.Capabilities | |
Anger skärmfärgen. | |
screenDPI — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.system.Capabilities | |
Anger skärmens upplösning (dpi) i pixlar. | |
ScreenMode — klass, paket flash.display | |
ScreenMode-objektet ger information om bredd, höjd och uppdateringsfrekvens på en skärm. | |
ScreenMouseEvent — klass, paket | |
SystemTrayIcon-objektet skickar händelser av typen ScreenMouseEvent som svar på musinteraktion. | |
ScreenMouseEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, screenX:Number, screenY:Number, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, buttonDown:Boolean, commandKey:Boolean, controlKey:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett ScreenMouseEvent-objekt som innehåller musplaceringen i skärmkoordinater. | |
screenResolutionX — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.system.Capabilities | |
Anger skärmens maximala vågräta upplösning. | |
screenResolutionY — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.system.Capabilities | |
Anger skärmens maximala lodräta upplösning. | |
screens — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.display.Screen | |
Arrayen med skärmar som är tillgängliga för tillfället. | |
screenX — Egenskap, klass | |
X-positionen på klicket visas med skärmkoordinater. | |
screenY — Egenskap, klass | |
Y-positionen på klicket visas med skärmkoordinater. | |
scriptID — Konstantegenskap, klass flash.sampler.StackFrame | |
Identifieraren för skriptfunktionen i det program som profileras. | |
scriptRecursionLimit — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Application | |
Specifies the maximum depth of Flash Player or AIR call stack before the player stops. | |
scriptRecursionLimit — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Application | |
Specifies the maximum depth of Flash Player or AIR call stack before the player stops. | |
scriptTimeLimit — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Application | |
Specifies the maximum duration, in seconds, that an ActionScript event handler can execute before Flash Player or AIR assumes that it is hung, and aborts it. | |
scriptTimeLimit — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Application | |
Specifies the maximum duration, in seconds, that an ActionScript event handler can execute before Flash Player or AIR assumes that it is hung, and aborts it. | |
ScriptTimeoutError — Dynamisk klass, paket flash.errors | |
Undantaget ScriptTimeoutError ges när skriptets timeoutintervall nås. | |
ScriptTimeoutError(message:String) — Konstruktor, klass flash.errors.ScriptTimeoutError | |
Skapar ett nytt ScriptTimeoutError-objekt. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
Skickas när användaren rullar innehåll med rullningslisterna på komponenten eller med hjulet på en muspekare. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Skickas när användaren rullar innehåll med rullningslisterna på komponenten eller med hjulet på en muspekare. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Skickas när användaren bläddrar i ComboBox-komponentens listruta. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
Skickas när ScrollBar-instansens scrollPosition-egenskap ändras. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Skickas när användaren rullar vågrätt eller lodrätt. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass fl.controls.TextArea | |
Skickas när innehållet rullas. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Skickas av ett TextField-objekt efter att användaren rullat. | |
scroll(x:int, y:int) — metod, klass flash.display.BitmapData | |
Rullar en bild med en viss (x, y) pixelmängd. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Signalerar att egenskapen scrollH eller scrollV har ändrats av HTMLLoader-objektet. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Skickas av ett TextField-objekt efter att användaren rullat. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Skickas av ett TextFlow-objekt när text rullas inuti en kontrollenhetsbehållare. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
Skickas av ett TextFlow-objekt när text rullas inuti en kontrollenhetsbehållare. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Dispatched when the user scrolls the ComboBox control's drop-down list. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Dispatched when the month changes due to user interaction. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass mx.controls.DateField | |
Dispatched when the month changes due to user interaction. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass mx.controls.HScrollBar | |
Dispatched when the ScrollBar control scrolls through user initiated action or programmatically. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass mx.controls.VScrollBar | |
Dispatched when the ScrollBar control scrolls through user initiated action or programmatically. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass mx.core.Container | |
Dispatched when the user manually scrolls the container. | |
scroll — Händelse, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Dispatched when the content is scrolled. | |
SCROLL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.core.InvalidationType | |
Konstanten InvalidationType.SCROLL definierar det värde för händelseobjektets type-egenskap som skickas för att ange att komponentens rullningsposition är ogiltig. | |
SCROLL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett scroll-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
SCROLL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Event.SCROLL-konstanten definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett scroll-händelseobjekt. | |
SCROLL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Med konstanten TextLayoutEvent.SCROLL definieras värdet för egenskapen type för en rullningshändelses händelseobjekt. | |
SCROLL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The DateChooserEvent.SCROLL constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a scrollevent. | |
SCROLL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The ScrollEvent.SCROLL constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a scroll event. | |
SCROLL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Indicates that the touch interaction is a scroll. | |
ScrollableArrowMenu — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu | |
An extension of ScrollableMenu that uses two arrow buttons placed at the top and bottom of the menu for scrolling. | |
ScrollableArrowMenu() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableArrowMenu | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollableMenu — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu | |
An extension of mx.controls.Menu that allows the control to scroll vertically. | |
ScrollableMenu() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableMenu | |
Constructor. | |
scrollAreaChanged — Egenskap, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
A flag that the scrolling area changed due to the appearance or disappearance of scrollbars. | |
ScrollArrowSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of the up or down button in a ScrollBar. | |
ScrollArrowSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.ScrollArrowSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBar — klass, paket fl.controls | |
Med ScrollBar-komponenten kan slutanvändaren styra vilken del av informationen som visas när det finns för mycket information för att allt ska få plats i visningsområdet. | |
ScrollBar — klass, paket mx.controls.scrollClasses | |
The ScrollBar class is the base class for the HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls. | |
ScrollBar() — Konstruktor, klass fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
Skapar en ny ScrollBar-komponentinstans. | |
ScrollBar() — Konstruktor, klass mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarAutomationImpl — klass, paket mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ScrollBar class. | |
ScrollBarAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.scrollClasses:ScrollBar) — Konstruktor, klass mx.automation.delegates.controls.ScrollBarAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarBase — klass, paket spark.components.supportClasses | |
The ScrollBarBase class helps to position the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area. | |
ScrollBarBase() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarDirection — klass, paket fl.controls | |
Definierar värdena för egenskapen direction i ScrollBar-komponenten. | |
ScrollBarDirection — slutgiltig klass, paket mx.controls.scrollClasses | |
The ScrollBarDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the ScrollBar control. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the down button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for down button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarDownButton component. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for left button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarLeftButton component. | |
ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
scrollbarOption — Egenskap, klass | |
The value indicating whether PDF scroll bar should be shown or not.'1' indicates that the scroll bar is shown. | |
ScrollBarRightButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for right button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarRightButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarRightButton component. | |
ScrollBarRightButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarRightButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarRightButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.ScrollBarRightButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
scrollBarsVisible — Egenskap, klass flash.html.HTMLWindowCreateOptions | |
Anger om en rullningslist ska visas. | |
ScrollBarThumbSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the thumb of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarThumbSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarThumbSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.ScrollBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarThumbSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.ScrollBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarTrackSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the track of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarTrackSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarTrackSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.ScrollBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarTrackSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.ScrollBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the up button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for up button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarUpButton component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
scrollChildren() — metod, klass mx.charts.Legend | |
Positions the container's content area relative to the viewable area based on the horizontalScrollPosition and verticalScrollPosition properties. | |
scrollChildren() — metod, klass mx.core.Container | |
Positions the container's content area relative to the viewable area based on the horizontalScrollPosition and verticalScrollPosition properties. | |
ScrollControlBase — klass, paket mx.core | |
The ScrollControlBase class is the base class for controls with scroll bars. | |
ScrollControlBase() — Konstruktor, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollControlBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket mx.automation.delegates.core | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ScrollControlBase class. | |
ScrollControlBaseAutomationImpl(obj:mx.core:ScrollControlBase) — Konstruktor, klass mx.automation.delegates.core.ScrollControlBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
scrollDrag — Egenskap, klass fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett värde som anger om rullning utförs när en användare drar innehåll inom rullningsfönstret. | |
scrollDragDelay — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
Anger en tidsfördröjning mellan en rullning och nästa för att förhindra att rullningen går för fort. | |
scrollDragDelay — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration | |
Anger en tidsfördröjning mellan en rullning och nästa för att förhindra att rullningen går för fort. | |
scrollDragPixels — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
Anger det standardantal pixlar som ska rullas när användaren inleder automatisk rullning genom att dra markeringen. | |
scrollDragPixels — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration | |
Anger det standardantal pixlar som ska rullas när användaren inleder automatisk rullning genom att dra markeringen. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass | |
The Scroller component to add scroll bars to the list. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass | |
The Scroller component to add scroll bars to the list. | |
scroller — Skaldel, klass spark.components.TextArea | |
The optional Scroller in the skin, used to scroll the RichEditableText. The optional Scroller in the skin, used to scroll the RichEditableText. | |
scroller — Skaldel, klass spark.components.List | |
The optional Scroller used to scroll the List. The optional Scroller used to scroll the List. | |
scroller — Skaldel, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
A reference to the Scroller control in the skin class that adds scroll bars to the DataGrid control. A reference to the Scroller control in the skin class that adds scroll bars to the DataGrid control. | |
scroller — Skaldel, klass spark.components.SpinnerList | |
The optional Scroller that is used to scroll the List. The optional Scroller that is used to scroll the List. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass | |
Scroller skin part. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass | |
Scroller skin part. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass | |
Scroller skin part. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.ListSkin | |
The Scroller component to add scroll bars to the list. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.TextAreaSkin | |
Defines the scroller that is used to scroll the TextArea control. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.wireframe.ListSkin | |
The Scroller component to add scroll bars to the list. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.wireframe.TextAreaSkin | |
Defines the scroller used to scroll the TextArea. | |
scroller — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTextAreaSkin | |
Defines the scroller that is used to scroll the TextArea control. | |
Scroller — klass, paket spark.components | |
The Scroller component displays a single scrollable component, called a viewport, and horizontal and vertical scroll bars. | |
Scroller() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.Scroller | |
Constructor. | |
scrollerSet — Skaldel, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
The optional Scroller used to scroll the List. The optional Scroller used to scroll the List. | |
ScrollerSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark Scroller component. | |
ScrollerSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.ScrollerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollEvent — klass, paket | |
ScrollEvent definierar rullningshändelsen som är kopplad till komponenten ScrollBar. | |
ScrollEvent — klass, paket | |
Representerar händelser som skickas när automatisk rullning utförs med TextFlow. | |
ScrollEvent — klass, paket | |
Represents events that are dispatched by the ScrollBar class. | |
ScrollEvent(direction:String, delta:Number, position:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt ScrollEvent-objekt med de angivna parametrarna. | |
ScrollEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, direction:String, delta:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Konstruktor. | |
ScrollEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, detail:String, position:Number, direction:String, delta:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollEventDetail — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Constants for the values of the detail property of a ScrollEvent. | |
ScrollEventDirection — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Konstanter för egenskapen direction för ett ScrollEvent. | |
ScrollEventDirection — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Constants for the values of the direction property of a ScrollEvent. | |
scrollH — Egenskap, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Den vågräta rullningspositionen. | |
scrollH — Egenskap, klass flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Den vågräta rullningspositionen för HTML-innehållet i HTMLLoader-objektet. | |
scrollH — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Den vågräta rullningspositionen. | |
scrollH — Egenskap, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property has not been implemented in FTETextField because FTETextField does not support scrolling. | |
scrollH — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Den vågräta rullningspositionen. | |
scrollHandler( — metod, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Default event handler for the scroll event. | |
scrollHorizontally(pos:int, deltaPos:int, scrollUp:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Adjusts the renderers in response to a change in scroll position. | |
scrollHorizontally(pos:int, deltaPos:int, scrollUp:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Adjusts the renderers in response to a change in scroll position. | |
scrollHorizontally(pos:int, deltaPos:int, scrollUp:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.TileBase | |
Adjusts the renderers in response to a change in scroll position. | |
scrollIntoView(component:mx.core:IUIComponent) — Statisk metod , klass ga.util.ScrollIntoViewUtil | |
Scroll the specified component into view | |
ScrollIntoViewUtil — klass, paket ga.util | |
Scroll utility class for bring current object into view | |
scrollJump — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableArrowMenu | |
A special value that specifies how many rows to scroll each time. | |
ScrollMenuDownButtonSkin — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins | |
The default skin class for up button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollMenuDownButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins.ScrollMenuDownButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollMenuUpButtonSkin — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins | |
The default skin class for up button of the Spark ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollMenuUpButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins.ScrollMenuUpButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
scrollMouseWheelMultiplier — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
Anger det standardantal pixlar som ska rullas för mouseWheel-händelser. | |
scrollMouseWheelMultiplier — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration | |
Anger det standardantal pixlar som ska rullas för mouseWheel-händelser. | |
scrollPagePercentage — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
Anger den standardprocent med vilken textflödet ska rullas vid sidrullning. | |
scrollPagePercentage — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration | |
Anger den standardprocent med vilken textflödet ska rullas vid sidrullning. | |
ScrollPane — klass, paket fl.containers | |
Komponenten ScrollPane visar visningsobjekt, JPEG-, GIF- och PFG-filer samt SWF-filer i ett rullningsbart område. | |
ScrollPane() — Konstruktor, klass fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Skapar en ny instans av komponenten ScrollPane. | |
scrollPolicy — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.TileList | |
Hämtar eller ställer in rullningspolicy för TileList-komponenten. | |
ScrollPolicy — klass, paket fl.controls | |
Värdena för egenskaperna horizontalScrollPolicy och verticalScrollPolicy i klassen BaseScrollPane. | |
ScrollPolicy — slutgiltig klass, paket flashx.textLayout.container | |
ScrollPolicy-klassen är en uppräkningsklass som används för att definiera värdet för att ställa in egenskaperna horizontalScrollPolicy och verticalScrollPolicy i ContainerController-klassen, som definierar en textflödesbehållare. | |
ScrollPolicy — slutgiltig klass, paket mx.core | |
Values for the horizontalScrollPolicy and verticalScrollPolicy properties of the Container and ScrollControlBase classes. | |
scrollPosition — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
Hämtar eller ställer in nuvarande rullningsposition och uppdaterar positionen för reglaget. | |
scrollPosition — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Number that represents the current scroll position. | |
scrollPositionChanged() — metod, klass spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Called when the verticalScrollPosition or horizontalScrollPosition properties change. | |
scrollPositionToIndex(horizontalScrollPosition:int, verticalScrollPosition:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Returns the data provider index for the item at the first visible row and column for the given scroll positions. | |
scrollPositionToIndex(horizontalScrollPosition:int, verticalScrollPosition:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns the data provider index for the item at the first visible row and column for the given scroll positions. | |
scrollPositionToIndex(horizontalScrollPosition:int, verticalScrollPosition:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns the data provider index for the item at the first visible row and column for the given scroll positions. | |
scrollRect — Egenskap, klass flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Visningsobjektets gränser för rullningsrektangeln. | |
scrollRect — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
scrollRect — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Visningsobjektets gränser för rullningsrektangeln. | |
scrollSnappingMode — Egenskap, klass spark.components.List | |
The scroll snapping mode currently in effect for this Scroller Changing this property to anything other than "none" may result in an immediate change in scroll position to ensure an element is correctly "snapped" into position. | |
scrollSnappingMode — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Scroller | |
By default, for mobile applications, scrolling is pixel based. | |
ScrollSnappingMode — slutgiltig klass, paket spark.components | |
The ScrollSnappingMode class defines the enumeration values for the scrollSnappingMode property of the List and Scroller classes. | |
scrollSpeed — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableArrowMenu | |
A special value that specifies the delay between scrolling the list, so a smaller number here will increase the speed of the scrolling. | |
scrollTarget — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.UIScrollBar | |
Registrerar en TextField-instans eller en TLFTextField-instans med ScrollBar-komponentinstansen. | |
ScrollThumb — klass, paket mx.controls.scrollClasses | |
The ScrollThumb class defines the thumb of a ScrollBar control. | |
ScrollThumb() — Konstruktor, klass mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb | |
Constructor. | |
ScrollThumbSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of the thumb in a ScrollBar. | |
ScrollThumbSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.ScrollThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
scrollTipFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
A function that computes the string to be displayed as the ScrollTip. | |
scrollToIndex(newCaretIndex:int) — metod, klass fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Rullar listan till objektet vid det angivna indexvärdet. | |
scrollToIndex(newCaretIndex:int) — metod, klass fl.controls.List | |
Rullar listan till objektet vid det angivna indexvärdet. | |
scrollToIndex(newCaretIndex:int) — metod, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Rullar listan till objektet vid det angivna indexvärdet. | |
scrollToIndex(newCaretIndex:int) — metod, klass fl.controls.TileList | |
Rullar listan till objektet vid det angivna indexvärdet. | |
scrollToIndex(index:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Ensures that the data provider item at the given index is visible. | |
scrollToIndex(index:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Ensures that the data provider item at the given index is visible. | |
scrollToRange(activePosition:int, anchorPosition:int) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Rullar så att textintervallet är synligt i behållaren. | |
scrollToRange(activePosition:int, anchorPosition:int) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Rullar så att textintervallet är synligt i behållaren. | |
scrollToRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Rullar så att textintervallet är synligt i behållaren. | |
scrollToRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, klass spark.components.TextArea | |
Rullar så att textintervallet är synligt i behållaren. | |
scrollToRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Scroll so the specified range is in view. | |
scrollToRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, gränssnitt spark.core.IEditableText | |
Scroll so the specified range is in view. | |
scrollToSelected() — metod, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Rullar listan till objektet på den plats som anges av det aktuella värdet för selectedIndex-egenskapen. | |
scrollToViewColumn(newColumnIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Changes the value of the horizontalScrollPosition property to make the specified column visible. | |
ScrollTrackSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the track in a ScrollBar. | |
ScrollTrackSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.ScrollTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
scrollV — Egenskap, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Den lodräta positionen för texten i ett textfält. | |
scrollV — Egenskap, klass flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Den lodräta rullningspositionen för HTML-innehållet i HTMLLoader-objektet. | |
scrollV — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Den lodräta positionen för texten i ett textfält. | |
scrollV — Egenskap, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property has not been implemented in FTETextField because FTETextField does not support scrolling. | |
scrollV — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Den lodräta positionen för texten i ett textfält. | |
scrollVertically(pos:int, deltaPos:int, scrollUp:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Adjusts the renderers in response to a change in scroll position. | |
scrollVertically(pos:int, deltaPos:int, scrollUp:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Adjusts the renderers in response to a change in scroll position. | |
scrollVertically(pos:int, deltaPos:int, scrollUp:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Adjusts the renderers in response to a change in scroll position. | |
scrubBar — Skaldel, klass spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
An optional skin part for the scrub bar (the timeline). An optional skin part for the scrub bar (the timeline). | |
scrubBar — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part for the scrub bar (the timeline). | |
scrubBar — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.wireframe.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part for the scrub bar (the timeline). | |
ScrubBar — klass, paket spark.components.mediaClasses | |
The VideoScrubBar class defines a video timeline that shows the current play head location in the video, the amount of the video previously played, and the loaded in part of the video. | |
ScrubBar() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.mediaClasses.ScrubBar | |
Constructor. | |
ScrubBarSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | |
The default skin class for the scrub bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
ScrubBarSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | |
The default skin class for the scrub bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
ScrubBarSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | |
The wireframe skin class for the scrub bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
ScrubBarSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrubBarSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrubBarSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.ScrubBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrubBarThumbSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | |
The default skin class for the scrub bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
ScrubBarThumbSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | |
The default skin class for the scrub bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
ScrubBarThumbSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | |
The wireframe skin class for the scrub bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
ScrubBarThumbSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrubBarThumbSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrubBarThumbSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.ScrubBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrubBarTrackSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | |
The default skin class for the scrub bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
ScrubBarTrackSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | |
The default skin class for the scrub bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
ScrubBarTrackSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | |
The wireframe skin class for the scrub bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
ScrubBarTrackSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrubBarTrackSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ScrubBarTrackSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.ScrubBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
scrubbing — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett booleskt värde som är true om användaren rensar med SeekBar, i annat fall är värdet false. | |
scrubDelay — Statisk egenskap, klass mx.managers.ToolTipManager | |
The amount of time, in milliseconds, that a user can take when moving the mouse between controls before Flex again waits for the duration of showDelay to display a ToolTip. | |
scrubFinish — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när användaren slutar att rensa FLV-filen med sökfältet. | |
SCRUB_FINISH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett scrubFinish-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
scrubStart — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när användaren börjar att rensa FLV-filen med sökfältet. | |
SCRUB_START — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett scrubStart-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
search(pattern:any) — metod, klass String | |
Söker efter det angivna mönstret och returnerar indexvärdet för den första matchande delsträngen. | |
search(, resultsListView:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.ISearchProvider | |
Searches the Assets based on given searchQuery. | |
search(searchString:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ContentSearchManager | |
Searches the server for asset matching the passed name. | |
search(, resultsListView:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.IccSearchManager | |
Search the Assets based on given searchQuery. | |
search(query:com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model:SearchQuery, resultsListView:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.ISearchProvider | |
Searches assets based on the specified search query. | |
search(query:com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model:SearchQuery, resultsListView:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.SearchManager | |
Searches assets based on the specified search query. | |
SEARCH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.ReturnKeyLabel | |
Använd etiketten "Sök". | |
SEARCH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för sökknappen. | |
searchable — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Is the property searchable | |
searchable — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies whether the property can be searched. | |
searchable — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessVariable | |
A flag that specifies whether the process variable is searchable. | |
searchAllVersions — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms.SearchParameters | |
Specifies whether to return the non-latest versions in search results. | |
searchAssets(collection:mx.collections:ListCollectionView, searchFilterList:mx.collections:IList,, lcdsDestination:String, path:String, assetQueryType:String, assetDescList:mx.collections:IList, sortFields:mx.collections:IList) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Initiates the search based on given search filter list on the given destination. | |
searchAssets(collection:mx.collections:ListCollectionView, searchFilterList:mx.collections:IList, lcdsDestination:String, path:String, assetQueryType:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.AssetQueryServiceDelegate | |
Initiates the search based on the specified search filter list and destination. | |
searchAssetType — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
Type of Asset Descriptor on which search is performed | |
searchButton — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Search Button Skin Part for Advanced Search Search Button Skin Part for Advanced Search | |
searchButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the Button object that triggers search event upon clicking. A reference to the Button object that triggers search event upon clicking. | |
searchCatalog(, jcrQueryString:String, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Returns a partial catalog that has been deployed to the server which satisfies the Content Repository query string. | |
SearchCatalogEvent — klass, paket | |
The SearchCatalogEvent class defines a transient notification of catalog search results. | |
SearchCatalogEvent(type:String,, errMsg:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
searchComplete — Händelse, gränssnitt com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.ISearchProvider | |
The searchComplete event is thrown when a search completes successfully. | |
searchComplete — Händelse, gränssnitt com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.ISearchProvider | |
Thrown when SearchManager has completed searching. | |
searchComplete — Händelse, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.SearchManager | |
Thrown when SearchManager has completed searching. | |
SEARCH_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies the search completed. | |
searchCreator — Skalläge, klass | |
The skin state when a creator is not assigned to a creation stage associated with the component. | |
searchDepth — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms.SearchParameters | |
Specifies the depth of the search. | |
searchDescriptor — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Asset Descriptor for which the Search View is rendered | |
searchDescriptor — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Search Descriptor for Advanced Search Pod | |
searchDescriptor — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.BasicSearchPod | |
Search Descriptor for the basic search pod | |
SearchDescriptorCardRenderer — klass, paket | |
The SearchDescriptorCardRenderer component represents a search template descriptor. | |
SearchDescriptorCardRenderer() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SearchDescriptorCardRendererModel — klass, paket | |
The SearchDescriptorCardRendererModel class provides support for the views that have references to a SearchDescriptorCardRenderer object. | |
searchError — Händelse, gränssnitt com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.ISearchProvider | |
The searchError event is thrown when an error occurs during a search. | |
searchError — Händelse, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
searchError is dispatched when there is some error in searching assets | |
searchError — Händelse, gränssnitt com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.ISearchProvider | |
Thrown when SearchManager encounters an error during search. | |
searchError — Händelse, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.SearchManager | |
Thrown when SearchManager encounters an error during search. | |
SearchEvent — klass, paket com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event | |
Event related to search action taken by user. | |
SearchEvent — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event | |
Specifies an event related to a search by a user. | |
SearchEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.SearchEvent | |
Constructor. | |
SearchEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.SearchEvent | |
Constructor. | |
searchExpression — Händelse, klass | |
The event dispatched when the Search button is clicked. | |
SEARCH_EXPRESSION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The ExpressionsPanelToolBarEvent.SEARCH_EXPRESSION constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the agent clicks the Searach button of a Expression Panel toolbar in Expression Builder UI. | |
searchExpressions(searchTerm:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of available expressions matching the given search term. | |
searchExpressions(searchTerm:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of available expressions in the repository which match the given search term. | |
searchFileButton — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Search File button. The skin part for the Search File button. | |
searchFileButton — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Search File button. The skin part for the Search File button. | |
searchFilter — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.SearchEvent | |
new search filter when user changes search criteria. | |
_searchFilter — Egenskap, klass | |
Search Filter for the text input | |
_searchFilter — Egenskap, klass | |
Search filter for Text input | |
searchFilter — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.SearchEvent | |
Specifies a new search filter when a user changes the search criteria. | |
SearchFilter — klass, paket | |
This class represents the search criteria for the search on an Asset. | |
SearchFilter — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | |
Represents the criteria used to search an asset. | |
SearchFilter — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The SearchFilter class is used for specifying filtering conditions and retrieving search results. | |
SearchFilter() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SearchFilter() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Constructor. | |
SearchFilterAttribute — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The SearchFilterAttribute class specifies properties for a search filter. | |
searchFilterChange — Händelse, gränssnitt | |
searchFilterChange event is dispatched when user changes some search criteria for the search control. | |
searchFilterChange — Händelse, klass | |
Dispatches this event when user types anything in the basic search pod | |
searchFilterChange — Händelse, klass | |
Dispatches this event when user changes the state of the combo box | |
searchFilterChange — Händelse, klass | |
Dispatches this event when user changes the state of the date field | |
searchFilterChange — Händelse, klass | |
Dispatches this event when user types in the text input | |
searchFilterChange — Händelse, klass | |
Dispatches this event when user types anything in the text input | |
searchFilterChange — Händelse, klass | |
Dispatches this event when user changes the state of the numeric stepper | |
searchFilterChange — Händelse, klass | |
Dispatches this event when user changes the state of the checkbox | |
searchFilterChange — Händelse, klass | |
Dispatches this event when user types anything in the text input field | |
SearchFilterCondition — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The SearchFilterCondition class is used for creating search filters conditions. | |
searchFilters — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Search filters on which search has to be performed. | |
searchFilters — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Search filters for advanced search pod | |
searchFilters — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.BasicSearchPod | |
Search Filters for the basic search pod | |
SearchFilterSort — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The SearchFilterSort class is used for sorting search filters. | |
searchForm — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Search Form Group Skin Part which contains all the elements in the search form Search Form Group Skin Part which contains all the elements in the search form | |
searchFunction — Händelse, klass | |
The event dispatched when the Search button is clicked. | |
SEARCH_FUNTION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The FunctionsPanelToolBarEvent.SEARCH_FUNTION constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the agent clicks the Search button of a Functions Panel toolbar in Expression Builder UI. | |
searchGroupBasedReviews — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewSearchFilter | |
Specifies whether to search reviews that are assigned to groups that the user belongs to. | |
searchGroupBasedReviews — Egenskap, klass | |
Flag to search reviews, which are assigned to groups of which the user is a memeber. | |
searchManager — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
Search Manager Instance | |
searchManager — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.SearchResultsGrid | |
Search Manager instance used to search | |
SearchManager — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers | |
Used to search assets. | |
SearchManager() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.SearchManager | |
Constructor. | |
searchManagerButton — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Search Manager button. The skin part for the Search Manager button. | |
searchManagerButton — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Search Manager button. The skin part for the Search Manager button. | |
searchNameField — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the TextInput object that allow users to enter the name of users or groups to search. A reference to the TextInput object that allow users to enter the name of users or groups to search. | |
searchOwnerButton — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Search Owner button. The skin part for the Search Owner button. | |
searchOwnerButton — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Search Owner button. The skin part for the Search Owner button. | |
searchParameters — Egenskap, klass | |
SearchParameters to be used while searching | |
SearchParameters — klass, paket | |
Search Paramers used to tweak the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content Repository search. | |
SearchParameters — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms | |
Provides search parameters that can be used to modify the content management system search. | |
SearchParameters() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
searchPath — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
The path of the property used in search queries. | |
searchPath — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies the path of the property that is used in search queries. | |
SearchPrincipalComponent — klass, paket | |
This component is used to search for users and groups. | |
SearchPrincipalComponent() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for SearchPrincipalComponent class. | |
searchProjects( — metod, gränssnitt | |
This operation searches projects based on a provided filter. | |
searchProjects( — metod, klass | |
This operation searches projects based on a provided filter. | |
searchProvider — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Search Provider using which search operation is performed. | |
searchProvider — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.BasicSearchPod | |
Search Provider using which search operation is performed. | |
searchQuery — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.SearchEvent | |
searchQuery when doSearch or searchCompelete event is thrown. | |
searchQuery — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.SearchEvent | |
Specifies the searchQuery when a doSearch or searchComplete event is thrown. | |
SearchQuery — klass, paket | |
Search Query wrapper for the list of searchFilters and associated AssetType on which the search is to be performed. | |
SearchQuery — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model | |
A wrapper for the list of search filters and associated asset types to perform a search on. | |
SearchQuery(assetDescriptor:com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset:AssetTypeDescriptor, filters:mx.collections:IList, assetDescList:mx.collections:IList,, sortFields:mx.collections:IList) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor | |
SearchQuery(assetDescriptor:com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model:AssetTypeDescriptor, filters:mx.collections:IList) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchQuery | |
Creates the SearchQuery object using the specified asset type descriptor and filters. | |
searchRenderer — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Fully qualified name for the custom search renderer of the property. | |
searchRenderer — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies the fully qualified name for the custom search renderer of the property. | |
searchRendererOrder — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Order of the search renderer of this property in search pod. | |
searchRendererOrder — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies the order of the search renderer of this property in the Search Results Viewer. | |
searchResult — Egenskap, klass | |
This list of users or groups is returned upon making a remote call. | |
searchResultGrid — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the DataGrid object that displays the list of users and groups. A reference to the DataGrid object that displays the list of users and groups. | |
searchResultGridColumnList — Skaldel, klass | |
The list of GridColumn objects displayed by this grid. Each column selects different data item properties to display. The list of GridColumn objects displayed by this grid. | |
searchResults — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.SearchEvent | |
searchResults collection when searchComplete event is thrown. | |
searchResults — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event.SearchEvent | |
Specifies the searchResults collection when the searchComplete event is thrown. | |
searchResultsGrid — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
Skin Part for Search results Grid Skin Part for Search results Grid | |
SearchResultsGrid — klass, paket com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid | |
Container for rendering search results in a DataGrid based on the preferences defined in Asset Type Descriptor (DataDictionary Extended Properties) | |
SearchResultsGrid() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.SearchResultsGrid | |
Constructor | |
searchReviews(reviewSearchFilter:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:ReviewSearchFilter) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
This operation searches the Review Commenting and Approval building block for reviews using a search filter. | |
searchReviews(reviewSearchFilter:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:ReviewSearchFilter) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
This operation searches the Review Commenting and Approval building block for reviews using a search filter. | |
searchReviews( — metod, gränssnitt | |
Searches for reviews as specified by the reviewSearchFilter. | |
searchReviews( — metod, klass | |
Searches for reviews as specified by the reviewSearchFilter. | |
searchReviewTemplates(templateSearchFilter:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:TemplateSearchFilter) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
This operation searches for review templates in the system. | |
searchReviewTemplates(templateSearchFilter:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:TemplateSearchFilter) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
This operation searches for review templates in the system. | |
searchReviewTemplates( — metod, gränssnitt | |
This API searchs for schedule templates in the system. | |
searchReviewTemplates( — metod, klass | |
This API searchs for schedule templates in the system. | |
SearchSelector — klass, paket | |
The SearchSelector component manages the four main views of searching, which are the search template descriptors, the search query, the search results, and the task interaction. | |
SearchSelector() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SearchSelectorModel — klass, paket | |
The SearchSelectorModel class provides support for the SearchSelector component. | |
SearchSelectorModel() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
searchStage( — metod, gränssnitt | |
This operation searches for StageTemplateVO based on StageTemplateSearchFilter. | |
searchStage( — metod, klass | |
This operation searches for StageTemplateVO based on StageTemplateSearchFilter. | |
searchSubtypes — Egenskap, klass | |
A flag that indicates whether subclasses should be searched. | |
searchSubTypes — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms.SearchParameters | |
Specifies whether subclasses are also searched. | |
SearchTemplate — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The SearchTemplate class provides support for working with search templates. | |
searchTemplateButton — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Search Template button. The skin part for the Search Template button. | |
searchTemplateButton — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Search Template button. The skin part for the Search Template button. | |
searchTemplateClickHandler( — metod, klass | |
This method is called when Search Template button is clicked. | |
searchTemplateClickHandler( — metod, klass | |
This method is called upon clicking the Search Template button. | |
searchTemplateDescriptor — Egenskap, klass | |
The search template descriptor. | |
SearchTemplateDescriptor — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The SearchTemplateDescriptor class is used for working with the search template descriptor. | |
searchTemplateDescriptors — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptors | |
A collection of search template descriptors. | |
SearchTemplateDescriptors — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The SearchTemplateDescriptors class is used for working with multiple search template descriptors. | |
SearchTemplateDescriptors( — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptors | |
Constructor. | |
SEARCH_TEMPLATE_RESULT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies a search template executed and results are available. | |
searchText — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.event.DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent | |
Reference to search Text | |
searchText — Egenskap, klass | |
Reference to search Text | |
searchText — Egenskap, gränssnitt flash.accessibility.ISearchableText | |
Hämtar söktexten från en komponent som implementerar ISearchableText. | |
searchTextBox — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanelToolBar | |
A skin part that defines search textinput which is used for instant search on the names of data element. A skin part that defines search textinput which is used for instant search on the names of data element. | |
SEARCH_TEXT_CHANGE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.dct.event.DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent | |
Constant indicating change in the search Text. | |
searchTextInput — Skaldel, klass | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Search TextINput. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Search TextINput. | |
SearchTextInputSkin — klass, paket xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins | |
The default skin class for Spark TextInput component. | |
SearchTextInputSkin() — Konstruktor, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.SearchTextInputSkin | |
Constructor. | |
searchType — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
The search type for the search filter. | |
SearchUIControlFactory — klass, paket | |
Factory class for creating ISearchUIControl search renderers based onn the Asset Property Descriptor | |
SearchUIControlFactory() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor | |
searchUser(userName:String) — metod, klass | |
This method invokes the remote call to search users or groups, based on the user name provide. | |
searchUserDialog — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Search User dialog. The skin part for the Search User dialog. | |
SearchUserDialog — klass, paket | |
The host component for the dialog used to search users. | |
SearchUserDialog() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for SearchUserDialog class. | |
searchUsersOnly — Egenskap, klass | |
If the flag is set to True, only users are searched. | |
searchVariables(searchTerm:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of available variables which match the given search term. | |
searchVariables(searchTerm:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of available variables matching the given search term. | |
searchWorkItemAssets( — metod, gränssnitt | |
This operation searches workItems based on a provided filter. | |
searchWorkItemAssets( — metod, klass | |
This operation searches workItems based on a provided filter. | |
secondPositionLabel — Skaldel, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
secondPositionText — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
Second Poistion Text | |
seconds — Egenskap, klass Date | |
Sekunddelen (ett heltal mellan 0 och 59) av ett Date-objekt enligt lokal tid. | |
secondsToTime(sec:Number) — metod, klass | |
Returnerar antalet sekunder som en tidskodad sträng. | |
secondsUTC — Egenskap, klass Date | |
Sekunddelen (ett heltal mellan 0 och 59) av ett Date-objekt enligt universaltid (UTC). | |
SEC_PREFIX — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that indicates that attributes which begin with this constant are not be sent to server | |
section — Egenskap, klass ga.model.GAEvent | |
The associated section when a page or section specific event is dispatched. | |
section — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.model.IPanel | |
The parent section for the panel. | |
section — Egenskap, klass ga.views.StaticSectionView | |
The section being viewed. | |
Section — klass, paket ga.model | |
A Guide section that can contain several panels. | |
SECTION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.guides.domain.GuideNodeType | |
SECTION represents a Section object. | |
sectionAdd — Händelse, klass ga.model.PanelManager | |
SECTION_ADD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass ga.model.GAEvent | |
Dispatched when a repeating section is added to a Guide. | |
sectionId — Egenskap, klass ga.model.Section | |
sectionIndex — Egenskap, klass ga.model.Section | |
sectionListView — Egenskap, klass ga.model.HostedGuide | |
The section list view instance. | |
SectionListView — klass, paket ga.views | |
The SectionListView class provides a dynamic list of visible sections within a Guide. | |
SectionListView() — Konstruktor, klass ga.views.SectionListView | |
Constructor | |
sectionManager — Egenskap, klass ga.model.Section | |
sectionManagers — Egenskap, klass ga.model.Section | |
sectionRemove — Händelse, klass ga.model.PanelManager | |
SECTION_REMOVE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass ga.model.GAEvent | |
Dispatched when a repeating section is removed from a Guide. | |
sections — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.StepNav | |
The list of sections. | |
sections — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressSpinner | |
sections — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
Accessor for sections value | |
sectionTabAdded( — metod, klass ga.controls.TabTabNav | |
Adds a new section tab to the tab bar when a new section is added to the Guide. | |
SectionTitle — klass, paket ga.controls | |
The SectionTitle component defines a label that displays the name of the currently selected section. | |
SectionTitle() — Konstruktor, klass ga.controls.SectionTitle | |
Constructor. | |
secure — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Display setting that shows whether the PDF document is password protected. | |
secure — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
Specifies the security to employ, and the required information. | |
SecureAMFChannel — klass, paket mx.messaging.channels | |
The SecureAMFChannel class is identical to the AMFChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an AMF endpoint. | |
SecureAMFChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel | |
Constructor. | |
securedServletChannelUrl — Egenskap, klass | |
The Data Services AMF channel URL used for secured connections. | |
secureHttp — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.air.SyncManager | |
Boolean value that specifies if secure HTTP is used: yes: uses secure HTTP no: does not use secure HTTP | |
secureHttp — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.InternalConfig | |
Boolean value that specifies if secure HTTP is used: yes: uses secure HTTP no: does not use secure HTTP | |
secureHttp — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Config | |
Boolean value that specifies if secure HTTP is used: yes: uses secure HTTP no: does not use secure HTTP | |
SecureHTTPChannel — klass, paket mx.messaging.channels | |
The SecureHTTPChannel class is identical to the HTTPChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an HTTP endpoint. | |
SecureHTTPChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.channels.SecureHTTPChannel | |
Constructor. | |
SecureRTMPChannel — klass, paket mx.messaging.channels | |
The SecureRTMPChannel class is identical to the RTMPChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, RTMPS, to send messages to an RTMPS endpoint. | |
SecureRTMPChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.channels.SecureRTMPChannel | |
Creates an new SecureRTMPChannel instance. | |
SecureSocket — klass, paket | |
Med klassen SecureSocket kan koden skapa socket-anslutningar med hjälp av protokollen SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) och TLS (Transport Layer Security). | |
SecureSocket() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt SecureSocket-objekt. | |
SecureSocketMonitor — klass, paket | |
Med ett SecureSocketMonitor-objekt kontrolleras tillgängligheten för en TCP-slutpunkt över SSL- (Secure Sockets Layer) och TLS-protokoll (Transport Layer Security). | |
SecureSocketMonitor(host:String, port:int) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett SecureSocketMonitor-objekt för en specificerad TCP-slutpunkt. | |
SecureStreamingAMFChannel — klass, paket mx.messaging.channels | |
The SecureStreamingAMFChannel class is identical to the StreamingAMFChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an AMF endpoint. | |
SecureStreamingAMFChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.channels.SecureStreamingAMFChannel | |
Constructor. | |
SecureStreamingHTTPChannel — klass, paket mx.messaging.channels | |
The SecureStreamingHTTPChannel class is identical to the StreamingHTTPChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an HTTP endpoint. | |
SecureStreamingHTTPChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.channels.SecureStreamingHTTPChannel | |
Constructor. | |
Security — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.system | |
Med klassen Security kan du ange hur innehåll i olika domäner ska kommunicera sinsemellan. | |
SecurityConfig — klass, paket | |
The SecurityConfig classcaptures the required configuration required for the security client library to function. | |
SecurityConfig() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
securityDomain — Egenskap, klass | |
Säkerhetsdomänen för innehållet i webbläsaren som t.ex. "" eller "". | |
securityDomain — Egenskap, klass flash.system.LoaderContext | |
Anger vilken säkerhetsdomän som ska användas för en Loader.load()-åtgärd. | |
SecurityDomain — klass, paket flash.system | |
Klassen SecurityDomain betecknar den nuvarande säkerhetssandlådan (kallas även säkerhetsdomän). | |
securityError — Händelse, klass air.desktop.URLFilePromise | |
Skickas när ett säkerhetsfel hindrar filen från att hämtas. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Skickas om ett säkerhetsfel inträffar när innehållet läses in. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass fl.containers.UILoader | |
Skickas om ett säkerhetsfel inträffar när innehållet läses in. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas om ett anrop till URLLoader.load() försöker läsa in en Timed Text XML-fil från en server utanför säkerhetssandlådan. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass flash.filesystem.File | |
Skickas när en åtgärd strider mot en säkerhetsbegränsning. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ett anrop till URLLoader.load() försöker läsa in data från en server utanför säkerhetssandlådan. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ett anrop till metoden FileReference.upload() eller försöker överföra en fil till en server eller ladda ned en fil från en server som finns utanför anroparens säkerhetssandlåda. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas om ett anrop till LocalConnection.send() försöker skicka data till en annan säkerhetssandlåda. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas om ett anrop till försöker ansluta till en server utanför anroparens säkerhetssandlåda. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ett anrop till SecureSocket.connect() misslyckas på grund av en säkerhetsrestriktion. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas om ett anrop till Socket.connect() försöker ansluta till en server som inte tillåts av anroparens säkerhetssandlåda, eller till en port lägre än 1024, och det inte finns någon socketprincipfil som kan tillåta en sådan anslutning. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ett anrop till URLLoader.load() försöker läsa in data från en server utanför säkerhetssandlådan. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ett anrop till URLStream.load() försöker läsa in data från en server utanför säkerhetssandlådan. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas om ett anrop till metoden XMLSocket.connect() försöker ansluta till antingen en server utanför anroparens säkerhetssandlåda eller till en port lägre än 1024. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
Skickas när ett säkerhetsfel inträffar. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Dispatched when a security error occurs while content is loading. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass spark.components.Image | |
Dispatched when a security error occurs. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass spark.core.ContentRequest | |
Dispatched when a security error occurs. | |
securityError — Händelse, klass spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Dispatched when a security error occurs. | |
SecurityError — Dynamisk klass, Översta nivån | |
Undantaget SecurityError uppstår när någon typ av säkerhetsöverträdelse görs. | |
SecurityError(message:String) — Konstruktor, klass SecurityError | |
Skapar ett nytt SecurityError-objekt. | |
SECURITY_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR definierar värdet för ett securityError-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
SECURITY_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Error constant for when a MediaElement fails to load due to a security error. | |
SecurityErrorEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett objekt skickar ett SecurityErrorEvent-objekt för att rapportera om förekomsten av säkerhetsfel. | |
SecurityErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, text:String, id:int) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt Event-objekt som innehåller information om säkerhetsfelhändelser. | |
securityManager — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns RIA SecurityManager | |
securityManager — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.content.File | |
The User Manager (UM) SecurityManager instance. | |
securityManager — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
Returns the ISecurityManager | |
securityManager — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns the ISecurityManager associated with the configuration | |
securityManager — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns the ISecurityManager instance for a given session. | |
securityManager — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The ISecurityManager instance to be used for a given session. | |
SecurityManager — klass, paket | |
The SecurityManager class provides methods to perform user authentication and also provides access to current user instance. | |
SecurityManager() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SecurityPanel — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.system | |
I klassen SecurityPanel finns värden som anger vilken panel för säkerhetsinställningar du vill visa. | |
SecurityUtil — klass, paket mx.utils | |
Utilities for working with security-related issues. | |
seek(time:Number) — metod, klass | |
Söker efter en viss tid i filen, anges i sekunder, med en noggrannhet på tre decimaler (millisekunder). | |
seek(time:Number) — metod, klass | |
Söker efter en viss tid i filen, anges i sekunder, med en noggrannhet på tre decimaler (millisekunder). | |
seek(offset:Number) — metod, klass | |
Söker efter nyckelbildrutan (kallas även en I-frame i videobranschen) som är närmast den angivna platsen. | |
seek(bookmark:mx.collections:CursorBookmark, offset:int, prefetch:int) — metod, klass mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor | |
Moves the cursor to a location at an offset from the specified bookmark. | |
seek(bookmark:mx.collections:CursorBookmark, offset:int, prefetch:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.collections.IViewCursor | |
Moves the cursor to a location at an offset from the specified bookmark. | |
seek(playheadTime:Number) — metod, klass mx.effects.Tween | |
Advances the tween effect to the specified position. | |
seek(time:Number) — metod, klass | |
Instructs the playhead to jump to the specified time. | |
seek(time:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.SeekTrait | |
Instructs the media to jump to the specified time. | |
seek(time:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Seeks to given time in the video. | |
seek(time:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Seeks to given time in the video. | |
SEEK — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass org.osmf.traits.MediaTraitType | |
Identifies an instance of a SeekTrait. | |
seekBar — Egenskap, klass | |
SeekBar-kontrollen. | |
seekBarInterval — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett tal som anger i millisekunder hur ofta SeekBar-handtaget ska kontrolleras under rensning. | |
seekBarScrubTolerance — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett tal som anger hur långt en användare kan flytta SeekBar-handtaget innan en uppdatering sker. | |
seeked — Händelse, klass | |
Händelse skickas när spelhuvudets placering ändras av ett anrop till seek() eller om egenskapen playheadTime ställs in eller om seekBar-kontrollen används. | |
SEEKED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett seeked-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
SeekEvent — klass, paket | |
A SeekEvent is dispatched when the properties of a SeekTrait change. | |
SeekEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, seeking:Boolean, time:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
seeking — Egenskap, klass | |
The new seeking state. | |
seeking — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates whether the media is currently seeking. | |
seeking — Egenskap, klass org.osmf.traits.SeekTrait | |
Indicates whether the media is currently seeking. | |
SEEKING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Videospelaren är i sökningsläge. | |
SEEKING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property for a seek occurring due to the VideoDisplay.playHeadTime property being set. | |
seekingChange — Händelse, klass org.osmf.traits.SeekTrait | |
Dispatched when this trait begins or ends a seek operation. | |
seekingChange — Händelse, klass org.osmf.traits.TraitEventDispatcher | |
Dispatched when the seeking property of the media has changed. | |
SEEKING_CHANGE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The SeekEvent.SEEKING_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a seekingChange event. | |
seekingChangeEnd(time:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.SeekTrait | |
Called just after the seeking property has changed. | |
seekingChangeStart(newSeeking:Boolean, time:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.SeekTrait | |
Called immediately before the seeking property is changed. | |
seekPendingFailureHandler(data:Object, info:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseSeekPending) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The default failure handler when a seek fails due to a page fault. | |
seekPendingFailureHandler(data:Object, info:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseSeekPending) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The default failure handler when a seek fails due to a page fault. | |
seekPendingResultHandler(data:Object, info:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseSeekPending) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The default result handler when a seek fails due to a page fault. | |
seekPendingResultHandler(data:Object, info:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseSeekPending) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The default result handler when a seek fails due to a page fault. | |
seekPercent(percent:Number) — metod, klass | |
Söker efter en procentandel av filen och placerar spelhuvudet där. | |
seekPositionSafely(index:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Seek to a position, and handle an ItemPendingError if necessary. | |
seekSeconds(time:Number) — metod, klass | |
Söker efter en viss tid i filen, anges i sekunder, med en noggrannhet på upp till tre decimaler (millisekunder). | |
seekToNavCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint:any) — metod, klass | |
Söker efter en förflyttningsreferenspunkt som matchar den angivna tiden, namnet eller tid och namn. | |
seekToNextNavCuePoint(time:Number) — metod, klass | |
Söker efter nästa förflyttningsreferenspunkt, baserat på det aktuella värdet för playheadTime-egenskapen. | |
seekToPrevNavCuePoint(time:Number) — metod, klass | |
Söker efter föregående förflyttningsreferenspunkt, baserat på det aktuella värdet för playheadTime-egenskapen. | |
seekToPrevOffset — Egenskap, klass | |
Antalet sekunder som seekToPrevNavCuePoint()-metoden använder när den jämför tiden med föregående referenspunkt. | |
SeekTrait — klass, paket org.osmf.traits | |
SeekTrait defines the trait interface for media that can be instructed to jump to a position in time. | |
SeekTrait(timeTrait:org.osmf.traits:TimeTrait) — Konstruktor, klass org.osmf.traits.SeekTrait | |
Constructor. | |
segments — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.renderData.LineSeriesRenderData | |
An Array of LineSeriesSegment instances representing each discontiguous segment of the line series. | |
select(node:com.adobe.guides.domain:IGuideNode) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideNavigation | |
select will change the Guide view and focus to the provided GuideNode. | |
select — Händelse, klass flash.display.NativeMenu | |
Skickas av detta NativeMenu-objekt när ett av dess menyobjekt eller objekt i en av dess underordnade undermenyer markeras. | |
select — Händelse, klass flash.display.NativeMenuItem | |
Skickas när ett menyobjekt markeras av användaren. | |
select — Händelse, klass flash.filesystem.File | |
Skickas när användaren väljer en fil eller katalog i en dialogruta för fil- eller katalogbläddring. | |
select — Händelse, klass | |
Skickar när en användare väljer en bild från enhetens mediebibliotek. | |
select — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när användaren markerar en fil för överföring eller nedladdning från dialogrutan för filbläddring. | |
select — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när användaren markerar en eller flera filer att överföra från dialogrutan för filbläddring. | |
SELECT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Event.SELECT-konstanten definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett select-händelseobjekt. | |
SELECT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
En konstant för MediaEvent-händelsen select. | |
SELECT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The ListItemSelectEvent.SELECT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when a single item is selected. | |
SELECT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent.SELECT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when a single item is selected. | |
SELECT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The SparkListItemSelectEvent.SELECT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when a single item is selected. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass | |
If this Boolean flag is set to True, the GanttItem can be selected by clicking it. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.Label | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett värde som anger om texten kan markeras. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som anger om objekten i listan kan markeras. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Ett booleskt värde som anger om ett textfält är markeringsbart. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Ett booleskt värde som anger om ett textfält är markeringsbart. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Specifies whether a series is selectable or not. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.Label | |
Specifies whether the text can be selected. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextArea | |
Specifies whether the text can be selected. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
A flag indicating whether the text in the TextInput can be selected. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the list shows selected items as selected. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the list shows selected items as selected. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
Setting this property has no effect in FTETextField because FTETextField does not support selection. | |
selectable — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.ITextInput | |
A flag indicating whether the text in the TextInput can be selected. | |
selectable — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Ett booleskt värde som anger om ett textfält är markeringsbart. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
A flag indicating whether the content is selectable with the mouse, or with the keyboard when the control has the keyboard focus. | |
selectable — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
A flag indicating whether the content is selectable. | |
selectable — Egenskap, gränssnitt spark.core.IEditableText | |
Ett booleskt värde som anger om ett textfält är markeringsbart. | |
SelectableButtonSkinBase — klass, paket | |
ActionScript-based skin for toggle buttons. | |
SelectableButtonSkinBase() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SelectableList — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.skinning | |
Extends ArrayCollection into a selectable array of elements. | |
SelectableList — klass, paket fl.controls | |
SelectableList är basklassen för alla listbaserade komponenter, t.ex. List, TileList, DataGrid och ComboBox. | |
SelectableList(source:Array) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.SelectableList | |
Constructor | |
SelectableList() — Konstruktor, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Skapar en ny SelectableList-instans. | |
SelectableListAccImpl — klass, paket fl.accessibility | |
Klassen SelectableListAccImpl, som även kallas klassen för implementering av SelectableList-hjälpmedel, används för att göra en SelectableList-komponent tillgänglig. | |
selectableRange — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Range of dates between which dates are selectable. | |
selectableRange — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.DateField | |
Range of dates between which dates are selectable. | |
selectAll() — metod, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Anropar ett internt selectAll-kommando på det visningsobjekt som är i fokus. | |
selectAll — Händelse, klass flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Skickas när användaren aktiverar den plattformsspecifika tangentkombinationen för funktionen Markera allt eller väljer Markera allt på snabbmenyn. | |
selectAll — Egenskap, klass flash.ui.ContextMenuClipboardItems | |
Aktiverar eller inaktiverar ”Markera alla”-objektet på Urklippsmenyn. | |
selectAll() — metod, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
Markerar hela flödet.. | |
selectAll() — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
selectAll — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Select All checkbox Skin Part Select All checkbox Skin Part | |
selectAll() — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, selects all rows and removes the caret or if selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS selects all cells and removes the caret. | |
selectAll() — metod, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, selects all rows and removes the caret or if selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS selects all cells and removes the caret. | |
selectAll() — metod, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Selects all of the text. | |
selectAll() — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Selects all of the text. | |
selectAll() — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Selects all of the text. | |
selectAll() — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Selects all of the text. | |
selectAll() — metod, gränssnitt spark.core.IEditableText | |
Selects all of the text. | |
SELECT_ALL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Event.SELECT_ALL-konstanten definierar värdet på type-egenskapen för ett selectAll-händelseobjekt. | |
SELECT_ALL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Indicates that the entire grid should be selected. | |
selectButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that is used to assign a selected audit level, in the audit level datagrid, to a schedule template. A reference to the ButtonBase object that is used to assign a selected audit level, in the audit level datagrid, to a schedule template. | |
selectCellItem(item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean, transition:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Updates the list of selected cells, assuming that the specified item renderer was clicked by the mouse, and the keyboard modifiers are in the specified state. | |
selectCellRegion(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int, rowCount:uint, columnCount:uint) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, sets the selection to all the cells in the cell region and the caret position to the last cell in the cell region. | |
selectCellRegion(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int, rowCount:uint, columnCount:uint) — metod, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, sets the selection to all the cells in the cell region and the caret position to the last cell in the cell region. | |
selectChildIndex(newIndex:int, oldIndex:int) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.IMosaicContainer | |
Make the hostComponent show the child at the given index. | |
selectColumnHeader(columnNumber:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Selects the specified column header. | |
selected — Händelse, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.renderers.AttachmentIconRenderer | |
Dispatched when an attachment icon has been selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.renderers.AttachmentIconRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass | |
The user inteface to display when the user selects the attachment. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance | |
Is the module is selected to be included in letter | |
selected — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance | |
Is the module is selected to be included in letter | |
selected — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as rendered. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as rendered. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass | |
This Boolean flag returns a True value, if an item is currently selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.BaseButton | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som anger om en alternativknapp är markerad. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som anger om en alternativknapp är aktiverad eller inaktiverad. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Indikerar om en alternativknapp är på (true) eller av (false) för tillfället. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridCellEditor | |
Anger om cellen finns med i de indexvärden som markerades av ägaren. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som anger om den aktuella cellen är markerad. | |
selected — Egenskap, gränssnitt fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som anger om den aktuella cellen är markerad. | |
selected — Egenskap, gränssnitt fl.managers.IFocusManagerGroup | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som anger om komponenten är markerad. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass flash.text.ime.CompositionAttributeRange | |
En egenskap som anger att den aktuella dispositionssatsen är aktiv och håller på att förlängas, förkortas eller redigeras med IME, och att intilliggande satser inte ändras. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Indicates whether a toggle button is toggled on (true) or off (false). | |
selected — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.managers.IFocusManagerGroup | |
A flag that indicates whether this control is selected. | |
selected — Skalläge, klass | |
This state is used when an item is selected on the Gantt chart. | |
selected — Egenskap, gränssnitt spark.components.IItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass spark.components.ToggleSwitch | |
The current position of the toggle switch. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer's cell is part of the current selection. | |
selected — Egenskap, gränssnitt spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer's cell is part of the current selection. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ToggleButtonBase | |
Contains true if the button is in the down state, and false if it is in the up state. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
The grid control's updateDisplayList() method sets this property before calling prepare(). Contains true if the item renderer's cell is part of the current selection. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as selected. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer | |
The grid control's updateDisplayList() method sets this property before calling prepare(). Contains true if the item renderer's cell is part of the current selection. | |
selected — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as selected. | |
SELECTED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.core.InvalidationType | |
Konstanten InvalidationType.SELECTED definierar det värde för händelseobjektets type-egenskap som skickas för att ange att den valda egenskapen för komponenten är ogiltig. | |
SELECTED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.charts.ChartItem | |
Value that indicates the ChartItem appears selected but does not have focus. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.IAssetHandler | |
returns the array of currently selected assets | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
The array of text value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
The array of category value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
The array of condition value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
The array of data dictionary value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
The array of fragmentLayout value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
The array of image value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
The array of layout value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
The array of letter value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
The array of list value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
The array of text value objects currently selected by the user. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.IAssetHandler | |
Specifies the array of currently selected assets. | |
selectedAssets — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.PermissionBasedAssetHandler | |
Specifies the array of currently selected assets. | |
selectedBorderSkin — Egenskap, klass | |
Class to use for the border in the selected state. | |
selectedButtonTextStyleName — Format, klass mx.controls.ToggleButtonBar | |
Name of CSS style declaration that specifies styles for the text of the selected button. | |
selectedCell — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, returns the first selected cell starting at row 0 column 0 and progressing through each column in a row before moving to the next row. | |
selectedCell — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, returns the first selected cell starting at row 0 column 0 and progressing through each column in a row before moving to the next row. | |
selectedCells — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Contains an Array of cell locations as row and column indices. | |
selectedCells — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, returns a Vector of CellPosition objects representing the positions of the selected cells in the grid. | |
selectedCells — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, returns a Vector of CellPosition objects representing the positions of the selected cells in the grid. | |
selectedChartItem — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Specifies the selected ChartItem in the chart. | |
selectedChartItems — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
An Array of the selected ChartItem objects in the chart. | |
selectedChartItems — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Specifies an array of all the selected ChartItem objects in the chart. | |
selectedChild — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.IMosaicContainer | |
Returns the selectedChild of the hostComponent or null if no child is currently selected. | |
selectedChild — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
Returns the child selected by the ViewStack. | |
selectedChild — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.Accordion | |
A reference to the currently visible child container. | |
selectedChild — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.ViewStack | |
A reference to the currently visible child container. | |
selectedCollatedProcesses — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.TrackingModel | |
After all processes are loaded, the selectedCollatedProcesses property is set to the first CollatedProcesses object stored in the collatedListData property. | |
selectedColor — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Hämtar eller ställer in färgrutan som för tillfället är markerad på paletten för ColorPicker-komponenten. | |
selectedColor — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
The value of the currently selected color in the SwatchPanel object. | |
selectedColumnIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The column of the selected cell. | |
selectedData — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Hämtar eller ställer in den aktiverade alternativknappens value-egenskap. | |
selectedData — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A hash table of ListBaseSelectionData objects that track which items are currently selected. | |
selectedData — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A hash table of ListBaseSelectionData objects that track which items are currently selected. | |
selectedDate — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Date selected in the DateChooser control. | |
selectedDate — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.DateField | |
Date as selected in the DateChooser control. | |
selectedDate — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DateSpinner | |
Date that is currently selected in the DateSpinner control. | |
selectedDeviceIndex — Egenskap, klass | |
Indexvärdet för den aktuella ljudutgångsenheten, enligt den array som returneras av AudioDeviceManager.deviceNames. | |
selectedDisabledIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och inaktiverad. | |
selectedDisabledIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och inaktiverad. | |
selectedDisabledIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.CheckBox | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och inaktiverad. | |
selectedDisabledIcon — Format, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the icon when the button is selected and disabled. | |
selectedDisabledSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.HeaderRenderer | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och inaktiverad. | |
selectedDisabledSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och inaktiverad. | |
selectedDisabledSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och inaktiverad. | |
selectedDisabledSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.BaseButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och inaktiverad. | |
selectedDisabledSkin — Format, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when a toggle button is selected and disabled. | |
selectedDownIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och musenknappen är nedtryckt. | |
selectedDownIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och musenknappen är nedtryckt. | |
selectedDownIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.CheckBox | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och musenknappen är nedtryckt. | |
selectedDownIcon — Format, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the icon when the button is selected and the mouse button is down. | |
selectedDownSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.HeaderRenderer | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musknappen är nedtryckt. | |
selectedDownSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musknappen är nedtryckt. | |
selectedDownSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musknappen är nedtryckt. | |
selectedDownSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.BaseButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musknappen är nedtryckt. | |
selectedDownSkin — Format, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when a toggle button is selected and the mouse button is down. | |
selectedElement — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Returns the selected element which is an instance of DataElementModel | |
selectedElementChange — Händelse, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Dispatched when the selected element is changed. | |
selectedField — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.Button | |
The name of the field in the data property which specifies the value of the Button control's selected property. | |
selectedFontColor — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
The selected font color | |
selectedFontColor — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The selected font color. | |
selectedFontFace — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
The selected font face | |
selectedFontFace — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The selectd font face. | |
selectedFontSize — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
The selected font size | |
selectedFontSize — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The selectd font size. | |
selectedFontSizeValue — Egenskap, klass | |
gets the selected font size | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost | |
The index of the current selected item in the data provider by the repeater UI | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components.INavigatorComponent | |
The current selected index in the data provider. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components.OneLevelPanelNavigator | |
The current selected index in the data provider. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.StackLayout | |
The index of the currently selected element of the group target. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.interfaces.ISelectable | |
The index that is currently selected or -1 if no item is selected at the moment. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.SelectableList | |
The index of the item that is considered "selected". | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass | |
The current selected index in the TargetInstance. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Hämtar eller ställer in indexvärdet för objektet som är markerat i en lista där bara ett objekt kan vara markerat. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Hämtar eller ställer in indexvärdet för objektet som är markerat i en lista där bara ett objekt kan vara markerat. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass ga.views.DynamicSectionView | |
[bindable] The index of the selected section. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.views.IGuideView | |
[bindable] The index of the selected item. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass ga.views.PanelListView | |
[bindable] The index of selected panel. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass ga.views.SectionListView | |
[bindable] The index of the currently selected section. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass ga.views.StaticSectionView | |
[bindable] The index of the selected panel | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass ga.views.TreeView | |
Not implemented for this view. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Index of the selected item in the data provider of the series. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.Accordion | |
The zero-based index of the currently visible child container. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.ViewStack | |
The zero-based index of the currently visible child container. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Index in the dataProvider of the selected item in the SwatchPanel object. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ComboBase | |
The index in the data provider of the selected item. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Index of the selected item in the drop-down list. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.LinkBar | |
The index of the last selected LinkButton control if the LinkBar control uses a ViewStack container as its data provider. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The index in the MenuBar control of the currently open Menu or the last opened Menu if none are currently open. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.NavBar | |
Index of the active navigation item, where the first item is at an index of 0. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ToggleButtonBar | |
Index of the selected button. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The index in the data provider of the selected item. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The index in the data provider of the selected item. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.ISelectableList | |
The index of the selected IList item. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns the rowIndex of the first selected row. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns the rowIndex of the first selected row. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
The 0-based index of the selected view navigator, or -1 if none is selected. | |
selectedIndex — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
The 0-based index of the selected item, or -1 if no item is selected. | |
selectedIndices — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Hämtar eller ställer in en array som innehåller objekten som markerades från en lista där flera objekt är markerade. | |
selectedIndices — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
An Array of indexes of the selected items in the data provider of the series. | |
selectedIndices — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
An array of indices in the data provider of the selected items. | |
selectedIndices — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
An array of indices in the data provider of the selected items. | |
selectedIndices — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns a Vector of the selected rows indices. | |
selectedIndices — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns a Vector of the selected rows indices. | |
selectedIndices — Egenskap, klass spark.components.List | |
A Vector of ints representing the indices of the currently selected item or items. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate.ActivationBrowser | |
Get selected item | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost | |
The currently selected object in the data provider by the repeater UI | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components.INavigatorComponent | |
The current selected item in the data provider. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components.OneLevelPanelNavigator | |
The current selected item in the data provider. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass | |
Selected Expression | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass | |
The selectedItem object containing the expression selected for edit or delete. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Hämtar eller ställer in värdet för det valda objektet i listrutan. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Hämtar eller ställer in objektet som markerades från en lista där bara ett objekt kan vara markerat. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.RadioButtonList | |
Represents the currently selected radiobutton's content. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass ga.model.PanelManager | |
[bindable] Returns the current panel. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass ga.views.DynamicSectionView | |
[bindable] The selected section. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.views.IGuideView | |
[bindable] The selected item. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass ga.views.PanelListView | |
[bindable] The selected panel. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass ga.views.SectionListView | |
[bindable] The currently selected section. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass ga.views.StaticSectionView | |
[bindable] The selected panel. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass ga.views.TreeView | |
[bindable] The selected panel. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
The currently selected list item. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
The chart item that is selected in the series. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ComboBase | |
The item in the data provider at the selectedIndex. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Contains a reference to the selected item in the dataProvider. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A reference to the selected item in the data provider. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A reference to the selected item in the data provider. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns the item in the the data provider that is currently selected or undefined if no rows are selected. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns the item in the the data provider that is currently selected or undefined if no rows are selected. | |
selectedItem — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
The item that is currently selected. | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.toolbar.IAssetActionRenderer | |
currently selected items by end user. | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar | |
Selected Items of Search Results Grid | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.Toolbar | |
Selected Items of Search Results Grid | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlButtonAssetActionRenderer | |
Selected items for the asset | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Hämtar eller ställer in en array som innehåller objekten från en lista där flera objekt är markerade. | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
An Array of chart items that are selected in the series. | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
An Array of references to the selected items in the data provider. | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
An array of references to the selected items in the data provider. | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns a Vector of the dataProvider items that are currently selected. | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns a Vector of the dataProvider items that are currently selected. | |
selectedItems — Egenskap, klass spark.components.List | |
A Vector of Objects representing the currently selected data items. | |
selectedItemsCompareFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A function used to compare items in the selectedItems property against items in the data provider. | |
selectedLabel — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Hämtar strängen som visas i TextInput-området i ComboBox-komponenten. | |
selectedLabel — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The String displayed in the TextInput portion of the ComboBox. | |
selectedLabel — Egenskap, klass | |
The text of the label showing when the component is selected. | |
selectedLabelDisplay — Egenskap, klass | |
The label for the selected side of the component. | |
selectedLetterSpacing — Egenskap, klass | |
Specifies the selected Letter Spacing value. | |
selectedLineHeight — Egenskap, klass | |
Specifies the selected Line Height value. | |
selectedListCompoundValue — Egenskap, klass | |
Fetches the selected List Compund value | |
selectedListIndex — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
The selected list item index. | |
selectedListItem — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
The currently selected item in the list. | |
selectedListItem — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
The currently selected item in the listData property. | |
selectedListItem — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.ToDoModel | |
The selected entry from the listData property. | |
selectedListStylePosition — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
The selected list style position | |
selectedListStylePosition — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The selected list style position. | |
selectedListStyleType — Egenskap, klass | |
Fetches the selected List Style type value | |
selectedListType — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
The selected list type | |
selectedListType — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The selected list type. | |
selectedMarginBottom — Egenskap, klass | |
Fetches the selected Margin bottom value | |
selectedMarginLeft — Egenskap, klass | |
Fetches the selected Margin Left value | |
selectedMarginRight — Egenskap, klass | |
Fetches the selected Margin Right value | |
selectedMarginTop — Egenskap, klass | |
Fetches the Margin Top value | |
selectedNavigator — Egenskap, klass spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
The selected view navigator for the TabbedViewNavigator. | |
selectedOverIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och musen är över komponenten. | |
selectedOverIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och musen är över komponenten. | |
selectedOverIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.CheckBox | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och musen är över komponenten. | |
selectedOverIcon — Format, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the icon when the button is selected and the mouse is over the control. | |
selectedOverSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.HeaderRenderer | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musen är över komponenten. | |
selectedOverSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musen är över komponenten. | |
selectedOverSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musen är över komponenten. | |
selectedOverSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.BaseButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musen är över komponenten. | |
selectedOverSkin — Format, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when a toggle button is selected and the mouse is over the control. | |
selectedPath — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
The nativePath of the File item representing the selected subdirectory or file, or null if no item is selected. | |
selectedPath — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
The nativePath of the File item representing the selected subdirectory or file, or null if no item is selected. | |
selectedPath — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
The nativePath of the File item representing the selected subdirectory or file, or null if no item is selected. | |
selectedPaths — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
An Array of nativePath Strings for the File items representing the selected subdirectories and files. | |
selectedPaths — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
An Array of nativePath Strings for the File items representing the selected subdirectories and files. | |
selectedPaths — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
An Array of nativePath Strings for the File items representing the selected subdirectories and files. | |
selectedPosition — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance | |
Position of the content in it's container among all the selected contents of the container. | |
selectedPosition — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance | |
Position of the content in it's container among all the selected contents of the container. | |
selectedProcess — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.TrackingModel | |
After all processes are loaded, the selectedProcess property is set to the first Process object stored in the listData property. | |
selectedProcessInstance — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGridModel | |
The process instance that is identifed as the selected ProcessInstance object that is loaded into the ProcessInstanceDetailSelectorModel object. | |
selectedRanges — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Selected date ranges. | |
selectedRoute — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The selected route. | |
selectedSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.listClasses.ImageCell | |
Det skal som används för att ange att något är markerat. | |
selectedTabTextStyleName — Format, klass mx.containers.TabNavigator | |
Name of CSS style declaration that specifies styles for the text of the selected tab. | |
selectedTabTextStyleName — Format, klass mx.controls.TabBar | |
Name of CSS style declaration that specifies the styles to use for the text of the selected tab navigation item. | |
selectedTargetAssignmentEditorChange — Händelse, klass | |
Event dispatched when focus from one target area has been shifted to another target area. | |
selectedTask — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.component.TaskListComponent | |
The standalone task associated with the TaskList UX component. | |
selectedTextAlignment — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
The selected text alignment | |
selectedTextAlignment — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The selected alignment for the text. | |
selectedUpIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och musenknappen inte är nedtryckt. | |
selectedUpIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och musenknappen inte är nedtryckt. | |
selectedUpIcon — Format, klass fl.controls.CheckBox | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som ikon när knappen är markerad och musenknappen inte är nedtryckt. | |
selectedUpIcon — Format, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the icon when the button is selected and the mouse button is up. | |
selectedUpSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.HeaderRenderer | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musen inte är över komponenten. | |
selectedUpSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musen inte är över komponenten. | |
selectedUpSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musen inte är över komponenten. | |
selectedUpSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.BaseButton | |
Namnet på den klass som ska användas som skal för bakgrunden och kantlinjen när en toggle-knapp är markerad och musen inte är över komponenten. | |
selectedUpSkin — Format, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when a toggle button is selected and the mouse is not over the control. | |
selectedUser — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
The current selected user. | |
selectedUsers — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
The collection of users that were selected from the UserSearchDataGridModel object. | |
selectedValue — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
The value of the value property of the selected RadioButton control in the group, if this has been set to be something other than null (the default value). | |
selectedValue — Egenskap, klass spark.components.RadioButtonGroup | |
The value property of the selected RadioButton component in the group, if it has been set, otherwise, the label property of the selected RadioButton. | |
selectFirst(type:String) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideNavigation | |
selectFirst changes the guide to the first GuideNode instance of the type requested. | |
selectGanttItem( — metod, klass | |
This function marks a particular item selected in the Gantt chart. | |
SELECT_INDEX — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The ListItemSelectEvent.SELECT_INDEX constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when an item's index is selected. | |
SELECT_INDEX — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent.SELECT_INDEX constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when an item's index is selected. | |
SELECT_INDEX — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The SparkListItemSelectEvent.SELECT_INDEX constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when an item's index is selected. | |
selectIndices(rowIndex:int, rowCount:int) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, sets the selection to the specfied rows and the caret position to endRowIndex. | |
selectIndices(rowIndex:int, rowCount:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, sets the selection to the specfied rows and the caret position to endRowIndex. | |
selection — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Hämtar eller ställer in en referens till den alternativknapp som för tillfället är markerad i alternativknappsgruppen. | |
selection — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Contains a reference to the currently selected RadioButton control in the group. | |
selection — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.RichTextEditor | |
A TextRange object containing the selected text in the TextArea subcontrol. | |
selection — Egenskap, klass spark.components.RadioButtonGroup | |
Contains a reference to the currently selected RadioButton component in the group. | |
SELECTION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.TextInteractionMode | |
På mobilplattformar som Android startas textfältet i normalt läge (vilket antyder rullningsläge och ej valbart läge). | |
selectionActiveIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt flash.accessibility.ISimpleTextSelection | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det sista tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionActiveIndex — Egenskap, klass flash.text.StageText | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det sista tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionActiveIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det sista tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionActiveIndex — Egenskap, klass spark.accessibility.RichEditableTextAccImpl | |
A character position, relative to the beginning of the text String of the RichEditableText, specifying the end of the selection that moves when the selection is extended with the arrow keys. | |
selectionActivePosition — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
The zero-based index of the position after the last character in the current selection (equivalent to the one-based index of the last character). | |
selectionActivePosition — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.ITextInput | |
The zero-based index of the position after the last character in the current selection (equivalent to the one-based index of the last character). | |
selectionActivePosition — Egenskap, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
A character position, relative to the beginning of the text String, specifying the end of the selection that moves when the selection is extended with the arrow keys. | |
selectionActivePosition — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
A character position, relative to the beginning of the text String, specifying the end of the selection that moves when the selection is extended with the arrow keys. | |
selectionActivePosition — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
The active, or last clicked position, of the selection. | |
selectionActivePosition — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
The active, or last clicked position, of the selection. | |
selectionActivePosition — Egenskap, gränssnitt spark.core.IEditableText | |
The active, or last clicked position, of the selection. | |
selectionAnchorIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt flash.accessibility.ISimpleTextSelection | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det första tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionAnchorIndex — Egenskap, klass flash.text.StageText | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det första tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionAnchorIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det första tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionAnchorIndex — Egenskap, klass spark.accessibility.RichEditableTextAccImpl | |
A character position, relative to the beginning of the text String of the RichEditableText, specifying the end of the selection that stays fixed when the selection is extended with the arrow keys. | |
selectionAnchorPosition — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
The zero-based character index value of the first character in the current selection. | |
selectionAnchorPosition — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.ITextInput | |
The zero-based character index value of the first character in the current selection. | |
selectionAnchorPosition — Egenskap, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
A character position, relative to the beginning of the text String, specifying the end of the selection that stays fixed when the selection is extended with the arrow keys. | |
selectionAnchorPosition — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
A character position, relative to the beginning of the text String, specifying the end of the selection that stays fixed when the selection is extended with the arrow keys. | |
selectionAnchorPosition — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
The anchor, or first clicked position, of the selection. | |
selectionAnchorPosition — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
The anchor, or first clicked position, of the selection. | |
selectionAnchorPosition — Egenskap, gränssnitt spark.core.IEditableText | |
The anchor, or first clicked position, of the selection. | |
selectionBeginIndex — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.TextArea | |
Hämtar indexpositionen för det första markerade tecknet i en markering med en eller flera tecken. | |
selectionBeginIndex — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.TextInput | |
Hämtar indexvärdet för det första markerade tecknet i en markering med en eller flera tecken. | |
selectionBeginIndex — Egenskap, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det första tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionBeginIndex — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det första tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionBeginIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextArea | |
The zero-based character index value of the first character in the current selection. | |
selectionBeginIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
The zero-based character index value of the first character in the current selection. | |
selectionBeginIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property has not been implemented in FTETextField because FTETextField does not support selection. | |
selectionBeginIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det första tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionChange — Händelse, klass flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Skickas när markeringen ändras. | |
selectionChange — Händelse, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
Skickas när markeringen ändras. | |
selectionChange — Händelse, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when the selection has changed. | |
selectionChange — Händelse, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Dispached after the selectionAnchorPosition and/or selectionActivePosition properties have changed for any reason. | |
selectionChange — Händelse, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Dispached after the selectionAnchorPosition and/or selectionActivePosition properties have changed for any reason. | |
selectionChange — Egenskap, klass | |
The upcoming or just-completed selection changes triggered by some user gesture. | |
SELECTION_CHANGE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten SelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE definierar värdet på type-egenskapen för händelseobjektet för en markeringshändelse. | |
SELECTION_CHANGE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The FlexEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a selectionChange event. | |
SELECTION_CHANGE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The GridSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a selectionChange event, which indicates that the current selection has just been changed. | |
selectionChangeHandler( — metod, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
Allows us to retreive the selections formatting when selection changes | |
selectionChanging — Händelse, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when the selection is going to change. | |
SELECTION_CHANGING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The GridSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a selectionChanging event, which indicates that the current selection is about to change. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The color of the background of a renderer when the user selects it. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The color of the background of a renderer when the user selects it. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.Tree | |
Color of the background when the user selects the link. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The selectionColor of the drop-down list. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.DataGrid | |
The color of the background for the row when the user selects an item renderer in the row. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The color of the menu item background when a menu item is selected. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.LinkButton | |
Background color of a LinkButton as a user presses it. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.Menu | |
The color of the menu item background when a menu item is selected. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Background color of the LinkButton control as you press it. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
The color of the background for the row when the user selects an item renderer in the row. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Color of the highlight area of the currently selected date in the DateChooser control. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass mx.controls.DateField | |
Color of the highlight area of the currently selected date in the DateChooser control. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass spark.components.List | |
The color of the background of a renderer when the user selects it. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
The color of the background of a renderer when the user selects it. | |
selectionColor — Format, klass spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
The color of the background of a renderer when the user selects it. | |
selectionContainsCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, returns true if the cell is in the current selection. | |
selectionContainsCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, returns true if the cell is in the current selection. | |
selectionContainsCellRegion(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int, rowCount:int, columnCount:int) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, returns true if the cells in the cell region are in the current selection. | |
selectionContainsCellRegion(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int, rowCount:int, columnCount:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, returns true if the cells in the cell region are in the current selection. | |
selectionContainsIndex(rowIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns true if the row at index is in the current selection. | |
selectionContainsIndex(rowIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns true if the row at index is in the current selection. | |
selectionContainsIndices(rowIndices:Vector$int) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns true if the rows in indices are in the current selection. | |
selectionContainsIndices(rowIndices:Vector$int) — metod, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns true if the rows in indices are in the current selection. | |
selectionDisabledColor — Format, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The color of the background of a renderer when the component is disabled. | |
selectionDisabledColor — Format, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The color of the background of a renderer when the component is disabled. | |
selectionDisabledColor — Format, klass mx.controls.Tree | |
Specifies the disabled color of a list item. | |
selectionDisabledColor — Format, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The disabled color of a list item. | |
selectionDuration — Format, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The duration of the selection effect. | |
selectionDuration — Format, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The duration of the selection effect. | |
selectionDuration — Format, klass mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The selectionDuration of the drop-down list. | |
selectionEasingFunction — Format, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The easingFunction for the selection effect. | |
selectionEasingFunction — Format, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The easingFunction for the selection effect. | |
selectionEasingFunction — Format, klass mx.controls.Tree | |
Reference to an easingFunction function used for controlling programmatic tweening. | |
selectionEasingFunction — Format, klass mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The selectionEasingFunction of the drop-down list. | |
selectionEasingFunction — Format, klass mx.controls.Menu | |
The reference to an easingFunction equation which is used to control programmatic tweening. | |
selectionEasingFunction — Format, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Reference to an easingFunction function used for controlling programmatic tweening. | |
selectionEndIndex — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.TextArea | |
Hämtar indexpositionen för det sista markerade tecknet i en markering med en eller flera tecken. | |
selectionEndIndex — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.TextInput | |
Hämtar indexpositionen för det sista markerade tecknet i en markering med en eller flera tecken. | |
selectionEndIndex — Egenskap, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det sista tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionEndIndex — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det sista tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
selectionEndIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextArea | |
The zero-based index of the position afterthe last character in the current selection (equivalent to the one-based index of the last character). | |
selectionEndIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
The zero-based index of the position after the last character in the current selection (equivalent to the one-based index of the last character). | |
selectionEndIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property has not been implemented in FTETextField because FTETextField does not support selection. | |
selectionEndIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Det nollbaserade teckenindexvärdet för det sista tecknet i den aktuella markeringen. | |
SelectionEvent — klass, paket | |
En TextFlow-instans skickar ett SelectionEvent-objekt när en EditManager eller SelectionManager ändrar eller markerar ett område med text. | |
SelectionEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, selectionState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett händelseobjekt som innehåller information om en flödesåtgärd. | |
SelectionFormat — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.edit | |
Klassen SelectionFormat definierar egenskaperna för en markerings färgöverstrykning. | |
SelectionFormat(rangeColor:uint, rangeAlpha:Number, rangeBlendMode:String, pointColor:uint, pointAlpha:Number, pointBlendMode:String, pointBlinkRate:Number) — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat | |
Skapar ett SelectionFormat-objekt med angivna egenskaper. | |
selectionHighlighting — Egenskap, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Determines when the text selection is highlighted. | |
selectionHighlighting — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Determines when the text selection is highlighted. | |
selectionIndicator — Skaldel, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
The IVisualElement class used to render selected rows or cells. The IVisualElement class used to render selected rows or cells. | |
selectionIndicator — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, a visual element that's displayed for each selected row, If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, a visual element displayed for each selected cell. | |
selectionIndicator — Egenskap, klass | |
Selection indicator skin part. | |
selectionIndicatorClass — Egenskap, klass | |
Class for the selection indicator skin part. | |
selectionIndicatorHeight — Egenskap, klass | |
Height of the selection indicator. | |
selectionIndicators — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A hash table of selection indicators. | |
selectionIndicators — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A hash table of selection indicators. | |
selectionIndicatorSkin — Format, klass mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the highlight area of the currently selected date in the DateChooser control. | |
selectionInfo — Egenskap, klass | |
selectionLayer — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The layer in listContent where all selection and highlight indicators are drawn. | |
selectionLayer — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The layer in listContent where all selection and highlight indicators are drawn. | |
selectionLayer — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
The layer in the content defined by the :istbase.listContent property where all selection and highlight indicators are drawn. | |
selectionLength — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns the number of selected rows. | |
selectionLength — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, returns the number of selected rows. | |
SelectionManager — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.edit | |
Klassen SelectionManager hanterar textmarkering i ett textflöde. | |
SelectionManager() — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
Skapar ett SelectionManager-objekt. | |
selectionMode — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Specifies whether or not ChartItem objects can be selected. | |
selectionMode — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
The selection mode of the control. | |
selectionMode — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
The selection mode of the control. | |
selectionMode — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
The selection mode of the control. | |
selectionState — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett objekt av typen SelectionState som representerar det markerade området som är kopplat till denna SelectionEvent. | |
SelectionState — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.edit | |
Klassen SelectionState representerar en markering i ett textflöde. | |
SelectionState(root:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionState | |
Skapar ett SelectionState-objekt. | |
selectionTweens — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A hash table of selection tweens. | |
selectionTweens — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A hash table of selection tweens. | |
selectItem — Händelse, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
Event dispatched when an item is selected from the menu. | |
selectItem(item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean, transition:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Updates the set of selected items given that the item renderer provided was clicked by the mouse and the keyboard modifiers are in the given state. | |
selectItem(item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean, transition:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Updates the set of selected items given that the item renderer provided was clicked by the mouse and the keyboard modifiers are in the given state. | |
selectItem(item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean, transition:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Updates the set of selected items given that the item renderer provided was clicked by the mouse and the keyboard modifiers are in the given state. | |
SELECT_ITEM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuEvent | |
A special value that is dispatched when a item is selected from the menu. | |
selectLabel(item:Object) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Retrieves the label associated with the AttachmentPermissions object that was passed in. | |
selectLast(type:String) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideNavigation | |
selectLast changes the guide to the last GuideNode instance of the type requested. | |
selectModerator — Egenskap, klass | |
This property determines if the moderator check box is displayed or not. | |
selectMultiple — Händelse, klass flash.filesystem.File | |
Skickas när användaren väljer filer i dialogrutan som öppnas av ett anrop till browseForOpenMultiple()-metoden. | |
SELECT_MULTIPLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
FileListEvent.SELECT_MULTIPLE-konstanten definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett selectMultiple-händelseobjekt. | |
selectNext(type:String) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideNavigation | |
selectNext changes the guide to the next GuideNode instance of the type requested. | |
selector — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.Consumer | |
The selector for the Consumer. | |
selector — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.SubscriptionInfo | |
The selector. | |
selector — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration | |
This property is the base selector of a potential chain of selectors and conditions that are used to match CSS style declarations to components. | |
SELECTOR_HEADER — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
Subscribe commands issued by a Consumer pass the Consumer's selector expression in this header. | |
selectorIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration | |
The order this CSSStyleDeclaration was added to its StyleManager. | |
selectors — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.styles.IStyleManager2 | |
Returns an Array of all the CSS selectors that are registered with the StyleManager. | |
selectors — Statisk egenskap, klass mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Returns an Array of all the CSS selectors that are registered with the StyleManager. | |
selectPaperSize(paperSize:String) — metod, klass flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Anger pappersstorleken. | |
selectPrevious(type:String) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideNavigation | |
selectPrevious changes the guide to the previous GuideNode instance of the type requested. | |
selectProcess( — metod, klass | |
This method is called upon clicking the select process button or the update button. | |
selectProcess( — metod, klass | |
This method is called when the OK button is clicked. | |
SelectProcessDialog — klass, paket | |
The host component for the dialog to select pre-process or post-process tasks for a stage. | |
SelectProcessDialog() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for SelectProcessDialog class. | |
selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int) — metod, klass flash.text.StageText | |
Markerar text som anges i indexvärden för de första och sista tecknen. | |
selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int) — metod, gränssnitt flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
Anger intervallet för den markerade texten i komponenten. | |
selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Anger intervallet för den markerade texten i en komponent som implementerar ITextSupport. | |
selectRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
Markerar ett område med text. | |
selectRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
Selects the text in the range specified by the parameters. | |
selectRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.ITextInput | |
Selects the text in the range specified by the parameters. | |
selectRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Selects a specified range of characters. | |
selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Selects a specified range of characters. | |
selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Selects a specified range of characters. | |
selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Selects a specified range of characters. | |
selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int) — metod, gränssnitt spark.core.IEditableText | |
Selects a specified range of characters. | |
selectReviewerType — Egenskap, klass | |
This property determines if the reviewer type radio buttons are displayed or not. | |
selectRoles — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag based on which the roles check boxes are displayed. | |
selectStartpoint(startpoint:lc.procmgmt.domain:Startpoint) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
Setting the selected task causes the QueueEntryData object that contains the selected task to have its details property set to true, and requests the QueueEntryData object to change to the selected task. | |
selectTask(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.ToDoModel | |
Setting the selected task causes the QueueEntryData object that contains the selected task to have its details property set to true, and requests the QueueEntryData object to change to the selected task. | |
SELFLAG_ADDSELECTION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA selection flag that adds the object to the current selection, possibly resulting in a noncontiguous selection. | |
SELFLAG_EXTENDSELECTION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA selection flag that alters the selection so that all objects between the selection anchor and this object take on the anchor object's selection state. | |
SELFLAG_NONE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
A constant representing the absence of any MSAA selection flags. | |
SELFLAG_REMOVESELECTION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA selection flag that removes the object from the current selection, possibly resulting in a noncontiguous selection. | |
SELFLAG_TAKEFOCUS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA selection flag that sets the focus to the object and makes it the selection anchor. | |
SELFLAG_TAKESELECTION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA selection flag that selects the object and removes the selection from all other objects in the container. | |
SELFLAG_VALID — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
A bitmask representing all valid MSAA selection flags. | |
SEMICOLON — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för tangenten ; (186). | |
send(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, offset:uint, length:uint, address:String, port:int) — metod, klass | |
Skickar paket med de byte som finns i ByteArray med UDP. | |
send(connectionName:String, methodName:String, ... rest) — metod, klass | |
Anropar metoden methodName i en anslutning som upprättats med metoden connect(connectionName) (i det mottagande LocalConnection-objektet). | |
send(handlerName:String, ... rest) — metod, klass | |
Skickar ett meddelande i ett publicerat flöde till alla mottagande klienter. | |
send(... rest) — metod, klass | |
Sänder ett meddelande till alla klienter som är anslutna till det delade objektet, inklusive klienten som skickade meddelandet. | |
send(object:any) — metod, klass | |
Konverterar XML-objektet eller data som anges i parametern object till en sträng och överför den till servern följd av en nollbyte (0). | |
send() — metod, klass flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Skickar mellanlagrade sidor till skrivaren efter det att metoderna start() eller start2() och addPage() har anropats. | |
send(arg:any, queueLimit:int) — metod, klass flash.system.MessageChannel | |
Skickar ett objekt från den avsändande arbetaren och lägger till det i meddelandekön för den mottagande arbetaren. | |
send(... rest) — metod, klass | |
Executes the method. | |
send(message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — metod, klass mx.messaging.AbstractProducer | |
Sends the specified message to its destination. | |
send(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — metod, klass mx.messaging.Channel | |
Sends the specified message to its target destination. | |
send(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — metod, klass mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Sends a message from a MessageAgent over the currently connected Channel. | |
send(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — metod, klass mx.messaging.channels.PollingChannel | |
Sends the specified message to its target destination. | |
send() — metod, klass mx.printing.FlexPrintJob | |
Sends the added objects to the printer to start printing. | |
send(... rest) — metod, klass mx.rpc.AbstractOperation | |
Executes the method. | |
send(parameters:Object) — metod, klass mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Executes an HTTPService request. | |
send(... rest) — metod, klass mx.rpc.http.Operation | |
Executes the http operation. | |
send(... rest) — metod, klass mx.rpc.remoting.Operation | |
Executes the method. | |
sendBody(parameters:Object) — metod, klass mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
sendControlBytesPerSecond — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger den hastighet (i byte per sekund) med vilken den lokala noden skickar meddelanden med kontrollinformation (pålägg) till peer-datorer och till servern. | |
sendControlBytesPerSecondToServer — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger den hastighet (i byte per sekund) med vilken den lokala noden skickar meddelanden med kontrollinformation (pålägg) till servern. | |
sendData(data:String) — metod, klass | |
Asynchronous. | |
sendDataBytesPerSecond — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger den hastighet (i byte per sekund) med vilken den lokala noden skickar mediedata till peer-datorer. | |
sendMessage( — metod, gränssnitt | |
Sends a message to all the tiles in a composite application. | |
sendMetric(metric:String, value:any) — Statisk metod , klass flash.profiler.Telemetry | |
Begär en anpassad mätenhet från Telemetry. | |
sendResultEvent(token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — metod, klass | |
Success responder for RPCDataService operations. | |
sendSpanMetric(metric:String, startSpanMarker:Number, value:any) — Statisk metod , klass flash.profiler.Telemetry | |
Begär en anpassad mätenhet för omfång från Telemetry Använd Telemetry.spanMarker för att hämta en markör i början av den funktion som ska profileras och anropa Telemetry.sendSpanMetric i slutet av funktionen med markören. | |
sendToAllNeighbors(message:Object) — metod, klass | |
Skickar ett meddelande till alla grannar. | |
sendToNearest(message:Object, groupAddress:String) — metod, klass | |
Skickar ett meddelande till den granne (eller lokala nod) som är närmst angiven gruppadress. | |
sendToNeighbor(message:Object, sendMode:String) — metod, klass | |
Skickar ett meddelande till den granne som anges av parametern sendMode. | |
sendToURL( — Paketfunktion, | |
Skickar en URL-begäran till en server, men ignorerar eventuella svar. | |
SENT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Anger att en routning hittades för meddelandet och att det har vidarebefordrats mot målet. | |
SENTENCE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.AutoCapitalize | |
Första ordet i varje mening med versaler. | |
separationError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Error message when the thousands separator is incorrectly placed. | |
separationError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.NumberValidator | |
Error message when the thousands separator is in the wrong location. | |
separator — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
Delimiter to separate attribute values of multi-value attributes. | |
separator — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.filesystem.File | |
Värdoperativsystemets sökvägsavgränsare. | |
separatorAffordance — Format, klass spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Horizontal space on either side of a column separator that's considered to be part of the separator for the sake of mouse event dispatching. | |
separatorBefore — Egenskap, klass flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
Anger om en avgränsare ska visas ovanför det angivna menyalternativet. | |
separatorClick — Händelse, klass spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched when the mouse is clicked over a column header separator. | |
SEPARATOR_CLICK — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The value of the type property for a separatorClick GridEvent. | |
separatorColor — Format, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer | |
Color of the separator between the text part and icon part. | |
separatorColor — Format, klass mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Separator color used by the default separator skin. | |
separatorDoubleClick — Händelse, klass spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched when the mouse is double-clicked over a column header separator. | |
SEPARATOR_DOUBLE_CLICK — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The value of the type property for a separatorDoubleClick GridEvent. | |
separatorIcon — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuItemRenderer | |
The internal IFlexDisplayObject that displays the separator icon in this renderer | |
SEPARATOR_MOUSE_DOWN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The value of the type property for a separatorMouseDown GridEvent. | |
separatorMouseDrag — Händelse, klass spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched after a separatorMouseDown event if the mouse moves before the button is released. | |
SEPARATOR_MOUSE_DRAG — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The value of the type property for a separatorMouseDrag GridEvent. | |
separatorMouseUp — Händelse, klass spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched after a separatorMouseDown event when the mouse button is released, even if the mouse is no longer within the separator affordance. | |
SEPARATOR_MOUSE_UP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The value of the type property for a separatorMouseUp GridEvent. | |
separatorRollOut — Händelse, klass spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched when the mouse leaves the area defined by a column separator and separatorMouseWidth. | |
SEPARATOR_ROLL_OUT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The value of the type property for a separatorRollOut GridEvent. | |
separatorRollOver — Händelse, klass spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched when the mouse enters the area defined by a column separator and separatorMouseWidth. | |
SEPARATOR_ROLL_OVER — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The value of the type property for a separatorRollOver GridEvent. | |
separatorSkin — Format, klass mx.controls.Menu | |
The skin for all menu items which are identified as separators. | |
separatorSkin — Format, klass mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Seperator symbol between LinkButton controls in the LinkBar. | |
separatorWidth — Format, klass mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Separator pixel width, in pixels. | |
seperator — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetAction | |
The seperator to be added before the action | |
Sequence — klass, paket com.adobe.gravity.utility.sequence | |
The Sequence class provides a monotonically increasing sequence, useful for generating identifiers and determining the ordering of events. | |
Sequence — klass, paket mx.effects | |
The Sequence effect plays multiple child effects one after the other, in the order in which they are added. | |
Sequence(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.Sequence | |
Constructor. | |
sequenceCol — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.FormHeadingSkin | |
The column containing the sequence label. | |
sequenceCol — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin | |
The column containing the sequence label. | |
sequenceCol — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.StackedFormHeadingSkin | |
The column containing the sequence label. | |
sequenceCol — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin | |
The column containing the sequence label. | |
SequencedMessage — klass, paket | |
Clients receive this message in response to DataService.fill() request. | |
SequencedMessage() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Creates a new instance of an empty SequencedMessage. | |
sequenceId — Egenskap, klass | |
Provides access to the sequence id for this message. | |
SequenceInstance — klass, paket mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The SequenceInstance class implements the instance class for the Sequence effect. | |
SequenceInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.SequenceInstance | |
Constructor. | |
sequenceLabel — Egenskap, klass spark.components.FormItem | |
The number of the form item in the form. | |
sequenceLabelDisplay — Skaldel, klass spark.components.FormItem | |
A reference to the visual element that displays the FormItem's sequenceLabel. A reference to the visual element that displays the FormItem's sequenceLabel. | |
sequenceLabelDisplay — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin | |
A reference to the visual element that displays the FormItem's sequenceLabel. | |
sequenceLabelDisplay — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin | |
A reference to the visual element that displays the FormItem's sequenceLabel. | |
sequenceNumber — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.SortInfo | |
The number of this column in the sort order sequence. | |
sequenceSize — Egenskap, klass | |
Provides access to the sequence size for this message. | |
sequential — Skalläge, klass | |
The skin state when the component shows signature tab for a sequential approval stage. | |
SEQUENTIAL_APPROVAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.StageTypes | |
Specifies that the stage type is sequential approval. | |
SEQUENTIAL_APPROVAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The stage type of a sequential approval stage. | |
SEQUENTIAL_REVIEW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.StageTypes | |
Specifies that the stage type is sequential review. | |
SEQUENTIAL_REVIEW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The stage type of a sequential review stage. | |
SEQUENTIAL_STAGE_TYPES — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.SignatureOptions | |
A utility array of all possible values for the signature property in sequential approval stages. | |
SEQUENTIAL_STAGE_TYPES — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Utility array of all possible values for signature property in a sequential approval stage. | |
SerialElement — klass, paket org.osmf.elements | |
SerialElement is a media composition whose elements are presented serially (i.e. | |
SerialElement() — Konstruktor, klass org.osmf.elements.SerialElement | |
Constructor. | |
SerialElementEvent — klass, paket | |
A SerialElementEvent is dispatched when properties of a SerialElement change. | |
SerialElementEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SERIALIZATION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.Channel | |
serializationFilter — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
A SerializationFilter can control how the arguments are formatted to form the content of the HTTP request. | |
serializationFilter — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService | |
Default serializationFilter used by all operations which do not set one explicitly | |
serializationFilter — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Provides an adapter which controls the process of converting the HTTP response body into ActionScript objects and/or turning the parameters or body into the contentType, URL, and and post body of the HTTP request. | |
SerializationFilter — klass, paket mx.rpc.http | |
This class is useful for framework developers wishing to plug in or modify the HTTP services to use a new serialization format. | |
serialize(root:Object) — metod, klass ga.util.StateSerializer | |
This class when given the root value object of the guide application model will serialize the state as an XML document | |
serializeAssociations — Egenskap, klass | |
If true then Data Management Service wraps the items into a serialization descriptor which excludes the associations. | |
serializeAssociations — Egenskap, klass | |
This controls whether or not DMS wraps the items into a serialization descriptor which excludes the associations. | |
serializeBody(operation:mx.rpc.http:AbstractOperation, obj:Object) — metod, klass mx.rpc.http.SerializationFilter | |
This method is called for all invocations of the HTTP service. | |
serializeData() — metod, klass spark.components.View | |
Responsible for serializes the view's data property when the view is being persisted to disk. | |
serializeDDItoXML(dataDictionaryInstance:com.adobe.dct.transfer:DataDictionaryInstance, clientHandler:Function, errorHandler:Function) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.dct.service.DataDictionaryUtilService | |
Generates a XML data representing the input Data Dictionary Instance | |
SERIALIZE_DDI_TO_XML — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.dct.event.DCTServiceEvent | |
The DCTServiceEvent.SERIALIZE_DDI_TO_XML constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a serializeDDItoXML event. | |
serializeParameters(operation:mx.rpc.http:AbstractOperation, params:Array) — metod, klass mx.rpc.http.SerializationFilter | |
This method is called from the "send" method of the HTTP service invocation to convert the parameters into a request body. | |
serializeURL(operation:mx.rpc.http:AbstractOperation, obj:Object, url:String) — metod, klass mx.rpc.http.SerializationFilter | |
This method is used if you need to take data from the request body object and encode it into the URL string. | |
serialNumber — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger serienumret för certifikatet som en hexadecimal sträng. | |
serialRadioButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays whether the stage is a serial stage or not. In a serial stage the participants complete their tasks in a sequence, one after other. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays whether the stage is a serial stage or not. | |
serialRadioButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays whether a stage is a serial stage or not. In a serial stage the participants do their tasks in a sequence. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays whether a stage is a serial stage or not. | |
series — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
An array of Series objects that define the chart data. | |
series — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
An array of sub-series managed by this stacking set. | |
Series — klass, paket mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The Series class is the base class for the classes that let you specify a data series for a chart control. | |
Series() — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Constructor. | |
SeriesAutomationImpl — klass, paket mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Series base class. | |
SeriesAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts.chartClasses:Series) — Konstruktor, klass mx.automation.delegates.charts.SeriesAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
seriescolor — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.ChartSeries | |
Color of the main element (such as the bars) of a chart; Hexadecimal value or supported named color. | |
SeriesEffect — klass, paket mx.charts.effects | |
The base class for chart effects. | |
SeriesEffect(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.effects.SeriesEffect | |
Constructor. | |
SeriesEffectInstance — klass, paket mx.charts.effects.effectClasses | |
The SeriesEffectInstance class implements the base instance class for the chart series effects. | |
SeriesEffectInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesEffectInstance | |
Constructor. | |
seriesFilters — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
An array of filters that are applied to all series in the chart. | |
SeriesInterpolate — klass, paket mx.charts.effects | |
The SeriesInterpolate effect moves the graphics that represent the existing data in a series to the new points. | |
SeriesInterpolate(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.effects.SeriesInterpolate | |
Constructor. | |
SeriesInterpolateInstance — klass, paket mx.charts.effects.effectClasses | |
The SeriesInterpolateInstance class implements the instance class for the SeriesInterpolate effect. | |
SeriesInterpolateInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesInterpolateInstance | |
Constructor. | |
serieslabel — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.ChartSeries | |
Text of the data series label. | |
seriesPlacement — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Relative positions of series in charts that have more than one data series: default: ColdFusion determines relative positions, based on graph types cluster stacked percent | |
SeriesSlide — klass, paket mx.charts.effects | |
The SeriesSlide effect slides a data series into and out of the chart's boundaries. | |
SeriesSlide(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.effects.SeriesSlide | |
Constructor. | |
SeriesSlideInstance — klass, paket mx.charts.effects.effectClasses | |
The SeriesSlideInstance class implements the instance class for the SeriesSlide effect. | |
SeriesSlideInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesSlideInstance | |
Constructor. | |
SeriesZoom — klass, paket mx.charts.effects | |
The SeriesZoom effect implodes and explodes chart data into and out of the focal point that you specify. | |
SeriesZoom(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.effects.SeriesZoom | |
Constructor. | |
SeriesZoomInstance — klass, paket mx.charts.effects.effectClasses | |
The SeriesZoomInstance class implements the instance class for the SeriesZoom effect. | |
SeriesZoomInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesZoomInstance | |
Constructor. | |
server — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
Host name or IP address of LDAP server. | |
server — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Mail | |
SMTP server address, or (Enterprise edition only) a comma-delimited list of server addresses, to use for sending messages. | |
server — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns an IServer instance for the remote server associated with this session. | |
serverAdapterExternalTime — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Time spent in a module invoked from the adapter associated with the destination for this message but external to it, before either the response to the message was ready or the message had been prepared to be pushed to the receiving client. | |
serverAdapterTime — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Time spent in the adapter associated with the destination for this message before either the response to the message was ready or the message had been prepared to be pushed to the receiving client. | |
serverCertificate — Egenskap, klass | |
Innehåller X.509-certifikatet som erhålls från serven sedan en säker SSL-/TLS-anslutning är etablerad. | |
serverCertificateStatus — Egenskap, klass | |
Returnerar statusvärdet för serverns certifikat. | |
serverChannelEnabled — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger om medlemmar i NetGroup kan öppna en kanal till servern. | |
ServerConfig — klass, paket mx.messaging.config | |
This class provides access to the server messaging configuration information. | |
ServerConstants — klass, paket | |
The ServerConstants provides constants to indicate the current status of a Server in its lifecycle and connection status to the client. | |
serverFilePath — Egenskap, klass | |
Temporary XDP file path returned from HTTP upload servlet after uploading file (used only on create/update). | |
serverFilePath — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.FragmentLayout | |
Temporary XDP file path returned from HTTP upload servlet after uploading file (used only on create/update). | |
serverFilePath — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.ImageModule | |
Temporary image file path returned from HTTP upload servlet after uploading file (used only on create/update). | |
SERVER_NAME_TOKEN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.utils.URLUtil | |
The pattern in the String that is passed to the replaceTokens() method that is replaced by the application's server name. | |
serverNonAdapterTime — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Server processing time spent outside of the adapter associated with the destination of this message. | |
serverobject — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.air.Conflict | |
The instance of the object on the server. | |
serverObject — Egenskap, klass | |
The value of the server object whose property was to be changed. | |
serverObject — Egenskap, klass | |
The value that the server had for the object with the conflicting properties. | |
serverObjectDeleted — Egenskap, klass | |
When the serverObject property of this class is null, this property lets you know whether the server version is null because the item was deleted on the server (true) or because the item was removed from a fill that this client is subscribed to (false). | |
serverObjectReferencedIds — Egenskap, klass | |
If the serverObject has any properties with lazy="true", returns an Object that stores the referencedId Arrays for each lazily loaded property, using the property name as the lookup key value. | |
SERVER_OVERRIDE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Indicates this update collection message was client generated and the remote destination determined that it should be reverted on that client. | |
serverPollDelay — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Time that the message waited on the server after it was ready to be pushed to the client but had not yet been polled for. | |
serverPort — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.model.ConfigModel | |
The server port. | |
SERVER_PORT_TOKEN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.utils.URLUtil | |
The pattern in the String that is passed to the replaceTokens() method that is replaced by the application's port. | |
serverPrePushTime — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Time between server receiving the client message and the server beginning to push messages out to other clients as a result of the original message. | |
serverProcessingTime — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Time between server receiving the client message and either the time the server responded to the received message or had the pushed message ready to be sent to the receiving client. | |
serverSendTime — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Timestamp in milliseconds since epoch of when the server sent a response message back to the client. | |
serverSession — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Returns the ServerSession instance associated to this Application. | |
serverSession — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Catalog | |
The ServerSession associated with this composite application catalog. | |
ServerSession — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | |
The ServerSession repesents a remote server's location and an ISession. | |
ServerSession() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
Constructor. | |
SERVER_SIDE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.SignatureOptions | |
Specifies that server-side certification is applied to the approved document. | |
SERVER_SIDE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The property specifies that a server-side certification is applied on the approved document. | |
ServerSocket — klass, paket | |
Klassen ServerSocket medger att koden fungerar som en server för TCP-anslutningar (Transport Control Protocol). | |
ServerSocket() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett ServerSocket-objekt. | |
ServerSocketConnectEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett ServerSocket-objekt skickar ett ServerSocketConnectEvent-objekt när en klient försöker ansluta till serversocketen. | |
ServerSocketConnectEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett ServerSocketConnectEvent-objekt som innehåller information om en klientanslutning. | |
serverString — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.system.Capabilities | |
En URL-kodad sträng som anger värden för varje Capabilities-egenskap. | |
serverTestDataFilePath — Egenskap, klass | |
Temporary XML/XDP test data file path returned from HTTP upload servlet after uploading the file (used only on create/update). | |
SERVER_UNDEFINED_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass coldfusion.service.ProxyServiceError | |
SERVER_UPDATE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Indicates this update collection message was remotely generated and is based on the current state of the remote sequence. | |
serverUrl — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.model.ConfigModel | |
The URL of the server. | |
serverUrl — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The server address, as a URL, for the server session. | |
serverUrl — Egenskap, klass | |
The server address, as a URL, for the server session. | |
serverUrl — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The URL for to connect to Workspace. | |
serverURL — Egenskap, klass | |
URL:en för mediarättighetsservern. | |
serverURL — Egenskap, klass | |
URL:en för mediarättighetsservern som avslog verifieringsförsöket. | |
serverURL — Egenskap, klass | |
Den URL som ska användas för att kommunicera med licensservern | |
serverURL — Egenskap, klass | |
URL:en för mediarättighetsservern. | |
serverURL — Egenskap, klass | |
Webbadressen till medieservern för det här voucherreturförsöket. | |
serverURL — Egenskap, klass | |
Webbadressen till en medieserver som tillhandahåller den voucher som behövs för att visa det associerade innehållet. | |
serverURL — Egenskap, klass | |
URL för registreringsservern för den här enhetsgruppen. | |
serverURL — Egenskap, klass | |
Webbadressen till licensservern för denna DRMVoucher. | |
serverURL — Egenskap, klass | |
The authentication prompt for the DRM content associated with this DRMEvent. | |
serverValidationFailure(validationResult:Array) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Called when server validation fails. | |
serverValidationFailure(validationResult:Array) — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Called when server validation fails. | |
serverValidationFailure(validationResult:Array) — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Called when server validation fails. | |
serverVersion — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns the server version of the Experience Server. | |
service — Egenskap, klass | |
The service property of the wrapped WebService instance. | |
service — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.gravity.tracker.ServiceTracker | |
The highest-ranked service that matches the tracking criteria. | |
service — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
The infrastructure service for handling transfer objects of type Data Dictionary. | |
service — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
The module service instance that is used for saving/retrieving the module on the server. | |
service — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
The module service instance that is used for saving/retrieving the module on the server. | |
service — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
The letter service instance that is used for saving/retrieving the letter on the server. | |
service — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
The module service instance that is used for saving/retrieving the module on the server. | |
service — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TextModel | |
The module service instance that is used for saving/retrieving the module on the server. | |
service — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns the service as an IService of the Reference Service Property | |
service — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptor | |
The service name associated with the search template descriptor. | |
service — Egenskap, klass | |
Each RPCDataManager is based on a single AbstractService implementation defined in this property. | |
service — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.AbstractOperation | |
Provides convenient access to the service on which the Operation is being invoked. | |
service — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
Specifies the service within the WSDL document that this WebService should use. | |
Service — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | |
The Service mxml component represents an IService instance from the composite application catalog that can be used across components. | |
Service() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
Constructor. | |
ServiceBinder — klass, paket com.adobe.gravity.binding | |
The ServiceBinder class provides a convenience mechanism to bind service implementations to properties of an object. | |
ServiceBinder(context:com.adobe.gravity.framework:IBundleContext) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.gravity.binding.ServiceBinder | |
Constructor. | |
serviceClass — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.gravity.framework.ServiceEvent | |
The service class. | |
serviceControl — Egenskap, klass | |
The wrapped service. | |
serviceControl — Egenskap, klass | |
The wrapped service. | |
serviceControl — Egenskap, klass | |
The wrapped HTTPMultiService instance. | |
serviceControl — Egenskap, klass | |
The wrapped RemoteObject instance. | |
serviceControl — Egenskap, klass | |
The wrapped RemoteObject instance. | |
serviceControl — Egenskap, klass | |
The WebService instance. | |
ServiceDelegate — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service | |
Base class for all service delegate classes. | |
ServiceDelegate() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.ServiceDelegate | |
Constructor. | |
ServiceElement — klass, paket coldfusion.service | |
A key-value pair class with the key as a string and the value as an Array. | |
ServiceElement() — Konstruktor, klass coldfusion.service.ServiceElement | |
Creates an instance of the ServiceElement class. | |
ServiceElementCollection — klass, paket coldfusion.service | |
A key-value pair class with the key as a string and the value as an Array. | |
ServiceElementCollection() — Konstruktor, klass coldfusion.service.ServiceElementCollection | |
Creates an instance of the ServiceElementCollection class. | |
ServiceEvent — klass, paket com.adobe.gravity.framework | |
The ServiceEvent class indicates changes in service properties or availability. | |
ServiceEvent(type:String, reference:com.adobe.gravity.framework:IServiceReference, clazz:Class) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.gravity.framework.ServiceEvent | |
Constructor. | |
serviceId — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.framework.IServiceReference | |
The service id. | |
serviceLibraries — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Retrieves an array of service libraries from the catalog to add to an application. | |
ServiceLocator — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with various Data Services. | |
ServiceLocator — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with various types of services. | |
ServiceLocator — slutgiltig klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service | |
A singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with data services. | |
ServiceLocator — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service | |
Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with various types of services. | |
ServiceLocator — klass, paket | |
Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with project management services. | |
ServiceLocator — klass, paket | |
Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with Review Commenting and Approval services. | |
ServiceLocator() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
ServiceLocator() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
ServiceLocator() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.ServiceLocator | |
Constructor. | |
ServiceLocator() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.ServiceLocator | |
Constructor. | |
ServiceLocator() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for ServiceLocator class. | |
ServiceLocator() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for ServiceLocator class. | |
SERVICELOCATOR_RO — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.ServiceLocator | |
Specifies the value for the service locator. | |
SERVICELOCATOR_SERVICE_RO — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Specifies the remote object name for the ServiceLocator Service. | |
serviceModified — Händelse, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundleContext | |
Dispatched when the properties of a service have been modified. | |
SERVICE_MODIFIED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.gravity.framework.ServiceEvent | |
The serviceModified event type indicates that the properties of the service have been modified. | |
ServiceMonitor — Dynamisk klass, paket | |
ServiceMonitor-klassen implementerar ramverket för övervakning av nätverkstjänsternas status och tillgänglighet. | |
ServiceMonitor() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett ServiceMonitor-objekt. | |
serviceName — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Startpoint | |
The name of the service associated with this Startpoint. | |
serviceName — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The name of the service. | |
serviceName — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
The service name of the task. | |
serviceName — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService | |
serviceNameDisplay — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryServiceView | |
A skin part that defines a SkinnableTextBase control for service name. A skin part that defines a SkinnableTextBase control for service name. | |
serviceNameDisplay — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.dct.view.ImportFMLView | |
A skin part that defines ListBase for the services in the imported FML. A skin part that defines ListBase for the services in the imported FML. | |
serviceNode — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
The underlying Composite Application Framework SDK IService. | |
serviceNode — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns the node that was added. | |
servicePassword — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.InternalConfig | |
Password to access ColdFusion services. | |
servicePassword — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Config | |
Password to access ColdFusion services. | |
serviceProvider — Egenskap, klass | |
Sets the service provider to be used by this provider factory. | |
ServiceProvider — klass, paket | |
Static class for obtaining services. | |
ServiceProvider — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service | |
Static class for obtaining services. | |
ServiceProvider — klass, paket | |
Default implementation of the IServiceProvider interface, which serves as the entry point into the Expression Manager infrastructure services. | |
ServiceProvider — klass, paket | |
This provider class is used to get a reference of service objects. | |
ServiceProvider() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor | |
ServiceProvider() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.ServiceProvider | |
Constructor. | |
ServiceProvider() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Creates a new ServiceProvider instance. | |
ServiceProvider() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor of ServiceProvider class. | |
ServiceProviderImpl — klass, paket | |
An implementation of service provider interface that provides concrete methods to create service instances. | |
ServiceProviderImpl() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for ServiceProviderImpl class. | |
serviceReference — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.gravity.framework.ServiceEvent | |
The service undergoing a lifecycle change. | |
serviceRegistered — Händelse, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundleContext | |
Dispatched when a service has been registered. | |
SERVICE_REGISTERED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.gravity.framework.ServiceEvent | |
The serviceRegistered event type indicates that the service has been registered. | |
services — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.gravity.tracker.ServiceTracker | |
The set of services that are being tracked, in ranking order. | |
services — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Gets the array of the services in this library | |
servicesInUse — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundle | |
An array of IServiceReference interfaces for all the services that are being used by this bundle. | |
servicesList — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.view.ImportFMLView | |
List of remoting services in the FML/Adobe application model. | |
serviceTitle — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The title of the service. | |
ServiceTracker — klass, paket com.adobe.gravity.tracker | |
ServiceTracker objects dynamically track the set of services matching specified criteria, updating appropriately as services are registered and unregistered. | |
ServiceTracker(context:com.adobe.gravity.framework:IBundleContext, serviceInterface:Class, filter:com.adobe.gravity.framework:IFilter, customizer:com.adobe.gravity.tracker:IServiceTrackerCustomizer) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.gravity.tracker.ServiceTracker | |
Constructor. | |
serviceUnregistering — Händelse, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundleContext | |
Dispatched when a service is going to be unregistered. | |
SERVICE_UNREGISTERING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.gravity.framework.ServiceEvent | |
The serviceUnregistering event type indicates that the service is in the process of being unregistered. | |
serviceUserName — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.InternalConfig | |
Username to access ColdFusion services. | |
serviceUserName — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Config | |
User name to access ColdFusion services. | |
servletChannelUrl — Egenskap, klass | |
The Data Services AMF channel URL. | |
session — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.air.SessionToken | |
The session object associated with the token. | |
session — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The session associated with the current user. | |
session — Egenskap, klass | |
The session associated with the current user. | |
session — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Catalog | |
The ISession associated with this composite application catalog from the Experience Server. | |
session — Egenskap, klass | |
The ISession that was opened if successful. | |
session — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns the ISession instance associated with the application | |
session — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns the ISession instance to be associated with the catalog to be loaded | |
session — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns the ISession instance associated with the catalog | |
session — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns the ISession instance to be associated with the catalog to be loaded | |
session — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The current ISession associated with this application. | |
session — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns the ISession instance to be associated with the application to be loaded | |
session — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns the current ISession associated with this catalog | |
session — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns the ISession instance to be associated with the catalog to be loaded | |
session — Egenskap, klass | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Retrieves the session that is associated with the connection. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.AuthenticatingApplication | |
A SessionMap object is created and initialized within this class after the user is authenticated. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Process | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessVariable | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
The SessionMap object of the search filter. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplate | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptor | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskAttachmentInfo | |
A SessionMap object that stores infomation relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeader | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentList | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.Attachments | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.Workspace | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.presentationmodel.PresentationModel | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.process.ProcessInstanceInfo | |
session: A SessionMap object that stores infomation relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass | |
A SessionMap object that stores infomation relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcess | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
Retrieves an instance of the current session map. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointDetails | |
A SessionMap object that stores infomation relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointGridSelector | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDetails | |
A SessionMap object that stores infomation relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveBase | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskImage | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskInfo | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.ToDo | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.ToDoModel | |
A SessionMap object that stores infomation relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGrid | |
A SessionMap object that stores infomation relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGridModel | |
A SessionMap object that stores infomation relating to the server session. | |
session — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.Tracking | |
A SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
Session — klass, paket coldfusion.air | |
Manages all interactions between the AIR client and the offline sqlite database. | |
Session — klass, paket | |
The Session class defines the interfaces to access user-related states, such as the security ticket. | |
Session(dbfile:flash.filesystem:File, syncManager:coldfusion.air:SyncManager, id:uint, cacheDirectory:flash.filesystem:File, encryptionKey:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Konstruktor, klass coldfusion.air.Session | |
Creates an instance of the Session class. | |
Session() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SessionConfiguration — klass, paket | |
The SessionConfiguration repesents an implementation of ISessionConfiguration. | |
SessionConfiguration(url:String, name:String,, — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SessionFaultEvent — klass, paket | |
The Fault Event that is dispatched if an error occurs when accessing the methods of the Session Class. | |
SessionFaultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, error:Error, errorSQL:String, sessionToken:coldfusion.air:SessionToken) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Creates a SessionFaultEvent object, which contains information about the error that occurs when accessing the methods of the Session Class. | |
SESSION_KEY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies the manager key name in the SessionMap object. | |
SESSION_KEY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies the manager key name in the SessionMap object. | |
SESSION_KEY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies the manager key name in the SessionMap object. | |
SESSION_KEY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.QueuesManager | |
A special value that represents the manger key name in the SessionMap object. | |
SESSION_KEY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.impl.FavoritesManager | |
A special value that specifies the manager key name in the SessionMap object. | |
SessionManager — klass, paket | |
The SessionManager class is the standard implementation of the ISessionManager interface. | |
SessionManager(server:String,, clientUrl:String, userManagerUrl:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SessionMap — klass, paket | |
The SessionMap object is initialized during application initialization and passed to all components, as the session property, therefore making it available throughout the application. It is recommended to use the typed convenience methods from the WorkspaceSession object to retrieve Workspace API objects. | |
SessionResultEvent — klass, paket | |
The Result Event that is dispatched when a response is received from the methods of the Session Class. | |
SessionResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, result:Object, sessionToken:coldfusion.air:SessionToken) — Konstruktor, klass | |
The result of the asynchronous call. | |
sessions — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns an Array of type ISession representing all opened sessions. | |
sessionToken — Egenskap, klass | |
Token representing the call to the method. | |
sessionToken — Egenskap, klass | |
Token representing the call to the method. | |
SessionToken — Dynamisk klass, paket coldfusion.air | |
Token representing the call to a method on the Session class. | |
SessionToken(session:coldfusion.air:Session) — Konstruktor, klass coldfusion.air.SessionToken | |
Creates an instance of the SessionToken class. | |
set — Programsats | |
Definierar en setter, det vill säga en metod som visas i det offentliga gränssnittet som en egenskap. | |
SET — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DStencilAction | |
Ersätt stencilbuffertvärdet med referensvärdet. | |
SetAction — klass, paket spark.effects | |
The SetAction class defines an action effect that sets the value of a named property or style. | |
SetAction(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass spark.effects.SetAction | |
Constructor. | |
SetActionInstance — klass, paket spark.effects.supportClasses | |
The SetActionInstance class implements the instance class for the SetAction effect. | |
SetActionInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass spark.effects.supportClasses.SetActionInstance | |
Constructor. | |
setActiveData(data:String, callback:Function) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Sets the data in the active view. | |
setActiveData(data:String, callback:Function) — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Sets the data in the active view. | |
setActiveData(data:String, callback:Function) — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Sets the data in the active view. | |
setActualHeight(h:Number) — metod, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintRow | |
Sizes the ConstraintRow | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.ui.IMeasurable | |
Set the actual size of the component. | |
setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
Overrides the setActualSize() function and if in design-time updates the designOverlay. | |
setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoSWFLoader | |
Overrides the setActualSize() function and if in design-time updates the designOverlay. | |
setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Tile | |
Overridden name method will call super.setActualSize for the size of the tile. | |
setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Sets the height and width of this object. | |
setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass mx.core.BitmapAsset | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass mx.core.ButtonAsset | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass mx.core.MovieClipAsset | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass mx.core.SpriteAsset | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass mx.core.TextFieldAsset | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Sizes the object. | |
setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Sizes the object. | |
setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass mx.core.UITextField | |
Sizes the object. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Sets the actual size of this object. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Calling the setActualSize() method has no effect if it is directly mapped to the application window and if it is the top-level window. | |
setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Sets the height and width of this object. | |
SET_ACTUAL_SIZE_REQUEST — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Sets the size of the child.systemManager. | |
setActualWidth(w:Number) — metod, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintColumn | |
Sizes the constraint column. | |
setAddAttachmentState() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Changes the state of this component to the AttachmentHeaderModel.STATE_ADD_ATTACHMENT state. | |
setAddNoteState() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Changes the state of this component to the AttachmentHeaderModel.STATE_ADD_NOTE state. | |
setAdjustColorProperty(filterIndex:int, propertyName:String, value:any) — metod, klass fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Anger en av de fyra AdjustColor-egenskaperna för AdjustColor-objektet för det angivna filterindexet. | |
setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable(fontName:String, fontStyle:String, colorType:String, advancedAntiAliasingTable:Array) — Statisk metod , klass flash.text.TextRenderer | |
Anger en anpassad söktabell för kontinuerlig linjeändring (CSM) för ett teckensnitt. | |
setAppContextService(appContextVal:String) — metod, klass | |
Sets the Application Context for this application instance. | |
setAsDefaultApplication(extension:String) — metod, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Anger det här programmet som standardprogram för att öppna filer med angivet tillägg. | |
setAspectRatio(newAspectRatio:String) — metod, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Ställer in scenens orientering med de angivna proportionerna. | |
setAttribute(name:String, value:any) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Sets a single attribute in the context to a value. | |
setAttribute(key:String, value:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Allows the setting of any attribute key/value pair on the layout object. | |
setAttribute(name:String, value:Object) — metod, klass mx.rpc.livecycle.DocumentReference | |
Add an attribute to the list of attributes for the Document. | |
setAttributeMask(mask:uint) — metod, klass | |
Sets the attributes of this association based on the passed in bit mask. | |
setAttributes(names:Array, values:Array) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Sets an array of context attributes. | |
setAuthenticationToken(serverUrl:String, domain:String, token:flash.utils:ByteArray) — metod, klass | |
Ställer in verifieringstoken att användas för kommunikation med den angivna servern och domänen. | |
setAxis(dimension:String, v:mx.charts.chartClasses:IAxis) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTransform | |
Assigns an axis instance to a particular dimension of the transform. | |
setAxis(dimension:String, value:mx.charts.chartClasses:IAxis) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Assigns an Axis instance to a particular dimension of the chart. | |
setAxis(axisOridnal:int, axis:mx.olap:IOLAPQueryAxis) — metod, gränssnitt mx.olap.IOLAPQuery | |
Sets an axis to the query. | |
setAxis(axisOrdinal:int, axis:mx.olap:IOLAPQueryAxis) — metod, klass mx.olap.OLAPQuery | |
Sets an axis to the query. | |
setBaseUrl(vBaseUrl:String) — metod, klass | |
Explicitly set the baseUrl. | |
setBlendFactors(sourceFactor:String, destinationFactor:String) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Anger de faktorer som används för att blanda utdatafärgen för en ritoperation med den befintliga färgen. | |
SetBrightnessMatrix(value:Number) — metod, klass fl.motion.ColorMatrix | |
Beräknar och sparar en intensitetsmatris utifrån angivet värde. | |
setBuffering(value:Boolean) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.BufferTrait | |
Indicates whether the trait is in a buffering state. | |
setBufferLength(value:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.BufferTrait | |
Defines the value of the bufferLength property. | |
setBusyCursor() — Statisk metod , klass mx.managers.CursorManager | |
Displays the busy cursor. | |
setBytesLoaded(value:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.LoadTrait | |
Sets the number of bytes of data that have been loaded. | |
setBytesTotal(value:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.LoadTrait | |
Sets the total size in bytes of the data being loaded. | |
setCanPause(value:Boolean) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.PlayTrait | |
Sets the canPause property for this PlayTrait. | |
SET_CELL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Indicates that the current selection should be set to this cell. | |
SET_CELL_REGION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Indicates that the current selection should be set to this cell region. | |
setChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — metod, klass flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
Ändrar positionen för ett befintligt underordnat objekt i behållaren för visningsobjekt. | |
setChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — metod, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Ändrar positionen för ett befintligt underordnat objekt i behållaren för visningsobjekt. | |
setChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, newIndex:int) — metod, klass mx.charts.Legend | |
Sets the index of a particular child. | |
setChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, newIndex:int) — metod, klass mx.core.Container | |
Sets the index of a particular child. | |
setChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, newIndex:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IChildList | |
Changes the index of a particular child in this child list. | |
setChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IContainer | |
Ändrar positionen för ett befintligt underordnat objekt i behållaren för visningsobjekt. | |
setChildren(value:Object) — metod, klass XML | |
Ersätter de underordnade egenskaperna för XML-objektet med den angivna uppsättningen XML-egenskaper, som anges i value-parametern. | |
setClean() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Specifies that changes in the data have not been made in the Flex application. | |
setClean() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Specifies that changes in the data have not been made in the Flex application. | |
setClipboard(string:String) — Statisk metod , klass flash.system.System | |
Ersätter innehållet i Urklipp med en angiven textsträng. | |
setColor(color:uint) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Sets the font color of the text. | |
setColor(color:uint) — metod, klass mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Sets the font color of the text. | |
setColor(color:uint) — metod, klass mx.core.UITextField | |
Sets the font color of the text. | |
setColorMask(red:Boolean, green:Boolean, blue:Boolean, alpha:Boolean) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ställer in masken som används när färger skrivs till återgivningsbufferten. | |
setCommand(command:lc.procmgmt.commands:TaskCommand) — metod, klass | |
Opens the details page to the User Directives tab for the given task. | |
setCompletionComment(taskId:String, comment:String) — metod, gränssnitt lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Sets the completion comment of a task. | |
setCompletionComment(comment:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Adds a completion comment for the task. | |
setComponentStyle(component:Object, name:String, style:Object) — Statisk metod , klass fl.managers.StyleManager | |
Anger ett format i alla instanser för en komponenttyp, t.ex. i alla instanser av en Button-komponent, eller alla instanser av en ComboBox-komponent. | |
setCompositionSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Anger tillåten bredd och höjd för texten i behållaren. | |
setCompositionString(composition:String) — Statisk metod , klass flash.system.IME | |
Ställer in IME-kompositionssträngen. | |
setConstrained(dof:int, constrained:Boolean) — metod, klass fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Ställer in begränsningen för den angivna typen av frihetsgrad. | |
setConstraintValue(constraintName:String, value:any) — metod, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Sets the specified constraint value. | |
setConstraintValue(constraintName:String, value:any) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IConstraintClient | |
Sets the specified constraint value. | |
setConstraintValue(constraintName:String, value:any) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Sets a layout constraint value, which is the same as setting the constraint style for this component. | |
setConstraintValue(constraintName:String, value:any) — metod, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Sets the specified constraint value. | |
setContainerFocus() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.ResourceContainer | |
Sets the focus to the IFrame. | |
setContainerLayoutAssignment(value:com.adobe.icc.editors.model:ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
Adds a container layout assignment to this target area assignment object. | |
setContents(textScrap:flashx.textLayout.edit:TextScrap) — Statisk metod , klass flashx.textLayout.edit.TextClipboard | |
Placerar ett TextScrap-objekt i systemets urklipp. | |
setContentSize(width:Number, height:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Sets the contentWidth and contentHeight properties. | |
setContentVariables(value:mx.collections:IList) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.TargetInstance | |
Everytime when contentVariables list is updated, it removes variable change listeners in old varaibleInstance and add variable change listeners in new variableInstance. | |
setContextMenu(component:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — metod, klass mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Sets the context menu of the InteractiveObject to the underlying native menu. | |
setContextMenu(component:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — metod, gränssnitt mx.controls.IFlexContextMenu | |
Sets the context menu of an InteractiveObject. | |
SetContrastMatrix(value:Number) — metod, klass fl.motion.ColorMatrix | |
Beräknar och sparar en kontrastmatris utifrån angivet värde. | |
setCredentials(username:String, password:String) — metod, klass | |
Sets the credentials for this DataService destination. | |
setCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String) — metod, klass | |
Set the credentials for this DataStore destination. | |
setCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String) — metod, klass | |
Sets the credentials for the destination accessed by the service when using Managed Remoting on the server side. | |
setCredentials(credentials:String, agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.messaging.Channel | |
Sets the credentials to the specified value. | |
setCredentials(credentials:String, agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Stores the credentials and passes them through to every connected channel. | |
setCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Sets the credentials that the MessageAgent uses to authenticate to destinations. | |
setCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.rpc.AbstractService | |
Sets the credentials for the destination accessed by the service when using Data Services on the server side. | |
setCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Sets the credentials for the destination accessed by the service. | |
setCuePoints(cuePointArray:Array) — metod, klass mx.controls.videoClasses.CuePointManager | |
Set the array of cue points. | |
setCulling(triangleFaceToCull:String) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ställ in culling-läge för triangel. | |
setCurrency(currencyISOCode:String, currencySymbol:String) — metod, klass flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
Anger egenskaperna currencyISOCode och currencySymbol för CurrencyFormatter-objektet. | |
setCurrentIndex(value:int) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Invoking this setter will result in the trait's currentIndex property changing. | |
setCurrentState(stateName:String, playTransition:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Set the current state. | |
setCurrentState(stateName:String, playTransition:Boolean) — metod, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAccordionSegmentSkin | |
Set the current state. | |
setCurrentTime(value:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.TimeTrait | |
Invoking this setter will result in the trait's currentTime value changing if it differs from currentTime's current value. | |
setCursor(cursorClass:Class, priority:int, xOffset:Number, yOffset:Number) — Statisk metod , klass mx.managers.CursorManager | |
Creates a new cursor and sets an optional priority for the cursor. | |
setData(data:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Set the data into the form - returns false if failed. | |
setData(format:String, data:Object, serializable:Boolean) — metod, klass flash.desktop.Clipboard | |
Lägger till en representation av den information som ska överföras i det angivna dataformatet. | |
setData(data:String) — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Set the data into the form - returns false if failed. | |
setData(data:String) — metod, gränssnitt ga.util.IConnectionService | |
Set the data into the form - returns false if failed. | |
setDataDictionaryName(ddName:String, fetchDataDictionary:Boolean) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
Sets the data dictionary name to the one specified and also fetches the corresponding DataDictionary object from the server. | |
setDataDictionaryName(ddName:String, fetchDataDictionary:Boolean) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleModel | |
Sets the data dictionary name to the one specified and also fetches the corresponding DataDictionary object from the server. | |
setDataDictRegistryService(value:com.adobe.dct.service:DataDictionaryRegistryService) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
This method lets you inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure data dictionary service. | |
setDataDictRegistryService(value:com.adobe.dct.service:DataDictionaryRegistryService) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleModel | |
This method lets you inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure data dictionary service. | |
setDataDictRegistryService(value:com.adobe.dct.service:DataDictionaryRegistryService) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.AssetExplorerServiceDelegate | |
Used to inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure data dictionary service. | |
setDataHandler(format:String, handler:Function, serializable:Boolean) — metod, klass flash.desktop.Clipboard | |
Lägger till en referens till en hanterarfunktion som producerar de data som ska överföras. | |
setDataInvalid() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Specifies that data store is not valid. | |
setDataInvalid() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Specifies that the data stored is not valid. | |
setDataObjectForItems(data:Object, container:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost | |
Bind each panel item in the repeating UI to the corresponding instance in the data provider | |
setDataValid() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Specifies that the data stored is valid. | |
setDataValid() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Specifies that the data stored is valid. | |
setDate(day:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger dagen i månaden enligt lokal tid och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setDateTimePattern(pattern:String) — metod, klass flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
Anger den mönstersträng som används av det här DateTimeFormatter-objektet för att formatera datum och tider. | |
setDateTimeStyles(dateStyle:String, timeStyle:String) — metod, klass flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
Anger datum- och tidsformat för den här instansen av DateTimeFormatter. | |
setDefaultLang(langCode:String) — Statisk metod , klass fl.lang.Locale | |
Ställer in standardspråkkoden. | |
setDepthTest(depthMask:Boolean, passCompareMode:String) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Anger den jämförelsetyp som används för djuptestning. | |
setDescription(taskId:String, description:String) — metod, gränssnitt lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Sets the description value of a task. | |
setDescription(description:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Specifies a new description for the task. | |
setDirty(propertyName:String) — metod, klass | |
Anger för servern att värdet för en egenskap i det delade objektet har ändrats. | |
setDirty() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Specifies that changes have been made in the Flex application. | |
setDirty() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Specifies that changes have been made in the Flex application. | |
setDisplayObject(value:flash.display:DisplayObject) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DisplayObjectTrait | |
Defines the trait's displayObject. | |
setDownloadProgress(completed:Number, total:Number) — metod, klass mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Updates the outer portion of the download progress bar to indicate download progress. | |
setDRMAuthenticationCredentials(userName:String, password:String, type:String) — metod, klass | |
Anger de DRM-autentiseringsuppgifter som krävs för att visa det underliggande krypterade innehållet. | |
setDrmState(value:String) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DRMTrait | |
Updates the drm state. | |
setDuration(value:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.TimeTrait | |
Invoking this setter will result in the trait's duration value changing if it differs from duration's current value. | |
setElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — metod, klass mx.charts.Legend | |
Changes the position of an existing visual element in the visual container. | |
setElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — metod, klass mx.core.Container | |
Changes the position of an existing visual element in the visual container. | |
setElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IVisualElementContainer | |
Changes the position of an existing visual element in the visual container. | |
setElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — metod, klass mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
Changes the position of an existing visual element in the visual container. | |
setElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Group | |
Changes the position of an existing visual element in the visual container. | |
setElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Scroller | |
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | |
setElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — metod, klass spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Changes the position of an existing visual element in the visual container. | |
setElementPosition(element:Object, x:Number, y:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
A helper method to position children elements of this component. | |
setElementPosition(element:Object, x:Number, y:Number) — metod, klass | |
A helper method to position children elements of this component. | |
setElements(value:Vector$flash.text.engine:ContentElement) — metod, klass flash.text.engine.GroupElement | |
Anger elementen i gruppen till innehållet i Vektor. | |
setElementSize(element:Object, width:Number, height:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
A helper method to size children elements of this component. | |
setElementSize(element:Object, width:Number, height:Number) — metod, klass | |
A helper method to size children elements of this component. | |
setEmpty() — metod, klass flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Ställer in alla egenskaper i Rectangle-objektet på 0. | |
setEnabled(dof:int, enable:Boolean) — metod, klass fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Aktiverar eller inaktiverar den angivna typen av frihetsgrad. | |
setEnabled(node:Object, value:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Sets the value of the field or attribute in the data provider that identifies whether the node is enabled. | |
setEnabled(node:Object, value:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Sets the value of the field or attribute in the data provider that identifies whether the node is enabled. | |
setEndDate(value:Date) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DRMTrait | |
Updates the end date. | |
SetEventHandler — klass, paket mx.states | |
The SetEventHandler class specifies an event handler that is active only during a particular view state. | |
SetEventHandler(, name:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.states.SetEventHandler | |
Constructor. | |
setFieldValue(som:String, value:Object) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Sets a field's value, returns success true or false | |
setFieldValue(som:String, value:Object) — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Sets a field's value, returns success true or false | |
setFieldValue(som:String, value:Object) — metod, gränssnitt ga.util.IConnectionService | |
Sets a field's value, returns success true or false | |
setFillMode(fillMode:String) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ange fyllningsläget som används för återgivning. | |
setFLVCuePointEnabled(enabled:Boolean, timeNameOrCuePoint:any) — metod, klass | |
Aktiverar eller inaktiverar en eller flera FLV-filreferenspunkter. | |
setFocus() — metod, klass fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
Ställer in fokus på den här komponentinstansen. | |
setFocus() — metod, klass fl.core.UIComponent | |
Ställer in fokus på den här komponenten. | |
setFocus(component:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — metod, klass fl.managers.FocusManager | |
Ställer in fokus på en IFocusManagerComponent-komponent. | |
setFocus(o:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — metod, gränssnitt fl.managers.IFocusManager | |
Ställer in fokus på en IFocusManagerComponent-komponent. | |
setFocus() — metod, gränssnitt fl.managers.IFocusManagerComponent | |
Ställer in fokus för en komponent. | |
setFocus(absolutePosition:int, preferPrevious:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
Anger fokus till den behållare som innehåller den plats som anges av parametern absolutePosition. | |
setFocus(absolutePosition:int, leanLeft:Boolean) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
Anger fokus till den behållare som innehåller den plats som anges av parametern absolutePosition. | |
setFocus() — metod, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
Ger fokus till den första behållaren i markeringen. | |
setFocus() — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
Ger fokus till den första behållaren i markeringen. | |
setFocus() — metod, klass mx.core.FlexHTMLLoader | |
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. | |
setFocus() — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Sets the focus to this component. | |
setFocus() — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Sets the focus to this component. | |
setFocus() — metod, klass mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Sets the focus to this component. | |
setFocus() — metod, klass mx.core.UITextField | |
Sets the focus to this component. | |
setFocus() — metod, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. | |
setFocus(o:mx.managers:IFocusManagerComponent) — metod, klass mx.managers.FocusManager | |
Sets focus to an IFocusManagerComponent component. | |
setFocus(o:mx.managers:IFocusManagerComponent) — metod, gränssnitt mx.managers.IFocusManager | |
Sets focus to an IFocusManagerComponent component. | |
setFocus() — metod, gränssnitt mx.managers.IFocusManagerComponent | |
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. | |
setFocus() — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Set focus to this text field. | |
setFocus() — metod, gränssnitt spark.core.IEditableText | |
Set focus to this text field. | |
setFontColor(selectedFontColor:uint) — metod, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
method for setting the font color | |
setFontFace(selectedFontFace:String) — metod, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
method for setting the font face | |
setFontSize(selectedFontSize:int) — metod, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
method for setting the font size | |
setForcefulDragStart() — Statisk metod , klass mx.automation.delegates.DragManagerAutomationImpl | |
setFormatOfRange(format:flashx.textLayout.formats:TextLayoutFormat, anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Applies the specified formats to each element in the specified range that correspond to the given format. | |
setFormatOfRange(format:flashx.textLayout.formats:TextLayoutFormat, anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — metod, klass spark.components.TextArea | |
Applies the specified formats to each element in the specified range that correspond to the given format. | |
setFragment(value:String) — metod, gränssnitt mx.managers.IBrowserManager | |
Changes the fragment of the URL after the '#' in the browser. | |
setFragmentLayout(fragmentLayout:com.adobe.icc.editors.model:FragmentLayoutModel, resetAssignments:Boolean) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel | |
Sets the fragmentLayout for this containerLayoutAssignment. | |
setFragmentLayoutService( — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
This method lets you inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure fragmentLayout service. | |
setFullScreen() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Displays the Flex application in full screen mode. | |
setFullYear(year:Number, month:Number, day:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger året enligt lokal tid och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setHandler(handler:Function) — metod, klass mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher | |
Sets the handler function. | |
setHours(hour:Number, minute:Number, second:Number, millisecond:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger timmen enligt lokal tid och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
SetHueMatrix(angle:Number) — metod, klass fl.motion.ColorMatrix | |
Beräknar och sparar en nyansmatris utifrån angivet värde. | |
setIcon(icon:Object) — metod, klass | |
Sets the current icon for the iconDisplay skin part. | |
setId(value:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationParameter | |
The unique id for the OperationParameter. | |
setImageURL() — metod, klass | |
Downloads the content from the file and sets image source. | |
setImageURL() — metod, klass | |
Downloads the content from the file and sets image source. | |
setInitialTicket(ticketName:String, ticketValue:String) — metod, klass | |
Sets the shortTicket, which might have been saved in offline mode, and is being used to resume a pre-existing session. | |
setInitProgress(completed:Number, total:Number) — metod, klass mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Updates the inner portion of the download progress bar to indicate initialization progress. | |
setInjectionProperty(name:String, — metod, gränssnitt | |
Sets an property of a tile for injection, this is analgous to using the Property tag on the Experience Server. | |
setInterval(closure:Function, delay:Number, ... rest) — Paketfunktion, flash.utils | |
Kör en funktion med ett angivet intervall (i millisekunder). | |
setItem(name:String, data:flash.utils:ByteArray, stronglyBound:Boolean) — Statisk metod , klass | |
Lagrar ett ByteArray-objekt under det angivna namnet. | |
setItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — metod, klass mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Place the item at the specified index. | |
setItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — metod, klass mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
Places the item at the specified index. | |
setItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.collections.IList | |
Places the item at the specified index. | |
setItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — metod, klass mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Places the item at the specified index. | |
setItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — metod, klass spark.collections.NumericDataProvider | |
This function is not supported. | |
setItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — metod, klass spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Add the view navigator at the specified index. | |
setItemClassDynamicProperties(newProperties:Array) — metod, klass | |
Updates the list of dynamic properties that are associated with the itemClass. | |
setItemIcon(item:Object, iconID:Class, iconID2:Class) — metod, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Sets the associated icon in the navigation tree for the item. | |
setItemIcon(item:Object, iconID:Class, iconID2:Class) — metod, klass mx.controls.Tree | |
Sets the associated icon for the item. | |
setItemIndex(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem, index:int) — metod, klass flash.display.NativeMenu | |
Flyttar ett menyobjekt till den angivna positionen. | |
setKeyFrameInterval(keyFrameInterval:int) — metod, klass | |
Anger vilka videobildrutor som överförs fullständigt (kallas nyckelbildrutor) i stället för att interpoleras av videokomprimeringsalgoritmen. | |
setKeyFrameInterval(keyFrameInterval:int) — metod, klass | |
Hur många videobildrutor som överförs fullständigt (kallas nyckelbildrutor eller IDR-bildrutor (Instantaneous Decoding Refresh)) i stället för att interpoleras av videokomprimeringsalgoritmen. | |
setLayout(layout:com.adobe.icc.editors.model:LayoutModel, resetAssignments:Boolean) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
Sets the layout for this letter. | |
setLayoutBoundsPosition(x:Number, y:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
setLayoutBoundsPosition(x:Number, y:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
setLayoutBoundsPosition(x:Number, y:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
setLayoutBoundsPosition(newBoundsX:Number, newBoundsY:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
setLayoutBoundsPosition(newBoundsX:Number, newBoundsY:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
setLayoutBoundsSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Sets the layout size of the element. | |
setLayoutBoundsSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Sets the layout size of the element. | |
setLayoutBoundsSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Sets the layout size of the element. | |
setLayoutBoundsSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Sets the layout size of the element. | |
setLayoutBoundsSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Sets the layout size of the element. | |
setLayoutMatrix(value:flash.geom:Matrix, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutMatrix(value:flash.geom:Matrix, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutMatrix(value:flash.geom:Matrix, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutMatrix(value:flash.geom:Matrix, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutMatrix(value:flash.geom:Matrix, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutMatrix3D(value:flash.geom:Matrix3D, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutMatrix3D(value:flash.geom:Matrix3D, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutMatrix3D(value:flash.geom:Matrix3D, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutMatrix3D(value:flash.geom:Matrix3D, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutMatrix3D(value:flash.geom:Matrix3D, invalidateLayout:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings. | |
setLayoutService( — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LayoutModel | |
This method lets you inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure layout service. | |
setLetterService( — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
This method lets you inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure letter service. | |
setLineStyle(g:flash.display:Graphics, — Statisk metod , klass mx.charts.chartClasses.GraphicsUtilities | |
Applies the values in a Stroke to the provded Graphics object. | |
setLoadCallback(loadCallback:Function) — Statisk metod , klass fl.lang.Locale | |
Anger vilken callback-function som ska anropas när XML-filen har lästs in. | |
setLoadState(newState:String) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.LoadTrait | |
Sets the load state for this LoadTrait. | |
setLocalName(name:String) — metod, klass XML | |
Ändrar XML-objektets lokala namn till den givna name-parametern. | |
setLoginCredentialsForHost(hostname:String, user:String, password:String) — Statisk metod , klass | |
Anger standardanvändarnamn och standardlösenord för en vald värd. | |
setLoopback(compress:Boolean) — metod, klass | |
Anger om ett komprimerat videoflöde ska användas för lokal visning av kameran. | |
setLoopBack(state:Boolean) — metod, klass | |
Kopplar ljud som spelats in av en mikrofon till de lokala högtalarna. | |
setMediaSize(mediaWidth:Number, mediaHeight:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DisplayObjectTrait | |
Sets the trait's width and height. | |
setMenuItemToggled(item:Object, toggle:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.Menu | |
Toggles the menu item. | |
setMilliseconds(millisecond:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger millisekunder enligt lokal tid och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setMinimizedScreen() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Displays the Flex application in normal screen mode (not full screen mode). | |
setMinutes(minute:Number, second:Number, millisecond:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger minuter enligt lokal tid och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setMode(width:int, height:int, fps:Number, favorArea:Boolean) — metod, klass | |
Ställer in kamerans inspelningsläge på det inbyggda läge som bäst passar de angivna kraven. | |
setMode(width:int, height:int, fps:Number) — metod, klass | |
Ställer in upplösningen och bildrutefrekvensen som används för videokodning. | |
setModuleService( — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
This method lets you inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure module service. | |
setModuleService( — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
This method lets you inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure module service. | |
setModuleService( — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
This method lets you inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure module service. | |
setModuleService( — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TextModel | |
This method lets you inject a custom implementation of the infrastructure module service. | |
setMonth(month:Number, day:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger månaden och eventuellt dagen i månaden enligt lokal tid och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setMotionLevel(motionLevel:int, timeout:int) — metod, klass | |
Anger hur mycket rörelse som krävs för att skicka en aktivitetshändelse. | |
setMouseCursor(cursor:String) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
Ställ in musmarkören. | |
setMouseState(state:String) — metod, klass fl.controls.BaseButton | |
Ställer in mustillståndet via ActionScript. | |
setMouseState(state:String) — metod, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridCellEditor | |
Ställer in den aktuella cellen i ett visst mustillstånd. | |
setMouseState(state:String) — metod, gränssnitt fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer | |
Ställer in den aktuella cellen i ett visst mustillstånd. | |
setName(name:String) — metod, klass XML | |
Anger att XML-objektets namn ska vara det givna kvalificerade namnet eller attributnamnet. | |
setNamespace(ns:Namespace) — metod, klass XML | |
Anger namnutrymmet som är associerat med XML-objektet. | |
setNormalRules(value:Vector$ — metod, klass | |
Array of normal rules to be used in the algorithm. | |
setNumDynamicStreams(value:int) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Invoking this setter will result in the trait's numDynamicStreams property changing. | |
setObject(key:String, object:Object) — metod, klass | |
Adds an object to be retrieved with the given key. | |
setOrientation(newOrientation:String) — metod, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Ställer in scenen på den angivna orienteringen. | |
setPageSizeForOperation(operationName:String, pageSize:int) — metod, klass | |
Set the pageSize for the specified named operation. | |
setPdfData(data:String, callback:Function) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Sets the ga/xml data into the PDF. | |
setPdfData(data:String, callback:Function) — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Sets the ga/xml data into the PDF. | |
setPdfData(data:String, callback:Function) — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Sets the ga/xml data into the PDF. | |
setPdfFieldData(som:String, type:String, value:String, callback:Function) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Sets a fields data into the PDF | |
setPdfFieldData(som:String, type:String, value:String, callback:Function) — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Sets a fields data into the PDF | |
setPdfFieldData(som:String, type:String, value:String, callback:Function) — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Sets a fields data into the PDF | |
setPeriod(value:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DRMTrait | |
Updates the period. | |
setPixel(x:int, y:int, color:uint) — metod, klass flash.display.BitmapData | |
Ställer in en enda pixel i BitmapData-objektet. | |
setPixel32(x:int, y:int, color:uint) — metod, klass flash.display.BitmapData | |
Ställer in värden för färg och alfagenomskinlighet för en enskild pixel i ett BitmapData-objekt. | |
setPixels(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle, inputByteArray:flash.utils:ByteArray) — metod, klass flash.display.BitmapData | |
Konverterar en bytearray av ett rektangulärt område med pixeldata. | |
setPlainText(plainText:Boolean) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.TextScrap | |
Markerar TextScrap-innehållet som antingen oformaterat eller formaterat | |
setPlayTime(num:Number) — metod, klass ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
Skips to a specific time in the video. | |
setPostingPassword(password:String, salt:String) — metod, klass | |
Anger om det krävs ett lösenord för att publicera i NetGroup. | |
setPreferenceValue(name:String, value:Object) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Set the value of the preference with the provided name. | |
setPreferenceValue(name:String, value:Object) — metod, klass | |
Set the value of the preference with the provided name. | |
setProfileLevel(profile:String, level:String) — metod, klass | |
Ange profil och nivå för videokodning. | |
setProgram(program:flash.display3D:Program3D) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ställer in vertex- och fragment-skuggningsprogram som ska användas för efterföljande återgivning. | |
setProgramConstantsFromByteArray(programType:String, firstRegister:int, numRegisters:int, data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:uint) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ange konstanter som ska användas av skuggningsprogram med värden som lagras i en ByteArray. | |
setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(programType:String, firstRegister:int, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, transposedMatrix:Boolean) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ställer in konstanter som ska användas i skuggningsprogram med hjälp av värden lagrade i ett Matrix3D. | |
setProgramConstantsFromVector(programType:String, firstRegister:int, data:Vector$Number, numRegisters:int) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ställer in konstantindata för skuggningsprogrammen. | |
setProgress(value:Number, maximum:Number) — metod, klass fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
Ställer in fältets läge för att återge förloppet när manuellt läge används. | |
setProgress(value:Number, total:Number) — metod, klass mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Sets the state of the bar to reflect the amount of progress made when using manual mode. | |
setProgress(completed:Number, total:Number) — metod, klass mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Updates the display of the download progress bar with the current download information. | |
setProperties(properties:Object) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.framework.IServiceRegistration | |
Set the properties for the service. | |
setProperty(name:String, value:String) — Statisk metod , klass adobe.utils.XMLUI | |
Ändrar värdet på den angivna egenskapen i den aktuella XMLUI-dialogrutan. | |
setProperty(name:String, value:String) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IBundleBuilder | |
Set a bundle property. | |
setProperty(name:String, value:String) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IManifestParseContext | |
Set a manifest property. | |
setProperty(property:String, value:Object) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Set the property, returns false if the operation failed | |
setProperty(propertyName:String, value:any) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Ställer in värden för godtyckliga egenskaper som stöds av klassen som implementerar INCManager. | |
setProperty(propertyName:String, value:any) — metod, klass | |
Tillåter inställning av egenskaperna fallbackServerName, fpadZone, objectEncoding och proxyTyp. | |
setProperty(propertyName:String, value:Object) — metod, klass | |
Uppdaterar värdet för en egenskap i ett delat objekt och anger för servern att egenskapens värde har ändrats. | |
setProperty(property:String, value:Object) — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Set the property, returns false if the operation failed | |
setProperty(property:String, value:Object) — metod, gränssnitt ga.util.IConnectionService | |
Set the property, returns false if the operation failed | |
setProperty(name:any, value:any) — metod, klass | |
Overrides a call to change a property's value. | |
setProperty(name:any, value:any) — metod, klass | |
If the property being set is an ArrayCollection then we need to ensure that any list that this proxy was previously listening for events on should stop. | |
setProperty(, property:Object, oldValue:any, newValue:any) — Statisk metod , klass | |
This method is used to set the property of a managed object. | |
setProperty(name:any, value:any) — metod, klass mx.messaging.config.ConfigMap | |
Updates the specified property on the proxied object and sends notification of the update to the handler. | |
setProperty(name:any, value:any) — metod, klass mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Updates the specified property on the proxied object and sends notification of the update to the handler. | |
setProperty(name:any, value:any) — metod, klass mx.utils.OrderedObject | |
Updates the specified property on the proxied object. | |
setProperty(key:String, value:Object) — metod, gränssnitt spark.managers.IPersistenceManager | |
Stores a value in the persistence manager. | |
setProperty(key:String, value:Object) — metod, klass spark.managers.PersistenceManager | |
Stores a value in the persistence manager. | |
SetProperty — klass, paket mx.states | |
The SetProperty class specifies a property value that is in effect only during the parent view state. | |
SetProperty(target:Object, name:String, value:any, valueFactory:mx.core:IDeferredInstance) — Konstruktor, klass mx.states.SetProperty | |
Constructor. | |
SetPropertyAction — klass, paket mx.effects | |
The SetPropertyAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the SetProperty property of a view state definition. | |
SetPropertyAction(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.SetPropertyAction | |
Constructor. | |
SetPropertyActionInstance — klass, paket mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The SetPropertyActionInstance class implements the instance class for the SetPropertyAction effect. | |
SetPropertyActionInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.SetPropertyActionInstance | |
Constructor. | |
setPropertyIsEnumerable(name:String, isEnum:Boolean) — metod, klass Object | |
Anger tillgänglighet för en dynamisk egenskap för slingåtgärder. | |
setPropertyValue(aPropertyName:String, aPropertyValue:Object, aPropertyType:String) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ITask | |
Changes the value of a custom task property. | |
setPublishPassword(password:String, salt:String) — metod, klass | |
Anger om det krävs ett lösenord för att publicera en multicast-ström i NetGroup. | |
setQuality(bandwidth:int, quality:int) — metod, klass | |
Ställer in maximal bandbredd per sekund eller den bildkvalitet som behövs för den pågående utgående videomatningen. | |
setQuality(bandwidth:int, quality:int) — metod, klass | |
Anger maximal bandbredd per sekund eller den bildkvalitet som krävs för den aktuella utgående videoströmmen. | |
setReady() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Notifies Workspace that the Flex application is ready to start communicating. | |
setReady() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Notifies Workspace that the Flex application is ready to start communicating. | |
setRemoteCredentials(username:String, password:String) — metod, klass | |
Sets the credentials for the third party of this DataService destination. | |
setRemoteCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String) — metod, klass | |
Set the credentials for the 3rd party of this DataStore destination. | |
setRemoteCredentials(remoteUsername:String, remotePassword:String, charset:String) — metod, klass | |
Sets the credentials for the third party of this Managed Remoting destination. | |
setRemoteCredentials(username:String, password:String, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Sets the remote credentials that will be passed through to the remote destination for authenticating to secondary systems. | |
setRemoteCredentials(remoteUsername:String, remotePassword:String, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.rpc.AbstractService | |
The username and password to be used to authenticate a user when accessing a remote, third-party endpoint such as a web service through a proxy or a remote object through a custom adapter when using Data Services on the server side. | |
setRemoteCredentials(remoteUsername:String, remotePassword:String, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
The username and password to authenticate a user when accessing the HTTP URL. | |
setRemoteCredentials(remoteUsername:String, remotePassword:String, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject | |
If a remote object is managed by an external service, such a ColdFusion Component (CFC), a username and password can be set for the authentication mechanism of that remote service. | |
setRemoteCredentials(remoteUsername:String, remotePassword:String, charset:String) — metod, klass mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
The username and password to authenticate a user when accessing the webservice. | |
setRendererStyle(name:String, style:Object, column:uint) — metod, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Ställer in ett format för renderarna i listan. | |
setRenderToBackBuffer() — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ställer in bakåtåtergivningsbufferten som återgivningsmålet. | |
setRenderToTexture(texture:flash.display3D.textures:TextureBase, enableDepthAndStencil:Boolean, antiAlias:int, surfaceSelector:int, colorOutputIndex:int) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Anger den angivna texturen som återgivningsmål. | |
setRequestedUpdateInterval(interval:Number) — metod, klass flash.sensors.Accelerometer | |
Metoden setRequestedUpdateInterval används för att ange önskat tidsintervall för uppdateringar. | |
setRequestedUpdateInterval(interval:Number) — metod, klass flash.sensors.DeviceRotation | |
Metoden setRequestedUpdateInterval används för att ange önskat tidsintervall för uppdateringar. | |
setRequestedUpdateInterval(interval:Number) — metod, klass flash.sensors.Geolocation | |
Används för att ange tidsintervall (i millisekunder) för uppdateringar. | |
setResult(result:Object) — metod, klass mx.rpc.AbstractInvoker | |
This hook is exposed to update the lastResult property. | |
setRootElement(newRootElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:ContainerFormattedElement) — metod, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
setRootElement(newRootElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:ContainerFormattedElement) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
setRootValueObject(object:Object) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Sets the model's root value object. | |
setRootValueObject(object:Object) — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Set the root value object passing in the actual object instance. | |
setRotation(m:flash.geom:Matrix, rotation:Number) — Statisk metod , klass fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
Ändrar rotationsvinkeln i en matris. | |
setRotationRadians(m:flash.geom:Matrix, rotation:Number) — Statisk metod , klass fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
Ändrar rotationsvinkeln i en matris. | |
SET_ROW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Indicates that the current selection should be set to this row. | |
setRowCount(v:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Sets the rowCount property without causing invalidation or setting the explicitRowCount property, which permanently locks in the number of rows. | |
setRowCount(v:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Sets the rowCount property without causing invalidation or setting the explicitRowCount property, which permanently locks in the number of rows. | |
setRowHeight(v:Number) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Sets the rowHeight property without causing invalidation or setting of explicitRowHeight which permanently locks in the height of the rows. | |
setRowHeight(v:Number) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Sets the rowHeight property without causing invalidation or setting of explicitRowHeight which permanently locks in the height of the rows. | |
setRowInfo(contentHolder:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseContentHolder, rowNum:int, yy:Number, hh:Number, uid:String) — metod, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Sets the rowInfo for the given rowNum, row position and height. | |
SET_ROWS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Indicates that the current selection should be set to these rows. | |
sets — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.olap.IOLAPQueryAxis | |
All the sets of the query axis, as an Array of IOLAPSet instances. | |
sets — Egenskap, klass mx.olap.OLAPQueryAxis | |
All the sets of the query axis, as an Array of IOLAPSet instances. | |
setSamplerCallback(f:Function) — Paketfunktion, flash.sampler | |
Anger en återanropsfunktion för samplern. Den här funktionen anropas när strömmen är nästan slut. | |
setSamplerStateAt(sampler:int, wrap:String, filter:String, mipfilter:String) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Åsidosätt textursamplerläget manuellt. | |
SetSaturationMatrix(value:Number) — metod, klass fl.motion.ColorMatrix | |
Beräknar och sparar en mättnadsmatris utifrån angivet värde. | |
setSaveData(data:XML) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Sends the data to Workspace to save. | |
setSaveData(data:XML) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Sends the data to Workspace to save. | |
setSavepoint — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när en åtgärd för ett setSavepoint()-metodanrop har slutförts. | |
setSavepoint(name:String, — metod, klass | |
Skapar en lagringspunkt, som är som ett bokmärke i en databastransaktion. | |
SET_SAVEPOINT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation | |
Anger att SQLConnection.setSavepoint()-metoden anropades. | |
SET_SAVEPOINT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten SQLEvent.SET_SAVEPOINT definierar värdet för type-egenskapen i ett setSavepoint-händelseobjekt. | |
setScale(scaleX:Number, scaleY:Number) — metod, klass | |
Ställer in scaleX- och scaleY-egenskaperna samtidigt. | |
setScale(scaleX:Number, scaleY:Number) — metod, klass | |
Ställer in scaleX- och scaleY-egenskaperna samtidigt. | |
setScaleX(m:flash.geom:Matrix, scaleX:Number) — Statisk metod , klass fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
Ändrar den vågräta skalan i en matris. | |
setScaleY(m:flash.geom:Matrix, scaleY:Number) — Statisk metod , klass fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
Ändrar den lodräta skalan i en matris. | |
setScissorRectangle(rectangle:flash.geom:Rectangle) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ställer in en scissor-rektangel, vilket är en typ av ritmask. | |
setScrollBarProperties(totalColumns:int, visibleColumns:int, totalRows:int, visibleRows:int) — metod, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Causes the ScrollControlBase to show or hide scrollbars based on the parameters passed in. | |
setScrollProperties(pageSize:Number, minScrollPosition:Number, maxScrollPosition:Number, pageScrollSize:Number) — metod, klass fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
Anger område och visningsstorlek för ScrollBar-komponenten. | |
setScrollProperties(pageSize:Number, minScrollPosition:Number, maxScrollPosition:Number, pageScrollSize:Number) — metod, klass fl.controls.UIScrollBar | |
Anger område och visningsstorlek för ScrollBar-komponenten. | |
setScrollProperties(pageSize:Number, minScrollPosition:Number, maxScrollPosition:Number, pageScrollSize:Number) — metod, klass mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Sets the range and viewport size of the ScrollBar control. | |
setSeconds(second:Number, millisecond:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger sekunder enligt lokal tid och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setSeeking(value:Boolean, time:Number) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.SeekTrait | |
Must be called by the implementing media on completing a seek. | |
setSelectColor(hexColor:uint) — metod, klass flash.text.TextSnapshot | |
Anger vilken färg som ska användas för att markera tecken med metoden setSelected(). | |
setSelected(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int, select:Boolean) — metod, klass flash.text.TextSnapshot | |
Anger ett teckenområde i ett TextSnapshot-objekt som ska markeras eller avmarkeras. | |
setSelectedCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, sets the selection and the caret position to this cell. | |
setSelectedCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, sets the selection and the caret position to this cell. | |
setSelectedIndex(rowIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, sets the selection and the caret position to this row. | |
setSelectedIndex(rowIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, sets the selection and the caret position to this row. | |
setSelectedPanelItem(item:Object) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost | |
set the selected panel on this layout. | |
setSelectedPanelItem(item:Object) — metod, gränssnitt ga.model.ILayoutHost | |
set the selected panel on this layout. | |
setSelection(setSelection:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass fl.controls.TextArea | |
Ställer in markeringsintervallet som gjorts i ett textområde utan fokus. | |
setSelection(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass fl.controls.TextInput | |
Ställer in markeringsintervallet som gjorts i ett textområde utan fokus. | |
setSelection(begIdx:int, endIdx:int) — metod, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Anges som markerad text som definierats av indexvärdena för det första och sista tecknet, som anges med parametrarna beginIndex och endIndex. | |
setSelection(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Anges som markerad text som definierats av indexvärdena för det första och sista tecknet, som anges med parametrarna beginIndex och endIndex. | |
setSelection(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.TextArea | |
Selects the text in the range specified by the parameters. | |
setSelection(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
Selects the text in the range specified by the parameters. | |
setSelection(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because FTETextField does not support selection. | |
setSelection(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Anges som markerad text som definierats av indexvärdena för det första och sista tecknet, som anges med parametrarna beginIndex och endIndex. | |
setSelectionState(state:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metod, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
Anger SelectionState-objektet för den aktuella markeringen. | |
setSelectionState(sel:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
Anger SelectionState-objektet för den aktuella markeringen. | |
setSession( — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Process | |
Sets the SessionMap object that stores the information relating to the server session. | |
setSession( — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
Sets a SessionMap object that stores the information relating to the server session. | |
setSession( — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessVariable | |
Sets the SessionMap object that stores the information relating to the server session. | |
setSession( — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
Specifies the SessionMap object for the class. | |
setSession( — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplate | |
Sets the SessionMap object that stores information relating to the server session. | |
setSession( — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptor | |
Sets a SessionMap object that stores the information relating to the server session. | |
setSession( — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Startpoint | |
Sets a SessionMap object that stores the information relating to the server session. | |
setSession( — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Sets the SessionMap object, which stores the information relating to the server session. | |
setSettings(... rest) — Statisk metod , klass XML | |
Anger värden för följande XML-egenskaper: ignoreComments, ignoreProcessingInstructions, ignoreWhitespace, prettyIndent och prettyPrinting. | |
setSharedDisplayObject(sharedDisplayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject) — metod, gränssnitt spark.core.IGraphicElement | |
Determines whether this element can draw itself to the sharedDisplayObject of the sequence. | |
setSharedDisplayObject(sharedDisplayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject) — metod, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Determines whether this element can draw itself to the sharedDisplayObject of the sequence. | |
setSharedProperty(key:String, value:any) — metod, klass flash.system.Worker | |
Tillhandahåller ett namngivet värde som är tillgängligt för kod som körs i arbetarens swf-fil. | |
SET_SHOW_FOCUS_INDICATOR_REQUEST — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Set the value of the showFocusIndicator property in every application's FocusManager. | |
setSilenceLevel(silenceLevel:Number, timeout:int) — metod, klass | |
Anger den lägsta indatanivå som ska anses vara ljud och (eventuellt) hur lång tystnad som innebär att tystnad faktiskt har börjat. | |
setSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass fl.containers.UILoader | |
Ändrar komponentens storlek till begärd storlek. | |
setSize(width:Number, height:Number) — metod, klass fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
Ställer in komponenten på angiven bredd och höjd. | |
setSize(w:Number, h:Number) — metod, klass fl.controls.Slider | |
Ställer in komponenten på angiven bredd och höjd. | |
setSize(width:Number, height:Number) — metod, klass fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
Anger måtten för dataåtergivning. | |
setSize(width:Number, height:Number) — metod, gränssnitt fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer | |
Ställer in storleken på data enligt de pixelvärden som angetts av bredd- och höjdparametrarna. | |
setSize(width:Number, height:Number) — metod, klass fl.core.UIComponent | |
Ställer in komponenten på angiven bredd och höjd. | |
setSize(width:Number, height:Number) — metod, klass | |
Ställer in bredd och höjd samtidigt. | |
setSize(width:Number, height:Number) — metod, klass | |
Ställer in egenskaperna width och height samtidigt. | |
setSize(width:Number, height:Number) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarTransform | |
Sets the width and height that the PolarTransform uses when calculating origin and radius. | |
setSkewX(m:flash.geom:Matrix, skewX:Number) — Statisk metod , klass fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
Ändrar den vågräta skevningen i en matris. | |
setSkewXRadians(m:flash.geom:Matrix, skewX:Number) — Statisk metod , klass fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
Ändrar den vågräta skevningen i en matris. | |
setSkewY(m:flash.geom:Matrix, skewY:Number) — Statisk metod , klass fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
Ändrar den lodräta skevningen i en matris. | |
setSkewYRadians(m:flash.geom:Matrix, skewY:Number) — Statisk metod , klass fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
Ändrar den lodräta skevningen i en matris. | |
setSkipStyle(value:Boolean, skipChildren:Boolean) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ConditionModuleInstance | |
setSkipStyle(value:Boolean, skipChildren:Boolean) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ListModuleInstance | |
setSource(url:String, contentType:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.ResourceContainer | |
Sets the location, as an URL, and MIME type of the resource container. | |
setSpringAngle(angle:Number) — metod, klass fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Anger den aktuella fjädringsvinkeln. | |
setSpringPt(pt:flash.geom:Point) — metod, klass fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Anger den aktuella fjädringspunkten. | |
setStage(stage:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — Statisk metod , klass fl.ik.IKManager | |
Använd den här metoden för att ange behållare för symboler i en inläst SWF-fil. | |
setStageDisposition(reviewId:String, revision:int, stageNo:int, disposition:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
This API sets the disposition of a stage. | |
setStageDisposition(reviewId:String, revision:int, stageNo:int, disposition:String) — metod, klass | |
This API sets the disposition of a stage. | |
setStartDate(value:Date) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DRMTrait | |
Updates the start date. | |
setStartpoint(startpoint:Object) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointGridSelectorModel | |
Sets the currently selected startpoint. | |
setState(newState:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.presentationmodel.PresentationModel | |
Sets the state property to a new value and causes a PropertyChangeEvent event. | |
setState(newState:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
Sets the state property to a new value and causes a PropertyChangeEvent event. | |
setStencilActions(triangleFace:String, compareMode:String, actionOnBothPass:String, actionOnDepthFail:String, actionOnDepthPassStencilFail:String) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ställer in stencilläge och åtgärd. | |
setStencilReferenceValue(referenceValue:uint, readMask:uint, writeMask:uint) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Ställer in stenciljämförelsevärdet som ska användas för stenciltester. | |
setStretchXY(stretchX:Number, stretchY:Number) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Specifies a transform stretch factor in the horizontal and vertical direction. | |
setString(stringID:String, languageCode:String, stringValue:String) — Statisk metod , klass fl.lang.Locale | |
Anger det nya strängvärdet för ett givet sträng-ID och en given språkkod. | |
setStyle(style:String, value:Object) — metod, klass fl.core.UIComponent | |
Ställer in en formategenskap för en komponentinstans. | |
setStyle(name:String, style:Object) — Statisk metod , klass fl.managers.StyleManager | |
Anger ett globalt format för alla användargränssnittskomponenter i ett dokument. | |
setStyle(styleName:String, styleObject:Object) — metod, klass flash.text.StyleSheet | |
Lägger till ett nytt format med det angivna namnet i formatmallsobjektet. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Anger värdet för formatet som är angivet av styleProp-parametern till värdet angivet av newValue-parametern. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
Ställer in det format som anges av parametern styleProp på det värde som anges av parametern newValue. | |
setStyle(styleName:String, value:any) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat | |
Ange värdet för formatet angivet med parametern styleProp som anger formatnamnet för värdet. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Ställer in det format som anges av parametern styleProp på det värde som anges av parametern newValue. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Sets a style property on this component instance. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Sets a style property on this component instance. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
Sets a style property on this component instance. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
Sets a style property on this component instance. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Sets a style property on this component instance. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, value:any) — metod, klass mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Does nothing. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, value:any) — metod, klass mx.core.UITextField | |
Does nothing. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
Sets a style property on this component instance. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration | |
Sets a style property on this CSSStyleDeclaration. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, gränssnitt mx.styles.IStyleClient | |
Sets a style property on this component instance. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:any) — metod, klass mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
Sets a style property on this component instance. | |
setStyle(styleProp:String, value:any) — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Sets a style property on this component instance. | |
SetStyle — klass, paket mx.states | |
The SetStyle class specifies a style that is in effect only during the parent view state. | |
SetStyle(target:mx.styles:IStyleClient, name:String, value:Object, valueFactory:mx.core:IDeferredInstance) — Konstruktor, klass mx.states.SetStyle | |
Constructor. | |
SetStyleAction — klass, paket mx.effects | |
The SetStyleAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the SetStyle property of a view state definition. | |
SetStyleAction(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.SetStyleAction | |
Constructor. | |
SetStyleActionInstance — klass, paket mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The SetStyleActionInstance class implements the instance class for the SetStyleAction effect. | |
SetStyleActionInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.SetStyleActionInstance | |
Constructor. | |
setStyleDeclaration(selector:String, styleDeclaration:mx.styles:CSSStyleDeclaration, update:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Sets the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules for the specified CSS selector. | |
setStyleDeclaration(selector:String, styleDeclaration:mx.styles:CSSStyleDeclaration, update:Boolean) — Statisk metod , klass mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Sets the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules for the specified CSS selector. | |
setStyleDeclarations(styleManager:mx.styles:IStyleManager2) — metod, gränssnitt mx.styles.IStyleModule | |
Creates and sets style declarations from the styles modules into the given style manager. | |
setSubmitData(data:XML) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Sends the data to Workspace to submit to a process. | |
setSubmitData(data:XML) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Sends the data to Workspace to submit to a process. | |
setSubmitDataInvalid() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Specifies that the Flex application has completed creation and binds the required event listeners to events. | |
setSubmitDataInvalid() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Specifies that the Flex application has completed creation and binds the required event listeners to events. | |
setSwitching(newSwitching:Boolean, index:int) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Must be called by the implementing media on completing a switch. | |
setTargetState() — metod, klass fl.motion.AnimatorUniversal | |
setText(text:String) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Anger textegenskapen för den angivna strängen. | |
setTextAlignment(selectedTextAlignment:String) — metod, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
method for setting the text alignment | |
setTextEditorContent(activeModuleValue:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IModuleInstance) — metod, klass | |
Sets the text editor content based on the existing content of the TextModule. | |
setTextFlow(textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Anger ett TextFlow i den här TextContainerManager, vilket ersätter befintligt TextFlow och tar bort den aktuella texten. | |
setTextFormat(format:flash.text:TextFormat, beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Använder textformateringen som angetts av formatparametern på den angivna texten i ett textfält. | |
setTextFormat(format:flash.text:TextFormat, beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Använder textformateringen som angetts av formatparametern på den angivna texten i ett textfält. | |
setTextFormat(format:flash.text:TextFormat, beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has no effect on a FTETextField if beginIndex or endIndex does not equal -1 because FTETextField does not support formatting a range. | |
setTextFormat(format:flash.text:TextFormat, beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Använder textformateringen som angetts av formatparametern på den angivna texten i ett textfält. | |
setTextureAt(sampler:int, texture:flash.display3D.textures:TextureBase) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Anger texturen som ska användas för ett texturinvärdesregister för ett fragment-program. | |
setThumbValueAt(index:int, value:Number) — metod, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
This method sets the value of a slider thumb, and updates the display. | |
setTime(millisecond:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger datum i millisekunder sedan midnatt 1 januari 1970 och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setTimeout(closure:Function, delay:Number, ... rest) — Paketfunktion, flash.utils | |
Kör en angiven funktion efter en angiven fördröjning (i millisekunder). | |
settings() — Statisk metod , klass XML | |
Hämtar följande egenskaper: ignoreComments, ignoreProcessingInstructions, ignoreWhitespace, prettyIndent och prettyPrinting. | |
SETTINGS_MANAGER — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.system.SecurityPanel | |
Visar Inställningshanteraren (i ett separat fönster) när den skickas till Security.showSettings(). | |
setTint(tintColor:uint, tintMultiplier:Number) — metod, klass fl.motion.Color | |
Anger färgton och mängd på samma gång. | |
setTitle(value:String) — metod, gränssnitt mx.managers.IBrowserManager | |
Changes the text in the browser's title bar. | |
setTo(aa:Number, ba:Number, ca:Number, da:Number, txa:Number, tya:Number) — metod, klass flash.geom.Matrix | |
Tilldelar matrismedlemmarna det angivna värdet | |
setTo(xa:Number, ya:Number) — metod, klass flash.geom.Point | |
Tilldelar punktmedlemmarna det angivna värdet | |
setTo(xa:Number, ya:Number, widtha:Number, heighta:Number) — metod, klass flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Tilldelar rektangelmedlemmarna det angivna värdet | |
setTo(xa:Number, ya:Number, za:Number) — metod, klass flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Tilldelar Vector3D-medlemmarna det angivna värdet | |
setToggled(node:Object, value:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Sets the value of the field or attribute in the data provider that identifies whether the node is toggled. | |
setToggled(node:Object, value:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Sets the value of the field or attribute in the data provider that identifies whether the node is toggled. | |
setTweenHandlers(updateFunction:Function, endFunction:Function) — metod, klass mx.effects.Tween | |
By default, the Tween class invokes the mx.effects.effectClasses.TweenEffectInstance.onTweenUpdate() callback function on a regular interval on the effect instance for the duration of the effect, and the optional mx.effects.effectClasses.TweenEffectInstance.onTweenEnd() callback function at the end of the effect duration. | |
setup() — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.VariableInstance | |
The function to prepare the Variable instance for use. | |
setup — Händelse, gränssnitt mx.modules.IModuleInfo | |
Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo once the module is sufficiently loaded to call the IModuleInfo.factory() method and the method. | |
setup — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.modules.IModuleInfo | |
A flag that is true if the module is sufficiently loaded to get a handle to its associated IFlexModuleFactory implementation and call its info() method. | |
setup — Händelse, klass mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched when information about the module is available (with the info() method), but the module is not yet ready. | |
setup — Händelse, klass spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched when information about the module is available (with the info() method), but the module is not yet ready. | |
SETUP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för knappen för att aktivera installationsprogram eller meny. | |
SETUP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Dispatched when enough of a module has been downloaded that you can get information about the module. | |
setupColumnItemRenderer(c:mx.controls.dataGridClasses:DataGridColumn, contentHolder:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseContentHolder, rowNum:int, colNum:int, data:Object, uid:String) — metod, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Sets up an item renderer for a column and put it in the listItems array at the requested position. | |
setupPropertyList() — metod, klass mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
This method creates an array of all of the property names for the proxied object. | |
setupTraits() — metod, klass | |
Sets up the traits for this media element. | |
setupWindowInitOptions() — metod, klass spark.components.Window | |
Creates and fills up the NativeWindowInitOptios used to create the internal nativeWindow. | |
setUseEchoSuppression(useEchoSuppression:Boolean) — metod, klass | |
Anger om ljudkodekens ekodämpningsfunktion ska användas. | |
setUserPreference(domain:String, canonicalName:String, userPreference:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:UserPreference) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Saves the user preferences. | |
setUserPreference(domain:String, canonicalName:String, userPreference:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:UserPreference) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Saves the user preferences. | |
setUserPreference(domain:String, canonicalName:String, — metod, gränssnitt | |
This operation sets the user preferences for a particular user. | |
setUserPreference(domain:String, canonicalName:String, — metod, klass | |
This operation sets the user preferences for a particular user. | |
setUTCDate(day:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger dagen i månaden enligt universaltid (UTC) och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setUTCFullYear(year:Number, month:Number, day:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger året enligt universaltid (UTC) och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setUTCHours(hour:Number, minute:Number, second:Number, millisecond:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger timmen enligt universaltid (UTC) och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setUTCMilliseconds(millisecond:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger millisekunder enligt universaltid (UTC) och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setUTCMinutes(minute:Number, second:Number, millisecond:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger minuter enligt universaltid (UTC) och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setUTCMonth(month:Number, day:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger månaden och eventuellt dagen enligt universaltid (UTC) och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setUTCSeconds(second:Number, millisecond:Number) — metod, klass Date | |
Anger sekunder och eventuellt millisekunder enligt universaltid (UTC) och returnerar den nya tiden i millisekunder. | |
setValue(varName:String, value:Object) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.exp.DDIModelVariableResolver | |
Sets the value of data dictionary element of a particular data dictionary. | |
setValue(varName:String, value:Object) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.model.DataDictionaryInstanceModel | |
Set the value of a data dictionary element given its unique name(reference name). | |
setValue(propertyName:String, value:any) — metod, klass com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata | |
Sets the value of a property. | |
setValue(propertyName:String, value:any) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelInstance | |
Sets the value of a property. | |
setValue(dataReference:String, value:any) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideData | |
The setValue(dataReference, value) method updates the model item data referenced with the provided value. | |
setValue(varName:String, value:Object) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Sets the value of the given variable. | |
setValue(varName:String, value:Object) — metod, klass | |
Updates the backing Dictionary with the given variable name as key and the given variable value as value. | |
setValue(tweenableName:String, newValue:Number) — metod, klass fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Ändrar värdet för en viss tweenable-egenskap i nyckelbildrutan. | |
setValue(index:int, tweenableName:String, value:Number) — metod, klass fl.motion.MotionBase | |
Anger värdet för en viss tweenable-egenskap vid ett givet tidsindexvärde i Motion-instansen. | |
setValue(value:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.HScrollBar | |
Updates the value property and, if viewport is non-null, sets its horizontalScrollPosition to value. | |
setValue(value:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.VScrollBar | |
Updates the value property and, if viewport is non null, then sets its verticalScrollPosition to value. | |
setValue(value:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.Range | |
Sets the backing store for the value property and dispatches a valueCommit event if the property changes. | |
SetValue(row:int, col:int, value:Number) — metod, klass fl.motion.DynamicMatrix | |
Anger värdet vid en angiven nollbaserad rad och kolumn i den aktuella matrisen. | |
setVariable(name:String, value:Object) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideVariables | |
Sets the guide variable. | |
setVector(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle, inputVector:Vector$uint) — metod, klass flash.display.BitmapData | |
Konverterar ett Vector-objekt till ett rektangulärt område med pixeldata. | |
setVertexBufferAt(index:int, buffer:flash.display3D:VertexBuffer3D, bufferOffset:int, format:String) — metod, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Anger vilka vertex-datakomponenter som motsvarar ett enskilt invärde för vertex-skuggningsprogram. | |
setVisible(taskId:String, visible:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Sets the visibility of a task in searches. | |
setVisible(visible:Boolean) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Specifies the visibility of a task. | |
setVisible(value:Boolean, noEvent:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
setVisible(value:Boolean, noEvent:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IUIComponent | |
Called when the visible property changes. | |
setVisible(value:Boolean, noEvent:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Called when the visible property changes. | |
setVisible(visible:Boolean, noEvent:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Sets the visible property of this UITextField object. | |
setVisible(visible:Boolean, noEvent:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.core.UITextField | |
Sets the visible property of this UITextField object. | |
setVisible(value:Boolean, noEvent:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Called when the visible property changes. | |
SetVisibleCommand — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The SetVisibleCommand class executes the task's visibility in a queue. | |
SetVisibleCommand(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task, visible:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.commands.SetVisibleCommand | |
Constructor. | |
setVisibleDataItem(uid:String, item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — metod, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Sets the cell defined by uid to use the item renderer specified by item. | |
setWorkspaceData — Händelse, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Dispatched after the Flex application has completed loading. | |
SET_WORKSPACE_DATA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The type property for a SwfDataEvent event. | |
severe(message:String, params:Object, actor:Object, error:Error) — metod, klass com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.Logger | |
Log a SEVERE message. | |
SEVERE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.LogLevel | |
Log level for errors. | |
sgn(n:Number) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.MathFunc | |
Returns the sign of a number | |
SHA256 — klass, paket | |
The SHA-256 algorithm | |
SHA256 — klass, paket mx.utils | |
Implementation of SHA-256 hash algorithm as described in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-2 at | |
shader — Egenskap, klass flash.display.GraphicsShaderFill | |
Den skuggning som ska användas för fyllningen. | |
shader — Egenskap, klass flash.display.ShaderJob | |
Den skuggning som används för åtgärden. | |
shader — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.ShaderFilter | |
Skuggningen som ska användas för filtret. | |
shader — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransitionShaderInstance | |
The Shader that is created using the shaderByteCode property as the underlying byte code. | |
shader — Egenskap, klass spark.filters.ShaderFilter | |
A flash.display.Shader instance. | |
Shader — klass, paket flash.display | |
En Shader-instans representerar en Pixel Bender-skuggningssystemkärna i ActionScript. | |
Shader(code:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Konstruktor, klass flash.display.Shader | |
Skapar en ny Shader-instans. | |
SHADER — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display.BlendMode | |
Använder skuggning för att definiera blandningen mellan objekten. | |
shaderByteCode — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.AnimateTransitionShader | |
The bytecode for the pixel-shader program that the effect uses to animate between the two bitmaps. | |
shaderByteCode — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransitionShaderInstance | |
The bytecode for the pixel-shader program that the effect uses to animate between the two bitmaps. | |
ShaderData — slutgiltig dynamisk klass, paket flash.display | |
Ett ShaderData-objekt innehåller egenskaper som representerar parametrar och inmatningar för en skuggningssystemkärna samt egenskaper som innehåller metadata som angetts för skuggningen. | |
ShaderData(byteCode:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Konstruktor, klass flash.display.ShaderData | |
Skapar en ShaderData-instans. | |
ShaderEvent — klass, paket | |
En ShaderEvent skickas när en skuggningsåtgärd som har startats från ett ShaderJob har slutförts. | |
ShaderEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, bitmap:flash.display:BitmapData, array:flash.utils:ByteArray, vector:Vector$Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett ShaderEvent-objekt som kan skickas till händelseavlyssnare. | |
shaderFilter — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransitionShaderInstance | |
The filter wrapped around the instance's shader property. | |
ShaderFilter — klass, paket flash.filters | |
Klassen ShaderFilter tillämpar ett filter genom att utföra en skuggning på objektet som filtreras. | |
ShaderFilter — Dynamisk klass, paket spark.filters | |
The Flex ShaderFilter class abstracts away many of the details of using the Flash ShaderFilter, Shader, and ShaderData classes to apply a Pixel Bender shader as a filter. | |
ShaderFilter(shader:flash.display:Shader) — Konstruktor, klass flash.filters.ShaderFilter | |
Skapar ett nytt skuggningsfilter. | |
ShaderFilter(shader:Object) — Konstruktor, klass spark.filters.ShaderFilter | |
Constructor. | |
ShaderInput — slutgiltig dynamisk klass, paket flash.display | |
En ShaderInput-instans representerar en enda inmatningsbild för en skuggningssystemkärna. | |
ShaderInput() — Konstruktor, klass flash.display.ShaderInput | |
Skapar en ShaderInput-instans. | |
ShaderJob — klass, paket flash.display | |
En ShaderJob-instans används för att utföra en skuggningsåtgärd i fristående läge. | |
ShaderJob(shader:flash.display:Shader, target:Object, width:int, height:int) — Konstruktor, klass flash.display.ShaderJob | |
ShaderParameter — slutgiltig dynamisk klass, paket flash.display | |
En ShaderParameter-instans representerar en enda inmatningsparameter för en skuggningssystemkärna. | |
ShaderParameter() — Konstruktor, klass flash.display.ShaderParameter | |
Skapar en ShaderParameter-instans. | |
ShaderParameterType — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Den här klassen definierar de konstanter som representerar möjliga värden för ShaderParameter-klassens type-egenskap. | |
ShaderPrecision — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Den här klassen definierar de konstanter som representerar möjliga värden för Shader-klassens precisionHint-egenskap. | |
shaderProperties — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.AnimateTransitionShader | |
A map of parameter name/value pairs passed to the pixel-shader program before playing. | |
shaderProperties — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransitionShaderInstance | |
A map of parameter name/value pairs passed to the pixel-shader program before playing. | |
shadow — Egenskap, klass | |
The shadow fill. | |
shadow — Egenskap, klass | |
Shadow skin part. | |
shadowAlpha — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.BevelFilter | |
Alfagenomskinlighetsvärdet för skuggfärgen. | |
shadowAlpha — Egenskap, klass spark.filters.BevelFilter | |
The alpha transparency value of the shadow color. | |
shadowAngle — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButtonSkin | |
The angle of the shadow. | |
shadowAngle — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButtonSkin | |
The angle of the shadow. | |
shadowAngle — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin | |
the angle of the shadow | |
ShadowBoxItemRenderer — klass, paket mx.charts.renderers | |
A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a rectangular area and surrounds it with a drop shadow. | |
ShadowBoxItemRenderer() — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.renderers.ShadowBoxItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
shadowClass — Egenskap, klass | |
Class for the shadow skin part. | |
shadowColor — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.BevelFilter | |
Avfasningens skuggfärg. | |
shadowColor — Format, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Bottom inside color of a button's skin. | |
shadowColor — Format, klass mx.controls.VRule | |
The shadow color of the line. | |
shadowColor — Format, klass mx.controls.HRule | |
The shadow color of the line. | |
shadowColor — Egenskap, klass spark.filters.BevelFilter | |
The shadow color of the bevel. | |
shadowDirection — Format, klass mx.charts.Legend | |
Direction of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDirection — Format, klass mx.containers.Panel | |
Direction of drop shadow. | |
shadowDirection — Format, klass mx.controls.ToolTip | |
Direction of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDirection — Format, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
Direction of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDirection — Format, klass mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Direction of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDirection — Format, klass mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Direction of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDirection — Format, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Direction of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDirection — Format, klass mx.core.Container | |
Direction of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDistance — Format, klass mx.charts.Legend | |
Distance of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDistance — Format, klass mx.containers.Panel | |
Distance of drop shadow. | |
shadowDistance — Format, klass mx.controls.ToolTip | |
Distance of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDistance — Format, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
Distance of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDistance — Format, klass mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Distance of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDistance — Format, klass mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Distance of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDistance — Format, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Distance of the drop shadow. | |
shadowDistance — Format, klass mx.core.Container | |
Distance of the drop shadow. | |
ShadowLineRenderer — klass, paket mx.charts.renderers | |
An implementation of a line segment renderer that is used by LineSeries objects. | |
ShadowLineRenderer() — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.renderers.ShadowLineRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
shadowStroke — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.util.BeveledBorder | |
Defines the bottom and right edges of the beveled area. | |
shallow — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
Flag to indicate if the underlying value object is shallow. | |
shallow — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleModel | |
Flag to indicate if the underlying value object is shallow. | |
shallowCopy(relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
Skapar en kopia av det här FlowElement-objektet genom att kopiera innehållet mellan två angivna teckenpositioner. | |
Shape — klass, paket flash.display | |
Denna klass används för att skapa enkla former med ritgränssnittet i ActionScript (ActionScript Drawing API). | |
Shape() — Konstruktor, klass flash.display.Shape | |
Skapar ett nytt Shape-objekt. | |
share(taskId:String, userOid:String) — metod, gränssnitt lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Shares a task with another user. | |
share(userOid:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Shares the task with another user. | |
shareable — Egenskap, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Anger om det underliggande minnet för bytearrayen är delbart. | |
ShareCommand — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The ShareCommand class executes the task's share operation. | |
ShareCommand(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.commands.ShareCommand | |
Constructor. | |
sharedEvents — Egenskap, klass fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
På grund av timingproblem vid inläsning av innehåll som använder RSL-förinläsning bör du vänta tills init-händelsen tas emot innan du lägger till händelseavlyssnare i sharedEvents-objektet eller så kan du lägga till dem igen när init-händelsen tas emot. | |
sharedEvents — Egenskap, klass flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
En EventDispatcher-instans som kan användas för att utväxla händelser över säkerhetsgränser. | |
SharedObject — klass, paket | |
Klassen SharedObject används för att läsa och spara begränsade mängder data på en användares dator eller på en server. | |
SharedObjectFlushStatus — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Klassen SharedObjectFlushStatus ger värden för koden som returneras från ett anrop till metoden SharedObject.flush(). | |
sharpness — Egenskap, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Skärpa kan inte användas med TLF-textfält. | |
sharpness — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Skärpan på specialtecknens kanter i det här textfältet. | |
sharpness — Egenskap, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property has no effect in FTETextField. | |
sharpness — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Skärpan på specialtecknens kanter i det här textfältet. | |
sharpness — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UITextFormat | |
Defines the sharpness setting for the UITextField class. | |
shear — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Image | |
Shears a ColdFusion image either horizontally or vertically. | |
shell — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Returns the IShell instance associated with the underlying IApplication. | |
shell — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
The associated IShell that the Service belongs to. | |
shell — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns the shell interface for the application. | |
Shell — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | |
The Shell mxml component is a representation of a composite application in the Flex Display List and is responsible for rendering that Application's Application DOM. | |
Shell() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Shell | |
Constructor. | |
shift() — metod, klass Array | |
Tar bort det första elementet från en array och returnerar det elementet. | |
shift() — metod, klass Vector | |
Tar bort det första elementet från Vector och returnerar det elementet. | |
shift() — metod, klass mx.utils.LinkedList | |
Removes the node at the head of the list. | |
SHIFT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för skifttangenten (16). | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Indikerar om skifttangentsmodifieringen är aktiverad. I så fall är värdet true. | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger om skifttangenten är aktiv (true) eller inaktiv (false). | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger om skifttangentsmodifieringen är aktiv (true) eller inaktiv (false). | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger om skifttangenten är aktiv (true) eller inaktiv (false). | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger om skifttangenten är aktiv (true) eller inaktiv (false). | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates whether the Shift key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates whether the Shift key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates whether the Shift key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates whether the Shift key was pressed. | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates whether the Shift key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
shiftKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates whether the Shift key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
shiftRow(oldIndex:int, newIndex:int, numCols:int, shiftItems:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Shift a row in the arrays that reference rows. | |
SHORT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Anger att kolumnnamn som returneras från en SELECT-sats har det korta kolumnnamnsformatet. | |
SHORT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.globalization.DateTimeStyle | |
Anger det korta formatet för ett datum eller en tid. | |
SHORT_ABBREVIATION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.globalization.DateTimeNameStyle | |
Anger det korta förkortningsformatet för namn på månader och veckodagar. | |
shortcut — Egenskap, klass flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties | |
Visar ett kortkommando som är associerat med visningsobjektet. | |
SHORT_TICKET — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies that ticket is a short ticket. | |
SHORT_VERSION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
En lägesvariabel som visar komponentens korta versionsnummer. | |
SHORT_VERSION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
En lägesvariabel som visar komponentens korta versionsnummer. | |
SHORT_VERSION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
En lägesvariabel som visar komponentens korta versionsnummer. | |
SHORT_VERSION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
En lägesvariabel som visar komponentens korta versionsnummer. | |
SHORT_VERSION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
En lägesvariabel som visar komponentens korta versionsnummer. | |
SHORT_VERSION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
En lägesvariabel som visar komponentens korta versionsnummer. | |
shouldBeConnected — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.Channel | |
Indicates whether this channel should be connected to its endpoint. | |
_shouldBeSubscribed — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.AbstractConsumer | |
Flag indicating whether this consumer should be subscribed or not. | |
shouldOpen — Egenskap, klass | |
shouldOpen | |
show(childLabel:String, p:flash.geom:Point, newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — metod, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors.LabelEditor | |
Displays the LabelEditor at the position given, ready for the user to edit its content. | |
show(xShow:Object, yShow:Object) — metod, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableMenu | |
Shows the ScrollableMenu at the given (x,y) position. | |
show — Händelse, klass fl.core.UIComponent | |
Skickas när komponenten ändrar synlighet från osynlig till synlig. | |
show() — Statisk metod , klass flash.ui.Mouse | |
Visar pekaren. | |
show — Händelse, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Dispatched when a show event is received by Workspace. | |
show — Händelse, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Dispatched when the component becomes visible. | |
show(text:String, title:String, flags:uint, parent:flash.display:Sprite, closeHandler:Function, iconClass:Class, defaultButtonFlag:uint, moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — Statisk metod , klass mx.controls.Alert | |
Static method that pops up the Alert control. | |
show(xShow:Object, yShow:Object) — metod, klass mx.controls.Menu | |
Shows the Menu control. | |
show — Händelse, klass mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Dispatched when the component becomes visible. | |
show — Händelse, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched when an object's state changes from invisible to visible. | |
show — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.HideShowEffectTargetFilter | |
Determines if this is a show or hide filter. | |
show — Händelse, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Dispatched when an object's state changes from invisible to visible. | |
SHOW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett show-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
SHOW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The FlexEvent.SHOW constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a show event. | |
show3d — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Whether to display the chart with three-dimensional appearance: yes no | |
showActionBar(animate:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Shows the action bar. | |
showAddBtn — Egenskap, klass | |
The flag indicating whether to show the New dropdown for the text Editor. | |
showAddElementButton — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Boolean that controls whether the Add button is visible in the toolbar. | |
showAddElementButton — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanelToolBar | |
Boolean that controls whether the Add button is visible in the toolbar. | |
showAlert(message:String, title:String, icon:Class, buttons:uint, closer:Function, minHeight:Number, minWidth:Number) — metod, klass | |
This method displays a generic dialog. | |
showAlertWithNoButtonsAndReturn(message:String, title:String, icon:Class, buttons:uint, closer:Function, minHeight:Number, minWidth:Number) — metod, klass | |
This method displays a generic dialog without any buttons. | |
SHOW_ALL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display.StageScaleMode | |
Anger att hela programmet ska vara synligt utan förvrängning i det angivna området, samtidigt som programmets ursprungliga bildformat bevaras. | |
SHOW_ALL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.printing.FlexPrintJobScaleType | |
Scales the object to fit on a single page, filling one dimension; that is, it selects the smaller of the MATCH_WIDTH or MATCH_HEIGHT scale types. | |
showAllDataTips — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ChartLayoutHost | |
Always show data tips | |
showAllDataTips — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Specifies whether Flex shows all DataTip controls for the chart. | |
showAllRouteButtons() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Displays all route buttons. | |
SHOW_ALL_ROUTE_BUTTONS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies to show all route buttons in the Workspace user interface. | |
showAttachmentsView() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Displays the Attachments tab. | |
showAttachmentsView — Händelse, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Dispatched by an application built with Flex to show the Attachments tab. | |
SHOW_ATTACHMENTS_VIEW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display the Task Attachments view. | |
SHOW_AUDIT_VIEW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display the Task Audit view. | |
showBorder — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Whether to display a border around the chart: yes no | |
showBorderAndBackground(visible:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.MXFTETextInput | |
Used to determine if the control's border and background are visible. | |
showBorderAndBackground(visible:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.controls.TextInput | |
Used to determine if the control's border and background are visible. | |
showBorderAndBackground(visible:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.ITextInput | |
Determines whether the border and background of the TextInput are visible. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass | |
The showBusyCursor property of the wrapped service. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.SearchManager | |
Specifies whether to display a busy cursor while a search is in progress. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
A flag that indicates whether to show a busy cursor while the content loads. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass | |
If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass | |
Whether this operation should show the busy cursor while it is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService | |
If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.http.Operation | |
If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.rpc.mxml.IMXMLSupport | |
Indicates whether the RPC operation or HTTPService should show the busy cursor while it is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.remoting.Operation | |
Whether this operation should show the busy cursor while it is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject | |
If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.soap.mxml.Operation | |
Whether this operation should show the busy cursor while it is executing. | |
showBusyCursor — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService | |
If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing. | |
showCaptions — Egenskap, klass | |
Används för att visa bildtexter. True = bildtexter visas, false = bildtexter visas inte. | |
showCaret — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether to show caret. | |
showCaret — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether to show caret. | |
showChildren — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the children need to be displayed. | |
showChildren — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the children need to be displayed. | |
showChildren — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the children need to be displayed. | |
showChildren — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the children need to be displayed. | |
showChildren — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the children need to be displayed. | |
showChildren — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the children need to be displayed. | |
showChildren — Egenskap, klass | |
If this Boolean flag is set to True, the children of current GanttItem are displayed. | |
showCloseButton — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.TitleWindow | |
Whether to display a Close button in the TitleWindow container. | |
showControlBar — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.RichTextEditor | |
Specifies whether to display the control bar that contains the text formatting controls. | |
showControlSection — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the control sections. | |
showControlSection — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the control sections. | |
showControlSection — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the control sections. | |
showCursor() — Statisk metod , klass mx.managers.CursorManager | |
Makes the cursor visible. | |
showDataEffect — Effekt, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Defines the effect that Flex uses as it moves the current data into its final position on the screen. | |
showDataTip — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
If set to true, show a data tip during user interaction containing the current value of the slider. | |
showDataTip — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
If set to true, shows a data tip during user interaction containing the current value of the slider. | |
showDataTips — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ChartLayoutHost | |
Show data tips on mouse over. | |
showDataTips — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Specifies whether Flex shows DataTip controls for the chart. | |
showDataTips — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Set to true to show data tips in the column. | |
showDataTips — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
A flag that indicates whether the datatips are shown in the column. | |
showDataTips — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether dataTips are displayed for text in the rows. | |
showDataTips — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether dataTips are displayed for text in the rows. | |
showDataTips — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
If true then a dataTip is displayed for all visible cells. | |
showDataTips — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Grid | |
If true then a dataTip is displayed for all visible cells. | |
showDataTips — Egenskap, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
Indicates whether the datatips are shown in the column. | |
showDataTipTargets — Format, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Specifies whether to show targets over the datapoints when showDataTips is set to true. | |
showDDName — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Boolean that controls whether the data dictionary name column is visible in flat view. | |
showDebugOutput(show:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Enables/disables FormBridge-specific debug output to the Flash Log (if running in a Flash Debug Player). | |
showDefaultContextMenu — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Anger om standardalternativen på snabbmenyn i Flash-miljön ska visas eller döljas. | |
showDelay — Statisk egenskap, klass mx.managers.ToolTipManager | |
The amount of time, in milliseconds, that Flex waits before displaying the ToolTip box once a user moves the mouse over a component that has a ToolTip. | |
showDirectChildForProject — Statisk egenskap, klass | |
This Boolean flag determines whether a complete project tree is displayed in the Gantt chart or just the direct children of the top-level projects are displayed. | |
showDirectivesView() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Displays the Directives tab. | |
showDirectivesView — Händelse, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Dispatched an application built with Flex to show the Directives tab. | |
SHOW_DIRECTIVES_VIEW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display the Task Directives view. | |
showDisplayForDownloading(elapsedTime:int, — metod, klass mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Defines the algorithm for determining whether to show the download progress bar while in the download phase. | |
showDisplayForDownloading(elapsedTime:int, — metod, klass mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Defines the algorithm for determining whether to show the download progress bar while in the download phase. | |
showDisplayForInit(elapsedTime:int, count:int) — metod, klass mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Defines the algorithm for determining whether to show the download progress bar while in the initialization phase, assuming that the display is not currently visible. | |
showDisplayForInit(elapsedTime:int, count:int) — metod, klass mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Defines the algorithm for determining whether to show the download progress bar while in the initialization phase, assuming that the display is not currently visible. | |
showDoc( — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Displays the Document of Record rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | |
showDoc( — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Displays the Document of Record rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | |
showDoc() — metod, klass ga.controls.ToolBar | |
Displays the Document of Record associated with the Guide. | |
showDoc( — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Displays the Document of Record rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | |
showDocument() — metod, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.component.DocumentSubmitComponent | |
Displays the document in the container. | |
showDocumentsOption — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Display setting for initial view of the PDF document. | |
showDropFeedback( — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Displays a drop indicator under the mouse pointer to indicate that a drag-and-drop operation is allowed. | |
showDropFeedback( — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Displays a drop indicator under the mouse pointer to indicate that a drag and drop operation is allowed and where the items will be dropped. | |
showDropFeedback( — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Displays a drop indicator under the mouse pointer to indicate that a drag and drop operation is allowed and where the items will be dropped. | |
showDropIndicator(dropLocation:spark.layouts.supportClasses:DropLocation) — metod, klass spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Sizes, positions and parents the drop indicator based on the specified drop location. | |
showEditElementPopUp — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Boolean which controls the showing/hiding of Edit Element popup. | |
showEffect — Statisk egenskap, klass mx.managers.ToolTipManager | |
The effect that plays when a ToolTip is shown, or null if the ToolTip should appear with no effect. | |
showEffect — Effekt, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Played when the component becomes visible. | |
showError(message:String, title:String, minHeight:Number, minWidth:Number) — metod, klass | |
This method displays an error dialog. | |
showErrorSkin — Format, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Show the error border or skin when this component is invalid | |
showErrorTip — Format, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Show the error tip when this component is invalid and the user rolls over it | |
showExtensions — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
A flag that specifies whether extensions in file names are shown. | |
showExtensions — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
A flag that specifies whether extensions in file names are shown. | |
showExtensions — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
A flag that specifies whether extensions in file names are shown. | |
showFeedback(feedback:String) — Statisk metod , klass mx.managers.DragManager | |
Sets the feedback indicator for the drag and drop operation. | |
showFirstViewNavigatorInPopUp(owner:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — metod, klass spark.components.SplitViewNavigator | |
Displays the child navigator at index 0 inside a popup. | |
showFlexChrome — Format, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Determines whether the window draws its own Flex Chrome or depends on the developer to draw chrome. | |
showFlexChrome — Format, klass mx.core.Window | |
Determines whether the window draws its own Flex Chrome or depends on the developer to draw chrome. | |
showFocus() — metod, klass fl.managers.FocusManager | |
Ställer in showFocusIndicator-värdet på true och ritar den visuella fokusindikatorn på objektet som är i fokus, om något är det. | |
showFocus() — metod, gränssnitt fl.managers.IFocusManager | |
Anger showFocusIndicator-egenskapen till true. | |
showFocus() — metod, klass mx.managers.FocusManager | |
Sets showFocusIndicator to true and draws the visual focus indicator on the focused object, if any. | |
showFocus() — metod, gränssnitt mx.managers.IFocusManager | |
Sets showFocusIndicator to true and draws the visual focus indicator on the focused object, if any. | |
showFocusIndicator — Egenskap, klass fl.managers.FocusManager | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett värde som anger om en komponent som är i fokus ska markeras med en synlig indikator för fokus. | |
showFocusIndicator — Egenskap, gränssnitt fl.managers.IFocusManager | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett värde som bestämmer om användargränssnittet ska ändras för att ange att en viss komponent är i fokus. | |
showFocusIndicator — Egenskap, klass mx.managers.FocusManager | |
A flag that indicates whether to display an indicator that a component has focus. | |
showFocusIndicator — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.managers.IFocusManager | |
A flag that indicates whether to display an indicator that a component has focus. | |
showFooter — Egenskap, klass | |
A flag indicating whether to show the footer row in final correspondence | |
showFooterDisplay — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the show footer checkbox A skin part that defines the show footer checkbox | |
showFooterRow — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
A flag indicating whether to show the footer row in final correspondence. | |
showFormView() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Displays the Form tab. | |
showFormView — Händelse, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Dispatched by the Flex application to show the Form tab. | |
showGripper — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Window | |
If true, the gripper is visible. | |
showGripper — Egenskap, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
If true, the gripper is visible. | |
showHeader — Egenskap, klass | |
A flag indicating whether to show the header row in final correspondence. | |
showHeader(openHeader:Boolean) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.DesktopModel | |
Modifies the display for the Header component to a maximized or minimized state, and modifies the state of the Welcome or Workspace component appropriately. | |
showHeaderDisplay — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the show header checkbox A skin part that defines the show header checkbox | |
showHeaderRow — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
A flag indicating whether to show the header row in final correspondence. | |
showHeaders — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som anger om DataGrid-komponenten visar kolumnrubriker. | |
showHeaders — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the control should show column headers. | |
showHeaders — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the control should show column headers. | |
showHeaderSection — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components.IHeaderComponent | |
Show the header. | |
showHeaderSection — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components.StandardHeader | |
Show the header. | |
showHeaderSection — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the header section. | |
showHeaderSection — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the header section. | |
showHeaderSection — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the header section. | |
showHelpCenter — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the help center. | |
showHelpCenter — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the help center. | |
showHelpCenter — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the help center. | |
showHidden — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
A flag that specifies whether files and directories that the operating system considers hidden are displayed. | |
showHidden — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
A flag that specifies whether files and directories that the operating system considers hidden are displayed. | |
showHidden — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
A flag that specifies whether files and directories that the operating system considers hidden are displayed. | |
showHideFromKeys — Egenskap, klass mx.automation.delegates.controls.MenuAutomationImpl | |
Flag indicating whehter to record the show event or not. | |
showIcons — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemComboBox | |
A flag that determines whether icons are displayed before the directory names in the dropdown list. | |
showIcons — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
A flag that specifies that icons are displayed before the file name. | |
showIcons — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
A flag that specifies that icons are displayed before the file name. | |
showIcons — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
A flag that specifies that icons are displayed before the file name. | |
showInAutomationHierarchy — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
A flag that determines if an automation object shows in the automation hierarchy. | |
showInAutomationHierarchy — Egenskap, klass mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
showInAutomationHierarchy — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
A flag that determines if an automation object shows in the automation hierarchy. | |
showInAutomationHierarchy — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
A flag that determines if an automation object shows in the automation hierarchy. | |
showInAutomationHierarchy — Egenskap, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
A flag that determines if an automation object shows in the automation hierarchy. | |
showInfo(message:String, title:String, minHeight:Number, minWidth:Number) — metod, klass | |
This method displays an information dialog. | |
showInformationIcon — Egenskap, klass | |
Information icon: true if there is some information/notification to be shown against the data (usually during Reload); false otherwise. | |
showInformationIcon — Egenskap, klass | |
Information icon: true if there is some information/notification to be shown against the data (usually during Reload); false otherwise. | |
showInformationIcon — Egenskap, klass | |
Information icon: true if there is some information/notification to be shown against the data (usually during Reload); false otherwise. | |
SHOWING_DATA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartState | |
The chart is currently running transitions to show the new chart data. | |
showInHierarchy(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — metod, gränssnitt mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Indicates whether an automation object should be visible within the hierarchy. | |
showInsertButton — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Boolean that controls whether the Insert button is visible in the toolbar. | |
showInsertButton — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanelToolBar | |
Boolean that controls whether the Insert button is visible in the toolbar. | |
showLabel — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
If this Boolean flag is set to True, the date label is displayed for this item in the ruler. | |
showLabel — Egenskap, klass mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Controls whether to display the label, true, or not, false. | |
showLabels — Format, klass mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies whether labels should appear along the axis. | |
showLabelVertically — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.ColumnChart | |
Determines whether or not the data labels can be shown vertically. | |
showLegend — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Whether to display the legend if the chart contains more than one data series: yes no | |
showLine — Format, klass mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies whether to display the axis. | |
showLink — Händelse, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
Event dispatched when the ShowLink item is selected. | |
SHOW_LINK — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuEvent | |
A special value that is dispatched when the Show Link item is selected from the menu. | |
showLinkEnabled — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
When true, displays a "Show Link" item on the menu. | |
showLinkLabel — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
The label for the "Show View Link" menu item. | |
showLocalFunctions — Händelse, klass | |
The event dispatched when the Show Local Functions button is clicked. | |
SHOW_LOCAL_FUNCTIONS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The FunctionsPanelToolBarEvent.SHOW_LOCAL_FUNCTIONS constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the agent clicks the Show Local Functions toogle button of a Functions Panel toolbar in Expression Builder UI. | |
showLocalFunctionsButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Show Local Functions ToogleButtonBase. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Show Local Functions ToogleButtonBase. | |
showMarkers — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Whether to display markers at data points in line, curve, and scatter graphs: yes no | |
showMenu — Egenskap, klass | |
If this Boolean flag is set to True, the context menu for current GanttItem is displayed. | |
showMessage(msgTitle:String, msgText:String, closeHandler:Function, messageType:String, flags:uint) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManager | |
Helper method for handling Document Composer user messages. | |
showMessage(msgTitle:String, msgText:String, closeHandler:Function, messageType:String, flags:uint) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManagerImpl | |
Helper method for handling Document Composer user messages. | |
showMessage(msgTitle:String, msgText:String, closeHandler:Function, messageType:String, flags:uint) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.IErrorManager | |
Helper method for handling Document Composer user messages. | |
SHOW_MODAL_WINDOW_REQUEST — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Shows a modal window. | |
SHOW_MOUSE_CURSOR_REQUEST — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Asks the top-level root if the mouse cursor should be hidden given its current location. | |
showNavHelpSection — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the navigator help section. | |
showNavHelpSection — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the navigator help section. | |
showNavHelpSection — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the navigator help section. | |
showNavigator — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the navigator. | |
showNavigator — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the navigator. | |
showNavigator — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the navigator. | |
showNewElementPopUp — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Boolean which controls the showing/hiding of New Element popup. | |
showNextPrev — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the next/previous Buttons. | |
showNextPrev — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the next/previous Buttons. | |
showNextPrev — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the next/previous Buttons. | |
showNotification(message:String, title:String, minHeight:Number, minWidth:Number) — metod, klass | |
This method displays a notification dialog. | |
showOnPrint — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Specify whether to print the watermark with the PDF document: yes: the watermark is printed with the PDF document. no: the watermark is display-only. | |
showPageSetupDialog() — metod, klass flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Visar operativsystemets dialogruta Utskriftsformat, om den aktuella miljön stöder den. | |
showPanelFullGuide() — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Return true if the panel request that the Guide is to show only panel content. | |
showPanelFullGuide() — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Returns whether or not the current panel is being shown in full screen mode. | |
showParent — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the parent needs to be displayed. | |
showParent — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the parent needs to be displayed. | |
showParent — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the parent needs to be displayed. | |
showParent — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the parent needs to be displayed. | |
showParent — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the parent needs to be displayed. | |
showParent — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean flag to determine if the parent needs to be displayed. | |
showPdf() — metod, klass ga.controls.ToolBar | |
Displays the PDF associated with the Guide. | |
showPDF( — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Displays the PDF rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | |
showPDF( — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Displays the PDF rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | |
showPDF( — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Displays the PDF rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | |
showPendingTasks — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.process.ProcessInstanceInfoModel | |
A flag that specifies whether pending tasks exist for a process instance. | |
showPercentage — Egenskap, klass mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Controls whether to display the percentage, true, or not, false. | |
showPopUp() — metod, klass | |
This function is used to show up the revert asset Pop up on the screen. | |
showProcessVariables — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.process.ProcessInstanceInfoModel | |
A flag that specifies whether process variables exist for a process instance. | |
showPromptWhenFocused — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Controls the visibility of prompt text for this component when it is empty and focused. | |
showProtectedColumn — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel | |
Boolean that controls whether the protected column is visible in flat view. | |
showRedrawRegions(on:Boolean, color:uint) — Paketfunktion, flash.profiler | |
Visar eller döljer omritningsområden. | |
showRemoteFunctions — Händelse, klass | |
The event dispatched when the Show Remote Functions button is clicked. | |
SHOW_REMOTE_FUNCTIONS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The FunctionsPanelToolBarEvent.SHOW_REMOTE_FUNCTIONS constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the agent clicks the Show Remote Functions toogle button of a Functions Panel toolbar in Expression Builder UI. | |
showRemoteFunctionsButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Show Remote Functions ToogleButtonBase. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Show Remote Functions ToogleButtonBase. | |
showRepeaterControls — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the repeater controls add/copy/remove. | |
showRepeaterControls — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the repeater controls add/copy/remove. | |
showRepeaterControls — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the repeater controls add/copy/remove. | |
showRight — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.HelpBox | |
If true, the video appears on the right of the help text, otherwise, it appears below the help text. | |
showRoot — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
A Boolean flag that specifies whether to display the data provider's root node. | |
showRoot — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
A Boolean flag that specifies whether to display the data provider's root node. | |
showRoot — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
A Boolean flag that specifies whether to display the data provider's root node. | |
showRoot — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.Menu | |
A Boolean flag that specifies whether to display the data provider's root node. | |
showRoot — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.MenuBar | |
A Boolean flag that specifies whether to display the data provider's root node. | |
showRoot — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton | |
Specifies whether to display the top-level node or nodes of the data provider. | |
showRoot — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.Tree | |
Sets the visibility of the root item. | |
showRouteButton(buttonName:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Displays a specific route button. | |
showRouteButton — Händelse, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Dispatched by an application built with Flex to show a route button. | |
SHOW_ROUTE_BUTTON — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies to show a specific route button in the Workspace user interface. | |
showSaveButton() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Displays the Save button. | |
SHOW_SAVE_BUTTON — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies to display the Save button in the Workspace user interface. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Skalläge, klass spark.components.ViewMenuItem | |
The caret state of the button representing the menu item. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass spark.components.ButtonBarButton | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, gränssnitt spark.components.IItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass spark.components.ViewMenuItem | |
Contains true if the ViewMenuItem control is in the caret state. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer's cell is indicated by the caret. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, gränssnitt spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer's cell is indicated by the caret. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
The grid control's updateDisplayList() method sets this property before calling preprare(). | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer | |
The grid control's updateDisplayList() method sets this property before calling preprare(). | |
showsCaret — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Contains true if the item renderer can show itself as focused. | |
showsCaretBorderSkin — Egenskap, klass | |
Class to use for the border in the showsCaret state. | |
showScrollTips — Egenskap, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
A flag that indicates whether a tooltip should appear near the scroll thumb when it is being dragged. | |
showSettings(panel:String) — Statisk metod , klass flash.system.Security | |
Visar panelen Säkerhetsinställningar i Flash Player. | |
showStatusBar — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Window | |
If true, the status bar is visible. | |
showStatusBar — Egenskap, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
If true, the status bar is visible. | |
showStatusBar — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Window | |
If true, the status bar is visible. | |
showStatusBar — Egenskap, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
If true, the status bar is visible. | |
showSubmitButton — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the submit button. | |
showSubmitButton — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the submit button. | |
showSubmitButton — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the submit button. | |
showSystemCursor — Egenskap, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
True if the system cursor should always be shown when the mouse moves over the component. | |
showTabBar(animate:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Shows the tab bar of the navigator | |
showTabs — Egenskap, klass | |
The tabs are displayed, if this Boolean value is set to True, . | |
showTarget — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.MaskEffect | |
Specifies that the target component is becoming visible, true, or invisible, false. | |
showTarget — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Specifies that the target component is becoming visible, false, or invisible, true. | |
showTaskDetailsView() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Displays the Task Details tab. | |
showTaskDetailsView — Händelse, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Dispatched by the Flex application to show the Task Details tab. | |
SHOW_TASK_DETAILS_VIEW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies to the Flex applicatin to display the Task Details view. | |
SHOW_TASK_FORM_VIEW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display Task Form view. | |
showTextField — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som anger om det interna textfältet för ColorPicker-komponenten visas. | |
showTextField — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Specifies whether to show the text box that displays the color label or hexadecimal color value. | |
showTitleBar — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components.IHeaderComponent | |
Show the title bar. | |
showTitleBar — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components.StandardHeader | |
Show the title bar. | |
showTitleBar — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the title bar. | |
showTitleBar — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the title bar. | |
showTitleBar — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the title bar. | |
showTitleBar — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Window | |
If true, the window's title bar is visible. | |
showTitleBar — Egenskap, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
If true, the window's title bar is visible. | |
showToday — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.DateChooser | |
If true, specifies that today is highlighted in the DateChooser control. | |
showToday — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.DateField | |
If true, specifies that today is highlighted in the DateChooser control. | |
showToolBar — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components.IHeaderComponent | |
Show the tool bar. | |
showToolBar — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components.StandardHeader | |
Show the tool bar. | |
showToolBar — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Show or hide the tool bar. | |
showToolBar — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Show or hide the tool bar. | |
showToolBar — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Show or hide the tool bar. | |
showToolTips — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.RichTextEditor | |
Specifies whether to display tooltips for the text formatting controls. | |
showTrackHighlight — Format, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Specifies whether to enable track highlighting between thumbs (or a single thumb and the beginning of the track). | |
showTruncationTip — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.TextBase | |
A property that controls whether the component should show a toolTip when the text has been truncated. | |
showWarning(message:String, title:String, minHeight:Number, minWidth:Number) — metod, klass | |
This method displays a warning dialog. | |
showWarning — Skalläge, klass | |
Show Warning State of the SaveExpression | |
showWelcomePage() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.DesktopModel | |
Shows the Welcome component. | |
showWindowsOption — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Display setting for initial view of the PDF document. | |
showWorkspace(tabName:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.DesktopModel | |
Displays the Workspace component. | |
showxGridLines — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Whether to display x-axis gridlines: yes no | |
showyGridLines — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Whether to display y-axis gridlines: yes no | |
shrinkDuration — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.DefaultListEffect | |
The duration, in milliseconds, applied to renderers for added and removed items. | |
signature — Egenskap, klass | |
The parameter data types that make up the constructor signature. | |
signature — Egenskap, klass | |
The parameter data types that make up the operation signature. | |
signatureAlgorithmOID — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger OID:et (Object Identifier) för signaturalgoritmen. | |
signatureAlgorithmParams — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger signaturalgoritmens parametrar. | |
SignatureOptions — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | |
SignatureOptions enumerator. | |
SignatureOptions — klass, paket | |
SignatureOptions Enum. | |
SignatureOptions() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.SignatureOptions | |
Provides values for the SignatureOptions property of an approval stage. | |
SignatureOptions() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for SignatureOptions class. | |
SignatureStatus — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Klassen SignatureStatus definierar konstanter som används av egenskapen validityStatus för ett XMLSignatureValidator-objekt. | |
signatureTab — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the SignatureTab object that displays details of a signature for the approval stage. A reference to the SignatureTab object that displays details of a signature for the approval stage. | |
SignatureTab — klass, paket | |
The host component for the signature tab of an approval stage. | |
SignatureTab() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for SignatureTab class. | |
signatureType — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.ApprovalStage | |
Specifies signatures that are part of the approval workflow. | |
signatureType — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Type of signature required for an approval stage. | |
signatureType — Egenskap, klass | |
Type of signature required for an approval stage. | |
signatureType — Egenskap, klass | |
Type of digital signature required for an approval stage. | |
signerCN — Egenskap, klass | |
Fältet för signeringscertifikatets allmänna namn. | |
signerDN — Egenskap, klass | |
Fältet för signeringscertifikatets unika namn. | |
signerExtendedKeyUsages — Egenskap, klass | |
En array som innehåller de OID för utökad nyckelanvändning som anges i signeringscertifikatet. | |
signerTrustSettings — Egenskap, klass | |
En array som innehåller signeringscertifikatets förtroendeinställningar. | |
SignerTrustSettings — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Klassen SignerTrustSettings definierar konstanter som används med egenskapen SignerTrustSettings för ett XMLSignatureValidator-objekt. | |
signing — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Permissions for allowing electronic signatures to the PDF document. | |
SIGNING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Certifikatet är tillförlitligt för signering i allmänhet. | |
silenceLevel — Egenskap, klass | |
Hur mycket ljud som ska behövas för att mikrofonen ska aktiveras och skicka aktivitetshändelsen. | |
silenceTimeout — Egenskap, klass | |
Antalet millisekunder mellan den tidpunkt mikrofonen slutar identifiera ljud och den tidpunkt aktivitetshändelsen skickas. | |
silent — Egenskap, klass flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties | |
Om det är true utesluts visningsobjektet från den hjälpmedelsanpassade presentationen. | |
SimpleButton — klass, paket flash.display | |
Med klassen SimpleButton kan du styra alla instanser av knappsymboler i en SWF-fil. | |
SimpleButton(upState:flash.display:DisplayObject, overState:flash.display:DisplayObject, downState:flash.display:DisplayObject, hitTestState:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Konstruktor, klass flash.display.SimpleButton | |
Skapar en ny SimpleButton-instans. | |
SimpleCollectionItem — Dynamisk klass, paket | |
Klassen SimpleCollectionItem definierar ett enstaka objekt i en inspectable-egenskap som representerar en DataProvider. | |
SimpleCollectionItem() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt SimpleCollectionItem-objekt. | |
SimpleCyclicDependencyError — klass, paket | |
Error thrown whenever a simple cyclic dependency is detected in a single expression (e.g. | |
SimpleCyclicDependencyError(, message:any, id:any) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Creates a new SimpleCyclicDependencyError instance. | |
SimpleEase — klass, paket fl.motion | |
Klassen SimpleEase gör att du kan styra en animering med samma sorts procentuella övergång som används i Flash-tidslinjen. | |
SimpleEase(xml:XML) — Konstruktor, klass fl.motion.SimpleEase | |
Konstruktor för SimpleEase-instanser. | |
simpleFormatting — Egenskap, klass | |
Begränsar formateringsinstruktionerna från Timed Text-filen när den inställd på true. | |
SimpleFunctionMapper — klass, paket | |
The default FunctionMapper implementation. | |
SimpleFunctionMapper(initFromServer:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Creates a new SimpleFunctionMapper instance. | |
SimpleMotionPath — klass, paket spark.effects.animation | |
The SimpleMotionPath class specifies the name of a property, and the values that that property takes over time, for instances of the Animate effect. | |
SimpleMotionPath(property:String, valueFrom:Object, valueTo:Object, valueBy:Object) — Konstruktor, klass spark.effects.animation.SimpleMotionPath | |
Constructor. | |
SimpleStatement — klass, paket | |
This class represents the Simple Search Statement. | |
SimpleStatement(attributeName:String, operator:String, attributeValue:any) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SimpleVariableResolver — klass, paket | |
A simple VariableResolver implementation backed by a Dictionary. | |
SimpleXMLDecoder — klass, paket mx.rpc.xml | |
The SimpleXMLDecoder class deserialize XML into a graph of ActionScript objects. | |
SimpleXMLEncoder — klass, paket mx.rpc.xml | |
The SimpleXMLEncoder class takes ActionScript Objects and encodes them to XML using default serialization. | |
SimpleXMLEncoder(myXML:flash.xml:XMLDocument) — Konstruktor, klass mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLEncoder | |
Constructor. | |
sin(angleRadians:Number) — Statisk metod , klass Math | |
Beräknar och returnerar sinus för den angivna vinkeln i radianer. | |
sinceTimestamp — Egenskap, klass | |
The timestamp for which we are describing changed items, i.e. | |
Sine — klass, paket fl.motion.easing | |
I klassen Sine definieras tre easing-funktioner som används för att implementera rörelse med ActionScript-animering. | |
Sine — klass, paket mx.effects.easing | |
The Sine class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by a sine wave. | |
Sine — klass, paket spark.effects.easing | |
The Sine class defines easing functionality using a Sine function. | |
Sine(easeInFraction:Number) — Konstruktor, klass spark.effects.easing.Sine | |
Constructor. | |
SINGLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.rpc.mxml.Concurrency | |
Making only one request at a time is allowed on the method; additional requests made while a request is outstanding are immediately faulted on the client and are not sent to the server. | |
SINGLE_CELL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Constant definition for the selectionMode property to allow the selection of a single cell. | |
SINGLE_CELL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridSelectionMode | |
Specifies that one cell can be selected. | |
SingleCheckBoxDataCaptureRenderer — klass, paket | |
Renderer for capturing Boolean Input from the user. | |
SingleCheckBoxDataCaptureRenderer() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SingleCheckBoxSearchRenderer — klass, paket | |
Check box renderer for Search control in Advanced Search Pod | |
SingleCheckBoxSearchRenderer() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor | |
SingleGroupLayoutHost — klass, paket com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | |
This layout host component has one skin part which corresponds to single group of itemFactories. | |
SINGLE_ROW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Constant definition for the selectionMode property to allow the selection of a single row. | |
SINGLE_ROW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridSelectionMode | |
Specifies that one row can be selected. | |
singleSignOn() — metod, gränssnitt | |
Tries to validate whether the user has an already existing session or not (SSO Scenarios). | |
singleSignOn() — metod, gränssnitt | |
Determines whether an authenticated session to the Document Server already exists or can be established without additional information, such as in single sign-on (SSO). | |
singleSignOn() — metod, klass | |
Determines whether an authenticated session to the Document Server already exists or can be established without additional information, such as in single sign-on (SSO). | |
SINGLE_STEP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.ik.IKEvent | |
Definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett singleStep-händelseobjekt. | |
size — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachment | |
The size of the attachment or note. | |
size — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.gravity.tracker.ServiceTracker | |
The number of services that currently match the tracking criteria. | |
size — Egenskap, klass flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Rectangle-objektets storlek, uttryckt som ett Point-objekt med värdena för egenskaperna width och height. | |
size — Egenskap, klass | |
Filens storlek på den lokala disken, i byte. | |
size — Egenskap, klass | |
Det delade objektets aktuella storlek i byte. | |
size — Konstantegenskap, klass flash.sampler.DeleteObjectSample | |
Storleken på DeleteObjectSample-objektet innan det tas bort. | |
size — Egenskap, klass flash.sampler.NewObjectSample | |
NewObjectSample-objektstorleken. | |
size — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextFormat | |
Pixelstorleken för text i det här textformatet. | |
size — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo | |
The size of the attachment or note. | |
size — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates the increase in collection size. | |
size — Egenskap, klass | |
The size of the fragment (in bytes) | |
SIZE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.core.InvalidationType | |
Konstanten InvalidationType.SIZE definierar det värde för händelseobjektets type-egenskap som skickas för att ange att komponentens skärmmått är ogiltiga. | |
SIZE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Bit to indicate the request handler should invalidate their size. | |
sizeColumn — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
The DataGridColumn representing the Size column. | |
sizeDisplayMode — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
A String specifying whether the Size column displays file sizes in bytes or rounded up to the nearest kilobyte, where a kilobyte is 1024 bytes. | |
SizeDocumentView( — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Shows the PDF. | |
SizeDocumentView( — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Shows the PDF. | |
sizeLoadedRangeArea(loadedRangeAreaSize:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.mediaClasses.ScrubBar | |
Sets the size of the loaded range area. | |
sizeof(collection:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.CollectionFunc | |
Returns the size of a collection. | |
SIZE_PENDING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElementStatus | |
Bildelement med bredd/höjd som har värdet auto eller procent har lästs in, men inte disponerats om. | |
sizePlayedArea(playedAreaSize:Number) — metod, klass spark.components.mediaClasses.ScrubBar | |
Sets the size of the played area. | |
sizeState — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
The size state of this panel in the Guide layout. | |
sizeState — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.model.ILayoutHost | |
The size state of this panel in the Guide layout. | |
sizeState — Egenskap, klass ga.model.LayoutTemplate | |
The size state of this panel in the Guide layout. | |
sizeToPage — Egenskap, klass mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid | |
If true, the PrintAdvancedDataGrid readjusts its height to display only completely viewable rows. | |
sizeToPage — Egenskap, klass mx.printing.PrintDataGrid | |
If true, the PrintDataGrid readjusts its height to display only completely viewable rows. | |
sizeToPage — Egenskap, klass mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid | |
If true, the PrintOLAPDataGrid readjusts its height to display only completely viewable rows. | |
sizeX — Egenskap, klass | |
Kontaktområdets bredd. | |
sizeY — Egenskap, klass | |
Kontaktområdets höjd. | |
skewX — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Visar vågrät skevningsvinkel för målobjektet i grader utifrån dess omformningspunkt. | |
skewX — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.Source | |
Anger det ursprungliga objektets skewX-värde. | |
SKEW_X — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.motion.Tweenables | |
Konstant för egenskapen skewX. | |
skewY — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Visar lodrät skevningsvinkel för målobjektet i grader utifrån dess omformningspunkt. | |
skewY — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.Source | |
Anger det ursprungliga objektets skewY-värde. | |
SKEW_Y — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.motion.Tweenables | |
Konstant för egenskapen skewY. | |
skin — Egenskap, klass | |
En sträng som anger URL:en till en skal-SWF-fil. | |
skin — Format, klass fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
Det skal som ska användas som bakgrund för rullningsrutan. | |
skin — Format, klass fl.controls.TileList | |
Det skal som ska användas som bakgrund för TileList-komponenten. | |
skin — Format, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Den klass som innehåller skalet för komponentens bakgrund. | |
skin — Format, klass mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the default skin for the background and border. | |
skin — Format, klass mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Name of the class to use as the default skin for the background and border. | |
skin — Format, klass mx.controls.DateField | |
Name of the class to use as the default skin for the background and border. | |
skin — Format, klass mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Default stateful skin class for the control. | |
skin — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
The instance of the skin class for this component instance. | |
Skin — klass, paket spark.components.supportClasses | |
The Skin class defines the base class for all skins used by skinnable components. | |
Skin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.supportClasses.Skin | |
Constructor. | |
skinAutoHide — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett booleskt värde som, om det är true, döljer komponentskalet när muspekaren inte är placerad på videon. | |
skinBackgroundAlpha — Egenskap, klass | |
Skalets bakgrundsalfa. | |
skinBackgroundColor — Egenskap, klass | |
Skalets bakgrundsfärg (0xRRGGBB). | |
skinClass — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.component.AttachmentListComponent | |
The skin class for the AttachmentListComponent UX component. | |
skinClass — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.component.DocumentSubmitComponent | |
The efault skin class for the component. | |
skinClass — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Name of the skin class to use for this component. | |
skinClass — Egenskap, klass | |
The skin class that should be applied to button bar buttons created by this factory. | |
skinError — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ett fel inträffar vid inläsning av en skal-SWF-fil. | |
SKIN_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett skinError-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
SkinErrorEvent — klass, paket | |
Flash® Player skickar ett SkinErrorEvent-objekt om det uppstår ett fel när skalet läses in. | |
SkinErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, text:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett Event-objekt som innehåller information om skinError-händelser. | |
skinFactory — Format, klass | |
The style defining the skin factory to be used for this host component. | |
skinFactory — Format, klass | |
The style defining the skin factory to be used for this host component. | |
SkinFactory — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
SkinFactory — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
skinFadeTime — Egenskap, klass | |
Tiden i millisekunder som det tar för skalet att tona in eller ut när det döljs eller visas. | |
skinLoaded — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när en skal-SWF-fil läses in. | |
SKIN_LOADED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett skinLoaded-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
SkinnableComponent — klass, paket spark.components.supportClasses | |
The SkinnableComponent class defines the base class for skinnable components. | |
SkinnableComponent() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Constructor. | |
SkinnableContainer — klass, paket spark.components | |
The SkinnableContainer class is the base class for skinnable containers that have visual content. | |
SkinnableContainer() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Constructor. | |
SkinnableContainerBase — klass, paket spark.components.supportClasses | |
Base class for skinnable container components. | |
SkinnableContainerBase() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableContainerBase | |
Constructor. | |
SkinnableContainerSkin — klass, paket | |
ActionScript-based skin for SkinnableContainer in mobile applications. | |
SkinnableContainerSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for a Spark SkinnableContainer container. | |
SkinnableContainerSkin() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SkinnableContainerSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.SkinnableContainerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SkinnableDataContainer — klass, paket spark.components | |
The SkinnableDataContainer class is the base container class for data items. | |
SkinnableDataContainer() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
Constructor. | |
SkinnableDataContainerSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark SkinnableDataContainer container. | |
SkinnableDataContainerSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.SkinnableDataContainerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SkinnablePopUpContainer — klass, paket spark.components | |
The SkinnablePopUpContainer class is a SkinnableContainer that functions as a pop-up. | |
SkinnablePopUpContainer() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
Constructor. | |
SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for a Spark SkinnablePopUpContainer container. | |
SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SkinnableTextBase — klass, paket spark.components.supportClasses | |
The base class for skinnable components, such as the Spark TextInput and TextArea, that include an instance of IEditableText in their skin to provide text display, scrolling, selection, and editing. | |
SkinnableTextBase() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Constructor. | |
skinScaleMaximum — Egenskap, klass | |
Den här egenskapen anger den största faktorn som FLVPlayback använder för att skala upp skalet när den går till helskärmsläge med en Flash Player som stöder maskinvaruacceleration. | |
SKIP_BACKWARD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för knappen för att aktivera Gå bakåt snabbt (oftast 7–10 sekunder). | |
skipBulletsToggleBtn — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the skip Bullets toggle button. A skin part that defines the skip Bullets toggle button. | |
SKIP_FORWARD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för knappen för att aktivera Gå framåt snabbt (oftast 30 sekunder). | |
skipListStyle — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListAssignmentModel | |
If true, the numbering style is not applied to the item. | |
skipListStyleBtn — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines skip list style checkbox A skin part that defines skip list style checkbox | |
skipListStyleBtn — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part which defines the skip list style input. A skin part which defines the skip list style input. | |
skipStyle — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance | |
Skip Style of the module. | |
skipStyle — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance | |
Skip Style of the module. | |
skipStyle — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.LDMAssignment | |
True if the item is to be skipped from being numbered/bulleted, false otherwise. | |
SLASH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för tangenten / (191). | |
slice(startIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass Array | |
Returnerar en ny array som består av ett intervall med element från originalarrayen, utan att originalarrayen modifieras. | |
slice(startIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) — metod, klass String | |
Returnerar en sträng som omfattar startIndex-tecknet och alla tecken fram till, men inte inklusive, endIndex-tecknet. | |
slice(startIndex:int, endIndex:int) — metod, klass Vector | |
Returnerar en ny Vector som består av ett elementintervall från ursprungs-Vector, utan att den senare ändras. | |
SLICER_AXIS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
A constant that corresponds to the slicer axis. | |
SLICER_AXIS — Statisk egenskap, klass mx.olap.OLAPQuery | |
Specifies a slicer axis. | |
SLICER_AXIS — Statisk egenskap, klass mx.olap.OLAPResult | |
Specifies a slicer axis. | |
slideButton — Skaldel, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
slideDuration — Format, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Duration in milliseconds for the sliding animation when you click on the track to move a thumb. | |
slideDuration — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.TrackBase | |
Duration in milliseconds for a sliding animation when you click on the track to move a thumb. | |
slideDuration — Format, klass spark.components.ToggleSwitch | |
The duration, in milleseconds, for an animation of the thumb as it slides between the selected and unselected sides of the track. | |
slideEasingFunction — Format, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Tweening function used by the sliding animation when you click on the track to move a thumb. | |
Slider — klass, paket fl.controls | |
Med Slider-komponenten kan användaren välja ett värde genom att flytta reglaget mellan slutpunkterna. | |
Slider — klass, paket mx.controls.sliderClasses | |
The Slider class is the base class for the Flex slider controls. | |
Slider() — Konstruktor, klass fl.controls.Slider | |
Skapar en ny instans av komponenten Slider. | |
Slider() — Konstruktor, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Constructor. | |
SliderAccImpl — klass, paket mx.accessibility | |
SliderAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Slider class. | |
SliderAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Konstruktor, klass mx.accessibility.SliderAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SliderAutomationImpl — klass, paket mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Slider class, which is the parent of the HSlider and VSlider classes. | |
SliderAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.sliderClasses:Slider) — Konstruktor, klass mx.automation.delegates.controls.SliderAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SliderBase — klass, paket spark.components.supportClasses | |
The SliderBase class lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. | |
SliderBase() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
Constructor. | |
SliderBaseAccImpl — klass, paket spark.accessibility | |
SliderBaseAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase. | |
SliderBaseAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Konstruktor, klass spark.accessibility.SliderBaseAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SliderDataTip — klass, paket mx.controls.sliderClasses | |
The SliderDataTip class defines the tooltip used in the mx.controls.Slider control. | |
SliderDataTip() — Konstruktor, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.SliderDataTip | |
Constructor. | |
sliderDataTipClass — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
A reference to the class to use for the data tip. | |
SliderDirection — klass, paket fl.controls | |
Slider-komponentens orientering. | |
SliderDirection — slutgiltig klass, paket mx.controls.sliderClasses | |
The SliderDirection class defines the constant values for the direction property of the Slider class. | |
SliderEvent — klass, paket | |
Klassen SliderEvent definierar händelser som är associerade med Slider-komponenten. | |
SliderEvent — klass, paket | |
The SliderEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the change, thumbDrag, thumbPress, and thumbRelease events of the HSlider and VSlider classes. | |
SliderEvent(type:String, value:Number, clickTarget:String, triggerEvent:String, keyCode:int) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt SliderEvent-objekt med de angivna parametrarna. | |
SliderEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, thumbIndex:int, value:Number,, clickTarget:String, keyCode:int) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SliderEventClickTarget — klass, paket | |
Klassen SliderEventClickTarget definierar konstanter för värdena för egenskapen clickTarget i klassen SliderEvent. | |
SliderEventClickTarget — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
The SliderEventClickTarget class defines the constants for the values of the clickTarget property of the SliderEvent class. | |
SliderHighlightSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the highlighted state of the track of a Slider. | |
SliderHighlightSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.SliderHighlightSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SliderLabel — klass, paket mx.controls.sliderClasses | |
The SliderLabel class defines the label used in the mx.controls.Slider component. | |
SliderLabel() — Konstruktor, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.SliderLabel | |
Constructor. | |
SliderThumb — klass, paket mx.controls.sliderClasses | |
The SliderThumb class represents a thumb of a Slider control. | |
SliderThumb() — Konstruktor, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.SliderThumb | |
Constructor. | |
sliderThumbClass — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
A reference to the class to use for each thumb. | |
SliderThumbSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of a thumb in a Slider. | |
SliderThumbSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the thumb of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderThumbSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderThumbSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.SliderThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SliderThumbSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.SliderThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SliderThumbSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.SliderThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
sliderTrackDisabledSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.Slider | |
Skalet för banan i en Slider-komponent som är inaktiverad. | |
SliderTrackHighlightSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the track highlight of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackHighlightSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the track highlight of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackHighlightSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.SliderTrackHighlightSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SliderTrackHighlightSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.SliderTrackHighlightSkin | |
Constructor. | |
sliderTrackSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.Slider | |
Skalet för banan i en Slider-komponent. | |
SliderTrackSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the track in a Slider. | |
SliderTrackSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the track of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.SliderTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SliderTrackSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.SliderTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SliderTrackSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.SliderTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SlideViewTransition — klass, paket spark.transitions | |
The SlideViewTransition class performs a simple slide transition for views. | |
SlideViewTransition() — Konstruktor, klass spark.transitions.SlideViewTransition | |
Constructor. | |
SlideViewTransitionMode — klass, paket spark.transitions | |
The SlideViewTransitionMode class provides the constants used to specify the type of a slide transition. | |
slotIndex — Egenskap, klass ga.model.PanelItem | |
The index of the array of components to be slotted into the panel layout. | |
SMALL_CAPS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.engine.TypographicCase | |
Anger att versaler använder gemena glyfer i utdata. | |
smallThumbnail — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Small thumbnail image of a document under review. | |
smallThumbnail — Egenskap, klass | |
Small thumbnail image of a document under review. | |
SmartColumnLayout — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | |
The SmartColumnLayout place's its target Group's children into a fixed set of columns determined by numColumns which defaults to 3. | |
SmartColumnLayout() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartColumnLayout | |
Constructor | |
SmartGridLayout — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | |
The SmartGridLayout places its target Group's children into a grid pattern, but with a twist. | |
SmartGridLayout() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartGridLayout | |
Constructor | |
SmartRowLayout — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | |
The SmartRowLayout place's its target Group's children into a fixed set of rows determined by numRows which defaults to 3. | |
SmartRowLayout() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartRowLayout | |
Constructor | |
smooth — Egenskap, klass flash.display.GraphicsBitmapFill | |
Anger om en utjämningsalgoritm ska användas i bitmappsbilden. | |
smooth — Egenskap, klass | |
A flag indicating whether to smooth the bitmap data when filling with it. | |
smooth — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Image | |
Anger om en utjämningsalgoritm ska användas i bitmappsbilden. | |
smooth — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Anger om en utjämningsalgoritm ska användas i bitmappsbilden. | |
smoothBitmapContent — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
A flag that indicates whether to smooth the content when it is scaled. | |
smoothing — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Bitmap | |
Avgör om bitmappsbilden ska utjämnas när den skalas. | |
smoothing — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger om videon ska utjämnas (interpoleras) när den skalas. | |
smoothing — Egenskap, klass org.osmf.elements.ImageElement | |
Specifies whether the image should be smoothed when it is scaled. | |
smoothing — Egenskap, klass org.osmf.elements.LightweightVideoElement | |
Specifies whether the video should be smoothed (interpolated) when it is scaled. | |
smoothingQuality — Format, klass spark.components.Image | |
Style equivalent to BitmapImage's smoothingQuality property. | |
smoothingQuality — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Determines how the image is down-scaled. | |
smoothScrolling — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
This style determines whether the scrollbar will animate smoothly when paging and stepping. | |
snapInterval — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.Slider | |
Hämtar eller ställer in värdeökningen eller värdeminskningen när användaren flyttar på skjutreglaget. | |
snapInterval — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Specifies the increment value of the slider thumb as the user moves the thumb. | |
snapInterval — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.Range | |
The snapInterval property controls the valid values of the value property. | |
snapInterval — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
The snapInterval property controls the valid values of the value property. | |
snapToPixel — Egenskap, klass org.osmf.layout.LayoutMetadata | |
When set to true, the target's calculated position and size will be rounded. | |
SOAP_ACTION_HEADER — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.messages.SOAPMessage | |
The HTTP header that stores the SOAP action for the SOAPMessage. | |
SOAPFault — klass, paket mx.rpc.soap | |
A subclass of mx.rpc.Fault that provides SOAP specific information from a SOAP envelope Fault element. | |
SOAPFault(faultCode:QName, faultString:String, detail:String, element:XML, faultactor:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.rpc.soap.SOAPFault | |
Constructs a new SOAPFault. | |
SOAPHeader — klass, paket mx.rpc.soap | |
You use a SOAPHeader to specify the headers that need to be added to a SOAP envelope of a WebService Operation request. | |
SOAPHeader(qname:QName, content:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.rpc.soap.SOAPHeader | |
Constructs a new SOAPHeader. | |
SOAPMessage — klass, paket mx.messaging.messages | |
SOAPMessages are similar to HTTPRequestMessages. | |
SOAPMessage() — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.messages.SOAPMessage | |
Constructs an uninitialized SOAPMessage. | |
SOAPResult — klass, paket mx.rpc.soap | |
A context for the result of a SOAP based Remote Procedure Call. | |
SOAPResult() — Konstruktor, klass mx.rpc.soap.SOAPResult | |
Creates a new SOAPResult. | |
SocialSecurityValidator — klass, paket mx.validators | |
The SocialSecurityValidator class validates that a String is a valid United States Social Security number. | |
SocialSecurityValidator() — Konstruktor, klass mx.validators.SocialSecurityValidator | |
Constructor. | |
socket — Egenskap, klass | |
Socketen för den nya anslutningen. | |
Socket — klass, paket | |
Med klassen Socket kan koden skapa TCP-socketanslutningar (Transport Control Protocol) för att skicka och ta emot binära data. | |
Socket(host:String, port:int) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt Socket-objekt. | |
socketData — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när en socket har tagit emot data. | |
socketData — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när en socket har tagit emot data. | |
SOCKET_DATA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett socketData-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
SocketMonitor — klass, paket | |
Ett SocketMonitor-objekt övervakar tillgängligheten för en TCP-slutpunkt. | |
SocketMonitor(host:String, port:int) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett SocketMonitor-objekt för en specificerad TCP-slutpunkt. | |
softKeyboard — Egenskap, klass flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Kontrollerar utseendet på skärmtangentbordet. | |
softKeyboardActivate — Händelse, klass flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Skickas omedelbart efter att skärmtangentbordet tas fram (visas). | |
softKeyboardActivate — Händelse, klass flash.text.StageText | |
Skickas sedan skärmtangentbordet har aktiverats på grund av att objektet StageText kommer i fokus. | |
softKeyboardActivate — Händelse, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Dispatched when a soft keyboard is displayed. | |
SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE definierar värdet för type-egenskapen för SoftKeyboardEvent-objektet när ett skärmtangentbord visas. | |
softKeyboardActivating — Händelse, klass flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Skickas omedelbart innan skärmtangentbordet tas fram (visas). | |
softKeyboardActivating — Händelse, klass flash.text.StageText | |
Skickas innan skärmtangentbordet aktiveras på grund av att objektet StageText kommer i fokus. | |
softKeyboardActivating — Händelse, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Dispatched immediately before a soft keyboard is displayed. | |
SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING definierar värdet för type-egenskapen för SoftKeyboardEvent-objektet omedelbart innan ett skärmtangentbord visas. | |
softKeyboardActivatingHandler( — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Bearbetar SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING-händelsen när klienten hanterar händelser. | |
softKeyboardActivatingHandler( — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Bearbetar SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING-händelsen när klienten hanterar händelser. | |
softKeyboardActivatingHandler( — metod, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.edit.IInteractionEventHandler | |
Bearbetar en softKeyboardActivating-händelse. | |
softKeyboardActivatingHandler( — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
Bearbetar en softKeyboardActivating-händelse. | |
softKeyboardDeactivate — Händelse, klass flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Skickas omedelbart efter att skärmtangentbordet döljs. | |
softKeyboardDeactivate — Händelse, klass flash.text.StageText | |
Skickas sedan skärmtangentbordet har inaktiverats på grund av att objektet StageText har förlorat fokus. | |
softKeyboardDeactivate — Händelse, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Dispatched when a soft keyboard is lowered or hidden. | |
SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE definierar värdet för type-egenskapen för SoftKeyboardEvent-objektet när ett skärmtangentbord döljs. | |
softKeyboardEffectDuration — Format, klass spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
Duration of the soft keyboard move and resize effect in milliseconds. | |
SoftKeyboardEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett SoftKeyboardEvent-objekt skickas när ett programvarustyrt tangentbord (skärmtangentbord) aktiveras eller inaktiveras på en enhet eller ett operativsystem. | |
SoftKeyboardEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, relatedObjectVal:flash.display:InteractiveObject, triggerTypeVal:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett händelseobjekt som innehåller information om aktiverings- och inaktiveringshändelser för skärmtangentbord. | |
softKeyboardInputAreaOfInterest — Egenskap, klass flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Definierar det område som ska behållas på skärmen när skärmtangentbordet visas (ej tillgängligt på iOS). | |
softKeyboardRect — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
En rektangel som anger den del av scenen som för tillfället upptas av ett skärmtangentbord. | |
SoftKeyboardTrigger — klass, paket | |
Klassen SoftKeyboardTrigger tillhandahåller uppräkningsvärden för egenskapen triggerType i klassen SoftKeyboardEvent. | |
softKeyboardType — Egenskap, klass flash.text.StageText | |
Kontrollerar utseendet på skärmtangentbordet. | |
softKeyboardType — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Hint indicating what kind of soft keyboard should be displayed for this component. | |
softKeyboardType — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Hint indicating what kind of soft keyboard should be displayed for this component. | |
SoftKeyboardType — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.text | |
Den SoftKeyboardType-klass som definierar skärmtangentbord för mobilprogram. | |
SoftLightShader — klass, paket | |
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Soft Light' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
SoftLightShader() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SOFTWARE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DRenderMode | |
Använd 3D-återgivning med program. | |
SOFTWARE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Anger videoavkodning med programvara. | |
SOLID — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DFillMode | |
Fyllningsläget är det heltäckande läget. | |
SolidColor — klass, paket | |
Defines a representation for a color, including a color and an alpha value. | |
SolidColor(color:uint, alpha:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SolidColorStroke — klass, paket | |
The SolidColorStroke class defines the properties for a line. | |
SolidColorStroke(color:uint, weight:Number, alpha:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
some(callback:Function, thisObject:any) — metod, klass Array | |
Kör en testfunktion för varje objekt i arrayen tills ett objekt som returnerar true påträffas. | |
some(callback:Function, thisObject:Object) — metod, klass Vector | |
Kör en testfunktion för varje objekt i Vector tills ett objekt som returnerar true påträffas. | |
songName — Egenskap, klass | |
Namnet på låten. Motsvarar ID3 2.0-taggen TIT2. | |
SORENSON — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstantvärden anger att Sorenson Spark-kodeken används för videokomprimering. | |
sort(... rest) — metod, klass Array | |
Sorterar elementen i en array. | |
sort(sortBehavior:any) — metod, klass Vector | |
Sorterar elementen i Vector-objektet och returnerar ett sorterat Vector-objekt. | |
sort — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
Attribute(s) by which to sort query results. | |
sort(... rest) — metod, klass | |
Sorterar objekten som DataProvider innehåller och skickar en DataChangeType.SORT-händelse. | |
sort — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.collections.ICollectionView | |
The ISort that will be applied to the ICollectionView. | |
sort(items:Array) — metod, gränssnitt mx.collections.ISort | |
Apply the current sort to the specified array (not a copy). | |
sort — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
The ISort that will be applied to the ICollectionView. | |
sort(items:Array) — metod, klass mx.collections.Sort | |
Apply the current sort to the specified array (not a copy). | |
sort — Händelse, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Dispatched when sorting is to be performed on the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
sort(items:Array) — metod, klass spark.collections.Sort | |
Apply the current sort to the specified array (not a copy). | |
Sort — klass, paket mx.collections | |
Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on an existing view (ICollectionView interface or class that implements the interface). | |
Sort — klass, paket spark.collections | |
Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on an existing view (ICollectionView interface or class that implements the interface). | |
Sort() — Konstruktor, klass mx.collections.Sort | |
Constructor. | |
Sort() — Konstruktor, klass spark.collections.Sort | |
Constructor. | |
SORT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
DataProvider sorterades. | |
SORT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.SORT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a sort event. | |
sortable — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Anger om användaren kan klicka på kolumnrubriken för den aktuella kolumnen för att sortera DataProvider. | |
sortable — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Set to true to indicate that the user can click on the header of this column to sort the data provider. | |
sortable — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
A flag that indicates whether the user can click on the header of this column to sort the data provider. | |
sortable — Egenskap, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
If true, and if the grid's data provider is an ICollectionView, and if the associated grid's sortableColumns property is true, then this column supports interactive sorting. | |
sortableColumns — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Anger om användaren kan sortera objekten i DataProvider genom att klicka på en kolumnrubrikcell. | |
sortableColumns — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
A flag that indicates whether the user can sort the data provider items by clicking on a column header cell. | |
sortableColumns — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.DataGrid | |
A flag that indicates whether the user can sort the data provider items by clicking on a column header cell. | |
sortableColumns — Egenskap, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
Specifies whether the user can interactively sort columns. | |
sortArrowSkin — Format, klass mx.controls.DataGrid | |
The class to use as the skin for the arrow that indicates the column sort direction. | |
sortByColumns(columnIndices:Vector$int, isInteractive:Boolean) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
Sort the DataGrid by one or more columns, and refresh the display. | |
sortChange — Händelse, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched after the sort has been applied to the data provider's collection. | |
SORT_CHANGE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The GridSortEvent.SORT_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a sortChange event, which indicates that a sort filter has just been applied to the grid's dataProvider collection. | |
sortChanging — Händelse, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched before the sort has been applied to the data provider's collection. | |
SORT_CHANGING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The GridSortEvent.SORT_CHANGING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a sortChanging event, which indicates that a sort filter is about to be applied to the grid's dataProvider collection. | |
sortCompareFunction — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
En callback-funktion anropas när data sorteras i kolumnen. | |
sortCompareFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
A callback function that gets called when sorting the data in the column. | |
sortCompareFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
A callback function that gets called when sorting the data in the column. | |
sortCompareFunction — Egenskap, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
The function that compares two elements during a sort of on the data elements of this column. | |
sortControl — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
nocase: case-insensitive sort asc: ascending (a to z) case-sensitive sort. desc: descending (z to a) case-sensitive sort. | |
sortDescending — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Hämtar den ordning i vilken en kolumn sorteras när användaren klickar på dess rubrik. | |
sortDescending — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Identifierar om DataGridColumn ska sorteras i stigande eller fallande ordning. | |
sortDescending — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Indicates whether the column sort is in ascending order, false, or descending order, true. | |
sortDescending — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Indicates whether the column sort is in ascending order, false, or descending order, true. | |
sortDescending — Egenskap, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
If true, this column is sorted in descending order. | |
sortDirection — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.domain.TaskList | |
The sort order of the task list. | |
SortError — klass, paket mx.collections.errors | |
This error is thrown when a Sort class is not configured properly; for example, if the find criteria are invalid. | |
SortError(message:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.collections.errors.SortError | |
Constructor. | |
sortExpertMode — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
By default, the sortExpertMode property is set to false, which means you click in the header area of a column to sort the rows of the AdvancedDataGrid control by that column. | |
sortField — Egenskap, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
Returns a SortField that can be used to sort a collection by this column's dataField. | |
SortField — Gränssnitt, paket | |
This interface specifies a fields to be used for sorting criteria for the query. | |
SortField — klass, paket mx.collections | |
Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on a field or property in a collection view. | |
SortField — klass, paket spark.collections | |
Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on a field or property in a collection view. | |
SortField(name:String, caseInsensitive:Boolean, descending:Boolean, numeric:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.collections.SortField | |
Constructor. | |
SortField(name:String, descending:Boolean, numeric:Object) — Konstruktor, klass spark.collections.SortField | |
Constructor. | |
SortFieldImpl — klass, paket | |
This class specifies a fields to be used for sorting criteria for the query. | |
SortFieldImpl() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
sortFieldName — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
returns the field name on which sorting needs to be done. | |
sortFieldName — Egenskap, klass | |
returns the field name on which sorting needs to be done. | |
sortFields — Egenskap, klass | |
SortFields to be used while sorting | |
sortFontFamily — Format, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The font family used by the AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer class to render the sort icon in the column header. | |
sortFontSize — Format, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The font size used by the AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer class to render the sort icon in the column header. | |
sortFontStyle — Format, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The font style used by the AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer class to render the sort icon in the column header. | |
sortFontWeight — Format, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The font weight used by the AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer class to render the sort icon in the column header. | |
sortIndex — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Hämtar indexvärdet för den kolumn som ska sorteras. | |
sortIndicator — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer | |
A visual element that's displayed when the column is sorted. | |
sortIndicator — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer | |
An IVisualElement that's displayed when the column is sorted. | |
sortIndicator — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components.AXMEnterpriseGridHeaderRenderer | |
A visual element that's displayed when the column is sorted. | |
sortIndicatorGroup — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer | |
Defines the size and location of the sortIndicator visual element. | |
sortIndicatorGroup — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer | |
Container for sortIndicator:IVisualElement. | |
sortIndicatorGroup — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components.AXMEnterpriseGridHeaderRenderer | |
Defines the size and location of the sortIndicator visual element. | |
SortInfo — klass, paket mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses | |
The SortInfo class defines information about the sorting of a column of the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
SortInfo(sequenceNumber:int, descending:Boolean, status:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.SortInfo | |
Constructor. | |
SORTING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.globalization.CollatorMode | |
Initierar ett Collator-objekt så att jämförelsemetoden optimeras för att sortera en lista med textsträngar som ska visas för en slutanvändare. | |
SortingCollator — klass, paket spark.globalization | |
The SortingCollator class provides locale-sensitve string comparison capabilities with inital settings suitable for linguistic sorting purposes such as sorting a list of text strings that are displayed to an end-user. | |
SortingCollator() — Konstruktor, klass spark.globalization.SortingCollator | |
Constructs a new SortingCollator object to provide string comparisons according to the conventions of a specified locale. | |
sortItemRenderer — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
The sort item renderer to be used to display the sort icon in the column header. | |
sortItemRenderer — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer | |
Specifies a custom sort item renderer. | |
sortItems(... rest) — metod, klass fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Sorterar elementen i aktuell DataProvider. | |
sortItems(... rest) — metod, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Sorterar elementen i aktuell DataProvider. | |
sortItemsOn(field:String, options:Object) — metod, klass fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Sorterar elementen i aktuell DataProvider efter en eller flera fält. | |
sortItemsOn(field:String, options:Object) — metod, klass fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Sorterar elementen i aktuell DataProvider efter en eller flera fält. | |
sortOn(fieldName:Object, options:Object) — metod, klass Array | |
Sorterar elementen i en array efter ett eller flera fält i arrayen. | |
sortOn(fieldName:Object, options:Object) — metod, klass | |
Sorterar objekten som DataProvider innehåller enligt de angivna fälten och skickar en DataChangeType.SORT-händelse. | |
sortOnServer — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.SearchResultsGrid | |
sortOnXField — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Requests the line datapoints be sorted from left to right before rendering. | |
sortOnXField — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Requests the columns be sorted from left to right before rendering. | |
sortOnXField — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
Requests the line datapoints be sorted from left to right before rendering. | |
sortOptions — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
En eller flera definierade konstanter, identifierade efter namn eller nummer och separerade med operatorn OR (|) i bitform. | |
sorts — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
A collection of sorts for the search filter. | |
sortTuple(t1:mx.olap:OLAPTuple, t2:mx.olap:OLAPTuple) — metod, klass mx.olap.OLAPSet | |
Returns information about the relative location of two tuples in the set. | |
sortXAxis — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Whether to display column labels in alphabetic order along the x axis: yes no Ignored if the xAxisType attribute is scale. | |
sound — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
The Sound object that the MP3 file has been loaded into. | |
sound — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
Reference to the internal Sound object. | |
Sound — klass, paket | |
Med klassen Sound kan du arbeta med ljud i ett program. | |
Sound(, — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt Sound-objekt. | |
SOUND — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.notifications.NotificationStyle | |
En meddelandestil som spelar upp ett ljud när ett meddelande tas emot. | |
SoundAsset — klass, paket mx.core | |
SoundAsset is a subclass of the class which represents sounds that you embed in a Flex application. | |
SoundAsset() — Konstruktor, klass mx.core.SoundAsset | |
Constructor. | |
soundChannel — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
The SoundChannel object that the MP3 file has been loaded into. | |
SoundChannel — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Klassen SoundChannel styr ljud i ett program. | |
SoundCodec — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Klassen SoundCodec är en uppräkning av konstanta värden som används för att ställa in codec-egenskapen i klassen Microphone. | |
soundComplete — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ett ljud har spelats upp. | |
SOUND_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Event.SOUND_COMPLETE-konstanten definierar värdet på type-egenskapen för ett soundComplete-händelseobjekt. | |
SoundEffect — klass, paket mx.effects | |
The SoundEffect class plays an MP3 audio file. | |
SoundEffect(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Constructor. | |
SoundEffectInstance — klass, paket mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The SoundEffectInstance class implements the instance class for the SoundEffect effect. | |
SoundEffectInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
Constructor. | |
SoundEvent — klass, paket | |
Flash® Player skickar ett SoundEvent-objekt när användaren ändrar ljudet genom att flytta handtaget på volumeBar-kontrollen eller genom att ställa in egenskapen volume eller soundTransform. | |
SoundEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt Event-objekt som innehåller information om ljudhändelser. | |
SoundLoader — klass, paket org.osmf.elements | |
SoundLoader is a loader that is capable of loading progressive audio files. | |
SoundLoader(checkPolicyFile:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass org.osmf.elements.SoundLoader | |
Constructor. | |
SoundLoaderContext — klass, paket | |
Klassen SoundLoaderContext innehåller säkerhetskontroller för filer som läser in ljud. | |
SoundLoaderContext(bufferTime:Number, checkPolicyFile:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt objekt för ljudinläsningskontext. | |
SoundMixer — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Klassen SoundMixer innehåller statiska egenskaper och metoder för global ljudhantering i programmet. | |
SOUND_PLAY_FAILED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Error constant for when an audio file fails to play (e.g. | |
soundTransform — Egenskap, klass | |
Ger direkt åtkomst till egenskapen VideoPlayer.soundTransform för att visa ytterligare ljudkontroll. | |
soundTransform — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger nya värden för volym och panorering. | |
soundTransform — Egenskap, klass | |
Ger direkt åtkomst till egenskapen NetStream.soundTransform som visar ytterligare ljudkontroll. | |
soundTransform — Egenskap, klass flash.display.SimpleButton | |
Det SoundTransform-objekt som är tilldelat knappen. | |
soundTransform — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Sprite | |
Styr ljudet i den här spriten. | |
soundTransform — Egenskap, klass | |
Styr mikrofonobjektets ljud när objektet är i en slinga. | |
soundTransform — Egenskap, klass | |
Det SoundTransform-objekt som är tilldelat ljudkanalen. | |
soundTransform — Statisk egenskap, klass | |
Det SoundTransform-objekt som styr globala ljudegenskaper. | |
soundTransform — Egenskap, klass | |
Styr ljudet i det här NetStream-objektet. | |
soundTransform — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IContainer | |
Styr ljudet i den här spriten. | |
SoundTransform — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Klassen SoundTransform innehåller egenskaper för volym och panorering. | |
SoundTransform(vol:Number, panning:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett SoundTransform-objekt. | |
soundUpdate — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ljudet ändras antingen genom att användaren flyttar handtaget på volumeBar-kontrollen eller genom att användaren ställer in volume- eller soundTransform-egenskapen. | |
SOUND_UPDATE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett soundUpdate-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
source — Egenskap, klass RegExp | |
Anger det reguljära uttryckets mönsterdel. | |
source — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.PdfParam | |
Source PDF file to merge. | |
source — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Image | |
ColdFusion image source can be one of the following: URL of the source image. Absolute pathname or a pathname relative to the web root. ColdFusion image variable containing another image, BLOB, or byte array. | |
source — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
PDF document used as the source. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
The source property of the wrapped RemoteObject instance. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
The source property of the wrapped RemoteObject instance. | |
source — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideSource | |
The url to the Guide file which to load. | |
source — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
One of SOURCE const value. | |
source — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
Disable the ability to change the PromoImage's source. | |
source — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoSWFLoader | |
Disable the ability to change the PromoSWFLoader's source. | |
source — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Attachment | |
The source URI location of this attachment. | |
source — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Resource | |
Specifies a reference to an external file resource. | |
source — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
source of the data capture item. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
The source of the DataInstance which is being rendered. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
The source of the DataInstance which is being rendered. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
The source of the DataInstance which is being rendered. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
The source of the DataInstance which is being rendered. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns the ComputedExpression instance on which an error occurred. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns the ComputedExpression instance whose value changed. | |
source — Egenskap, klass fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Hämtar eller ställer in en absolut eller relativ URL som identifierar platsen för SWF- eller bildfilen som ska läsas in, klassnamnet på filmklippet i biblioteket, en referens till ett visningsobjekt eller ett filmklipps instansnamn på samma nivå som komponenten. | |
source — Egenskap, klass fl.containers.UILoader | |
Hämtar eller ställer in en absolut eller relativ URL som identifierar platsen för SWF- eller bildfilen som ska läsas in, klassnamnet på filmklippet i biblioteket, en referens till ett visningsobjekt eller ett filmklipps instansnamn på samma nivå som komponenten. | |
source — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
Hämtar eller ställer in en referens till innehållet som läses in och för vilket ProgressBar mäter inläsningens förlopp. | |
source — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.listClasses.ImageCell | |
Hämtar eller ställer in en absolut eller relativ URL som identifierar platsen för den SWF- eller bildfil som ska läsas in, klassnamnet för ett filmklipp i biblioteket eller en referens till ett visningsobjekt. | |
source — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.listClasses.TileListData | |
Hämtar eller ställer in en absolut eller relativ URL som identifierar platsen för den SWF- eller bildfil som ska läsas in, klassnamnet för ett filmklipp i biblioteket eller en referens till ett visningsobjekt. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
Objektets source-egenskap. | |
source — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.Motion | |
Ett objekt som lagrar information om den kontext där rörelsen skapades, t.ex. bildrutehastighet, dimensioner, omvandlingspunkt, startposition, skalning, rotering och skevning. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
En sträng som anger URL:en för den FLV-fil som ska direktuppspelas och hur den ska direktuppspelas. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
URL till TT-XML-filen som innehåller bildtextsinformation (obligatorisk egenskap). | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
En sträng som anger URL:en för den FLV-fil som ska direktuppspelas och hur den ska direktuppspelas. | |
source — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement | |
Anger bildens källa. | |
source — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertInlineGraphicOperation | |
Anger bildens källa. | |
source — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.ModifyInlineGraphicOperation | |
Anger bildens källa. | |
source — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.MoveChildrenOperation | |
Anger det överordnade objektet för objekt som ska flyttas. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
The source of the event. | |
source — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.ResourceContainer | |
Retrieves the location (as a URL) of the resource container. | |
source — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskImageModel | |
The location at which the image. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Contains a reference to the data series that the LegendItem was generated from if you bind the dataProvider property of the parent Legend control to a chart control. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.ArrayCollection | |
The source of data in the ArrayCollection. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.ArrayList | |
The source array for this ArrayList. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.GroupingCollection | |
The source collection containing the flat data to be grouped. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.GroupingCollection2 | |
The source collection containing the flat data to be grouped. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
The source data of the IHierarchicalCollectionView. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.HierarchicalData | |
The source collection. | |
source — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
The source data of the IHierarchicalCollectionView. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.XMLListCollection | |
The underlying XMLList for this collection. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Refers to the control that the ProgressBar is measuring the progress of. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
The URL, object, class or string name of a class to load as the content. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Relative path and filename of the FLV file to stream. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
An Array of Conflict objects. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
The URL or class of the MP3 file to play. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
The URL or class of the MP3 file to play. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
The object that the change occured on. | |
source — Egenskap, klass | |
The source used for the bitmap fill. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage | |
This property is provided for backwards compatibility. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid | |
Initializes the PrintAdvancedDataGrid control and all of its properties from the specified AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid | |
Initializes the PrintOLAPDataGrid control and all of its properties from the specified OLAPDataGrid control. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject | |
Lets you specify a source value on the client; not supported for destinations that use the JavaAdapter. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
The object that implements the IStyleClient interface. | |
source — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.Validator | |
Specifies the object containing the property to validate. | |
source — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Image | |
The source used for the bitmap fill. | |
source — Egenskap, klass spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
The video source. | |
source — Egenskap, klass spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
The video source. | |
source — Egenskap, klass spark.preloaders.SplashScreenImageSource | |
The image class for the splash screen to use for the defined device configuration. | |
source — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
The source used for the bitmap fill. | |
source — Egenskap, klass spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Specifies the object containing the property to validate. | |
Source — klass, paket fl.motion | |
I klassen Source sparas information om den kontext som en Motion-instans genererades i. | |
Source(xml:XML) — Konstruktor, klass fl.motion.Source | |
Konstruktor för Source-instanser. | |
source160dpi — Egenskap, klass spark.utils.MultiDPIBitmapSource | |
The source to use if the Application.runtimeDPI is DPIClassification.DPI_160. | |
source240dpi — Egenskap, klass spark.utils.MultiDPIBitmapSource | |
The source to use if the Application.runtimeDPI is DPIClassification.DPI_240. | |
source320dpi — Egenskap, klass spark.utils.MultiDPIBitmapSource | |
The source to use if the Application.runtimeDPI is DPIClassification.DPI_320. | |
SOURCE_ALPHA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DBlendFactor | |
Blandningsfaktorn är (Sa, Sa, Sa, Sa), där Sa är alfakomponenten för fragmentfärgen som beräknas i pixelprogrammet. | |
SOURCE_CALCULATION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Not used. | |
SOURCE_COLOR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DBlendFactor | |
Blandningsfaktorn är (Sr, Sg, Sb, Sa), där Sr/g/b/a är den motsvarande komponent för fragmentfärgen som beräknas i pixelprogrammet. | |
SOURCE_CONST — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Specifies the source type when the source is a string value specified by the user. | |
sourceContainerLayoutAssignment — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
If the source is field in a container layout, reference of corresponding container layout assignment object will be kept here. | |
SOURCE_DATAMODULE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Specifies the source type when the source is a module. | |
SOURCE_DDE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Specifies the source type when the source is a data dictionary element. | |
sourceField — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.TileList | |
Hämtar eller ställer in objektfältet med källsökvägen för en ruta. | |
SOURCE_FIELD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Specifies the source type when the source is a field. | |
sourceFunction — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.TileList | |
Hämtar eller ställer in den funktion som ska användas för att hämta källsökvägen för en ruta. | |
sourceHeight — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Image | |
Provides the unscaled height of the original image data. | |
sourceHeight — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Provides the unscaled height of the original image data. | |
sourceIndex — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.MoveChildrenOperation | |
Anger antalet överordnade som ska flyttas. | |
sourceReference — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Identification of the referenced value. | |
SOURCE_SYSTEM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Not used. | |
SOURCE_USER — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Specifies the source type when the source is a string value specified by the user. | |
SOURCE_VARIABLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Specifies the source type when the source is a variable. | |
sourceWidth — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Image | |
Provides the unscaled width of the original image data. | |
sourceWidth — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Provides the unscaled width of the original image data. | |
SPACE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för mellanslagstangenten (32). | |
SPACE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.JustificationRule | |
Anger justering för latinska och andra vågräta skriftspråk, som använder blanksteg för att skilja ord åt. | |
spaceAfter — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
Det utrymme som ska lämnas efter raden. | |
spaceAvailable — Egenskap, klass flash.filesystem.File | |
Det tillgängliga utrymmet för användning vid denna File-plats, i byte. | |
spaceBefore — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
Det utrymme som ska lämnas före raden. | |
spaceColumnsEqually() — metod, klass fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Återställer bredden på synliga kolumner till samma storlek. | |
SpaceJustifier — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.text.engine | |
Klassen SpaceJustifier representerar egenskaper som styr justeringsalternativen för textrader i ett textblock. | |
SpaceJustifier(locale:String, lineJustification:String, letterSpacing:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass flash.text.engine.SpaceJustifier | |
Skapar ett SpaceJustifier-objekt. | |
Spacer — klass, paket mx.controls | |
The Spacer control helps you lay out children within a parent container. | |
Spacer() — Konstruktor, klass mx.controls.Spacer | |
Constructor. | |
SpanElement — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.elements | |
Klassen SpanElement representerar ett textavsnitt som bara har en uppsättning formateringsattribut. | |
SpanElement() — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement | |
Konstruktor – skapar ett SpanElement-objekt för ett textavsnitt i ett stycke. | |
spanEnd — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Returnerar den bildruta för målets överordnade som målets animering slutar på. | |
spanExcluding(str:String, cset:String) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Gets characters from a string, from the beginning to a character that is in a specified set of characters. | |
spanFormat — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.factory.StringTextLineFactory | |
Teckenformatet. | |
spanIncluding(str:String, cset:String) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Gets characters from a string, from the beginning to a character that is not in a specified set of characters. | |
spanMarker — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.profiler.Telemetry | |
Returnerar en markör som används med Telemetry.sendSpanMetric | |
spanStart — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Returnerar den bildruta för målets överordnade som målets animering börjar på. | |
spark.accessibility — paket | |
Paketet spark.accessibility innehåller hjälpmedelsklasser för Spark-komponenter. | |
SparkApplicationAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Application class. | |
SparkApplicationAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:Application) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkApplicationAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spark.automation.delegates — paket | |
Paketet spark.automation.delegates innehåller klasser som definierar de metoder och egenskaper som behövs för instrumentation för Spark-klasser i Flex. | |
spark.automation.delegates.components — paket | |
Paketet spark.automation.delegates.components innehåller klasser som definierar de metoder och egenskaper som behövs för instrumentation för Spark-komponentklasser. | |
spark.automation.delegates.components.gridClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.automation.delegates.components.gridClasses innehåller klasser som definierar de metoder och egenskaper som behövs för instrumentation för Spark-gridklasser i Flex. | |
spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses innehåller klasser som definierar de metoder och egenskaper som behövs för instrumentation för Spark-medieklasser i Flex. | |
spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses innehåller klasser som definierar de metoder och egenskaper som behövs för instrumentation för stödklasser för Spark-komponenter i Flex. | |
spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark — paket | |
Paketet spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark innehåller klasser som definierar de metoder och egenskaper som behövs för instrumentation för Spark-skalklasser i Flex. | | — paket | |
Paketet innehåller instrumentationshändelseklasser för Spark-klasser i Flex. | |
SparkBorderContainerAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the BorderContainer class. | |
SparkBorderContainerAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:BorderContainer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkBorderContainerAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkButtonAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Button control. | |
SparkButtonAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:Button) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkButtonAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkButtonBarAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBar control. | |
SparkButtonBarAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:ButtonBar) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkButtonBarAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkButtonBarBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBarBase control. | |
SparkButtonBarBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:ButtonBarBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkButtonBarBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkButtonBarButtonAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBarButton control. | |
SparkButtonBarButtonAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:ButtonBarButton) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkButtonBarButtonAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkButtonBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBase control. | |
SparkButtonBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:ButtonBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkButtonBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins | |
Base class for Spark button skins. | |
SparkButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SparkCheckBoxAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CheckBox control. | |
SparkCheckBoxAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:CheckBox) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkCheckBoxAutomationImpl | |
SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
A skin class for the Spark WindowedApplication component. | |
SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin | |
Constructor. | |
spark.collections — paket | |
Paketet spark. collections innehåller samlingsklasser för Spark. | |
SparkComboBoxAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ComboBox control. | |
SparkComboBoxAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:ComboBox) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkComboBoxAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spark.components — paket | |
Paketet spark.components innehåller Spark-komponentklasser. | |
spark.components.calendarClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.components.calendarClasses innehåller klasserna som används av Spark DateSpinner-kontrollen. | |
spark.components.gridClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.components.gridClasses innehåller medieklasser för Spark-rutnätskomponenter. | |
spark.components.mediaClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.components.mediaClasses innehåller medieklasser för Spark-komponenter. | |
spark.components.supportClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.components.supportClasses innehåller stödklasser för Spark-komponenter. | |
spark.components.windowClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.components.windowClasses innehåller AIR-fönsterklasser för Spark. | |
spark.core — paket | |
Paketet spark.core innehåller Spark-huvudklasserna. | |
SparkDataGridAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DataGrid class. | |
SparkDataGridAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:DataGrid) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDataGridAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent — klass, paket | |
The SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a datagrid control is selected or deselected. | |
SparkDataGridItemSelectEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, itemRenderer:spark.components.gridClasses:IGridItemRenderer,, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
sparkDataGroup — Egenskap, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDataGroupAutomationImpl | |
The DataGroup object. | |
SparkDataGroupAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DataGroup control. | |
SparkDataGroupAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:DataGroup) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDataGroupAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkDefaultComplexItemRendererAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkDefaultComplexItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:spark.skins.spark:DefaultComplexItemRenderer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultComplexItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkDefaultGridHeaderRendererAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkDefaultGridHeaderRendererAutomationImpl(obj:spark.skins.spark:DefaultGridHeaderRenderer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultGridHeaderRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkDefaultGridItemRendererAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkDefaultGridItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:spark.skins.spark:DefaultGridItemRenderer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkDefaultItemRendererAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkDefaultItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:spark.skins.spark:DefaultItemRenderer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkDownloadProgressBar — klass, paket mx.preloaders | |
The SparkDownloadProgressBar class displays download progress. | |
SparkDownloadProgressBar() — Konstruktor, klass mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Constructor. | |
SparkDropDownListAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DropDownList control. | |
SparkDropDownListAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:DropDownList) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDropDownListAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkDropDownListBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DropDownListBase control. | |
SparkDropDownListBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:DropDownListBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkDropDownListBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spark.effects — paket | |
Paketet spark.effects innehåller Spark-effektklasserna. | |
spark.effects.animation — paket | |
Paketet spark.effects.animation innehåller animeringsklasser för Spark-effektklasserna. | |
spark.effects.easing — paket | |
Paketet spark.effects.easing innehåller övergångsklasser för Spark-effektklasserna. | |
spark.effects.interpolation — paket | |
Paketet spark.effects.interpolation innehåller interpolationsklasser för Spark-effektklasserna. | |
spark.effects.supportClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.effects.supportClasses innehåller instansklasser för Spark-effektklasserna. | | — paket | |
Paketet innehåller Spark-händelseklasserna. | |
spark.filters — paket | |
Paketet spark.filters innehåller Spark-filterklasserna. | |
spark.formatters — paket | |
Paketet spark.formatters innehåller Spark formatter-klasserna. | |
spark.formatters.supportClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.formatters.supportClasses innehåller stödklasser för formatter-klasser för Spark. | |
SparkFormAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Form class. | |
SparkFormAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:Form) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkFormAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkFormItemAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the FormItem class. | |
SparkFormItemAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:FormItem) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkFormItemAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spark.globalization — paket | |
Paketet spark.globalization innehåller Spark-globaliseringsklasser. | |
spark.globalization.supportClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.globalization.supportClasses innehåller stödklasser för Sparks globaliseringsklasserna. | |
SparkGridItemRendererAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.gridClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the GridItemRenderer component. | |
SparkGridItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.gridClasses:GridItemRenderer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.gridClasses.SparkGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkGroupAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Group control. | |
SparkGroupAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:Group) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkGroupAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkGroupBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the GroupBase control. | |
SparkGroupBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:GroupBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkGroupBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkImageAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Image control. | |
SparkImageAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:Image) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkImageAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkItemRendererAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:ItemRenderer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkLabelAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Label control. | |
SparkLabelAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:Label) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkLabelAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spark.layouts — paket | |
Paketet spark.layouts innehåller Spark-layoutklasserna. | |
spark.layouts.supportClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.layouts.supportClasses innehåller stödklasser för Spark-layoutklasserna. | |
SparkListAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the List class. | |
SparkListAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:List) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkListAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkListBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListBase class. | |
SparkListBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:ListBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkListBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkListItemSelectEvent — klass, paket | |
The SparkListItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a list-based control such as a Menu, DataGrid, or Tree control is selected or deselected. | |
SparkListItemSelectEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, itemRenderer:spark.components:IItemRenderer,, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
spark.managers — paket | |
Paketet spark.managers innehåller manager-klasserna som används av Spark-komponenter. | |
spark.modules — paket | |
Paketet spark.modules innehåller modulklasserna som används av Spark-komponenter. | |
SparkMuteButtonAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the MuteButton control. | |
SparkMuteButtonAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.mediaClasses:MuteButton) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses.SparkMuteButtonAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkNavigatorContentAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NavigatorContent control. | |
SparkNavigatorContentAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:NavigatorContent) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkNavigatorContentAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkNumericStepperAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NumericStepper control. | |
SparkNumericStepperAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:NumericStepper) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkNumericStepperAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkPanelAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Panel class. | |
SparkPanelAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:Panel) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkPanelAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkPopUpAnchorAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the PopUpAnchor component. | |
SparkPopUpAnchorAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:PopUpAnchor) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkPopUpAnchorAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spark.preloaders — paket | |
Paketet spark.preloaders innehåller de förinläsarklasser som används av Spark-komponenter. | |
spark.primitives — paket | |
Paketet spark.primitives innehåller de basklasser som används av Spark-komponenter. | |
spark.primitives.supportClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.primitives.supportClasses innehåller stödklasser för Spark-ritningsklasserna. | |
SparkRadioButtonAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the RadioButton control. | |
SparkRadioButtonAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:RadioButton) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkRadioButtonAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkRangeAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Range control. | |
SparkRangeAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:Range) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkRangeAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkRichEditableTextAutomationHelper — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates | |
Utility class that facilitates replay of text input and selection. | |
SparkRichEditableTextAutomationHelper(, replayer:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, richEditableText:spark.components:RichEditableText) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.SparkRichEditableTextAutomationHelper | |
Constructor. | |
SparkRichEditableTextAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Utility class that facilitates replay of text input and selection. | |
SparkScrollBarBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ScrollBarBase class. | |
SparkScrollBarBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:ScrollBarBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkScrollBarBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkSkin — klass, paket spark.skins | |
Base class for Spark skins. | |
SparkSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.SparkSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SparkSkinForHalo — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The SparkSkinForHalo class is the base class for Spark skins for MX components. | |
SparkSkinForHalo() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.SparkSkinForHalo | |
Constructor. | |
SparkSkinnableComponentAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableComponent control. | |
SparkSkinnableComponentAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:SkinnableComponent) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableComponentAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkSkinnableContainerAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableContainer class. | |
SparkSkinnableContainerAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:SkinnableContainer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkSkinnableContainerAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkSkinnableContainerBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableContainerBase control. | |
SparkSkinnableContainerBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:SkinnableContainerBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableContainerBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkSkinnableDataContainerAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableContainer class. | |
SparkSkinnableDataContainerAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:SkinnableDataContainer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkSkinnableDataContainerAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkSkinnableTextBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SkinnableTextBase control. | |
SparkSkinnableTextBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:SkinnableTextBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableTextBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spark.skins — paket | |
Paketet spark.skins innehåller de basklasser som används av Spark-skalklasserna. | | — paket | |
Paketet innehåller de basklasser som används av Spark-mobilskalklasserna. | | — paket | |
Paketet innehåller de stödklasser som används av Spark-mobilskalklasserna. | |
spark.skins.spark — paket | |
Paketet spark.skins.spark innehåller de klasser som används för att ge Flex 4-komponenter Spark-skal (standard). | |
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen — paket | |
Paketet spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen innehåller de helskärmsklasser som används för att skapa skal åt mediekomponenter i Flex 4. | |
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal — paket | |
Paketet spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal innehåller de klasser som används för att ge mediekomponenter i Flex 4 skal i normal storlek. | |
spark.skins.spark.windowChrome — paket | |
Paketet spark.skins.spark.windowChrome innehåller de klasser som används för att ge Window- and WindowedApplication-komponenter i Spark skal. | |
spark.skins.wireframe — paket | |
Paketet spark.skins.wireframe innehåller de klasser som används för att använda grundläggande skal på Spark-komponenter. Som standard använder Spark-komponenter skalen i paketet spark.skins.spark. | |
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses innehåller de klasser som används för att ge mediekomponenter i Flex skal i normal storlek. Som standard använder Spark-komponenter skalen i paketet spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal. | |
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.fullScreen — paket | |
Paketet spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.fullScreen innehåller de helskärmsklasser som används för att skapa skal åt mediekomponenter i Flex. Som standard använder Spark-komponenter skalen i paketet spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen. | |
SparkSliderBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SliderBarBase class. | |
SparkSliderBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:SliderBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSliderBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkSpinnerAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Spinner control. | |
SparkSpinnerAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:Spinner) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkSpinnerAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkTabBarAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TabBar class. | |
SparkTabBarAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:TabBar) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTabBarAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkTextAreaAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextArea control. | |
SparkTextAreaAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:TextArea) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTextAreaAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkTextBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextBase control. | |
SparkTextBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:TextBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkTextBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkTextInputAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextInput control. | |
SparkTextInputAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:TextInput) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTextInputAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkTileGroupAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TileGroup control. | |
SparkTileGroupAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:TileGroup) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTileGroupAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkTitleWindowAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TitleWindow class. | |
SparkTitleWindowAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:TitleWindow) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkTitleWindowAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkToggleButtonAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ToggleButton control. | |
SparkToggleButtonAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:ToggleButton) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkToggleButtonAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkToggleButtonBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ToggleButtonBase control. | |
SparkToggleButtonBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:ToggleButtonBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkToggleButtonBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkTrackBaseAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TrackBase control. | |
SparkTrackBaseAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.supportClasses:TrackBase) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkTrackBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spark.transitions — paket | |
Paketet spark.transitions innehåller transition-klasserna för Spark. | |
SparkUITextFieldGridItemRendererAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UITextFieldGridItemRenderer class for spark. | |
SparkUITextFieldGridItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:spark.skins.spark:UITextFieldGridItemRenderer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkUITextFieldGridItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spark.utils — paket | |
Paketet spark.utils innehåller Spark-hjälpklasser. | |
spark.validators — paket | |
Paketet spark.validators innehåller Spark validator-klasserna. | |
spark.validators.supportClasses — paket | |
Paketet spark.validators.supportClasses innehåller stödklasserna för validator-klasserna för Spark. | |
SparkValueChangeAutomationEvent — klass, paket | |
The SparkValueChangeAutomationEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when the value in a control changes. | |
SparkValueChangeAutomationEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, value:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SparkVideoDisplayAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the VideoDisplay control. | |
SparkVideoDisplayAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:VideoDisplay) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkVideoDisplayAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkVideoPlayerAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the VideoPlayer control. | |
SparkVideoPlayerAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:VideoPlayer) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkVideoPlayerAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkVolumeBarAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the VolumeBar control. | |
SparkVolumeBarAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components.mediaClasses:VolumeBar) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.mediaClasses.SparkVolumeBarAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkWindowAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Canvas class. | |
SparkWindowAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:Window) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkWindowAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
SparkWindowedApplicationAutomationImpl — klass, paket spark.automation.delegates.components | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SparkWindowedApplication class. | |
SparkWindowedApplicationAutomationImpl(obj:spark.components:WindowedApplication) — Konstruktor, klass spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkWindowedApplicationAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
speak — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.model.IPanelItem | |
The speak text or accessibility text for this item. | |
speak — Egenskap, klass ga.model.PanelItem | |
The screen reader or accessibility text for the field. | |
speak — Egenskap, klass ga.model.PanelRichText | |
The speak text or accessibility text for this item. | |
speak — Egenskap, klass ga.model.PanelText | |
The speak text or accessibility text for this item. | |
SPEAKER_MUTE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Använd detta läge när ljudet i högtalaren är avstängt. | |
SpecialCharacterElement — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.elements | |
Klassen SpecialCharacterElement är en abstrakt basklass för element som representerar specialtecken. | |
SpecialCharacterElement() — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.SpecialCharacterElement | |
Basklass – anrop av ett nytt SpecialCharacterElement() orsakar ett undantagsfel. | |
specificDomainName — Egenskap, klass | |
The specific domain identifier used to search for principals. | |
specificity — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.CSSCondition | |
Calculates the specificity of a conditional selector in a selector chain. | |
specificity — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.CSSSelector | |
Calculates the specificity of a selector chain in order to determine the precedence when applying several matching style declarations. | |
specificity — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration | |
Determines the order of precedence when applying multiple style declarations to a component. | |
specifiedWidth — Egenskap, klass flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
Bredden som angavs till metoden TextBlock.createTextLine() när den skapade raden. | |
speed — Egenskap, klass fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Rotationshastigheten, frihetsgrad; egenskaperna xTranslation och yTranslation respekterar samma hastighetsinställning. | |
speed — Egenskap, klass | |
Hastighet i m/s. | |
SPEEX — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Anger att Speex-kodeken ska användas för ljudkomprimering. | |
spinner — Skaldel, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressSpinner | |
spinner — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
The spinner sprite | |
Spinner — klass, paket spark.components | |
A Spinner component selects a value from an ordered set. | |
Spinner() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.Spinner | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerAccImpl — klass, paket spark.accessibility | |
SpinnerAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.Spinner. | |
SpinnerAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Konstruktor, klass spark.accessibility.SpinnerAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
spinnerColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressSpinner | |
spinnerColor — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
Accessor for spinnerColor value | |
SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the down button of a Spark Spinner component. | |
SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark SpinnerDecrementButton component. | |
SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the up button of a Spark Spinner component. | |
SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark SpinnerIncrementButton component. | |
SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerList — klass, paket spark.components | |
The SpinnerList component displays a list of items. | |
SpinnerList() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.SpinnerList | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerListContainer — klass, paket spark.components | |
Container for one or more SpinnerList controls. | |
SpinnerListContainer() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.SpinnerListContainer | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerListContainerSkin — klass, paket | |
ActionScript-based skin for the SpinnerListContainer in mobile applications. | |
SpinnerListContainerSkin() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerListItemRenderer — klass, paket spark.components | |
The SpinnerListItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a SpinnerList control in the mobile theme. | |
SpinnerListItemRenderer() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.SpinnerListItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerListScrollerSkin — klass, paket | |
The default skin class for the Spark Scroller that is used by the SpinnerList component. | |
SpinnerListScrollerSkin() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerListSkin — klass, paket | |
ActionScript-based skin for the SpinnerList in mobile applications. | |
SpinnerListSkin() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark Spinner component. | |
SpinnerSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark Spinner component. | |
SpinnerSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.SpinnerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SpinnerSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.wireframe.SpinnerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
SplashScreen — klass, paket spark.preloaders | |
The SplashScreen class is the default preloader for Mobile Flex applications. | |
SplashScreen() — Konstruktor, klass spark.preloaders.SplashScreen | |
Constructor. | |
splashScreenImage — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Application | |
The image class for the SplashScreen preloader. | |
SplashScreenImage — klass, paket spark.preloaders | |
Use the SplashScreenImage class to specify different splash screen images based on characteristics of a mobile device. | |
SplashScreenImage() — Konstruktor, klass spark.preloaders.SplashScreenImage | |
Constructor. | |
SplashScreenImageSource — klass, paket spark.preloaders | |
Use the SplashScreenImageSource class to specify a Class (typically an embedded image) to be displayed as splash screen at a particular device configuration such as DPI, orientation and resolution. | |
SplashScreenImageSource() — Konstruktor, klass spark.preloaders.SplashScreenImageSource | |
Constructor. | |
splashScreenMinimumDisplayTime — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Application | |
Minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, to show the splash screen image. | |
splashScreenScaleMode — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Application | |
The splash screen image scale mode: A value of none implies that the image size is set to match its intrinsic size. A value of stretch sets the width and the height of the image to the stage width and height, possibly changing the content aspect ratio. A value of letterbox sets the width and height of the image as close to the stage width and height as possible while maintaining aspect ratio. | |
splice(startIndex:int, deleteCount:uint, ... rest) — metod, klass Array | |
Lägger till element i och tar bort element från en array. | |
splice(startIndex:int, deleteCount:uint, ... rest) — metod, klass Vector | |
Lägger till element i, och tar bort element från, en Vector. | |
split(delimiter:any, limit:Number) — metod, klass String | |
Delar upp ett String-objekt i en array med delsträngar genom att dela det varje gång den angivna avgränsarparametern delimiter påträffas. | |
splitAtIndex(childIndex:int) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement | |
Delar det här objektet vid den position som anges av parametern childIndex. | |
splitAtPosition(relativePosition:int) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
Delar det här FlowElement-objektet vid den position som anges av parametern relativePosition, vilket är en relativ position i texten för det här elementet. | |
splitElement(target:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Delar målelementet vid den angivna platsen och skapar ett nytt element efter det aktuella. | |
splitElement(target:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metod, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Delar målelementet vid den angivna platsen och skapar ett nytt element efter det aktuella. | |
SplitElementOperation — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.operations | |
Klassen SplitElementOperation kapslar in en ändring som delar FlowGroupElement i två element. | |
SplitElementOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement) — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.SplitElementOperation | |
Skapar ett SplitElementOperation-objekt. | |
splitParagraph(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Delar stycket vid den aktuella positionen och skapar ett nytt stycke efter det aktuella. | |
splitParagraph(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metod, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Delar stycket vid den aktuella positionen och skapar ett nytt stycke efter det aktuella. | |
SplitParagraphOperation — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.operations | |
Klassen SplitParagraphOperation kapslar in en ändring som delar ett stycke i två element. | |
SplitParagraphOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.SplitParagraphOperation | |
Skapar ett SplitParagraphOperation-objekt. | |
splitTextElement(elementIndex:int, splitIndex:int) — metod, klass flash.text.engine.GroupElement | |
Delar ett TextElement i två delar och skapar ett nytt TextElement vid den angivna positionen. | |
SplitViewNavigator — klass, paket spark.components | |
The SplitViewNavigator container displays multiple ViewNavigator or TabbedViewNavigator components at the same time in a single container. | |
SplitViewNavigator() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.SplitViewNavigator | |
Constructor. | |
SplitViewNavigatorSkin — klass, paket | |
The default skin for the SplitViewNavigator component. | |
SplitViewNavigatorSkin() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
spreadMethod — Egenskap, klass flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill | |
Ett värde från klassen SpreadMethod som anger vilken spridningsmetod som ska användas. | |
spreadMethod — Egenskap, klass | |
A value from the SpreadMethod class that specifies which spread method to use. | |
SpreadMethod — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen SpreadMethod innehåller värden för parametern spreadMethod i metoderna beginGradientFill() och lineGradientStyle() i klassen Graphics. | |
springDamping — Egenskap, klass fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Värdet för fjäderdämpning. | |
springPosition — Egenskap, klass fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Fjädringsposition (för förflyttningsleder) eller fjädringsvinkel (för rotationsleder). | |
springsEnabled — Egenskap, klass fl.ik.IKArmature | |
Anger om fjädrar är aktiverade för en armatur. | |
springStrength — Egenskap, klass fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Värdet för fjädringsstyrkan. | |
Sprite — klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen Sprite är ett grundläggande byggblock i visningslistan: en visningslistnod som kan visa grafik och dessutom innehålla underordnade noder. | |
Sprite() — Konstruktor, klass flash.display.Sprite | |
Skapar en ny Sprite-instans. | |
SpriteAsset — klass, paket mx.core | |
SpriteAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.Sprite class which represents vector graphic images that you embed in an application. | |
SpriteAsset() — Konstruktor, klass mx.core.SpriteAsset | |
Constructor. | |
SpriteVisualElement — klass, paket spark.core | |
The SpriteVisualElement class is a light-weight Sprite-based implemention of the IVisualElement interface. | |
SpriteVisualElement() — Konstruktor, klass spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Constructor. | |
sql — Egenskap, klass | |
Returnerar hela SQL-satstexten som har använts för att skapa schemaobjektet. | |
SQLCollationType — klass, paket | |
Den här klassen innehåller konstanter som representerar möjliga värden för SQLColumnSchema-konstruktorns parameter defaultCollationType samt egenskapen SQLColumnSchema.defaultCollationType. | |
SQLColumnNameStyle — klass, paket | |
Den här klassen innehåller de konstanter som representerar möjliga värden för egenskapen SQLConnection.columnNameStyle. | |
SQLColumnSchema — klass, paket | |
Klassen SQLColumnSchema ger information som beskriver egenskaperna för en specifik kolumn i en tabell i en databas. | |
SQLColumnSchema(name:String, primaryKey:Boolean, allowNull:Boolean, autoIncrement:Boolean, dataType:String, defaultCollationType:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Konstruerar en SQLColumnSchema-instans. | |
sqlConnection — Egenskap, klass | |
Det SQLConnection-objekt som hanterar anslutningen till databasen eller databaserna som satsen körs på. | |
SQLConnection — klass, paket | |
En SQLConnection-instans används för att skapa lokala SQL-databasfiler (lokala databaser) och för att hantera anslutningen till dem. | |
SQLConnection() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SQLConnection-instans. | |
SQLError — klass, paket flash.errors | |
En SQLError-instans ger detaljinformation om en misslyckad åtgärd. | |
SQLError(operation:String, details:String, message:String, id:int, detailID:int, detailArgs:Array) — Konstruktor, klass flash.errors.SQLError | |
Skapar en SQLError-instans som kan returneras eller användas med en SQLErrorEvent-instans' error-egenskap. | |
SQLErrorEvent — klass, paket | |
En SQLErrorEvent-instans skickas av en SQLConnection-instans eller en SQLStatement-instans om ett fel inträffar medan en databasåtgärd utförs i asynkront körningsläge. | |
SQLErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, error:flash.errors:SQLError) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett SQLErrorEvent-objekt som fungerar som ett argument till händelseavlyssnare. | |
SQLErrorOperation — klass, paket flash.errors | |
Denna klass innehåller de konstanter som representerar möjliga värden för SQLError.operation-egenskapen. | |
SQLEvent — klass, paket | |
Adobe AIR skickar SQLEvent-objekt när en av åtgärderna som utförs av en SQLConnection eller SQLStatement-instans slutförs. | |
SQLEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett SQLEvent-objekt som kan skicka en parameter till händelseavlyssnare. | |
SQLIndexSchema — klass, paket | |
En SQLIndexSchema-instans ger information om ett specifikt index i en databas. | |
SQLIndexSchema(database:String, name:String, sql:String, table:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SQLIndexSchema-instans. | |
SQLiteOfflineAdapter — klass, paket | |
Provides a SQLite-based persistence format for a DataManager's offline cached items. | |
SQLiteOfflineAdapter() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SQLMode — klass, paket | |
Den här klassen innehåller konstanterna som representerar möjliga värden för parametern openMode i metoderna och SQLConnection.openAsync() | |
SQL_QUERY_TYPE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that defines the type of query will be SQL2. | |
SQLResult — klass, paket | |
Klassen SQLResult ger åtkomst till data som har returnerats som svar på körningen av en SQL-sats (en SQLStatement-instans). | |
SQLResult(data:Array, rowsAffected:Number, complete:Boolean, rowID:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SQLResult-instans. | |
SQLSchema — klass, paket | |
Klassen SQLSchema är basklass för schemainformation för databasobjekt som tabeller, vyer och index. | |
SQLSchema(database:String, name:String, sql:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SQLSchema-instans. | |
SQLSchemaResult — klass, paket | |
En SQLSchemaResult-instans innehåller information från ett anrop till metoden SQLConnection.loadSchema(). | |
SQLSchemaResult(tables:Array, views:Array, indices:Array, triggers:Array) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SQLSchemaResult-instans. | |
SQLStatement — klass, paket | |
En SQLStatement-instans används för att köra en SQL-sats mot en lokal SQL-databas som har öppnats genom en SQLConnection-instans. | |
SQLStatement() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SQLStatement-instans. | |
SQLTableSchema — klass, paket | |
En SQLTableSchema-instans ger information om en specifik tabell i en databas. | |
SQLTableSchema(database:String, name:String, sql:String, columns:Array) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SQLTableSchema-instans. | |
SQLTransactionLockType — klass, paket | |
Den här klassen innehåller konstanterna som representerar möjliga värden för parametern option i metoden SQLConnection.begin(). | |
SQLTriggerSchema — klass, paket | |
En SQLTriggerSchema-instans ger information som beskriver en specifik utlösare i en databas. | |
SQLTriggerSchema(database:String, name:String, sql:String, table:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SQLTriggerSchema-instans. | |
SQLUpdateEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett SQLUpdateEvent-objekt skickas av ett SQLConnection-objekt när en dataändring inträffar i en tabell som är associerad med SQLConnection-instansen. | |
SQLUpdateEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, table:String, rowID:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en ny SQLUpdateEvent-instans. | |
SQLViewSchema — klass, paket | |
En SQLViewSchema-instans ger information om en specifik vy i en databas. | |
SQLViewSchema(database:String, name:String, sql:String, columns:Array) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SQLViewSchema-instans. | |
sqrt(val:Number) — Statisk metod , klass Math | |
Beräknar och returnerar kvadratroten av det angivna talet. | |
SQRT1_2 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass Math | |
En matematisk konstant för kvadratroten av 1/2, med det ungefärliga värdet 0,7071067811865476. | |
SQRT2 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass Math | |
En matematisk konstant för kvadratroten av 2, med det ungefärliga värdet 1,4142135623730951. | |
SQUARE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.transitions.Iris | |
Används för att ange en fyrkantig mask för övergångseffekten. | |
SQUARE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display.CapsStyle | |
Används för att ange fyrkantiga ändar i parametern caps i metoden flash.display.Graphics.lineStyle(). | |
SQUARE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
En fylld fyrkantsmarkör. | |
Squeeze — klass, paket fl.transitions | |
Klassen Squeeze skalar filmklippet vågrätt eller lodrätt. | |
src — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.DocumentSection | |
URL or the relative path to the web root. | |
src — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Document | |
URL or the relative path to the web root. | |
srcAddress — Egenskap, klass | |
IP-adressen för den dator som skickade paketet. | |
srcFile — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Document | |
Absolute path of a file that is on the server. | |
srcPort — Egenskap, klass | |
Den port på datorn som skickade paketet. | |
SRTT — Egenskap, klass | |
SRTT-tiden (Smoothed round trip time) för NetStream-sessionen i millisekunder. | |
SRVRecord — klass, paket | |
Klassen SRVRecord representerar en DNS SRV-resurspost som innehåller en tjänstvärd. | |
SRVRecord() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar en SRV-resurspost. | |
stack — Konstantegenskap, klass flash.sampler.Sample | |
Innehåller information om de metoder som körs av Flash Player under en angiven tidsperiod. | |
stack(stackedXValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, previousElement:mx.charts.chartClasses:IStackable) — metod, gränssnitt mx.charts.chartClasses.IStackable | |
Stacks the series. | |
stack() — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
Updates the series data, and uses the values of the series data it is stacking on top of so it can stack correctly. | |
stack(stackedXValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, previousElement:mx.charts.chartClasses:IStackable) — metod, klass mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Stacks the series. | |
stack(stackedYValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, previousElement:mx.charts.chartClasses:IStackable) — metod, klass mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Stacks the series. | |
stack() — metod, klass mx.charts.series.BarSet | |
Updates the series data, and uses the values of the series data it is stacking on top of so it can stack correctly. | |
stack(stackedXValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, previousElement:mx.charts.chartClasses:IStackable) — metod, klass mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Stacks the series. | |
stackAll(stackedPosXValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, stackedNegXValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, previousElement:mx.charts.chartClasses:IStackable2) — metod, gränssnitt mx.charts.chartClasses.IStackable2 | |
Stacks the series. | |
stackAll(stackedPosXValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, stackedNegXValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, previousElement:mx.charts.chartClasses:IStackable2) — metod, klass mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Stacks the series. | |
stackAll(stackedPosYValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, stackedNegYValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, previousElement:mx.charts.chartClasses:IStackable2) — metod, klass mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Stacks the series. | |
stackAll(stackedPosXValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, stackedNegXValueDictionary:flash.utils:Dictionary, previousElement:mx.charts.chartClasses:IStackable2) — metod, klass mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Stacks the series. | |
StackedFormHeadingSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
An alternate skin class for the Spark FormHeading component. | |
StackedFormHeadingSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.StackedFormHeadingSkin | |
Constructor. | |
StackedFormItemSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
An alternate skin class for the Spark FormItem component which positions the label above the content. | |
StackedFormItemSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin | |
Constructor. | |
StackedFormSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
An alternate skin class for the Spark Form container. | |
StackedFormSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.StackedFormSkin | |
Constructor. | |
stackedMaximum — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
The maximum sum represented by this stacked series. | |
stackedMinimum — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
The minimum sum represented by this stacked series. | |
StackedSeries — klass, paket mx.charts.chartClasses | |
Stacked Series serves as the common base class for all of the stacking set series (BarSet, ColumnSet, and AreaSet). | |
StackedSeries() — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
Constructor. | |
stacker — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.charts.chartClasses.IStackable | |
The StackedSeries associated with this series. | |
stacker — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
The StackedSeries associated with this AreaSeries. | |
stacker — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
The StackedSeries associated with this BarSeries. | |
stacker — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
The StackedSeries associated with this BarSeries. | |
StackFrame — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.sampler | |
Klassen StackFrame ger åtkomst till egenskaper för ett datablock som innehåller en funktion. | |
StackLayout — klass, paket com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | |
The StackLayout presents only one child at a time, with the child filling up the entire space alloted to the StackLayout. | |
StackLayout() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.StackLayout | |
Constructor | |
StackOverflowError — Dynamisk klass, paket flash.errors | |
ActionScript ger ett StackOverflowError-undantag när den stack som är tillgänglig för skriptet är slut. | |
StackOverflowError(message:String) — Konstruktor, klass flash.errors.StackOverflowError | |
Skapar ett nytt StackOverflowError-objekt. | |
stackTotals — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.charts.chartClasses.IStackable | |
The stack totals for the series. | |
stackTotals — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
The stack totals for the series. | |
stackTotals — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
The stack totals for the series. | |
stackTotals — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
The stack totals for the series. | |
stackTrace — Egenskap, klass | |
En array med objekt som representerar stackspårningen vid den tidpunkt då throw-satsen, som resulterade i det ofångade undantaget, verkställdes. | |
stage — Egenskap, klass | |
This property refers to the stage on which the operation is performed. | |
stage — Egenskap, klass flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Visningsobjektets scen. | |
stage — Egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Stage-objektet för det här fönstret. | |
stage — Egenskap, klass | |
Den scen som det här StageWebView-objektet visas på. | |
stage — Egenskap, klass flash.text.StageText | |
Den scen som det här StageText-objektet visas på. | |
stage — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
stage — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Visningsobjektets scen. | |
stage — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
The flash.display.Stage that represents the application window mapped to this SystemManager | |
Stage — klass, paket | |
This class defines a stage in a review workflow. | |
Stage — klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen Stage betecknar huvudritområdet. | |
Stage( — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for Stage class. | |
Stage3D — klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen Stage3D tillhandahåller ett visningsområde och ett programmeringsbart återgivningssammanhang för att rita 2D- och 3D-grafik. | |
Stage3D() — Konstruktor, klass flash.display.Stage3D | |
stage3Ds — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
En lista med Stage3D-objekt som är tillgängliga för att visa 3-dimensionellt innehåll. | |
StageAlign — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen StageAlign innehåller konstanta värden som ska användas för egenskapen Stage.align. | |
StageAspectRatio — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
StageAspectRatio-klassen ger värden för Stage.setAspectRatio()-metoden. | |
stageBuilding — Skalläge, klass | |
The skin state when the component is displaying the stage building screen. | |
stageBuilding — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the StageBuilder object that displays the stage building screen. A reference to the StageBuilder object that displays the stage building screen. | |
stageBuilding — Skalläge, klass | |
The skin state when the component is displaying the stage building screen. | |
stageBuilding — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the StageBuilder object that displays the stage building screen. A reference to the StageBuilder object that displays the stage building screen. | |
stageBuilding — Skalläge, klass | |
The skin state when the component is displaying the stage building screen. | |
stageBuilding — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the StageBuilder object that displays the stage building screen. A reference to the StageBuilder object that displays the stage building screen. | |
StageBuilding — klass, paket | |
The host component for the stage building screen in the schedule template workflow. | |
StageBuilding() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageBuilding class. | |
STAGE_CANCEL_EVENT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This value indicates that stage creation has been canceled. | |
stageChanged — Händelse, klass | |
The event dispatched when the stage scale changes. | |
stageChanged — Händelse, klass | |
The event dispatched when the Stage Item scale changes. | |
stageChanged — Händelse, klass | |
The event dispatched when the Stage Item scale changes. | |
StageCollection — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage | |
Specifies that AbstractStage objects are added to a collection. | |
StageCollection(source:Array) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.StageCollection | |
Constructor. | |
stageCreatedDate — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the creation date of a stage template. A reference to the Label object that displays the creation date of a stage template. | |
stageCreatedDate — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the creation date of a stage template. A reference to the Label object that displays the creation date of a stage template. | |
stageCreatedDate — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the creation date of a stage template. A reference to the Label object that displays the creation date of a stage template. | |
StageDisplayState — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen StageDisplayState innehåller värden för egenskapen Stage.displayState. | |
stageDropDown — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the DropDownListBase object that displays the stage details. A reference to the DropDownListBase object that displays the stage details. | |
stageDuration — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the TextInput object that allows users to enter the duration of a stage. A reference to the TextInput object that allows users to enter the duration of a stage. | |
stageDuration — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the TextInput object that allows users to enter the stage duration. A reference to the TextInput object that allows users to enter the stage duration. | |
stageDuration — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the TextInput object that allow users to provide duration of a stage. A reference to the TextInput object that allow users to provide duration of a stage. | |
stageDuration — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the TextInput object that allows a user to enter the duration of a stage. A reference to the TextInput object that allows a user to enter the duration of a stage. | |
stageDurationUnit — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the units of stage duration to choose from. A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the units of stage duration to choose from. | |
stageDurationUnit — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the available stage duration units to choose from. A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the available stage duration units to choose from. | |
stageDurationUnit — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the units of stage duration. User chooses from these units. A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the units of stage duration. | |
stageDurationUnit — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the units of duration of a stage. A user chooses from these units. A reference to the DropDownList object that displays the units of duration of a stage. | |
StageEvent — klass, paket | |
This event is dispatched when an operation is performed on a stage. | |
StageEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageEvent class. | |
StageFactory — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage | |
Factory class that creates a stage. | |
StageFactory() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.StageFactory | |
Constructor. | |
stageFocusRect — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Anger om objekt visas med en lysande kantlinje när de är i fokus eller inte. | |
stageHeight — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Anger scenens höjd i pixlar. | |
stageHeight — Egenskap, klass mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
The height of the stage, which is passed in by the Preloader class. | |
stageHeight — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.preloaders.IPreloaderDisplay | |
The height of the stage, which is passed in by the Preloader class. | |
stageHeight — Egenskap, klass mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
The height of the stage, which is passed in by the Preloader class. | |
stageHeight — Egenskap, klass spark.preloaders.SplashScreen | |
The height of the stage, which is passed in by the Preloader class. | |
StageInfo — klass, paket | |
The host component for the component to show the details of a stage. | |
StageInfo() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageInfo class. | |
stageInfoView — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the StageInfo object that displays the stage details for the stage selected in the Gantt chart. A reference to the StageInfo object that displays the stage details for the stage selected in the Gantt chart. | |
stageLabelFunction(item:Object) — metod, klass | |
This function generates the label of a stage, that is displayed in the stage list. | |
stageList — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
List of stages in a review. | |
stageList — Egenskap, klass | |
List of stages in a review. | |
stageList — Egenskap, klass | |
List of stages in the review. | |
stageManagement — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Stage management service instance for a template. | |
stageManagement — Egenskap, klass | |
Stage management service instance for a template. | |
STAGE_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_RO — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Name of the stage management service. | |
StageManager — klass, paket | |
This class implements operations supported on stage templates. | |
StageManager() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageManager class. | |
stageNameDetailsTab — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the name of a stage. A reference to the Label object that displays the name of a stage. | |
stageNameDetailsTab — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the name of a stage. A reference to the Label object that displays the name of a stage. | |
stageNameDetailsTab — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the stage name. A reference to the Label object that displays the stage name. | |
stageNameField — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the TextInput object that allows users to provide the name of a new stage. A reference to the TextInput object that allows users to provide the name of a new stage. | |
stageNameValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the MultiTriggerValidator object which validates the name of a stage. A reference to the MultiTriggerValidator object which validates the name of a stage. | |
stageNo — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Number of this stage within the schedule template. | |
stageNo — Egenskap, klass | |
Number of this stage within the schedule template. | |
stageNo — Egenskap, klass | |
Number of stage in the schedule. | |
StageOrientation — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen StageOrientation definierar konstanter som räknar upp scenens och enhetens möjliga orienteringar. | |
StageOrientationEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett Stage-objekt skickar ett StageOrientationEvent-objekt när scenens orientering ändras. | |
StageOrientationEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, beforeOrientation:String, afterOrientation:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett StageOrientationEvent-objekt med specifik information som är relevant för scenens orienteringshändelser. | |
stageParticipant — Egenskap, klass | |
This property refers to stage participant who has been added. | |
StageParticipant — klass, paket | |
This class defines a participant of a stage. | |
StageParticipant( — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageParticipant class. | |
StageParticipantEvent — klass, paket | |
This event is dispatched when a stage participant is added. | |
StageParticipantEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageParticipantEvent class. | |
StageParticipantVO — klass, paket | |
Stage participant defines the basic properties of a participant of a creation, a review, or an approval stage. | |
StageParticipantVO() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageParticipantVO class. | |
StageQuality — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen StageQuality ger värden för egenskapen Stage.quality och för värdet på quality-parametern för metoden BitmapData.drawWithQuality(). | |
STAGE_REFERENCE_CHANGED_EVENT — Statisk egenskap, klass | |
This value indicates that the stage has changed. | |
stages — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies a collection of stages. | |
STAGE_SAVED_EVENT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This value indicates that a stage has been saved. | |
StageScaleMode — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen StageScaleMode innehåller värden för egenskapen Stage.scaleMode. | |
STAGE_SELECTED_EVENT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This value indicates that an existing stage has been selected. | |
stageStartCoordinates — Egenskap, klass mx.automation.air.AirFunctionsHelper | |
Returns the start point of the stage in screen coordinates | |
StageStatus — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | |
StageStatus enumerator. | |
StageStatus — klass, paket | |
StageStatus Enum. | |
StageStatus() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.StageStatus | |
Provides values for the StageStatus property of AbstractStage. | |
StageStatus() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageStatus class. | |
StageTemplate — klass, paket | |
This class defines a stage template. | |
StageTemplate( — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageTemplate class. | |
StageTemplateSearchFilterVO — klass, paket | |
Defines properties used for searching stage templates. | |
StageTemplateSearchFilterVO() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageTemplateSearchFilterVO class. | |
StageTemplateVO — klass, paket | |
This object holds the information of a stage template. | |
StageTemplateVO() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageTemplateVO class. | |
StageText — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.text | |
StageText-klassen används för att presentera ett internt textinmatingsfält för användaren. | |
StageText(initOptions:flash.text:StageTextInitOptions) — Konstruktor, klass flash.text.StageText | |
Skapar ett StageText-objekt. | |
StageTextAreaSkin — klass, paket | |
ActionScript-based skin for TextArea controls in mobile applications that uses a StyleableStageText class for the text display. | |
StageTextAreaSkin() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
StageTextClearButtonMode — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.text | |
Den här klassen definierar en uppräkning som innehåller alternativ för clearButton. | |
StageTextInitOptions — klass, paket flash.text | |
Klassen StageTextInitOptions definierar de alternativ som är tillgängliga för initiering av ett StageText-objekt. | |
StageTextInitOptions(multiline:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass flash.text.StageTextInitOptions | |
Skapar ett StageTextInitOptions-objekt. | |
StageTextInputSkin — klass, paket | |
ActionScript-based skin for TextInput controls in mobile applications that uses a StyleableStageText class for the text input. | |
StageTextInputSkin() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
StageTextSkinBase — klass, paket | |
ActionScript-based skin for text input controls in mobile applications. | |
StageTextSkinBase() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
stageTypeDropDown — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the DropDownList object that displays a list of stage types to choose from. A reference to the DropDownList object that displays a list of stage types to choose from. | |
StageTypes — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | |
StageTypes enumerator. | |
StageTypes — klass, paket | |
StageTypes Enum. | |
StageTypes() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.StageTypes | |
Provides values for the type property of AbstractStage. | |
StageTypes() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StageTypes class. | |
stageTypeValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the MultiTriggerValidator object which validates the stage type. A reference to the MultiTriggerValidator object which validates the stage type. | |
StageVideo — klass, paket | |
StageVideo-objektet använder enhetens funktioner för maskinvaruacceleration, om sådana finns, för att visa livevideo eller inspelad video i ett program. | |
stageVideoAvailability — Händelse, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Skickas av Stage-objektet när statusen för egenskapen stageVideos ändras. | |
StageVideoAvailability — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Den här klassen definierar en uppräkning som anger om video på scenen är tillgänglig för närvarande. | |
STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABILITY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett stageVideoAvailability-händelseobjekt. | |
StageVideoAvailabilityEvent — klass, paket | |
Den här händelsen utlöses när tillståndet för egenskapen Stage.stageVideos ändras. | |
StageVideoAvailabilityEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, availability:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Konstruktor. | |
StageVideoAvailabilityReason — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Den här klassen definierar en uppräkning som anger om video på scenen är tillgänglig för närvarande. | |
StageVideoEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett StageVideo-objekt skickar ett StageVideoEvent-objekt när metoden attachNetStream() för StageVideo-objektet och metoden play() för det anslutna NetStream-objektet båda har anropats. | |
StageVideoEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, status:String, colorSpace:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett Event-objekt som innehåller information om StageVideo-händelser. | |
stageVideos — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
En lista över StageVideo-objekt som är tillgängliga för uppspelning av extern video. | |
StageWebView — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
Klassen StageWebView visar HTML-innehåll i en scenvisningsport. | |
StageWebView(useNative:Boolean, mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett StageWebView-objekt. | |
stageWidth — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Anger scenens bredd i pixlar. | |
stageWidth — Egenskap, klass mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
The width of the stage, which is passed in by the Preloader class. | |
stageWidth — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.preloaders.IPreloaderDisplay | |
The width of the stage, which is passed in by the Preloader class. | |
stageWidth — Egenskap, klass mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
The width of the stage, which is passed in by the Preloader class. | |
stageWidth — Egenskap, klass spark.preloaders.SplashScreen | |
The width of the stage, which is passed in by the Preloader class. | |
stageX — Egenskap, klass | |
Den vågräta koordinat som händelsen inträffade vid i globala scenkoordinater. | |
stageX — Egenskap, klass | |
Den vågräta koordinat som händelsen inträffade vid i globala scenkoordinater. | |
stageX — Egenskap, klass | |
Den vågräta koordinat som händelsen inträffade vid i globala scenkoordinater. | |
stageY — Egenskap, klass | |
Den lodräta koordinat som händelsen inträffade vid i globala scenkoordinater. | |
stageY — Egenskap, klass | |
Den lodräta koordinat som händelsen inträffade vid i globala scenkoordinater. | |
stageY — Egenskap, klass | |
Den lodräta koordinat som händelsen inträffade vid i globala scenkoordinater. | |
STANDALONE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.globalization.DateTimeNameContext | |
Anger att datumelementnamnet ska användas i ett ”fristående” sammanhang, oberoende av andra format. | |
STANDARD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.desktop.InvokeEventReason | |
Anger att InvokeEvent-händelsen inträffade av någon annan orsak än att användaren loggade in eller öppnade en URL. | |
STANDARD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display.NativeWindowSystemChrome | |
Fönsterstandard för värdoperativsystemet. | |
STANDARD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DProfile | |
Använd en standardprofil för GPU:er som har stöd för MRT, AGAL2 och texturer med flyttal. | |
STANDARD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.KeyLocation | |
Anger att tangentaktiveringen inte urskiljs som den vänstra eller högra versionen av tangenten och inte kommer från det numeriska tangentbordet (eller från en virtuell tangent som motsvarar det numeriska tangentbordet). | |
STANDARD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The default type. | |
STANDARD_CONSTRAINED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DProfile | |
Använd en standardprofil för GPU:er som har stöd för AGAL2 och texturer med flyttal. | |
standardError — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Ger tillgång till standardfelutdata från den här inbyggda processen. | |
standardErrorClose — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Anger att NativeProcess har stängt sin felström. | |
STANDARD_ERROR_CLOSE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten Event.STANDARD_ERROR_CLOSE definierar värdet för type-egenskapen för ett standardErrorClose-händelseobjekt. | |
standardErrorData — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Anger att den inbyggda processen har data som är tillgängliga för läsning i standardfelströmmen (stderror). | |
STANDARD_ERROR_DATA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett standardErrorData-händelseobjekt. | |
standardErrorIoError — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Anger att läsning från standardfelströmmen (stderror) har misslyckats. | |
STANDARD_ERROR_IO_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Händelsen standardErrorIoError skickas om ett fel inträffar när data från standardError-strömmen för ett NativeProcess-objekt läses. | |
STANDARD_EXTENDED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DProfile | |
Använd den utökade standardprofilen för GPU:er med stöd för AGAL3 och instansritfunktionen. | |
StandardFlowComposer — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.compose | |
Klassen StandardFlowComposer innehåller en standarddisposition och en behållarhanterare. | |
StandardFlowComposer() — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
Skapar ett StandardFlowComposer-objekt. | |
StandardHeader — klass, paket com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components | |
The standard header guide skin part. | |
StandardHeaderSkin — klass, paket com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.skins | |
The skin for the StandardHeader host component. | |
StandardHeaderSkin() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.skins.StandardHeaderSkin | |
Constructor. | |
standardInput — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Ger tillgång till standardindata för den här inbyggda processen. | |
standardInputClose — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Anger att NativeProcess-objektet har stängt sin indataström genom att anropa metoden closeInput(). | |
STANDARD_INPUT_CLOSE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten Event.STANDARD_INPUT_CLOSE definierar värdet för type-egenskapen för ett standardInputClose-händelseobjekt. | |
standardInputIoError — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Anger att skrivning till standardindataströmmen (stdin) har misslyckats. | |
STANDARD_INPUT_IO_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Händelsen standardInputIoError skickas om ett fel inträffar när data skrivs till standardInput för ett NativeProcess-objekt. | |
standardInputProgress — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Anger att NativeProcess har skrivit data till indataströmmen för den underordnade processen. | |
STANDARD_INPUT_PROGRESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett standardInputProgress-händelseobjekt. | |
standardOutput — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Ger tillgång till standardutdataröret för den här inbyggda processen. | |
standardOutputClose — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Anger att NativeProcess har stängt sin utdataström. | |
STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten Event.STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE definierar värdet för type-egenskapen för ett standardOutputClose-händelseobjekt. | |
standardOutputData — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Anger att den inbyggda processen har data som är tillgängliga för läsning i utdataströmmen. | |
STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett standardOutputData-händelseobjekt. | |
standardOutputIoError — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Anger att läsning från standardutdataströmmen (stdout) har misslyckats. | |
STANDARD_OUTPUT_IO_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Händelsen standardOutputIoError skickas om ett fel inträffar när data från standardOutput-strömmen för ett NativeProcess-objekt läses. | |
StandardWrapperHost — klass, paket com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components | |
Standard Wrapper with typical skin parts for a Guide Wrapper. | |
StandardWrapperSkin — klass, paket com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.skins | |
Defines the default Cobalt Standard Guide Skin available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
StandardWrapperSkin() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.skins.StandardWrapperSkin | |
Constructor. | |
start() — metod, klass | |
Startar tjänsteövervakningen. | |
start — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
Distinguished name of entry to be used to start a search. | |
start(taskId:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Starts a task. | |
start() — metod, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
Start the registry which calls the initialize function of individual handlers. | |
start() — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundle | |
Start the bundle. | |
start(operation:com.adobe.gravity.service.progress:IProgressOperation) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.service.progress.IProgressTracker | |
Called when an asynchronous operation starts. | |
start() — metod, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImageSlideShow | |
Start the slideshow. | |
start() — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
Starts the registry that calls the initialize function of individual handlers. | |
start — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the start date in a date range. | |
start(preloaderAnimClass:Class, contentClassName:String) — metod, klass fl.rsl.RSLPreloader | |
Startar hämtning av RSL-filer. | |
start(content:flash.display:MovieClip, transParams:Object) — Statisk metod , klass fl.transitions.TransitionManager | |
Skapar en ny TransitionManager-instans, bestämmer målobjektet, tillämpar en övergång och startar sedan övergången. | |
start() — metod, klass fl.transitions.Tween | |
Startar uppspelningen av en interpolerad animering från dess referenspunkt. | |
start(info:flash.desktop:NativeProcessStartupInfo) — metod, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Startar den inbyggda process som identifieras av angiven startinformation. | |
start(waitForCompletion:Boolean) — metod, klass flash.display.ShaderJob | |
Startar en skuggningsåtgärd i synkront eller asynkront läge beroende på värdet på waitForCompletion-parametern. | |
start — Egenskap, klass | |
Starttiden i sekunder för streamName. | |
start() — metod, klass flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Visar operativsystemets dialogruta Skriv ut och startar mellanlagring. | |
start() — metod, klass flash.system.Worker | |
Startar körningen av arbetaren. | |
start() — metod, klass flash.utils.Timer | |
Startar timern om den inte redan är igång. | |
start — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesSegment | |
The index into the items array of the first item in this segment. | |
start — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.PropertyChanges | |
An Object containing the starting properties of the target component modified by the change in view state. | |
start() — metod, klass mx.printing.FlexPrintJob | |
Initializes the PrintJob object. | |
START — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.TextFormatAlign | |
Konstant; justerar text mot början av en rad. | |
START — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.engine.TabAlignment | |
Placerar början av den tabbade texten vid tabbstoppet. | |
START — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.ClearFloats | |
Anger att text hoppar för flytande objekt till vänster om riktningen är "ltr" och till höger om riktingen är "rtl". | |
START — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.Float | |
Grafiska flytande objekt till vänster om texten om styckeriktningen är "ltr" och till höger om styckeriktningen är "rtl". | |
START — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign | |
Anger justering mot inledande kant – texten justeras för att matcha skrivriktningen. | |
START — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.AdvancedChannelSet | |
Special header value to instruct a client to start measuring it's rate. | |
START — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass spark.components.CalloutPosition | |
Position the leading edge of the callout at the leading edge of the owner. | |
start2(uiOptions:flash.printing:PrintUIOptions, showPrintDialog:Boolean) — metod, klass flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Visar operativsystemets utskriftsdialogruta, startar mellanlagring och ändrar eventuellt de skrivskyddade egenskapsvärdena för PrintJob-objektet. | |
startAngle — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Specifies the starting angle for the first slice of the PieChart control. | |
startAngle — Egenskap, klass mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem | |
The start angle, in radians, of this wedge. | |
startAtLogin — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Anger om det här programmet startas automatiskt när den aktuella användaren loggar in. | |
startCachingSamples(numSamples:int, controls:Vector$String) — metod, klass flash.ui.GameInputDevice | |
Begär att en enhet ska börja behålla cache-lagrade samplingsvärden. | |
startCheckForConflict(,, errMsg:mx.messaging.messages:ErrorMessage) — metod, klass | |
This gets called when we get a fault that might be a conflict from the server. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.Review | |
Specifies the start date of the review. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewSearchFilter | |
Specifies the start date of the review. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.AbstractStage | |
Specifies the start date of the stage. | |
startDate — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Defines the start date of a project. | |
startDate — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Defines start date of a workItem. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the start date of a project. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines start date of a workItem. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines a start date filter for project search. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the start date of a project. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the start date filter. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines start date of a workItem. | |
startDate — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Start date of a review. | |
startDate — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Date on which the stage execution started. | |
startDate — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Start date of participant's role in the stage. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Start date of a review. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Date on which the stage execution started. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Start date of participant's role in the stage. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Start date of the Gantt chart after the scale has changed. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Start date of the time duration displayed in the Gantt chart. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Start date of the display range in which the GanttItem is displayed. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Start date of the review. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Start date of the review. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Date on which the stage execution started. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Start date of the role of a participant in the stage. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
Startdatum för den tidsperiod under vilken en DRM-voucher är giltig (uppspelningsfönstret). | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGridModel | |
The date and time to use for filtering a collection of ProcessInstance objects. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass | |
The start date for the playback window, null if authentication hasn't taken place. | |
startDate — Egenskap, klass org.osmf.traits.DRMTrait | |
The start date for the playback window. | |
startDateField — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date field. The skin part for the Start Date field. | |
startDateField — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date field. The skin part for the Start Date field. | |
startDateField — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date field. The skin part for the Start Date field. | |
startDateField — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date field. The skin part for the Start Date field. | |
startDateFieldLabel — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date label. The skin part for the Start Date label. | |
startDateFieldLabel — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for displaying the Start Date. The skin part for displaying the Start Date. | |
startDateLabel — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for displaying the Start Date. The skin part for displaying the Start Date. | |
startDateOrderValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date order validator. The skin part for the Start Date order validator. | |
startDateOrderValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date ordering validator. The skin part for the Start Date ordering validator. | |
startDateOrderValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the validator of the Start Date Order. The skin part for the validator of the Start Date Order. | |
startDateOrderValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date Order validator. The skin part for the Start Date Order validator. | |
StartDateOrderValidator — klass, paket | |
The validator for Start Date order. | |
StartDateOrderValidator() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StartDateOrderValidator class. | |
startDateValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date validator. The skin part for the Start Date validator. | |
startDateValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date validator. The skin part for the Start Date validator. | |
startDateValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the validator of the Start Date. The skin part for the validator of the Start Date. | |
startDateValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
The skin part for the Start Date validator. The skin part for the Start Date validator. | |
startDateValueChanged( — metod, klass | |
This method is called when a Start Value is changed. | |
startDelay — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.Effect | |
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before starting the effect. | |
startDelay — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before starting the effect. | |
startDelay — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before starting the effect. | |
startDelay — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
The amount of time spent waiting before the animation begins. | |
startDrag(lockCenter:Boolean, bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — metod, klass flash.display.Sprite | |
Gör att användaren kan dra angiven sprite. | |
startDrag(lockCenter:Boolean, bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IContainer | |
Gör att användaren kan dra angiven sprite. | |
startDragging( — metod, klass mx.containers.Panel | |
Called when the user starts dragging a Panel that has been popped up by the PopUpManager. | |
startEffect() — metod, klass mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
Plays the effect instance on the target after the startDelay period has elapsed. | |
startEffect() — metod, gränssnitt mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
Plays the effect instance on the target after the startDelay period has elapsed. | |
startFrameEvents() — metod, klass fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Initierar bildrutehändelser. | |
startGuide() — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Start rendering the pages of the guide. | |
startGuide() — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Start rendering the pages of the guide. | |
startIndex — Egenskap, klass | |
Hämtar index för det först ändrade objektet i den array objekt som ändrades. | |
startIndex — Egenskap, klass flash.globalization.NumberParseResult | |
Index för det första tecknet i den numeriska delen av indatasträngen. | |
STARTING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.gravity.framework.BundleConstants | |
The bundle is in the process of starting (start() has been called but is not complete). | |
startingIndex — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IRepeater | |
The index into the dataProvider at which this Repeater starts creating children. | |
startingIndex — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Repeater | |
The index into the dataProvider at which this Repeater starts creating children. | |
startItemEditorSession(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — metod, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
Starts an editor session on a selected cell in the grid. | |
startMove() — metod, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Startar en systemstyrd flyttning av detta fönster. | |
startOfDocument(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — Statisk metod , klass flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil | |
Anger TextRange till början av dokumentet. | |
startOffset — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.relation.RelationParameters | |
The starting offset from which results need to be returned. | |
startOffset — Egenskap, klass | |
The starting offset from which results need to be returned. | |
startOffset — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms.SearchParameters | |
Specifies the value used to offset the start of the search. | |
startOfLine(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — Statisk metod , klass flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil | |
Anger TextRange till början av raden. | |
startOfParagraph(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — Statisk metod , klass flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil | |
Anger TextRange till början av stycket. | |
startOperation(name:String) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.service.progress.IProgressService | |
Call this method when the asynchronous operation starts, and use the IProgressOperation instance returned to report the progress of the operation. | |
startOrder — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IBundleBuilder | |
The startOrder of the bundle. | |
startpoint — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointEvent | |
The startpoint to include in the event. | |
startpoint — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointGridSelectorModel | |
The currently selected startpoint. | |
Startpoint — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The Startpoint class represents a TaskManager startpoint on the Document Server. | |
StartpointCardRenderer — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartpointCardRenderer component represents an startpoint object. | |
StartpointCardRenderer() — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointCardRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
StartpointCardRendererModel — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartpointCardRendererModel class acts as the presentation model for the StartpointCardRenderer component. | |
StartpointDetails — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartpointDetails component represents the information on a process card. | |
StartpointDetails() — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointDetails | |
Constructor. | |
StartpointDetailsModel — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartpointDetailsModel class provides support for the views that are interested in StartpointDetails component. | |
StartpointEvent — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartpointEvent class contains events that are dispatched when a user performs an action against an startpoint. | |
StartpointEvent(type:String, startpoint:lc.procmgmt.domain:Startpoint) — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointEvent | |
Constructor. | |
STARTPOINT_FAILED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointEvent | |
A special value that specifies that invoking an startpoint failed. | |
startpointFromUrl — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
The URL for starting a process. | |
StartpointGridSelector — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartpointGridSelector component displays a collection of startpoints in a data grid. | |
StartpointGridSelector() — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointGridSelector | |
Constructor. | |
StartpointGridSelectorModel — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartpointGridSelectorModel class acts as the presentation model for the StartpointGridSelector component. | |
startpointId — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Startpoint | |
The startpoint identifier representing the TaskManager startpoint. | |
STARTPOINT_INVOCATION_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies a process was started and completed. | |
START_POINT_REPLY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
START_POINT_REQUEST — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
STARTPOINT_RESULT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies a process was started and a result was provided. | |
startpoints — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Category | |
A collection of TaskManager startpoints for a category. | |
startpoints — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointGridSelectorModel | |
A collection of startpoints. | |
startpointSelectorModel — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
The model for the StartpointSelector. | |
StartpointTileList — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartpointTileList component is configured to use the StartpointCardRenderer component to display startpoints in a grid, as well as pass on relevant events from the renderer. | |
StartpointTileList() — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointTileList | |
Constructor. | |
startProcess — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.Workspace | |
A reference to the StartProcess component. | |
StartProcess — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartProcess component is the primary component that enables a user to navigate between different categories of forms to start a process. | |
StartProcess() — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcess | |
Constructor. | |
StartProcessBase — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
For internal use only. | |
StartProcessBase() — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessBase | |
For internal use only. | |
startProcessModel — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.WorkspaceModel | |
An instance of the StartProcessModel class. | |
StartProcessModel — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint | |
The StartProcessModel class acts as the model for the StartProcess component. | |
StartProcessModel() — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
Constructor. | |
START_PROCESS_TAB_NAME — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.WorkspaceModel | |
The name that is used as an identifier for the Start Process tab. | |
startProject(projectId:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
This function starts a project immediately. | |
startProject(projectId:String) — metod, klass | |
This function starts a project immediately. | |
startResize(edgeOrCorner:String) — metod, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Startar en systemstyrd resize-åtgärd av detta fönster. | |
startRow — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
Used with action="query". | |
startRow — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Pop | |
First row number to get or delete. | |
startSampling() — Paketfunktion, flash.sampler | |
Påbörjar insamlingen av Sample-objekt för minnesanvändning. | |
startsWith(prefix:String, input:String) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Returns true if string starts with a specified prefix. | |
startTabIndex — Egenskap, klass | |
Returnerar det första tabIndex-värdet för FLVPlayback-kontrollerna. | |
startTime — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
The initial position in the MP3 file, in milliseconds, at which playback should start. | |
startTime — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
The initial position in the MP3 file, in milliseconds, at which playback should start. | |
startTouchDrag(touchPointID:int, lockCenter:Boolean, bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — metod, klass flash.display.Sprite | |
Låter användaren dra angiven sprite på en beröringsaktiverad enhet. | |
startTracking() — metod, klass ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
Pauses the video while moving the time slider. | |
startTrackUpdates(item:Object) — metod, klass mx.collections.ArrayList | |
If the item is an IEventDispatcher, watch it for updates. | |
startTransition(transParams:Object) — metod, klass fl.transitions.TransitionManager | |
Skapar och startar en övergångsinstans. | |
startupEffectDuration — Egenskap, klass ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
The time, in milliseconds, for the duration of the start-up effect. | |
startVideo(vidUrl:String) — metod, klass ga.controls.HelpBox | |
Starts the video. | |
startVideo(vidUrl:String) — metod, klass ga.controls.HelpPanel | |
Starts the help video. | |
startVideo() — metod, klass ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
Starts the video. | |
startView — Egenskap, klass spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
The currently active view of the view navigator, as set by the owning view navigator. | |
startWorkItem(workItemId:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
This function starts a work item immediately. | |
startWorkItem(workItemId:String) — metod, klass | |
This function starts a work item immediately. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
Specifies one of the FormState enumeration codes. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
One of the LetterState enum codes. | |
state — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary | |
The state of the data dictionary. | |
state — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundle | |
The state of the bundle. | |
state — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstance | |
Returns state of this letter instance. | |
state — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
The state of the underlying value object. | |
state — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
State of the container layout | |
state — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Specifies the state of the data module | |
state — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
Specifies the state of the document. | |
state — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
Specifies the state of the portfolio template. | |
state — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Returns the state of this Application mxml component only. | |
state — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
Returns the state of the underlying ISession | |
state — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns the current status of the ISession, valid values are contained in ServerConstants. | |
state — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Defines the state of a project. | |
state — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Defines the state of a WorkItem. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the state of a project. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the state of a WorkItem. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the filter on type state. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the state of a project. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the state of a WorkItem. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
En sträng som visar komponentens status. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
En sträng som identifierar konstanten från VideoState-klassen som beskriver komponentens uppspelningsstatus. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
En sträng som visar komponentens status. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
Beskriver läget som spelaren försätts i: ThrottleType.THROTTLE, ThrottleType.PAUSE eller ThrottleType.RESUME. | |
state — Egenskap, klass flash.system.MessageChannel | |
Anger aktuellt läge för objektet MessageChannel (öppen, stänger eller stängd). | |
state — Egenskap, klass flash.system.Worker | |
Det aktuella läget för arbetaren under dess livscykel. | |
state — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.HeaderPaneModel | |
The name of the state the current view is in. | |
state — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.presentationmodel.PresentationModel | |
The name of the state the current view is in. | |
state — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
The current state of the VideoDisplay control. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property when the event occurs. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
New MediaPlayerState of the MediaPlayer. | |
state — Egenskap, klass | |
The current state of the media. | |
state — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.InteractionStateDetector | |
Returns the state of the component Possible values are: InteractionState.UP InteractionState.DOWN InteractionState.OVER | |
State — klass, paket mx.states | |
The State class defines a view state, a particular view of a component. | |
State(properties:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.states.State | |
Constructor. | |
STATE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.core.InvalidationType | |
Konstanten InvalidationType.STATE definierar det värde för händelseobjektets type-egenskap som skickas för att ange att komponentens status är ogiltig. | |
STATE_ADD_ATTACHMENT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
A special value that indicates that it is possible to add notes and attachments. | |
STATE_ADD_ATTACHMENT_ONLY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
A special value that indicates that it is possible to add only attachments. | |
STATE_ADD_NOTE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
A special value that indicates that the STATE_ADD_ATTACHMENT state set set; however, the user tried add a note. | |
STATE_ADD_NOTE_ONLY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
A special value that indicates that it is possible to add a note. | |
STATE_AUTHENTICATING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating an authenticating state between client and server. | |
stateChange — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när uppspelningens läge ändras. | |
stateChange — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när uppspelningens läge ändras. | |
stateChange — Händelse, klass mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Dispatched when the state of the control changes. | |
STATE_CHANGE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett stateChange-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
STATE_CHANGE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The VideoEvent.STATE_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a stateChange event. | |
stateChangeComplete — Händelse, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched after the component has entered a new state and any state transition animation to that state has finished playing. | |
STATE_CHANGE_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The FlexEvent.STATE_CHANGE_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a stateChangeComplete event. | |
stateChanged(oldState:String, newState:String, recursive:Boolean) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
This method is called when a state changes to check whether state-specific styles apply to this component. | |
StateChangeEvent — klass, paket | |
The StateChangeEvent class represents an event that is dispatched when the currentState property of a component changes. | |
StateChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, oldState:String, newState:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
stateChangeInterrupted — Händelse, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched when a component interrupts a transition to its current state in order to switch to a new state. | |
STATE_CHANGE_INTERRUPTED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The FlexEvent.STATE_CHANGE_INTERRUPTED constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a stateChangeInterrupted event. | |
STATE_COMPLETED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.process.ProcessInstanceInfoModel | |
A special value that specifies that the process instance data has completed loading. | |
STATE_CONNECTED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating a connected state between client and server. | |
STATE_CONNECTING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating a connecting state between client and server. | |
STATE_DATA — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGridModel | |
A special value that specifies that the datagrid is being displayed, and one or more items exist. | |
StateDeserializer — klass, paket ga.util | |
Class to deserialize the state of the guide application including Inputs, SelectionLists and additional data objects | |
STATE_DISCONNECTED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating a disconnected state between client and server. | |
stateDisplay — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the asset's state A skin part that defines the asset's state | |
STATE_DISPLAY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A special value that specifies the form is displayed and used normally. | |
STATE_EMPTY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGridModel | |
A special value that specifies thatthere are no process instances in the datagrid. | |
STATE_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.process.ProcessInstanceInfoModel | |
A special value that specifies there is a problem retrieving the process instance data. | |
STATE_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
A special value that specifies that an error occurred. | |
STATE_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A special value that specifies an error has occurred while loading the form. | |
STATE_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.TrackingModel | |
A special value that represents that an error occurred. | |
STATE_ESTABLISHED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating an established state between client and server. | |
stateGroups — Egenskap, klass mx.states.State | |
The state groups that this view state belongs to as an array of String. | |
STATE_HAS_ATTACHMENTS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentListModel | |
A special value that specifies when the list of notes and attachments is not empty. | |
STATE_HAS_ATTACHMENTS_ACCESSIBLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentListModel | |
A special value that specifies when the list of attachments is available. | |
STATE_INITIAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.process.ProcessInstanceInfoModel | |
A special value that specifies when the object is first created. | |
STATE_INITIAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
A special value that indicates that initialization is occurring and the categories have not been loaded. | |
STATE_INITIAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
A special value that specifies that the model is initializing. | |
STATE_INITIAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskInfoModel | |
The model is set to this state when it is created. | |
STATE_INITIAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.ToDoModel | |
A specifical value that specifies that the model is set an initial state when it is created. | |
STATE_IN_PROGRESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
A special value that specifies that a search operation is occuring. | |
STATE_LIST_SELECTOR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The model is set to this state when a user can select from a list. | |
STATE_LOADED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating a loaded state of an application. | |
STATE_LOADED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating a loaded state of a catalog. | |
STATE_LOAD_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
A special value that indicates that an error occurred while loading the categories. | |
STATE_LOADING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating a loading state of an application. | |
STATE_LOADING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating a loading state of a catalog. | |
STATE_LOADING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
A special value that indicates that categories are being loading. | |
STATE_LOADING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A special value that specifies the form is being loaded. | |
Statement — klass, paket | |
This is the base class for Statement Objects. | |
Statement — klass, paket com.adobe.icc.vo | |
Defines a statement used in a filtering operation on the server. | |
Statement() — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
Statement(attribute:String, operator:String, value:Object) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Constructs a new Statement object, given optional parameters to a simple statement, for convenience. | |
STATEMENT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.printing.PaperSize | |
Statement-format | |
statements — Egenskap, klass | |
The List of Statements signifying the complex query represented by this instance. | |
statements — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Query | |
List of Statement objects in the query. | |
STATE_MESSAGES — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.HeaderPaneModel | |
A special value that specifies that the help was clicked in the header pane. | |
STATE_NORMAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.HeaderPaneModel | |
A special value that specifies to set the header pane is in a normal state. | |
stateOrProvinceName — Egenskap, klass | |
Returnerar StateOrProvinceName-attributet för DN. | |
STATE_PREFERENCES — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.HeaderPaneModel | |
A special value that specifies that the preferences link was clicked in the header pane. | |
STATE_PROCESS_INSTANCE_DETAILS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGridModel | |
A special value that specifies that the process details and audit information are being displayed. | |
STATE_QUERY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The model is set to this state when a user can perform a query. | |
STATE_READY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
A special value that indicates the process of loading categories is complete. | |
stateResponsive — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett booleskt värde som är true vid svarsläge. | |
stateResponsive — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett booleskt värde som är true vid svarsläge. | |
stateResponsive — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies whether the VideoDisplay control is in a responsive state, true, or in the unresponsive state, false. | |
stateResponsive — Egenskap, klass | |
The value of the VideoDisplay.stateResponsive property when the event occurs. | |
STATE_RESULTS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The model is set to this state when a user can display the search results. | |
STATE_ROOT_NAME — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass ga.util.StateSerializer | |
Constant definining the element root name for the guide state information | |
STATE_RUNNING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.process.ProcessInstanceInfoModel | |
A special value that specifies that the process instance data is being loaded. | |
states — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IStateClient2 | |
The set of view state objects. | |
states — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
The view states that are defined for this component. | |
STATE_SEARCH_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
A special value that specifies that a search has completed. | |
StateSerializer — klass, paket ga.util | |
Class to deserialize the state of the guide application including Inputs, SelectionLists and additional data objects | |
StateSerializer() — Konstruktor, klass ga.util.StateSerializer | |
Class to deserialize the state of the guide application including Inputs, SelectionLists and additional data objects | |
STATE_SUBMITTING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A special value that specifies the form is being submitted. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_HIGH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object displays important information that should be conveyed to the user immediately. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_LOW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object displays low-priority information that may not be important to the user. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_MEDIUM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag flaindicating that the object displays important information that does not need to be conveyed to the user immediately. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_ANIMATED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object's appearance is changing rapidly or constantly. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_BUSY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object cannot accept input at this time. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_CHECKED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object's check box is selected. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_COLLAPSED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that children of this object that have the ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM role are hidden. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating the default button or menu item. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_EXPANDED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that children of this object that have the ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM role are displayed. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_EXTSELECTABLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object can extend its selection using SELFLAG_EXTENDSELECTION in the IAccessible::accSelect method. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_FLOATING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is not clipped to the boundary of its parent object and does not move automatically when the parent moves. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is on the active window and can receive keyboard focus. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object currently has the keyboard focus. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object has a pop-up menu. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_HOTTRACKED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is currently hot-tracked by the mouse, meaning that its appearance has changed to indicate that the mouse pointer is located over it. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is hidden or not visible. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_LINKED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is linked. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_MARQUEED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object displays scrolling or moving text or graphics. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_MIXED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the state of a three-state check box or toolbar button is not determined. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_MOVEABLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object can be moved. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_MULTISELECTABLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object can accept multiple selected items (that is, SELFLAG_ADDSELECTION for the IAccessible::accSelect method is valid). | |
STATE_SYSTEM_NORMAL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
A constant representing the absence of any MSAA state flags. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_OFFSCREEN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object has no on-screen representation. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is pressed. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_PROTECTED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is a password-protected edit control. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is read-only. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object can accept selection. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is selected. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_SELFVOICING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object can use text-to-speech (TTS) to describe itself. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_SIZEABLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object can be resized. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_TRAVERSED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object has been traversed. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
An MSAA state flag indicating that the object is unavailable. | |
STATE_SYSTEM_VALID — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.accessibility.AccConst | |
A bitmask representing all valid MSAA state flags. | |
STATE_TASK_DETAILS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The model is set to this state when a user can show the details of a task. | |
STATE_UNINITIALIZED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating an uninitialized state of an application. | |
STATE_UNINITIALIZED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Constant indicating an uninitialized state of a catalog. | |
STATE_WELCOME — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.DesktopModel | |
A special value that specifies to set the state to display the Welcome page first. | |
STATE_WORKSPACE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.DesktopModel | |
A special value that specifies to set the state to display the Workspace page first. | |
static — Programsats | |
Anger att en variabel, en konstant eller en metod tillhör klassen och inte instanser av klassen. | |
STATIC — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.engine.TextLineValidity | |
Anger att raden är statisk och att anslutningen mellan raden och textblocket har brutits. | |
STATIC_DRAW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DBufferUsage | |
Anger att bufferten ska användas för att rita och uppdateras en gång. Den här typen är standardvärdet för buffertar i Stage3D. | |
staticEventDispatcher — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.model.Model | |
staticEventDispatcher — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FieldAssignmentModel | |
staticEventDispatcher — Statisk egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
staticEventDispatcher — Statisk egenskap, klass | |
staticEventDispatcher — Statisk egenskap, klass | |
StaticSectionView — klass, paket ga.views | |
The StaticSectionView class provides a dynamic list of the panels contained within a section. | |
StaticSectionView(section:ga.model:Section, parentNode:ga.util:Node) — Konstruktor, klass ga.views.StaticSectionView | |
Constructor | |
staticTableRadioButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the static type table radioButton A skin part that defines the static type table radioButton | |
StaticText — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.text | |
Den här klassen betecknar StaticText-objekt på visningslistan. | |
status — Händelse, klass | |
Indikerar att tjänstestatusen har ändrats. | |
status — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ITask | |
The status of the task. | |
status — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.Review | |
Specifies the status of the review. | |
status — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies the status of the Managed Review and Approval building block process. | |
status — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.AbstractParticipant | |
Specifies the status of the participant. | |
status — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.AbstractStage | |
Specifies the status of the stage. | |
status — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The status of the authentication related call. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
The status of the authentication related call. | |
status — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Defines the status of a project. | |
status — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Defines the status of a WorkItem. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the status of a project. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the status of a WorkItem. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the filter for status. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the status of the milestone. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the status of a project. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the status of a WorkItem. | |
status — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Current status of a participant. | |
status — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Review purpose. | |
status — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Status of the stage. | |
status — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Status of a user. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Current status of a participant. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Review purpose. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Status of the stage. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Status of a user. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Current status of the participant. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Status of the review. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Status of the stage. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Status of the principal. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Den HTTP-statuskod som returneras av servern. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Den HTTP-statuskod som returneras av servern. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Kontrollera om behörigheten har beviljats eller nekats. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Statusen för StageVideo-objektet. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Returnerar återgivningsstatusen för VideoEvent-objektet. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
Statusen för VideoTexture-objektet. | |
status — Händelse, klass flash.external.ExtensionContext | |
Klassen ExtensionContext erbjuder ett gränssnitt för anrop av funktioner i den systemspecifika implementeringen av en ANE-fil för Adobe AIR. | |
status — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när en kameras status rapporteras. | |
status — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ett LocalConnecton-objekt rapporterar status. | |
status — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när programmet gör ett försök att spela upp innehåll som har krypterats med DRM (Digital Rights Management), genom att anropa metoden | |
status — Händelse, klass flash.notifications.RemoteNotifier | |
Skickas om ett fel påträffas under prenumerationsprocessen. | |
status — Händelse, klass flash.sensors.Accelerometer | |
Skickas när en accelerometers status ändras. | |
status — Händelse, klass flash.sensors.DeviceRotation | |
Skickas när status för enhetsrotation ändras. | |
status — Händelse, klass flash.sensors.Geolocation | |
Geolocation-objektet skickar statushändelser när användaren ändrar åtkomst till platssensorn. | |
status — Händelse, klass flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
Skickas när uppdateringen misslyckas. | |
status — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement | |
Bildens aktuella status. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
FlowElement-objektets nya status. | |
status — Egenskap, klass | |
The user's common domain main. | |
status — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The task status. | |
status — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskInfoModel | |
The numeric value representing the status of a task. | |
status — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.Panel | |
Text in the status area of the title bar. | |
status — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.SortInfo | |
Contains PROPOSEDSORT if the sort is only a visual indication of the proposed sort, or contains ACTUALSORT if the sort is the actual current sort. | |
status — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IWindow | |
The string that appears in the status bar, if it is visible. | |
status — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Window | |
The string that appears in the status bar, if it is visible. | |
status — Egenskap, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
The string that appears in the status bar, if it is visible. | |
status — Egenskap, klass mx.core.windowClasses.StatusBar | |
The string that appears in the status bar, if it is visible. | |
status(message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — metod, klass mx.messaging.MessageResponder | |
Called by the channel that created this MessageResponder when a fault response returns from the destination. | |
status — Händelse, klass mx.messaging.channels.StreamingConnectionHandler | |
Dispatched when the StreamingConnectionHandler receives a status command from the server. | |
status — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Window | |
The string that appears in the status bar, if it is visible. | |
status — Egenskap, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
The string that appears in the status bar, if it is visible. | |
STATUS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.Property | |
The STATUS constant specifies the task property named status. | |
STATUS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett status-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
statusBar — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Window | |
The UIComponent that displays the status bar. | |
statusBar — Egenskap, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
The UIComponent that displays the status bar. | |
statusBar — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin | |
The skin part that defines the display of the status bar. | |
statusBar — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.WindowedApplicationSkin | |
The skin part that defines the display of the status bar. | |
statusBar — Skaldel, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
The skin part that defines the display of the status bar. The skin part that defines the display of the status bar. | |
statusBar — Skaldel, klass spark.components.Window | |
The skin part that defines the display of the status bar. The skin part that defines the display of the status bar. | |
StatusBar — klass, paket mx.core.windowClasses | |
The default status bar for a WindowedApplication or a Window. | |
StatusBar() — Konstruktor, klass mx.core.windowClasses.StatusBar | |
Constructor. | |
statusBarBackgroundColor — Format, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
The colors used to draw the status bar. | |
statusBarBackgroundColor — Format, klass mx.core.Window | |
The colors used to draw the status bar. | |
statusBarBackgroundSkin — Format, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
The status bar background skin. | |
statusBarBackgroundSkin — Format, klass mx.core.Window | |
The status bar background skin. | |
StatusBarBackgroundSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the StatusBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
StatusBarBackgroundSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.StatusBarBackgroundSkin | |
Constructor. | |
statusBarFactory — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Window | |
The IFactory that creates an instance to use as the status bar. | |
statusBarFactory — Egenskap, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
The IFactory that creates an instance to use as the status bar. | |
statusbarOption — Egenskap, klass | |
The value indicating whether PDF status bar should be shown or not.'0' indicates that the status bar is not shown. | |
StatusBarSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's StatusBar border. | |
StatusBarSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome.StatusBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
statusBarStyleFilters — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Window | |
Set of styles to pass from the window to the status bar. | |
statusBarStyleFilters — Egenskap, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Set of styles to pass from the WindowedApplication to the status bar. | |
statusBarVisible — Egenskap, klass flash.html.HTMLWindowCreateOptions | |
Anger om ett statusfält ska visas. | |
StatusChangeEvent — klass, paket | |
En TextFlow-instans skickar den här händelsen när statusen för ett FlowElement ändras. | |
StatusChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, element:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, status:String, — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett händelseobjekt som innehåller information om en statusändring. | |
statusCheckUrl — Egenskap, klass | |
The URL value used to determine the current status of user. | |
statusCode — Egenskap, klass | |
If the source message was sent via HTTP, this property provides access to the HTTP response status code (if available), otherwise the value is 0. | |
statusCode — Egenskap, klass | |
If the source message was sent via HTTP, this property provides access to the HTTP response status code (if available), otherwise the value is 0. | |
statusCode — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.livecycle.JobStatus | |
STATUS_CODE_HEADER — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage | |
A status code can provide context about the nature of a response message. | |
STATUS_COMPLETED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
A special value that specifies the process instance has completed. | |
STATUS_COMPLETING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
A special value that specifies the process instance is about to complete. | |
statusDisplay — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the Image object that displays the status icon. A reference to the Image object that displays the status icon. | |
StatusEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett objekt skickar ett StatusEvent-objekt när en enhet (till exempel en kamera eller mikrofon) eller ett objekt (till exempel ett LocalConnection-objekt) rapporterar sin status. | |
StatusEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, code:String, level:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt Event-objekt som innehåller information om statushändelser. | |
StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett StatusUpdateFileErrorEvent skickas när ett anrop till metoden checkForUpdate() för ett ApplicationUpdater-objekt påträffar ett fel under hämtning eller tolkning av uppdateringsbeskrivningsfilen. | |
StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, text:String, id:int) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Konstruktorfunktionen. | |
StatusFileUpdateEvent — klass, paket | |
Skickas efter att uppdateraren validerat filen i anropet till metoden installFromAIRFile(). | |
StatusFileUpdateEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, available:Boolean, version:String, path:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Konstruktorfunktionen. | |
statusFilterList — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewSearchFilter | |
Specifies a list of review status types to retrieve. | |
statusFilterList — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns a list of review status types. | |
statusHandler(message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — metod, klass mx.messaging.MessageResponder | |
Subclasses must override this method to perform custom processing of the status and invoke the proper callbacks on the associated MessageAgent. | |
STATUS_INITIATED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
A special value that specifies the process instance has been initiated. | |
statusKey — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskInfoModel | |
The localization key that identifies the task's status value as a localized string. | |
STATUS_OK — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.html.HTMLSWFCapability | |
En tillräckligt ny version av Adobe Flash Player har identifierats och SWF-innehåll kan läsas in i ett HTMLLoader-objekt. | |
statusReasonCode — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Defines the status reason code. | |
statusReasonCode — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Defines the status reason code. | |
statusReasonCode — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the status reason code. | |
statusReasonCode — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the status reason code. | |
statusReasonCode — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the status reason code. | |
statusReasonCode — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the status reason code. | |
StatusReasonCode — klass, paket | |
This class defines various reason codes that provide additional information about the current status of the entity. | |
StatusReasonCode() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for StatusReasonCode class. | |
STATUS_RUNNING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
A special value that specifies the process instance is currently running. | |
statusStyleName — Format, klass mx.containers.Panel | |
Style declaration name for the status in the title bar. | |
STATUS_SUSPENDED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
A special value that specifies the process instance has been suspended. | |
STATUS_SUSPENDING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
A special value that specifies the process instance is about to be suspended. | |
STATUS_TERMINATED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
A special value that specifies the process instance was terminated before all operations in the process were completed. | |
STATUS_TERMINATING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
A special value that specifies the process instance is about to be terminated. | |
statusText — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin | |
The skin part that defines the display of the status bar's text. | |
statusText — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.spark.WindowedApplicationSkin | |
The skin part that defines the display of the status bar's text. | |
statusText — Skaldel, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
The skin part that defines the display of the status bar's text. The skin part that defines the display of the status bar's text. | |
statusText — Skaldel, klass spark.components.Window | |
The skin part that defines the display of the status bar's text. The skin part that defines the display of the status bar's text. | |
statusTextField — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.Panel | |
The UITextField sub-control that displays the status. | |
statusTextField — Egenskap, klass mx.core.windowClasses.StatusBar | |
A reference to the UITextField that displays the status bar's text. | |
statusTextStyleName — Format, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Style declaration for the status text. | |
statusTextStyleName — Format, klass mx.core.Window | |
Style declaration for the status text. | |
STATUS_UNSUSPENDING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
A special value that specifies the process instance is about to be unsuspended. | |
StatusUpdateErrorEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett StatusUpdateErrorEvent skickas när ett anrop till metoden checkForUpdate() för ett ApplicationUpdater-objekt påträffar ett fel under hämtning eller tolkning av uppdateringsbeskrivningsfilen. | |
StatusUpdateErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, text:String, id:int, subErrorID:int) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Konstruktorfunktionen. | |
StatusUpdateEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett updater-objekt skickar ett StatusUpdateEvent-objekt efter att uppdateraren hämtar och tolkar uppdateringsbeskrivningsfilen. | |
StatusUpdateEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, available:Boolean, version:String, details:Array, versionLabel:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Konstruktorfunktionen. | |
statusValue(status:Number) — Statisk metod , klass lc.procmgmt.ProcessConstants | |
Returns a localized string corresponding to the passed process status. | |
STENCIL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DClearMask | |
Rensa endast stencilbufferten. | |
step(frames:int) — metod, klass | |
Stegar framåt eller bakåt med angivet antal bildrutor i förhållande till den bildruta som visas. | |
stepCount — Egenskap, klass fl.ik.IKMover | |
Antalet iterationer för IK-rörelsen. | |
stepName — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The name of the step. | |
stepName — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskInfoModel | |
The name of the operation in a process diagram in which the task participates. | |
StepNav — klass, paket ga.controls | |
The StepNav component is an accordion control that lists section names where each section contains a list of panels. | |
StepNav() — Konstruktor, klass ga.controls.StepNav | |
Constructor. | |
StepperDecrButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the down button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StepperDecrButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StepperDecrButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.StepperDecrButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
StepperDecrButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.StepperDecrButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
StepperIncrButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the up button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StepperIncrButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StepperIncrButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.spark.StepperIncrButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
StepperIncrButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.StepperIncrButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
stepSize — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
Hämtar eller ställer in en siffra som inte är noll som beskriver ändringsenheten mellan värden. | |
stepSize — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Non-zero unit of change between values. | |
stepSize — Egenskap, klass spark.collections.NumericDataProvider | |
The stepSize property controls the values of items between the first and last items. | |
stepSize — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.Range | |
The amount that the value property changes when the changeValueByStep() method is called. | |
stickyHighlighting — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.Button | |
If false, the Button displays its down skin when the user presses it but changes to its over skin when the user drags the mouse off of it. | |
stickyHighlighting — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
If false, the button displays its down skin when the user presses it but changes to its over skin when the user drags the mouse off of it. | |
stop() — metod, klass | |
Avslutar tjänsteövervakningen. | |
stop() — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundle | |
Stop the bundle. | |
stop() — metod, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImageSlideShow | |
Stop the slideshow. | |
stop() — metod, klass fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Stoppar animeringen och Flash Player flyttar tillbaka till den första bildrutan i animeringssekvensen. | |
stop() — metod, klass fl.transitions.Tween | |
Stoppar uppspelningen av en interpolerad animering vid dess aktuella värde. | |
stop() — metod, klass | |
Stoppar videouppspelningen. | |
stop() — metod, klass | |
Stoppar en videouppspelning. | |
stop() — metod, klass flash.display.MovieClip | |
Stoppar spelhuvudet i filmklippet. | |
stop() — metod, klass | |
Stoppar ljudet som spelas upp i kanalen. | |
stop() — metod, klass | |
Stoppar den aktuella inläsningen. | |
stop() — metod, klass flash.utils.Timer | |
Stoppar timern. | |
stop() — metod, klass mx.controls.MovieClipSWFLoader | |
Stops the SWF content. | |
stop() — metod, klass mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Stops playback. | |
stop() — metod, klass mx.effects.Effect | |
Stops the effect, leaving the effect targets in their current state. | |
stop() — metod, klass mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
Stops the effect, leaving the target in its current state. | |
stop() — metod, gränssnitt mx.effects.IEffect | |
Stops the effect, leaving the effect targets in their current state. | |
stop() — metod, gränssnitt mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
Stops the effect, leaving the target in its current state. | |
stop() — metod, klass mx.effects.Tween | |
Stops the tween, ending it without dispatching an event or calling the Tween's endFunction or onTweenEnd(). | |
stop() — metod, klass | |
Immediately halts playback and returns the playhead to the beginning of the media file. | |
stop() — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.PlayTrait | |
Stops the media if it is not already stopped. | |
stop() — metod, klass spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Stops video playback. | |
stop() — metod, klass spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Stops video playback. | |
stop() — metod, klass spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
Stops the animation, ending it without calling the end() method. | |
STOP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Slutar att spela flödena i en spellista. | |
STOP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för knappen för att aktivera transportläget för stopp. | |
STOP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.AdvancedChannelSet | |
Special header value to instruct a client to stop measuring it's rate. | |
STOP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.states.InterruptionBehavior | |
Specifies that a transition that interrupts another running transition stops that other transition in place before starting. | |
stopAll() — Statisk metod , klass | |
Slutar spela upp alla ljud. | |
stopAllMovieClips() — metod, klass flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
Stoppar rekursivt tidslinjekörning av alla filmklipp vars rot är detta objekt. | |
stopButton — Egenskap, klass | |
Stop-knappkontroll. | |
stopButton — Skaldel, klass spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
An optional skin part for the stop button. An optional skin part for the stop button. | |
stopCachingSamples() — metod, klass flash.ui.GameInputDevice | |
Stoppar cache-lagring av sampel. | |
stopDrag() — metod, klass flash.display.Sprite | |
Avslutar metoden startDrag(). | |
stopDrag() — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IContainer | |
Avslutar metoden startDrag(). | |
stopDragging() — metod, klass mx.containers.Panel | |
Called when the user stops dragging a Panel that has been popped up by the PopUpManager. | |
stopImmediatePropagation() — metod, klass | |
Förhindrar behandling av händelsehanterare i den aktuella noden och alla noder som följer den aktuella noden i händelseflödet. | |
stopOnError — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Valid only if the directory attribute is specified. | |
stopped — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett booleskt värde som är true om FLVPlayback-instansen är i stoppat läge. | |
STOPPED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Videospelaren är i stoppat läge. | |
STOPPED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property when an FLV file is loaded but play has stopped. | |
STOPPED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass org.osmf.traits.PlayState | |
The trait is stopped (neither playing nor paused). | |
stoppedStateEntered — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när stoppläget aktiveras. | |
STOPPED_STATE_ENTERED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett stoppedStateEntered-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
STOPPING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.gravity.framework.BundleConstants | |
The bundle is in the process of stopping (stop() has been called but is not complete). | |
stopPropagation() — metod, klass | |
Förhindrar behandling av händelsehanterare i noder som följer den aktuella noden i händelseflödet. | |
stopRadioButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the stage option to initiate an error condition and stop a stage if a mandatory participant has not completed the tasks by the deadline. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the stage option to initiate an error condition and stop a stage if a mandatory participant has not completed the tasks by the deadline. | |
stopRadioButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the stage option that decides whether to initiate an error condition and stop the stage or not, if a mandatory participant does not complete the tasks by the given deadline. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the stage option that decides whether to initiate an error condition and stop the stage or not, if a mandatory participant does not complete the tasks by the given deadline. | |
stopRadioButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the stage option of initiating an error condition and stop a stage, if a mandatory participant does not complete the tasks by the deadline. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the stage option of initiating an error condition and stop a stage, if a mandatory participant does not complete the tasks by the deadline. | |
stopSampling() — Paketfunktion, flash.sampler | |
Avslutar insamlingen av Sample-objekt för minnesanvändning och frigör resurser som används för samplingsprocessen. | |
stopTouchDrag(touchPointID:int) — metod, klass flash.display.Sprite | |
Avslutar metoden startTouchDrag(), som används med beröringsaktiverade enheter. | |
stopTracking() — metod, klass ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
Re-starts the video after moving the time slider. | |
stopTrackUpdates(item:Object) — metod, klass mx.collections.ArrayList | |
If the item is an IEventDispatcher, stop watching it for updates. | |
stopVideo() — metod, klass ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
Stops the video. | |
storageVolume — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett StorageVolume-objekt som innehåller information om en monterad volym. | |
StorageVolume — klass, paket flash.filesystem | |
Ett StorageVolume-objekt inkluderar egenskaper som definierar en masslagringsvolym. | |
StorageVolume(rootDirPath:flash.filesystem:File, name:String, writable:Boolean, removable:Boolean, fileSysType:String, drive:String) — Konstruktor, klass flash.filesystem.StorageVolume | |
Konstruktorfunktionen. | |
StorageVolumeChangeEvent — klass, paket | |
StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo-objektet skickar ett StorageVolumeChangeEvent-händelseobjekt när en lagringsvolym monteras eller avmonteras. | |
StorageVolumeChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, path:flash.filesystem:File, volume:flash.filesystem:StorageVolume) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett StorageVolumeChangeEvent-objekt som skickas som ett argument till händelseavlyssnare. | |
storageVolumeInfo — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.filesystem.StorageVolumeInfo | |
Singleton-instansen för StorageVolumeInfo-objektet. | |
StorageVolumeInfo — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.filesystem | |
StorageVolumeInfo-objektet skickar ett StorageVolumeChangeEvent-objekt när en lagringsvolym monteras eller avmonteras. | |
storageVolumeMount — Händelse, klass flash.filesystem.StorageVolumeInfo | |
Skickas när en lagringsvolym har monterats. | |
STORAGE_VOLUME_MOUNT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten StorageVolumeChangeEvent.VOLUME_MOUNT definierar värdet för type-egenskapen i ett StorageVolumeChangeEvent när en volym monteras. | |
storageVolumeUnmount — Händelse, klass flash.filesystem.StorageVolumeInfo | |
Skickas när en lagringsvolym har avmonterats. | |
STORAGE_VOLUME_UNMOUNT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten StorageVolumeChangeEvent.VOLUME_MOUNT definierar värdet för type-egenskapen i ett StorageVolumeChangeEvent när en volym avmonteras. | |
storeAIRDragSourceDetails(dragSource:mx.core:DragSource) — Statisk metod , klass mx.automation.air.AirDragManagerAutomationHandler | |
Stores the details of current drag source | |
storeAIRDragSourceDetails(dragSource:mx.core:DragSource) — Statisk metod , klass mx.automation.delegates.DragManagerAutomationImpl | |
storeContentInCRX(absSpacePath:String, fileName:String, document:com.adobe.livecycle.content:File, throwOsgiEventOnly:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt | |
This internal API stores a file in ADEP Content Repository. | |
storeContentInCRX(absSpacePath:String, fileName:String, document:com.adobe.livecycle.content:File, throwOsgiEventOnly:Boolean) — metod, klass | |
This internal API stores a file in ADEP Content Repository. | |
storeDragProxy(dragProxy:Object) — metod, klass mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
storeDragProxy(dragProxy:Object) — metod, gränssnitt mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for delegates): Stores the drag proxy to enable inter-application drag-drop.DragProxy created in one application should be accessible by another application if required. | |
storeReviewTemplate(reviewTemplate:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:ReviewContext, supportingDocList:Array, overWrite:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Stores a review template in the storage space provided by the Review Zone Provider service. | |
storeReviewTemplate(reviewContext:com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model:ReviewContext, supportingDocList:Array, overWrite:Boolean) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService | |
Stores a review template in the storage space provided by the Review Zone Provider service. | |
storeReviewTemplate(, overwrite:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt | |
This operation stores a ReviewTemplateVO in the system. | |
storeReviewTemplate(, overwrite:Boolean) — metod, klass | |
This operation stores a ReviewTemplateVO in the system. | |
storeVoucher(voucher:flash.utils:ByteArray) — metod, klass | |
stp — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
A Boolean field to enable or disable Straight Through Processing (STP). | |
stp — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean field to enable or disable Straight Through Processing (STP). | |
stp — Egenskap, klass | |
A Boolean field to enable or disable Straight Through Processing (STP). | |
straightThroughProcessing — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies whether the review process moves to the next stage after a stage is complete. | |
straightThroughProcessingCheckbox — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the Checkbox object which allow users to enable or disable Straight Through Processing (STP) for a template. If STP is selected, a review task is sent to the owner of the stage upon completion of every stage in the schedule. A reference to the Checkbox object which allow users to enable or disable Straight Through Processing (STP) for a template. | |
streamHeight — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Flödets höjd, i pixlar. | |
streamHeight — Egenskap, klass | |
Flödets höjd, i pixlar. | |
StreamingAMFChannel — klass, paket mx.messaging.channels | |
The StreamingAMFChannel class provides support for messaging and offers a different push model than the base AMFChannel. | |
StreamingAMFChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel | |
Constructor. | |
StreamingConnectionHandler — klass, paket mx.messaging.channels | |
A helper class that is used by the streaming channels to open an internal HTTP connection to the server that is held open to allow the server to stream data down to the client with no poll overhead. | |
StreamingConnectionHandler(channel:mx.messaging:Channel, log:mx.logging:ILogger) — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.channels.StreamingConnectionHandler | |
Constructor. | |
StreamingHTTPChannel — klass, paket mx.messaging.channels | |
The StreamingHTTPChannel class provides support for messaging and offers a different push model than the base HTTPChannel. | |
StreamingHTTPChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.channels.StreamingHTTPChannel | |
Constructor. | |
StreamingItem — klass, paket | |
The StreamingItem class represents a single media stream within a StreamingURLResource. | |
StreamingItem(type:String, streamName:String, bitrate:Number, info:Object) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Default constructor | |
StreamingItemType — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
The StreamingItemType class is an enumeration of constant values that you can use to set the type property of the StreamingItem class. | |
StreamingURLResource — klass, paket | |
StreamingURLResource is a URLResource which is capable of being streamed. | |
StreamingURLResource(url:String, streamType:String, clipStartTime:Number, clipEndTime:Number, connectionArguments:Vector$Object, urlIncludesFMSApplicationInstance:Boolean, drmContentData:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
streamItems — Egenskap, klass | |
Vector of DynamicStreamingItems. | |
streamItems — Egenskap, klass spark.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoSource | |
The metadata info object with properties describing the FLB file. | |
streamLength — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Flödets längd, i sekunder. | |
streamLength — Egenskap, klass | |
Flödets längd, i sekunder. | |
streamLength — Egenskap, klass | |
Flödets längd, i millisekunder. | |
streamName — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Det flödesnamn som skickas till metoden | |
streamName — Egenskap, klass | |
Det flödesnamn som skickas till metoden | |
streamName — Egenskap, klass | |
Namnet på det nya flödet att byta till eller att spela. | |
streamName — Egenskap, klass | |
The stream name that will be passed to | |
streamName — Egenskap, klass | |
The stream name string for multicasting. | |
streamName — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns a String used to identify the stream. | |
streamName — Egenskap, klass | |
The name of the stream corresponding to this quality level | |
streamName — Egenskap, klass spark.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoItem | |
The stream name on the server. | |
streamType — Egenskap, klass | |
The StreamType for this resource. | |
streamType — Egenskap, klass spark.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoSource | |
The type of stream we are trying to connect to: any, live, or recorded. | |
StreamType — slutgiltig klass, paket | |
The StreamType class is an enumeration of constant values that you can use to set the streamType property of the StreamingURLResource class. | |
streamWidth — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Flödets bredd, i pixlar. | |
streamWidth — Egenskap, klass | |
Flödets bredd, i pixlar. | |
strength — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.BevelFilter | |
Styrkan hos intrycket eller spridningen. | |
strength — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
Styrkan hos intrycket eller spridningen. | |
strength — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.GlowFilter | |
Styrkan hos intrycket eller spridningen. | |
strength — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter | |
Styrkan hos intrycket eller spridningen. | |
strength — Egenskap, klass flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter | |
Styrkan hos intrycket eller spridningen. | |
strength — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.Glow | |
The strength of the imprint or spread. | |
strength — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.GlowInstance | |
The strength of the glow. | |
strength — Egenskap, klass mx.filters.BaseDimensionFilter | |
The strength of the imprint or spread. | |
STRETCH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The bitmap fill stretches to fill the region. | |
STRETCH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass org.osmf.display.ScaleMode | |
STRETCH sets the width and the height of the content to the container width and height, possibly changing the content aspect ratio. | |
STRETCH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass org.osmf.layout.ScaleMode | |
STRETCH sets the width and the height of the content to the container width and height, possibly changing the content aspect ratio. | |
stretchCursor — Format, klass mx.controls.DataGrid | |
The class to use as the skin for the cursor that indicates that a column can be resized. | |
stretchCursor — Format, klass mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
The class to use as the skin for the cursor that indicates that a column can be resized. | |
stretchCursor — Format, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
The class to use as the skin for the cursor that indicates that a column can be resized. | |
stretchX — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
The stretchY is the horizontal component of the stretch scale factor which is applied before any other transformation property. | |
stretchY — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
The stretchY is the vertical component of the stretch scale factor which is applied before any other transformation property. | |
strictNillability — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.rpc.xml.IXMLEncoder | |
When strictNillability is set to true, null values are encoded according to XML Schema rules (requires nillable=true to be set in the definition). | |
strikethroughOffset — Egenskap, klass flash.text.engine.FontMetrics | |
strikethroughOffset-värdet är den föreslagna lodräta förskjutningen på en romersk baslinje i en genomstrykning. | |
strikethroughThickness — Egenskap, klass flash.text.engine.FontMetrics | |
strikethroughThickness-värdet är den föreslagna tjockleken för en genomstrykning. | |
String(expression:Object) — Paketfunktion, Översta nivån | |
Returnerar en strängbeteckning för den angivna parametern. | |
String — slutgiltig klass, Översta nivån | |
Klassen String är en datatyp som betecknar en teckensträng. | |
String(val:String) — Konstruktor, klass String | |
Skapar ett nytt String-objekt som initieras till den angivna strängen. | |
STRING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElementType | |
The DataDictionaryElementType.STRING constant defines the value of the elementType property of the DataDictionaryElement of STRING type. | |
STRING_BEGIN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Börja-konstanten | |
STRING_BREAK — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Bryt-konstanten | |
STRING_CLEARDISPLAY — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Rensa skärm-konstanten | |
STRING_CLEARLINE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Rensa rad-konstanten | |
stringCompare(a:String, b:String, caseInsensitive:Boolean) — Statisk metod , klass mx.utils.ObjectUtil | |
Compares two String values. | |
STRING_DELETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Ta bort-konstanten | |
STRING_DELETECHAR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Ta bort tecken-konstanten | |
STRING_DELETELINE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Ta bort rad-konstanten | |
STRING_DOWNARROW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Nedåtpil-konstanten | |
STRING_END — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Slut-konstanten | |
STRING_EXECUTE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Kör-konstanten | |
STRING_F1 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F1-konstanten | |
STRING_F10 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F10-konstanten | |
STRING_F11 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F11-konstanten | |
STRING_F12 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F12-konstanten | |
STRING_F13 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F13-konstanten | |
STRING_F14 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F14-konstanten | |
STRING_F15 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F15-konstanten | |
STRING_F16 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F16-konstanten | |
STRING_F17 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F17-konstanten | |
STRING_F18 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F18-konstanten | |
STRING_F19 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F19-konstanten | |
STRING_F2 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F2-konstanten | |
STRING_F20 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F20-konstanten | |
STRING_F21 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F21-konstanten | |
STRING_F22 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F22-konstanten | |
STRING_F23 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F23-konstanten | |
STRING_F24 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F24-konstanten | |
STRING_F25 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F25-konstanten | |
STRING_F26 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F26-konstanten | |
STRING_F27 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F27-konstanten | |
STRING_F28 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F28-konstanten | |
STRING_F29 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F29-konstanten | |
STRING_F3 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F3-konstanten | |
STRING_F30 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F30-konstanten | |
STRING_F31 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F31-konstanten | |
STRING_F32 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F32-konstanten | |
STRING_F33 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F33-konstanten | |
STRING_F34 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F34-konstanten | |
STRING_F35 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F35-konstanten | |
STRING_F4 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F4-konstanten | |
STRING_F5 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F5-konstanten | |
STRING_F6 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F6-konstanten | |
STRING_F7 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F7-konstanten | |
STRING_F8 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F8-konstanten | |
STRING_F9 — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode F9-konstanten | |
STRING_FIND — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Sök-konstanten | |
StringFunc — klass, paket com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib | |
The StringFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for String functions in the Adobe application modeling language. | |
STRING_HELP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Hjälp-konstanten | |
STRING_HOME — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Hem-konstanten | |
stringIDArray — Statisk egenskap, klass fl.lang.Locale | |
En array som innehåller alla sträng-ID:n i FLA-filen. | |
stringify(value:Object, replacer:any, space:any) — Statisk metod , klass JSON | |
Returnerar en sträng, i JSON-format, som representerar ett ActionScript-värde. | |
STRING_INSERT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Infoga-konstanten | |
STRING_INSERTCHAR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Infoga tecken-konstanten | |
STRING_INSERTLINE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Infoga rad-konstanten | |
STRING_LEFTARROW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode vänsterpil-konstanten | |
STRING_MENU — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Meny-konstanten | |
STRING_MODESWITCH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Växla läge-konstanten | |
STRING_NEXT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Nästa-konstanten | |
StringOperand — klass, paket com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operands | |
The StringOperand class represents the literal operand in an expression. | |
StringOperand(v:String) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operands.StringOperand | |
Constructor. | |
STRING_PAGEDOWN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Sida ned-konstanten | |
STRING_PAGEUP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Sida upp-konstanten | |
STRING_PAUSE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Pausa-konstanten | |
STRING_PREV — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Föregående-konstanten | |
STRING_PRINT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Skriv ut-konstanten | |
STRING_PRINTSCREEN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Utskriftsskärm-konstanten | |
STRING_REDO — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Gör om-konstanten | |
STRING_RESET — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Återställ-konstanten | |
STRING_RIGHTARROW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode högerpil-konstanten | |
STRING_SCROLLLOCK — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Scroll Lock-konstanten | |
STRING_SELECT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Markera-konstanten | |
STRING_STOP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Stoppa-konstanten | |
STRING_SYSREQ — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Systembegäran-konstanten | |
STRING_SYSTEM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode System-konstanten | |
StringTextLineFactory — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.factory | |
Klassen StringTextLineFactory är ett enkelt sätt att skapa TextLine-objekt från en sträng. | |
StringTextLineFactory(configuration:flashx.textLayout.elements:IConfiguration) — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.factory.StringTextLineFactory | |
Skapar ett StringTextLineFactory-objekt. | |
stringToDate(valueString:String, inputFormat:String) — Statisk metod , klass mx.controls.DateField | |
Parses a String object that contains a date, and returns a Date object corresponding to the String. | |
stringToObject(string:String, separator:String, decodeURL:Boolean) — Statisk metod , klass mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Returns an object from a String. | |
StringTools — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.globalization | |
Klassen StringTools innehåller språkkänsliga metoder för konvertering av gemener/versaler. | |
StringTools — klass, paket spark.globalization | |
The StringTools class provides locale-sensitve case conversion methods. | |
StringTools(requestedLocaleIDName:String) — Konstruktor, klass flash.globalization.StringTools | |
Skapar ett nytt StringTools-objekt som tillhandahåller konvertering av gemener/versaler och andra verktyg i enlighet med reglerna för ett visst språk. | |
StringTools() — Konstruktor, klass spark.globalization.StringTools | |
Constructs a new StringTools object that provides case conversion and other utilities according to the conventions of a given locale. | |
STRING_TYPE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flashx.textLayout.conversion.ConversionType | |
Exportera som sträng. | |
STRING_UNDO — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Ångra-konstanten | |
STRING_UPARROW — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode uppåtpil-konstanten | |
STRING_USER — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
OS X Unicode Användar-konstanten | |
StringUtil — klass, paket mx.utils | |
The StringUtil utility class is an all-static class with methods for working with String objects within Flex. | |
StringValidator — klass, paket mx.validators | |
The StringValidator class validates that the length of a String is within a specified range. | |
StringValidator() — Konstruktor, klass mx.validators.StringValidator | |
Constructor. | |
stripDiscretionaryHyphens — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.conversion.IPlainTextExporter | |
Den här egenskapa anger om mjuka bindestreck i texten ska tas bort i exporten. | |
stripDiscretionaryHyphens — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.conversion.PlainTextExporter | |
Den här egenskapa anger om mjuka bindestreck i texten ska tas bort i exporten. | |
stripNaNs(cache:Array, field:String) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Removes any item from the provided cache whose field property is NaN. | |
stripNaNs(cache:Array, field:String) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Removes any item from the provided cache whose field property is NaN. | |
stripNaNs(cache:Array, field:String) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Removes any item from the provided cache whose field property is NaN. | |
stripUnchangedValues — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.PropertyChanges | |
This flag controls whether values that are the same in the start and end states are stripped from those objects. | |
stroke — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.StrokedElement | |
The stroke used by this element. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.series.HLOCSeries | |
Sets the stroke style for this data series. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Sets the stroke style for this data series. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
Sets the stroke style for this data series. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.series.CandlestickSeries | |
Sets the stroke style for this data series. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
Sets the stroke style for this data series. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Sets the stroke style for this data series. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Sets the stroke style for this data series. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Sets the stroke style for this data series. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Sets the stroke style for this data series. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.Legend | |
Specifies the line stroke for the legend element. | |
stroke — Format, klass mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Specifies the line stroke for the legend element. | |
Stroke — klass, paket | |
The Stroke class defines the properties for a line. | |
Stroke(color:uint, weight:Number, alpha:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBarButton | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMLightItemRenderer | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMBreadCrumb | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTitleWindow | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlpha — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
The alpha for the stroke. | |
strokeAlphaDown — Format, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | |
strokeColor — Format, klass mx.controls.VRule | |
The color of the line. | |
strokeColor — Format, klass mx.controls.HRule | |
The color of the line. | |
StrokedElement — klass, paket spark.primitives.supportClasses | |
The StrokedElement class is the base class for all graphic elements that have a stroke, including Line, Ellipse, Path, and Rect. | |
StrokedElement() — Konstruktor, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.StrokedElement | |
Constructor. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBarButton | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMLightItemRenderer | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMBreadCrumb | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTitleWindow | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientEndColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
The stroke gradient ending color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBarButton | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMLightItemRenderer | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMBreadCrumb | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTitleWindow | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeGradientStartColor — Format, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
The stroke gradient starting color. | |
strokeWidth — Format, klass mx.controls.VRule | |
The thickness of the rule in pixels. | |
strokeWidth — Format, klass mx.controls.HRule | |
The thickness of the rule in pixels. | |
Strong — klass, paket fl.transitions.easing | |
Klassen Strong definierar tre övergångsfunktioner som implementerar rörelse med ActionScript-animeringar. | |
strValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
A Skin part which defines the validator for String type of fields. A Skin part which defines the validator for String type of fields. | |
stub — Egenskap, klass flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
Används för att skapa en komponenthjälpmedels-stub. | |
style — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
The style property of the underlying value object. | |
style — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Specifies a list style constant. | |
style — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.wsdl.WSDLBinding | |
Represents a SOAP binding style attribute which is the default for any operation defined under this binding. | |
Style — Dynamisk klass, paket com.adobe.fiber.styles | |
An implementation of IStyle. | |
Style() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.fiber.styles.Style | |
Default constructor. | |
StyleableStageText — klass, paket spark.components.supportClasses | |
The StyleableStageText class is a text primitive for use in ActionScript skins which is used to present the user with a native text input field. | |
StyleableStageText(multiline:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Constructor. | |
StyleableTextField — klass, paket spark.components.supportClasses | |
The StyleableTextField class is a text primitive for use in ActionScript skins and item renderers. | |
StyleableTextField() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Constructor. | |
STYLE_BULLETED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
STYLE_BULLETED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Specifies the constant for the list style that uses bullets. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Whenever any style changes, redraw this skin. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Called when the value of a style property is changed. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
Called when the value of a style property is changed. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.core.UITextField | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.core.windowClasses.TitleBar | |
Called by the StyleManager when a style changes. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Whenever any style changes, redraw this skin. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, gränssnitt mx.styles.ISimpleStyleClient | |
Called when the value of a style property is changed. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
Called when the value of a style property is changed. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleChanged(styleProp:String) — metod, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
Detects changes to style properties. | |
styleDeclaration — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Storage for the inline inheriting styles on this object. | |
styleDeclaration — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Storage for the inline inheriting styles on this object. | |
styleDeclaration — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
Storage for the inline inheriting styles on this object. | |
styleDeclaration — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
Storage for the inline inheriting styles on this object. | |
styleDeclaration — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Storage for the inline inheriting styles on this object. | |
styleDeclaration — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
The style declaration that holds the inline styles declared by this object. | |
styleDeclaration — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.styles.IStyleClient | |
The style declaration that holds the inline styles declared by this object. | |
styleDeclaration — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
The style declaration that holds the inline styles declared by this object. | |
styleDeclaration — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Storage for the inline inheriting styles on this object. | |
StyleEvent — klass, paket | |
The StyleEvent class represents an event object used by the StyleManager class when a style SWF is being downloaded. | |
StyleEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, bytesLoaded:uint, bytesTotal:uint, errorText:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
styleFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
A callback function called while rendering each cell in the cell data area. | |
styleFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
A callback function called while rendering each cell. | |
styleFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
A callback function that is called when rendering each cell. | |
styleManager — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManagerImpl | |
The style manager instance for ErrorManagerImpl. | |
styleManager — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the StyleManager instance used by this component. | |
styleManager — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
Returns the StyleManager instance used by this component. | |
StyleManager — klass, paket fl.managers | |
Klassen StyleManager tillhandahåller statiska metoder som kan användas för att hämta och ställa in format för en komponentinstans, en hel komponenttyp eller alla gränssnittskomponenter i ett Flash-dokument. | |
StyleManager — klass, paket mx.styles | |
The StyleManager class manages the following: Which CSS style properties the class inherits Which style properties are colors, and therefore get special handling A list of strings that are aliases for color values | |
StyleManager() — Konstruktor, klass fl.managers.StyleManager | |
Skapar ett nytt StyleManager-objekt. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.CustomAction | |
The styleName property of the underlying object. | |
styleName — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
he name of the style for the shell. | |
styleName — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The style name for the node. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Tilldelar elementet en identifierande klass, vilket innebär att du kan ange ett format för elementet genom att referera till styleName. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Tilldelar elementet en identifierande klass, vilket innebär att du kan ange ett format för elementet genom att referera till styleName. | |
styleName — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Tilldelar elementet en identifierande klass, vilket innebär att du kan ange ett format för elementet genom att referera till styleName. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Tilldelar elementet en identifierande klass, vilket innebär att du kan ange ett format för elementet genom att referera till styleName. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyElementUserStyleOperation | |
Namnet på det ändrade formatet. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridRendererProvider | |
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling the appearance of the cell. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UITextField | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
A parent component used to obtain style values. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
The source of this object's style values. | |
styleName — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.styles.ISimpleStyleClient | |
The source of this object's style values. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
The source of this object's style values. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToolPopUp | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleName — Egenskap, klass xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
The class style used by this component. | |
styleNames — Egenskap, klass flash.text.StyleSheet | |
En array som innehåller namnen (i strängform) på alla format som är registrerade i formatmallen. | |
STYLE_NUMBERED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
STYLE_NUMBERED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Specifies the constant for the list style that uses numbers. | |
styleParent — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
A component's parent is used to evaluate descendant selectors. | |
styleParent — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
A component's parent is used to evaluate descendant selectors. | |
styleParent — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.styles.IAdvancedStyleClient | |
The parent of this IAdvancedStyleClient.. | |
styleParent — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
The parent of this IAdvancedStyleClient.. | |
stylePath — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideDisplay | |
The path to the style asset which will be loaded by the Guide. | |
STYLE_PLAIN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
STYLE_PLAIN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Specifies the constant for the plain list style. | |
StyleProxy — klass, paket mx.styles | |
Wraps an object that implements the IAdvancedStyleClient interface. | |
StyleProxy(source:mx.styles:IStyleClient, filterMap:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
Constructor. | |
styles — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Returnerar format för denna ContainerController. | |
styles — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
Returnerar format för detta FlowElement. | |
styles — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Returnerar formatet för detta TextLayoutFormat. | |
STYLES — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass fl.core.InvalidationType | |
Konstanten InvalidationType.SIZE definierar det värde för händelseobjektets type-egenskap som skickas för att ange att komponentens stilar är ogiltiga. | |
stylesFactory — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponentDescriptor | |
A Function that constructs an Object containing name/value pairs for the instance styles for the component, as specified in MXML. | |
styleSheet — Egenskap, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Formatmallar för TLF-textfältet. | |
styleSheet — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Kopplar en formatmall till textfältet. | |
styleSheet — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.Label | |
A flash.text.StyleSheet object that can perform rendering on the Label control's text. | |
styleSheet — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextArea | |
A flash.text.StyleSheet object that can perform rendering on the TextArea control's text. | |
styleSheet — Egenskap, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
Kopplar en formatmall till textfältet. | |
styleSheet — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Kopplar en formatmall till textfältet. | |
StyleSheet — Dynamisk klass, paket flash.text | |
Med klassen StyleSheet kan du skapa ett StyleSheet-objekt som innehåller textformateringsregler, t.ex. teckenstorlek, färg och andra teckenformat. | |
StyleSheet() — Konstruktor, klass flash.text.StyleSheet | |
Skapar ett nytt StyleSheet-objekt. | |
stylesheets — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns an array of URLs representing each stylesheet the application references. | |
stylesheets — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
Returns an array of URLs representing each stylesheet from the composite application catalog. | |
stylesInitialized() — metod, klass mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Calls the legendDataChanged() method. | |
stylesInitialized() — metod, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Flex calls the stylesInitialized() method when the styles for a component are first initialized. | |
stylesInitialized() — metod, klass mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
Flex calls the stylesInitialized() method when the styles for a component are first initialized. | |
stylesInitialized() — metod, gränssnitt mx.styles.IAdvancedStyleClient | |
Flex calls the stylesInitialized() method when the styles for a component are first initialized. | |
stylesInitialized() — metod, klass mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
Flex calls the stylesInitialized() method when the styles for a component are first initialized. | |
stylesInitialized() — metod, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Flex calls the stylesInitialized() method when the styles for a component are first initialized. | |
StyleValidator — klass, paket com.adobe.fiber.styles | |
A wrapper around mx.validators.Validator that enables runtime customization of the function used for validation, doValidation. | |
StyleValidator(validationFunction:Function) — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.fiber.styles.StyleValidator | |
Default constructor. | |
STYLUS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.system.TouchscreenType | |
En pekskärm som utformats för att användas med penna. | |
subCategories — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.CategoryManager | |
The list of sub-categories existing in the system | |
subCategory — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.PreferencesManager | |
User preferred sub-category. | |
subCategory — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
The Sub-Category of the underlying value object. | |
subcategoryListDisplay — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the subcategory list A skin part that defines the subcategory list | |
subcategoryRadioButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the radio button to select subcategory type A skin part that defines the radio button to select subcategory type | |
subcategoryValidator — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines the validator for asset's subcategory A skin part that defines the validator for asset's subcategory | |
subErrorID — Egenskap, klass | |
Ger information utöver errorId-egenskapen. | |
subErrorID — Egenskap, klass | |
Ger information utöver errorId-egenskapen. | |
subErrorID — Egenskap, klass flash.errors.DRMManagerError | |
Numret på det specifika felet. | |
subErrorID — Egenskap, klass | |
En mer detaljerad felkod. | |
subErrorID — Egenskap, klass | |
subErrorID — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett ID-fel som indikerar mer detaljerad information om det underliggande problemet. | |
subErrorID — Egenskap, klass | |
En mer detaljerad felkod. | |
subField — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.ValidationResult | |
The name of the subfield that the result is associated with. | |
subFields — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.Validator | |
An Array of Strings containing the names for the properties contained in the value Object passed to the validate() method. | |
subFields — Egenskap, klass spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
An Array of Strings containing the names for the properties contained in the value Object passed to the validate() method. | |
subFolders — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Folder | |
Specifies the collection of subfolders within this folder. | |
subInterfaces — Egenskap, klass | |
Listan över de delgränssnitt som är kopplade till det här nätverksgränssnittet. | |
subject — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
The subject assigned to the PDF document. | |
subject — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.PopHeader | |
Message subject. | |
subject — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.PopRecord | |
Message subject. | |
subject — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.service.mxml.Mail | |
Message subject. | |
subject — Egenskap, klass | |
Defines the subject of the message. | |
subject — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger ämnets DN (Distinguished Name). | |
subject — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.CSSSelector | |
The subject of this selector node (only). | |
subject — Egenskap, klass mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration | |
The subject describes the name of a component that may be a potential match for this style declaration. | |
subjectPublicKey — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger ämnets offentliga nyckel. | |
subjectPublicKeyAlgorithmOID — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger algoritm-OID för ämnets offentliga nyckel. | |
subjectUniqueID — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger ämnets unika identifiering. | |
submenu — Egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeMenuItem | |
Den undermeny som är associerad med det här menyobjektet. | |
submit(submitData:String) — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.submit.ISubmit | |
Function submit implements a specific type of data submission. | |
submit() — metod, klass ga.model.PanelManager | |
If the Submit button on the form contains a script, this method executes the script, validates the form data, and then submits the data to the server. | |
submit() — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Submits the form data associated with a task. | |
submitAll — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
When false, field data in an optional panel is cleared when the panel is made invisible. | |
submitAll — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
When false, field data in an optional panel is cleared when the panel is made invisible. | |
submitAll — Egenskap, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
When false, field data in an optional panel is cleared when the panel is made invisible. | |
submitAll — Egenskap, klass ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
When false, field data in an optional panel is cleared when the panel is made invisible. | |
SubmitButton — klass, paket ga.controls | |
The SubmitButton class represents the submit button component that is displayed on the last panel of a Guide. | |
submitComplete — Händelse, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Dispatched when the user completes and submits a form. | |
SUBMIT_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.ObjectResultEvent | |
The SUBMIT_COMPLETE constant defines the event type. | |
SUBMIT_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies form data was submitted. | |
submitData() — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Performs the submit action based on the value of the Submit From option in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
submitData() — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Performs the submit action based on the value of the Submit From option in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
submitData() — metod, gränssnitt ga.util.IConnectionService | |
Performs the submit action based on the value of the Submit From option in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
submitDataWithCB(callback:Function) — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Submits the data to the server - return true if the submit was performed - returns false if validations fail | |
submitDataWithCB(callback:Function) — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Submits the data to the server - return true if the submit was performed - returns false if validations fail | |
submitDataWithCB(callback:Function) — metod, gränssnitt ga.util.IConnectionService | |
Submits the data to the server - return true if the submit was performed - returns false if validations fail | |
submitEnabled — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A flag that indicates whether the complete button is enabled at this time. | |
submitFail() — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.submit.ISubmitResult | |
The submitFail method is called on invalid completion of a submit. | |
submitFrom — Egenskap, klass ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
Where the submit button should be clicked. | |
SUBMIT_FROM_GUIDE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
A value for the submitFrom property. | |
SUBMIT_FROM_HOST — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
A value for the submitFrom property. | |
submitFromPDF() — metod, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
This function displays the PDF rendition within the PDFBox control on the Guide layout. | |
submitFromPDF() — metod, gränssnitt ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
This function displays the PDF rendition within the PDFBox control on the Guide layout. | |
submitFromPDF() — metod, klass ga.controls.Wrapper | |
This function displays the PDF rendition within the PDFBox control on the Guide layout. | |
SUBMIT_FROM_PDF — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
A value for the submitFrom property. | |
SUBMIT_FROM_PRINT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
A value for the submitFrom property. | |
SUBMIT_FROM_USER_BUTTON — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass ga.model.GuidedActivity | |
A value for the submitFrom property. | |
submitItemWithData(taskId:String, taskItemIndex:int, data:Object, params:Object) — metod, gränssnitt lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Submits current task item data to the server. | |
submitItemWithData(taskItemIndex:int, data:Object, params:Object) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Submits the current task item and associated data to the Document Server. | |
submitItemWithPriorData(taskId:String, taskItemIndex:int, resultKey:Object, params:Object) — metod, gränssnitt lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Submits task item data that was last saved to the server. | |
submitItemWithPriorData(taskItemIndex:int, dataKey:Object, params:Object) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Submits the previously saved task item data to the server. | |
submitLetter(, letterData:String, interactive:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Submits the data for the specified letter. | |
submitLetterWithParams(, letterData:String, interactive:Boolean, useLatestAssets:Boolean, reload:Boolean, serviceName:String, params:Object) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Submits the data for the specified letter. | |
submitPanelButton — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.StandardWrapperHost | |
The submit panel button skin part. The submit panel button skin part. | |
submitPdfType — Egenskap, klass | |
Type of PDF to pass to the letter's post process. | |
SUBMITPDFTYPE_INTERACTIVE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Submit PDF Type: Interactive (dynamic PDF). | |
SUBMITPDFTYPE_NONINTERACTIVE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Submit PDF Type: (default) Non-interactive (non-interactive/flat PDF). | |
submitRequestTimestamp — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideData | |
Returns the timestamp of the most recent submit request. | |
submitRequestTimestamp — Egenskap, klass ga.model.PanelManager | |
submitResult — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.submit.ISubmitResultAware | |
The SubmitResult function will handle the results, success or failure, of an ISubmit submit(x) call. | |
submitService — Egenskap, klass | |
Submit Service destination within context root: {baseurl}/{pscmContext}/{submitService}. | |
submitServiceUrl — Egenskap, klass | |
Fetches the Submit Service URL: combination of {baseurl}/{pscmContext}/{submitService} that will never end with a slash. | |
submitSuccess() — metod, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.submit.ISubmitResult | |
The submitSuccess method is called on valid completion of a submit. | |
submitToUrl(xmlData:String, targetUrl:String, requireValidation:Boolean, window:String) — metod, klass ga.model.PanelManager | |
Send the panel data to the specified URL. | |
submitType — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.ReaderSubmit | |
The submit type to use. | |
SUBMIT_VALIDATION_ERROR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
A special value that specifies a validation error occurred while submitting the form. | |
submitWrapper — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.component.DocumentSubmitComponent | |
The embedded DocumentSubmit component. | |
SubParagraphGroupElement — slutgiltig klass, paket flashx.textLayout.elements | |
SubParagraphGroupElement är ett gruppelement för FlowLeafElements och andra klasser som utvidgar SubParagraphGroupElementBase. | |
SubParagraphGroupElement() — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.SubParagraphGroupElement | |
Konstruktor. | |
SubParagraphGroupElementBase — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.elements | |
Klassen SubParagraphGroupElementBase grupperar FlowLeafElement-objekt. | |
SubParagraphGroupElementBase() — Konstruktor, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.SubParagraphGroupElementBase | |
Konstruktor – skapar en ny SubParagraphGroupElementBase-instans. | |
SUBPIXEL — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.GridFitType | |
Passar in tydliga vågräta och lodräta linjer i rutnätet under pixelnivå på LCD-skärmar. | |
subscribe(options:flash.notifications:RemoteNotifierSubscribeOptions) — metod, klass flash.notifications.RemoteNotifier | |
Prenumererar på/registrerar programmet för att ta emot meddelanden från APN:er. | |
subscribe(clientId:String) — metod, klass mx.messaging.AbstractConsumer | |
Subscribes to the remote destination. | |
subscribed — Egenskap, klass | |
Indicates if the DataManager instance is subscribed to the remote destination. | |
subscribed — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.AbstractConsumer | |
Indicates whether the Consumer is currently subscribed. | |
SUBSCRIBE_OPERATION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
This operation is used to subscribe to a remote destination. | |
SUBSCRIPT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.BaselineShift | |
Flyttar baslinjen till den aktuella positionen för nedsänkt text. | |
SubscriptionInfo — klass, paket mx.messaging | |
This is the class used for elements of the ArrayCollection subscriptions property in the MultiTopicConsumer property. | |
SubscriptionInfo(st:String, sel:String, mf:uint) — Konstruktor, klass mx.messaging.SubscriptionInfo | |
Builds a new SubscriptionInfo with the specified subtopic and selector. | |
SUBSCRIPTION_INVALIDATE_OPERATION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
This operation is used to indicate that the client's subscription with a remote destination has timed out. | |
subscriptions — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.MultiTopicConsumer | |
Stores an Array of SubscriptionInfo objects. | |
subscriptOffset — Egenskap, klass flash.text.engine.FontMetrics | |
subscriptOffset-värdet är den föreslagna lodräta förskjutningen på en romersk baslinje för nedsänkt text. | |
subscriptScale — Egenskap, klass flash.text.engine.FontMetrics | |
subscriptScale-värdet är den föreslagna skalningsfaktorn som ska användas på punktstorleken på nedsänkt text. | |
substitute(str:String, ... rest) — Statisk metod , klass mx.utils.RPCStringUtil | |
Substitutes "{n}" tokens within the specified string with the respective arguments passed in. | |
substitute(str:String, ... rest) — Statisk metod , klass mx.utils.StringUtil | |
Substitutes "{n}" tokens within the specified string with the respective arguments passed in. | |
substr(startIndex:Number, len:Number) — metod, klass String | |
Returnerar en delsträng som består av tecknen från det angivna startIndex och har längden som anges av len. | |
substring(startIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) — metod, klass String | |
Returnerar en sträng som består av tecknet som anges av startIndex och alla tecken fram till endIndex -1. | |
substring(str:String, s:int, c:int) — Statisk metod , klass com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Extracts a substring from a string, beginning at s (start), of length c (count). | |
SUBTITLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för knappen för att växla undertext. | |
subtopic — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.Consumer | |
Provides access to the subtopic for the remote destination that the MessageAgent uses. | |
subtopic — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.Producer | |
Provides access to the subtopic for the remote destination that the MessageAgent uses. | |
subtopic — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.SubscriptionInfo | |
The subtopic. | |
SUBTOPIC_HEADER — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage | |
Messages sent by a MessageAgent with a defined subtopic property indicate their target subtopic in this header. | |
subtopics — Egenskap, klass mx.messaging.MultiTopicProducer | |
Provides access to the list of subtopics used in publishing any messages | |
SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
The separator string used for separating subtopic and selectors in the add and remove subscription headers. | |
subtract(v:flash.geom:Point) — metod, klass flash.geom.Point | |
Subtraherar koordinater för en annan punkt från koordinaterna för den här punkten så att en ny punkt skapas. | |
subtract(a:flash.geom:Vector3D) — metod, klass flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Subtraherar värdena på x-, y- och z-elementen för det aktuella Vector3D-objektet. Subtraheras från värdena på x-, y- och z-elementen för ett annat Vector3D-objekt. | |
SUBTRACT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display.BlendMode | |
Subtraherar värdena för visningsobjektets beståndsfärger från värdena för bakgrundens beståndsfärger, med golvet 0. | |
subType — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel | |
The SubType of DataElementModel: Enum. | |
subType — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.FieldInstance | |
The sub type of the data element in case when type of data element specified is ENUM. | |
subType — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IDataInstance | |
The sub type of the data element in case when type of data element specified is ENUM. | |
subType — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.VariableInstance | |
The sub type of the data element in case when type of data element specified is ENUM. | |
subType — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.VariableModel | |
The sub type of the variable. | |
subType — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable | |
One of SUBTYPEconst value. | |
subTypeDisplay — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement | |
A skin part that defines an optional ToggleButtonBase for data element sub type. A skin part that defines an optional ToggleButtonBase for data element sub type. | |
subTypeDisplay — Skaldel, klass com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.EditDataElement | |
A skin part that defines an optional ToggleButtonBase for data element sub type. A skin part that defines an optional ToggleButtonBase for data element sub type. | |
SUBTYPE_ENUM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel | |
The DataElementModel.SUBTYPE_ENUM constant defines the value of the subType property of the DataElementModel of SUBTYPE_ENUM type. | |
SUBTYPE_ENUM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable | |
Variable subType: ENUM | |
succeeded — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if the replay was successful, and false if not. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a panel is added. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a service is added. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a tile is added. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a view is added. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a view manager is added. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a catalog is loaded successfully. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This type is sent when handling succeeded in closing an ISession | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a saved user view is deleted from the server. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This type is sent when handling succeeded in loading the requested IApplication | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a tile is maximized. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a tile is minimized. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a tile is moved. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This type is sent when handling succeeded in opening an ISession | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a panel is removed. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a tile is removed. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a view is removed. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a view manager is removed. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a tile is reparented. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This type is sent when handling succeeded in initializing an IApplicationSpecifier object | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This type is sent when handling succeeded in retrieving array an of type IApplicationListItem representing the applications available to the current user | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This type is sent when handling succeeded in initializing an ICatalogSpecifier object | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This type is sent when handling succeeded in retrieving an array of type ICatalogListItem representing the catalogs available to the current user | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a node's references are resolved. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a tile is restored. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a view is saved. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when a the requested assets from a catalog are found. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This type is sent when handling succeeded in unloading the requested IApplication | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The message type sent when the user views are successfully loaded. | |
SUCCESS — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.engine.TextLineCreationResult | |
Indikerar att raden har brutits. | |
SufficientBandwidthRule — klass, paket | |
SufficientBandwidthRule is a switching rule that switches up when the user has sufficient bandwidth to do so. | |
SufficientBandwidthRule( — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
suffix — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
The suffix property of the underlying value object. | |
suffix — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Get the suffix after the number or letter. | |
suffix — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.formats.IListMarkerFormat | |
Kontrollerar programmet för suffixet i den genererade texten i ListItemElement. | |
suffix — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.ListMarkerFormat | |
Kontrollerar programmet för suffixet i den genererade texten i ListItemElement. | |
Suffix — klass, paket flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Definierar värdet för inställningen av suffixegenskapen för ett ListMarkerFormat. | |
suffixDisplay — Skaldel, klass | |
A skin part that defines a textinput to input suffix value A skin part that defines a textinput to input suffix value | |
suggestedFocusSkinExclusions — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Lists the skin parts that are excluded from bitmaps captured and used to show focus. | |
SumAggregator — klass, paket mx.olap.aggregators | |
The SumAggregator class implements the sum aggregator. | |
summaries — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.GroupingCollection | |
Array of SummaryRow instances that define any root-level data summaries. | |
summaries — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.GroupingCollection2 | |
Array of SummaryRow instances that define any root-level data summaries. | |
summaries — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.GroupingField | |
Array of SummaryRow instances that define the group-level summaries. | |
summaryCalculationBegin(field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — metod, klass mx.collections.DefaultSummaryCalculator | |
Flex calls this method to start the computation of a summary value. | |
summaryCalculationBegin(field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — metod, gränssnitt mx.collections.ISummaryCalculator | |
Flex calls this method to start the computation of a summary value. | |
SummaryField — klass, paket mx.collections | |
The SummaryField class represents a single property in a SummaryRow instance. | |
SummaryField(dataField:String, operation:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.collections.SummaryField | |
Constructor. | |
SummaryField2 — klass, paket mx.collections | |
The SummaryField2 class represents a single property in a SummaryRow instance. | |
SummaryField2(dataField:String, summaryOperation:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.collections.SummaryField2 | |
Constructor. | |
summaryFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.SummaryField | |
Specifies a callback function to compute a custom data summary. | |
SummaryObject — Dynamisk klass, paket mx.collections | |
The SummaryObject class defines the object used to store information when performing custom data summaries on grouped data. | |
SummaryObject() — Konstruktor, klass mx.collections.SummaryObject | |
Constructor. | |
summaryObjectFunction — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.SummaryRow | |
Specifies a callback function that defines the summary object, which is an instance of the SummaryObject class. | |
summaryOfSummaryCalculationBegin(value:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — metod, klass mx.collections.DefaultSummaryCalculator | |
Flex calls this method to start calculation of summary out of summary values. | |
summaryOfSummaryCalculationBegin(value:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — metod, gränssnitt mx.collections.ISummaryCalculator | |
Flex calls this method to start calculation of summary out of summary values. | |
summaryOperation — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.SummaryField2 | |
The summary performed on the children. | |
summaryPlacement — Egenskap, klass mx.collections.SummaryRow | |
Specifies where the summary row appears in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
SummaryRow — klass, paket mx.collections | |
The SummaryRow class represents a summary row of the AdvancedDataGrid. | |
SummaryRow() — Konstruktor, klass mx.collections.SummaryRow | |
Constructor. | |
sumRowHeights(startRowIdx:int, endRowIdx:int) — metod, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Determine the height of the requested set of rows. | |
SUNDANESE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Representerar Unicode-värdet för siffran noll i den sundanesiska sifferuppsättningen. | |
super — Programsats | |
Anropar superklassens eller den överordnade klassens metod eller konstruktor. | |
superClassName — Egenskap, klass mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
The name of the class's superclass. | |
superClassName — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.automation.IAutomationClass | |
The name of the class's superclass. | |
SUPERSCRIPT — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.BaselineShift | |
Flyttar baslinjen till den aktuella positionen för upphöjd text. | |
superscriptOffset — Egenskap, klass flash.text.engine.FontMetrics | |
superscriptOffset-värdet är den föreslagna lodräta förskjutningen på en romersk baslinje för nedsänkt text. | |
superscriptScale — Egenskap, klass flash.text.engine.FontMetrics | |
supercriptScale-värdet är den föreslagna skalningsfaktorn som ska användas på punktstorleken på upphöjd text. | |
supportedGestures — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.ui.Multitouch | |
En Vector-array (en typbestämd array med strängvärden) med de beröringskontakttyper som stöds i den aktuella miljön. | |
supportedNotificationStyles — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.notifications.RemoteNotifier | |
En vektorlista över alla meddelandestilar som inte stöds. | |
supportedOrientations — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
De orienteringar som stöds av den aktuella enheten. | |
supportingDocs — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the SupportingDocuments object that displays the supporting document screen. A reference to the SupportingDocuments object that displays the supporting document screen. | |
supportingDocs — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the SupportingDocuments object that displays the supporting documents screen. A reference to the SupportingDocuments object that displays the supporting documents screen. | |
supportingDocs — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the SupportingDocuments object that displays the supporting documents screen. A reference to the SupportingDocuments object that displays the supporting documents screen. | |
SupportingDocument — klass, paket com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document | |
A supporting document that is attached to a review. | |
SupportingDocument — klass, paket | |
This class defines supporting documents. | |
SupportingDocument() — Konstruktor, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document.SupportingDocument | |
Constructor. | |
SupportingDocument( — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for SupportingDocument class. | |
supportingDocumentList — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
List of supporting documents for a review. | |
supportingDocumentList — Egenskap, klass | |
List of supporting documents for a review. | |
supportingDocumentList — Egenskap, klass | |
List of supporting documents. | |
supportingDocuments — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies a collection of supporting documents. | |
supportingDocuments — Skalläge, klass | |
The skin state when the component is displaying the supporting documents screen. | |
supportingDocuments — Skalläge, klass | |
The skin state when the component is displaying the supporting documents screen. | |
supportingDocuments — Skalläge, klass | |
The skin state when the component is displaying the supporting documents screen. | |
SupportingDocuments — klass, paket | |
The host component for the supporting documents screen in the schedule template workflow. | |
SupportingDocuments() — Konstruktor, klass | |
The constructor for SupportingDocuments class. | |
supports32BitProcesses — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.system.Capabilities | |
Anger om systemet har stöd för att köra 32-bitars processer. | |
supports64BitProcesses — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.system.Capabilities | |
Anger om systemet har stöd för att köra 64-bitars processer. | |
supportsAddBitmapData — Statisk egenskap, klass | |
Om metoden CameraRoll.addBitmapData() stöds. | |
supportsBrowseForImage — Statisk egenskap, klass | |
Rapporterar om metoden CameraRoll.browseForImage() stöds. | |
supportsCursor — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.ui.Mouse | |
Anger om datorn eller enheten visar en bestående markör. | |
supportsDefaultApplication — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Anger om setAsDefaultApplication(), removeAsDefaultApplication() och isSetAsDefaultApplication() stöds på den aktuella plattformen. | |
supportsDockIcon — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Anger om AIR har stöd för programdockningsikoner i det aktuella operativsystemet. | |
supportsDynamicAlignmentAreas — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
Indicates that this layout supports a dynamic number of alignment areas. | |
supportsDynamicAlignmentAreas — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.VariableGroupLayoutHost | |
Indicates that this layout supports a dynamic number of alignment areas. | |
supportsDynamicAlignmentAreas — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.model.ILayoutHost | |
Indicates that this layout supports a dynamic number of alignment areas. | |
supportsFilePromise — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.Clipboard | |
Visar om urklippsformatet för fillöftet stöds på klientsystemet. | |
supportsGestureEvents — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.ui.Multitouch | |
Anger om den aktuella miljön har stöd för gestindata, som att rotera två fingrar runt en pekskärm. | |
supportsKeepWithPrevious — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
Indicates that this layout supports the keep with previous hint on a panel item. | |
supportsKeepWithPrevious — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.VariableGroupLayoutHost | |
Indicates that this layout supports the keep with previous hint on a panel item. | |
supportsKeepWithPrevious — Egenskap, gränssnitt ga.model.ILayoutHost | |
Indicates that this layout supports the keep with previous hint on a panel item. | |
supportsMenu — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Anger om det aktuella operativsystemet har stöd för en global programmenyrad. | |
supportsMenu — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Indikerar huruvida AIR stöder inbyggda fönster på det aktuella datorsystemet. | |
supportsNativeCursor — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.ui.Mouse | |
Anger om den aktuella konfigurationen har stöd för inbyggda markörer. | |
supportsNotification — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Indikerar huruvida AIR stöder meddelandereferenser till fönster på det aktuella datorsystemet. | |
supportsOrientationChange — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Om programmet har stöd för ändringar av scenens orientering (och enhetsrotation). | |
supportsPageSetupDialog — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.printing.PrintJob | |
Anger om Flash-miljön har stöd för en separat utskriftsdialogruta. | |
supportsSave — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A flag that indicates whether the form can be saved. | |
supportsStageVideo — Statisk egenskap, klass org.osmf.utils.OSMFSettings | |
Obtains whether the version of Flash Player installed on the user’s system supports StageVideo. | |
supportsStartAtLogin — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Anger om startAtLogin stöds på den aktuella plattformen. | |
supportsSubmit — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A flag that indicates whether the form supports submission as part of an automated process. | |
supportsSystemTrayIcon — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Anger om AIR har stöd för aktivitetsfältsikoner i det aktuella operativsystemet. | |
supportsTakeOffline — Egenskap, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A flag that indicates whether the form can be taken offline. | |
supportsTouchEvents — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.ui.Multitouch | |
Anger om den aktuella miljön har stöd för grundläggande beröringsindata, som en enkel beröring med ett finger. | |
supportsTransparency — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Anger om AIR stöder inbyggda fönster med genomskinliga pixlar. | |
supportsVideoTexture — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Anger om Context3D har stöd för videotextur. | |
surrogateToUTF32(c0:uint, c1:uint) — Statisk metod , klass spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationUtils | |
Convert a surrogate pair to UTF32. | |
suspend — Händelse, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Skickas när programmet är på väg att försättas i viloläge av operativsystemet. | |
SUSPEND — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Konstanten Event.SUSPEND definierar värdet för type-egenskapen för ett suspend-händelseobjekt. | |
suspendBackgroundProcessing() — Statisk metod , klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Blocks the background processing of methods queued by callLater(), until resumeBackgroundProcessing() is called. | |
suspendBackgroundProcessing — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.Effect | |
If true, blocks all background processing while the effect is playing. | |
suspendBackgroundProcessing — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
If true, blocks all background processing while the effect is playing. | |
suspendBackgroundProcessing — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
If true, blocks all background processing while the effect is playing. | |
suspendBackgroundProcessing — Egenskap, klass spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
When set to true, the UIComponent.suspendBackgroundProcessing() method is invoked prior to the transition playing. | |
suspendEventHandling() — Statisk metod , klass mx.effects.EffectManager | |
After this method is called, the EffectManager class ignores all events, and no effects are triggered, until a call to resumeEventHandling(). | |
SWAP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Ersätter ett flöde med ett flöde med annat innehåll och behåller resten av spellistan. | |
swapChildren(child1:flash.display:DisplayObject, child2:flash.display:DisplayObject) — metod, klass flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
Byter z-ordningen (framifrån och bakåt-ordning) för de två underordnade objekten. | |
swapChildren(child1:flash.display:DisplayObject, child2:flash.display:DisplayObject) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IContainer | |
Byter z-ordningen (framifrån och bakåt-ordning) för de två underordnade objekten. | |
swapChildrenAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, klass flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
Byter z-ordningen (framifrån och bakåt-ordning) för underordnade objekt vid de två angivna indexpositionerna i listan med underordnade objekt. | |
swapChildrenAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Byter z-ordningen (framifrån och bakåt-ordning) för underordnade objekt vid de två angivna indexpositionerna i listan med underordnade objekt. | |
swapChildrenAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IContainer | |
Byter z-ordningen (framifrån och bakåt-ordning) för underordnade objekt vid de två angivna indexpositionerna i listan med underordnade objekt. | |
swapElements(element1:mx.core:IVisualElement, element2:mx.core:IVisualElement) — metod, klass mx.charts.Legend | |
Swaps the index of the two specified visual elements. | |
swapElements(element1:mx.core:IVisualElement, element2:mx.core:IVisualElement) — metod, klass mx.core.Container | |
Swaps the index of the two specified visual elements. | |
swapElements(element1:mx.core:IVisualElement, element2:mx.core:IVisualElement) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IVisualElementContainer | |
Swaps the index of the two specified visual elements. | |
swapElements(element1:mx.core:IVisualElement, element2:mx.core:IVisualElement) — metod, klass mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
Swaps the index of the two specified visual elements. | |
swapElements(element1:mx.core:IVisualElement, element2:mx.core:IVisualElement) — metod, klass spark.components.Group | |
Swaps the index of the two specified visual elements. | |
swapElements(element1:mx.core:IVisualElement, element2:mx.core:IVisualElement) — metod, klass spark.components.Scroller | |
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | |
swapElements(element1:mx.core:IVisualElement, element2:mx.core:IVisualElement) — metod, klass spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Swaps the index of the two specified visual elements. | |
swapElementsAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, klass mx.charts.Legend | |
Swaps the visual elements at the two specified index positions in the container. | |
swapElementsAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, klass mx.core.Container | |
Swaps the visual elements at the two specified index positions in the container. | |
swapElementsAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, gränssnitt mx.core.IVisualElementContainer | |
Swaps the visual elements at the two specified index positions in the container. | |
swapElementsAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, klass mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
Swaps the visual elements at the two specified index positions in the container. | |
swapElementsAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Group | |
Swaps the visual elements at the two specified index positions in the container. | |
swapElementsAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, klass spark.components.Scroller | |
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | |
swapElementsAt(index1:int, index2:int) — metod, klass spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Swaps the visual elements at the two specified index positions in the container. | |
swatchBorderColor — Format, klass mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Color of the swatches' borders. | |
swatchBorderSize — Format, klass mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Size of the outlines of the swatches' borders. | |
swatchHeight — Format, klass fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Varje färgrutas höjd i pixlar. | |
swatchPadding — Format, klass fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Definierar utfyllnaden som visas runt varje färgruta på färgpanelen, i pixlar. | |
SwatchPanelSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the border of a SwatchPanel. | |
SwatchPanelSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.SwatchPanelSkin | |
Constructor. | |
swatchPanelStyleName — Format, klass mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Name of the class selector that defines style properties for the swatch panel. | |
swatchSelectedSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Den klass som innehåller det skal som används för att markera den valda färgen. | |
swatchSkin — Format, klass fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Den klass som innehåller det skal som används för att rita färgrutorna som finns i ColorPicker-komponenten. | |
SwatchSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin used for all color swatches in a ColorPicker. | |
SwatchSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.SwatchSkin | |
Constructor. | |
swatchStyleFilters — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Set of styles to pass from the ColorPicker through to the preview swatch. | |
swatchWidth — Format, klass fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Varje färgrutas bredd i pixlar. | |
SWF — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The type constant for SWFs. | |
SwfAppButtonEvent — klass, paket | |
A SwfAppButtonEvent event is used to communicate between an application built with Flex (Flex application) and the buttons in the Workspace user interface. | |
SwfAppButtonEvent(type:String, buttonName:String, newButtonName:String, newTooltip:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SwfAppEvent — klass, paket | |
A SwfAppEvent event is used to communicate between an application built with Flex (Flex application and Workspace). | |
SwfAppEvent(type:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
swfBridge — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
A bridge to the application that is associated with the implementor of this interface. | |
swfBridge — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.ISWFBridgeProvider | |
A bridge to the application that is associated with the implementor of this interface. | |
SWFBridgeEvent — klass, paket | |
This is an event that is sent between applications that are in different security sandboxes. | |
SWFBridgeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, data:Object) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
swfBridgeGroup — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.managers.IMarshalSystemManager | |
Contains all the bridges to other applications that this application is connected to. | |
SWFBridgeGroup — klass, paket mx.core | |
A SWFBridgeGroup represents all of the sandbox bridges that an application needs to communicate with its parent and children. | |
SWFBridgeGroup(owner:mx.managers:ISystemManager) — Konstruktor, klass mx.core.SWFBridgeGroup | |
Constructor. | |
SWFBridgeRequest — klass, paket | |
An event that is sent between applications through the sharedEvents dispatcher that exists between two application SWFs. | |
SWFBridgeRequest(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean,, data:Object) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
swfCapability — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Typen av SWF-stöd på användarens system, angett som ett heltalskodvärde. | |
SwfConnector — klass, paket lc.procmgmt.formbridge | |
The SwfConnector class is used by Flex applications to simplify communication with Workspace. | |
swfContext — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowComposerBase | |
Den ISWFContext-instans som används för att göra FTE-anrop efter behov. | |
swfContext — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
Den ISWFContext-instans som ska användas för anrop som måste ske i ett visst SWF-sammanhang. Implementeringar av IFlowComposer bör tillåta att den här egenskapen anges, så att gränssnittets användare kan skapa rader i ett annat SWF-sammanhang än det som innehåller implementeringen. | |
swfContext — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Den valfria ISWFContext-instansen används för att göra FTE-anrop efter behov i rätt swf-sammanhang. | |
swfContext — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.factory.TextLineFactoryBase | |
Den ISWFContext-instans som används för att göra FTE-anrop efter behov. | |
SwfDataEvent — klass, paket | |
A SwfDataEvent event is used to pass initial data from Workspace to the application built with Flex (Flex application). | |
SwfDataEvent(type:String, task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task, data:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SWFElement — klass, paket org.osmf.elements | |
SWFElement is a media element specifically created for presenting SWFs. | |
SWFElement(, loader:org.osmf.elements:SWFLoader) — Konstruktor, klass org.osmf.elements.SWFElement | |
Constructor. | |
SWFLoader — klass, paket mx.controls | |
The SWFLoader control loads and displays a specified SWF file. | |
SWFLoader — klass, paket org.osmf.elements | |
SWFLoader is a loader that is capable of loading and displaying SWF files. | |
SWFLoader() — Konstruktor, klass mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Constructor. | |
SWFLoader(useCurrentSecurityDomain:Boolean) — Konstruktor, klass org.osmf.elements.SWFLoader | |
Constructor. | |
SWFLoaderAutomationImpl — klass, paket mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SWFLoader control. | |
SWFLoaderAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:SWFLoader) — Konstruktor, klass mx.automation.delegates.controls.SWFLoaderAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
swfVersion — Egenskap, klass fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
Filformatsversionen av den inlästa SWF-filen. | |
swfVersion — Egenskap, klass flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Filformatsversionen av den inlästa SWF-filen. | |
SWFVersion — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.display | |
Klassen SWFVersion är en uppräkning av konstanta värden som anger filformatsversionen för en inläst SWF-fil. | |
switch — Programsats | |
Överför kontrollen till en av flera satser, beroende på ett uttrycks värde. | |
SWITCH — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Byter från att spela ett flöde till ett annat flöde, typiskt för flöden med samma innehåll. | |
switchAlternativeAudioIndex(streamIndex:int) — metod, klass | |
Changes the current audio stream to the alternative audio stream specified by a 0-based index value. | |
switchDynamicStreamIndex(streamIndex:int) — metod, klass | |
Switch to a specific dynamic stream index. | |
switching — Egenskap, klass | |
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an alternative audio stream switch is in progress (TRUE) or not (FALSE). | |
switching — Egenskap, klass | |
The new switching value. | |
switching — Egenskap, klass | |
Flag indicating whether the NetStreamSwitcher is currently in a switching process. | |
switching — Egenskap, klass org.osmf.traits.AlternativeAudioTrait | |
Indicates whether an alternative audio stream switch is currently in progress. | |
switching — Egenskap, klass org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Indicates whether or not a switch is currently in progress. | |
switchingChange — Händelse, klass org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Dispatched when a stream switch is requested, completed, or failed. | |
switchingChange — Händelse, klass org.osmf.traits.TraitEventDispatcher | |
Dispatched when a dynamic stream switch change occurs. | |
SWITCHING_CHANGE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The DynamicStreamEvent.SWITCHING_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a switchingChange event. | |
switchingChangeEnd(index:int) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Called just after the switching property has changed. | |
switchingChangeStart(newSwitching:Boolean, index:int) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Called immediately before the switching property is changed. | |
SwitchingRuleBase — klass, paket | |
SwitchingRuleBase is a base class for classes that define multi-bitrate (MBR) switching rules. | |
SwitchingRuleBase( — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
SwitchSymbolFormatter — klass, paket mx.formatters | |
The SwitchSymbolFormatter class is a utility class that you can use when creating custom formatters. | |
SwitchSymbolFormatter(numberSymbol:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.formatters.SwitchSymbolFormatter | |
Constructor. | |
switchTo(index:int) — metod, klass | |
Initiate a switch to the stream with the given index. | |
switchTo(index:int) — metod, klass | |
Initiates a switch to the specified index | |
switchTo(index:int) — metod, klass | |
switchTo(index:int) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.AlternativeAudioTrait | |
Switches the current audio stream to the alternate stream specified by the index value. | |
switchTo(index:int) — metod, klass org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
Switch to a specific index. | |
SWZInfo — klass, paket fl.rsl | |
Klassen SWZInfo anger hur en SWZ-fil, som är en signerad RSL-fil (Runtime Shared Library), hämtas. | |
SWZInfo(digest:String) — Konstruktor, klass fl.rsl.SWZInfo | |
Konstruktor. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.charts.Legend | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.controls.RadioButton | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.controls.CheckBox | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass mx.core.Container | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.TextArea | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.BusyIndicator | |
Color of the spokes of the spinner. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.List | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.RadioButton | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.CheckBox | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.Scroller | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.Spinner | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.DataGrid | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolColor — Format, klass spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Color of any symbol of a component. | |
symbolIcon — Egenskap, klass | |
Read-only button symbol graphic. | |
symbolItems — Egenskap, klass mx.skins.wireframe.MenuCheckDisabled | |
symbolItems — Egenskap, klass spark.skins.SparkSkin | |
Names of items that should have their color property defined by the symbolColor style. | |
symbolItems — Egenskap, klass | |
Names of items that should have their color property defined by the symbolColor style. | |
symbolName — Egenskap, klass fl.motion.Source | |
Anger namnet på symbolen som Motion-instansen genererades från. | |
symbolsButtonBar — Skaldel, klass | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Symbols ButtonBar. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Symbols ButtonBar. | |
sync — Händelse, klass | |
Skickas när ett externt delat objekt har uppdaterats av servern. | |
SYNC — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Definierar värdet för ett sync-händelseobjekts type-egenskap. | |
syncCFC — Egenskap, klass coldfusion.air.SyncManager | |
Fully qualified CFC name that implements the CFIDE.AIR.ISyncManager interface. | |
synced — Egenskap, klass | |
Contains true if this query was synced when it was requested from the server. | |
SyncEvent — klass, paket | |
Ett SharedObject-objekt representerar ett externt delat objekt och skickar ett SyncEvent-objekt när externdelningsobjektet har uppdaterats av servern. | |
SyncEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, changeList:Array) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Skapar ett nytt Event-objekt som innehåller information om sync-händelser. | |
SyncFaultEvent — klass, paket | |
The Fault Event that is dispatched if an error occurs when accessing the SyncManager. | |
SyncFaultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, fault:mx.rpc:Fault, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Creates a SyncFaultEvent object. | |
synchronizeAllFills() — metod, klass | |
Obtains the changed items for all previously executed fills on this data service (data manager). | |
synchronizeDataServices(services:Array) — Statisk metod , klass | |
A convenience method to allow the synchronization of all local data: a synchronizeAllFills() is invoked on each data service (data manager) specified such that the final result token is completed only when all the individual synchronizeAllFills() calls are completed. | |
synchronizeFill(... rest) — metod, klass | |
Obtains the changed items that have changed on the server since the previous time a fill or synchronizeFill was invoked. | |
SYNCHRONIZE_FILL_OPERATION — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
This operation requests that the remote destination create a sequence using the remote destination's adapter. | |
synchronizeOperation — Egenskap, klass | |
Name of an operation on the service taking the same parameters as this query which computes the changed items of the query since the time of the last query. | |
SyncManager — klass, paket coldfusion.air | |
This is the main class that connects to the ColdFusion server to fetch and synchronize offline data with the server. | |
SyncManager() — Konstruktor, klass coldfusion.air.SyncManager | |
Creates an instance of the SyncManager class. | |
SyncManagerError — klass, paket coldfusion.air.errors | |
This error is thrown when an error is encountered in the SyncManager. | |
SyncManagerError(message:String) — Konstruktor, klass coldfusion.air.errors.SyncManagerError | |
Creates an instance of the SyncManagerError class. | |
SyncResultEvent — klass, paket | |
The Result Event that is dispatched on recieving a response from the SyncManager. | |
SyncResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, result:Object, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Creates a SyncResultEvent. | |
syntax — Egenskap, klass | |
Functions Syntax | |
SyntaxError — Dynamisk klass, Översta nivån | |
Ett SyntaxError-undantag uppstår när ett tolkningsfel sker, av någon av följande orsaker: | |
SyntaxError(message:String) — Konstruktor, klass SyntaxError | |
Skapar ett nytt SyntaxError-objekt. | |
system — Egenskap, klass | |
Determines whether this is a system principal or not. | |
system — Egenskap, klass | |
A flag value that specifies whether the principal is a system principal. | |
System — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.system | |
Klassen System innehåller egenskaper för lokala inställningar och åtgärder. | |
SYSTEM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryType | |
The DataDictionaryType.SYSTEM constant defines the value of the dictionaryType property of the DataDictionary of SYSTEM type. | |
SYSTEM — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.system.SystemUpdaterType | |
Uppdaterar själva spelarens körtidsmodul. | |
systemCharset — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.filesystem.File | |
Den standardkodning som används av värdoperativsystemet. | |
systemChrome — Egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Rapporterar systemfärgsinställningarna som används för att skapa detta fönster. | |
systemChrome — Egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeWindowInitOptions | |
Anger om systemfärg finns för fönstret. | |
systemChrome — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IWindow | |
Specifies the type of system chrome (if any) the window has. | |
systemChrome — Egenskap, klass mx.core.Window | |
Specifies the type of system chrome (if any) the window has. | |
systemChrome — Egenskap, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Specifies the type of system chrome (if any) the window has. | |
systemChrome — Egenskap, klass spark.components.Window | |
Specifies the type of system chrome (if any) the window has. | |
systemChrome — Egenskap, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Specifies the type of system chrome (if any) the window has. | |
systemClearMenuItem() — Statisk metod , klass flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
systemConfig — Egenskap, gränssnitt com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideDisplay | |
The System Configuration which must be a valid xml string defines the systems component mapping. | |
systemCopyLinkMenuItem() — Statisk metod , klass flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
systemCopyMenuItem() — Statisk metod , klass flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
systemCutMenuItem() — Statisk metod , klass flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
SYSTEM_DD_ASSET_TYPE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.PermissionBasedAssetHandler | |
This special constant is defined to be used by System Data Dictionaries | |
systemIdleMode — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Används för att förhindra att användargränssnittet försätts i viloläge. | |
SystemIdleMode — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.desktop | |
Klassen SystemIdleMode innehåller konstanta värden för systemets vilobeteenden. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
A reference to the SystemManager object for this component. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IUIComponent | |
A reference to the SystemManager object for this component. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the SystemManager object used by this component. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Returns the SystemManager object used by this component. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UITextField | |
Returns the SystemManager object used by this component. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
A reference to the SystemManager object for this component. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.managers.IFocusManagerContainer | |
Returns the SystemManager object used by this component. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, klass spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController | |
A reference to the SystemManager used for mouse tracking. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, klass | |
A reference to the SystemManager used for mouse tracking. | |
systemManager — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The system manager. | |
SystemManager — klass, paket mx.managers | |
The SystemManager class manages an application window. | |
SystemManager() — Konstruktor, klass mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Constructor. | |
SYSTEM_MANAGER_REQUEST — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Request the SystemManager to perform some action. | |
systemMaxSize — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Den största fönsterstorlek som operativsystemet tillåter. | |
systemMinSize — Statisk egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Den minsta fönsterstorlek som operativsystemet tillåter. | |
systemOpenLinkMenuItem() — Statisk metod , klass flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
systemPasteMenuItem() — Statisk metod , klass flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
systemSearch — Egenskap, klass | |
A flag that indicaates whether to fire search using system context. | |
systemSearch — Egenskap, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms.SearchParameters | |
Specifies whether the search also returns system assets. | |
systemSelectAllMenuItem() — Statisk metod , klass flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
SystemTrayIcon — klass, paket flash.desktop | |
Klassen SystemTrayIcon representerar en aktivitetsfältsikon i meddelandefältet i Windows®. | |
systemTrayIconMenu — Egenskap, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
The system tray icon menu. | |
systemTrayIconMenu — Egenskap, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
The system tray icon menu. | |
systemUpdateNeeded — Egenskap, klass | |
systemUpdateNeeded — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger om det krävs en systemuppdatering för att spela upp det DRM-skyddade innehållet. | |
SystemUpdater — klass, paket flash.system | |
Med klassen SystemUpdater kan du uppdatera moduler för Flash Player, till exempel DRM-modulen för Adobe Access eller själva Flash Player. | |
SystemUpdater() — Konstruktor, klass flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
Konstruktor. | |
SystemUpdaterType — klass, paket flash.system | |
Klassen SystemUpdaterType tillhandahåller konstanter för en systemuppdatering. | |
Symboler A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:55 PM Z