Symboler A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
w — Egenskap, klass flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Vector3D-objektets fjärde element (förutom x-, y- och z-egenskaperna) kan innehålla data som till exempel rotationsvinkeln. | |
W — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.ui.Keyboard | |
En konstant som är associerad med tangentkodvärdet för tangenten W (87). | |
wait(timeout:Number) — metod, klass flash.concurrent.Condition | |
Anger att det villkor som det här Condition-objektet representerar inte har uppfyllts och att den aktuella arbetaren måste vänta tills det uppfylls innan mer kod kan köras. | |
waitRadioButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the option to wait until the end of the specified stage duration if all mandatory participants complete their tasks before the deadline. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the option to wait until the end of the specified stage duration if all mandatory participants complete their tasks before the deadline. | |
waitRadioButton — Skaldel, klass | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the option of waiting till the end of a specified stage duration, if all mandatory participants complete before the deadline. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the option of waiting till the end of a specified stage duration, if all mandatory participants complete before the deadline. | |
walkDisplayObjects(displayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject, callbackFunction:Function) — Statisk metod , klass mx.utils.DisplayUtil | |
Recursively calls the specified function on each node in the specified DisplayObject's tree, passing it a reference to that DisplayObject. | |
warn(message:String, ... rest) — metod, gränssnitt mx.logging.ILogger | |
Logs the specified data using the LogEventLevel.WARN level. | |
warn(msg:String, ... rest) — metod, klass mx.logging.LogLogger | |
Logs the specified data using the LogEventLevel.WARN level. | |
WARN — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass mx.logging.LogEventLevel | |
Designates events that could be harmful to the application operation. | |
wasPendingUpdate — Egenskap, klass air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Om det finns en uppskjuten uppdatering, även om det inte gick att installera den (true), och false i annat fall. | |
wasPendingUpdate — Egenskap, klass air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Om det finns en uppskjuten uppdatering, även om det inte gick att installera den (true), och false i annat fall. | |
watch(host:Object, chain:Object, handler:Function, commitOnly:Boolean, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Statisk metod , klass mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher | |
Creates and starts a ChangeWatcher instance. | |
watchXML(xml:Object, notifiable:mx.utils:IXMLNotifiable, uid:String) — metod, klass mx.utils.XMLNotifier | |
Given an XML or XMLList, add the notification function to watch for changes. | |
WebService — Dynamisk klass, paket mx.rpc.soap | |
The WebService class provides access to SOAP-based web services on remote servers. | |
WebService — Dynamisk klass, paket mx.rpc.soap.mxml | |
The <mx:WebService> tag gives you access to the operations of SOAP-compliant web services. | |
WebService(destination:String, rootURL:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.rpc.soap.WebService | |
Creates a new WebService. | |
WebService(destination:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService | |
Creates a new WebService component. | |
WedgeItemRenderer — klass, paket mx.charts.renderers | |
The default itemRenderer for a PieSeries object. | |
WedgeItemRenderer() — Konstruktor, klass mx.charts.renderers.WedgeItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
weekDayStyleName — Format, klass mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the style sheet definition to configure the weekday names of the control. | |
weekItemRenderer — Format, klass | |
This style defines the ruler item renderer, in case the duration displayed in the Gantt chart is of one week or less but greater than one day. | |
weight — Egenskap, klass | |
Den relativa vikt som ska användas vid val bland tjänstvärdar med samma prioritet. | |
weight — Egenskap, klass | |
The stroke weight, in pixels. | |
weight — Egenskap, gränssnitt | |
The line weight, in pixels. | |
weight — Egenskap, klass | |
The line weight, in pixels. | |
WHEN_ACTIVE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass spark.components.TextSelectionHighlighting | |
Show the text selection whenever the component's window is active, even if the component doesn't have the keyboard focus. | |
WHEN_FOCUSED — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass spark.components.TextSelectionHighlighting | |
Show the text selection only when the component has keyboard focus. | |
while — Programsats | |
Utvärderar ett villkor. Om villkoret utvärderas till true körs en eller flera programsatser innan villkoret utvärderas igen. | |
WHILE_EDITING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.StageTextClearButtonMode | |
StageText clearButton visas vid redigering | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Komprimerar eller bevarar blankstegstecken vid import av text till ett TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Komprimerar eller bevarar blankstegstecken vid import av text till ett TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Komprimerar eller bevarar blankstegstecken vid import av text till ett TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Komprimerar eller bevarar blankstegstecken vid import av text till ett TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.components.RichText | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.components.FormHeading | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.components.Scroller | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
whiteSpaceCollapse — Format, klass spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. | |
WhiteSpaceCollapse — slutgiltig klass, paket flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Definierar värden för inställning av egenskapen whiteSpaceCollapse i klassen TextLayoutFormat. | |
wideLineTo(x:Number, y:Number) — metod, klass flash.display.GraphicsPath | |
Lägger till ett nytt ”wideLineTo”-kommando i commands-vektorn och nya koordinater i data-vektorn. | |
WIDE_LINE_TO — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand | |
Anger ett ”line to”-ritkommando, men använder två uppsättningar koordinater (fyra värden) istället för en uppsättning. | |
wideMoveTo(x:Number, y:Number) — metod, klass flash.display.GraphicsPath | |
Lägger till ett nytt ”wideMoveTo”-kommando i commands-vektorn och nya koordinater i data-vektorn. | |
WIDE_MOVE_TO — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand | |
Anger ett ”move to”-ritkommando, men använder två uppsättningar koordinater (fyra värden) istället för en uppsättning. | |
width — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.Label | |
Hämtar eller ställer in komponenternas bredd, i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
Hämtar eller ställer in komponenternas bredd, i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Kolumnens bredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass fl.core.UIComponent | |
Hämtar eller ställer in komponenternas bredd, i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
Det inlästa innehållets nominella bredd. | |
width — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett tal som anger FLVPlayback-instansens bredd på scenen. | |
width — Egenskap, klass | |
Ett tal som anger VideoPlayer-instansens bredd på scenen. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.DockIcon | |
Ikonens aktuella visningsbredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.InteractiveIcon | |
Ikonens aktuella visningsbredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.SystemTrayIcon | |
Ikonens aktuella visningsbredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.display.BitmapData | |
Bitmappsbildens bredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Anger visningsobjektets bredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Det inlästa innehållets nominella bredd. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Fönstrets bredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.display.ScreenMode | |
Skärmens bredd i ScreenMode i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.display.ShaderInput | |
Skuggningsinmatningens bredd. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.display.ShaderJob | |
Bredden på alla resultatdata i målet om det är en ByteArray eller Vektor.<Number>-instans. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Anger visningsobjektets bredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Rektangelns bredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Anger bredden på rektangeln för den HTML-arbetsyta som återges. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.html.HTMLWindowCreateOptions | |
Anger den önskade ursprungliga bredden på det nya fönstret. | |
width — Egenskap, klass | |
Aktuell inspelningsbredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass | |
Anger bredden på CameraRoll-bildväljaren. | |
width — Egenskap, klass | |
Den aktuella kodade bredden i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextLineMetrics | |
Värdet width är bredden på texten på de valda raderna (inte nödvändigtvis hela texten) i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement | |
Bildens bredd. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertInlineGraphicOperation | |
Bildens bredd. | |
width — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.operations.ModifyInlineGraphicOperation | |
Bildens bredd. | |
width — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintColumn | |
Number that specifies the width of the ConstraintColumn instance, in pixels, in the parent container's coordinates. | |
width — Egenskap, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
width — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
The width of the column, in pixels. | |
width — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
The width of the column, in pixels. | |
width — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Anger visningsobjektets bredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IVisualElement | |
Anger visningsobjektets bredd i pixlar. | |
width — Egenskap, klass mx.core.UIComponent | |
Number that specifies the width of the component, in pixels, in the parent's coordinates. | |
width — Egenskap, klass mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
The width of this object, in pixels. | |
width — Egenskap, klass | |
The image width in pixels. | |
width — Egenskap, klass mx.managers.SystemManager | |
The width of this object. | |
width — Egenskap, klass mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
The width of this object. | |
width — Egenskap, klass spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
The width of this column in pixels. | |
width — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The width of the graphic element. | |
widthBy — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.Resize | |
Number of pixels by which to modify the width of the component. | |
widthBy — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.ResizeInstance | |
Number of pixels by which to modify the width of the component. | |
widthBy — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Resize | |
Number of pixels by which to modify the width of the target. | |
widthBy — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.supportClasses.ResizeInstance | |
Number of pixels by which to modify the width of the target. | |
widthExcludingOffsets — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
Width, in pixels excluding the top and bottom offsets, of the central part of the content defined by the ListBase.listContent property. | |
widthFrom — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.Resize | |
Initial width, in pixels. | |
widthFrom — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.ResizeInstance | |
Initial width. | |
widthFrom — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Resize | |
Initial width of the target, in pixels. | |
widthFrom — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.supportClasses.ResizeInstance | |
Initial width of the target, in pixels. | |
widthInChars — Egenskap, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The default width of the control, measured in em units. | |
widthInChars — Egenskap, klass spark.components.TextArea | |
The default width of the control, measured in em units. | |
widthInChars — Egenskap, klass spark.components.TextInput | |
The default width of the control, measured in em units. | |
widthTo — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.Resize | |
Final width, in pixels. | |
widthTo — Egenskap, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.ResizeInstance | |
Final width, in pixels. | |
widthTo — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.Resize | |
Final width of the target, in pixels. | |
widthTo — Egenskap, klass spark.effects.supportClasses.ResizeInstance | |
Final width of the target, in pixels. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.BindingElement | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElement | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryReference | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionarySearchFilter | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationInfo | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationParameter | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.dct.transfer.RemotingServiceInfo | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.TaskProperty | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.CollectionToken | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.ObjectToken | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetAction | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.relationships.RelationshipVO | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.fiber.styles.Style | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.PreferencesManager | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FileModel | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.obj.FileData | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.CDMAssignment | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.DataDownload | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.DocumentAssignment | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Field | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.FieldAssignment | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Folder | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.LDMAssignment | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.ModuleAssignment | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Query | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.TableColumnDetails | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetArea | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetAreaAssignment | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.User | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ContextData | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.render.PDFResponseType | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ResolvedContent | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.AttachmentLoader | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetAction | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchQuery | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.AuditLevel | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.CustomAttribute | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.Review | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewSearchFilter | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewTemplateReference | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.TemplateSearchFilter | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.UserPreference | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document.SupportingDocument | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.BaseUser | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder.Reminder | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.AbstractStage | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Kontrollerar om en händelseavlyssnare är registrerad för det här EventDispatcher-objektet eller något av dess överordnade objekt för den angivna händelsetypen. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Kontrollerar om en händelseavlyssnare är registrerad för det här EventDispatcher-objektet eller något av dess överordnade objekt för den angivna händelsetypen. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, gränssnitt | |
Kontrollerar om en händelseavlyssnare är registrerad för det här EventDispatcher-objektet eller något av dess överordnade objekt för den angivna händelsetypen. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement | |
Kontrollerar om en händelseavlyssnare är registrerad för det här EventDispatcher-objektet eller något av dess överordnade objekt för den angivna händelsetypen. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
Kontrollerar om en händelseavlyssnare är registrerad för det här EventDispatcher-objektet eller något av dess överordnade objekt för den angivna händelsetypen. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.commands.AttachmentCommand | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.commands.InitiateFromStartTaskCommand | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Category | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.DocumentReference | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Process | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessVariable | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.QueueBase | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.QueuesManager | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.ReaderSubmit | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterAttribute | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterCondition | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterSort | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplate | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptor | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptors | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.Startpoint | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskAttachmentInfo | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.domain.UserActionProperty | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass lc.procmgmt.impl.FavoritesManager | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass mx.olap.OLAPCube | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
willTrigger(type:String) — metod, klass mx.utils.OnDemandEventDispatcher | |
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | |
winding — Egenskap, klass flash.display.GraphicsPath | |
Anger vridregeln med ett värde som har definierats i klassen GraphicsPathWinding. | |
winding — Egenskap, klass spark.primitives.Path | |
Fill rule for intersecting or overlapping path segments. | |
window — Egenskap, klass flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Det globala JavaScript-objektet för innehållet som läses in i HTML-kontrollen. | |
Window — klass, paket mx.core | |
The Window is a top-level container for additional windows in an AIR desktop application. | |
Window — klass, paket spark.components | |
The Window is a top-level container for additional windows in an AIR desktop application. | |
Window() — Konstruktor, klass mx.core.Window | |
Constructor. | |
Window() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.Window | |
Constructor. | |
windowActivate — Händelse, klass mx.core.Window | |
Dispatched after the window has been activated. | |
windowActivate — Händelse, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after this application window has been activated. | |
windowActivate — Händelse, klass spark.components.Window | |
Dispatched after the window has been activated. | |
windowActivate — Händelse, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after this application window has been activated. | |
WINDOW_ACTIVATE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The AIREvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a windowActivate event. | |
windowActive — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
Anger om det fönster som är kopplat till textflödet är aktivt. | |
windowActive — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
Anger om det fönster som är kopplat till textflödet är aktivt. | |
WindowBackground — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for a Window component's background gradient. | |
WindowBackground() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.WindowBackground | |
Constructor | |
windowBlur() — metod, klass flash.html.HTMLHost | |
Den funktion som anropas när JavaScript-kod i HTMLLoader anropar metoden window.blur(). | |
windowClose() — metod, klass flash.html.HTMLHost | |
Den funktion som anropas när JavaScript-kod i HTMLLoader-objektet anropar metoden window.close(). | |
WindowCloseButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the close button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
WindowCloseButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.WindowCloseButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
windowComplete — Händelse, klass mx.core.Window | |
Dispatched when the Window completes its initial layout and opens the underlying NativeWindow. | |
windowComplete — Händelse, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched when the WindowedApplication completes its initial layout. | |
windowComplete — Händelse, klass spark.components.Window | |
Dispatched when the Window completes its initial layout and opens the underlying NativeWindow. | |
windowComplete — Händelse, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched when the WindowedApplication completes its initial layout. | |
WINDOW_COMPLETE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The AIREvent.WINDOW_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an windowComplete event. | |
windowDeactivate — Händelse, klass mx.core.Window | |
Dispatched after the window has been deactivated. | |
windowDeactivate — Händelse, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after this application window has been deactivated. | |
windowDeactivate — Händelse, klass spark.components.Window | |
Dispatched after the window has been deactivated. | |
windowDeactivate — Händelse, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after this application window has been deactivated. | |
WINDOW_DEACTIVATE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The AIREvent.WINDOW_DEACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a windowDeactivate event. | |
WindowedApplication — klass, paket mx.core | |
The WindowedApplication defines the application container that you use to create Flex applications for AIR applications. | |
WindowedApplication — klass, paket spark.components | |
The WindowedApplication defines the application container that you use to create Flex applications for AIR applications. | |
WindowedApplication() — Konstruktor, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Constructor. | |
WindowedApplication() — Konstruktor, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Constructor. | |
WindowedApplicationAutomationImpl — klass, paket mx.automation.delegates.containers | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Canvas class. | |
WindowedApplicationAutomationImpl(obj:mx.core:WindowedApplication) — Konstruktor, klass mx.automation.delegates.containers.WindowedApplicationAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
WindowedApplicationSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component. | |
WindowedApplicationSkin — klass, paket spark.skins.spark | |
A skin class for the Spark WindowedApplication and Window containers. | |
WindowedApplicationSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.wireframe.WindowedApplicationSkin | |
Constructor. | |
WindowedApplicationSkin() — Konstruktor, klass spark.skins.spark.WindowedApplicationSkin | |
Constructor. | |
WindowedSystemManager — klass, paket mx.managers | |
The WindowedSystemManager class manages any non-Application windows in a Flex-based AIR application. | |
WindowedSystemManager(rootObj:mx.core:IUIComponent) — Konstruktor, klass mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
windowFocus() — metod, klass flash.html.HTMLHost | |
Den funktion som anropas när JavaScript-kod i HTMLLoader anropar metoden window.focus(). | |
windowId — Egenskap, klass | |
WindowMaximizeButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the maximize button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
WindowMaximizeButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.WindowMaximizeButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
WindowMinimizeButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the minimize button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
WindowMinimizeButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.WindowMinimizeButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
windowMove — Händelse, klass mx.core.Window | |
Dispatched after the window moves. | |
windowMove — Händelse, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after the WindowedApplication object moves. | |
windowMove — Händelse, klass spark.components.TitleWindow | |
Dispatched after the user dragged the window successfully. | |
windowMove — Händelse, klass spark.components.Window | |
Dispatched after the window moves. | |
windowMove — Händelse, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after the WindowedApplication object moves. | |
WINDOW_MOVE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The FlexNativeWindowBoundsEvent.WINDOW_MOVE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a windowMove event. | |
WINDOW_MOVE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The TitleWindowBoundsEvent.WINDOW_MOVE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a windowMove event. | |
windowMoveEnd — Händelse, klass spark.components.TitleWindow | |
Dispatched when the user releases the mouse button after dragging. | |
WINDOW_MOVE_END — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The TitleWindowBoundsEvent.WINDOW_MOVE_END constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a windowMoveEnd event. | |
windowMoveStart — Händelse, klass spark.components.TitleWindow | |
Dispatched when the user presses and hold the mouse button in the move area and begins to drag the window. | |
WINDOW_MOVE_START — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The TitleWindowBoundsEvent.WINDOW_MOVE_START constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a windowMoveStart event. | |
windowMoving — Händelse, klass spark.components.TitleWindow | |
Dispatched when the user drags the window. | |
WINDOW_MOVING — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The TitleWindowBoundsEvent.WINDOW_MOVING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a windowMoving event. | |
windowRect — Egenskap, klass flash.html.HTMLHost | |
Den egenskap som ändras när JavaScript-kod i HTMLLoader-objektet anropar metoden window.moveBy(), metoden window.moveTo(), metoden window.resizeBy() eller metoden window.resizeTo(). | |
windowResize — Händelse, klass mx.core.Window | |
Dispatched after the underlying NativeWindow is resized. | |
windowResize — Händelse, klass mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after the underlying NativeWindow object is resized. | |
windowResize — Händelse, klass spark.components.Window | |
Dispatched after the underlying NativeWindow is resized. | |
windowResize — Händelse, klass spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after the underlying NativeWindow object is resized. | |
WINDOW_RESIZE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
The FlexNativeWindowBoundsEvent.WINDOW_RESIZE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a windowResize event. | |
WindowRestoreButtonSkin — klass, paket mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the restore button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window. | |
WindowRestoreButtonSkin() — Konstruktor, klass mx.skins.halo.WindowRestoreButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
WindowsAutomationImpl — klass, paket mx.automation.delegates.containers | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Canvas class. | |
WindowsAutomationImpl(obj:mx.core:Window) — Konstruktor, klass mx.automation.delegates.containers.WindowsAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
Wipe — klass, paket fl.transitions | |
Klassen Wipe visar eller döljer filmklippsobjektet med hjälp av en animerad mask av en figur som flyttas vågrätt. | |
Wipe — klass, paket spark.effects | |
The Wipe effect performs a bitmap transition effect by running a directional wipe between the first and second bitmaps. | |
Wipe(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass spark.effects.Wipe | |
Constructor. | |
WipeDirection — klass, paket spark.effects | |
The WipeDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the Wipe class. | |
WipeDown — klass, paket mx.effects | |
The WipeDown class defines a wipe down effect. | |
WipeDown(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.WipeDown | |
Constructor. | |
WipeDownInstance — klass, paket mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The WipeDownInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeDown effect. | |
WipeDownInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.WipeDownInstance | |
Constructor. | |
WipeLeft — klass, paket mx.effects | |
The WipeLeft class defines a wipe left effect. | |
WipeLeft(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.WipeLeft | |
Constructor. | |
WipeLeftInstance — klass, paket mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The WipeLeftInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeLeft effect. | |
WipeLeftInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.WipeLeftInstance | |
Constructor. | |
WipeRight — klass, paket mx.effects | |
The WipeRight class defines a wipe right effect. | |
WipeRight(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.WipeRight | |
Constructor. | |
WipeRightInstance — klass, paket mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The WipeRightInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeRight effect. | |
WipeRightInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.WipeRightInstance | |
Constructor. | |
WipeUp — klass, paket mx.effects | |
The WipeUp class defines a wipe up effect. | |
WipeUp(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.WipeUp | |
Constructor. | |
WipeUpInstance — klass, paket mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The WipeUpInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeUp effect. | |
WipeUpInstance(target:Object) — Konstruktor, klass mx.effects.effectClasses.WipeUpInstance | |
Constructor. | |
WIREFRAME — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.display3D.Context3DFillMode | |
Fyllningsläget är trådramsläget. | |
with — Programsats | |
Upprättar ett standardobjekt som ska användas för körning av en eller flera programsatser och eventuellt reducera den mängd programkod som behöver skrivas. | |
withNoOptions — Skalläge, klass | |
In this state, moderator check box and reviewer type options radio button are not displayed. | |
withoutModeratorCheckBox — Skalläge, klass | |
In this state, the moderator check box is not displayed. | |
withoutRadioButtons — Skalläge, klass | |
In this state, reviewer type options radio button are not displayed. | |
withoutRolesCheckBox — Skalläge, klass | |
This state does not display roles check box, while adding participants. | |
wmodeGPU — Egenskap, klass flash.display.Stage | |
Anger om GPU-sammansättning är tillgänglig och i så fall om det används. | |
WMODE_INCOMPATIBLE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Scenvideo är inte tillgängligt just nu, wmode har inte stöd för scenvideo. | |
WORD — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.text.AutoCapitalize | |
Alla ord med versaler. | |
wordSpacing — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Anger det optimala, minsta och största mellanrummet (som en multiplikator av den normala bredden för ett mellanrum) som ska användas mellan ord vid justering. | |
wordSpacing — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Anger det optimala, minsta och största mellanrummet (som en multiplikator av den normala bredden för ett mellanrum) som ska användas mellan ord vid justering. | |
wordSpacing — Egenskap, gränssnitt flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Anger det optimala, minsta och största mellanrummet (som en multiplikator av den normala bredden för ett mellanrum) som ska användas mellan ord vid justering. | |
wordSpacing — Egenskap, klass flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Anger det optimala, minsta och största mellanrummet (som en multiplikator av den normala bredden för ett mellanrum) som ska användas mellan ord vid justering. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.components.RichText | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.components.FormHeading | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.components.Scroller | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordSpacing — Format, klass spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.Label | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett värde som anger om textfältet har stöd för automatisk radbrytning. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass fl.controls.TextArea | |
Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som anger om texten figursätts i slutet på raden. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Ett booleskt värde som anger om textfältet har automatisk radbrytning. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass flash.text.TextField | |
Ett booleskt värde som anger om textfältet har automatisk radbrytning. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.TextArea | |
Indicates whether the text automatically wraps at the end of a line. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Set to false to wrap the text in a row of this column because it does not fit on one line If undefined, the AdvancedDataGrid control's wordWrap property is used. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
A flag that indicates whether the text in a row of this column is word wrapped if it doesn't fit on one line. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether text in the row should be word wrapped. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether text in the row should be word wrapped. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, klass mx.core.FTETextField | |
Ett booleskt värde som anger om textfältet har automatisk radbrytning. | |
wordWrap — Egenskap, gränssnitt mx.core.IUITextField | |
Ett booleskt värde som anger om textfältet har automatisk radbrytning. | |
wordWrapChanged — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the value of the wordWrap property has changed since the last time the display list was updated. | |
wordWrapChanged — Egenskap, klass mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the value of the wordWrap property has changed since the last time the display list was updated. | |
workDuration — Egenskap, klass mx.olap.OLAPCube | |
The time, in milliseconds, used by the refresh() method to iteratively build the cube. | |
Worker — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.system | |
Ett Worker-objekt representerar en arbetare som är en virtuell instans av Flash-miljön. | |
WorkerDomain — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.system | |
Klassen WorkerDomain erbjuder ett sätt att skapa Worker-objekt och att få åtkomst till dem. | |
workerState — Händelse, klass flash.system.Worker | |
Skickas när värdet på arbetarens state-egenskap ändras. | |
WorkerState — slutgiltig klass, paket flash.system | |
Den här klassen definierar de konstanter som representerar möjliga värden för Worker-klassens state-egenskap. | |
WORKER_STATE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass | |
Event.WORKER_STATE-konstanten definierar värdet på type-egenskapen i ett workerState-händelseobjekt. | |
workingDirectory — Egenskap, klass flash.desktop.NativeProcessStartupInfo | |
Det File-objekt som refererar till den inledande arbetskatalogen för den nya inbyggda processen. | |
workspace — Skaldel, klass | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Workspace for Expression. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Workspace for Expression. | |
Workspace() — Konstruktor, klass ga.wrappers.Workspace | |
Constructor. | |
Workspace() — Konstruktor, klass lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.Workspace | |
Constructor. | |
WRAP — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilterMode | |
Flyttar över ersättningsvärdet till andra sidan av källbilden. | |
wrapElements — Egenskap, klass spark.components.SpinnerList | |
When true, scrolling past the last element scrolls to the first element. | |
WRITE — Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.filesystem.FileMode | |
Används för en fil som ska öppnas i lässkyddat läge. | |
writeBoolean(value:Boolean) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver ett booleskt värde. | |
writeBoolean(value:Boolean) — metod, klass | |
Skriver ett booleskt värde till socketen. | |
writeBoolean(value:Boolean) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver ett booleskt värde. | |
writeBoolean(value:Boolean) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver ett booleskt värde. | |
writeByte(value:int) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver en byte. | |
writeByte(value:int) — metod, klass | |
Skriver en byte till socketen. | |
writeByte(value:int) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver en byte till byteflödet. | |
writeByte(value:int) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver en byte. | |
writeBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, offset:uint, length:uint) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver en sekvens av byte från den angivna bytearrayen, byte, med början på den byte som specificeras i offset (med ett nollbaserat index) med en längd specificerad i length, till filflödet, byteflödet eller bytearrayen. | |
writeBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, offset:uint, length:uint) — metod, klass | |
Skriver en sekvens med byte från den angivna bytearrayen. | |
writeBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, offset:uint, length:uint) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver en sekvens med det antal byte som anges av parametern length från den angivna bytearrayen bytes. Sekvensen börjar så många byte in i byteflödet som anges av parametern offset (nollbaserat index). | |
writeBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, offset:uint, length:uint) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver en sekvens av byte från den angivna bytearrayen, byte, med början på den byte som specificeras i offset (med ett nollbaserat index) med en längd specificerad i length, till filflödet, byteflödet eller bytearrayen. | |
writeDouble(value:Number) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver ett IEEE 754-flyttal med dubbel precision (64 bitar). | |
writeDouble(value:Number) — metod, klass | |
Skriver ett IEEE 754-flyttal med dubbel precision till socketen. | |
writeDouble(value:Number) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver ett IEEE 754-flyttal med dubbel precision (64 bitar) till byteflödet. | |
writeDouble(value:Number) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver ett IEEE 754-flyttal med dubbel precision (64 bitar). | |
writeExternal(output:flash.utils:IDataOutput) — metod, klass mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Since Flex only serializes the inner ActionScript object that it wraps, the server populates itself with this anonymous object's contents and appears to the user as a Map. | |
writeFloat(value:Number) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver ett IEEE 754-flyttal med enkel precision (32 bitar). | |
writeFloat(value:Number) — metod, klass | |
Skriver ett IEEE 754-flyttal med enkel precision till socketen. | |
writeFloat(value:Number) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver ett IEEE 754-flyttal med enkel precision (32 bitar) till byteflödet. | |
writeFloat(value:Number) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver ett IEEE 754-flyttal med enkel precision (32 bitar). | |
writeInt(value:int) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver ett 32-bitars heltal med tecken. | |
writeInt(value:int) — metod, klass | |
Skriver ett 32-bitars heltal med tecken till socketen. | |
writeInt(value:int) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver ett 32-bitars heltal med tecken till byteflödet. | |
writeInt(value:int) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver ett 32-bitars heltal med tecken. | |
writeMultiByte(value:String, charSet:String) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver en flerbytesträng till filflödet, byteflödet eller bytearrayen med den angivna teckenuppsättningen. | |
writeMultiByte(value:String, charSet:String) — metod, klass | |
Skriver en flerbytesträng från byteflödet med den angivna teckenuppsättningen. | |
writeMultiByte(value:String, charSet:String) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver en flerbytesträng till byteflödet med den angivna teckenuppsättningen. | |
writeMultiByte(value:String, charSet:String) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver en flerbytesträng till filflödet, byteflödet eller bytearrayen med den angivna teckenuppsättningen. | |
writeObject(object:any) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver ett objekt till filflödet, byteflödet eller bytearrayen i serialiserat AMF-format. | |
writeObject(object:any) — metod, klass | |
Skriver ett objekt till socketen i serialiserat AMF-format. | |
writeObject(object:any) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver ett objekt till bytearrayen i serialiserat AMF-format. | |
writeObject(object:any) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver ett objekt till filflödet, byteflödet eller bytearrayen i serialiserat AMF-format. | |
writeRequestedObject(requestID:int, object:Object) — metod, klass | |
Uppfyller den begäran som tagits emot av NetStatusEvent NetGroup.Replication.Request för ett objekt som tidigare annonserats med metoden addHaveObjects(). | |
writeShort(value:int) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver ett 16-bitars heltal. | |
writeShort(value:int) — metod, klass | |
Skriver ett 16-bitars heltal till socketen. | |
writeShort(value:int) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver ett 16-bitars heltal till byteflödet. | |
writeShort(value:int) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver ett 16-bitars heltal. | |
writeUnsignedInt(value:uint) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver ett 32-bitars heltal utan tecken. | |
writeUnsignedInt(value:uint) — metod, klass | |
Skriver ett 32-bitars heltal utan tecken till socketen. | |
writeUnsignedInt(value:uint) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver ett 32-bitars heltal utan tecken till byteflödet. | |
writeUnsignedInt(value:uint) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver ett 32-bitars heltal utan tecken. | |
writeUTF(value:String) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver en UTF-8-sträng från filflödet, byteflödet eller bytearrayen. | |
writeUTF(value:String) — metod, klass | |
Skriver följande data till socketen: ett 16-bitars heltal utan tecken, som anger den angivna UTF-8-strängen i byte, följt av själva strängen. | |
writeUTF(value:String) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver en UTF-8-sträng till byteflödet. | |
writeUTF(value:String) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver en UTF-8-sträng från filflödet, byteflödet eller bytearrayen. | |
writeUTFBytes(value:String) — metod, klass flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Skriver en UTF-8-sträng. | |
writeUTFBytes(value:String) — metod, klass | |
Skriver en UTF-8-sträng till socketen. | |
writeUTFBytes(value:String) — metod, klass flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Skriver en UTF-8-sträng till byteflödet. | |
writeUTFBytes(value:String) — metod, gränssnitt flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Skriver en UTF-8-sträng. | |
wrongCAFormatError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.ZipCodeValidator | |
Error message for an invalid Canadian postal code. | |
wrongDayError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.DateValidator | |
Error message when the day is invalid. | |
wrongFormatError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.SocialSecurityValidator | |
Error message when the value is incorrectly formatted. | |
wrongLengthError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Error message when the cardNumber field contains the wrong number of digits for the specified credit card type. | |
wrongLengthError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.DateValidator | |
Error message when the length of the date doesn't match that of the inputFormat property. | |
wrongLengthError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.PhoneNumberValidator | |
Error message when the value has fewer than 10 digits. | |
wrongLengthError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.ZipCodeValidator | |
Error message for an invalid US ZIP code. | |
wrongMonthError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.DateValidator | |
Error message when the month is invalid. | |
wrongTypeError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Error message the cardType field contains an invalid credit card type. | |
wrongUSFormatError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.ZipCodeValidator | |
Error message for an incorrectly formatted ZIP code. | |
wrongYearError — Egenskap, klass mx.validators.DateValidator | |
Error message when the year is invalid. | |
wsdl — Egenskap, klass | |
The full WSDL document. | |
wsdl — Egenskap, klass mx.rpc.soap.WebService | |
The location of the WSDL document for this WebService. | |
WSDLBinding — klass, paket mx.rpc.wsdl | |
A binding defines the message format and protocol for messages sent to and from operations as defined by a particular portType. | |
WSDLBinding(name:String) — Konstruktor, klass mx.rpc.wsdl.WSDLBinding | |
Creates a new WSDLBinding. | |
WSDLLoadEvent — klass, paket | |
The WSDLLoadEvent class represents the event object for the event dispatched when a WSDL XML document has loaded successfully. | |
WSDLLoadEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, wsdl:mx.rpc.wsdl:WSDL, location:String) — Konstruktor, klass | |
Constructor. | |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:55 PM Z