Paket | mx.flash |
Klass | public dynamic class UIMovieClip |
Arv | UIMovieClip ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Implementerar | IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent, IToolTipManagerClient, IStateClient, IFocusManagerComponent, IConstraintClient, IAutomationObject, IVisualElement, ILayoutElement, IFlexModule |
Underklasser | ContainerMovieClip |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The following procedure describes the basic process for creating a Flex component in Flash Professional:
- Install the Adobe Flash Component Kit for Flex.
- Create symbols for your dynamic assets in the FLA file.
- Run Commands > Make Flex Component to convert your symbol to a subclass of the UIMovieClip class, and to configure the Flash Professional publishing settings for use with Flex.
- Publish your FLA file as a SWC file.
- Reference the class name of your symbols in your Flex application as you would any class.
- Include the SWC file in your
when you compile your Flex application.
For more information, see the documentation that ships with the Flex/Flash Integration Kit at
Egenskap | Definieras med | ||
![]() | accessibilityImplementation : AccessibilityImplementation
Den aktuella hjälpmedelsimplementeringen (AccessibilityImplementation) för den här InteractiveObject-instansen. | InteractiveObject | |
![]() | accessibilityProperties : AccessibilityProperties
De nuvarande hjälpmedelsalternativen för det här visningsobjektet. | DisplayObject | |
![]() | alpha : Number
Anger det angivna objektets alfagenomskinlighetsvärde. | DisplayObject | |
automationDelegate : Object
The delegate object that handles the automation-related functionality. | UIMovieClip | ||
automationEnabled : Boolean [skrivskyddad]
True if this component is enabled for automation, false
otherwise. | UIMovieClip | ||
automationName : String
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | UIMovieClip | ||
automationOwner : DisplayObjectContainer [skrivskyddad]
The owner of this component for automation purposes. | UIMovieClip | ||
automationParent : DisplayObjectContainer [skrivskyddad]
The parent of this component for automation purposes. | UIMovieClip | ||
automationTabularData : Object [skrivskyddad]
An implementation of the IAutomationTabularData interface, which
can be used to retrieve the data. | UIMovieClip | ||
automationValue : Array [skrivskyddad]
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the
object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with
the object as it appears visually within the application. | UIMovieClip | ||
automationVisible : Boolean [skrivskyddad]
True if this component is visible for automation, false
otherwise. | UIMovieClip | ||
autoUpdateCurrentState : Boolean
Whether we should actively watch changes to the label of the flash object. | UIMovieClip | ||
autoUpdateMeasuredSize : Boolean
Whether we should actively watch changes to the size of the flash object. | UIMovieClip | ||
baseline : Object
The vertical distance in pixels from the top edge of the content area
to the component's baseline position. | UIMovieClip | ||
baselinePosition : Number [skrivskyddad]
The y-coordinate of the baseline
of the first line of text of the component. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | blendMode : String
Ett värde från klassen BlendMode som anger vilket blandningsläge som ska användas. | DisplayObject | |
![]() | blendShader : Shader [lässkyddad]
Ställer in en skuggning som används för blandning av förgrund och bakgrund. | DisplayObject | |
bottom : Object
The vertical distance, in pixels, from the lower edge of the component
to the lower edge of its content area. | UIMovieClip | ||
boundingBoxName : String = "boundingBox"
Name of the object to use as the bounding box. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | buttonMode : Boolean
Anger knappläge för den här spriten. | Sprite | |
![]() | cacheAsBitmap : Boolean
Om det är true, sparar Flash-miljöerna en intern bitmappsrepresentation av visningsobjektet i cache-minnet. | DisplayObject | |
![]() | cacheAsBitmapMatrix : Matrix
Om detta inte är null definierar det här Matrix-objektet hur ett visningsobjekt återges när cacheAsBitmap har värdet true. | DisplayObject | |
cacheHeuristic : Boolean [lässkyddad]
Used by Flex to suggest bitmap caching for the object. | UIMovieClip | ||
cachePolicy : String [skrivskyddad]
Specifies the bitmap caching policy for this object. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | constructor : Object
En referens till klassobjektet eller konstruktorfunktionen för en given objektinstans. | Object | |
![]() | contextMenu : NativeMenu
Anger vilken snabbmeny som är associerad med det här objektet. | InteractiveObject | |
![]() | currentFrame : int [skrivskyddad]
Anger det bildrutenummer som spelhuvudet är på i MovieClip-instansens tidslinje. | MovieClip | |
![]() | currentFrameLabel : String [skrivskyddad]
Etiketten på den aktuella bildrutan i tidslinjen för MovieClip-instansen. | MovieClip | |
![]() | currentLabel : String [skrivskyddad]
Den aktuella etiketten som spelhuvudet är på i MovieClip-instansens tidslinje. | MovieClip | |
![]() | currentLabels : Array [skrivskyddad]
Returnerar en array med FrameLabel-objekt från den aktuella scenen. | MovieClip | |
![]() | currentScene : Scene [skrivskyddad]
Den aktuella scenen som spelhuvudet är på i MovieClip-instansens tidslinje. | MovieClip | |
currentState : String
The current state of this component. | UIMovieClip | ||
depth : Number
Determines the order in which items inside of containers
are rendered. | UIMovieClip | ||
descriptor : UIComponentDescriptor
Reference to the UIComponentDescriptor, if any, that was used
by the createComponentFromDescriptor() method to create this
UIComponent instance. | UIMovieClip | ||
designLayer : DesignLayer
Specifies the optional DesignLayer instance associated with this visual
element. | UIMovieClip | ||
document : Object
A reference to the document object associated with this component. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | doubleClickEnabled : Boolean
Anger om det här objektet tar emot doubleClick-händelser. | InteractiveObject | |
![]() | dropTarget : DisplayObject [skrivskyddad]
Anger det visningsobjekt som spriten dras över, eller som spriten släpptes på. | Sprite | |
![]() | enabled : Boolean
Ett booleskt värde som anger om ett filmklipp är aktiverat. | MovieClip | |
explicitHeight : Number
The explicitly specified height for the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
explicitMaxHeight : Number
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
explicitMaxWidth : Number
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
explicitMinHeight : Number
Number that specifies the minimum height of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
explicitMinWidth : Number
Number that specifies the minimum width of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
explicitWidth : Number
The explicitly specified width for the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | filters : Array
En indexerad array som innehåller varje filterobjekt som är associerat med visningsobjektet. | DisplayObject | |
focusEnabled : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether the component can receive focus when selected. | UIMovieClip | ||
focusPane : Sprite
A single Sprite object that is shared among components
and used as an overlay for drawing focus. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | focusRect : Object
Anger om det här objektet visar en fokusram. | InteractiveObject | |
![]() | framesLoaded : int [skrivskyddad]
Antalet bildrutor som läses in från en direktuppspelad SWF-fil. | MovieClip | |
![]() | graphics : Graphics [skrivskyddad]
Anger det Graphics-objekt som tillhör denna sprite där kommandon för vektorritning kan göras. | Sprite | |
hasFocusableChildren : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus. | UIMovieClip | ||
hasLayoutMatrix3D : Boolean [skrivskyddad]
Contains true if the element has 3D Matrix. | UIMovieClip | ||
height : Number [åsidosätt]
The height of this object, in pixels. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | hitArea : Sprite
Utser en annan sprite som ska fungera som träffområde för en sprite. | Sprite | |
horizontalCenter : Object
The horizontal distance in pixels from the center of the
component's content area to the center of the component. | UIMovieClip | ||
id : String
ID of the component. | UIMovieClip | ||
includeInLayout : Boolean
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the
parent container. | UIMovieClip | ||
is3D : Boolean [skrivskyddad]
Contains true when the element is in 3D. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | isPlaying : Boolean [skrivskyddad]
Ett booleskt värde som anger om ett filmklipp spelas för närvarande. | MovieClip | |
isPopUp : Boolean
Set to true by the PopUpManager to indicate
that component has been popped up. | UIMovieClip | ||
layoutDirection : String
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR
(left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). | UIMovieClip | ||
left : Object
The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the component's
content area to the left edge of the component. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | loaderInfo : LoaderInfo [skrivskyddad]
Returnerar ett LoaderInfo-objekt som innehåller information om hur filen som visningsobjektet tillhör ska läsas in. | DisplayObject | |
maintainProjectionCenter : Boolean
When true, the component will keep its projection matrix centered on the
middle of its bounding box. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | mask : DisplayObject
Det anropande visningsobjektet maskeras av det angivna visningsobjektet. | DisplayObject | |
maxHeight : Number
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
maxWidth : Number
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
measuredHeight : Number [skrivskyddad]
The measured height of this object. | UIMovieClip | ||
measuredMinHeight : Number
The default minimum height of the component, in pixels. | UIMovieClip | ||
measuredMinWidth : Number
The default minimum width of the component, in pixels. | UIMovieClip | ||
measuredWidth : Number [skrivskyddad]
The measured width of this object. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | metaData : Object
Erhåller metadataobjektet för instansen DisplayObject om metadata har lagrats tillsammans med instansen för detta DisplayObject i SWF-filen via en PlaceObject4-tagg. | DisplayObject | |
minHeight : Number
Number that specifies the minimum height of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
minWidth : Number
Number that specifies the minimum width of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
moduleFactory : IFlexModuleFactory
A module factory is used as context for using embeded fonts and for
finding the style manager that controls the styles for this
component. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | mouseChildren : Boolean
Avgör om objektets underordnade objekt är aktiverade för en mus eller annan användarindataenhet (eller inte). | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() | mouseEnabled : Boolean
Anger om det här objektet tar emot musmeddelanden eller annan indata från användaren. | InteractiveObject | |
mouseFocusEnabled : Boolean [skrivskyddad]
A flag that indicates whether the component can receive focus
when selected with the mouse. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | mouseX : Number [skrivskyddad]
Anger x-koordinaten för musens eller användarens indataenhets position i pixlar. | DisplayObject | |
![]() | mouseY : Number [skrivskyddad]
Anger y-koordinaten för musens eller användarens indataenhets position i pixlar. | DisplayObject | |
![]() | name : String
Anger instansnamnet för DisplayObject. | DisplayObject | |
![]() | needsSoftKeyboard : Boolean
Anger om ett virtuellt tangentbord (t.ex. ett skärmtangentbord) ska visas när den här InteractiveObject-instansen är i fokus. | InteractiveObject | |
numAutomationChildren : int [skrivskyddad]
The number of automation children this container has. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | numChildren : int [skrivskyddad]
Returnerar antalet underordnade objekt det här objektet har. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() | opaqueBackground : Object
Anger om visningsobjektet är ogenomskinligt med en viss bakgrundsfärg. | DisplayObject | |
owner : DisplayObjectContainer
Typically the parent container of this component. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | parent : DisplayObjectContainer [skrivskyddad]
Anger DisplayObjectContainer-objektet som innehåller visningsobjektet. | DisplayObject | |
parentDocument : Object [skrivskyddad]
The document containing this component. | UIMovieClip | ||
percentHeight : Number
Number that specifies the height of a component as a
percentage of its parent's size. | UIMovieClip | ||
percentWidth : Number
Number that specifies the width of a component as a
percentage of its parent's size. | UIMovieClip | ||
postLayoutTransformOffsets : mx.geom:TransformOffsets
Defines a set of adjustments that can be applied to the component's transform in a way that is
invisible to the component's parent's layout. | UIMovieClip | ||
right : Object
The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the right edge of the component
to the right edge of its content area. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | root : DisplayObject [skrivskyddad]
För ett visningsobjekt i en inläst SWF-fil är rotegenskapen det översta visningsobjektet i den del av visningslistans trädstruktur som representeras av den SWF-filen. | DisplayObject | |
rotation : Number [åsidosätt]
Anger DisplayObject-instansens rotation i grader från den ursprungliga orienteringen. | UIMovieClip | ||
rotationX : Number [åsidosätt]
Indicates the x-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees,
from its original orientation relative to the 3D parent container. | UIMovieClip | ||
rotationY : Number [åsidosätt]
Indicates the y-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees,
from its original orientation relative to the 3D parent container. | UIMovieClip | ||
rotationZ : Number [åsidosätt]
Indicates the z-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation relative to the 3D parent container. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | scale9Grid : Rectangle
Det skalningsrutnät som används för närvarande. | DisplayObject | |
scaleX : Number [åsidosätt]
Number that specifies the horizontal scaling factor. | UIMovieClip | ||
scaleY : Number [åsidosätt]
Number that specifies the vertical scaling factor. | UIMovieClip | ||
scaleZ : Number [åsidosätt]
Number that specifies the scaling factor along the z axis. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | scenes : Array [skrivskyddad]
En array med Scene-objekt som listar namn, antal bildrutor och bildruteetiketter för en scen i MovieClip-instansen. | MovieClip | |
![]() | scrollRect : Rectangle
Visningsobjektets gränser för rullningsrektangeln. | DisplayObject | |
showInAutomationHierarchy : Boolean
A flag that determines if an automation object
shows in the automation hierarchy. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | softKeyboard : String
Kontrollerar utseendet på skärmtangentbordet. | InteractiveObject | |
![]() | softKeyboardInputAreaOfInterest : Rectangle
Definierar det område som ska behållas på skärmen när skärmtangentbordet visas (ej tillgängligt på iOS). | InteractiveObject | |
![]() | soundTransform :
Styr ljudet i den här spriten. | Sprite | |
![]() | stage : Stage [skrivskyddad]
Visningsobjektets scen. | DisplayObject | |
systemManager : ISystemManager
A reference to the SystemManager object for this component. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | tabChildren : Boolean
Avgör om objektets underordnade objekt är tabbaktiverade. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() | tabEnabled : Boolean
Anger om det här objektet inkluderas i tabbordningen. | InteractiveObject | |
tabFocusEnabled : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus
This is similar to the tabEnabled property
used by the Flash Player.
This is usually true for components that
handle keyboard input, but some components in controlbars
have them set to false because they should not steal
focus from another component like an editor. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | tabIndex : int
Anger tabbordningen för objekt i en SWF-fil. | InteractiveObject | |
![]() | textSnapshot : flash.text:TextSnapshot [skrivskyddad]
Returnerar ett TextSnapshot-objekt för den här DisplayObjectContainer-instansen. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
toolTip : String
Text to display in the ToolTip. | UIMovieClip | ||
top : Object
The vertical distance, in pixels, from the top edge of the control's content area
to the top edge of the component. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | totalFrames : int [skrivskyddad]
Det totala antalet bildrutor i MovieClip-instansen. | MovieClip | |
![]() | trackAsMenu : Boolean
Anger om andra visningsobjekt som är SimpleButton-objekt eller MovieClip-objekt kan ta emot släppningshändelser från musen eller andra användarindataenheter. | MovieClip | |
![]() | transform : flash.geom:Transform
Ett objekt med egenskaper som gäller ett visningsobjekts matris, färgomformning och pixelgränser. | DisplayObject | |
transformX : Number
Sets the x coordinate for the transform center of the component. | UIMovieClip | ||
transformY : Number
Sets the y coordinate for the transform center of the component. | UIMovieClip | ||
transformZ : Number
Sets the z coordinate for the transform center of the component. | UIMovieClip | ||
tweeningProperties : Array
Used by EffectManager. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() | useHandCursor : Boolean
Ett booleskt värde som anger om den pekande handen (handpekaren) ska visas när pekaren passerar över en sprite, vars buttonMode-egenskap är true. | Sprite | |
verticalCenter : Object
The vertical distance in pixels from the center of the component's content area
to the center of the component. | UIMovieClip | ||
visible : Boolean [åsidosätt]
Whether or not the display object is visible. | UIMovieClip | ||
width : Number [åsidosätt]
The width of this object, in pixels. | UIMovieClip | ||
x : Number [åsidosätt]
Number that specifies the component's horizontal position,
in pixels, within its parent container. | UIMovieClip | ||
y : Number [åsidosätt]
Number that specifies the component's vertical position,
in pixels, within its parent container. | UIMovieClip | ||
z : Number [åsidosätt]
Indicates the z coordinate position along the z-axis of the DisplayObject
instance relative to the 3D parent container. | UIMovieClip |
Egenskap | Definieras med | ||
bounds : Rectangle [skrivskyddad]
The unscaled bounds of the content. | UIMovieClip | ||
initialized : Boolean = false
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases
of layout: commitment, measurement, and layout (provided that any were required). | UIMovieClip |
Metod | Definieras med | ||
Constructor. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Lägger till en underordnad DisplayObject-instans i den här DisplayObjectContainer-instansen. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Lägger till en underordnad DisplayObject-instans i den här DisplayObjectContainer-instansen. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() | addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registrerar ett händelseavlyssnarobjekt för ett EventDispatcher-objekt så att avlyssnaren får meddelanden om händelser. | EventDispatcher | |
![]() |
Anger om säkerhetsrestriktionerna kan göra att visningsobjekt utelämnas från listan som returneras när metoden DisplayObjectContainer.getObjectsUnderPoint() anropas med den angivna punkten. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Avgör om det angivna visningsobjektet är underordnat DisplayObjectContainer-instansen eller själva instansen. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within
this container. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within
this container. | UIMovieClip | ||
Creates an id reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object. | UIMovieClip | ||
Deletes the id reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Skickar en händelse till händelseflödet. | EventDispatcher | |
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. | UIMovieClip | ||
Executes the data bindings into this UIComponent object. | UIMovieClip | ||
Provides the automation object at the specified index. | UIMovieClip | ||
Provides the automation object list . | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Returnerar en rektangel som definierar visningsområdets område i relation till targetCoordinateSpace-objektets koordinatsystem. | DisplayObject | |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Returnerar den underordnade visningsobjektsinstansen som finns vid det angivna indexvärdet. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Returnerar det underordnade visningsobjektet som har ett visst namn. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Returnerar indexpositionen för en underordnad DisplayObject-instans. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
Returns the specified constraint value. | UIMovieClip | ||
A convenience method for determining whether to use the
explicit or measured height
| UIMovieClip | ||
A convenience method for determining whether to use the
explicit or measured width
| UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the element's layout height. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the element's layout width. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's
layout relative to its siblings. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the element's maximum height. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the element's maximum width. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the element's minimum height. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the element's minimum width. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Returnerar en array med objekt som ligger under den angivna punkten och är underordnade (eller indirekt underordnade) den här DisplayObjectContainer-instansen. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
Returns the element's preferred height. | UIMovieClip | ||
Returns the element's preferred width. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Returnerar en rektangel som definierar visningsområdets gräns, baserat på koordinatsystemet som definieras av targetCoordinateSpace-parametern, exklusive eventuella linjer i former. | DisplayObject | |
![]() |
Konverterar punktobjektet från scenens (globala) koordinater till visningsobjektets (lokala) koordinater. | DisplayObject | |
![]() |
Konverterar en tvådimensionell punkt från scenens (globala) koordinater till ett tredimensionellt visningsobjekts (lokala) koordinater. | DisplayObject | |
![]() |
Börjar spela upp SWF-filen vid den angivna bildrutan. | MovieClip | |
![]() |
Flyttar spelhuvudet till den angivna bildrutan i filmklippet och stannar det där. | MovieClip | |
![]() |
Kontrollerar om EventDispatcher-objektet har några avlyssnare registrerade för en viss typ av händelse. | EventDispatcher | |
![]() |
Anger om det finns en egenskap angiven för ett objekt. | Object | |
![]() |
Utvärderar begränsningsramen för visningsobjektet för att kontrollera om den överlappar eller korsar begränsningsramen för obj-visningsobjektet. | DisplayObject | |
![]() |
Utvärderar visningsobjektet för att avgöra om det överlappar eller korsar den punkt som anges av x- och y-parametrarna. | DisplayObject | |
Initialize the object. | UIMovieClip | ||
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or
when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Anger om en instans av klassen Object finns i prototypkedjan för objektet som anges som parameter. | Object | |
![]() |
Konverterar en tredimensionell punkt för det tredimensionella visningsobjektets (lokala) koordinater till en tvådimensionell punkt i scenens (globala) koordinater. | DisplayObject | |
![]() |
Konverterar punktobjektet från visningsobjektets (lokala) koordinater till scenens (globala) koordinater. | DisplayObject | |
Moves this object to the specified x and y coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Flyttar spelhuvudet till nästa bildruta och stannar det där. | MovieClip | |
![]() |
Flyttar spelhuvudet till nästa scen i MovieClip-instansen. | MovieClip | |
Returns true if the chain of owner properties
points from child to this UIComponent. | UIMovieClip | ||
Called by Flex when a UIComponent object is added to or removed from a parent. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Flyttar spelhuvudet i filmklippets tidslinje. | MovieClip | |
![]() |
Flyttar spelhuvudet till föregående bildruta och stannar det där. | MovieClip | |
![]() |
Flyttar spelhuvudet till föregående scen i MovieClip-instansen. | MovieClip | |
![]() |
Anger om den angivna egenskapen finns och är uppräkningsbar. | Object | |
For each effect event, register the EffectManager
as one of the event listeners. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Tar bort den angivna underordnade DisplayObject-instansen från listan med underordnade för DisplayObjectContainer-instansen. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Tar bort ett underordnat DisplayObject från den angivna indexpositionen i den underordnade listan i DisplayObjectContainer. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Tar bort alla child-DisplayObject-instanser från listan med underordnade för DisplayObjectContainer-instansen. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Tar bort en avlyssnare från EventDispatcher-objektet. | EventDispatcher | |
Replays the specified event. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Visar ett virtuellt tangentbord. | InteractiveObject | |
Resolves a child by using the id provided. | UIMovieClip | ||
Sets the actual size of this object. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Ändrar positionen för ett befintligt underordnat objekt i behållaren för visningsobjekt. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
Sets the specified constraint value. | UIMovieClip | ||
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. | UIMovieClip | ||
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen. | UIMovieClip | ||
Sets the layout size of the element. | UIMovieClip | ||
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout
size and position relative to its siblings. | UIMovieClip | ||
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout
size and position relative to its siblings. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Anger tillgänglighet för en dynamisk egenskap för slingåtgärder. | Object | |
Called when the visible property changes. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Gör att användaren kan dra angiven sprite. | Sprite | |
![]() |
Låter användaren dra angiven sprite på en beröringsaktiverad enhet. | Sprite | |
![]() |
Stoppar spelhuvudet i filmklippet. | MovieClip | |
![]() |
Stoppar rekursivt tidslinjekörning av alla filmklipp vars rot är detta objekt. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Avslutar metoden startDrag(). | Sprite | |
![]() |
Avslutar metoden startTouchDrag(), som används med beröringsaktiverade enheter. | Sprite | |
![]() |
Byter z-ordningen (framifrån och bakåt-ordning) för de två underordnade objekten. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Byter z-ordningen (framifrån och bakåt-ordning) för underordnade objekt vid de två angivna indexpositionerna i listan med underordnade objekt. | DisplayObjectContainer | |
![]() |
Returnerar det här objektets strängrepresentation, formaterad i enlighet med språkspecifika konventioner. | Object | |
![]() |
Returnerar det angivna objektets strängbeteckning. | Object | |
transformAround(transformCenter:Vector3D, scale:Vector3D = null, rotation:Vector3D = null, translation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutScale:Vector3D = null, postLayoutRotation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutTranslation:Vector3D = null, invalidateLayout:Boolean = true):void
A utility method to update the rotation, scale, and translation of the
transform while keeping a particular point, specified in the component's
own coordinate space, fixed in the parent's coordinate space. | UIMovieClip | ||
A utility method to transform a point specified in the local
coordinates of this object to its location in the object's parent's
coordinates. | UIMovieClip | ||
![]() |
Returnerar det angivna objektets primitiva värde. | Object | |
![]() |
Kontrollerar om en händelseavlyssnare är registrerad för det här EventDispatcher-objektet eller något av dess överordnade objekt för den angivna händelsetypen. | EventDispatcher |
Metod | Definieras med | ||
This enter frame handler is used when our width, height, x, or y
value changes. | UIMovieClip | ||
Recursively finds all children that have tabEnabled=true and adds them
to the focusableObjects array. | UIMovieClip | ||
Called when focus is entering any of our children. | UIMovieClip | ||
Helper method to invalidate parent size and display list if
this object affects its layout (includeInLayout is true). | UIMovieClip | ||
Notify our parent that our size has changed. | UIMovieClip | ||
This enter frame handler progresses through transitions. | UIMovieClip |
Händelse | Sammanfattning | Definieras med | ||
![]() | [utsändningshändelse] Skickas när Flash Player eller AIR får operativsystemfokus och blir aktivt. | EventDispatcher | ||
Dispatched when the component is added to a container as a content child by using the addChild() or addChildAt() method. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas när ett visningsobjekt läggs till i visningslistan. | DisplayObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när ett visningsobjekt läggs till i scenens visningslista, antingen direkt eller genom tillägg av ett underträd som innehåller visningsobjektet. | DisplayObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren väljer ”Ta bort” på textinnehållsmenyn. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare trycker ner och släpper upp huvudknappen på sitt pekdon över samma InteractiveObject. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användargest utlöser den snabbmeny som är kopplad till detta interaktiva objekt i ett AIR-program. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren aktiverar den plattformsspecifika tangentkombinationen för funktionen Kopiera eller väljer ”Kopiera” på snabbmenyn. | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched after the view state has changed. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched after the currentState property changes, but before the view state changes. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas när användaren aktiverar den plattformsspecifika tangentkombinationen för funktionen Klipp ut eller väljer Klipp ut på snabbmenyn. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | [utsändningshändelse] Skickas när Flash Player eller AIR förlorar operativsystemfokus och blir inaktivt. | EventDispatcher | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare trycker ner och släpper upp huvudknappen på ett pekdon två gånger i snabb följd över samma InteractiveObject när detta objekts doubleClickEnabled-flagga är satt till true. | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched by the drag initiator (the component that is the source of the data being dragged) when the drag operation completes, either when you drop the dragged data onto a drop target or when you end the drag-and-drop operation without performing a drop. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched by the drop target when the user releases the mouse over it. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched by a component when the user moves the mouse over the component during a drag operation. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched by the component when the user drags outside the component, but does not drop the data onto the target. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched by a component when the user moves the mouse while over the component during a drag operation. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | [utsändningshändelse] Skickas när spelhuvudet går in i en ny bildruta. | DisplayObject | ||
![]() | [utsändningshändelse] Skickas när spelhuvudet stänger den aktuella bildrutan. | DisplayObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när ett visningsobjekt fokuserats. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när ett visningsobjekt tappar fokusering. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | [utsändningshändelse] Skickas efter att konstruktorerna för bildrutevisningsobjekt har körts men innan bildruteskript har körts. | DisplayObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren skapar en kontaktpunkt längs pekytans kant med en InteractiveObject-instans (såsom att trycka längs kanten av pekytan på Siri Remote för Apple-TV). Vissa enheter kan också tolka denna kontakt som en kombination av flera pekhändelser. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren trycker på två kontaktpunkter över samma InteractiveObject-instans på en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att trycka med två fingrar och sedan släppa dem över ett visningsobjekt på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar en kontaktpunkt över InteractiveObject-instansen på en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att flytta ett finger från vänster till höger över ett visningsobjekt på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren utför en rotationsgest vid en kontaktpunkt med en InteractiveObject-instans (som att vidröra en skärm med två fingrar och rotera dem över ett visningsobjekt på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren utför en svepningsgest vid en kontaktpunkt med en InteractiveObject-instans (som att vidröra en skärm med tre fingrar och sedan flytta fingrarna parallellt över ett visningsobjekt på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren skapar en kontaktpunkt med en InteractiveObject-instans och sedan vidrör en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att placera flera fingrar över ett visningsobjekt för att öppna en meny och sedan använda ett finger för att peka på ett menyalternativ på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren utför en zoomningsgest vid en kontaktpunkt med en InteractiveObject-instans (som att vidröra en skärm med två fingrar och sedan snabbt sära på fingrarna över ett visningsobjekt på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched when an object's state changes from visible to invisible. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Den här händelsen skickas till alla klientprogram som har stöd för indata via ett redigeringsprogram för inmatningsmetoder (IME). | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction and has all initialization properties set. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas när användaren trycker på en tangent. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren försöker att ändra fokuseringen med tangentbordsnavigering. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren släpper upp en tangent. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare trycker ned och släpper upp mittenknappen på sitt pekdon över samma InteractiveObject. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare trycker på pekdonets mittenknapp över en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare släpper pekdonets knapp över en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare trycker på pekdonets knapp över en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched from a component opened using the PopUpManager when the user clicks outside it. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas när användaren försöker att ändra fokuseringen med ett pekdon. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare flyttar pekdonet när det befinner sig över ett InteractiveObject. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar bort pekdonet från en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar pekdonet över en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare släpper pekdonets knapp över en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när mushjulet rullas över en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched from a component opened using the PopUpManager when the user scrolls the mouse wheel outside it. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched when the object has moved. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas av drag initiator InteractiveObject när användaren släpper dragrörelsen. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas av ett InteractiveObject-målobjekt när ett objekt dras till målobjektet och dragningen har accepterats med ett anrop till DragManager.acceptDragDrop(). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas av ett InteractiveObject-objekt när en dragrörelse går in i dess gränser. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas av ett InteractiveObject-objekt när en dragrörelse går utanför dess gränser. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas kontinuerligt av ett InteractiveObject-objekt när en dragrörelse pågår inom dess gränser. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas i början av en dragning av det InteractiveObject-objekt som anges som dragningsinitierare i DragManager.doDrag()-anropet. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas under en dragning av det InteractiveObject-objekt som anges som dragningsinitierare i DragManager.doDrag()-anropet. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren aktiverar den plattformsspecifika tangentkombinationen för funktionen Klistra in eller väljer Klistra in på snabbmenyn. | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched at the beginning of the component initialization sequence. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas när användaren sänker en aktiv penna förbi skärmens upptäcktströskel. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren lyfter en aktiv penna över skärmens upptäcktströskel. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar en aktiv penna över skärmen medan den behålls inom skärmens upptäcktströskel. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar en aktiv penna bort från detta InteractiveObject medan den behålls inom skärmens upptäcktströskel. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar en aktiv penna direkt över detta InteractiveObject medan den behålls inom skärmens upptäcktströskel. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar en aktiv penna bort från detta InteractiveObject och något av dess underordnade objekt medan den behålls inom skärmens upptäcktströskel. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar en aktiv penna över detta InteractiveObject från utsidan av objektets underordnade träd i visningslistan (men stannar kvar inom skärmens upptäcktströskel). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren släpper knappen på pekaren efter att första ha tryckt på den över en InteractiveObject-instans och sedan flyttat pekaren bort från InteractiveObject-instansen. | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched when the component is removed from a container as a content child by using the removeChild() or removeChildAt() method. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas när ett visningsobjekt ska tas bort från visningslistan. | DisplayObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när ett visningsobjekt ska tas bort från visningslistan, antingen direkt eller genom borttagning av ett underträd som innehåller visningsobjektet. | DisplayObject | ||
![]() | [utsändningshändelse] Skickas när visningslistan ska uppdateras och återges. | DisplayObject | ||
Dispatched when the component is resized. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas när en användare trycker ned och släpper upp högerknappen på sitt pekdon över samma InteractiveObject. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare trycker på pekdonets knapp över en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när en användare släpper pekdonets knapp över en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar bort pekdonet från en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar pekdonet över en InteractiveObject-instans. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren aktiverar den plattformsspecifika tangentkombinationen för funktionen Markera allt eller väljer Markera allt på snabbmenyn. | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched when an object's state changes from invisible to visible. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas omedelbart efter att skärmtangentbordet tas fram (visas). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas omedelbart innan skärmtangentbordet tas fram (visas). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas omedelbart efter att skärmtangentbordet döljs. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när värdet på objektets tabChildren-flagga ändras. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när objektets tabEnabled-flagga ändras. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när värdet på objektets tabIndex-egenskap ändras. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren skriver ett eller flera texttecken. | InteractiveObject | ||
Dispatched by the component when it is time to create a ToolTip. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip has been hidden and will be discarded soon. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip is about to be hidden. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip is about to be shown. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip has been shown. | UIMovieClip | |||
Dispatched by a component whose toolTip property is set, as soon as the user moves the mouse over it. | UIMovieClip | |||
![]() | Skickas när användaren först kontaktar en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att vidröra en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren avslutar kontakten med en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att lyfta fingret från en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren rör enheten och skickas kontinuerligt tills kontaktpunkten avlägsnas. | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar kontaktpunkten bort från en InteractiveObject-instans på en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att dra fingret från ett visningsobjekt till ett annat på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar kontaktpunkten över en InteractiveObject-instans på en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att dra fingret från en punkt utanför ett visningsobjekt till en punkt över ett visningsobjekt på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar kontaktpunkten bort från en InteractiveObject-instans på en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att dra fingret från ett visningsobjekt till en punkt utanför visningsobjektet på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren flyttar kontaktpunkten över en InteractiveObject-instans på en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att dra fingret från en punkt utanför ett visningsobjekt till en punkt över ett visningsobjekt på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject | ||
![]() | Skickas när användaren lyfter kontaktpunkten över samma InteractiveObject-instans där kontakten initierades på en beröringsaktiverad enhet (som att trycka med fingret och sedan släppa det vid en enda kontaktpunkt över ett visningsobjekt på en mobiltelefon eller bärbar dator med pekskärm). | InteractiveObject |
automationDelegate | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The delegate object that handles the automation-related functionality.
public function get automationDelegate():Object
public function set automationDelegate(value:Object):void
automationEnabled | egenskap |
automationName | egenskap |
automationOwner | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The owner of this component for automation purposes.
public function get automationOwner():DisplayObjectContainer
automationParent | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The parent of this component for automation purposes.
public function get automationParent():DisplayObjectContainer
automationTabularData | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
An implementation of the IAutomationTabularData
interface, which
can be used to retrieve the data.
public function get automationTabularData():Object
automationValue | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with the object as it appears visually within the application.
public function get automationValue():Array
automationVisible | egenskap |
autoUpdateCurrentState | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Whether we should actively watch changes to the label of the flash object.
The Flex currentState
property depends on this flash label.
If this is set to true
, then every frame, the label of the flash
obejct will be quieried. If the label has changed, that will become the new
for the Flex object.
Note: Setting this property to true
may be expensive because
we now are asking the flash object for is current label every single frame.
Standardvärdet är false.
public function get autoUpdateCurrentState():Boolean
public function set autoUpdateCurrentState(value:Boolean):void
autoUpdateMeasuredSize | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Whether we should actively watch changes to the size of the flash object.
If this is set to true
, then every frame, the size of the flash
object will be determined. If the size has changed, then the flash object
will scale appropriately to fit its explicit bounds (or it will resize and
notify its parent if there is no explicit sizing).
Note: Setting this property to true
may be expensive because
we now are asking the flash object its current size every single frame.
Standardvärdet är false.
public function get autoUpdateMeasuredSize():Boolean
public function set autoUpdateMeasuredSize(value:Boolean):void
baseline | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The vertical distance in pixels from the top edge of the content area to the component's baseline position. If this property is set, the baseline of the component is anchored to the top edge of its content area; when its container is resized, the two edges maintain their separation.
This property only has an effect when used on a component in a Canvas container,
or when used on a component in a Panel or Application container
that has the layout property set to absolute
The default value is undefined
, which means it is not set.
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen propertyChange
public function get baseline():Object
public function set baseline(value:Object):void
baselinePosition | egenskap |
bottom | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The vertical distance, in pixels, from the lower edge of the component to the lower edge of its content area. If this property is set, the lower edge of the component is anchored to the bottom edge of its content area; when its container is resized, the two edges maintain their separation.
This property only has an effect when used on a component in a Canvas container,
or when used on a component in a Panel or Application container
that has the layout property set to absolute
The default value is undefined
, which means it is not set.
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen propertyChange
public function get bottom():Object
public function set bottom(value:Object):void
boundingBoxName | egenskap |
public var boundingBoxName:String = "boundingBox"
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Name of the object to use as the bounding box.
The bounding box is an object that is used by Flex to determine the size of the component. The actual content can be larger or smaller than the bounding box, but Flex uses the size of the bounding box when laying out the component. This object is optional. If omitted, the actual content size of the component is used instead.
Standardvärdet är "boundingBox".
bounds | egenskap |
cacheHeuristic | egenskap |
[lässkyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Used by Flex to suggest bitmap caching for the object.
If cachePolicy
is UIComponentCachePolicy.AUTO
then cacheHeuristic
is used to control the object's cacheAsBitmap
public function set cacheHeuristic(value:Boolean):void
cachePolicy | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Specifies the bitmap caching policy for this object.
Possible values in MXML are "on"
Possible values in ActionScript are UIComponentCachePolicy.ON
- A value of
means that the object is always cached as a bitmap. - A value of
means that the object is never cached as a bitmap. - A value of
means that the framework uses heuristics to decide whether the object should be cached as a bitmap.
Standardvärdet är UIComponentCachePolicy.AUTO.
public function get cachePolicy():String
currentState | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The current state of this component. For UIMovieClip, the value of the
property is the current frame label.
public function get currentState():String
public function set currentState(value:String):void
depth | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Determines the order in which items inside of containers
are rendered.
Spark containers order their items based on their
property, with the lowest depth in the back,
and the higher in the front.
Items with the same depth value appear in the order
they are added to the container.
public function get depth():Number
public function set depth(value:Number):void
descriptor | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Reference to the UIComponentDescriptor, if any, that was used
by the createComponentFromDescriptor()
method to create this
UIComponent instance. If this UIComponent instance
was not created from a descriptor, this property is null.
public function get descriptor():UIComponentDescriptor
public function set descriptor(value:UIComponentDescriptor):void
Relaterade API-element
designLayer | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Specifies the optional DesignLayer instance associated with this visual element.
When a DesignLayer is assigned, a visual element must consider the visibility and alpha of its parent layer when ultimately committing its own effective visibility or alpha to its backing DisplayObject (if applicable).
A visual element must listen for layerPropertyChange
notifications from the associated layer parent. When the
or effectiveVisibility
of the
layer changes, the element must then compute its own effective visibility
(or alpha) and apply it accordingly.
This property should not be set within MXML directly.
The designLayer
property is not used for z-order control,
please see depth
public function get designLayer():DesignLayer
public function set designLayer(value:DesignLayer):void
document | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A reference to the document object associated with this component. A document object is an Object at the top of the hierarchy of a Flex application, MXML component, or ActionScript component.
public function get document():Object
public function set document(value:Object):void
explicitHeight | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The explicitly specified height for the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
If no height is explicitly specified, the value is NaN
public function get explicitHeight():Number
public function set explicitHeight(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
explicitMaxHeight | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
public function get explicitMaxHeight():Number
public function set explicitMaxHeight(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
explicitMaxWidth | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
public function get explicitMaxWidth():Number
public function set explicitMaxWidth(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
explicitMinHeight | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the minimum height of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
public function get explicitMinHeight():Number
public function set explicitMinHeight(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
explicitMinWidth | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the minimum width of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
public function get explicitMinWidth():Number
public function set explicitMinWidth(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
explicitWidth | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The explicitly specified width for the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
If no width is explicitly specified, the value is NaN
public function get explicitWidth():Number
public function set explicitWidth(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
focusEnabled | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A flag that indicates whether the component can receive focus when selected.
As an optimization, if a child component in your component
implements the IFocusManagerComponent interface, and you
never want it to receive focus,
you can set focusEnabled
to false
before calling addChild()
on the child component.
This will cause the FocusManager to ignore this component
and not monitor it for changes to the tabFocusEnabled
, and mouseFocusEnabled
This also means you cannot change this value after
and expect the FocusManager to notice.
Note: It does not mean that you cannot give this object focus
programmatically in your setFocus()
it just tells the FocusManager to ignore this IFocusManagerComponent
component in the Tab and mouse searches.
public function get focusEnabled():Boolean
public function set focusEnabled(value:Boolean):void
focusPane | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A single Sprite object that is shared among components and used as an overlay for drawing focus. Components share this object if their parent is a focused component, not if the component implements the IFocusManagerComponent interface.
public function get focusPane():Sprite
public function set focusPane(value:Sprite):void
Relaterade API-element
hasFocusableChildren | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus.
Note: This property is similar to the tabChildren
used by Flash Player.
Use the hasFocusableChildren
property with Flex applications.
Do not use the tabChildren
This property is usually false
because most components
either receive focus themselves or delegate focus to a single
internal sub-component and appear as if the component has
received focus.
For example, a TextInput control contains a focusable
child RichEditableText control, but while the RichEditableText
sub-component actually receives focus, it appears as if the
TextInput has focus. TextInput sets hasFocusableChildren
to false
because TextInput is considered the
component that has focus. Its internal structure is an
Usually only navigator components, such as TabNavigator and
Accordion, have this flag set to true
because they
receive focus on Tab but focus goes to components in the child
containers on further Tabs.
The default value is false
, except for the
spark.components.Scroller component.
For that component, the default value is true
Standardvärdet är true.
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen hasFocusableChildrenChange
public function get hasFocusableChildren():Boolean
public function set hasFocusableChildren(value:Boolean):void
hasLayoutMatrix3D | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Contains true
if the element has 3D Matrix.
Use hasLayoutMatrix3D
instead of calling and examining the
return value of getLayoutMatrix3D()
because that method returns a valid
matrix even when the element is in 2D.
public function get hasLayoutMatrix3D():Boolean
height | egenskap |
horizontalCenter | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the center of the component's content area to the center of the component. If this property is set, the center of the component will be anchored to the center of its content area; when its container is resized, the two centers maintain their horizontal separation.
This property only has an effect when used on a component in a Canvas container,
or when used on a component in a Panel or Application container
that has the layout property set to absolute
The default value is undefined
, which means it is not set.
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen propertyChange
public function get horizontalCenter():Object
public function set horizontalCenter(value:Object):void
id | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
ID of the component. This value becomes the instance name of the object and should not contain any white space or special characters. Each component throughout an application should have a unique id.
If your application is going to be tested by third party tools, give each component a meaningful id. Testing tools use ids to represent the control in their scripts and having a meaningful name can make scripts more readable. For example, set the value of a button to submit_button rather than b1 or button1.
public function get id():String
public function set id(value:String):void
includeInLayout | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the
parent container.
If true
, the object is included in its parent container's
layout. If false
, the object is positioned by its parent
container as per its layout rules, but it is ignored for the purpose of
computing the position of the next child.
Standardvärdet är true.
public function get includeInLayout():Boolean
public function set includeInLayout(value:Boolean):void
initialized | egenskap |
protected var initialized:Boolean = false
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout: commitment, measurement, and layout (provided that any were required).
is3D | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Contains true
when the element is in 3D.
The element can be in 3D either because
it has 3D transform properties or it has 3D post layout transform offsets or both.
public function get is3D():Boolean
isPopUp | egenskap |
layoutDirection | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR (left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). This property is typically backed by an inheriting style. If null, the layoutDirection style will be set to undefined. Classes like GraphicElement, which implement ILayoutDirectionElement but do not support styles, must additionally support a null value for this property which means the layoutDirection must be inherited from its parent.
public function get layoutDirection():String
public function set layoutDirection(value:String):void
left | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the component's content area to the left edge of the component. If this property is set, the left edge of the component is anchored to the left edge of its content area; when its container is resized, the two edges maintain their separation.
This property only has an effect when used on a component in a Canvas container,
or when used on a component in a Panel or Application container
that has the layout property set to absolute
The default value is undefined
, which means it is not set.
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen propertyChange
public function get left():Object
public function set left(value:Object):void
maintainProjectionCenter | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
When true, the component will keep its projection matrix centered on the middle of its bounding box. If no projection matrix is defined on the component, one will be added automatically.
public function get maintainProjectionCenter():Boolean
public function set maintainProjectionCenter(value:Boolean):void
maxHeight | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
public function get maxHeight():Number
public function set maxHeight(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
maxWidth | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
public function get maxWidth():Number
public function set maxWidth(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
measuredHeight | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The measured height of this object.
This is typically hard-coded for graphical skins
because this number is simply the number of pixels in the graphic.
For code skins, it can also be hard-coded
if you expect to be drawn at a certain size.
If your size can change based on properties, you may want
to also be an ILayoutManagerClient so a measure()
method will be called at an appropriate time,
giving you an opportunity to compute a measuredHeight
public function get measuredHeight():Number
measuredMinHeight | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The default minimum height of the component, in pixels.
This value is set by the measure()
public function get measuredMinHeight():Number
public function set measuredMinHeight(value:Number):void
measuredMinWidth | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The default minimum width of the component, in pixels.
This value is set by the measure()
public function get measuredMinWidth():Number
public function set measuredMinWidth(value:Number):void
measuredWidth | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The measured width of this object.
This is typically hard-coded for graphical skins
because this number is simply the number of pixels in the graphic.
For code skins, it can also be hard-coded
if you expect to be drawn at a certain size.
If your size can change based on properties, you may want
to also be an ILayoutManagerClient so a measure()
method will be called at an appropriate time,
giving you an opportunity to compute a measuredHeight
public function get measuredWidth():Number
minHeight | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the minimum height of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
public function get minHeight():Number
public function set minHeight(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
minWidth | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the minimum width of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
public function get minWidth():Number
public function set minWidth(value:Number):void
Relaterade API-element
moduleFactory | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A module factory is used as context for using embeded fonts and for finding the style manager that controls the styles for this component.
public function get moduleFactory():IFlexModuleFactory
public function set moduleFactory(value:IFlexModuleFactory):void
mouseFocusEnabled | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A flag that indicates whether the component can receive focus
when selected with the mouse.
If false
, focus will be transferred to
the first parent that is mouseFocusEnabled
public function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean
numAutomationChildren | egenskap |
[skrivskyddad] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The number of automation children this container has. This sum should not include any composite children, though it does include those children not significant within the automation hierarchy.
public function get numAutomationChildren():int
owner | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Typically the parent container of this component. However, if this is a popup component, the owner is the component that popped it up. For example, the owner of a dropdown list of a ComboBox control is the ComboBox control itself. This property is not managed by Flex, but by each component. Therefore, if you popup a component, you should set this property accordingly.
public function get owner():DisplayObjectContainer
public function set owner(value:DisplayObjectContainer):void
parentDocument | egenskap |
percentHeight | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. Allowed values are 0 to 100.
public function get percentHeight():Number
public function set percentHeight(value:Number):void
percentWidth | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. Allowed values are 0 to 100.
public function get percentWidth():Number
public function set percentWidth(value:Number):void
postLayoutTransformOffsets | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Defines a set of adjustments that can be applied to the component's transform in a way that is
invisible to the component's parent's layout. For example, if you want a layout to adjust
for a component that will be rotated 90 degrees, you set the component's rotation
If you want the layout to not adjust for the component being rotated, you set its postLayoutTransformOffsets.rotationZ
public function get postLayoutTransformOffsets():mx.geom:TransformOffsets
public function set postLayoutTransformOffsets(value:mx.geom:TransformOffsets):void
right | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the right edge of the component to the right edge of its content area. If this property is set, the right edge of the component is anchored to the right edge of its content area; when its container is resized, the two edges maintain their separation.
This property only has an effect when used on a component in a Canvas container,
or when used on a component in a Panel or Application container
that has the layout property set to absolute
The default value is undefined
, which means it is not set.
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen propertyChange
public function get right():Object
public function set right(value:Object):void
rotation | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Anger DisplayObject-instansens rotation i grader från den ursprungliga orienteringen. Värden från 0 till 180 representerar rotation medurs och värden från 0 till -180 representerar rotation moturs. Värden utanför intervallet adderas eller subtraheras från 360 för att få fram ett värde inom intervallet. Påståendet my_video.rotation = 450
är exempelvis samma som my_video.rotation = 90
override public function get rotation():Number
override public function set rotation(value:Number):void
rotationX | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Indicates the x-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation relative to the 3D parent container. Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation; values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation. Values outside this range are added to or subtracted from 360 to obtain a value within the range. This property is ignored during calculation by any of Flex's 2D layouts.
override public function get rotationX():Number
override public function set rotationX(value:Number):void
rotationY | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Indicates the y-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation relative to the 3D parent container. Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation; values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation. Values outside this range are added to or subtracted from 360 to obtain a value within the range. This property is ignored during calculation by any of Flex's 2D layouts.
override public function get rotationY():Number
override public function set rotationY(value:Number):void
rotationZ | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Indicates the z-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation relative to the 3D parent container. Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation; values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation. Values outside this range are added to or subtracted from 360 to obtain a value within the range.
override public function get rotationZ():Number
override public function set rotationZ(value:Number):void
scaleX | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the horizontal scaling factor.
The default value is 1.0, which means that the object
is not scaled.
A scaleX
of 2.0 means the object has been
magnified by a factor of 2, and a scaleX
of 0.5
means the object has been reduced by a factor of 2.
A value of 0.0 is an invalid value.
Rather than setting it to 0.0, set it to a small value, or set
the visible
property to false
to hide the component.
Standardvärdet är 1.0.
override public function get scaleX():Number
override public function set scaleX(value:Number):void
scaleY | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the vertical scaling factor.
The default value is 1.0, which means that the object
is not scaled.
A scaleY
of 2.0 means the object has been
magnified by a factor of 2, and a scaleY
of 0.5
means the object has been reduced by a factor of 2.
A value of 0.0 is an invalid value.
Rather than setting it to 0.0, set it to a small value, or set
the visible
property to false
to hide the component.
Standardvärdet är 1.0.
override public function get scaleY():Number
override public function set scaleY(value:Number):void
scaleZ | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the scaling factor along the z axis.
A scaling along the z axis will not affect a typical component, which lies flat in the z=0 plane. components with children that have 3D transforms applied, or components with a non-zero transformZ, will be affected.
The default value is 1.0, which means that the object is not scaled.
This property is ignored during calculation by any of Flex's 2D layouts.
Standardvärdet är 1.0.
override public function get scaleZ():Number
override public function set scaleZ(value:Number):void
showInAutomationHierarchy | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A flag that determines if an automation object shows in the automation hierarchy. Children of containers that are not visible in the hierarchy appear as children of the next highest visible parent. Typically containers used for layout, such as boxes and Canvas, do not appear in the hierarchy.
Some controls force their children to appear
in the hierarchy when appropriate.
For example a List will always force item renderers,
including boxes, to appear in the hierarchy.
Implementers must support setting this property
to true
public function get showInAutomationHierarchy():Boolean
public function set showInAutomationHierarchy(value:Boolean):void
systemManager | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A reference to the SystemManager object for this component.
public function get systemManager():ISystemManager
public function set systemManager(value:ISystemManager):void
tabFocusEnabled | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus
This is similar to the tabEnabled
used by the Flash Player.
This is usually true
for components that
handle keyboard input, but some components in controlbars
have them set to false
because they should not steal
focus from another component like an editor.
Standardvärdet är true.
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen tabFocusEnabledChange
public function get tabFocusEnabled():Boolean
public function set tabFocusEnabled(value:Boolean):void
toolTip | egenskap |
top | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The vertical distance, in pixels, from the top edge of the control's content area to the top edge of the component. If this property is set, the top edge of the component is anchored to the top edge of its content area; when its container is resized, the two edges maintain their separation.
This property only has an effect when used on a component in a Canvas container,
or when used on a component in a Panel or Application container
that has the layout property set to absolute
The default value is undefined
, which means it is not set.
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen propertyChange
public function get top():Object
public function set top(value:Object):void
transformX | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Sets the x coordinate for the transform center of the component.
When this component is the target of a Spark transform effect,
you can override this property by setting
the AnimateTransform.autoCenterTransform
If autoCenterTransform
is false
, the transform
center is determined by the transformX
, and transformZ
of the effect target.
If autoCenterTransform
is true
the effect occurs around the center of the target,
(width/2, height/2)
Setting this property on the Spark effect class overrides the setting on the target component.
public function get transformX():Number
public function set transformX(value:Number):void
transformY | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Sets the y coordinate for the transform center of the component.
When this component is the target of a Spark transform effect,
you can override this property by setting
the AnimateTransform.autoCenterTransform
If autoCenterTransform
is false
, the transform
center is determined by the transformX
, and transformZ
of the effect target.
If autoCenterTransform
is true
the effect occurs around the center of the target,
(width/2, height/2)
Seeting this property on the Spark effect class overrides the setting on the target component.
public function get transformY():Number
public function set transformY(value:Number):void
transformZ | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Sets the z coordinate for the transform center of the component.
When this component is the target of a Spark transform effect,
you can override this property by setting
the AnimateTransform.autoCenterTransform
If autoCenterTransform
is false
, the transform
center is determined by the transformX
, and transformZ
of the effect target.
If autoCenterTransform
is true
the effect occurs around the center of the target,
(width/2, height/2)
Seeting this property on the Spark effect class overrides the setting on the target component.
public function get transformZ():Number
public function set transformZ(value:Number):void
tweeningProperties | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Used by EffectManager. Returns non-null if a component is not using the EffectManager to execute a Tween.
public function get tweeningProperties():Array
public function set tweeningProperties(value:Array):void
verticalCenter | egenskap |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The vertical distance in pixels from the center of the component's content area to the center of the component. If this property is set, the center of the component is anchored to the center of its content area; when its container is resized, the two centers maintain their vertical separation.
This property only has an effect when used on a component in a Canvas container,
or when used on a component in a Panel or Application container
that has the layout property set to absolute
The default value is undefined
, which means it is not set.
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen propertyChange
public function get verticalCenter():Object
public function set verticalCenter(value:Object):void
visible | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Whether or not the display object is visible.
Display objects that are not visible are disabled.
For example, if visible=false
for an InteractiveObject instance,
it cannot be clicked.
When setting to true
, the object dispatches
a show
When setting to false
, the object dispatches
a hide
In either case the children of the object does not emit a
or hide
event unless the object
has specifically written an implementation to do so.
override public function get visible():Boolean
override public function set visible(value:Boolean):void
width | egenskap |
x | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the component's horizontal position, in pixels, within its parent container.
Setting this property directly or calling move()
will have no effect -- or only a temporary effect -- if the
component is parented by a layout container such as HBox, Grid,
or Form, because the layout calculations of those containers
set the x
position to the results of the calculation.
However, the x
property must almost always be set
when the parent is a Canvas or other absolute-positioning
container because the default value is 0.
Standardvärdet är 0.
override public function get x():Number
override public function set x(value:Number):void
y | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Number that specifies the component's vertical position, in pixels, within its parent container.
Setting this property directly or calling move()
will have no effect -- or only a temporary effect -- if the
component is parented by a layout container such as HBox, Grid,
or Form, because the layout calculations of those containers
set the x
position to the results of the calculation.
However, the x
property must almost always be set
when the parent is a Canvas or other absolute-positioning
container because the default value is 0.
Standardvärdet är 0.
override public function get y():Number
override public function set y(value:Number):void
z | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Indicates the z coordinate position along the z-axis of the DisplayObject instance relative to the 3D parent container. The z property is used for 3D coordinates, not screen or pixel coordinates.
When you set a z
property for a display object to something other than the default
value of 0
, a corresponding Matrix3D object is automatically created. for adjusting a
display object's position and orientation
in three dimensions. When working with the z-axis,
the existing behavior of x and y properties changes from screen or pixel coordinates to
positions relative to the 3D parent container.
For example, a child of the _root
at position x = 100, y = 100, z = 200
is not drawn at pixel location (100,100). The child is drawn wherever the 3D projection
calculation puts it. The calculation is:
(x*cameraFocalLength/cameraRelativeZPosition, y*cameraFocalLength/cameraRelativeZPosition)
Den här egenskapen kan användas som källan för databindning. När den här egenskapen ändras, skickas händelsen zChanged
override public function get z():Number
override public function set z(value:Number):void
UIMovieClip | () | Konstruktor |
public function UIMovieClip()
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
createAutomationIDPart | () | metod |
public function createAutomationIDPart(child:IAutomationObject):Object
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. These values should not change during the lifespan of the application.
child:IAutomationObject — Child for which to provide the id.
Object — Sets of properties describing the child which can
later be used to resolve the component.
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties | () | metod |
public function createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:IAutomationObject, properties:Array):Object
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. These values should not change during the lifespan of the application.
child:IAutomationObject — Child for which to provide the id.
| |
properties:Array |
Object — Sets of properties describing the child which can
later be used to resolve the component.
createReferenceOnParentDocument | () | metod |
public function createReferenceOnParentDocument(parentDocument:IFlexDisplayObject):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Creates an id
reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object.
This function can create multidimensional references
such as b[2][4] for objects inside one or more repeaters.
If the indices are null, it creates a simple non-Array reference.
parentDocument:IFlexDisplayObject — The parent of this IUIComponent object.
deleteReferenceOnParentDocument | () | metod |
public function deleteReferenceOnParentDocument(parentDocument:IFlexDisplayObject):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Deletes the id
reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object.
This function can delete from multidimensional references
such as b[2][4] for objects inside one or more Repeaters.
If the indices are null, it deletes the simple non-Array reference.
parentDocument:IFlexDisplayObject — The parent of this IUIComponent object.
drawFocus | () | metod |
public function drawFocus(isFocused:Boolean):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. The component should draw or hide a graphic that indicates that the component has focus.
isFocused:Boolean — If true , draw the focus indicator,
otherwise hide it.
enterFrameHandler | () | metod |
protected function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
This enter frame handler is used when our width, height, x, or y value changes. This is so the change can be delayed so that setting x and y at the same time only results in one change event.
event:Event |
executeBindings | () | metod |
public function executeBindings(recurse:Boolean = false):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Executes the data bindings into this UIComponent object.
recurse:Boolean (default = false ) — Recursively execute bindings for children of this component.
findFocusCandidates | () | metod |
protected function findFocusCandidates(obj:DisplayObjectContainer):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Recursively finds all children that have tabEnabled=true and adds them to the focusableObjects array.
obj:DisplayObjectContainer |
focusInHandler | () | metod |
protected function focusInHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Called when focus is entering any of our children. Make sure our focus event handlers are called so we can take control from the Flex focus manager.
event:FocusEvent |
getAutomationChildAt | () | metod |
public function getAutomationChildAt(index:int):IAutomationObject
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Provides the automation object at the specified index. This list should not include any children that are composites.
index:int — The index of the child to return
IAutomationObject — The child at the specified index.
getAutomationChildren | () | metod |
getBoundsXAtSize | () | metod |
public function getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
This method is typically used by layouts during a call to the
method to predict what
the element position will be, if the element is resized to particular dimensions.
width:Number — The element's bounds width, or NaN to use the preferred width.
| |
height:Number — The element's bounds height, or NaN to use the preferred height.
| |
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true, the method returns
x coordinate of the element's bounding box top-left corner.
The bounding box is in element's parent coordinate space and is calculated
from the specified bounds size, layout position and layout transform matrix.
Number — The x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsYAtSize | () | metod |
public function getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
This method is typically used by layouts during a call to
the measure()
to predict what
the element position will be, if the element is resized to particular dimensions.
width:Number — The element's bounds width, or NaN to use the preferred width.
| |
height:Number — The element's bounds height, or NaN to use the preferred height.
| |
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true, the method returns
the y coordinate of the element's bounding box top-left corner.
The bounding box is in element's parent coordinate space and is calculated
from the specified bounds size, layout position and layout transform matrix.
Number — The y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getConstraintValue | () | metod |
public function getConstraintValue(constraintName:String):*
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Returns the specified constraint value.
constraintName:String — name of the constraint value. Constraint parameters are
"baseline ", "bottom ", "horizontalCenter ",
"left ", "right ", "top ", and
"verticalCenter ".
For more information about these parameters, see the Canvas and Panel containers and Styles Metadata AnchorStyles. |
* — The constraint value, or null if it is not defined.
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight | () | metod |
public function getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight():Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height
ReturnerarNumber — A Number which is explicitHeight if defined
or measuredHeight if not.
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth | () | metod |
public function getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth():Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width
ReturnerarNumber — A Number which is explicitWidth if defined
or measuredWidth if not.
getLayoutBoundsHeight | () | metod |
public function getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the element's layout height. This is the size that the element uses to draw on screen.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true, the method returns
the element's bounding box width. The bounding box is in the element's parent
coordinate space and is calculated from the element's layout size and
layout transform matrix.
Number — The element's layout height.
getLayoutBoundsWidth | () | metod |
public function getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the element's layout width. This is the size that the element uses to draw on screen.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true, the method returns
the element's bounding box width. The bounding box is in element's parent
coordinate space and is calculated from the element's layout size and
layout transform matrix.
Number — The element's layout width.
getLayoutBoundsX | () | metod |
public function getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true, the method returns
x coordinate of the element's bounding box top-left corner.
The bounding box is in the element's parent coordinate space and is calculated
from the element's layout size, layout position and layout transform matrix.
Number — The x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutBoundsY | () | metod |
public function getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true, the method returns
y coordinate of the element's bounding box top-left corner.
The bounding box is in the element's parent coordinate space and is calculated
from the element's layout size, layout position, and layout transform matrix.
Number — The y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutMatrix | () | metod |
public function getLayoutMatrix():Matrix
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings.
This matrix is typically defined by the
component's 2D properties such as x
, y
, scaleX
, scaleY
, and transformY
Some components may have additional transform properties that
are applied on top of the layout matrix to determine the final,
computed matrix. For example UIComponent
defines the offsets
Matrix — The layout transform Matrix for this element.
Do not directly modify the return value; call the setLayoutMatrix() method instead.
getLayoutMatrix3D | () | metod |
public function getLayoutMatrix3D():Matrix3D
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element.
This matrix is typically defined by the
component's transform properties such as x
, y
, rotationX
, rotationY
, scaleX
, scaleY
, transformX
, and transformY
Some components may have additional transform properties that
are applied on top of the layout matrix to determine the final,
computed matrix. For example UIComponent
defines the offsets
Matrix3D — The layout transform Matrix3D for this element.
Do not directly modify the return value but call the setLayoutMatrix() method instead.
getMaxBoundsHeight | () | metod |
public function getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the element's maximum height.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true, the method returns
the element's bounding box height. The bounding box is in the element's parent
coordinate space and is calculated from the element's maximum size and
layout transform matrix.
Number — The element's maximum height.
getMaxBoundsWidth | () | metod |
public function getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the element's maximum width.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true, the method returns
the element's bounding box width. The bounding box is in the element's parent
coordinate space and is calculated from the element's maximum size and
layout transform matrix.
Number — The element's maximum width.
getMinBoundsHeight | () | metod |
public function getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the element's minimum height.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true ,
the method returns the element's bounding box height.
The bounding box is in the element's parent
coordinate space and is calculated from the element's minimum size and
layout transform matrix.
Number — The element's maximum height.
getMinBoundsWidth | () | metod |
public function getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the element's minimum width.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true ,
the method returns the element's bounding box width.
The bounding box is in the element's parent
coordinate space and is calculated from the element's minimum size and
layout transform matrix.
Number — The element's maximum width.
getPreferredBoundsHeight | () | metod |
public function getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the element's preferred height.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true ,
the method returns the element's bounding box height.
The bounding box is in the element's parent
coordinate space and is calculated from the element's preferred size and
layout transform matrix.
Number — Returns the element's preferred height. Preferred height is
usually based on the default element size and any explicit overrides.
For UIComponent this is the same value as returned by
the getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() method.
getPreferredBoundsWidth | () | metod |
public function getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):Number
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the element's preferred width.
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true ,
the method returns the element's bounding box width.
The bounding box is in the element's parent
coordinate space and is calculated from the element's preferred size and
layout transform matrix.
Number — Returns the element's preferred width. Preferred width is
usually based on the default element size and any explicit overrides.
For UIComponent this is the same value as returned by
the getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() method.
initialize | () | metod |
public function initialize():void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Initialize the object.
Relaterade API-element
invalidateLayoutDirection | () | metod |
public function invalidateLayoutDirection():void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or when its parent's layoutDirection changes. If they differ, this method is responsible for mirroring the element’s contents and for updating the element’s post-layout transform so that descendants inherit a mirrored coordinate system. IVisualElements typically implement mirroring by using postLayoutTransformOffsets to scale the X axis by -1 and to translate the x coordinate of the origin by the element's width. The net effect of this "mirror" transform is to reverse the direction in which the X axis increases without changing the element's location relative to its parent's origin.
invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList | () | metod |
protected function invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList():void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Helper method to invalidate parent size and display list if this object affects its layout (includeInLayout is true).
move | () | metod |
public function move(x:Number, y:Number):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Moves this object to the specified x and y coordinates.
x:Number — The new x-position for this object.
| |
y:Number — The new y-position for this object.
notifySizeChanged | () | metod |
protected function notifySizeChanged():void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Notify our parent that our size has changed.
owns | () | metod |
public function owns(displayObject:DisplayObject):Boolean
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Returns true
if the chain of owner
points from child
to this UIComponent.
displayObject:DisplayObject — A UIComponent.
Boolean — true if the child is parented or owned by this UIComponent.
parentChanged | () | metod |
public function parentChanged(p:DisplayObjectContainer):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Called by Flex when a UIComponent object is added to or removed from a parent. Developers typically never need to call this method.
p:DisplayObjectContainer — The parent of this UIComponent object.
registerEffects | () | metod |
replayAutomatableEvent | () | metod |
public function replayAutomatableEvent(event:Event):Boolean
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Replays the specified event. A component author should probably call super.replayAutomatableEvent in case default replay behavior has been defined in a superclass.
event:Event — The event to replay.
Boolean — true if a replay was successful.
resolveAutomationIDPart | () | metod |
public function resolveAutomationIDPart(criteria:Object):Array
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Resolves a child by using the id provided. The id is a set
of properties as provided by the createAutomationIDPart()
criteria:Object — Set of properties describing the child.
The criteria can contain regular expression values
resulting in multiple children being matched.
Array — Array of children that matched the criteria
or null if no children could not be resolved.
setActualSize | () | metod |
public function setActualSize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Sets the actual size of this object.
This method is mainly for use in implementing the
method, which is where
you compute this object's actual size based on
its explicit size, parent-relative (percent) size,
and measured size.
You then apply this actual size to the object
by calling setActualSize()
In other situations, you should be setting properties
such as width
, height
, or percentHeight
rather than calling this method.
newWidth:Number — The new width for this object.
| |
newHeight:Number — The new height for this object.
setConstraintValue | () | metod |
public function setConstraintValue(constraintName:String, value:*):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Sets the specified constraint value.
constraintName:String — name of the constraint value. Constraint parameters are
"baseline ", "bottom ", "horizontalCenter ",
"left ", "right ", "top ", and
"verticalCenter ".
For more information about these parameters, see the Canvas and Panel containers and Styles Metadata AnchorStyles. | |
value:* — The new value for the constraint.
setFocus | () | metod |
public function setFocus():void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. The component may in turn set focus to an internal component.
setLayoutBoundsPosition | () | metod |
public function setLayoutBoundsPosition(x:Number, y:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen.
Note that calls to the setLayoutBoundSize()
method can affect the layout position, so
call setLayoutBoundPosition()
after calling setLayoutBoundSize()
x:Number — The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounding box.
| |
y:Number — The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounding box.
| |
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true ,
the element is positioned in such a way that the top-left corner of its bounding box is (x, y).
The bounding box is in the element's parent coordinate space and is calculated
from the element's layout size, layout position and layout transform matrix.
setLayoutBoundsSize | () | metod |
public function setLayoutBoundsSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean = true):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Sets the layout size of the element. This is the size that the element uses to draw on screen.
If the width
and/or height
parameters are left unspecified (NaN),
Flex sets the element's layout size to its preferred width and/or preferred height.
Note that calls to the setLayoutBoundSize()
method can affect the layout position, so
call setLayoutBoundPosition()
after calling setLayoutBoundSize()
width:Number — The element's layout width.
| |
height:Number — The element's layout height.
| |
postLayoutTransform:Boolean (default = true ) — When postLayoutTransform is true, the specified sizes
are those of the element's bounding box.
The bounding box is in the element's parent coordinate space and is calculated
from the element's layout size, layout position, and layout transform matrix.
setLayoutMatrix | () | metod |
public function setLayoutMatrix(value:Matrix, invalidateLayout:Boolean):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings.
The matrix is typically defined by the
component's 2D properties such as x
, y
, scaleX
, scaleY
, and transformY
Some components may have additional transform properties that
are applied on top of the layout matrix to determine the final,
computed matrix. For example UIComponent
defines the offsets
Note that layout Matrix is factored in the getPreferredSize()
, getMaxSize()
, getLayoutSize()
methods when computed in parent coordinates
as well as in getLayoutPosition()
in both parent and child coordinates.
Layouts that calculate the transform matrix explicitly typically call
this method and work with sizes in child coordinates.
Layouts calling this method pass false
to the invalidateLayout()
method so that a subsequent layout pass is not
value:Matrix — The matrix.
| |
invalidateLayout:Boolean — true to cause the parent container
to re-layout its children. You typically pass true
to the invalidateLayout() method.
setLayoutMatrix3D | () | metod |
public function setLayoutMatrix3D(value:Matrix3D, invalidateLayout:Boolean):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout size and position relative to its siblings.
This matrix is typically defined by the
component's transform properties such as x
, y
, rotationX
, rotationY
, scaleX
, scaleY
, transformX
, and transformY
Some components may have additional transform properties that
are applied on top of the layout matrix to determine the final,
computed matrix. For example UIComponent
defines the offsets
Note that layout Matrix3D is factored in the getPreferredSize()
, getMaxSize()
, getLayoutSize()
when computed in parent coordinates
as well as in getLayoutPosition()
in both parent and child coordinates.
Layouts that calculate the transform matrix explicitly typically call
this method and work with sizes in child coordinates.
Layouts calling this method pass false
to the invalidateLayout()
method so that a subsequent layout pass is not
value:Matrix3D — The matrix.
| |
invalidateLayout:Boolean — true to cause the parent container
to re-layout its children. You typically pass true
to the invalidateLayout() method.
setVisible | () | metod |
public function setVisible(value:Boolean, noEvent:Boolean = false):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Called when the visible
property changes.
You should set the visible
property to show or hide
a component instead of calling this method directly.
value:Boolean — The new value of the visible property.
Specify true to show the component, and false to hide it.
| |
noEvent:Boolean (default = false ) — If true , do not dispatch an event.
If false , dispatch a show event when
the component becomes visible, and a hide event when
the component becomes invisible.
transformAround | () | metod |
public function transformAround(transformCenter:Vector3D, scale:Vector3D = null, rotation:Vector3D = null, translation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutScale:Vector3D = null, postLayoutRotation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutTranslation:Vector3D = null, invalidateLayout:Boolean = true):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
A utility method to update the rotation, scale, and translation of the transform while keeping a particular point, specified in the component's own coordinate space, fixed in the parent's coordinate space. This function will assign the rotation, scale, and translation values provided, then update the x/y/z properties as necessary to keep the transform center fixed.
transformCenter:Vector3D — The point, in the component's own coordinates, to keep fixed relative to its parent.
| |
scale:Vector3D (default = null ) — The new values for the scale of the transform
| |
rotation:Vector3D (default = null ) — The new values for the rotation of the transform
| |
translation:Vector3D (default = null ) — The new values for the translation of the transform
| |
postLayoutScale:Vector3D (default = null )
| |
postLayoutRotation:Vector3D (default = null )
| |
postLayoutTranslation:Vector3D (default = null )
| |
invalidateLayout:Boolean (default = true )
transformPointToParent | () | metod |
public function transformPointToParent(localPosition:Vector3D, position:Vector3D, postLayoutPosition:Vector3D):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 4 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
A utility method to transform a point specified in the local
coordinates of this object to its location in the object's parent's
coordinates. The pre-layout and post-layout result will be set on
the position
and postLayoutPosition
parameters, if they are non-null.
localPosition:Vector3D — The point to be transformed, specified in the
local coordinates of the object.
| |
position:Vector3D | |
postLayoutPosition:Vector3D |
transitionEnterFrameHandler | () | metod |
add | Händelse |
egenskap FlexEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the component is added to a container as a content child
by using the addChild()
or addChildAt()
If the component is added to the container as a noncontent child by
using the rawChildren.addChild()
method, the event is not dispatched.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for an add
This event will only be dispatched when there are one or more relevant listeners attached to the dispatching object.
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
creationComplete | Händelse |
egenskap FlexEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction.
For Flash-based components, this is the same time as the
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a creationComplete
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
currentStateChange | Händelse |
egenskap StateChangeEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched after the view state has changed.
The StateChangeEvent.CURRENT_STATE_CHANGE constant defines the value of thetype
property of the event that is dispatched
when the view state has changed.
The value of this constant is "currentStateChange".
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
newState | The name of the view state that was entered. |
oldState | The name of the view state that was exited. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
type | StateChangeEvent.CURRENT_STATE_CHANGE |
currentStateChanging | Händelse |
egenskap StateChangeEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched after the currentState
property changes,
but before the view state changes.
property of the event that is dispatched
when the view state is about to change.
The value of this constant is "currentStateChanging".
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
newState | The name of the view state that is being entered. |
oldState | The name of the view state that is being exited. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
type | StateChangeEvent.CURRENT_STATE_CHANGING |
dragComplete | Händelse |
egenskap DragEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by the drag initiator (the component that is the source of the data being dragged) when the drag operation completes, either when you drop the dragged data onto a drop target or when you end the drag-and-drop operation without performing a drop.
You can use this event to perform any final cleanup of the drag-and-drop operation. For example, if you drag a List control item from one list to another, you can delete the List control item from the source if you no longer need it.
If you call Event.preventDefault()
in the event handler
for the dragComplete
event for
a Tree control when dragging data from one Tree control to another,
it prevents the drop.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a dragComplete
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
action | The action that caused the event:
DragManager.COPY , DragManager.LINK ,
DragManager.MOVE , or DragManager.NONE . |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
dragInitiator | The component that initiated the drag. |
dragSource | The DragSource object containing the data being dragged. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
dragDrop | Händelse |
egenskap DragEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by the drop target when the user releases the mouse over it.
You use this event handler to add the drag data to the drop target.
If you call Event.preventDefault()
in the event handler
for the dragDrop
event for
a Tree control when dragging data from one Tree control to another,
it prevents the drop.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a dragDrop
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
action | The action that caused the event:
DragManager.COPY , DragManager.LINK ,
DragManager.MOVE , or DragManager.NONE . |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
dragInitiator | The component that initiated the drag. |
dragSource | The DragSource object containing the data being dragged. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
dragEnter | Händelse |
egenskap DragEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by a component when the user moves the mouse over the component during a drag operation.
In order to be a valid drop target, you must define a handler for this event. In the handler, you can change the appearance of the drop target to provide visual feedback to the user that the component can accept the drag. For example, you could draw a border around the drop target, or give focus to the drop target.
If you want to accept the drag, you must call the
method. If you don't
call acceptDragDrop()
, you will not get any of the
other drag events.
The value of the action
property is always
, even if you are doing a copy.
This is because the dragEnter
event occurs before
the control recognizes that the Control key is pressed to signal a copy.
The action
property of the event object for the
event does contain a value that signifies the type of
drag operation.
You may change the type of drag action by calling the
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a dragEnter
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
action | The action that caused the event, which is always
DragManager.MOVE . |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
dragInitiator | The component that initiated the drag. |
dragSource | The DragSource object containing the data being dragged. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
Relaterade API-element
dragExit | Händelse |
egenskap DragEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by the component when the user drags outside the component, but does not drop the data onto the target.
You use this event to restore the drop target to its normal appearance
if you modified its appearance as part of handling the
or dragOver
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a dragExit
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
action | The action that caused the event:
DragManager.COPY , DragManager.LINK ,
DragManager.MOVE , or DragManager.NONE . |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
dragInitiator | The component that initiated the drag. |
dragSource | The DragSource object containing the data being dragged. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
dragOver | Händelse |
egenskap DragEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by a component when the user moves the mouse while over the component during a drag operation.
In the handler, you can change the appearance of the drop target to provide visual feedback to the user that the component can accept the drag. For example, you could draw a border around the drop target, or give focus to the drop target.
You should handle this event to perform additional logic before allowing the drop, such as dropping data to various locations in the drop target, reading keyboard input to determine if the drag-and-drop action is a move or copy of the drag data, or providing different types of visual feedback based on the type of drag-and-drop action.
You may also change the type of drag action by changing the
The default value of the action
property is
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a dragOver
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
action | The action that caused the event:
DragManager.COPY , DragManager.LINK ,
DragManager.MOVE , or DragManager.NONE . |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
dragInitiator | The component that initiated the drag. |
dragSource | The DragSource object containing the data being dragged. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
Relaterade API-element
hide | Händelse |
egenskap FlexEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when an object's state changes from visible to invisible.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a hide
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
initialize | Händelse |
egenskap FlexEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction and has all initialization properties set.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a initialize
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
mouseDownOutside | Händelse |
egenskap FlexMouseEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched from a component opened using the PopUpManager when the user clicks outside it.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a mouseDownOutside
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
altKey | Indicates whether the Alt key is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
bubbles | false |
buttonDown | Indicates whether the main mouse button is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
cancelable | false |
ctrlKey | Indicates whether the Control key is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget .
For PopUpManager events, the object is the pop-up window. |
delta | Indicates how many lines should be scrolled for each notch the user scrolls the mouse wheel. For PopUpManager events this value is 0. |
localX | The horizontal position at which the event occurred. For PopUpManager events, the value is relative to the pop-up control. |
localY | The vertical position at which the event occurred. For PopUpManager events, the value is relative to the pop-up control. |
relatedObject | A reference to a display list object that is related to the event. For PopUpManager events, the object is the container over which the mouse pointer is located. |
shiftKey | Indicates whether the Shift key is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event.
For PopUpManager events, the object is the pop-up window. |
mouseWheelOutside | Händelse |
egenskap FlexMouseEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched from a component opened using the PopUpManager when the user scrolls the mouse wheel outside it.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a mouseWheelOutside
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
altKey | Indicates whether the Alt key is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
bubbles | false |
buttonDown | Indicates whether the main mouse button is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
cancelable | false |
ctrlKey | Indicates whether the Control key is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget .
For PopUpManager events, the object is the pop-up window. |
delta | Indicates how many lines should be scrolled for each notch the user scrolls the mouse wheel. For PopUpManager events this value is 0. |
localX | The horizontal position at which the event occurred. For PopUpManager events, the value is relative to the pop-up control. |
localY | The vertical position at which the event occurred. For PopUpManager events, the value is relative to the pop-up control. |
relatedObject | A reference to a display list object that is related to the event. For PopUpManager events, the object is the container over which the mouse pointer is located. |
shiftKey | Indicates whether the Shift key is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event.
For PopUpManager events, the object is the pop-up window. |
move | Händelse |
egenskap MoveEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the object has moved.
You can move the component by setting the x
or y
properties, by calling the move()
method, by setting one
of the following properties either on the component or on other
components such that the LayoutManager needs to change the
or y
properties of the component:
When you call the move()
method, the move
event is dispatched before the method returns.
In all other situations, the move
event is not dispatched
until after the property changes.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a move
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
oldX | The previous x coordinate of the object, in pixels. |
oldY | The previous y coordinate of the object, in pixels. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
preinitialize | Händelse |
egenskap FlexEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched at the beginning of the component initialization sequence.
The component is in a very raw state when this event is dispatched.
Many components, such as the Button control, create internal child
components to implement functionality; for example, the Button control
creates an internal UITextField component to represent its label text.
When Flex dispatches the preinitialize
the children, including the internal children, of a component
have not yet been created.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a preinitialize
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
remove | Händelse |
egenskap FlexEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the component is removed from a container as a content child
by using the removeChild()
or removeChildAt()
If the component is removed from the container as a noncontent child by
using the rawChildren.removeChild()
method, the event is not dispatched.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for an remove
This event will only be dispatched when there are one or more relevant listeners attached to the dispatching object.
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
resize | Händelse |
egenskap ResizeEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the component is resized.
You can resize the component by setting the width
property, by calling the setActualSize()
method, or by setting one of
the following properties either on the component or on other components
such that the LayoutManager needs to change the width
properties of the component:
The resize
event is not
dispatched until after the property changes.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a resize
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
oldHeight | The previous height of the object, in pixels. |
oldWidth | The previous width of the object, in pixels. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
show | Händelse |
egenskap FlexEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when an object's state changes from invisible to visible.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a show
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
toolTipCreate | Händelse |
egenskap ToolTipEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by the component when it is time to create a ToolTip.
If you create your own IToolTip object and place a reference
to it in the toolTip
property of the event object
that is passed to your toolTipCreate
the ToolTipManager displays your custom ToolTip.
Otherwise, the ToolTipManager creates an instance of
to display.
The sequence of ToolTip events is toolTipStart
, toolTipShow
, toolTipHide
and toolTipEnd
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a toolTipCreate
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
tooltip | The ToolTip object to which this event applies. |
toolTipEnd | Händelse |
egenskap ToolTipEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip has been hidden and will be discarded soon.
If you specify an effect using the
this event is dispatched after the effect stops playing.
The sequence of ToolTip events is toolTipStart
, toolTipShow
, toolTipHide
and toolTipEnd
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a toolTipEnd
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
tooltip | The ToolTip object to which this event applies. |
toolTipHide | Händelse |
egenskap ToolTipEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip is about to be hidden.
If you specify an effect using the
this event is dispatched before the effect starts playing.
The sequence of ToolTip events is toolTipStart
, toolTipShow
, toolTipHide
and toolTipEnd
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a toolTipHide
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
tooltip | The ToolTip object to which this event applies. |
toolTipShow | Händelse |
egenskap ToolTipEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip is about to be shown.
If you specify an effect using the
this event is dispatched before the effect starts playing.
You can use this event to modify the ToolTip before it appears.
The sequence of ToolTip events is toolTipStart
, toolTipShow
, toolTipHide
and toolTipEnd
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a toolTipShow
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
tooltip | The ToolTip object to which this event applies. |
toolTipShown | Händelse |
egenskap ToolTipEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip has been shown.
If you specify an effect using the
this event is dispatched after the effect stops playing.
The sequence of ToolTip events is toolTipStart
, toolTipShow
, toolTipHide
and toolTipEnd
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a toolTipShown
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
tooltip | The ToolTip object to which this event applies. |
toolTipStart | Händelse |
egenskap ToolTipEvent.type =
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched by a component whose toolTip
property is set,
as soon as the user moves the mouse over it.
The sequence of ToolTip events is toolTipStart
, toolTipShow
, toolTipHide
and toolTipEnd
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a toolTipStart
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
tooltip | The ToolTip object to which this event applies. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:40 PM Z