Referenshandbok för ActionScript® 3.0 i Adobe® Flash®-plattformen
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ISystemManager  - AS3 Flex

Gränssnittpublic interface ISystemManager extends IEventDispatcher , IChildList , IFlexModuleFactory
Implementorer SystemManager, WindowedSystemManager

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

An ISystemManager manages an "application window". Every application that runs on the desktop or in a browser has an area where the visuals of the application will be displayed. It may be a window in the operating system or an area within the browser. That is an "application window" and different from an instance of mx.core.Application, which is the main "top-level" window within an application.

Every application has an ISystemManager. The ISystemManager sends an event if the size of the application window changes (you cannot change it from within the application, but only through interaction with the operating system window or browser). It parents all displayable items within the application, such as the main mx.core.Application instance and all popups, tooltips, cursors, an so on. Any object parented by the ISystemManager is considered to be a "top-level" window, even tooltips and cursors.

The ISystemManager also switches focus between top-level windows if there are more than one IFocusManagerContainer displayed and users are interacting with components within the IFocusManagerContainers.

All keyboard and mouse activity that is not expressly trapped is seen by the ISystemManager, making it a good place to monitor activity should you need to do so.

If an application is loaded into another application, an ISystemManager will still be created, but will not manage an "application window", depending on security and domain rules. Instead, it will be the content of the Loader that loaded it and simply serve as the parent of the sub-application

The ISystemManager maintains multiple lists of children, one each for tooltips, cursors, popup windows. This is how it ensures that popup windows "float" above the main application windows and that tooltips "float" above that and cursors above that. If you examine the numChildren property or getChildAt() method on the ISystemManager you are accessing the main application window and any other windows that aren't popped up. To get the list of all windows, including popups, tooltips and cursors, use the rawChildren property.

Publika egenskaper
 EgenskapDefinieras med
 InheritedallowDomainsInNewRSLs : Boolean
Controls whether the domains allowed by calls to allowDomain() are also allowed by RSLs loaded after the call.
 InheritedallowInsecureDomainsInNewRSLs : Boolean
Controls whether the domains allowed by calls to allowInsecureDomain() are also allowed by RSLs loaded after the call.
  cursorChildren : IChildList
[skrivskyddad] An list of the custom cursors being parented by this ISystemManager.
  document : Object
A reference to the document object.
  focusPane : Sprite
A single Sprite shared among components used as an overlay for drawing focus.
  isProxy : Boolean
[skrivskyddad] True if the ISystemManager is a proxy and not a root class.
  loaderInfo : LoaderInfo
[skrivskyddad] The LoaderInfo object that represents information about the application.
 InheritednumChildren : int
[skrivskyddad] The number of children in this child list.
  numModalWindows : int
The number of modal windows.
  popUpChildren : IChildList
[skrivskyddad] An list of the topMost (popup) windows being parented by this ISystemManager.
 InheritedpreloadedRSLs : Dictionary
[skrivskyddad] The RSLs loaded by this SystemManager or FlexModuleFactory before the application starts.
  rawChildren : IChildList
[skrivskyddad] A list of all children being parented by this ISystemManager.
  screen : Rectangle
[skrivskyddad] The size and position of the application window.
  stage : Stage
[skrivskyddad] The flash.display.Stage that represents the application window mapped to this SystemManager
  toolTipChildren : IChildList
[skrivskyddad] A list of the tooltips being parented by this ISystemManager.
  topLevelSystemManager : ISystemManager
[skrivskyddad] The ISystemManager responsible for the application window.
Publika metoder
 MetodDefinieras med
Adds a child DisplayObject after the end of this child list.
Adds a child DisplayObject to this child list at the index specified.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registrerar ett händelseavlyssnarobjekt för ett EventDispatcher-objekt så att avlyssnaren får meddelanden om händelser.
Adds an RSL to the preloadedRSLs list.
Calls the Security.allowDomain() method for the SWF associated with this IFlexModuleFactory plus all the SWFs associated with RSLs preloaded by this IFlexModuleFactory.
Calls the Security.allowInsecureDomain() method for the SWF associated with this IFlexModuleFactory plus all the SWFs associated with RSLs preloaded by this IFlexModuleFactory.
callInContext(fn:Function, thisArg:Object, argArray:Array, returns:Boolean = true):*
A way to call a method in this IFlexModuleFactory's context
Determines if a DisplayObject is in this child list, or is a descendant of an child in this child list.
create(... parameters):Object
A factory method that requests an instance of a definition known to the module.
Deploy or remove mouse shields.
Skickar en händelse till händelseflödet.
Gets the child DisplayObject at the specified index in this child list.
Gets the child DisplayObject with the specified name in this child list.
Gets the index of a specific child in this child list.
Converts the given String to a Class or package-level Function.
Get the implementation for an interface.
Returns an array of DisplayObjects that lie under the specified point and are in this child list.
Gets the system manager that is the root of all top level system managers in this SecurityDomain.
Attempts to get the system manager that is the in the main application.
getVisibleApplicationRect(bounds:Rectangle = null, skipToSandboxRoot:Boolean = false):Rectangle
Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen.
Kontrollerar om EventDispatcher-objektet har några avlyssnare registrerade för en viss typ av händelse.
Returns a block of key/value pairs that hold static data known to the module.
Attempt to notify the parent SWFLoader that the application's size may have changed.
Returns true if the required font face is embedded in this application, or has been registered globally by using the Font.registerFont() method.
Returns true if this ISystemManager is responsible for an application window, and false if this application has been loaded into another application.
Tests if this system manager is the root of all top level system managers.
Register an implementation for an interface.
Removes the specified child DisplayObject from this child list.
Removes the child DisplayObject at the specified index from this child list.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Tar bort en avlyssnare från EventDispatcher-objektet.
Changes the index of a particular child in this child list.
Kontrollerar om en händelseavlyssnare är registrerad för det här EventDispatcher-objektet eller något av dess överordnade objekt för den angivna händelsetypen.


cursorChildren:IChildList  [skrivskyddad]

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

An list of the custom cursors being parented by this ISystemManager.

An ISystemManager has various types of children, such as the Application, popups, top-most windows, tooltips, and custom cursors. You can access the custom cursors through the cursorChildren property.

The IChildList object has methods like getChildAt() and properties like numChildren. For example, cursorChildren.numChildren gives the number of custom cursors (which will be either 0 or 1) and, if a custom cursor exists, you can access it as cursorChildren.getChildAt(0).

    public function get cursorChildren():IChildList



Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A reference to the document object. A document object is an Object at the top of the hierarchy of a Flex application, MXML component, or AS component.

    public function get document():Object
    public function set document(value:Object):void



Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A single Sprite shared among components used as an overlay for drawing focus. You share it if you parent a focused component, not if you are IFocusManagerComponent.

    public function get focusPane():Sprite
    public function set focusPane(value:Sprite):void


isProxy:Boolean  [skrivskyddad]

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

True if the ISystemManager is a proxy and not a root class.

    public function get isProxy():Boolean


loaderInfo:LoaderInfo  [skrivskyddad]

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The LoaderInfo object that represents information about the application.

    public function get loaderInfo():LoaderInfo



Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The number of modal windows.

Modal windows don't allow clicking in another windows which would normally activate the FocusManager in that window. The PopUpManager modifies this count as it creates and destroy modal windows.

    public function get numModalWindows():int
    public function set numModalWindows(value:int):void


popUpChildren:IChildList  [skrivskyddad]

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

An list of the topMost (popup) windows being parented by this ISystemManager.

An ISystemManager has various types of children, such as the Application, popups, tooltips, and custom cursors. You can access the top-most windows through the popUpChildren property.

The IChildList object has methods like getChildAt() and properties like numChildren. For example, popUpChildren.numChildren gives the number of topmost windows and you can access them as popUpChildren.getChildAt(i).

    public function get popUpChildren():IChildList


rawChildren:IChildList  [skrivskyddad]

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A list of all children being parented by this ISystemManager.

An ISystemManager has various types of children, such as the Application, popups, tooltips, and custom cursors.

The IChildList object has methods like getChildAt() and properties like numChildren.

    public function get rawChildren():IChildList


screen:Rectangle  [skrivskyddad]

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The size and position of the application window. The Rectangle object contains x, y, width, and height properties. The Rectangle is in sandbox root coordinates.

    public function get screen():Rectangle


stage:Stage  [skrivskyddad]

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The flash.display.Stage that represents the application window mapped to this SystemManager

    public function get stage():Stage


toolTipChildren:IChildList  [skrivskyddad]

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A list of the tooltips being parented by this ISystemManager.

An ISystemManager has various types of children, such as the Application, popups, topmost windows, tooltips, and custom cursors.

The IChildList object has methods like getChildAt() and properties like numChildren. For example, toolTipChildren.numChildren gives the number of tooltips (which will be either 0 or 1) and, if a tooltip exists, you can access it as toolTipChildren.getChildAt(0).

    public function get toolTipChildren():IChildList


topLevelSystemManager:ISystemManager  [skrivskyddad]

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The ISystemManager responsible for the application window. This will be the same ISystemManager unless this application has been loaded into another application.

    public function get topLevelSystemManager():ISystemManager


public function deployMouseShields(deploy:Boolean):void

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Deploy or remove mouse shields. Mouse shields block mouse input to untrusted applications. The reason you would want to block mouse input is because when you are dragging over an untrusted application you would normally not receive any mouse move events. The Flash Player does not send events across trusted/untrusted boundries due to security concerns. By covering the untrusted application with a mouse shield (assuming you are its parent) you can get mouse move message and the drag operation will work as expected.


deploy:Booleantrue to deploy the mouse shields, false to remove the mouse shields.


public function getDefinitionByName(name:String):Object

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Converts the given String to a Class or package-level Function. Calls the appropriate ApplicationDomain.getDefinition() method based on whether you are loaded into another application or not.


name:String — Name of class, for example "".

Object — The Class represented by the name, or null.


public function getSandboxRoot():DisplayObject

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Gets the system manager that is the root of all top level system managers in this SecurityDomain.

DisplayObject — the highest-level systemManager in the sandbox


public function getTopLevelRoot():DisplayObject

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Attempts to get the system manager that is the in the main application.

DisplayObject — The main application's systemManager if allowed by security restrictions or null if it is in a different SecurityDomain.


public function getVisibleApplicationRect(bounds:Rectangle = null, skipToSandboxRoot:Boolean = false):Rectangle

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen.


bounds:Rectangle (default = null) — Optional. The starting bounds for the visible rect. The bounds are in global coordinates. If bounds is null the starting bounds is defined by the screen property of the system manager.
skipToSandboxRoot:Boolean (default = false)

Rectangle — a Rectangle including the visible portion of the this object. The rectangle is in global coordinates.


public function invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList():void

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 4
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Attempt to notify the parent SWFLoader that the application's size may have changed.


public function isFontFaceEmbedded(tf:flash.text:TextFormat):Boolean

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Returns true if the required font face is embedded in this application, or has been registered globally by using the Font.registerFont() method.


tf:flash.text:TextFormat — The TextFormat class representing character formatting information.

Booleantrue if the required font face is embedded in this application, or has been registered globally by using the Font.registerFont() method.


public function isTopLevel():Boolean

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Returns true if this ISystemManager is responsible for an application window, and false if this application has been loaded into another application.

Booleantrue if this ISystemManager is responsible for an application window.


public function isTopLevelRoot():Boolean

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Tests if this system manager is the root of all top level system managers.

Booleantrue if the SystemManager is the root of all SystemManagers on the display list, and false otherwise.

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