Referenshandbok för ActionScript® 3.0 i Adobe® Flash®-plattformen
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UIComponentDescriptor  - AS3 Flex

Klasspublic class UIComponentDescriptor
ArvUIComponentDescriptor Inheritance ComponentDescriptor Inheritance Object

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A UIComponentDescriptor instance encapsulates the information that you specified in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component.

Most of the tags in an MXML file describe a tree of UIComponent objects. For example, the <mx:Application> tag represents a UIComponent object, and its child containers and controls are all UIComponent objects.

The MXML compiler compiles each of these MXML tags into a UIComponentDescriptor instance. To be precise, the MXML compiler autogenerates an ActionScript data structure which is a tree of UIComponentDescriptor objects.

At runtime, the createComponentsFromDescriptors() method of the Container class uses the information in the UIComponentDescriptor objects in the container's childDescriptors array to create the actual UIComponent objects that are the container's children, plus deeper descendants as well. Depending on the value of the container's creationPolicy, property, the descendants might be created at application startup, when some part of the component is about to become visible, or when the application developer manually calls the createComponentsFromDescriptors() method.

You do not typically create UIComponentDescriptor instances yourself; you can access the ones that the MXML compiler autogenerates via the childDescriptors array of the Container class.

Relaterade API-element

Publika egenskaper
 EgenskapDefinieras med
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
En referens till klassobjektet eller konstruktorfunktionen för en given objektinstans.
 Inheriteddocument : Object
A reference to the document Object in which the component is to be created.
  effects : Array
An Array containing the effects for the component, as specified in MXML.
 Inheritedevents : Object
An Object containing name/value pairs for the component's event handlers, as specified in MXML.
 Inheritedid : String
The identifier for the component, as specified in MXML.
 Inheritedproperties : Object
[skrivskyddad] An Object containing name/value pairs for the component's properties, as specified in MXML.
 InheritedpropertiesFactory : Function
A Function that returns an Object containing name/value pairs for the component's properties, as specified in MXML.
  stylesFactory : Function
A Function that constructs an Object containing name/value pairs for the instance styles for the component, as specified in MXML.
 Inheritedtype : Class
The Class of the component, as specified in MXML.
Publika metoder
 MetodDefinieras med
Anger om det finns en egenskap angiven för ett objekt.
Invalidates the cached properties property.
Anger om en instans av klassen Object finns i prototypkedjan för objektet som anges som parameter.
Anger om den angivna egenskapen finns och är uppräkningsbar.
Anger tillgänglighet för en dynamisk egenskap för slingåtgärder.
Returnerar det här objektets strängrepresentation, formaterad i enlighet med språkspecifika konventioner.
Returns the string "ComponentDescriptor_" plus the value of the id property.
Returnerar det angivna objektets primitiva värde.


public var effects:Array

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

An Array containing the effects for the component, as specified in MXML.

For example, if you write the following code:

	  <mx:TextInput showEffect="Fade" hideEffect="Fade"/>

The descriptor's effects property is the Array [ "showEffect", "hideEffect" ].

The effectsproperty is null if no MXML effects were specified for the component.

Note that the values of the effect attributes are not specified in this property. Instead, effects are treated like styles and therefore are include in the stylesFactory property. The effect Array simply keeps track of which styles in the stylesFactory are actually effects.

This property is used by the Container method createComponentsFromDescriptors() to register the effects with the EffectManager.


public var stylesFactory:Function

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A Function that constructs an Object containing name/value pairs for the instance styles for the component, as specified in MXML.

For example, if you write the following code:

	  <mx:TextInput borderColor="0x888888" color="0xDDDDDD"/>

Then the descriptors' stylesFactory property is the Function:

	  function():void { this.borderColor = 0x888888; this.color = 0xDDDDDD };

The stylesFactory property is null if no MXML styles were specified for the component instance.



public function UIComponentDescriptor(descriptorProperties:Object)

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1


descriptorProperties:Object — An Object containing name/value pairs for the properties of the UIComponentDescriptor object, such as its type, id, propertiesFactory, events, stylesFactory, and effects.

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