Paket | mx.effects.effectClasses |
Klass | public class SequenceInstance |
Arv | SequenceInstance CompositeEffectInstance EffectInstance EventDispatcher Object |
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Relaterade API-element
Publika egenskaper
Egenskap | Definieras med | ||
className : String [skrivskyddad]
The name of the effect class, such as "FadeInstance". | EffectInstance | ||
constructor : Object
En referens till klassobjektet eller konstruktorfunktionen för en given objektinstans. | Object | ||
duration : Number
The duration of the effect, in milliseconds. | EffectInstance | ||
effect : IEffect
The IEffect object that created this IEffectInstance object. | EffectInstance | ||
effectTargetHost : mx.effects:IEffectTargetHost
A property that lets you access the target
list-based control of a data effect. | EffectInstance | ||
hideFocusRing : Boolean
Determines whether the effect should hide
the focus ring when starting the effect. | EffectInstance | ||
playheadTime : Number [åsidosätt]
Current time position of the effect. | SequenceInstance | ||
propertyChanges : PropertyChanges
Specifies the PropertyChanges object containing
the start and end values for the set of properties
relevant to the effect's targets. | EffectInstance | ||
repeatCount : int
Number of times to repeat the effect. | EffectInstance | ||
repeatDelay : int
Amount of time, in milliseconds,
to wait before repeating the effect. | EffectInstance | ||
startDelay : int
Amount of time, in milliseconds,
to wait before starting the effect. | EffectInstance | ||
suspendBackgroundProcessing : Boolean
If true, blocks all background processing
while the effect is playing. | EffectInstance | ||
target : Object
The UIComponent object to which this effect is applied. | EffectInstance | ||
triggerEvent : Event
The event, if any, which triggered the playing of the effect. | EffectInstance |
Skyddade egenskaper
Publika metoder
Metod | Definieras med | ||
Constructor. | SequenceInstance | ||
Adds a new set of child effects to this Composite effect. | CompositeEffectInstance | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registrerar ett händelseavlyssnarobjekt för ett EventDispatcher-objekt så att avlyssnaren får meddelanden om händelser. | EventDispatcher | ||
Skickar en händelse till händelseflödet. | EventDispatcher | ||
Interrupts any effects that are currently playing, skips over
any effects that haven't started playing, and jumps immediately
to the end of the composite effect. | SequenceInstance | ||
Called by the end() method when the effect
finishes playing. | EffectInstance | ||
Called after each iteration of a repeated effect finishes playing. | EffectInstance | ||
Kontrollerar om EventDispatcher-objektet har några avlyssnare registrerade för en viss typ av händelse. | EventDispatcher | ||
Anger om det finns en egenskap angiven för ett objekt. | Object | ||
This method is called if the effect was triggered by the EffectManager. | EffectInstance | ||
Anger om en instans av klassen Object finns i prototypkedjan för objektet som anges som parameter. | Object | ||
Pauses the effect until you call the resume() method. | EffectInstance | ||
Plays the effect instance on the target. | EffectInstance | ||
Anger om den angivna egenskapen finns och är uppräkningsbar. | Object | ||
Tar bort en avlyssnare från EventDispatcher-objektet. | EventDispatcher | ||
Resumes the effect after it has been paused
by a call to the pause() method. | EffectInstance | ||
Plays the effect in reverse, starting from
the current position of the effect. | EffectInstance | ||
Anger tillgänglighet för en dynamisk egenskap för slingåtgärder. | Object | ||
Plays the effect instance on the target after the
startDelay period has elapsed. | EffectInstance | ||
Stops the effect, leaving the target in its current state. | EffectInstance | ||
Returnerar det här objektets strängrepresentation, formaterad i enlighet med språkspecifika konventioner. | Object | ||
Returnerar det angivna objektets strängbeteckning. | Object | ||
Returnerar det angivna objektets primitiva värde. | Object | ||
Kontrollerar om en händelseavlyssnare är registrerad för det här EventDispatcher-objektet eller något av dess överordnade objekt för den angivna händelsetypen. | EventDispatcher |
Skyddade metoder
Metod | Definieras med | ||
Each time a child effect of SequenceInstance finishes,
Flex calls the onEffectEnd() method. | SequenceInstance |
playheadTime | egenskap |
[åsidosätt] Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Current time position of the effect.
This property has a value between 0 and the total duration,
which includes the Effect's startDelay
, and repeatDelay
override public function get playheadTime():Number
override public function set playheadTime(value:Number):void
SequenceInstance | () | Konstruktor |
end | () | metod |
override public function end():void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Interrupts any effects that are currently playing, skips over any effects that haven't started playing, and jumps immediately to the end of the composite effect.
onEffectEnd | () | metod |
override protected function onEffectEnd(childEffect:IEffectInstance):void
Språkversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Flex 3 |
Körningsmiljöversioner: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Each time a child effect of SequenceInstance finishes,
Flex calls the onEffectEnd()
For SequenceInstance, it plays the next effect.
This method implements the method of the superclass.
childEffect:IEffectInstance — The child effect.
Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:40 PM Z