Referenshandbok för ActionScript® 3.0 i Adobe® Flash®-plattformen
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UITextFormat  - AS3 Flex

Klasspublic class UITextFormat
ArvUITextFormat Inheritance TextFormat Inheritance Object

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The UITextFormat class represents character formatting information for the UITextField class. The UITextField class defines the component used by many Flex composite components to display text.

The UITextFormat class extends the flash.text.TextFormat class to add the text measurement methods measureText() and measureHTMLText() and to add properties for controlling the advanced anti-aliasing of fonts.

Relaterade API-element

Publika egenskaper
 EgenskapDefinieras med
 Inheritedalign : String
Anger styckets justering.
  antiAliasType : String
Defines the anti-aliasing setting for the UITextField class.
 InheritedblockIndent : Object
Anger blockindrag i pixlar.
 Inheritedbold : Object
Anger om texten är fetstilt.
 Inheritedbullet : Object
Anger att texten är del av en punktlista.
 Inheritedcolor : Object
Anger textens färg.
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
En referens till klassobjektet eller konstruktorfunktionen för en given objektinstans.
  direction : String
The directionality of the text.
 Inheritedfont : String
Namnet på teckensnittet för texten i detta textformat, som en sträng.
  gridFitType : String
Defines the grid-fitting setting for the UITextField class.
 Inheritedindent : Object
Anger indraget från den vänstra marginalen till det första tecknet i stycket.
 Inheriteditalic : Object
Anger om texten i textformatet är kursiv.
 Inheritedkerning : Object
Ett booleskt värde som anger om kerning används (true) eller inte (false).
 Inheritedleading : Object
Ett heltal som representerar lodrätt utrymme i pixlar (radavstånd) mellan raderna.
 InheritedleftMargin : Object
Styckets vänstra marginal i pixlar.
 InheritedletterSpacing : Object
Ett tal som representerar mängden utrymme som är jämnt fördelat mellan alla tecken.
  locale : String
The locale of the text.
  moduleFactory : IFlexModuleFactory
The moduleFactory used to create TextFields for embedded fonts.
 InheritedrightMargin : Object
Styckets högra marginal i pixlar.
  sharpness : Number
Defines the sharpness setting for the UITextField class.
 Inheritedsize : Object
Pixelstorleken för text i det här textformatet.
 InheritedtabStops : Array
Anger anpassade tabbstopp som en array med positiva heltal.
 Inheritedtarget : String
Visar målfönstret där hyperlänken visas.
  thickness : Number
Defines the thickness setting for the UITextField class.
 Inheritedunderline : Object
Anger om texten med detta textformat är understruken (true) eller inte (false).
 Inheritedurl : String
Anger mål-URL:en för texten i textformatet.
  useFTE : Boolean = false
Determines how the measureText() and measureHTMLText() methods do text measurement.
Publika metoder
 MetodDefinieras med
UITextFormat(systemManager:ISystemManager, font:String = null, size:Object = null, color:Object = null, bold:Object = null, italic:Object = null, underline:Object = null, url:String = null, target:String = null, align:String = null, leftMargin:Object = null, rightMargin:Object = null, indent:Object = null, leading:Object = null)
Anger om det finns en egenskap angiven för ett objekt.
Anger om en instans av klassen Object finns i prototypkedjan för objektet som anges som parameter.
Returns measurement information for the specified HTML text, which may contain HTML tags such as <font> and <b>, assuming that it is displayed in a single-line UITextField, and using this UITextFormat object to define the text format.
Returns measurement information for the specified text, assuming that it is displayed in a single-line UITextField component, and using this UITextFormat object to define the text format.
Anger om den angivna egenskapen finns och är uppräkningsbar.
Anger tillgänglighet för en dynamisk egenskap för slingåtgärder.
Returnerar det här objektets strängrepresentation, formaterad i enlighet med språkspecifika konventioner.
Returnerar det angivna objektets strängbeteckning.
Returnerar det angivna objektets primitiva värde.


public var antiAliasType:String

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Defines the anti-aliasing setting for the UITextField class. The possible values are "normal" (flash.text.AntiAliasType.NORMAL) and "advanced" (flash.text.AntiAliasType.ADVANCED).

The default value is "advanced", which enables advanced anti-aliasing for the embedded font. Set this property to "normal" to disable the advanced anti-aliasing.

This property has no effect for system fonts.

This property applies to all the text in a UITextField object; you cannot apply it to some characters and not others.

Standardvärdet är "advanced".

Relaterade API-element


public var direction:String

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 4
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

The directionality of the text.

The allowed values are "ltr" for left-to-right text, as in Latin-style scripts, and "rtl" for right-to-left text, as in Arabic and Hebrew.

FTE and TLF use this value in their bidirectional text layout algorithm, which maps Unicode character order to glyph order.

Note: This style only applies when this UITextFormat is used with a UIFTETextField rather than a UITextField.

Standardvärdet är null.


public var gridFitType:String

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Defines the grid-fitting setting for the UITextField class. The possible values are "none" (flash.text.GridFitType.NONE), "pixel" (flash.text.GridFitType.PIXEL), and "subpixel" (flash.text.GridFitType.SUBPIXEL).

This property only applies when you are using an embedded font and the fontAntiAliasType property is set to "advanced".

This property has no effect for system fonts.

This property applies to all the text in a UITextField object; you cannot apply it to some characters and not others.

Standardvärdet är "pixel".

Relaterade API-element


public var locale:String

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 4
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

The locale of the text.

FTE and TLF use this locale to map Unicode characters to font glyphs and to find fallback fonts.

Note: This style only applies when this UITextFormat is used with a UIFTETextField rather than a UITextField.

Standardvärdet är null.



Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The moduleFactory used to create TextFields for embedded fonts.

    public function get moduleFactory():IFlexModuleFactory
    public function set moduleFactory(value:IFlexModuleFactory):void


public var sharpness:Number

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Defines the sharpness setting for the UITextField class. This property specifies the sharpness of the glyph edges. The possible values are Numbers from -400 through 400.

This property only applies when you are using an embedded font and the fontAntiAliasType property is set to "advanced".

This property has no effect for system fonts.

This property applies to all the text in a UITextField object; you cannot apply it to some characters and not others.

Standardvärdet är 0.

Relaterade API-element


public var thickness:Number

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Defines the thickness setting for the UITextField class. This property specifies the thickness of the glyph edges. The possible values are Numbers from -200 to 200.

This property only applies when you are using an embedded font and the fontAntiAliasType property is set to "advanced".

This property has no effect for system fonts.

This property applies to all the text in a UITextField object; you cannot apply it to some characters and not others.

Standardvärdet är 0.

Relaterade API-element


public var useFTE:Boolean = false

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Determines how the measureText() and measureHTMLText() methods do text measurement.

If true, they use an offscreen instance of the FTETextField class in the Text Layout Framework. If false, they use an offscreen instance of the TextField class in the Flash Player.

Standardvärdet är false.



public function UITextFormat(systemManager:ISystemManager, font:String = null, size:Object = null, color:Object = null, bold:Object = null, italic:Object = null, underline:Object = null, url:String = null, target:String = null, align:String = null, leftMargin:Object = null, rightMargin:Object = null, indent:Object = null, leading:Object = null)

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1


systemManager:ISystemManager — A SystemManager object. The SystemManager keeps track of which fonts are embedded. Typically this is the SystemManager obtained from the systemManager property of UIComponent.
font:String (default = null) — A String specifying the name of a font, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
size:Object (default = null) — A Number specifying a font size in pixels, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
color:Object (default = null) — An unsigned integer specifying the RGB color of the text, such as 0xFF0000 for red, or null to indicate that is UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
bold:Object (default = null) — A Boolean flag specifying whether the text is bold, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
italic:Object (default = null) — A Boolean flag specifying whether the text is italic, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
underline:Object (default = null) — A Boolean flag specifying whether the text is underlined, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
url:String (default = null) — A String specifying the URL to which the text is hyperlinked, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
target:String (default = null) — A String specifying the target window where the hyperlinked URL is displayed. If the target window is null or an empty string, the hyperlinked page is displayed in the same browser window. If the urlString parameter is null or an empty string, this property has no effect. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
align:String (default = null) — A String specifying the alignment of the paragraph, as a flash.text.TextFormatAlign value, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
leftMargin:Object (default = null) — A Number specifying the left margin of the paragraph, in pixels, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
rightMargin:Object (default = null) — A Number specifying the right margin of the paragraph, in pixels, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
indent:Object (default = null) — A Number specifying the indentation from the left margin to the first character in the paragraph, in pixels, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.
leading:Object (default = null) — A Number specifying the amount of additional vertical space between lines, or null to indicate that this UITextFormat doesn't specify this property. This parameter is optional, with a default value of null.

Relaterade API-element



public function measureHTMLText(htmlText:String, roundUp:Boolean = true):flash.text:TextLineMetrics

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Returns measurement information for the specified HTML text, which may contain HTML tags such as <font> and <b>, assuming that it is displayed in a single-line UITextField, and using this UITextFormat object to define the text format.


htmlText:String — A String specifying the HTML text to measure.
roundUp:Boolean (default = true) — A Boolean flag specifying whether to round up the the measured width and height to the nearest integer. Rounding up is appropriate in most circumstances.

flash.text:TextLineMetrics — A TextLineMetrics object containing the text measurements.

Relaterade API-element


public function measureText(text:String, roundUp:Boolean = true):flash.text:TextLineMetrics

Språkversion: ActionScript 3.0
Produktversion: Flex 3
Körningsmiljöversioner: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Returns measurement information for the specified text, assuming that it is displayed in a single-line UITextField component, and using this UITextFormat object to define the text format.


text:String — A String specifying the text to measure.
roundUp:Boolean (default = true) — A Boolean flag specifying whether to round up the the measured width and height to the nearest integer. Rounding up is appropriate in most circumstances.

flash.text:TextLineMetrics — A TextLineMetrics object containing the text measurements.

Relaterade API-element

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