Símbolos A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
L — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante asociada al valor de código de tecla asociado de la tecla L (76). | |
label — Sentencia | |
Asocia una sentencia a un identificador al que puede hacerse referencia mediante break o continue. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetAction | |
Label on the action. | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.search.ISearchUIControl | |
Label Property for Search Control | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers.BaseSearchRenderer | |
Label for this search control | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.guides.domain.IGuideNode | |
label is used to get the diaplay name for the given GuideNode. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.CustomAction | |
The label property of the underlying object. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetAction | |
Specifies the label for the action. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl.ApplicationListItem | |
Returns the label associated with the application | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.om.impl.CatalogListItem | |
Returns the label associated with the catalog | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IApplicationListItem | |
Returns the label associated with the application to be loaded | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.ICatalogListItem | |
Returns the label associated with the catalog to be loaded | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.IMosaicComponent | |
The title of the component. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.GapDisplayer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.TableRowNameDisplayer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.TargetAreaAssignmentEditor | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ModuleItemRenderer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.TargetAreaRenderer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.IDataCaptureUIControl | |
Label Property for Data Capture Control. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.ComboBoxDataCaptureRenderer | |
The Label of the DataInstance which is being rendered. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.DateInputDataCaptureRenderer | |
The Label of the DataInstance which is being rendered. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.SingleCheckBoxDataCaptureRenderer | |
The Label of the DataInstance which is being rendered. | |
label — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.datacapture.renderers.TextInputDataCaptureRenderer | |
The Label of the DataInstance which is being rendered. | |
label — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Obtiene o define la etiqueta de texto del componente. | |
label — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.listClasses.ListData | |
La etiqueta que se va a mostrar en la celda. | |
label — Propiedad, clase fl.data.SimpleCollectionItem | |
Propiedad label del objeto. | |
label — Propiedad, clase fl.data.TileListCollectionItem | |
Propiedad label del objeto. | |
label — Propiedad, clase fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Cadena que se utiliza para describir el fotograma clave. | |
label — Propiedad, clase flash.display.NativeMenuItem | |
Cadena de visualización del elemento de menú. | |
label — Propiedad, clase ga.controls.LabeledHRule | |
Provide the label to display. | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz ga.model.IPanel | |
The name of the panel. | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz ga.model.ISection | |
The name of the section. | |
label — Propiedad, clase ga.views.DynamicSectionView | |
The name of the current section. | |
label — Propiedad, clase ga.views.StaticSectionView | |
The name of the section being viewed. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Specifies the text that Flex displays alongside the legend element. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.LegendData | |
The text identifying the series or item displayed in the legend item. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.Grouping | |
The name of the field added to the flat data to create the hierarchy. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.SummaryField | |
The property used inside the summary object, an instance of the SummaryObject class, to hold summary information. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.SummaryField2 | |
The property used inside the summary object, an instance of the SummaryObject class, to hold summary information. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.containers.FormHeading | |
Form heading text. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.containers.FormItem | |
Text label for the FormItem. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.Button | |
Text to appear on the Button control. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Text that accompanies the progress bar. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer | |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer | |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
The internal UITextField object that renders the label of this Button. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData | |
The textual representation of the item data, based on the list class's itemToLabel() method. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer | |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.TileListItemRenderer | |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem | |
The UITextField that displays the text in this MenuBarItem. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuItemRenderer | |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer | |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer | |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.core.Container | |
The text displayed by some navigator containers to represent this Container. | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.INavigatorContent | |
The text displayed by the navigator container for this container. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.events.FlexNativeMenuEvent | |
The label text of the associated menu item. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.events.ItemClickEvent | |
The label of the associated navigation item. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.events.MenuEvent | |
The label text of the associated menu item. | |
label — Propiedad, clase mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Text to display when the progress bar is active. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.ButtonBarButton | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
Text to display in the FormHeading component. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.FormItem | |
Text label for the FormItem. | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz spark.components.IItemRenderer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
If labelFunction = labelField = null, then use the label property that gets pushed in from the list control. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.NavigatorContent | |
The text displayed by some navigator containers to represent this Container. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, interfaz spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Text to appear on the ButtonBase control. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase | |
The label used when this navigator is represented by a visual component. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
The text displayed by some navigator containers to represent this Container. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
The grid control sets this property to the value of the column's itemToLabel() method, before calling preprare(). The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer | |
The grid control sets this property to the value of the column's itemToLabel() method, before calling preprare(). The String to display in the item renderer. | |
label — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The String to display in the item renderer. | |
Label — clase, Paquete fl.controls | |
Un componente Label muestra una o varias líneas de texto sin formato o con formato HTML a las que se puede dar formato para alineación y tamaño. | |
Label — clase, Paquete mx.controls | |
The Label control displays a single line of noneditable text. | |
Label — clase, Paquete spark.components | |
Label is a low-level UIComponent that can render one or more lines of uniformly-formatted text. | |
Label() — Información sobre, clase fl.controls.Label | |
Crea una instancia de componente Label nueva. | |
Label() — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.Label | |
Constructor. | |
Label() — Información sobre, clase spark.components.Label | |
Constructor. | |
LabelAccImpl — clase, Paquete mx.accessibility | |
LabelAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Label class. | |
LabelAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Información sobre, clase mx.accessibility.LabelAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
labelAlign — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Determines the alignment of the label. | |
labelAlign — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Determines the alignment of the label. | |
labelAlign — Estilo, clase mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies the alignment of label with respect to the position of the value it points to. | |
labelAngle — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem | |
The angle of the label, in radians, for this wedge. | |
LabelAutomationImpl — clase, Paquete mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Label control. | |
LabelAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:Label) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.delegates.controls.LabelAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
LabelButton — clase, Paquete fl.controls | |
La clase LabelButton es una clase abstracta que amplía la clase BaseButton al añadirle una etiqueta, un icono y la funcionalidad de activación. | |
LabelButton() — Información sobre, clase fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Crea una instancia de componente LabelButton nueva. | |
LabelButtonAccImpl — clase, Paquete fl.accessibility | |
La clase LabelButtonAccImpl, también denominada clase LabelButton Accessibility Implementation (implementación de accesibilidad de LabelButton), se utiliza para hacer accesible un componente LabelButton. | |
labelCache — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
The most recent set of AxisLabel objects generated to represent this axis. | |
labelChange — Evento, clase fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Se distribuye cuando se modifica el valor de la etiqueta. | |
LABEL_CHANGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase fl.events.ComponentEvent | |
Define el valor de la propiedad type para un objeto de evento labelChange. | |
labelClass — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
The class that is used by this component to render labels. | |
labelClass — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
The class that is used by this component to render labels. | |
labelClass — Estilo, clase mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
The class that is used by this component to render labels. | |
labelClass — Estilo, clase mx.charts.ColumnChart | |
The class that is used by this component to render labels. | |
labelClass — Estilo, clase mx.charts.BarChart | |
The class that is used by this component to render labels. | |
labelCol — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.FormHeadingSkin | |
The column containing the form item's label. | |
labelCol — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin | |
The column containing the FormItem's label. | |
labelContainer — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
The DisplayObject that displays labels rendered by this element. | |
labelContainer — Propiedad, interfaz mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement | |
The DisplayObject that displays labels rendered by this element. | |
labelData — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.renderData.BarSeriesRenderData | |
A structure of data associated with the layout of the labels rendered by the bar series. | |
labelData — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.renderData.ColumnSeriesRenderData | |
A structure of data associated with the layout of the labels rendered by the column series. | |
labelData — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.renderData.PieSeriesRenderData | |
A structure of data associated with the layout of the labels rendered by the pie series. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutFirstButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the label(s) for the middle button(s) in the ButtonBar component. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutLastButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the label(s) for the middle button(s) in the ButtonBar component. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutMiddleButtonSkin | |
Defines the appearance of the label(s) for the middle button(s) in the ButtonBar component. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutNewTabButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutOptionMenuButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase spark.components.FormItem | |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. | |
labelDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. | |
labelDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase spark.components.DropDownList | |
An optional skin part that holds the prompt or the text of the selected item. An optional skin part that holds the prompt or the text of the selected item. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
The text component used to display the label data of the item renderer. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
An optional visual component in the item renderer for displaying the label property. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer | |
Optional item renderer label component. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
labelDisplay skin part. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.CheckBoxSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Optional item renderer label component. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.DropDownListSkin | |
An optional skin part that holds the prompt or the text of the selected item. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.FormHeadingSkin | |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin | |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.RadioButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.StackedFormHeadingSkin | |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin | |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.wireframe.CheckBoxSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Optional item renderer label component. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DropDownListSkin | |
An optional skin part that holds the prompt or the text of the selected item. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.wireframe.RadioButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonBarLastButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmallSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseRadioButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTabBarButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplay — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToggleButtonSkin | |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. | |
labelDisplayGroup — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer | |
Defines the size and location of the labelDisplay visual element. | |
labelDisplayGroup — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer | |
Container for labelDisplay:TextBase. | |
labelDisplayGroup — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components.AXMEnterpriseGridHeaderRenderer | |
Defines the size and location of the labelDisplay visual element. | |
labelDisplayShadow — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ButtonSkin | |
Defines the shadow for the Button control's label. | |
LabeledHRule — clase, Paquete ga.controls | |
The LabeledHRule control renders a HRule with a label. | |
LabeledHRule() — Información sobre, clase ga.controls.LabeledHRule | |
Default constructor. | |
LabelEditor — clase, Paquete com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors | |
The LabelEditor is a control used to edit the labels of other controls in-place. | |
LabelEditor() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors.LabelEditor | |
Constructor. | |
LabelEditorEvent — clase, Paquete com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors | |
The LabelEditorEvent is dispatched by the LabelEditor when the change should be committed (saved) or cancelled (discarded). | |
LabelEditorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors.LabelEditorEvent | |
Constructor. | |
labelElements — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
The set of display objects that represent the labels for the chart elements. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Obtiene o define el nombre del campo del objeto dataProvider que se mostrará como etiqueta del campo TextInput y la lista desplegable. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.List | |
Obtiene o define el nombre del campo del objeto dataProvider que se mostrará como etiqueta del campo TextInput y la lista desplegable. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.TileList | |
Obtiene o define un campo en todos los elementos que incluyen una etiqueta para cada mosaico. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase ga.controls.RadioButtonList | |
Defines the variable to get the label from. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Name of a field in the data provider whose value appears as the label. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Name of a field in the data provider whose value appears as the label. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Name of a field in the data provider whose value appears as label Ignored if labelFunction is specified | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Name of the field in the objects of the dataProvider Array that contain text to display as the label in the SwatchPanel object text box. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Name of the field in the items in the dataProvider Array to display as the label in the TextInput portion and drop-down list. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
The name of the field in the data provider that determines the text to display for each menu item. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The name of the field in the data provider that determines the text to display for each menu item. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.NavBar | |
Name of the field in the dataProvider object to display as the label for each navigation item. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton | |
Name of the field in the dataProvider Array that contains the text to show for each menu item. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display as the label. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display as the label. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListData | |
The value of the labelField property in the list class. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display as the label. | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display as the label. | |
_labelField — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
The field to be used to label each accordion section | |
labelField — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
labelField | |
labelFormat — Propiedad, clase coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Format for y-axis labels: number currency percent date | |
labelFormat — Propiedad, clase mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
The TextFormat object of the TextField component of the label. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Obtiene o define la función que se utilizará para obtener la etiqueta del elemento. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Obtiene o define una función que determina qué campos de cada elemento se utilizarán para el texto de la etiqueta. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.List | |
Obtiene o define la función que se utilizará para obtener la etiqueta del elemento. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.TileList | |
Obtiene una función que indica los campos de un elemento que proporcionan el texto de la etiqueta de un mosaico. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Función que determina el texto que se va a mostrar en esta columna. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase ga.controls.RadioButtonList | |
Defines the function to process the label with. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Called to format axis renderer values for display as labels. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.CategoryAxis | |
Specifies a function that defines the labels that are generated for each item in the CategoryAxis's dataProvider. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Called to format axis values for display as labels. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Specifies a callback function used to render each label of the Series. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Specifies a callback function used to render each label of the Series. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Specifies a callback function used to render each label of the PieSeries. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.ComboBox | |
User-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.DateField | |
Function used to format the date displayed in the text field of the DateField control. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
The function that determines the text to display for each menu item. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The function that determines the text to display for each menu item. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.NavBar | |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton | |
A function that determines the text to display for each menu item. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
A function that determines the text to display in this column. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
A function that determines the text to display in this column. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
An idempotent function that converts a data provider item into a column-specific string that's used to initialize the item renderer's label property. | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. | |
_labelFunction — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
The label function to be used to label each accordion section | |
labelFunction — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
labelFunction | |
labelGap — Estilo, clase mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies the gap between the end of the tick marks and the top of the labels, in pixels. | |
LabelItemRenderer — clase, Paquete spark.components | |
The LabelItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a list-based control in the mobile theme. | |
LabelItemRenderer() — Información sobre, clase spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
labelMaximum — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
The maximum value where a label should be placed. | |
labelMinimum — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
The minimum value where a label should be placed. | |
labelOffset — Estilo, clase mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
The y-position offset (if direction is horizontal) or x-position offset (if direction is vertical) of the labels relative to the track. | |
labelPlacement — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Posición de la etiqueta respecto a un icono especificado. | |
labelPlacement — Propiedad, clase ga.controls.LabeledHRule | |
Specify where the label is positioned. | |
labelPlacement — Estilo, clase mx.charts.Legend | |
Specifies the label placement of the legend element. | |
labelPlacement — Estilo, clase mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Specifies the label placement of the legend element. | |
labelPlacement — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.Button | |
Orientation of the label in relation to a specified icon. | |
labelPlacement — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Placement of the label. | |
labelPlacement — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.RadioButton | |
Position of the label relative to the RadioButton icon. | |
labelPlacement — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Position of the RadioButton label relative to the RadioButton icon for each control in the group. | |
labelPosition — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Determines the position of labels Possible values are none , outside and inside. | |
labelPosition — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Determines the position of labels Possible values are "none" , "outside" and "inside". | |
labelPosition — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Specifies how to render value labels. | |
labelRect — Propiedad, clase mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
The dimensions of the TextField component for the label. | |
labelRenderer — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
A reference to the factory used to render the axis labels. | |
labelRotation — Estilo, clase mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies the label rotation. | |
labels — Propiedad, clase flash.display.Scene | |
Un conjunto de objetos FrameLabel para la escena. | |
labels — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisLabelSet | |
An array of AxisLabel objects representing the values of the generating axis. | |
labels — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
An array of strings used for the slider labels. | |
labelScale — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.renderData.BarSeriesRenderData | |
The scale factor of the labels rendered by the bar series. | |
labelScale — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.renderData.ColumnSeriesRenderData | |
The scale factor of the labels rendered by the column series. | |
labelScale — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.renderData.PieSeriesRenderData | |
The scale factor of the labels rendered by the pie series. | |
labelSizeLimit — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Specifies the font size threshold, in points, below which labels are considered illegible. | |
labelSizeLimit — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Specifies the font size threshold, in points, below which labels are considered illegible. | |
labelStyleName — Estilo, clase mx.containers.FormItem | |
Name of the CSS Style declaration to use for the styles for the FormItem's label. | |
labelStyleName — Estilo, clase mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
The name of the style to use for the slider label. | |
labelText — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
Text for the segement label. | |
labelToItemFunction — Propiedad, clase spark.components.ComboBox | |
Specifies a callback function to convert a new value entered into the prompt area to the same data type as the data items in the data provider. | |
labelUnits — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.DateTimeAxis | |
The units that the axis uses to generate labels. | |
LabelUtil — clase, Paquete spark.utils | |
The LabelUtil class is used by components to determine the correct text to display for their renderers or sub-parts. | |
labelVerticalOffset — Estilo, clase mx.controls.Button | |
Number of pixels of vertical offset to apply to the label position. | |
labelWidth — Estilo, clase mx.containers.FormHeading | |
Width of the form labels. | |
labelWidth — Estilo, clase mx.containers.Form | |
Width of the form labels. | |
labelWidth — Estilo, clase mx.containers.FormItem | |
Width of the form labels. | |
labelWidth — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
The width of the label in pixels. | |
landscape — Estado del aspecto, clase spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
The state used when the navigator is in landscape orientation. | |
landscape — Estado del aspecto, clase spark.components.SplitViewNavigator | |
The skin state when the aspectRatio of the main application is landscape. | |
LANDSCAPE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.StageAspectRatio | |
Especifica una orientación de dispositivo que presenta una UI horizontal | |
LANDSCAPE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.printing.PrintJobOrientation | |
Orientación de imagen horizontal con que se imprime la página. | |
landscapeAndOverlay — Estado del aspecto, clase spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
The state used when the navigator is in landscape orientation and the navigator controls are overlaid on top. | |
language — Propiedad, clase coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Language version used to create the source file for the PDF document. | |
language — Propiedad estática, clase flash.system.Capabilities | |
Especifica el código de idioma del sistema en el que se está ejecutando el contenido. | |
language — Propiedad, clase mx.resources.Locale | |
The language code of this Locale instance. | |
languageCodeArray — Propiedad estática, clase fl.lang.Locale | |
Un conjunto con los códigos de los idiomas que se han especificado o cargado en el archivo FLA. | |
languages — Propiedad estática, clase flash.system.Capabilities | |
Un conjunto de cadenas que contienen información sobre los idiomas de interfaz de usuario preferidos del usuario, según la configuración establecida en el sistema operativo. | |
LAO — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Representa el valor Unicode para el dígito cero del conjunto de dígitos Lao. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToolPopUp | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
large — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
A flag that indicates whether to reflect the large mode of an AXM Button. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToolPopUp | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
LARGE_MODE_CHANGED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
The LARGE_MODE_CHANGED constant specifies the event type. | |
largeThumbnail — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewContext | |
Large thumbnail image of a document under review. | |
largeThumbnail — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewContext | |
Large thumbnail image of a document under review. | |
LAST — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante asociada al valor del código de tecla del botón para ver el último canal o programa visualizado. | |
LAST — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLineLocation | |
Especifica la última línea de un párrafo. | |
LAST — Propiedad estática, clase mx.collections.CursorBookmark | |
A bookmark for the last item in an ICollectionView. | |
LAST — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.rpc.mxml.Concurrency | |
Making a request causes the client to ignore a result or fault for any current outstanding request. | |
LAST — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.states.AddItems | |
Documentation is not currently available. | |
lastAccessed — Propiedad, clase mx.data.CacheDataDescriptor | |
The time in UTC that this cached data was last accessed from the local store. | |
lastAllDependenciesResult — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.IRelationshipManager | |
return the results from the get related search | |
lastButton — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutBarSkin | |
Specifies the skin class for the last button on the ButtonBar. | |
lastButton — Parte del aspecto, clase spark.components.ButtonBar | |
A skin part that defines the last button. A skin part that defines the last button. | |
lastButton — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ButtonBarSkin | |
A skin part that defines the last button. | |
lastButton — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.ButtonBarSkin | |
A skin part that defines the last button. | |
lastButton — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.wireframe.ButtonBarSkin | |
A skin part that defines the last button. | |
lastButton — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonBarSkin | |
A skin part that defines the last button. | |
lastButton — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBarSkin | |
Last button of the button bar | |
lastButton — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin | |
A skin part that defines the last button. | |
lastButton — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarSkin | |
A skin part that defines the last button. | |
lastButtonStyleName — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ButtonBar | |
Name of CSS style declaration that specifies styles for the last button. | |
lastChangeBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Form | |
Specifies the last user who completed a change. | |
lastChangeBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
Specifies the last user who completed a change. | |
lastChangeBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary | |
The user who last updated the data dictionary. | |
lastChangeBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
The lastChangeBy property of the underlying value object. | |
lastChangeBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
Specifies the last user who completed a change. | |
lastChangeBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Specifies the last user who completed a change. | |
lastChangeBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
Specifies the last user who completed a change. | |
lastChangeBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
Specifies the last user who completed a change. | |
lastChild — Propiedad, clase flash.xml.XMLNode | |
Valor XMLNode que hace referencia al último elemento secundario de la lista de elementos secundarios del nodo. | |
LAST_CHILD — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.effects.AddAction | |
Constant used to specify the position to add the item relative to the object specified by the relativeTo property. | |
lastClipBoardObject — Propiedad estática, clase mx.automation.air.AirDragManagerAutomationHandler | |
Returns the clipboard instance of last drag event | |
lastContainedResult — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.IRelationshipManager | |
return the results from the get contained search | |
lastDownloadedFragmentDetails — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.net.qos.QoSInfo | |
The fragment details of the last downloaded fragment (HDS only) | |
lastDrawPosition — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.TableRow | |
Position of the last drawn element in the Table row | |
lastDrawSOMExpression — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.TableRow | |
SOM expression of the last drawn element in the Table row | |
lastDropIndex — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The most recently calculated index where the drag item should be added to the drop target. | |
lastDropIndex — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The most recently calculated index where the drag item should be added to the drop target. | |
lastFilled — Propiedad, clase mx.data.CacheDataDescriptor | |
The time in UTC that this cached data was last filled from a remote server. | |
lastIndex — Propiedad, clase RegExp | |
Especifica la posición de índice de la cadena en la que debe comenzar la siguiente búsqueda. | |
lastIndexInView — Propiedad, clase spark.components.HGroup | |
The index of the last column that is part of the layout and within the layout target's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. | |
lastIndexInView — Propiedad, clase spark.components.VGroup | |
The index of the last row that's part of the layout and within the container's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. | |
lastIndexInView — Propiedad, clase spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
The index of the last column that is part of the layout and within the layout target's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. | |
lastIndexInView — Propiedad, clase spark.layouts.VerticalLayout | |
The index of the last row that's part of the layout and within the container's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. | |
LAST_INDEX_MODE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.collections.Sort | |
When executing a find return the index for the last matching item. | |
LAST_INDEX_MODE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.collections.Sort | |
When executing a find return the index for the last matching item. | |
lastIndexOf(searchElement:any, fromIndex:int) — método, clase Array | |
Busca un elemento en un conjunto hacia atrás desde el último elemento y devuelve la posición de índice del elemento coincidente utilizando el operador de igualdad estricta (===). | |
lastIndexOf(val:String, startIndex:Number) — método, clase String | |
Busca la cadena de derecha a izquierda y devuelve el índice de la última posición en que aparece val antes que startIndex. | |
lastIndexOf(searchElement:T, fromIndex:int) — método, clase Vector | |
Busca un elemento en el vector, retrocediendo desde la posición de índice especificada y volviendo a la posición del elemento coincidente. | |
lastInsertRowID — Propiedad, clase flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Último identificador de fila creado por una declaración SQL INSERT. | |
lastInsertRowID — Propiedad, clase flash.data.SQLResult | |
Último identificador de fila generado por una declaración SQL INSERT. | |
lastLeaf — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
El objeto FlowLeafElement que contiene el final del rango. | |
lastLine — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.TextBlock | |
El último elemento TextLine de TextBlock, si existe. | |
lastModified — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.livecycle.content.File | |
The last date the content was modified. | |
lastModifiedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.livecycle.content.File | |
The user ID of user who last modified the file. | |
lastModifiedBy — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewTemplate | |
Name of the user who last modified a template. | |
lastModifiedBy — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IStageTemplate | |
Name of the user who last modified the template. | |
lastModifiedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewTemplate | |
Name of the user who last modified a template. | |
lastModifiedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageTemplate | |
Name of the user who last modified the template. | |
lastModifiedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewTemplateVO | |
Name of the user who last modified the template. | |
lastModifiedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.StageTemplateSearchFilterVO | |
Name of the user who last modified the template. | |
lastModifiedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.StageTemplateVO | |
Name of the user who last modified the template. | |
lastModifiedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.TemplateSearchFilterVO | |
Name of the user who last modified the template. | |
lastModifiedDate — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachment | |
Thed date the attachment was last changed. | |
lastModifiedDate — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo | |
The last date the attachment was changed. | |
lastModifiedOn — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IReviewTemplate | |
The date on which a template was last modified. | |
lastModifiedOn — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.IStageTemplate | |
The date on which the template was last modified. | |
lastModifiedOn — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.ReviewTemplate | |
The date on which a template was last modified. | |
lastModifiedOn — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.domain.impl.StageTemplate | |
The date on which the template was last modified. | |
lastModifiedOn — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewTemplateVO | |
The date on which the template was last modified. | |
lastModifiedOn — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.StageTemplateVO | |
The date on which the template was last modified. | |
lastName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.User | |
Last name of the user | |
lastName — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.IUser | |
The last name of the user. | |
lastName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.User | |
The last name of the user. | |
lastName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ExternalUsersVO | |
Gets the last name of the user. | |
lastName — Propiedad, clase lc.foundation.domain.User | |
The last name of the user. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase flash.globalization.Collator | |
El estado de la última operación que este objeto Collator ha realizado. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
El estado de la última operación que este objeto CurrencyFormatter ha realizado. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
El estado de operación anterior que este objeto DateTimeFormatter ha realizado. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase flash.globalization.LocaleID | |
El estado de la última operación que este objeto LocaleID ha realizado. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase flash.globalization.NumberFormatter | |
El estado de operación anterior que este objeto NumberFormatter ha realizado. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase flash.globalization.StringTools | |
El estado de la última operación que este objeto StringTools ha realizado. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter | |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase spark.formatters.supportClasses.NumberFormatterBase | |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase spark.globalization.StringTools | |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase spark.globalization.supportClasses.GlobalizationBase | |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — Propiedad, clase spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase | |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object performed. | |
LastOperationStatus — clase final, Paquete flash.globalization | |
La clase LastOperationStatus enumera valores de constantes que representan el estado de la última operación de servicio de globalización. | |
LastOperationStatus — clase final, Paquete spark.globalization | |
The LastOperationStatus class enumerates constant values that represent the status of the most recent globalization service operation. | |
lastPage — Propiedad, clase flash.printing.PrintJob | |
El número de página de la última página del rango introducido por el usuario en el diálogo Imprimir del sistema operativo. | |
lastPage — Propiedad, clase ga.model.PanelManager | |
Returns the last panel. | |
LAST_PAGE — Propiedad estática, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AbstractSearchFilterVO | |
An integer constant to represent the last page of a search result. | |
LAST_PAGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.ReviewSearchFilterVO | |
Set the page number to LAST_PAGE to fetch the last page of the paginated results. | |
lastParagraph — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
El objeto ParagraphElement que contiene el final del rango. | |
lastPublishDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Form | |
Specifies the last publish date of the Form | |
lastPublishDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
Specifies the last publish date of the letter | |
lastPublishDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary | |
The last published date/time the data dictionary. | |
lastPublishDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
The last publish date of the conatiner layout | |
lastPublishDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Specifies the last publish date of the data module | |
lastPublishDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
The last publish date of the document | |
lastPublishDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
Specifies the last publish date of the portfolio | |
lastQuery — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.ISearchProvider | |
The searchQuery associated with lastResults. | |
lastQuery — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.ISearchProvider | |
Returns the search query associated with the result of the last search. | |
lastQuery — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.SearchManager | |
Returns the search query associated with the result of the last search. | |
lastRelatedResult — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.IRelationshipManager | |
return the results from the get related search | |
lastResult — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.ISearchProvider | |
The results fetched from the last search. | |
lastResult — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ContentSearchManager | |
The list of ModuleModel objects reflecting the result of the last search query executed. | |
lastResult — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.ISearchProvider | |
Returns the result of the last search. | |
lastResult — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.SearchManager | |
Returns the result of the last search. | |
lastResult — Propiedad, clase mx.rpc.AbstractInvoker | |
The result of the last invocation. | |
lastResult — Propiedad, clase mx.rpc.CallResponder | |
This property stores the result property of the token each time it delivers a successful result. | |
lastResult — Propiedad, clase mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
The result of the last invocation. | |
lastSearchString — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ContentSearchManager | |
The last query string that was used to invoke search on ContentSearchManager. | |
lastSeekPending — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The most recent seek that caused a page fault. | |
lastSeekPending — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The most recent seek that caused a page fault. | |
lastSelectedCustom — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Fetches the last selected Custom style name of the List. | |
lastStatusUpdate — Propiedad, clase air.net.ServiceMonitor | |
Hora de la última actualización del estado. | |
lastTabStyleName — Estilo, clase mx.containers.TabNavigator | |
Name of CSS style declaration that specifies styles for the last tab. | |
lastTabStyleName — Estilo, clase mx.controls.TabBar | |
Name of CSS style declaration that specifies the styles to use for the last tab navigation item. | |
lastUpdateDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Form | |
lastUpdateDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
lastUpdateDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary | |
The last updated date/time the data dictionary. | |
lastUpdateDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
lastUpdateDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
lastUpdateDateRange — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AbstractSearchFilterVO | |
Defines the last update date range filter. | |
lastUpdatedBy — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
Principal name for a user who last updated an entity. | |
lastUpdatedBy — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.ITeamMember | |
Principal name for a user who last updated an entity. | |
lastUpdatedBy — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
Principal name for a user who last updated an entity. | |
lastUpdatedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Principal name for a user who last updated an entity. | |
lastUpdatedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.TeamMember | |
Principal name for a user who last updated an entity. | |
lastUpdatedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Principal name for a user who last updated an entity. | |
lastUpdatedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AbstractSearchFilterVO | |
Defines lastUpdatedBy filter, lastUpdatedBy is stored in the Principal Name format and useExactMatch is used in the query. | |
_lastUpdatedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.BaseEntityVO | |
Principal name for a user who last updated an entity. | |
lastUpdatedBy — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.BaseEntityVO | |
Principal name for a user who last updated an entity. | |
lastUpdatedDate — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IProject | |
Date when an entity was last updated. | |
lastUpdatedDate — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.ITeamMember | |
Date when an entity was last updated. | |
lastUpdatedDate — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.IWorkItem | |
Date when an entity was last updated. | |
lastUpdatedDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.Project | |
Date when an entity was last updated. | |
lastUpdatedDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.TeamMember | |
Date when an entity was last updated. | |
lastUpdatedDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.domain.impl.WorkItem | |
Date when an entity was last updated. | |
lastUpdatedDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.AbstractSearchFilterVO | |
Defines the filter data for last updated date. | |
_lastUpdatedDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.BaseEntityVO | |
Date when an entity was last updated. | |
lastUpdatedDate — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.BaseEntityVO | |
Date when an entity was last updated. | |
lastURL — Propiedad, clase mx.events.BrowserChangeEvent | |
The previous value of the url property in the BrowserManager. | |
lastVersionResults — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.IVersionManager | |
The latest scollection of versions for an asset that was retrieved for the server. | |
lastVisibleRow — Propiedad, interfaz mx.automation.IAutomationTabularData | |
The index of the last visible child. | |
lastWrite — Propiedad, clase mx.data.CacheDataDescriptor | |
The time in UTC that this cached data was last written to the local store. | |
latestVersion — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.VersionEvent | |
Current version label. | |
latestVersion — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers.IVersionManager | |
Latest current version number out of all the version results. | |
latitude — Propiedad, clase flash.events.GeolocationEvent | |
La latitud en grados. | |
launch(requestedMediaType:String) — método, clase flash.media.CameraUI | |
Inicia la aplicación predeterminada de la cámara en el dispositivo. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
launchEditor event is thrown by the Handler when handler has prepared the working asset to dispaly that in corresponding editor | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | |
launchEditor — Evento, clase com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
The launchEditor event is thrown by the handler when the handler has prepared the working asset to be displayed in the corresponding editor. | |
launchExpEditorButton — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor | |
A skin part that defines the appearance of the button which launches expression builder. A skin part that defines the appearance of the button which launches expression builder. | |
launchExportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | |
launchExportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | |
launchExportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | |
launchExportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | |
launchExportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | |
launchExportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | |
launchExportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | |
launchExportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | |
launchExportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | |
launchExpressionBuilder — Evento, clase com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor | |
Dispatched when the expressionBuilder is to be launched. | |
launchExpressionBuilder — Evento, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ConditionEditor | |
Dispatched when the expressionBuilder is to be launched | |
launchImportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | |
launchImportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | |
launchImportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | |
launchImportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | |
launchImportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | |
launchImportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | |
launchImportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | |
launchImportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | |
launchImportPopUp() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | |
launchTemplateSelection — Evento, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
This event is dispatched upon clicking the Launch Template button. | |
LAYER — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.BlendMode | |
Fuerza la creación de un grupo de transparencia para el objeto de visualización. | |
layerPropertyChange — Evento, clase mx.core.DesignLayer | |
Dispatched by the layer when either effectiveVisibility or effectiveAlpha changes. | |
layout — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
The domain object of the layout associated with this letter. | |
layout — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IPanel | |
Returns an layout of the views. | |
layout — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IShell | |
The layout of the shell. | |
layout — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IView | |
The layout of the view. | |
layout — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IViewManager | |
The layout of the viewManager. | |
layout — Evento, clase fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Se distribuye cuando se cambia el tamaño o la disposición del reproductor de vídeo. | |
layout — Evento, clase fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
Se distribuye cuando se cambia el tamaño o la disposición del reproductor de vídeo. | |
layout — Propiedad, clase mx.containers.Panel | |
Specifies the layout mechanism used for this container. | |
layout — Propiedad, clase mx.core.LayoutContainer | |
Specifies the layout mechanism used for this application. | |
layout(availableWidth:Number, availableHeight:Number, deep:Boolean) — método, interfaz org.osmf.layout.ILayoutTarget | |
Method that informs the implementation that it should update its display to adjust to the given available width and height. | |
layout(availableWidth:Number, availableHeight:Number, deep:Boolean) — método, clase org.osmf.layout.LayoutTargetSprite | |
Method that informs the implementation that it should update its display to adjust to the given available width and height. | |
layout — Propiedad, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The layout object for this container. | |
layout — Propiedad, clase spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
The layout object for this container. | |
layout — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The layout object for this container. | |
LAYOUT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase fl.video.LayoutEvent | |
Define el valor de la propiedad type para un objeto de evento layout. | |
LayoutAssetPreviewRenderer — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | |
This class defines the preview pod shown for Layout. | |
LayoutAssetPreviewRenderer() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LayoutAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
layoutBackgroundImage() — método, interfaz mx.core.IRectangularBorder | |
Layout the background image. | |
layoutBackgroundImage() — método, clase mx.skins.RectangularBorder | |
Layout the background image. | |
LayoutBase — clase, Paquete spark.layouts.supportClasses | |
The LayoutBase class defines the base class for all Spark layouts. | |
LayoutBase() — Información sobre, clase spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Constructor. | |
layoutBorderSize — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The size of the border surrounding the component. | |
layoutBorderSize — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
layoutBorderSize — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.StageTextSkinBase | |
Defines the border's thickness. | |
layoutBorderSize — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.TextSkinBase | |
layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, clase mx.charts.Legend | |
Respond to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this container's borders. | |
layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, clase mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Responds to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of the borders. | |
layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, clase mx.core.Container | |
Respond to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this container's borders. | |
layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, clase mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Responds to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this control's borders. | |
layoutColumnItemRenderer(c:mx.controls.dataGridClasses:DataGridColumn, item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, xx:Number, yy:Number) — método, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Sizes and temporarily positions an itemRenderer for a column, returning its size as a Point. | |
LayoutContainer — clase, Paquete mx.core | |
Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your module or Application without explicitly defining another container. | |
LayoutContainer() — Información sobre, clase mx.core.LayoutContainer | |
Constructor. | |
layoutContent(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, clase spark.layouts.ConstraintLayout | |
Lays out the elements of the layout target using the current widths and heights of the columns and rows. | |
layoutContentGroupHeight — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ActionBarSkin | |
Default height for navigationGroup, titleGroup and actionGroup. | |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, clase spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Positions the children for this item renderer. | |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, clase spark.skins.mobile.DateSpinnerSkin | |
Positions the children for this skin. | |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — método, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.MobileSkin | |
Positions the children for this skin. | |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ButtonSkin | |
Defines the corner radius. | |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The corner radius of the thumb and track. | |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.StageTextSkinBase | |
Defines the corner radius. | |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.TextSkinBase | |
Defines the corner radius. | |
layoutDirection — Estilo, clase mx.core.UIComponent | |
Specifies the desired layout direction of a component. | |
layoutDirection — Propiedad, clase mx.core.BitmapAsset | |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR (left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). | |
layoutDirection — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.ILayoutDirectionElement | |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR (left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). | |
layoutDirection — Propiedad, clase mx.core.SpriteAsset | |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR (left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). | |
layoutDirection — Propiedad, clase mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR (left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). | |
layoutDirection — Propiedad, clase spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR (left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). | |
layoutDirection — Propiedad, clase spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR (left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). | |
LayoutDirection — clase final, Paquete mx.core | |
The LayoutDirection class defines the constant values for the layoutDirection style of an IStyleClient and the layoutDirection property of an ILayoutDirectionElement. | |
layoutEditor(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int) — método, clase mx.controls.List | |
Positions the item editor instance at the suggested position with the suggested dimensions. | |
LayoutEditor — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | |
Editor to edit Layout content | |
LayoutEditor() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.LayoutEditor | |
Constructor. | |
LayoutEvent — clase, Paquete com.adobe.mosaic.layouts | |
The LayoutEvent is used to instruct layouts (or their targets) to handle special requests. | |
LayoutEvent — clase, Paquete fl.video | |
Evento que se distribuye cuando se cambia el tamaño y/o la disposición del reproductor de vídeo. | |
LayoutEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.LayoutEvent | |
Constructor | |
LayoutEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, oldBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, oldRegistrationBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Información sobre, clase fl.video.LayoutEvent | |
Crea un objeto de evento que contiene información sobre eventos de diseño. | |
layoutFeatures — Propiedad, clase spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Contain all of the implementation details of how the GraphicElement implements transform and layering support. | |
layoutFileUploaderDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.LayoutEditor | |
A skin part that defines the FileUploader component to upload layout file A skin part that defines the FileUploader component to upload layout file | |
layoutGap — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
LayoutHandler — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | |
The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Layout. | |
LayoutHandler() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Constructor. | |
LayoutHostBase — clase, Paquete com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | |
The LayoutHostBase class is the base class for all Skinnable Guide panel layouts. | |
layoutInnerPadding — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The padding between the labels and the thumb. | |
layoutIs3D — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
True if the layout transform has 3D values. | |
layoutItems() — método, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttChart | |
This function layouts items on the interface. | |
layoutLibrary — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterEditor | |
A skin part that defines content library for the layouts of letter A skin part that defines content library for the layouts of letter | |
LayoutManager — clase, Paquete mx.managers | |
The LayoutManager is the engine behind Flex's measurement and layout strategy. | |
layoutMatrix — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
The 2D matrix used during layout calculations to determine the layout and size of the component and its parent and siblings. | |
layoutMatrix3D — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
The 3D matrix used during layout calculations to determine the layout and size of the component and its parent and siblings. | |
layoutMatrix3D — Propiedad, clase mx.core.UIComponent | |
The transform matrix that is used to calculate a component's layout relative to its siblings. | |
layoutMetadata — Propiedad, interfaz org.osmf.layout.ILayoutTarget | |
The metadata that's used to hold information about the layout of this layout target. | |
layoutMetadata — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.layout.LayoutTargetSprite | |
The metadata that's used to hold information about the layout of this layout target. | |
LayoutMetadata — clase, Paquete org.osmf.layout | |
Defines a metadata object that contains the properties upon which a layout renderer will base its layout. | |
LayoutMetadata() — Información sobre, clase org.osmf.layout.LayoutMetadata | |
Constructor. | |
layoutMode — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.layout.LayoutMetadata | |
When set to LayoutMode.HORIZONTAL or LayoutMode.VERTICAL, then the renderer will ignore its target's positioning settings (either influencing X or Y, depending on the layoutMode chosen), laying out its elements adjacent in the index specified by the 'index' property. | |
LayoutMode — clase final, Paquete org.osmf.layout | |
Defines an enumeration of layout modes as supported by the layout renderer. | |
layoutModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.LayoutEditor | |
The instance of the LayoutModel currently being worked upon. | |
LayoutModel — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The LayoutModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Layout. | |
layoutNameDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterEditor | |
A skin part that defines text input containing name of the uploaded layout A skin part that defines text input containing name of the uploaded layout | |
layoutNameDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LetterAssetPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the layout name A skin part that defines the layout name | |
layoutNameDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LayoutAssetPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the layout's name A skin part that defines the layout's name | |
LAYOUT_NAMESPACE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.layout.LayoutMetadata | |
Namespace URL for LayoutMetadata objects when added to a MediaElement or MediaContainer. | |
layoutOuterPadding — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The padding between the labels and the edge of the track. | |
layoutPaddingBottom — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
Bottom padding for icon or labelDisplay. | |
layoutPaddingLeft — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
Left padding for icon or labelDisplay. | |
layoutPaddingRight — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
Right padding for icon or labelDisplay. | |
layoutPaddingTop — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
Top padding for icon or labelDisplay. | |
layoutRenderer — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.containers.MediaContainer | |
The layout renderer that renders the MediaElement instances within this container. | |
LayoutRenderer — clase, Paquete org.osmf.layout | |
A layout renderer that sizes and positions its targets using the LayoutMetadata that it looks for on its targets. | |
LayoutRendererBase — clase, Paquete org.osmf.layout | |
LayoutRendererBase is the base class for custom layout renderers. | |
layoutRotationX — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Layout transform convenience property. | |
layoutRotationY — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Layout transform convenience property. | |
layoutRotationZ — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Layout transform convenience property. | |
layoutScaleX — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Layout transform convenience property. | |
layoutScaleY — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Layout transform convenience property. | |
layoutScaleZ — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Layout transform convenience property. | |
layoutShadowHeight — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ActionBarSkin | |
Height of shadow embedded in borderClass graphic. | |
layoutStrokeWeight — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The stroke weight outlining the graphics of the skin. | |
layoutTarget — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.StackLayout | |
The Group for which the layout is working (arranging and sizing its children). | |
layoutTarget — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.interfaces.ISelectable | |
The Group for which the layout is providing selection. | |
LayoutTargetSprite — clase, Paquete org.osmf.layout | |
LayoutTargetSprite defines a Sprite-based ILayoutTarget implementation. | |
LayoutTargetSprite(layoutMetadata:org.osmf.layout:LayoutMetadata) — Información sobre, clase org.osmf.layout.LayoutTargetSprite | |
Constructor. | |
LayoutTemplate — Clase dinámica, Paquete ga.model | |
The LayoutTemplate class is the base class for all Guide panel layouts. | |
LayoutTemplate() — Información sobre, clase ga.model.LayoutTemplate | |
Constructor. | |
layoutTextShadowOffset — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The offset between a label and its shadow. | |
layoutThumbHeight — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The height to draw the thumb skin part. | |
layoutThumbWidth — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The width to draw the thumb skin part. | |
layoutTitleGroupHorizontalPadding — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ActionBarSkin | |
Default horizontal padding for the titleGroup and titleDisplay. | |
layoutUndefined — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.MosaicLayoutBase | |
Default is true. | |
layoutValidator — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterEditor | |
A skin part that defines the validator for layout of letter A skin part that defines the validator for layout of letter | |
layoutWidth — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Used by the mirroring transform. | |
layoutX — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Layout transform convenience property. | |
layoutY — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Layout transform convenience property. | |
layoutZ — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
Layout transform convenience property. | |
lazy — Propiedad, clase mx.data.ManagedAssociation | |
If true, the value of the association property is loaded on the client the first time it is accessed instead of when the referencing object is loaded. | |
lazyLoad(obj:Object, lazyFieldName:String) — método, clase coldfusion.air.Session | |
Loads the object with the specified lazy field name. | |
lcat — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Form | |
Specifies the subcategory for the form. | |
lcat — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
Specifies the subcategory for the letter template. | |
lcat — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
The sub category associated with the conatiner layout | |
lcat — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Specifies the subcategory for the data module. | |
lcat — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
Specifies the subcategory for the document. | |
lcat — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
Specifies the subcategory for the portfolio template. | |
lcatName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Form | |
Fetches the sub category associated with the Form | |
lcatName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
Specifies the name of the subcategory of the letter template. | |
lcatName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
Fetches sub category associated with container layout | |
lcatName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Speifies the sub category associated with this data Module. | |
lcAuthToken — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.User | |
Lc Authentication Token of the user. | |
LCCQueryServiceFactory — clase final, Paquete com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.search.lccontent | |
Factory class to get IQueryService instance based on the type of Assembler used by the Data Services destinations. | |
LCD — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.text.TextDisplayMode | |
Hace que Flash Player utilice suavizado de subpíxeles LCD. | |
lcdsDestination — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElement | |
The lcdsDestination associated with a DDE (Entity in FML). | |
lcdsDestination — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Data Services destination associated with the asset type. | |
lcdsDestination — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
Specifies the Data Services destination that is associated with the asset type. | |
lc.foundation — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.foundation contiene implementaciones y clases para trabajar con sesiones, usuarios, grupos y preferencias comunes para el servidor de documentos. | |
lc.foundation.domain — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.foundation.domain contiene clases para trabajar con sesiones, usuarios, grupos y preferencias del servidor de documentos. | |
lc.foundation.events — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.foundation.events contiene clases de eventos para interactuar con el servidor de documentos. | |
lc.foundation.ui — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.foundation.ui contiene interfaces para conexión genérica y funcionalidad de pérdida de conexión en el servidor de documentos. | |
lc.foundation.util — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.foundation.util contiene clases y componentes útiles para gestionar mensajes del servidor de documentos. | |
lc.preloader — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.preloader contiene una clase para incluir una barra de carga sin texto durante la carga inicial de Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace. | |
lc.procmgmt — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt contiene clases e implementaciones que se utilizan para trabajar con la funcionalidad de Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Process Management Las clases son útiles para implementar interfaces de usuario personalizadas que utilicen las misma funcionalidad de gestión de procesos que Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace. | |
lc.procmgmt.commands — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.commands contiene clases y componentes que ejecutan comandos para interactuar con tareas en Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace. | |
lc.procmgmt.domain — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.domain contiene clases que encapsulan conceptos de gestión de procesos, también conocidos como dominio de negocios. | |
lc.procmgmt.events — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.events contiene clases de eventos utilizadas para Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Process Management. | |
lc.procmgmt.formbridge — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.formbridge contiene clases utilizadas para comunicarse con aplicaciones creadas con Flex. | |
lc.procmgmt.impl — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.impl contiene clases para que diversos gestores puedan administrar mensajes de error y favoritos en Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments contiene clases que proporcionan la interfaz de usuario para poder gestionar notas y adjuntos. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.controls — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.controls contiene las clases que proporcionan interfaces de usuario para controles principales utilizados por otros componentes de Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.card — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.card contiene clases sólo para uso interno. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.renderer — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.renderer contiene clases sólo para uso interno. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.help — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.help contiene una clase exclusivamente para uso interno. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.layout — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.layout contiene clases y componentes que representan los componentes principales de interfaz de usuario de Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform - Workspace | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.presentationmodel — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.presentationmodel contiene clases y componentes que resultan útiles para crear modelos de presentaciones que separen el comportamiento de una interfaz de usuario y de una vista del modelo. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.process — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.process contiene clases y componentes que resultan útiles para manipular información del proceso. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.search — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.search contiene clases y componentes que admiten operaciones de búsqueda. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint contiene clases y componentes que proporcionan la interfaz de usuario para admitir y manipular categorías y puntos finales de tareas, por ejemplo, iniciar un proceso. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.task — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.promgmt.ui.task contiene clases y componentes que hacen que la interfaz de usuario pueda admitir la visualización y la manipulación de tareas. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form contiene clases que admiten la visualización de un formulario asociado a una tarea. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.commands — Paquete | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.commands contiene clases que guardan, envían y obtienen un formulario sin conexión. | |
lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking — Paquete | |
El paquete lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking contiene clases y componentes que proporcionan la interfaz de usuario para la funcionalidad del componente Tracking de Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace. | |
LC_QUERY_TYPE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.search.lccontent.LCCQueryServiceFactory | |
A special value that defines type of query will be the normal query formed using SearchQuery interface. | |
LCTaskManager — clase, Paquete com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | |
The TaskManager class provides the implementation for tasks that reside on the Document Server. | |
LCTaskManager(taskManagerEndpointName:String, remotingURL:String, locale:String) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services.LCTaskManager | |
Constructor. | |
LCTaskManagerServiceConstants — clase, Paquete com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services | |
A collection of constant and default values for the LCTaskManager class. | |
lcx — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Get or sets the guide deployment model. | |
lcx — Propiedad, interfaz ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Get or sets the guide deployment model. | |
lcx — Propiedad, clase ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Get or sets the guide deployment model. | |
Ldap — clase, Paquete coldfusion.service.mxml | |
The proxy class for ldap services exposed by ColdFusion. | |
Ldap() — Información sobre, clase coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
Creates an instance of the Ldap class. | |
ldmaData — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListItemPreviewRenderer | |
The instance of LDMAssignment associated with each List item. | |
LDMAssignment — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.vo | |
Properties of a data module assigned to a data module as a list item. | |
LDMAssignment() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.LDMAssignment | |
Constructor. | |
leading — Propiedad, clase flash.text.TextFormat | |
Un entero que representa la cantidad de espacio vertical entre líneas (denominado interlineado). | |
leading — Propiedad, clase flash.text.TextLineMetrics | |
El valor de interlineado es la medida de la distancia vertical entre las líneas de texto. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.containers.FormHeading | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ToolTip | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.Button | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.Text | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.controls.DateField | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase mx.core.UITextField | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.Label | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.ActionBar | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.DateSpinner | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.DataGrid | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
leading — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Additional vertical space between lines of text. | |
LEADING_EDGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.components.ScrollSnappingMode | |
Elements are snapped to the left (horizontal) or top (vertical) edge of the viewport. | |
leadingModel — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: especifica el modelo de interlineado, que es una combinación de la base y la dirección del interlineado. | |
leadingModel — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: especifica el modelo de interlineado, que es una combinación de la base y la dirección del interlineado. | |
leadingModel — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Especifica el modelo de interlineado, que es una combinación de la base y la dirección del interlineado. | |
leadingModel — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Especifica el modelo de interlineado, que es una combinación de la base y la dirección del interlineado. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
leadingModel — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. | |
LeadingModel — clase final, Paquete flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Define los valores para establecer la propiedad leadingModel de la clase TextLayoutFormat, compuesta por combinaciones válidas de dirección y espaciado. | |
leadingZero — Propiedad, clase flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
Especifica si se incluye un cero a la izquierda en una cantidad de divisa con formato cuando no hay dígitos enteros a la izquierda del separador decimal. | |
leadingZero — Propiedad, clase flash.globalization.NumberFormatter | |
Especifica si se incluye un cero a la izquierda en un número con formato cuando no hay dígitos enteros a la izquierda del separador decimal. | |
leadingZero — Propiedad, clase spark.formatters.supportClasses.NumberFormatterBase | |
Specifies whether a leading zero is included in a formatted number when there are no integer digits to the left of the decimal separator. | |
leafFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyFormatOperation | |
Las propiedades de formato que se aplican a los elementos de hoja del rango. | |
leafFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.operations.ClearFormatOperation | |
Las propiedades de formato que se hacen indefinidos los elementos de hoja del rango. | |
LeafNode — clase, Paquete ga.util | |
For internal use only. | |
left(str:String, count:int) — Método estático , clase com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Gets the leftmost characters from a string. | |
left — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Tile | |
Sets the left value. | |
left — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IUIAttributes | |
Returns the node's left value which is horizontal distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the component to the left edge of the content region. | |
left — Propiedad, clase flash.geom.Rectangle | |
La coordenada x del ángulo superior izquierdo del rectángulo. | |
left — Estilo, clase mx.core.UIComponent | |
The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the component to the left edge of its parent container's content area. | |
left — Propiedad, clase mx.core.EdgeMetrics | |
The width, in pixels, of the left edge region. | |
left — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the left edge of the component to the anchor target's left edge. | |
left — Propiedad, clase mx.core.UIComponent | |
For components, this layout constraint property is a facade on top of the similarly-named style. | |
left — Propiedad, clase mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the component's content area to the left edge of the component. | |
left — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.layout.LayoutMetadata | |
Defines the desired horizontal offset of the target in pixels. | |
left — Propiedad, clase spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the left edge of the component to the anchor target's left edge. | |
left — Propiedad, clase spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the left edge of the component to the anchor target's left edge. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase fl.controls.ButtonLabelPlacement | |
La etiqueta aparece a la izquierda del icono. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase fl.controls.ProgressBarDirection | |
Rellena la barra de progreso de derecha a izquierda. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase fl.video.VideoAlign | |
Especifica que el vídeo está alineado por la parte izquierda. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.NativeWindowResize | |
Esquina izquierda de la ventana. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.StageAlign | |
Especifica que el escenario está alineado por la parte izquierda. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize | |
Especifica que el texto se tratará como texto justificado a la izquierda, lo que significa que el lado izquierdo permanece fijo y que el cambio de tamaño de una sola línea se realiza en el lado derecho. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.text.TextFormatAlign | |
Constante; alinea el texto a la izquierda dentro del campo de texto. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.ui.KeyLocation | |
Indica que la tecla activada se encuentra en la ubicación de la tecla izquierda (hay más de una ubicación posible para esta tecla). | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante asociada al valor de código de tecla asociado de la tecla de flecha izquierda (37). | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.ClearFloats | |
Especifica que el texto se omite en la posición flotante izquierda. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.Float | |
El gráfico flota en el lado izquierdo del texto. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign | |
Especifica la alineación al borde izquierdo. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase ga.controls.LabeledHRule | |
Specifies that the label is positioned to the left. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.controls.ButtonLabelPlacement | |
Specifies that the label appears to the left of the icon. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.controls.ProgressBarDirection | |
Specifies to fill the progress bar from the right to the left. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.controls.ProgressBarLabelPlacement | |
Specifies to place the label to the left of the progress bar. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.validators.CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol | |
Specifies "left" as the alignment of the currency symbol for the CurrencyValidator class. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.layout.HorizontalAlign | |
Defines the left horizontal align mode. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.components.ArrowDirection | |
Arrow points left. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.components.IconPlacement | |
Specifies that the icon appears to the left of the label. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.components.PopUpPosition | |
Position to the left of the target | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.core.NavigationUnit | |
Navigate one line or "step" to the left. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.effects.WipeDirection | |
Wipe direction that starts at the right and moves left | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.layouts.ColumnAlign | |
Do not justify the rows. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.layouts.HorizontalAlign | |
Align children to the left of the container. | |
LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.transitions.ViewTransitionDirection | |
Transition animates to the left. | |
LeftAccordion — clase, Paquete ga.wrappers | |
Defines the default Left Accordion Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
LeftAccordion() — Información sobre, clase ga.wrappers.LeftAccordion | |
Constructor. | |
leftAlignButton — Parte del aspecto, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
LEFTBRACKET — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante asociada al valor de código de tecla asociado de la tecla [ (219). | |
leftExtension — Propiedad, clase flash.filters.ShaderFilter | |
El crecimiento en píxeles a la izquierda del objeto de destino. | |
leftExtension — Propiedad, clase spark.filters.ShaderFilter | |
El crecimiento en píxeles a la izquierda del objeto de destino. | |
leftIconGap — Estilo, clase mx.controls.Menu | |
The gap to the left of the label in a menu item. | |
leftIndentBtn — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.ToolBar | |
A skin part that defines the item left indent button. A skin part that defines the item left indent button. | |
leftMargin — Propiedad, clase flash.text.TextFormat | |
El margen izquierdo del párrafo, expresado en píxeles. | |
LeftMultilevel — clase, Paquete ga.wrappers | |
Defines the default Left Multilevel Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
LeftMultilevel() — Información sobre, clase ga.wrappers.LeftMultilevel | |
Constructor. | |
leftOffset — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader | |
The offset, in pixels, from the left side of the content of the renderer. | |
leftOffset — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
Offset, in pixels, for the upper-left corner in the list control of the content defined by the ListBase.listContent property. | |
leftOperand — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators.BinaryOperator | |
Left operand | |
leftPeak — Propiedad, clase flash.media.SoundChannel | |
La amplitud actual (volumen) del canal izquierdo. Valores comprendidos entre 0 (silencio) y 1 (amplitud completa). | |
leftRightTextPadding — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.HSliderDataTip | |
Left and right padding for the text in the ToolTip. | |
leftTextPadding — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.HSliderDataTip | |
Left padding for the text in the ToolTip. | |
leftToLeft — Propiedad, clase flash.media.SoundTransform | |
Un valor, entre 0 (ninguno) y 1 (todo), que especifica qué cantidad de datos de la izquierda se reproducen en el altavoz izquierdo. | |
leftToRight — Propiedad, clase flash.media.SoundTransform | |
Un valor, entre 0 (ninguno) y 1 (todo), que especifica qué cantidad de datos de la izquierda se reproducen en el altavoz derecho. | |
leftTrim(input:String) — Método estático , clase com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Removes whitespace from the front of the specified string. | |
LEGAL — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.printing.PaperSize | |
Tamaño legal tradicional | |
Legend — clase, Paquete mx.charts | |
The Legend control adds a legend to your charts, where the legend displays the label for each data series in the chart and a key showing the chart element for the series. | |
Legend() — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.Legend | |
Constructor. | |
LegendAutomationImpl — clase, Paquete mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Legend class. | |
LegendAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts:Legend) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.delegates.charts.LegendAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
legendData — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.LegendItem | |
The LegendData instance that this LegendItem object represents. | |
legendData — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
An array of Legend items. | |
legendData — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
An Array of LegendData instances that describe the items that should show up in a legend representing this series. | |
legendData — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
An Array of LegendData instances that describe the items that should show up in a legend representing this series. | |
legendData — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
An Array of LegendData instances that describe the items that should show up in a legend representing this series. | |
LegendData — clase, Paquete mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The LegendData structure is used by charts to describe the items that should be displayed in an auto-generated legend. | |
LegendData() — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.LegendData | |
Constructor. | |
legendDataChanged() — método, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatches a new LegendDataChanged event. | |
legendDataChanged() — método, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Updates the Legend items when the series display name changes by dispatching a new LegendDataChanged event. | |
LegendItem — clase, Paquete mx.charts | |
Controls the individual legend elements in a chart legend. | |
LegendItem() — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Constructor. | |
LegendItemAutomationImpl — clase, Paquete mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LegendItem class. | |
LegendItemAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts:LegendItem) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.delegates.charts.LegendItemAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
legendItemClass — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.Legend | |
The class used to instantiate LegendItem objects. | |
legendMarkerRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. | |
legendMarkerRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. | |
legendMarkerRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. | |
legendMarkerRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. | |
legendMarkerRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. | |
legendMarkerRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. | |
legendMarkerRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. | |
legendMarkerRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. | |
legendMarkerRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Specifies the class that renders the marker portion of the legend item. | |
LegendMouseEvent — clase, Paquete mx.charts.events | |
The LegendMouseEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the chart legend components. | |
LegendMouseEvent(type:String, triggerEvent:flash.events:MouseEvent, item:mx.charts:LegendItem) — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.events.LegendMouseEvent | |
Constructor. | |
len(s:String) — Método estático , clase com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Returns the length of a string. | |
len — Propiedad, clase flash.net.NetStreamPlayOptions | |
Duración de la reproducción, en segundos, para el flujo especificado en streamName. | |
length — Propiedad, clase Array | |
Entero no negativo que especifica el número de elementos del conjunto. | |
length — Propiedad, clase String | |
Un entero que especifica el número de caracteres del objeto String especificado. | |
length — Propiedad, clase Vector | |
Rango de índices válidos disponibles en el vector. | |
length() — método, clase XML | |
En el caso de objetos XML, este método siempre devuelve el entero 1. | |
length() — método, clase XMLList | |
Devuelve el número de propiedades del objeto XMLList. | |
length — Propiedad, clase arguments | |
El número de argumentos que se pasan a la función. | |
length — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Obtiene el número de elementos de la lista. | |
length — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Obtiene el número de elementos del proveedor de datos. | |
length — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.TextArea | |
Obtiene el recuento de caracteres que contiene el componente TextArea. | |
length — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.TextInput | |
Obtiene el número de caracteres de un componente TextInput. | |
length — Propiedad, clase fl.data.DataProvider | |
Número de elementos contenidos en el proveedor de datos. | |
length — Propiedad, clase fl.text.TLFTextField | |
El número de caracteres de un campo de texto. | |
length — Propiedad, clase flash.geom.Point | |
Longitud del segmento de línea desde (0,0) hasta este punto. | |
length — Propiedad, clase flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Longitud, magnitud, del objeto Vector3D actual desde el origen (0,0,0) hasta las coordenadas x, y y z del objeto. | |
length — Propiedad, clase flash.media.Sound | |
Longitud del sonido actual, expresada en milisegundos. | |
length — Propiedad, clase flash.text.TextField | |
El número de caracteres de un campo de texto. | |
length — Propiedad, clase flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Longitud del objeto ByteArray, expresada en bytes. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.automation.AutomationID | |
The number of parts in this id. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies the length of the axis, in screen coordinates. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.RenderData | |
The number of items represented in this render data. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Get the number of items in the list. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
The number of items in this collection. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
The length of the currently parsed collection. | |
length — Propiedad, interfaz mx.collections.ICollectionView | |
The number of items in this view. | |
length — Propiedad, interfaz mx.collections.IList | |
The number of items in this collection. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
The number of items in this view. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.TextArea | |
The number of characters of text displayed in the TextArea. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.TextInput | |
The number of characters of text displayed in the TextArea. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.core.FTETextField | |
El número de caracteres de un campo de texto. | |
length — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IUITextField | |
El número de caracteres de un campo de texto. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.data.Conflicts | |
The length of the source Array. | |
length — Propiedad, clase mx.utils.LinkedList | |
Returns length of list. | |
length — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.net.qos.QoSInfoHistory | |
Returns the length of the history | |
length — Propiedad, clase spark.collections.NumericDataProvider | |
The number of items in this collection. | |
length — Propiedad, clase spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
The number of child view navigators being managed by the this component. | |
length — Propiedad, clase spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Returns the number of views being managed by the navigator. | |
lengthSquared — Propiedad, clase flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Cuadrado de la longitud del objeto Vector3D actual, calculado mediante las propiedades x, y y z. | |
LEPCHA — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Representa el valor Unicode para el dígito cero del conjunto de dígitos Lepcha. | |
LESS — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display3D.Context3DCompareMode | |
Menor que ( <). | |
LESS_EQUAL — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display3D.Context3DCompareMode | |
Menor o igual (<=). | |
LESS_THAN — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.ComparisonOperator | |
The LESS_THAN constant that represents the Less Than operator. | |
LESS_THAN_EQUALS — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.ComparisonOperator | |
The LESS_THAN_EQUALS constant that represents the Less Than Or Equals operator. | |
lessThanMinError — Propiedad, clase spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase | |
Error message when the value is less than the minValue. | |
letter — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstance | |
The letter loaded and being filled. | |
Letter — clase, Paquete com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo | |
Value object for a letter. | |
Letter() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.Letter | |
Constructor | |
LETTER — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for object type Letter. | |
LETTER — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.printing.PaperSize | |
Tamaño carta tradicional | |
LetterAssetPreviewRenderer — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | |
This class defines the preview pod shown for Letter. | |
LetterAssetPreviewRenderer() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.LetterAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
LETTERBOX — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.graphics.BitmapScaleMode | |
The bitmap fill is scaled while maintaining the aspect ratio of the original content. | |
LETTERBOX — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.display.ScaleMode | |
LETTERBOX sets the width and height of the content as close to the container width and height as possible while maintaining aspect ratio. | |
LETTERBOX — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.layout.ScaleMode | |
LETTERBOX sets the width and height of the content as close to the container width and height as possible while maintaining aspect ratio. | |
LetterContentPanel — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter | |
The component which lists all the target areas of a letter's layout or fragment and allows editing of the target areas by inserting content from the content library. | |
LetterContentPanel() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterContentPanel | |
Constructor. | |
LETTER_DATA_CHANGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.LetterDataChangeEvent | |
The LetterDataChangeEvent.LETTER_DATA_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when data merging is complete for the letter. | |
LetterDataChangeEvent — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events | |
LetterDataChangeEvent is the event dispatched when data merging is complete for the letter. | |
LetterDataChangeEvent(type:String, letterInstance:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:LetterInstance) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.LetterDataChangeEvent | |
Constructor. | |
LetterDataPanel — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | |
This component lists all the data elements of the letter and also allows editing of the linkage of data elements. | |
LetterDataPanel() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.LetterDataPanel | |
Constructor. | |
LetterEditor — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter | |
The component which allows editing of the Letter content. | |
LetterEditor() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterEditor | |
Constructor. | |
letterExists(name:String) — método, interfaz com.adobe.icc.services.letter.ILetterService | |
Determines if the specified letter exists. | |
LETTER_EXPRESSION_SWF — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for object type Letter Expression SWF. | |
LetterHandler — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | |
The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Letter. | |
LetterHandler() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Constructor. | |
letterId — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams | |
The ID (GUID) of the letter to fill. | |
letterInstance — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.LetterDataChangeEvent | |
The LetterInstance for which data merging is complete. | |
letterInstance — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.pdf.LetterPDFContainer | |
The instance of LetterInstance for which PDF is being rendered. | |
LetterInstance — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | |
This class is the runtime representation of the letter. | |
LetterInstance(letter:com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo:Letter, ddi:com.adobe.dct.model:DataDictionaryInstanceModel, initialXmlData:XML, params:com.adobe.icc.util:Map) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstance | |
Constructor. | |
LetterInstanceBuilder — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | |
This class represents the generic class to create instance of letter based on set of parameters provided as input. | |
LetterInstanceBuilder() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstanceBuilder | |
Constructor. | |
letterModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel | |
The domain object of the letter that this assignment belongs to | |
letterModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FieldAssignmentModel | |
The domain object of the letter that this assignment belongs to | |
letterModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
The domain object of the letter that this assignment belongs to | |
letterModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.model.VariableAssignmentModel | |
The domain object of the letter that this assignment belongs to. | |
letterModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterContentPanel | |
The instance of LetterModel associated with the letter whose elements are being currently worked upon. | |
letterModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterEditor | |
The instance of LetterModel associated with the letter whose elements are being currently worked upon. | |
letterModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.BaseLinkageAssignmentEditor | |
Instance of LetterModel of the Letter. | |
letterModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.LetterDataPanel | |
The instance of LetterModel whose data elements are being worked upon. | |
LetterModel — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The LetterModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Letter. | |
letterName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams | |
The name (version-independent) of the letter to fill. | |
LetterPDFContainer — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.pdf | |
Create Correspondence UI Letter PDF container. | |
LetterPDFContainer() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.pdf.LetterPDFContainer | |
Constructor. | |
LETTERRENDER_SERVICE_RO — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.services.ServiceLocator | |
Specifies the remote object name for the Letter Render Service. | |
LETTER_SERVICE_RO — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.services.ServiceLocator | |
Specifies the remote object name for the Letter Service. | |
letterSpacing — Propiedad, clase flash.text.TextFormat | |
Un número que representa la cantidad de espacio distribuido uniformemente entre todos los caracteres. | |
letterSpacing — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.SpaceJustifier | |
Especifica si se utiliza espaciado entre letras durante la justificación. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.Legend | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.PieChart | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.charts.LegendItem | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.containers.FormHeading | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ToolTip | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.Label | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.Button | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.TextInput | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.DateChooser | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.controls.DateField | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.core.UITextField | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase mx.core.Container | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.Label | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.ActionBar | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.DateSpinner | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.DataGrid | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacing — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange | |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. | |
letterSpacingChange — Evento, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
Event dispatched when letter spacing is changed. | |
letterSpacingListDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
A skin part that defines the list of letter spacing values A skin part that defines the list of letter spacing values | |
LetterState — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.enum | |
Specifies the enumerator for the state of a Letter. | |
LetterVariableModel — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
An extension of the variable domain class, this class is for variable objects used in the letter's assignments. | |
letterVersion — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams | |
The version of the letter to fill. | |
level — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.guides.domain.IGuideNodeMessage | |
Returns the severity level of message. | |
level — Propiedad, clase flash.events.StatusEvent | |
La categoría del mensaje, por ejemplo, "status", "warning" o "error". | |
level — Propiedad, clase flash.media.H264VideoStreamSettings | |
Nivel utilizado para codificación H.264/AVC. | |
level — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.events.FlowOperationEvent | |
Las operaciones pueden combinarse en operaciones compuestas mediante anidación. | |
level — Propiedad, clase mx.logging.AbstractTarget | |
Provides access to the level this target is currently set at. | |
level — Propiedad, interfaz mx.logging.ILoggingTarget | |
Provides access to the level this target is currently set at. | |
level — Propiedad, clase mx.logging.LogEvent | |
Provides access to the level for this log event. | |
level — Propiedad, interfaz mx.olap.IOLAPMember | |
The level to which this member belongs. | |
level — Propiedad, clase mx.olap.OLAPMember | |
The level to which this member belongs. | |
LEVEL_1 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 1. | |
LEVEL_1_1 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 1.1. | |
LEVEL_1_2 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 1.2. | |
LEVEL_1_3 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 1.3. | |
LEVEL_1B — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 1b. | |
LEVEL_2 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 2. | |
LEVEL_2_1 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 2.1. | |
LEVEL_2_2 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 2.2. | |
LEVEL_3 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 3. | |
LEVEL_3_1 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 3.1. | |
LEVEL_3_2 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 3.2. | |
LEVEL_4 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 4. | |
LEVEL_4_1 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 4.1. | |
LEVEL_4_2 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 4.2. | |
LEVEL_5 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 5. | |
LEVEL_5_1 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.media.H264Level | |
Constante para H.264 nivel 5.1. | |
levelName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditLevelVO | |
Gets the name of the audit level. | |
levelName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditMetaInfoVO | |
Get the name of the audit level. | |
levels — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.AuditModuleVO | |
Gets the audit levels configured for this audit module. | |
levels — Propiedad, interfaz mx.olap.IOLAPHierarchy | |
All the levels of this hierarchy, as a list of IOLAPLevel instances. | |
levels — Propiedad, clase mx.olap.OLAPHierarchy | |
All the levels of this hierarchy, as a list of IOLAPLevel instances. | |
library — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
The value of the library name. | |
library — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IInterface | |
Returns the value of the library String. | |
library — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IService | |
The name of the service library that this service is a member of. | |
LibraryEvent — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.events | |
The event disptached by the Content Library when the user selects any content. | |
LibraryEvent(type:String, dataValue:Array) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.events.LibraryEvent | |
Constructor. | |
LIBRARY_INSERT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.LibraryInsertEvent | |
The LibraryInsertEvent.LIBRARY_INSERT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the agent clicks the library insert button for a ListModule in content panel of the CCR UI. | |
libraryInsertBtn — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ModuleItemRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the library insert button for a ListModule. A skin part that defines the library insert button for a ListModule. | |
LibraryInsertEvent — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events | |
LibraryInsertEvent is the event dispatched when the agent clicks the library insert button for a ListModule in content panel of the CCR UI. | |
LibraryInsertEvent(type:String, libraryInsertModuleValue:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:ListModuleInstance) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.LibraryInsertEvent | |
Constructor. | |
libraryInsertModule — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
The ListModule in which the library content is to be inserted when the agent clicks the library content insert button. | |
libraryInsertModule — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentLibraryContainer | |
The parent list module in which the library content is to be inserted. | |
libraryInsertModule — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.events.LibraryInsertEvent | |
The ListModule in which the library content is to be inserted. | |
libraryOkBtn — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentLibraryContainer | |
A skin part which defines the OK button. A skin part which defines the OK button. | |
licenseID — Propiedad, clase flash.events.DRMReturnVoucherCompleteEvent | |
El identificador de licencia que se pasó a la llamada DRMManager.returnVoucher(). | |
licenseID — Propiedad, clase flash.events.DRMReturnVoucherErrorEvent | |
El identificador de licencia que se pasó a la llamada returnVoucher() que produjo este error. | |
licenseID — Propiedad, clase flash.net.drm.DRMContentData | |
Un identificador exclusivo que identifica el contenido asociado a los metadatos en el servidor de derechos multimedia. | |
licenseID — Propiedad, clase flash.net.drm.DRMVoucher | |
El identificador exclusivo de esta licencia. | |
LICENSE_REQUEST — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.events.DRMLicenseRequestEvent | |
La constante de cadena que se utiliza para el evento de solicitud de licencia en el parámetro type al añadir y eliminar detectores de eventos. | |
ligatureLevel — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.ElementFormat | |
Nivel de ligadura utilizado en este texto. | |
ligatureLevel — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: controla cuál de las ligaduras que se definen en la fuente se puede utilizar en el texto. | |
ligatureLevel — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: controla cuál de las ligaduras que se definen en la fuente se puede utilizar en el texto. | |
ligatureLevel — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Controla cuál de las ligaduras que se definen en la fuente se puede utilizar en el texto. | |
ligatureLevel — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Controla cuál de las ligaduras que se definen en la fuente se puede utilizar en el texto. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.Label | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.DataGrid | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
ligatureLevel — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. | |
LigatureLevel — clase final, Paquete flash.text.engine | |
La clase LigatureLevel es una enumeración de valores constantes empleados al establecer la propiedad ligatureLevel de la clase ElementFormat. | |
LIGHT_COLOR — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.text.TextColorType | |
Se utiliza en el parámetro colorType del método setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable(). | |
LIGHTEN — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.BlendMode | |
Selecciona el color primario más claro del objeto de visualización y los colores del fondo (los colores que tengan valores más altos). | |
LIGHTWEIGHT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.NativeWindowType | |
Una ventana minimizada. | |
LIGHT_WEIGHT_TASKMANAGER_ENDPOINT_NAME — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.services.TaskManagerServiceConstants | |
The LIGHT_WEIGHT_TASKMANAGER_ENDPOINT_NAME constant represents the endpoint name for the Experience Services - Task Management service. | |
LightweightVideoElement — clase, Paquete org.osmf.elements | |
LightweightVideoElement is a media element specifically created for video playback. | |
LightweightVideoElement(resource:org.osmf.media:MediaResourceBase, loader:org.osmf.net:NetLoader) — Información sobre, clase org.osmf.elements.LightweightVideoElement | |
Constructor. | |
LIKE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.ComparisonOperator | |
The LIKE constant that represents represents the Like operator. | |
LIMBU — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Representa el valor Unicode para el dígito cero del conjunto de dígitos Limbu. | |
limitByDistance — Propiedad, clase fl.ik.IKMover | |
Especifica si el motor IK finaliza un movimiento tras superar el valor de distanceLimit especificado. | |
limitByIteration — Propiedad, clase fl.ik.IKMover | |
Especifica si el motor IK finaliza un movimiento tras superar el valor de iterationLimit especificado. | |
limitByTime — Propiedad, clase fl.ik.IKMover | |
Especifica si el motor IK finaliza un movimiento tras superar el valor de timeLimit especificado. | |
line — Propiedad de constante, clase flash.sampler.StackFrame | |
Número de línea de la función del archivo SWF que se está depurando. | |
Line — clase, Paquete spark.primitives | |
The Line class is a graphic element that draws a line between two points. | |
Line() — Información sobre, clase spark.primitives.Line | |
Constructor. | |
lineage — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ResolvedContent | |
Array of Array objects (sub-array element 0 is a String representing a module GUID, sub-array element 1 is an int representing the module's identifier) representing every parent module in the result's lineage if the content was nested in a list or condition. | |
Linear — clase, Paquete fl.motion.easing | |
La clase Linear define funciones de aceleración para la implementación de movimiento no acelerado con animaciones de ActionScript. | |
Linear — clase, Paquete mx.effects.easing | |
The Linear class defines easing functions to implement linear motion with Flex effect classes. | |
Linear — clase, Paquete spark.effects.easing | |
The Linear class defines an easing with three phases: acceleration, uniform motion, and deceleration. | |
Linear(easeInFraction:Number, easeOutFraction:Number) — Información sobre, clase spark.effects.easing.Linear | |
Constructor. | |
LINEAR — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.GradientType | |
Valor que se utiliza para especificar un relleno con degradado lineal. | |
LINEAR — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter | |
Utilizar la interpolación lineal al aumentar las texturas suaves (esto da un aspecto suave y borroso). | |
LinearAxis — clase, Paquete mx.charts | |
The LinearAxis class maps numeric values evenly between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis. | |
LinearAxis() — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.LinearAxis | |
Constructor. | |
LinearGradient — clase, Paquete mx.graphics | |
The LinearGradient class lets you specify the fill of a graphical element, where a gradient specifies a gradual color transition in the fill color. | |
LinearGradient() — Información sobre, clase mx.graphics.LinearGradient | |
Constructor. | |
LinearGradientStroke — clase, Paquete mx.graphics | |
The LinearGradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke. | |
LinearGradientStroke(weight:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — Información sobre, clase mx.graphics.LinearGradientStroke | |
Constructor. | |
LINEAR_RGB — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.InterpolationMethod | |
Especifica que debe utilizarse el método de interpolación RGB lineal. | |
lineBitmapStyle(bitmap:flash.display:BitmapData, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, repeat:Boolean, smooth:Boolean) — método, clase flash.display.Graphics | |
Especifica un mapa de bits para utilizar en el trazo de líneas de dibujo. | |
lineBreak — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: controla el ajuste del texto dentro del contenedor (adopta el valor predeterminado si es undefined durante el proceso). | |
lineBreak — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: controla el ajuste del texto dentro del contenedor (adopta el valor predeterminado si es undefined durante el proceso). | |
lineBreak — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Controla el ajuste de texto en el contenedor (adopta su valor predeterminado si es undefined durante el proceso). | |
lineBreak — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Controla el ajuste de texto en el contenedor (adopta su valor predeterminado si es undefined durante el proceso). | |
lineBreak — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Controls word wrapping within the container. | |
lineBreak — Estilo, clase spark.components.Label | |
Controls word wrapping within the container. | |
lineBreak — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
Controls word wrapping within the container. | |
lineBreak — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Controls word wrapping within the container. | |
lineBreak — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
Controls word wrapping within the container. | |
lineBreak — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Controls word wrapping within the text. | |
lineBreak — Propiedad, interfaz spark.core.IEditableText | |
Controls word wrapping within the text. | |
LineBreak — clase final, Paquete flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Define valores para establecer la propiedad lineBreak de TextLayoutFormat para especificar cómo se dividen las líneas en el texto ajustado. | |
LineChart — clase, Paquete mx.charts | |
The LineChart control represents a data series as points connected by a continuous line. | |
LineChart() — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.LineChart | |
Constructor. | |
lineCountLimit — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.factory.TruncationOptions | |
El número máximo de líneas para crear. | |
lineDisplayer — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.ContainerLayoutAssignmentEditor | |
A skin part that defines LineDisplayer component A skin part that defines LineDisplayer component | |
LINE_DOWN — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved down by one line. | |
lineEnding — Propiedad estática, clase flash.filesystem.File | |
La secuencia de caracteres de final de línea utilizada por el sistema operativo. | |
LineFormattedTarget — clase, Paquete mx.logging.targets | |
All logger target implementations that have a formatted line style output should extend this class. | |
LineFormattedTarget() — Información sobre, clase mx.logging.targets.LineFormattedTarget | |
Constructor. | |
lineGap — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.FontMetrics | |
El valor lineGap es el espacio sugerido entre líneas. | |
lineGradientStyle(type:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, spreadMethod:String, interpolationMethod:String, focalPointRatio:Number) — método, clase flash.display.Graphics | |
Especifica un degradado para utilizar en el trazo de líneas de dibujo. | |
lineHeight — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: controles de interlineado para el texto. | |
lineHeight — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: controles de interlineado para el texto. | |
lineHeight — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Controles de interlineado para el texto. | |
lineHeight — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Controles de interlineado para el texto. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.Label | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.DataGrid | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
lineHeight — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Leading controls for the text. | |
LINE_HEIGHT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.BaselineOffset | |
Especifica un desplazamiento equivalente a la altura de la línea. | |
lineHeightChange — Evento, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
Event dispatched when line height is changed. | |
lineHeightListDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
A skin part that defines the list of line height values A skin part that defines the list of line height values | |
lineJustification — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.TextJustifier | |
Especifica la justificación de la línea del texto en un bloque de texto. | |
LineJustification — clase final, Paquete flash.text.engine | |
La clase LineJustification es una enumeración de valores constantes empleados al establecer la propiedad lineJustfication de la clase TextJustifier. | |
LINE_LEFT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved left by one line. | |
lineLength — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
Accessor for lineLength value | |
lineOffset — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
El desplazamiento de la línea, en píxeles, desde el margen del contenedor correspondiente (como dictan la dirección del párrafo y la progresión de bloque de contenedores), antes de la alineación en el párrafo. | |
LineRenderer — clase, Paquete mx.charts.renderers | |
A simple implementation of a line segment renderer that is used by LineSeries objects. | |
LineRenderer() — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.renderers.LineRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
LINE_RIGHT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved right by one line. | |
lineRotation — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.TextBlock | |
Gira las líneas de texto del bloque de texto como una unidad. | |
LineScaleMode — clase final, Paquete flash.display | |
La clase LineScaleMode proporciona valores para el parámetro scaleMode en el método Graphics.lineStyle(). | |
lineScrollSize — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
Obtiene o define un valor que representa el incremento que la página se desplaza al presionar la guía de la barra de desplazamiento. | |
lineScrollSize — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Amount to scroll when an arrow button is pressed, in pixels. | |
lineSegmentRenderer — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
A factory that represents the class the series uses to represent the individual line segments in the series. | |
lineSegmentType — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
The class used by this series to store all data necessary to represent a line segment. | |
LineSeries — clase, Paquete mx.charts.series | |
Defines a data series for a LineChart control. | |
LineSeries() — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
Constructor. | |
LineSeriesAutomationImpl — clase, Paquete mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LineSeries class. | |
LineSeriesAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts.series:LineSeries) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.delegates.charts.LineSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
LineSeriesItem — clase, Paquete mx.charts.series.items | |
Represents the information required to render an item as part of a LineSeries. | |
LineSeriesItem(element:mx.charts.series:LineSeries, data:Object, index:uint) — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesItem | |
Constructor. | |
LineSeriesRenderData — clase, Paquete mx.charts.series.renderData | |
Represents all the information needed by the LineSeries to render. | |
LineSeriesRenderData(cache:Array, filteredCache:Array, validPoints:Number, segments:Array, radius:Number) — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.series.renderData.LineSeriesRenderData | |
Constructor. | |
LineSeriesSegment — clase, Paquete mx.charts.series.items | |
Represents the information required to render a segment in a LineSeries. | |
LineSeriesSegment(element:mx.charts.series:LineSeries, index:uint, items:Array, start:uint, end:uint) — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesSegment | |
Constructor. | |
lineShaderStyle(shader:flash.display:Shader, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — método, clase flash.display.Graphics | |
Especifica un sombreado para utilizar en el trazo de líneas de dibujo. | |
lineStroke — Estilo, clase mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
Sets the stroke for the actual line segments. | |
lineStyle(thickness:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — método, clase flash.display.Graphics | |
Especifica un estilo de línea de degradado que se utilizará en las siguientes llamadas a métodos Graphics, como el método lineTo() o drawCircle(). | |
lineStyle(thickness:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — método, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Specifies a line style that Flash uses for subsequent calls to other Graphics methods (such as lineTo() or drawCircle()) for the object. | |
lineStyle(thickness:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — método, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Specifies a line style that Flash uses for subsequent calls to other Graphics methods (such as lineTo() or drawCircle()) for the object. | |
lineThrough — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: si es true, se aplica el tachado (una línea dibujada en el centro del texto). | |
lineThrough — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: si es true, se aplica el tachado (una línea dibujada en el centro del texto). | |
lineThrough — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Si es true, se aplica el tachado (una línea dibujada en el centro del texto). | |
lineThrough — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Si es true, se aplica el tachado (una línea dibujada en el centro del texto). | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.Label | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.DataGrid | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineThrough — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. | |
lineTo(x:Number, y:Number) — método, clase flash.display.Graphics | |
Dibuja una línea utilizando el estilo de línea actual desde la posición de dibujo actual hasta (x, y); la posición de dibujo actual se establece posteriormente como (x, y). | |
lineTo(x:Number, y:Number) — método, clase flash.display.GraphicsPath | |
Añade un nuevo comando "lineTo" al vector commands y nuevas coordenadas al vector data. | |
lineTo(x:any, y:any) — método, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Draws a line using the current line style from the current drawing position to (x, y); the current drawing position is then set to (x, y). | |
lineTo(angle:any, radial:any) — método, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Draws a line using the current line style from the current drawing position to (angle, radial); the current drawing position is then set to (angle, radial). | |
LINE_TO — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand | |
Especifica un comando de dibujo que dibuja una línea desde la posición actual de dibujo hasta las coordenadas x e y especificadas en el vector de datos. | |
LINE_UP — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved up by one line. | |
lineWeight — Estilo, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressSpinner | |
lineWeight — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
Accessor for lineWeight value | |
LINING — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.text.engine.DigitCase | |
Se utiliza para especificar la caja de dígitos de alineación. | |
link — Evento, clase fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Se distribuye cuando un usuario hace clic en el hipervínculo de un campo de texto compatible con HTML, donde la URL empieza por "event:". | |
link — Evento, clase flash.text.TextField | |
Se distribuye cuando un usuario hace clic en el hipervínculo de un campo de texto compatible con HTML, donde la URL empieza por "event:". | |
link — Propiedad, clase flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
Objeto URLRequest del vínculo. | |
link — Evento, clase mx.controls.Label | |
Dispatched when a user clicks a hyperlink in an HTML-enabled text field, where the URL begins with "event:". | |
link — Evento, clase mx.controls.TextArea | |
Dispatched when a user clicks a hyperlink in text defined by the htmlText property, where the URL begins with "event:". | |
LINK — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.desktop.NativeDragActions | |
Define la cadena que se va a utilizar para la acción link. | |
LINK — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.events.TextEvent | |
Define el valor de la propiedad type para un objeto de evento link. | |
LINK — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkState | |
Valor para el estado normal predeterminado del vínculo. | |
LINK — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.managers.DragManager | |
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "link". | |
linkActiveFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Define los atributos de formato utilizados por los vínculos de estado normal. | |
linkActiveFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Define los atributos de formato utilizados por los vínculos de estado normal. | |
linkActiveFormat — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Define los atributos de formato utilizados por los vínculos de estado normal. | |
linkActiveFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Define los atributos de formato utilizados por los vínculos de estado normal. | |
linkageEditorGroup — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.DataLinkageEditorStack | |
A skin part that defines the group to hold linkage editor A skin part that defines the group to hold linkage editor | |
linkageID — Propiedad, clase fl.motion.Source | |
Indica el identificador de vinculación de biblioteca del símbolo desde el que se generó la instancia de Motion. | |
linkageTypeListDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.DataLinkageEditorStack | |
A skin part that defines the linkage type list A skin part that defines the linkage type list | |
LinkBar — clase, Paquete mx.controls | |
A LinkBar control defines a horizontal or vertical row of LinkButton controls that designate a series of link destinations. | |
LinkBar() — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Constructor. | |
LinkBarAutomationImpl — clase, Paquete mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LinkBar control. | |
LinkBarAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:LinkBar) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.delegates.controls.LinkBarAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
linkButton — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.HoverRenderer | |
LinkButton — clase, Paquete mx.controls | |
The LinkButton control is a borderless Button control whose contents are highlighted when a user moves the mouse over it. | |
LinkButton() — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.LinkButton | |
Constructor. | |
LinkButtonAccImpl — clase, Paquete mx.accessibility | |
LinkButtonAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the LinkButton class. | |
LinkButtonAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Información sobre, clase mx.accessibility.LinkButtonAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
LinkButtonSkin — clase, Paquete mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of a LinkButton. | |
LinkButtonSkin — clase, Paquete mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the MX LinkButton component. | |
LinkButtonSkin — clase, Paquete mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX LinkButton component. | |
LinkButtonSkin() — Información sobre, clase mx.skins.halo.LinkButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
LinkButtonSkin() — Información sobre, clase mx.skins.spark.LinkButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
LinkButtonSkin() — Información sobre, clase mx.skins.wireframe.LinkButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
linkButtonStyleName — Estilo, clase mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Name of CSS style declaration that specifies the styles to use for the link button navigation items. | |
linkCursor — Estilo, clase mx.managers.DragManager | |
Cursor displayed during a link operation. | |
linkedDDElement — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.DDELinkageAssignmentEditor | |
A skin part that defines linked dde A skin part that defines linked dde | |
LinkedList — clase, Paquete mx.utils | |
Provides a generic doubly linked list implementation. | |
LinkedList() — Información sobre, clase mx.utils.LinkedList | |
Constructor. | |
LinkedListNode — clase, Paquete mx.utils | |
Class representing a doubly linked list node. | |
LinkedListNode(value:any) — Información sobre, clase mx.utils.LinkedListNode | |
Constructor | |
LinkElement — clase final, Paquete flashx.textLayout.elements | |
La clase LinkElement define un vínculo a un URI (Universal Resource Identifier, Identificador de recursos universal), que se ejecuta cuando el usuario hace clic sobre él. | |
LinkElement() — Información sobre, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement | |
Constructor: crea una nueva instancia de LinkElement. | |
linkHoverFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Define los atributos de formato utilizados para los vínculos al pasar por encima con el ratón, cuando éste se encuentra dentro de los límites (desplazamiento sobre) un vínculo. | |
linkHoverFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Define los atributos de formato utilizados para los vínculos al pasar por encima con el ratón, cuando éste se encuentra dentro de los límites (desplazamiento sobre) un vínculo. | |
linkHoverFormat — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Define los atributos de formato utilizados para los vínculos al pasar por encima con el ratón, cuando éste se encuentra dentro de los límites (desplazamiento sobre) un vínculo. | |
linkHoverFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Define los atributos de formato utilizados para los vínculos al pasar por encima con el ratón, cuando éste se encuentra dentro de los límites (desplazamiento sobre) un vínculo. | |
LinkListHorizontalLayout — clase, Paquete com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.layouts | |
This layout is a modification of the ButtonBarHorizontalLayout. | |
LinkListHorizontalLayout() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.layouts.LinkListHorizontalLayout | |
Constructor. | |
linkNormalFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Define los atributos de formato utilizados por los vínculos de estado normal. | |
linkNormalFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Define los atributos de formato utilizados por los vínculos de estado normal. | |
linkNormalFormat — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Define los atributos de formato utilizados por los vínculos de estado normal. | |
linkNormalFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Define los atributos de formato utilizados por los vínculos de estado normal. | |
LinkSeparator — clase, Paquete mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the separator between the Links in a LinkBar. | |
LinkSeparator() — Información sobre, clase mx.skins.halo.LinkSeparator | |
Constructor. | |
linkState — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement | |
El estado actual del vínculo. | |
LinkState — clase final, Paquete flashx.textLayout.elements | |
La clase LinkState define un conjunto de constantes para la propiedad linkState de la clase LinkElement. | |
linkToolTip — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.RichTextEditor | |
The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the link text input field. | |
linkUrl — Propiedad, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
The link URL to use when creating a hyperlink in the rich editable text field | |
list — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
A list used for the navigation area of the EmbossedNavigator component. | |
list — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
The IList object that this collection wraps. | |
list — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
The IList that this collection view wraps. | |
List — clase, Paquete fl.controls | |
El componente List muestra información basada en listas y resulta idóneo para la visualización de conjuntos de información. | |
List — clase, Paquete mx.controls | |
The List control displays a vertical list of items. | |
List — clase, Paquete spark.components | |
The List control displays a vertical list of items. | |
List() — Información sobre, clase fl.controls.List | |
Crea una instancia de componente List nueva. | |
List() — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.List | |
Constructor. | |
List() — Información sobre, clase spark.components.List | |
Constructor. | |
LIST — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for object type List. | |
LIST — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.enum.TBXType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for a List Module. | |
ListAccImpl — clase, Paquete fl.accessibility | |
La clase ListAccImpl, también denominada clase List Accessiblity Implementation (implementación de accesibilidad de List), se utiliza para hacer accesible un componente List. | |
ListAccImpl — clase, Paquete mx.accessibility | |
ListAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the List class. | |
ListAccImpl — clase, Paquete spark.accessibility | |
ListAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.List. | |
ListAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Información sobre, clase mx.accessibility.ListAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ListAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Información sobre, clase spark.accessibility.ListAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ListAssetPreviewRenderer — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | |
This class defines the preview pod shown for List. | |
ListAssetPreviewRenderer() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
listAssignmentModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListItemEditor | |
The instance of ListAssignmentModel which represent one particular item of List that is being worked upon. | |
ListAssignmentModel — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The ListAssignmentModel class represents the domain object for the assignments related to the list data module. | |
ListAssignmentModel(vo:com.adobe.icc.vo:LDMAssignment) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListAssignmentModel | |
Constructor for creating List Assignment Domain Model | |
listAttributes() — método, clase mx.rpc.livecycle.DocumentReference | |
Returns a list of attribute names for the DocumentReference. | |
ListAutomationImpl — clase, Paquete mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the List control. | |
ListAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:List) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
listAutoPadding — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: esto especifica una sangría automática para el borde inicial de listas cuando el valor de margen de la lista de ese lado es auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: esto especifica una sangría automática para el borde inicial de listas cuando el valor de margen de la lista de ese lado es auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Esto especifica una sangría automática para el borde inicial de listas cuando el valor de margen de la lista de ese lado es auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Esto especifica una sangría automática para el borde inicial de listas cuando el valor de margen de la lista de ese lado es auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
listAutoPadding — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. | |
ListBase — clase, Paquete mx.controls.listClasses | |
The ListBase class is the base class for controls that represent lists of items that can have one or more selected and can scroll through the items. | |
ListBase — clase, Paquete spark.components.supportClasses | |
The ListBase class is the base class for all components that support selection. | |
ListBase() — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Constructor. | |
ListBase() — Información sobre, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Constructor. | |
ListBaseAccImpl — clase, Paquete mx.accessibility | |
ListBaseAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ListBase class. | |
ListBaseAccImpl — clase, Paquete spark.accessibility | |
ListBaseAccImpl is a superclass of the Spark ListAccImpl, DropDownListAccImpl, ComboBoxAccImpl, ButtonBarBaseAccImpl, and TabBarAccImpl. | |
ListBaseAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Información sobre, clase mx.accessibility.ListBaseAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ListBaseAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Información sobre, clase spark.accessibility.ListBaseAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ListBaseAutomationImpl — clase, Paquete mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListBase class. | |
ListBaseAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBase) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ListBaseContentHolder — clase, Paquete mx.controls.listClasses | |
The ListBaseContentHolder class defines a container in a list-based control of all of the control's item renderers and item editors. | |
ListBaseContentHolder(parentList:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBase) — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
Constructor. | |
ListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl — clase, Paquete mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListBaseContentHolder class. | |
ListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseContentHolder) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListBaseContentHolderAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ListBaseSeekPending — clase, Paquete mx.controls.listClasses | |
An object that stores data about a seek operation that was interrupted by an ItemPendingError error. | |
ListBaseSeekPending(bookmark:mx.collections:CursorBookmark, offset:int) — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSeekPending | |
Constructor. | |
ListBaseSelectionData — clase, Paquete mx.controls.listClasses | |
Records used by list classes to keep track of what is selected. | |
ListBaseSelectionData(data:Object, index:int, approximate:Boolean) — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSelectionData | |
Constructor. | |
listChangeHandler(event:mx.events:ListEvent) — método, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
Handles when a change event occurs on the list of items in the content area. | |
ListCollectionView — clase, Paquete mx.collections | |
The ListCollectionView class adds the properties and methods of the ICollectionView interface to an object that conforms to the IList interface. | |
ListCollectionView(list:mx.collections:IList) — Información sobre, clase mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
The ListCollectionView constructor. | |
listCompoundChange — Evento, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
Event dispatched when List Compounding button is clicked. | |
listCompoundingButton — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
A skin part that defines list compounding button A skin part that defines list compounding button | |
listContainer — Parte del aspecto, clase spark.components.DateSpinner | |
The container for the date part lists. The container for the date part lists. | |
listContainer — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.DateSpinnerSkin | |
Skin part; container of dateItem list(s). | |
listContent — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
An internal display object that parents all of the item renderers, selection and highlighting indicators and other supporting graphics. | |
listContent — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
An internal display object that parents all of the item renderers, selection and highlighting indicators and other supporting graphics. | |
listContentStyleFilters — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The set of styles to pass from the ListBase to the listContent. | |
listCustomStyle — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListCustomStylePopUp | |
A skin part that defines a list displaying the custom styles A skin part that defines a list displaying the custom styles | |
ListCustomStylePopUp — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | |
The component which allows to specify a custom style when Custom style is selected from the style dropdown for a List's item. | |
ListCustomStylePopUp() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListCustomStylePopUp | |
Constructor. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridCellEditor | |
Obtiene o define propiedades de lista que se aplican a la celda, por ejemplo, el índice y los valores seleccionados. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
Obtiene o define propiedades de lista que se aplican a la celda, por ejemplo, el índice y los valores seleccionados. | |
listData — Propiedad, interfaz fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer | |
Obtiene o define propiedades de lista que se aplican a la celda, por ejemplo, el índice y los valores seleccionados. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.listClasses.ImageCell | |
Obtiene o define propiedades de lista que se aplican a la celda, por ejemplo, el índice y los valores seleccionados. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
A collection of Category objects and FavoriteCategory objects. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.task.ToDoModel | |
A collection of QueueEntryData objects and a SearchTemplateDescriptors component. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.TrackingModel | |
A collection of Process objects and a SearchTemplateDescriptors object. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.Button | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the list control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.ComboBox | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.DateField | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.HTML | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.Image | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.Label | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.MXFTETextInput | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the list control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.TextArea | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the list control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.TextInput | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the appropriate data from the list control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.MXAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the additional data from the list control. | |
listData — Propiedad, interfaz mx.controls.listClasses.IDropInListItemRenderer | |
Implements the listData property using setter and getter methods. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the component with the additional data from the list control. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.MXItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.TileListItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
listData — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer | |
The implementation of the listData property as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. | |
ListData — clase, Paquete fl.controls.listClasses | |
ListData es una clase de mensajería que contiene información relacionada con una celda específica de un componente basado en listas. | |
ListData — clase, Paquete mx.controls.listClasses | |
The ListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the List control. | |
ListData(label:String, icon:Object, owner:fl.core:UIComponent, index:uint, row:uint, col:uint) — Información sobre, clase fl.controls.listClasses.ListData | |
Crea una nueva instancia de la clase ListData según los parámetros especificados. | |
ListData(text:String, icon:Class, labelField:String, uid:String, owner:mx.core:IUIComponent, rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListData | |
Constructor. | |
ListDataModule — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.vo | |
A value object for a list module. | |
ListDataModule() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Constructor. | |
ListDropIndicator — clase, Paquete mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the drop indicator of a list-based control. | |
ListDropIndicator — clase, Paquete spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin for the drop indicator of a List component in case List doesn't have a dropIndicator part defined in its skin. | |
ListDropIndicator() — Información sobre, clase mx.skins.halo.ListDropIndicator | |
Constructor. | |
ListDropIndicator() — Información sobre, clase spark.skins.spark.ListDropIndicator | |
Constructor. | |
ListEditor — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | |
Editor to edit List content | |
ListEditor() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
Constructor. | |
ListElement — clase, Paquete flashx.textLayout.elements | |
La clase List se utiliza para agrupar elementos en una lista numerada o sin numeración. | |
listen(backlog:int) — método, clase flash.net.ServerSocket | |
Inicia la detección de conexiones TCP en la dirección IP y el puerto vinculados. | |
listener — Propiedad, clase mx.effects.Tween | |
Object that is notified at each interval of the animation. | |
listener — Propiedad, clase mx.events.EventListenerRequest | |
The method or function to call | |
listener — Propiedad, clase mx.validators.Validator | |
Specifies the validation listener. | |
listener — Propiedad, clase spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Specifies the validation listener. | |
listening — Propiedad, clase flash.net.ServerSocket | |
Indica si el socket de servidor detecta conexiones entrantes. | |
ListEvent — clase, Paquete fl.events | |
La clase ListEvent define eventos para componentes basados en listas, entre los que se incluyen List, DataGrid, TileList y ComboBox. | |
ListEvent — clase, Paquete mx.events | |
The ListEvent class represents events associated with items in list-based controls such as List, Tree, Menu, and DataGrid. | |
ListEvent — clase, Paquete spark.events | |
ListEvents dispatched by ListBase components like ButtonBar and List in response to MouseEvents are constructed with the incoming mouse event's properties. | |
ListEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, columnIndex:int, rowIndex:int, index:int, item:Object) — Información sobre, clase fl.events.ListEvent | |
Crea un nuevo objeto ListEvent con los parámetros especificados. | |
ListEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, columnIndex:int, rowIndex:int, reason:String, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — Información sobre, clase mx.events.ListEvent | |
Constructor. | |
ListEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, localX:Number, localY:Number, relatedObject:flash.display:InteractiveObject, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, buttonDown:Boolean, delta:int, itemIndex:int, item:Object, itemRenderer:spark.components:IItemRenderer) — Información sobre, clase spark.events.ListEvent | |
Constructor. | |
ListEventReason — clase final, Paquete mx.events | |
Constants for the values of the reason property of a ListEvent object where the value of the type property is ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END. | |
listExpressions() — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.expression.IExpressionProvider | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of all available expressions. | |
listExpressions() — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.expression.IExpressionService | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of available expressions from the expression repository. | |
listFilterBtn — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.ContentLibrary | |
A skin part that defines list filter button A skin part that defines list filter button | |
listFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.operations.CreateListOperation | |
Objeto TextLayoutFormat que se va a aplicar al nuevo elemento ListElement. | |
listFunctionFamilies() — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method.IFunctionProvider | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of all available function-families. | |
listFunctionFamilies() — método, clase com.adobe.solutions.exm.impl.method.FunctionService | |
Fires an asynchronous RPC call for listing available function-families and returns the token. | |
listFunctionFamilies() — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.method.IFunctionService | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of available function-families. | |
ListHandler — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | |
The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type List. | |
ListHandler() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Constructor. | |
listIndentButton — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
A skin part that defines the list indent button A skin part that defines the list indent button | |
listIndentChange — Evento, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
Event dispatched when List indent button is clicked. | |
ListItemDragProxy — clase, Paquete mx.controls.listClasses | |
The default drag proxy used when dragging from an MX list-based control (except for the DataGrid class). | |
ListItemDragProxy — clase, Paquete spark.components.supportClasses | |
The ListItemDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used when dragging from a Spark List based control. | |
ListItemDragProxy() — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemDragProxy | |
Constructor. | |
ListItemDragProxy() — Información sobre, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ListItemDragProxy | |
Constructor. | |
listItemEditor — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListAssetPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the item renderer of assetList A skin part that defines the item renderer of assetList | |
listItemEditor — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
A skin part that defines the renderer for the list of assets A skin part that defines the renderer for the list of assets | |
ListItemEditor — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation | |
The component which renders the item in List inserted from the Content Library | |
ListItemEditor() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListItemEditor | |
Constructor. | |
ListItemElement — clase final, Paquete flashx.textLayout.elements | |
ListItemElement es un elemento de una lista. | |
ListItemPreviewRenderer — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview | |
This class defines the renderer used for rendering the List items in List preview pod. | |
ListItemPreviewRenderer() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListItemPreviewRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
listItemRenderer — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
The item renderer associated with the list. | |
ListItemRenderer — clase, Paquete mx.controls.listClasses | |
The ListItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a List control. | |
ListItemRenderer() — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
ListItemRendererAutomationImpl — clase, Paquete mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListItemRenderer class. | |
ListItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.listClasses:ListItemRenderer) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.delegates.controls.ListItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
listItems — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
An Array of Arrays that contains the item renderer instances that render each data provider item. | |
listItems — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
An Array of Arrays that contains the itemRenderer instances that render each data provider item. | |
listItems — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
An Array of Arrays that contains the item renderer instances that render each data provider item. | |
listItemsDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
A skin part that defines the list of assets A skin part that defines the list of assets | |
listItemsDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ModuleItemRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the display list of child modules of a ListModuleInstance. A skin part that defines the display list of child modules of a ListModuleInstance. | |
ListItemSelectEvent — clase, Paquete mx.automation.events | |
The ListItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a list-based control such as a Menu, DataGrid, or Tree control is selected or deselected. | |
ListItemSelectEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, triggerEvent:flash.events:Event, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean) — Información sobre, clase mx.automation.events.ListItemSelectEvent | |
Constructor. | |
listItemsStylesDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
A skin part that defines the list of numbering styles A skin part that defines the list of numbering styles | |
listLocalFunctions(familyId:String) — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method.IFunctionProvider | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of all local functions belonging to the given family. | |
listLocalFunctions(familyId:String) — método, clase com.adobe.solutions.exm.impl.method.FunctionService | |
Fires an asynchronous RPC call for listing local functions belonging to the given family, and returns the token. | |
listLocalFunctions(familyId:String) — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.method.IFunctionService | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of local functions belonging to the given family. | |
listMarkerFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: define los atributos de formato de lista de marcadores. | |
listMarkerFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: define los atributos de formato de lista de marcadores. | |
listMarkerFormat — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Define los atributos de formato de lista de marcadores. | |
listMarkerFormat — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Define los atributos de formato de lista de marcadores. | |
ListMarkerFormat — clase, Paquete flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Define el formato del marcador en un objeto ListItemElement. | |
ListMarkerFormat(initialValues:flashx.textLayout.formats:IListMarkerFormat) — Información sobre, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.ListMarkerFormat | |
Crea un elemento ListMarkerFormat que contiene todas las propiedades posibles para obtener un marcador de lista. | |
listModel — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
The ListModel instance currently being worked upon. | |
ListModel — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The ListModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type List. | |
ListModuleInstance — clase, Paquete com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | |
This class is the runtime representation of the list module present in the letter. | |
ListModuleInstance(vListData:com.adobe.icc.dc.data:ListData, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, remod:com.adobe.icc.dc.data.reload:ReloadModule) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ListModuleInstance | |
Constructor. | |
ListNavigatorSkin — clase, Paquete com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.skins | |
The skin for the OneLevelPanelNavigator guide navigator. | |
ListNavigatorSkin() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.skins.ListNavigatorSkin | |
Constructor. | |
listOutdentButton — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
A skin part that defines the list outdent button A skin part that defines the list outdent button | |
listOutdentChange — Evento, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
Event dispatched when List outdent button is clicked. | |
listOwnedWindows() — método, clase flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Devuelve una lista con los objetos NativeWindow que pertenecen a esta ventana. | |
listPercentWidth — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
The percent width of the list. | |
ListRowInfo — clase, Paquete mx.controls.listClasses | |
Used by the list-based classes to store information about their IListItemRenderers. | |
ListRowInfo(y:Number, height:Number, uid:String, data:Object) — Información sobre, clase mx.controls.listClasses.ListRowInfo | |
Constructor. | |
listServices(familyId:String) — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method.IFunctionProvider | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of all remote functions (services) belonging to the given family. | |
listServices(familyId:String) — método, clase com.adobe.solutions.exm.impl.method.FunctionService | |
Fires an asynchronous RPC call for listing remote functions belonging to the given family, and returns the token. | |
listServices(familyId:String) — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.method.IFunctionService | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of remote functions (services) belonging to the given family. | |
listSettingBtn — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ModuleItemRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the settings button for a nested list. A skin part that defines the settings button for a nested list. | |
ListSkin — clase, Paquete spark.skins.mobile | |
ActionScript-based skin for the List components in mobile applications. | |
ListSkin — clase, Paquete spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for a Spark List component. | |
ListSkin — clase, Paquete spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark List component. | |
ListSkin() — Información sobre, clase spark.skins.mobile.ListSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ListSkin() — Información sobre, clase spark.skins.spark.ListSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ListSkin() — Información sobre, clase spark.skins.wireframe.ListSkin | |
Constructor. | |
listStreams() — método, clase flash.net.NetMonitor | |
Recupera todos los objetos NetStream pertenecientes a este objeto NetMonitor del contexto de seguridad. | |
listStyle — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListItemEditor | |
listStylePosition — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: los valores aceptados son ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT. El valor predeterminado es undefined e indica que no está definido. Si son undefined durante el proceso, esta propiedad heredará su valor de un ascendiente. | |
listStylePosition — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: los valores aceptados son ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT. El valor predeterminado es undefined e indica que no está definido. Si son undefined durante el proceso, esta propiedad heredará su valor de un ascendiente. | |
listStylePosition — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Los valores aceptados son ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT. El valor predeterminado es undefined e indica que no está definido. Si son undefined durante el proceso, esta propiedad heredará su valor de un ascendiente. | |
listStylePosition — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Los valores aceptados son ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT. El valor predeterminado es undefined e indica que no está definido. Si son undefined durante el proceso, esta propiedad heredará su valor de un ascendiente. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
listStylePosition — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. | |
ListStylePosition — clase final, Paquete flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Define los valores para establecer la propiedad listStylePosition. | |
listStylePositionSelector — Parte del aspecto, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
listStyleSelector — Parte del aspecto, clase xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
listStyleType — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: los valores aceptados son ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT. El valor predeterminado es undefined e indica que no está definido. Si son undefined durante el proceso, esta propiedad heredará su valor de un ascendiente. | |
listStyleType — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: los valores aceptados son ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT. El valor predeterminado es undefined e indica que no está definido. Si son undefined durante el proceso, esta propiedad heredará su valor de un ascendiente. | |
listStyleType — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Los valores aceptados son ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT. El valor predeterminado es undefined e indica que no está definido. Si son undefined durante el proceso, esta propiedad heredará su valor de un ascendiente. | |
listStyleType — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Los valores aceptados son ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT. El valor predeterminado es undefined e indica que no está definido. Si son undefined durante el proceso, esta propiedad heredará su valor de un ascendiente. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
listStyleType — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
This controls the appearance of items in a list. | |
ListStyleType — clase final, Paquete flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Define los valores para establecer la propiedad listStyleType de un objeto TextLayoutFormat. | |
listStyleTypeChange — Evento, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
Event dispatched when List's style type is changed. | |
listStyleTypesDisplay — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
A skin part that defines the list of style types for a List A skin part that defines the list of style types for a List | |
listVariables() — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.variable.IVariableProvider | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of all variables available for use inside expressions during authoring. | |
listVariables() — método, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.variable.IVariableService | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for retrieving the list of available variables. | |
listWidth — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
The width of the list. | |
listWorkers() — método, clase flash.system.WorkerDomain | |
Proporciona acceso al conjunto de programas de trabajo de WorkerDomain que están actualmente en ejecución (la propiedad state de la instancia de Worker es WorkerState.RUNNING). | |
LiteralLinkageAssignmentEditor — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data | |
The linkage editor to link the data element of Letter Editor to a literal value which will not be editable at create correspondence UI. | |
LiteralLinkageAssignmentEditor() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.LiteralLinkageAssignmentEditor | |
Constructor. | |
literalLinkageEditor — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.DataLinkageEditorStack | |
A skin part that defines LiteralLinkageAssignmentEditor component A skin part that defines LiteralLinkageAssignmentEditor component | |
LITTLE_ENDIAN — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.utils.Endian | |
Indica el byte menos significativo del número multibyte que aparece en primer lugar en la secuencia de bytes. | |
live — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies whether the control is streaming a live feed. | |
LIVE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante asociada al valor del código de tecla del botón para volver a la emisión en directo [posición de la emisión]. | |
LIVE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.net.StreamType | |
The LIVE stream type represents a live stream. | |
LiveCycleEvent — clase, Paquete lc.foundation.events | |
The LiveCycleEvent event is the base event class for the Workspace API. | |
LiveCycleEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, token:lc.foundation.util:Token) — Información sobre, clase lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleEvent | |
Constructor. | |
LiveCycleFaultEvent — clase, Paquete lc.foundation.events | |
The LiveCycleFaultEvent event is dispatched when a fault occurs. | |
LiveCycleFaultEvent(errorMessage:lc.foundation.domain:Message, errorParams:Object, type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, token:lc.foundation.util:Token) — Información sobre, clase lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleFaultEvent | |
Constructor. | |
liveCycleUrl — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.AuthenticatingApplication | |
The URL of the Document Server. | |
liveDelay — Propiedad, clase flash.net.NetStream | |
El número de segundos de datos del búfer de la transmisión de suscripción en modo en vivo (sin búfer). | |
liveDragging — Propiedad, clase fl.controls.Slider | |
Obtiene o define un valor booleano que indica si el evento SliderEvent.CHANGE se distribuye de forma continua a medida que el usuario mueve el deslizador. | |
liveDragging — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
When true, the thumb's value is committed as it is dragged along the track instead of when the thumb button is released. | |
liveDragging — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
If true (the default) then dragging the scrollbar's thumb with the mouse immediately updates the scrollbar's value. | |
liveDragging — Propiedad, clase mx.containers.DividedBox | |
If true, the children adjacent to a divider are continuously resized while the user drags it. | |
liveDragging — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Specifies whether live dragging is enabled for the slider. | |
LIVE_OR_RECORDED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.net.StreamType | |
The LIVE_OR_RECORDED stream type represents a live or a recorded stream. | |
LivePreviewParent — clase, Paquete fl.livepreview | |
La clase LivePreviewParent proporciona la línea de tiempo de un archivo SWC o un clic compilado que se está exportando cuando ActionScript 3.0 está seleccionado. | |
LivePreviewParent() — Información sobre, clase fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent | |
Inicializa los modos de escala y alineación del escenario, define la propiedad myInstance, cambia el tamaño de myInstance al tamaño adecuado y utiliza la clase ExternalInterface para exponer funciones en Flash. | |
liveResume — Evento, clase org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Dispatched when playback resumes after a live stall | |
liveResume — Evento, clase org.osmf.traits.PlayTrait | |
Dispatched when playback resumes after a live stall | |
LIVE_RESUME — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.events.PlayEvent | |
The PlayEvent.LIVE_RESUME constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a liveResume event. Dispatched when playback resumes after a live stall | |
liveScrolling — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
A proxy for the liveDragging style of the scrollbars used by the Scroller component. | |
liveScrolling — Propiedad, clase mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
A flag that indicates whether scrolling is live as the scrollbar thumb is moved or the view is not updated until the thumb is released. | |
liveStall — Evento, clase org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Dispatched when playback runs out of content for a live stream but the stream is not done. | |
liveStall — Evento, clase org.osmf.traits.PlayTrait | |
Dispatched when playback runs out of content for a live stream but the stream is not done. | |
LIVE_STALL — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.events.PlayEvent | |
The PlayEvent.LIVE_STALL constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a liveStall event. Dispatched when playback runs out of content for a live stream but the stream is not done. | |
LN10 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase Math | |
Constante matemática del logaritmo neperiano de 10, expresada como loge10, con un valor aproximado de 2,302585092994046. | |
LN2 — Propiedad estática de constante, clase Math | |
Constante matemática del logaritmo neperiano de 2, expresada como loge2, con un valor aproximado de 0,6931471805599453. | |
load(cls:Class, obj:Object, ignoreLazyLoad:Boolean) — método, clase coldfusion.air.Session | |
Takes objects of key-value pairs as criteria and returns an arraycollection matching the specified criteria. | |
load(url:Object) — método, clase com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
Overrides the load() function and disables the ability to load any other content than what is specified in the PackageDefinition. | |
load(url:Object) — método, clase com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoSWFLoader | |
Overrides the load() function and disables the ability to load any other content than what is specified in the PackageDefinition. | |
load(exprConfig:Array, funcConfig:Array, varConfig:Array) — método, clase com.adobe.solutions.exm.mock.MockServiceProvider | |
Loads the given mock data into this provider. | |
load(request:flash.net:URLRequest, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
El parámetro de petición de este método sólo acepta un objeto URLRequest cuya propiedad de código fuente abierto contiene una cadena, una clase o un objeto URLRequest. | |
load(request:flash.net:URLRequest, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase fl.containers.UILoader | |
Carga el contenido especificado o, en caso de que no se haya especificado, carga el contenido de la ubicación identificada por la propiedad source. | |
load(request:flash.net:URLRequest, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase fl.display.ProLoader | |
Carga un archivo SWF, JPEG, JPEG progresivo, GIF sin animar o PNG en un objeto que es un elemento secundario de este objeto ProLoader. | |
load() — método, clase fl.rsl.RSLInfo | |
Inicia la descarga de RSL. | |
load(source:String, totalTime:Number, isLive:Boolean) — método, clase fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Inicia la carga del archivo FLV y proporciona un acceso directo para establecer el valor de la propiedad autoPlay en false y para establecer los valores de las propiedades source, totalTime y isLive, si se proporcionan. | |
load(url:String, totalTime:Number, isLive:Boolean, startTime:Number, duration:Number) — método, clase fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
Similar al método play(), pero carga el archivo FLV sin reproducirlo. | |
load(request:flash.net:URLRequest, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase flash.display.AVLoader | |
load(request:flash.net:URLRequest, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase flash.display.Loader | |
Carga un archivo SWF, JPEG, JPEG progresivo, GIF sin animar o PNG en un objeto que es un elemento secundario de este objeto Loader. | |
load(urlRequestToLoad:flash.net:URLRequest) — método, clase flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Carga el objeto HTMLLoader con los datos desde el sitio especificado por el parámetro urlRequestToLoad. | |
load(request:flash.net:URLRequest) — método, clase flash.media.AVURLLoader | |
Envía y carga datos desde la URL especificada. | |
load(request:flash.net:URLRequest) — método, clase flash.media.AVURLStream | |
Comienza a descargar la URL especificada en el parámetro request. | |
load(stream:flash.net:URLRequest, context:flash.media:SoundLoaderContext) — método, clase flash.media.Sound | |
Inicia la carga de un archivo MP3 externo desde la URL especificada. | |
load() — método, clase flash.net.FileReference | |
Inicia la carga de un archivo local seleccionado por un usuario. | |
load(request:flash.net:URLRequest) — método, clase flash.net.URLLoader | |
Envía y carga datos desde la URL especificada. | |
load(request:flash.net:URLRequest) — método, clase flash.net.URLStream | |
Comienza a descargar la URL especificada en el parámetro request. | |
load(params:Object, task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task, formIndex:int) — método, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Loads a form using the version of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader installed on the user's computer. | |
load(url:Object) — método, clase mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Loads an image or SWF file. | |
load() — método, clase mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Loads the media file without playing it. | |
load() — método, clase mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Loads the MP3 if the source property points to a URL. | |
load(applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain, bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — método, interfaz mx.modules.IModuleInfo | |
Requests that the module be loaded. | |
load — Evento, clase mx.rpc.soap.WebService | |
The LoadEvent.LOAD is dispatched when the WSDL document has loaded successfully. | |
load() — método, clase org.osmf.traits.LoadTrait | |
Loads this the media into this LoadTrait. | |
load(loadTrait:org.osmf.traits:LoadTrait) — método, clase org.osmf.traits.LoaderBase | |
Loads the specified LoadTrait. | |
load(source:Object, contentLoaderGrouping:String) — método, clase spark.core.ContentCache | |
Initiates a content request for the resource identified by the key specified. | |
load(source:Object, contentLoaderGrouping:String) — método, interfaz spark.core.IContentLoader | |
Initiates a content request for the resource identified by the key specified. | |
load() — método, interfaz spark.managers.IPersistenceManager | |
Initializes the persistence manager. | |
load() — método, clase spark.managers.PersistenceManager | |
Initializes the persistence manager. | |
LOAD — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.rpc.events.WSDLLoadEvent | |
The LOAD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a wsdlLoad event. | |
LOAD — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.rpc.events.XMLLoadEvent | |
The LOAD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a xmlLoad event. | |
LOAD — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.rpc.soap.LoadEvent | |
The LOAD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a load event. | |
LOAD — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.traits.MediaTraitType | |
Identifies an instance of a LoadTrait. | |
LoadableElementBase — clase, Paquete org.osmf.media | |
LoadableElementBase is the base class for media elements that have a LoadTrait. | |
LoadableElementBase(resource:org.osmf.media:MediaResourceBase, loader:org.osmf.traits:LoaderBase) — Información sobre, clase org.osmf.media.LoadableElementBase | |
Constructor. | |
loadAll(cls:Class, ignoreLazyLoad:Boolean) — método, clase coldfusion.air.Session | |
Loads all the instances of a particular Class from the database. | |
loadApplication(specifier:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IApplicationSpecifier, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IRuntimeManager | |
Loads an IApplication from the provided specifier into the runtime, making it fully available for programmatic access. | |
LoadApplicationEvent — clase, Paquete com.adobe.mosaic.om.events | |
The LoadApplicationEvent class defines a notification of loading an IApplication. | |
LoadApplicationEvent(type:String, app:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IApplication, msg:String) — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.mosaic.om.events.LoadApplicationEvent | |
Constructor. | |
loadApplicationEventFailure — Evento, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
The loadApplicationEventFailure defines a failure notification of an attempt to load an Application | |
loadApplicationEventSuccess — Evento, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
The loadApplicationEventSuccess defines a successful notification of loading an Application | |
loadAsset(assetUri:String, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.ICatalog | |
NOT IMPLEMENTED Retrieves any file asset from the catalog. | |
loadAssetPermissions() — método, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.permissions.IAssetPermissionService | |
Fetches the current user map along with it's associated permission | |
loadAssetTypes(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function) — método, interfaz com.adobe.ep.ux.content.services.load.IAssetLoaderService | |
Fetches the Data Dictionaries | |
loadAssetTypes(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function) — método, clase com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service.AssetExplorerServiceDelegate | |
Retrieves the system data dictionaries. | |
loadAssignments(forceLoad:Boolean) — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Loads the assignments for the task. | |
loadAttachments(forceLoad:Boolean) — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Loads the attachments for the task. | |
loadBundle(bundleLoaderContext:com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader:IBundleLoaderContext) — método, interfaz com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader.IBundleLoader | |
Loads a bundle SWF file into the provided ApplicationDomain. | |
loadByPK(cls:Class, obj:Object, ignoreLazyLoad:Boolean) — método, clase coldfusion.air.Session | |
Loads a specific instance specified by the primary key-value pairs passed in the second parameter. | |
loadByQuery(cls:Class, sqlCondition:String, ignoreLazyLoad:Boolean) — método, clase coldfusion.air.Session | |
Loads instances of the type cls by taking the SQL condition for the WHERE clause to filter the instances. | |
loadBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase fl.containers.UILoader | |
Se carga a partir de datos binarios almacenados en un objeto ByteArray. | |
loadBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase fl.display.ProLoader | |
Se carga a partir de datos binarios almacenados en un objeto ByteArray. | |
loadBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase flash.display.Loader | |
Se carga a partir de datos binarios almacenados en un objeto ByteArray. | |
loadCatalog(specifier:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:ICatalogSpecifier, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Loads a Catalog specified in the passed in ICatalogSpecifier via the underlying IApplication. | |
loadCatalog(specifier:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:ICatalogSpecifier, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IApplication | |
Returns a catalog that has been deployed to the Experience Server. | |
loadCatalogs() — método, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Makes a request to load all of the ICatalog's that this Application has in its catalogs collection (of ICatalogSpecifier). | |
loadCategories() — método, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartProcessModel | |
Loads the categories from the SessionMap object and adds them to the listData property. | |
loadCompleteHandler — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.exm.expression.IExpressionLoader | |
Function invoked when load operation completes. | |
loadCompleteHandler — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.exm.expression.impl.DefaultExpressionLoader | |
Invoked in case of successful load. | |
loadCompressedDataFromByteArray(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, bytesLength:uint) — método, clase flash.media.Sound | |
carga datos de sonido MP3 de un objeto ByteArray en un objeto Sound. | |
loadContent() — método, clase fl.rsl.RSLPreloader | |
El método loadContent se llama desde el fotograma 2 del SWF envolvente cuando se suministra el nombre de la clase de contenido al método start(). | |
loadData() — método, clase com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.XMLDataLoader | |
This method loads the XML data associated to the id property in the package definition file. | |
loadDocument(validateUrl:Boolean) — método, clase com.adobe.ep.ux.webdocumentviewer.domain.WebDocumentViewer | |
Loads the content into the HTML wrapper. | |
loaded — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Checks if the underlying IApplication is instantiated. | |
loaded — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Catalog | |
Checks if the underlying ICatalog is instantiated. | |
loaded — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
Checks if the underlying IService is instantiated. | |
loaded — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Tile | |
Checks if the underlying ITile is instantiated. | |
loaded — Propiedad, clase flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Indica si el evento load de JavaScript correspondiente a la llamada anterior al método load() o loadString() se ha entregado en el DOM HTML del objeto HTMLLoader. | |
loaded — Propiedad, clase ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
The video has been found and loaded. | |
loaded — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A flag that indicates whether the form was loaded. | |
loaded — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.HTML | |
A flag which indicates whether the JavaScript load event corresponding to the previous loading operation has been delivered to the HTML DOM in this control. | |
loaded — Propiedad, interfaz mx.modules.IModuleInfo | |
A flag that is true if the load() method has been called on this module. | |
loadedApplications — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IRuntimeManager | |
Returns an array of elements that implement IApplication, representing the applications that are currently resident in the runtime | |
loadedCatalogs — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IApplication | |
Returns an array representing the catalogs loaded by the application. | |
loadedPages — Propiedad, clase mx.data.PageInformation | |
The loaded page information for the collection. | |
loadedRangeArea — Parte del aspecto, clase spark.components.mediaClasses.ScrubBar | |
An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the currently loaded in part of the video. For a progressive download video, this will correspond to the number of bytes downloaded. For a streaming video, the whole video is "loaded in" as it's quick to seek to any spot in the video. An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the currently loaded in part of the video. | |
loadedRangeArea — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarSkin | |
An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the currently loaded in part of the video. | |
loadedRangeArea — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarSkin | |
An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the currently loaded in part of the video. | |
loadedRangeArea — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.ScrubBarSkin | |
An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the currently loaded in part of the video. | |
loadedRangeEnd — Propiedad, clase spark.components.mediaClasses.ScrubBar | |
The range of currently loaded in values. | |
loader — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.exm.expression.impl.DefaultExpressionLoader | |
For loading SWF. | |
loader — Propiedad, clase fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
El objeto ProLoader asociado a este objeto ProLoaderInfo. | |
loader — Propiedad, clase fl.rsl.RSLInfo | |
Devuelve el objeto Loader utilizado para descargar la RSL. | |
loader — Propiedad, clase flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
El objeto Loader asociado a este objeto LoaderInfo. | |
loader — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.events.LoaderEvent | |
The loader for this event. | |
loader — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.media.LoadableElementBase | |
The LoaderBase used by this element to load resources. | |
Loader — clase, Paquete flash.display | |
La clase Loader se utiliza para cargar archivos SWF o archivos de imagen (JPG, PNG o GIF). | |
Loader() — Información sobre, clase flash.display.Loader | |
Crea un objeto Loader que puede utilizar para cargar archivos como, por ejemplo, archivos SWF, JPEG, GIF o PNG. | |
LoaderBase — clase, Paquete org.osmf.traits | |
LoaderBase is the base class for objects that are capable of loading and unloading LoadTraits. | |
loaderContext — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
A LoaderContext object to use to control loading of the content. | |
LoaderContext — clase, Paquete flash.system | |
La clase LoaderContext ofrece opciones para cargar archivos SWF y otros medios con la clase Loader. | |
LoaderContext(checkPolicyFile:Boolean, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain) — Información sobre, clase flash.system.LoaderContext | |
Crea un nuevo objeto LoaderContext con la configuración especificada. | |
LoaderEvent — clase, Paquete org.osmf.events | |
A LoaderBase dispatches a LoaderEvent when a LoadTrait that it's loading or unloading undergoes a notable load-oriented change. | |
LoaderEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, loader:org.osmf.traits:LoaderBase, loadTrait:org.osmf.traits:LoadTrait, oldState:String, newState:String) — Información sobre, clase org.osmf.events.LoaderEvent | |
Constructor. | |
loaderInfo — Propiedad, clase flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Devuelve un objeto LoaderInfo que contiene información sobre la carga del archivo al que pertenece este objeto de visualización. | |
loaderInfo — Propiedad, clase mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
loaderInfo — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Devuelve un objeto LoaderInfo que contiene información sobre la carga del archivo al que pertenece este objeto de visualización. | |
loaderInfo — Propiedad, clase mx.events.RSLEvent | |
The LoaderInfo object associated with this event. | |
loaderInfo — Propiedad, interfaz mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
The LoaderInfo object that represents information about the application. | |
LoaderInfo — clase, Paquete flash.display | |
La clase LoaderInfo proporciona información sobre un archivo SWF cargado o un archivo de imagen cargado (JPEG, GIF o PNG). | |
LoaderInvalidationEvent — clase, Paquete spark.events | |
The LoaderInvalidationEvent class represents events that are dispatched to notify ContentRequest instances that their original request has been invalidated. | |
LoaderInvalidationEvent(type:String, content:any) — Información sobre, clase spark.events.LoaderInvalidationEvent | |
Constructor. | |
LOAD_ERROR — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.traits.LoadState | |
The LoadTrait has failed to load. | |
loaderURL — Propiedad, clase fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
La URL del archivo SWF que inició la carga del medio descrito por este objeto ProLoaderInfo. | |
loaderURL — Propiedad, clase flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
La URL del archivo SWF que inició la carga del medio descrito por este objeto LoaderInfo. | |
LoaderUtil — clase, Paquete mx.utils | |
The LoaderUtil class defines utility methods for use with Flex RSLs and generic Loader instances. | |
LoadEvent — clase, Paquete mx.rpc.soap | |
This event is dispatched when a WSDL XML document has loaded successfully. | |
LoadEvent — clase, Paquete org.osmf.events | |
A LoadEvent is dispatched when the properties of a LoadTrait change. | |
LoadEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, wsdl:mx.rpc.wsdl:WSDL, location:String) — Información sobre, clase mx.rpc.soap.LoadEvent | |
Creates a new WSDLLoadEvent. | |
LoadEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, loadState:String, bytes:Number) — Información sobre, clase org.osmf.events.LoadEvent | |
Constructor. | |
loadExpressions(loaderContext:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, interfaz com.adobe.exm.expression.IExpressionLoader | |
This API is used to load swf in passed loader context. | |
loadExpressions(loaderContext:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase com.adobe.exm.expression.impl.BytesExpressionLoader | |
This function loads swf from byte[]. | |
loadExpressions(loaderContext:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase com.adobe.exm.expression.impl.DefaultExpressionLoader | |
Loads the SWF. | |
loadExpressions(loaderContext:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase com.adobe.exm.expression.impl.UrlExpressionLoader | |
This function loads SWF from the URL. | |
loadExtensionsConfig(locale:String) — método, interfaz com.adobe.icc.services.config.IConfigService | |
Loads the Flex Domain Model Extensions configuration parameters. | |
loadExtensionsFault — Evento, clase com.adobe.acm.solutions.authoring.domain.extensions.ExtensionsConfigManager | |
The event dispatched when fault is thrown on loading acmExtensionsConfig. | |
loadExtensionsSuccess — Evento, clase com.adobe.acm.solutions.authoring.domain.extensions.ExtensionsConfigManager | |
The event dispatched when acmExtensionsConfig has been successfully loaded. | |
loadFilePromise(promise:Object, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase fl.display.ProLoader | |
Carga una instancia de IFilePromise a través del parámetro promise. | |
loadFilePromise(promise:flash.desktop:IFilePromise, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — método, clase flash.display.Loader | |
Carga una instancia de IFilePromise. | |
loadFlexConfig() — método, interfaz com.adobe.icc.services.config.IConfigService | |
Load Flex Configuration parameters. | |
loadFlexConfiguration(reload:Boolean) — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.EditorConfigurationManager | |
Loads the flex configuration from the server. | |
loadForCompatibility — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
A flag that indicates whether the content is loaded so that it can interoperate with applications built with a different verion of the Flex compiler. | |
loadForCompatibility — Propiedad, interfaz mx.core.ISWFLoader | |
A flag that indicates whether the content is loaded so that it can interoperate with applications that were built with a different verion of Flex. | |
LoadFromDocumentElement — clase, Paquete org.osmf.elements | |
LoadFromDocumentElement is the base class for MediaElements that load documents that contain information about the real MediaElement to expose. | |
LoadFromDocumentElement(resource:org.osmf.media:MediaResourceBase, loader:org.osmf.traits:LoaderBase) — Información sobre, clase org.osmf.elements.LoadFromDocumentElement | |
Constructor. | |
loadFromURL(url:String, manifestParseContext:com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest:IManifestParseContext) — método, interfaz com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IManifestLoader | |
Load a manifest from an URL. | |
loadFromXML(xml:XML, baseURL:String, manifestParseContext:com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest:IManifestParseContext) — método, interfaz com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IManifestLoader | |
Load a manifest from XML. | |
LoadIdentity() — método, clase fl.motion.DynamicMatrix | |
Establece la matriz actual como una matriz de identidades. | |
loading — Estado del aspecto, clase spark.components.Image | |
The preloading state of the Image control. The enableLoadingState style must be set to true to enable this component state. | |
loading — Estado del aspecto, clase spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Loading state of the VideoPlayer. The VideoPlayer is loading or connecting to the source. | |
loading — Evento, clase mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched when the ModuleLoader starts to load a URL. | |
loading — Evento, clase spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched when the ModuleLoader starts to load a URL. | |
LOADING — Propiedad estática de constante, clase fl.video.VideoState | |
El reproductor de vídeo está en estado de carga. | |
LOADING — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElementStatus | |
Se ha iniciado la carga (aún sin completar) en un elemento gráfico que es una URL. | |
LOADING — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.LOADING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a loading event. | |
LOADING — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.events.VideoEvent | |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property immediately after a call to the play() or load() method. | |
LOADING — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.media.MediaPlayerState | |
The MediaPlayer is loading or connecting. | |
LOADING — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.traits.LoadState | |
The LoadTrait has begun loading. | |
loadingAndFullScreen — Estado del aspecto, clase spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Loading state of the VideoPlayer when in full screen mode. The VideoPlayer is loading or connecting to the source. | |
loadingFunctions — Estado del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.controls.FunctionsPanel | |
Loading Functions state of the FunctionsPanel. | |
loadingIndicator — Propiedad, clase spark.skins.mobile.ImageSkin | |
Displayed if the "enableLoadingState" style is true | |
loadingVideo — Propiedad, clase ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
The video is being searched for and or loaded. | |
loadLanguageXML(xmlLanguageCode:String, customXmlCompleteCallback:Function) — Método estático , clase fl.lang.Locale | |
Carga el archivo de idioma XML especificado. | |
loadLetter() — método, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.pdf.LetterPDFContainer | |
Initializes DC for filling based on the letter (and Data Dictionary Instance, if applicable) specified in the app model. | |
loadLocationUrl — Propiedad, interfaz lc.foundation.ISessionManager | |
The server URL from which the SWF file is loaded. | |
loadLocationUrl — Propiedad, clase lc.foundation.SessionManager | |
The server URL from which the SWF file is loaded. | |
loadModule(url:String, bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray) — método, clase mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Loads the module. | |
loadModule(url:String, bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray) — método, clase spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Loads the module. | |
loadNavigatorState() — método, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | |
Responsible for restoring the application's state when the persistNavigatorState property is set to true. | |
loadOnDemand — Propiedad, clase mx.data.ManagedAssociation | |
Indicates whether or not this association's value is retrieved from the server when the original item state is retrieved. | |
loadPCMFromByteArray(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, samples:uint, format:String, stereo:Boolean, sampleRate:Number) — método, clase flash.media.Sound | |
Carga datos de sonido de coma flotante PCM de 32 bits de un objeto ByteArray en un objeto Sound. | |
LOAD_PENDING — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElementStatus | |
El elemento gráfico es una URL que no se ha cargado. | |
loadPendingTasks(forceLoad:Boolean) — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
Loads the pending tasks for the process instances. | |
loadPlugin(resource:org.osmf.media:MediaResourceBase) — método, clase org.osmf.media.MediaFactory | |
Load a plugin identified by the specified resource. | |
loadPolicyFile(url:String) — Método estático , clase flash.system.Security | |
Busca un archivo de política en la ubicación especificada por el parámetro url. | |
loadPostProcesses(reload:Boolean) — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.EditorConfigurationManager | |
Loads list of processes for the Letter from the server. | |
loadPreviewVoucher(contentData:flash.net.drm:DRMContentData) — método, clase flash.net.drm.DRMManager | |
Obtiene una licencia de previsualización del servidor de licencias. La puede utilizar para permitir que un usuario verifique si puede reproducir contenido en un equipo determinado. | |
loadProcesses() — método, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.TrackingModel | |
Loads the processes that a user participated in or started. | |
loadProcessInstance() — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Loads the process instance for this task. | |
loadProcessInstances(startDate:Date, endDate:Date) — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.Process | |
Loads the process instances within a specific time frame for the process. | |
loadProcessVariables(forceLoad:Boolean) — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
Loads the process variables for the process instance. | |
loadProcessVariables() — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Loads the process variables for this task. | |
loadResourceModule(url:String, update:Boolean, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain) — método, interfaz mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Begins loading a resource module containing resource bundles. | |
loadSchema(type:Class, name:String, database:String, includeColumnSchema:Boolean, responder:flash.net:Responder) — método, clase flash.data.SQLConnection | |
Carga información de esquema desde la base de datos conectada o desde las bases de datos asociadas. | |
loadSearchTemplateDescriptors() — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptors | |
Loads a collection of search template descriptors. | |
loadService() — método, clase com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
Makes a request to load the Service by the value of the name property from the associated Catalog, and then attempts to add the service to the associated IShell. | |
loadService(service:com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces:IService, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — método, interfaz com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces.IApplication | |
NOT IMPLEMENTED Loads a service for an application. | |
loadStartpoints() — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.Category | |
Loads the startpoints collection into the Category object. | |
loadState(state:Object) — método, clase mx.containers.Accordion | |
Loads the state of this object. | |
loadState(state:Object) — método, clase mx.containers.ViewStack | |
Loads the state of this object. | |
loadState(state:Object) — método, interfaz mx.managers.IHistoryManagerClient | |
Loads the state of this object. | |
loadState — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.events.LoadEvent | |
New LoadState of the LoadTrait. | |
loadState — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.traits.LoadTrait | |
The load state of this trait. | |
LoadState — clase final, Paquete org.osmf.traits | |
LoadState is the enumeration of possible states that a LoadTrait can be in. | |
loadStateChange — Evento, clase org.osmf.traits.LoadTrait | |
Dispatched when the state of the LoadTrait has changed. | |
loadStateChange — Evento, clase org.osmf.traits.LoaderBase | |
Dispatched when the state of a LoadTrait being loaded or unloaded by the LoaderBase has changed. | |
loadStateChange — Evento, clase org.osmf.traits.TraitEventDispatcher | |
Dispatched when the state of the LoadTrait has changed. | |
LOAD_STATE_CHANGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.events.LoadEvent | |
The LoadEvent.LOAD_STATE_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a loadStateChange event. | |
LOAD_STATE_CHANGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase org.osmf.events.LoaderEvent | |
The LoaderEvent.LOAD_STATE_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a loadStateChange event. | |
loadStateChangeEnd() — método, clase org.osmf.traits.LoadTrait | |
Called just after the loadState property is change. | |
loadStateChangeStart(newState:String) — método, clase org.osmf.traits.LoadTrait | |
Called immediately before the loadState property is changed. | |
loadString(id:String) — Método estático , clase fl.lang.Locale | |
Devuelve el valor de cadena asociado al ID de cadena indicado en el idioma actual. | |
loadString(htmlContent:String) — método, clase flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Carga el objeto HTMLLoader con el contenido HTML dentro de la cadena HTML. | |
loadString(text:String, mimeType:String) — método, clase flash.media.StageWebView | |
Carga y visualiza la cadena HTML especificada. | |
loadStringEx(stringID:String, languageCode:String) — Método estático , clase fl.lang.Locale | |
Devuelve el valor de cadena asociado al ID de cadena y el código de idioma indicado. | |
loadStyleDeclarations(url:String, update:Boolean, trustContent:Boolean, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain) — método, interfaz mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Loads a style SWF. | |
loadStyleDeclarations(url:String, update:Boolean, trustContent:Boolean, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain) — Método estático , clase mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Loads a style SWF. | |
loadTaskContainer(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — método, clase lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Loads the container, whichis used for loading a Flex application in. | |
loadTasks(forceLoad:Boolean) — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance | |
Loads the tasks for the process instances. | |
loadTBXConfiguration() — método, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.EditorConfigurationManager | |
Loads the xml configuration required by the Text Editor. | |
loadTrait — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.elements.ManifestLoaderBase | |
loadTrait — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.events.LoaderEvent | |
The LoadTrait for this event. | |
LoadTrait — clase, Paquete org.osmf.traits | |
LoadTrait defines the trait interface for media that must be loaded before it can be presented. | |
LoadTrait(loader:org.osmf.traits:LoaderBase, resource:org.osmf.media:MediaResourceBase) — Información sobre, clase org.osmf.traits.LoadTrait | |
Constructor. | |
loadURL(url:String) — método, clase flash.media.StageWebView | |
Carga la página en la dirección URL especificada. | |
loadUser() — método, interfaz com.adobe.icc.services.user.ISSOManager | |
Loads the user based on the session. | |
LOAD_USER_COMPLETE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.services.user.UserEvent | |
This type of event would be dispatched when load User is complete. | |
loadViewData(value:Object) — método, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase | |
Restores the state of a navigator's view from the value argument. | |
loadVoucher(contentData:flash.net.drm:DRMContentData, setting:String) — método, clase flash.net.drm.DRMManager | |
Carga una licencia desde un servidor de derechos multimedia o desde la caché de licencias local. | |
LoadVoucherSetting — clase final, Paquete flash.net.drm | |
La clase LoadVoucherSetting proporciona constantes string para su uso con el parámetro settings del método DRMManager loadVoucher(). | |
loadWSDL(uri:String) — método, clase mx.rpc.soap.WebService | |
Instructs the WebService to download the WSDL document. | |
LoadZeros() — método, clase fl.motion.DynamicMatrix | |
Establece todos los valores de la matriz actual en cero. | |
local — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.um.PrincipalVO | |
Determines whether this principal is local or not. | |
local — Propiedad, clase lc.foundation.domain.Principal | |
The user's local value. | |
local3DToGlobal(point3d:flash.geom:Vector3D) — método, clase flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Convierte un punto tridimensional de las coordenadas (locales) del objeto de visualización tridimensional en un punto bidimensional en las coordenadas (globales) del escenario. | |
localAddress — Propiedad, clase flash.net.DatagramSocket | |
La dirección IP a la que este socket está vinculado en el equipo local. | |
localAddress — Propiedad, clase flash.net.ServerSocket | |
La dirección IP en la que el socket está detectando. | |
localAddress — Propiedad, clase flash.net.Socket | |
La dirección IP a la que este socket está vinculado en el equipo local. | |
LocalConnection — clase, Paquete flash.net | |
La clase LocalConnection permite crear un objeto LocalConnection que pueda invocar un método en otro objeto LocalConnection. | |
LocalConnection() — Información sobre, clase flash.net.LocalConnection | |
Crea un objeto LocalConnection. | |
localCoverageFrom — Propiedad, clase flash.net.NetGroup | |
Especifica el comienzo del rango de direcciones de grupo para el cual este nodo es el “más cercano” y responsable. | |
localCoverageTo — Propiedad, clase flash.net.NetGroup | |
Especifica el final del rango de direcciones de grupo para el cual este nodo es el “más cercano” y responsable. | |
locale — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.guides.i18n.IGuideResourceModule | |
The locale property specifies what language the resource modules are targeted for. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.um.UserVO | |
Locale of this user. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase flash.text.StageText | |
Indica la configuración regional del texto. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.ElementFormat | |
Configuración regional del texto. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.TextJustifier | |
Especifica la configuración regional para determinar las reglas de justificación del texto en el bloque de texto. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: configuración regional del texto. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: configuración regional del texto. | |
locale — Propiedad, interfaz flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Configuración regional del texto. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Configuración regional del texto. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase lc.foundation.domain.User | |
The locale used by the user. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.charts.Legend | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.containers.FormHeading | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ToolTip | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.Label | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.Button | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.TextInput | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.MenuBar | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.DateChooser | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.controls.DateField | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.core.UITextField | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase mx.core.Container | |
The locale of the text displayed by this component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.collections.Sort | |
The locale identifier that specifies the language, region, script and optionally other related tags and keys. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.collections.SortField | |
The locale identifier that specifies the language, region, script and optionally other related tags and keys. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.Label | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichText | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.FormHeading | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.Scroller | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.DateSpinner | |
The locale of the component. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.DataGrid | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.globalization.supportClasses.GlobalizationBase | |
The locale identifier that specifies the language, region, script and optionally other related tags and keys. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Estilo, clase spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase mx.core.FTETextField | |
The locale of the text displayed by FTETextField. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase mx.core.UITextFormat | |
The locale of the text. | |
locale — Propiedad, interfaz mx.resources.IResourceBundle | |
The locale for which this bundle's resources have been localized. | |
locale — Propiedad, clase mx.resources.ResourceBundle | |
The locale for which this bundle's resources have been localized. | |
Locale — clase, Paquete fl.lang | |
La clase fl.lang.Locale permite controlar cómo aparece el texto en varios idiomas en un archivo SWF. | |
Locale — clase, Paquete mx.resources | |
The Locale class can be used to parse a locale String such as "en_US_MAC" into its three parts: a language code, a country code, and a variant. | |
Locale(localeString:String) — Información sobre, clase mx.resources.Locale | |
Constructor. | |
localeChain — Propiedad, clase air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Un conjunto que define la cadena de configuración regional usada por la interfaz del usuario. | |
localeChain — Propiedad, interfaz mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
An Array of locale Strings, such as [ "en_US" ], which specifies one or more locales to be searched for resources. | |
localeCompare(other:String, ... rest) — método, clase String | |
Compara el orden de clasificación de dos o más cadenas y devuelve el resultado de la comparación como un entero. | |
LocaleID — clase final, Paquete flash.globalization | |
La clase LocaleID proporciona métodos para analizar y utilizar nombres de ID de configuración regional. | |
LocaleID(name:String) — Información sobre, clase flash.globalization.LocaleID | |
Construye un nuevo objeto LocaleID, dado un nombre de configuración regional. | |
localeUndefinedError — Propiedad, clase spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase | |
Error message when the locale is undefined or is not available. | |
LOCALE_UNDEFINED_ERROR — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that Locale is not defined. | |
localFileReadDisable — Propiedad estática, clase flash.system.Capabilities | |
Especifica si el acceso de lectura al disco duro del usuario se ha prohibido (true) o autorizado (false) administrativamente. | |
localFill(value:mx.collections:ListCollectionView, ps:mx.data:PropertySpecifier, ... rest) — método, clase mx.data.DataManager | |
Fills the specified ListCollectionView based on the associated <fill-method> elements based on the data from the local store. | |
localFunctionList — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.controls.FunctionsPanel | |
A list of local functions | |
localIndex — Propiedad, clase mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
When the view is sorted or filtered the localIndex property contains an array of items in the sorted or filtered (ordered, reduced) view, in the sorted order. | |
localityName — Propiedad, clase flash.security.X500DistinguishedName | |
Devuelve el atributo DN LocalityName. | |
LocalizeableMessage — clase, Paquete com.adobe.fiber.styles | |
An implementation of ILocalizeableMessage. | |
LocalizeableMessage() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.fiber.styles.LocalizeableMessage | |
Default constructor. | |
LocalizedApproverStatus — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing approver status. | |
LocalizedApproverStatus() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedApproverStatus | |
The constructor for LocalizedApproverStatus class. | |
LocalizedAuthorStatus — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing author status. | |
LocalizedAuthorStatus() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedAuthorStatus | |
The constructor for LocalizedAuthorStatus class. | |
LocalizedDocumentType — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing document type. | |
LocalizedDocumentType() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedDocumentType | |
The constructor for LocalizedDocumentType class. | |
LocalizedDurationUnit — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing duration unit. | |
LocalizedDurationUnit() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedDurationUnit | |
The constructor for LocalizedDurationUnit class. | |
LocalizedGanttItemStates — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util | |
This class provides localized values for all Gantt item states. | |
LocalizedGanttItemStates() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.util.LocalizedGanttItemStates | |
The constructor for LocalizedGanttItemStates class. | |
LocalizedOperationType — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing operation type. | |
LocalizedOperationType() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedOperationType | |
The constructor for LocalizedOperationType class. | |
LocalizedParticipantAttributes — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing participant attributes. | |
LocalizedParticipantAttributes() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedParticipantAttributes | |
The constructor for LocalizedParticipantAttributes class. | |
LocalizedProjectState — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | |
The localized project states. | |
LocalizedProjectState() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant.LocalizedProjectState | |
The constructor for LocalizedProjectState class. | |
LocalizedProjectStatus — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | |
This class handles the localized project statuses. | |
LocalizedProjectStatus() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant.LocalizedProjectStatus | |
The constructor for LocalizedProjectStatus class. | |
LocalizedProjectType — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | |
This class handles the localized project types. | |
LocalizedProjectType() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant.LocalizedProjectType | |
The constructor for LocalizedProjectType class. | |
LocalizedReviewerStatus — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing reviewer status. | |
LocalizedReviewerStatus() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedReviewerStatus | |
The constructor for LocalizedReviewerStatus class. | |
LocalizedReviewStatus — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing review status. | |
LocalizedReviewStatus() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedReviewStatus | |
The constructor for LocalizedReviewStatus class. | |
LocalizedRoles — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | |
This class handles the localized roles. | |
LocalizedRoles() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant.LocalizedRoles | |
The constructor for LocalizedRoles class. | |
LocalizedSignatureOptions — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing signature options. | |
LocalizedSignatureOptions() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedSignatureOptions | |
The constructor for LocalizedSignatureOptions class. | |
LocalizedStageStatus — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing stage status. | |
LocalizedStageStatus() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedStageStatus | |
The constructor for LocalizedStageStatus class. | |
LocalizedStageTypes — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing stage types. | |
LocalizedStageTypes() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedStageTypes | |
The constructor for LocalizedStageTypes class. | |
LocalizedStatusReasonCode — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant | |
This class handles the localized status reason code. | |
LocalizedStatusReasonCode() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.constant.LocalizedStatusReasonCode | |
The constructor for LocalizedStatusReasonCode class. | |
LocalizedTaskTypes — clase, Paquete com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant | |
This class provides utilities for localizing task types. | |
LocalizedTaskTypes() — Información sobre, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.constant.LocalizedTaskTypes | |
The constructor for LocalizedTaskTypes class. | |
localName — Propiedad, clase QName | |
El nombre local del objeto QName. | |
localName() — método, clase XML | |
Proporciona la parte local del nombre completo del objeto XML. | |
localName — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.domain.method.IFunction | |
Returns the local-name to be used for this function inside an expression. | |
localName — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.exm.method.FunctionVO | |
The local-name to be used for the function inside an expression. | |
localName — Propiedad, clase flash.xml.XMLNode | |
La parte de nombre local del nombre del nodo XML. | |
localPort — Propiedad, clase flash.net.DatagramSocket | |
El puerto al que este socket está vinculado en el equipo local. | |
localPort — Propiedad, clase flash.net.ServerSocket | |
El puerto en el que el socket está detectando. | |
localPort — Propiedad, clase flash.net.Socket | |
El puerto al que este socket está vinculado en el equipo local. | |
LOCAL_STORAGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.system.SecurityPanel | |
Cuando se transmite a Security.showSettings(), muestra el panel Configuración global de almacenamiento en el panel Configuración de Flash Player. | |
localTime — Propiedad, clase flash.media.AVTagData | |
La marca de hora de los datos de la etiqueta | |
localToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, clase mx.charts.Legend | |
Converts a Point object from local to content coordinates. | |
localToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, clase mx.core.Container | |
Converts a Point object from local to content coordinates. | |
localToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, clase mx.core.UIComponent | |
Converts a Point object from local to content coordinates. | |
localToData(v:flash.geom:Point) — método, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Converts a coordinate on screen to a tuple of data values. | |
localToData(pt:flash.geom:Point) — método, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Converts a coordinate on screen to a tuple of data values. | |
localToData(pt:flash.geom:Point) — método, interfaz mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement2 | |
Converts a coordinate on screen to a tuple of data values. | |
localToData(v:flash.geom:Point) — método, clase mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
localToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, clase flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Convierte el objeto point de coordenadas del objeto de visualización (locales) en coordenadas del escenario (globales). | |
localToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, clase mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
localToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, interfaz mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Convierte el objeto point de coordenadas del objeto de visualización (locales) en coordenadas del escenario (globales). | |
localToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — método, clase spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Converts the point object from the object's (local) coordinates to the Stage (global) coordinates. | |
LOCAL_TRUSTED — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.system.Security | |
El es un archivo local y el usuario ha determinado que es de confianza, mediante el Administrador de configuración de Flash Player o un archivo de configuración FlashPlayerTrust. | |
localUsers — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.prm.vo.ProjectVO | |
Defines a list of local users of the project. | |
localVariables — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ContextData | |
Map of variable name (String) to variable value (String). | |
LOCAL_WITH_FILE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.system.Security | |
Este archivo es un archivo local, no es de confianza para el usuario y no es un archivo SWF publicado con designación de red. | |
LOCAL_WITH_NETWORK — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.system.Security | |
Este archivo es un archivo local, no es de confianza para el usuario y es un archivo SWF publicado con designación de red. | |
localX — Propiedad, clase flash.events.GestureEvent | |
La coordenada horizontal en la que se produce el evento en relación con la clase Sprite contenida. | |
localX — Propiedad, clase flash.events.MouseEvent | |
Cuando el bloqueo del ratón está desactivado, la coordenada horizontal en la que se produce el evento relativo a la clase Sprite contenida. | |
localX — Propiedad, clase flash.events.TouchEvent | |
La coordenada horizontal en la que se produce el evento en relación con la clase Sprite contenida. | |
localX — Propiedad, clase mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent | |
The column's x-position, in pixels; used for replaying column stretch events. | |
localX — Propiedad, clase mx.events.DataGridEvent | |
The column's x-position; used for replaying column stretch events. | |
localY — Propiedad, clase flash.events.GestureEvent | |
La coordenada vertical en la que se produce el evento en relación con la clase Sprite contenida. | |
localY — Propiedad, clase flash.events.MouseEvent | |
Cuando el bloqueo del ratón está desactivado, la coordenada vertical en la que se produce el evento relativo a la clase Sprite contenida. | |
localY — Propiedad, clase flash.events.TouchEvent | |
La coordenada vertical en la que se produce el evento en relación con la clase Sprite contenida. | |
location — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundle | |
The location from which the bundle was retrieved. | |
location — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IBundleBuilder | |
The URL of the bundle. | |
location — Propiedad, interfaz com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest.IInterfaceBuilder | |
The URL of the interface SWF. | |
location — Propiedad, clase flash.events.LocationChangeEvent | |
La dirección URL de destino del cambio. | |
location — Propiedad, clase flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
URL para el contenido cargado en el objeto HTMLLoader. | |
location — Propiedad, clase flash.media.StageWebView | |
La dirección URL de la ubicación actual. | |
location — Propiedad, clase flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
Uno de los valores de TextFlowLineLocation para especificar la ubicación de una línea dentro de un párrafo. | |
location — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.HTML | |
The URL of an HTML page to be displayed by this control. | |
location — Propiedad, clase mx.events.CollectionEvent | |
When the kind value is CollectionEventKind.ADD, CollectionEventKind.MOVE, CollectionEventKind.REMOVE, or CollectionEventKind.REPLACE, this property is the zero-base index in the collection of the item(s) specified in the items property. | |
location — Propiedad, clase mx.rpc.events.XMLLoadEvent | |
The location from which the document was loaded. | |
locationAlwaysUsePermission — Propiedad, clase flash.sensors.Geolocation | |
Esta propiedad determina el uso del tipo de permiso de acceso de geolocalización. | |
locationBarVisible — Propiedad, clase flash.html.HTMLWindowCreateOptions | |
Si se debe mostrar una barra de ubicación. | |
locationChange — Evento, clase flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Indica que la propiedad location de un objeto HTMLLoader ha cambiado. | |
locationChange — Evento, clase flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Indica que la propiedad location de un objeto HTMLLoader ha cambiado. | |
locationChange — Evento, clase flash.media.StageWebView | |
Indica que la propiedad location de un objeto StageWebView ha cambiado. | |
locationChange — Evento, clase mx.controls.HTML | |
Dispatched when the location property changes. | |
LOCATION_CHANGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.events.Event | |
La constante Event.LOCATION_CHANGE define el valor de la propiedad type para un objeto de evento locationChange. | |
LOCATION_CHANGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.events.LocationChangeEvent | |
Se distribuye después de cada cambio de ubicación. | |
LocationChangeEvent — clase, Paquete flash.events | |
Un objeto HTMLLoader o StageWebView distribuye un objeto LocationChangeEvent cuando se carga una nueva página. | |
LocationChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, location:String) — Información sobre, clase flash.events.LocationChangeEvent | |
Crea un objeto LocationChangeEvent. | |
locationChanging — Evento, clase flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Indica que la propiedad location del objeto HTMLLoader está a punto de cambiar. | |
locationChanging — Evento, clase flash.media.StageWebView | |
Indica que la propiedad location del objeto StageWebView está a punto de cambiar. | |
LOCATION_CHANGING — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.events.LocationChangeEvent | |
La constante LOCATION_CHANGING define el valor del objeto LocationChangeEvent de la propiedad type antes de un cambio en la ubicación de la página. | |
lock() — método, clase flash.concurrent.Mutex | |
Pone en pausa la ejecución del programa de trabajo actual hasta que el objeto Mutex esté disponible y, a continuación, toma la propiedad del objeto Mutex. | |
lock() — método, clase flash.display.BitmapData | |
Bloquea una imagen de manera que los objetos que hacen referencia al objeto BitmapData como, por ejemplo, los objetos Bitmap, no se actualicen cuando cambia este objeto BitmapData. | |
lock(taskId:String) — método, interfaz lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Locks the task and prevents other users from claiming the task. | |
lock() — método, clase lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Locks the task, preventing other users from claiming the task. | |
LockCommand — clase, Paquete lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The LockCommand class executes the lock operation for the task. | |
LockCommand(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — Información sobre, clase lc.procmgmt.commands.LockCommand | |
Constructor. | |
locked — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.solutions.rca.vo.um.PrincipalVO | |
Determines whether the principal is locked or not. | |
locked — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.ElementFormat | |
Indica si ElementFormat está bloqueado. | |
locked — Propiedad, clase flash.text.engine.FontDescription | |
Indica si FontDescription está bloqueado o no. | |
locked — Propiedad, clase lc.foundation.domain.Principal | |
Specifies whether the user is locked. | |
lockedColumnAndRowContent — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
The sub-component that contains locked rows for locked columns. | |
lockedColumnContent — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
The sub-component that contains locked columns. | |
lockedColumnCount — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The index of the first column in the control that scrolls. | |
lockedColumnCount — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
The index of the first column in the control that scrolls. | |
lockedColumnCount — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The index of the first column in the control that scrolls, where the first column is at an index of 0. | |
lockedColumnHeader — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
The header sub-component for locked columns. | |
lockedRowContent — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
The sub-component that contains locked rows. | |
lockedRowCount — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The index of the first row in the control that scrolls. | |
lockedRowCount — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
The index of the first row in the control that scrolls. | |
lockedRowCount — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The index of the first row in the control that scrolls, where the first row is at an index of 0. | |
lockListOrderBtn — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListEditor | |
A skin part that defines lock list order button A skin part that defines lock list order button | |
lockOrderBtn — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterEditor | |
A skin part that defines the lock order button A skin part that defines the lock order button | |
log(val:Number) — Método estático , clase Math | |
Devuelve el logaritmo neperiano del parámetro val. | |
log(level:int, timestamp:Date, sequence:Number, loggerName:String, message:String, params:Object, actor:Object, error:Error) — método, clase com.adobe.gravity.init.GravityBootstrap | |
Log a message. | |
log(level:int, timestamp:Date, sequence:Number, loggerName:String, message:String, params:Object, actor:Object, error:Error) — método, clase com.adobe.gravity.init.GravityInit | |
Log a message. | |
log(level:int, timestamp:Date, sequence:Number, bundleId:int, loggerName:String, message:String, params:Object, actor:Object, error:Error) — método, interfaz com.adobe.gravity.service.logging.ILogDestination | |
Log a message. | |
log(level:int, timestamp:Date, sequence:Number, loggerName:String, message:String, params:Object, actor:Object, error:Error) — método, interfaz com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.ILogger | |
Log a message. | |
log(level:int, message:String, params:Object, actor:Object, error:Error) — método, clase com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.Logger | |
Log a message at the specified level. | |
log(level:int, message:String, ... rest) — método, interfaz mx.logging.ILogger | |
Logs the specified data at the given level. | |
log(level:int, msg:String, ... rest) — método, clase mx.logging.LogLogger | |
Logs the specified data at the given level. | |
Log — clase, Paquete mx.logging | |
Provides pseudo-hierarchical logging capabilities with multiple format and output options. | |
Log — clase, Paquete org.osmf.logging | |
Log is the central access point for logging messages. | |
LOG — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.logging.LogEvent | |
Event type constant; identifies a logging event. | |
LOG10E — Propiedad estática de constante, clase Math | |
Constante matemática del logaritmo en base 10 de la constante e (Math.E), expresada como log10e, con un valor aproximado de 0,4342944819032518. | |
LOG2E — Propiedad estática de constante, clase Math | |
Constante matemática del logaritmo en base 2 de la constante e, expresada como log2e, con un valor aproximado de 1,442695040888963387. | |
LogAxis — clase, Paquete mx.charts | |
The LogAxis class maps numeric values logarithmically between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis. | |
LogAxis() — Información sobre, clase mx.charts.LogAxis | |
Constructor. | |
logEvent(event:mx.logging:LogEvent) — método, clase mx.logging.AbstractTarget | |
This method handles a LogEvent from an associated logger. | |
logEvent(event:mx.logging:LogEvent) — método, clase mx.logging.targets.LineFormattedTarget | |
This method handles a LogEvent from an associated logger. | |
LogEvent — clase, Paquete mx.logging | |
Represents the log information for a single logging event. | |
LogEvent(message:String, level:int) — Información sobre, clase mx.logging.LogEvent | |
Constructor. | |
LogEventLevel — clase final, Paquete mx.logging | |
Static class containing constants for use in the level property. | |
LOGGED_OUT — Evento, interfaz com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.ISecurityManager | |
The event is dispatched after a user has been logged out. | |
Logger — clase, Paquete com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging | |
The standard logging class. | |
Logger — clase, Paquete org.osmf.logging | |
Logger defines the capabilities of a logger, the object that OSMF applications interact with to write logging messages. | |
Logger(category:String) — Información sobre, clase org.osmf.logging.Logger | |
Constructor. | |
loggerFactory — Propiedad estática, clase org.osmf.logging.Log | |
The LoggerFactory used across the application. | |
LoggerFactory — clase, Paquete org.osmf.logging | |
LoggerFactory defines a logger factory that serves as the initial contact point for OSMF applications to get a hold on various loggers. | |
logicalOperButtonBar — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.solutions.exm.authoring.components.toolbars.EBToolBar | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display logical ButtonBar. A Skin part which defines UI component to display logical ButtonBar. | |
login(username:String, password:String, domain:String) — método, interfaz com.adobe.icc.services.user.ISSOManager | |
Authenticates the user using username and password. | |
login(username:String, password:String, options:com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api:AuthOptions) — método, interfaz com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.ISecurityManager | |
Perform authentication with the provided username and password. | |
login(username:String, password:String, options:com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api:AuthOptions) — método, clase com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.SecurityManager | |
Perform authentication with the provided username and password. | |
login(userid:String, password:String) — método, interfaz lc.foundation.ISessionManager | |
Logs in to the server, authenticating the user. | |
login(username:String, password:String) — método, clase lc.foundation.SessionManager | |
Logs in to the server, authenticating the user. | |
login(username:String, password:String, charset:String) — método, clase mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Authenticates the ChannelSet with the server using the provided credentials. | |
LOGIN — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.desktop.InvokeEventReason | |
Solo escritorio: indica que el evento InvokeEvent se ha producido porque el usuario ha iniciado sesión. | |
LOGIN — Propiedad estática de constante, clase lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleEvent | |
The login event type. | |
LOGIN_AFTER_DISCONNECT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.messaging.channels.PollingChannel | |
LOGIN_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManagerImpl | |
The constant specifying the login exception message. | |
loginId — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.icc.vo.User | |
login id of user | |
LOGIN_INCORRECT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleFaultEvent | |
A special value that specifies incorrect credentials were used to login to Workspace. | |
loginMode — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
Login Mode for Flex apps with User Management. | |
LOGINMODE_BASIC — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
Login mode. | |
LOGINMODE_NOLOGIN — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
Login mode. | |
LOGINMODE_SSO — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.consulting.pst.vo.FlexConfiguration | |
Login mode. | |
LOGIN_OPERATION — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
This operation is used to send credentials to the endpoint so that the user can be logged in over the current channel. | |
loginPage — Propiedad, clase lc.procmgmt.AuthenticatingApplication | |
The custom login page. | |
loginUrl — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.SecurityConfig | |
The URL value used to log in to the Experience Server. | |
logLevel — Propiedad, clase lc.foundation.domain.Message | |
The logging level of the message. | |
LogLevel — clase, Paquete com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging | |
The logging level constants. | |
LogLogger — clase, Paquete mx.logging | |
The logger that is used within the logging framework. | |
LogLogger(category:String) — Información sobre, clase mx.logging.LogLogger | |
Constructor. | |
logo — Parte del aspecto, clase com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components.StandardHeader | |
Logo Logo | |
logout() — método, interfaz com.adobe.icc.services.user.ISSOManager | |
Terminates the current session and logs out the user.Will lead to one of the following events: UserEvent.LOGOUT_COMPLETE - user session has been terminated | |
logout() — método, interfaz com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.ISecurityManager | |
Logs out the current user. | |
logout() — método, clase com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.service.SecurityManager | |
Logs out the current user. | |
logout() — método, interfaz lc.foundation.ISessionManager | |
Logs off the server, which invalidates the server session. | |
logout() — método, clase lc.foundation.SessionManager | |
Logs off the server, which invalidates the server session. | |
logout() — método, clase mx.data.DataService | |
Logs the user out of the destination for the DataService. | |
logout() — método, clase mx.data.DataStore | |
Log the user out from the current destination. | |
logout() — método, clase mx.data.ManagedRemoteService | |
Log the user out of the destination for the service and releases all managed collections and items. | |
logout(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent) — método, clase mx.messaging.Channel | |
Sends a CommandMessage to the server to logout if the Channel is connected. | |
logout(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent) — método, clase mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Logs the ChannelSet out from the server. | |
logout() — método, clase mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Logs the MessageAgent out from its remote destination. | |
logout() — método, clase mx.rpc.AbstractService | |
Logs the user out of the destination. | |
logout() — método, clase mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Logs the user out of the destination. | |
LOGOUT — Propiedad estática de constante, clase lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleEvent | |
The logout event type. | |
LOGOUT_COMPLETE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.services.user.UserEvent | |
This type of event would be dispatched when logout is complete. | |
LOGOUT_COMPLETE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthStatus | |
A special value that indicates the type of event is dispatched when a user logs off. | |
LOGOUT_COMPLETE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.AuthenticationEvent | |
A special value that indicates the type of event that is dispatched a user logs off. | |
LOGOUT_COMPLETE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase lc.foundation.events.LiveCycleEvent | |
The logoutComplete event type. | |
LOGOUT_OPERATION — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
This operation is used to log the user out of the current channel, and will invalidate the server session if the channel is HTTP based. | |
logoutUrl — Propiedad, clase com.adobe.livecycle.ria.security.api.SecurityConfig | |
The URL value used to log out of the Experience Server. | |
LONG — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.data.SQLColumnNameStyle | |
Indica que los nombres de columna devueltos desde una declaración SELECT utilizan el formato de nombre de columna largo. | |
LONG — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.globalization.DateTimeStyle | |
Especifica el estilo largo de una fecha u hora. | |
LONG_ABBREVIATION — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.globalization.DateTimeNameStyle | |
Especifica el estilo de forma abreviada larga de nombres de mes y de días de la semana. | |
longitude — Propiedad, clase flash.events.GeolocationEvent | |
La longitud en grados. | |
lookAheadDuration — Propiedad, clase mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
The type look-ahead duration, in milliseconds, for multi-character look ahead. | |
lookup(assetType:String) — método, clase com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
returns the assetHandler corresponding to given assetType | |
lookup(assetType:String) — método, clase com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler.AssetHandlerRegistry | |
Returns the assetHandler that corresponds to the specified assetType. | |
lookup — Evento, clase flash.net.dns.DNSResolver | |
Se distribuye cuando finaliza una búsqueda DNS. | |
lookup(host:String, recordType:Class) — método, clase flash.net.dns.DNSResolver | |
Busca un registro de recursos DNS basado en una cadena de consulta. | |
LOOKUP — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.events.DNSResolverEvent | |
Define el valor de la propiedad type para un objeto de evento lookup. | |
loop — Propiedad, clase fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Guarda el valor de la casilla de verificación Reproducir indefinidamente para interpolaciones de movimiento; afecta sólo a los símbolos gráficos. | |
loop — Propiedad, clase flash.ui.ContextMenuBuiltInItems | |
Permite al usuario definir un archivo SWF para que se inicie automáticamente cuando llegue al último fotograma (no se muestra en archivos SWF de un solo fotograma). | |
loop — Propiedad, clase org.osmf.media.MediaPlayer | |
Indicates whether the media should play again after playback has completed. | |
loop — Propiedad, clase spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Indicates whether the media should play again after playback has completed. | |
loop — Propiedad, clase spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Indicates whether the media should play again after playback has completed. | |
LOOP — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.effects.animation.RepeatBehavior | |
Specifies that a repeating animation should progress in a forward direction on every iteration. | |
loopback — Propiedad, clase flash.media.Camera | |
Indica si una vista local de lo que está capturando la cámara se comprime y se descomprime (true) del mismo modo que con la transmisión en vivo mediante Flash Media Server, o si no se comprime (false). | |
looping — Propiedad, clase fl.transitions.Tween | |
Indica si la interpolación ejecutará un bucle. | |
loops — Propiedad, clase mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
The number of times to play the sound in a loop, where a value of 0 means play the effect once, a value of 1 means play the effect twice, and so on. | |
loops — Propiedad, clase mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
The number of times to play the sound in a loop, where a value of 0 means play the effect once, a value of 1 means play the effect twice, and so on. | |
lostDate — Propiedad, interfaz lc.foundation.ui.IReconnect | |
The date the connection was lost. | |
low — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The low value of this item converted into screen coordinates. | |
LOW — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.display.StageQuality | |
Especifica una calidad de representación baja. | |
LOW — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality | |
Define la configuración del filtro de baja calidad. | |
LOW — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.managers.CursorManagerPriority | |
Constant that specifies the lowest cursor priority when passed as the priority argument to setCursor(). | |
lower(str:String) — Método estático , clase com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Converts a string to lowercase. | |
LOWER_ALPHA — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
"Numeración" alfabética de minúsculas: a-z, aa-Zz, y así sucesivamente. | |
LOWERCASE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.text.engine.TypographicCase | |
Especifica que todos los caracteres utilizan glifos en minúscula en su salida. | |
LOWERCASE — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TLFTypographicCase | |
Especifica que todos los caracteres utilizan glifos en minúscula en su salida. | |
LOWERCASE_TO_SMALL_CAPS — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.TLFTypographicCase | |
Convierte todos los caracteres en minúscula a mayúscula. Seguidamente aplica minúscula sólo a los caracteres modificados por la conversión. | |
LOWER_CATEGORY — Propiedad estática de constante, clase com.adobe.icc.enum.CategoryType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for a subcategory. | |
LOWER_GREEK — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
"Numeración" alfabética de minúsculas - Griego: | |
LOWER_LATIN — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
"Numeración" alfabética de minúsculas: a-z, aa-Zz, y así sucesivamente. | |
lowerMargin — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.BoundedValue | |
The margin, in pixels, required below the value in order to render properly. | |
LOWER_ROMAN — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
Numeración romana en minúsculas: i, ii, iii, iv, y así sucesivamente. | |
lowerThanMinError — Propiedad, clase mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Error message when the value is less than minValue. | |
lowerThanMinError — Propiedad, clase mx.validators.NumberValidator | |
Error message when the value is less than minValue. | |
LOWEST_FIRST — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.net.NetGroupReplicationStrategy | |
Especifica que, cuando se obtienen objetos colindantes para satisfacer una petición, los objetos con números de índice más bajos se solicitan en primer lugar. | |
lowField — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines the y-axis location of the low value of the element. | |
lowFilter — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The low value of this item, filtered against the vertical axis of the containing chart. | |
lowNumber — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The low value of this item, converted to a number by the vertical axis of the containing chart. | |
lowValue — Propiedad, clase mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The low value of this item. | |
LTR — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flashx.textLayout.formats.Direction | |
Especifica la dirección de izquierda a derecha en el texto. | |
LTR — Propiedad estática de constante, clase mx.core.LayoutDirection | |
Specifies left-to-right layout direction for a style client or a visual element. | |
LUMINOSITY — Propiedad estática de constante, clase spark.core.MaskType | |
The mask respects both opacity and RGB color values and uses the strokes and bitmap filters of the mask. | |
luminosityClip — Propiedad, clase spark.components.RichText | |
A property that controls whether the luminosity mask clips the masked content. | |
luminosityClip — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
A property that controls whether the luminosity mask clips the masked content. | |
luminosityClip — Propiedad, clase spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
A property that controls whether the luminosity mask clips the masked content. | |
luminosityClip — Propiedad, clase spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
A property that controls whether the luminosity mask clips the masked content. | |
luminosityInvert — Propiedad, clase spark.components.RichText | |
A property that controls the calculation of the RGB color value of a graphic element being masked by a luminosity mask. | |
luminosityInvert — Propiedad, clase spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
A property that controls the calculation of the RGB color value of a graphic element being masked by a luminosity mask. | |
luminosityInvert — Propiedad, clase spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
A property that controls the calculation of the RGB color value of a graphic element being masked by a luminosity mask. | |
luminosityInvert — Propiedad, clase spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
A property that controls the calculation of the RGB color value of a graphic element being masked by a luminosity mask. | |
LuminosityMaskShader — clase, Paquete mx.graphics.shaderClasses | |
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the luminosity masking option (also known as soft masking) available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
LuminosityMaskShader() — Información sobre, clase mx.graphics.shaderClasses.LuminosityMaskShader | |
Constructor. | |
LuminosityShader — clase, Paquete mx.graphics.shaderClasses | |
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Luminosity' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
LuminosityShader() — Información sobre, clase mx.graphics.shaderClasses.LuminosityShader | |
Constructor. | |
LZMA — Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.utils.CompressionAlgorithm | |
Define la cadena que se utiliza para el algoritmo de compresión Izma. | |
Símbolos A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:27 PM Z