Paquete | mx.managers |
Clase | public class DragManager |
Herencia | DragManager ![]() |
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
All methods and properties of the DragManager are static, so you do not need to create an instance of it.
All Flex components support drag and drop operations. Flex provides additional support for drag and drop to the List, Tree, and DataGrid controls.
When the user selects an item with the mouse, the selected component is called the drag initiator. The image displayed during the drag operation is called the drag proxy.
When the user moves the drag proxy over another component,
the dragEnter
event is sent to that component.
If the component accepts the drag, it becomes the drop target
and receives dragOver
, dragExit
and dragDrop
When the drag is complete, a dragComplete
is sent to the drag initiator.
Más ejemplos
Dragging and dropping in multi-versioned applications
The drag-and-drop operation
Elementos de API relacionados
Propiedad | Definido por | ||
![]() | constructor : Object
Una referencia a la clase de objeto o función constructora para una instancia de objeto determinada. | Object | |
isDragging : Boolean [estática] [solo lectura]
Read-only property that returns true
if a drag is in progress. | DragManager |
Método | Definido por | ||
Call this method from your dragEnter event handler if you accept
the drag/drop data. | DragManager | ||
doDrag(dragInitiator:IUIComponent, dragSource:DragSource, mouseEvent:MouseEvent, dragImage:IFlexDisplayObject = null, xOffset:Number = 0, yOffset:Number = 0, imageAlpha:Number = 0.5, allowMove:Boolean = true):void [estática]
Initiates a drag and drop operation. | DragManager | ||
Returns the current drag and drop feedback. | DragManager | ||
![]() |
Indica si un objeto tiene definida una propiedad especificada. | Object | |
![]() |
Indica si hay una instancia de la clase Object en la cadena de prototipo del objeto especificado como parámetro. | Object | |
![]() |
Indica si existe la propiedad especificada y si es enumerable. | Object | |
![]() |
Establece la disponibilidad de una propiedad dinámica para operaciones de bucle. | Object | |
Sets the feedback indicator for the drag and drop operation. | DragManager | ||
![]() |
Devuelve la representación de cadena de este objeto, con formato según las convenciones específicas de configuración regional. | Object | |
![]() |
Devuelve la representación de cadena del objeto especificado. | Object | |
![]() |
Devuelve el valor simple del objeto especificado. | Object |
Los estilos son comunes o están asociados a un tema específico. Si el estilo es común, se puede utilizar con cualquier tema. Si un estilo está asociado a un tema específico, solo se puede utilizar si la aplicación usa dicho tema.
Estilo | Descripción | Definido por | ||
copyCursor | Tipo: Class Herencia CSS: No incluir Versión del lenguaje: ActionScript 3.0 Versión de producto: Flex 3 Versiones de motor de ejecución: Flash9, AIR 1.1 Cursor displayed during a copy operation. The default value is the "mx.skins.cursor.DragCopy" symbol in the Assets.swf file. | DragManager | ||
defaultDragImageSkin | Tipo: Class Herencia CSS: No incluir Versión del lenguaje: ActionScript 3.0 Versión de producto: Flex 3 Versiones de motor de ejecución: Flash9, AIR 1.1 Skin used to draw the default drag image, which is also called the drag proxy. El valor predeterminado es mx.skins.halo.DefaultDragImage (for both Halo and Spark themes) . | DragManager | ||
linkCursor | Tipo: Class Herencia CSS: No incluir Versión del lenguaje: ActionScript 3.0 Versión de producto: Flex 3 Versiones de motor de ejecución: Flash9, AIR 1.1 Cursor displayed during a link operation. The default value is the "mx.skins.cursor.DragLink" symbol in the Assets.swf file. | DragManager | ||
moveCursor | Tipo: Class Herencia CSS: No incluir Versión del lenguaje: ActionScript 3.0 Versión de producto: Flex 3 Versiones de motor de ejecución: Flash9, AIR 1.1 Cursor displayed during a move operation. The default value is the "mx.skins.cursor.DragMove" symbol in the Assets.swf file. | DragManager | ||
rejectCursor | Tipo: Class Herencia CSS: No incluir Versión del lenguaje: ActionScript 3.0 Versión de producto: Flex 3 Versiones de motor de ejecución: Flash9, AIR 1.1 Cursor displayed for a reject operation. The default value is the "mx.skins.cursor.DragReject" symbol in the Assets.swf file. | DragManager |
Constante | Definido por | ||
COPY : String = "copy" [estática]
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "copy". | DragManager | ||
LINK : String = "link" [estática]
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "link". | DragManager | ||
MOVE : String = "move" [estática]
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "move". | DragManager | ||
NONE : String = "none" [estática]
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "none". | DragManager |
isDragging | propiedad |
acceptDragDrop | () | método |
public static function acceptDragDrop(target:IUIComponent):void
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Call this method from your dragEnter
event handler if you accept
the drag/drop data.
Typically, you cast
to the data type of the drop target.
In the following example, the drop target is an MX Canvas container:
target:IUIComponent — The drop target accepting the drag.
doDrag | () | método |
public static function doDrag(dragInitiator:IUIComponent, dragSource:DragSource, mouseEvent:MouseEvent, dragImage:IFlexDisplayObject = null, xOffset:Number = 0, yOffset:Number = 0, imageAlpha:Number = 0.5, allowMove:Boolean = true):void
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Initiates a drag and drop operation.
dragInitiator:IUIComponent — IUIComponent that specifies the component initiating
the drag.
| |
dragSource:DragSource — DragSource object that contains the data
being dragged.
| |
mouseEvent:MouseEvent — The MouseEvent that contains the mouse information
for the start of the drag.
| |
dragImage:IFlexDisplayObject (default = null ) — The image to drag. This argument is optional.
If omitted, a standard drag rectangle is used during the drag and
drop operation. If you specify an image, you must explicitly set a
height and width of the image or else it will not appear.
| |
xOffset:Number (default = 0 ) — Number that specifies the x offset, in pixels, for the
dragImage . This argument is optional. If omitted, the drag proxy
is shown at the upper-left corner of the drag initiator. The offset is expressed
in pixels from the left edge of the drag proxy to the left edge of the drag
initiator, and is usually a negative number.
| |
yOffset:Number (default = 0 ) — Number that specifies the y offset, in pixels, for the
dragImage . This argument is optional. If omitted, the drag proxy
is shown at the upper-left corner of the drag initiator. The offset is expressed
in pixels from the top edge of the drag proxy to the top edge of the drag
initiator, and is usually a negative number.
| |
imageAlpha:Number (default = 0.5 ) — Number that specifies the alpha value used for the
drag image. This argument is optional. If omitted, the default alpha
value is 0.5. A value of 0.0 indicates that the image is transparent;
a value of 1.0 indicates it is fully opaque.
| |
allowMove:Boolean (default = true ) — Indicates if a drop target is allowed to move the dragged data.
getFeedback | () | método |
public static function getFeedback():String
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Returns the current drag and drop feedback.
Valor devueltoString — Possible return values are DragManager.COPY ,
DragManager.MOVE ,
DragManager.LINK , or DragManager.NONE .
showFeedback | () | método |
public static function showFeedback(feedback:String):void
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Sets the feedback indicator for the drag and drop operation.
Possible values are DragManager.COPY
, DragManager.MOVE
, or DragManager.NONE
feedback:String — The type of feedback indicator to display.
COPY | Constante |
public static const COPY:String = "copy"
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "copy".
LINK | Constante |
public static const LINK:String = "link"
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "link".
MOVE | Constante |
public static const MOVE:String = "move"
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "move".
NONE | Constante |
public static const NONE:String = "none"
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "none".
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:12 PM Z