El paquete mx.skins.wireframe contiene las clases utilizadas para aplicar aspectos de componentes con otros del tema Wireframe. El tema Wireframe es un tema simplificado para desarrollar aplicaciones con aspecto de "prototipo". Para utilizar estos aspectos, puede aplicar el tema Wireframe o aplicar los aspectos componente por componente.
Clase | Descripción | |
AccordionHeaderSkin | The wireframe skin class for the header of the MX Accordion container. | |
BorderSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX Border base class. | |
ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the first button in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarLastButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the last button in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the middle buttons in the MX ButtonBar component. | |
ButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX Button component. | |
CheckBoxSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX CheckBox component. | |
ColorPickerSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX ColorPicker component. | |
ComboBoxSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX ComboBox component. | |
ContainerBorderSkin | Defines the border and background for the MX Container class's wireframe skin. | |
ControlBarSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin | The wireframe skin class for the header background of the MX DataGrid component. | |
DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the separator of the MX DataGrid component. | |
DataGridSortArrow | The wireframe skin for the sort arrow in a column header in the MX DataGrid component. | |
DateChooserNextMonthSkin | The wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserNextYearSkin | The wireframe skin class for the next year arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserPrevMonthSkin | The wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserPrevYearSkin | The wireframe skin class for the previous year arrow of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the rollover indicator of a MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the selection indicator of the MX DateChooser component. | |
DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the current day indicator in a MX DateChooser component. | |
DefaultButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX default button. | |
DividerSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX DividedBox component. | |
DropDownSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX components that use drop downs. | |
EditableComboBoxSkin | The wireframe skin class for the editable MX ComboBox component. | |
EmphasizedButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the emphasized state of the MX Button component. | |
LinkButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX LinkButton component. | |
MenuArrow | The wireframe skin class for the branchIcon of a MX Menu component. | |
MenuArrowDisabled | The wireframe skin class for the disabled branchIcon of a MX Menu component. | |
MenuBarItemSkin | The wireframe skin class for menu items in the MX MenuBar component. | |
MenuBarSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX MenuBar component. | |
MenuCheck | The wireframe skin class for the check icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuCheckDisabled | The wireframe skin class for the disabled check icon of a MX Menu component. | |
MenuRadio | The wireframe skin class for the radio icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuRadioDisabled | The wireframe skin class for the disabled radio icon of the MX Menu component. | |
MenuSeparatorSkin | The wireframe skin class for the menu item separators in the MX menu component. | |
MenuSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX Menu component. | |
PanelBorderSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
PopUpButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX PopUpButton component. | |
ProgressBarSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressBarTrackSkin | The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin | The wireframe skin for the indeterminate state of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressMaskSkin | The wireframe skin for the mask of the MX ProgressBar component's determinate and indeterminate bars. | |
RadioButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX RadioButton component. | |
ScrollBarDownButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarThumbSkin | The wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarTrackSkin | The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
ScrollBarUpButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX ScrollBar component. | |
SliderThumbSkin | The wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackHighlightSkin | The wireframe skin class for the track highlight of the MX Slider component. | |
SliderTrackSkin | The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX Slider component. | |
StepperDecrButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
StepperIncrButtonSkin | The wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX NumericStepper component. | |
TabSkin | The wireframe skin class for the tabs of the MX TabNavigator container. | |
TextAreaSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX TextArea component. | |
TextInputSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX TextInput component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonDownSkin | The wireframe skin class for the close button's down state in the TitleWindow component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonOverSkin | The wireframe skin class for the close button's over state in the TitleWindow component. | |
TitleWindowCloseButtonUpSkin | The wireframe skin class for the close button's up state in the TitleWindow component. | |
ToolTipSkin | The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX ToolTip component. | |
WindowedApplicationSkin | The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:26 PM Z