Simboli A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
d — Proprietà, classe fl.motion.BezierSegment |
Il quarto punto della curva di Bézier. |
d — Proprietà, classe flash.geom.Matrix |
Il valore che determina il posizionamento dei pixel lungo l'asse y durante il ridimensionamento o la rotazione di un'immagine. |
D — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.ui.Keyboard |
Costante associata al valore del codice tasto per il tasto D (68). |
damage(startPosition:int, damageLength:int, damageType:String) — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowComposerBase |
| Contrassegna le righe come danneggiate e indica la necessità di una ricomposizione. |
damage(startPosition:int, damageLength:int, damageType:String) — metodo, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer |
| Contrassegna le righe come danneggiate e indica la necessità di una ricomposizione. |
damage — Evento, classe flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager |
| Inviato da un oggetto TextFlow ogni volta che viene danneggiato
damage — Evento, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow |
| Inviato da un oggetto TextFlow ogni volta che è danneggiato. Potete utilizzare questo evento per sapere che TextFlow è stato modificato, ma non potete accedere allo stesso oggetto TextFlow quando l'evento viene inviato. |
DAMAGE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
| Tipo di evento per DamageEvent |
damageAbsoluteStart — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowComposerBase |
Posizione assoluta immediatamente precedente il primo elemento nel flusso di testo che richiede composizione e aggiornamento. |
damageAbsoluteStart — Proprietà, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer |
La prima posizione non valida nell'elemento principale, come posizione assoluta dall'inizio del flusso. |
damageAbsoluteStart — Proprietà, classe |
Inizio assoluto dell'intervallo danneggiato
DamageEvent — classe, pacchetto |
Viene inviato da un'istanza TextFlow ogni volta che è contrassegnato come danneggiato. |
DamageEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, damageAbsoluteStart:int, damageLength:int) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
| Funzione di costruzione
damageLength — Proprietà, classe |
Lunghezza dell'intervallo danneggiato
DARK_COLOR — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.TextColorType |
Utilizzata nel parametro colorType del metodo setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable(). |
DARKEN — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.display.BlendMode |
Seleziona il più scuro dei colori costituenti dell'oggetto di visualizzazione e dei colori dello sfondo (i colori con i valori più bassi). |
data — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.event.DCTServiceEvent |
Result data that the remote call returns. |
data — Proprietà, interfaccia |
data parameter for the data field
data — Proprietà, classe |
Data for this renderer
data — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstance |
Bindable/Read-only. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The data is an arbitrary value associated with the type of fault
and varies from case to case. |
data — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.icc.token.IAsyncToken |
Associates custom data to this token. |
data — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ResolvedContent |
| |
data — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.XMLDataReadyEvent |
The XML data that was loaded by the XMLDataLoader. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The XFA xml data that was loaded by the XFADataStream. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The array of content selected by user from content library. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The ModuleInstance which is being rendered by this renderer. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The TargetInstance which is being rendered by this renderer. |
data — Proprietà, classe fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridCellEditor |
Ottiene o imposta un oggetto che rappresenta i dati associati a un componente. |
data — Proprietà, classe fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer |
Ottiene o imposta un oggetto che rappresenta i dati associati a un componente. |
data — Proprietà, interfaccia fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer |
Ottiene o imposta un oggetto che rappresenta i dati associati a un componente. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
La proprietà data dell'oggetto. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
I dati restituiti come risultato dell'esecuzione dell'istruzione, specificamente quando viene eseguita un'istruzione SQL SELECT. |
data — Proprietà, classe flash.display.GraphicsPath |
Il vettore di numeri che contiene i parametri utilizzati con i comandi di disegno. |
data — Proprietà, classe flash.display.NativeMenuItem |
Un oggetto dati arbitrario associato alla voce di menu. |
data — Proprietà, classe flash.display.Shader |
Fornisce l'accesso ai parametri, alle immagini di input e ai metadati per l'istanza Shader. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
I dati originari caricati in Flash Player o Adobe AIR. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
I dati del pacchetto datagram. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
L'oggetto MediaPromise del file multimediale disponibile. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
Contiene un payload di notifica in formato JSON. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
I dati nello streaming audio. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
Dati nel tag. |
data — Evento, classe |
Inviato quando questo socket riceve un pacchetto di dati. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
L'oggetto ByteArray che rappresenta i dati provenienti dal file caricato dopo una chiamata riuscita al metodo load(). |
data — Proprietà, classe |
La raccolta degli attributi assegnati alla proprietà data dell'oggetto; questi attributi possono essere condivisi e memorizzati. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
I dati ricevuti dall'operazione di caricamento. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
Un oggetto che contiene i dati da trasmettere con la richiesta URL. |
data — Evento, classe |
Inviato dopo che sono stati inviati o ricevuti dei dati raw. |
data — Proprietà, classe flash.ui.MouseCursorData |
Un vettore di oggetti BitmapData contenente l'immagine o le immagini del cursore. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The data contents for the task - usually XML that has been converted to a String. |
data — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.TrackingModel |
Maps the data to the selectedProcess property. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.Legend |
The data property lets you pass a value
to the component when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartLabel |
Defines the contents of the label. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip |
The HitData structure describing the data point
that the DataTip is rendering. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.AreaRenderer |
The data that the AreaRenderer renders. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.BoxItemRenderer |
The chartItem that this itemRenderer is displaying. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.CandlestickItemRenderer |
The chart item that this renderer represents. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.CircleItemRenderer |
The chartItem that this itemRenderer displays. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.CrossItemRenderer |
The chartItem that this itemRenderer is displaying. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.DiamondItemRenderer |
The chartItem that this itemRenderer is displaying. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.HLOCItemRenderer |
The chart item that this renderer represents. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.LineRenderer |
The chart item that this renderer represents. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.ShadowBoxItemRenderer |
The chartItem that this itemRenderer is displaying. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.ShadowLineRenderer |
The chart item that this renderer represents. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.TriangleItemRenderer |
The chartItem that this itemRenderer is displaying. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.renderers.WedgeItemRenderer |
The chart item that this renderer represents. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.containers.accordionClasses.AccordionHeader |
Stores a reference to the content associated with the header. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.Button |
The data property lets you pass a value
to the component when you use it as an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.ComboBox |
The data property lets you pass a value
to the component when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.DateField |
The data property lets you pass a value
to the component when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.HTML |
Lets you pass a value to the component
when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.Image |
The data property lets you pass a value to the component
when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.Label |
Lets you pass a value to the component
when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.MXFTETextInput |
Lets you pass a value to the component
when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.NumericStepper |
The data property lets you pass a value to the component
when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.TextArea |
Lets you pass a value to the component
when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.TextInput |
Lets you pass a value to the component
when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData |
The data Object from the data provider that represents the selected cell. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property as
defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property as
defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property as
defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property as
defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property as
defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
The item in the data provider this component should render when
this component is used as an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
The item in the data provider this component should render when
this component is used as an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSelectionData |
The data Object that is selected (selectedItem)
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListRowInfo |
The item in the dataprovider. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.TileListItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property as
defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer |
The implementation of the data property as
defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property as
defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe mx.core.Container |
The data property lets you pass a value
to the component when you use it in an item renderer or item editor. |
data — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.core.IDataRenderer |
The data to render or edit. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
Information about the event. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
Data related to the event. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The encoded data representing the image snapshot. |
data — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.modules.IModuleInfo |
User data that can be associated with the singleton IModuleInfo
for a given URL. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.components.ButtonBarButton |
The data to render or edit. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.components.DataRenderer |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.components.LabelItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.components.View |
The data associated with the current view. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor |
The data to render or edit. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer |
The value of the data provider item for the grid row
corresponding to the item renderer. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The data to commit. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The data item of the renderer. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.primitives.Path |
A string containing a compact represention of the path segments. |
data — Proprietà, classe |
The data to be displayed in the dataTip. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer |
The value of the data provider item for the entire row of the grid control. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer |
The value of the data provider item for the entire row of the grid control. |
data — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer |
The implementation of the data property
as defined by the IDataRenderer interface. |
data — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment |
data — Proprietà, classe |
Property to store data. |
DATA — Proprietà statica costante, classe fl.core.InvalidationType |
La costante InvalidationType.DATA definisce il valore della proprietà type dell'oggetto evento che viene inviato per indicare che i dati appartenenti a un componente non sono validi. |
DATA — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Definisce il valore della proprietà type di un oggetto evento Data. |
DATA — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Definisce il valore della proprietà type di un oggetto evento Data. |
dataArray — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ResolvedContent |
Resolved content. |
DATA_ASSET_TYPE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.BaseAssetHandler |
Constant for the Data Module handled by this handler
dataAssignment — Proprietà, classe |
Instance of IAssignmentModel which represents the data element of the Letter Editor. |
dataAssignment — Proprietà, classe |
Instance of IAssignmentModel which represents the data element of the Letter Editor. |
dataAssignmentRenderer — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the renderer for data assignment list
A skin part that defines the renderer for data assignment list
DataAssignmentRenderer — classe, pacchetto |
The renderer to render all the data elements of the Letter. |
DataAssignmentRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
dataAssignmentsListDisplay — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the list to hold data assignments
A skin part that defines the list to hold data assignments
dataBackgroundColor — Proprietà, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart |
Color of area around chart data. |
database — Proprietà, classe |
Il nome del database a cui l'oggetto schema appartiene. |
dataBufferByteLength — Proprietà, classe |
Fornisce la dimensione del buffer di dati di NetStream, espressa in byte. |
dataBufferLength — Proprietà, classe |
Fornisce la dimensione del buffer di dati di NetStream, espressa in secondi. |
dataByteCount — Proprietà, classe |
Specifica il numero totale di byte dei messaggi di dati arrivati nella coda, indipendentemente da quanti byte sono stati riprodotti o scaricati. |
dataBytesPerSecond — Proprietà, classe |
Specifica la velocità di riempimento del buffer di dati NetStream, espressa in byte al secondo. |
dataBytesToRead — Proprietà, classe mx.messaging.channels.StreamingConnectionHandler |
Counter that keeps track of how many data bytes remain to be read for the current chunk. |
dataCaptureForm — Parte skin, classe |
| The Skin part which defines Data Capture form which holds the individual form items.
The Skin part which defines Data Capture form which holds the
individual form items. |
dataCaptureFormItem — Parte skin, classe |
| In this dynamic skin part, the label and the mandatory icon is skinned in the FormItem class, while the content is skinned in the appropriate Renderer Class.
In this dynamic skin part, the label and the mandatory icon
is skinned in the FormItem class, while the content
is skinned in the appropriate Renderer Class. |
dataCapturePod — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the data capture area to allow the agent to fill in the values for the content variables.
A skin part that defines the data capture area to allow the
agent to fill in the values for the content variables. |
DataCapturePod — classe, pacchetto |
Create Correspondence UI Data Capture Panel. |
DataCapturePod() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DataCaptureUIControlFactory — classe, pacchetto |
Factory class for creating IDataCaptureUIControl data capture renderers based on the dataType. |
DataCaptureUIControlFactory() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
dataChange — Evento, classe |
Inviato dopo che i dati sono stati modificati. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.charts.Legend |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.Button |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.ComboBox |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.DateField |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.Image |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.Label |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.MXFTETextInput |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.NumericStepper |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.TextArea |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.TextInput |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.listClasses.TileListItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe mx.core.Container |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe spark.components.ButtonBarButton |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe spark.components.DataRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe spark.components.LabelItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe spark.components.View |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the bindable data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the bindable data property changes. |
dataChange — Evento, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer |
Dispatched when the data property changes. |
DATA_CHANGE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost |
Event type for the dataChange event dispatched by this host component. |
DATA_CHANGE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Definisce il valore della proprietà type di un oggetto evento dataChange. |
DATA_CHANGE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
The FlexEvent.DATA_CHANGE constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a dataChange event. |
dataChanged() — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisBase |
Triggers events that inform the range object
when the chart data has changed. |
dataChanged() — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement |
Indicates the underlying data represented by the element has changed. |
dataChanged() — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTransform |
Informs the DataTransform that some of the underlying data
being represented on the chart has changed. |
dataChanged() — metodo, interfaccia mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis |
Triggers events that inform the range object
when the chart data has changed. |
dataChangeEffect — Stile, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
| The effect used when changes occur in the control's data provider. |
DataChangeEvent — classe, pacchetto |
La classe DataChangeEvent definisce l'evento inviato quando i dati associati a un componente vengono modificati. |
DataChangeEvent(eventType:String, changeType:String, items:Array, startIndex:int, endIndex:int) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Crea un nuovo oggetto DataChangeEvent con i parametri specificati. |
DataChangeType — classe, pacchetto |
La classe DataChangeType definisce costanti per l'evento DataChangeEvent.changeType. |
dataChildren — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
An array of child objects. |
dataCompareFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.olap.OLAPAttribute |
User supplied callback function that would be used to compare
the data elements while sorting the data. |
DataConflictEvent — classe, pacchetto |
The DataConflictEvent class represents an event that
informs users of a DataService instance that a conflict
has occurred. |
DataConflictEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
dataDebug — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams |
True if DC should be run in data debug mode (which means the ICC Data is dumped to the Flash Log on every push to the PDF and inactive letters can be reloaded). |
DataDescription — classe, pacchetto mx.charts.chartClasses |
The DataDescription structure is used by ChartElements to describe
the characteristics of the data they represent to Axis objects
that auto-generate values from the data represented in the chart. |
DataDescription() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.DataDescription |
Constructor. |
dataDescriptions — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis |
An Array of DataDescription structures describing the data being represented by the chart. |
dataDescriptor — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu |
The object that accesses and manipulates data in the data provider. |
dataDescriptor — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.Menu |
The object that accesses and manipulates data in the data provider. |
dataDescriptor — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.MenuBar |
The object that accesses and manipulates data in the data provider. |
dataDescriptor — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton |
The data descriptor accesses and manipulates data in the data provider. |
dataDescriptor — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.Tree |
Returns the current ITreeDataDescriptor. |
datadictionary — Proprietà, classe |
The DataDictionary instance associated with the Condition. |
dataDictionary — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataDictionaryInstanceModel |
The data dictionary corresponding to the data dictionary instance model. |
dataDictionary — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.model.Model |
The singleton instance of data dictionary. |
dataDictionary — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryInstance |
The dataDictionary corresponding to the DataDictionaryInstance. |
dataDictionary — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryServiceView |
The data dictionary which works as data provider. |
dataDictionary — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.PreferencesManager |
| |
dataDictionary — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel |
The typed DataDictionary object being used by this module. |
dataDictionary — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleModel |
The typed DataDictionary object being used by this module. |
DataDictionary — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.transfer |
Transfer object representing a DataDictionary. |
DATADICTIONARY — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectType |
Specifies the enumerator code for object type Data Dictionary. |
DataDictionaryEditor — classe, pacchetto |
Editor to launch the Data Dictionary Editor
DataDictionaryEditor() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
dataDictionaryElement — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor |
Returns the data dictionary element. |
DataDictionaryElement — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.transfer |
Transfer object representing a DataDictionaryElement within a DataDictionary. |
dataDictionaryElementRefs — Proprietà, classe |
| |
DataDictionaryElementSubType — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.transfer |
Defines the subType of Data Dictionary Element. |
DataDictionaryElementType — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.transfer |
Defines the type of Data Dictionary Element. |
DataDictionaryHandler — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers |
The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type DataDictionary. |
DataDictionaryHandler() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler |
Constructor. |
dataDictionaryId — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryInstance |
The dataDictionaryId corresponding to the DataDictionaryInstance. |
dataDictionaryInstance — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ContextData |
Instance of a Data Dictionary. |
DataDictionaryInstance — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.transfer |
Transfer object representing a DataDictionaryInstance. |
DataDictionaryInstanceModel — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.model |
The domain class for the DataDictionaryInstance. |
dataDictionaryInstanceModelList — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.exp.DDIModelVariableResolver |
The underlying list of data dictionary instance models. |
dataDictionaryList — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel |
List of DEPDictionaryModel which works as data provider for data elements panel. |
dataDictionaryListDisplay — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines data dictionary list
A skin part that defines data dictionary list
dataDictionaryListDisplay — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines a List for displaying the data dictionary names
A skin part that defines a List for displaying the data dictionary names
dataDictionaryListDisplay — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines a List for displaying the data dictionary names
A skin part that defines a List for displaying the data dictionary names
dataDictionaryListDisplay — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines a List for displaying the data dictionary names
A skin part that defines a List for displaying the data dictionary names
dataDictionaryListDisplay — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines a List for displaying the data dictionary names
A skin part that defines a List for displaying the data dictionary names
DataDictionaryManager — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.icc.editors.managers |
The DataDictionaryManager class helps retrieve and maintain
the list of data dictionary names existing in the system. |
dataDictionaryName — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel |
The name of data dictionary. |
dataDictionaryName — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.PreferencesManager |
User preferred data dictionary name. |
dataDictionaryName — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel |
The name of the data dictionary being used by this module. |
dataDictionaryName — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleModel |
The name of the data dictionary being used by this module. |
dataDictionaryName — Proprietà, classe |
To retrieve the data dictionary name on which content library filters search result on server. |
dataDictionaryName — Proprietà, classe |
The Data Dictionary name. |
dataDictionaryRef — Proprietà, classe |
Data Dictionary Reference
dataDictionaryRef — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstance |
Returns name of the data dictionary used in this letter instance. |
dataDictionaryRef — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule |
Data Dictionary Reference
dataDictionaryRef — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio |
Specifies the name of the data dictionary that is referenced by this portfolio. |
DataDictionaryReference — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.transfer |
DataDictionaryReference is a light weight object containing only the top level properties of DataDictionary. |
dataDictionaryRefs — Proprietà, classe |
| |
dataDictionaryRefs — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule |
| |
DataDictionaryRegistryService — Interfaccia, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.service |
The interface for DataDictionaryRegistryService
DataDictionarySearchFilter — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.transfer |
Transfer object representing a DataDictionarySearchFilter. |
DataDictionaryType — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.transfer |
Defines the type of Data Dictionary. |
DataDictionaryUtil — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.util |
A utility class that is used to obtain a data dictionary element or other information related to a data dictionary. |
DataDictionaryUtil() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.util.DataDictionaryUtil |
Constructor. |
dataDictionaryUtilService — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstanceBuilder |
Instance of DataDictionaryUtilService. |
DataDictionaryUtilService — Interfaccia, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.service |
The interface for DataDictionaryUtilService
dataDictNames — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.DataDictionaryManager |
List of all data dictionary names of type non system. |
dataDictRegistryService — Proprietà statica, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel |
The infrastructure service for data dictionary mainly used internally for
fetching data dictionary objects. |
DataDownload — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.icc.vo |
A value object that is used to transfer downloadable content such as XDP or XML data. |
DataDownload() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataDownload |
dataEffectCompleted — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
A flag that indicates that the a data change effect has
just completed. |
dataEffectCompleted — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
A flag that indicates that the a data change effect has
just completed. |
dataElementModel — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.EditDataElement |
the updated data element. |
dataElementModel — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement |
Newly created and populated data element with values filled in accordance with the ui. |
DataElementModel — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.model |
The domain class for the DataElement. |
dataElementsPanel — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines DataElementsPanel component
A skin part that defines DataElementsPanel component
dataElementsPanel — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines DataElementsPanel component
A skin part that defines DataElementsPanel component
DataElementsPanel — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel |
The DataElementsPanel component displays the data elements from a set of Data Dictionaries,
and provides the option to add, edit, insert and search for an element. |
DataElementsPanel() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel |
Constructor. |
dataElementsPanelToolBar — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel |
| A skin part that defines an optional toolBar for the DataElementsPanel.
A skin part that defines an optional toolBar for the DataElementsPanel. |
DataElementsPanelToolBar — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel |
The DataElementsPanelToolBar host component contains the various ui controls that are required
for data elements panel. |
DataElementsPanelToolBar() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanelToolBar |
Constructor. |
dataElementsPanelToolBarEvent — Evento, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanelToolBar |
Dispatched after a user does some action on the ToolBar. |
DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent — classe finale, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.event |
The DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent event class represents the event object dispatched when an action on the toolbar is taken. |
DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent(kind:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.event.DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent |
Constructor. |
DATA_ELEMENTS_PANEL_TOOLBAR_EVENT — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.event.DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent |
The DataElementsPanelToolBarEvent.DATA_ELEMENTS_PANEL_TOOLBAR_EVENT constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a dataElementsPanelToolBarEvent event. |
dataElementsTable — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel |
| A skin part that defines the Flat View of the DataElementsPanel.
A skin part that defines the Flat View of the DataElementsPanel. |
dataElementsTree — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.DataElementsPanel |
| A skin part that defines the Hierarchical View of the DataElementsPanel.
A skin part that defines the Hierarchical View of the DataElementsPanel. |
DataErrorMessage — classe, pacchetto |
Special cases of ErrorMessage will be sent when a data
conflict occurs. |
DataErrorMessage() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructs an instance of a DataErrorMessage. |
DataEvent — classe, pacchetto |
Un oggetto invia un oggetto DataEvent al termine del caricamento di dati originari. |
DataEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, data:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Crea un oggetto evento contenente informazioni relative agli eventi di dati. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
Identifica il nome del campo o della proprietà nella voce del fornitore di dati associata alla colonna. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe |
Ottiene o imposta il nome del campo o della proprietà nei dati associati alla colonna. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe ga.model.PanelItem |
The name of the field within commitProperty which is written to the model. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe |
The data field of the current column being selected. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe mx.collections.SummaryField |
Data field for which the summary is computed. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe mx.collections.SummaryField2 |
Data field for which the summary is computed. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn |
The name of the field or property in the data provider item associated
with the column. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider |
The data field in the data provider for the renderer. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
The name of the field or property in the data provider item associated
with the column. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridListData |
Name of the field or property in the data provider associated with the column. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe |
The name of the field or property in the data associated with the column. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe |
The name of the field or property in the data associated with the column. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe mx.olap.OLAPAttribute |
The field of the input data set that provides the data for
this OLAPAttribute instance. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe mx.olap.OLAPLevel |
The field of the input data set
that provides the data for this OLAPLevel instance. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe mx.olap.OLAPMember |
The field of the input data set that provides
the data for this OLAPMember instance. |
dataField — Proprietà, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn |
The name of the field or property in the data provider item associated
with the column. |
dataForFormat(format:String) — metodo, classe mx.core.DragSource |
Retrieves the data for the specified format. |
dataFormat — Proprietà, classe |
Controlla se i dati scaricati vengono ricevuti sotto forma di testo (URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT), dati binari originari (URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY) o variabili con codifica URL (URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES). |
dataFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.CategoryAxis |
Specifies a method that returns the value that should be used as
categoryValue for current item.If this property is set, the return
value of the custom data function takes precedence over
The custom dataFunction has the following signature:
function_name (axis:CategoryAxis, item:Object):Object { ... |
dataFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series |
Specifies a method that returns the value that should be used for
positioning the current chart item in the series. |
dataFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.olap.OLAPAttribute |
A callback function that returns the actual data for the attribute. |
DatagramSocket — classe, pacchetto |
La classe DatagramSocket consente al codice di inviare e ricevere pacchetti UDP (Universal Datagram Protocol). |
DatagramSocket() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Crea un oggetto DatagramSocket. |
DatagramSocketDataEvent — classe, pacchetto |
Un oggetto DatagramSocketDataEvent viene inviato quando un socket Datagram ha ricevuto dei dati. |
DatagramSocketDataEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, srcAddress:String, srcPort:int, dstAddress:String, dstPort:int, data:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Crea un oggetto Event contenente informazioni relative agli eventi datagram. |
dataGrid — Proprietà, classe |
| |
dataGrid — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the datagrid that shows version of various resources
A skin part that defines the datagrid that shows version of various resources
dataGrid — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the datagrid to show version of various resources
A skin part that defines the datagrid to show version of various resources
dataGrid — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the datagrid to show version of various resources
A skin part that defines the datagrid to show version of various resources
dataGrid — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader |
The DataGrid control associated with this renderer. |
dataGrid — Proprietà, classe spark.components.Grid |
The DataGrid control for which this Grid is used as the grid skin part. |
dataGrid — Proprietà, classe spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup |
The DataGrid control that defines the column layout and
horizontal scroll position for this component. |
dataGrid — Proprietà, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor |
The control that owns this item editor. |
dataGrid — Proprietà, interfaccia spark.components.gridClasses.IDataGridElement |
The DataGrid control associated with this element. |
dataGrid — Proprietà, interfaccia spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemEditor |
The control that owns this item editor. |
DataGrid — classe, pacchetto fl.controls |
La classe DataGrid è un componente basato su elenco che fornisce una griglia di righe e colonne. |
DataGrid — classe, pacchetto mx.controls |
The DataGrid control is like a List except that it can
show more than one column of data making it suited for showing
objects with multiple properties. |
DataGrid — classe, pacchetto spark.components |
The DataGrid displays a row of column headings above a scrollable grid. |
DataGrid() — Funzione di costruzione, classe fl.controls.DataGrid |
Crea una nuova istanza del componente DataGrid. |
DataGrid() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.DataGrid |
Constructor. |
DataGrid() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.components.DataGrid |
Constructor. |
DataGridAccImpl — classe, pacchetto fl.accessibility |
La classe DataGridAccImpl, definita anche come classe di implementazione dell'accessibilità per DataGrid, viene utilizzata per rendere accessibile un componente DataGrid. |
DataGridAccImpl — classe, pacchetto mx.accessibility |
DataGridAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation
which implements accessibility for the DataGrid class. |
DataGridAccImpl — classe, pacchetto spark.accessibility |
This is the accessibility implementation class for
spark.components.DataGrid. |
DataGridAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.accessibility.DataGridAccImpl |
Constructor. |
DataGridAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.accessibility.DataGridAccImpl |
Constructor. |
DataGridAutomationImpl — classe, pacchetto mx.automation.delegates.controls |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the
DataGrid control. |
DataGridAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:DataGrid) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.DataGridAutomationImpl |
Constructor. |
DataGridBase — classe, pacchetto mx.controls.dataGridClasses |
The DataGridBase class is the base class for controls
that display lists of items in multiple columns. |
DataGridBase() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase |
Constructor. |
DataGridCellEditor — classe, pacchetto fl.controls.dataGridClasses |
La classe DataGridCellEditor definisce l'editor di voci predefinito per un controllo DataGrid. |
DataGridCellEditor() — Funzione di costruzione, classe fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridCellEditor |
Crea una nuova istanza DataGridCellEditor. |
DataGridColumn — classe, pacchetto fl.controls.dataGridClasses |
La classe DataGridColumn descrive una colonna in un componente DataGrid. |
DataGridColumn — classe, pacchetto mx.controls.dataGridClasses |
The DataGridColumn class describes a column in a DataGrid control. |
DataGridColumn(columnName:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
Crea una nuova istanza DataGridColumn. |
DataGridColumn(columnName:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
Constructor. |
DataGridColumnDropIndicator — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.halo |
The skin for the column drop indicator in a DataGrid. |
DataGridColumnDropIndicator() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.halo.DataGridColumnDropIndicator |
Constructor. |
DataGridColumnResizeSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.halo |
The skin for the column resizer in a DataGrid. |
DataGridColumnResizeSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.halo.DataGridColumnResizeSkin |
Constructor. |
DataGridDragProxy — classe, pacchetto mx.controls.dataGridClasses |
The DataGridDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy
used when dragging data from a DataGrid control. |
DataGridDragProxy() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridDragProxy |
Constructor. |
DataGridEvent — classe, pacchetto |
La classe DataGridEvent definisce gli eventi associati al componente DataGrid. |
DataGridEvent — classe, pacchetto |
The DataGridEvent class represents event objects that are specific to
the DataGrid control, such as the event that is dispatched when an
editable grid item gets the focus. |
DataGridEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, columnIndex:int, rowIndex:int, itemRenderer:Object, dataField:String, reason:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Crea un nuovo oggetto DataGridEvent con i parametri specificati. |
DataGridEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, columnIndex:int, dataField:String, rowIndex:int, reason:String, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, localX:Number) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DataGridEventReason — classe finale, pacchetto |
La classe DataGridEventReason definisce le costanti utilizzate per i valori della proprietà reason dell'oggetto DataGridEvent quando il valore la proprietà type è itemEditEnd. |
DataGridEventReason — classe finale, pacchetto |
The DataGridEventReason class defines constants for the values
of the reason property of a DataGridEvent object
when the type property is itemEditEnd. |
DataGridHeader — classe, pacchetto mx.controls.dataGridClasses |
The DataGridHeader class defines the default header
renderer for a DataGrid control. |
DataGridHeader() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader |
Constructor. |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.halo |
The skin for the background of the column headers in a DataGrid control. |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the header background of the MX DataGrid component. |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the header background of the MX DataGrid component. |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.halo.DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin |
Constructor. |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin |
| Constructor. |
DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DataGridHeaderBackgroundSkin |
| Constructor. |
DataGridHeaderBase — classe, pacchetto mx.controls.dataGridClasses |
The DataGridHeaderBase class defines the base class for the DataGridHeader class,
the class that defines the item renderer for the DataGrid control. |
DataGridHeaderBase() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeaderBase |
Constructor. |
DataGridHeaderRenderer — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.renderers |
| The default data grid header renderer to be used
DataGridHeaderRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.renderers.DataGridHeaderRenderer |
| Constructor. |
DataGridHeaderSeparator — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.halo |
The skin for the separator between column headers in a DataGrid. |
DataGridHeaderSeparator() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.halo.DataGridHeaderSeparator |
Constructor. |
DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the separator of the MX DataGrid component. |
DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the separator of the MX DataGrid component. |
DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin |
| Constructor. |
DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DataGridHeaderSeparatorSkin |
| Constructor. |
DataGridItemRenderer — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.renderers |
| The default data grid item renderer to be used
DataGridItemRenderer — classe, pacchetto mx.controls.dataGridClasses |
The DataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a DataGrid control. |
DataGridItemRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.renderers.DataGridItemRenderer |
| Constructor. |
DataGridItemRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
DataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl — classe, pacchetto mx.automation.delegates.controls |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the
DataGridItemRenderer class. |
DataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.dataGridClasses:DataGridItemRenderer) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.DataGridItemRendererAutomationImpl |
Constructor. |
dataGridListData — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.MXDataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property
as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
DataGridListData — classe, pacchetto mx.controls.dataGridClasses |
The DataGridListData class defines the data type of the listData property that is
implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the DataGrid control. |
DataGridListData(text:String, dataField:String, columnIndex:int, uid:String, owner:mx.core:IUIComponent, rowIndex:int) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridListData |
Constructor. |
DataGridListSkin — classe, pacchetto |
| The DataGrid skin for the TaskList UX component. |
DataGridListSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
| Constructor. |
DataGridLockedRowContentHolder — classe, pacchetto mx.controls.dataGridClasses |
The DataGridLockedRowContentHolder class defines a container in a DataGrid control
of all of the control's item renderers and item editors. |
DataGridLockedRowContentHolder(parentList:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBase) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridLockedRowContentHolder |
Constructor. |
DataGridSkin — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.spark |
| The default skin class for a Spark DataGrid component. |
DataGridSkin — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.wireframe |
| The default skin class for a Spark DataGrid component in the Wireframe theme. |
DataGridSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.spark.DataGridSkin |
| Constructor. |
DataGridSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DataGridSkin |
| Constructor. |
DataGridSortArrow — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.halo |
The skin for the sort arrow in a column header in a DataGrid. |
DataGridSortArrow — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
The skin for the sort arrow in a column header in an MX DataGrid. |
DataGridSortArrow — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
The wireframe skin for the sort arrow in a column header in the MX DataGrid component. |
DataGridSortArrow() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.halo.DataGridSortArrow |
Constructor. |
DataGridSortArrow() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DataGridSortArrow |
Constructor. |
DataGridSortArrow() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DataGridSortArrow |
Constructor. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Parte skin, classe spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
| An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out.
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Parte skin, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion |
| The area in the skin that holds dynamic content. SkinnableDataContainer gets this for free
The area in the skin that holds dynamic content. |
dataGroup — Parte skin, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment |
| The dynamic portion of the segment.
The dynamic portion of the segment. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe |
DataGroup skin part. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe |
DataGroup skin part. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.ButtonBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.DropDownListSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.ListSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.SkinnableDataContainerSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.TabBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.ButtonBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.ComboBoxSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DropDownListSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.ListSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.TabBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAccordionSegmentSkin |
| Content for this segment, driven by the data provider. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAccordionSkin |
| The data group target for this component
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseButtonBarSkin |
| |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseComboBoxSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBarSkin |
| The data group for adding buttons
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTabBarSkin |
| The data group that generates buttons
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
dataGroup — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarSkin |
An optional skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class
where data items get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. |
DataGroup — classe, pacchetto spark.components |
The DataGroup class is the base container class for data items. |
DataGroup() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.components.DataGroup |
Constructor. |
dataInstance — Proprietà, interfaccia |
IDataInstance for Data Capture Control. |
dataInstance — Proprietà, classe |
The DataInstance which is being rendered. |
dataInstance — Proprietà, classe |
The DataInstance which is being rendered. |
dataInstance — Proprietà, classe |
The DataInstance which is being rendered. |
dataInstance — Proprietà, classe |
The DataInstance which is being rendered. |
dataInstanceList — Proprietà, classe |
The DataInstance list of the letter. |
dataInterval — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.DateTimeAxis |
Specifies the interval between data in your chart,
specified in dataUnits. |
dataIsValid — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.EditDataElement |
| |
dataIsValid — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement |
| |
dataIsValid — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor |
| |
DataItem — Classe dinamica, pacchetto spark.utils |
The DataItem class represents a dynamic object with bindable properties. |
DataItem() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.utils.DataItem |
dataItemWrappersByRenderer — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
A dictionary mapping item renderers to the ItemWrappers
used to supply their data. |
dataItemWrappersByRenderer — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
A dictionary mapping item renderers to the ItemWrappers
used to supply their data. |
datalabelstyle — Proprietà, classe coldfusion.service.ChartSeries |
Specifies the way in which the color is applied to the item in the series:
none: nothing is printed.
value: the value of the datapoint.
rowLabel: the row’s label.
columnLabel: the column's label.
pattern: combination of column label, value, and aggregate information,
such as the columnLabel value for the percentage of total graph.
dataLinkageEditorStack — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines DataLinkageEditorStack component
A skin part that defines DataLinkageEditorStack component
DataLinkageEditorStack — classe, pacchetto |
The container holding the instance of all the linkage editors. |
DataLinkageEditorStack() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
dataManager — Proprietà, classe |
Each ManagedOperation should be a child of an RPCDataManager tag. |
DataManager — classe, pacchetto |
The DataManager class provides synchronization functionality with objects
on the server for all instances of a specific data type. |
DataManager() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructs an instance of the DataService with the specified
destination. |
dataManagerRegistry — Proprietà statica, classe |
Static map from destination name to data manager for that destination. |
DataMessage — classe, pacchetto |
This message is used to transport an operation that occurred on a managed
object or collection. |
DataMessage() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
dataModel — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleAssignmentModel |
The domain object of the module associated with this assignment. |
dataModel — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.VariableAssignmentModel |
The parent data module of the variable associated with this assignment
DataModelFactory — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.icc.editors.model |
The factory for creating the module domain object for a module value object. |
dataModule — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleAssignmentModel |
The value object of the module associated with this assignment. |
dataModule — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.FieldAssignment |
Valid only when the field's binding is BINDING_DATAMODULE and the bindingReference contains the ID
of the module to which the field is related. |
dataModule — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ModuleAssignment |
The module assigned to the target. |
dataModule — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment |
| |
DataModule — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.icc.vo |
Value object for a data module. |
DataModule() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule |
Do not create an instance of DataModule directly, use derived classes like ImageModule. |
dataModuleExists(name:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
Determines if the specified data module exists. |
dataModuleInsert — Evento, classe |
Event dispatched when a data module is inserted from the content library. |
dataModuleLibrary — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the content library for letter
A skin part that defines the content library for letter
dataOffset — Proprietà, classe mx.messaging.channels.StreamingConnectionHandler |
Index into the chunk buffer pointing to the first byte of chunk data. |
dataPanel — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the data editing panel of letter
A skin part that defines the data editing panel of letter
dataprovider — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.component.TaskActionComponent |
Task associated with the list of actions. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.component.ExtendedProperty |
| |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain.TaskAction |
The data provider for the TaskAction UX component. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.domain.TaskDetails |
The ITask object to render. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.domain.TaskList |
The data provider list of ITask objects for the task list. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase |
The data provider that is bound to this panel layout. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost |
The data provider that is bound to this panel layout. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components.INavigatorComponent |
dataProvider for the navigator. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components.OneLevelPanelNavigator |
dataProvider for the navigator. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton |
The list of items to be displayed. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe |
The List of Named Expression
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe |
A list of local and remote functions
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe |
The list of process as a data provider for the select process dialog. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe |
The list of processes to choose from. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe fl.controls.ComboBox |
Ottiene o imposta il modello di dati dell'elenco di voci da visualizzare. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe fl.controls.SelectableList |
Ottiene o imposta il modello di dati dell'elenco di voci da visualizzare. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe fl.controls.TileList |
Ottiene o imposta il modello di dati dell'elenco di voci da visualizzare. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe ga.controls.RadioButtonList |
Provides the collection that the radiobutton list displays
dataProvider — Proprietà, interfaccia ga.model.ILayoutHost |
The data provider that is bound to this panel layout. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe ga.model.LayoutTemplate |
The data provider that is bound to this panel layout. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator |
The data provider associated with the list component. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.CategoryAxis |
Specifies the data source containing the label names. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.Legend |
Set of data to be used in the Legend. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
Specifies the data provider for the chart. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement |
A data provider assigned to the this specific element. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.ComboBase |
The set of items this component displays. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.ComboBox |
The set of items this component displays. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.FileSystemHistoryButton |
The data provider for the FileSystemHistoryButton control. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu |
The hierarchy of objects that are used to define the structure
of menu items in the NativeMenu. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.MenuBar |
The hierarchy of objects that are displayed as MenuBar items and menus. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.NavBar |
Data used to populate the navigator control. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid |
An OLAPDataGrid accepts only an IOLAPResult as dataProvider
other dataProviders are simply ignored. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton |
DataProvider for popUpMenu. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.Tree |
An object that contains the data to be displayed. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
Set of data to be viewed. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Set of data to be viewed. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem |
The object that provides the data for the Menu that is popped up
when this MenuBarItem is selected. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.core.IRepeater |
The data provider used by this Repeater to create repeated instances
of its children. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.core.Repeater |
The data provider used by this Repeater to create repeated instances
of its children. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe mx.olap.OLAPCube |
The flat data used to populate the OLAP cube. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe spark.components.DataGrid |
A list of data items that correspond to the rows in the grid. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe spark.components.DataGroup |
The data provider for this DataGroup. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe spark.components.Grid |
A list of data items that correspond to the rows in the grid. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
The data provider for this DataGroup. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe spark.components.SpinnerList |
The data provider for this DataGroup. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe spark.components.gridClasses.ComboBoxGridItemEditor |
The data provider for the combox box in the item editor. |
_dataProvider — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion |
A dataprovider to populate the dataGroup. |
dataProvider — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion |
DataProvider — classe, pacchetto |
La classe DataProvider fornisce i metodi e le proprietà che consentono di eseguire le query e modificare i dati in qualsiasi componente basato su elenco (ad esempio, in un componente List, DataGrid, TileList o ComboBox). |
DataProvider(value:Object) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Crea un nuovo oggetto DataProvider mediante un elenco, un'istanza XML o un array di oggetti data come origine dati. |
dataProviderLength — Proprietà, classe spark.components.DataGrid |
Returns the value of dataProvider.length if the dataProvider IList
was specified, otherwise 0. |
dataRef — Proprietà, interfaccia ga.model.IPanelItem |
The reference or address of the data node to which to bind this item. |
dataRef — Proprietà, classe ga.model.LayoutTemplate |
The reference to the data provider that is bound to the panel layout. |
dataRef — Proprietà, classe ga.model.PanelItem |
The reference to the data to which the component is bound. |
dataRef — Proprietà, classe ga.model.PanelRichText |
The reference to the data that is bound to the Guide text object in the Guide Design perspective within Workbench. |
dataRef — Proprietà, classe ga.model.PanelText |
The reference to the data that is bound to the Guide text object in the Guide Design perspective within Workbench. |
dataRef — Proprietà, classe ga.model.Section |
| |
dataRegion — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart |
The area of the chart used to display data. |
dataRegion — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
The area of the chart used to display data. |
dataRegion — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart |
The area of the chart used to display data. |
dataReliable — Proprietà, classe |
Per le connessioni RTMFP, specifica se le chiamate NetStream.send() vengono inviate con affidabilità completa. |
DataRenderer — classe, pacchetto spark.components |
The DataRenderer class is the base class for data components in Spark. |
DataRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.components.DataRenderer |
Constructor. |
DATA_RESULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
A special value that specifies data is available from a submitted form. |
DataService — classe, pacchetto |
The DataService class provides the top-level functionality for the
Data Management Service. |
DataService — classe, pacchetto |
The DataService class provides the top-level client-side functionality for
the LiveCycle Data Services Data Management Service. |
DataService(destination:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructs a DataService instance with the specified
destination. |
DataService(dest:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructs an instance of the DataService with the specified
destination. |
DataServiceAdapter — classe, pacchetto |
The DataServiceAdapter class is the abstract base class which you use to
implement a new type of DataService implementation. |
dataserviceChannelSet — Proprietà, interfaccia |
A ChannelSet object that is appropriate for use with Data Services. |
dataserviceChannelSet — Proprietà, classe |
A ChannelSet object that is appropriate for use with Data Services. |
DataServiceError — classe, pacchetto |
The DataServiceError class represents an error thrown
when a an unanticipated problem occurs in a DataService component. |
DataServiceError(msg:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DataServiceFaultEvent — classe, pacchetto |
The DataServiceFaultEvent class represents an event that
is sent when a DataService or DataStore has generated a
fault. |
DataServiceFaultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, fault:mx.rpc:Fault, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:ErrorMessage, obj:Object, id:Object, cacheResponse:Boolean) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DataServiceOfflineAdapter — classe, pacchetto |
Provides persistence for a DataManager's offline cached items. |
DataServiceOfflineAdapter() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DataServiceResultEvent — classe, pacchetto |
The DataServiceResultEvent class represents an event that
is sent when a DataService or DataStore has generated a
result. |
DataServiceResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, result:Object, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage, cacheResponse:Boolean) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DataServiceWrapper — classe, pacchetto |
The DataServiceWrapper class is the superclass for generated service wrappers around
DataService instances. |
DataServiceWrapper(destination:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructs a wrapper around a DataService for a given destination. |
dataSource — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideData |
Returns the dataSource object provided. |
dataStore — Proprietà, classe |
Contains an object of type |
dataStore — Proprietà, classe |
Contains an object of type |
dataStore — Proprietà, classe |
Set the data store for this destination. |
DataStore — classe, pacchetto |
A DataStore batches transactions for one or more DataService instances. |
DataStore(destination:String, useTransactions:Boolean,, — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Normally, a DataStore is created automatically for you but you
can create your own DataStore and assign it to the dataStore property
of a DataService. |
DataStoreEventDispatcher — classe, pacchetto |
Dispatches data-store-related events. |
DataStoreEventDispatcher( — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
dataTip — Parte skin, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
| A skin part that defines a dataTip that displays a formatted version of the current value. The dataTip appears while the thumb is being dragged. This is a dynamic skin part and must be of type IFactory.
A skin part that defines a dataTip that displays a formatted version of
the current value. |
dataTip — Proprietà, classe |
HSlider dataTip class factory
dataTip — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.HSliderSkin |
| The tooltip used in the mx.controls.Slider control. |
dataTip — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.VSliderSkin |
| The tooltip used in the mx.controls.Slider control. |
dataTip — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarSkin |
| Defines the appearance of the ScrubBar skin's data tip. |
dataTip — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarSkin |
| Defines the appearance of the ScrubBar skin's data tip. |
dataTip — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.HSliderSkin |
| |
dataTip — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.VSliderSkin |
| |
DataTip — classe, pacchetto mx.charts.chartClasses |
The DataTip control provides information
about a data point to chart users. |
DataTip() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip |
Constructor. |
dataTipCalloutStroke — Stile, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
| The Stroke to use to render the callout line from the data tip target to the tip. |
dataTipClass — Proprietà, classe |
Specifies the class that will be used for the HSlider datatip. |
dataTipField — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn |
The name of the field in the data provider to display as the data tip. |
dataTipField — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
The name of the field in the data provider to display as the datatip. |
dataTipField — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
Name of the field in the data provider items to display as the
data tip. |
dataTipField — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Name of the field in the data provider items to display as the
data tip. |
dataTipField — Proprietà, classe spark.components.DataGrid |
The name of the field in the data provider to display as the datatip. |
dataTipField — Proprietà, classe spark.components.Grid |
The name of the field in the data provider to display as the datatip. |
dataTipField — Proprietà, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn |
The name of the field in the data provider to display as the datatip. |
dataTipFormatFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider |
Callback function that formats the data tip text. |
dataTipFormatFunction — Proprietà, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
Callback function that formats the data tip text. |
dataTipFormatter — Proprietà, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn |
Specifies the formatter used by the column's itemToDataTip() method to
convert data provider items to Strings. |
dataTipFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.HitData |
A function provided by the HitData creator
to generate a user-suitable String for display on screen
that describes the referenced item. |
dataTipFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
Specifies a callback method used to generate data tips from values. |
dataTipFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn |
Specifies a callback function to run on each item of the data provider
to determine its data tip. |
dataTipFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
Specifies a callback function to run on each item of the data provider
to determine its dataTip. |
dataTipFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
User-supplied function to run on each item to determine its dataTip. |
dataTipFunction — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
User-supplied function to run on each item to determine its dataTip. |
dataTipFunction — Proprietà, classe spark.components.DataGrid |
Specifies a callback function to run on each item of the data provider
to determine its data tip. |
dataTipFunction — Proprietà, classe spark.components.Grid |
Specifies a callback function to run on each item of the data provider
to determine its data tip. |
dataTipFunction — Proprietà, classe spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn |
Specifies a callback function to run on each item of the data provider
to determine its data tip. |
dataTipItems — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series |
Array of chart items for which data tips are to be shown
non-interactively on the chart. |
dataTipLayerIndex — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
The index of the child that is responsible for rendering data tips. |
dataTipMode — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
Specifies how Flex displays DataTip controls for the chart. |
dataTipOffset — Stile, classe mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider |
| The offset, in pixels, of the data tip relative to the thumb. |
dataTipPlacement — Stile, classe mx.controls.VSlider |
| The location of the data tip relative to the thumb. |
dataTipPlacement — Stile, classe mx.controls.HSlider |
| The location of the data tip relative to the thumb. |
dataTipPrecision — Stile, classe mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider |
| Number of decimal places to use for the data tip text. |
dataTipPrecision — Proprietà, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
Number of decimal places to use for the data tip text. |
dataTipRenderer — Stile, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
| Specifies the class to use to render data tips. |
dataTipStyleName — Stile, classe mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider |
| The name of the style declaration to use for the data tip. |
dataToLocal(... rest) — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
Converts a tuple of data values to an x-y coordinate on screen. |
dataToLocal(... rest) — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement |
Converts a tuple of data values to an x-y coordinate on screen. |
dataToLocal(... rest) — metodo, interfaccia mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement2 |
Converts a tuple of data values to an x-y coordinate on screen. |
dataToLocal(... rest) — metodo, classe mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
| |
dataTransform — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
The DataTransform object that the element is associated with. |
dataTransform — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement |
The DataTransform object that the element is associated with. |
dataTransform — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement |
The DataTransform object that the element uses
to map between data and screen coordinates. |
dataTransform — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas |
The DataTransform object that the element is associated with. |
dataTransform — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series |
The DataTransform object that the element is associated with. |
DataTransform — classe, pacchetto mx.charts.chartClasses |
The DataTransform object represents a portion of a chart
that contains glyphs and can transform values
to screen coordinates and vice versa. |
DataTransform() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTransform |
Constructor. |
dataType — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel |
Gets the DATATYPE of the DataElement. |
dataType — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.FieldInstance |
Return the field type
dataType — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IDataInstance |
Return the field type
dataType — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.VariableInstance |
Return the field type
dataType — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.VariableModel |
The data-type of the variable
dataType — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable |
DATATYPE for the variable
dataType — Proprietà, classe |
Ottiene il tipo di dati della colonna come stringa. |
DATATYPE_BOOLEAN — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel |
The DataElementModel.DATATYPE_BOOLEAN constant defines the value of the dataType property of
the DataElementModel of DATATYPE_BOOLEAN type. |
DATATYPE_BOOLEAN — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable |
Data type: BOOLEAN - for boolean values. |
DATATYPE_COMPOSITE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel |
The DataElementModel.DATATYPE_COMPOSITE constant defines the value of the dataType property of
the DataElementModel of DATATYPE_COMPOSITE type. |
DATATYPE_DATE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel |
The DataElementModel.DATATYPE_DATE constant defines the value of the dataType property of
the DataElementModel of DATATYPE_DATE type. |
DATATYPE_DATE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable |
Data type: DATE - for date/time values. |
dataTypeDisplay — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement |
| A skin part that defines a ListBase for data type.
A skin part that defines a ListBase for data type. |
dataTypeDisplay — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.EditDataElement |
| A skin part that defines a ListBase for data type.
A skin part that defines a ListBase for data type. |
DATATYPE_NUMBER — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel |
The DataElementModel.DATATYPE_NUMBER constant defines the value of the dataType property of
the DataElementModel of DATATYPE_NUMBER type. |
DATATYPE_NUMBER — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable |
Data type: NUMBER - for numerical values. |
DATATYPE_STRING — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel |
The DataElementModel.DATATYPE_STRING constant defines the value of the dataType property of
the DataElementModel of DATATYPE_STRING type. |
DATATYPE_STRING — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable |
Data type: STRING - for String values. |
dataTypeValid — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.FieldInstance |
True if the field's value filled by the user fits in well as per the data type of the field. |
dataTypeValid — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.VariableInstance |
True if the variable's value filled by the user fits in well as per the data type of the variable. |
dataUnits — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.DateTimeAxis |
Specifies the units that you expect the data in your chart to represent. |
dataUrl — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams |
Get/set the URL to the XML file to be used as initial data. |
dataValue — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.guides.domain.IGuideNode |
dataValue is the current raw value, from the model, of the associated PanelItem type Guide Node. |
date — Proprietà, classe Date |
Il giorno del mese (un numero intero compreso tra 1 e 31) specificato dall'oggetto Date, in base all'ora locale. |
date — Proprietà, classe coldfusion.service.PopHeader |
Date string in the message header. |
date — Proprietà, classe coldfusion.service.PopRecord |
Date string in the message header. |
date — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Date for which the ruler item is rendered. |
date — Proprietà, classe |
The time the message was recorded at. |
Date — classe dinamica finale, Primo livello |
La classe Date rappresenta le informazioni relative a data e ora. |
Date(yearOrTimevalue:Object, month:Number, date:Number, hour:Number, minute:Number, second:Number, millisecond:Number) — Funzione di costruzione, classe Date |
Crea un nuovo oggetto Date che contiene la data e l'ora specificate. |
DATE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElementType |
The DataDictionaryElementType.DATE constant defines the value of the elementType property of
the DataDictionaryElement of DATE type. |
DATE — Proprietà statica costante, classe spark.components.calendarClasses.DateSelectorDisplayMode |
Show selection options for date. |
dateAdd(part:String, units:int, date:Date) — Metodo statico , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc |
Adds units of time to a date. |
DATE_AND_TIME — Proprietà statica costante, classe spark.components.calendarClasses.DateSelectorDisplayMode |
Show selection options for both date and time. |
DateBase — classe, pacchetto mx.formatters |
The DateBase class contains the localized string information
used by the mx.formatters.DateFormatter class and the parsing function
that renders the pattern. |
DateChooser — classe, pacchetto mx.controls |
The DateChooser control displays the name of a month, the year,
and a grid of the days of the month, with columns labeled
for the day of the week. |
DateChooser() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.DateChooser |
Constructor. |
DateChooserAccImpl — classe, pacchetto mx.accessibility |
DateChooserAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation
which implements accessibility for the DateChooser class. |
DateChooserAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.accessibility.DateChooserAccImpl |
Constructor. |
DateChooserAutomationImpl — classe, pacchetto mx.automation.delegates.controls |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the
DateChooser control. |
DateChooserAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:DateChooser) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.DateChooserAutomationImpl |
Constructor. |
DateChooserEvent — classe, pacchetto |
The DateChooserEvent class represents the event object passed to
the event listener for the scroll event for
the DateChooser and DateField controls. |
DateChooserEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, detail:String, — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DateChooserEventDetail — classe finale, pacchetto |
Constants that define the values of the detail property
of a DateChooserEvent object. |
DateChooserIndicator — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.halo |
The skins of the DateChooser's indicators for
displaying today, rollover and selected dates. |
DateChooserIndicator() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.halo.DateChooserIndicator |
DateChooserMonthArrowSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.halo |
The skin for all the states of the next-month and previous-month
buttons in a DateChooser. |
DateChooserMonthArrowSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin |
Constructor. |
DateChooserNextMonthSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserNextMonthSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserNextMonthSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DateChooserNextMonthSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserNextMonthSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserNextMonthSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserNextYearSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the next year arrow of an MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserNextYearSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the next year arrow of the MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserNextYearSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DateChooserNextYearSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserNextYearSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserNextYearSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserPrevMonthSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the previous month arrow of an MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserPrevMonthSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserPrevMonthSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DateChooserPrevMonthSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserPrevMonthSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserPrevMonthSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserPrevYearSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the previous year arrow of an MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserPrevYearSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the previous year arrow of the MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserPrevYearSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DateChooserPrevYearSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserPrevYearSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserPrevYearSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the rollover indicator of an MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the rollover indicator of a MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the selection indicator of an MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the selection indicator of the MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin |
| Constructor. |
dateChooserStyleName — Stile, classe mx.controls.DateField |
| Name of the CSS Style declaration to use for the styles for the DateChooser control's drop-down list. |
DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the current day indicator in an MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the current day indicator in a MX DateChooser component. |
DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin |
| Constructor. |
DateChooserYearArrowSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.halo |
The skin for all the states of the next-year and previous-year
buttons in a DateChooser. |
DateChooserYearArrowSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.halo.DateChooserYearArrowSkin |
Constructor. |
dateCompare(date1:Date, date2:Date) — Metodo statico , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc |
Takes two dates and returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the first is smaller, equal or larger than the second. |
dateCompare(a:Date, b:Date) — Metodo statico , classe mx.utils.ObjectUtil |
Compares the two Date objects and returns an integer value
indicating if the first Date object is before, equal to,
or after the second item. |
dateCreatedLabel — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for the Created Date label.
The skin part for the Created Date label. |
dateCreatedLabel — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for displaying the created date.
The skin part for displaying the created date. |
dateDiff(part:String, date1:Date, date2:Date) — Metodo statico , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc |
Takes a String datepart and two Dates and returns an int number of dateparts between the two Dates. |
DateField — classe, pacchetto mx.controls |
The DateField control is a text field that shows the date
with a calendar icon on its right side. |
DateField() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.DateField |
Constructor. |
DateFieldAccImpl — classe, pacchetto mx.accessibility |
DateFieldAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation
which implements accessibility for the DateField class. |
DateFieldAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.accessibility.DateFieldAccImpl |
Constructor. |
DateFieldAutomationImpl — classe, pacchetto mx.automation.delegates.controls |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the
DateField control. |
DateFieldAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:DateField) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.automation.delegates.controls.DateFieldAutomationImpl |
Constructor. |
dateFieldValidator — Parte skin, classe |
| A Skin part which defines validator for the Date field.
A Skin part which defines validator for the Date field. |
dateFormat — Proprietà statica, classe |
Date format that is used to format date. |
dateFormatString — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid |
A String that determines how dates in the Created and Modified
columns are formatted. |
dateFormatter — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for the date formatter.
The skin part for the date formatter. |
dateFormatter — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for the date formatter.
The skin part for the date formatter. |
DateFormatter — classe, pacchetto mx.formatters |
The DateFormatter class uses a format String to return a formatted date and time String
from an input String or a Date object. |
DateFormatter() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.formatters.DateFormatter |
Constructor. |
DateInputDataCaptureRenderer — classe, pacchetto |
Renderer for capturing Date Input from the user. |
DateInputDataCaptureRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DATE_ITEM — Proprietà statica costante, classe spark.components.DateSpinner |
Specifies to the createDateItemList() method that the list is for showing
dates of the month or year. |
dateItemList — Parte skin, classe spark.components.DateSpinner |
| The default factory for creating SpinnerList interfaces for all fields. This is used by the createDateItemList() method.
The default factory for creating SpinnerList interfaces for all fields. |
dateItemList — Proprietà, classe |
Factory for creating dateItem list parts. |
dateList — Proprietà, classe spark.components.DateSpinner |
The SpinnerList that shows the date field of the date. |
DateOrderErrorMessage — Proprietà, classe |
The error message for date order. |
DateOrderErrorMessage — Proprietà, classe |
The error message for date order. |
datePart(part:String, date:Date) — Metodo statico , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc |
Takes a String datepart and a Date and it returns the int value of that part. |
datePartUTC(part:String, date:Date) — Metodo statico , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc |
Takes a String datepart and a Date and it returns the int value of that part. |
DateRange — classe, pacchetto |
Represents a date range to be used in a search filter. |
DateRange() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
The constructor for DateRange class. |
DateRangeUtilities — classe, pacchetto mx.charts.chartClasses |
A set of disabled date range utilities
used by DateTimeAxis
DateSearchRenderer — classe, pacchetto |
Search renderer to display dates
DateSearchRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
DateSelectorDisplayMode — classe finale, pacchetto spark.components.calendarClasses |
The DateSelectorMode class defines the valid constant values for the
displayMode property of the Spark DateSpinner control. |
DateSelectorDisplayMode() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.components.calendarClasses.DateSelectorDisplayMode |
Constructor. |
DateSpinner — classe, pacchetto spark.components |
The DateSpinner control presents an interface for picking a particular date or time. |
DateSpinner() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.components.DateSpinner |
Constructor. |
DateSpinnerItemRenderer — classe, pacchetto spark.components.calendarClasses |
The DateSpinnerItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer
for a DateSpinner control in the mobile theme. |
DateSpinnerItemRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.components.calendarClasses.DateSpinnerItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
DateSpinnerSkin — classe, pacchetto |
ActionScript-based skin for the DateSpinner in mobile applications. |
DateSpinnerSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
dateString — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Date of publishing a comment, formatted as a string. |
dateString — Proprietà, classe |
Date of publishing a comment, formatted as a string. |
dateStyle — Proprietà, classe spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter |
The date style for this instance of the DateTimeFormatter. |
DateTimeAxis — classe, pacchetto mx.charts |
The DateTimeAxis class maps time values evenly
between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis. |
DateTimeAxis() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.charts.DateTimeAxis |
Constructor. |
DateTimeFormatter — classe finale, pacchetto flash.globalization |
La classe DateTimeFormatter fornisce la formattazione sensibile al contesto locale (impostazioni internazionali) per gli oggetti Date e l'accesso ai nomi dei campi data localizzati. |
DateTimeFormatter — classe, pacchetto spark.formatters |
The DateTimeFormatter class provides locale-sensitve
formatting for a Date object. |
DateTimeFormatter(requestedLocaleIDName:String, dateStyle:String, timeStyle:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter |
Costruisce un nuovo oggetto DateTimeFormatter per formattare le date e le ore in base alle convenzioni delle impostazioni internazionali specificate e agli stili di formattazione di data e ora forniti. |
DateTimeFormatter() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter |
Constructs a new DateTimeFormatter object to format
dates and times according to the conventions of the specified locale
and the provided date and time formatting styles. |
DateTimeFunc — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib |
The DateTimeFunc class defines the implementations of the
expression runtime functions for Date and Time functions
in the Adobe application modeling language. |
DateTimeNameContext — classe finale, pacchetto flash.globalization |
La classe DateTimeNameContext enumera valori costanti che rappresentano il contesto di formattazione in cui viene utilizzato il nome di un mese o di un giorno della settimana. |
DateTimeNameStyle — classe finale, pacchetto flash.globalization |
La classe DateTimeNameStyle enumera le costanti che controllano la lunghezza dei nomi dei mesi e dei giorni della settimana utilizzati durante la formattazione delle date. |
dateTimePattern — Proprietà, classe spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter |
The pattern string used by the DateTimeFormatter object to format
dates and times. |
DateTimeStyle — classe finale, pacchetto flash.globalization |
Enumera costanti che determinano una data specifica per un contesto locale e uno schema di formattazione dell'ora. |
dateToString(value:Date, outputFormat:String) — Metodo statico , classe mx.controls.DateField |
Formats a Date into a String according to the outputFormat argument. |
dateUTC — Proprietà, classe Date |
Il giorno del mese (un numero intero compreso tra 1 e 31) di un oggetto Date, in base all'ora universale (UTC). |
DateValidator — classe, pacchetto mx.validators |
The DateValidator class validates that a String, Date, or Object contains a
proper date and matches a specified format. |
DateValidator() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.validators.DateValidator |
Constructor. |
day — Proprietà, classe Date |
Il giorno della settimana (0 per domenica, 1 per lunedì, e così via) specificato dall'oggetto Date, in base all'ora locale. |
dayItemRenderer — Stile, classe |
| This style defines the ruler item renderer, in case the duration displayed in the Gantt chart is of one day or less. |
dayListener — Proprietà, classe mx.validators.DateValidator |
The component that listens for the validation result
for the day subfield. |
dayNames — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.DateChooser |
The weekday names for DateChooser control. |
dayNames — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.DateField |
Weekday names for DateChooser control. |
dayNamesLong — Proprietà statica, classe mx.formatters.DateBase |
Long format of day names. |
dayNamesShort — Proprietà statica, classe mx.formatters.DateBase |
Short format of day names. |
dayOfWeek(date:Date) — Metodo statico , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc |
Returns the int day of week value of a Date param. |
dayOfYear(date:Date) — Metodo statico , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc |
Returns the day of year corresponding to a date input. |
dayProperty — Proprietà, classe mx.validators.DateValidator |
Name of the day property to validate. |
DAYS — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.DurationUnit |
| Specifies that the duration of the stage is defined in days. |
DAYS — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
The value species that the duration of stage is defined in days. |
daysBeforeExpiry — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder.Reminder |
Specifies when the reminder is sent. |
daysBeforeExpiry — Proprietà, classe |
Number of days before the expiry of stage when the reminder is delivered. |
daysInMonth(date:Date) — Metodo statico , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc |
Returns the number of days in a month. |
daysInYear(date:Date) — Metodo statico , classe com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc |
Returns the number of days in a given year. |
daySource — Proprietà, classe mx.validators.DateValidator |
Object that contains the value of the day field. |
dayUTC — Proprietà, classe Date |
Il giorno della settimana (0 per domenica, 1 per lunedì e così via) dell'oggetto Date, in base all'ora universale (UTC). |
DCTEvent — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.event |
The base class for DCTServiceEvent. |
DCTEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.event.DCTEvent |
Constructor. |
DCTServiceEvent — Classe dinamica, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.event |
The DCTServiceEvent event class represents the event object dispatched when a call to Data Dictionary(DCT) service returns. |
DCTServiceEvent(type:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.event.DCTServiceEvent |
Constructor. |
DCTServiceProvider — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.service.provider |
Provider class for obtaining services. |
DCTServiceProviderImpl — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.service.provider |
default implementation class for IDCTServiceProvider. |
DCTServiceProviderImpl() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.service.provider.DCTServiceProviderImpl |
Constructor. |
dd — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryPropertiesView |
The data dictionary which works as data provider. |
DD_ASSET_ACTIONS — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies a delimited list of actions associated with an asset type. |
DD_ASSET_ACTIONS_RENDERER — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the fully qualified class name for custom user interface components that display asset actions. |
DD_DELIMITER — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable |
The Data Dictionary name delimiting character. |
DDE_ASSET_PROPERTY_TYPE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies whether the property represented by this data dictionary element is a core property of the asset, that is, a plain old Java object, or an extended property. |
DDE_BASIC_SEARCH_ENABLED — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies whether the property represented by this data dictionary element is enabled for basic search. |
DDE_COLUMN_ORDER — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the column order in the Search Results Viewer. |
DDE_CUSTOM_ITEM_RENDERER — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the qualified class name of the custom renderer for this property in the Search Results Viewer. |
DDE_DISPLAY_PATTERN — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the display pattern that is used to display data in Search Renderer. |
ddEditor — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the DDEditor
A skin part that defines the DDEditor
DDEditor — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary |
The DDEditor class is host component for data dictionary editor. |
DDEditor() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDEditor |
Constructor. |
ddEditorEvent — Evento, classe com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDEditor |
Dispatched when the user creates or updates a data dictionary by clicking on ok or save button. |
DDE_EXTENDED_PROPERTY_PATH — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the path of the property represented by this data dictionary element in a Flex value object, if that property is an extended property. |
DDElements — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary |
The list of data dictionary elements within the data dictionary. |
DDELinkageAssignmentEditor — classe, pacchetto |
The linkage editor to link the data element of Letter Editor to a data dictionary
element of the data dictionary associated with the Letter. |
DDELinkageAssignmentEditor() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
ddeLinkageEditor — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines DDELinkageAssignmentEditor component
A skin part that defines DDELinkageAssignmentEditor component
DDE_MAX_VALUE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the maximum value of the property represented by this data dictionary element. |
ddeMetaEditor — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.view.PropertyContainer |
| A skin part that defines the appearnce of data dictionary element properties.
A skin part that defines the appearnce of data dictionary element properties. |
DDEMetaEditor — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement |
The DDEMetaEditor component displays the properties of a data dictionary element and provides the
functionality to edit the property values associated with a DDE. |
DDEMetaEditor() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor |
Constructor. |
DDE_MIN_VALUE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
The minimum value for the property represented by this data dictionary element. |
DDE_OPTION_LIST — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies a delimited list of possible values to display in the user interface combo box. |
ddeReference — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable |
The Data Dictionary Element reference if this variable's type is TYPE_DDE; null otherwise. |
DDE_SEARCHABLE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies whether the property represented by this data dictionary element is searchable through the Asset Manager Advanced Search pod. |
DDE_SEARCH_PATH — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the search path for the property represented by this data dictionary element. |
DDE_SEARCH_RENDERER — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the name of the custom search renderer for searching this property in Asset Manager. |
DDE_SEARCH_RENDERER_ORDER — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
The order of search renderer of this property on the Advanced Search pod. |
ddeValid — Stato skin, classe com.adobe.dct.view.BrowserContainer |
| Valid state or the BrowserContainer. |
DDE_VISIBLE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies whether the property represented by this data dictionary element should be displayed in the Search Results Viewer. |
ddExplorer — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.view.BrowserContainer |
| A skin part that displays the data dictionary elements of a data dictionary in tree view and provides the option to add a data dictionary element.
A skin part that displays the data dictionary elements of a data dictionary in tree view
and provides the option to add a data dictionary element. |
DDExplorer — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary |
The DDExplorer component displays the data dictionary elements of a data dictionary in tree view
and provides the option to add a data dictionary element. |
DDExplorer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDExplorer |
Constructor. |
DDExtendedPropertiesConstants — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils |
A collection of properties that are used by Asset Manager components to render the Manage Assets UI Search Pod and Search Results Viewer. |
ddFilterAttributeName — Proprietà, classe |
The constant that defines the search path that is used while filtering content search result based on
data dictionary on server side. |
DD_ICON_URL — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the URL of the icon image for the asset represented by this data dictionary. |
DDIModelVariableResolver — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.exp |
Used by the Expression Manager for resolving any variable references encountered in an expression,
for setting the values of variables which are targets of expressions and for being notified of externally
triggered changes in variable values. |
DDIModelVariableResolver(ddiModelList:mx.collections:IList) — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.exp.DDIModelVariableResolver |
Constructor. |
DDINSTANCE_VALUE_CHANGE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.event.DDInstanceValueChangeEvent |
The DDInstanceValueChangeEvent.DDINSTANCE_VALUE_CHANGE constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a ddInstanceValueChange event. |
DDInstanceValueChangeEvent — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.event |
This event is dispatched when the value of a data dictionary element is changed in data dictionary instance. |
DDInstanceValueChangeEvent(varName:String, oldValue:any, newValue:any, type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.event.DDInstanceValueChangeEvent |
Constructor. |
ddkeMap — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams |
Get/set Data Dictionary Key Element (ddke) Map: map of key/value pairs (String to String) provided for key elements whose values
are required in order to obtain an instance of the DD used by the letter. |
ddNameDisplay — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the data dictionary name
A skin part that defines the data dictionary name
ddNameText — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.view.BrowserContainer |
| A skin part that displays the data dictionary name.
A skin part that displays the data dictionary name. |
DD_PERMISSION_PREFIX — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the prefix for permissions associated with the asset type represented by this data dictionary. |
DD_PREFIX — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.exp.DDIModelVariableResolver |
Prefix for the key i.e. |
DD_PREFIX — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable |
Prefix for the Data Dictionary name in a Data Dictionary Element variable token ({DD_PREFIX}{DD name}.{DDE path}). |
DD_SYSTEMDD_PERMISSION_PREFIX — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies the prefix for permissions associated with the data dictionaries of type System. |
DD_THUMBNAIL_URL — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils.DDExtendedPropertiesConstants |
Specifies a URL for the thumbnail image for the asset represented by this data dictionary. |
ddToolbar — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.view.BrowserContainer |
| A skin part that contains the various ui controls corresponding to actions supported by the data dictionary editor.
A skin part that contains the various ui controls corresponding to actions supported by the
data dictionary editor. |
DDToolbar — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars |
The DDToolbar host component contains the various ui controls that are required
for data dictionary editor. |
DDToolbar() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars.DDToolbar |
Constructor. |
ddxString — Proprietà, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf |
Pathname of the DDX file, or a string with DDX instructions. |
deactivate() — metodo, classe fl.managers.FocusManager |
Disattiva il FocusManager. |
deactivate() — metodo, interfaccia fl.managers.IFocusManager |
Disattiva un gestore di attivazione. |
deactivate — Evento, classe flash.desktop.NativeApplication |
Inviato quando sul desktop viene attivata un'altra applicazione. |
deactivate — Evento, classe flash.display.NativeWindow |
Inviato dall'oggetto NativeWindow in seguito alla disattivazione della finestra. |
deactivate — Evento, classe |
[evento di trasmissione] Inviato quando Flash Player o l'applicazione AIR perde l'attivazione del sistema operativo e sta entrando nello stato inattivo. |
deactivate() — metodo, classe mx.managers.FocusManager |
The SystemManager activates and deactivates a FocusManager
if more than one IFocusManagerContainer is visible at the same time. |
deactivate() — metodo, interfaccia mx.managers.IFocusManager |
The SystemManager activates and deactivates a FocusManager
if more than one IFocusManagerContainer is visible at the same time. |
DEACTIVATE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
La costante Event.DEACTIVATE definisce il valore della proprietà type di un oggetto evento deactivate. |
DEACTIVATE_FOCUS_REQUEST — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Sent from the top-level focus manager to a subordinate focus managers
so all the focus managers participating in a tab loop get deactivated. |
deactivateHandler( — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
| Elabora l'evento Event.DEACTIVATE quando il client gestisce gli eventi. |
deactivateHandler( — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager |
| Elabora l'evento Event.DEACTIVATE quando il client gestisce gli eventi. |
deactivateHandler( — metodo, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.edit.IInteractionEventHandler |
Elabora un evento deactivate. |
deactivateHandler( — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager |
Elabora un evento deactivate. |
deactivateHandler( — metodo, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase |
Called when the application is exiting or being
sent to the background by the operating system. |
DEACTIVATE_POP_UP_REQUEST — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Requests that a child application's pop up be deactivated. |
deadline — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task |
The date and time the task will be deadlined. |
deadline — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskInfoModel |
The date the task is due. |
deanalyze — Evento, classe |
Inviato quando una chiamata al metodo deanalyze() ha esito positivo. |
deanalyze( — metodo, classe |
Rimuove tutte le informazioni statistiche create da una chiamata al metodo analyze(). |
DEANALYZE — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation |
Indica che è stato chiamato il metodo SQLConnection.deanalyze(). |
DEANALYZE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
La costante SQLEvent.DEANALYZE definisce il valore della proprietà type di un oggetto evento deanalyze. |
deblocking — Proprietà, classe |
Indica il tipo di filtro applicato al decodificatore video nel corso del postprocessing. |
deblocking — Proprietà, classe org.osmf.elements.LightweightVideoElement |
Indicates the type of filter applied to decoded video as part of post-processing. |
deblockingFilter — Proprietà, classe flash.system.JPEGLoaderContext |
Specifica la potenza del filtro di deblock. |
debug — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.external.dc.InvokeParams |
True if DC should be run in debug mode (which means, amongst other things, performance metrics are output and the "Load Letter" screen is displayed if
a letter isn't specified in the usual parameters. |
debug(message:String, ... rest) — metodo, interfaccia mx.logging.ILogger |
Logs the specified data using the LogEventLevel.DEBUG
level. |
debug(msg:String, ... rest) — metodo, classe mx.logging.LogLogger |
Logs the specified data using the LogEventLevel.DEBUG
level. |
debug(message:String, ... rest) — metodo, classe org.osmf.logging.Logger |
Logs a message with a "debug" level. |
DEBUG — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.logging.LogEventLevel |
Designates informational level
messages that are fine grained and most helpful when debugging an
application. |
debugData — Proprietà, classe |
The flag indicating whether logging of data being transferred from flex to PDF in the debug log is enabled or not.True indicates
that logging is enabled. |
debugFrombridge — Proprietà, classe |
The flag indicating whether logging of the debug messages of communication between flex and Form bridge is enabled or not.True indicates
that logging is enabled. |
debugWaitTime — Proprietà, classe fl.rsl.RSLPreloader |
Impostate questo valore sul numero di millisecondi di attesa prima che venga scaricato il primo file RSL. |
DECIMAL — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.SoftKeyboardType |
Una tastiera ottimizzata per l'inserimento dei numeri con un valore decimale.
DECIMAL — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.engine.TabAlignment |
Posiziona il token di allineamento del testo con tabulazioni in corrispondenza dello spazio di tabulazione. |
DECIMAL — Proprietà statica costante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType |
| Numerazione mediante decimali: 1, 2, 3 e così via. |
decimalAlignmentToken — Proprietà, classe flash.text.engine.TabStop |
Specifica il token di allineamento da utilizzare quando impostate la proprietà alignment su TabAlignment.DECIMAL. |
decimalAlignmentToken — Proprietà, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.formats.ITabStopFormat |
Il token di allineamento da utilizzare se l'allineamento è DECIMAL. |
decimalAlignmentToken — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat |
Il token di allineamento da utilizzare se l'allineamento è DECIMAL. |
DECIMAL_DIGITS — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.validators.Validator |
A String containing the decimal digits 0 through 9. |
DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO — Proprietà statica costante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType |
| Numerazione mediante decimale con interlinea zero: 01, 02, 03 e così via. |
decimalPointCountError — Proprietà, classe mx.validators.CurrencyValidator |
Error message when the decimal separator character occurs more than once. |
decimalPointCountError — Proprietà, classe mx.validators.NumberValidator |
Error message when the decimal separator character occurs more than once. |
decimalPointCountError — Proprietà, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase |
Error message when the decimal separator character occurs more than
once. |
decimalSeparator — Proprietà, classe flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter |
Il carattere separatore dei decimali utilizzato per formattare o analizzare gli importi in valuta che includono una parte decimale. |
decimalSeparator — Proprietà, classe flash.globalization.NumberFormatter |
Il carattere separatore dei decimali utilizzato per formattare o analizzare i numeri che includono una parte decimale. |
decimalSeparator — Proprietà, classe mx.validators.CurrencyValidator |
The character used to separate the whole
from the fractional part of the number. |
decimalSeparator — Proprietà, classe mx.validators.NumberValidator |
The character used to separate the whole
from the fractional part of the number. |
decimalSeparator — Proprietà, classe spark.formatters.supportClasses.NumberFormatterBase |
The decimal separator character used for formatting or parsing
numbers that have a decimal part. |
decimalSeparator — Proprietà, classe spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase |
The decimal separator character used for validating numbers that have
a decimal part. |
decimalSeparatorFrom — Proprietà, classe mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter |
Decimal separator character to use
when parsing an input string. |
decimalSeparatorFrom — Proprietà, classe mx.formatters.NumberBase |
Decimal separator character to use
when parsing an input String. |
decimalSeparatorFrom — Proprietà, classe mx.formatters.NumberFormatter |
Decimal separator character to use
when parsing an input String. |
decimalSeparatorTo — Proprietà, classe mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter |
Decimal separator character to use
when outputting formatted decimal numbers. |
decimalSeparatorTo — Proprietà, classe mx.formatters.NumberBase |
Decimal separator character to use
when outputting formatted decimal numbers. |
decimalSeparatorTo — Proprietà, classe mx.formatters.NumberFormatter |
Decimal separator character to use
when outputting formatted decimal numbers. |
decimalValidator — Parte skin, classe |
| A Skin part which defines the validator for Decimal fields.
A Skin part which defines the validator for Decimal fields. |
DECLINE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
DECLINE status implies that task has been declined by the author. |
DECLINED — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ReviewerStatus |
| Specifies the reviewer status when the reviewer has declined the task. |
DECLINED — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
The reviewer status when the document or a task has been declined by reviewer. |
declineFill — Stile, classe mx.charts.series.CandlestickSeries |
| Sets the declining fill for this data series, used when the closing value of an element is less than the opening value. |
decode(source:String) — metodo, classe |
Converte la stringa variabile in proprietà dell'oggetto URLVariables specificato. |
decode(xml:any, name:QName, type:QName, definition:XML) — metodo, interfaccia mx.rpc.xml.IXMLDecoder |
Decodes an XML document to an ActionScript object. |
decode(encoded:String) — metodo, classe mx.utils.Base64Decoder |
Decodes a Base64 encoded String and adds the result to an internal
buffer. |
decodeURI(uri:String) — Funzione del pacchetto, Primo livello |
Decodifica in stringa un URI codificato. |
decodeURIComponent(uri:String) — Funzione del pacchetto, Primo livello |
Decodifica in stringa un componente URI codificato. |
decodeXML(dataNode:flash.xml:XMLNode) — metodo, classe mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLDecoder |
Converts a tree of XMLNodes into a tree of ActionScript Objects. |
decompose(orientationStyle:String) — metodo, classe flash.geom.Matrix3D |
Restituisce le impostazioni di conversione, rotazione e ridimensionamento della matrice di trasformazione come vettore di tre oggetti Vector3D. |
decorator — Proprietà, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer |
The decorator icon that appears on the right side
of this item renderer. |
decoratorDisplay — Proprietà, classe spark.components.IconItemRenderer |
The display object component used to
display the decorator for this item renderer. |
decRef(applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain) — metodo, interfaccia com.adobe.gravity.framework.IApplicationDomainManager |
Decrement the reference count on the ApplicationDomain. |
decrement(baseValue:Object, decrementValue:Object) — metodo, classe spark.effects.interpolation.HSBInterpolator |
Returns the result of the two RGB values added
together as HSB colors. |
decrement(baseValue:Object, decrementValue:Object) — metodo, interfaccia spark.effects.interpolation.IInterpolator |
Given a base value and a value to subtract from it,
return the result of that decrement operation. |
decrement(baseValue:Object, decrementValue:Object) — metodo, classe spark.effects.interpolation.MultiValueInterpolator |
Given a base value and a value to subtract from it,
return the result of that decrement operation. |
decrement(baseValue:Object, decrementValue:Object) — metodo, classe spark.effects.interpolation.NumberInterpolator |
Given a base value and a value to subtract from it,
return the result of that decrement operation. |
decrement(baseValue:Object, decrementValue:Object) — metodo, classe spark.effects.interpolation.RGBInterpolator |
Returns the result of the two values subtracted
on a per-channel basis. |
decrementButton — Parte skin, classe spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase |
| An optional skin part that defines a button that, when pressed, steps the scrollbar up. This is equivalent to a decreasing step to the value property.
An optional skin part that defines a button
that, when pressed, steps the scrollbar up. |
decrementButton — Parte skin, classe spark.components.Spinner |
| A skin part that defines the button that, when pressed, decrements the value property by stepSize.
A skin part that defines the button that,
when pressed, decrements the value property
by stepSize. |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.HScrollBarSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.NumericStepperSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.SpinnerSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.HScrollBarSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.NumericStepperSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.SpinnerSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.VScrollBarSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollBarLargeSkin |
| Button to decrement the scroll index
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperSkin |
| |
decrementButton — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarSkin |
| |
decrementBy(a:flash.geom:Vector3D) — metodo, classe flash.geom.Vector3D |
Diminuisce il valore degli elementi x, y e z dell'oggetto Vector3D corrente in base ai valori degli elementi x, y e z di un oggetto Vector3D specificato. |
decrementCacheCounter(clearNow:Boolean) — metodo, interfaccia mx.automation.IAutomationManager |
Decrement the cache counter. |
DECREMENT_COLLECTION_SIZE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Indicates a derease in the collection size. |
DECREMENT_SATURATE — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DStencilAction |
Riducete il valore del buffer di stencil, fissandolo a 0, il valore minimo. |
DECREMENT_WRAP — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DStencilAction |
Riducete il valore del buffer di stencil. |
deepCopy(relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int) — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Crea una copia profonda di questo oggetto FlowElement, inclusi gli eventuali elementi secondari, copiando il contenuto tra le due posizioni di caratteri specificate e restituendo la copia come oggetto FlowElement. |
default — Istruzione |
| Definisce l’istruzione case predefinita di un’istruzione switch. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.CDMAssignment |
assignment type: Default. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Indicates a default value. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Indica che i nomi di colonna restituiti da un'istruzione SELECT utilizzano il formato predefinito. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.display.ColorCorrection |
Utilizza la correzione dei colori predefinita dell'host. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.display.StageOrientation |
Specifica che lo stage presenta attualmente l'orientamento predefinito del dispositivo (lato destro in alto). |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.globalization.LocaleID |
Indica se devono essere utilizzate le preferenze linguistiche predefinite dell'utente, secondo quanto specificato nelle impostazioni del sistema operativo dell'utente. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Specifica il formato predefinito (il più recente) per il runtime corrente (Flash Player o AIR). |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.system.SecurityPanel |
Quando viene passato a Security.showSettings(), visualizza il pannello che era aperto l'ultima volta che l'utente ha chiuso le impostazioni di Flash Player. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.ReturnKeyLabel |
Usa l'etichetta predefinita. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.SoftKeyboardType |
La tastiera predefinita per il metodo di input corrente.
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.TextDisplayMode |
Consente a Flash Player di scegliere la modalità LCD o CRT. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.engine.DigitCase |
Utilizzata per specificare il tipo di cifre (ascendenti/discendenti) predefinito. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.engine.DigitWidth |
Utilizzata per specificare la larghezza delle cifre predefinita. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.engine.TypographicCase |
Specifica il carattere tipografico (maiuscolo/minuscolo) predefinito. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TLFTypographicCase |
| Specifica il carattere tipografico (maiuscolo/minuscolo) predefinito. Non vengono applicate funzionalità speciali. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.core.ApplicationDomainTarget |
The default behavior for RSL loading is to load an RSL as high in
the parent module factory chain as possible. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.core.EventPriority |
Event handlers on component instances are executed with the default
priority, 0. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Reusable instance of a default PropertySpecifier. |
DEFAULT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Default smoothing algorithm is used when scaling,
consistent with quality of the stage (stage.quality). |
defaultActionHandler — Proprietà, classe |
The default action handler invoked on click of the custom action button on extensible toolbar when no action is specified
in acmExtensionsConfig.xml. |
defaultAssetIcon — Stile, classe |
| The default icon for an asset is exposed as a style. |
defaultAssetLargeIcon — Stile, classe |
| The default large icon for an asset is exposed as a style. |
DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_ENDPOINT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
The DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_ENDPOINT constant represents the endpoint name, currently pointing to the Document Services - Attachment Manager service on the Document Server. |
DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_URL — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
The DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_URL specifies the default attachment upload URL. |
DefaultBeveledActionButtonSkin — classe, pacchetto |
Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. |
DefaultBeveledActionButtonSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DefaultBeveledBackButtonSkin — classe, pacchetto |
Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. |
DefaultBeveledBackButtonSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
defaultBorderAlpha — Proprietà, classe mx.skins.spark.SparkSkinForHalo |
Default border alpha. |
defaultBorderItemColor — Proprietà, classe mx.skins.spark.SparkSkinForHalo |
Default border item color. |
defaultButton — Proprietà, classe fl.managers.FocusManager |
Ottiene o imposta il pulsante predefinito corrente. |
defaultButton — Proprietà, interfaccia fl.managers.IFocusManager |
Ottiene o imposta un riferimento al pulsante predefinito. |
defaultButton — Proprietà, classe mx.core.Container |
The Button control designated as the default button
for the container. |
defaultButton — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.core.IContainer |
The Button control designated as the default button
for the container. |
defaultButton — Proprietà, classe mx.managers.FocusManager |
A reference to the original default Button control. |
defaultButton — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.managers.IFocusManager |
A reference to the original default Button control. |
defaultButton — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.managers.IFocusManagerContainer |
The Button control designated as the default button
for the container. |
defaultButton — Proprietà, classe spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableContainerBase |
The Button control designated as the default button for the container. |
defaultButtonAppearance — Stile, classe spark.components.ActionBar |
| Appearance of buttons in navigation and action groups. |
defaultButtonEnabled — Proprietà, classe fl.managers.FocusManager |
Ottiene o imposta un valore che indica se il pulsante predefinito è abilitato. |
defaultButtonEnabled — Proprietà, interfaccia fl.managers.IFocusManager |
Ottiene o imposta un valore che indica se il pulsante predefinito è abilitato. |
defaultButtonEnabled — Proprietà, classe mx.managers.FocusManager |
A flag that indicates whether the FocusManager should
check for the Enter key being pressed to activate the default button. |
defaultButtonEnabled — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.managers.IFocusManager |
A flag that indicates whether the FocusManager should
check for the Enter key being pressed to activate the default button. |
defaultButtonFlag — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.Alert |
A bitflag that contains either Alert.OK,
Alert.CANCEL, Alert.YES,
or Alert.NO to specify the default button. |
DefaultButtonSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the MX default button. |
DefaultButtonSkin — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.wireframe |
| The wireframe skin class for the MX default button. |
DefaultButtonSkin — classe, pacchetto |
Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. |
DefaultButtonSkin — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.spark |
| The default skin class for a Spark DefaultButton component. |
DefaultButtonSkin — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.wireframe |
| The default wireframe skin class for the Spark DefaultButton component. |
DefaultButtonSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.spark.DefaultButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
DefaultButtonSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.wireframe.DefaultButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
DefaultButtonSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DefaultButtonSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
DefaultButtonSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
defaultCallback(msgId:int, request:String, error:ga.model:FormBridgeError, parms:Array) — metodo, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase |
Default error message handler for communication with the PDF. |
defaultCallback(msgId:int, request:String, error:ga.model:FormBridgeError, parms:Array) — metodo, interfaccia ga.controls.IWrapperHost |
Default error message handler for communication with the PDF. |
defaultCallback(msgId:int, request:String, error:ga.model:FormBridgeError, parms:Array) — metodo, classe ga.controls.Wrapper |
Default error message handler for communication with the PDF. |
defaultCampaignIcon — Stile, classe |
| The default icon for a campaign or project is exposed as a style. |
defaultCampaignLargeIcon — Stile, classe |
| The default large icon for a campaign or project is exposed as a style. |
defaultCaptionWidth — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase |
The default caption width for each panel item within a panel layout. |
defaultCaptionWidth — Proprietà, interfaccia ga.model.ILayoutHost |
The default caption width for each panel item within a panel layout. |
defaultCaptionWidth — Proprietà, classe ga.model.LayoutTemplate |
The default caption width for each panel item within a panel layout. |
defaultCellString — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid |
String displayed in a cell when the data for that cell returned by
the IOLAPResult instance is null or NaN. |
defaultCollationType — Proprietà, classe |
Indica la sequenza di confronto predefinita per questa colonna. |
defaultColumnCount — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
The default number of columns to display. |
defaultColumnCount — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
The default number of columns to display. |
DefaultComplexItemRenderer — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.spark |
| The Spark DefaultComplexItemRenderer class is an item renderer class that
displays a Flex component in a Group container. |
DefaultComplexItemRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultComplexItemRenderer |
| Constructor. |
defaultConfiguration — Proprietà statica, classe flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager |
| La configurazione predefinita per questo oggetto TextContainerManager. |
defaultConfiguration — Proprietà statica, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow |
| Configurazione predefinita per tutti i nuovi oggetti TextFlow, se la configurazione non viene specificata. |
defaultConfiguration — Proprietà statica, classe flashx.textLayout.factory.StringTextLineFactory |
La configurazione predefinita utilizzata da questo oggetto factory, se non ne viene specificata una. |
defaultCreateMask(targ:Object, bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — metodo, classe mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance |
Creates the default mask for the effect. |
defaultCreateName — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar |
name of createAssetAction, by default it is Create
Set this property if you have Create Action with an asset with a different name than "Create"
defaultCreateName — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.AddAssetPopUp |
name of createAssetAction, by default it is Create
defaultCreateName — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.Toolbar |
name of createAssetAction, by default it is Create
Set this property if you have Create Action with an asset with a different name than "Create"
DefaultDataDescriptor — classe, pacchetto mx.controls.treeClasses |
The DefaultDataDescriptor class provides a default implementation for
accessing and manipulating data for use in controls such as Tree and Menu. |
DefaultDataDescriptor() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor |
Constructor. |
defaultDataGridItemEditor — Stile, classe mx.controls.DataGrid |
| Name of the class of the itemEditor to be used if one is not specified for a column. |
defaultDataGridItemEditor — Stile, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx |
| Name of the class of the itemEditor to be used if one is not specified for a column. |
defaultDataGridItemEditor — Stile, classe spark.components.DataGrid |
| The class to use as the item editor, if one is not specified by a column. |
defaultDataGridItemRenderer — Stile, classe mx.controls.DataGrid |
| Name of the class of the itemRenderer to be used if one is not specified for a column or its header. |
defaultDataGridItemRenderer — Stile, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx |
| Name of the class of the itemRenderer to be used if one is not specified for a column. |
DEFAULT_DESTINATION_HTTP — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
Indicates that the HTTPService object uses the DefaultHTTP destination. |
DEFAULT_DESTINATION_HTTP — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService |
The default destination to use for HTTP connections when invoking a webservice through a proxy. |
DEFAULT_DESTINATION_HTTP — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.rpc.soap.WebService |
| |
DEFAULT_DESTINATION_HTTPS — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
Indicates that the HTTPService object uses the DefaultHTTPS destination. |
DEFAULT_DESTINATION_HTTPS — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService |
The default destination to use for HTTPS connections when invoking a webservice through a proxy. |
DEFAULT_DESTINATION_HTTPS — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.rpc.soap.WebService |
| |
DefaultDragImage — classe, pacchetto mx.skins.halo |
The default drag proxy image for a drag and drop operation. |
DefaultDragImage() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.skins.halo.DefaultDragImage |
Constructor. |
defaultDragImageSkin — Stile, classe mx.managers.DragManager |
| Skin used to draw the default drag image, which is also called the drag proxy. |
defaultDuration — Proprietà, classe org.osmf.elements.AudioElement |
Defines the duration that the element's TimeTrait will expose until the
element's content is loaded. |
defaultDuration — Proprietà, classe org.osmf.elements.LightweightVideoElement |
Defines the duration that the element's TimeTrait will expose until the
element's content is loaded. |
defaultEnabled — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetAction |
Is the icon enabled by default for e.g. |
defaultEnabled — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetAction |
Specifies whether the icon is enabled by default. |
defaultEncoder — Proprietà statica, classe |
The default implementation
used to capture images. |
defaultExpressionFilledAsset — Stato skin, classe |
| Default condition with Filled Asset |
DefaultExpressionLoader — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.exm.expression.impl |
Base Class to load the expression swf in a loader context. |
defaultExpressionNoAsset — Stato skin, classe |
| Default condition with empty Asset |
defaultFactory — Proprietà, classe mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration |
This function, if it isn't null,
is usually autogenerated by the MXML compiler. |
defaultFilterFunction(cache:Array) — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.Series |
This is used if you do not set a custom function as the filterFunction for the series. |
defaultFilterFunction(propChanges:Array, instanceTarget:Object) — metodo, classe mx.effects.EffectTargetFilter |
The default filter function for the EffectTargetFilter class. |
defaultFormat — Proprietà statica, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat |
Restituisce un oggetto TabStopFormat con impostazioni predefinite. |
defaultFormat — Proprietà statica, classe flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Restituisce un oggetto TextLayoutFormat con impostazioni predefinite. |
DefaultGridHeaderRenderer — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.spark |
| The DefaultGridHeaderRenderer class defines the default header renderer
for the columns of a Spark DataGrid control. |
DefaultGridHeaderRenderer — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.wireframe |
| The default header renderer for s:DataGrid columns. |
DefaultGridHeaderRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer |
| Constructor. |
DefaultGridHeaderRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer |
| Constructor. |
DefaultGridItemEditor — classe, pacchetto spark.components.gridClasses |
| The DefaultGridItemEditor class defines the default item renderer used
by the Spark grid controls, such as DataGrid and Grid. |
DefaultGridItemEditor() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.components.gridClasses.DefaultGridItemEditor |
| Constructor. |
DefaultGridItemRenderer — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.spark |
The DefaultGridItemRenderer class defines simple and efficient
item renderer that displays a single text label. |
DefaultGridItemRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
DEFAULT_HANDLER — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.core.EventPriority |
Some components listen to events that they dispatch on themselves
and let other listeners call the preventDefault()
method to tell the component not to perform a default action. |
defaultHeaders — Proprietà, classe mx.messaging.AbstractProducer |
The default headers to apply to messages sent by the Producer. |
DEFAULT_HISTORY_LENGTH — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
| |
DefaultHTTPStreamingSwitchManager — classe, pacchetto |
Default implementation of SwitchManagerBase
DefaultHTTPStreamingSwitchManager(,,, emergencyRules:Vector$, autoSwitch:Boolean, normalRules:Vector$, normalRuleWeights:Vector$Number, minReliability:Number, minReliabilityRecordSize:uint, maxReliabilityRecordSize:uint, climbFactor:Number, maxUpSwitchLimit:int, maxDownSwitchLimit:int) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DefaultImagePreviewUIControl — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.component |
Default implementation of IPreviewUIControl to preview an image. |
DefaultImagePreviewUIControl(mimeType:String, imageBytes:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.component.DefaultImagePreviewUIControl |
defaultInvalidFormatError — Proprietà statica, classe mx.formatters.Formatter |
Error message for an invalid format string specified to the formatter. |
defaultInvalidValueError — Proprietà statica, classe mx.formatters.Formatter |
Error messages for an invalid value specified to the formatter. |
DefaultItemRenderer — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.spark |
The DefaultItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer
for a List control. |
DefaultItemRenderer — classe, pacchetto spark.skins.wireframe |
The DefaultItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer
for a List control. |
DefaultItemRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
DefaultItemRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
defaultLeafIcon — Stile, classe mx.controls.Tree |
| Specifies the default icon for a leaf item. |
defaultLeafIcon — Stile, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid |
| The default icon for a leaf node of the navigation tree. |
defaultLinkActiveFormat — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration |
Specifica gli attributi del formato di carattere attivo applicato inizialmente per tutti i collegamenti (oggetti LinkElement) nel flusso di testo. |
defaultLinkActiveFormat — Proprietà, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration |
Specifica gli attributi del formato di carattere attivo applicato inizialmente per tutti i collegamenti (oggetti LinkElement) nel flusso di testo. |
defaultLinkHoverFormat — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration |
Specifica gli attributi del formato di carattere iniziale applicato a un collegamento (LinkElement) nel flusso di testo quando vi si passa sopra il cursore. |
defaultLinkHoverFormat — Proprietà, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration |
Specifica gli attributi del formato di carattere iniziale applicato a un collegamento (LinkElement) nel flusso di testo quando vi si passa sopra il cursore. |
defaultLinkNormalFormat — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration |
Specifica gli attributi del collegamento iniziale per tutti gli oggetti LinkElement nel flusso di testo. |
defaultLinkNormalFormat — Proprietà, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration |
Specifica gli attributi del collegamento iniziale per tutti gli oggetti LinkElement nel flusso di testo. |
defaultLinkProtocol — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.RichTextEditor |
The default protocol string to use at the start of link text. |
DefaultListEffect — classe, pacchetto mx.effects |
| The DefaultListEffect class defines the default effect applied to the item renderers
of a List control when the data in the data provider changes. |
DefaultListEffect() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.effects.DefaultListEffect |
| Constructor. |
defaultListMarkerFormat — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration |
Specifica gli attributi di formato del carattere attivo applicati inizialmente per tutti gli oggetti ListItem nel flusso di testo. |
defaultListMarkerFormat — Proprietà, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration |
Specifica gli attributi di formato del carattere attivo applicati inizialmente per tutti gli oggetti ListItem nel flusso di testo. |
DEFAULT_MAX_HEIGHT — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
The default value for the maxHeight property. |
DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
The default value for the maxWidth property. |
DEFAULT_MEASURED_HEIGHT — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
The default value for the measuredHeight property. |
DEFAULT_MEASURED_MIN_HEIGHT — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
The default value for the measuredMinHeight property. |
DEFAULT_MEASURED_MIN_WIDTH — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
The default value for the measuredMinWidth property. |
DEFAULT_MEASURED_WIDTH — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
The default value for the measuredWidth property. |
DefaultMediaFactory — classe, pacchetto |
DefaultMediaFactory is the default implementation of MediaFactory. |
DefaultMediaFactory() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
defaultMember — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.olap.IOLAPDimension |
The default member of this dimension. |
defaultMember — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.olap.IOLAPHierarchy |
The default member of the hierarchy. |
defaultMember — Proprietà, classe mx.olap.OLAPDimension |
The default member of this dimension. |
defaultMember — Proprietà, classe mx.olap.OLAPHierarchy |
The default member of the hierarchy. |
DefaultMetricFactory — classe, pacchetto |
DefaultMetricFactory is the default implementation of the MetricFactory. |
DefaultMetricFactory( — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
defaultObjectEncoding — Proprietà statica, classe |
La codifica predefinita per gli oggetti NetConnection. |
defaultObjectEncoding — Proprietà statica, classe |
La codifica oggetto predefinita (versione AMF) per tutti gli oggetti condivisi locali creati nel file SWF. |
defaultObjectEncoding — Proprietà statica, classe flash.utils.ByteArray |
Denota la codifica oggetto predefinita che la classe ByteArray deve utilizzare per una nuova istanza ByteArray. |
DEFAULT_OFF — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.display.ColorCorrectionSupport |
La correzione dei colori è supportata ma disattivata per impostazione predefinita. |
DEFAULT_ON — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.display.ColorCorrectionSupport |
La correzione dei colori è supportata e attivata per impostazione predefinita. |
DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE — Proprietà statica, classe |
An integer constant to represent the default page size. |
DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Page size in case of paginated results. |
defaultPanels — Proprietà, interfaccia |
An array of panels that are defined as defaults for the application. |
defaultParams — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.component.DocumentSubmitComponent |
The parameters that can be passed to the Render service. |
defaultParams — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.domain.DocumentSubmit |
The parameters that are passed to the render service. |
defaultPopTransition — Proprietà, classe spark.components.ViewNavigator |
Specifies the default view transition for pop navigation operations. |
DefaultPreviewRenderer — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover |
Default extention of BaseAssetPreviewRenderer. |
DefaultPreviewRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.DefaultPreviewRenderer |
DEFAULT_PRIORITY — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.messaging.Producer |
The default message priority. |
defaultPushTransition — Proprietà, classe spark.components.ViewNavigator |
Specifies the default view transition for push navigation operations. |
defaultQueue — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.QueuesManager |
The default queue of the QueuesManager object. |
defaultQueueSize — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.ToDoModel |
The number of tasks that exist in the user's default queue. |
defaultRenderer — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.AttachmentList |
The item renderer to use to render the attachment icon. |
defaultRenderer — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar |
Default Renderer will be used as a failback in case AssetAction.assetActionRenderer is not provided
to render the Asset Action in Toolbar
defaultRenderer — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.Toolbar |
Default Renderer will be used as a failback in case AssetAction.assetActionRenderer is not provided
to render the Asset Action in Toolbar
DefaultResponder — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service |
Simple class that implements IResponder and allows a result and fault handler to be defined. |
DefaultResponder — classe, pacchetto |
The DefaultResponder class is an implementation of the mx.rpc.IResponder interface. |
DefaultResponder(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function) — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.DefaultResponder |
Constructs a DefaultResponder based on the specified result and fault handlers. |
DefaultResponder(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
defaultRowCount — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
The default number of rows to display. |
defaultRowCount — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
The default number of rows to display. |
defaultSettings() — Metodo statico , classe XML |
Restituisce un oggetto con le proprietà seguenti impostate sui valori predefiniti: ignoreComments, ignoreProcessingInstructions, ignoreWhitespace, prettyIndent e prettyPrinting. |
defaultSortIndicator — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer |
| The default value of the sortIndicator property. |
defaultSortIndicator — Proprietà, classe spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer |
| The default value of the sortIndicator property. |
defaultSortIndicator — Proprietà, classe xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.components.AXMEnterpriseGridHeaderRenderer |
| The default value of the sortIndicator property. |
DefaultStringTextInput — classe, pacchetto |
This component shows a default string which shows up prompting the user about the text
that needs to be entered. |
DefaultStringTextInput() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
onstructor. |
DefaultStringTextInputSearchRenderer — classe, pacchetto |
Default String Text Search Renderer
DefaultStringTextInputSearchRenderer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
DefaultSummaryCalculator — classe, pacchetto mx.collections |
The DefaultSummaryCalculator class provides summary calculation logic for
SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, and COUNT operations. |
DEFAULT_TASKMANAGER_ENDPOINT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
The DEFAULT_TASKMANAGER_ENDPOINT constant represents the endpoint name that is pointing to the Document Services - Task Management service on the Document Server. |
DEFAULT_TASKMANAGER_ENDPOINT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
The DEFAULT_TASKMANAGER_ENDPOINT constant represents the endpoint name pointing to the Experience Services - Task Management service. |
defaultText — Proprietà, classe |
The "prompt" text that should appear in the Text Box if the user left it empty. |
defaultTextFormat — Proprietà, classe fl.text.TLFTextField |
Specifica il formato applicato al testo appena immesso, ad esempio al testo digitato da un utente o quello immesso mediante il metodo replaceSelectedText(). |
defaultTextFormat — Proprietà, classe flash.text.TextField |
Specifica il formato applicato al testo appena immesso, ad esempio al testo digitato da un utente o quello immesso mediante il metodo replaceSelectedText(). |
defaultTextFormat — Proprietà, classe mx.core.FTETextField |
Specifica il formato applicato al testo appena immesso, ad esempio al testo digitato da un utente o quello immesso mediante il metodo replaceSelectedText(). |
defaultTextFormat — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.core.IUITextField |
Specifica il formato applicato al testo appena immesso, ad esempio al testo digitato da un utente o quello immesso mediante il metodo replaceSelectedText(). |
DefaultTextPreviewUIControl — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.component |
Default implementation of IPreviewUIControl to preview text data. |
DefaultTextPreviewUIControl(mimeType:String, textBytes:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Funzione di costruzione, classe com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.component.DefaultTextPreviewUIControl |
DefaultTileListEffect — classe, pacchetto mx.effects |
| The DefaultTileListEffect class defines the default effect applied to the item renderers
of a TileList control when the data in the data provider changes. |
DefaultTileListEffect() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.effects.DefaultTileListEffect |
| Constructor. |
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT — Proprietà costante, classe |
Timeout predefinito in millisecondi. |
DEFAULT_TRANSITION_INDEX — Proprietà statica costante, classe org.osmf.traits.AlternativeAudioTrait |
| |
DefaultTransparentActionButtonSkin — classe, pacchetto |
Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. |
DefaultTransparentActionButtonSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
DefaultTransparentNavigationButtonSkin — classe, pacchetto |
Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor. |
DefaultTransparentNavigationButtonSkin() — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
defaultValue — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Returns the default value of the current variable. |
defaultValue — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.automation.IAutomationPropertyDescriptor |
Default value of this property. |
defaultViews — Proprietà, interfaccia |
An array of views that are defined as defaults for the application. |
defaultWorkItemTemplateName — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Defines the default workItem template name. |
defaultWorkItemTemplateName — Proprietà, classe |
Defines the default workItem template name. |
defaultWorkItemTemplateName — Proprietà, classe |
Defines the default workItem template name. |
default xml namespace — Istruzione |
La direttiva default xml namespace imposta lo spazio dei nomi predefinito da utilizzare per gli oggetti XML.
Deferred — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.gravity.utility.async |
Utility class to allow a method to be deferred until "the next stack frame". |
DEFERRED — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Specifica l'opzione di transazione con blocco differito. |
deferredContentCreated — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.Legend |
IDeferredContentOwner equivalent of processedDescriptors
deferredContentCreated — Proprietà, classe mx.core.Container |
IDeferredContentOwner equivalent of processedDescriptors
deferredContentCreated — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.core.IDeferredContentOwner |
A flag that indicates whether the deferred content has been created. |
deferredContentCreated — Proprietà, classe spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
Contains true if deferred content has been created. |
DeferredInstanceFromClass — classe, pacchetto mx.core |
A deferred instance factory that creates and returns an instance
of a specified class. |
DeferredInstanceFromClass(generator:Class) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.core.DeferredInstanceFromClass |
Constructor. |
DeferredInstanceFromFunction — classe, pacchetto mx.core |
A deferred instance factory that uses a generator function
to create an instance of the required object. |
DeferredInstanceFromFunction(generator:Function, destructor:Function) — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.core.DeferredInstanceFromFunction |
Constructor. |
DefinitionError — Classe dinamica, Primo livello |
La classe DefinitionError rappresenta un errore che si verifica quando il codice utente tenta di definire un identificatore che è già definito. |
DefinitionError(message:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe DefinitionError |
Crea un nuovo oggetto DefinitionError. |
deflate() — metodo, classe flash.utils.ByteArray |
Comprime l'array di byte utilizzando l'algoritmo di compressione deflate. |
DEFLATE — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.utils.CompressionAlgorithm |
Definisce la stringa da usare per l'algoritmo di compressione deflate. |
delay — Proprietà, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdater |
L'intervallo, espresso in giorni, che intercorre tra la verifica periodica della presenza di nuovi aggiornamenti. |
delay — Proprietà, classe air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI |
L'intervallo, espresso in giorni, che intercorre tra la verifica periodica della presenza di nuovi aggiornamenti. |
delay — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImageSlideShow |
The delay, in milliseconds, between the loading of the images. |
delay — Proprietà, classe |
The delay in milliseconds from the time when mouse has been hovered on the component to the time
when preview pod has been rendered. |
delay — Proprietà, classe flash.utils.Timer |
Il ritardo tra gli eventi timer, in millisecondi. |
DELAYED — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
DELAYED status means that the stage has exceeded its specified duration but since the stage was set to never expire, the stage has not expired. |
delayUpdates — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager |
| |
delayUpdates — Proprietà, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager |
Per impostazione predefinita, le chiamate di IEditManager gestiscono gli aggiornamenti in modo sincrono, quindi la modifica richiesta viene effettuata e il testo ricomposto e aggiunto all'elenco di visualizzazione all'interno del metodo IEditManager. |
delete — Operatore |
| Elimina la proprietà dell’oggetto specificata da reference; il risultato è true se la proprietà non esiste dopo il completamento dell’operazione, altrimenti è false. |
delete — Evento, classe |
Inviato quando i dati in qualsiasi tabella di qualsiasi database connesso vengono modificati come risultato di un comando SQL DELETE. |
DELETE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
La costante SQLUpdateEvent.DELETE definisce il valore della proprietà type di un oggetto evento SQLConnection delete. |
DELETE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Specifica che l'oggetto URLRequest è di tipo DELETE. |
DELETE — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.ui.Keyboard |
Costante associata al valore del codice tasto per il tasto Canc (46). |
DELETE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Indicates that the property was deleted from the object. |
deleteable — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachment |
A flag that indicates whether the attachment can be deleted. |
deleteAttachment(taskId:String, attachmentId:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
Delete an attachment from a task. |
deleteAttachment(taskId:String, attachmentId:String) — metodo, classe |
Delete an attachment from a task. |
deleteAttachment(taskId:String, attachmentId:String) — metodo, interfaccia lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager |
Deletes an attachment or note from a task item. |
deleteAttachment(attachmentId:String) — metodo, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task |
Deletes the attachment from the task. |
DeleteAttachmentCommand — classe, pacchetto lc.procmgmt.commands |
The DeleteAttachmentCommand class removes the specified attachment
from a task. |
DeleteAttachmentCommand(taskAttachmentInfo:lc.procmgmt.domain:TaskAttachmentInfo) — Funzione di costruzione, classe lc.procmgmt.commands.DeleteAttachmentCommand |
Constructor. |
DELETE_ATTACHMENT_COMPLETE — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
A special value that specifies an attachment was deleted from a task. |
deleteBtn — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.ExtendedProperty |
| A skin part that defines the delete button which removes a property.
A skin part that defines the delete button which removes a property. |
deleteButton — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars.DDToolbar |
| A skin part that defines a Button which deletes an existing data dictionary element.
A skin part that defines a Button which deletes an existing data dictionary element. |
deleteButton — Parte skin, classe |
| A Skin part which defines UI component to display Delete Button.
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Delete Button. |
deleteButtonClicked — Evento, classe com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars.DDToolbar |
Dispatched when the delete/remove button is clicked. |
deleteCategories(showWaring:Boolean) — metodo, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. |
deleteCategory(categoryId:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
Deletes a category. |
deleteConditions(showWaring:Boolean) — metodo, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. |
deleteConflictMode — Proprietà, classe |
Set this to 'object' to enable conflict detection on deleteItem()
calls. |
deleteDataDictionary(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function, errorHandler:Function) — metodo, interfaccia com.adobe.dct.service.DataDictionaryRegistryService |
Deletes a data dictionary from the persistent store. |
deleteDataDictionary(showWaring:Boolean) — metodo, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. |
DELETE_DATA_DICTIONARY — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.dct.event.DCTServiceEvent |
The DCTServiceEvent.DELETE_DATA_DICTIONARY constant defines the value of the type property of
the event object for a deleteDataDictionary event. |
DELETE_DATADICTIONARY_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManagerImpl |
The constant specifying the data dictionary delete exception message. |
deleteDataModule(moduleId:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
Deletes a data module
DELETE_DEFAULT_PLAYER — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Variabile di stato che indica che l'utente non è in grado di eliminare l'oggetto VideoPlayer predefinito. |
DELETE_DEFAULT_PLAYER — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError |
Cannot delete default VideoPlayer
deleteDirectory(deleteDirectoryContents:Boolean) — metodo, classe flash.filesystem.File |
Elimina la directory. |
deleteDirectoryAsync(deleteDirectoryContents:Boolean) — metodo, classe flash.filesystem.File |
Elimina la directory in modo asincrono. |
deletedItemIds — Proprietà, classe |
The identities of items deleted since the change time. |
deleteExpression — Evento, classe |
The event dispatched when the Delete button is clicked. |
deleteExpression() — metodo, interfaccia |
Fires an asynchronous operation for deleting this expression from the expression repository. |
deleteExpression( — metodo, interfaccia |
Deletes an expression from the expression repository. |
DELETE_EXPRESSION — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Constant representing the type of the event dispatched when an expression is deleted. |
DELETE_EXPRESSION — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
The ExpressionsPanelToolBarEvent.DELETE_EXPRESSION constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for an event that is
dispatched when the agent clicks the Delete button of a Expression Panel toolbar
in Expression Builder UI. |
deleteFile() — metodo, classe com.adobe.livecycle.content.File |
Deletes the JCR node specified by this instance. |
deleteFile() — metodo, classe flash.filesystem.File |
Elimina il file. |
deleteFileAsync() — metodo, classe flash.filesystem.File |
Elimina il file in modo asincrono. |
deleteForm(formId:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
Allows deleting of a form. |
deleteFragmentLayout(fragmentLayoutId:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
Allows deleting of a fragmentLayout. |
deleteFragmentLayouts(showWaring:Boolean) — metodo, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. |
DELETE_FROM_COLLECTION — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
Indicates a range of items that have been deleted from the collection. |
deleteImages(showWaring:Boolean) — metodo, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. |
deleteInstance(instance:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — metodo, classe mx.effects.Effect |
Removes event listeners from an instance
and removes it from the list of instances. |
deleteInstance(instance:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — metodo, interfaccia mx.effects.IEffect |
Removes event listeners from an instance
and removes it from the list of instances. |
deleteItem(item:Object) — metodo, classe |
Requests that the specified item be deleted from the remote store. |
deleteItem(, item:Object) — metodo, classe |
This is called by the RPCDataServiceAdapter when the management layer wants to delete an item
from the server. |
deleteItemOnRemoveFromFill — Proprietà, classe |
By default, when you call the removeItemAt() method on a managed filled collection, it
issues a delete item call to the server to physically remove the item. |
deleteLayouts(showWaring:Boolean) — metodo, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. |
deleteLetter(letterId:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
Allows deleting of a letter. |
deleteLetters(showWaring:Boolean) — metodo, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. |
deleteLists(showWaring:Boolean) — metodo, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. |
DELETE_METHOD — Proprietà statica costante, classe mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage |
Indicates that the method used for this request should be "delete". |
deleteNextCharacter(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager |
Elimina un intervallo di testo oppure, se viene indicata la selezione di un punto, elimina il carattere successivo. |
deleteNextCharacter(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager |
Elimina un intervallo di testo oppure, se viene indicata la selezione di un punto, elimina il carattere successivo. |
deleteNextWord(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager |
Elimina la parola successiva. |
deleteNextWord(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager |
Elimina la parola successiva. |
DeleteObjectSample — classe finale, pacchetto flash.sampler |
La classe DeleteObjectSample rappresenta oggetti che vengono creati in un flusso getSamples(); ciascun oggetto DeleteObjectSample corrisponde a un oggetto NewObjectSample. |
deleteOfflineItem(uid:String) — metodo, classe |
Deletes the specified offine item with the matching uid from the local store. |
deleteOfflineItem(uid:String) — metodo, classe |
Deletes the specified offine item with the matching uid from the local store. |
deleteOfflineItems(uidArray:Array) — metodo, classe |
Deletes the specified set of offine items with the matching uids from the local store. |
DELETE_OPERATION — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
This operation indicates that the specified item should be removed. |
DELETE_OPERATION — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
A delete operation. |
deletePreviousCharacter(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager |
Elimina un intervallo di testo oppure, se viene indicata la selezione di un punto, elimina il carattere precedente. |
deletePreviousCharacter(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager |
Elimina un intervallo di testo oppure, se viene indicata la selezione di un punto, elimina il carattere precedente. |
deletePreviousWord(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager |
Elimina la parola precedente. |
deletePreviousWord(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager |
Elimina la parola precedente. |
deleteProperty(name:any) — metodo, classe |
Overrides the request to delete a property. |
deleteProperty(name:any) — metodo, classe mx.messaging.config.ConfigMap |
Deletes the specified property on the proxied object and
sends notification of the delete to the handler. |
deleteProperty(name:any) — metodo, classe mx.utils.ObjectProxy |
Deletes the specified property on the proxied object and
sends notification of the delete to the handler. |
deleteProperty(name:any) — metodo, classe mx.utils.OrderedObject |
Deletes the specified property on the proxied object. |
deleteReferenceOnParentDocument(parentDocument:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — metodo, interfaccia mx.core.IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent |
Deletes the id reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object. |
deleteReferenceOnParentDocument(parentDocument:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — metodo, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
Deletes the id reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object. |
deleteReferenceOnParentDocument(parentDocument:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — metodo, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip |
Deletes the id reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object. |
deleteReviewTemplate(templateName:String) — metodo, interfaccia com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.IReviewCommentingAndApprovalService |
This operation permanently deletes a review template. |
deleteReviewTemplate(templateName:String) — metodo, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalService |
This operation permanently deletes a review template. |
deleteReviewTemplate(templateName:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
This API deletes a review template from the system. |
deleteReviewTemplate(templateName:String) — metodo, classe |
This API deletes a review template from the system. |
deleteSelectionState — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.DeleteTextOperation |
deleteSelectionState L'intervallo di testo da eliminare.
deleteSelectionState — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertTextOperation |
Il testo eliminato dall'operazione, se pertinente. |
deleteStageButton — Parte skin, classe |
| A reference to the Button object that allows users to delete a selected stage.
A reference to the Button object that allows users to delete a selected stage. |
deleteStageTemplate(templateName:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
This operation deletes a stage template from the system. |
deleteStageTemplate(templateName:String) — metodo, classe |
This operation deletes a stage template from the system. |
deleteTask(taskId:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
Deletes the specified task. |
deleteTemplate() — metodo, interfaccia |
Deletes the template. |
deleteTemplate() — metodo, classe |
Deletes the template. |
deleteText(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, classe flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager |
Elimina un intervallo di testo. |
deleteText(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — metodo, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager |
Elimina un intervallo di testo. |
DeleteTextOperation — classe, pacchetto flashx.textLayout.operations |
La classe DeleteTextOperation incapsula l'eliminazione di un intervallo di testo. |
DeleteTextOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, deleteSelectionState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, allowMerge:Boolean) — Funzione di costruzione, classe flashx.textLayout.operations.DeleteTextOperation |
Crea un'operazione DeleteTextOperation. |
deleteTexts(showWaring:Boolean) — metodo, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. |
deleteUserView(, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — metodo, interfaccia |
Deletes a view saved by a user. |
DeleteViewEvent — classe, pacchetto |
The DeleteViewEvent class defines a transient notification of deleted views. |
DeleteViewEvent(type:String, uuid:String, errMsg:String) — Funzione di costruzione, classe |
Constructor. |
delete (XML) — Operatore |
| Elimina gli elementi o attributi XML specificati da reference. |
delimiter — Proprietà, classe coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap |
Separator between attribute name-value pairs. |
delta — Proprietà, classe |
Ottiene le dimensioni del cambiamento della posizione di scorrimento, in pixel. |
delta — Proprietà, classe |
Indica il numero di righe da scorrere per ogni unità di rotazione della rotella del mouse. |
delta — Proprietà, classe |
La modifica del valore di posizione dello scorrimento risultante dallo scorrimento. |
delta — Proprietà, classe |
The number of pixels that the divider has been dragged. |
delta — Proprietà, classe |
The change in the scroll position value that resulted from
the scroll. |
deltaTransformPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — metodo, classe flash.geom.Matrix |
Dato un punto nello spazio di coordinate pre-trasformazione, questo metodo restituisce le coordinate di tale punto dopo l'avvenuta trasformazione. |
deltaTransformVector(v:flash.geom:Vector3D) — metodo, classe flash.geom.Matrix3D |
Utilizza la matrice di trasformazione senza gli elementi di conversione per trasformare un oggetto Vector3D da una coordinata dello spazio a un'altra. |
DENIED — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.permissions.PermissionStatus |
Specifica che l’autorizzazione è stata negata. |
denyRequestedObject(requestID:int) — metodo, classe |
Rifiuta la richiesta ricevuta in un evento NetStatusEvent NetGroup.Replication.Request relativamente a un oggetto precedentemente segnalato con il metodo addHaveObjects(). |
DEPDictionaryModel — classe, pacchetto com.adobe.dct.model |
The DEPDictionaryModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type DataDictionary
which is used as data provider for DataElementsPanel. |
dependsInterfaces — Proprietà, interfaccia |
The list of the interfaces this service depends on. |
deployMouseShields(deploy:Boolean) — metodo, interfaccia mx.managers.ISystemManager |
Deploy or remove mouse shields. |
deployMouseShields(deploy:Boolean) — metodo, classe mx.managers.SystemManager |
Deploy or remove mouse shields. |
deployMouseShields(deploy:Boolean) — metodo, classe mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager |
Deploy or remove mouse shields. |
depth — Proprietà, classe |
Il livello di profondità di un oggetto StageVideo in relazione ad altri oggetti StageVideo. |
depth — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo |
The depth of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance
in the columns hierarchy of the AdvancedDataGrid control,
if this column is part of a column group. |
depth — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData |
The level of the item in the AdvancedDataGrid control. |
depth — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider |
Depth in the tree at which the renderer is used,
where the top-most node of the tree is at a depth of 1. |
depth — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeListData |
The level of the item in the tree. |
depth — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.core.IVisualElement |
Determines the order in which items inside of containers
are rendered. |
depth — Proprietà, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
Determines the order in which items inside of containers
are rendered. |
depth — Proprietà, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip |
Determines the order in which items inside of containers
are rendered. |
depth — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.olap.IOLAPLevel |
The depth of the level in the hierarchy of the dimension. |
depth — Proprietà, classe mx.olap.OLAPLevel |
The depth of the level in the hierarchy of the dimension. |
depth — Proprietà, classe spark.core.SpriteVisualElement |
Determines the order in which items inside of containers
are rendered. |
depth — Proprietà, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
Determines the order in which items inside of containers
are rendered. |
DEPTH — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.display3D.Context3DClearMask |
Cancellate solo il buffer della profondità. |
depthColors — Stile, classe mx.controls.Tree |
| Array of colors used in the Tree control, in descending order. |
depthColors — Stile, classe mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid |
| Array of colors used for the rows of each level of the navigation tree of the AdvancedDataGrid control, in descending order. |
dereference(uri:String) — metodo, interfaccia |
Risolve l'URI specificato e ne annulla i riferimenti. |
desc — Proprietà, classe |
Specifies the description for the form. |
desc — Proprietà, classe |
Specifies the description for the letter template. |
desc — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout |
Description of the container layout
desc — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule |
Gets the description for this data module. |
desc — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Document |
Specifies the description for the document. |
desc — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Folder |
Specifies the description of the folder. |
desc — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio |
Specifies the description for the portfolio template. |
descendants(name:Object) — metodo, classe XML |
Restituisce tutti gli elementi discendenti (secondari, inferiori di due livelli, inferiori di tre livelli e così via) dell'oggetto XML che hanno il parametro name dato. |
descendants(name:Object) — metodo, classe XMLList |
Restituisce tutti gli elementi discendenti (secondari, inferiori di due livelli, inferiori di tre livelli e così via) dell'oggetto XML che hanno il parametro name dato. |
descendants(name:Object) — metodo, classe mx.collections.XMLListCollection |
Calls the descendants() method of each XML object in the
XMLList and returns an XMLList containing the results. |
descending — Proprietà, classe mx.collections.GroupingField |
Set to true if the sort for this field should be
in descending order. |
descending — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.collections.ISortField |
Specifies whether this field should be sorted in descending
order. |
descending — Proprietà, classe mx.collections.SortField |
Specifies whether this field should be sorted in descending
order. |
descending — Proprietà, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.SortInfo |
Contains true when the column is sorted in descending order,
and false when the column is sorted in ascending order. |
descending — Proprietà, classe spark.collections.SortField |
Specifies whether this field should be sorted in descending
order. |
DESCENDING — Proprietà statica costante, classe Array |
Specifica l'ordinamento discendente per i metodi di ordinamento della classe Array. |
descent — Proprietà, classe flash.text.TextLineMetrics |
Il valore descent del testo è la lunghezza dalla base all'estremità inferiore della riga, espressa in pixel. |
descent — Proprietà, classe flash.text.engine.TextLine |
Specifica il numero di pixel dalla linea di base alla estremità inferiore massima dei caratteri discendenti nella riga. |
descent — Proprietà, interfaccia flashx.textLayout.compose.IVerticalJustificationLine |
Specifica il numero di pixel dalla linea di base alla estremità inferiore massima dei caratteri discendenti nella riga. |
descent — Proprietà, classe flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine |
Specifica il numero di pixel dalla linea di base alla estremità inferiore massima dei caratteri discendenti nella riga. |
DESCENT — Proprietà statica costante, classe flash.text.engine.TextBaseline |
Specifica una linea di base discendente. |
descInput — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part which defines the input field to capture the description of the free form text module.
A skin part which defines the input field to capture
the description of the free form text module. |
describeData(requiredFields:uint) — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisBase |
Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description
of the data represented by this IChartElement. |
describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint) — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description
of the data represented by this IChartElement. |
describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint) — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement |
Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description
of the data represented by this IChartElement. |
describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint) — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTransform |
Collects important displayed values for all elements
associated with this data transform. |
describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint) — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase |
Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description
of the data represented by this IChartElement. |
describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint) — metodo, interfaccia mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement |
Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description
of the data represented by this IChartElement. |
describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint) — metodo, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas |
Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description
of the data represented by this IChartElement. |
describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint) — metodo, classe mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries |
Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description
of the data represented by this IChartElement. |
describeData(dimension:String, requiredFields:uint) — metodo, classe mx.charts.series.ColumnSet |
Called by the governing DataTransform to obtain a description
of the data represented by this IChartElement. |
describeRendererForItem(data:Object, dataDepth:int, column:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridColumn, description:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription) — metodo, classe mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider |
Updates the AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription instance with information about
this AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider instance. |
describeRendererForItem(data:Object, dataDepth:int, column:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridColumn, description:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription) — metodo, interfaccia mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.IAdvancedDataGridRendererProvider |
Updates the IAdvancedDataGridRendererDescription instance with
information about this IAdvancedDataGridRendererProvider. |
describeType(value:any) — Funzione del pacchetto, flash.utils |
Produce un oggetto XML che descrive l'oggetto ActionScript specificato come parametro del metodo. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DEPDictionaryModel |
The description of the DEPDictionaryModel. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel |
The description of the DataElementModel. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary |
The description of the data dictionary. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElement |
The description of the DataDictionaryElement. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryReference |
The description of the data dictionary. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationParameter |
The description of the OperationParameter. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachment |
The description for the attachment. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ITask |
The description for the task. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.fiber.styles.IStyle |
Returns the description aspect of a property's style. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.fiber.styles.Style |
Returns the description aspect of a property's style. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance |
Description associated with this ModuleInstance. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance |
Description associated with this ModuleInstance. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.LetterInstance |
Description of the underlying object. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel |
The description of the underlying value object. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.FieldAssignment |
Specifies the description text for the assignment. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment |
Specifies the description text for the assignment. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Attachment |
A description of the attachment. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.AuditLevel |
| Specifies a description of the audit level. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewTemplateReference |
| Specifies a description of the template. |
description — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document.SupportingDocument |
Specifies a description of the supporting document. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Returns the description associated with the application
description — Proprietà, classe |
Returns the description associated with the catalog
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Returns the description associated with the application to be loaded
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Returns the description associated with the catalog to be loaded
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Retrieves the <Description> element content, if any, from this XML node. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Returns a human-readable verbose description for this expression. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Returns a human-readable verbose description for this function. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Returns a human-readable verbose description for this function-family. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Returns a human-readable verbose description for this parameter. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Returns a human-readable verbose description for the current variable. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
A verbose description for the expression. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
A verbose description of the family. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
A verbose description of the parameter. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
The verbose description of the function. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
The verbose description of the variable. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Description. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Description. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Description. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description. |
_description — Proprietà, classe |
Description of an entity. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Description of a template. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Description of a template. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
The document description. |
description — Proprietà, interfaccia |
Description for a user. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description of a template. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description of a template. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
The document description. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description for a user. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Gets description of the audit action. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Gets the description of the audit level. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Gets the document description. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description of the template. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description of the template. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
Description of the principal. |
description — Parte skin, classe |
| A reference to the Label object that displays the description of a process.
A reference to the Label object that displays the description of a process. |
description — Proprietà, classe flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties |
Fornisce una descrizione per questo oggetto di visualizzazione nella presentazione accessibile. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
La stringa di descrizione del filtro. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
A description of the user. |
description — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.commands.EditDescriptionCommand |
The new description for the task. |
description — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo |
The description for the attachment. |
description — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Category |
The description of the category. |
description — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessInstance |
The description of the process instance. |
description — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessVariable |
The description of the process variable. |
description — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchTemplateDescriptor |
The description for a search template descriptor that is provided by the template creator. |
description — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Startpoint |
The description of the TaskManager startpoint. |
description — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.domain.Task |
The task description. |
description — Proprietà, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskInfoModel |
The description text associated with the task. |
description — Proprietà, classe mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
A short description of the data in the chart. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
The description of the MBean feature. |
description — Proprietà, classe |
The description for the MBean. |
description — Proprietà, classe mx.rpc.livecycle.Fault |
The fault description. |
description — Proprietà, classe mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService |
The description of the service for the currently active port. |
DESCRIPTION — Proprietà statica costante, classe com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.Property |
The DESCRIPTION constant specifies the task property named description. |
descriptionArea — Parte skin, classe |
| A reference to the TextArea object to enter the document description, for the document to be attached to the list of supporting documents for this schedule template.
A reference to the TextArea object to enter the document description,
for the document to be attached to the list of supporting documents for this schedule template. |
descriptionDisplay — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement |
| A skin part that defines an optional SkinnableTextBase for data element description.
A skin part that defines an optional SkinnableTextBase for data element description. |
descriptionDisplay — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.EditDataElement |
| A skin part that defines an optional SkinnableTextBase for data element description.
A skin part that defines an optional SkinnableTextBase for data element description. |
descriptionDisplay — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the asset's description
A skin part that defines the asset's description
descriptionDisplay — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines a Label to be shown for the description of the hovered component.
A skin part that defines a Label to be shown for the description of the hovered component. |
descriptionField — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for the Description text area.
The skin part for the Description text area. |
descriptionField — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for the Description text area.
The skin part for the Description text area. |
descriptionInput — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor |
| A skin part that defines SkinnableTextBase for data dictionary element description.
A skin part that defines SkinnableTextBase for data dictionary element description. |
descriptionInput — Parte skin, classe com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryPropertiesView |
| A skin part that defines SkinnableTextBase for data dictionary description.
A skin part that defines SkinnableTextBase for data dictionary description. |
descriptionLabel — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for the Description label.
The skin part for the Description label. |
descriptionLabel — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for displaying the Description of a project.
The skin part for displaying the Description of a project. |
descriptionLike — Proprietà, classe com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionarySearchFilter |
The descriptionLike of the data dictionary. |
descriptionTextArea — Parte skin, classe |
| A Skin part which defines UI component to display description TextBase.
A Skin part which defines UI component to display description TextBase. |
descriptionTextArea — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for the Description text area.
The skin part for the Description text area. |
descriptionTextArea — Parte skin, classe |
| The skin part for the Description area of a project.
The skin part for the Description area of a project. |
descriptionValidator — Parte skin, classe |
| A skin part that defines the validator for asset's description
A skin part that defines the validator for asset's description
descriptor — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.core.IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent |
Reference to the UIComponentDescriptor, if any, that was used
by the createComponentFromDescriptor() method to create this
UIComponent instance. |
descriptor — Proprietà, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
Reference to the UIComponentDescriptor, if any, that was used
by the createComponentFromDescriptor() method to create this
UIComponent instance. |
descriptor — Proprietà, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip |
Reference to the UIComponentDescriptor, if any, that was used
by the createComponentFromDescriptor() method to create this
UIComponent instance. |
DESELECT — Proprietà statica costante, classe |
The ListItemSelectEvent.DESELECT constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for an event that is
dispatched when a previously selected item is deselected. |
deserialize(serializedState:XML, modelRoot:com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects:IValueObject, newInstance:Function) — metodo, classe ga.util.StateDeserializer |
This is the exposed public method of this class which when given previously serialized state and a initialized modelRoot, it will fill the modelRoot
with the provided state. |
deserializeData(value:Object) — metodo, classe spark.components.View |
Deserializes a data object that was saved to disk by the view,
typically by a call to the serializeData() method. |
deserializeResult(operation:mx.rpc.http:AbstractOperation, result:Object) — metodo, classe mx.rpc.http.SerializationFilter |
This method takes the result from the HTTP request in a raw format. |
designIndex — Proprietà, classe ga.model.Section |
| |
designLayer — Proprietà, interfaccia mx.core.IVisualElement |
Specifies the optional DesignLayer instance associated with this visual
element. |
designLayer — Proprietà, classe mx.core.UIComponent |
Specifies the optional DesignLayer instance associated with this visual
element. |
designLayer — Proprietà, classe mx.flash.UIMovieClip |
Specifies the optional DesignLayer instance associated with this visual
element. |
designLayer — Proprietà, classe spark.core.SpriteVisualElement |
Specifies the optional DesignLayer instance associated with this visual
element. |
designLayer — Proprietà, classe spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
Specifies the optional DesignLayer instance associated with this visual
element. |
DesignLayer — classe, pacchetto mx.core |
The DesignLayer class represents a visibility group that can be associated
with one or more IVisualElement instances at runtime. |
DesignLayer() — Funzione di costruzione, classe mx.core.DesignLayer |
Constructor. |
desiredSampleLength — Proprietà, classe |
The desired length of the content (in seconds) on which the metric is computed
desiredSampleLength — Proprietà, classe |
The desired length of the content (in seconds) on which to compute the dropped FPS metric
Desktop — classe, pacchetto lc.procmgmt.ui.layout |
| The Desktop component combines all the components available for Workspace. |
Desktop() — Funzione di costruzione, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.Desktop |
| Constructor. |
desktopDirectory — Proprietà statica, classe flash.filesystem.File |
La directory del desktop dell'utente. |
DesktopModel — classe, pacchetto lc.procmgmt.ui.layout |
The DesktopModel class provides the model implementation for the
Desktop component. |
DesktopModel() — Funzione di costruzione, classe lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.DesktopModel |