Pacchetto | com.adobe.livecycle.content |
Classe | public class File |
Ereditarietà | File ![]() ![]() |
Implementa | IManaged |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Proprietà | Definito da | ||
baseURL : String [statico]
The baseURL of Experience Server. | File | ||
![]() | constructor : Object
Un riferimento all'oggetto classe o alla funzione di costruzione per una determinata istanza di oggetto. | Object | |
contentStreamPath : String
TempPath when content is temporarily uploaded. | File | ||
contextRoot : String [statico]
The context root of launchpad application. | File | ||
created : Date
Date when file is created. | File | ||
createdBy : String
The user ID of user who created file. | File | ||
extendedPropertyMap : Object
Additional key-value attributes whichare persisted along with file. | File | ||
fileName : String
The name of the file. | File | ||
id : String
The identifier of the file node. | File | ||
lastModified : Date
The last date the content was modified. | File | ||
lastModifiedBy : String
The user ID of user who last modified the file. | File | ||
mimeType : String
The MIME type of the content. | File | ||
securityManager : SecurityManager [statico]
The User Manager (UM) SecurityManager instance. | File | ||
tempPath : String
The temporary path to store the file. | File |
Proprietà | Definito da | ||
boundary : String [sola lettura]
Boundary of multipart request used in multipart binary upload of content. | File |
Metodo | Definito da | ||
constructor of File. | File | ||
![]() | addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registra un oggetto listener di eventi con un oggetto EventDispatcher, in modo che il listener riceva la notifica di un evento. | EventDispatcher | |
Deletes the JCR node specified by this instance. | File | ||
![]() |
Invia un evento nel flusso di eventi. | EventDispatcher | |
download content of jcr node into ByteArray. | File | ||
Downloads content of the JCR node to filesytem. | File | ||
Fill the current instance with metadata of jcr node. | File | ||
![]() |
Verifica se per l'oggetto EventDispatcher sono presenti listener registrati per un tipo specifico di evento. | EventDispatcher | |
![]() |
Indica se per un oggetto è definita una proprietà specifica. | Object | |
![]() |
Indica se un'istanza della classe Object si trova nella catena di prototipi dell'oggetto specificato come parametro. | Object | |
![]() |
Indica se la proprietà specificata esiste ed è enumerabile. | Object | |
![]() |
Rimuove un listener dall'oggetto EventDispatcher. | EventDispatcher | |
![]() |
Imposta la disponibilità di una proprietà dinamica per le operazioni cicliche. | Object | |
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Restituisce la rappresentazione in formato stringa di questo oggetto, formattato in base alle convenzioni specifiche per le versioni localizzate. | Object | |
![]() |
Restituisce la rappresentazione in formato stringa dell'oggetto specificato. | Object | |
Updates content of jcr node specified by this instance from file on ByteArray. | File | ||
Updates content of jcr node specified by this instance from file on filesystem. | File | ||
uploadToPathFromByteArray(parentPath:String, fileData:ByteArray, mimeType:String, fileNameArg:String):void
Uploads file to location specified by parenPath on the Experience Server from a ByteArray value. | File | ||
Uploads file on filesystem at path specified by parentPath on the Experience Server. | File | ||
Uploads file to temporary location to the Experience Server from a ByteArray value. | File | ||
Uploads file on filesystem to temporary location on the Experience Server.It uses FileReference to
upload file to the Experience Server. | File | ||
![]() |
Restituisce il valore di base dell'oggetto specificato. | Object | |
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Verifica se un listener di eventi è registrato con questo oggetto EventDispatcher o qualsiasi suo antenato per il tipo di evento specificato. | EventDispatcher |
Metodo | Definito da | ||
Appends User Manager (UM) ticket to the URL. | File |
Evento | Riepilogo | Definito da | ||
![]() | [evento di trasmissione] Inviato quando Flash Player o l'applicazione AIR ottiene lo stato di attivazione del sistema operativo ed entra nello stato attivo. | EventDispatcher | ||
![]() | [evento di trasmissione] Inviato quando Flash Player o l'applicazione AIR perde l'attivazione del sistema operativo e sta entrando nello stato inattivo. | EventDispatcher |
Costante | Definito da | ||
NT_FILE : String = "nt:file" [statico]
constant representing nt:file
| File | ||
TEMP_FOLDER_NAME : String = "/tmp/uploadFilesTempDir" [statico]
The temporary path of folder where temp files will be uploaded. | File |
baseURL | proprietà |
public static var baseURL:String
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The baseURL of Experience Server. Set it once and File APIs use it to upload and download content from it.
boundary | proprietà |
[sola lettura] Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Boundary of multipart request used in multipart binary upload of content.
protected function get boundary():String
contentStreamPath | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
TempPath when content is temporarily uploaded. It is only populated when content is uploaded using uploadToTempFromFileReference,uploadToTempFromByteArray. path of the content.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get contentStreamPath():String
public function set contentStreamPath(value:String):void
contextRoot | proprietà |
public static var contextRoot:String
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The context root of launchpad application.
created | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Date when file is created.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get created():Date
public function set created(value:Date):void
createdBy | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The user ID of user who created file.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get createdBy():String
public function set createdBy(value:String):void
extendedPropertyMap | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Additional key-value attributes whichare persisted along with file. This value is applicable when the file is created using the RepositoryService or LiveCycleContentAssembler service.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get extendedPropertyMap():Object
public function set extendedPropertyMap(value:Object):void
fileName | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The name of the file.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get fileName():String
public function set fileName(value:String):void
id | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The identifier of the file node.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get id():String
public function set id(value:String):void
lastModified | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The last date the content was modified.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get lastModified():Date
public function set lastModified(value:Date):void
lastModifiedBy | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The user ID of user who last modified the file.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get lastModifiedBy():String
public function set lastModifiedBy(value:String):void
mimeType | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The MIME type of the content.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get mimeType():String
public function set mimeType(value:String):void
securityManager | proprietà |
public static var securityManager:SecurityManager
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The User Manager (UM) SecurityManager instance. Set it once and File APIs use it to retrieve ticket and credentials.
tempPath | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The temporary path to store the file.
Questa proprietà può essere utilizzata come origine per l’associazione di dati. Quando questa proprietà viene modificata, invia l’evento propertyChange
public function get tempPath():String
public function set tempPath(value:String):void
File | () | Funzione di costruzione |
public function File()
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
constructor of File.
appendSecurityTicket | () | metodo |
protected function appendSecurityTicket(url:String,
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Appends User Manager (UM) ticket to the URL.
url:String — url string
| | — UM ticket
String — ticket appended url
deleteFile | () | metodo |
public function deleteFile():void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Deletes the JCR node specified by this instance. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_DELETED_EVENT on completion of file upload.
Elementi API correlati
downloadContentToByteArray | () | metodo |
public function downloadContentToByteArray():void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
download content of jcr node into ByteArray. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT on completion of file download.
Elementi API correlati
downloadContentToFileSystem | () | metodo |
public function downloadContentToFileSystem(defaultFileName:String = null):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Downloads content of the JCR node to filesytem. It uses FileReference to download content. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT on completion of file download.
defaultFileName:String (default = null ) — default file name by which file is saved on file system. It appears in save dialog box.
Elementi API correlati
fillMetaData | () | metodo |
public function fillMetaData():void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Fill the current instance with metadata of jcr node. It makes a call to the Experience Server and retrieves all properties and fills in current instance. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_METADATA_FILLED_EVENT when metadata is populated in instance.
Elementi API correlati
updateFromByteArray | () | metodo |
public function updateFromByteArray(fileData:ByteArray, mimeTypeStr:String = null):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Updates content of jcr node specified by this instance from file on ByteArray. It uses FileReference to upload file from filesystem. It doesn't update content of temporary file i.e. File object created from uploadToTempFromFileReference and uploadToTempFromByteArray. It doesn't update content on File instance which is retrieved from repository. To update such instance upload content via uploadToTempFromFileReference or uploadToTempFromByteArray API and update it via LiveCycleContentAssembler or RepositoryService. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT on completion of file upload.
fileData:ByteArray — the data which will be updated
| |
mimeTypeStr:String (default = null ) — the new mimeType of the data.
Elementi API correlati
updateFromFileReference | () | metodo |
public function updateFromFileReference(typeFilter:Array = null):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Updates content of jcr node specified by this instance from file on filesystem. It uses FileReference to upload file from filesystem. It doesn't update content of temporary file i.e. File object created from uploadToTempFromFileReference and uploadToTempFromByteArray. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT on completion of file upload. It doesn't update content on File instance which is retrieved from repository. To update such instance upload content via uploadToTempFromFileReference or uploadToTempFromByteArray API and update it using the LiveCycleContentAssembler or RepositoryService service.
typeFilter:Array (default = null ) — file type filter to filter files in File select dialog.
Elementi API correlati
uploadToPathFromByteArray | () | metodo |
public function uploadToPathFromByteArray(parentPath:String, fileData:ByteArray, mimeType:String, fileNameArg:String):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Uploads file to location specified by parenPath on the Experience Server from a ByteArray value. It creates nt:file node at temporary location. The current instance will be consumed by lc-content RepositoryService to move content from temp location to actual location. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT on completion of file upload.
parentPath:String — path upto parent folder location.
| |
fileData:ByteArray — content of file.
| |
mimeType:String — mimeType of file.
| |
fileNameArg:String — name of the file node that will be created on server.
Elementi API correlati
uploadToPathFromFileReference | () | metodo |
public function uploadToPathFromFileReference(parentPath:String, typeFilter:Array = null):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Uploads file on filesystem at path specified by parentPath on the Experience Server. It uses FileReference to upload file to the Experience Server. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT event when the file upload completes.
parentPath:String — path upto parent folder location.
| |
typeFilter:Array (default = null ) — file type filter to filter files in File select dialog.
Elementi API correlati
uploadToTempFromByteArray | () | metodo |
public function uploadToTempFromByteArray(fileData:ByteArray, mimeType:String, fileNameArg:String = null):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Uploads file to temporary location to the Experience Server from a ByteArray value. It creates nt:file node at temporary location. The current instance will be consumed by lc-content RepositoryService to move content from temp location to actual location. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT on completion of file upload.
fileData:ByteArray — content of file.
| |
mimeType:String — mimeType of file.
| |
fileNameArg:String (default = null ) — name of the file node that will be created on server.
Elementi API correlati
uploadToTempFromFileReference | () | metodo |
public function uploadToTempFromFileReference(typeFilter:Array = null):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Uploads file on filesystem to temporary location on the Experience Server.It uses FileReference to upload file to the Experience Server. It creates nt:file node at temporary location. The current instance will be consumed by lc-content RepositoryService to move content from temp location to actual location. It dispatches FileEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT on completion of file upload.
typeFilter:Array (default = null ) — file type filter to filter files in File select dialog.
Elementi API correlati
NT_FILE | Costante |
public static const NT_FILE:String = "nt:file"
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
constant representing nt:file
public static const TEMP_FOLDER_NAME:String = "/tmp/uploadFilesTempDir"
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Contenuti 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The temporary path of folder where temp files will be uploaded. The default path is /content/uploadFilesTempDir.
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:44 PM Z