Pacchetto | ga.model |
Interfaccia | public interface ILayoutHost extends IUIComponent , IEventDispatcher , IStyleClient , IFlexDisplayObject , ISimpleStyleClient , IBitmapDrawable , IEventDispatcher |
Implementatori | LayoutTemplate |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Proprietà | Definito da | ||
accessibilityProperties : AccessibilityProperties
Le opzioni di accessibilità correnti di questo oggetto di visualizzazione. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
alpha : Number
Indica il valore della trasparenza alfa dell'oggetto specificato. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
baselinePosition : Number [sola lettura]
The y-coordinate of the baseline
of the first line of text of the component. | IUIComponent | ||
baseReferenceChain : BaseReferenceChain [sola lettura]
The chain of bindings up the ancestor chain. | ILayoutHost | ||
blendMode : String
Un valore della classe BlendMode che specifica il metodo di fusione da utilizzare. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
cacheAsBitmap : Boolean
Se è impostata su true, nella cache dei runtime Flash viene memorizzata una rappresentazione bitmap interna dell'oggetto di visualizzazione. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
className : String [sola lettura]
The name of the component class. | IStyleClient | ||
dataProvider : Object
The data provider that is bound to this panel layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
defaultCaptionWidth : int
The default caption width for each panel item within a panel layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
document : Object
A reference to the document object associated with this component. | IUIComponent | ||
enabled : Boolean
Whether the component can accept user interaction. | IUIComponent | ||
explicitHeight : Number
The explicitly specified height for the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
explicitMaxHeight : Number [sola lettura]
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
explicitMaxWidth : Number [sola lettura]
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
explicitMinHeight : Number [sola lettura]
Number that specifies the minimum height of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
explicitMinWidth : Number [sola lettura]
Number that specifies the minimum width of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
explicitWidth : Number
The explicitly specified width for the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
filters : Array
Un array indicizzato che contiene ogni oggetto filtro attualmente associato all'oggetto di visualizzazione. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
focusPane : Sprite
A single Sprite object that is shared among components
and used as an overlay for drawing the focus indicator. | IUIComponent | ||
height : Number
Indica l'altezza dell'oggetto di visualizzazione espressa in pixel. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
includeInLayout : Boolean
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the
parent container. | IUIComponent | ||
inheritingStyles : Object
An object containing the inheritable styles for this component. | IStyleClient | ||
isPopUp : Boolean
Set to true by the PopUpManager to indicate
that component has been popped up. | IUIComponent | ||
loaderInfo : LoaderInfo [sola lettura]
Restituisce un oggetto LoaderInfo contenente informazioni sul caricamento del file al quale questo oggetto di visualizzazione appartiene. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
mask : DisplayObject
L'oggetto di visualizzazione chiamante viene mascherato dall'oggetto mask specificato. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
maxHeight : Number [sola lettura]
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
maxWidth : Number [sola lettura]
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
measuredHeight : Number [sola lettura]
The measured height of this object. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
measuredMinHeight : Number
The default minimum height of the component, in pixels. | IUIComponent | ||
measuredMinWidth : Number
The default minimum width of the component, in pixels. | IUIComponent | ||
measuredWidth : Number [sola lettura]
The measured width of this object. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
minHeight : Number [sola lettura]
Number that specifies the minimum height of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
minWidth : Number [sola lettura]
Number that specifies the minimum width of the component,
in pixels, as the component's coordinates. | IUIComponent | ||
mouseX : Number [sola lettura]
Indica la coordinata x del mouse o la posizione del dispositivo di input dell'utente, espressa in pixel. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
mouseY : Number [sola lettura]
Indica la coordinata y del mouse o la posizione del dispositivo di input dell'utente, espressa in pixel. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
name : String
Indica il nome dell'istanza dell'oggetto DisplayObject. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
nonInheritingStyles : Object
An object containing the noninheritable styles for this component. | IStyleClient | ||
opaqueBackground : Object
Specifica se l'oggetto di visualizzazione è opaco con un determinato colore di sfondo. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
owner : DisplayObjectContainer
The owner of this IVisualElement object. | IUIComponent | ||
panel : Panel
the parent panel of the layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
panelItems : Array
An array of panel items that are slotted into the panel layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
parent : DisplayObjectContainer [sola lettura]
Indica l'oggetto DisplayObjectContainer che contiene questo oggetto di visualizzazione. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
percentHeight : Number
Number that specifies the height of a component as a
percentage of its parent's size. | IUIComponent | ||
percentWidth : Number
Number that specifies the width of a component as a
percentage of its parent's size. | IUIComponent | ||
root : DisplayObject [sola lettura]
Nel caso di un oggetto di visualizzazione all'interno di un file SWF caricato, la proprietà principale è l'oggetto di visualizzazione più in alto nella porzione della struttura dell'elenco di visualizzazione rappresentata da quel file SWF. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
rotation : Number
Indica la rotazione dell'istanza DisplayObject, espressa in gradi, rispetto alla posizione originale. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
scale9Grid : Rectangle
La griglia di modifica in scala attualmente attiva. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
scaleX : Number
Indica la scala orizzontale (percentuale) dell'oggetto applicata dal punto di registrazione. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
scaleY : Number
Indica la scala verticale (percentuale) di un oggetto applicata dal punto di registrazione dell'oggetto. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
scrollRect : Rectangle
I limiti del rettangolo di scorrimento dell'oggetto di visualizzazione. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
sizeState : int
The size state of this panel in the Guide layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
stage : Stage [sola lettura]
Lo stage dell'oggetto di visualizzazione. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
styleDeclaration : CSSStyleDeclaration
The style declaration that holds the inline styles declared by this
object. | IStyleClient | ||
styleName : Object
The source of this object's style values. | ISimpleStyleClient | ||
supportsDynamicAlignmentAreas : Boolean [sola lettura]
Indicates that this layout supports a dynamic number of alignment areas. | ILayoutHost | ||
supportsKeepWithPrevious : Boolean [sola lettura]
Indicates that this layout supports the keep with previous hint on a panel item. | ILayoutHost | ||
systemManager : ISystemManager
A reference to the SystemManager object for this component. | IUIComponent | ||
transform : flash.geom:Transform
Un oggetto con proprietà relative alla matrice, alla trasformazione del colore e ai limiti di pixel di un oggetto di visualizzazione. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
tweeningProperties : Array
Used by EffectManager. | IUIComponent | ||
visible : Boolean
Determina se l'oggetto di visualizzazione è visibile o meno. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
width : Number
Indica la larghezza dell'oggetto di visualizzazione espressa in pixel. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
x : Number
Indica la coordinata x dell'istanza DisplayObject relativa alle coordinate locali del DisplayObjectContainer principale. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
y : Number
Indica la coordinata y dell'istanza DisplayObject relativa alle coordinate locali del DisplayObjectContainer principale. | IFlexDisplayObject |
Metodo | Definito da | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registra un oggetto listener di eventi con un oggetto EventDispatcher, in modo che il listener riceva la notifica di un evento. | IEventDispatcher | ||
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | IStyleClient | ||
Clone this panel layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
Invia un evento nel flusso di eventi. | IEventDispatcher | ||
Execute all bindings within this panel layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
Returns all display objects on this panel. | ILayoutHost | ||
Restituisce un rettangolo che definisce l'area dell'oggetto di visualizzazione relativa al sistema di coordinate dell'oggetto targetCoordinateSpace. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector
that applies to this component, or null if none exist. | IStyleClient | ||
A convenience method for determining whether to use the
explicit or measured height
| IUIComponent | ||
A convenience method for determining whether to use the
explicit or measured width
| IUIComponent | ||
Returns the bound visible fields which are referenced in this layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
Returns the first panel item in the panel layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
Get label corresponding to the index in the data provider. | ILayoutHost | ||
Return an array of name areas or groups that this layout supports. | ILayoutHost | ||
getPanelItems(visibleItemsOnly:Boolean = false, container:DisplayObjectContainer = null, itemList:Array = null):Array
Returns the panel items contained in the panel layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
Restituisce un rettangolo che definisce i bordi dell'oggetto di visualizzazione in base al sistema di coordinate definito dal parametro targetCoordinateSpace, esclusi gli eventuali tratti presenti sulle forme. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this
component's style lookup chain. | IStyleClient | ||
Converte le coordinate dello stage (globali) in quelle (locali) dell'oggetto di visualizzazione per l'oggetto Point. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
Verifica se per l'oggetto EventDispatcher sono presenti listener registrati per un tipo specifico di evento. | IEventDispatcher | ||
Valuta il riquadro di delimitazione dell'oggetto di visualizzazione per verificare se si sovrappone o si interseca con il riquadro di delimitazione dell'oggetto di visualizzazione obj. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
Valuta l'oggetto di visualizzazione per stabilire se si sovrappone o si interseca con il punto specificato dai parametri x e y. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
Initialize the object. | IUIComponent | ||
True if this is a panel containing is a document of record. | ILayoutHost | ||
True if this is a panel containing a PDF rendition. | ILayoutHost | ||
Converte le coordinate dell'oggetto di visualizzazione (locali) in quelle dello stage (globali) per l'oggetto Point. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
Moves this object to the specified x and y coordinates. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
Propagates style changes to the children of this component. | IStyleClient | ||
Returns true if the chain of owner properties
points from child to this UIComponent. | IUIComponent | ||
Called by Flex when a UIComponent object is added to or removed from a parent. | IUIComponent | ||
Sets up the internal style cache values so that the getStyle()
method functions. | IStyleClient | ||
Registers the EffectManager as one of the event listeners for each effect event. | IStyleClient | ||
Rimuove un listener dall'oggetto EventDispatcher. | IEventDispatcher | ||
Resets the fields in a container. | ILayoutHost | ||
Sets the actual size of this object. | IFlexDisplayObject | ||
set the selected panel on this layout. | ILayoutHost | ||
Sets a style property on this component instance. | IStyleClient | ||
Called when the visible property changes. | IUIComponent | ||
Called when the value of a style property is changed. | ISimpleStyleClient | ||
Verifica se un listener di eventi è registrato con questo oggetto EventDispatcher o qualsiasi suo antenato per il tipo di evento specificato. | IEventDispatcher |
baseReferenceChain | proprietà |
[sola lettura] Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
The chain of bindings up the ancestor chain. Items in the panel will bind relative to a base reference in the ancestor chain. If the item binding is not relative to any base references in the ancestor chain it will be bind using the absolute address.
public function get baseReferenceChain():BaseReferenceChain
dataProvider | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
The data provider that is bound to this panel layout. Can be a single instance or a collection/instanceManager.
public function get dataProvider():Object
public function set dataProvider(value:Object):void
defaultCaptionWidth | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
The default caption width for each panel item within a panel layout.
public function get defaultCaptionWidth():int
public function set defaultCaptionWidth(value:int):void
panel | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
the parent panel of the layout.
public function get panel():Panel
public function set panel(value:Panel):void
panelItems | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
An array of panel items that are slotted into the panel layout.
public function get panelItems():Array
public function set panelItems(value:Array):void
sizeState | proprietà |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
The size state of this panel in the Guide layout. This determines whether or not a panel is displayed full screen. 0 - display the panel normal size along with the panel navigator. non-zero - display the panel full screen.
public function get sizeState():int
public function set sizeState(value:int):void
supportsDynamicAlignmentAreas | proprietà |
[sola lettura] Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Indicates that this layout supports a dynamic number of alignment areas. This is queried by guide builder and is a design time parameter. When dynamic alignment areas are supported the designer will automatically create a new alignment area when the last alignment area is used.
public function get supportsDynamicAlignmentAreas():Boolean
supportsKeepWithPrevious | proprietà |
[sola lettura] Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Indicates that this layout supports the keep with previous hint on a panel item. This is queried by guide builder and is a design time parameter. When keep with previous is supported the layout will position a panel item with keep with previous set to the right of the last panel item added to the layout.
public function get supportsKeepWithPrevious():Boolean
clone | () | metodo |
executeBindings | () | metodo |
public function executeBindings(recurse:Boolean = false):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Execute all bindings within this panel layout.
recurse:Boolean (default = false ) — whether to recursively call executeBinding of child objects.
getAllItems | () | metodo |
public function getAllItems(container:DisplayObjectContainer = null, itemList:Array = null):Array
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns all display objects on this panel. Recursively searches through all DisplayObjectContainers inside this panel.
container:DisplayObjectContainer (default = null ) — - the container to start the search. If null defaults to this object.
| |
itemList:Array (default = null ) — - the array to append the results. If null creates a new array.
Array — the array containing all display objects.
getFields | () | metodo |
public function getFields(visibleFieldsOnly:Boolean = false, container:DisplayObjectContainer = null):Array
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns the bound visible fields which are referenced in this layout.
visibleFieldsOnly:Boolean (default = false ) — - Set to true if the visible flelds are required. The default value is false.
| |
container:DisplayObjectContainer (default = null ) — - The container to search for panelItems/fields (used for recursive searches).
Array — The array of fields
getFirstPanelItem | () | metodo |
public function getFirstPanelItem(oContainer:DisplayObjectContainer = null):IPanelItem
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns the first panel item in the panel layout.
oContainer:DisplayObjectContainer (default = null ) — the container to being searching for the first panel item.
IPanelItem — the first panel item
getLabelAt | () | metodo |
public function getLabelAt(index:int):String
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Get label corresponding to the index in the data provider.
index:int — - index into the data provider
String — the label.
getNamedAreas | () | metodo |
public function getNamedAreas():Array
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Return an array of name areas or groups that this layout supports. This is queried by guide builder and is a design time parameter.
RestituisceArray — array of named areas for this layout
getPanelItems | () | metodo |
public function getPanelItems(visibleItemsOnly:Boolean = false, container:DisplayObjectContainer = null, itemList:Array = null):Array
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns the panel items contained in the panel layout. This include all components implementing the IPanelItem interface. which include PanelItem (interactive controls) and PanelText (static text).
visibleItemsOnly:Boolean (default = false ) — - Set to true if the visible panel items are required only. The default value is false.
| |
container:DisplayObjectContainer (default = null ) — - The container to search for panelItems/fields (used for recursive searches).
| |
itemList:Array (default = null ) — - The aggregate of all the fields found during the search (used for recursive searches).
Array — The array of panel items.
isDocPanel | () | metodo |
public function isDocPanel():Boolean
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
True if this is a panel containing is a document of record.
RestituisceBoolean — Boolean indicating whether or not this is a document of record panel.
isPDFPanel | () | metodo |
public function isPDFPanel():Boolean
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
True if this is a panel containing a PDF rendition.
RestituisceBoolean — Boolean indicating whether or not this is a PDF panel.
resetData | () | metodo |
public function resetData(container:DisplayObjectContainer = null):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Resets the fields in a container. This function also resets data in the nested layouts if there are any. This is only used when the submitAll option is false, some customers need the ability to clear the data from a hidden field, as they have legal restructions that data from non-visible fields can never be submitted.
container:DisplayObjectContainer (default = null ) — - The container from which the fields must be reset.
setSelectedPanelItem | () | metodo |
public function setSelectedPanelItem(item:Object):void
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guide 10 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
set the selected panel on this layout.
item:Object — the selected panel item.
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:44 PM Z