| Proprietà | Definito da |
| | active : Boolean
A Boolean flag to determine if a template is active. | ReviewTemplate |
|  | additionalMetadata : String
Any review-specific data can be preserved in this field. | ReviewContext |
|  | allMemberList : IList [sola lettura]
The property returns a collection of all members. | ReviewContext |
| | appName : String
Name of the application that created a template. | ReviewTemplate |
|  | arsProcessName : String
Name of the process used to generate Approval Routing Sheet (ARS). | ReviewContext |
|  | auditLevel : String
The level of audit associated with this review. | ReviewContext |
| | author : String
Author of a template. | ReviewTemplate |
|  | calculatedEndDate : Date
The endDate if the review has ended. | ReviewContext |
|  | calculatedStartDate : Date
The startDate if the review has started. | ReviewContext |
|  | changeDescription : String
This field is used to store the change desciption, if a review is revised. | ReviewContext |
|  | commentServerPath : String
Server location where Adobe ® Acrobat ® stores the inline comments. | ReviewContext |
|  | commentVisibility : String
Adobe Acrobat's inline comment visibility across stages. | ReviewContext |
|  | complianceCode : String
Compliance code of the schedule template. | ReviewContext |
|  | constructor : Object
Un riferimento all'oggetto classe o alla funzione di costruzione per una determinata istanza di oggetto. | Object |
| | createdOn : Date [sola lettura]
The date on which a template was created. | ReviewTemplate |
|  | currentRevision : Boolean
A Boolean value to decide whether this is the current revision of the review or not. | ReviewContext |
|  | currentStage : int
Stage number in progress for this review (starts with 1). | ReviewContext |
|  | customAttributes : IList
List of custom attributes. | ReviewContext |
| | description : String
Description of a template. | ReviewTemplate |
| | duration : Number [sola lettura]
Duration of a schedule template in miliseconds. | ReviewTemplate |
|  | endDate : Date
End date of a review. | ReviewContext |
|  | ganttItems : ArrayCollection [sola lettura]
A collection of the displayable children that are displayed in the Gantt chart if showChildren flag is set to True. | ReviewContext |
|  | id : String [sola lettura]
A unique identifier for this review version. | ReviewContext |
|  | initiator : IInitiator
Initiator of a review. | ReviewContext |
|  | invocationId : String
The ID of the invocation request when a review is initiated. | ReviewContext |
|  | itemEndDate : Date [sola lettura]
End date of the item. | ReviewContext |
| | itemName : String [override] [sola lettura]
Name of the item. | ReviewTemplate |
|  | itemStartDate : Date [sola lettura]
Start date of the item. | ReviewContext |
|  | itemState : String [sola lettura]
State of the item. | ReviewContext |
|  | itemStatus : String [sola lettura]
Status of the item. | ReviewContext |
|  | itemType : String [sola lettura]
Type of item. | ReviewContext |
|  | largeThumbnail : File
Large thumbnail image of a document under review. | ReviewContext |
| | lastModifiedBy : String [sola lettura]
Name of the user who last modified a template. | ReviewTemplate |
| | lastModifiedOn : Date [sola lettura]
The date on which a template was last modified. | ReviewTemplate |
|  | memberList : IList [sola lettura]
The property returns a collection of directly associated members. | ReviewContext |
| | name : String
Name of a template. | ReviewTemplate |
|  | nativeFileName : String
Path of the file, in the content repository, on which the review is initiated. | ReviewContext |
|  | operationList : ArrayCollection [sola lettura]
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | ReviewContext |
|  | purpose : String
Review purpose. | ReviewContext |
|  | reviewCommentingAndApproval : IReviewCommentingAndApproval
An instance of Review Commenting and Approval service for this review. | ReviewContext |
|  | reviewId : String
A unique identifier of the review. | ReviewContext |
|  | reviewType : String
Type of review like Regulated or Ad-hoc. | ReviewContext |
|  | revision : int
Review revision number. | ReviewContext |
|  | rtsProcessName : String
Name of the process used to generate Review Tracking Sheet (RTS). | ReviewContext |
|  | showChildren : Boolean
A Boolean flag to determine if the children need to be displayed. | ReviewContext |
|  | showParent : Boolean
A Boolean flag to determine if the parent needs to be displayed. | ReviewContext |
|  | smallThumbnail : File
Small thumbnail image of a document under review. | ReviewContext |
|  | stageList : IList
List of stages in a review. | ReviewContext |
|  | startDate : Date
Start date of a review. | ReviewContext |
|  | status : String
Review purpose. | ReviewContext |
|  | stp : Boolean
A Boolean field to enable or disable Straight Through Processing (STP). | ReviewContext |
|  | supportingDocumentList : IList
List of supporting documents for a review. | ReviewContext |
|  | templateAuthor : String
Name of the schedule template author. | ReviewContext |
|  | templateDescription : String
Description of the schedule template used to initiate this review. | ReviewContext |
|  | title : String
Review title. | ReviewContext |
|  | uniqueMemberList : IList [sola lettura]
The property returns a collection of unique members. | ReviewContext |
|  | vo : ReviewContextVO
The Value Object for this review version. | ReviewContext |