Il pacchetto lc.procmgmt.ui.layout contiene classi e componenti che rappresentano i componenti principali dell'interfaccia utente di Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform - Workspace Le classi di questo pacchetto sono utili per riutilizzare intere parti di Workspace, quali il componente StartProcess.
Classe | Descrizione | |
Desktop | The Desktop component combines all the components available for Workspace. | |
DesktopModel | The DesktopModel class provides the model implementation for the Desktop component. | |
HeaderPane | The HeaderPane class provides layout for logos, links, preferences, and messages. | |
HeaderPaneModel | The HeaderPane class provides the model implementation for the HeaderPane component. | |
ResourceContainer | The ResourceContainer component provides support for displaying forms that are displayed in an HTML wrapper. | |
Workspace | The Workspace component enables a user to navigate between the StartProcess, ToDo, and Tracking components. | |
WorkspaceModel | The WorkspaceModel class acts as the model for the Workspace component. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:00 PM Z