符號 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
G — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與 G 鍵的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數 (71)。 | |
ga.controls — 套件 | |
ga.controls 套件類別會定義預設的導引線控制項,使用者可以使用 Adobe Flash Builder 將這些控制項新增至其「導引線」版面與面板版面。 | |
gain — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.Microphone | |
放大麥克風訊號的量。 | |
ga.layouts — 套件 | |
ga.layouts 套件類別會定義 Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 導引線設計透視中的預設「導引線」面板版面。 | |
GameInput — 最終類別, 套件 flash.ui | |
GameInput 類別是 GameInput API 的輸入點。 | |
GameInputControl — 動態類別, 套件 flash.ui | |
GameInputControl 類別代表輸入裝置上的控制項。 | |
GameInputDevice — 最終類別, 套件 flash.ui | |
GameInputDevice 類別代表常用於遊戲的單一輸入裝置。 | |
GameInputEvent — 最終類別, 套件 flash.events | |
GameInputEvent 類別代表從應用程式平台新增或移除遊戲輸入裝置時所傳送的事件。 | |
GameInputEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, device:flash.ui:GameInputDevice) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.events.GameInputEvent | |
ga.model — 套件 | |
ga.model 套件類別會定義「導引線」執行階段模型,這是在 Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 導引線設計透視中所建立之「導引線」的內存記憶體形式。 | |
ganttBar — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttItem | |
The skin part that refers to a UI component used to display the GanttItem. The skin part that refers to a UI component used to display the GanttItem. | |
ganttChart — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttNavigationView | |
A reference to the GanttChart object that displays the Gant chart. A reference to the GanttChart object that displays the Gant chart. | |
ganttChart — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.StageBuilding | |
A reference to the GanttNavigationView object that displays the Gantt chart for an associated template. A reference to the GanttNavigationView object that displays the Gantt chart for an associated template. | |
ganttDataGroup — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttChart | |
The skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class where items of the Gantt chart get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. The skin part that defines the DataGroup in the skin class where items of the Gantt chart get pushed into, rendered, and laid out. | |
ganttItemRenderer — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttChart | |
The IVisualElement class used to render the Gantt Item. The IVisualElement class used to render the Gantt Item. | |
ganttItemToolTip — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.gantt.GanttChart | |
The IVisualElement class used to render the Gantt Item tooltip. The IVisualElement class used to render the Gantt Item tooltip. | |
gap — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.HGroup | |
The horizontal space between layout elements, in pixels. | |
gap — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.VGroup | |
The vertical space between layout elements, in pixels. | |
gap — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBarHorizontalLayout | |
The horizontal space between layout elements. | |
gap — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
The horizontal space between layout elements, in pixels. | |
gap — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.VerticalLayout | |
The vertical space between layout elements, in pixels. | |
gap — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin | |
Number of pixels between the buttons's icon and label. | |
gap — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.CalloutArrow | |
A gap on the frame-adjacent side of the arrow graphic to avoid drawing past the CalloutSkin backgroundCornerRadius. | |
ga.uiComponents — 套件 | |
ga.uiComponents 套件類別僅供內部使用。 | |
ga.util — 套件 | |
ga.util 套件包含的類別僅供內部使用。 | |
ga.views — 套件 | |
ga.views 套件類別定義可傳回「導引線」中區段與面板之集合或檢視的資料提供者。 | |
ga.wrappers — 套件 | |
ga.wrappers 套件類別會定義 Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 導引線設計透視中的預設「導引線」版面。 | |
gc() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.system.System | |
強制執行記憶體回收程序。 | |
generalClipboard — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.desktop.Clipboard | |
作業系統剪貼簿。 | |
generateFilterRect(sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, filter:flash.filters:BitmapFilter) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
指定 BitmapData 物件、來源矩形以及濾鏡物件,來決定 applyFilter() 方法呼叫所影響的目標矩形。 | |
generateRandomBytes(numberRandomBytes:uint) — 套件函數, flash.crypto | |
產生隨機位元組的序列。 | |
generation — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
此 TextFlow 物件的產生碼。 | |
generator — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.ClassFactory | |
The Class that the newInstance() method uses to generate objects from this factory object. | |
genre — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.ID3Info | |
歌曲的類型。對應至 ID3 2.0 標籤 TCON。 | |
Geolocation — 類別, 套件 flash.sensors | |
Geolocation 類別會傳送事件以回應裝置的位置感應器。 | |
Geolocation() — 建構函式, 類別 flash.sensors.Geolocation | |
會建立新的 Geolocation 實體。 | |
GeolocationEvent — 類別, 套件 flash.events | |
當 Geolocation 物件從裝置上安裝的位置感應器收到更新時,就會傳送 GeolocationEvent 物件。 | |
GeolocationEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, latitude:Number, longitude:Number, altitude:Number, hAccuracy:Number, vAccuracy:Number, speed:Number, heading:Number, timestamp:Number) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.events.GeolocationEvent | |
建立包含裝置位置資訊的 GeolocationEvent 物件。 | |
GEOMETRY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowDamageType | |
如果因移動其周圍的文字行而使該文字行失效,則值將用來設定 validity 屬性。 | |
GESTURE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode | |
指定會為目前環境支援的相關使用者互動來傳送 TransformGestureEvent、PressAndTapGestureEvent 和 GestureEvent 事件,而其他觸控事件 (例如手指點一下) 會解譯成滑鼠事件。 | |
gestureDirectionalTap — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
當使用者沿著觸控面與 InteractiveObject 實體建立接觸點 (例如沿著 Apple TV 的 Siri Remote 觸控面點選),某些裝置可能也會將此接觸解譯為數個觸控事件的組合。 | |
GESTURE_DIRECTIONAL_TAP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TransformGestureEvent | |
定義 GESTURE_DIRECTIONAL_TAP 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
GestureEvent — 類別, 套件 flash.events | |
GestureEvent 類別可以讓您處理裝置 (偵測複雜的使用者接觸) 上的多點觸控事件 (例如,在觸控螢幕上同時按下兩隻手指)。 | |
GestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, phase:String, localX:Number, localY:Number, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, commandKey:Boolean, controlKey:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.events.GestureEvent | |
建立包含多點觸控事件 (例如,在觸控螢幕上同時按下兩個手指) 資訊的 Event 物件。 | |
gestureLongPress — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
當使用在觸控裝置上的同一個 InteractiveObject 實體上按下兩個接觸點後送出 (例如在行動電話或平板電腦觸控螢幕的顯示物件上方,以兩支手指按下後鬆開)。 | |
gesturePan — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
當使用者在觸控裝置上,將接觸點移動到 InteractiveObject 實體上方後傳送 (例如,在行動電話或平板電腦觸控螢幕的顯示物件上,由左向右移動手指)。 | |
GESTURE_PAN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TransformGestureEvent | |
定義 GESTURE_PAN 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
GesturePhase — 最終類別, 套件 flash.events | |
GesturePhase 類別是搭配 GestureEvent、PressAndTapGestureEvent 以及 TransformGestureEvent 類別使用之常數值的列舉類別。 | |
GESTURE_PRESS_AND_TAP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.PressAndTapGestureEvent | |
定義 GESTURE_PRESS_AND_TAP 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
gestureRotate — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
當使用者在 InteractiveObject 實體的接觸點上做出旋轉手勢後傳送 (例如兩指觸摸行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕,然後手指在顯示物件上旋轉)。 | |
GESTURE_ROTATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TransformGestureEvent | |
定義 GESTURE_ROTATE 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
gestureSwipe — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
當使用者在與 InteractiveObject 實體的某個接觸點上做出揮動手勢後傳送 (例如,三指併在一起觸碰行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕,然後在顯示物件上快速平行移動手指)。 | |
GESTURE_SWIPE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TransformGestureEvent | |
定義 GESTURE_SWIPE 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
gestureTap — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
當使用者與 InteractiveObject 實體建立接觸點,然後在觸控裝置上點一下後送出 (例如,將多根手指放到行動電話或平板電腦觸控螢幕的顯示物件上以開啟選單,然後其中一根手點一下,選取選單項目)。 | |
GESTURE_TWO_FINGER_TAP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.GestureEvent | |
定義 GESTURE_TWO_FINGER_TAP 手勢事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
gestureZoom — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
當使用者在 InteractiveObject 實體的某個接觸點上做出放大縮小手勢後傳送 (例如兩指併在一起觸摸行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕,然後手指在顯示物件上快速張開)。 | |
GESTURE_ZOOM — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TransformGestureEvent | |
定義 GESTURE_ZOOM 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
get — 陳述式 | |
定義 getter,一種作用類似屬性的方法。 | |
GET — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.URLRequestMethod | |
指定 URLRequest 物件為 GET。 | |
getAbsoluteStart(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
傳回指定之 ContainerController 物件中,第一個內容元素的絕對位置。 | |
getAbsoluteStart() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回文字流排中的元素開始位置做為絕對索引。 | |
get_accDefaultAction(childID:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
傳回組件預設動作的 MSAA 方法,該組件是由此 AccessibilityImplementation 或其子元素之一所代表。 | |
get_accFocus() — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
傳回子元素 (如果有的話) 無正負號整數 ID 的 MSAA 方法,該子元素在組件中具有子元素焦點。 | |
get_accName(childID:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
傳回組件名稱的 MSAA 方法,該組件是由此 AccessibilityImplementation 或其子元素之一所代表。 | |
get_accRole(childID:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
傳回組件系統角色的 MSAA 方法,該組件是由此 AccessibilityImplementation 或其子元素之一所代表。 | |
get_accRole(childID:uint) — 方法, 類別 mx.accessibility.MenuBarAccImpl | |
Gets the role for the component. | |
get_accSelection() — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
傳回陣列的 MSAA 方法,該陣列包含所有選取子元素的 ID。 | |
get_accState(childID:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
傳回組件目前執行階段狀態的 IAccessible 方法,該組件是由此 AccessibilityImplementation 或其子元素之一所代表。 | |
get_accValue(childID:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
傳回組件執行階段值的 MSAA 方法,該組件是由此 AccessibilityImplementation 或其子元素之一所代表。 | |
getActions(name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 adobe.utils.CustomActions | |
讀取名為 name 的自訂動作 XML 定義檔案的內容。 | |
getActiveWindow(windowId:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
Returns the current active window in case of AIR app, top level application otherwise. | |
getAffectedProperties() — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.Effect | |
Returns an Array of Strings, where each String is the name of a property changed by this effect. | |
getAffectedProperties() — 方法, 介面 mx.effects.IEffect | |
Returns an Array of Strings, where each String is the name of a property changed by this effect. | |
getAffectedProperties() — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.MaskEffect | |
Returns the component properties modified by this effect. | |
getAirHelperClass(className:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
Returns the helper class used for AIR automation (AirFunctionsHelper). | |
getAIRWindow(windowId:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getAIRWindow(windowId:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
AIR support(for tool): Returns the window with the passed id. | |
getAIRWindowUniqueID(newWindow:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getAIRWindowUniqueID(newWindow:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
AIR support(for tool): Returns the unique id of the window object. | |
getAIRWindowUniqueIDFromAutomationIDPart(objectIdPart:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getAIRWindowUniqueIDFromAutomationIDPart(objectIdPart:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
AIR support(for tool): Returns the unique ID of window from the automation ID part. | |
getAIRWindowUniqueIDFromObjectIDString(objectId:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getAIRWindowUniqueIDFromObjectIDString(objectId:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
AIR support(for tool): Returns the unique ID of window from the object ID. | |
getAllDataPoints() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Returns an array of HitData objects representing the chart items in the underlying objects that implement the IChartElement2 interface. | |
getAllDataPoints() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Returns an array of HitData of the items of all the underlying ChartElements whose dataTips are to be shown when showAllDataTips is set to true on chart | |
getAllDataPoints() — 方法, 介面 mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement2 | |
Returns an array of HitData of the items of all the underlying objects that implement IChartElement2 whose dataTips are to be shown when showAllDataTips is set to true on chart. | |
getApplicationNameFromAutomationIDPart(objectIdPart:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getApplicationNameFromAutomationIDPart(objectID:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for tool): Returns name of the application from the part id. | |
getAppTitle() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
Returns the title in case of AIR app, empty string otherwise. | |
getArgDescriptors(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationEventDescriptor | |
Returns an Array of argument descriptors for this event. | |
getArgDescriptors(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationMethodDescriptor | |
Returns an Array of argument descriptors for this method. | |
getArgDescriptors(target:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationEventDescriptor | |
Returns an Array of argument descriptors for this event. | |
getArgDescriptors(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationMethodDescriptor | |
Returns an Array of argument descriptors for this method. | |
getArmatureAt(index:int) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.ik.IKManager | |
傳回位於指定索引處的骨架。 | |
getArmatureByName(name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.ik.IKManager | |
傳回具有指定名稱的骨架。 | |
getAssociatedFactory(object:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.modules.ModuleManager | |
See if the referenced object is associated with (or, in the managed ApplicationDomain of) a known IFlexModuleFactory implementation. | |
getAtomBidiLevel(atomIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
取得位於指定索引處之 Atom 的雙向層級。 | |
getAtomBounds(atomIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
在指定的索引 (相對於文字行) 上取得 Atom 的邊界。 | |
getAtomCenter(atomIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
取得 Atom 的中央 (沿著指定之索引處的基線測量所得)。 | |
getAtomGraphic(atomIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
取得位於指定索引處之 Atom 的圖像,如果 Atom 為一個字元則為 null。 | |
getAtomIndexAtCharIndex(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
傳回包含 charIndex 參數指定之字元的 Atom 索引,如果該字元並不會造成此行上的任何 Atom 則為 -1。 | |
getAtomIndexAtPoint(stageX:Number, stageY:Number) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
傳回 x 和 y 參數指定之點上的 Atom 索引,如果該點沒有 Atom 則為 -1。 | |
getAtomTextBlockBeginIndex(atomIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
取得位於指定索引處之 Atom 的文字區塊開始索引。 | |
getAtomTextBlockEndIndex(atomIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
取得位於指定索引處之 Atom 的文字區塊結束索引。 | |
getAtomTextRotation(atomIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
取得位於指定索引處之 Atom 的旋轉。 | |
getAtomWordBoundaryOnLeft(atomIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
指出文字界限是否會出現在指定索引處的 Atom 左側。 | |
getAttributeByQName(xml:XML, attrQName:QName) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.XMLUtil | |
Returns the XML value of an attribute matching the given QName | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
Provides the automation object at the specified index. | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.containers.ApplicationAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.containers.WindowedApplicationAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.containers.WindowsAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Provides the automation object at the specified index. | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Provides the automation object at the specified index. | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Provides the automation object at the specified index. | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkWindowAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkWindowedApplicationAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableTextBaseAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultGridHeaderRendererAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
Provides the automation object list . | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.containers.ApplicationAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.FlexContentHolderAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Provides the automation object list . | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Provides the automation object list . | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Provides the automation object list . | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkDropDownListBaseAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultComplexItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildren() — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultGridHeaderRendererAutomationImpl | |
getAutomationChildrenArray(object:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getAutomationClassByInstance(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationEnvironment | |
Returns the automation class corresponding to the given object. | |
getAutomationClassByName(automationClass:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationEnvironment | |
Returns the automation class for the given name. | |
getAutomationClassName(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns the text to display as the type of the object. | |
getAutomationComposite(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationObjectHelper | |
Returns the parent of the composite object. | |
getAutomationName(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns the text to display as the description for the object. | |
getAutomationValueForData(data:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationTabularData | |
Returns the values being displayed by the component for the given data. | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.globalization.Collator | |
列出此類別支援的所有地區設定 ID 名稱。 | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
列出此類別支援的所有地區設定 ID 名稱。 | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
列出此類別支援的所有地區設定 ID 名稱。 | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.globalization.NumberFormatter | |
列出此類別支援的所有地區設定 ID 名稱。 | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.globalization.StringTools | |
列出此類別支援的所有地區設定 ID 名稱。 | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class. | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter | |
Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class. | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.formatters.NumberFormatter | |
Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class. | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.globalization.StringTools | |
Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class. | |
getAvailableLocaleIDNames() — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class. | |
getAxis(dimension:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTransform | |
Retrieves the axis instance responsible for transforming the data dimension specified by the dimension parameter. | |
getAxis(dimension:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
You typically retrieve the Axis instance directly through a named property (such as for a Cartesian-based series horizontalAxis, verticalAxis, or radiusAxis). | |
getAxis(axisOridnal:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.olap.IOLAPQuery | |
Gets an axis from the query. | |
getAxis(axisOrdinal:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.olap.IOLAPResult | |
Returns an axis of the query result. | |
getAxis(axisOrdinal:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPQuery | |
Gets an axis from the query. | |
getAxis(axisOrdinal:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPResult | |
Returns an axis of the query result. | |
getBackgroundManager() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
getBaselinePosition(baseline:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
取得相對於 TextBlock.baselineZero 的指定基線位置。 | |
getBoneByName(targetName:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.ik.IKArmature | |
傳回指定的骨塊。 | |
getBoolean(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Gets the value of a specified resource as a Boolean. | |
getBorderClassForCurrentState() — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.ButtonSkin | |
Returns the borderClass to use based on the currentState. | |
getBounds(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.DisplayObject | |
傳回可定義顯示物件區域 (相對於 targetCoordinateSpace 物件的座標系統) 的矩形。 | |
getBounds() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
將行的邊界傳回為矩形。 | |
getBounds(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
getBounds(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
傳回可定義顯示物件區域 (相對於 targetCoordinateSpace 物件的座標系統) 的矩形。 | |
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.Ellipse | |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.Path | |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.Rect | |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.Ellipse | |
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.Path | |
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.Rect | |
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | |
getBuilders() — 方法, 類別 org.osmf.elements.F4MLoader | |
Defines the BaseManifestBuilder objects used to create the ManifestParser. | |
getBundleNamesForLocale(locale:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Returns an Array of Strings specifying the bundle names for all ResourceBundle objects that exist in the ResourceManager and that belong to the specified locale. | |
getCachedSamples(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, append:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.ui.GameInputDevice | |
將快取的樣本值寫入 ByteArray。 | |
getCacheEntry(source:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.ContentCache | |
Obtain an entry for the given key if one exists. | |
getCacheKey(... rest) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.skins.halo.HaloColors | |
Returns a unique hash key based on the colors that are passed in. | |
getCamera(name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.media.Camera | |
傳回捕捉視訊的 Camera 物件的參照。 | |
getCaptionsAsArray() — 方法, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlaybackCaptioning | |
傳回包含註解的 FLVPlayback 組件提示點陣列。 | |
getCaptionsAsTranscript(preserveFormatting:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlaybackCaptioning | |
使用 HTML 格式的記錄傳回包含所有註解的字串。 | |
getCell(x:int, y:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.olap.IOLAPResult | |
Returns a cell at the specified location in the query result. | |
getCell(x:int, y:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPResult | |
Returns a cell at the specified location in the query result. | |
getCellAt(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Return the row and column indices of the cell that overlaps the pixel at the specified grid coordinate. | |
getCellBounds(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Returns the current pixel bounds of the specified cell, or null if no such cell exists. | |
getCellRendererAt(row:uint, column:uint) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.DataGrid | |
取得在 DataGrid 中指定位置的儲存格輸出器實體。 | |
getCellRendererInfo(row:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition, column:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
Decide which renderer to use for the particular cell. | |
getCellsAt(x:Number, y:Number, w:Number, h:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Returns a vector of CellPosition objects whose rowIndex and columnIndex properties specify the row and column indices of the cells that overlap the specified grid region. | |
getCellX(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Return the X coordinate of the specified cell's origin. | |
getCellY(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Return the Y coordinate of the specified cell's origin. | |
getCharAtPosition(relativePosition:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回指定位置的字元 (與此 FlowElement 物件相對的位置)。 | |
getCharBoundaries(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
會傳回做為字元之範圍框的矩形。 | |
getCharBoundaries(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會傳回做為字元之範圍框的矩形。 | |
getCharBoundaries(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getCharBoundaries(charIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會傳回做為字元之範圍框的矩形。 | |
getCharCodeAtPosition(relativePosition:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回指定位置的字元碼 (與此 FlowElement 相對的位置)。 | |
getCharIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
會在 x 和 y 參數所指定的點,傳回字元的索引值 (從零開始)。 | |
getCharIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會在 x 和 y 參數所指定的點,傳回字元的索引值 (從零開始)。 | |
getCharIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getCharIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會在 x 和 y 參數所指定的點,傳回字元的索引值 (從零開始)。 | |
getChildAt(iChild:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.ik.IKJoint | |
傳回位於指定索引值的 IKJoint 子物件。 | |
getChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
傳回存在於指定索引位置的子顯示物件實體。 | |
getChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement | |
傳回指定索引位置的 FlowElement 子系。 | |
getChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Gets the nth child component object. | |
getChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Gets the nth child component object. | |
getChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IChildList | |
Gets the child DisplayObject at the specified index in this child list. | |
getChildAt(index:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IContainer | |
傳回存在於指定索引位置的子顯示物件實體。 | |
getChildBridgeProvider(bridge:flash.events:IEventDispatcher) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ISWFBridgeGroup | |
Gets the owner of a bridge and also the DisplayObject that loaded the child. | |
getChildBridgeProvider(bridge:flash.events:IEventDispatcher) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.SWFBridgeGroup | |
Gets the owner of a bridge and also the DisplayObject that loaded the child. | |
getChildBridges() — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ISWFBridgeGroup | |
Gets all of the child bridges in this group. | |
getChildBridges() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.SWFBridgeGroup | |
Gets all of the child bridges in this group. | |
getChildByName(name:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
傳回具有指定名稱的子顯示物件。 | |
getChildByName(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Returns the child whose name property is the specified String. | |
getChildByName(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Returns the child whose name property is the specified String. | |
getChildByName(name:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IChildList | |
Gets the child DisplayObject with the specified name in this child list. | |
getChildByName(name:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IContainer | |
傳回具有指定名稱的子顯示物件。 | |
getChildIDArray() — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
傳回陣列,其中包含 AccessibilityImplementation 所有子元素的無正負號整數 ID。 | |
getChildIndex(child:fl.ik:IKJoint) — 方法, 類別 fl.ik.IKJoint | |
傳回指定之 IKJoint 物件的索引值。 | |
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
傳回 child DisplayObject 實體的索引位置。 | |
getChildIndex(child:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement | |
搜尋子系以找出指定的 FlowElement 物件,並傳回其索引位置。 | |
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Gets the zero-based index of a specific child. | |
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Gets the zero-based index of a specific child. | |
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IChildList | |
Gets the index of a specific child in this child list. | |
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IContainer | |
傳回 child DisplayObject 實體的索引位置。 | |
getChildren(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, ignoreShowInHierarchy:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns all children of this object that are visible within the testing hierarchy. | |
getChildren() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Returns an Array of DisplayObject objects consisting of the content children of the container. | |
getChildren(node:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
Returns a collection of children, if they exist. | |
getChildren(node:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.HierarchicalData | |
Returns an Object representing the node's children. | |
getChildren(node:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
Returns a collection of children, if they exist. | |
getChildren(node:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.collections.IHierarchicalData | |
Returns an Object representing the node's children. | |
getChildren(node:Object, model:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Provides access to a node's children. | |
getChildren(node:Object, model:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Provides access to a node's children. | |
getChildren(node:Object, model:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor | |
Provides access to a node's children, returning a collection view of children if they exist. | |
getChildren() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Returns an Array of DisplayObject objects consisting of the content children of the container. | |
getChildrenFromIDPart(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, part:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart, ignoreShowInHierarchy:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns all children of this object that are visible within the testing hierarchy and meet the criteria in the automation part. | |
getClass(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Gets the value of a specified resource as a Class. | |
getClass(type:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry | |
Looks for a registered Class for the given type. | |
getClassByAlias(aliasName:String) — 套件函數, flash.net | |
查閱之前已經透過呼叫 registerClassAlias() 方法註冊別名的類別。 | |
getClassInfo(obj:Object, excludes:Array, options:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.ObjectUtil | |
Returns information about the class, and properties of the class, for the specified Object. | |
getClassInfo(obj:Object, excludes:Array, options:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.RPCObjectUtil | |
Returns information about the class, and properties of the class, for the specified Object. | |
getClassName(obj:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
Returns the fully qualified name of the class to which the object belongs. | |
getClassStyleDeclarations() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Finds the type selectors for this UIComponent instance. | |
getClassStyleDeclarations() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Finds the type selectors for this UIComponent instance. | |
getClassStyleDeclarations() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist. | |
getClassStyleDeclarations() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist. | |
getClassStyleDeclarations() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Finds the type selectors for this UIComponent instance. | |
getClassStyleDeclarations() — 方法, 類別 mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist. | |
getClassStyleDeclarations() — 方法, 介面 mx.styles.IStyleClient | |
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist. | |
getClassStyleDeclarations() — 方法, 類別 mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist. | |
getCollectionClass(type:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry | |
Returns the Class for the collection type represented by the given Qname or String. | |
getColorBoundsRect(mask:uint, color:uint, findColor:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
決定矩形區域,將位於點陣圖影像內所有指定顏色的像素全部封閉起來 (如果 findColor 參數設為 true),或者將不包含指定顏色的所有像素封閉起來 (如果 findColor 參數設為 false)。 | |
getColorName(colorName:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Returns the numeric RGB color value that corresponds to the specified color string. | |
getColorName(colorName:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Returns the numeric RGB color value that corresponds to the specified color string. | |
getColorNames(colors:Array) — 方法, 介面 mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Converts each element of the colors Array from a color name to a numeric RGB color value. | |
getColorNames(colors:Array) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Converts each element of the colors Array from a color name to a numeric RGB color value. | |
getColorTransform(index:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.Motion | |
會擷取 Motion 實體中特定時間索引的內插補 ColorTransform 物件。 | |
getColorTransform(index:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.MotionBase | |
會擷取 Motion 實體中特定時間索引的內插補 ColorTransform 物件。 | |
getColumnAt(index:uint) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.DataGrid | |
會擷取位於 columns 陣列之指定索引位置的欄。 | |
getColumnAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ColumnState | |
傳回容器中一個直欄使用的區域。 | |
getColumnBounds(columnIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Returns the current pixel bounds of the specified column, or null if no such column exists. | |
getColumnCount() — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.DataGrid | |
會擷取 DataGrid 組件中的欄數。 | |
getColumnIndex(name:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.DataGrid | |
會擷取指定名稱的欄索引。如果找不到符合名稱的欄,則為 -1。 | |
getColumnIndexAt(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Returns the column index corresponding to the specified coordinates, or -1 if the coordinates are out of bounds. | |
getColumnWidth(columnIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Return the width of the specified column. | |
getCommonCharacterFormat() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
取得文字範圍或目前選取範圍中所有字元都適用的字元格式特質。 | |
getCommonCharacterFormat(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
取得指定文字範圍或目前選取範圍中所有字元都適用的字元格式特質。 | |
getCommonCharacterFormat(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
取得指定文字範圍或目前選取範圍中所有字元都適用的字元格式特質。 | |
getCommonContainerFormat() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
取得元素範圍中所有容器都適用的容器格式特質。 | |
getCommonContainerFormat(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
取得指定文字範圍或目前選取範圍中所有容器都適用的容器格式特質。 | |
getCommonContainerFormat(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
取得指定文字範圍或目前選取範圍中所有容器都適用的容器格式特質。 | |
getCommonParagraphFormat() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
取得元素範圍中所有段落都適用的段落格式特質。 | |
getCommonParagraphFormat(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
取得指定文字範圍或目前選取範圍中所有段落都適用的段落格式特質。 | |
getCommonParagraphFormat(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
取得指定文字範圍或目前選取範圍中所有段落都適用的段落格式特質。 | |
getCompatibleIUIComponent(obj:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Call getCompatibleIUIComponent when you need to work with an IUIComponent that reports width, height, min, max, explicit, measured, etc. | |
getComplexProperty(name:any, value:any) — 方法, 類別 mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Provides a place for subclasses to override how a complex property that needs to be either proxied or daisy chained for event bubbling is managed. | |
getComponentStyle(component:Object, name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.managers.StyleManager | |
會取得存在於特定組件的樣式。 | |
getComputedFontMetrics() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement | |
傳回範圍的 FontMetrics 物件。 | |
getConstraintValue(constraintName:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Returns the specified constraint value. | |
getConstraintValue(constraintName:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IConstraintClient | |
Returns the specified constraint value. | |
getConstraintValue(constraintName:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns a layout constraint value, which is the same as getting the constraint style for this component. | |
getConstraintValue(constraintName:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the specified constraint value. | |
getContent() — 方法, 類別 mx.resources.ResourceBundle | |
When a properties file is compiled into a resource bundle, the MXML compiler autogenerates a subclass of ResourceBundle. | |
getContentBounds() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
傳回文字佔用的區域,如同最後的撰寫或更新作業所鏡射。 | |
getContentBounds() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
建立一個矩形,顯示最後一個 compose() 方法或 updateContainer() 方法的呼叫置放文字的位置。 | |
getContentBounds() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.factory.TextLineFactoryBase | |
可容納編排內容的最小矩形。 | |
getContents() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.TextClipboard | |
取得系統剪貼簿上的任意文字做為 TextScrap 物件。 | |
getControlAt(i:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.ui.GameInputDevice | |
從裝置擷取特定控制項。 | |
getControllerAt(index:int) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
傳回位於指定索引的 ContainerController 物件。 | |
getControllerAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
傳回位於指定索引的 ContainerController 物件。 | |
getControllerIndex(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
傳回指定之 ContainerController 物件的索引。 | |
getControllerIndex(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
傳回指定之 ContainerController 物件的索引。 | |
getCube(name:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.olap.IOLAPSchema | |
Returns a cube specified by name. | |
getCube(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPSchema | |
Returns a cube specified by name. | |
getCubicCoefficients(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.BezierSegment | |
會指定對應三次方貝茲方程式的值,計算三次方多項式方程式的係數。 | |
getCubicRoots(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.BezierSegment | |
會尋找三次方多項式方程式 (數學式如:at^3 + bt^2 + ct + d) 的實數解 (如果存在的話)。 | |
getCuePointByName(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.videoClasses.CuePointManager | |
Search for a cue point with specified name. | |
getCuePoints() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.videoClasses.CuePointManager | |
Returns an Array of all cue points. | |
getCurrentKeyframe(index:int, tweenableName:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.MotionBase | |
擷取位於 Motion 實體內特定影格之目前作用中的關鍵影格。 | |
getCurrentRendererState() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the renderer. | |
getCurrentRendererState() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer | |
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the renderer. | |
getCurrentSkinState() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the skin. | |
getCurrentSkinState() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableContainerBase | |
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the skin. | |
getCurrentSkinState() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.windowClasses.TitleBar | |
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the skin. | |
getCurrentViewState() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.View | |
Checks the aspect ratio of the stage and returns the proper state that the View should change to. | |
getData(format:String, transferMode:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.desktop.Clipboard | |
如果存在指定格式的資料,則取回剪貼簿資料。 | |
getData(node:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.HierarchicalData | |
Returns data from a node. | |
getData(node:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.collections.IHierarchicalData | |
Returns data from a node. | |
getData(node:Object, model:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Returns a node's data. | |
getData(node:Object, model:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Returns a node's data. | |
getData(node:Object, model:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor | |
Gets the data from a node. | |
getDate() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據本地時間傳回 Date 物件指定之月份中的日期別 (從 1 到 31 的整數)。 | |
getDateStyle() — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
取得此 DateTimeFormatter 實體的日期樣式。 | |
getDateTimePattern() — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
傳回此 DateTimeFormatter 物件用來格式化日期與時間的樣式字串。 | |
getDay() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據本地時間傳回此 Date 物件指定的星期別 (0 代表星期日,1 代表星期一,其他依此類推)。 | |
getDefaultApplication(extension:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
取得預設應用程式,以便開啟具有指定副檔名的檔案。 | |
getDefaultLang() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.lang.Locale | |
預設語言碼是在「字串」面板對話方塊中設定,或藉由呼叫 setDefaultLang() 方法而設定。 | |
getDefinition(name:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.system.ApplicationDomain | |
會從指定的應用程式網域取得公用定義。 | |
getDefinitionByName(name:String) — 套件函數, flash.utils | |
會傳回 name 參數所指定之類別的類別物件參照。 | |
getDefinitionByName(name:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
Converts the given String to a Class or package-level Function. | |
getDefinitionByName(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Converts the given String to a Class or package-level Function. | |
getDefinitionByName(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Converts the given String to a Class or package-level Function. | |
getDefinitionFromObjectDomain(obj:Object, className:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
Utility function that returns the class definition from the domain of a object instance | |
getDescriptorForEvent(event:flash.events:Event) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
Translates between component event and Automation method descriptor | |
getDescriptorForEvent(event:flash.events:Event) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationClass | |
Returns an IAutomationEventDescriptor object for the specified event object. | |
getDescriptorForEventByName(eventName:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
getDescriptorForEventByName(eventName:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationClass | |
Returns an IAutomationEventDescriptor object from the event's name. | |
getDescriptorForMethodByName(methodName:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
Returns a full methodDescriptor from its name | |
getDescriptorForMethodByName(methodName:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationClass | |
Returns an IAutomationMethodDescriptorfrom object from the method's name. | |
getDeviceAt(index:int) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.ui.GameInput | |
取得已連線輸入裝置清單中,位於指定索引位置的輸入裝置。 | |
getDirectoryListing() — 方法, 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
傳回對應於這個 File 物件所代表目錄中之檔案和目錄的 File 物件陣列。 | |
getDirectoryListingAsync() — 方法, 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
以非同步方式擷取對應於這個 File 物件所代表目錄內容的 File 物件陣列。 | |
getDisplayObjectAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.DisplayLayer | |
Returns the DisplayObject with the specified index. | |
getDisplayObjectDepth(displayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.DisplayLayer | |
Returns the depth for the specified DisplayObject. | |
getDividerAt(i:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.DividedBox | |
Returns a reference to the specified BoxDivider object in this DividedBox container. | |
getDragManagerProxy() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.delegates.DragManagerAutomationImpl | |
getDRMManager() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.net.drm.DRMManager | |
傳回 DRMManager 物件的 Singleton 實體。 | |
getDynamicPartAt(partName:String, index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Returns a specific instance of a dynamic part. | |
getElementAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.GroupElement | |
從群組內擷取元素。 | |
getElementAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Returns the visual element at the specified index. | |
getElementAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Returns the visual element at the specified index. | |
getElementAt(index:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IVisualElementContainer | |
Returns the visual element at the specified index. | |
getElementAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
Returns the viewport if there is a viewport and the index passed in is 0. | |
getElementAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Scroller | |
Returns the viewport if there is a viewport and the index passed in is 0. | |
getElementAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Returns the visual element at the specified index. | |
getElementAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Returns the visual element at the specified index. | |
getElementAtCharIndex(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.GroupElement | |
傳回元素,其中包含 charIndex 參數所指定的字元。 | |
getElementBounds(renderData:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Fills in the elementBounds, bounds, and visibleBounds properties of a renderData structure that is generated by this series. | |
getElementBounds(renderData:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Fills in the elementBounds, bounds, and visibleBounds properties of a renderData structure that is generated by this series. | |
getElementBounds(renderData:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Fills in the elementBounds, bounds, and visibleBounds properties of a renderData structure that is generated by this series. | |
getElementBounds(renderData:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
getElementBounds(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Returns the specified element's layout bounds as a Rectangle or null if the index is invalid, the corresponding element is null, includeInLayout=false, or if this layout's target property is null. | |
getElementBoundsAboveScrollRect(scrollRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Returns the bounds of the first layout element that either spans or is above the scrollRect's top edge. | |
getElementBoundsBelowScrollRect(scrollRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Returns the bounds of the first layout element that either spans or is below the scrollRect's bottom edge. | |
getElementBoundsLeftOfScrollRect(scrollRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Returns the bounds of the first layout element that either spans or is to the left of the scrollRect's left edge. | |
getElementBoundsRightOfScrollRect(scrollRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Returns the bounds of the first layout element that either spans or is to the right of the scrollRect's right edge. | |
getElementByID(idName:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
傳回 id 屬性符合 idName 參數的元素。 | |
getElementFromPoint(x:int, y:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns the automation object under the given coordinate. | |
getElementFromPoint2(x:int, y:int, windowId:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getElementFromPoint2(x:int, y:int, windowId:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
AIR support(for tool): Returns the automation object under the given coordinate in a window. | |
getElementIndex(element:flash.text.engine:ContentElement) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.GroupElement | |
傳回 element 參數所指定之元素索引。 | |
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Returns the index position of a visual element. | |
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Returns the index position of a visual element. | |
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IVisualElementContainer | |
Returns the index position of a visual element. | |
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
Returns the 0 if the element passed in is the viewport. | |
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Scroller | |
Returns 0 if the element passed in is the viewport. | |
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Returns the index position of a visual element. | |
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Returns the index position of a visual element. | |
getElementPreferredHeight(element:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
A helper method to retrieve the preferred height of a child element. | |
getElementPreferredHeight(element:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.MobileSkin | |
A helper method to retrieve the preferred height of a child element. | |
getElementPreferredWidth(element:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
A helper method to retrieve the preferred width of a child element. | |
getElementPreferredWidth(element:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.MobileSkin | |
A helper method to retrieve the preferred width of a child element. | |
getElementRelativeStart(ancestorElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回此元素的開頭 (與祖系元素相對的位置)。 | |
getElementsByStyleName(styleNameValue:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
傳回 styleName 設為 styleNameValue 的所有元素。 | |
getElementsByTypeName(typeNameValue:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
傳回 typeName 設為 typeNameValue 的所有元素。 | |
getEnhancedMicrophone(index:int) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.media.Microphone | |
傳回可執行原音回音消除之增強 Microphone 物件的參考。 | |
getEvents(host:Object, name:String, commitOnly:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher | |
Returns all binding events for a bindable property in the host object. | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUIComponent | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height. | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUIComponent | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width | |
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width. | |
getExporter(format:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter | |
建立並傳回匯出轉換器,然後您可以使用該轉換器從 TextFlow 匯出至來源字串或 XML 物件。 | |
getExtensionDirectory(extensionID:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.external.ExtensionContext | |
傳回裝置上安裝擴充功能的目錄。 | |
getFeedback() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.managers.DragManager | |
Returns the current drag and drop feedback. | |
getFieldSortInfo(column:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridColumn) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Returns a SortInfo instance containing sorting information for the column. | |
getFieldSortInfo() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer | |
Returns the sort information for this column from the AdvancedDataGrid control so that the control can display the column's number in the sort sequence, and whether the sort is ascending or descending. | |
getFieldSortInfo() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
Returns the sort information for this column from the AdvancedDataGrid control so that the control can display the column's number in the sort sequence, and whether the sort is ascending or descending. | |
getFilters(index:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.Motion | |
會擷取 Motion 實體中特定時間索引的內插補濾鏡陣列。 | |
getFilters(index:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.MotionBase | |
會擷取 Motion 實體中特定時間索引的內插補濾鏡陣列。 | |
getFirstCharInParagraph(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
指定字元索引,會傳回相同段落中第一個字元的索引。 | |
getFirstCharInParagraph(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
指定字元索引,會傳回相同段落中第一個字元的索引。 | |
getFirstCharInParagraph(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getFirstCharInParagraph(charIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
指定字元索引,會傳回相同段落中第一個字元的索引。 | |
getFirstItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Gets the first item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getFirstItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Gets the first item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getFirstItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart | |
Gets the first item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getFirstLeaf() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement | |
傳回此群組的第一個 FlowLeafElement 子系。 | |
getFirstTextLineChildIndex() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
取得第一行文字必須在其父輩顯示的索引。 | |
getFirstWeekday() — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
傳回對應到此地區設定和月曆系統中每週第一天的整數。 | |
getFirstWeekday() — 方法, 類別 spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter | |
Returns an integer corresponding to the first day of the week for this locale and calendar system. | |
GetFlatArray() — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.ColorMatrix | |
計算並傳回包含 20 個數值 (代表此物件中設定的四個矩陣) 的平面陣列。 | |
getFocus() — 方法, 類別 fl.core.UIComponent | |
會擷取目前成為焦點的物件。 | |
getFocus() — 方法, 類別 fl.managers.FocusManager | |
會取得目前成為焦點的互動式物件。 | |
getFocus() — 方法, 介面 fl.managers.IFocusManager | |
會擷取目前成為焦點的 IFocusManagerComponent 組件。 | |
getFocus() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Gets the object that currently has focus. | |
getFocus() — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.FocusManager | |
Gets the IFocusManagerComponent component that currently has the focus. | |
getFocus() — 方法, 介面 mx.managers.IFocusManager | |
Gets the IFocusManagerComponent component that currently has the focus. | |
getFocus() — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Return the object the player sees as having focus. | |
getFocusedSelectionFormat() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
傳回 focusedSelectionFormat - 預設會從組態中取得。 | |
getFontMetrics() — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.ElementFormat | |
傳回 FontMetrics 物件,其中包含的屬性可針對 fontDescription 與 fontSize 指定的字體來描述 emBox、刪除線位置、刪除線粗細、底線位置及底線粗細。 | |
getFontStyles() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
Gets font styles from the AdvancedDataGrid control and uses them to initialize the corresponding font styles for this render. | |
getFormatAt(index:int) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter | |
傳回索引格式的格式名稱。 | |
getFormatDescriptorAt(index:int) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter | |
傳回索引格式的 FormatDescriptor。 | |
getFormatOfRange(requestedFormats:Vector$String, anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Returns a TextLayoutFormat object specifying the computed formats for the specified range of characters. | |
getFormatOfRange(requestedFormats:Vector$String, anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.TextArea | |
Returns a TextLayoutFormat object specifying the computed formats for the specified range of characters. | |
getFormattedCellValue(label:String, row:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition, col:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
Applies the formatting associated with a particular cell to a String value. | |
getFormName(component:mx.core:UIComponent) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.accessibility.AccImpl | |
Method for supporting Form Accessibility. | |
getFullURL(rootURL:String, url:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Converts a potentially relative URL to a fully-qualified URL. | |
getFullYear() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據本地時間傳回 Date 物件的完整年份 (四位數的數字,如 2000)。 | |
getGetterInvocationCount(obj:Object, qname:QName) — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
傳回執行 get 函數的次數。 | |
getGroup(name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
會擷取選項按鈕群組的參考。 | |
getGroupName(node:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Returns the name of the radio button group to which the node belongs, if any. | |
getGroupName(node:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Returns the name of the radio button group to which the node belongs, if any. | |
getHeader(qname:QName, headerName:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
Returns a header if a match is found based on QName, localName, and URI. | |
getHeader(qname:QName, headerName:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.soap.Operation | |
Returns a header if a match is found based on QName localName and URI. | |
getHeaderAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.Accordion | |
Returns a reference to the navigator button for a child container. | |
getHeaderBounds(columnIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Returns the current pixel bounds of the specified header (renderer), or null if no such column exists. | |
getHeaderHeight() — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.Panel | |
Returns the height of the header. | |
getHeaderIndexAt(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Returns the column index corresponding to the specified coordinates, or -1 if the coordinates are out of bounds. | |
getHeaderRenderer(c:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridColumn) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Returns the header item renderer. | |
getHeaderRendererAt(columnIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
If the requested header renderer is visible, returns a reference to the header renderer currently displayed for the specified column. | |
getHeaders() — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
Returns the HTTP request headers. | |
GetHeight() — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.DynamicMatrix | |
傳回目前矩陣中的列數。 | |
getHierarchicalCollectionAdaptor(hierarchicalData:mx.collections:ICollectionView, uidFunction:Function, openItems:Object, model:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Returns an ICollectionView instance that makes the hierarchical data appear as if it was a linear ICollectionView instance. | |
getHierarchicalCollectionAdaptor(hierarchicalData:mx.collections:ICollectionView, uidFunction:Function, openItems:Object, model:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor2 | |
Returns an ICollectionView instance that makes the hierarchical data appear as if it was a linear ICollectionView instance. | |
getHistoryAt(position:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
在指定位置傳回操作記錄項目。 | |
getHistoryAt(position:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.HTML | |
Returns the HTMLHistoryItem at the specified position in this control's history list. | |
getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Returns the amount to add to the viewport's current horizontalScrollPosition to scroll by the requested scrolling unit. | |
getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Returns the change to the horizontal scroll position to handle different scrolling options. | |
getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — 方法, 介面 spark.core.IViewport | |
Returns the amount to add to the viewport's current horizontalScrollPosition to scroll by the requested scrolling unit. | |
getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Returns the change to the horizontal scroll position to handle different scrolling options. | |
getHours() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據本地時間傳回 Date 物件的當天小時數部分 (從 0 到 23 的整數)。 | |
getIconDisplay() — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
The current skin part that displays the icon. | |
getImageClass(aspectRatio:String, dpi:Number, resolution:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.preloaders.SplashScreenImage | |
Returns the Class of the SplashScreenImageSource that best matches the specified device parameters. | |
getImageReference(id:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
對於使用 <img> 標籤新增至 HTML 格式之文字欄位的影像或 SWF 檔,傳回指定之 id 的 DisplayObject 參考。 | |
getImageReference(id:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
對於使用 <img> 標籤新增至 HTML 格式之文字欄位的影像或 SWF 檔,傳回指定之 id 的 DisplayObject 參考。 | |
getImageReference(id:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getImageReference(id:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
對於使用 <img> 標籤新增至 HTML 格式之文字欄位的影像或 SWF 檔,傳回指定之 id 的 DisplayObject 參考。 | |
getImplementation(interfaceName:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
Get the implementation for an interface. | |
getImporter(format:String, config:flashx.textLayout.elements:IConfiguration) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter | |
建立並傳回匯入轉換器,然後您可以使用該轉換器從來源字串、XML 物件或任何使用者定義的資料格式匯入至 TextFlow。 | |
getInactiveSelectionFormat() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
傳回 inactiveSelectionFormat - 預設會從組態中取得。可以在子類別中將其覆寫,以提供不同的 SelectionFormat。 | |
getIndent(position:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition, m:mx.olap:IOLAPMember, mIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
Returns the indent, in pixels, of the label in a renderer. | |
getInstance() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.DeferredInstanceFromClass | |
Creates and returns an instance of the class specified in the DeferredInstanceFromClass constructor, if it does not yet exist; otherwise, returns the already-created class instance. | |
getInstance() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.DeferredInstanceFromFunction | |
Returns a reference to an instance of the desired object. | |
getInstance() — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IDeferredInstance | |
Creates an instance Object from a class or function, if the instance does not yet exist. | |
getInstance() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.managers.BrowserManager | |
Returns the sole instance of this Singleton class; creates it if it does not already exist. | |
getInstance() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.managers.CursorManager | |
Each mx.core.Window instance in an AIR application has its own CursorManager instance. | |
getInstance() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.managers.LayoutManager | |
Returns the sole instance of this singleton class, creating it if it does not already exist. | |
getInstance() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.resources.ResourceManager | |
Gets the single instance of the ResourceManager class. | |
getInstance() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry | |
Returns the sole instance of this singleton class, creating it if it does not already exist. | |
getInstance() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.XMLNotifier | |
Get the singleton instance of the XMLNotifier. | |
getInstance() — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.effects.interpolation.HSBInterpolator | |
Returns the singleton of this class. | |
getInstance() — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.effects.interpolation.NumberInterpolator | |
Returns the singleton of this class. | |
getInstance() — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.effects.interpolation.RGBInterpolator | |
Returns the singleton of this class. | |
getInt(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Gets the value of a specified resource as an int. | |
getInvocationCount(obj:Object, qname:QName) — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
傳回執行方法的次數。 | |
getItem(name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.data.EncryptedLocalStore | |
對應於指定名稱的資料。 | |
getItemAt(index:uint) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.ComboBox | |
會擷取位於指定索引的項目。 | |
getItemAt(index:uint) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.SelectableList | |
會擷取位於指定索引的項目。 | |
getItemAt(index:uint) — 方法, 類別 fl.data.DataProvider | |
傳回指定索引位置的項目。 | |
getItemAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.NativeMenu | |
取得指定索引位置的選單項目。 | |
getItemAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
取得指定索引位置的選單項目。 | |
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Get the item at the specified index. | |
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
Returns the value of list.getItemAt(index). | |
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.collections.IList | |
Gets the item at the specified index. | |
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Gets the item at the specified index. | |
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.collections.NumericDataProvider | |
Gets the item at the specified index. | |
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Get the view navigator object at the specified index. | |
getItemByName(name:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.NativeMenu | |
取得指定名稱的選單項目。 | |
getItemIndex(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 fl.data.DataProvider | |
傳回指定項目的索引。 | |
getItemIndex(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.NativeMenu | |
取得指定項目的位置。 | |
getItemIndex(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem) — 方法, 類別 flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
取得指定項目的位置。 | |
getItemIndex(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Return the index of the item if it is in the list such that getItemAt(index) == item. | |
getItemIndex(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
Returns the index of the item if it is in the list such that getItemAt(index) == item. | |
getItemIndex(item:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.collections.IList | |
Returns the index of the item if it is in the list such that getItemAt(index) == item. | |
getItemIndex(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Returns the index of the item if it is in the list such that getItemAt(index) == item. | |
getItemIndex(item:Object, source:Array) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.ArrayUtil | |
Returns the index of the item in the Array. | |
getItemIndex(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.collections.NumericDataProvider | |
Returns the index of the item if it is in the list such that getItemAt(index) == item. | |
getItemIndex(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Return the index of the view navigator if it is in the list of view navigators. | |
getItemIndicesInView() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.DataGroup | |
Return the indices of the item renderers visible within this DataGroup. | |
getItemRendererAt(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
If the requested item renderer is visible, returns a reference to the item renderer currently displayed at the specified cell. | |
getItemRendererFactory(forHeader:Boolean, data:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Return the appropriate factory, using the default factory if none specified. | |
getItemRendererFactory(data:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Return the appropriate factory, using the default factory if none specified. | |
getItemsInRegion(value:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Gets all the chart items that are within the defined rectangular region. | |
getItemsInRegion(r:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Gets all the items that are in a rectangular region for the series. | |
getItemsInRegion(r:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Gets all the items that are in a rectangular region for the series. | |
getJointValue(dof:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.ik.IKJoint | |
擷取指定之自由度類型的目前值。 | |
getJustifierForLocale(locale:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.text.engine.TextJustifier | |
建構適合指定之地區使用的預設 TextJustifier 子類別。 | |
getKeysAndValues() — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.LocaleID | |
從 LocaleID 物件傳回包含所有鍵與值配對的物件。 | |
getLabelEstimate() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.CategoryAxis | |
Determines the range to estimate what the axis labels should be. | |
getLabelEstimate() — 方法, 介面 mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis | |
Determines the range to estimate what the axis labels should be. | |
getLabelEstimate() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Determines the range to estimate what the axis labels should be. | |
getLabels(minimumAxisLength:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.CategoryAxis | |
Gets the labels text that is rendered. | |
getLabels(minimumAxisLength:Number) — 方法, 介面 mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis | |
Gets the labels text that is rendered. | |
getLabels(minimumAxisLength:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Gets the labels text that is rendered. | |
getLanguage() — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.LocaleID | |
傳回地區設定 ID 名稱指定的語言碼。 | |
getlastDragStartObj() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.air.AirDragManagerAutomationHandler | |
Returns the target of last drag start event | |
getLastItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Gets the last chart item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getLastItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Gets the last chart item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getLastItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart | |
Gets the last chart item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getLastLeaf() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement | |
傳回此群組的最後一個 FlowLeafElement 子系。 | |
getLayerAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.DesignLayer | |
Returns the DesignLayer child at the specified index. | |
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the element's layout height. | |
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the element's layout height. | |
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the element's layout height. | |
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the element's layout height. | |
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the element's layout height. | |
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the element's layout width. | |
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the element's layout width. | |
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the element's layout width. | |
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the element's layout width. | |
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the element's layout width. | |
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | |
getLayoutMatrix() — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings. | |
getLayoutMatrix() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings. | |
getLayoutMatrix() — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings. | |
getLayoutMatrix() — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings. | |
getLayoutMatrix() — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings. | |
getLayoutMatrix3D() — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element. | |
getLayoutMatrix3D() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element. | |
getLayoutMatrix3D() — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element. | |
getLayoutMatrix3D() — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element. | |
getLayoutMatrix3D() — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element. | |
getLevelString(value:uint) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.logging.LogEvent | |
Returns a string value representing the level specified. | |
getLexicalScopes(obj:Function) — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
公開「函數」的語彙範圍,讓設定可以看到擷取的範圍物件 (包括具有範圍的啟動物件),如同被「函數」實體所保留一般。 | |
getLineAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowComposerBase | |
傳回具有指定行編號的那一行。 | |
getLineAt(index:int) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
傳回具有指定行編號的那一行。 | |
getLineAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
從撰寫的文字行陣列傳回索引的 TextLine。 | |
getLineForReuse() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.TextLineRecycler | |
從集區傳回 TextLine 以便重複使用。 | |
getLineIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
會在 x 和 y 參數所指定的點,傳回字行的索引值 (從零開始)。 | |
getLineIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會在 x 和 y 參數所指定的點,傳回字行的索引值 (從零開始)。 | |
getLineIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getLineIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會在 x 和 y 參數所指定的點,傳回字行的索引值 (從零開始)。 | |
getLineIndexOfChar(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
會傳回字行的索引值 (從零開始),該字行包含 charIndex 參數所指定的字元。 | |
getLineIndexOfChar(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會傳回字行的索引值 (從零開始),該字行包含 charIndex 參數所指定的字元。 | |
getLineIndexOfChar(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getLineIndexOfChar(charIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會傳回字行的索引值 (從零開始),該字行包含 charIndex 參數所指定的字元。 | |
getLineLength(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
會傳回特定文字行中的字元數。 | |
getLineLength(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會傳回特定文字行中的字元數。 | |
getLineLength(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getLineLength(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會傳回特定文字行中的字元數。 | |
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.TextArea | |
會擷取指定之文字行的相關資訊。 | |
getLineMetrics(index:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.TextInput | |
會擷取指定之文字行的相關資訊。 | |
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
會傳回關於指定之文字行的公制字資訊。 | |
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會傳回關於指定之文字行的公制字資訊。 | |
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.Label | |
Returns a TextLineMetrics object with information about the text position and measurements for a line of text in the control. | |
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.TextArea | |
Returns a TextLineMetrics object with information about the text position and measurements for a line of text in the control. | |
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.TextInput | |
Returns a TextLineMetrics object with information about the text position and measurements for a line of text in the control. | |
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
會傳回關於指定之文字行的公制字資訊。 | |
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會傳回關於指定之文字行的公制字資訊。 | |
getLineOffset(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
會傳回 lineIndex 參數所指定之字行中,第一個字元的字元索引。 | |
getLineOffset(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會傳回 lineIndex 參數所指定之字行中,第一個字元的字元索引。 | |
getLineOffset(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getLineOffset(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會傳回 lineIndex 參數所指定之字行中,第一個字元的字元索引。 | |
getLineText(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
會傳回 lineIndex 參數所指定之字行的文字。 | |
getLineText(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會傳回 lineIndex 參數所指定之字行的文字。 | |
getLineText(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getLineText(lineIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會傳回 lineIndex 參數所指定之字行的文字。 | |
getLoaderInfoByDefinition(object:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
傳回與 SWF 檔 (定義為物件) 相關聯的 LoaderInfo 物件。 | |
getLocal(name:String, localPath:String, secure:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.net.SharedObject | |
傳回只有目前用戶端可使用的本機持續共享物件的參考。 | |
getLocales() — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Returns an Array of Strings specifying all locales for which ResourceBundle objects exist in the ResourceManager. | |
getLocalName(xmlNode:flash.xml:XMLNode) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLDecoder | |
Returns the local name of an XMLNode. | |
getLogger(category:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.logging.Log | |
Returns the logger associated with the specified category. | |
getMainApplication() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.Automation | |
getMainApplication() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
Returns the top level application. | |
getMajorVersion() — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
Returns the major from current version number | |
getMarkerAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 org.osmf.metadata.TimelineMetadata | |
Returns the TimelineMarker at the specified index. | |
getMasterString(str:String) — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
傳回字串相依的主字串,或者如果此字串未與其他字串相依則為 null。 | |
getMatrix(index:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.MotionBase | |
針對動畫影格的指定索引位置傳回 Matrix 物件。 | |
getMatrix3D(index:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.MotionBase | |
針對動畫影格的指定索引位置傳回 Matrix3D 物件。 | |
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the element's maximum height. | |
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the element's maximum height. | |
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the element's maximum height. | |
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the element's maximum height. | |
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the element's maximum height. | |
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the element's maximum width. | |
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the element's maximum width. | |
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the element's maximum width. | |
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the element's maximum width. | |
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the element's maximum width. | |
getMemberFromPartOrObject(part:Object, obj:Object, name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getMemberNames(o:Object, instanceNames:Boolean) — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
傳回包含指定物件之所有成員 (包括私有成員) 的物件。 | |
getMenuAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Returns a reference to the Menu object at the specified MenuBar item index, where 0 is the Menu contained at the leftmost MenuBar item index. | |
getMergedStyleDeclaration(selector:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.styles.IStyleManager2 | |
Gets a CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules for the specified CSS selector. | |
getMessageResponder(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — 方法, 類別 mx.messaging.Channel | |
Returns the appropriate MessageResponder for the Channel's send() method. | |
getMicrophone(index:int) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.media.Microphone | |
傳回捕捉音效的 Microphone 物件的參照。 | |
getMilliseconds() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據本地時間傳回 Date 物件的毫秒部分 (從 0 到 999 的整數)。 | |
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the element's minimum height. | |
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the element's minimum height. | |
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the element's minimum height. | |
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the element's minimum height. | |
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the element's minimum height. | |
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the element's minimum width. | |
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the element's minimum width. | |
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the element's minimum width. | |
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the element's minimum width. | |
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the element's minimum width. | |
getMinutes() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據本地時間傳回 Date 物件的分鐘部分 (從 0 到 59 的整數)。 | |
getMirrorRegion(mirror:flash.events:EventDispatcher) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
傳回此行的第一個 TextLineMirrorRegion,它的 mirror 屬性符合 mirror 參數指定的屬性,如果不相符則為 null。 | |
getMissingInterpolationValues(sourceProps:Object, srcCache:Array, destProps:Object, destCache:Array, index:Number, customData:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Fills in missing values in an interpolation structure. | |
getMissingInterpolationValues(sourceProps:Object, srcCache:Array, destProps:Object, destCache:Array, index:Number, customData:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Fills in missing values in an interpolation structure. | |
getMissingInterpolationValues(sourceProps:Object, srcCache:Array, destProps:Object, destCache:Array, index:Number, customData:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Fills in missing values in an interpolation structure. | |
getMissingInterpolationValues(sourceProps:Object, srcCache:Array, destProps:Object, destCache:Array, index:Number, customData:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
getModule(url:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.modules.ModuleManager | |
Get the IModuleInfo interface associated with a particular URL. | |
getMonth() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據本地時間傳回此 Date 的月份部分 (0 代表一月,1 代表二月,其他依此類推)。 | |
getMonthNames(nameStyle:String, context:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
擷取包含目前月曆系統月份名稱的當地語系化字串清單。 | |
getMonthNames(nameStyle:String, context:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter | |
Retrieves a list of localized strings containing the month names for the current calendar system. | |
getMouseX(item:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationMouseSimulator | |
Called when a DisplayObject retrieves the mouseX property. | |
getMouseY(item:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationMouseSimulator | |
Called when a DisplayObject retrieves mouseY property. | |
getName(childID:uint) — 方法, 類別 mx.accessibility.AccImpl | |
Returns the name of the accessible component. | |
getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.xml.XMLNode | |
會傳回與節點的指定前置詞相關的命名空間 URI。 | |
getNavigationDestinationIndex(currentIndex:int, navigationUnit:uint, arrowKeysWrapFocus:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Delegation method that determines which item to navigate to based on the current item in focus and user input in terms of NavigationUnit. | |
getNewEmergencyIndex(maxBitrate:Number) — 方法, 類別 org.osmf.net.httpstreaming.DefaultHTTPStreamingSwitchManager | |
Returns an index that satisfies the maxBitrate constraint | |
getNewIndex() — 方法, 類別 org.osmf.net.httpstreaming.DefaultHTTPStreamingSwitchManager | |
Computes the necessary rules and metrics and determines the index to switch to. | |
getNextFocusManagerComponent(backward:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 fl.managers.FocusManager | |
會擷取互動式物件,它會在使用者按下 Tab 鍵瀏覽至下一個物件時接收焦點。 | |
getNextFocusManagerComponent(backward:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 fl.managers.IFocusManager | |
會擷取當使用者用 Tab 鍵移動焦點時,緊接著將接收焦點的組件。 | |
getNextFocusManagerComponent(backward:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.FocusManager | |
Returns the IFocusManagerComponent that would receive focus if the user pressed the Tab key to navigate to another component. | |
getNextFocusManagerComponent(backward:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.managers.IFocusManager | |
Returns the IFocusManagerComponent that would receive focus if the user pressed the Tab key to navigate to another component. | |
getNextIndexAtLetter(firstLetter:String, startIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.SelectableList | |
傳回 dataProvider 中標籤的第一個字元符合指定字串字元的下一個項目的索引。 | |
getNextItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Gets the chart item next to the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getNextItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Gets the chart item next to the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getNextItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart | |
Gets the chart item next to the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getNextKeyframe(index:int, tweenableName:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.MotionBase | |
擷取 Motion 實體中特定影格之後的下一個關鍵影格。 | |
getNextLeaf(limitElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement | |
傳回下一個 FlowLeafElement 物件。 | |
getNextParagraph() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement | |
傳回在此段落後面的段落;如果沒有其他段落,則會傳回 null。 | |
getNextSibling() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回文字流排階層中的下一個 FlowElement 同級項目。 | |
getNodeDepth(node:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
Returns the depth of the node in the collection. | |
getNodeDepth(node:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
Returns the depth of the node in the collection. | |
getNodeDepth(node:Object, iterator:mx.collections:IViewCursor, model:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Returns the depth of the node, meaning the number of ancestors it has. | |
getNodeDepth(node:Object, iterator:mx.collections:IViewCursor, model:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor2 | |
Returns the depth of the node, meaning the number of ancestors it has. | |
getNumber(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Gets the value of a specified resource as a Number. | |
getObject(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Gets the value of a specified resource as an Object. | |
getObjectsUnderPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
傳回位於指定點底下,且屬於此 DisplayObjectContainer 實體之子系 (或孫系,以下類推) 的物件陣列。 | |
getObjectsUnderPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IChildList | |
Returns an array of DisplayObjects that lie under the specified point and are in this child list. | |
getObjectsUnderPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IContainer | |
傳回位於指定點底下,且屬於此 DisplayObjectContainer 實體之子系 (或孫系,以下類推) 的物件陣列。 | |
getOperation(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.AbstractService | |
Returns an Operation of the given name. | |
getOperation(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject | |
Returns an Operation of the given name. | |
getOperation(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject | |
Returns an Operation of the given name. | |
getOperation(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.soap.WebService | |
Returns an Operation of the given name. | |
getOperation(name:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService | |
Returns an Operation of the given name. | |
getParagraph() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回與此元素相關的 ParagraphElement 物件。 | |
getParagraphLength(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
指定字元索引,會傳回包含指定之字元的段落長度。 | |
getParagraphLength(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
指定字元索引,會傳回包含指定之字元的段落長度。 | |
getParagraphLength(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField because very few components use it in TextField. | |
getParagraphLength(charIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
指定字元索引,會傳回包含指定之字元的段落長度。 | |
getParent(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, parentToStopAt:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, ignoreShowInHierarchy:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns the next parent that is visible within the automation hierarchy. | |
getParent(node:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingCollection | |
Returns the parent of a node. | |
getParent(node:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingCollection2 | |
Returns the parent of a node. | |
getParent(node:Object, collection:mx.collections:ICollectionView, model:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Returns the parent of the node The parent of a top-level node is null. | |
getParent(node:Object, collection:mx.collections:ICollectionView, model:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor2 | |
Returns the parent of the node The parent of a top-level node is null. | |
GET_PARENT_FLEX_MODULE_FACTORY_REQUEST — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.Request | |
Dispatched from a sub-application or module to find the module factory of its parent application or module. | |
getParentItem(node:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
Returns the parent of a node. | |
getParentItem(node:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
Returns the parent of a node. | |
getParentItem(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Returns the parent of a child item. | |
getParentItem(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.Tree | |
Returns the known parent of a child item. | |
getParser(resourceData:String) — 方法, 類別 org.osmf.elements.ManifestLoaderBase | |
getPercentLoaded(loaded:Number, total:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Returns the percentage value of the application loaded. | |
getPixel(x:int, y:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
傳回整數,代表 BitmapData 物件中特定點 (x, y) 的 RGB 像素值。 | |
getPixel32(x:int, y:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
傳回 ARGB 顏色數值,其中包含 Alpha 色版資料和 RGB 資料。 | |
getPixels(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
從像素資料的矩形區域產生位元組陣列。 | |
getPopUpChildObject(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getPopUpChildObject(index:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for delegates):Returns array of pop up objects of the root application. | |
getPopUpChildren() — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getPopUpChildren() — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for delegates):Returns array of pop up objects of the top level application. | |
getPopUpChildrenCount() — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getPopUpChildrenCount() — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for delegates):Returns the number of pop up children of the top level application. | |
getPort(url:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Returns the port number from the specified URL. | |
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the element's preferred height. | |
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the element's preferred height. | |
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the element's preferred height. | |
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the element's preferred height. | |
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the element's preferred height. | |
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Returns the element's preferred width. | |
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the element's preferred width. | |
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns the element's preferred width. | |
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Returns the element's preferred width. | |
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the element's preferred width. | |
getPreferredLocaleChain() — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Returns an Array of Strings specifying all locales for which ResourceBundle objects exist in the ResourceManager, ordered using user preferences as reported by Capabilities.language or Capabilities.languages. | |
getPrefixForNamespace(ns:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.xml.XMLNode | |
會傳回與節點之指定命名空間 URI 相關的前置詞。 | |
getPreviousItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Gets the chart item that is before the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getPreviousItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Gets the chart item that is before the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getPreviousItem(direction:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart | |
Gets the chart item that is before the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes. | |
getPreviousLeaf(limitElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement | |
傳回上一個 FlowLeafElement 物件。 | |
getPreviousParagraph() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement | |
傳回此段落前面的段落;如果此段落是 TextFlow 中的第一段,則為 null。 | |
getPreviousSibling() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回文字流排階層中的上一個 FlowElement 同級項目。 | |
getProperties(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, names:Array, forVerification:Boolean, forDescription:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns the values for a set of properties. | |
getProperty(name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 adobe.utils.XMLUI | |
擷取目前 XMLUI 對話方塊的指定屬性值。 | |
getProperty(propertyName:String) — 方法, 介面 fl.video.INCManager | |
會取得由實作 INCManager 之類別所支援的任意屬性之值。 | |
getProperty(propertyName:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.video.NCManager | |
允許取得 fallbackServerName、fpadZone、objectEncoding 和 proxyType 屬性。 | |
getProperty(name:any) — 方法, 類別 mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Returns the specified property value of the proxied object. | |
getProperty(name:any) — 方法, 類別 mx.utils.OrderedObject | |
Returns the specified property value of the proxied object. | |
getProperty(key:String) — 方法, 介面 spark.managers.IPersistenceManager | |
Returns the value of a property stored in the persistence manager. | |
getProperty(key:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.managers.PersistenceManager | |
Returns the value of a property stored in the persistence manager. | |
getPropertyDescriptors(objForInitialization:Object, forVerification:Boolean, forDescription:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
Returns the list of properties this class supports. | |
getPropertyDescriptors(objForInitialization:Object, forVerification:Boolean, forDescription:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationClass | |
Returns the list of properties this class supports. | |
getPropertyValueFromPart(part:Object, obj:Object, pd:mx.automation:IAutomationPropertyDescriptor, relativeParent:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getProtocol(url:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Returns the protocol section of the specified URL. | |
getQuadraticRoots(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.BezierSegment | |
會尋找二次方程式 (數學式如:at^2 + bt + c) 的實數解 (如果存在的話)。 | |
getQualifiedClassName(value:any) — 套件函數, flash.utils | |
會傳回物件的完整類別名稱。 | |
getQualifiedDefinitionNames() — 方法, 類別 flash.system.ApplicationDomain | |
會從指定的應用程式網域取得公用定義的所有完整名稱。 | |
getQualifiedSuperclassName(value:any) — 套件函數, flash.utils | |
會傳回物件 (由 value 參數指定) 之基底類別的完整限定類別名稱。 | |
getRadioButtonAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
會擷取位於指定索引位置的 RadioButton 組件。 | |
getRadioButtonAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Returns the RadioButton control at the specified index. | |
getRadioButtonAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.RadioButtonGroup | |
Returns the RadioButton component at the specified index. | |
getRadioButtonIndex(radioButton:fl.controls:RadioButton) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
會傳回指定之 RadioButton 實體的索引。 | |
getRect(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.DisplayObject | |
根據 targetCoordinateSpace 參數所定義的座標系統,並排除形狀上的任何筆畫,傳回可定義顯示物件邊界的矩形。 | |
getRect(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
getRect(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
根據 targetCoordinateSpace 參數所定義的座標系統,並排除形狀上的任何筆畫,傳回可定義顯示物件邊界的矩形。 | |
getRectangle(obj:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
The display rectangle enclosing the DisplayObject. | |
getRegion() — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.LocaleID | |
傳回地區設定 ID 名稱指定的區域碼。 | |
getRelativeMatrix3D(relativeTo:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 flash.geom.Transform | |
傳回 Matrix3D 物件,這個物件可以相對於目前顯示物件的空間來轉換指定之顯示物件的空間。 | |
getRelativeMatrix3D(relativeTo:flash.display:DisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.geom.Transform | |
Returns a Matrix3D object, which can transform the space of a specified display object in relation to the current display object's space. | |
getRelativePath(ref:flash.net:FileReference, useDotDot:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
找出兩個 File 路徑之間的相對路徑。 | |
getRemote(name:String, remotePath:String, persistence:Object, secure:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.net.SharedObject | |
傳回 Flash Media Server 上多個用戶端可存取之共享物件的參考。 | |
getRenderDataForTransition(type:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Captures the before and after states of the series for animation. | |
getRendererSemanticValue(target:Object, semanticProperty:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns the value for a particular semantic property of an item renderer, or null if that property is not defined, while a data effect is running. | |
getRendererSemanticValue(target:Object, semanticProperty:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns true or false to indicates whether the effect should play on the target. | |
getRendererSemanticValue(target:Object, semanticProperty:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.effects.IEffectTargetHost | |
Returns true or false to indicates whether the effect should play on the target. | |
getRendererStyle(name:String, column:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.SelectableList | |
會擷取清單中的輸出器所設定的樣式。 | |
getRepeaterItem(whichRepeater:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the item in the dataProvider that was used by the specified Repeater to produce this Repeater, or null if this Repeater isn't repeated. | |
getRequestContentType(operation:mx.rpc.http:AbstractOperation, obj:Object, contentType:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.http.SerializationFilter | |
This method is called by the HTTP service just before a call is made. | |
getReservedOrFreeItemRenderer(data:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Retrieves an already-created item renderer not currently in use. | |
getReservedOrFreeItemRenderer(data:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Retrieves an already-created item renderer not currently in use. | |
getResolverForNewFlow(oldFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, newFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.elements.IFormatResolver | |
在 TextFlow 複製時傳回格式解析程式。 | |
getResourceBundle(locale:String, bundleName:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Returns a ResourceBundle with the specified locale and bundleName that has been previously added to the ResourceManager with addResourceBundle(). | |
getResources() — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.xml.QualifiedResourceManager | |
Gets an Array of all resources. | |
getResourcesForNamespace(ns:Namespace) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.xml.QualifiedResourceManager | |
Returns an Array of resources for a given target namespace. | |
getResourcesForURI(uri:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.xml.QualifiedResourceManager | |
Returns an Array of resources for a given target URI. | |
getResult() — 方法, 類別 flash.data.SQLStatement | |
讓使用者存取包含陳述式執行結果的 SQLResult 物件,這些結果包括任何來自 SELECT 陳述式的結果列,以及其他所有已執行之陳述式的陳述式執行相關資訊。 | |
getRoot() — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingCollection | |
Return super.source, if the grouping property is set, and an ICollectionView instance that refers to super.source if not. | |
getRoot() — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingCollection2 | |
Return super.source, if the grouping property is set, and an ICollectionView instance that refers to super.source if not. | |
getRoot() — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.HierarchicalData | |
Returns the root data item. | |
getRoot() — 方法, 介面 mx.collections.IHierarchicalData | |
Returns the root data item. | |
getRootDirectories() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
傳回 File 物件的陣列,並列出檔案系統根目錄。 | |
getRotation(m:flash.geom:Matrix) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
會計算存在於矩陣中的旋轉角度,以度數為單位。 | |
getRotationRadians(m:flash.geom:Matrix) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
會計算存在於矩陣中的旋轉角度,以弧度為單位。 | |
getRowBounds(rowIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Returns the current pixel bounds of the specified row, or null if no such row exists. | |
getRowHeight(itemData:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Returns the row height. | |
getRowIndexAt(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Returns the row index corresponding to the specified coordinates, or -1 if the coordinates are out of bounds. | |
getRSLInfoAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.rsl.RSLPreloader | |
取得透過 addRSLInfo() 在指定索引新增的 RSLInfo 記錄。 | |
getSampleCount() — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
傳回所收集的樣本數目。 | |
getSamples() — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
從最後一個取樣工作階段中傳回記憶體用量 Sample 實體的物件。 | |
getSamples(buffer:flash.utils:ByteArray, append:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
請使用高頻率的資料點,為多點觸控事件更新指定的 ByteArray 物件。 | |
getSampleXMLDataButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars.DDToolbar | |
A skin part that defines a Button which gets sample xml data for data dictionary. A skin part that defines a Button which gets sample xml data for data dictionary. | |
getSandboxRoot() — 方法, 介面 mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
Gets the system manager that is the root of all top level system managers in this SecurityDomain. | |
getSandboxRoot() — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Go up the parent chain to get the top level system manager in this SecurityDomain. | |
getSandboxRoot() — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Go up our parent chain to get the top level system manager in this SecurityDomain | |
getSavedThis(obj:Function) — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
從 Method 結束項傳回儲存的 "this",這通常您不能從 AS 看到。 | |
getScaleX(m:flash.geom:Matrix) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
會計算存在於矩陣中的水平縮放。 | |
getScaleY(m:flash.geom:Matrix) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
會計算存在於矩陣中的垂直縮放。 | |
getSchemaResult() — 方法, 類別 flash.data.SQLConnection | |
讓使用者存取 loadSchema() 方法的呼叫結果。 | |
getScreensForRectangle(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.display.Screen | |
傳回與提供之矩形相交的螢幕集合 (可能是空的)。 | |
getScript() — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.LocaleID | |
傳回地區設定 ID 名稱指定的字集代碼。 | |
getScrollBars(passedObj:Object, stopWithContetGroup:spark.components.supportClasses:GroupBase) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableContainerBaseAutomationImpl | |
private | |
getScrollBars(passedObj:Object, stopWithSkin:mx.core:UIComponent) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableTextBaseAutomationImpl | |
getScrollBars(passedObj:Object, stopWithContetGroup:spark.components.supportClasses:GroupBase) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultComplexItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
private | |
getScrollDelta(numLines:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
了解往上或往下捲動指定的行數時所需的捲動距離。 | |
getScrollDelta(numLines:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
了解往上或往下捲動指定的行數時所需的捲動距離。 | |
getScroller(passedObj:Object, stopWithContentGroup:spark.components.supportClasses:GroupBase) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableContainerBaseAutomationImpl | |
private | |
getScroller(passedObj:Object, stopWithSkin:mx.core:UIComponent) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableTextBaseAutomationImpl | |
getScroller(passedObj:Object, stopWithContentGroup:spark.components.supportClasses:GroupBase) — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.skins.spark.SparkDefaultComplexItemRendererAutomationImpl | |
private | |
getScrollPositionDeltaToElement(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Computes the verticalScrollPosition and horizontalScrollPosition deltas needed to scroll the element at the specified index into view. | |
getScrollRect() — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Returns the bounds of the target's scroll rectangle in layout coordinates. | |
getSeconds() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據本地時間傳回 Date 物件的秒數部分 (從 0 到 59 的整數)。 | |
getSelected(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextSnapshot | |
傳回一個 Boolean 值,用來指定 TextSnapshot 物件是否包含了指定範圍中的已選取文字。 | |
getSelectedText(includeLineEndings:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextSnapshot | |
會傳回字串,包含由對應的 setSelected() 方法指定的所有字元。 | |
get_selectionActiveIndex() — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
get_selectionAnchorIndex() — 方法, 類別 flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation | |
getSelectionState() — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
取得目前選取範圍的 SelectionState 物件。 | |
getSelectionState() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
取得目前選取範圍的 SelectionState 物件。 | |
getSeparator(i:int, seperators:Array, headerLines:mx.core:UIComponent) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Returns the header separators between column headers, and populates the separators Array with the separators returned. | |
getSeparatorIndexAt(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Returns the column separator index corresponding to the specified coordinates, or -1 if the coordinates don't overlap a separator. | |
getSerializationFilter() — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
Returns the serialization filter. | |
getServerName(url:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Returns the server name from the specified URL. | |
getServerNameWithPort(url:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Returns the domain and port information from the specified URL. | |
getSetterInvocationCount(obj:Object, qname:QName) — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
傳回執行 set 函數的次數。 | |
getSharedProperty(key:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.system.Worker | |
擷取以具名索引鍵儲存在這個 Worker 中的值。 | |
getSingleValue(t:Number, a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.BezierSegment | |
會計算一維三次方貝茲方程式在特定時間的值。 | |
getSize(o:any) — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
搭配 Flash Player 或更新的除錯程式版本使用時,傳回指定的物件在記憶體中的大小。 | |
GET_SIZE_REQUEST — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest | |
Gets the size of the child SystemManager. | |
getSkewX(m:flash.geom:Matrix) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
會計算存在於矩陣中的水平傾斜角度,以度數為單位。 | |
getSkewXRadians(m:flash.geom:Matrix) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
會計算存在於矩陣中的水平傾斜角度,以弧度為單位。 | |
getSkewY(m:flash.geom:Matrix) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
會計算存在於矩陣中的垂直傾斜角度,以度數為單位。 | |
getSkewYRadians(m:flash.geom:Matrix) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.MatrixTransformer | |
會計算存在於矩陣中的垂直傾斜角度,以弧度為單位。 | |
getSnapshot(target:mx.core:UIComponent, padding:int, globalPosition:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Used to render snap shots of screen elements in preparation for transitioning. | |
getSnapshot(target:mx.core:IUIComponent, visibleBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, propagateColorTransform:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.utils.BitmapUtil | |
Creates a BitmapData representation of the target object. | |
getSnapshotWithPadding(target:mx.core:IUIComponent, padding:int, propagateColorTransform:Boolean, bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.utils.BitmapUtil | |
Creates a BitmapData representation of the target object. | |
getSource(desiredDPI:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.utils.MultiDPIBitmapSource | |
Select one of the sourceXXXdpi properties based on the given DPI. | |
getSpringAngle() — 方法, 類別 fl.ik.IKJoint | |
傳回目前的彈起角度。 | |
getSpringPt() — 方法, 類別 fl.ik.IKJoint | |
傳回目前的彈起點。 | |
getStackTrace() — 方法, 類別 Error | |
在錯誤建構時傳回字串形式的錯誤呼叫堆疊。 | |
getStageStartPointInScreenCoords(windowId:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.AutomationHelper | |
Returns the start point in screen coordinates. | |
getStartPointInScreenCoordinates(windowId:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getStartPointInScreenCoordinates(windowId:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
AIR support(for tool): Used by Flex application loaded from AIR application, to get the start point of main AIR application in screen coordinates | |
getStartValue() — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.ActionEffectInstance | |
Returns the starting state value that was saved by the saveStartValue() method. | |
getState(childID:uint) — 方法, 類別 mx.accessibility.AccImpl | |
Utility method to determine state of the accessible component. | |
getState(childID:uint) — 方法, 類別 mx.accessibility.SliderAccImpl | |
Utility method determines state of the accessible component. | |
getStorageVolumes() — 方法, 類別 flash.filesystem.StorageVolumeInfo | |
傳回對應至目前掛接儲存空間的 StorageVolume 物件的向量。 | |
getString(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, parameters:Array, locale:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Gets the value of a specified resource as a String, after substituting specified values for placeholders. | |
getStringArray(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Gets the value of a specified resource as an Array of Strings. | |
getStrokeExtents(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns the amount of pixels occupied by the stroke on each side of the element's bounds. | |
getStyle(style:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.core.UIComponent | |
會擷取在組件樣式查閱鏈中設定的樣式屬性。 | |
getStyle(name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.managers.StyleManager | |
會依名稱取得全域樣式。 | |
getStyle(styleName:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.StyleSheet | |
會傳回與名為 styleName 之樣式有關聯的樣式物件副本。 | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
傳回 styleProp 參數指定的樣式值。 | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回 styleProp 參數所指定的樣式值,此參數會指定樣式名稱,而且可以包含任何使用者樣式名稱。 | |
getStyle(styleName:String) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITabStopFormat | |
傳回由指定樣式名稱之 styleProp 參數所指定的樣式值。 | |
getStyle(styleName:String) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
傳回由指定樣式名稱之 styleProp 參數所指定的樣式值。 | |
getStyle(styleName:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat | |
傳回由指定樣式名稱之 styleProp 參數所指定的樣式值。 | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
傳回由指定樣式名稱之 styleProp 參數所指定的樣式值。 | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Returns the value of the specified style property. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration | |
Gets the value for a specified style property, as determined solely by this CSSStyleDeclaration. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.styles.IStyleClient | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyle(styleProp:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.globalization.supportClasses.GlobalizationBase | |
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain. | |
getStyleDeclaration(selector:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Gets the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules for the specified CSS selector. | |
getStyleDeclaration(selector:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Gets the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules for the specified CSS selector. | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.containers.UILoader | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.BaseButton | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.Button | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.CheckBox | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.ComboBox | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.DataGrid | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.Label | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.LabelButton | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.List | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.RadioButton | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.SelectableList | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.Slider | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.TextArea | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.TextInput | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.TileList | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.UIScrollBar | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridCellEditor | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.dataGridClasses.HeaderRenderer | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.listClasses.ImageCell | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.controls.progressBarClasses.IndeterminateBar | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleDefinition() — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.core.UIComponent | |
會擷取目前組件的預設樣式對應。 | |
getStyleManager(moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Returns the style manager for an object. | |
getStyleValue(name:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.core.UIComponent | |
考量全域層級、組件層級和實體層級上設定的所有樣式之後,傳回組件的指定樣式。 | |
getSWFRoot(object:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Returns the root DisplayObject of the SWF that contains the code for the given object. | |
getTabAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.TabNavigator | |
Returns the tab of the navigator's TabBar control at the specified index. | |
getTabularData(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns the object implementing the IAutomationTabularData interface through which the tabular data can be obtained. | |
getText(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int, includeLineEndings:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextSnapshot | |
會傳回字串,包含由 beginIndex 及 endIndex 參數所指定的所有字元。 | |
getText(separator:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
傳回目前做為段落間分隔符號的文字。 | |
getText(relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, paragraphSeparator:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
從流排元素取得指定的文字範圍。 | |
getText(relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, paragraphSeparator:String) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement | |
getTextBounds(startIndex:int, endIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
IME 使用這個方法查詢目前以 IME 用戶端進行編輯的文字的範圍框。 | |
getTextFlow() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
目前的 TextFlow。 | |
getTextFlow() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
往上瀏覽文字流排階層,以傳回元素的根 TextFlow 物件。 | |
getTextFormat(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
會傳回 TextFormat 物件,包含 beginIndex 和 endIndex 參數所指定之文字範圍的格式資訊。 | |
getTextFormat(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會傳回 TextFormat 物件,包含 beginIndex 和 endIndex 參數所指定之文字範圍的格式資訊。 | |
getTextFormat(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This method has been implemented in FTETextField to simply return a copy of the defaultTextFormat, because FTETextField does not support formatting a range. | |
getTextFormat(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會傳回 TextFormat 物件,包含 beginIndex 和 endIndex 參數所指定之文字範圍的格式資訊。 | |
getTextInRange(startIndex:int, endIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
從組件取得指定的文字範圍。 | |
getTextLine(forceValid:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
傳回此行的 flash.text.engine.TextLine 物件,而如果此行因記憶體回收而不存在,則可能會予以重建。 | |
getTextLineAtCharIndex(charIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextBlock | |
傳回 TextLine,其中包含 charIndex 參數所指定的字元。 | |
getTextRunInfo(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.TextSnapshot | |
傳回物件的陣列,其中包含有關連續文字的資訊。 | |
getTextStyles() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Returns the TextFormat object that represents character formatting information for this UITextField object. | |
getTextStyles() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
Returns the TextFormat object that represents character formatting information for this UITextField object. | |
getThumbAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Returns the thumb object at the given index. | |
getTime() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
會傳回 Date 物件從全球時間 1970 年一月 1 日午夜開始計算的毫秒數。 | |
getTimer() — 套件函數, flash.utils | |
用於計算相對時間。 | |
getTimeStyle() — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
取得此 DateTimeFormatter 實體的時間樣式。 | |
getTimezoneOffset() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
會傳回電腦本地時間與全球時間 (UTC) 之間相差的分鐘數。 | |
getTopApplicationIndex(objectList:Array) — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getTopApplicationIndex(objectList:Array) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for tool): Returns the index of top visible object among the passed array of objects. | |
getTopLevelRoot() — 方法, 介面 mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
Attempts to get the system manager that is the in the main application. | |
getTopLevelRoot() — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Go up the parent chain to get the top level system manager. | |
getTopLevelRoot() — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
Go up our parent chain to get the top level system manager. | |
getTween(target:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.Keyframe | |
會擷取特定 animation 屬性的 ITween 物件。 | |
getType(node:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor | |
Returns the type identifier of a node. | |
getType(node:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor | |
Returns the type identifier of a node. | |
getUID(item:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.UIDUtil | |
Returns the UID (unique identifier) for the specified object. | |
getUint(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Gets the value of a specified resource as a uint. | |
getUITextFormat() — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
Returns a UITextFormat object that contains formatting information for this component. | |
getUITextFormat() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Returns a UITextFormat object that contains formatting information for this component. | |
getUITextFormat() — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
Returns a UITextFormat object that contains formatting information for this component. | |
getUndoManager() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
傳回要使用的還原管理員。 | |
getUnfocusedSelectionFormat() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
傳回 unfocusedSelectionFormat - 預設會從組態中取得。您可以在子類別中覆寫此方法,以提供不同的 SelectionFormat。 | |
getUniqueApplicationID() — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationManager | |
getUniqueApplicationID() — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationManager2 | |
Marshalling Support(for tool): Returns unique ID of the application considering the hierarchy using the SWFLoader information and the application name. | |
getUnqualifiedClassName(object:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.NameUtil | |
Returns the name of the specified object's class, such as "Button" This string does not include the package name. | |
getUTCDate() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據全球時間 (UTC) 傳回 Date 物件中月份的日期別 (從 1 到 31 的整數)。 | |
getUTCDay() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據全球時間 (UTC) 傳回此 Date 的星期別 (0 代表星期日,1 代表星期一,其他依此類推)。 | |
getUTCFullYear() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據全球時間 (UTC) 傳回 Date 物件的四位數年份。 | |
getUTCHours() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據全球時間 (UTC) 傳回 Date 物件的當天小時數 (從 0 到 23 的整數)。 | |
getUTCMilliseconds() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據全球時間 (UTC) 傳回 Date 物件的毫秒部分 (從 0 到 999 的整數)。 | |
getUTCMinutes() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據全球時間 (UTC) 傳回 Date 物件的分鐘部分 (從 0 到 59 的整數)。 | |
getUTCMonth() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據全球時間 (UTC) 傳回 Date 物件的月份部分 (從 0 [一月] 到 11 [十二月])。 | |
getUTCSeconds() — 方法, 類別 Date | |
根據全球時間 (UTC) 傳回 Date 物件的秒數部分 (從 0 到 59 的整數)。 | |
getValue(time:Number, begin:Number, change:Number, duration:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.BezierEase | |
會使用貝茲加/減速曲線,計算動畫之數值屬性的內插補值。 | |
getValue(t:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.BezierSegment | |
會計算二維三次方貝茲曲線在特定時間的位置。 | |
getValue(time:Number, begin:Number, change:Number, duration:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.CustomEase | |
會使用自訂的加/減速曲線,計算動畫之數值屬性的內插補值。 | |
getValue(time:Number, begin:Number, change:Number, duration:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.FunctionEase | |
會使用指定的加/減速函數,計算動畫之數值屬性的內插補值。 | |
getValue(time:Number, begin:Number, change:Number, duration:Number) — 方法, 介面 fl.motion.ITween | |
會計算動畫之數值屬性的內插補值。 | |
getValue(tweenableName:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
擷取關鍵影格上特定可補間屬性的值。 | |
getValue(index:Number, tweenableName:String) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.MotionBase | |
會擷取某個時間點的 animation 屬性值。 | |
getValue(time:Number, begin:Number, change:Number, duration:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.SimpleEase | |
會使用二次方加/減速的百分比,計算動畫之數值屬性的內插補值。 | |
getValue() — 方法, 類別 mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher | |
Retrieves the current value of the watched property or property chain, or null if the host object is null. | |
getValue(fraction:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.effects.animation.MotionPath | |
Calculates and returns an interpolated value, given the elapsed time fraction. | |
GetValue(row:int, col:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.DynamicMatrix | |
傳回目前矩陣中指定列與欄 (從零開始) 處的值。 | |
getValueFromSource() — 方法, 類別 mx.validators.Validator | |
Returns the Object to validate. | |
getValueFromSource() — 方法, 類別 spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Returns the Object to validate. | |
getValueFromTarget(target:Object, property:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.Effect | |
Called by the captureStartValues() method to get the value of a property from the target. | |
getValues(start:uint, end:uint) — 方法, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationTabularData | |
Returns a matrix containing the automation values of all parts of the components. | |
getVariant() — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.LocaleID | |
傳回地區設定 ID 名稱指定的語言變體代碼。 | |
getVector(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
從矩形區域的像素資料產生向量陣列。 | |
getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Returns the amount to add to the viewport's current verticalScrollPosition to scroll by the requested scrolling unit. | |
getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Returns the change to the vertical scroll position to handle different scrolling options. | |
getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — 方法, 介面 spark.core.IViewport | |
Returns the amount to add to the viewport's current verticalScrollPosition to scroll by the requested scrolling unit. | |
getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Returns the change to the vertical scroll position to handle different scrolling options. | |
getVideoPlayer(index:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
取得 index 參數所指定的視訊播放程式。 | |
getViewIndex() — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.CursorBookmark | |
Gets the approximate index of the item represented by this bookmark in its view. | |
getViewNavigatorAt(index:int) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.SplitViewNavigator | |
Returns a specific child navigator independent of the container's child display hierarchy. | |
getVirtualElementAt(index:int, eltWidth:Number, eltHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Layouts that honor the useVirtualLayout flag will use this method at updateDisplayList() time to get layout elements that are "in view", i.e. | |
getVisibleApplicationRect(allApplications:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen. | |
getVisibleApplicationRect(allApplications:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.ISWFLoader | |
Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen. | |
getVisibleApplicationRect(bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, skipToSandboxRoot:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen. | |
getVisibleApplicationRect(bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, skipToSandboxRoot:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen. | |
getVisibleApplicationRect(bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, skipToSandboxRoot:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
getVisibleColumnIndices() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Return the indices of the currently visible columns. | |
GET_VISIBLE_RECT_REQUEST — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest | |
Requests that the parent SystemManager calculate the visible portion of the requesting SWF based on any DisplayObjects that might be clipping the requesting SWF. | |
getVisibleRowIndices() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Return the data provider indices and padding indices of the currently visible rows. | |
getVisibleRowsRenderers() — 方法, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkListBaseAutomationImpl | |
private | |
getVoucherAccessInfo() — 方法, 類別 flash.net.drm.DRMContentData | |
擷取 VoucherAccessInfo 物件的陣列。 | |
getWeekdayNames(nameStyle:String, context:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter | |
擷取包含目前月曆系統星期別名稱的當地語系化字串清單。 | |
getWeekdayNames(nameStyle:String, context:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter | |
Retrieves a list of localized strings containing the names of weekdays for the current calendar system. | |
GetWidth() — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.DynamicMatrix | |
傳回目前矩陣中的欄數。 | |
getWindow(component:mx.core:UIComponent) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.core.Window | |
Returns the Window to which a component is parented. | |
getWindow(component:mx.core:UIComponent) — 靜態方法 , 類別 spark.components.Window | |
Returns the Window to which a component is parented. | |
getYForX(x:Number, coefficients:Array) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.BezierSegment | |
會尋找三次方貝茲曲線在指定 x 座標上的 y 值。 | |
global — 屬性, 類別 RegExp | |
會指定是否對規則運算式使用全域模式。 | |
GlobalizationBase — 類別, 套件 spark.globalization.supportClasses | |
This is a base class used for wrapper classes that make use of the flash.globalization classes for language and region specific formatting of dates, times, number, and currency amounts, string comparison and case conversion. | |
GlobalizationBase() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.globalization.supportClasses.GlobalizationBase | |
Constructor. | |
GlobalizationUtils — 類別, 套件 spark.validators.supportClasses | |
GlobalizationUtils is a class containing Unicode related functionality not supported directly in Flex or ActionScript. | |
GlobalizationValidatorBase — 類別, 套件 spark.validators.supportClasses | |
The GlobalizationValidatorBase class is the base class for all Spark validators. | |
GlobalizationValidatorBase() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Constructor. | |
GlobalSettings — 類別, 套件 flashx.textLayout.elements | |
套用至所有 TextFlow 物件的組態。 | |
globalToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Converts a Point object from global to content coordinates. | |
globalToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Converts a Point object from global to content coordinates. | |
globalToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Converts a Point object from global to content coordinates. | |
globalToLocal(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.DisplayObject | |
將 point 物件從「舞台」(全域) 座標轉換成顯示物件的 (區域) 座標。 | |
globalToLocal(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
globalToLocal(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
將 point 物件從「舞台」(全域) 座標轉換成顯示物件的 (區域) 座標。 | |
globalToLocal3D(point:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.DisplayObject | |
將二維點從「舞台」(全域) 座標轉換為三維顯示物件的 (區域) 座標。 | |
globalToScreen(globalPoint:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.NativeWindow | |
將像素座標中相對於視窗階段 (在顯示清單中為全域座標點) 來源的座標點轉換為虛擬桌面上的座標點。 | |
Glow — 類別, 套件 mx.effects | |
The Glow effect lets you apply a visual glow effect to a component. | |
Glow(target:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.effects.Glow | |
Constructor. | |
GlowFilter — 最終類別, 套件 flash.filters | |
GlowFilter 類別可以讓您將光暈特效套用至顯示物件。 | |
GlowFilter — 類別, 套件 spark.filters | |
The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to display objects. | |
GlowFilter(color:uint, alpha:Number, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, inner:Boolean, knockout:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.filters.GlowFilter | |
以指定的參數初始化新的 GlowFilter 實體。 | |
GlowFilter(color:uint, alpha:Number, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, inner:Boolean, knockout:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.filters.GlowFilter | |
Constructor. | |
GlowInstance — 類別, 套件 mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The GlowInstance class implements the instance class for the Glow effect. | |
GlowInstance(target:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.GlowInstance | |
Constructor. | |
GO — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.ReturnKeyLabel | |
使用「前往」標籤。 | |
gotoAndPlay(frame:Object, scene:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.MovieClip | |
在指定影格開始播放 SWF 檔。 | |
gotoAndPlay(frame:Object, scene:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.MovieClipSWFLoader | |
Starts playing the SWF file at the specified frame. | |
gotoAndStop(frame:Object, scene:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.MovieClip | |
將播放磁頭移到此影片片段中的指定影格,然後停在該處。 | |
gotoAndStop(frame:Object, scene:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.MovieClipSWFLoader | |
Stops playing the SWF and resets the playhead to the specified frame. | |
gotoFirstFrameAndStop() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.MovieClipSWFLoader | |
Resets the playhead to the first frame of the first scene and stops the MovieClip. | |
GPU — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display.NativeWindowRenderMode | |
gpu 模式視窗。 | |
GradientBase — 類別, 套件 mx.graphics | |
The GradientBase class is the base class for LinearGradient, LinearGradientStroke, and RadialGradient. | |
GradientBase() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.graphics.GradientBase | |
Constructor. | |
GradientBevelFilter — 最終類別, 套件 flash.filters | |
GradientBevelFilter 類別可讓您將漸層斜角特效套用至顯示物件。 | |
GradientBevelFilter — 類別, 套件 spark.filters | |
The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply a gradient bevel effect to display objects. | |
GradientBevelFilter(distance:Number, angle:Number, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, type:String, knockout:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter | |
以指定的參數初始化濾鏡。 | |
GradientBevelFilter(distance:Number, angle:Number, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, type:String, knockout:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.filters.GradientBevelFilter | |
Constructor. | |
GRADIENT_DIMENSION — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.graphics.GradientBase | |
Value of the width and height of the untransformed gradient | |
gradientEndColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | |
gradientEndColorDown — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | |
GradientEntry — 類別, 套件 mx.graphics | |
The GradientEntry class defines the objects that control a transition as part of a gradient fill. | |
GradientEntry(color:uint, ratio:Number, alpha:Number) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.graphics.GradientEntry | |
Constructor. | |
GradientFilter — 類別, 套件 spark.filters | |
The base class for filters that provide gradient visual effects. | |
GradientFilter(colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.filters.GradientFilter | |
Constructor. | |
GradientGlowFilter — 最終類別, 套件 flash.filters | |
GradientGlowFilter 類別可讓您將漸層光暈特效套用至顯示物件。 | |
GradientGlowFilter — 類別, 套件 spark.filters | |
The GradientGlowFilter class lets you apply a gradient glow effect to display objects. | |
GradientGlowFilter(distance:Number, angle:Number, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, type:String, knockout:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter | |
以指定的參數初始化濾鏡。 | |
GradientGlowFilter(distance:Number, angle:Number, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, type:String, knockout:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.filters.GradientGlowFilter | |
Constructor. | |
gradientStartColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | |
gradientStartColorDown — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | |
GradientStroke — 類別, 套件 mx.graphics | |
The GradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke. | |
GradientStroke(weight:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.graphics.GradientStroke | |
Constructor. | |
GradientType — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
GradientType 類別會為位於 flash.display.Graphics 類別的 beginGradientFill() 和 lineGradientStyle() 方法中的 type 參數提供值。 | |
GRANTED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.permissions.PermissionStatus | |
指定已授與權限。 | |
graphic — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.GraphicElement | |
要當做 GraphicElement 之圖像使用的 DisplayObject。 | |
graphic — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement | |
內嵌圖形。 | |
Graphic — 類別, 套件 spark.primitives | |
The Graphic control displays a set of graphic drawing commands. | |
Graphic() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.primitives.Graphic | |
Constructor. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBarButton | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMLightItemRenderer | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMBreadCrumb | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTitleWindow | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
The color for the graphic. | |
graphicColor — 樣式, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
The color for the graphic. | |
GraphicElement — 最終類別, 套件 flash.text.engine | |
GraphicElement 類別代表 TextBlock 或 GroupElement 物件中的圖像元素。 | |
GraphicElement — 類別, 套件 spark.primitives.supportClasses | |
A base class for defining individual graphic elements. | |
GraphicElement(graphic:flash.display:DisplayObject, elementWidth:Number, elementHeight:Number, elementFormat:flash.text.engine:ElementFormat, eventMirror:flash.events:EventDispatcher, textRotation:String) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.text.engine.GraphicElement | |
建立新的 GraphicElement 實體。 | |
GRAPHIC_ELEMENT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.ContentElement | |
指出文字內有圖像元素存在。 | |
graphics — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.Shape | |
指定屬於此 Shape 物件的 Graphics 物件,其中可能會產生向量繪圖命令。 | |
graphics — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.Sprite | |
指定屬於此 sprite 物件的 Graphics 物件,其中可能會產生向量繪圖命令。 | |
graphics — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IContainer | |
指定屬於此 sprite 物件的 Graphics 物件,其中可能會產生向量繪圖命令。 | |
Graphics — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
Graphics 類別包含一組方法,可讓您用來建立向量形狀。 | |
GraphicsBitmapFill — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
定義點陣圖填色。 | |
GraphicsBitmapFill(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, repeat:Boolean, smooth:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsBitmapFill | |
建立新的 GraphicsBitmapFill 物件。 | |
GraphicsEndFill — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
指出圖像填色的結尾。 | |
GraphicsEndFill() — 建構函式, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsEndFill | |
建立要搭配 Graphics.drawGraphicsData() 方法使用的物件,以明確結束填色。 | |
GraphicsGradientFill — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
定義漸層填色。 | |
GraphicsGradientFill(type:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:any, spreadMethod:any, interpolationMethod:String, focalPointRatio:Number) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill | |
建立新的 GraphicsGradientFill 物件。 | |
GraphicsPath — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
繪圖命令的集合以及這些命令的座標參數。 | |
GraphicsPath(commands:Vector$int, data:Vector$Number, winding:String) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsPath | |
建立新的 GraphicsPath 物件。 | |
GraphicsPathCommand — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
定義可用來指定繪製路徑之命令的值。 | |
GraphicsPathWinding — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
GraphicsPathWinding 類別會提供 flash.display.GraphicsPath.winding 屬性和 flash.display.Graphics.drawPath() 方法的值,以決定繪製路徑的方向。 | |
GraphicsShaderFill — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
定義著色器填色。 | |
GraphicsShaderFill(shader:flash.display:Shader, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsShaderFill | |
建立新的 GraphicsShaderFill 物件。 | |
GraphicsSolidFill — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
定義基本色填色。 | |
GraphicsSolidFill(color:uint, alpha:Number) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsSolidFill | |
建立新的 GraphicsSolidFill 物件。 | |
GraphicsStroke — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
定義線段樣式或筆畫。 | |
GraphicsStroke(thickness:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number, fill:flash.display:IGraphicsFill) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsStroke | |
建立新的 GraphicsStroke 物件。 | |
GraphicsTrianglePath — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
定義一組依順序排列,並可使用 (u,v) 填色座標或是正常填色來顯示的三角形。 | |
GraphicsTrianglePath(vertices:Vector$Number, indices:Vector$int, uvtData:Vector$Number, culling:String) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsTrianglePath | |
建立新的 GraphicsTrianglePath 物件。 | |
GraphicsUtil — 類別, 套件 mx.utils | |
The Graphics class is an all-static class with utility methods related to the Graphics class. | |
GraphicsUtilities — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.chartClasses | |
A set of internal graphics rendering utilities used by the various chart classes. | |
GREATER — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display3D.Context3DCompareMode | |
大於 (>)。 | |
GREATER_EQUAL — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display3D.Context3DCompareMode | |
大於或等於 (>=)。 | |
greaterThanMaxError — 屬性, 類別 spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase | |
Error message when the value exceeds the maxValue property. | |
GREEN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display.BitmapDataChannel | |
綠色色版。 | |
GREEN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與綠色功能鍵按鈕的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數。 | |
greenMultiplier — 屬性, 類別 flash.geom.ColorTransform | |
十進位值,將會和綠色色版值相乘。 | |
greenOffset — 屬性, 類別 flash.geom.ColorTransform | |
-255 到 255 之間的數字。加到綠色色版值和 greenMultiplier 值的乘積上。 | |
grid — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor | |
A skin part that defines the appearance of the extended properties of a data dictionary element. A skin part that defines the appearance of the extended properties of a data dictionary element. | |
grid — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryPropertiesView | |
A skin part that defines a grid which is a container for extended properties of data dictionary. A skin part that defines a grid which is a container for extended properties of data dictionary. | |
grid — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
A reference to the Grid control that displays row and columns. A reference to the Grid control that displays row and columns. | |
grid — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
Returns a reference to the associated AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
grid — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
The Grid object associated with this column. | |
grid — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
Returns the Grid associated with this item renderer. | |
grid — 屬性, 介面 spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer | |
The Grid associated with this item renderer, typically just the value of column.grid. | |
grid — 屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridEvent | |
The Grid associated with this event. | |
grid — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
The grid control associated with this item renderer. | |
grid — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer | |
The grid control associated with this item renderer. | |
Grid — 類別, 套件 mx.containers | |
A Grid container lets you arrange children as rows and columns of cells, similar to an HTML table. | |
Grid — 類別, 套件 spark.components | |
The Grid control displays a list of data items called its data provider in a scrollable table or "grid", one item per row. | |
Grid() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.containers.Grid | |
Constructor. | |
Grid() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Constructor. | |
GridCaretEvent — 類別, 套件 spark.events | |
The GridCaretEvent class represents events that are dispatched when the caret changes in a Spark DataGrid control as the result of user interaction. | |
GridCaretEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, oldRowIndex:int, oldColumnIndex:int, newRowIndex:int, newColumnIndex:int) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.events.GridCaretEvent | |
Constructor. | |
gridClick — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched by the grid skin part when the mouse is clicked over a cell. | |
gridClick — 事件, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Dispatched when the mouse is clicked over a cell | |
gridClick — 事件, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched when the mouse is clicked over a column header. | |
GRID_CLICK — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridEvent | |
The value of the type property for a gridClick GridEvent. | |
GridColumn — 類別, 套件 spark.components.gridClasses | |
The GridColumn class defines a column of a Spark grid control, such as the Spark DataGrid or Grid control. | |
GridColumn(columnName:String) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
Constructor. | |
GridColumnHeaderGroup — 類別, 套件 spark.components | |
The GridColumnHeaderGroup class displays a row of column headers and separators aligned with the grid's layout. | |
GridColumnHeaderGroup() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Constructor. | |
gridDirection — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.GridLines | |
Specifies the direction of the grid lines. | |
gridDoubleClick — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched by the grid skin part when the mouse is double-clicked over a cell. | |
gridDoubleClick — 事件, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Dispatched when the mouse is double-clicked over a cell | |
gridDoubleClick — 事件, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched when the mouse is double-clicked over a column header. | |
GRID_DOUBLE_CLICK — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridEvent | |
The value of the type property for a gridDoubleClick GridEvent. | |
GridEvent — 類別, 套件 spark.events | |
The GridEvent class extends the MouseEvent class to includes additional grid specific information based on the event's location relative to a grid cell. | |
GridEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, localX:Number, localY:Number, relatedObject:flash.display:InteractiveObject, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, buttonDown:Boolean, delta:int, rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int, column:spark.components.gridClasses:GridColumn, item:Object, itemRenderer:spark.components.gridClasses:IGridItemRenderer) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.events.GridEvent | |
GridEvents dispatched by the Grid class in response to mouse event are constructed with the incoming mouse event's properties. | |
gridFitType — 屬性, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
對此文字欄位使用的格線符合類型。 | |
gridFitType — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
對此文字欄位使用的格線符合類型。 | |
gridFitType — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property has no effect in FTETextField because FTE uses a newer font renderer than TextField. | |
gridFitType — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
對此文字欄位使用的格線符合類型。 | |
gridFitType — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UITextFormat | |
Defines the grid-fitting setting for the UITextField class. | |
GridFitType — 最終類別, 套件 flash.text | |
GridFitType 類別會定義 TextField 類別中格線符合的值。 | |
GridItem — 類別, 套件 mx.containers | |
The GridItem container defines a grid cell in GridRow container. | |
GridItem() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.containers.GridItem | |
Constructor. | |
GridItemEditor — 類別, 套件 spark.components.gridClasses | |
The GridItemEditor class defines the base class for custom item editors for the Spark grid controls, such as DataGrid and Grid. | |
GridItemEditor() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor | |
Constructor. | |
GridItemEditorEvent — 類別, 套件 spark.events | |
The GridItemEditorEvent class represents events that are dispatched over the life cycle of an item editor. | |
GridItemEditorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, rowIndex:uint, columnIndex:uint, column:spark.components.gridClasses:GridColumn) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.events.GridItemEditorEvent | |
Constructor. | |
gridItemEditorSessionCancel — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched after the item editor has been closed without saving its data. | |
GRID_ITEM_EDITOR_SESSION_CANCEL — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridItemEditorEvent | |
The GridItemEditorEvent.GRID_ITEM_EDITOR_SESSION_CANCEL constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a cancelridItemEditor event. | |
gridItemEditorSessionSave — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched after the data in item editor has been saved into the data provider and the editor has been closed. | |
GRID_ITEM_EDITOR_SESSION_SAVE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridItemEditorEvent | |
The GridItemEditorEvent.GRID_ITEM_EDITOR_SESSION_SAVE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a saveGridItemEditor event. | |
gridItemEditorSessionStart — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched immediately after an item editor has been opened. | |
GRID_ITEM_EDITOR_SESSION_START — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridItemEditorEvent | |
The GridItemEditorEvent.GRID_ITEM_EDITOR_SESSION_START constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a openGridItemEditor event. | |
gridItemEditorSessionStarting — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when a new item editor session has been requested. | |
GRID_ITEM_EDITOR_SESSION_STARTING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridItemEditorEvent | |
The GridItemEditorEvent.GRID_ITEM_EDITOR_SESSION_STARTING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a startGridItemEditorSession event. | |
GridItemRenderer — 類別, 套件 spark.components.gridClasses | |
The GridItemRenderer class defines the base class for custom item renderers for the Spark grid controls, such as DataGrid and Grid. | |
GridItemRenderer() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
GridLayer — 類別, 套件 spark.components.gridClasses | |
The GridLayer class defines a container used for the layers of the Grid control's visual elements. | |
GridLayer() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridLayer | |
Constructor. | |
GridLines — 類別, 套件 mx.charts | |
The GridLines class draws grid lines inside the data area of the chart. | |
GridLines() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.GridLines | |
Constructor. | |
gridLinesStyleName — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
The class selector that defines the style properties for the default grid lines. | |
gridMouseDown — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched by the grid skin part when the mouse button is pressed over a grid cell. | |
gridMouseDown — 事件, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Dispatched when the mouse button is pressed over a Grid cell. | |
gridMouseDown — 事件, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched when the mouse button is pressed over a column header. | |
GRID_MOUSE_DOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridEvent | |
The value of the type property for a gridMouseDown GridEvent. | |
gridMouseDrag — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched by the grid skin part after a gridMouseDown event if the mouse moves before the button is released. | |
gridMouseDrag — 事件, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Dispatched after a gridMouseDown event if the mouse moves before the button is released. | |
gridMouseDrag — 事件, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched after a gridMouseDown event if the mouse moves before the button is released. | |
GRID_MOUSE_DRAG — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridEvent | |
The value of the type property for a gridMouseDrag GridEvent. | |
gridMouseUp — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched by the grid skin part after a gridMouseDown event when the mouse button is released, even if the mouse is no longer within the grid. | |
gridMouseUp — 事件, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Dispatched when the mouse button is released over a Grid cell. | |
gridMouseUp — 事件, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched after a gridMouseDown event when the mouse button is released, even if the mouse is no longer within the GridColumnHeaderGroup. | |
GRID_MOUSE_UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridEvent | |
The value of the type property for a gridMouseUp GridEvent. | |
gridRollOut — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched by the grid skin part when the mouse leaves a grid cell. | |
gridRollOut — 事件, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Dispatched when the mouse leaves a grid cell. | |
gridRollOut — 事件, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched when the mouse leaves a column header. | |
GRID_ROLL_OUT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridEvent | |
The value of the type property for a gridRollOut GridEvent. | |
gridRollOver — 事件, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched by the grid skin part when the mouse enters a grid cell. | |
gridRollOver — 事件, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
Dispatched when the mouse enters a grid cell. | |
gridRollOver — 事件, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Dispatched when the mouse enters a column header. | |
GRID_ROLL_OVER — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.events.GridEvent | |
The value of the type property for a gridRollOver GridEvent. | |
GridRow — 類別, 套件 mx.containers | |
The GridRow container defines a row in a Grid container, and contains GridCell containers. | |
GridRow() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.containers.GridRow | |
Constructor. | |
GridSelectionEvent — 類別, 套件 spark.events | |
The GridSelectionEvent class represents events that are dispatched when the selection changes in a Spark DataGrid control as the result of user interaction. | |
GridSelectionEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, kind:String, selectionChange:spark.components.gridClasses:CellRegion) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.events.GridSelectionEvent | |
Constructor. | |
GridSelectionEventKind — 最終類別, 套件 spark.events | |
The GridSelectionEventKind class defines constants for the valid values of the spark.events.GridSelectionEvent class kind property. | |
GridSelectionMode — 最終類別, 套件 spark.components.gridClasses | |
The GridSelectionMode class defines the valid constant values for the selectionMode property of the Spark DataGrid and Grid controls. | |
GridSelectionMode() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridSelectionMode | |
Constructor. | |
GridSortEvent — 類別, 套件 spark.events | |
The GridSortEvent class represents events that are dispatched when the data provider of a Spark DataGrid control is sorted as the result of the user clicking on the header of a column in the DataGrid. | |
GridSortEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, columnIndices:Vector$int, oldSortFields:Array, newSortFields:Array) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.events.GridSortEvent | |
Constructor. | |
gripper — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
The skin part that defines the gripper button used to resize the window. The skin part that defines the gripper button used to resize the window. | |
gripper — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.Window | |
The skin part that defines the gripper button used to resize the window. The skin part that defines the gripper button used to resize the window. | |
gripper — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin | |
gripperPadding — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
The extra space around the gripper. | |
gripperPadding — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.Window | |
The extra space around the gripper. | |
GripperSkin — 類別, 套件 spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | |
The default skin class for the gripper button in the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome. | |
GripperSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.GripperSkin | |
Constructor. | |
gripperStyleName — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Style declaration for the skin of the gripper. | |
gripperStyleName — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.Window | |
Style declaration for the skin of the gripper. | |
group — 屬性, 類別 fl.controls.RadioButton | |
此 RadioButton 所屬的 RadioButtonGroup 物件。 | |
group — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.VariableGroupLayoutHost | |
The dynamic skinpart group that is dynamically created for each alignment area. The dynamic skinpart group that is dynamically created for each alignment area. | |
group — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.RadioButton | |
The RadioButtonGroup object to which this RadioButton belongs. | |
group — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.RadioButton | |
The RadioButtonGroup component to which this RadioButton belongs. | |
Group — 類別, 套件 spark.components | |
The Group class is the base container class for visual elements. | |
Group() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.Group | |
Constructor. | |
GroupBase — 類別, 套件 spark.components.supportClasses | |
The GroupBase class defines the base class for components that display visual elements. | |
GroupBase() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Constructor. | |
GroupContentsRenderer() — 建構函式, 類別 com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.renderers.GroupContentsRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
groupedColumns — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
An Array that defines the hierarchy of AdvancedDataGridColumn instances when performing column grouping. | |
groupElement — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.ContentElement | |
包含此元素的 GroupElement 物件,如果它不在群組中則為 null。 | |
GroupElement — 最終類別, 套件 flash.text.engine | |
GroupElement 物件會將 TextElement、GraphicElement 或其他 GroupElement 物件的集合組合在一起,讓您將這些物件以單位方式整個指定給 TextBlock 物件的 content 屬性。 | |
GroupElement(elements:Vector$flash.text.engine:ContentElement, elementFormat:flash.text.engine:ElementFormat, eventMirror:flash.events:EventDispatcher, textRotation:String) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.text.engine.GroupElement | |
建立新的 GroupElement 實體。 | |
groupElements(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.GroupElement | |
以新的 GroupElement (內含這些元素) 取代由 beginIndex 和 endIndex 參數指定的元素範圍。 | |
groupIconFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
A user-supplied callback function to run on each group item to determine its branch icon in the navigation tree. | |
GroupInformationArea() — 建構函式, 類別 com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.renderers.GroupInformationArea | |
Constructor. | |
grouping — 屬性, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingCollection | |
Specifies the Grouping instance applied to the source data. | |
grouping — 屬性, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingCollection2 | |
Specifies the Grouping instance applied to the source data. | |
grouping — 屬性, 介面 mx.collections.IGroupingCollection | |
The Grouping object applied to the source data. | |
grouping — 屬性, 介面 mx.collections.IGroupingCollection2 | |
The Grouping object applied to the source data. | |
Grouping — 類別, 套件 mx.collections | |
The Grouping class defines the fields in the data provider of the AdvancedDataGrid control used to group data. | |
Grouping() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.collections.Grouping | |
Constructor. | |
GroupingCollection — 類別, 套件 mx.collections | |
The GroupingCollection class lets you create grouped data from flat data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
GroupingCollection() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingCollection | |
Constructor. | |
GroupingCollection2 — 類別, 套件 mx.collections | |
The GroupingCollection2 class lets you create grouped data from flat data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
GroupingCollection2() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingCollection2 | |
Constructor. | |
GroupingField — 類別, 套件 mx.collections | |
The GroupingField class represents individual data fields that you use to group flat data for display by the AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
GroupingField(name:String, caseInsensitive:Boolean, descending:Boolean, numeric:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingField | |
Constructor. | |
groupingFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingField | |
A function that determines the label for this group. | |
groupingObjectFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.collections.Grouping | |
A callback function to run on each group node to determine the grouping object. | |
groupingObjectFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.collections.GroupingField | |
A callback function to run on each group node to determine the grouping object. | |
groupingPattern — 屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
說明已格式化貨幣金額字串中,分組分隔符號的位置。 | |
groupingPattern — 屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.NumberFormatter | |
說明已格式化數字字串中,分組分隔符號的位置。 | |
groupingPattern — 屬性, 類別 spark.formatters.supportClasses.NumberFormatterBase | |
Describes the placement of grouping separators within the formatted number string. | |
groupingSeparator — 屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
用於分組分隔符號的字元或字串。 | |
groupingSeparator — 屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.NumberFormatter | |
用於分組分隔符號的字元或字串。 | |
groupingSeparator — 屬性, 類別 spark.formatters.supportClasses.NumberFormatterBase | |
The character or string used for the grouping separator. | |
groupingSeparator — 屬性, 類別 spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase | |
The character or string used for the grouping separator. | |
groupItemRenderer — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Specifies the item renderer used to display the branch nodes in the navigation tree that correspond to groups. | |
groupLabelFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
A callback function to run on each item to determine its label in the navigation tree. | |
groupName — 屬性, 類別 fl.controls.RadioButton | |
選項按鈕實體或群組的群組名稱。 | |
groupName — 屬性, 介面 fl.managers.IFocusManagerGroup | |
會取得或設定此組件所屬組件群組的名稱。 | |
groupName — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.RadioButton | |
Specifies the name of the group to which this RadioButton control belongs, or specifies the value of the id property of a RadioButtonGroup control if this RadioButton is part of a group defined by a RadioButtonGroup control. | |
groupName — 屬性, 介面 mx.managers.IFocusManagerGroup | |
The name of the group of controls to which the control belongs. | |
groupName — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.RadioButton | |
Specifies the name of the group to which this RadioButton component belongs, or specifies the value of the id property of a RadioButtonGroup component if this RadioButton is part of a group defined by a RadioButtonGroup component. | |
groupRowHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The height of the grouped row, in pixels. | |
groupSeperator — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.ActionBar | |
Factory for a Group of Actions Factory for a Group of Actions | |
groupspec — 屬性, 類別 org.osmf.net.MulticastResource | |
The group spec string for multicasting. | |
GroupSpecifier — 類別, 套件 flash.net | |
GroupSpecifier 類別用於建構不透明 groupspec 字串,以傳送到 NetStream 及 NetGroup 建構函式。 | |
GroupSpecifier(name:String) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.net.GroupSpecifier | |
建立新的 GroupSpecifier 物件。 | |
groupspecWithAuthorizations() — 方法, 類別 flash.net.GroupSpecifier | |
傳回內含授權的不透明 groupspec 字串,可以傳送至 NetStream 以及 NetGroup 建構函式。 | |
groupspecWithoutAuthorizations() — 方法, 類別 flash.net.GroupSpecifier | |
傳回不含授權的不透明 groupspec 字串,可以傳送至 NetStream 以及 NetGroup 建構函式。 | |
growDuration — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.DefaultListEffect | |
The duration, in milliseconds, applied to renderers for added and removed items. | |
guardMinMax(min:Number, max:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Protects the range against invalid values for this axis type. | |
GUIDE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與用來執行程式指南之按鈕的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數。 | |
GUJARATI — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
代表古吉拉特文位數組中,數字零的 unicode 值。 | |
GUJARATI — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
使用古吉拉特文編號。 | |
GURMUKHI — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
代表果魯穆奇文位數組中,數字零的 unicode 值。 | |
GURMUKHI — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
使用果魯穆奇文編號。 | |
gutterBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
The size of the region, in pixels, between the bottom of the chart data area and the bottom of the chart control. | |
gutterLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
The size of the region, in pixels, between the left of the chart data area and the left of the chart control. | |
gutterRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
The size of the region, in pixels, between the right side of the chart data area and the outside of the chart control. | |
gutters — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
The distance between the axisRenderer and the sides of the surrounding chart. | |
gutters — 屬性, 介面 mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer | |
The distance between the axisRenderer and the sides of the surrounding chart. | |
gutterTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
The size of the region, in pixels, between the top of the chart data area and the top of the chart control. | |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 04:02 PM Z