套件 | com.adobe.icc.services.download |
介面 | public interface IDownloadService extends IEventDispatcher |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
執行階段版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
方法 | 定義自 | ||
![]() | addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
會在 EventDispatcher 物件註冊事件偵聽程式,以便讓偵聽程式收到事件的通知。 | IEventDispatcher | |
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會將事件傳送到事件流程。 | IEventDispatcher | |
Retrieves the raw XDP that represents the form. | IDownloadService | ||
Retrieves the raw image bytes that represent the image module's contents. | IDownloadService | ||
Retrieves the Expression SWF used by the letter. | IDownloadService | ||
Retrieves the letter's test data as raw XML. | IDownloadService | ||
Retrieves the raw (unresolved) XHTML that represents the text module's contents. | IDownloadService | ||
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會檢查 EventDispatcher 物件是否有對特定的事件類型註冊偵聽程式。 | IEventDispatcher | |
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會從 EventDispatcher 物件移除偵聽程式。 | IEventDispatcher | |
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檢查此 EventDispatcher 物件是否已註冊事件偵聽程式,或者此物件的任何祖系已為特定事件類型註冊事件偵聽程式。 | IEventDispatcher |
getFormData | () | 方法 |
public function getFormData(formId:String):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
執行階段版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Retrieves the raw XDP that represents the form.
formId:String — The ID (GUID) of the form whose raw XDP contents is to be retrieved.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A DataDownload object containing the data (raw XDP bytes from the form).
Error — Throws ICCException with the appropriate error message and error code, if there was an error processing the request on the server.
相關 API 元素
getImageModuleData | () | 方法 |
public function getImageModuleData(imageModuleId:String):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
執行階段版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Retrieves the raw image bytes that represent the image module's contents.
imageModuleId:String — The ID (GUID) of the image module whose raw byte contents is to be retrieved.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A DataDownload object containing the data (raw image bytes).
Error — Throws ICCException with the appropriate error message and error code, if there was an error processing the request on the server.
相關 API 元素
getLetterExpressionSwf | () | 方法 |
public function getLetterExpressionSwf(letterId:String):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
執行階段版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Retrieves the Expression SWF used by the letter.
letterId:String — The ID (GUID) of the letter whose Expression SWF is to be retrieved.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A DataDownload object containing the data (Expression SWF bytes).
Error — Throws ICCException with the appropriate error message and error code, if there was an error processing the request on the server.
相關 API 元素
getLetterTestData | () | 方法 |
public function getLetterTestData(letterId:String):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
執行階段版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Retrieves the letter's test data as raw XML.
letterId:String — The ID (GUID) of the letter whose test data is to be retrieved.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A DataDownload object containing the test data (XML bytes). The response will be null if the letter doesn't have test data.
Error — Throws ICCException with the appropriate error message and error code, if there was an error processing the request on the server.
相關 API 元素
getTextModuleData | () | 方法 |
public function getTextModuleData(textModuleId:String):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
執行階段版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Retrieves the raw (unresolved) XHTML that represents the text module's contents.
textModuleId:String — The ID (GUID) of the text module whose raw XHTML contents is to be retrieved.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A DataDownload object containing the data (raw XHTML bytes).
Error — Throws ICCException with the appropriate error message and error code, if there was an error processing the request on the server.
相關 API 元素
Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:47 PM Z