套件 | spark.components |
類別 | public class Scroller |
繼承 | Scroller SkinnableComponent UIComponent FlexSprite Sprite DisplayObjectContainer InteractiveObject DisplayObject EventDispatcher Object |
實作 | IFocusManagerComponent, IVisualElementContainer |
子類別 | AXMScroller |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
The Spark Group, DataGroup, and RichEditableText components implement the IViewport interface and can be used as the children of the Scroller control, as the following example shows:
<s:Scroller width="100" height="100"> <s:Group> <mx:Image width="300" height="400" source="@Embed(source='assets/logo.jpg')"/> </s:Group> </s:Scroller>
The size of the Image control is set larger than that of its parent Group container. By default, the child extends past the boundaries of the parent container. Rather than allow the child to extend past the boundaries of the parent container, the Scroller specifies to clip the child to the boundaries and display scroll bars.
Not all Spark containers implement the IViewPort interface. Therefore, those containers, such as the BorderContainer and SkinnableContainer containers, cannot be used as the direct child of the Scroller component. However, all Spark containers can have a Scroller component as a child component. For example, to use scroll bars on a child of the Spark BorderContainer, wrap the child in a Scroller component.
To make the entire BorderContainer scrollable, wrap it in a Group container. Then, make the Group container the child of the Scroller component, For skinnable Spark containers that do not implement the IViewport interface, you can also create a custom skin for the container that includes the Scroller component.
The IViewport interface defines a viewport for the components that implement it.
A viewport is a rectangular subset of the area of a container that you want to display,
rather than displaying the entire container.
The scroll bars control the viewport's horizontalScrollPosition
scroll bars make it possible to view the area defined by the viewport's
and contentHeight
You can directly set properties on the component wrapped by the Scroller by
using the Scroller.viewport
For example, you can modify the viewport's horizontalScrollPosition
To directly access the scroll bar instances, either HScrollBar or VScrollBar,
created by the Scroller, use the Scroller.horizontalScrollBar
You can combine scroll bars with explicit settings for the container's viewport. The viewport settings determine the initial position of the viewport, and then you can use the scroll bars to move it, as the following example shows:
<s:Scroller width="100" height="100"> <s:Group horizontalScrollPosition="50" verticalScrollPosition="50"> <mx:Image width="300" height="400" source="@Embed(source='assets/logo.jpg')"/> </s:Group> </s:Scroller>
The scroll bars are displayed according to the vertical and horizontal scroll bar
policy, which can be auto
, on
, or off
The auto
policy means that the scroll bar will be visible and included
in the layout when the viewport's content is larger than the viewport itself.
The Scroller skin layout cannot be changed. It is unconditionally set to a
private layout implementation that handles the scroll policies. Scroller skins
can only provide replacement scroll bars. To gain more control over the layout
of a viewport and its scroll bars, instead of using Scroller, just add them
to a Group
and use the scroll bar viewport
to link them together.
The Scroller control has the following default characteristics:
Characteristic | Description |
Default size | 0 |
Minimum size | 0 |
Maximum size | 10000 pixels wide and 10000 pixels high |
Default skin class | spark.skins.spark.ScrollerSkin |
The <s:Scroller>
tag inherits all of the tag
attributes of its superclass and adds the following tag attributes:
<s:Scroller Properties measuredSizeIncludesScrollBars="true" minViewportInset="0" viewport="null" Styles alignmentBaseline="use_dominant_baseline" alternatingItemColors="" baselineShift="0.0" blockProgression="TB" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontal_stem" clearFloats="none" color="0" contentBackgroundAlpha="" contentBackgroundColor="" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" direction="LTR" dominantBaseline="auto" downColor="" firstBaselineOffset="auto" focusColor="" focusedTextSelectionColor="" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="device" fontSize="12" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" horizontalScrollPolicy="auto" inactiveTextSelection="" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" listAutoPadding="40" listStylePosition="outside" listStyleType="disc" locale="en" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" renderingMode="CFF" rollOverColor="" symbolColor="" tabStops="null" textAlign="start" textAlignLast="start" textAlpha="1" textDecoration="none" textIndent="0" textJustify="inter_word" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default" unfocusedTextSelectionColor="" verticalScrollPolicy="auto" whiteSpaceCollapse="collapse" wordSpacing="100%,50%,150%" />
預設 MXML 屬性viewport
Scroller control
Considerations when using scroll bars in a mobile application
Support the screen keyboard in a mobile application
Configure the application for the screen keyboard
相關 API 元素
屬性 | 定義自 | ||
accessibilityDescription : String
A convenience accessor for the description property
in this UIComponent's accessibilityProperties object. | UIComponent | ||
accessibilityEnabled : Boolean
A convenience accessor for the silent property
in this UIComponent's accessibilityProperties object. | UIComponent | ||
accessibilityImplementation : AccessibilityImplementation
對此 InteractiveObject 實體目前的輔助功能實作 (AccessibilityImplementation)。 | InteractiveObject | ||
accessibilityName : String
A convenience accessor for the name property
in this UIComponent's accessibilityProperties object. | UIComponent | ||
accessibilityProperties : AccessibilityProperties
此顯示物件的目前輔助功能選項。 | DisplayObject | ||
accessibilityShortcut : String
A convenience accessor for the shortcut property
in this UIComponent's accessibilityProperties object. | UIComponent | ||
activeEffects : Array [唯讀]
The list of effects that are currently playing on the component,
as an Array of EffectInstance instances. | UIComponent | ||
alpha : Number
指出所指定物件的 Alpha 透明度值。 | DisplayObject | ||
automationDelegate : Object
The delegate object that handles the automation-related functionality. | UIComponent | ||
automationEnabled : Boolean [唯讀]
True if this component is enabled for automation, false
otherwise. | UIComponent | ||
automationName : String
Name that can be used as an identifier for this object. | UIComponent | ||
automationOwner : DisplayObjectContainer [唯讀]
The owner of this component for automation purposes. | UIComponent | ||
automationParent : DisplayObjectContainer [唯讀]
The parent of this component for automation purposes. | UIComponent | ||
automationTabularData : Object [唯讀]
An implementation of the IAutomationTabularData interface, which
can be used to retrieve the data. | UIComponent | ||
automationValue : Array [唯讀]
This value generally corresponds to the rendered appearance of the
object and should be usable for correlating the identifier with
the object as it appears visually within the application. | UIComponent | ||
automationVisible : Boolean [唯讀]
True if this component is visible for automation, false
otherwise. | UIComponent | ||
baseline : Object
For components, this layout constraint property is a
facade on top of the similarly-named style. | UIComponent | ||
baselinePosition : Number [覆寫] [唯讀]
The y-coordinate of the baseline
of the first line of text of the component. | SkinnableComponent | ||
blendMode : String
來自 BlendMode 類別的值,會指定要使用何種混合模式。 | DisplayObject | ||
blendShader : Shader [唯寫]
設定用來混合前景和背景的著色器。 | DisplayObject | ||
bottom : Object
For components, this layout constraint property is a
facade on top of the similarly-named style. | UIComponent | ||
buttonMode : Boolean
可指定此 sprite 的按鈕模式。 | Sprite | ||
cacheAsBitmap : Boolean
如果設定為 true,Flash 執行階段會快取顯示物件的內部點陣圖表示法。 | DisplayObject | ||
cacheAsBitmapMatrix : Matrix
如果為非 null,當 cacheAsBitmap 設定為 true 時,這個 Matrix 物件會定義顯示物件的顯示方法。 | DisplayObject | ||
cacheHeuristic : Boolean [唯寫]
Used by Flex to suggest bitmap caching for the object. | UIComponent | ||
cachePolicy : String
Specifies the bitmap caching policy for this object. | UIComponent | ||
className : String [唯讀]
The name of this instance's class, such as "Button". | UIComponent | ||
constructor : Object
類別物件的參照或是特定物件實體的建構函數。 | Object | ||
contentMouseX : Number [唯讀]
Returns the x position of the mouse, in the content coordinate system. | UIComponent | ||
contentMouseY : Number [唯讀]
Returns the y position of the mouse, in the content coordinate system. | UIComponent | ||
contextMenu : NativeMenu
指定與此物件有關聯的快顯選單。 | InteractiveObject | ||
currentState : String
The current view state of the component. | UIComponent | ||
cursorManager : ICursorManager [唯讀]
Gets the CursorManager that controls the cursor for this component
and its peers. | UIComponent | ||
depth : Number
Determines the order in which items inside of containers
are rendered. | UIComponent | ||
descriptor : UIComponentDescriptor
Reference to the UIComponentDescriptor, if any, that was used
by the createComponentFromDescriptor() method to create this
UIComponent instance. | UIComponent | ||
designLayer : DesignLayer
Specifies the optional DesignLayer instance associated with this visual
element. | UIComponent | ||
document : Object
A reference to the document object associated with this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
doubleClickEnabled : Boolean [覆寫]
Specifies whether the UIComponent object receives doubleClick events. | UIComponent | ||
dropTarget : DisplayObject [唯讀]
指定要將 sprite 拖曳至或丟棄至哪個顯示物件上。 | Sprite | ||
enabled : Boolean
Whether the component can accept user interaction. | UIComponent | ||
errorString : String
The text that displayed by a component's error tip when a
component is monitored by a Validator and validation fails. | UIComponent | ||
explicitHeight : Number
Number that specifies the explicit height of the component,
in pixels, in the component's coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
explicitMaxHeight : Number
The maximum recommended height of the component to be considered
by the parent during layout. | UIComponent | ||
explicitMaxWidth : Number
The maximum recommended width of the component to be considered
by the parent during layout. | UIComponent | ||
explicitMinHeight : Number
The minimum recommended height of the component to be considered
by the parent during layout. | UIComponent | ||
explicitMinWidth : Number
The minimum recommended width of the component to be considered
by the parent during layout. | UIComponent | ||
explicitWidth : Number
Number that specifies the explicit width of the component,
in pixels, in the component's coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
filters : Array
索引的陣列,其中包含目前和顯示物件相關的每個濾鏡物件。 | DisplayObject | ||
flexContextMenu : IFlexContextMenu
The context menu for this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
focusEnabled : Boolean
Indicates whether the component can receive focus when tabbed to. | UIComponent | ||
focusManager : IFocusManager
Gets the FocusManager that controls focus for this component
and its peers. | UIComponent | ||
focusPane : Sprite
The focus pane associated with this object. | UIComponent | ||
focusRect : Object
會指定這個物件是否會顯示焦點矩形。 | InteractiveObject | ||
graphics : Graphics [唯讀]
指定屬於此 sprite 物件的 Graphics 物件,其中可能會產生向量繪圖命令。 | Sprite | ||
hasFocusableChildren : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus. | UIComponent | ||
hasLayoutMatrix3D : Boolean [唯讀]
Contains true if the element has 3D Matrix. | UIComponent | ||
height : Number [覆寫]
Number that specifies the height of the component, in pixels,
in the parent's coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
hitArea : Sprite
指定用來當作 sprite 作用區域的另一個 sprite。 | Sprite | ||
horizontalCenter : Object
For components, this layout constraint property is a
facade on top of the similarly-named style. | UIComponent | ||
id : String
ID of the component. | UIComponent | ||
includeInLayout : Boolean
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the
parent container. | UIComponent | ||
inheritingStyles : Object
The beginning of this component's chain of inheriting styles. | UIComponent | ||
initialized : Boolean
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases
of layout: commitment, measurement, and layout (provided that any were required). | UIComponent | ||
instanceIndex : int [唯讀]
The index of a repeated component. | UIComponent | ||
instanceIndices : Array
An Array containing the indices required to reference
this UIComponent object from its parent document. | UIComponent | ||
is3D : Boolean [唯讀]
Contains true when the element is in 3D. | UIComponent | ||
isDocument : Boolean [唯讀]
Contains true if this UIComponent instance is a document object. | UIComponent | ||
isPopUp : Boolean
Set to true by the PopUpManager to indicate
that component has been popped up. | UIComponent | ||
layoutMatrix3D : Matrix3D [唯寫]
The transform matrix that is used to calculate a component's layout
relative to its siblings. | UIComponent | ||
left : Object
For components, this layout constraint property is a
facade on top of the similarly-named style. | UIComponent | ||
loaderInfo : LoaderInfo [唯讀]
會傳回 LoaderInfo 物件,其中包含關於載入此顯示物件所屬之檔案的資訊。 | DisplayObject | ||
maintainProjectionCenter : Boolean
When true, the component keeps its projection matrix centered on the
middle of its bounding box. | UIComponent | ||
mask : DisplayObject
呼叫之顯示物件會以指定的 mask 物件遮蓋。 | DisplayObject | ||
maxHeight : Number
The maximum recommended height of the component to be considered
by the parent during layout. | UIComponent | ||
maxWidth : Number
The maximum recommended width of the component to be considered
by the parent during layout. | UIComponent | ||
measuredHeight : Number
The default height of the component, in pixels. | UIComponent | ||
measuredMinHeight : Number
The default minimum height of the component, in pixels. | UIComponent | ||
measuredMinWidth : Number
The default minimum width of the component, in pixels. | UIComponent | ||
measuredSizeIncludesScrollBars : Boolean
If true, the Scroller's measured size includes the space required for
the visible scroll bars, otherwise the Scroller's measured size depends
only on its viewport. | Scroller | ||
measuredWidth : Number
The default width of the component, in pixels. | UIComponent | ||
metaData : Object
如果中繼資料是透過 PlaceObject4 標籤與 SWF 檔案中的這個 DisplayObject 實體一同儲存,則會取得 DisplayObject 實體的中繼資料物件。 | DisplayObject | ||
minHeight : Number
The minimum recommended height of the component to be considered
by the parent during layout. | UIComponent | ||
minViewportInset : Number
The minimum space between the viewport and the edges of the Scroller. | Scroller | ||
minWidth : Number
The minimum recommended width of the component to be considered
by the parent during layout. | UIComponent | ||
moduleFactory : IFlexModuleFactory
A module factory is used as context for using embedded fonts and for
finding the style manager that controls the styles for this
component. | UIComponent | ||
mouseChildren : Boolean
判斷物件的子系是否支援啟用滑鼠或使用者輸入裝置。 | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
mouseEnabled : Boolean
指定此物件是否接收滑鼠或其他使用者輸入及訊息。 | InteractiveObject | ||
mouseFocusEnabled : Boolean
Whether you can receive focus when clicked on. | UIComponent | ||
mouseX : Number [唯讀]
指出滑鼠或使用者輸入裝置位置的 x 座標,以像素為單位。 | DisplayObject | ||
mouseY : Number [唯讀]
指出滑鼠或使用者輸入裝置位置的 y 座標,以像素為單位。 | DisplayObject | ||
name : String
指出 DisplayObject 的實體名稱。 | DisplayObject | ||
needsSoftKeyboard : Boolean
指定虛擬鍵盤 (螢幕上的軟體鍵盤) 是否應在此 InteractiveObject 實體接收到焦點時顯示。 | InteractiveObject | ||
nestLevel : int
Depth of this object in the containment hierarchy. | UIComponent | ||
nonInheritingStyles : Object
The beginning of this component's chain of non-inheriting styles. | UIComponent | ||
numAutomationChildren : int [唯讀]
The number of automation children this container has. | UIComponent | ||
numElements : int [唯讀]
Returns 1 if there is a viewport, 0 otherwise. | Scroller | ||
opaqueBackground : Object
會指定顯示物件是否不透明,並具有特定背景顏色。 | DisplayObject | ||
owner : DisplayObjectContainer
The owner of this IVisualElement object. | UIComponent | ||
pageScrollingEnabled : Boolean
By default, for mobile applications, scrolling is pixel based. | Scroller | ||
parent : DisplayObjectContainer [覆寫] [唯讀]
The parent container or component for this component. | UIComponent | ||
parentApplication : Object [唯讀]
A reference to the Application object that contains this UIComponent
instance. | UIComponent | ||
parentDocument : Object [唯讀]
A reference to the parent document object for this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
percentHeight : Number
Specifies the height of a component as a percentage
of its parent's size. | UIComponent | ||
percentWidth : Number
Specifies the width of a component as a percentage
of its parent's size. | UIComponent | ||
postLayoutTransformOffsets : mx.geom:TransformOffsets
Defines a set of adjustments that can be applied to the object's
transform in a way that is invisible to its parent's layout. | UIComponent | ||
processedDescriptors : Boolean
Set to true after immediate or deferred child creation,
depending on which one happens. | UIComponent | ||
repeater : IRepeater [唯讀]
A reference to the Repeater object
in the parent document that produced this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
repeaterIndex : int [唯讀]
The index of the item in the data provider
of the Repeater that produced this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
repeaterIndices : Array
An Array containing the indices of the items in the data provider
of the Repeaters in the parent document that produced this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
repeaters : Array
An Array containing references to the Repeater objects
in the parent document that produced this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
right : Object
For components, this layout constraint property is a
facade on top of the similarly-named style. | UIComponent | ||
root : DisplayObject [唯讀]
對載入之 SWF 檔案的顯示物件而言,root 屬性就是該 SWF 檔案所呈現之顯示清單樹狀結構部分的最上層顯示物件。 | DisplayObject | ||
rotation : Number [覆寫]
指出 DisplayObject 實體的旋轉度數 (從該物件原本方向算起)。 | UIComponent | ||
rotationX : Number [覆寫]
Indicates the x-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation
relative to the 3D parent container. | UIComponent | ||
rotationY : Number [覆寫]
Indicates the y-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation
relative to the 3D parent container. | UIComponent | ||
rotationZ : Number [覆寫]
Indicates the z-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation relative to the 3D parent container. | UIComponent | ||
scale9Grid : Rectangle
目前產生效用的縮放格線。 | DisplayObject | ||
scaleX : Number [覆寫]
Number that specifies the horizontal scaling factor. | UIComponent | ||
scaleY : Number [覆寫]
Number that specifies the vertical scaling factor. | UIComponent | ||
scaleZ : Number [覆寫]
Number that specifies the scaling factor along the z axis. | UIComponent | ||
screen : Rectangle [唯讀]
Returns an object that contains the size and position of the base
drawing surface for this object. | UIComponent | ||
scrollRect : Rectangle
顯示物件的捲動矩形範圍。 | DisplayObject | ||
scrollSnappingMode : String
By default, for mobile applications, scrolling is pixel based. | Scroller | ||
showInAutomationHierarchy : Boolean
A flag that determines if an automation object
shows in the automation hierarchy. | UIComponent | ||
skin : UIComponent [唯讀]
The instance of the skin class for this component instance. | SkinnableComponent | ||
softKeyboard : String
控制軟體鍵盤的外觀。 | InteractiveObject | ||
softKeyboardInputAreaOfInterest : Rectangle
定義顯示軟體鍵盤時,應保留於螢幕上的區域 (iOS 未提供)。 | InteractiveObject | ||
soundTransform : flash.media:SoundTransform
控制此 Sprite 的聲音。 | Sprite | ||
stage : Stage [唯讀]
顯示物件的「舞台」。 | DisplayObject | ||
states : Array
The view states that are defined for this component. | UIComponent | ||
styleDeclaration : CSSStyleDeclaration
Storage for the inline inheriting styles on this object. | UIComponent | ||
styleManager : IStyleManager2 [唯讀]
Returns the StyleManager instance used by this component. | UIComponent | ||
styleName : Object
The class style used by this component. | UIComponent | ||
styleParent : IAdvancedStyleClient
A component's parent is used to evaluate descendant selectors. | UIComponent | ||
suggestedFocusSkinExclusions : Array [唯讀]
Lists the skin parts that are
excluded from bitmaps captured and used to
show focus. | SkinnableComponent | ||
systemManager : ISystemManager
Returns the SystemManager object used by this component. | UIComponent | ||
tabChildren : Boolean
判斷物件的子系是否支援啟用定位鍵。 | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
tabEnabled : Boolean
會指定這個物件是否在停駐點順序中。 | InteractiveObject | ||
tabFocusEnabled : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether this object can receive focus
via the TAB key
This is similar to the tabEnabled property
used by the Flash Player.
This is usually true for components that
handle keyboard input, but some components in controlbars
have them set to false because they should not steal
focus from another component like an editor. | UIComponent | ||
tabIndex : int
會指定 SWF 檔中的物件停駐點順序。 | InteractiveObject | ||
textSnapshot : flash.text:TextSnapshot [唯讀]
傳回此 DisplayObjectContainer 實體的 TextSnapshot 物件。 | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
toolTip : String
Text to display in the ToolTip. | UIComponent | ||
top : Object
For components, this layout constraint property is a
facade on top of the similarly-named style. | UIComponent | ||
transform : flash.geom:Transform [覆寫]
An object with properties pertaining to a display object's matrix, color transform,
and pixel bounds. | UIComponent | ||
transformX : Number
Sets the x coordinate for the transform center of the component. | UIComponent | ||
transformY : Number
Sets the y coordinate for the transform center of the component. | UIComponent | ||
transformZ : Number
Sets the z coordinate for the transform center of the component. | UIComponent | ||
transitions : Array
An Array of Transition objects, where each Transition object defines a
set of effects to play when a view state change occurs. | UIComponent | ||
tweeningProperties : Array
Array of properties that are currently being tweened on this object. | UIComponent | ||
uid : String
A unique identifier for the object. | UIComponent | ||
updateCompletePendingFlag : Boolean
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases
of layout validation (provided that any were required). | UIComponent | ||
useHandCursor : Boolean
指示當指標滑入 Sprite,且其 buttonMode 屬性設為 true 時,是否要出現指示手掌 (手掌游標) 的 Boolean 值。 | Sprite | ||
validationSubField : String
Used by a validator to associate a subfield with this component. | UIComponent | ||
verticalCenter : Object
For components, this layout constraint property is a
facade on top of the similarly-named style. | UIComponent | ||
viewport : IViewport
The viewport component to be scrolled. | Scroller | ||
visible : Boolean [覆寫]
Whether or not the display object is visible. | UIComponent | ||
width : Number [覆寫]
Number that specifies the width of the component, in pixels,
in the parent's coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
x : Number [覆寫]
Number that specifies the component's horizontal position,
in pixels, within its parent container. | UIComponent | ||
y : Number [覆寫]
Number that specifies the component's vertical position,
in pixels, within its parent container. | UIComponent | ||
z : Number [覆寫]
Indicates the z coordinate position along the z-axis of the DisplayObject
instance relative to the 3D parent container. | UIComponent |
方法 | 定義自 | ||
Constructor. | Scroller | ||
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | Scroller | ||
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | Scroller | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
會在 EventDispatcher 物件註冊事件偵聽程式,以便讓偵聽程式收到事件的通知。 | EventDispatcher | ||
Adds a non-visual style client to this component instance. | UIComponent | ||
指出安全性限制是否會造成傳回的清單 (可用指定的 point 點呼叫 DisplayObjectContainer.getObjectsUnderPoint() 方法來取得) 省略任何顯示物件。 | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Queues a function to be called later. | UIComponent | ||
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | UIComponent | ||
判斷指定的顯示物件是否為 DisplayObjectContainer 實體的子系,或為實體本身。 | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Converts a Point object from content coordinates to global coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
Converts a Point object from content to local coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within
this container. | UIComponent | ||
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within
this container. | UIComponent | ||
Creates an id reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object. | UIComponent | ||
Deletes the id reference to this IUIComponent object
on its parent document object. | UIComponent | ||
Returns a UITextFormat object corresponding to the text styles
for this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
Dispatches an event into the event flow. | UIComponent | ||
Shows or hides the focus indicator around this component. | UIComponent | ||
drawRoundRect(x:Number, y:Number, w:Number, h:Number, r:Object = null, c:Object = null, alpha:Object = null, rot:Object = null, gradient:String = null, ratios:Array = null, hole:Object = null):void
Programmatically draws a rectangle into this skin's Graphics object. | UIComponent | ||
Called by the effect instance when it stops playing on the component. | UIComponent | ||
Called by the effect instance when it starts playing on the component. | UIComponent | ||
Ends all currently playing effects on the component. | UIComponent | ||
Scrolls the viewport so the specified element is visible. | Scroller | ||
Executes all the bindings for which the UIComponent object is the destination. | UIComponent | ||
Called after printing is complete. | UIComponent | ||
Provides the automation object at the specified index. | UIComponent | ||
Provides the automation object list . | UIComponent | ||
傳回可定義顯示物件區域 (相對於 targetCoordinateSpace 物件的座標系統) 的矩形。 | DisplayObject | ||
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | UIComponent | ||
傳回具有指定名稱的子顯示物件。 | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Finds the type selectors for this UIComponent instance. | UIComponent | ||
Returns a layout constraint value, which is the same as
getting the constraint style for this component. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the viewport if there is a viewport and the
index passed in is 0. | Scroller | ||
Returns 0 if the element passed in is the viewport. | Scroller | ||
A convenience method for determining whether to use the
explicit or measured height
| UIComponent | ||
A convenience method for determining whether to use the
explicit or measured width
| UIComponent | ||
Gets the object that currently has focus. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's layout height. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's layout width. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's
layout relative to its siblings. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's maximum height. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's maximum width. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's minimum height. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's minimum width. | UIComponent | ||
傳回位於指定點底下,且屬於此 DisplayObjectContainer 實體之子系 (或孫系,以下類推) 的物件陣列。 | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
Returns the element's preferred height. | UIComponent | ||
Returns the element's preferred width. | UIComponent | ||
根據 targetCoordinateSpace 參數所定義的座標系統,並排除形狀上的任何筆畫,傳回可定義顯示物件邊界的矩形。 | DisplayObject | ||
Returns the item in the dataProvider that was used
by the specified Repeater to produce this Repeater, or
null if this Repeater isn't repeated. | UIComponent | ||
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this
component's style lookup chain. | UIComponent | ||
Converts a Point object from global to content coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
將 point 物件從「舞台」(全域) 座標轉換成顯示物件的 (區域) 座標。 | DisplayObject | ||
將二維點從「舞台」(全域) 座標轉換為三維顯示物件的 (區域) 座標。 | DisplayObject | ||
Returns true if currentCSSState is not null. | UIComponent | ||
會檢查 EventDispatcher 物件是否有對特定的事件類型註冊偵聽程式。 | EventDispatcher | ||
指出物件是否有已定義的指定屬性。 | Object | ||
Determines whether the specified state has been defined on this
UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
評估顯示物件的範圍框,看它是否與 obj 顯示物件的範圍框重疊或相交。 | DisplayObject | ||
評估顯示物件,看它是否與 x 和 y 參數所指定的點重疊或相交。 | DisplayObject | ||
Returns a box Matrix which can be passed to the
drawRoundRect() method
as the rot parameter when drawing a horizontal gradient. | UIComponent | ||
Initializes the internal structure of this component. | UIComponent | ||
Initializes various properties which keep track of repeated instances
of this component. | UIComponent | ||
Marks a component so that its updateDisplayList()
method gets called during a later screen update. | UIComponent | ||
Called by a component's items to indicate that their depth
property has changed. | UIComponent | ||
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or
when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | UIComponent | ||
Marks a component so that its commitProperties()
method gets called during a later screen update. | UIComponent | ||
Marks a component so that its measure()
method gets called during a later screen update. | UIComponent | ||
Marks the component so that the new state of the skin is set
during a later screen update. | SkinnableComponent | ||
指出 Object 類別的實體是否位於指定為參數的物件原型鏈中。 | Object | ||
將三維顯示物件的 (區域) 座標的三維點轉換為「舞台」(全域) 座標中的二維點。 | DisplayObject | ||
Converts a Point object from local to content coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
將 point 物件從顯示物件的 (區域) 座標轉換成「舞台」(全域) 座標。 | DisplayObject | ||
Returns true if cssState matches currentCSSState. | UIComponent | ||
Determines whether this instance is the same as, or is a subclass of,
the given type. | UIComponent | ||
Measures the specified HTML text, which can contain HTML tags such
as <font> and <b>,
assuming that it is displayed
in a single-line UITextField using a UITextFormat
determined by the styles of this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
Measures the specified text, assuming that it is displayed
in a single-line UITextField (or UIFTETextField) using a UITextFormat
determined by the styles of this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
Moves the component to a specified position within its parent. | UIComponent | ||
Propagates style changes to the children. | UIComponent | ||
Returns true if the chain of owner properties
points from child to this UIComponent. | UIComponent | ||
Called by Flex when a UIComponent object is added to or removed from a parent. | UIComponent | ||
Prepares an IFlexDisplayObject for printing. | UIComponent | ||
指出指定的屬性是否存在,以及是否可列舉。 | Object | ||
Builds or rebuilds the CSS style cache for this component
and, if the recursive parameter is true,
for all descendants of this component as well. | UIComponent | ||
For each effect event, registers the EffectManager
as one of the event listeners. | UIComponent | ||
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | Scroller | ||
將所有 child DisplayObject 實體從 DisplayObjectContainer 實體的子清單中移除。 | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | Scroller | ||
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | Scroller | ||
會從 EventDispatcher 物件移除偵聽程式。 | EventDispatcher | ||
Removes a non-visual style client from this component instance. | UIComponent | ||
Replays the specified event. | UIComponent | ||
升起顯示虛擬鍵盤。 | InteractiveObject | ||
Resolves a child by using the id provided. | UIComponent | ||
Resumes the background processing of methods
queued by callLater(), after a call to
suspendBackgroundProcessing(). | UIComponent | ||
Sizes the object. | UIComponent | ||
Sets a layout constraint value, which is the same as
setting the constraint style for this component. | UIComponent | ||
Set the current state. | UIComponent | ||
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | Scroller | ||
Sets the focus to this component. | UIComponent | ||
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen. | UIComponent | ||
Sets the layout size of the element. | UIComponent | ||
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout
size and position relative to its siblings. | UIComponent | ||
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout
size and position relative to its siblings. | UIComponent | ||
為迴圈作業設定動態屬性的可用性。 | Object | ||
Sets a style property on this component instance. | UIComponent | ||
Called when the visible property changes. | UIComponent | ||
讓使用者拖曳指定的 sprite。 | Sprite | ||
讓使用者將指定的 Sprite 拖曳至觸控裝置上。 | Sprite | ||
遞迴停止執行所有 MovieClips 的時間軸根源於此物件。 | DisplayObjectContainer | ||
結束 startDrag() 方法。 | Sprite | ||
結束觸控裝置使用的 startTouchDrag() 方法。 | Sprite | ||
Detects changes to style properties. | UIComponent | ||
Flex calls the stylesInitialized() method when
the styles for a component are first initialized. | UIComponent | ||
Blocks the background processing of methods
queued by callLater(),
until resumeBackgroundProcessing() is called. | UIComponent | ||
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | Scroller | ||
This operation is not supported in Scroller. | Scroller | ||
傳回代表此物件的字串,根據地區特定慣例進行格式化。 | Object | ||
Returns a string indicating the location of this object
within the hierarchy of DisplayObjects in the Application. | FlexSprite | ||
transformAround(transformCenter:Vector3D, scale:Vector3D = null, rotation:Vector3D = null, translation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutScale:Vector3D = null, postLayoutRotation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutTranslation:Vector3D = null, invalidateLayout:Boolean = true):void
A utility method to update the rotation, scale, and translation of the
transform while keeping a particular point, specified in the component's
own coordinate space, fixed in the parent's coordinate space. | UIComponent | ||
A utility method to transform a point specified in the local
coordinates of this object to its location in the object's parent's
coordinates. | UIComponent | ||
Validates the position and size of children and draws other
visuals. | UIComponent | ||
Validate and update the properties and layout of this object
and redraw it, if necessary. | UIComponent | ||
Used by layout logic to validate the properties of a component
by calling the commitProperties() method. | UIComponent | ||
Validates the measured size of the component
If the LayoutManager.invalidateSize() method is called with
this ILayoutManagerClient, then the validateSize() method
is called when it's time to do measurements. | UIComponent | ||
Handles both the valid and invalid events from a
validator assigned to this component. | UIComponent | ||
會傳回指定之物件的基本值。 | Object | ||
Returns a box Matrix which can be passed to drawRoundRect()
as the rot parameter when drawing a vertical gradient. | UIComponent | ||
檢查此 EventDispatcher 物件是否已註冊事件偵聽程式,或者此物件的任何祖系已為特定事件類型註冊事件偵聽程式。 | EventDispatcher |
事件 | 摘要 | 定義自 | ||
[廣播事件] 當 Flash Player 或 AIR 應用程式取得作業系統焦點並成為作用中時傳送。 | EventDispatcher | |||
Dispatched when the component is added to a container as a content child by using the addChild(), addChildAt(), addElement(), or addElementAt() method. | UIComponent | |||
當顯示物件加入顯示清單中時傳送。 | DisplayObject | |||
會在顯示物件加入舞台上的顯示清單時,以直接或是透過加入包含該顯示物件之子樹狀結構的方式傳送。 | DisplayObject | |||
當使用者從文字快顯選單中選取「清除」(或「刪除」) 時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
會當使用者在相同的 InteractiveObject 上方按下並放開使用者的指向裝置主按鈕時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者手勢在 AIR 應用程式中觸發與此互動式物件相關聯的快顯選單時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者針對複製作業啟動平台特有的快速鍵組合或從文字快顯選單中選取「複製」時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction, property processing, measuring, layout, and drawing. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched after the view state has changed. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched after the currentState property changes, but before the view state changes. | UIComponent | |||
當使用者針對剪下作業啟動平台特有的快速鍵組合或從文字快顯選單中選取「剪下」時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
[廣播事件] 當 Flash Player 或 AIR 應用程式失去作業系統焦點並成為非作用中時傳送。 | EventDispatcher | |||
在 InteractiveObject 物件的 doubleClickEnabled 旗標設為 true 的情況下,當使用者在相同的物件上方連續兩次快速按下並放開指標裝置主要按鈕時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched by the drag initiator (the component that is the source of the data being dragged) when the drag operation completes, either when you drop the dragged data onto a drop target or when you end the drag-and-drop operation without performing a drop. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by the drop target when the user releases the mouse over it. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by a component when the user moves the mouse over the component during a drag operation. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by the component when the user drags outside the component, but does not drop the data onto the target. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by a component when the user moves the mouse while over the component during a drag operation. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by the drag initiator when starting a drag operation. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched after an effect ends. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched just before an effect starts. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched after an effect is stopped, which happens only by a call to stop() on the effect. | UIComponent | |||
[廣播事件] 當播放磁頭進入新影格時傳送。 | DisplayObject | |||
Dispatched after the component has entered a view state. | UIComponent | |||
[廣播事件] 當播放磁頭結束目前影格時傳送。 | DisplayObject | |||
Dispatched just before the component exits a view state. | UIComponent | |||
當顯示物件取得焦點之後傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當顯示物件失去焦點時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
[廣播事件] 在影格顯示物件的建構函式執行之後,且影格指令碼執行之前傳送。 | DisplayObject | |||
當使用者沿著觸控面與 InteractiveObject 實體建立接觸點 (例如沿著 Apple TV 的 Siri Remote 觸控面點選),某些裝置可能也會將此接觸解譯為數個觸控事件的組合。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用在觸控裝置上的同一個 InteractiveObject 實體上按下兩個接觸點後送出 (例如在行動電話或平板電腦觸控螢幕的顯示物件上方,以兩支手指按下後鬆開)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在觸控裝置上,將接觸點移動到 InteractiveObject 實體上方後傳送 (例如,在行動電話或平板電腦觸控螢幕的顯示物件上,由左向右移動手指)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在 InteractiveObject 實體的接觸點上做出旋轉手勢後傳送 (例如兩指觸摸行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕,然後手指在顯示物件上旋轉)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在與 InteractiveObject 實體的某個接觸點上做出揮動手勢後傳送 (例如,三指併在一起觸碰行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕,然後在顯示物件上快速平行移動手指)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者與 InteractiveObject 實體建立接觸點,然後在觸控裝置上點一下後送出 (例如,將多根手指放到行動電話或平板電腦觸控螢幕的顯示物件上以開啟選單,然後其中一根手點一下,選取選單項目)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在 InteractiveObject 實體的某個接觸點上做出放大縮小手勢後傳送 (例如兩指併在一起觸摸行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕,然後手指在顯示物件上快速張開)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched when an object's state changes from visible to invisible. | UIComponent | |||
這個事件會送出至任何支援 IME 內嵌輸入的用戶端應用程式。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction and has all initialization properties set. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched when a component is monitored by a Validator and the validation failed. | UIComponent | |||
會當使用者按下按鍵時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者嘗試使用鍵盤瀏覽變更焦點時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
會當使用者放開按鍵時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在相同的 InteractiveObject 上方按下並放開使用者的指向裝置中間按鈕時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者將指向裝置的中間按鈕移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方按下時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者將指向裝置按鈕移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方放開時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者將指向裝置按鈕移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方按下時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched from a component opened using the PopUpManager when the user clicks outside it. | UIComponent | |||
會當使用者嘗試使用指向裝置變更焦點時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
會當指向裝置停在 InteractiveObject 上方的情況下使用者將其移動時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
會當使用者將指向裝置移開 InteractiveObject 實體時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
會當使用者將指向裝置移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者將指向裝置按鈕移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方放開時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當滑鼠滾輪在 InteractiveObject 實體上方轉動時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched when the scroll position is going to change due to a mouseWheel event. | Scroller | |||
Dispatched from a component opened using the PopUpManager when the user scrolls the mouse wheel outside it. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched when the object has moved. | UIComponent | |||
當使用者釋放手勢時,由拖曳初始程式 InteractiveObject 傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
已在目標 InteractiveObject 上放下拖曳的物件,而且已呼叫 DragManager.acceptDragDrop() 接受該放開的資料時,由此目標 InteractiveObject 傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當手勢進入 InteractiveObject 的邊界時,由此 InteractiveObject 傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當手勢離開 InteractiveObject 的邊界時,由此 InteractiveObject 傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當拖曳手勢還留在 InteractiveObject 的邊界內,由此 InteractiveObject 持續傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在呼叫 DragManager.doDrag() 進行拖曳作業初期,由指定做為拖曳初始程式的 InteractiveObject 傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在呼叫 DragManager.doDrag() 進行拖曳作業期間,由指定做為拖曳初始程式的 InteractiveObject 傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者針對貼上作業啟動平台特有的快速鍵組合或從文字快顯選單中選取「貼上」時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched at the beginning of the component initialization sequence. | UIComponent | |||
在使用者將作用中觸控筆往下移至超過螢幕鄰近偵測邊框時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在使用者將作用中觸控筆提到螢幕鄰近偵測邊框時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在使用者將作用中觸控筆移到螢幕上方,而其餘仍在鄰近偵測邊框內時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在使用者將作用中觸控筆移出這個 InteractiveObject 之外,而其餘仍在螢幕的鄰近偵測邊框內時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在使用者直接將作用中觸控筆移到這個 InteractiveObject 上方,而其餘仍在螢幕的鄰近偵測邊框內時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在使用者將作用中觸控筆移出這個 InteractiveObject 及其任一子系之外,而其餘仍在螢幕的鄰近偵測邊框內時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在使用者透過這個 InteractiveObject,從顯示清單中後代的物件樹狀結構之外移動作用中觸控筆時傳送 (而其餘仍在螢幕的鄰近偵測邊框內)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者第一次按下 InteractiveObject 實體上方的按鈕,然後將指向裝置滑出 InteractiveObject 實體之後即放開指向裝置上的按鈕時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched when the component is removed from a container as a content child by using the removeChild(), removeChildAt(), removeElement(), or removeElementAt() method. | UIComponent | |||
會當顯示物件將要從顯示清單移除時傳送。 | DisplayObject | |||
會在顯示物件即將從顯示清單移除時,以直接或是透過移除包含該顯示物件之子樹狀結構的方式傳送。 | DisplayObject | |||
[廣播事件] 當顯示清單將要更新和顯示時傳送。 | DisplayObject | |||
Dispatched when the component is resized. | UIComponent | |||
當使用者在相同的 InteractiveObject 上方按下並放開使用者的指向裝置右邊按鈕時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者將指向裝置按鈕移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方按下時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者將指向裝置按鈕移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方放開時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
會當使用者將指向裝置移開 InteractiveObject 實體時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
會當使用者將指向裝置移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者針對全選作業啟動平台特有的快速鍵組合或從文字快顯選單中選取「全選」時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched when an object's state changes from invisible to visible. | UIComponent | |||
升起顯示軟體鍵盤之後立即傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
升起顯示軟體鍵盤前立即傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
降下隱藏軟體鍵盤之後立即傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched after the component has entered a new state and any state transition animation to that state has finished playing. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched when a component interrupts a transition to its current state in order to switch to a new state. | UIComponent | |||
在物件的 tabChildren 旗標值變更時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在物件的 tabEnabled 旗標變更時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
在物件的 tabIndex 屬性值變更時傳送。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者輸入一或多文字的字元時送出。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched by the component when it is time to create a ToolTip. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip has been hidden and is to be discarded soon. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip is about to be hidden. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip is about to be shown. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by the component when its ToolTip has been shown. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched by a component whose toolTip property is set, as soon as the user moves the mouse over it. | UIComponent | |||
當使用者在第一次接觸觸控裝置後傳送 (例如手指觸摸行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在觸控裝置上移除接觸點後傳送 (例如在行動電話或平板電腦觸控螢幕上移開手指)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
A non-cancellable event, dispatched by a component when it is done responding to a touch interaction user gesture. | UIComponent | |||
A non-cancellable event, dispatched by a component when it starts responding to a touch interaction user gesture. | UIComponent | |||
A cancellable event, dispatched by a component in an attempt to respond to a touch interaction user gesture. | UIComponent | |||
當使用者觸控裝置時傳送,並且連續不斷地傳送,直到接觸點移除為止。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在觸控裝置中,將接觸點移出 InteractiveObject 實體後送出 (例如在行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕上,將手指從顯示物件移至另一個顯示物件)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在觸控裝置中將接觸點移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方後送出 (例如在行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕上,將手指從顯示物件外面的某一點,往顯示物件上方拖曳)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在觸控裝置上,將接觸點從 InteractiveObject 實體移出後送出 (例如,在行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕上,將手指從顯示物件上方拖曳到顯示物件以外)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在觸控裝置中將接觸點移至 InteractiveObject 實體上方後送出 (例如在行動電話或平板電腦的觸控螢幕上,將手指從顯示物件外面的某一點,往顯示物件上方拖曳)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
當使用者在觸控裝置的同一個 InteractiveObject 實體上,在原先開始接觸點放開後送出 (例如在行動電話或平板電腦觸控螢幕上的顯示物件上方,以手指按下某個點後又鬆開)。 | InteractiveObject | |||
Dispatched when an object has had its commitProperties(), measure(), and updateDisplayList() methods called (if needed). | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched when a component is monitored by a Validator and the validation succeeded. | UIComponent | |||
Dispatched when values are changed programmatically or by user interaction. | UIComponent |
樣式 | 說明 | 定義自 | ||
alignmentBaseline | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.alignmentBaseline For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 The vertical distance in pixels from the top edge of the content area to the control's baseline position. | UIComponent | |||
baselineShift | 類型: Object CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Amount to shift the baseline. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.baselineShift. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
blockProgression | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Specifies a vertical or horizontal progression of line placement. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.blockProgression. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 The vertical distance, in pixels, from the bottom edge of the component to the bottom edge of its parent container's content area. | UIComponent | |||
breakOpportunity | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Controls where lines are allowed to break when breaking wrapping text into multiple lines. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.breakOpportunity. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
cffHinting | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The type of CFF hinting used for this text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.cffHinting. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
clearFloats | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Controls how text wraps around a float. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.clearFloats. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
color | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Color of the text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.color. For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField Style color, and if using StyleableStageText, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText Style color. 預設值為 0x000000 。相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
digitCase | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The type of digit case used for this text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.digitCase. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
digitWidth | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Type of digit width used for this text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.digitWidth. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
direction | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Specifies the default bidirectional embedding level of the text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.direction. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
dominantBaseline | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Specifies which element baseline snaps to the alignmentBaseline to
determine the vertical position of the element on the line.
For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.dominantBaseline. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 Color of the component highlight when validation fails. | UIComponent | |||
類型: Class 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Name of the skin class to use for this component when a validation error occurs. | SkinnableComponent | |||
firstBaselineOffset | 類型: Object CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Specifies the baseline position of the first line in the container. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.firstBaselineOffset. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 Blend mode used by the focus rectangle. | UIComponent | |||
focusedTextSelectionColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The color of text when the component is enabled and has focus. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. | Scroller | ||
類型: Class CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 Skin used to draw the focus rectangle. | UIComponent | |||
類型: Number 格式: Length CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 Thickness, in pixels, of the focus rectangle outline. | UIComponent | |||
fontFamily | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The name of the font to use, or a comma-separated list of font names. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.fontFamily. For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField Style fontFamily, and if using StyleableStageText, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText Style fontFamily. The default value for the Spark theme is 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
fontLookup | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Font lookup to use. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.fontLookup For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
fontSize | 類型: Number 格式: Length CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Height of the text, in pixels. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.fontSize For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField Style fontSize, and if using StyleableStageText, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText Style fontSize. The default value for the Spark theme is 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
fontStyle | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Determines whether the text is italic font. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.fontStyle For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField Style fontStyle, and if using StyleableStageText, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText Style fontStyle. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
fontWeight | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Determines whether the text is boldface. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.fontWeight For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField Style fontWeight, and if using StyleableStageText, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText Style fontWeight. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 The horizontal distance in pixels from the center of the component's content area to the center of the component. | UIComponent | |||
horizontalScrollPolicy | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Indicates under what conditions the horizontal scroll bar is displayed.
The scroll policy affects the measured size of the Scroller component. 預設值為 ScrollPolicy.AUTO 。相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
inactiveTextSelectionColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The color of text when the component is disabled. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 2.5 The primary interaction mode for this component. | UIComponent | |||
justificationRule | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.justificationRule For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
justificationStyle | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The style used for justification of the paragraph. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.justificationStyle For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
kerning | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The style used for justification of the paragraph. Kerning is enabled by default for Spark components, but is disabled by default for MX components.
Spark components interpret For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.kerning For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.1 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Specifies the desired layout direction of a component. | UIComponent | |||
leadingModel | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.leadingModel. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the component to the left edge of its parent container's content area. | UIComponent | |||
ligatureLevel | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.ligatureLevel For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
lineHeight | 類型: Object CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Leading controls for the text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.lineHeight.
For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. See 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
lineThrough | 類型: Boolean CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.lineThrough For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
listAutoPadding | 類型: Number 格式: length CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto .
For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.listAutoPadding. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
listStylePosition | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 2.5 This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.listStylePosition. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
listStyleType | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 2.5 This controls the appearance of items in a list. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.listStyleType. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
liveScrolling | 類型: Boolean CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 A proxy for the liveDragging style of the scrollbars
used by the Scroller component.
If this style is set to Setting this style to By default this style is undefined 。 | Scroller | ||
locale | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The locale of the text. Controls case transformations and shaping. Uses standard locale identifiers as described in Unicode Technical Standard #35. For example "en", "en_US" and "en-US" are all English, "ja" is Japanese. The default value is undefined. This property inherits its value from an ancestor; if
still undefined, it inherits from the global When using the Spark formatters and globalization classes, you can set this style on the
root application to the value of the undefined 。詳細資訊 | Scroller | ||
paragraphEndIndent | 類型: Number 格式: length CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.paragraphEndIndent. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
paragraphSpaceAfter | 類型: Number 格式: length CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.paragraphSpaceAfter. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
paragraphSpaceBefore | 類型: Number 格式: length CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.paragraphSpaceBefore. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
paragraphStartIndent | 類型: Number 格式: length CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.paragraphStartIndent. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
renderingMode | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.renderingMode For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the right edge of the component to the right edge of its parent container's content area. | UIComponent | |||
類型: Boolean CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Show the error border or skin when this component is invalid | UIComponent | |||
類型: Boolean CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Show the error tip when this component is invalid and the user rolls over it | UIComponent | |||
類型: Class 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Name of the skin class to use for this component. | SkinnableComponent | |||
tabStops | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Specifies the tab stops associated with the paragraph. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.tabStops. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
textAlign | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Alignment of text within a container. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.textAlign For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField Style textAlign, and if using StyleableStageText, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText Style textAlign. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
textAlignLast | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Alignment of the last line in the paragraph relative to the container in justified text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.textAlignLast For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
textAlpha | 類型: Number CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Alpha (transparency) value for the text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.textAlpha For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
textDecoration | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Determines whether the text is underlined. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.textDecoration For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField Style textDecoration, and if using StyleableStageText, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
textIndent | 類型: Number 格式: Length CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Offset of first line of text from the left side of the container. . For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.textIndent. For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField Style textIndent, and if using StyleableStageText this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
textJustify | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Specifies options for justifying text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.textJustify For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
textRotation | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Determines the number of degrees to rotate this text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.textRotation. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 The vertical distance, in pixels, from the top edge of the component to the top edge of its parent container's content area. | UIComponent | |||
touchDelay | 類型: Number 格式: Time CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10.1, AIR 2.5 When in touch interaction mode, the number of milliseconds to wait after the user interaction has occured before showing the component in a visually down state. The reason for this delay is because when a user initiates a scroll gesture, we don't want components to flicker as they touch the screen. By having a reasonable delay, we make sure that the user still gets feedback when they press down on a component, but that the feedback doesn't come too quickly that it gets displayed during a scroll gesture operation. If the mobile theme is applied, the default value for this style is 100 ms for components inside of a Scroller and 0 ms for components outside of a Scroller. | Scroller | ||
trackingLeft | 類型: Object CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The amount of tracking (manual kerning) to be applied to the left of each character. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.trackingLeft For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
trackingRight | 類型: Object CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The amount of tracking (manual kerning) to be applied to the right of each character. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.trackingRight For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
typographicCase | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The type of typographic case used for this text. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.typographicCase For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
unfocusedTextSelectionColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The color of text when the component is enabled but does not have focus. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. | Scroller | ||
類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 3 執行階段版本: Flash9, AIR 1.1 The vertical distance in pixels from the center of the component's content area to the center of the component. | UIComponent | |||
verticalScrollPolicy | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 否 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Indicates under what conditions the vertical scroll bar is displayed.
The scroll policy affects the measured size of the Scroller component. 預設值為 ScrollPolicy.AUTO 。相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
whiteSpaceCollapse | 類型: String CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.whiteSpaceCollapse. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
wordSpacing | 類型: Object CSS 繼承: 是 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10.5, AIR 2.0 Specifies the spacing between words to use during justification. For the Spark theme, see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat.wordSpacing. For the Mobile theme, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller |
樣式 | 說明 | 定義自 | ||
alternatingItemColors | 類型: Array 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. The value is an array of one or more colors. The backgrounds of the list items alternate among the colors in the array. The default value for the Spark theme is | Scroller | ||
類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The main color for a component. | SkinnableComponent | |||
contentBackgroundAlpha | 類型: Number CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The alpha of the content background for this component. | Scroller | ||
contentBackgroundColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The color of the content background for this component. For a List, changing The default value for the Spark theme is | Scroller | ||
focusColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Color of focus ring when the component is in focus. | Scroller | ||
rollOverColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the component. This style is only applicable in mouse 0xCEDBEF 。 | Scroller | ||
symbolColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Color of any symbol of a component. Examples include the check mark of a CheckBox or the arrow of a scroll button. | Scroller |
樣式 | 說明 | 定義自 | ||
alternatingItemColors | 類型: Array 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the list. The value is an array of one or more colors. The backgrounds of the list items alternate among the colors in the array. The default value for the Spark theme is | Scroller | ||
類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The main color for a component. | SkinnableComponent | |||
contentBackgroundAlpha | 類型: Number CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The alpha of the content background for this component. | Scroller | ||
contentBackgroundColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 The color of the content background for this component. For a List, changing The default value for the Spark theme is | Scroller | ||
downColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10.1, AIR 2.5 Color of the background of an item renderer when it is being pressed down If The default value for the Spark theme is | Scroller | ||
focusColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Color of focus ring when the component is in focus. | Scroller | ||
leading | 類型: Number 格式: Length CSS 繼承: 是 主題: mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10.1, AIR 2.0 Additional vertical space between lines of text.
For the Spark theme, this is not supported. See For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText Style fontWeight and if using StyleableStageText, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
letterSpacing | 類型: Number CSS 繼承: 是 主題: mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4.5 執行階段版本: Flash10.1, AIR 2.0 The number of additional pixels to appear between each character.
For the Spark theme, this is not supported. See For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField.letterSpacing and if using StyleableStageText, this is not supported. 相關 API 元素 | Scroller | ||
symbolColor | 類型: uint 格式: Color CSS 繼承: 是 主題: spark, mobile 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 Color of any symbol of a component. Examples include the check mark of a CheckBox or the arrow of a scroll button. | Scroller |
外觀部件 | 說明 | 定義自 | ||
horizontalScrollBar:HScrollBar | 必要項: false 部件類型: 靜態 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 A skin part that defines the horizontal scroll bar. This property should be considered read-only. It is only set by the Scroller's skin. This property is Bindable. | Scroller | ||
horizontalScrollBarFactory:IFactory | 必要項: false 部件類型: 動態 語言版本: ActionScript 產品版本: 執行階段版本: , A skin part that defines the horizontal scroll bar component. The horizontalScrollBar skin part takes precedence over this skin part. When Scroller creates an instance of this part, it will set the horizontalScrollBar skin part to that instance. This property should be considered read-only. It is only set by the Scroller's skin. To access the HScrollBar instance, use horizontalScrollBar. IFactory 必須傳回 type 物件 HScrollBar。 | Scroller | ||
verticalScrollBar:VScrollBar | 必要項: false 部件類型: 靜態 語言版本: ActionScript 3.0 產品版本: Flex 4 執行階段版本: Flash10, AIR 1.5 A skin part that defines the vertical scroll bar. This property should be considered read-only. It is only set by the Scroller's skin. This property is Bindable. | Scroller | ||
verticalScrollBarFactory:IFactory | 必要項: false 部件類型: 動態 語言版本: ActionScript 產品版本: 執行階段版本: , A skin part that defines the vertical scroll bar. The verticalScrollBar skin part takes precedence over this skin part. When Scroller creates an instance of this part, it will set the verticalScrollBar skin part to that instance. This property should be considered read-only. It is only set by the Scroller's skin. To access the VScrollBar instance, use verticalScrollBar. IFactory 必須傳回 type 物件 VScrollBar。 | Scroller |
measuredSizeIncludesScrollBars | 屬性 |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4.5 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
If true
, the Scroller's measured size includes the space required for
the visible scroll bars, otherwise the Scroller's measured size depends
only on its viewport.
Components like TextArea, which "reflow" their contents to fit the
available width or height may use this property to stabilize their
measured size. By default a TextArea's is defined by its widthInChars
and heightInChars
properties and in many applications it's preferable
for the measured size to remain constant, event when scroll bars are displayed
by the TextArea skin's Scroller.
In components where the content does not reflow, like a typical List's items, the default behavior is preferable because it makes it less likely that the component's content will be obscured by a scroll bar.
預設值為 true。
public function get measuredSizeIncludesScrollBars():Boolean
public function set measuredSizeIncludesScrollBars(value:Boolean):void
minViewportInset | 屬性 |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4.5 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
The minimum space between the viewport and the edges of the Scroller.
If neither of the scroll bars is visible, then the viewport is inset by
on all four sides.
If a scroll bar is visible then the viewport is inset by minViewportInset
or by the scroll bar's size, whichever is larger.
ScrollBars are laid out flush with the edges of the Scroller.
預設值為 0。
public function get minViewportInset():Number
public function set minViewportInset(value:Number):void
numElements | 屬性 |
pageScrollingEnabled | 屬性 |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4.6 |
執行階段版本: | AIR 3 |
By default, for mobile applications, scrolling is pixel based.
The final scroll location is any pixel location based on
the drag and throw gesture.
Set pageScrollingEnabled
to true
enable page scrolling.
Note: This property is only valid when the interactionMode
is set to touch
, indicating a mobile application.
The size of the page is determined by the size of the viewport of the scrollable component. You can only scroll a single page at a time, regardless of the scroll gesture.
You must scroll at least 50% of the visible area of the component to cause the page to change. If you scroll less than 50%, the component remains on the current page. Alternatively, if the velocity of the scroll is high enough, the next page display. If the velocity is not high enough, the component remains on the current page.
預設值為 false。
public function get pageScrollingEnabled():Boolean
public function set pageScrollingEnabled(value:Boolean):void
scrollSnappingMode | 屬性 |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4.6 |
執行階段版本: | AIR 3 |
By default, for mobile applications, scrolling is pixel based.
The final scroll location is any pixel location based on
the drag and throw gesture.
Set scrollSnappingMode
to other than none
enable scroll snapping.
With scroll snapping enabled,
the content snaps to a final position based on the value of scrollSnappingMode
Note: This property is only valid when the interactionMode
is set to touch
, indicating a mobile application.
For example, you scroll a List vertically with scrollSnappingMode
set to a value of leadingEdge
The List control snaps to a final scroll position where the top list element
is aligned to the top of the list.
Changing this property to anything other than none
result in an immediate change in scroll position to ensure
an element is correctly snapped into position.
This change in scroll position is not animated
in MXML, the possible values are "leadingEdge"
, "center"
, and "none"
ActionScript values are defined by spark.components.ScrollSnappingMode.
預設值為 "none"。
public function get scrollSnappingMode():String
public function set scrollSnappingMode(value:String):void
相關 API 元素
viewport | 屬性 |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
The viewport component to be scrolled.
The viewport is added to the Scroller component's skin,
which lays out both the viewport and scroll bars.
When the viewport
property is set, the viewport's
property is
set to true to enable scrolling.
The Scroller does not support rotating the viewport directly. The viewport's
contents can be transformed arbitrarily, but the viewport itself cannot.
預設值為 null。
此屬性可以做為資料繫結的來源。一旦修改此屬性,將傳送 propertyChange
public function get viewport():IViewport
public function set viewport(value:IViewport):void
Scroller | () | 建構函式 |
public function Scroller()
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
addElement | () | 方法 |
public function addElement(element:IVisualElement):IVisualElement
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
This operation is not supported in Scroller.
A Scroller control has only one child.
Use the viewport
property to manipulate
element:IVisualElement |
IVisualElement |
addElementAt | () | 方法 |
public function addElementAt(element:IVisualElement, index:int):IVisualElement
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
This operation is not supported in Scroller.
A Scroller control has only one child. Use the viewport
property to manipulate
element:IVisualElement | |
index:int |
IVisualElement |
ensureElementIsVisible | () | 方法 |
public function ensureElementIsVisible(element:IVisualElement):void
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4.5 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
Scrolls the viewport so the specified element is visible.
element:IVisualElement — A child element of the container,
or of a nested container, wrapped by the Scroller.
getElementAt | () | 方法 |
public function getElementAt(index:int):IVisualElement
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns the viewport if there is a viewport and the index passed in is 0. Otherwise, it throws a RangeError.
index:int — The index of the element to retrieve.
IVisualElement — The element at the specified index.
RangeError — If the index position does not exist in the child list.
getElementIndex | () | 方法 |
public function getElementIndex(element:IVisualElement):int
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
Returns 0 if the element passed in is the viewport. Otherwise, it throws an ArgumentError.
element:IVisualElement — The element to identify.
int — The index position of the element to identify.
ArgumentError — If the element is not a child of this object.
removeAllElements | () | 方法 |
public function removeAllElements():void
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
This operation is not supported in Scroller.
A Scroller control has only one child. Use the viewport
property to manipulate
removeElement | () | 方法 |
public function removeElement(element:IVisualElement):IVisualElement
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
This operation is not supported in Scroller.
A Scroller control has only one child. Use the viewport
property to manipulate
element:IVisualElement |
IVisualElement |
removeElementAt | () | 方法 |
public function removeElementAt(index:int):IVisualElement
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
This operation is not supported in Scroller.
A Scroller control has only one child. Use the viewport
property to manipulate
index:int |
IVisualElement |
setElementIndex | () | 方法 |
public function setElementIndex(element:IVisualElement, index:int):void
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
This operation is not supported in Scroller.
A Scroller control has only one child. Use the viewport
property to manipulate
element:IVisualElement | |
index:int |
swapElements | () | 方法 |
public function swapElements(element1:IVisualElement, element2:IVisualElement):void
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
This operation is not supported in Scroller.
A Scroller control has only one child. Use the viewport
property to manipulate
element1:IVisualElement | |
element2:IVisualElement |
swapElementsAt | () | 方法 |
mouseWheelChanging | 事件 |
屬性 FlexMouseEvent.type =
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Flex 4.5 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
Dispatched when the scroll position is going to change due to a
If there is a visible verticalScrollBar, then by default
the viewport is scrolled vertically by event.delta
The height of the step is determined by the viewport's
method using
either UP
, depending on the scroll
Otherwise, if there is a visible horizontalScrollBar, then by default
the viewport is scrolled horizontally by event.delta
The width of the step is determined by the viewport's
method using
either LEFT
, depending on the scroll
Calling the preventDefault()
on the event prevents the scroll position from changing.
Otherwise if you modify the delta
property of the event,
that value will be used as the number of "steps".
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a mouseWheelChanging
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
altKey | Indicates whether the Alt key is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
bubbles | false |
buttonDown | Indicates whether the main mouse button is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
cancelable | false |
ctrlKey | Indicates whether the Control key is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget .
delta | Indicates how many lines should be scrolled for each notch the user scrolls the mouse wheel. |
localX | The horizontal position at which the event occurred. |
localY | The vertical position at which the event occurred. |
relatedObject | A reference to a display list object that is related to the event. For this event, the object is the component which is the target of the mouseWheel event. |
shiftKey | Indicates whether the Shift key is down
(true ) or not (false ). |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Scroller control --> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"> <!-- Panel used as a container for Scroller control examples --> <mx:Panel title="Scroller Control Example" height="75%" width="75%" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"> <s:Scroller width="100" height="100"> <s:Group> <mx:Image width="300" height="400" source="@Embed(source='/assets/logo.jpg')"/> </s:Group> </s:Scroller> </mx:Panel> </s:Application>
Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:47 PM Z