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spark.components 套件包含 Spark 組件類別。

 IItemRenderer The IItemRenderer interface defines the basic set of APIs that a class must implement to create an item renderer that can communicate with a host component.
 IItemRendererOwner The IItemRendererOwner interface defines the basic set of APIs that a class must implement to support items renderers.
 ActionBar     The ActionBar class defines a component that includes title, navigation, and action content groups.
 ActionBarDefaultButtonAppearance     The ActionBarDefaultButtonAppearance class defines the constants for the allowed values of the defaultButtonAppearance style of ActionBar.
 Application Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your application without explicitly defining another container.
 ArrowDirection     Enumeration of arrow directions for use in visual components.
 BorderContainer The BorderContainer class defines a set of CSS styles that control the appearance of the border and background fill of the container.
 BusyIndicator     The BusyIndicator defines a component to display when a long-running operation is in progress.
 Button The Button component is a commonly used rectangular button.
 ButtonBar The ButtonBar control defines a horizontal group of logically related buttons with a common look and navigation.
 ButtonBarButton The ButtonBarButton class defines the custom item renderer used by the ButtonBar control.
 Callout     The Callout container is a SkinnablePopUpContainer that functions as a pop-up with additional owner-relative positioning options similar to PopUpAnchor.
 CalloutButton     The CalloutButton control is a drop down component that defines a button to open and close a Callout container.
 CalloutPosition     The CalloutPosition calss defines the enumeration of horizontal and vertical positions of the Callout component relative to the owner.
 CheckBox The CheckBox component consists of an optional label and a small box that can contain a check mark or not.
 ComboBox The ComboBox control is a child class of the DropDownListBase control.
 ContentBackgroundAppearance     The ContentBackgroundAppearance class defines the constants for the allowed values of the contentBackgroundAppearance style of Callout.
 DataGrid The DataGrid displays a row of column headings above a scrollable grid.
 DataGroup The DataGroup class is the base container class for data items.
 DataRenderer The DataRenderer class is the base class for data components in Spark.
 DateSpinner     The DateSpinner control presents an interface for picking a particular date or time.
 DropDownList The DropDownList control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value.
 Form The Spark Form container lets you control the layout of a form, mark form fields as required or optional, handle error messages, and bind your form data to the Flex data model to perform data checking and validation.
 FormHeading The Spark FormHeading container displays a heading for a group of controls inside a Spark Form container.
 FormItem The FormItem container defines the following in a Spark From: A single label. A sequence label. One or more child controls or containers. Help content that provides a description of the form item or instructions for filling it in. Required indicator to indicate if a form item has to be filled Children can be controls or other containers.
 Grid The Grid control displays a list of data items called its data provider in a scrollable table or "grid", one item per row.
 GridColumnHeaderGroup The GridColumnHeaderGroup class displays a row of column headers and separators aligned with the grid's layout.
 Group The Group class is the base container class for visual elements.
 HGroup The HGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the HorizontalLayout class.
 HScrollBar The HScrollBar (horizontal scrollbar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit horizontally in a display area.
 HSlider The HSlider (horizontal slider) control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track.
 IconItemRenderer     The IconItemRenderer class is a performant item renderer optimized for mobile devices.
 IconPlacement The IconPlacement class defines the constants for the allowed values of the iconPlacement style of a Button, CheckBox, RadioButton or ToggleButton.
 Image The Spark Image control is a skinnable component that provides a customizable loading state, chrome, and error state.
 Label Label is a low-level UIComponent that can render one or more lines of uniformly-formatted text.
 LabelItemRenderer     The LabelItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a list-based control in the mobile theme.
 List The List control displays a vertical list of items.
 NavigatorContent The NavigatorContent class defines a Spark container that can be used in an MX navigator container, such as the ViewStack, TabNavigator and Accordion containers.
 NumericStepper The NumericStepper control lets you select a number from an ordered set.
 Panel The Panel class defines a container that includes a title bar, a caption, a border, and a content area for its children.
 PopUpAnchor The PopUpAnchor component is used to position a control that pops up or drops down, such as a DropDownList component, in layout.
 PopUpPosition Enumerated type for the PopUpAnchor.popUpPosition property.
 RadioButton The RadioButton component allows the user make a single choice within a set of mutually exclusive choices.
 RadioButtonGroup The RadioButtonGroup component defines a group of RadioButton components that act as a single mutually exclusive component; therefore, a user can select only one RadioButton component at a time.
 ResizeMode The ResizeMode class defines an enumeration of the modes a component uses to resize its children in the dimensions specified by the layout system.
 RichEditableText RichEditableText is a low-level UIComponent for displaying, scrolling, selecting, and editing richly-formatted text.
 RichText RichText is a low-level UIComponent that can display one or more lines of richly-formatted text and embedded images.
 Scroller The Scroller component displays a single scrollable component, called a viewport, and horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
 ScrollSnappingMode     The ScrollSnappingMode class defines the enumeration values for the scrollSnappingMode property of the List and Scroller classes.
 SkinnableContainer The SkinnableContainer class is the base class for skinnable containers that have visual content.
 SkinnableDataContainer The SkinnableDataContainer class is the base container class for data items.
 SkinnablePopUpContainer The SkinnablePopUpContainer class is a SkinnableContainer that functions as a pop-up.
 Spinner A Spinner component selects a value from an ordered set.
 SpinnerList     The SpinnerList component displays a list of items.
 SpinnerListContainer     Container for one or more SpinnerList controls.
 SpinnerListItemRenderer     The SpinnerListItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a SpinnerList control in the mobile theme.
 SplitViewNavigator     The SplitViewNavigator container displays multiple ViewNavigator or TabbedViewNavigator components at the same time in a single container.
 TabBar The TabBar class displays a set of identical tabs.
 TabbedViewNavigator     The TabbedViewNavigator class is a container that manages a collection of view navigator containers.
 TabbedViewNavigatorApplication     The TabbedViewNavigatorApplication container defines an application with multiple sections.
 TextArea TextArea is a text-entry control that lets users enter and edit multiple lines of formatted text.
 TextInput TextInput is a text-entry control that lets users enter and edit a single line of uniformly-formatted text.
 TextSelectionHighlighting This class specifies the allowed values for the selectionHighlighting property of the RichEditableText control, and controls that use RichEditableText as a subcomponent (Spark TextInput and Spark TextArea).
 TileGroup The TileGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the TileLayout class.
 TitleWindow The TitleWindow class extends Panel to include a close button and move area.
 ToggleButton The ToggleButton component defines a toggle button.
 ToggleSwitch     The Spark ToggleSwitch control defines a binary switch that can be in the selected or unselected position.
 VGroup The VGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the VerticalLayout class.
 VideoDisplay The VideoDisplay class is chromeless video player that supports progressive download, multi-bitrate, and streaming video.
 VideoPlayer The VideoPlayer control is a skinnable video player that supports progressive download, multi-bitrate streaming, and streaming video.
 View     The View class is the base container class for all views used by view navigators.
 ViewMenu     The ViewMenu container defines a menu in a View container.
 ViewMenuItem     The ViewMenuItem control displays a label and icon for a menu item in the ViewMenu container.
 ViewNavigator     The ViewNavigator component is a container that consists of a collection of View objects, where only the top most view is visible and active.
 ViewNavigatorApplication     The ViewNavigatorApplication class is an application class meant to provide a simple framework for applications that employ a view-based navigation model.
 VScrollBar The VScrollBar (vertical scrollbar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit vertically in a display area.
 VSlider The VSlider (vertical slider) control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track.
 Window     The Window is a top-level container for additional windows in an AIR desktop application.
 WindowedApplication     The WindowedApplication defines the application container that you use to create Flex applications for AIR applications.

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「ActionScript 3.0 參考」的內容是以英文顯示

並非所有「ActionScript 3.0 參考」的內容都翻譯為所有語言。當語言元素未翻譯時,就會以英文顯示。例如,ga.controls.HelpBox 類別並沒有翻譯為任何語言。因此在參考的繁體中文版本中,ga.controls.HelpBox 類別就會以英文顯示。