符號 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
P — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與 P 鍵的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數 (80)。 | |
package — 陳述式 | |
可讓您將程式碼組織為不連續的群組,這些群組可以匯入其它程式碼中。 | |
PAD — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display.SpreadMethod | |
指定漸層使用 pad 散佈方法。 | |
padding — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.CategoryAxis | |
Specifies the padding added to either side of the axis when rendering data on the screen. | |
padding — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.DataDescription | |
The amount of padding, in data units, that the element requires beyond its min/max values to display its full values correctly . | |
padding — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Specifies padding that Flex adds to the calculated minimum and maximum values for the axis when rendering the values on the screen. | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
以像素為單位的下方內移距 (如果重疊顯示時未定義,則採用預設值)。 | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat:下方內移距 (像素)。 | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat:下方內移距 (像素)。 | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
下方內移距 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
下方內移距 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Specifies the number of pixels between the chart's bottom border and its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Number of pixels between the datatip's bottom border and its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Number of pixels between the legend's bottom border and the bottom of its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Form | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom border and the bottom edge of its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.ViewStack | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom border and its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.FormItem | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom border and the bottom edge of its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Tile | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom border and its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Box | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom border and the bottom of its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Panel | |
Number of pixels between the container's lower border and its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Accordion | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom border and its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between the column header's bottom border and the bottom of the sort item renderer. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The number of pixels between the bottom of the row and the bottom of the renderer in the row. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The number of pixels between the bottom of the row and the bottom of the renderer in the row. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ToolTip | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom border and its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Bottom padding of SwatchPanel object below the swatch grid. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.TextArea | |
Number of pixels between the component's bottom border and the bottom edge of its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Label | |
Number of pixels between the bottom of the Label and the bottom of the text. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.HTML | |
The number of pixels between the bottom edge of this control and the bottom edge of its HTML content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Button | |
Number of pixels between the component's bottom border and the bottom of its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.TextInput | |
Number of pixels between the component's bottom border and the bottom edge of its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Number of pixels between the control's bottom border and the bottom of its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Number of pixels between the bottom border and the LinkButton controls. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.Application | |
Number of pixels between the application's bottom border and its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom border and the bottom of its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.LayoutContainer | |
Number of pixels between the bottom border and its content area. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Bottom inset, in pixels. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.Label | |
Bottom inset, in pixels. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichText | |
Bottom inset, in pixels. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.ActionBar | |
Number of pixels between the bottom border and all content groups. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.ComboBox | |
Bottom inset, in pixels, for the text in the prompt area of the control. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Bottom inset, in pixels, for all header renderers. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Bottom inset, in pixels. | |
paddingBottom — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between the bottom border and the text component of the item renderer. | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.HGroup | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's bottom edge and the bottom of all the container's layout elements. | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.TileGroup | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom edge and the bottom edge of the last layout element. | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.VGroup | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom edge and the bottom edge of the last layout element. | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's bottom edge and the bottom of all the container's layout elements. | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom edge and the bottom edge of the last layout element. | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.VerticalLayout | |
Number of pixels between the container's bottom edge and the bottom edge of the last layout element. | |
paddingBottom — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.HScrollBarThumbSkin | |
Padding from bottom. | |
paddingHorizontal — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.HScrollBarThumbSkin | |
Horizontal padding from left and right. | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
以像素為單位的左方內移距 (如果重疊顯示時未定義,則採用預設值)。 | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat:左方內移距 (像素)。 | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat:左方內移距 (像素)。 | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
左方內移距 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
左方內移距 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.FormHeading | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
The number of pixels between the container's left border and its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
The number of pixels between the container's left border and its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ToolTip | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Left padding of SwatchPanel object to the side of the swatch grid. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.TextArea | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Label | |
Number of pixels between the left of the Label and the left of the text. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.HTML | |
The number of pixels between the left edge of this control and the left edge of its HTML content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Button | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Tree | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.TextInput | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateField | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Left inset, in pixels. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.Label | |
Left inset, in pixels. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichText | |
Left inset, in pixels. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.ActionBar | |
Number of pixels between the left border and the navigationGroup. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.ComboBox | |
Left inset, in pixels, for the text in the prompt area of the control. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Left inset, in pixels, for the first header renderer. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Left inset, in pixels. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between the component's left border and the left edge of its content area. | |
paddingLeft — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
Left inset, in pixels. | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.HGroup | |
Number of pixels between the container's left edge and the left edge of the first layout element. | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.TileGroup | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's left edge and the left edge of the layout element. | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.VGroup | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's left edge and the left edge of the layout element. | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
Number of pixels between the container's left edge and the left edge of the first layout element. | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's left edge and the left edge of the layout element. | |
paddingLeft — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.VerticalLayout | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's left edge and the left edge of the layout element. | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
以像素為單位的右方內移距 (如果重疊顯示時未定義,則採用預設值)。 | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat:右方內移距 (像素)。 | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat:右方內移距 (像素)。 | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
右方內移距 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
右方內移距 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.FormHeading | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.FormItem | |
Number of pixels between the container's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
The number of pixels between the container's right border and its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
The number of pixels between the container's right border and its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ToolTip | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Right padding of SwatchPanel object to the side of the swatch grid. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.TextArea | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Label | |
Number of pixels between the right of the Label and the right of the text. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.HTML | |
The number of pixels between the right edge of this control and the right edge of its HTML content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Button | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Tree | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.TextInput | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateField | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Right inset, in pixels. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.Label | |
Right inset, in pixels. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichText | |
Right inset, in pixels. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.ActionBar | |
Number of pixels between the left border and the actionGroup. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.ComboBox | |
Right inset, in pixels, for the text in the prompt area of the control. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Right inset, in pixels, for the last header renderer. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Right inset, in pixels. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between the component's right border and the right edge of its content area. | |
paddingRight — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
Right inset, in pixels. | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.HGroup | |
Number of pixels between the container's right edge and the right edge of the last layout element. | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.TileGroup | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's right edge and the right edge of the layout element. | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.VGroup | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's right edge and the right edge of the layout element. | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
Number of pixels between the container's right edge and the right edge of the last layout element. | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's right edge and the right edge of the layout element. | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.VerticalLayout | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's right edge and the right edge of the layout element. | |
paddingRight — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.VScrollBarThumbSkin | |
Padding from the right | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
以像素為單位的上方內移距 (如果重疊顯示時未定義,則採用預設值)。 | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat:上方內移距 (像素)。 | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat:上方內移距 (像素)。 | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
上方內移距 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
上方內移距 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Specifies the number of pixels between the chart's top border and its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Number of pixels between the datatip's top border and its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Number of pixels between the legend's top border and the top of its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.FormHeading | |
Number of pixels above the heading text. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Form | |
Number of pixels between the container's top border and the top edge of its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.ViewStack | |
Number of pixels between the container's top border and its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.FormItem | |
Number of pixels between the container's top border and the top edge of its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Tile | |
Number of pixels between the container's top border and its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Box | |
Number of pixels between the container's top border and the top of its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Panel | |
Number of pixels between the container's top border and its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.containers.Accordion | |
Number of pixels between the container's top border and its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between the column header's top border and the top of the sort item renderer. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The number of pixels between the top of the row and the top of the renderer in the row. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The number of pixels between the top of the row and the top of the renderer in the row. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ToolTip | |
Number of pixels between the container's top border and its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Top padding of SwatchPanel object above the swatch grid. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.TextArea | |
Number of pixels between the component's top border and the top edge of its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Label | |
Number of pixels between the top of the Label and the top of the text. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.HTML | |
The number of pixels between the top edge of this control and the top edge of its HTML content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Button | |
Number of pixels between the component's top border and the top of its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.TextInput | |
Number of pixels between the component's top border and the top edge of its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Number of pixels between the control's top border and the top of its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Number of pixels between the top border and the LinkButton controls. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.Application | |
Number of pixels between the application's top border and its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Number of pixels between the container's top border and the top of its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 mx.core.LayoutContainer | |
Number of pixels between the top border and its content area. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Top inset, in pixels. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.Label | |
Top inset, in pixels. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichText | |
Top inset, in pixels. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.ActionBar | |
Number of pixels between the top border and all content groups. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.ComboBox | |
Top inset, in pixels, for the text in the prompt area of the control. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
Top inset, in pixels, for all header renderers. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Top inset, in pixels. | |
paddingTop — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between the top border and the text component of the item renderer. | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.HGroup | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's top edge and the top of all the container's layout elements. | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.TileGroup | |
Number of pixels between the container's top edge and the top edge of the first layout element. | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.VGroup | |
Number of pixels between the container's top edge and the top edge of the first layout element. | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
The minimum number of pixels between the container's top edge and the top of all the container's layout elements. | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Number of pixels between the container's top edge and the top edge of the first layout element. | |
paddingTop — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.VerticalLayout | |
Number of pixels between the container's top edge and the top edge of the first layout element. | |
paddingVertical — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.VScrollBarThumbSkin | |
Vertical padding from top and bottom | |
pageDomain — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.system.Security | |
包含 SWF 內容的 HTML 網頁的網域部分。 | |
PAGE_DOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與 Page Down 鍵的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數 (34)。 | |
PAGE_DOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved down by one page. | |
PAGE_DOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.core.NavigationUnit | |
Navigate one page downwards. | |
pageHeight — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJob | |
頁面實際可列印區域中可以置中的最大區域高度,以點為單位。 | |
pageHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.printing.FlexPrintJob | |
The height of the printable area on the printer page; it does not include any user-set margins. | |
PAGE_LEFT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved left by one page. | |
PAGE_LEFT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.core.NavigationUnit | |
Navigate one page to the left. | |
PAGE_RIGHT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved right by one page. | |
PAGE_RIGHT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.core.NavigationUnit | |
Navigate one page to the right. | |
pageScrollingEnabled — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.List | |
Whether page scrolling is currently enabled for this Scroller | |
pageScrollingEnabled — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Scroller | |
By default, for mobile applications, scrolling is pixel based. | |
pageScrollSize — 屬性, 類別 fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
會取得或設定當按下捲軸軌道時,代表捲動頁面遞增的值。 | |
pageScrollSize — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Amount to move the scroll thumb when the scroll bar track is pressed, in pixels. | |
pageSize — 屬性, 類別 fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
會取得或設定一頁包含的行數。 | |
pageSize — 屬性, 類別 flash.data.SQLConnection | |
指出當最初建立資料庫時 (建立資料庫時,於 open() 或 openAsync() 呼叫中指定的 pageSize 參數值),所指定的資料庫分頁大小 (以位元組為單位)。 | |
pageSize — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
The number of lines equivalent to one page. | |
pageSize — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
The change in the value of the value property when you call the changeValueByPage() method. | |
pageTitle — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.Application | |
Specifies a string that appears in the title bar of the browser. | |
pageTitle — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Application | |
Specifies a string that appears in the title bar of the browser. | |
PAGE_UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與 Page Up 鍵的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數 (33)。 | |
PAGE_UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.ScrollEventDetail | |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved up by one page. | |
PAGE_UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.core.NavigationUnit | |
Navigate one page upwards. | |
pageWidth — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJob | |
頁面實際可列印區域中可以置中的最大區域寬度,以點為單位。 | |
pageWidth — 屬性, 類別 mx.printing.FlexPrintJob | |
The width of the printable area on the printer page; it does not include any user-set margins. | |
paintsDefaultBackground — 屬性, 類別 flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
指定 HTMLLoader 文件的背景是 (true) 否 (false) 為不透明白色。 | |
paintsDefaultBackground — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.HTML | |
Whether this control's HTML content has a default opaque white background or not. | |
paletteMap(sourceBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, destPoint:flash.geom:Point, redArray:Array, greenArray:Array, blueArray:Array, alphaArray:Array) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
重新對應影像 (最多具有四個顏色面板資料陣列) 中的顏色色版值,每個顏色色版值對應一個色版。 | |
pan — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.SoundTransform | |
聲音的左至右相位,範圍介於 -1 (完全左平衡) 到 1 (完全右平衡) 之間。 | |
pan — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.StageVideo | |
顯示指定為 Point 物件之視訊的平移設定。 | |
panEasingFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
The easing function for the pan effect. | |
panEasingFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
The easing function for the pan effect. | |
panel — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.team.TeamMemberDetails | |
The skin part for the panel container showing the header. The skin part for the panel container showing the header. | |
Panel — 類別, 套件 mx.containers | |
A Halo Panel container consists of a title bar, a caption, a border, and a content area for its children. | |
Panel — 類別, 套件 spark.components | |
The Panel class defines a container that includes a title bar, a caption, a border, and a content area for its children. | |
Panel() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.containers.Panel | |
Constructor. | |
Panel() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.Panel | |
Constructor. | |
PanelAccImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.accessibility | |
PanelAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Panel class. | |
PanelAccImpl — 類別, 套件 spark.accessibility | |
PanelAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.Panel. | |
PanelAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.accessibility.PanelAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
PanelAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.accessibility.PanelAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
PanelAutomationImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.automation.delegates.containers | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Panel class. | |
PanelAutomationImpl(obj:mx.containers:Panel) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.containers.PanelAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
PanelBorderSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
PanelBorderSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
PanelBorderSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.spark.PanelBorderSkin | |
Constructor. | |
PanelBorderSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.PanelBorderSkin | |
Constructor. | |
panelLabel — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.StandardWrapperHost | |
panel label skin part. panel label skin part. | |
panelList — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components.OneLevelPanelNavigator | |
The list ui component that will list the pages. The list ui component that will list the pages. | |
PanelSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.halo | |
The PanelSkin class defines the skin for the Panel, TitleWindow, and Alert components. | |
PanelSkin — 類別, 套件 spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for a Spark Panel container. | |
PanelSkin — 類別, 套件 spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark Panel component. | |
PanelSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.halo.PanelSkin | |
Constructor | |
PanelSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.PanelSkin | |
Constructor. | |
PanelSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.PanelSkin | |
Constructor. | |
PanelTitle() — 建構函式, 類別 ga.controls.PanelTitle | |
Constructor. | |
panFrom — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Initial pan of the Sound object. | |
panFrom — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
Initial pan of the Sound object. | |
panTo — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Final pan of the Sound object. | |
panTo — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
Final pan of the Sound object. | |
paperArea — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJob | |
印表機媒體的邊界,以點數為單位。 | |
paperHeight — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJob | |
整體紙張高度,以點為單位。 | |
PaperSize — 最終類別, 套件 flash.printing | |
這個類別提供可用的值,供 PrintJob.selectPaperSize() 方法的 paperSize 參數使用。 | |
paperWidth — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJob | |
整體紙張寬度,以點為單位。 | |
paragraph — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
此行所在的段落 (ParagraphElement)。 | |
ParagraphElement — 最終類別, 套件 flashx.textLayout.elements | |
ParagraphElement 類別代表文字流排階層中的段落。 | |
ParagraphElement() — 建構函式, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement | |
建構函式 - 代表文字流排中的段落。 | |
paragraphEndIndent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat:指定段落結尾邊緣縮排量的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphEndIndent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat:指定段落結尾邊緣縮排量的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphEndIndent — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
指定段落結尾邊緣縮排量的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphEndIndent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
指定段落結尾邊緣縮排量的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichText | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.FormHeading | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.Scroller | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphEndIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. | |
paragraphFormat — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
內含範圍之段落的格式特質。 | |
paragraphFormat — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.factory.StringTextLineFactory | |
段落格式。 | |
paragraphFormat — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyFormatOperation | |
要套用到範圍中段落的格式屬性。 | |
paragraphFormat — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.operations.ClearFormatOperation | |
範圍中段落要解除定義的格式屬性。 | |
ParagraphFormattedElement — 類別, 套件 flashx.textLayout.elements | |
ParagraphFormattedElement 類別是具有段落屬性之 FlowElement 類別的抽象基底類別。 | |
paragraphSeparator — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.conversion.IPlainTextExporter | |
指定用於區隔段落的字元順序 (在文字流排的純文字中)。 | |
paragraphSeparator — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.conversion.PlainTextExporter | |
指定用於區隔段落的字元順序 (在文字流排的純文字中)。 | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat:一個數字,指定段落後面要保留的空間量 (像素)。 | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat:一個數字,指定段落後面要保留的空間量 (像素)。 | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
指定段落之後保留的間距大小的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
指定段落之後保留的間距大小的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichText | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.FormHeading | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.Scroller | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceAfter — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The amount of space to leave after the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat:一個數字,指定段落前面要保留的空間量 (像素)。 | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat:一個數字,指定段落前面要保留的空間量 (像素)。 | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
指定段落之前保留的間距大小的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
指定段落之前保留的間距大小的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichText | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.FormHeading | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.Scroller | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphSpaceBefore — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The amount of space to leave before the paragraph. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat:指定段落開頭邊緣縮排量的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphStartIndent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat:指定段落開頭邊緣縮排量的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphStartIndent — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
指定段落開頭邊緣縮排量的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphStartIndent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
指定段落開頭邊緣縮排量的數字 (以像素為單位)。 | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichText | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.FormHeading | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.Scroller | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
paragraphStartIndent — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. | |
Parallel — 類別, 套件 mx.effects | |
The Parallel effect plays multiple child effects at the same time. | |
Parallel(target:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.effects.Parallel | |
Constructor. | |
ParallelInstance — 類別, 套件 mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The ParallelInstance class implements the instance class for the Parallel effect. | |
ParallelInstance(target:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.ParallelInstance | |
Constructor. | |
parameters — 屬性, 類別 fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
包含名稱/數值配對的物件,可代表提供給載入之 SWF 檔案的參數。 | |
parameters — 屬性, 類別 fl.motion.FunctionEase | |
選擇性的值陣列,這些值要當做其他引數傳遞給加/減速函數。 | |
parameters — 屬性, 類別 flash.data.SQLStatement | |
做為關聯陣列,供您針對 SQL 陳述式之 text 屬性加入其指定的參數值。 | |
parameters — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
包含名稱/數值配對的物件,可代表提供給載入之 SWF 檔案的參數。 | |
parameters — 屬性, 類別 flash.system.LoaderContext | |
包含要傳送至內容的 LoaderInfo 物件之參數的 Object。 | |
parameters — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.Application | |
The parameters property returns an Object containing name-value pairs representing the parameters provided to this Application. | |
parameters — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Application | |
An Object containing name-value pairs representing the parameters provided to this Application. | |
parent() — 方法, 類別 XML | |
會傳回 XML 物件的父輩。 | |
parent() — 方法, 類別 XMLList | |
如果 XMLList 物件中的所有項目都有相同的父輩,則會傳回該 XMLList 物件的父輩。 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 fl.ik.IKJoint | |
父輩 IKJoint 物件。 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.DisplayObject | |
指出包含此顯示物件的 DisplayObjectContainer 物件。 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.NativeMenu | |
父選單。 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
包含這個 File 物件所參考檔案或目錄的目錄。 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetworkInterface | |
代表父輩介面的 NetworkInterface 物件 (如果這個介面有父輩)。 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回此 FlowElement 物件的父輩。 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.operations.CreateDivOperation | |
指定新 DivElement 的父元素 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.operations.CreateListOperation | |
指定此操作要將新 ListElement 加入其中的元素。 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.operations.CreateSubParagraphGroupOperation | |
指定此作業修改的元素。 | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
The parent AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance if this column is part of a column group. | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.DesignLayer | |
This layer's parent layer. | |
parent — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
指出包含此顯示物件的 DisplayObjectContainer 物件。 | |
parent — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IVisualElement | |
The parent container or component for this component. | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
The parent container or component for this component. | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
The parent container or component for this component. | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
The parent container or component for this component. | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Override parent property to handle the case where the parent is in a differnt sandbox. | |
parent — 屬性, 介面 mx.olap.IOLAPLevel | |
The parent level of this level, or null if this level is not nested in another level. | |
parent — 屬性, 介面 mx.olap.IOLAPMember | |
The parent of this member. | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPLevel | |
The parent level of this level, or null if this level is not nested in another level. | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPMember | |
The parent of this member. | |
parent — 屬性, 介面 mx.styles.IStyleManager2 | |
The style manager that is the parent of this StyleManager. | |
parent — 屬性, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The parent container or component for this component. | |
PARENT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.core.ApplicationDomainTarget | |
The application domain of the parent module factory. | |
PARENT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.managers.PopUpManagerChildList | |
Indicates that the popup is placed in whatever child list the parent component is in. | |
parentAllowsChild — 屬性, 類別 fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
表示 ProLoader (父輩) 對內容 (子系) 的信任關係。 | |
parentAllowsChild — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
傳達 Loader (父輩) 對內容 (子系) 的信任關係。 | |
parentAllowsChild — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Tests if the parent allows its child to access its display objects or listen to messages that originate in the parent. | |
parentAllowsChild — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.ISWFBridgeProvider | |
Tests if the parent allows its child to access its display objects or listen to messages that originate in the parent. | |
parentAllowsChild — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
Tests if the parent allows its child to access its display objects or listen to messages that originate in the parent. | |
parentAllowsChild — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
parentApplication — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
A reference to the Application object that contains this UIComponent instance. | |
parentBridge — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.ISWFBridgeGroup | |
The bridge that is used to communicate with this group's parent application. | |
parentBridge — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.SWFBridgeGroup | |
Allows communication with the parent if the parent is in a different sandbox. | |
parentChanged(p:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
parentChanged(p:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — 方法, 介面 mx.core.IUIComponent | |
Called by Flex when a UIComponent object is added to or removed from a parent. | |
parentChanged(p:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Called by Flex when a UIComponent object is added to or removed from a parent. | |
parentChanged(p:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
This function is called when a UITextField object is assigned a parent. | |
parentChanged(p:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
This function is called when a UITextField object is assigned a parent. | |
parentChanged(p:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — 方法, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Called by Flex when a UIComponent object is added to or removed from a parent. | |
parentChanged(parent:spark.core:IGraphicElementContainer) — 方法, 介面 spark.core.IGraphicElement | |
Called by IGraphicElementContainer when an IGraphicElement is added to or removed from the host component. | |
parentChanged(value:spark.core:IGraphicElementContainer) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Called by IGraphicElementContainer when an IGraphicElement is added to or removed from the host component. | |
parentDocument — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
A reference to the parent document object for this UIComponent. | |
parentDocument — 屬性, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
The document containing this component. | |
parentDomain — 屬性, 類別 flash.system.ApplicationDomain | |
會取得此應用程式網域的父網域。 | |
parentDrawsFocus — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.MXFTETextInput | |
If true, calls to this control's drawFocus() method are forwarded to its parent's drawFocus() method. | |
parentDrawsFocus — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.TextInput | |
If true, calls to this control's drawFocus() method are forwarded to its parent's drawFocus() method. | |
parentDrawsFocus — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.ITextInput | |
If true, calls to this control's drawFocus() method are forwarded to its parent's drawFocus() method. | |
parentMenu — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.Menu | |
The parent menu in a hierarchical chain of menus, where the current menu is a submenu of the parent. | |
parentNavigator — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase | |
The parent navigator for this navigator. | |
parentNode — 屬性, 類別 flash.xml.XMLNode | |
XMLNode 值,會參照指定之 XML 物件的父節點;或者如果此節點沒有父節點,則傳回 null。 | |
parentRelativeEnd — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回父輩中此 FlowElement 物件的相對結尾。 | |
parentRelativeStart — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
傳回父輩中此 FlowElement 物件的相對開頭。 | |
parentSandboxBridge — 屬性, 類別 fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
物件,可以透過程式碼在 ProLoader 物件之安全執行程序中設定,以顯露屬性和方法供所載入之內容的程式碼存取。 | |
parentSandboxBridge — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
物件,可以透過程式碼在 Loader 物件之安全執行程序中設定,以顯露屬性和方法供所載入之內容的程式碼存取。 | |
parse(date:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 Date | |
將代表日期的字串轉換成數字形式,該數字等於從 UTC 時間 1970 年一月 1 日開始經過的毫秒數。 | |
parse(text:String, reviver:Function) — 靜態方法 , 類別 JSON | |
接受 JSON 格式的 String 並傳回表示該值的 ActionScript Object。 | |
parse(inputString:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
將字串剖析為貨幣金額與貨幣符號。 | |
parse(parseString:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.NumberFormatter | |
剖析字串並傳回包含剖析後元素的 NumberParseResult 物件。 | |
parse(s:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.automation.AutomationID | |
Parses the string and returns an id. | |
parse(inputString:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
Parses a string into a currency amount and a currency symbol. | |
parse(inputString:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.formatters.NumberFormatter | |
Parses a string and returns a NumberParseResult object containing the parsed elements. | |
parseCSS(CSSText:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.StyleSheet | |
會剖析 CSSText 中的 CSS,並以該 CSS 載入樣式表。 | |
parseDateString(str:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.formatters.DateFormatter | |
Converts a date that is formatted as a String into a Date object. | |
parseError — 屬性, 類別 spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase | |
Error message when number could not be parsed. | |
PARSE_ERROR — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
表示剖析數字失敗。 | |
PARSE_ERROR — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that the parsing of a number failed. | |
parseFloat(str:String) — 套件函數, 最上層 | |
將字串轉換成浮點數。 | |
parseFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.DateTimeAxis | |
Specifies a method that customizes the value of the data points. | |
parseFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Specify a parseFunction to customize how the values rendered by your chart are converted into numeric values. | |
parseFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.DateField | |
Function used to parse the date entered as text in the text field area of the DateField control and return a Date object to the control. | |
parseInt(str:String, radix:uint) — 套件函數, 最上層 | |
將字串轉換成整數。 | |
parseLabelToMnemonicIndex(data:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Extracts the mnemonic index from a label based on the presence of an underscore character. | |
parseLabelToString(data:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Determines the actual label to be used for the NativeMenuItem by removing underscore characters and converting escaped underscore characters, if there are any. | |
parseNumber(parseString:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.globalization.NumberFormatter | |
剖析只含數字與選擇性空白字元的字串,然後傳回一個數字。 | |
parseNumber(parseString:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.formatters.NumberFormatter | |
Parses a string that contains only digits and optional whitespace characters and returns a Number. | |
parseNumberString(str:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.formatters.NumberBase | |
Extracts a number from a formatted String. | |
parser — 屬性, 類別 org.osmf.elements.ManifestLoaderBase | |
parserTimer — 屬性, 類別 org.osmf.elements.ManifestLoaderBase | |
parseXML(source:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.xml.XMLDocument | |
會剖析 value 參數中指定的 XML 文字,並以產生的 XML 樹狀結構填入指定的 XMLDocument 物件。 | |
partAdded(partName:String, instance:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Called when a skin part is added. | |
partAdded(partName:String, instance:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.SpinnerList | |
Called when a skin part is added. | |
partAdded(partName:String, instance:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Called when a skin part is added. | |
partRemoved(partName:String, instance:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Called when an instance of a skin part is being removed. | |
partRemoved(partName:String, instance:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.SpinnerList | |
Called when an instance of a skin part is being removed. | |
partRemoved(partName:String, instance:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Called when an instance of a skin part is being removed. | |
passwordCharacter — 屬性, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
取得或設定用來隱藏密碼區塊之字元的字元。 | |
passwordPrompt — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
由伺服器提供,要求提供密碼憑證的提示。 | |
paste() — 方法, 類別 flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
在取得焦點的顯示物件上叫用內部貼上命令。 | |
paste — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
當使用者針對貼上作業啟動平台特有的快速鍵組合或從文字快顯選單中選取「貼上」時傳送。 | |
paste — 屬性, 類別 flash.ui.ContextMenuClipboardItems | |
啟用或停用剪貼簿選單上的「貼上」項目。 | |
PASTE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.Event | |
Event.PASTE 常數會定義 paste 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
PasteOperation — 類別, 套件 flashx.textLayout.operations | |
PasteOperation 類別封裝貼上作業。 | |
PasteOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, textScrap:flashx.textLayout.edit:TextScrap) — 建構函式, 類別 flashx.textLayout.operations.PasteOperation | |
建立 PasteOperation 物件。 | |
pasteTextScrap(scrapToPaste:flashx.textLayout.edit:TextScrap, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
將 TextScrap 貼入選取的區域。 | |
pasteTextScrap(scrapToPaste:flashx.textLayout.edit:TextScrap, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
將 TextScrap 貼入選取的區域。 | |
path — 屬性, 類別 air.update.events.StatusFileUpdateEvent | |
更新 File 物件的 nativePath 屬性,由 installFromAIRFile() 方法呼叫中的 airFile 參數所指定。 | |
Path — 類別, 套件 spark.primitives | |
The Path class is a filled graphic element that draws a series of path segments. | |
Path() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.primitives.Path | |
Constructor. | |
PATTERN_SYNTAX_ERROR — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
表示格式化數字、日期或時間的樣式無效。 | |
PATTERN_SYNTAX_ERROR — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that the pattern for formatting a number, date, or time is invalid. | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
暫停播放動畫,直到您呼叫 resume() 方法為止。 | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
會暫停播放視訊串流。 | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
暫停視訊播放。 | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 flash.net.NetStream | |
會暫停播放視訊串流。 | |
pause() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.system.System | |
暫停 Flash Player 或 AIR 除錯啟動程式 (ADL)。 | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Pauses playback without moving the playhead. | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.Effect | |
Pauses the effect until you call the resume() method. | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
Pauses the effect until you call the resume() method. | |
pause() — 方法, 介面 mx.effects.IEffect | |
Pauses the effect until you call the resume() method. | |
pause() — 方法, 介面 mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
Pauses the effect until you call the resume() method. | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.Tween | |
Pauses the effect until you call the resume() method. | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Pauses the effect until you call the resume() method. | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Pauses playback without moving the playhead. | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Pauses playback without moving the playhead. | |
pause() — 方法, 類別 spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
Pauses the effect until the resume() method is called. | |
Pause — 類別, 套件 mx.effects | |
The Pause effect is useful when sequencing effects. | |
Pause(target:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.effects.Pause | |
Constructor. | |
PAUSE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.ThrottleType | |
此常數可用於 ThrottleEvent 類別中的 status 屬性。 | |
PAUSE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與用來暫停傳輸模式之按鈕的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數。 | |
pauseButton — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
「暫停」按鈕控制項。 | |
pauseButton — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
An optional skin part for the pause button. An optional skin part for the pause button. | |
paused — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Boolean 值,當 FLV 檔處於暫停狀態時則為 true。 | |
paused — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Paused state of the VideoPlayer | |
PAUSED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoState | |
視訊播放程式處於暫停狀態。 | |
PAUSED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.VideoEvent | |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property when an FLV file is loaded, but play is paused. | |
pausedAndFullScreen — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Paused state of the VideoPlayer when in full screen mode. | |
pausedStateEntered — 事件, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
在播放程式進入暫停狀態時傳送。 | |
PAUSED_STATE_ENTERED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoEvent | |
定義 pausedStateEntered 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
pauseForGCIfCollectionImminent(imminence:Number) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.system.System | |
建議為垃圾回收器,如果回收器的 imminence 超過函數的 imminence 參數,則回收器應完成遞增式回收循環。 | |
PauseInstance — 類別, 套件 mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The PauseInstance class implements the instance class for the Pause effect. | |
PauseInstance(target:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.PauseInstance | |
Constructor. | |
pauseSampling() — 套件函數, flash.sampler | |
暫時停止取樣程序。 | |
pauseSymbol — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.PlayPauseButtonSkin | |
Defines the pause symbol. | |
pauseSymbol — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.PlayPauseButtonSkin | |
Defines the pause symbol. | |
pauseSymbol — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.PlayPauseButtonSkin | |
Defines the pause symbol. | |
pauseWhenHidden — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Controls whether the video continues to play when it is "hidden". | |
pauseWhenHidden — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Controls whether the video continues to play when it is "hidden". | |
PCMA — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.SoundCodec | |
指定將 G711 A-law 轉碼器用於壓縮音效。 | |
PCMU — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.SoundCodec | |
指定將 G711 u-law 轉碼器用於壓縮音效。 | |
pdfBoxPosition — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.StandardWrapperHost | |
pdf skin part. pdf skin part. | |
pdfCapability — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
使用者系統上的 PDF 支援類型,定義為整數碼值。 | |
pdfCapability — 靜態屬性, 類別 mx.controls.HTML | |
The type of PDF support on the user's system, defined as an integer code value. | |
pdfCertificateCheckBox — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.SignatureTab | |
A reference to the CheckBox object that displays the option to apply a digital certificate for approval. A reference to the CheckBox object that displays the option to apply a digital certificate for approval. | |
pdfCertificateRadioButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.SignatureTab | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the option to apply a digital certificate for approval. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the option to apply a digital certificate for approval. | |
pdfSignatureRadioButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.SignatureTab | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the option that the stage requires a digital signature for approval. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays the option that the stage requires a digital signature for approval. | |
peekFirst() — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationID | |
Returns the first object in the id | |
peekLast() — 方法, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationID | |
Returns the last object in the id. | |
peekRedo() — 方法, 介面 flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
傳回下一個要重做的作業。 | |
peekRedo() — 方法, 類別 flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
傳回下一個要重做的作業。 | |
peekUndo() — 方法, 介面 flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
傳回下一個要還原的作業。 | |
peekUndo() — 方法, 類別 flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
傳回下一個要還原的作業。 | |
peerStreams — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetStream | |
物件,保存正在偵聽此發佈 NetStream 實體的所有訂閱 NetStream 實體。 | |
peerToPeerDisabled — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.GroupSpecifier | |
指定是否停用 NetGroup 或 NetStream 的對等式連線。 | |
PEN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEventIntent | |
觸控事件是由作用中觸控筆的主要端點,或是可以區別鋼筆與觸控的系統上的鋼筆所產生。 | |
PENDING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.SharedObjectFlushStatus | |
指出已提示使用者在進行清除作業之前,增加共享物件的磁碟空間。 | |
pendingValue — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
The value the scrollbar will have when the mouse button is released. | |
pendingValue — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
The value the slider will have when the mouse button is released. | |
percentComplete — 屬性, 類別 fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
會取得介於 0 和 100 之間的數字,表示已載入內容的百分比。 | |
percentComplete — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Percentage of process that is completed.The range is 0 to 100. | |
percentFormat — 屬性, 類別 mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
The TextFormat of the TextField component for displaying the percent. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintRow | |
Number that specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Number that specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IUIComponent | |
Number that specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
Specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Number that specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentHeight — 屬性, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentLoaded — 屬性, 類別 fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
會取得介於 0 和 100 之間的數字,表示已載入內容的百分比。 | |
percentLoaded — 屬性, 類別 fl.containers.UILoader | |
會取得介於 0 和 100 之間的數字,表示已載入內容的百分比。 | |
percentLoaded — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
The percentage of the image or SWF file already loaded. | |
percentRect — 屬性, 類別 mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
The dimensions of the TextField component for displaying the percent. | |
percentValue — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem | |
The percentage this value represents of the total pie. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintColumn | |
Number that specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent container's size. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Number that specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
Specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IUIComponent | |
Number that specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
Specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Number that specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
percentWidth — 屬性, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. | |
perElementOffset — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.Effect | |
Additional delay, in milliseconds, for effect targets after the first target of the effect. | |
perElementOffset — 屬性, 介面 mx.effects.IEffect | |
Additional delay, in milliseconds, for effect targets after the first target of the effect. | |
PerformanceLog() — 建構函式, 類別 ga.controls.PerformanceLog | |
Constructor. | |
performRedo() — 方法, 介面 flashx.undo.IOperation | |
重新執行作業。 | |
performUndo() — 方法, 介面 flashx.undo.IOperation | |
反轉作業。 | |
period — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.drm.DRMPlaybackTimeWindow | |
DRM 憑證有效期間的時間長度 (播放視窗),以秒為單位。 | |
PERIOD — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與 . 鍵的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數 (190)。 | |
perlinNoise(baseX:Number, baseY:Number, numOctaves:uint, randomSeed:int, stitch:Boolean, fractalNoise:Boolean, channelOptions:uint, grayScale:Boolean, offsets:Array) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
產生 Perlin 雜點影像。 | |
PermissionError — 類別, 套件 flash.errors | |
當應用程式嘗試存取資源而未先要求適當的權限時,就會傳送權限錯誤。 | |
PermissionError(message:String, id:int) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.errors.PermissionError | |
建立 PermissionError 類別的新實體。 | |
PermissionEvent — 最終類別, 套件 flash.events | |
PermissionEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, status:String) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.events.PermissionEvent | |
建立 PermissionEvent 物件,其中包含有關權限名稱及其狀態的資訊。 | |
permissionName — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.renderers.AttachmentIconRenderer | |
The skin part to show the permissions for the attachment. The skin part to show the permissions for the attachment. | |
permissions — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.AttachmentList | |
The permissions selection dropdown list. The permissions selection dropdown list. | |
permissionStatus — 事件, 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
當應用程式要求權限以存取檔案系統時傳送。 | |
permissionStatus — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
判斷應用程式是否已獲得存取檔案系統的權限。 | |
permissionStatus — 事件, 類別 flash.media.Camera | |
當應用程式要求權限以使用裝置上的攝影機時傳送。 | |
permissionStatus — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.Camera | |
判斷應用程式是否已獲得使用攝影機的權限。 | |
permissionStatus — 事件, 類別 flash.media.CameraRoll | |
當應用程式要求權限以存取相機膠捲時傳送。 | |
permissionStatus — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.CameraRoll | |
判斷應用程式是否已獲得存取相機膠捲的權限。 | |
permissionStatus — 事件, 類別 flash.media.CameraUI | |
當應用程式要求權限以存取 Camera UI 時傳送。 | |
permissionStatus — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.CameraUI | |
判斷應用程式是否已獲得使用攝影機的權限。 | |
permissionStatus — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.Microphone | |
判斷應用程式是否已獲得使用麥克風的權限。 | |
permissionStatus — 事件, 類別 flash.net.FileReference | |
當應用程式要求權限以存取檔案系統時傳送。 | |
permissionStatus — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.FileReference | |
判斷應用程式是否已獲得存取檔案系統的權限。 | |
permissionStatus — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetworkInfo | |
判斷應用程式是否已獲得存取 NetworkInfo 的權限。 | |
permissionStatus — 事件, 類別 flash.sensors.Geolocation | |
permissionStatus — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.sensors.Geolocation | |
PermissionStatus — 最終類別, 套件 flash.permissions | |
PermissionStatus 類別是指定權限授權狀態的常數值的列舉。 | |
PERMISSION_STATUS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.PermissionEvent | |
PERSIAN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
使用波斯文編號。 | |
persistenceManager — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | |
The PersistenceManager object for the application. | |
PersistenceManager — 類別, 套件 spark.managers | |
The PersistenceManager class is a basic persistence manager that is backed by a local shared object named FxAppCache. | |
PersistenceManager() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.managers.PersistenceManager | |
Constructor. | |
persistNavigatorState — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | |
Toggles the application session caching feature for the application. | |
perspectiveProjection — 屬性, 類別 flash.geom.Transform | |
讓使用者存取三維顯示物件的 PerspectiveProjection 物件。 | |
PerspectiveProjection — 類別, 套件 flash.geom | |
PerspectiveProjection 類別提供指定或修改顯示物件及其所有子系之透視變形的簡單方式。 | |
PerspectiveProjection() — 建構函式, 類別 flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection | |
建立 PerspectiveProjection 物件的實體。 | |
perWedgeExplodeRadius — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
An Array of numbers from 0 to 1, specifying how far each wedge of the pie series should be exploded from the center of the chart as a percentage of the total radius. | |
phase — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.GestureEvent | |
GesturePhase 類別的值,指出觸控手勢的進度。 | |
PHONE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.SoftKeyboardType | |
輸入電話號碼的最佳化鍵盤。 | |
PhoneFormatter — 類別, 套件 mx.formatters | |
The PhoneFormatter class formats a valid number into a phone number format, including international configurations. | |
PhoneFormatter() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.formatters.PhoneFormatter | |
Constructor. | |
PhoneNumberValidator — 類別, 套件 mx.validators | |
The PhoneNumberValidator class validates that a string is a valid phone number. | |
PhoneNumberValidator() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.validators.PhoneNumberValidator | |
Constructor. | |
Photo — 類別, 套件 fl.transitions | |
會使影片片段物件像照相閃光燈一樣出現或消失。 | |
physicalKeyboardType — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
指出電腦或裝置提供的實體鍵盤類型 (如果有的話)。 | |
PI — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 Math | |
代表圓周與直徑之比例的數學常數,以 pi 來表示,其值為 3.141592653589793。 | |
PieChart — 類別, 套件 mx.charts | |
The PieChart control represents a data series as a standard pie chart. | |
PieChart() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.PieChart | |
Constructor. | |
PieChartHorizontalSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins.PieChartHorizontalSkin | |
Constructor. | |
PieSeries — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.series | |
The PieSeries class defines the data series for a PieChart control. | |
PieSeries() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Constructor. | |
PieSeriesAutomationImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LineSeries class. | |
PieSeriesAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts.series:PieSeries) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.charts.PieSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
PieSeriesItem — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.series.items | |
Represents the information required to render a single wedge as part of a PieSeries. | |
PieSeriesItem(element:mx.charts.series:PieSeries, data:Object, index:uint) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem | |
Constructor. | |
PieSeriesRenderData — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.series.renderData | |
Represents all the information needed by the PieSeries to render. | |
PieSeriesRenderData(cache:Array, filteredCache:Array, labelScale:Number, labelData:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.series.renderData.PieSeriesRenderData | |
Constructor. | |
PIGGYBACKING_ENABLED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.messaging.channels.PollingChannel | |
pitch — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.DeviceRotationEvent | |
沿著 X 軸的俯仰 (以度為測量單位)。 | |
PIXEL — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.GridFitType | |
會使強的水平和垂直線符合像素格線。 | |
pixelAspectRatio — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.system.Capabilities | |
會指定螢幕的像素比例。 | |
pixelBounds — 屬性, 類別 flash.geom.Transform | |
Rectangle 物件,定義舞台上顯示物件的矩形邊界。 | |
pixelDissolve(sourceBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, destPoint:flash.geom:Point, randomSeed:int, numPixels:int, fillColor:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
執行從來源影像至目標影像,或使用相同影像的像素溶解效果。 | |
PixelDissolve — 類別, 套件 fl.transitions | |
PixelDissolve 類別會使用隨機出現或消失的棋盤圖樣矩形來顯現影片片段物件。 | |
pixelHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianTransform | |
The height of the data area that the CartesianTransform represents, in pixels. | |
pixelHinting — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsStroke | |
指定是否要提示筆畫使用完整的像素。 | |
pixelHinting — 屬性, 類別 mx.graphics.GradientStroke | |
A Boolean value that specifies whether to hint strokes to full pixels. | |
pixelHinting — 屬性, 類別 mx.graphics.SolidColorStroke | |
Specifies whether to hint strokes to full pixels. | |
pixelMaxScrollV — 屬性, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
pixelScrollV 的最大值。 | |
pixelScrollV — 屬性, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
文字欄位中文字的垂直位置 (以像素為單位),與以線條為基礎的 scrollV 不同。 | |
pixelSnapping — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.Bitmap | |
控制 Bitmap 物件是否貼齊最近的像素。 | |
PixelSnapping — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
PixelSnapping 類別是常數值的列舉項目,可使用 Bitmap 物件的 pixelSnapping 屬性來設定像素貼齊選項。 | |
pixelsPerInch — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJobOptions | |
指定使用於點陣圖的解析度,以每英寸像素為單位。 | |
pixelsToPercent(pxl:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.Box | |
Method used to convert number of pixels to a percentage relative to the contents of this container. | |
pixelWidth — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianTransform | |
The width of the data area that the CartesianTransform represents, in pixels. | |
placeButtons(align:String, unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number, leftOffset:Number, rightOffset:Number, cornerOffset:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.windowClasses.TitleBar | |
Determines the placement of the buttons in the title bar. | |
placeholderName — 屬性, 類別 fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
使用 ActionScript 建立實體時,這會是顯示在舞台上且會被我們取代的實體。 | |
placeLoadStringContentInApplicationSandbox — 屬性, 類別 flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
指定透過 loadString() 方法所載入的內容是放入應用程式安全執行程序中 (true),或是放入非應用程式安全執行程序中 (false)。 | |
placement — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
The side of the chart the axisRenderer will appear on. | |
placement — 屬性, 介面 mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer | |
The side of the chart the axisRenderer will appear on. | |
placeSortArrow() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Draws the sort arrow graphic on the column that is the current sort key. | |
placeSortArrow() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader | |
Draws the sort arrow graphic on the column that is the current sort key. | |
placeTitle(titleAlign:String, leftOffset:Number, rightOffset:Number, buttonAlign:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.windowClasses.TitleBar | |
Determines the alignment of the title in the title bar. | |
PlainTextExporter — 類別, 套件 flashx.textLayout.conversion | |
純文字格式的匯出轉換器。 | |
PlainTextExporter() — 建構函式, 類別 flashx.textLayout.conversion.PlainTextExporter | |
建構函式 | |
PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter | |
純文字格式。 | |
PLATFORM_API_FAILED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
表示某作業的基礎平台 API 失敗。 | |
PLATFORM_API_FAILED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that an underlying platform API failed for an operation. | |
play(startTime:int, startEnterFrame:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
開始播放動畫。 | |
play(source:String, totalTime:Number, isLive:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
播放視訊串流。 | |
play(url:String, totalTime:Number, isLive:Boolean, startTime:Number, duration:Number) — 方法, 類別 fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
播放視訊。 | |
play() — 方法, 類別 flash.display.MovieClip | |
移動影片片段時間軸上的播放磁頭。 | |
play(startTime:Number, loops:int, sndTransform:flash.media:SoundTransform) — 方法, 類別 flash.media.Sound | |
會產生新的 SoundChannel 物件,以便播放聲音。 | |
play(... rest) — 方法, 類別 flash.net.NetStream | |
從本機目錄或網站伺服器播放媒體檔案;從 Flash Media Server 播放媒體檔案或即時串流。 | |
play — 屬性, 類別 flash.ui.ContextMenuBuiltInItems | |
可讓使用者啟動暫停的 SWF 檔案 (不會在單一影格的 SWF 檔案出現)。 | |
play() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.MovieClipSWFLoader | |
Begins playing the SWF content. | |
play() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Plays the media file. | |
play(targets:Array, playReversedFromEnd:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.Effect | |
Begins playing the effect. | |
play() — 方法, 類別 mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
Plays the effect instance on the target. | |
play(targets:Array, playReversedFromEnd:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.effects.IEffect | |
Begins playing the effect. | |
play() — 方法, 介面 mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
Plays the effect instance on the target. | |
play() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Causes the video to play. | |
play() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Causes the video to play. | |
play() — 方法, 類別 spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
Start the animation. | |
play() — 方法, 類別 spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Called by the ViewNavigator when the transition should begin animating. | |
PLAY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與用來執行播放傳輸模式之按鈕的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數。 | |
play2(param:flash.net:NetStreamPlayOptions) — 方法, 類別 flash.net.NetStream | |
當連線中斷並重新連線時,以多重位元速率在檔案間順暢地切換,並且允許 NetStream 重新開始。 | |
playbackBytesPerSecond — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetStreamInfo | |
傳回串流播放速率 (以每秒位元組為單位)。 | |
playbackError — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Playback Error state of the VideoPlayer. An error was encountered while trying to play the video. | |
playbackErrorAndFullScreen — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Playback Error state of the VideoPlayer when in full screen mode. An error was encountered while trying to play the video. | |
playbackTimeWindow — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.drm.DRMVoucher | |
經初次檢視後,可再檢視或檢閱相關內容的期間。 | |
playButton — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
「播放」按鈕控制項。 | |
playButton — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
An optional skin part for the play button. An optional skin part for the play button. | |
playCount — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
Number of times that the instance has been played. | |
playedAction — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.ActionEffectInstance | |
Indicates whether the effect has been played (true), or not (false). | |
playedArea — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.mediaClasses.ScrubBar | |
An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the video that's been played. An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the video that's been played. | |
playedArea — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarSkin | |
An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the video that's been played. | |
playedArea — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarSkin | |
An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the video that's been played. | |
playedArea — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.ScrubBarSkin | |
An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the video that's been played. | |
playerControls — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
An optional skin part for all of the player controls. This skin is used to determine what to hide when the player is in full screen mode and there has been no user interaction. An optional skin part for all of the player controls. | |
playerControls — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part for all of the player controls. | |
playerControls — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part for all of the player controls. | |
playerType — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.system.Capabilities | |
指定執行階段環境的類型。 | |
playheadPercentage — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
數字,指定目前的 playheadTime 做為 totalTime 屬性的百分比。 | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
數字,表示目前播放磁頭時間或位置,以秒為單位,可以是分數值。 | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoEvent | |
數字,表示目前播放磁頭時間或位置,以秒為單位,可以是分數值。 | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
數字,表示目前播放磁頭時間或位置,以秒為單位,可以是分數值。 | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Playhead position, measured in seconds, since the video starting playing. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.Effect | |
Current time position of the effect. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
Current time position of the effect. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 介面 mx.effects.IEffect | |
Current time position of the effect. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 介面 mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
Current time position of the effect. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.CompositeEffectInstance | |
Current time position of the effect. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.ParallelInstance | |
Current time position of the effect. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.SequenceInstance | |
Current time position of the effect. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.TweenEffectInstance | |
Current time position of the effect. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 mx.events.VideoEvent | |
The location of the playhead of the VideoDisplay control when the event occurs. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
The total elapsed time of the animation, including any start delay and repetitions. | |
playheadTime — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateInstance | |
Current time position of the effect. | |
playheadUpdate — 事件, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
當 FLV 檔以 playheadUpdateInterval 屬性指定的頻率播放或開始倒帶時傳送。 | |
playheadUpdate — 事件, 類別 fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
當 FLV 檔以 playheadUpdateInterval 屬性指定的頻率播放或開始倒帶時傳送。 | |
playheadUpdate — 事件, 類別 mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Dispatched continuosly while the video is playing. | |
PLAYHEAD_UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoEvent | |
定義 playheadUpdate 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
PLAYHEAD_UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.VideoEvent | |
The VideoEvent.PLAYHEAD_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a playheadUpdate event. | |
playheadUpdateInterval — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
數字,表示每個 playheadUpdate 事件之間的時間長度,以毫秒為單位。 | |
playheadUpdateInterval — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
數字,表示每個 playheadUpdate 事件之間的時間長度,以毫秒為單位。 | |
playheadUpdateInterval — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, between each playheadUpdate event. | |
playing — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
Boolean 值,當 FLV 檔處於播放狀態時則為 true。 | |
playing — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
If true, the media is currently playing. | |
playing — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Playing state of the VideoPlayer | |
playing — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Contains true if the video is playing or is attempting to play. | |
playing — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Contains true if the video is playing or is attempting to play. | |
PLAYING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoState | |
視訊播放程式處於播放狀態。 | |
PLAYING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.VideoEvent | |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property when an FLV file is loaded and is playing. | |
playingAndFullScreen — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Playing state of the VideoPlayer when in full screen mode. | |
playingStateEntered — 事件, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
進入播放狀態時傳送。 | |
PLAYING_STATE_ENTERED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoEvent | |
定義 playingStateEntered 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
PLAYLIST_SIGNING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.security.SignerTrustSettings | |
憑證受到信任,可以簽署播放清單。 | |
PLAY_PAUSE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與用來執行播放/暫停傳輸模式之按鈕的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數。 | |
playPauseButton — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
「播放/暫停」按鈕控制項。 | |
playPauseButton — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
An optional skin part for a play/pause button. When the video is playing, the selected property is set to true. When the video is paused or stopped, the selected property is set to false. An optional skin part for a play/pause button. | |
playPauseButton — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part for a play/pause button. | |
playPauseButton — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part for a play/pause button. | |
PlayPauseButtonSkin — 類別, 套件 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | |
The default skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
PlayPauseButtonSkin — 類別, 套件 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | |
The default skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
PlayPauseButtonSkin — 類別, 套件 spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | |
The wireframe skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
PlayPauseButtonSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.PlayPauseButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
PlayPauseButtonSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.PlayPauseButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
PlayPauseButtonSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.PlayPauseButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
playReversed — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
If true, play the animation in reverse. | |
playSymbol — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.PlayPauseButtonSkin | |
Defines the play symbol. | |
playSymbol — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.PlayPauseButtonSkin | |
Defines the play symbol. | |
playSymbol — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.PlayPauseButtonSkin | |
Defines the play symbol. | |
PlayTrait() — 建構函式, 類別 org.osmf.traits.PlayTrait | |
Constructor. | |
playWhenEnoughDownloaded() — 方法, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
在充分下載 FLV 檔之後加以播放。 | |
playWhenEnoughDownloaded() — 方法, 類別 fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
在充分下載 FLV 檔之後加以播放。 | |
PlotChart — 類別, 套件 mx.charts | |
The PlotChart control represents data with two values for each data point. | |
PlotChart() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.PlotChart | |
Constructor. | |
PlotSeries — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.series | |
Defines a data series for a PlotChart control. | |
PlotSeries() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
Constructor. | |
PlotSeriesAutomationImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the PlotSeries class. | |
PlotSeriesAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts.series:PlotSeries) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.charts.PlotSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
PlotSeriesItem — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.series.items | |
Represents the information required to render an item as part of a PlotSeries. | |
PlotSeriesItem(element:mx.charts.series:PlotSeries, data:Object, index:uint) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.series.items.PlotSeriesItem | |
Constructor. | |
PlotSeriesRenderData — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.series.renderData | |
Represents all the information needed by the PlotSeries to render. | |
PlotSeriesRenderData(cache:Array, filteredCache:Array, radius:Number) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.series.renderData.PlotSeriesRenderData | |
Constructor. | |
PLUGIN_IMPLEMENTATION_INVALID — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 org.osmf.events.MediaErrorCodes | |
Error constant for when a plugin fails to load due to the PluginInfo not being exposed on the root Sprite of the plugin. | |
PLUGIN_MEDIAFACTORY_NAMESPACE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 org.osmf.media.PluginInfo | |
Metadata namespace URL for a MediaFactory that is passed from player to plugin. | |
PLUGIN_VERSION_INVALID — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 org.osmf.events.MediaErrorCodes | |
Error constant for when a plugin fails to load due to a version mismatch. | |
PNGEncoder — 類別, 套件 mx.graphics.codec | |
The PNGEncoder class converts raw bitmap images into encoded images using Portable Network Graphics (PNG) lossless compression. | |
PNGEncoder() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.graphics.codec.PNGEncoder | |
Constructor. | |
PNGEncoderOptions — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display | |
PNGEncoderOptions 類別會為 flash.display.BitmapData.encode() 方法定義壓縮演算法。 | |
PNGEncoderOptions(fastCompression:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.display.PNGEncoderOptions | |
建立 PNGEncoderOptions 物件,選擇性地指定壓縮設定。 | |
podActions — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetPod | |
The skin part for Options menu, to add or delete an asset. The skin part for Options menu, to add or delete an asset. | |
podActions — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.team.TeamPod | |
The skin part to display the actions applicable to Team pod. The skin part to display the actions applicable to Team pod. | |
podTitleLabel — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
The skin part for the pane title. The skin part for the pane title. | |
Point — 類別, 套件 flash.geom | |
Point 物件代表二維座標系統中的位置,其中 x 表示水平軸,而 y 表示垂直軸。 | |
Point(x:Number, y:Number) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.geom.Point | |
建立新的點。 | |
pointAlpha — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat | |
繪製游標的 Alpha。 | |
pointAt(pos:flash.geom:Vector3D, at:flash.geom:Vector3D, up:flash.geom:Vector3D) — 方法, 類別 flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
旋轉顯示物件,使其面對指定的位置。 | |
pointBlendMode — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat | |
繪製游標的混合模式。 | |
pointBlinkRate — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat | |
游標的閃爍速率 (毫秒)。 | |
pointColor — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat | |
繪製游標的顏色。 | |
pointFormat — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
將套用至插入文字的格式。 | |
pointFormat — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionState | |
將套用至插入文字的格式特質。 | |
points — 屬性, 類別 fl.motion.BezierEase | |
加/減速曲線中,點的排序集合。 | |
points — 屬性, 類別 fl.motion.CustomEase | |
加/減速曲線中,點的排序集合。 | |
pointToValue(x:Number, y:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.TrackBase | |
Converts a track-relative x,y pixel location into a value between the minimum and maximum, inclusive. | |
pointTowards(percent:Number, mat:flash.geom:Matrix3D, pos:flash.geom:Vector3D, at:flash.geom:Vector3D, up:flash.geom:Vector3D) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.geom.Utils3D | |
插補時將物件的方向朝向某個位置。 | |
polar(len:Number, angle:Number) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.geom.Point | |
會將一對極座標轉換為一個迪卡兒點座標。 | |
PolarChart — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The PolarChart control serves as base class for circular charts based in polar coordinates. | |
PolarChart() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart | |
Constructor. | |
PolarDataCanvas — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.chartClasses | |
PolarDataCanvas class enables user to use graphics API with respect to data coordinates instead of screen coordinates. | |
PolarDataCanvas() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Constructor. | |
PolarTransform — 類別, 套件 mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The PolarTransform object represents a set of axes used to map data values to angle/distance polar coordinates and vice versa. | |
PolarTransform() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarTransform | |
Constructor. | |
policies — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.DRMStatusEvent | |
DRM 狀態事件的自訂物件。 | |
policies — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.drm.DRMVoucher | |
客戶在封裝內容時所定義的自訂應用程式定義權限 (如果有)。 | |
policyFileURL — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.RSLData | |
An URL that specifies the location of the policy file (optional). | |
policyFileURLs — 屬性, 類別 fl.rsl.RSLInfo | |
傳回已透過 addEntry() 新增的原則檔案 URL 陣列。 | |
policyID — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.DRMReturnVoucherCompleteEvent | |
傳遞至 DRMManager.returnVoucher() 呼叫的 policyID。 | |
policyID — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.DRMReturnVoucherErrorEvent | |
傳遞至 returnVoucher() 呼叫因而造成這個錯誤的原則 ID。 | |
policyID — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.drm.DRMVoucher | |
這個憑證的唯一原則 ID。 | |
policyID — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.drm.VoucherAccessInfo | |
這個 VoucherAccessInfo 所代表原則的唯一識別名稱。 | |
POLLED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 fl.controls.ProgressBarMode | |
透過輪詢來源更新進度。 | |
POLLED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.controls.ProgressBarMode | |
The source property must specify an object that exposes the getBytesLoaded() and getBytesTotal() methods. | |
POLLING_INTERVAL_LEGACY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.messaging.channels.PollingChannel | |
POLLING_INTERVAL_MILLIS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.messaging.channels.PollingChannel | |
pollInterval — 屬性, 類別 air.net.ServiceMonitor | |
輪詢伺服器的間隔 (單位為毫秒)。 | |
pop() — 方法, 類別 Array | |
會移除陣列中的最後一個元素,並傳回該元素的值。 | |
pop() — 方法, 類別 Vector | |
移除 Vector 中的最後一個元素,並傳回該元素。 | |
pop() — 方法, 類別 mx.utils.LinkedList | |
Removes the node at the tail of the list. | |
POP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorAction | |
Constant describing a navigation action where the top most view is removed from the navigator. | |
popAll(transition:spark.transitions:ViewTransitionBase) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Removes all of the views from the navigator stack. | |
POP_ALL — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorAction | |
Constant describing a navigation action where all views were removed from the navigator. | |
poppedViewReturnedObject — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Holds the object returned by the last view that was popped off the navigation stack or replaced by another view. | |
popRedo() — 方法, 介面 flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
從重做堆疊中移除下一個要重做的作業,然後傳回該作業。 | |
popRedo() — 方法, 類別 flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
從重做堆疊中移除下一個要重做的作業,然後傳回該作業。 | |
POP_TO_FIRST — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorAction | |
Constant describing a navigation action where all but the first view are removed from the navigator. | |
popToFirstView(transition:spark.transitions:ViewTransitionBase) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Removes all views except the bottom view from the navigation stack. | |
popUndo() — 方法, 介面 flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
從還原堆疊中移除下一個要還原的作業,然後傳回該作業。 | |
popUndo() — 方法, 類別 flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
從還原堆疊中移除下一個要還原的作業,然後傳回該作業。 | |
popup — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.VolumeBarSkin | |
The PopUpAnchor control that contains the drop-down slider control. | |
popup — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.VolumeBarSkin | |
The PopUpAnchor control that contains the drop-down slider control. | |
popup — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.VolumeBarSkin | |
The PopUpAnchor control that contains the drop-down slider control. | |
popUp — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Specifies the UIComponent object, or object defined by a subclass of UIComponent, to pop up. | |
popUp — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton | |
A reference to the pop-up Menu object. | |
popUp — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.PopUpAnchor | |
The IFlexDisplayObject to add to the PopUpManager when the PopUpAnchor is opened. | |
popUp — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxSkin | |
The PopUpAnchor control that opens the drop-down list. | |
popUp — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DropDownListSkin | |
The PopUpAnchor control that opens the drop-down list. | |
popUp — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.ComboBoxSkin | |
The PopUpAnchor control that opens the drop-down list. | |
popUp — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.DropDownListSkin | |
The PopUpAnchor control that opens the drop-down list. | |
POPUP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.managers.PopUpManagerChildList | |
Indicates that the popup is placed in the popup child list which will cause it to float over other popups in the application layer. | |
popUpAnchor — 屬性, 類別 spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkPopUpAnchorAutomationImpl | |
PopUpAnchor — 類別, 套件 spark.components | |
The PopUpAnchor component is used to position a control that pops up or drops down, such as a DropDownList component, in layout. | |
PopUpAnchor() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.components.PopUpAnchor | |
Constructor | |
popUpButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.AddAssetPopUp | |
Drop Down list Skin Part Drop Down list Skin Part | |
PopUpButton — 類別, 套件 mx.controls | |
The PopUpButton control adds a flexible pop-up control interface to a Button control. | |
PopUpButton() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Constructor. | |
PopUpButtonAutomationImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the PopUpButton control. | |
PopUpButtonAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:PopUpButton) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.controls.PopUpButtonAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
PopUpButtonSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of a PopUpButton. | |
PopUpButtonSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the MX PopUpButton component. | |
PopUpButtonSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX PopUpButton component. | |
PopUpButtonSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.halo.PopUpButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
PopUpButtonSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.spark.PopUpButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
PopUpButtonSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.PopUpButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
popUpChildren — 屬性, 介面 mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
An list of the topMost (popup) windows being parented by this ISystemManager. | |
popUpChildren — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
An list of the topMost (popup) windows being parented by this ISystemManager. | |
popUpChildren — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
An list of the topMost (popup) windows being parented by this ISystemManager. | |
popUpDownSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Skin class for the popUpDown state (when arrowButton is in down state) of the background and border. | |
PopUpEvent — 類別, 套件 spark.events | |
The PopUpEvent class represents an event dispatched by the SkinnablePopUpContainer. | |
PopUpEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, commit:Boolean, data:any) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.events.PopUpEvent | |
Constructor. | |
popUpGap — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Number of vertical pixels between the PopUpButton and the specified popup UIComponent. | |
POPUP_HANDLER_REQUEST — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.automation.events.MarshalledAutomationEvent | |
popUpHeightMatchesAnchorHeight — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.PopUpAnchor | |
If true, the height of the popUp control is set to the value of the PopUpAnchor's height. | |
popUpIcon — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
The icon used for the right button of PopUpButton. | |
PopUpIcon — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of the icon in a PopUpButton. | |
PopUpIcon() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.halo.PopUpIcon | |
Constructor | |
PopUpManager — 類別, 套件 mx.managers | |
The PopUpManager singleton class creates new top-level windows and places or removes those windows from the layer on top of all other visible windows. | |
PopUpManagerChildList — 最終類別, 套件 mx.managers | |
The PopUpManagerChildList class defines the constant values for the detail property of the PopUpManager addPopUp() and createPopUp() methods. | |
popUpMenu(menu:mx.controls:Menu, parent:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, mdp:Object) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.controls.Menu | |
Sets the dataProvider of an existing Menu control and places the Menu control in the specified parent container. | |
PopUpMenuButton — 類別, 套件 mx.controls | |
The PopUpMenuButton control creates a PopUpButton control with a main sub-button and a secondary sub-button. | |
PopUpMenuButton() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton | |
Constructor. | |
PopUpMenuIcon — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of the icon in a PopUpMenuButton. | |
PopUpMenuIcon() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.halo.PopUpMenuIcon | |
Constructor | |
popUpOverSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Skin class for the popUpOver state (over arrowButton) of the background and border. | |
popUpPosition — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.PopUpAnchor | |
Position of the popUp control when it is opened, relative to the PopUpAnchor component. | |
PopUpPosition — 最終類別, 套件 spark.components | |
Enumerated type for the PopUpAnchor.popUpPosition property. | |
popUpStyleName — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton | |
The name of a CSS style declaration used by the dropdown menu. | |
popUpStyleName — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
The name of a CSS style declaration used by the control. | |
popUpToggle — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetPod | |
The skin part for Options menu, to select the columns to be displayed. The skin part for Options menu, to select the columns to be displayed. | |
popUpWidthMatchesAnchorWidth — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.PopUpAnchor | |
If true, the width of the popUp control is set to the value of the PopUpAnchor's width. | |
popView(transition:spark.transitions:ViewTransitionBase) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Pops the current view off the navigation stack. | |
port — 屬性, 類別 air.net.SocketMonitor | |
受監視的通訊埠。 | |
port — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.dns.SRVRecord | |
服務在伺服器上使用的連接埠。 | |
port — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
Specifies the port within the WSDL document that this WebService should use. | |
portrait — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
The state used when the navigator is in portrait orientation. | |
portrait — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.SplitViewNavigator | |
The skin state when the aspectRatio of the main application is portrait. | |
PORTRAIT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display.StageAspectRatio | |
指定一個呈現縱向 UI 的裝置方向 | |
PORTRAIT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJobOrientation | |
縱向 (垂直) 影像列印方向。 | |
portraitAndOverlay — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
The state used when the navigator is in portrait orientation and the navigator controls are overlaid on top. | |
portType — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.wsdl.WSDLBinding | |
The portType for this binding which provides the interface definitions for the operations of this binding. | |
position — 屬性, 類別 com.adobe.icc.vo.Field | |
position — 屬性, 類別 fl.events.ScrollEvent | |
會取得目前的捲動位置,以像素為單位。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 fl.ik.IKJoint | |
IKJoint 的座標。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 fl.transitions.Tween | |
接受補間動畫處理之目標物件屬性的目前值。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 fl.transitions.TweenEvent | |
在事件發生時,由 Tween 控制的屬性值。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.SampleDataEvent | |
資料在音效串流中的位置。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
檔案中目前的位置。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
保留位置的 Vector3D 物件,即顯示物件在變形之參考座標內的 3D 座標 (x,y,z)。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.Camera | |
指定裝置上裝設攝影機的一側。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.SoundChannel | |
當聲音正在播放時,position 屬性會以毫秒指出聲音檔案中目前正在播放的位置。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.TabStop | |
定位停駐點的位置 (以像素為單位,相對於文字行的開頭)。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 flash.utils.ByteArray | |
會將 ByteArray 物件的檔案指標移動或返回到目前的位置 (以位元組為單位)。 | |
position — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.formats.ITabStopFormat | |
定位停駐點相對於欄開頭邊緣的位置 (以像素為單位)。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat | |
定位停駐點相對於欄開頭邊緣的位置 (以像素為單位)。 | |
position — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.AxisLabel | |
The position, specified as a value between 0 and 1, of the label along the axis. | |
position — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.AddChildAction | |
The position of the child in the display list, relative to the object specified by the relativeTo property. | |
position — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.AddChildActionInstance | |
The position of the child component, relative to relativeTo, where it is added. | |
position — 屬性, 類別 mx.events.ScrollEvent | |
The new scroll position. | |
position — 屬性, 類別 mx.states.AddChild | |
The position of the child in the display list, relative to the object specified by the relativeTo property. | |
position — 屬性, 類別 mx.states.AddItems | |
The position of the child in the display list, relative to the object specified by the relativeTo property. | |
position — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.AddAction | |
The position of the child in the display list, relative to the object specified by the relativeTo property. | |
position — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.supportClasses.AddActionInstance | |
The position of the child in the display list, relative to the object specified by the relativeTo property. | |
positionAllDataTips(hitSet:Array) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Defines the locations of DataTip objects on the chart when the showAllDataTips property is set to true. | |
positionDataTips() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Defines the locations of DataTip objects on the chart. | |
positionMatrix — 屬性, 類別 fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
將整體變形套用至移動路徑的 Matrix 物件。 | |
positions — 屬性, 介面 mx.olap.IOLAPResultAxis | |
A list of IOLAPAxisPosition instances, where each position represents a point along the axis. | |
positions — 屬性, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPResultAxis | |
A list of IOLAPAxisPosition instances, where each position represents a point along the axis. | |
POSITIVE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display.TriangleCulling | |
指定剔除在目前的檢視點背面的所有三角形。 | |
positiveCurrencyFormat — 屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
表示正值貨幣金額格式化樣式的數值。 | |
positiveCurrencyFormat — 屬性, 類別 spark.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
A numeric value that indicates a formatting pattern for positive currency amounts. | |
positiveCurrencyFormat — 屬性, 類別 spark.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
A numeric value that indicates a validating pattern for positive currency amounts. | |
positiveCurrencyFormatError — 屬性, 類別 spark.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Error message when the positive currency number format is incorrect. | |
POSITIVE_INFINITY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 Number | |
指定代表正無限大的 IEEE-754 值。 | |
POSSIBLY_INVALID — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLineValidity | |
指定文字行可能無效。 | |
post(message:Object) — 方法, 類別 flash.net.NetGroup | |
傳送訊息到群組的所有成員。 | |
POST — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.URLRequestMethod | |
指定 URLRequest 物件為 POST。 | |
postingEnabled — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.GroupSpecifier | |
指定是否啟用 NetGroup 的發表。 | |
postingReceiveControlBytesPerSecond — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetGroupInfo | |
指定本機節點從對等方收到發表控制負荷訊息的速率 (每秒位元組數)。 | |
postingReceiveDataBytesPerSecond — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetGroupInfo | |
指定本機節點從對等方收到發表資料的速率 (每秒位元組數)。 | |
postingSendControlBytesPerSecond — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetGroupInfo | |
指定本機節點傳送發表控制負荷訊息至對等方的速率 (每秒位元組數)。 | |
postingSendDataBytesPerSecond — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetGroupInfo | |
指定本機節點傳送發表資料至對等方的速率 (每秒位元組數)。 | |
postLayoutTransformOffsets — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IVisualElement | |
Defines a set of adjustments that can be applied to the object's transform in a way that is invisible to its parent's layout. | |
postLayoutTransformOffsets — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Defines a set of adjustments that can be applied to the object's transform in a way that is invisible to its parent's layout. | |
postLayoutTransformOffsets — 屬性, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Defines a set of adjustments that can be applied to the component's transform in a way that is invisible to the component's parent's layout. | |
postLayoutTransformOffsets — 屬性, 類別 spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Defines a set of adjustments that can be applied to the object's transform in a way that is invisible to its parent's layout. | |
postLayoutTransformOffsets — 屬性, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Defines a set of adjustments that can be applied to the object's transform in a way that is invisible to its parent's layout. | |
posTotalsByPrimaryAxis — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
The summed totals of the stacked positive values. | |
postProcess — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.TasksTab | |
A reference to the ProcessComponent object that displays the details of a post-process task. A post-process task is a process that is completed after a stage. A reference to the ProcessComponent object that displays the details of a post-process task. | |
postProcessesListDisplay — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.LetterEditor | |
A skin part that defines post process list A skin part that defines post process list | |
postProcessInstructions — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.TasksTab | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the post-process instructions. A reference to the Label object that displays the post-process instructions. | |
PostScaleAdapter — 類別, 套件 mx.containers.utilityClasses | |
The PostScaleAdapter class is used as a compatibility layer for Flex 3 classes that rely on width, height, min, max, explicit, measured, and other properties to be determined after scaling is applied. | |
PostScaleAdapter(obj:mx.core:IUIComponent) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
pow(base:Number, pow:Number) — 靜態方法 , 類別 Math | |
計算並傳回底的 pow 次方。 | |
Power — 類別, 套件 spark.effects.easing | |
The Power class defines the easing functionality using a polynomial expression. | |
Power(easeInFraction:Number, exponent:Number) — 建構函式, 類別 spark.effects.easing.Power | |
Constructor. | |
precision — 屬性, 類別 mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
Number of decimal places to include in the output String. | |
precision — 屬性, 類別 mx.formatters.NumberFormatter | |
Number of decimal places to include in the output String. | |
precision — 屬性, 類別 mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
The maximum number of digits allowed to follow the decimal point. | |
precision — 屬性, 類別 mx.validators.NumberValidator | |
The maximum number of digits allowed to follow the decimal point. | |
precisionError — 屬性, 類別 mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Error message when the value has a precision that exceeds the value defined by the precision property. | |
precisionError — 屬性, 類別 mx.validators.NumberValidator | |
Error message when the value has a precision that exceeds the value defined by the precision property. | |
precisionHint — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.Shader | |
著色器所執行的數學運算精確度。 | |
precisionHint — 屬性, 類別 spark.filters.ShaderFilter | |
The precision of math operations performed by the underlying shader. | |
preCompose() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
如果需要撰寫則傳回 true,否則傳回 false | |
preDataChange — 事件, 類別 fl.data.DataProvider | |
在變更資料之前傳送。 | |
PRE_DATA_CHANGE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 fl.events.DataChangeEvent | |
會定義 preDataChange 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
preferDropLabels() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.CategoryAxis | |
Determines how the axis handles overlapping labels. | |
preferDropLabels() — 方法, 介面 mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis | |
Determines how the axis handles overlapping labels. | |
preferDropLabels() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Determines how the axis handles overlapping labels. | |
preference — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.dns.MXRecord | |
由這個記錄識別的郵件交換優先順序。 | |
preferredHeight — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
數字,會指定來源 FLV 檔的高度。 | |
preferredHeightPreTransform() — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Used for the implementation of the ILayoutElement interface, returns the explicit measured height pre-transform. | |
preferredWidth — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
指定來源 FLV 檔的寬度。 | |
preferredWidthPreTransform() — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Used for the implementation of the ILayoutElement interface, returns the explicit of measured width pre-transform. | |
prefix — 屬性, 類別 Namespace | |
命名空間的前置詞。 | |
prefix — 屬性, 類別 flash.xml.XMLNode | |
XML 節點名稱的前置詞部分。 | |
prefixDisplay — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListCustomStylePopUp | |
A skin part that defines a textinput to input prefix value A skin part that defines a textinput to input prefix value | |
prefixLength — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.InterfaceAddress | |
這個位址的前置詞長度。 | |
preinitialize — 事件, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched at the beginning of the component initialization sequence. | |
preinitialize — 事件, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Dispatched at the beginning of the component initialization sequence. | |
PREINITIALIZE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.PREINITIALIZE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a preinitialize event. | |
preliminaryHeight — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Image | |
Provides an estimate to use for height when the "measured" bounds of the image is requested by layout, but the image data has yet to complete loading. | |
preliminaryHeight — 屬性, 類別 spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Provides an estimate to use for height when the "measured" bounds of the image is requested by layout, but the image data has yet to complete loading. | |
preliminaryWidth — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Image | |
Provides an estimate to use for width when the "measured" bounds of the image is requested by layout, but the image data has yet to complete loading. | |
preliminaryWidth — 屬性, 類別 spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Provides an estimate to use for width when the "measured" bounds of the image is requested by layout, but the image data has yet to complete loading. | |
preloadedRSLs — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
The RSLs loaded by this SystemManager or FlexModuleFactory before the application starts. | |
preloadedRSLs — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
The RSLs loaded by this SystemManager or FlexModuleFactory before the application starts. | |
preloadEmbeddedData(param:flash.net:NetStreamPlayOptions) — 方法, 類別 flash.net.NetStream | |
從本機儲存的媒體檔擷取任何 DRM 中繼資料。 | |
preloader — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.Application | |
The application container supports an application preloader that uses a download progress bar to show the download and initialization progress of an application SWF file. | |
preloader — 屬性, 類別 mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
The Preloader class passes in a reference to itself to the display class so that it can listen for events from the preloader. | |
preloader — 屬性, 介面 mx.preloaders.IPreloaderDisplay | |
The Preloader class passes in a reference to itself to the display class so that it can listen for events from the preloader. | |
preloader — 屬性, 類別 mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
The Preloader class passes in a reference to itself to the display class so that it can listen for events from the preloader. | |
preloader — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Application | |
The application container supports an application preloader that uses a download progress bar to show the download and initialization progress of an application SWF file. | |
preloader — 屬性, 類別 spark.preloaders.SplashScreen | |
The Preloader class passes in a reference to itself to the display class so that it can listen for events from the preloader. | |
Preloader — 類別, 套件 mx.preloaders | |
The Preloader class is used by the SystemManager to monitor the download and initialization status of a Flex application. | |
Preloader() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.preloaders.Preloader | |
Constructor. | |
preloaderBackgroundAlpha — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
The background alpha used by the child of the preloader. | |
preloaderBackgroundColor — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
The background color used by the child of the preloader. | |
preloaderBackgroundImage — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
The background color used by the child of the preloader. | |
preloaderBackgroundSize — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.SystemManager | |
The background size used by the child of the preloader. | |
preloaderChromeColor — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.Application | |
Specifies the base color used by the default preloader component. | |
preloaderChromeColor — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Application | |
Specifies the chrome color used by the default preloader component. | |
prepare() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor | |
Called after the editor has been created and sized but before the editor is visible. | |
prepare(hasBeenRecycled:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
Called from the item renderer parent's updateDisplayList() method after all of the renderer's properties have been set. | |
prepare() — 方法, 介面 spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemEditor | |
Called after the editor has been created and sized but before the editor is visible. | |
prepare(hasBeenRecycled:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer | |
Called from the item renderer parent's updateDisplayList() method after all of the renderer's properties have been set. | |
prepare(willBeRecycled:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
Called from the item renderer parent's updateDisplayList() method after all of the renderer's properties have been set. | |
prepare(willBeRecycled:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer | |
Called from the item renderer parent's updateDisplayList() method after all of the renderer's properties have been set. | |
prepareDataEffect(ce:mx.events:CollectionEvent) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Prepares the data effect for the collection event. | |
prepareForPlay() — 方法, 類別 spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Called by the ViewNavigator during the preparation phase of a transition. | |
prepareGridVisualElement(grid:spark.components:Grid, rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 spark.components.gridClasses.IGridVisualElement | |
This method is called before a visual element of the Grid is rendered to give the element a chance to configure itself. | |
prepareRowArray(contentHolder:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseContentHolder, rowNum:int) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Ensures that there is a slot in the row arrays for the given row number. | |
prepareToPrint(target:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Prepares an IFlexDisplayObject for printing. | |
preparing — 事件, 類別 flash.display.NativeMenu | |
在按下對等按鍵但尚未顯示選單之前,會由 NativeMenu 物件傳送。 | |
preparing — 事件, 類別 flash.display.NativeMenuItem | |
在按下對等按鍵,但尚未顯示所屬的選單之前,會由此 NativeMenuItem 物件傳送。 | |
PREPARING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.Event | |
Event.PREPARING 常數會定義 preparing 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
PREPARING_TO_HIDE_DATA — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartState | |
The display of data has changed in the chart, and it is about to begin a transition to hide the current data. | |
PREPARING_TO_SHOW_DATA — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartState | |
The chart has finished any transitions to hide the old data, and is preparing to run transitions to display the new data | |
prepend(rhs:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — 方法, 類別 flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
將目前的 Matrix3D 物件與另一個 Matrix3D 物件相乘,並附加在矩陣的開頭。 | |
prependChild(value:Object) — 方法, 類別 XML | |
將提供之 child 物件的副本,在 XML 元素中任何現有的 XML 屬性之前插入。 | |
prependRotation(degrees:Number, axis:flash.geom:Vector3D, pivotPoint:flash.geom:Vector3D) — 方法, 類別 flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
將遞增式旋轉附加在 Matrix3D 物件的開頭。 | |
prependScale(xScale:Number, yScale:Number, zScale:Number) — 方法, 類別 flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
將遞增式縮放 (即沿著 x、y 和 z 軸變更) 附加在 Matrix3D 物件的開頭。 | |
prependTranslation(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) — 方法, 類別 flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
將遞增式轉移 (即沿著 x、y 和 z 軸重新定位) 附加在 Matrix3D 物件的開頭。 | |
preProcess — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.TasksTab | |
A reference to the ProcessComponent object that displays the details of a pre-process task. A pre-process task is a process that is completed before a stage. A reference to the ProcessComponent object that displays the details of a pre-process task. | |
preProcessInstructions — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.TasksTab | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the pre-process instructions. A reference to the Label object that displays the pre-process instructions. | |
preSelectedBtn — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.ModuleAssignmentEditor | |
A skin part that defines the preselected checkbox A skin part that defines the preselected checkbox | |
preSelectedBtn — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.ListItemEditor | |
A skin part that defines the preselected checkbox A skin part that defines the preselected checkbox | |
preSelectedImg — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.preview.ListItemPreviewRenderer | |
A skin part that defines the image to show if an asset is preselected A skin part that defines the image to show if an asset is preselected | |
present() — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.Context3D | |
顯示背景顯示緩衝區。 | |
PRESERVE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.WhiteSpaceCollapse | |
匯入文字時保留空白。 | |
preserveAlpha — 屬性, 類別 flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
指出是否保留了 Alpha 色版而未保留濾鏡效果,或者迴旋濾鏡是否套用到 Alpha 色版以及顏色色版。 | |
preserveAlpha — 屬性, 類別 spark.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
Indicates if the alpha channel is preserved without the filter effect or if the convolution filter is applied to the alpha channel as well as the color channels. | |
preserveBodyElement — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.conversion.IHTMLImporter | |
此屬性告知匯入器在 HTML 標記中建立 BODY 標籤的元素。 | |
preserveHTMLElement — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.conversion.IHTMLImporter | |
此屬性告知匯入器在 HTML 標記中建立 HTML 標籤的元素。 | |
preserveSelection — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.DataGrid | |
If true, the selection is preserved when the data provider refreshes its collection. | |
preserveSelection — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Grid | |
If true, the selection is preserved when the data provider refreshes its collection. | |
PressAndTapGestureEvent — 類別, 套件 flash.events | |
PressAndTapGestureEvent 類別可讓您處理觸控裝置上的按下並輕點手勢。 | |
PressAndTapGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, phase:String, localX:Number, localY:Number, tapLocalX:Number, tapLocalY:Number, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, commandKey:Boolean, controlKey:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.events.PressAndTapGestureEvent | |
建立包含複雜多點觸控事件 (例如使用者引發快顯選單) 相關資訊的 Event 物件。 | |
pressure — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
介於 0.0 和 1.0 之間的值,表示與裝置之間的接觸力道。 | |
prettyIndent — 靜態屬性, 類別 XML | |
決定在 XML.prettyPrinting 屬性設定為 true 時,toString() 與 toXMLString() 方法所套用的縮排量。 | |
prettyPrinting — 靜態屬性, 類別 XML | |
決定 toString() 和 toXMLString() 方法是否會一般化部分標籤之間的空白字元。 | |
prev — 屬性, 類別 mx.utils.LinkedListNode | |
Reference to adjacent 'prev' node. | |
preventBackup — 屬性, 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
指出執行階段是否防止這個 File 物件備份到雲端。 | |
preventBackup — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.SharedObject | |
指定本機共享物件是否將備份到 iOS 雲端備份服務上。 | |
preventDefault() — 方法, 類別 flash.events.Event | |
如果可以取消事件的預設行為指令,則取消該行為指令。 | |
prevFrame() — 方法, 類別 fl.transitions.Tween | |
會播放補間動畫被停止的目前停止點的前一個影格。 | |
prevFrame() — 方法, 類別 flash.display.MovieClip | |
將播放磁頭移到上一個影格,並停止播放。 | |
prevFrame() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.MovieClipSWFLoader | |
Go to the previous frame. | |
preview — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
僅適用於即時預覽。 | |
preview — 外觀狀態, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.definition.TemplateDefintion | |
The skin state when a component is shown in the campaign mode, while previewing a schedule before assigning it or while editing an already assigned schedule. This state does not show the activate checkbox. | |
preview — 外觀狀態, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.StageBuilding | |
The skin state when the component is displayed in the campaign mode, while previewing a schedule before assigning it. This state does not display the buttons to add, delete, and import a stage. | |
PREVIOUS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與用來略過至上一曲目或上一章之按鈕的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數。 | |
previousApplicationStorageDirectory — 屬性, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
應用程式儲存目錄先前的位置 (若該位置於更新後有所變更)。 | |
previousApplicationStorageDirectory — 屬性, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
應用程式儲存目錄先前的位置 (若該位置於更新後有所變更)。 | |
previousAtomPosition(flowRoot:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, absolutePos:int) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil | |
傳回上一個 Atom 的絕對位置。 | |
previousButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.ReviewTemplateWorkflow | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to navigate to previous screen. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to navigate to previous screen. | |
previousCharacter(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil | |
設定 TextRange 往後一個字元。 | |
previousLine — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
TextBlock 中的上一個 TextLine,如果這是區塊內的第一行或是此行的 validity 為 TextLineValidity.STATIC,則為 null。 | |
previousLine(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil | |
設定 TextRange 往上一行。 | |
PREVIOUS_MONTH — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.DateChooserEventDetail | |
Indicates that the user scrolled the calendar to the previous month. | |
previousPage(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil | |
設定 TextRange 往上一頁。 | |
previousPage() — 方法, 類別 mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid | |
Puts the previous set of data rows in view; that is, it sets the PrintAdvancedDataGrid verticalScrollPosition property to equal verticalScrollPosition - (number of rows in the previous page). | |
previousPage() — 方法, 類別 mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid | |
Puts the previous set of data rows in view; that is, it sets the PrintOLAPDataGrid verticalScrollPosition property to equal verticalScrollPosition - (number of rows in the previous page). | |
previousPanelButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.StandardWrapperHost | |
The previous panel button skin part. The previous panel button skin part. | |
previousRegion — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLineMirrorRegion | |
集合中衍生自文字元素的上一個 TextLineMirrorRegion,如果目前區域是集合中的第一個鏡像區域則為 null。 | |
previousSibling — 屬性, 類別 flash.xml.XMLNode | |
參照父節點之子清單中前一個同級節點的 XMLNode 值。 | |
previousValue — 屬性, 類別 fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
會取得值序列中的上一個值。 | |
previousValue — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
The value that is one step smaller than the current value property and not smaller than the maximum property value. | |
previousVersion — 屬性, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
應用程式的上一個版本。 | |
previousVersion — 屬性, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
應用程式的上一個版本。 | |
previousVersionClassNames — 屬性, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
An array of names of the classes that are compatible with current class. | |
previousVersionClassNames — 屬性, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationClass2 | |
An array of names of the classes that are compatible with current class. | |
previousWord(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil | |
設定 TextRange 往後一個字。 | |
previousWordPosition(flowRoot:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, absolutePos:int) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil | |
傳回上一個字開頭的絕對位置。 | |
PREVIOUS_YEAR — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.DateChooserEventDetail | |
Indicates that the user scrolled the calendar to the previous year. | |
prevMonthDisabledSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous month arrow when the arrow is disabled. | |
prevMonthDownSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous month arrow when the user presses the mouse button down over the arrow. | |
prevMonthOverSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous month arrow when the user holds the mouse pointer over the arrow. | |
prevMonthSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous month arrow. | |
prevMonthStyleFilters — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
The set of styles to pass from the DateChooser to the previous month button. | |
prevMonthUpSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous month arrow when the mouse pointer is not over the arrow. | |
prevScene() — 方法, 類別 flash.display.MovieClip | |
將播放磁頭移動到 MovieClip 實體的上一個場景。 | |
prevScene() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.MovieClipSWFLoader | |
Go to the previous scene. | |
prevYearDisabledSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous Year arrow when the arrow is disabled. | |
prevYearDownSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous Year arrow when the user presses the mouse button down over the arrow. | |
prevYearOverSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous Year arrow when the user holds the mouse pointer over the arrow. | |
prevYearSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous year arrow. | |
prevYearStyleFilters — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
The set of styles to pass from the DateChooser to the previous year button. | |
prevYearUpSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the previous Year arrow when the mouse button not over the arrow. | |
primaryKey — 屬性, 類別 flash.data.SQLColumnSchema | |
指出此欄是否為其相關表格的主要索引欄 (或是複合索引中的主要索引欄之一)。 | |
PRINCIPAL_MISMATCH — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.security.CertificateStatus | |
憑證的一般名稱不符合預期的主機名稱。 | |
print — 屬性, 類別 flash.ui.ContextMenuBuiltInItems | |
可讓使用者將顯示的影格影像傳送至印表機。 | |
printableArea — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJob | |
印表機媒體可列印區域的邊界,以點數為單位。 | |
PrintAdvancedDataGrid — 類別, 套件 mx.printing | |
The PrintAdvancedDataGrid control is an AdvancedDataGrid subclass that is styled to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing. | |
PrintAdvancedDataGrid() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid | |
Constructor. | |
printAsBitmap — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJobOptions | |
會指定列印工作中的內容會列印為點陣圖或向量。 | |
printAsBitmap — 屬性, 類別 mx.printing.FlexPrintJob | |
Specifies whether to print the job content as a bitmap (true) or in vector format (false). | |
PrintDataGrid — 類別, 套件 mx.printing | |
The PrintDataGrid control is a DataGrid subclass that is styled to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing. | |
PrintDataGrid() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.printing.PrintDataGrid | |
Constructor. | |
printer — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJob | |
取得或設定要用於目前列印工作的印表機。 | |
printers — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJob | |
以 String 名稱值提供可用印表機的清單。 | |
PrintJob — 類別, 套件 flash.printing | |
您可以使用 PrintJob 類別來建立內容,並且將這項內容列印至一或多個頁面。 | |
PrintJob() — 建構函式, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJob | |
建立一個 PrintJob 物件,可讓您用來列印一頁或多頁。 | |
PrintJobOptions — 類別, 套件 flash.printing | |
PrintJobOptions 類別包含要與 PrintJob.addPage() 方法的 options 參數搭配使用的屬性。 | |
PrintJobOptions(printAsBitmap:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJobOptions | |
會建立新的 PrintJobOptions 物件。 | |
PrintJobOrientation — 最終類別, 套件 flash.printing | |
這個類別可提供 PrintJob.orientation 屬性所使用的值,以設定列印頁面的影像位置。 | |
printMethod — 屬性, 類別 flash.printing.PrintJobOptions | |
指定由 Flash 執行階段選擇最適當的列印方法,或是由作者明確選取向量或點陣列印方法。 | |
PrintMethod — 最終類別, 套件 flash.printing | |
這個類別可提供 PrintJobOptions.printMethod 屬性的值,以指定列印頁面的方法。 | |
PrintOLAPDataGrid — 類別, 套件 mx.printing | |
The PrintOLAPDataGrid control is an OLAPDataGrid subclass that is styled to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing. | |
PrintOLAPDataGrid() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid | |
Constructor. | |
PrintUIOptions — 最終類別, 套件 flash.printing | |
PrintUIOptions 類別是用來指定向使用者顯示之列印對話方塊的選項。 | |
PrintUIOptions() — 建構函式, 類別 flash.printing.PrintUIOptions | |
建立新的 PrintUIOptions 物件。 | |
prioritize(contentLoaderGrouping:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.core.ContentCache | |
Promotes a content grouping to the head of the loading queue. | |
PRIORITIZE_LEAST_ADJUSTMENT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.JustificationStyle | |
依據行的展開或壓縮來指定齊行,視何者可讓您得到最接近所要寬度的結果而定。 | |
priority — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.dns.SRVRecord | |
由這個記錄識別的服務主機優先順序。 | |
priority — 屬性, 類別 mx.automation.events.EventDetails | |
The priority level of the event listener. | |
priority — 屬性, 類別 mx.events.EventListenerRequest | |
The priority parameter to addEventListener(). | |
priorityGroup — 屬性, 類別 spark.core.ContentCache | |
Identifier of the currently prioritized content grouping. | |
priorStagesRadioButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.definition.TemplateDefintion | |
A reference to the RadioButton object to select whether reviewers can view all comments logged in the prior and current stages or not. A reference to the RadioButton object to select whether reviewers can view all comments logged in the prior and current stages or not. | |
PRIVACY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.system.SecurityPanel | |
當傳遞至 Security.showSettings() 時,會顯示「Flash Player 設定」中的「隱私權設定」面板。 | |
private — 陳述式 | |
指定只有當類別宣告或定義變數、常數或名稱空間時,才可使用這個變數、常數或名稱空間。 | |
privateMemory — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.system.System | |
應用程式使用的記憶體總數 (位元組)。 | |
processBitmap() — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.spark.HighlightBitmapCaptureSkin | |
Apply any post-processing to the captured bitmap. | |
processButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.ProcessComponent | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to add a process to the component. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to add a process to the component. | |
processCurrentFrame(parent:flash.display:MovieClip, anim:fl.motion:AnimatorBase, startEnterFrame:Boolean, playOnly:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
processedDescriptors — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Set to true after immediate or deferred child creation, depending on which one happens. | |
processedDescriptors — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Set to true after immediate or deferred child creation, depending on which one happens. | |
processedDescriptors — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Set to true after the createChildren() method creates any internal component children. | |
processedDescriptors — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
Set to true after the createChildren() method creates any internal component children. | |
processedDescriptors — 屬性, 介面 mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient | |
Set to true after immediate or deferred child creation, depending on which one happens. | |
processedDescriptors — 屬性, 類別 mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Set to true after immediate or deferred child creation, depending on which one happens. | |
processesDatagrid — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.SelectProcessDialog | |
A reference to the DataGrid object that displays a list of available processes. A reference to the DataGrid object that displays a list of available processes. | |
processFocusOut(event:flash.events:FocusEvent) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController | |
Close the drop down if it is no longer in focus. | |
processingInstructions(name:String) — 方法, 類別 XML | |
如果有提供 name 參數,便會列出 XML 物件的所有子系 (其中包含具有該名稱的處理指示)。 | |
processingInstructions(name:String) — 方法, 類別 XMLList | |
如果有提供 name 參數,便會列出 XMLList 物件的所有子系 (其中包含具有該名稱的處理指示)。 | |
ProcessInstanceDataGrid() — 建構函式, 類別 lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGrid | |
Constructor. | |
ProcessInstanceInfo() — 建構函式, 類別 lc.procmgmt.ui.process.ProcessInstanceInfo | |
Constructor. | |
processKeyDown(event:flash.events:KeyboardEvent) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController | |
Handles the keyboard user interactions. | |
processNameLabel — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.ProcessComponent | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the name of a process. A reference to the Label object that displays the name of a process. | |
processNewDataProvider(value:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Called when a new dataProvider is assigned to the element. | |
profile — 屬性, 類別 flash.display3D.Context3D | |
這個 Context3D 物件所使用的功能支援描述檔。 | |
profile — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.H264VideoStreamSettings | |
H.264/AVC 編碼時所用的描述檔。 | |
Program3D — 最終類別, 套件 flash.display3D | |
Program3D 類別代表一對上傳到顯示內容的顯示程式 (又稱為「著色器」)。 | |
ProgrammaticSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins | |
This class is the base class for skin elements which draw themselves programmatically. | |
ProgrammaticSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Constructor. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 air.desktop.URLFilePromise | |
在相關 URLStream 有可以讀取的資料區塊時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
下載更新檔案時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
下載更新檔案時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
當內容正在載入時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 fl.containers.UILoader | |
當內容正在載入時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
當內容在事件模式或輪詢模式中載入時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
指出已下載完成的進度,以位元組數目表示。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlaybackCaptioning | |
隨著 Timed Text XML 檔下載進度接收資料時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
指出已下載完成的進度,以位元組數目表示。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
在下載作業進行中收到資料時傳送。 | |
progress — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.ShaderJob | |
執行中著色器的進度。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
指出串流上新資料的可用性。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 flash.media.AVURLLoader | |
在下載作業進行中收到資料時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 flash.media.MediaPromise | |
當有可用的資料時,MediaPromise 物件會傳送 progress 事件。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 flash.media.Sound | |
在載入作業進行中收到資料時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 flash.net.FileReference | |
在檔案上傳或下載作業期間定期傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 flash.net.URLLoader | |
在下載作業進行中收到資料時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 flash.net.URLStream | |
在下載作業進行中收到資料時傳送。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
傳送以指出下載進度。 | |
progress — 事件, 類別 mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Dispatched as content loads in event or polled mode. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Dispatched when content is loading. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Dispatched continuously until the FLV file has downloaded completely. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Dispatched periodically as the sound file loads. | |
progress — 屬性, 類別 mx.events.CubeEvent | |
The number of elements in the cube that have been updated. | |
progress — 事件, 介面 mx.modules.IModuleInfo | |
Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo at regular intervals while the module is being loaded. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched at regular intervals as the module loads. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPCube | |
Dispatched continuously as a cube is being created by a call to the refresh() method. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 spark.components.Image | |
Dispatched when content is loading. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 spark.core.ContentRequest | |
Dispatched when content is loading. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched at regular intervals as the module loads. | |
progress — 事件, 類別 spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Dispatched when content is loading. | |
PROGRESS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoProgressEvent | |
定義 progress 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
PROGRESS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.ProgressEvent | |
定義 progress 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
PROGRESS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.ModuleEvent | |
Dispatched when the module is in the process of downloading. | |
PROGRESS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.ResourceEvent | |
Dispatched when the resource module SWF file is loading. | |
PROGRESS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.StyleEvent | |
Dispatched when the style SWF is downloading. | |
progressBar — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.StandardWrapperHost | |
progress bar skin part. progress bar skin part. | |
ProgressBar — 類別, 套件 fl.controls | |
ProgressBar 組件會顯示目前載入內容的進度。 | |
ProgressBar — 類別, 套件 mx.controls | |
The ProgressBar control provides a visual representation of the progress of a task over time. | |
ProgressBar() — 建構函式, 類別 fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
建立新的 ProgressBar 組件實體。 | |
ProgressBar() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressBarAutomationImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ProgressBar control. | |
ProgressBarAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:ProgressBar) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.controls.ProgressBarAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressBarDirection — 類別, 套件 fl.controls | |
ProgressBarDirection 類別會定義 ProgressBar 類別的 direction 屬性值。 | |
ProgressBarDirection — 最終類別, 套件 mx.controls | |
The ProgressBarDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the ProgressBar class. | |
ProgressBarLabelPlacement — 最終類別, 套件 mx.controls | |
The ProgressBarLabelPlacement class defines the values for the labelPlacement property of the ProgressBar class. | |
ProgressBarMode — 類別, 套件 fl.controls | |
ProgressBarMode 類別會定義 ProgressBar 類別的 mode 屬性值。 | |
ProgressBarMode — 最終類別, 套件 mx.controls | |
The ProgressBarMode class defines the values for the mode property of the ProgressBar class. | |
ProgressBarSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for a ProgressBar. | |
ProgressBarSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressBarSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the border of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressBarSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.halo.ProgressBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressBarSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.spark.ProgressBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressBarSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.ProgressBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressBarTrackSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the MX ProgressBar component's track. | |
ProgressBarTrackSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressBarTrackSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.spark.ProgressBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressBarTrackSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.ProgressBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressEvent — 類別, 套件 flash.events | |
當載入作業已開始或當通訊端已接收資料時,便會傳送 ProgressEvent 物件。 | |
ProgressEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.events.ProgressEvent | |
建立包含進度事件相關資訊的 Event 物件。 | |
progressHandler(event:flash.events:ProgressEvent) — 方法, 類別 mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Event listener for the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS event. | |
progressHandler(event:flash.events:ProgressEvent) — 方法, 類別 mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Event listener for the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS event. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the indeterminate state of a ProgressBar. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin for the indeterminate state of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin for the indeterminate state of the MX ProgressBar component. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.halo.ProgressIndeterminateSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.spark.ProgressIndeterminateSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressIndeterminateSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.ProgressIndeterminateSkin | |
Constructor. | |
progressIndicator — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.Image | |
An optional skin part that displays the current loading progress. As a convenience the progressIndicator value is automatically updated with the percentage complete while loading. An optional skin part that displays the current loading progress. | |
progressIndicator — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.ImageSkin | |
Progress indicator skin part. | |
progressInterval — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.FLVPlayback | |
數字,表示每個 progress 事件之間的時間長度,以毫秒為單位。 | |
progressInterval — 屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoPlayer | |
數字,表示每個 progress 事件之間的時間長度,以毫秒為單位。 | |
progressInterval — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, between each progress event. | |
ProgressMaskSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the mask of the ProgressBar's determinate and indeterminate bars. | |
ProgressMaskSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin for the mask of the MX ProgressBar component's determinate and indeterminate bars. | |
ProgressMaskSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin for the mask of the MX ProgressBar component's determinate and indeterminate bars. | |
ProgressMaskSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.halo.ProgressMaskSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressMaskSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.spark.ProgressMaskSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressMaskSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.ProgressMaskSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressSectionBarNav() — 建構函式, 類別 ga.controls.ProgressSectionBarNav | |
Constructor. | |
ProgressTrackSkin — 類別, 套件 mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for the track in a ProgressBar. | |
ProgressTrackSkin() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.skins.halo.ProgressTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
project() — 方法, 類別 flash.geom.Vector3D | |
將目前 Vector3D 物件的 x、y 和 z 屬性值除以其 w 屬性值。 | |
projectionCenter — 屬性, 類別 flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection | |
代表投影中心的二維點,即顯示物件的消失點。 | |
projectionX — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.AnimateTransform3D | |
Sets the projection point as the offset of the projection point in the x direction from the (0, 0) coordinate of the target. | |
projectionY — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.AnimateTransform3D | |
Sets the projection point as the offset of the projection point in the y direction from the (0, 0) coordinate of the target. | |
projectLabel — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetDetailsPod | |
The skin part for the Project label. The skin part for the Project label. | |
projectNameField — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.NewProjectDialog | |
The skin part for the Project Name. The skin part for the Project Name. | |
projectNameValidator — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.NewProjectDialog | |
The skin part for the validator of the Project Name. The skin part for the validator of the Project Name. | |
projectNameValidator — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
The skin part for the Project Name validator. The skin part for the Project Name validator. | |
projectVector(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, v:flash.geom:Vector3D) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.geom.Utils3D | |
使用投影 Matrix3D 物件,將 Vector3D 物件從一個空間座標投影至另一個空間座標。 | |
projectVectors(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, verts:Vector$Number, projectedVerts:Vector$Number, uvts:Vector$Number) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.geom.Utils3D | |
使用投影 Matrix3D 物件,將三維空間座標的 Vector (verts) 投影至二維空間座標的 Vector (projectedVerts)。 | |
ProLoader — 類別, 套件 fl.display | |
ProLoader 類別會載入 SWF 檔案或影像。 | |
ProLoader() — 建構函式, 類別 fl.display.ProLoader | |
建立一個 ProLoader 物件,可用來載入檔案 (如 SWF、JPEG、GIF,或是 PNG 檔)。 | |
ProLoaderInfo — 類別, 套件 fl.display | |
這個類別是由 ProLoader 所使用,以取代 LoaderInfo。 | |
prompt — 屬性, 類別 fl.controls.ComboBox | |
會取得或設定 ComboBox 組件的提示。 | |
prompt — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The prompt for the ComboBox control. | |
prompt — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.ComboBox | |
Text to be displayed if/when the input text is null. | |
prompt — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.DropDownList | |
The prompt for the DropDownList control. | |
prompt — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Text to be displayed if/when the actual text property is an empty string. | |
promptDisplay — 外觀部件, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The Label or other IDisplayText that might be present in any skin assigned to this component. The Label or other IDisplayText that might be present in any skin assigned to this component. | |
promptDisplay — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.StageTextSkinBase | |
Bindable promptDisplay skin part. | |
promptDisplay — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.TextSkinBase | |
Bindable promptDisplay skin part. | |
promptDisplay — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxTextInputSkin | |
Defines the Label that is used for prompt text. | |
promptDisplay — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.TextAreaSkin | |
Defines the Label that is used for prompt text. | |
promptDisplay — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.spark.TextInputSkin | |
Defines the Label that is used for prompt text. | |
promptDisplay — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.TextAreaSkin | |
Defines the Label that is used for prompt text. | |
promptDisplay — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.TextInputSkin | |
Defines the Label that is used for prompt text. | |
prop — 屬性, 類別 fl.transitions.Tween | |
受到目標物件補間動畫影響的屬性名稱。 | |
properties — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.InstanceCache | |
A hashmap of properties to assign to new instances. | |
properties — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.ClassFactory | |
An Object whose name/value pairs specify the properties to be set on each object generated by the newInstance() method. | |
properties — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.ComponentDescriptor | |
An Object containing name/value pairs for the component's properties, as specified in MXML. | |
properties — 屬性, 類別 mx.graphics.ImageSnapshot | |
An Object containing name/value pairs specifying additional properties of the image. | |
properties — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.AbstractOperation | |
This is a hook primarily for framework developers to register additional user specified properties for your operation. | |
PROPERTIES — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.InvalidateRequestData | |
Bit to indicate the request handler should invalidate their properties. | |
propertiesButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.rte.IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
A skin part that defines button to open properties dialog A skin part that defines button to open properties dialog | |
propertiesFactory — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.ComponentDescriptor | |
A Function that returns an Object containing name/value pairs for the component's properties, as specified in MXML. | |
property — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.AnimateProperty | |
The name of the property on the target to animate. | |
property — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.AnimatePropertyInstance | |
The name of the property on the target to animate. | |
property — 屬性, 類別 mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent | |
A String, QName, or int specifying the property that changed. | |
property — 屬性, 類別 mx.validators.Validator | |
A String specifying the name of the property of the source object that contains the value to validate. | |
property — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.SetAction | |
The name of the property being changed. | |
property — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.animation.MotionPath | |
The name of the property on the effect target to be animated. | |
property — 屬性, 類別 spark.effects.supportClasses.SetActionInstance | |
The name of the property being changed. | |
property — 屬性, 類別 spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
A String specifying the name of the property of the source object that contains the value to validate. | |
propertyAffectsSort(property:String) — 方法, 介面 mx.collections.ISort | |
Return whether the specified property is used to control the sort. | |
propertyAffectsSort(property:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.collections.Sort | |
Return whether the specified property is used to control the sort. | |
propertyAffectsSort(property:String) — 方法, 類別 spark.collections.Sort | |
Return whether the specified property is used to control the sort. | |
propertyChange — 事件, 類別 mx.rpc.AsyncToken | |
Dispatched when a property of the channel set changes. | |
PROPERTY_CHANGE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent | |
The PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a PropertyChange event. | |
PropertyChangeEvent — 類別, 套件 mx.events | |
The PropertyChangeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener when one of the properties of an object has changed, and provides information about the change. | |
PropertyChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, kind:String, property:Object, oldValue:Object, newValue:Object, source:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent | |
Constructor. | |
PropertyChangeEventKind — 最終類別, 套件 mx.events | |
The PropertyChangeEventKind class defines the constant values for the kind property of the PropertyChangeEvent class. | |
propertyChangeHandler(event:mx.events:PropertyChangeEvent) — 方法, 類別 mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Called when a complex property is updated. | |
propertyChanges — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
Specifies the PropertyChanges object containing the start and end values for the set of properties relevant to the effect's targets. | |
propertyChanges — 屬性, 介面 mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
Specifies the PropertyChanges object containing the start and end values for the set of properties relevant to the effect's targets. | |
PropertyChanges — 類別, 套件 mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The PropertyChanges class defines the start and end values for a set of properties of a target component of a transition. | |
PropertyChanges(target:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.PropertyChanges | |
The PropertyChanges constructor. | |
propertyContainer — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryDefinitionView | |
A skin part that defines the PropertyContainer. A skin part that defines the PropertyContainer. | |
propertyIsEnumerable(name:String) — 方法, 類別 Object | |
指出指定的屬性是否存在,以及是否可列舉。 | |
propertyIsEnumerable(p:String) — 方法, 類別 XML | |
檢查屬性 p 是否位於屬性組 (可在套用至 XMLList 物件之 for..in 陳述式中重複) 中。 | |
propertyIsEnumerable(p:String) — 方法, 類別 XMLList | |
檢查屬性 p 是否位於屬性組 (可在套用至 XMLList 物件之 for..in 陳述式中重複) 中。 | |
propertyList — 屬性, 類別 mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Contains a list of all of the property names for the proxied object. | |
propertyList — 屬性, 類別 mx.utils.OrderedObject | |
Contains a list of all of the property names for the proxied object. | |
propertyName — 屬性, 類別 mx.states.AddItems | |
The name of the Array property that is being modified. | |
propertyNameMap — 屬性, 類別 mx.automation.AutomationClass | |
private | |
propertyNameMap — 屬性, 介面 mx.automation.IAutomationClass | |
An Object containing a map to map a property name to descriptor. | |
PROPORTIONAL — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.DigitWidth | |
用來指定依比例的數字寬度。 | |
proposedColor — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer | |
Color of text when the sort is a proposed sort. | |
PROPOSEDSORT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.SortInfo | |
Specifies that the sort is only a visual indication of the proposed sort. | |
protected — 陳述式 | |
指定只有當類別定義變數、常數、方法或名稱空間時,此類別與其子類別才可使用這些變數、常數、方法或名稱空間。 | |
protocol — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetConnection | |
用來建立連線的通訊協定。 | |
protocol — 屬性, 類別 mx.messaging.Channel | |
Provides access to the protocol that the channel uses. | |
protocol — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService | |
Deprecated, use the appropriate destination instead, or if using a url, use DefaultHTTP or DefaultHTTPS. | |
prototype — 靜態屬性, 類別 Object | |
類別或函數物件之原型物件的參照。 | |
proximityBegin — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
在使用者將作用中觸控筆往下移至超過螢幕鄰近偵測邊框時傳送。 | |
PROXIMITY_BEGIN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
定義 PROXIMITY_BEGIN 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
proximityEnd — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
在使用者將作用中觸控筆提到螢幕鄰近偵測邊框時傳送。 | |
PROXIMITY_END — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
定義 PROXIMITY_END 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
proximityMove — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
在使用者將作用中觸控筆移到螢幕上方,而其餘仍在鄰近偵測邊框內時傳送。 | |
PROXIMITY_MOVE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
定義 PROXIMITY_MOVE 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
proximityOut — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
在使用者將作用中觸控筆移出這個 InteractiveObject 之外,而其餘仍在螢幕的鄰近偵測邊框內時傳送。 | |
PROXIMITY_OUT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
定義 PROXIMITY_OUT 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
proximityOver — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
在使用者直接將作用中觸控筆移到這個 InteractiveObject 上方,而其餘仍在螢幕的鄰近偵測邊框內時傳送。 | |
PROXIMITY_OVER — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
定義 PROXIMITY_OVER 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
proximityRollOut — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
在使用者將作用中觸控筆移出這個 InteractiveObject 及其任一子系之外,而其餘仍在螢幕的鄰近偵測邊框內時傳送。 | |
PROXIMITY_ROLL_OUT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
定義 PROXIMITY_ROLL_OUT 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
proximityRollOver — 事件, 類別 flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
在使用者透過這個 InteractiveObject,從顯示清單中後代的物件樹狀結構之外移動作用中觸控筆時傳送 (而其餘仍在螢幕的鄰近偵測邊框內)。 | |
PROXIMITY_ROLL_OVER — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
定義 PROXIMITY_ROLL_OVER 觸控事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
proxyClass — 屬性, 類別 mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Indicates what kind of proxy to create when proxying complex properties. | |
proxyType — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetConnection | |
決定初始 Flash Media Server 連線嘗試失敗時,要嘗試哪些後援方法。 | |
PSEUDO — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.styles.CSSConditionKind | |
A selector condition to match a component by state (which may be dynamic and change over time). | |
ptrdName — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.dns.PTRRecord | |
指定給查詢 IP 位址的標準網域名稱。 | |
PTRRecord — 類別, 套件 flash.net.dns | |
PTRRecord 類別代表包含標準網域名稱的網域名稱系統 (DNS) PTR 資源記錄。 | |
PTRRecord() — 建構函式, 類別 flash.net.dns.PTRRecord | |
建立 PTR 資源記錄。 | |
public — 陳述式 | |
指定任何呼叫者都可使用類別、變數、常數或方法。 | |
publish(name:String, type:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.net.NetStream | |
從用戶端傳送串流視訊、音訊及資料訊息到 Flash Media Server,在傳輸期間可以選擇性地錄製串流。 | |
publish(factory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — 方法, 介面 mx.modules.IModuleInfo | |
Publishes an interface to the ModuleManager. | |
publishChkBox — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.ReviewStage | |
A reference to the CheckBox object that displays whether a stage template is published or not. A reference to the CheckBox object that displays whether a stage template is published or not. | |
publishChkBox — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.CreationStage | |
A reference to the CheckBox object that displays whether the stage template is published or not. A reference to the CheckBox object that displays whether the stage template is published or not. | |
publishChkBox — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.ApprovalStage | |
A reference to the CheckBox object that displays whether a stage template is published or not. A reference to the CheckBox object that displays whether a stage template is published or not. | |
publisherID — 屬性, 類別 flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
此應用程式的發行者 ID。 | |
PUNCTUATION — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.SoftKeyboardType | |
輸入標點符號的最佳化鍵盤。 | |
purgeItemRenderers() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Called by the updateDisplayList() method to remove existing item renderers and clean up various caching structures when the renderer changes. | |
push(... rest) — 方法, 類別 Array | |
在陣列結尾加入一個或多個元素,並傳回新的陣列長度。 | |
push(... rest) — 方法, 類別 Vector | |
在 Vector 結尾加入一個或多個元素,並傳回新的 Vector 長度。 | |
push(value:any) — 方法, 類別 mx.utils.LinkedList | |
Push a new node to the tail of list. | |
PUSH — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorAction | |
Constant describing a navigation action where a new view is added to a navigator. | |
PUSH — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.transitions.SlideViewTransitionMode | |
The previous view slides away as the new view slides in. | |
PUSH_IN_KINSOKU — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.JustificationStyle | |
依據在行尾壓縮避頭尾字元,或是在沒有避頭尾字元或是該空間不足時展開字行來指定齊行。 | |
PUSH_OUT_ONLY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.JustificationStyle | |
依據行的展開來指定齊行。 | |
pushRedo(operation:flashx.undo:IOperation) — 方法, 介面 flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
增加可重做的作業到重做堆疊。 | |
pushRedo(operation:flashx.undo:IOperation) — 方法, 類別 flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
增加可重做的作業到重做堆疊。 | |
pushUndo(operation:flashx.undo:IOperation) — 方法, 介面 flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
增加可還原的作業到還原堆疊。 | |
pushUndo(operation:flashx.undo:IOperation) — 方法, 類別 flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
增加可還原的作業到還原堆疊。 | |
pushView(viewClass:Class, data:Object, context:Object, transition:spark.transitions:ViewTransitionBase) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Pushes a new view onto the top of the navigation stack. | |
PUT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.URLRequestMethod | |
指定 URLRequest 物件為 PUT。 | |
符號 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 04:02 PM Z