org.osmf.traits 套件提供建立特定媒體特性的建構區塊。特性會定義媒體元素的功能。
視呈現的媒體特質而定,媒體元素的不同實作會彙總不同的特性。例如,音效元素會彙總 IAudible、IPlayable、ITemporal 以及 ILoadable 特性。這些個別的特性會定義與特定媒體元素實作無關的媒體元素功能。至於具備 ILoadable 特性的媒體元素,這種特性提供媒體元素的載入和取消載入功能。同樣的,IPlayable 特性的實作提供媒體元素自我播放的能力。
特性會透過元素的 MediaElement.addTrait()
- 特性彼此無關。因此,媒體特性不會擴充其他媒體特性。
- 特性會傳送自己的事件。特性實作可以從 MediaTraitBase 類別衍生,如此可以擴充 EventDispatcher 以及實作 IMediaTrait,用於處理事件的傳送。
- 特性是由 MediaTraitType 列舉類別所識別。
- 特性應該實作為個別的類別。
特性介面專供媒體元素類別使用。它們是一般外向型實體,主要特性是有 getter 但沒有 setter,但是需要外部可設定之屬性的特性除外,例如 IAudible 的 volume 或 pan 屬性。
基礎特性類別專供 MediaElement 子類別實作之用。它們一般都有 setter 和 getter。
類別 | 說明 | |
AlternativeAudioTrait | AlternativeAudioTrait defines the trait interface for media supporting alternative audio streams. | |
AudioTrait | AudioTrait defines the trait interface for media that have audio. | |
BufferTrait | BufferTrait defines the trait interface for media that can use a data buffer. | |
DisplayObjectTrait | DisplayObjectTrait defines the trait interface for media that expose a DisplayObject, and which may have intrinsic dimensions. | |
DRMState | DRMState is the enumeration of possible DRM-specific states that a piece of media can be in. | |
DRMTrait | DRMTrait defines the trait interface for media which can be protected by digital rights management (DRM) technology. | |
DVRTrait | DVRTrait defines the trait interface for media that can be played while in the process of being recorded, as if with a digital video recorder (DVR). | |
DynamicStreamTrait | DynamicStreamTrait defines the trait interface for media supporting dynamic stream switching. | |
LoaderBase | LoaderBase is the base class for objects that are capable of loading and unloading LoadTraits. | |
LoadState | LoadState is the enumeration of possible states that a LoadTrait can be in. | |
LoadTrait | LoadTrait defines the trait interface for media that must be loaded before it can be presented. | |
MediaTraitBase | A MediaTraitBase is the encapsulation of a trait or capability that's inherent to a MediaElement. | |
MediaTraitType | MediaTraitType is the enumeration of all possible media trait types. | |
PlayState | PlayState is the enumeration of possible states that a PlayTrait can be in. | |
PlayTrait | PlayTrait defines the trait interface for media whose playback can be started and stopped. | |
SeekTrait | SeekTrait defines the trait interface for media that can be instructed to jump to a position in time. | |
TimeTrait | TimeTrait defines the trait interface for media that have a duration and a currentTime. | |
TraitEventDispatcher | TraitEventDispatcher is a utility class that exposes a uniform interface for receiving trait events from a MediaElement. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 04:01 PM Z