套件 | xd.core.axm.view.components.support |
類別 | public class AXMToolPopUpDropDownController |
繼承 | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController EventDispatcher Object |
實作 | IDropDownController |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
相關 API 元素
屬性 | 定義自 | ||
constructor : Object
類別物件的參照或是特定物件實體的建構函數。 | Object | ||
hitAreaAdditions : Vector.<DisplayObject>
A list of display objects to consider part of the hit area
of the drop down. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
isOpen : Boolean [唯讀]
Contains true if the drop down is open. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
mouseDownTimer : flash.utils:Timer
| AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
mouseHoldDelay : Number
| AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
openButton : ButtonBase
A reference to the openButton skin part
of the drop-down component. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
rollOverOpenDelay : Number
Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, to wait for opening the drop down
when the anchor button is rolled over. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
shouldOpen : Boolean
| AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
systemManager : ISystemManager
A reference to the SystemManager used
for mouse tracking. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController |
方法 | 定義自 | ||
Constructor. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
會在 EventDispatcher 物件註冊事件偵聽程式,以便讓偵聽程式收到事件的通知。 | EventDispatcher | ||
Close the drop down and dispatch a DropDownEvent.CLOSE event. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
會將事件傳送到事件流程。 | EventDispatcher | ||
會檢查 EventDispatcher 物件是否有對特定的事件類型註冊偵聽程式。 | EventDispatcher | ||
指出物件是否有已定義的指定屬性。 | Object | ||
指出 Object 類別的實體是否位於指定為參數的物件原型鏈中。 | Object | ||
Open the drop down and dispatch a DropdownEvent.OPEN event. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
Close the drop down if it is no longer in focus. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
Handles the keyboard user interactions. | AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | ||
指出指定的屬性是否存在,以及是否可列舉。 | Object | ||
會從 EventDispatcher 物件移除偵聽程式。 | EventDispatcher | ||
為迴圈作業設定動態屬性的可用性。 | Object | ||
傳回代表此物件的字串,根據地區特定慣例進行格式化。 | Object | ||
會傳回指定之物件的字串形式。 | Object | ||
會傳回指定之物件的基本值。 | Object | ||
檢查此 EventDispatcher 物件是否已註冊事件偵聽程式,或者此物件的任何祖系已為特定事件類型註冊事件偵聽程式。 | EventDispatcher |
hitAreaAdditions | 屬性 |
public var hitAreaAdditions:Vector.<DisplayObject>
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
A list of display objects to consider part of the hit area of the drop down. Mouse clicks within any component listed as an inclusion will not automatically close the drop down.
isOpen | 屬性 |
mouseDownTimer | 屬性 |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
public function get mouseDownTimer():flash.utils:Timer
public function set mouseDownTimer(value:flash.utils:Timer):void
mouseHoldDelay | 屬性 |
openButton | 屬性 |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
A reference to the openButton
skin part
of the drop-down component.
public function get openButton():ButtonBase
public function set openButton(value:ButtonBase):void
rollOverOpenDelay | 屬性 |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, to wait for opening the drop down
when the anchor button is rolled over.
If set to NaN
, then the drop down opens on a click, not a rollover.
預設值為 NaN。
public function get rollOverOpenDelay():Number
public function set rollOverOpenDelay(value:Number):void
shouldOpen | 屬性 |
systemManager | 屬性 |
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
A reference to the SystemManager
for mouse tracking. if none is specified, the controller
will use the systemManager associated with the openButton.
public function get systemManager():ISystemManager
public function set systemManager(value:ISystemManager):void
AXMToolPopUpDropDownController | () | 建構函式 |
public function AXMToolPopUpDropDownController()
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
closeDropDown | () | 方法 |
public function closeDropDown(commit:Boolean):void
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
Close the drop down and dispatch a DropDownEvent.CLOSE
commit:Boolean — If true , commit the selected
data item.
openDropDown | () | 方法 |
public function openDropDown():void
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
Open the drop down and dispatch a DropdownEvent.OPEN
processFocusOut | () | 方法 |
public function processFocusOut(event:FocusEvent):void
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
Close the drop down if it is no longer in focus.
event:FocusEvent — The event object for the FOCUS_OUT event.
processKeyDown | () | 方法 |
public function processKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):Boolean
語言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
產品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Adobe Experience Model 10 |
執行階段版本: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.6 |
Handles the keyboard user interactions.
event:KeyboardEvent — The event object from the keyboard event.
Boolean — Returns true if the keyCode was
recognized and handled.
Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:47 PM Z