適用於 Adobe® Flash® Platform 的 ActionScript® 3.0 參考
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spark.skins.wireframe 套件包含的類別可將基本的外觀元素套用至 Spark 組件。根據預設,Spark 組件會使用 spark.skins.spark 套件中的外觀元素。

 ApplicationSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark Application component.
 ButtonBarFirstButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBarFirstButton component.
 ButtonBarLastButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBarLastButton component.
 ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBarMiddleButton component.
 ButtonBarSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBar component.
 ButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark Button component.
 CheckBoxSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark CheckBox component.
 ComboBoxButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ComboBoxButton component.
 ComboBoxSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ComboBox component.
 DataGridSkinThe default skin class for a Spark DataGrid component in the Wireframe theme.
 DefaultButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark DefaultButton component.
 DefaultGridHeaderRendererThe default header renderer for s:DataGrid columns.
 DefaultItemRenderer The DefaultItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a List control.
 DropDownListButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark DropDownListButton component.
 DropDownListSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark DropDownList component.
 HScrollBarSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HScrollBar component.
 HScrollBarThumbSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HScrollBarThumb component.
 HScrollBarTrackSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HScrollBarTrack component.
 HSliderSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSlider component.
 HSliderThumbSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSliderThumb component.
 HSliderTrackSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSliderTrack component.
 ListSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark List component.
 NumericStepperSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark NumericStepper component.
 NumericStepperTextInputSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark NumericStepperTextInput component.
 PanelSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark Panel component.
 RadioButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark RadioButton component.
 ScrollBarDownButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarDownButton component.
 ScrollBarLeftButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarLeftButton component.
 ScrollBarRightButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarRightButton component.
 ScrollBarUpButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarUpButton component.
 SpinnerDecrementButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark SpinnerDecrementButton component.
 SpinnerIncrementButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark SpinnerIncrementButton component.
 SpinnerSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark Spinner component.
 TabBarButtonSkinThe wireframe skin class for TabBar component.
 TabBarSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TabBar component.
 TextAreaSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TextArea component.
 TextInputSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TextInput component.
 TitleWindowCloseButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TitleWindowCloseButton component.
 TitleWindowSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TitleWindow component.
 ToggleButtonSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ToggleButton component.
 VideoPlayerSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VideoPlayer component.
 VScrollBarSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VScrollBar component.
 VScrollBarThumbSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarThumb component.
 VScrollBarTrackSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarTrack component.
 VSliderSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSlider component.
 VSliderThumbSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSliderThumb component.
 VSliderTrackSkinThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSliderTrack component.

[ X ]為什麼顯示英文?
「ActionScript 3.0 參考」的內容是以英文顯示

並非所有「ActionScript 3.0 參考」的內容都翻譯為所有語言。當語言元素未翻譯時,就會以英文顯示。例如,ga.controls.HelpBox 類別並沒有翻譯為任何語言。因此在參考的繁體中文版本中,ga.controls.HelpBox 類別就會以英文顯示。