適用於 Adobe® Flash® Platform 的 ActionScript® 3.0 參考
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spark.events 套件包含 Spark 事件類別。

 DropDownEvent The DropDownEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the open and close events.
 ElementExistenceEvent The ElementExistenceEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an element of a Group is created or destroyed.
 GridCaretEvent The GridCaretEvent class represents events that are dispatched when the caret changes in a Spark DataGrid control as the result of user interaction.
 GridEvent The GridEvent class extends the MouseEvent class to includes additional grid specific information based on the event's location relative to a grid cell.
 GridItemEditorEvent The GridItemEditorEvent class represents events that are dispatched over the life cycle of an item editor.
 GridSelectionEvent The GridSelectionEvent class represents events that are dispatched when the selection changes in a Spark DataGrid control as the result of user interaction.
 GridSelectionEventKind The GridSelectionEventKind class defines constants for the valid values of the spark.events.GridSelectionEvent class kind property.
 GridSortEvent The GridSortEvent class represents events that are dispatched when the data provider of a Spark DataGrid control is sorted as the result of the user clicking on the header of a column in the DataGrid.
 IndexChangeEvent The IndexChangeEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an index changes in a Spark component.
 ListEvent ListEvents dispatched by ListBase components like ButtonBar and List in response to MouseEvents are constructed with the incoming mouse event's properties.
 LoaderInvalidationEvent The LoaderInvalidationEvent class represents events that are dispatched to notify ContentRequest instances that their original request has been invalidated.
 PopUpEvent The PopUpEvent class represents an event dispatched by the SkinnablePopUpContainer.
 RendererExistenceEvent The RendererExistenceEvent class represents events that are dispatched when a renderer of a Spark DataGroup is added or removed.
 TextOperationEvent The TextOperationEvent class represents events that are dispatched when text content changes due to user operations such as inserting characters, backspacing, pasting, or changing text attributes.
 TitleWindowBoundsEvent The TitleWindowBoundsEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when bounds of a Spark TitleWindow changes, either by moving or resizing.
 TrackBaseEvent Represents events that are dispatched from a TrackBase component.
 ViewNavigatorEvent     The ViewNavigatorEvent class represents event objects dispatched by the View class.

[ X ]為什麼顯示英文?
「ActionScript 3.0 參考」的內容是以英文顯示

並非所有「ActionScript 3.0 參考」的內容都翻譯為所有語言。當語言元素未翻譯時,就會以英文顯示。例如,ga.controls.HelpBox 類別並沒有翻譯為任何語言。因此在參考的繁體中文版本中,ga.controls.HelpBox 類別就會以英文顯示。