符號 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
U — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與 U 鍵的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數 (85)。 | |
uiComponent — 屬性, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
Returns the component instance associated with this delegate instance. | |
UIComponent — 類別, 套件 fl.core | |
UIComponent 類別是所有視覺化組件的基底類別,包括互動式及非互動式。 | |
UIComponent — 類別, 套件 mx.core | |
The UIComponent class is the base class for all visual components, both interactive and noninteractive. | |
UIComponent() — 建構函式, 類別 fl.core.UIComponent | |
建立新的 UIComponent 組件實體。 | |
UIComponent() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Constructor. | |
UIComponentAccImpl — 類別, 套件 fl.accessibility | |
UIComponentAccImpl 類別 (也稱為「UIComponent 輔助功能實作」類別) 可用於讓 UIComponent 支援輔助功能。 | |
UIComponentAccProps — 類別, 套件 mx.accessibility | |
UIComponentAccProps is a subclass of AccessibilityProperties for use by various UIComponents. | |
UIComponentAccProps(component:mx.core:UIComponent) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.accessibility.UIComponentAccProps | |
Constructor. | |
UIComponentAutomationImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.automation.delegates.core | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UIComponent class. | |
UIComponentAutomationImpl(obj:mx.core:UIComponent) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
UIComponentCachePolicy — 最終類別, 套件 mx.core | |
The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the cachePolicy property of the UIComponent class. | |
UIComponentDescriptor — 類別, 套件 mx.core | |
A UIComponentDescriptor instance encapsulates the information that you specified in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component. | |
UIComponentDescriptor(descriptorProperties:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.core.UIComponentDescriptor | |
Constructor. | |
uid — 屬性, 類別 mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Provides access to the unique id for this list. | |
uid — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData | |
The unique identifier for this item. | |
uid — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListRowInfo | |
The unique identifier of the item in the dataProvider | |
uid — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IUID | |
The unique identifier for this object. | |
uid — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
A unique identifier for the object. | |
uid — 屬性, 類別 mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
The unique identifier for this object. | |
UIDToItemRenderer(uid:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Find an item renderer based on its UID if it is visible. | |
UIDUtil — 類別, 套件 mx.utils | |
The UIDUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with UIDs (unique identifiers) within Flex. | |
UIFTETextField — 類別, 套件 mx.core | |
The UIFTETextField class is an alternative to the UITextField class for displaying text in MX components. | |
UIFTETextField() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Constructor. | |
UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.automation.delegates.core | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UIFTETextField class. | |
UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl(obj:mx.core:UIFTETextField) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
UILoader — 類別, 套件 fl.containers | |
UILoader 類別可讓您設定要載入的內容,然後在執行階段監視載入作業。 | |
UILoader() — 建構函式, 類別 fl.containers.UILoader | |
建立新的 UILoader 組件實體。 | |
UIMovieClip — 動態類別, 套件 mx.flash | |
Components created in Adobe Flash Professional for use in Flex are subclasses of the mx.flash.UIMovieClip class. | |
UIMovieClip() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Constructor. | |
UIMovieClipAutomationImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UIMovieclip control. | |
UIMovieClipAutomationImpl(obj:mx.flash:UIMovieClip) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.UIMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
uint(value:Number) — 套件函數, 最上層 | |
會將指定的數值轉換成無正負號的整數值。 | |
uint — 最終類別, 最上層 | |
uint 類別會提供方法來處理代表 32 位元無正負號之整數的資料類型。 | |
uint(num:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 uint | |
會建立新的 uint 物件。 | |
UIScrollBar — 類別, 套件 fl.controls | |
UIScrollBar 類別包含所有的捲軸功能,而且還增加了 scrollTarget 屬性,如此便能附加到 TextField 實體或 TLFTextField 實體。 | |
UIScrollBar() — 建構函式, 類別 fl.controls.UIScrollBar | |
建立新的 UIScrollBar 組件實體。 | |
UITextField — 類別, 套件 mx.core | |
The UITextField class defines the component used by many Flex components to display text. | |
UITextField() — 建構函式, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
Constructor. | |
UITextFieldAutomationImpl — 類別, 套件 mx.automation.delegates.core | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UITextField class. | |
UITextFieldAutomationImpl(obj:mx.core:UITextField) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.automation.delegates.core.UITextFieldAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
UITextFieldGridItemRenderer — 類別, 套件 spark.skins.spark | |
The UITextFieldGridItemRenderer class defines simple and efficient item renderer that displays a single text label. | |
UITextFieldGridItemRenderer() — 建構函式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
UITextFormat — 類別, 套件 mx.core | |
The UITextFormat class represents character formatting information for the UITextField class. | |
UITextFormat(systemManager:mx.managers:ISystemManager, font:String, size:Object, color:Object, bold:Object, italic:Object, underline:Object, url:String, target:String, align:String, leftMargin:Object, rightMargin:Object, indent:Object, leading:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.core.UITextFormat | |
Constructor. | |
UNAVAILABLE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.StageVideoAvailability | |
舞台視訊目前無法使用。 | |
UNAVAILABLE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.StageVideoAvailabilityReason | |
舞台視訊目前無法使用,沒有可用的硬體 | |
UNAVAILABLE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.VideoStatus | |
不支援視訊解碼。 | |
uncaughtError — 事件, 類別 flash.events.UncaughtErrorEvents | |
當發生錯誤且開發人員程式碼未偵測到該錯誤並加以處理時傳送。 | |
uncaughtError — 事件, 類別 spark.components.Application | |
Dispatched when an uncaught error is caught by the Global Exception Handler | |
UNCAUGHT_ERROR — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.UncaughtErrorEvent | |
定義 uncaughtError 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
UncaughtErrorEvent — 類別, 套件 flash.events | |
當發生未捕捉到的錯誤時,UncaughtErrorEvents 類別的實體會傳送一個 UncaughtErrorEvent 物件。 | |
UncaughtErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, error_in:any) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.events.UncaughtErrorEvent | |
建立包含 uncaughtError 事件相關資訊的 UncaughtErrorEvent 物件。 | |
uncaughtErrorEvents — 屬性, 類別 fl.display.ProLoader | |
是一個物件,當這個 ProLoader 物件之 SWF 檔案的程式碼發生未處理的錯誤時,這個物件就會傳送 uncaughtError 事件。 | |
uncaughtErrorEvents — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.Loader | |
是一種物件,當這個 Loader 物件載入的 SWF 發生未處理的錯誤時,這個物件就會傳送 uncaughtError 事件。 | |
uncaughtErrorEvents — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
是一個物件,當這個 LoaderInfo 物件之 SWF 檔案的程式碼發生未處理的錯誤時,這個物件就會傳送 uncaughtError 事件。 | |
UncaughtErrorEvents — 類別, 套件 flash.events | |
UncaughtErrorEvents 類別提供可接收未捕捉到的錯誤事件的方法。 | |
UncaughtErrorEvents() — 建構函式, 類別 flash.events.UncaughtErrorEvents | |
建立 UncaughtErrorEvents 實體。 | |
uncaughtScriptException — 事件, 類別 flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
指出 HTMLLoader 物件中發生未捕捉的 JavaScript 例外。 | |
uncaughtScriptException — 事件, 類別 mx.controls.HTML | |
Dispatched when an uncaught JavaScript exception occurs. | |
UNCAUGHT_SCRIPT_EXCEPTION — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent | |
HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent.UNCAUGHT_SCRIPT_EXCEPTION 常數會定義 uncaughtScriptException 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
UNCOMMON — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.LigatureLevel | |
用來指定不常用的連字。 | |
uncompress(algorithm:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.utils.ByteArray | |
會解壓縮位元組陣列。 | |
unconnectedPeerStreams — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetConnection | |
物件,其中保存所有與發佈中 NetStream 物件沒有關聯的對等訂閱者 NetStream 物件。 | |
unconstrainedRenderers — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A hash map of item renderers that are not subject to the layout algorithms of the list | |
unconstrainedRenderers — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A hash map of item renderers that are not subject to the layout algorithms of the list. | |
UnconstrainItemAction — 類別, 套件 mx.effects | |
The UnconstrainItemAction class defines an action effect that is used in a data-effect definition to temporarily stop item renderers from being positioned by the layout algorithm of the parent control. | |
UnconstrainItemAction(target:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.effects.UnconstrainItemAction | |
Constructor. | |
UnconstrainItemActionInstance — 類別, 套件 mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The UnconstrainItemActionInstance class implements the instance class for the UnconstrainItemAction effect. | |
UnconstrainItemActionInstance(target:Object) — 建構函式, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.UnconstrainItemActionInstance | |
Constructor. | |
unconstrainRenderer(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Temporarily stops an item renderer from being positioned by the control's layout algorithm. | |
unconstrainRenderer(item:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Called by an UnconstrainItemAction effect as part of a data change effect if the item renderers corresponding to certain data items need to move outside the normal positions of item renderers in the control. | |
unconstrainRenderer(item:Object) — 方法, 介面 mx.effects.IEffectTargetHost | |
Called by an UnconstrainItemAction effect as part of a data change effect if the item renderers corresponding to certain data items need to move outside the normal positions of item renderers in the control. | |
UNCOVER — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.transitions.SlideViewTransitionMode | |
The previous view slides away to reveal the new view. | |
undefined — 套件常數屬性, 最上層 | |
套用至未初始化之不具類型變數的特殊值,或是套用至未初始化之動態物件屬性的特殊值。 | |
underline — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.TextFormat | |
指出使用此文字格式的文字有加底線 (true) 或未加底線 (false)。 | |
UNDERLINE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextDecoration | |
指定文字加上底線。 | |
underlineButton — 外觀部件, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
underlineOffset — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.FontMetrics | |
underlineOffset 值是底線之羅馬字基線的建議垂直偏移值。 | |
underlineThickness — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.FontMetrics | |
underlineThickness 值是底線的建議粗細。 | |
underlineToolTip — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.RichTextEditor | |
The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the text underline button. | |
undo() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
回復上一個作業。 | |
undo() — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
回復上一個作業。 | |
undo() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowOperation | |
反轉作業。 | |
undo() — 方法, 介面 flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
從還原堆疊中移除下一個 IOperation 物件,並呼叫該物件的 performUndo() 函數。 | |
undo() — 方法, 類別 flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
從還原堆疊中移除下一個 IOperation 物件,並呼叫該物件的 performUndo() 函數。 | |
undoAndRedoItemLimit — 屬性, 介面 flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
追踨可還原或可重做作業的數量上限。 | |
undoAndRedoItemLimit — 屬性, 類別 flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
追踨可還原或可重做作業的數量上限。 | |
undoButton — 外觀部件, 類別 xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
undoManager — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
指定給此編輯管理員的 IUndoManager。 | |
undoManager — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
指定給此 EditManager 實體的 UndoManager 物件 (如果有的話)。 | |
UndoManager — 類別, 套件 flashx.undo | |
UndoManager 類別管理文字流排中的編輯作業記錄,讓這些作業可以還原及重做。 | |
UndoManager() — 建構函式, 類別 flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
建立 UndoManager 物件。 | |
UndoOperation — 類別, 套件 flashx.textLayout.operations | |
UndoOperation 類別封裝還原作業。 | |
UndoOperation(op:flashx.textLayout.operations:FlowOperation) — 建構函式, 類別 flashx.textLayout.operations.UndoOperation | |
建立 UndoOperation 物件。 | |
unescape(str:String) — 套件函數, 最上層 | |
將參數 str 評估為字串、將 URL 編碼格式的字串解碼 (將所有十六進位序列轉換成 ASCII 字元),然後傳回字串。 | |
unescapeMultiByte(value:String) — 套件函數, flash.utils | |
會根據 System.useCodePage 的值,傳回透過系統字碼頁或 UTF-8 解碼之輸入字串的不逸出副本。 | |
UNEXPECTED_TOKEN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
表示在地區設定 ID 字串中偵測到未預期的字符。 | |
UNEXPECTED_TOKEN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that an unexpected token was detected in a Locale ID string. | |
unfilledVarDisplay — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ContentCapturePod | |
A skin part that displays the unfilled data elements in the content of the letter. A skin part that displays the unfilled data elements in the content of the letter. | |
unfilledVarDisplay — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.TargetAreaRenderer | |
A skin part that displays the number of unfilled data elements in the content of the target area. A skin part that displays the number of unfilled data elements in the content of the target area. | |
unfilledVarDisplay — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.ccr.presentation.contentcapture.ModuleItemRenderer | |
A skin part that displays the number of unfilled data elements in the content of the Module. A skin part that displays the number of unfilled data elements in the content of the Module. | |
unfocusedSelectionFormat — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
當選取範圍不在具有焦點的容器但在作用中視窗時,用來繪製選取範圍的SelectionFormat 物件。 | |
unfocusedSelectionFormat — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
當選取範圍不在具有焦點的容器但在作用中視窗時,用來繪製選取範圍的SelectionFormat 物件。 | |
unfocusedSelectionFormat — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
當視窗作用中,但 TextFlow 中的容器沒有焦點時,Text Layout Framework 用來繪製選取範圍的初始選取格式。 | |
unfocusedSelectionFormat — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration | |
當視窗作用中,但 TextFlow 中的容器沒有焦點時,Text Layout Framework 用來繪製選取範圍的初始選取格式。 | |
unfocusedTextSelectionColor — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The color of text when the component is enabled but does not have focus. | |
unfocusedTextSelectionColor — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The color of text when the component is enabled but does not have focus. | |
unfocusedTextSelectionColor — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The color of text when the component is enabled but does not have focus. | |
unfocusedTextSelectionColor — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The color of text when the component is enabled but does not have focus. | |
unfocusedTextSelectionColor — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.Scroller | |
The color of text when the component is enabled but does not have focus. | |
unfocusedTextSelectionColor — 樣式, 類別 spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The color of text when the component is enabled but does not have focus. | |
unfocusedTextSelectionColor — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The color of text when the component is enabled but does not have focus. | |
unfocusedTextSelectionColor — 樣式, 類別 spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The color of text when the component is enabled but does not have focus. | |
ungroupElements(groupIndex:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.text.engine.GroupElement | |
針對 groupIndex 在外部 GroupElement 物件中指定的巢狀 GroupElement,解散其中的元素群組。 | |
uninitialized — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.Image | |
The uninitialized state of the Image control. | |
uninitialized — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Uninitialized state of the VideoPlayer. The Video Player has been constructed at this point, but the source has not been set and no connection attempt is in progress. | |
uninitializedAndFullScreen — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Uninitialized state of the VideoPlayer when in full screen mode. The Video Player has been constructed at this point, but the source has not been set and no connection attempt is in progress. | |
uninstallActions(name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 adobe.utils.CustomActions | |
移除名為 name 的自訂動作 XML 定義檔案。 | |
union(toUnion:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 flash.geom.Rectangle | |
透過同時新增兩個矩形,並且填滿兩個矩形之間的水平及垂直空間,建立新的 Rectangle 物件。 | |
union(input:mx.olap:IOLAPSet) — 方法, 介面 mx.olap.IOLAPSet | |
Returns a new IOLAPSet instance that contains a union of this IOLAPSet instance and input. | |
union(secondSet:mx.olap:IOLAPSet) — 方法, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPSet | |
Returns a new IOLAPSet instance that contains a union of this IOLAPSet instance and input. | |
unique — 屬性, 介面 mx.collections.ISort | |
Indicates if the sort should be unique. | |
unique — 屬性, 類別 mx.collections.Sort | |
Indicates if the sort should be unique. | |
unique — 屬性, 類別 spark.collections.Sort | |
Indicates if the sort should be unique. | |
UNIQUE_APPID_REPLY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.automation.events.MarshalledAutomationEvent | |
UNIQUE_APPID_REQUEST — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.automation.events.MarshalledAutomationEvent | |
uniqueName — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridRendererProvider | |
The unique name of the IOLAPElement to which the renderer is applied. | |
uniqueName — 屬性, 介面 mx.olap.IOLAPElement | |
The unique name of the OLAP element in the cube. | |
uniqueName — 屬性, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPElement | |
The unique name of the OLAP element in the cube. | |
uniqueName — 屬性, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPLevel | |
The unique name of the OLAP element in the cube. | |
uniqueName — 屬性, 類別 mx.olap.OLAPMember | |
The unique name of the OLAP element in the cube. | |
UNIQUESORT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 Array | |
會針對 Array 類別排序方法指定唯一的排序需求。 | |
unitSize — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.DateTimeAxis | |
The width, in pixels, of a single data unit. | |
unitSize — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisBase | |
The size of one unit of data as represented by this axis. | |
unitSize — 屬性, 介面 mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis | |
The size of one unit of data as represented by this axis. | |
UNJUSTIFIED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.LineJustification | |
不對齊任何行。 | |
unjustifiedTextWidth — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
字行未對齊時的寬度。 | |
unjustifiedTextWidth — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
字行未對齊時的寬度。 | |
UNKNOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display.StageOrientation | |
指定裝置尚未確立方向。 | |
UNKNOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.TouchEventIntent | |
以一般接觸類型為例,觸控事件是由手指、手掌或被動觸控筆所產生。 | |
UNKNOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.CameraPosition | |
Camera.position 屬性會在無法判斷攝影機位置時傳回此值。 | |
UNKNOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.permissions.PermissionStatus | |
指定尚未要求權限。 | |
UNKNOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.security.CertificateStatus | |
憑證的有效性不明。 | |
UNKNOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.security.SignatureStatus | |
不明狀態。 | |
UNKNOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.system.IMEConversionMode | |
可由對 IME.conversionMode 屬性的呼叫傳回的字串 "UNKNOWN"。 | |
UNLESS_EDITING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.StageTextClearButtonMode | |
StageText clearButton 不會在編輯時顯示 | |
unload() — 方法, 類別 fl.containers.UILoader | |
會移除這個 UILoader 物件的子系,此物件是使用 load() 方法或 source 屬性載入。 | |
unload() — 方法, 類別 fl.display.ProLoader | |
移除使用 load() 方法載入之 ProLoader 物件的子系。 | |
unload() — 方法, 類別 flash.display.Loader | |
移除使用 load() 方法載入之 Loader 物件的子系。 | |
unload — 事件, 類別 flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
每當使用 Loader 物件的 unload() 方法移除載入的物件,或是使用相同的 Loader 物件執行第二次載入並在載入開始之前移除原始內容時,由 LoaderInfo 物件傳送。 | |
unload — 事件, 類別 mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Dispatched when a loaded object is removed, or when a second load is performed by the same SWFLoader control and the original content is removed prior to the new load beginning. | |
unload — 事件, 介面 mx.modules.IModuleInfo | |
Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo when the module data is unloaded. | |
unload() — 方法, 介面 mx.modules.IModuleInfo | |
Unloads the module. | |
unload — 事件, 類別 mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched when the module data is unloaded. | |
unload() — 方法, 介面 mx.styles.IStyleModule | |
Unloads the style module. | |
unload — 事件, 類別 spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched when the module data is unloaded. | |
UNLOAD — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.Event | |
Event.UNLOAD 常數會定義 unload 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
UNLOAD — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.ModuleEvent | |
Dispatched when the module is unloaded. | |
unloadAndStop(gc:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.Loader | |
嘗試取消載入 SWF 子檔案內容並停止所載入 SWF 檔的命令執行。 | |
unloadAndStop(invokeGarbageCollector:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Unloads an image or SWF file. | |
unloadModule() — 方法, 類別 mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Unloads the module and sets it to null. | |
unloadModule() — 方法, 類別 spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Unloads the module and sets it to null. | |
unloadResourceModule(url:String, update:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Begins unloading a loaded resource module. | |
unloadStyleDeclarations(url:String, update:Boolean) — 方法, 介面 mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Unloads a style SWF. | |
unloadStyleDeclarations(url:String, update:Boolean) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Unloads a style SWF. | |
unlock() — 方法, 類別 flash.concurrent.Mutex | |
釋放這個 mutex 的所有權,以允許任何 Worker 取得所有權並在關聯的資源上執行工作。 | |
unlock(changeRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — 方法, 類別 flash.display.BitmapData | |
解除鎖定影像,以便當這個 BitmapData 物件變更時,其它參照此 BitmapData 物件 (例如 Bitmap 物件) 的任何物件不會跟著更新。 | |
unminimizeEffect — 特效, 類別 mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Played when the component is unminimized. | |
unminimizeEffect — 特效, 類別 mx.core.Window | |
Played when the component is unminimized. | |
unminimizeEffect — 特效, 類別 spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Played when the component is unminimized. | |
unminimizeEffect — 特效, 類別 spark.components.Window | |
Played when the component is unminimized. | |
unregister(obj:mx.managers:IHistoryManagerClient) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.managers.HistoryManager | |
Unregisters an object with the HistoryManager. | |
unregisterClass(type:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry | |
Removes a Class from the registry for the given type. | |
unregisterCollectionClass(type:Object) — 方法, 類別 mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry | |
Removes a collection Class from the registry for the given type. | |
unregisterCommandHandler(commandName:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.profiler.Telemetry | |
unregisterCursor(name:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.ui.Mouse | |
使用指定的名稱取消註冊原生游標。 | |
unregisterDataTransform(transform:mx.charts.chartClasses:DataTransform) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisBase | |
Each DataTransform that makes use of an axis registers itself with that axis. | |
unregisterDataTransform(transform:mx.charts.chartClasses:DataTransform) — 方法, 介面 mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis | |
Each DataTransform that makes use of an axis registers itself with that axis. | |
unscaledHeight — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
A convenience method for determining the unscaled height of the component. | |
unscaledWidth — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
A convenience method for determining the unscaled width of the component All of a component's drawing and child layout should be done within a bounding rectangle of this width, which is also passed as an argument to updateDisplayList(). | |
unselectColumnHeader(columnNumber:int, completely:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Deselects the specified column header. | |
unselectedLabel — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The text of the label showing when the component is not selected. | |
unselectedLabelDisplay — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin | |
The label for the unselected side of the component. | |
unsetContextMenu(component:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Unsets the context menu of the InteractiveObject that has been set to the underlying native menu. | |
unsetContextMenu(component:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — 方法, 介面 mx.controls.IFlexContextMenu | |
Unsets the context menu of a InteractiveObject. | |
unshift(... rest) — 方法, 類別 Array | |
在陣列開頭加入一個或多個元素,並傳回新的陣列長度。 | |
unshift(... rest) — 方法, 類別 Vector | |
在 Vector 開頭加入一個或多個元素,並傳回新的 Vector 長度。 | |
unshift(value:any) — 方法, 類別 mx.utils.LinkedList | |
Push a new node to the head of list. | |
unsubscribe() — 方法, 類別 flash.notifications.RemoteNotifier | |
取消訂閱透過 APN 接收遠端通知的應用程式。 | |
UNSUPPORTED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display.ColorCorrectionSupport | |
主機環境不支援色彩校正。 | |
UNSUPPORTED_ERROR — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
表示不支援所要求的作業或選項。 | |
UNSUPPORTED_ERROR — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that the requested operation or option is not supported. | |
UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 fl.video.VideoError | |
狀態變數,指出傳送了不支援的屬性至 INCManager 類別,或者至 getProperty 或 setProperty 方法。 | |
UNTRUSTED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.core.ContentCache | |
Value used to mark cached URLs that are detected as being from an untrusted source (meaning they will no longer be shareable). | |
UNTRUSTED_SIGNERS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.security.CertificateStatus | |
憑證並未鍊結至信任的根憑證。 | |
unwatch() — 方法, 類別 mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher | |
Detaches this ChangeWatcher instance, and its handler function, from the current host. | |
unwatchXML(xml:Object, notifiable:mx.utils:IXMLNotifiable) — 方法, 類別 mx.utils.XMLNotifier | |
Given an XML or XMLList, remove the specified notification function. | |
up — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Up State of the Button | |
UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.ui.Keyboard | |
與向上鍵的按鍵碼值有關聯的常數 (38)。 | |
UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.formatters.NumberBaseRoundType | |
Rounds a number up to an integer value that is both closest to, and greater than or equal to, the input number. | |
UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.components.ArrowDirection | |
Arrow points up. | |
UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.InteractionState | |
The component should be in the up state. | |
UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.core.NavigationUnit | |
Navigate one line or "step" upwards. | |
UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.effects.WipeDirection | |
Wipe direction that starts at the bottom and moves up | |
UP — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.transitions.ViewTransitionDirection | |
Transition animates upward. | |
upAndSelected — 外觀狀態, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ToggleButtonBase | |
Up State of the Button when it's selected | |
upArrowDisabledSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
當捲軸的向上箭頭按鈕停用時,用來作為其外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowDisabledSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ComboBox | |
當捲軸的向上箭頭按鈕停用時,用來作為其外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowDisabledSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
當向上箭頭停用時,用於提供此向上箭頭之外觀元素的類別. | |
upArrowDisabledSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
當捲軸的向上箭頭按鈕停用時,用來作為其外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowDisabledSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the up arrow button of the scroll bar when it is disabled. | |
upArrowDisabledSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the Up arrow when the arrow is disabled. | |
upArrowDownSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
當您按一下捲軸的向上箭頭按鈕時,用來作為此箭頭按鈕之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowDownSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ComboBox | |
當您按一下捲軸的向上箭頭按鈕時,用來作為此箭頭按鈕之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowDownSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
當向上箭頭處於按下狀態時,用於提供此向上箭頭之外觀元素的類別. | |
upArrowDownSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
當您按一下捲軸的向上箭頭按鈕時,用來作為此箭頭按鈕之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowDownSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the up arrow button of the scroll bar when you click the arrow button. | |
upArrowDownSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the Up arrow when the arrow is enabled and a user presses the mouse button over the arrow. | |
upArrowOverSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
當滑鼠指標位於捲軸的向上箭頭按鈕上方時,用來作為此箭頭按鈕之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowOverSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ComboBox | |
當滑鼠指標位於捲軸的向上箭頭按鈕上方時,用來作為此箭頭按鈕之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowOverSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
當滑鼠位於向下箭頭上方時,用於提供此向下箭頭之外觀元素的類別. | |
upArrowOverSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
當滑鼠指標位於捲軸的向上箭頭按鈕上方時,用來作為此箭頭按鈕之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowOverSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the up arrow button of the scroll bar when the mouse pointer is over the arrow button. | |
upArrowOverSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the Up arrow when the arrow is enabled and the mouse pointer is over the arrow. | |
upArrowSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Name of the class to use as the default skin for the up arrow button of the scroll bar. | |
upArrowSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Name of the class to use as the default skin for the up arrow. | |
upArrowStyleFilters — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Set of styles to pass from the NumericStepper to the up arrow. | |
upArrowStyleFilters — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Set of styles to pass from the ScrollBar to the up arrow. | |
upArrowUpSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
用來作為捲軸向上箭頭按鈕之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowUpSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ComboBox | |
用來作為捲軸向上箭頭按鈕之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowUpSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
當向上箭頭處於未按下狀態時,用於提供此向上箭頭之外觀元素的類別. | |
upArrowUpSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ScrollBar | |
用來作為捲軸向上箭頭按鈕之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upArrowUpSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the up arrow button of the scroll bar. | |
upArrowUpSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the Up arrow when the arrow is enabled and the mouse pointer is not on the arrow. | |
upBorderSkin — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.ButtonSkin | |
Class to use for the border in the up state. | |
update() — 方法, 類別 fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
會根據內容的寬度和高度,重新整理捲軸屬性。 | |
update() — 方法, 類別 fl.controls.UIScrollBar | |
會強制捲軸立即更新其捲動屬性。 | |
update — 事件, 類別 flash.data.SQLConnection | |
當任何連線資料庫之任何表格內的資料因為執行 SQL UPDATE 命令而變更時傳送。 | |
update(airFile:flash.filesystem:File, version:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.desktop.Updater | |
使用指定之 AIR 檔案中內含的應用程式版本來更新目前執行的應用程式。 | |
update — 事件, 類別 flash.sensors.Accelerometer | |
會傳送 update 事件以回應加速計感應器的更新。 | |
update — 事件, 類別 flash.sensors.DeviceRotation | |
當裝置旋轉以回應來自加速計和迴轉儀感應器之合併讀數的更新時,就會傳送 update 事件。 | |
update — 事件, 類別 flash.sensors.Geolocation | |
會傳送 update 事件以回應位置感應器的更新。 | |
update(type:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
開始指定類型的更新。 | |
update() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.CategoryAxis | |
Updates the chart. | |
update() — 方法, 介面 mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis | |
Updates the chart. | |
update() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
Updates the chart. | |
update() — 方法, 介面 mx.resources.IResourceManager | |
Dispatches a change event from the ResourceManager. | |
UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.data.SQLMode | |
指出已開啟連線進行更新,但是如果指定的檔案不存在,則不會建立新的資料庫檔案。 | |
UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.AccelerometerEvent | |
定義 AccelerometerEvent 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.DeviceRotationEvent | |
定義 DeviceRotationEvent 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.GeolocationEvent | |
定義 GeolocationEvent 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.GesturePhase | |
手勢的進度 (例如移動手指跨越觸控螢幕)。 | |
UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.SQLUpdateEvent | |
SQLUpdateEvent.UPDATE 常數會定義 SQLConnection update 事件的 type 屬性值。 | |
UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.filesystem.FileMode | |
用於要在讀取/寫入模式下開啟的檔案。 | |
UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.CollectionEventKind | |
Indicates that one or more items were updated within the collection. | |
UPDATE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.PropertyChangeEventKind | |
Indicates that the value of the property changed. | |
updateAfterEvent() — 方法, 類別 flash.events.GestureEvent | |
假設事件處理常式已經修改顯示清單,在處理手勢事件後,重新整理 Flash 執行階段顯示。 | |
updateAfterEvent() — 方法, 類別 flash.events.KeyboardEvent | |
指出如果尚未修改顯示清單,便會在處理完此事件之後才顯示。 | |
updateAfterEvent() — 方法, 類別 flash.events.MouseEvent | |
如果已經修改顯示清單,則指示 Flash Player 或 Adobe AIR 在此事件處理完畢後再顯示。 | |
updateAfterEvent() — 方法, 類別 flash.events.TimerEvent | |
如果已經修改顯示清單,則指示 Flash Player 或 AIR 執行階段在此事件處理完畢後再顯示。 | |
updateAfterEvent() — 方法, 類別 flash.events.TouchEvent | |
如果已經修改顯示清單,則指示 Flash Player 或 Adobe AIR 在此事件處理完畢後再顯示。 | |
updateAllControllers() — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
撰寫根元素的內容並更新顯示。 | |
updateAllControllers() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
撰寫根元素的內容並更新顯示。 | |
updateAllControllers() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
updateAllControllers() — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
在作業修改顯示之後更新顯示。 | |
updateAllDataTips() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Displays all noninteractive data tips if showAllDataTips is set. | |
update_attachment — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.AttachmentList | |
The Update Attachment button. The Update Attachment button. | |
updateBackground() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Updates the MenuBar control's background skin. | |
updateButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.EditDataElement | |
A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for updating an existing data element. A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for updating an existing data element. | |
updateButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.AssetDetailsPod | |
The skin part for the Update button. The skin part for the Update button. | |
updateButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.project.ProjectDetailsPod | |
The skin part for the Update button. The skin part for the Update button. | |
updateButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.template.stages.ProcessComponent | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to update details of a process. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to update details of a process. | |
updateComplete — 事件, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
每次容器因撰寫而新增或更新 DisplayObject 時,由 TextFlow 物件發送。 | |
updateComplete — 事件, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
每次容器因撰寫而新增或更新 DisplayObject 時,由 TextFlow 物件發送。 | |
updateComplete — 事件, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched when an object has had its commitProperties(), measure(), and updateDisplayList() methods called (if needed). | |
UPDATE_COMPLETE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.events.UpdateCompleteEvent | |
定義 UpdateCompleteEvent 物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
UPDATE_COMPLETE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a updateComplete event. | |
UpdateCompleteEvent — 類別, 套件 flashx.textLayout.events | |
在 TextFlow 實體的任一容器完成更新後,TextFlow 實體會傳送此事件。 | |
UpdateCompleteEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — 建構函式, 類別 flashx.textLayout.events.UpdateCompleteEvent | |
建構函式 | |
updateCompletePendingFlag — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout validation (provided that any were required). | |
updateCompletePendingFlag — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout validation (provided that any were required). | |
updateCompletePendingFlag — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout validation (provided that any were required) | |
updateCompletePendingFlag — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UITextField | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout validation (provided that any were required) | |
updateCompletePendingFlag — 屬性, 介面 mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient | |
A flag that determines if an object is waiting to have its updateComplete event dispatched. | |
updateCompletePendingFlag — 屬性, 類別 mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
A flag that determines if an object has been through all three phases of layout validation (provided that any were required). | |
updateComposition(text:String, attributes:Vector$flash.text.ime:CompositionAttributeRange, compositionStartIndex:int, compositionEndIndex:int) — 方法, 介面 flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
更新行內編輯工作階段內容的回呼。 | |
updateContainer() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
更新顯示;呼叫 factory 或 updateAllControllers()。 | |
updateControlsForView(view:spark.components:View) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase | |
Updates various properties of the navigator when a new view is added and activated. | |
updateData() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Called when the underlying data that the series represents has changed and needs to be reloaded from the data provider. | |
updateData() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Called when the underlying data that the series represents has changed and needs to be reloaded from the data provider. | |
updateData() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Called when the underlying data that the series represents has changed and needs to be reloaded from the data provider. | |
updateDataChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, left:any, top:any, right:any, bottom:any, hCenter:any, vCenter:any) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Updates the position of any child to current canvas. | |
updateDataChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, angleLeft:any, radialTop:any, angleRight:any, radialBottom:any, angleCenter:any, radialCenter:any) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Updates the position of any child to the current canvas. | |
updateDataTip(dataTipInstance:mx.core:IDataRenderer, initialPosition:flash.geom:Point) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
Used to position the data tip when it is visible. | |
updateDescriptor — 屬性, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
從更新 URL 下載之更新描述器檔案的內容。 | |
updateDescriptor — 屬性, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
從更新 URL 下載之更新描述器檔案的內容。 | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.Legend | |
Respond to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this container's children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Programmatically draws the graphics for this skin. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartLabel | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart | |
Programmatically draws the graphics for this skin. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Programmatically draws the graphics for this skin. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.Box | |
Sets the size and position of each child of the Box container. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.Canvas | |
Sets the size of each child of the container. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.Form | |
Responds to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this container's children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.FormItem | |
Responds to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this container's children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.Grid | |
Sets the size and position of each child of the Grid. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.GridRow | |
Sets the size and position of each child of the GridRow container. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.TabNavigator | |
Responds to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this container's tabs and children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.Tile | |
Sets the positions and sizes of this container's children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.containers.ViewStack | |
Responds to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this container's children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Sizes and positions the internal components in the given width and height. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Responds to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this LinkBar control's children. | |
updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Adds or removes item renderers if the number of displayable items changed. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Adds or removes item renderers if the number of displayable items changed. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
Sets the position and size of the scroll bars and content and adjusts the mask. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Positions the elements of the control. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.Container | |
Respond to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of this container's children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.core.UIComponent | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Programmatically draws the graphics for this skin. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserRollOverIndicatorSkin | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserSelectionIndicatorSkin | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.DateChooserTodayIndicatorSkin | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 mx.skins.wireframe.WindowedApplicationSkin | |
updateDisplayList(width:Number, height:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Sizes and positions the target's elements. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Draws the element and/or sizes and positions its content. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Draws the element and/or sizes and positions its content. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.primitives.supportClasses.StrokedElement | |
Draws the element and/or sizes and positions its content. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.spark.ErrorSkin | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.spark.FocusSkin | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.skins.spark.HighlightBitmapCaptureSkin | |
Draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. | |
updateError — 事件, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
若在嘗試下載或剖析更新描述器檔案時發生錯誤,便會傳送。 | |
updateError — 事件, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
若在嘗試下載或剖析更新描述器檔案時發生錯誤,便會傳送。 | |
UPDATE_ERROR — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 air.update.events.StatusUpdateErrorEvent | |
StatusUpdateErrorEvent.UPDATE_ERROR 常數定義了代表 statusUpdateError 事件之事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
updateErrorTextDisplay() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.FormItem | |
Converts elementErrorStrings into a String, and assigns that String to the errorTextDisplay skin part for display. | |
UpdateEvent — 類別, 套件 air.update.events | |
UpdateEvent 是由 ApplicationUpdater 物件在更新過程中所傳送。 | |
UpdateEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — 建構函式, 類別 air.update.events.UpdateEvent | |
建構函數。 | |
updateFilter() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Called when the underlying data the canvas represents needs to be filtered against the ranges represented by the axes of the associated data transform. | |
updateFilter() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Called when the underlying data the series represents needs to be filtered against the ranges represented by the axes of the associated data transform. | |
updateFilter() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Called when the underlying data the canvas represents needs to be filtered against the ranges represented by the axes of the associated data transform. | |
updateFilter() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Called when the underlying data the series represents needs to be filtered against the ranges represented by the axes of the associated data transform. | |
updateFilter() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Called when the underlying data the series represents needs to be filtered against the ranges represented by the axes of the associated data transform. | |
updateGraphics(updateStart:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
updateLengths(startPosition:int, deltaLength:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowComposerBase | |
更新行長度以維持與 TextFlow 的對應。 | |
updateLengths(startPosition:int, deltaLength:int) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
更新行長度以維持與 TextFlow 的對應。 | |
updateList() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Refreshes all rows now. | |
updateList() — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Refreshes all rows. | |
updateLocation(locationURL:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.html.HTMLHost | |
當 HTMLLoader 物件中的 JavaScript 程式碼設定 window.location 屬性時所呼叫的函數。 | |
updateMapping() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Called when the underlying data the series represents needs to be mapped to numeric representations. | |
updateMapping() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Called when the underlying data the series represents needs to be mapped to numeric representations. | |
updateMapping() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Called when the underlying data the series represents needs to be mapped to numeric representations. | |
updateNavItemIcon(index:int, icon:Class) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.NavBar | |
Resets the icon of a navigator item in the NavBar control. | |
updateNavItemLabel(index:int, label:String) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.NavBar | |
Sets the label property of a navigator item in the NavBar control. | |
updatePopUpPosition() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
Positions the pop-up after the pop-up is added to PopUpManager but before any state transitions occur. | |
updatePopUpTransform() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.PopUpAnchor | |
Updates the popUp control's transform matrix. | |
updateProperties() — 靜態方法 , 類別 flash.accessibility.Accessibility | |
告知 Flash Player 套用任何使用 DisplayObject.accessibilityProperties 屬性所做的輔助功能變更。 | |
Updater — 最終類別, 套件 flash.desktop | |
Updater 類別可用來將目前執行的應用程式更新為不同的版本。 | |
Updater() — 建構函式, 類別 flash.desktop.Updater | |
Updater 類別的建構函數。 | |
updateRange(newAnchorPosition:int, newActivePosition:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionState | |
使用新的錨點或作用位置值來更新選取範圍。 | |
updateRange(newAnchorPosition:int, newActivePosition:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.TextRange | |
使用新的錨點或作用位置值來更新範圍。 | |
updateRenderer(renderer:mx.core:IVisualElement, itemIndex:int, data:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.DataGroup | |
Updates the renderer for reuse. | |
updateRenderer(renderer:mx.core:IVisualElement, itemIndex:int, data:Object) — 方法, 介面 spark.components.IItemRendererOwner | |
Updates the renderer for reuse. | |
updateRenderer(renderer:mx.core:IVisualElement, itemIndex:int, data:Object) — 方法, 類別 spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
Updates an item renderer for use or reuse. | |
updateRendererDisplayList(r:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — 方法, 類別 mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Redraws the renderer synchronously. | |
updateScrollRect(w:Number, h:Number) — 方法, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Called by the target at the end of its updateDisplayList to have the layout update its scrollRect. | |
updateSkinDisplayList() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.Callout | |
Sets the bounds of arrow, whose geometry isn't fully specified by the skin's layout. | |
updateSkinDisplayList() — 方法, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.TrackBase | |
Sets the bounds of skin parts, typically the thumb, whose geometry isn't fully specified by the skin's layout. | |
updateStacking() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
Iterates over the individual sub-series to build the stacked values. | |
updateStatus — 事件, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
在更新程式成功下載並解譯更新描述器檔案之後傳送。 | |
updateStatus — 事件, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
在更新程式成功下載並解譯更新描述器檔案之後傳送。 | |
updateStatus(status:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.html.HTMLHost | |
當 HTMLLoader 物件中的 JavaScript 程式碼設定 window.status 屬性時所呼叫的函數。 | |
UPDATE_STATUS — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 air.update.events.StatusUpdateEvent | |
StatusUpdateEvent.UPDATE_STATUS 常數定義了代表 updateStatus 事件之事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
UPDATE_SYCHRONIZATION — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.automation.events.MarshalledAutomationEvent | |
updateTitle(title:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.html.HTMLHost | |
當 HTMLLoader 物件中的 JavaScript 程式碼設定 window.document.title 屬性,或當 title 元素透過 DOM 或因新頁面載入而變更時所呼叫的函數。 | |
updateToController(index:int) — 方法, 介面 flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
撰寫並更新顯示的範圍到指定索引中的容器為止 (含此容器)。 | |
updateToController(index:int) — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
撰寫並更新顯示的範圍到指定索引中的容器為止 (含此容器)。 | |
updateTransform() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Called when the underlying data the series represents needs to be transformed from data to screen values by the axes of the associated data transform. | |
updateTransform() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Called when the underlying data the series represents needs to be transformed from data to screen values by the axes of the associated data transform. | |
updateTransform() — 方法, 類別 mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Called when the underlying data the series represents needs to be transformed from data to screen values by the axes of the associated data transform. | |
updateURL — 屬性, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
更新描述器檔案的位置。 | |
updateURL — 屬性, 類別 air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
更新描述器檔案的位置。 | |
updateVisibleRectangle() — 方法, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
如果捲動,請將捲動矩形設定為容器矩形,如此畫面中任何未能全部顯示的行就會剪裁至可捲動區域。 | |
upIcon — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.LabelButton | |
當切換按鈕不是處於選取狀態並且滑鼠不是位於按鈕上方時,用來作為圖示的類別名稱. | |
upIcon — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.RadioButton | |
當切換按鈕不是處於選取狀態並且滑鼠不是位於按鈕上方時,用來作為圖示的類別名稱. | |
upIcon — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.CheckBox | |
當切換按鈕不是處於選取狀態並且滑鼠不是位於按鈕上方時,用來作為圖示的類別名稱. | |
upIcon — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the icon when a toggle button is not selected and the mouse is not over the button. | |
upIconClass — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.SelectableButtonSkinBase | |
The class used to create the icon in the up state. | |
upload(vertexProgram:flash.utils:ByteArray, fragmentProgram:flash.utils:ByteArray) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.Program3D | |
上傳一對以 AGAL (Adobe Graphics Assembly Language) 位元組碼表示的顯示程式。 | |
upload(request:flash.net:URLRequest, uploadDataFieldName:String, testUpload:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.net.FileReference | |
開始將檔案上傳到遠端伺服器。 | |
uploadCompleteData — 事件, 類別 flash.net.FileReference | |
在成功上傳後,從伺服器接到資料以後傳送。 | |
UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.DataEvent | |
定義 uploadCompleteData 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:uint, async:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.CubeTexture | |
從位元組陣列上傳 Adobe Texture Format (ATF) 格式的立方體紋理。 | |
uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:uint, async:Boolean) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.Texture | |
從 ByteArray 物件上傳 Adobe Texture Format (ATF) 格式的壓縮紋理。 | |
uploadFromBitmapData(source:flash.display:BitmapData, side:uint, miplevel:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.CubeTexture | |
從 BitmapData 物件上傳立方體對應紋理的組件。 | |
uploadFromBitmapData(source:flash.display:BitmapData) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.RectangleTexture | |
從 BitmapData 物件上傳紋理。 | |
uploadFromBitmapData(source:flash.display:BitmapData, miplevel:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.Texture | |
從 BitmapData 物件上傳紋理。 | |
uploadFromBitmapDataAsync(source:flash.display:BitmapData) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.RectangleTexture | |
從 BitmapData 物件上傳紋理。 | |
uploadFromBitmapDataAsync(source:flash.display:BitmapData, miplevel:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.Texture | |
以非同步方式從 BitmapData 物件上傳紋理的 MIP 層級 0。 | |
uploadFromByteArray(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:int, startOffset:int, count:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.IndexBuffer3D | |
儲存於圖形子系統頂點索引。 | |
uploadFromByteArray(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:int, startVertex:int, numVertices:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.VertexBuffer3D | |
從位元組陣列上傳一組點的資料到顯示內容。 | |
uploadFromByteArray(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:uint, side:uint, miplevel:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.CubeTexture | |
從 ByteArray 物件上傳立方體對應紋理的組件。 | |
uploadFromByteArray(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.RectangleTexture | |
從 ByteArray 上傳紋理。 | |
uploadFromByteArray(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:uint, miplevel:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.Texture | |
從 ByteArray 上傳紋理。 | |
uploadFromByteArrayAsync(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.RectangleTexture | |
從 ByteArray 上傳紋理。 | |
uploadFromByteArrayAsync(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:uint, miplevel:uint) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.textures.Texture | |
以非同步方式從 ByteArray 上傳紋理的 MIP 層級 0。 | |
uploadFromVector(data:Vector$uint, startOffset:int, count:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.IndexBuffer3D | |
儲存於圖形子系統頂點索引。 | |
uploadFromVector(data:Vector$Number, startVertex:int, numVertices:int) — 方法, 類別 flash.display3D.VertexBuffer3D | |
從頂點陣列上傳一組點的資料到顯示內容。 | |
uploading — 外觀狀態, 類別 com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.AttachmentList | |
uploading — 外觀狀態, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.FileUploader | |
Uploading state of the FileUploader | |
uploadNewFileButton — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.asset.RestartAssetScheduleDialog | |
The skin part for the Upload New File button. The skin part for the Upload New File button. | |
upload_progress_bar — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.AttachmentList | |
The progress bar that is displayed when uploading an attachment. The progress bar that is displayed when uploading an attachment. | |
uploadProgressBar — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.common.FileUploader | |
A skin part that defines upload progress bar A skin part that defines upload progress bar | |
uploadUnencoded(request:flash.net:URLRequest) — 方法, 類別 flash.net.FileReference | |
不使用任何編碼,起始上傳檔案至 URL。 | |
UPLOAD_URL — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 coldfusion.service.Util | |
UPPER_ALPHA — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
大寫字母編號:A-Z 和 AA-ZZ 等。 | |
UPPERCASE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.TypographicCase | |
指定所有字元在輸出時使用大寫字。 | |
UPPERCASE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TLFTypographicCase | |
指定所有字元在輸出時使用大寫字。 | |
UPPER_GREEK — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
大寫希臘文字母編號。 | |
UPPER_LATIN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
大寫字母編號:A-Z 和 AA-ZZ 等。 | |
upperMargin — 屬性, 類別 mx.charts.chartClasses.BoundedValue | |
The margin, in pixels, required above the value in order to render properly. | |
UPPER_ROMAN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
大寫羅馬字編號:I、II、III 和 IV 等。 | |
upSelectedIconClass — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.SelectableButtonSkinBase | |
The class used to create the icon in the selected upSelected state . | |
UPSIDE_DOWN — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display.StageOrientation | |
指定舞台目前從預設方向上下顛倒。 | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
顯示在捲動窗格上的預設外觀元素. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridCellEditor | |
DataGridCellEditor 的背景與邊框的外觀元素所使用的類別名稱. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
當按鈕不是處於選取狀態並且滑鼠不是位於組件上方時,用來作為背景與邊框之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.TextArea | |
用於提供 TextArea 組件背景的類別. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
當 ColorPicker 按鈕處於未按下狀態時,用於提供此按鈕之外觀元素的類別. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.LabelButton | |
當按鈕不是處於選取狀態並且滑鼠不是位於組件上方時,用來作為背景與邊框之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.TextInput | |
用來作為 TextInput 組件背景的類別名稱. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.BaseButton | |
當按鈕不是處於選取狀態並且滑鼠不是位於組件上方時,用來作為背景與邊框之外觀元素的類別名稱. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 fl.controls.ComboBox | |
用於提供 ComboBox 組件背景的類別名稱. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when the button is not selected and the mouse is not over the control. | |
upSkin — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when the mouse is not over the control. | |
upState — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.SimpleButton | |
指定用來當作按鈕「一般」狀態 (指的是當指標並尚未滑入按鈕上方時,按鈕所處的狀態) 之視覺物件的顯示物件。 | |
upSymbolIconClass — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.SelectableButtonSkinBase | |
The class used to create the symbol icon in all deselected states . | |
upSymbolIconSelectedClass — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.SelectableButtonSkinBase | |
The class used to create the selected symbol icon in all selected states. | |
URDU — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
使用烏都文編號。 | |
uri — 屬性, 類別 Namespace | |
命名空間的統一資源識別項 (URI)。 | |
uri — 屬性, 類別 QName | |
QName 物件的統一資源識別項 (URI)。 | |
uri — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetConnection | |
傳遞到 NetConnection.connect() 方法的 URI。 | |
uri — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetStreamInfo | |
呼叫 NetConnection.connect() 時使用的 URL。 | |
uri — 屬性, 類別 mx.messaging.Channel | |
Provides access to the URI used to create the whole endpoint URI for this channel. | |
uriDereferencer — 屬性, 類別 flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator | |
IURIDereferencer 實作。 | |
URIError — 動態類別, 最上層 | |
當其中一個全域 URI 處理函數以不相容於其定義的方式使用時,便會擲回 URIError 例外。 | |
URIError(message:String) — 建構函式, 類別 URIError | |
會建立新的 URIError 物件。 | |
urisEqual(uri1:String, uri2:String) — 靜態方法 , 類別 mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Tests whether two URI Strings are equivalent, ignoring case and differences in trailing slashes. | |
url — 屬性, 類別 fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
要載入的媒體 URL。 | |
url — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
要載入的媒體 URL。 | |
url — 屬性, 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
這個檔案路徑的 URL。 | |
url — 屬性, 類別 flash.html.HTMLHistoryItem | |
HTML 網頁的 URL。 | |
url — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.Sound | |
從中載入此聲音的 URL。 | |
url — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.URLRequest | |
要求的 URL。 | |
url — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.TextFormat | |
指出此文字格式中之文字的目標 URL。 | |
url — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange | |
URL for a hypertext link in the range. | |
url — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.Application | |
The URL from which this Application's SWF file was loaded. | |
url — 屬性, 類別 mx.events.BrowserChangeEvent | |
The new value of the url property in the BrowserManager. | |
url — 屬性, 類別 mx.events.RSLEvent | |
The URLRequest object that represents the location of the RSL being downloaded. | |
url — 屬性, 介面 mx.managers.IBrowserManager | |
The current URL as it appears in the browser address bar. | |
url — 屬性, 介面 mx.modules.IModuleInfo | |
The URL associated with this module (for example, "MyImageModule.swf" or "http://somedomain.com/modules/MyImageModule.swf". | |
url — 屬性, 類別 mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
The location of the module, expressed as a URL. | |
url — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
Location of the service. | |
url — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Location of the service. | |
url — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Application | |
The URL from which this Application's SWF file was loaded. | |
url — 屬性, 類別 spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
The location of the module, expressed as a URL. | |
URL — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.SoftKeyboardType | |
輸入 URL 的最佳化鍵盤。 | |
urlChange — 事件, 介面 mx.managers.IBrowserManager | |
Dispatched when the URL is changed by the application. | |
URL_CHANGE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.BrowserChangeEvent | |
The BrowserChangeEvent.URL_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a urlChange event. | |
urlChanged — 事件, 類別 mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched when the ModuleLoader is given a new URL. | |
urlChanged — 事件, 類別 spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Dispatched when the ModuleLoader is given a new URL. | |
URL_CHANGED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.events.FlexEvent | |
The FlexEvent.URL_CHANGED constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a urlChanged event. | |
urlField — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.prm.presentation.document.ImportUrlDialog | |
The skin part for URL text input. The skin part for URL text input. | |
URLFilePromise — 類別, 套件 air.desktop | |
URLFilePromise 類別允許將 URL 上可以取得的資源拖離開 AIR 應用程式,變成一個檔案承諾。 | |
URLFilePromise() — 建構函式, 類別 air.desktop.URLFilePromise | |
建立 URLFilePromise 物件。 | |
URL_FORMAT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.desktop.ClipboardFormats | |
URL 字串 (僅限 AIR)。 | |
urlIncludesFMSApplicationInstance — 屬性, 類別 org.osmf.net.StreamingURLResource | |
Indicates, for RTMP streaming URLs, whether the URL includes the FMS application instance or not. | |
URLLoader — 類別, 套件 flash.net | |
URLLoader 類別能以文字、二進位資料或 URL 編碼之變數的形式,從 URL 下載資料。 | |
URLLoader(request:flash.net:URLRequest) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.net.URLLoader | |
會建立 URLLoader 物件。 | |
URLLoaderDataFormat — 最終類別, 套件 flash.net | |
URLLoaderDataFormat 類別會提供一些值,以指定接收下載資料的方式。 | |
URLMonitor — 類別, 套件 air.net | |
URLMonitor 類別會監視 HTTP 或 HTTPS 服務的可用性。 | |
URLMonitor(urlRequest:flash.net:URLRequest, acceptableStatusCodes:Array) — 建構函式, 類別 air.net.URLMonitor | |
針對指定的 HTTP 或 HTTPS 服務建立 URLMonitor 物件。 | |
urlPrompt — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
由伺服器提供,要求提供 URL 字串的提示。 | |
urlRequest — 屬性, 類別 air.net.URLMonitor | |
代表探索要求的 URLRequest 物件。 | |
URLRequest — 最終類別, 套件 flash.net | |
URLRequest 類別會在單一 HTTP 要求中捕捉所有資訊。 | |
URLRequest(url:String) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.net.URLRequest | |
會建立 URLRequest 物件。 | |
URLRequestDefaults — 類別, 套件 flash.net | |
URLRequestDefaults 類別包含靜態屬性,可用來定義 URLRequest 類別之屬性的預設值。 | |
URLRequestHeader — 最終類別, 套件 flash.net | |
URLRequestHeader 物件會封裝單一 HTTP 要求檔頭,而且包含名稱/值的配對。 | |
URLRequestHeader(name:String, value:String) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.net.URLRequestHeader | |
會建立新的 URLRequestHeader 物件 (會封裝單一 HTTP 要求檔頭)。 | |
URLRequestMethod — 最終類別, 套件 flash.net | |
URLRequestMethod 類別會提供一些值,可指定在傳送資料至伺服器時,URLRequest 物件應該使用 POST 方法或 GET 方法。 | |
URL_SCHEME_INVALID — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 org.osmf.events.MediaErrorCodes | |
Error constant for when the NetLoader is unable to load a resource because of an unknown or invalid URL scheme. | |
URLStream — 類別, 套件 flash.net | |
URLStream 類別會提供對於下載 URL 的低階存取。 | |
URLUtil — 類別, 套件 mx.utils | |
The URLUtil class is a static class with methods for working with full and relative URLs within Flex. | |
URLVariables — 動態類別, 套件 flash.net | |
URLVariables 類別可讓您在應用程式和伺服器之間傳輸變數。 | |
URLVariables(source:String) — 建構函式, 類別 flash.net.URLVariables | |
會建立新的 URLVariables 物件。 | |
useBackgroundGradient — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.CalloutSkin | |
Enables a vertical linear gradient in the backgroundColor frame. | |
useBackgroundGradient — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.CalloutArrow | |
Enables a vertical linear gradient in the backgroundColor frame. | |
useBitmapScrolling — 屬性, 類別 fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
設定為 true 時,捲動內容的 cacheAsBitmap 屬性會設定為 true;設定為 false 時,則會關閉這個值。 | |
useCache — 屬性, 類別 flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
在這個物件所發出的 HTTP 要求取得資料之前,指定是否應查閱本機快取。 | |
useCache — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.URLRequest | |
指定這個 URLRequest 取得資料之前是否應查閱本機快取。 | |
useCache — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.URLRequestDefaults | |
URLRequest 物件的 useCache 屬性預設值。 | |
useCapture — 屬性, 類別 mx.automation.events.EventDetails | |
Determines whether the listener works in the capture phase or the target and bubbling phases. | |
useCapture — 屬性, 類別 mx.events.EventListenerRequest | |
The useCapture parameter to addEventListener(). | |
useCenterAlignment — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
If true, then the labelDisplay and iconDisplay are centered. | |
useChromeColor — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.SparkSkin | |
Specifies whether or not this skin should be affected by the chromeColor style. | |
useClipboardAnnotations — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.conversion.ConverterBase | |
useClipboardAnnotations — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextExporter | |
useClipboardAnnotations 屬性會控制匯入器是否應處理剪貼簿所需的額外資訊。 | |
useClipboardAnnotations — 屬性, 介面 flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextImporter | |
控制匯入器是否應處理剪貼簿所需的額外資訊。 | |
useCodePage — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.system.System | |
Boolean 值,會決定用來解譯外部文字檔的字碼頁。 | |
useCookieHeaderForAllRequests — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.AVNetworkingParams | |
useCurrencySymbol — 屬性, 類別 spark.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
Enables the use of the currencySymbol property when formatting currency amounts. | |
useCurrentFrame(enable:Boolean, spanStart:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
每次進入新影格時,設定 currentFrame 屬性,以及設定目標的動畫是否與其父輩 MovieClips 的時間軸中的影格同步。 | |
USE_DOMINANT_BASELINE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextBaseline | |
指定 alignmentBaseline 與 dominantBaseline 相同。 | |
useDuration — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
If true, stop the effect after the time specified by the duration property has elapsed. | |
useDuration — 屬性, 類別 mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
If true, stop the effect after the time specified by the duration property has elapsed. | |
useEchoSuppression — 屬性, 類別 flash.media.Microphone | |
如果已啟用回音抑制,請設定為 true,否則設定為 false。 | |
useFTE — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.UITextFormat | |
Determines how the measureText() and measureHTMLText() methods do text measurement. | |
useGrouping — 屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
格式化貨幣金額時,啟用分組分隔符號。 | |
useGrouping — 屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.NumberFormatter | |
格式化數字時,啟用分組分隔符號。 | |
useGrouping — 屬性, 類別 spark.formatters.supportClasses.NumberFormatterBase | |
Enables the use of the grouping separator when formatting numbers. | |
useHandCursor — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.SimpleButton | |
Boolean 值,設定為 true 時,表示指標滑入按鈕上方時是否顯示手掌游標。 | |
useHandCursor — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.Sprite | |
指示當指標滑入 Sprite,且其 buttonMode 屬性設為 true 時,是否要出現指示手掌 (手掌游標) 的 Boolean 值。 | |
useHandCursor — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IContainer | |
指示當指標滑入 Sprite,且其 buttonMode 屬性設為 true 時,是否要出現指示手掌 (手掌游標) 的 Boolean 值。 | |
useHardwareDecoder — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetStream | |
指定是否在串流上使用硬體加速解碼。 | |
useIconStyle — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase | |
If true, then create the iconDisplay using the icon style. | |
useJitterBuffer — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetStream | |
將即時無緩衝串流 (bufferTime = 0) 的延遲降到最低。 | |
use namespace — 陳述式 | |
使指定的命名空間加入至開放的命名空間集。 | |
useNativeDragManager — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
If true, the DragManager should use the NativeDragManagerImpl implementation class. | |
useNativeDragManager — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
If true, the DragManager should use the NativeDragManagerImpl implementation class. | |
useNegativeSign — 屬性, 類別 mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
If true, format a negative number by preceding it with a minus "-" sign. | |
useNegativeSign — 屬性, 類別 mx.formatters.NumberFormatter | |
If true, format a negative number by preceding it with a minus "-" sign. | |
usePhasedInstantiation — 屬性, 介面 mx.managers.ILayoutManager | |
A flag that indicates whether the LayoutManager allows screen updates between phases. | |
usePhasedInstantiation — 屬性, 類別 mx.managers.LayoutManager | |
A flag that indicates whether the LayoutManager allows screen updates between phases. | |
usePreloader — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.Application | |
If true, specifies to display the application preloader. | |
usePreloader — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.Application | |
If true, specifies to display the application preloader. | |
useProxy — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
Specifies whether to use the Flex proxy service. | |
useProxy — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService | |
Specifies whether to use the Flex proxy service. | |
useProxy — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Specifies whether to use the Flex proxy service. | |
useProxy — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.http.Operation | |
Specifies whether to use the Flex proxy service. | |
useProxy — 屬性, 類別 mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
Specifies whether to use the Flex proxy service. | |
userAgent — 屬性, 類別 flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
來自這個 HTMLLoader 物件的任何即將發出內容要求中所使用的使用者代理字串。 | |
userAgent — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.URLRequest | |
指定 HTTP 要求中所要使用的 user-agent 字串。 | |
userAgent — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.URLRequestDefaults | |
URLRequest 物件的 userAgent 屬性預設值。 | |
userAgent — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.HTML | |
The user agent string to be used in content requests from this control. | |
userData — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.AVPauseAtPeriodEndEvent | |
userData — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.ContentElement | |
提供了讓應用程式將任意資料與元素產生關聯的方法。 | |
userData — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextBlock | |
提供了讓應用程式將任意資料與文字區塊產生關聯的方法。 | |
userData — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
提供了讓應用程式將任意資料與文字行產生關聯的方法。 | |
userData — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowOperation | |
與元素相關聯的任意資料。 | |
userDirectory — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.filesystem.File | |
使用者的目錄。 | |
USER_DISABLED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.StageVideoAvailabilityReason | |
舞台視訊目前無法使用,使用者已停用硬體加速 | |
userDropDown — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.comment.CommentPod | |
A reference to the DropDownListBase object that displays the user details. A reference to the DropDownListBase object that displays the user details. | |
useRedirectedURL(sourceRequest:flash.net:URLRequest, wholeURL:Boolean, pattern:any, replace:String) — 方法, 類別 flash.net.URLRequest | |
允許以來源 URLRequest 中的重新導向 URL 替代新 URLRequest 中 URL 的某些部分。 | |
useRichTextClipboard — 屬性, 類別 fl.text.TLFTextField | |
指定是否將文字格式連同文字一起複製到剪貼簿。 | |
useRichTextClipboard — 屬性, 類別 flash.text.TextField | |
會指定文字格式是否隨著文字一起複製和貼上。 | |
useRichTextClipboard — 屬性, 類別 mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property is not implemented in FTETextField because FTETextField does not support selection or clipboard operations. | |
useRichTextClipboard — 屬性, 介面 mx.core.IUITextField | |
會指定文字格式是否隨著文字一起複製和貼上。 | |
userIdle — 事件, 類別 flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
當使用者閒置時傳送。 | |
USER_IDLE — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.Event | |
Event.USER_IDLE 常數會定義 userIdle 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
userLinkageEditor — 外觀部件, 類別 com.adobe.solutions.acm.authoring.presentation.letter.data.DataLinkageEditorStack | |
A skin part that defines UserLinkageAssignmentEditor component A skin part that defines UserLinkageAssignmentEditor component | |
USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.net.drm.AuthenticationMethod | |
指出需要有效的使用者名稱及密碼。 | |
usernamePrompt — 屬性, 類別 flash.events.DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
由伺服器提供,要求提供使用者名稱憑證的提示。 | |
useRollOver — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that controls whether items are highlighted as the mouse rolls over them. | |
useRollOver — 樣式, 類別 mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that controls whether items are highlighted as the mouse rolls over them. | |
useRotationConcat — 屬性, 類別 fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
如果設為 true,則當 addpropertyarray 提供了移動的資料,此屬性會導致目標物件旋轉。 | |
useRotationConcat(index:int) — 方法, 類別 fl.motion.MotionBase | |
當 addPropertyArray() 方法提供移動資料時,則旋轉目標物件。 | |
userPresent — 事件, 類別 flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
當作業系統在閒置一段時間之後偵測到滑鼠或鍵盤活動時傳送。 | |
USER_PRESENT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.Event | |
Event.USER_PRESENT 常數會定義 userPresent 事件物件的 type 屬性值。 | |
USER_SELECTION — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.AudioOutputChangeReason | |
音效輸出因為使用者選取不同裝置而變更。 | |
userStyles — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
可讓您讀寫 ContainerController 物件上的使用者樣式。 | |
userStyles — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
可讓您讀寫 FlowElement 物件上的使用者樣式。 | |
userStyles — 屬性, 類別 flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
傳回此 TextLayoutFormat 的 userStyles。 | |
USER_TRIGGERED — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.events.SoftKeyboardTrigger | |
指出使用者動作叫用事件。 | |
useSeconds — 屬性, 類別 fl.transitions.Tween | |
指出補間動畫是依影格數或秒數播放。 | |
useSpeakerphoneForVoice — 靜態屬性, 類別 flash.media.SoundMixer | |
在裝置處於語音模式時切換免持聽筒。 | |
USES_SHARED_OBJECT — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.core.DisplayObjectSharingMode | |
IGraphicElement is assigned a DisplayObject by its parent Group container. | |
useSWFBridge() — 方法, 介面 mx.managers.IMarshalSystemManager | |
Determines if the caller using this system manager should should communicate directly with other managers or if it should communicate with a bridge. | |
useSymbolColor — 屬性, 類別 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.MobileSkin | |
Specifies whether or not this skin should be affected by the symbolColor style. | |
useSystemTrustStore — 屬性, 類別 flash.security.XMLSignatureValidator | |
指定系統信任儲存區中的憑證可用來建立鏈結。 | |
useThousandsSeparator — 屬性, 類別 mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
If true, split the number into thousands increments by using a separator character. | |
useThousandsSeparator — 屬性, 類別 mx.formatters.NumberFormatter | |
If true, split the number into thousands increments by using a separator character. | |
useTwoColumns — 屬性, 類別 mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuListData | |
Whether the left icons should layout in two separate columns (one for icons and one for type icons, like check and radio) | |
useUTC — 屬性, 類別 spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter | |
A boolean flag to control whether the local or the UTC date and time values are used when the formatting a date. | |
useVirtualLayout — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.List | |
Sets the value of the useVirtualLayout property of the layout associated with this control. | |
useVirtualLayout — 屬性, 類別 spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Sets the value of the useVirtualLayout property of the layout associated with this control. | |
useVirtualLayout — 屬性, 類別 spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
A container can hold any number of children. | |
useWeakReference — 屬性, 類別 mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher | |
Determines whether the reference to handler is strong or weak. | |
useWeakReference — 屬性, 類別 mx.events.EventListenerRequest | |
The useWeakReference parameter to addEventListener(). | |
useWeekRef — 屬性, 類別 mx.automation.events.EventDetails | |
Determines whether the reference to the listener is strong or weak. | |
usingCurrentFrame — 屬性, 類別 fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
指出每當進入新影格時,是否要檢查 currentFrame 屬性、目標的動畫是否要與其父輩時間軸中的影格同步,或是不管父輩的目前影格為何,一律前進至下一個影格。 | |
usingCustomCompareFunction — 屬性, 介面 mx.collections.ISortField | |
True if this ISortField uses a custom comparator function. | |
usingCustomCompareFunction — 屬性, 類別 mx.collections.SortField | |
True if this ISortField uses a custom comparator function. | |
usingCustomCompareFunction — 屬性, 類別 spark.collections.SortField | |
True if this ISortField uses a custom comparator function. | |
USING_DEFAULT_WARNING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
指出在大部分近期的作業中,使用的是作業系統預設值。 | |
USING_DEFAULT_WARNING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that an operating system default value was used during the most recent operation. | |
USING_FALLBACK_WARNING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
指出大部分近期的作業都有一個後援值。 | |
USING_FALLBACK_WARNING — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that a fallback value was set during the most recent operation. | |
usingTLS — 屬性, 類別 flash.net.NetConnection | |
指出是否使用原本的 Transport Layer Security (TLS) 而非 HTTPS 建立安全的連線。 | |
US_ONLY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.validators.ZipCodeValidatorDomainType | |
Specifies to validate a United States ZIP code. | |
US_OR_CANADA — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 mx.validators.ZipCodeValidatorDomainType | |
Specifies to validate a United States or Canadian ZIP code. | |
UTC(year:Number, month:Number, date:Number, hour:Number, minute:Number, second:Number, millisecond:Number) — 靜態方法 , 類別 Date | |
傳回全球時間 1970 年一月 1 日午夜與參數中指定之時間之間相差的毫秒數。 | |
UTILITY — 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.display.NativeWindowType | |
公用程式視窗。 | |
Utils3D — 類別, 套件 flash.geom | |
Utils3D 類別包含靜態方法,可以簡化某些三維矩陣作業的實作。 | |
uvtData — 屬性, 類別 flash.display.GraphicsTrianglePath | |
用來套用紋理對應之一般化座標的向量。 | |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 04:02 PM Z