lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking 套件包含提供 Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 追蹤組件功能之使用者介面的類別與組件。這些類別與組件可讓使用者瀏覽他們起始或參與的程序與工作資料。此套件中的類別與組件對於自訂 Workspace,以及使用 Flex 建立應用程式 (需要類似 Workspace 中的追蹤功能) 非常有用。
| 類別 | 說明 |
| ProcessInstanceDataGrid | The ProcessInstanceDataGrid component manages the views of process instance
in different states, such as empty state, with data and detail state and displays it as a datagrid. |
| ProcessInstanceDataGridModel |
The ProcessInstanceDataGridModel class obtains the
ProcessInstance objects for the selected Process object. |
| Tracking | The Tracking component enables the user to navigate through Process objects
and Task object that they have initiated or participated in. |
| TrackingModel |
The TrackingModel class provides support for the
Tracking component. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 04:01 PM Z