Symbolen A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
O — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constante die is gekoppeld aan de waarde van de toetscode voor de O-toets (79). | |
obj — Eigenschap, klasse fl.transitions.Tween | |
Het doelobject dat wordt getweend. | |
objByteArray — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.DataDownload | |
Downloaded content. | |
object — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryInstance | |
The manifestation of DataDictionaryInstance as Map. | |
object — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Returns the node that was added. | |
object — Eigenschap, klasse flash.sampler.NewObjectSample | |
Het object NewObjectSample als dit nog bestaat. | |
object — Eigenschap, klasse mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
The object being proxied. | |
object — Eigenschap, klasse spark.components.supportClasses.ViewReturnObject | |
The return object generated by the view that is being removed. | |
Object(value:Object) — Pakketfunctie, Hoofdniveau | |
Elke waarde in ActionScript 3.0 is een object, met andere woorden, door het aanroepen van Object() op een waarde, wordt die waarde geretourneerd. | |
Object — Dynamische klasse, Hoofdniveau | |
De klasse Object vormt de basis van de ActionScript-runtime klassehiƫrarchie. | |
Object() — Constructor, klasse Object | |
Maakt een object Object en slaat een verwijzing naar de constructormethode van het object op in de constructoreigenschap van het object. | |
OBJECT — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Conflict mode constant representing object level conflict detection. | |
objectEncoding — Eigenschap, klasse flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Bepaalt of de indeling AMF3 of AMF0 wordt gebruikt bij het lezen of schrijven van binaire gegevens met de methode readObject() of writeObject(). | |
objectEncoding — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De objectcodering voor deze instantie NetConnection. | |
objectEncoding — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De objectcodering (AMF-versie) voor dit object NetStream. | |
objectEncoding — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De objectcodering (AMF-versie) voor dit gezamenlijke object. | |
objectEncoding — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Beheert de AMF-versie die bij het schrijven of lezen van een object wordt gebruikt. | |
objectEncoding — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Hiermee wordt de AMF-versie (Action Message Format) beheerd die wordt gebruikt bij het schrijven of lezen van een object. | |
objectEncoding — Eigenschap, klasse flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Wordt gebruikt om te bepalen of de indeling voor ActionScript 3.0, ActionScript 2.0 of ActionScript 1.0 moet worden gebruikt wanneer wordt geschreven naar of gelezen uit een instantie ByteArray. | |
objectEncoding — Eigenschap, interface flash.utils.IDataInput | |
Wordt gebruikt om vast te stellen of de indeling AMF3 of AMF0 wordt gebruikt bij het lezen of schrijven van binaire gegevens met de methode readObject(). | |
objectEncoding — Eigenschap, interface flash.utils.IDataOutput | |
Wordt gebruikt om vast te stellen of de indeling AMF3 of AMF0 wordt gebruikt bij het lezen of schrijven van binaire gegevens met de methode writeObject(). | |
ObjectEncoding — definitieve klasse, pakket | |
De klasse ObjectEncoding wordt gebruikt voor de definitie van serialisatie-instellingen in klassen die objecten serialiseren (zoals FileStream, NetStream, NetConnection, SharedObject en ByteArray) om met oudere versies van ActionScript te werken. | |
objectID — Statische eigenschap, klasse flash.external.ExternalInterface | |
Hiermee wordt het kenmerk id van de tag object in Internet Explorer of het kenmerk name van de tag embed in Netscape geretourneerd. | |
ObjectInstance — klasse, pakket | |
Client representation of an object name instance for server-side management controls. | |
ObjectInstance() — Constructor, klasse | |
Creates a new instance of an empty ObjectInstance. | |
objectName — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The object name. | |
ObjectName — klasse, pakket | |
Client representation of the name for server-side management controls. | |
ObjectName() — Constructor, klasse | |
Creates a new instance of an empty ObjectName. | |
OBJECT_NOT_FOUND — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.automation.AutomationError | |
Defines the code for the error when an object is not found by the Flex automation mechanism. | |
OBJECT_NOT_UNIQUE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.automation.AutomationError | |
Defines the code for the error when the Flex automation mechanism detects that an object has the same identification parameters as another object. | |
OBJECT_NOT_VISIBLE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.automation.AutomationError | |
Defines the code for the error when an object used by the Flex automation mechanism is not visible. | |
object_proxy — Instructie | |
Definieert de methoden van de klasse ObjectProxy. | |
ObjectProxy — Dynamische klasse, pakket mx.utils | |
This class provides the ability to track changes to an item managed by this proxy. | |
ObjectProxy(item:Object, uid:String, proxyDepth:int) — Constructor, klasse mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Initializes this proxy with the specified object, id and proxy depth. | |
objectReplicationEnabled — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Geeft aan of objectreplicatie is ingeschakeld voor de NetGroup. | |
objectReplicationReceiveBytesPerSecond — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Geeft de snelheid aan waarmee het lokale knooppunt objecten van peers ontvangt via het Objectreplicatiesysteem, in bytes per seconde. | |
objectReplicationSendBytesPerSecond — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Geeft de snelheid aan waarmee objecten van het lokale knooppunt naar peers worden gekopieerd door het Objectreplicatiesysteem, in bytes per seconde. | |
ObjectResultEvent — klasse, pakket com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event | |
The ObjectResultEvent event is dispatched when an object is retrieved. | |
ObjectResultEvent — klasse, pakket | |
The ObjectResultEvent event is dispatched when an object is retrieved. | |
ObjectResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, object:Object, token:com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken) — Constructor, klasse com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.ObjectResultEvent | |
Constructor. | |
ObjectResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, object:Object, — Constructor, klasse | |
Constructor. | |
ObjectState — klasse, pakket com.adobe.icc.enum | |
Specifies the enumerator for the state of an object or asset. | |
ObjectToken — klasse, pakket com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | |
The ObjectToken class represents a token for an asynchronous call that returns an object. | |
ObjectToken — klasse, pakket | |
The ObjectToken class represents a token for an asynchronous call that returns an object. | |
objectToString(object:Object, separator:String, encodeURL:Boolean) — Statische methode , klasse mx.utils.URLUtil | |
Enumerates an object's dynamic properties (by using a loop) and returns a String. | |
ObjectType — klasse, pakket com.adobe.icc.enum | |
Specifies the enumerator codes for various object and asset types. | |
ObjectUtil — klasse, pakket mx.utils | |
The ObjectUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with Objects within Flex. | |
objFileName — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.DataDownload | |
File name corresponding to the downloaded data, if applicable. | |
objName — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.DataDownload | |
Unique object name (version-independent) of the object whose data was downloaded. | |
occur — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance | |
The occurrence index of this content within its parent container. | |
occur — Eigenschap, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance | |
The occurrence index of this content within its parent container. | |
occurence — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Variable | |
OFF — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.LogLevel | |
Log level for disabling all logging levels. | |
OFF — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse fl.controls.ScrollPolicy | |
De schuifbalk nooit weergeven. | |
OFF — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.display.ColorCorrection | |
Kleurcorrectie wordt uitgeschakeld, ongeacht de hostomgeving van de speler. | |
OFF — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Alle verbeterde microfoonfuncties zijn uitgeschakeld. | |
OFF — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.text.engine.Kerning | |
Geeft aan dat tekenspatiƫring is uitgeschakeld. | |
OFF — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flashx.textLayout.container.ScrollPolicy | |
Hiermee worden overloopregels bij de uitvoering niet weergegeven, zodat de gebruiker niet naar deze regels kan navigeren. | |
OFF — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.core.ScrollPolicy | |
Never show the scrollbar. | |
OFF — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.core.UIComponentCachePolicy | |
Specifies that the Flex framework should never attempt to cache the object as a bitmap. | |
offlineAdapter — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Returns an object of type | |
offlineLeaseEndDate — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De datum en het tijdstip waarop deze voucher verloopt voor offline afspelen. | |
offlineLeasePeriod — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Het aantal dagen dat de inhoud nog offline kan worden bekeken. | |
offlineLeaseStartDate — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De datum en het tijdstip waarop deze voucher geldig wordt voor offline afspelen. | |
offscreenExtraColumns — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The number of columns that are currently not visible. | |
offscreenExtraColumns — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The target number of extra columns of item renderers used in the layout of the control. | |
offscreenExtraColumnsLeft — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The number of columns on the left side of the control that are currently not visible. | |
offscreenExtraColumnsLeft — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The number of offscreen columns currently to the left of the leftmost visible column. | |
offscreenExtraColumnsRight — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The number of columns on the right side of the control that are currently not visible. | |
offscreenExtraColumnsRight — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The number of offscreen columns currently to the right of the right visible column. | |
offscreenExtraRows — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The number of extra item renderers the layout algorithm can use when constructing animations for data effects. | |
offscreenExtraRows — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The target number of extra rows of item renderers to be used in the layout of the control. | |
offscreenExtraRowsBottom — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The number of offscreen items currently below the bottommost visible item renderer | |
offscreenExtraRowsBottom — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The number of offscreen rows currently below the bottom visible item renderer. | |
offscreenExtraRowsOrColumns — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The target number of extra rows or columns of item renderers to be used in the layout of the control. | |
offscreenExtraRowsOrColumnsChanged — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag indicating that the number of offscreen rows or columns may have changed. | |
offscreenExtraRowsTop — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The number of offscreen items currently above the topmost visible renderer. | |
offscreenExtraRowsTop — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The number of offscreen rows currently above the topmost visible row. | |
offset(dx:Number, dy:Number) — methode, klasse flash.geom.Point | |
Verschuift het object Point met de opgegeven hoeveelheid. | |
offset(dx:Number, dy:Number) — methode, klasse flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Hiermee wordt de locatie van het object Rectangle, zoals bepaald door de linkerbovenhoek, aangepast met de opgegeven hoeveelheden. | |
offset — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De absolute streamtijd waarmee de server tussen streams met verschillende bitsnelheden schakelt voor dynamisch streamen van Flash Media Server. | |
offset — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Specifies how far to offset the center of the elements from the center of the available space, relative to the category width. | |
offset — Eigenschap, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IBar | |
Specifies how far to offset the center of the items from the center of the available space, relative the category size. | |
offset — Eigenschap, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IColumn | |
Specifies how far to offset the center of the items from the center of the available space, relative the category size. | |
offset — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.effects.SeriesEffect | |
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Flex delays the effect. | |
offset — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesEffectInstance | |
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Flex delays the effect. | |
offset — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Specifies how far to offset the center of the bars from the center of the available space, relative the category width. | |
offset — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.BarSet | |
Specifies how far to offset the center of the bars from the center of the available space, relative the category width. | |
offset — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Specifies how far to offset the center of the columns from the center of the available space, relative to the category width. | |
offset — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.ColumnSet | |
Specifies how far to offset the center of the columns from the center of the available space, relative to the category width. | |
offset — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSeekPending | |
The offset from the bookmark that was the target of the seek operation. | |
offsetPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — methode, klasse flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Past de locatie van het object Rectangle aan met gebruikmaking van een object Point als een parameter. | |
offsetTicks — Eigenschap, interface | |
If this Boolean flag is set to True, then the ticks are not on actual date but are at the mid-point of the renderer. | |
offsetX — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De horizontale omzetting van het weergaveobject, sinds de vorige bewegingsgebeurtenis. | |
offsetX — Eigenschap, klasse | |
How far the bitmap is horizontally offset from the origin. | |
offSetX — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The horizontal offset from the hovered component where the preview pod has to be shown. | |
offsetY — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De verticale omzetting van het weergaveobject, sinds de vorige bewegingsgebeurtenis. | |
offsetY — Eigenschap, klasse | |
How far the bitmap is vertically offset from the origin. | |
offSetY — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The vertical offset from the hovered component where the preview pod has to be shown. | |
oid — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.BaseUser | |
Specifies the OID of the user or group, as defined in Adobe User Management. | |
oid — Eigenschap, interface | |
OID of a user or a group, as defined in Document Server User Management. | |
oid — Eigenschap, klasse | |
OID of a user or a group, as defined in Document Server User Management. | |
oid — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Identifier of the principal. | |
oid — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The unique identifier for the user called a object identifier. | |
OK — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.controls.Alert | |
Value that enables an OK button on the Alert control when passed as the flags parameter of the show() method. | |
okBtn — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines OK button A skin part that defines OK button | |
okBtn — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines OK button A skin part that defines OK button | |
okBtn — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines OK button A skin part that defines OK button | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines the OK button A skin part that defines the OK button | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines OK button to save a custom style A skin part that defines OK button to save a custom style | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part which defines the OK button. A skin part which defines the OK button. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part which defines the OK button. A skin part which defines the OK button. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display OK Button. A Skin part which defines UI component to display OK Button. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
The skin part for the OK button. The skin part for the OK button. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
The skin part for the OK button. The skin part for the OK button. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
The skin part for OK button. The skin part for OK button. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
The skin part for the OK button. The skin part for the OK button. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
The skin part for the OK button. The skin part for the OK button. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A reference to the Button object that allows user to create a new stage. A reference to the Button object that allows user to create a new stage. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to select a process. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to select a process. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to apply a change made to the stage duration. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to apply a change made to the stage duration. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allow users to create a new schedule. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allow users to create a new schedule. | |
okButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A reference to the Button object that dispatches UserSelectedEvent on clicking. A reference to the Button object that dispatches UserSelectedEvent on clicking. | |
okButton_clickHandler( — methode, klasse | |
This method is called upon clicking the OK button. | |
okButton_clickHandler( — methode, klasse | |
This method is invoked when a user clicks the OK button. | |
okButton_clickHandler( — methode, klasse | |
This method is invoked when user clicks the OK button. | |
okButton_clickHandler( — methode, klasse | |
This method dispatches user selected event, when the OK button is clicked. | |
okButtonClickHandler( — methode, klasse | |
This method is called when the OK button is clicked. | |
okClick — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Event dispatched on click of OK button. | |
Ok_Icon — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManager | |
The constant specifying the OK Icon. | |
OK_ICON — Eigenschap, klasse | |
This property refers to OK icon. | |
okLabel — Statische eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.Alert | |
The label for the OK button. | |
OLAPAttribute — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPAttribute class represents a single attribute of an OLAPDimension. | |
OLAPAttribute(name:String, displayName:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPAttribute | |
Constructor. | |
OLAPAxisPosition — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPAxisPosition class represents a position along the axis of the result of an OLAP query result. | |
OLAPAxisPosition() — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPAxisPosition | |
Constructor | |
OLAPCell — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPCell class represents a cell in an OLAPResult instance. | |
OLAPCell(value:Number, formattedValue:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPCell | |
Constructor | |
OLAPCube — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPCube class represents an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPCube(name:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPCube | |
Constructor. | |
OLAPDataGrid — klasse, pakket mx.controls | |
The OLAPDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the AdvancedDataGrid control to add support for the display of the results of OLAP queries. | |
OLAPDataGrid() — Constructor, klasse mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
Constructor. | |
OLAPDataGridAutomationImpl — klasse, pakket mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDataGridAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:OLAPDataGrid) — Constructor, klasse mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.OLAPDataGridAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer — klasse, pakket mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses | |
The OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a group renderer for the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer() — Constructor, klasse mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
OLAPDataGridGroupRendererAutomationImpl — klasse, pakket mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer class. | |
OLAPDataGridGroupRendererAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses:OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer) — Constructor, klasse mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.OLAPDataGridGroupRendererAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider — klasse, pakket mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses | |
The OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider class lets you specify a custom header renderer for the columns in the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider — klasse, pakket mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses | |
An OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider instance lets you specify a formatter for the items in the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDataGridRendererProvider — klasse, pakket mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses | |
The OLAPDataGridRendererProvider class defines the base class for assigning item renderers used by the OLAPDataGrid control. | |
OLAPDimension — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPDimension class represents a dimension of an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPDimension(name:String, displayName:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPDimension | |
Constructor | |
OLAP_DIMENSION — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
A constant that corresponds to a member of an axis. | |
OLAPElement — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPElement class defines a base interface that provides common properties for all OLAP elements. | |
OLAPElement(name:String, displayName:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPElement | |
Constructor | |
OLAPHierarchy — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPHierarchy class represents a hierarchy of the schema of an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPHierarchy(name:String, displayName:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPHierarchy | |
Constructor | |
OLAP_HIERARCHY — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
A constant that corresponds to a member of an axis. | |
OLAPLevel — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPLevel class represents a level in an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPLevel(name:String, displayName:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPLevel | |
Constructor | |
OLAP_LEVEL — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
A constant that corresponds to a level of an axis. | |
OLAPMeasure — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPMeasure class represents a member of the measure dimension of an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPMeasure(name:String, displayName:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPMeasure | |
Constructor. | |
OLAPMember — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPMember class represents a member of an OLAP dimension. | |
OLAPMember(name:String, displayName:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPMember | |
Constructor | |
OLAP_MEMBER — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
A constant that corresponds to a member of an axis. | |
OLAPQuery — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPQuery interface represents an OLAP query that is executed on an IOLAPCube. | |
OLAPQueryAxis — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPQueryAxis interface represents an axis of an OLAP query. | |
OLAPQueryAxis(ordinal:int) — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPQueryAxis | |
Constructor | |
OLAPResult — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPResult class represents the result of a query on an OLAP cube. | |
OLAPResultAxis — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPResultAxis class represents an axis of the result of an OLAP query. | |
OLAPSchema — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPSchema class represents an OLAP cube or cubes. | |
OLAPSet — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPSet class represents a set, which is used to configure the axis of an OLAP query. | |
OLAPSet() — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPSet | |
Constructor | |
OLAPTrace — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPTrace class controls the generation of trace information generated by the OLAP classes and written to the log file. | |
OLAPTuple — klasse, pakket mx.olap | |
The OLAPTuple class reprsents a tuple expression pointing to an OLAP cube cell. | |
OLAPTuple() — Constructor, klasse mx.olap.OLAPTuple | |
Constructor | |
OL_CHIKI — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Geeft de Unicode-waarde aan voor het nul-getal van de Ol Chiki cijferset. | |
oldBounds — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Hiermee worden de waarden van de eigenschappen x, y, width en height van het doel aangegeven voordat de gebeurtenis plaatsvindt. | |
oldColumn — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.MosaicDragEvent | |
The previous parent column index. | |
oldColumnIndex — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The zero-based index before the change. | |
oldColumnIndex — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The zero-based index of the column of the caret position before it was changed. | |
oldContainer — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Defines the old container reference. | |
oldDisplayObject — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Old value of view before it was changed. | |
oldHeight — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The previous height of the object, in pixels. | |
oldHeight — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Old value of height before it was changed. | |
oldId — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
Id of the Asset which was cloned to create this copy. | |
oldIndex — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.MosaicDragEvent | |
The previous parent display list index. | |
oldIndex — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The zero-based index before the change. | |
oldIndex — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The zero-based index before the change. | |
oldLocation — Eigenschap, klasse | |
When the kind value is CollectionEventKind.MOVE, this property is the zero-based index in the target collection of the previous location of the item(s) specified by the items property. | |
oldParent — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.MosaicDragEvent | |
The previous parent location. | |
oldRegistrationBounds — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Hiermee worden de waarden van de eigenschappen registrationX, registrationY, registrationWidth en registrationHeight van het doel aangegeven voordat de gebeurtenis plaatsvindt. | |
oldRow — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.MosaicDragEvent | |
The previous parent row index. | |
oldRowIndex — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The zero-based index of the row of the caret position before it was changed. | |
oldSortFields — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The array of ISortFields for the last sort. | |
oldState — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The name of the view state that the component is exiting. | |
oldState — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The previous state of the LoadTrait. | |
oldStreamName — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De naam van de oude stream of de stream die moet worden overgebracht. | |
OLD_STYLE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.text.engine.DigitCase | |
Wordt gebruikt om type oude stijl voor cijfers aan te geven. | |
oldValue — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.dct.event.DDInstanceValueChangeEvent | |
Old value of data dictionary element. | |
oldValue — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Returns the old value of the variable. | |
oldValue — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The value of the property before the change. | |
oldValue — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The old value associated with this event. | |
oldWidth — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The previous width of the object, in pixels. | |
oldWidth — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Old value of width before it was changed. | |
oldX — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The previous x coordinate of the object, in pixels. | |
oldY — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.ListRowInfo | |
The last Y value for the row. | |
oldY — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The previous y coordinate of the object, in pixels. | |
omitUserOids — Eigenschap, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
The list of users to remove from the searches. | |
ON — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse fl.controls.ScrollPolicy | |
De schuifbalk altijd weergeven. | |
ON — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.display.ColorCorrection | |
Kleurcorrectie wordt ingeschakeld, ongeacht de hostomgeving van de speler, indien beschikbaar. | |
ON — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.text.engine.Kerning | |
Geeft aan dat tekenspatiƫring is ingeschakeld. | |
ON — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flashx.textLayout.container.ScrollPolicy | |
Geeft aan dat inhoud die de afmetingen van de container overschrijdt toegankelijk is door te schuiven. | |
ON — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.core.ScrollPolicy | |
Always show the scrollbar. | |
ON — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.core.UIComponentCachePolicy | |
Specifies that the Flex framework should always cache the object as a bitmap. | |
onActivateButtonClick( — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate.ActivationBrowser | |
Handles a user's Publish button click in the Publish browser pop up. | |
onAddMenuClick( — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.AddAssetPopUp | |
Method called on click of item in the drop down | |
onCancelClick( — methode, klasse | |
This method is called upon clicking the Cancel button. | |
onChange( — methode, klasse | |
Event handler called on change of text in the text input | |
onChange( — methode, klasse | |
Event Handler called on any change in the input search box | |
onChange( — methode, klasse | |
Handler called on state change of checkbox | |
onChange( — methode, klasse | |
Function called on change in text input | |
onCloseButtonClick( — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate.ActivationBrowser | |
Closes the Publish Browser window | |
onCloseClick( — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.version.VersionBrowser | |
Closes Version Browser Pop Up. | |
onCloseClick( — methode, klasse | |
An event handler for handling the click event on close button on Export Popup. | |
onCloseClick( — methode, klasse | |
This function removes the revert asset Pop up from the screen. | |
onCuePoint — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Hiermee stelt u een listener in die antwoordt wanneer tijdens het afspelen van een videobestand een ingesloten actiepunt is bereikt. | |
onDataDictionaryChange() — methode, klasse | |
Updates the data dictionary name in image model | |
onDataProviderChange( — methode, klasse | |
This operation is called when the data provider of search result grid is changed. | |
ON_DEMAND — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.system.ImageDecodingPolicy | |
Constante; hiermee wordt aangegeven dat de te laden afbeelding wordt gedecodeerd indien nodig en dat de gedecodeerde gegevens willekeurig door het systeem kunnen worden verwijderd. | |
OnDemandEventDispatcher — klasse, pakket mx.utils | |
OnDemandEventDispatcher serves as a base class for classes that dispatch events but expect listeners to be infrequent. | |
OnDemandEventDispatcher() — Constructor, klasse mx.utils.OnDemandEventDispatcher | |
Constructor. | |
onDownloadComplete(event:com.adobe.livecycle.content:FileEvent) — methode, klasse | |
This method is called when a file is successfully downloaded. | |
onDRMContentData — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Hiermee wordt een listener ingesteld die antwoordt wanneer AIR metagegevens ophaalt uit DRM-inhoud die is ingesloten in een mediabestand. | |
ONE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.display3D.Context3DBlendFactor | |
De overvloeifactor is (1,1,1,1). | |
ONE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Indicates that this is a one-to-one relationship. | |
OneColumn — klasse, pakket ga.layouts | |
Defines the default One Column panel layout available in the Guide Design perspective in Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
OneColumn() — Constructor, klasse ga.layouts.OneColumn | |
Constructor. | |
OneColumnSkin — klasse, pakket com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins | |
Defines the OneColumn skin available in the Guide Design perspective in Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
OneColumnSkin() — Constructor, klasse com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins.OneColumnSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ONE_DAY — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Value of one day in milliseconds. | |
onEffectEnd( — methode, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.MosaicLayoutBase | |
Called when the effects are over to reset the elementBeingMoved value. | |
onEffectEnd(childEffect:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — methode, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.CompositeEffectInstance | |
Called each time one of the child effects has finished playing. | |
onEffectEnd(childEffect:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — methode, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.ParallelInstance | |
Each time a child effect of SequenceInstance or ParallelInstance finishes, Flex calls the onEffectEnd() method. | |
onEffectEnd(childEffect:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — methode, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.SequenceInstance | |
Each time a child effect of SequenceInstance finishes, Flex calls the onEffectEnd() method. | |
ONE_HOUR — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Value of one hour in milliseconds. | |
OneLevelPanelNavigator — klasse, pakket com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components | |
A guide navigator that navigates a simple one level deep list of pages. | |
ONE_MINUS_DESTINATION_ALPHA — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.display3D.Context3DBlendFactor | |
De overvloeifactor is (1-Da,1-Da,1-Da,1-Da), waarbij Da de alfacomponent is van de huidige kleur in de kleurbuffer. | |
ONE_MINUS_DESTINATION_COLOR — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.display3D.Context3DBlendFactor | |
De overvloeifactor is (1-Dr,1-Dg,1-Db,1-Da), waarbij Dr/g/b/a de overeenkomstige component is van de huidige kleur in de kleurbuffer. | |
ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.display3D.Context3DBlendFactor | |
De overvloeifactor is (1-Sa,1-Sa,1-Sa,1-Sa), waarbij Sa de alfacomponent van de fragmentkleur is zoals deze berekend werd door het pixelprogramma. | |
ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_COLOR — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.display3D.Context3DBlendFactor | |
De overvloeifactor is (1-Sr,1-Sg,1-Sb,1-Sa), waarbij Sr/g/b/a de overeenkomstige component van de fragmentkleur is zoals deze berekend werd door het pixelprogramma. | |
ONE_TO_MANY — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Indicates that this is a one-to-many relationship. | |
ONE_TO_ONE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Indicates that this is a one-to-one relationship. | |
ONE_WEEK — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Value of seven days in milliseconds. | |
onExportAssetComplete( — methode, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ImportExportManager | |
ONE_YEAR — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Value of one year in milliseconds. | |
onFieldAssignmentChange( — methode, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel | |
Dispataches an event when the Field's assignment is changed. | |
ONGOING — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ReviewStatus | |
Specifies that the review is currently in progress. | |
ONGOING — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.StageStatus | |
Specifies that the stage is in progress. | |
ONGOING — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
ONGOING status means the review is currently in progress. | |
ONGOING — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
ONGOING status means the stage is currently in progress. | |
onImageData — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Hiermee wordt een listener ingesteld die antwoordt wanneer Flash Player afbeeldingsgegevens ontvangt als een bytearray die is ingesloten in een mediabestand dat wordt afgespeeld. | |
onImportPackageComplete( — methode, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ImportExportManager | |
onImportPackageFail( — methode, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ImportExportManager | |
onInit() — methode, klasse xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseAccordionSkin | |
Initializer function. | |
ON_LOAD — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.system.ImageDecodingPolicy | |
Constante; hiermee wordt aangegeven dat de te laden afbeelding tijdens het laden wordt gedecodeerd, en wel voordat de gebeurtenis complete wordt verzonden. | |
ONLY — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLineLocation | |
Geeft zowel de eerste als de laatste regel van een alinea aan. | |
ONLY_INTRA_STAGE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ReviewCommentVisibility | |
Specifies that comments added to a review stage are not visible in other stages. | |
ONLY_INTRA_STAGE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Comments of two stages are hidden from each other. | |
ONLY_WHEN_IN_USE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.permissions.PermissionStatus | |
Geeft aan dat de machtiging alleen is toegestaan als App in gebruik is. | |
onMaxChange( — methode, klasse | |
Handles the CalendarLayoutChangeEvent.CHANGE is thrown when a new Date is selected from the DateChooser Widget | |
onMaxChange( — methode, klasse | |
Called on change of maximum numeric stepper | |
onMetaData — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Hiermee wordt een listener ingesteld die antwoordt wanneer Flash Player beschrijvende informatie ontvangt die is ingesloten in de video die wordt afgespeeld. | |
onMinChange( — methode, klasse | |
Handles the CalendarLayoutChangeEvent.CHANGE is thrown when a new Date is selected from the DateChooser Widget | |
onMinChange( — methode, klasse | |
Called on change of minimum numeric stepper | |
onModuleAssignmentChange( — methode, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel | |
Dispatches an event when module assignment is changed in the working target area. | |
onMoveTweenEnd(value:Object) — methode, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Callback method that is called when the x and y position of the mask should be updated by the effect for the last time. | |
onMoveTweenUpdate(value:Object) — methode, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Callback method that is called when the x and y position of the mask should be updated by the effect. | |
onPeerConnect( — methode, klasse | |
Wordt geactiveerd wanneer een stream met publicatie naar gelijkwaardige items overeenkomt met een stream met abonnement op gelijkwaardige items. | |
onPlayheadUpdate( — methode, klasse ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
Updates the current running time and the corresponding time slider. | |
onPlayStatus — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Hiermee wordt een listener ingesteld die moet antwoorden wanneer een NetStream-object een stream volledig heeft afgespeeld. | |
onReportButtonClick( — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate.ActivationBrowser | |
Handles a user's Report button click in the Publish browser pop up. | |
onResize(width:Number, height:Number) — methode, klasse fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent | |
Hiermee wordt de grootte van de componentinstantie in het werkgebied op de opgegeven afmetingen ingesteld, door een door de gebruiker gedefinieerde methode aan te roepen of door de eigenschappen width en height afzonderlijk in te stellen. | |
onScaleTweenEnd(value:Object) — methode, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Callback method that is called when the scaleX and scaleY properties of the mask should be updated by the effect for the last time. | |
onScaleTweenUpdate(value:Object) — methode, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Callback method that is called when the scaleX and scaleY properties of the mask should be updated by the effect. | |
onSearchClick( — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Handle Search Button Click | |
onSearchFilterChange(searchEvent:com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event:SearchEvent) — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.AdvancedSearchPod | |
Function called when search filter changes | |
onSearchFilterChange(searchEvent:com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event:SearchEvent) — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod.BasicSearchPod | |
Handler for SearchEvent.EVENT_SEARCH_FILTER_CHANG When search filter is changed, update the search filters | |
onSeekPoint — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Wordt synchroon aangeroepen vanuit appendBytes() wanneer de parser voor het toevoegen van bytes een punt tegenkomt en denkt dat dit punt doorzoekbaar is (bijvoorbeeld een videohoofdframe). | |
onSelectedItemsChange( — methode, klasse | |
Overriding this function just to avoid invocation of parent's onSelectedItemsChange in which AssetHandleRegistry is looked up and unneccessary Asset action event is dispatched A fix for the Bug #2878192 Preview for a letter 'with/without' option shows only selecting it second time from the AM ui. | |
onTaskChangeHandler(taskACL:lc.procmgmt.domain:TaskACL) — methode, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Dispatches when the taskACL property changes on the Task object. | |
onTextData — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Hiermee wordt een listener ingesteld die antwoordt wanneer Flash Player tekstgegevens ontvangt die zijn ingesloten in een mediabestand dat wordt afgespeeld. | |
onTweenEnd(value:Object) — methode, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.TweenEffectInstance | |
Callback method that is called when the target should be updated by the effect for the last time. | |
onTweenUpdate(value:Object) — methode, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.TweenEffectInstance | |
Callback method that is called when the target should be updated by the effect. | |
onUpdate(... rest) — methode, klasse fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent | |
Hiermee wordt de naam van de componentinstantie bijgewerkt. | |
onUpdateItem( — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.AssetManagerView | |
onVersionHistoryComplete(versionEvent:com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event:VersionEvent) — methode, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.version.VersionBrowser | |
Gets called when version retrieval is completed by version manager. | |
onXMPData — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Hiermee wordt een listener tot stand gebracht die reageert wanneer Flash Player gegevens ontvangt met betrekking tot het Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) dat is ingesloten in de video die wordt afgespeeld. | |
opacity — Eigenschap, klasse coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Opacity of the watermark. | |
opaqueBackground — Eigenschap, klasse fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Bepaalt of het doelobject een dekkende achtergrond heeft. | |
opaqueBackground — Eigenschap, klasse flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Geeft op of het weergaveobject dekkend is met een bepaalde achtergrondkleur. | |
opaqueBackground — Eigenschap, klasse mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
opaqueBackground — Eigenschap, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Geeft op of het weergaveobject dekkend is met een bepaalde achtergrondkleur. | |
OpaqueWrapperToken — klasse, pakket com.adobe.gravity.utility.async | |
OpaqueWrapperToken wraps another token, calling successHandlers with no parameters. | |
OpaqueWrapperToken(token:com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken) — Constructor, klasse com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.OpaqueWrapperToken | |
Constructor. | |
OP_CONTAINS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the contains operator. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse air.desktop.URLFilePromise | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer de onderliggende URLStream-verbinding geopend is. | |
open() — methode, klasse air.desktop.URLFilePromise | |
Hiermee kan de AIR-runtime de gegevensbron op het juiste tijdstip tijdens de sleepbewerking openen. | |
open() — methode, klasse com.adobe.gravity.tracker.ServiceTracker | |
Start tracking services. | |
open — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ConditionModuleInstance | |
True if the container is open to extra content; false if it only allows content that was explicitly assigned to it in the letter. | |
open — Eigenschap, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IContainerInstance | |
True if the container is open to extra content; false if it only allows content that was explicitly assigned to it in the letter. | |
open — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ListModuleInstance | |
True if the container is open to extra content; false if it only allows content that was explicitly assigned to it in the letter. | |
open — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.TargetInstance | |
True if the container is open to extra content; false if it only allows content that was explicitly assigned to it in the letter. | |
open — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
The open property of the underlying value object. | |
open — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Specifies whether the list allows extra content to be inserted from the library when a letter is being filled. | |
open — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetAreaAssignment | |
Specifies whether the target assignment is open. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Wordt verzonden nadat een netwerkbewerking begint. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse fl.containers.UILoader | |
Wordt verzonden nadat een netwerkbewerking begint. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer de gebruiker het kleurenpalet opent. | |
open() — methode, klasse fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Geeft het kleurenpalet weer. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer de gebruiker op de vervolgkeuzeknop klikt om de vervolgkeuzelijst weer te geven. | |
open() — methode, klasse fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Opent de vervolgkeuzelijst. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer de downloadbewerking die het XML-bestand met getimede tekst moet laden, begint na een aanroep van de methode URLLoader.load(). | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Wordt verzonden als de aanroep van de methode openAsync() correct is voltooid. | |
open(reference:Object, openMode:String, autoCompact:Boolean, pageSize:int, encryptionKey:flash.utils:ByteArray) — methode, klasse | |
Opent een synchrone verbinding met het databasebestand op de opgegeven locatie in het bestandssysteem, of maakt en opent een nieuw databasebestand op die locatie, of maakt en opent een database in het geheugen. | |
open() — methode, interface flash.desktop.IFilePromise | |
Geeft het gegevensproviderobject weer. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer een laadbewerking begint. | |
open(file:flash.filesystem:File, fileMode:String) — methode, klasse flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Opent het FileStream-object synchroon, waarbij het bestand wordt aangewezen dat met de parameter file is opgegeven. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer de downloadbewerking begint na een aanroep van de methode URLLoader.load(). | |
open() — methode, klasse | |
Hiermee wordt de onderliggende gegevensbron geopend en de IDataInput-instantie geretourneerd, zodat u deze kunt lezen. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer een laadbewerking begint. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer het uploaden of downloaden begint. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer de downloadbewerking begint na een aanroep van de methode URLLoader.load(). | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer een laadbewerking begint. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer een update begint. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
The event is dispatched when a search template is requested to be opened in Workspace. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
The event is dispatched when a search template is requested to be opened in Workspace. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointDetails | |
The event is dispatched when an process card is selected in Workspace. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointDetailsModel | |
The event is dispatched when an process card is selected in Workspace. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskCardRenderer | |
Dispatched when the task is requested to be opened. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskCardRendererModel | |
Dispatched when the task is requested to display the associated form. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDetails | |
The event is dispatched when a task card is selected in Workspace. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDetailsModel | |
The event is dispatched when a task card is selected in Workspace. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskTileList | |
This event is dispatched from the items displayed in the TaskTileList object. | |
open — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The open value of this item converted into screen coordinates. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Dispatched when the color swatch panel opens. | |
open() — methode, klasse mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Displays the drop-down SwatchPanel object that shows colors that users can select. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Dispatched when the user clicks the drop-down button to display the drop-down list. | |
open() — methode, klasse mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Displays the drop-down list. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse mx.controls.DateField | |
Dispatched when a user selects the field to open the drop-down list. | |
open() — methode, klasse mx.controls.DateField | |
Opens the DateChooser control. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Dispatched when the specified UIComponent opens. | |
open() — methode, klasse mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Opens the UIComponent object specified by the popUp property. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Dispatched when a network operation starts. | |
open — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData | |
Contains true if the item is open and it has children. | |
open — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeListData | |
Contains true if the node is open. | |
open(openWindowActive:Boolean) — methode, klasse mx.core.Window | |
Creates the underlying NativeWindow and opens it. | |
open — Skinstatus , klasse spark.components.mediaClasses.VolumeBar | |
Open state of the drop-down slider. | |
open — Skinstatus , klasse spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase | |
Skin state for the open state of the DropDownListBase control. | |
open — Skinstatus , klasse | |
Skin state for the open state of the DropDownListBase control. | |
open — Skinstatus , klasse xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse spark.components.CalloutButton | |
Dispatched when the user clicks the open button to display the callout. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
Dispatched by the container when it's opened and ready for user interaction. | |
open(owner:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, modal:Boolean) — methode, klasse spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
Opens the container as a pop-up, and switches the skin state from closed to normal. | |
open(openWindowActive:Boolean) — methode, klasse spark.components.Window | |
Creates the underlying NativeWindow and opens it. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse spark.components.mediaClasses.VolumeBar | |
Dispatched when the user mouses over the drop-down slider to display it. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase | |
Dispatched when the user clicks the anchor button to display the drop-down list. | |
open — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Dispatched when the user clicks the anchor button to display the drop-down list. | |
OPEN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation | |
Geeft aan dat ofwel de methode, ofwel de methode SQLConnection.openAsync() werd aangeroepen. | |
OPEN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
De constante Event.OPEN definieert de waarde van de eigenschap type van een open-gebeurtenisobject. | |
OPEN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
De constante SQLEvent.OPEN definieert de waarde van de eigenschap type van een open-gebeurtenisobject. | |
OPEN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.system.MessageChannelState | |
Deze status duidt aan dat het berichtkanaal is geopend en beschikbaar voor gebruik. | |
OPEN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The DropdownEvent.OPEN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a open event. | |
OPEN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The DropDownEvent.OPEN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a open event. | |
OPEN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The PopUpEvent.OPEN constant defines the value of the type property of the PopUpEvent object for an open event. | |
openActivationBrowser — Gebeurtenis, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.Toolbar | |
openActivationBrowser is dispatched from the Toolbar when any activation button is clicked on the toolbar | |
openAlways — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
If true, specifies to pop up the popUp when you click the main button. | |
openAsync(reference:Object, openMode:String,, autoCompact:Boolean, pageSize:int, encryptionKey:flash.utils:ByteArray) — methode, klasse | |
Opent een asynchrone verbinding met het databasebestand op de opgegeven locatie in het bestandssysteem, of maakt en opent een nieuw databasebestand op die locatie, of maakt en opent een database in het geheugen. | |
openAsync(file:flash.filesystem:File, fileMode:String) — methode, klasse flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Opent het FileStream-object asynchroon, waarbij het bestand wordt aangewezen dat met de parameter file is opgegeven. | |
openButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase | |
A skin part that defines the anchor button. A skin part that defines the anchor button. | |
openButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines the anchor button. A skin part that defines the anchor button. | |
openButton — Eigenschap, klasse spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController | |
A reference to the openButton skin part of the drop-down component. | |
openButton — Eigenschap, klasse spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxSkin | |
openButton — Eigenschap, klasse spark.skins.spark.DropDownListSkin | |
openButton — Eigenschap, klasse spark.skins.wireframe.ComboBoxSkin | |
openButton — Eigenschap, klasse spark.skins.wireframe.DropDownListSkin | |
openButton — Eigenschap, klasse xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseComboBoxSkin | |
openButton — Eigenschap, klasse xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin | |
openButton — Eigenschap, klasse xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin | |
The open button. | |
openButton — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A reference to the openButton skin part of the drop-down component. | |
openButton — Eigenschap, interface | |
The Open button. | |
openDetails(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — methode, klasse | |
Opens details page for the given task. | |
openDropDown() — methode, klasse spark.components.CalloutButton | |
Initializes the dropDown and changes the skin state to open. | |
openDropDown() — methode, klasse spark.components.mediaClasses.VolumeBar | |
Opens the drop-down slider. | |
openDropDown() — methode, klasse spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController | |
Open the drop down and dispatch a DropdownEvent.OPEN event. | |
openDropDown() — methode, klasse spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase | |
Open the drop-down list and dispatch a DropdownEvent.OPEN event. | |
openDropDown() — methode, klasse | |
Open the drop-down list and dispatch a DropdownEvent.OPEN event. | |
openDropDown() — methode, klasse | |
Open the drop down and dispatch a DropdownEvent.OPEN event. | |
openDropDown() — methode, interface | |
Specifies to open or display the dropdown. | |
OP_ENDS_WITH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the ends with operator. | |
openDuration — Stijl, klasse mx.containers.Accordion | |
Duration, in milliseconds, of the animation from one child to another. | |
openDuration — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Length of an open transition, in milliseconds. | |
openDuration — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.Tree | |
Length of an open or close transition, in milliseconds. | |
openDuration — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Length of the transition when the drop-down list opens, in milliseconds. | |
openDuration — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.Menu | |
The duration of the menu or submenu opening transition, in milliseconds. | |
openDuration — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Length of an open or close transition for the navigation tree, in milliseconds. | |
openDuration — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Length of an open transition, in milliseconds. | |
openEasingFunction — Stijl, klasse mx.containers.Accordion | |
Tweening function used by the animation from one child to another. | |
openEasingFunction — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Easing function to control component tweening. | |
openEasingFunction — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.Tree | |
Easing function to control component tweening. | |
openEasingFunction — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.ComboBox | |
An easing function to control the open transition. | |
openEasingFunction — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Easing function to control component tweening. | |
openEasingFunction — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Easing function to control component opening tween. | |
openedWindows — Eigenschap, klasse flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Een array die alle geopende eigen vensters van deze toepassing bevat. | |
openField — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines the y-axis location of the opening value of the element. | |
openFilter — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The open value of this item, filtered against the vertical axis of the containing chart. | |
openForm() — methode, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointDetailsModel | |
Dispatches a TaskEvent.OPEN event when the process card is selected in Workspace. | |
openFragmentLayoutLibrary — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Event dispatched on open of Fragment Layout Library when Insert Fragment button is clicked. | |
openFragmentLayoutLibrary — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Event dispatched when Fragment Layout Library is opened. | |
openIcon — Eigenschap, klasse xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
openIcon | |
opening — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Indicates whether the item is opening true, or closing false. | |
opening — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Used for an ITEM_OPENING type events only. | |
openItems — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.Tree | |
The items that have been opened or set opened. | |
openNode(node:Object) — methode, klasse mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
Opens a node to display its children. | |
openNode(node:Object) — methode, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
Opens a node to display its children. | |
openNodes — Eigenschap, klasse mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
An Array of Objects containing the data provider element for all the open branch nodes of the data. | |
openNodes — Eigenschap, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
An Array of Objects containing the data provider element for all the open branch nodes of the data. | |
openNumber — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The open value of this item, converted to a number by the vertical axis of the containing chart. | |
openOnInput — Eigenschap, klasse spark.components.ComboBox | |
If true, the drop-down list opens when the user edits the prompt area. | |
openPaths — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
An Array of nativePath Strings for the File items representing the open subdirectories. | |
openQuery(searchTemplateDescriptor:lc.procmgmt.domain:SearchTemplateDescriptor) — methode, klasse | |
Opens a query for the given search template descriptor. | |
openRelationshipBrowser — Gebeurtenis, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.Toolbar | |
openRelationshipBrowser is dispatched from the Toolbar when any relationship button is clicked on the toolbar | |
openSession(dbfile:flash.filesystem:File, id:uint, encryptionKey:flash.utils:ByteArray, cacheDirectory:flash.filesystem:File) — methode, klasse coldfusion.air.SyncManager | |
Creates a session with a specific database file. | |
openSession(, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — methode, interface | |
Creates an ISession instance based on the supplied configuration information. | |
OpenSessionEvent — klasse, pakket | |
The OpenSessionEvent class defines a transient notification of opening an ISession. | |
OpenSessionEvent(type:String,, msg:String) — Constructor, klasse | |
Constructor. | |
openSessionEventFailure — Gebeurtenis, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
Dispatched when an OpenSessionEvent call fails. | |
openSessionEventSuccess — Gebeurtenis, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
Dispatched upon the first successful OpenSessionEvent from the remote server. | |
openStreamingConnection(appendToURL:String) — methode, klasse mx.messaging.channels.StreamingConnectionHandler | |
Used by the streaming channels to set up the streaming connection if necessary and issue the open request to the server. | |
openSubdirectory(nativePath:String) — methode, klasse mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
Opens a subdirectory specified by a native file system path. | |
openTab(tabName:String, force:Boolean) — methode, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.WorkspaceModel | |
Opens a particular tab of the Workspace component by the tab name. | |
openTask() — methode, klasse lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDetailsModel | |
Dispatches a TaskEvent.OPEN event when a task card is selected in Workspace. | |
openTickLength — Stijl, klasse mx.charts.series.HLOCSeries | |
Specifies the length, in pixels, for the open tick mark if an opening value is specified. | |
openTickStroke — Stijl, klasse mx.charts.series.HLOCSeries | |
Specifies the stroke to use for the open tick mark if an opening value is specified. | |
OPEN_URL — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.desktop.InvokeEventReason | |
Alleen mobiel, geeft aan dat de InvokeEvent-gebeurtenis is opgetreden omdat de toepassing werd aangeroepen door een andere toepassing of door het systeem. | |
openValue — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The open value of this item. | |
openWithDefaultApplication() — methode, klasse flash.filesystem.File | |
Hiermee wordt het bestand geopend in de toepassing die in het besturingssysteem geregistreerd staat om dit bestandstype te openen. | |
OP_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the equals operator. | |
operand — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators.UnaryOperator | |
Operand associated with this unary operator instance | |
operands — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.Expression | |
Fetches the array of operands. | |
operands — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators.BinaryOperator | |
Array of Operands associated with this binary operator | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse coldfusion.air.Conflict | |
The operation that caused the server-side conflict. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse flash.errors.SQLError | |
Een waarde die aanduidt welke bewerking werd geprobeerd toen de fout optrad. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De bewerking die op het punt van starten staat of die net is geƫindigd. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse flashx.textLayout.operations.RedoOperation | |
De bewerking die opnieuw moet worden uitgevoerd. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse flashx.textLayout.operations.UndoOperation | |
De bewerking die ongedaan gemaakt moet worden. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse mx.collections.SummaryField | |
The function that should be performed on the children. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Stores the service's operation which we are using for this managed operation. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Provides access to the operation/command of this DataMessage. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Provides access to the operation/command of this message. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
Provides access to the operation/command for the CommandMessage. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse mx.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage | |
Provides access to the name of the remote method/operation that should be called. | |
operation — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The FlowOperation object representing the editing operation being performed on the text by the user. | |
Operation — klasse, pakket mx.rpc.http | |
An Operation used specifically by an HTTPMultiService. | |
Operation — klasse, pakket mx.rpc.remoting | |
An Operation used specifically by RemoteObjects. | |
Operation — klasse, pakket mx.rpc.remoting.mxml | |
The Operation used for RemoteObject when created in an MXML document. | |
Operation — klasse, pakket mx.rpc.soap | |
An Operation used specifically by WebServices. | |
Operation — klasse, pakket mx.rpc.soap.mxml | |
An Operation used specifically by WebServices. | |
Operation(service:mx.rpc.http:HTTPMultiService, name:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.rpc.http.Operation | |
Creates a new Operation. | |
Operation(remoteObject:mx.rpc:AbstractService, name:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.rpc.remoting.Operation | |
Creates a new Operation. | |
Operation(webService:mx.rpc:AbstractService, name:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.rpc.soap.Operation | |
Creates a new Operation. | |
Operation(webService:mx.rpc.soap:WebService, name:String) — Constructor, klasse mx.rpc.soap.mxml.Operation | |
Creates a new Operation. | |
OperationInfo — klasse, pakket com.adobe.dct.transfer | |
Transfer object Holds the information for Service operation. | |
operationList — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | |
operationList — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | |
operationList — Eigenschap, interface | |
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | |
operationList — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | |
operationList — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | |
operationList — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | |
operationList — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | |
operationList — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | |
operationList — Eigenschap, klasse mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService | |
This serves as the default property for this instance so that we can define a set of operations as direct children of the HTTPMultiService tag in MXML. | |
operationManager — Eigenschap, klasse mx.rpc.AbstractInvoker | |
This property is set usually by framework code which wants to modify the behavior of a service invocation without modifying the way in which the service is called externally. | |
operationMethodName — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The target method to invoke on the managed remote service. | |
operationMode — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The current state of the Editor. | |
operationMode — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Specifies the current state of the Category Editor. | |
operationMode — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The current state in which Letter has been opened. | |
operationMode — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The current state in which Letter has been opened. | |
operationMode — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The current state in which Letter has been opened. | |
operationMode — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The current state in which Letter has been opened. | |
operationMode — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Specifies the current state of the Text Editor. | |
operationMode — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Specfies the current state of the Text. | |
OPERATION_MODE_COPY — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant defining the Copy state of an Editor. | |
OPERATION_MODE_COPY — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant which defines the Copy state of Category. | |
OPERATION_MODE_CREATE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant defining the Create state of an Editor. | |
OPERATION_MODE_CREATE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant which defines the Create state of Category. | |
OPERATION_MODE_EDIT — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant defining the Edit state of an Editor. | |
OPERATION_MODE_EDIT — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant which defines the Edit state of Category. | |
OPERATION_MODE_EDIT — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant representing the Edit state. | |
OPERATION_MODE_VIEW — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant defining the View state of an Editor. | |
OPERATION_MODE_VIEW — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant which defines the View state of Category. | |
OPERATION_MODE_VIEW — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The constant representing the View state. | |
operationName — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationInfo | |
The operation name | |
operationName — Eigenschap, interface com.adobe.icc.token.IAsyncToken | |
Returns the operation name associated with this token or null if an operation name was not given. | |
operationName — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.RCAToken | |
Specifies the operation name. | |
operationName — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The name of the operation invoked on the Remoting destination used to fetch the user details. | |
operationNameDisplay — Skinonderdelen , klasse com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryServiceView | |
A skin part that defines a SkinnableTextBase displaying operation name. A skin part that defines a SkinnableTextBase displaying operation name. | |
operationNameDisplay — Skinonderdelen , klasse com.adobe.dct.view.ImportFMLView | |
A skin part that defines ListBase for the operations in the selected service. A skin part that defines ListBase for the operations in the selected service. | |
OperationParameter — klasse, pakket com.adobe.dct.transfer | |
Transfer object holding the details of Operation Parameter. | |
operationParameters — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.dct.transfer.OperationInfo | |
The operationParameters of Operation | |
operationParametersDisplay — Skinonderdelen , klasse com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryServiceView | |
A skin part that defines the DataGrid showing Operation Parameters. A skin part that defines the DataGrid showing Operation Parameters. | |
operations — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Operations of the wrapped service. | |
operations — Eigenschap, klasse flashx.textLayout.operations.CompositeOperation | |
Een array met de bewerkingen die zijn gegroepeerd door deze samengestelde bewerking. | |
operations — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The operations provided by the MBean. | |
operations — Eigenschap, klasse mx.rpc.AbstractService | |
The Operations array is usually only set by the MXML compiler if you create a service using an MXML tag. | |
operationsByName — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Stores the name to ManagedOperation mapping for all ManagedOperation object. | |
operationType — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The OperationType contains the value ExpressionBuilder.UPDATE_EXPRESSION or ExpressionBuilder.SAVE_EXPRESSION. | |
operationType — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The OperationType contains the value ExpressionBuilder.UPDATE_EXPRESSION or ExpressionBuilder.SAVE_EXPRESSION. | |
OperationType — klasse, pakket | |
OperationType Enum. | |
OperationType() — Constructor, klasse | |
The constructor for OperationType class. | |
operator — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Operator for establishing search type relation between attributeName and attributeValue for e.g. | |
operator — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Search Operator between attributeName and attributeValue | |
operator — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.Expression | |
Operator associated with the expression | |
operator — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Operator for this statement. | |
operator — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies the operator that establishes the relationship between attributeName and attributeValue for the search. | |
operator — Eigenschap, klasse lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilterCondition | |
The operator for the search filter condition. | |
OPERATOR_CONTAINS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the CONTAINS operator. | |
OPERATOR_CONTAINS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the CONTAINS operator. | |
OPERATOR_CONTAINS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a contains operator. | |
OPERATOR_ENDS_WITH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the ENDS WITH operator. | |
OPERATOR_ENDS_WITH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the ENDS WITH operator. | |
OPERATOR_ENDS_WITH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies an ends with operator. | |
OPERATOR_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the EQUALS operator. | |
OPERATOR_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the EQUALS operator. | |
OPERATOR_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies an equals operator. | |
OPERATOR_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the FULL TEXT SEARCH operator. | |
OPERATOR_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the FULL TEXT SEARCH operator. | |
OPERATOR_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a full-text search operator. | |
OPERATOR_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH_ON_PROPERTIES — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the FULL TEXT SEARCH operator. | |
OPERATOR_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH_ON_PROPERTIES — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the FULL TEXT SEARCH ON PROPERTIES operator. | |
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the GREATER THAN operator. | |
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the GREATER THAN operator. | |
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a greater than operator. | |
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the GREATER THAN OR EQUALS TO operator. | |
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the GREATER THAN OR EQUALS TO operator. | |
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a greater than or equal operator. | |
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the LESS THAN operator. | |
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the LESS THAN operator. | |
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a less than operator. | |
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the LESS THAN OR EQUALS TO operator. | |
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the LESS THAN OR EQUALS TO operator. | |
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a less than or equal operator. | |
OPERATOR_LIKE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the LIKE operator. | |
OPERATOR_LIKE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the LIKE operator. | |
OPERATOR_LIKE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a like operator. | |
OPERATOR_NOT_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the NOT EQUALS operator. | |
OPERATOR_NOT_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the NOT EQUALS operator. | |
OPERATOR_NOT_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a not equal operator. | |
OPERATOR_NOT_NULL — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the NOT NULL CHECK operator. | |
OPERATOR_NOT_NULL — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the NOT NULL CHECK operator. | |
OPERATOR_NULL — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the NULL CHECK operator. | |
OPERATOR_NULL — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the NULL CHECK operator. | |
OPERATOR_STARTS_WITH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the STARTS WITH operator. | |
OPERATOR_STARTS_WITH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
This special value represents the STARTS WITH operator. | |
OPERATOR_STARTS_WITH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies a starts with operator. | |
OP_GREATER_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the greater than or equal to operator. | |
OP_GREATER_THAN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the greater than operator. | |
OP_IS_NULL — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the null operator. | |
OP_LESS_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the equal to operator. | |
OP_LESS_THAN — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the less than operator. | |
OP_NOT_EQUALS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the not equal operator. | |
OP_STARTS_WITH — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Statement | |
Specifies the starts with operator. | |
optimumSpacing — Eigenschap, klasse flash.text.engine.SpaceJustifier | |
Geeft de optimale spatiƫring tussen woorden aan (als een vermenigvuldiger van de breedte van een normale spatie) die tijdens de uitvulling wordt gebruikt. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance | |
True if this module is optional in its container (based on the assignment, not the selected state). | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.FieldInstance | |
True if the underlying object is optional. | |
optional — Eigenschap, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IDataInstance | |
True if the underlying object is optional. | |
optional — Eigenschap, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance | |
True if this module is optional in its container (based on the assignment, not the selected state). | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.VariableInstance | |
True if the underlying object is optional. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FieldAssignmentModel | |
The optional property of the underlying value object. | |
optional — Eigenschap, interface com.adobe.icc.editors.model.IAssignmentModel | |
The optional property of the underlying value object. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListAssignmentModel | |
True if the item is not a mandatory inclusion in the list. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleAssignmentModel | |
The optional property of the underlying value object. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.VariableAssignmentModel | |
The optional property of the underlying value object. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.FieldAssignment | |
Specifies whether the assignment is optional when correspondence is being generated. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.LDMAssignment | |
Specifies whether the item is not mandatory for the list. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.ModuleAssignment | |
True if the module is not required to be selected in the target. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Specifies whether the assignment is optional when correspondence is being generated. | |
optional — Eigenschap, interface | |
A Boolean value to decide if the reviewer is optional or not. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A Boolean value to decide if the reviewer is optional or not. | |
optional — Eigenschap, klasse | |
A Boolean flag to mark a reviewer as optional if set to True. | |
optionalBtn — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines the optional checkbox A skin part that defines the optional checkbox | |
optionalRadioButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A reference to the RadioButton object. If the radio button is selected then an added participant is added as an optional reviewer. A reference to the RadioButton object. | |
optionList — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Option list of data-label pairs. | |
optionList — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies an option list of data-label pairs. | |
optionMenuButton — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutSkin | |
The control for the Option menu. | |
optionMenuButton — Skinonderdelen , klasse com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
The option menu, also a Spark Button. The option menu, also a Spark Button. | |
OptionMenuButton — klasse, pakket com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu | |
Displays a button that produces a menu when selected. | |
OptionMenuButton() — Constructor, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
Constructor. | |
OptionMenuEvent — klasse, pakket com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu | |
The events generated by the OptionMenuButton class. | |
OptionMenuEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuEvent | |
Constructor. | |
options — Eigenschap, klasse flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertInlineGraphicOperation | |
Bepaalt de positie van de afbeelding ten opzichte van de tekst. | |
options — Eigenschap, klasse flashx.textLayout.operations.ModifyInlineGraphicOperation | |
opties worden niet ondersteund. | |
OPTIONS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Geeft aan dat het URLRequest-object OPTIONS is. | |
optionsDropDown — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A reference to the DropDownListBase object that displays the option details. A reference to the DropDownListBase object that displays the option details. | |
OPTIONS_METHOD — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage | |
Indicates that the method used for this request should be "options". | |
optToggleBtn — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines the checkbox to capture whether an optional module is to be added to the letter or not. A skin part that defines the checkbox to capture whether an optional module is to be added to the letter or not. | |
order — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.FieldInstance | |
The order of a field represents the order in which it is laid out in the layout or fragment of a letter. | |
order — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.TargetInstance | |
The target's depth-first order. | |
order — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.FieldAssignment | |
Zero-based order in which the field is to appear in the letter (based on top-down, depth-first search of the letter's layout). | |
ordered — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ConditionModuleInstance | |
True if the container's contents order is fixed; false if its contents can be re-ordered. | |
ordered — Eigenschap, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IContainerInstance | |
True if the container's contents order is fixed; false if its contents can be re-ordered. | |
ordered — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ListModuleInstance | |
True if the container's contents order is fixed; false if its contents can be re-ordered. | |
ordered — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.TargetInstance | |
True if the container's contents order is fixed; false if its contents can be re-ordered. | |
ordered — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
The ordered property of the underlying value object. | |
ordered — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
Flag to indicate if this assignment is ordered. | |
ordered — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Specifies whether the items in the list cannot be reordered when a letter is being filled. | |
ordered — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetAreaAssignment | |
Specifies whether the target assignment is ordered. | |
orderedHeadersList — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
An ordered list of AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances that correspond to the visible column headers. | |
OrderedObject — Dynamische klasse, pakket mx.utils | |
OrderedObject acts as a wrapper to Object to preserve the ordering of the properties as they are added. | |
OrderedObject(item:Object) — Constructor, klasse mx.utils.OrderedObject | |
Constructor. | |
orderIcon — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines the icon displayed if the TargetArea is ordered (agent cannot re-order items). A skin part that defines the icon displayed if the TargetArea is ordered (agent cannot re-order items). | |
orderIcon — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A skin part that defines the icon displayed if the ListModule is ordered (agent cannot re-order items). A skin part that defines the icon displayed if the ListModule is ordered (agent cannot re-order items). | |
orderInBackOf(window:flash.display:NativeWindow) — methode, klasse flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Stuurt dit venster direct achter het opgegeven venster. | |
orderInBackOf(window:mx.core:IWindow) — methode, klasse mx.core.Window | |
Orders the window just behind another. | |
orderInBackOf(window:mx.core:IWindow) — methode, klasse mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Orders the window just behind another. | |
orderInBackOf(window:mx.core:IWindow) — methode, klasse spark.components.Window | |
Orders the window just behind another. | |
orderInBackOf(window:mx.core:IWindow) — methode, klasse spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Orders the window just behind another. | |
orderInFrontOf(window:flash.display:NativeWindow) — methode, klasse flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Brengt dit venster direct vĆ³Ć³r het opgegeven venster. | |
orderInFrontOf(window:mx.core:IWindow) — methode, klasse mx.core.Window | |
Orders the window just in front of another. | |
orderInFrontOf(window:mx.core:IWindow) — methode, klasse mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Orders the window just in front of another. | |
orderInFrontOf(window:mx.core:IWindow) — methode, klasse spark.components.Window | |
Orders the window just in front of another. | |
orderInFrontOf(window:mx.core:IWindow) — methode, klasse spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Orders the window just in front of another. | |
orderToBack() — methode, klasse flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Stuurt dit venster achter andere zichtbare vensters. | |
orderToBack() — methode, klasse mx.core.Window | |
Orders the window behind all others in the same application. | |
orderToBack() — methode, klasse mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Orders the window behind all others in the same application. | |
orderToBack() — methode, klasse spark.components.Window | |
Orders the window behind all others in the same application. | |
orderToBack() — methode, klasse spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Orders the window behind all others in the same application. | |
orderToFront() — methode, klasse flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Brengt dit venster vĆ³Ć³r alle andere zichtbare vensters. | |
orderToFront() — methode, klasse mx.core.Window | |
Orders the window in front of all others in the same application. | |
orderToFront() — methode, klasse mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Orders the window in front of all others in the same application. | |
orderToFront() — methode, klasse spark.components.Window | |
Orders the window in front of all others in the same application. | |
orderToFront() — methode, klasse spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Orders the window in front of all others in the same application. | |
org — Eigenschap, interface | |
Organisation name of a user. | |
org — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Organisation name of a user. | |
org — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The organization to which the principal belongs. | |
org — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The user's organization name. | |
organization — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The user's organization name. | |
organizationalTitle — Eigenschap, interface | |
Defines the organization title. | |
organizationalTitle — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Defines the organization title. | |
organizationalTitle — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Defines the organization title. | |
organizationalUnitName — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Retourneert het DN-kenmerk OrganizationalUnitName. | |
organizationName — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Retourneert het DN-kenmerk OrganizationName. | |
org.osmf.containers — pakket | |
Het pakket org.osmf.containers bevat klassen die het weergeven van objecten in spelertoepassingen ondersteunen. | |
org.osmf.display — pakket | |
Het pakket org.osmf.display bevat klassen die de presentatie van MediaPlayers en MediaElements als Flash-DisplayObjects ondersteunen. | |
org.osmf.elements — pakket | |
Het pakket org.osmf.elements bevat alle MediaElement-implementaties. | | — pakket | |
Het pakket bevat klassen die OSMF-gebeurtenisobjecten definiƫren. | |
org.osmf.layout — pakket | |
Het pakket org.osmf.layout bevat klassen die de lay-out van weergaveobjecten ondersteunen. | |
org.osmf.logging — pakket | |
Het pakket org.osmf.logging bevat klassen om het vastleggen van gegevens over foutopsporing te ondersteunen. | | — pakket | |
Het pakket bevat de klassen die worden gebruikt bij het afspelen van media, samen met de bouwstenen van het laagste niveau voor het afspelen van media. | |
org.osmf.metadata — pakket | |
Het pakket org.osmf.metadata bevat klassen die het gebruik van metagegevens ondersteunen. | | — pakket | |
Het pakket verschaft ondersteuningsklassen voor het afspelen van video. | | — pakket | |
Het pakket bevat klassen die worden gebruikt voor ondersteuning van de DVR-afspeelmodus in een mediaspeler. | | — pakket | |
Het pakket bevat klassen die HTTP-streaming ondersteunen. | | — pakket | |
Het pakket bevat klassen voor de definitie van metrische OSMF-objecten die worden toegepast in Adaptive Streaming-switching. | | — pakket | |
Het pakket bevat klassen die worden gebruikt voor het toegankelijk maken van Quality of Service-informatie voor het afspelen van video's. | | — pakket | |
Het pakket bevat klassen die RTMP-streaming ondersteunen. | | — pakket | |
Het pakket bevat klassen voor de definitie van OSMF-regelobjecten die worden toegepast in Adaptive Streaming-switching. | |
org.osmf.traits — pakket | |
Het pakket org.osmf.traits biedt de bouwstenen voor het maken van specifieke mediatraits. | |
org.osmf.utils — pakket | |
Het pakket org.osmf.utils bevat hulpprogrammaklassen die andere osmf-pakketten ondersteunen. | |
orientation — Eigenschap, klasse coldfusion.service.mxml.Document | |
Page orientation: portrait landscape | |
orientation — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.FlowLayout | |
The layout can be filled either column-wise (default) or row-wise. | |
orientation — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartGridLayout | |
The grid can be filled either column-wise (default) or row-wise. | |
orientation — Eigenschap, klasse flash.display.Stage | |
De huidige oriƫntatie van het werkgebied. | |
orientation — Eigenschap, klasse flash.printing.PrintJob | |
De afdrukstand van afbeeldingen. | |
orientation — Eigenschap, klasse spark.components.TileGroup | |
Specifies whether elements are arranged row by row or column by column. | |
orientation — Eigenschap, klasse spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Specifies whether elements are arranged row by row or column by column. | |
Orientation3D — definitieve klasse, pakket flash.geom | |
De klasse Orientation3D is een opsomming van constante waarden waarmee de oriƫntatiestijl van een Matrix3D-object wordt voorgesteld. | |
orientationChange — Gebeurtenis, klasse flash.display.Stage | |
Wordt verzonden door het object Stage wanneer de oriƫntatie van het werkgebied verandert. | |
ORIENTATION_CHANGE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
De constante ORIENTATION_CHANGE definieert de waarde van de eigenschap type van een orientationChange-gebeurtenisobject. | |
orientationChanging — Gebeurtenis, klasse flash.display.Stage | |
Wordt verzonden door het object Stage wanneer de oriƫntatie van het werkgebied begint te veranderen. | |
ORIENTATION_CHANGING — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
De constante ORIENTATION_CHANGING definieert de waarde van de eigenschap type van een orientationChanging-gebeurtenisobject. | |
orientToPath — Eigenschap, klasse fl.motion.AnimatorBase | |
Hiermee wordt de positie van het weergaveobject langs het bewegingspad ingesteld. | |
orientToPath — Eigenschap, klasse fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Wanneer deze eigenschap op true is ingesteld, roteert het doelobject automatisch om de hoek van het pad te volgen. | |
origin — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Geeft de bronrechthoek aan van het object waardoor de CameraRoll-afbeeldingskiezer is gestart. | |
origin — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarTransform | |
The origin of the polar transform. | |
origin — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem | |
The origin, relative to the PieSeries's coordinate system, of this wedge. | |
originalBodyRowCount — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
The body row count before customization | |
originalColumnCount — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
The column count before customization | |
originalCreator — Eigenschap, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachment | |
A flag that indicates whether the logged in user added the attachment. | |
originalEvent — Eigenschap, klasse | |
De oorspronkelijke muisgebeurtenis die door een muisactiviteit is gegenereerd. | |
originalHandlerFunction — Eigenschap, klasse mx.states.SetEventHandler | |
The handler function to remove prior to applying our override. | |
originalHeight — Eigenschap, klasse mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid | |
The height of the PrintAdvancedDataGrid as set by the user. | |
originalHeight — Eigenschap, klasse mx.printing.PrintDataGrid | |
The height of PrintDataGrid as set by the user. | |
originalHeight — Eigenschap, klasse mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid | |
The height of the PrintOLAPDataGrid as set by the user. | |
originalobject — Eigenschap, klasse coldfusion.air.Conflict | |
The original instance of the object on the client side. | |
originalObject — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The state of the original client object before its properties were changed, as known at the time of the conflict. | |
ORIGINAL_ONLY — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.desktop.ClipboardTransferMode | |
Het object Clipboard mag alleen een verwijzing retourneren. | |
originalPath — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.gravity.utility.url.URIParser | |
The original path component. | |
ORIGINAL_PREFERRED — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.desktop.ClipboardTransferMode | |
Het klembordobject moet een verwijzing retourneren als deze beschikbaar is, en een kopie als dit niet het geval is. | |
originalSelectionState — Eigenschap, klasse flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowTextOperation | |
De status van de selectie bij het begin van de bewerking. | |
originalUrl — Eigenschap, klasse flash.html.HTMLHistoryItem | |
De oorspronkelijke URL van de HTML-pagina vĆ³Ć³r eventuele omleidingen. | |
originatingMessageSentTime — Eigenschap, klasse mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Only populated in the case of a pushed message, timestamp in milliseconds since epoch of when the client that caused a push message sent its message. | |
originatingMessageSize — Eigenschap, klasse mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Only populated in the case of a pushed message, size in Bytes of the message that originally caused this pushed message. | |
originX — Eigenschap, klasse mx.effects.Rotate | |
The x-position of the center point of rotation. | |
originX — Eigenschap, klasse mx.effects.Zoom | |
Number that represents the x-position of the zoom origin when the effect target is in a container that supports absolute positioning, such as the Canvas container. | |
originX — Eigenschap, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.RotateInstance | |
The x-position of the center point of rotation. | |
originX — Eigenschap, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.ZoomInstance | |
Number that represents the x-position of the zoom origin, or registration point. | |
originX — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The horizontal origin for the bitmap fill. | |
originY — Eigenschap, klasse mx.effects.Rotate | |
The y-position of the center point of rotation. | |
originY — Eigenschap, klasse mx.effects.Zoom | |
Number that represents the y-position of the zoom origin when the effect target is in a container that supports absolute positioning, such as the Canvas container. | |
originY — Eigenschap, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.RotateInstance | |
The y-position of the center point of rotation. | |
originY — Eigenschap, klasse mx.effects.effectClasses.ZoomInstance | |
Number that represents the y-position of the zoom origin, or registration point. | |
originY — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The vertical origin for the bitmap fill. | |
ORIYA — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Geeft de Unicode-waarde aan voor het nul-getal van de Oriya cijferset. | |
OrOperator — klasse, pakket com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators | |
The implementation of the or operator | |
OrOperator() — Constructor, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators.OrOperator | |
Constructor. | |
os — Statische eigenschap, klasse flash.system.Capabilities | |
Geeft het huidige besturingssysteem op. | |
OSMANYA — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Geeft de Unicode-waarde aan voor het nul-getal van de Osmanya cijferset. | |
OSMFSettings — definitieve klasse, pakket org.osmf.utils | |
Utility class which exposes all user-facing OSMF settings. | |
OSMFStrings — klasse, pakket org.osmf.utils | |
Utility class that exposes all user-facing strings. | |
OTHER — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
De component List heeft de focus verloren, is verschoven of bevindt zich in een toestand waarin bewerken niet is toegestaan. | |
OTHER — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Specifies that the list control lost focus, was scrolled, or is somehow in a state where editing is not allowed. | |
OTHER — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Specifies that the list control lost focus, was scrolled, or is somehow in a state where editing is not allowed. | |
OTHER — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Specifies that the list control lost focus, was scrolled, or is somehow in a state where editing is not allowed. | |
otherAxes — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
An Array of axes. | |
otherAxes — Eigenschap, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer | |
An Array of axes. | |
OTHER_SHARED — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse lc.procmgmt.QueueConstants | |
A special value that identifies the 'pseudo-queue' that contains all tasks from other user queues that have been explicity shared. | |
otherUserOid — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The identifier of the user who owns the queue. | |
OUT — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse fl.transitions.Transition | |
Constante voor de eigenschap direction die het versnellingstype bepaalt. | |
OUT — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse spark.effects.easing.EasingFraction | |
Specifies that the easing instance spends the entire animation easing out. | |
OUTER — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.filters.BitmapFilterType | |
Definieert de instelling die een filter op het buitengebied van een object toepast. | |
outerJoinOperator — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Operator to outer-join this search filter with other search filters which are at the same level in search filter list | |
outerJoinOperator — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.SearchFilter | |
Specifies the operator that outer-joins the search filter with other search filters that are at the same level in the search filter list. | |
outerRadius — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
The percentage of the total space available to the PieSeries to use when rendering the contents of the series. | |
outerRadius — Eigenschap, klasse mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem | |
The distance of the outer edge of this wedge from its origin, measured in pixels. | |
outerRadius — Stijl, klasse xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressSpinner | |
outerRadius — Eigenschap, klasse xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
Accessor for outerRadius value | |
outputFiles — Eigenschap, klasse coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Structure that contains the output files in the DDX file or string as keys and the pathname to the result file as the value. | |
outputProgress — Gebeurtenis, klasse flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Geeft aan dat de gebufferde gegevens naar het bestand zijn geschreven. | |
outputProgress — Gebeurtenis, klasse | |
Wordt verzonden wanneer een socket gegevens verplaatst van de schrijfbuffer naar de netwerktransportlaag. | |
OUTPUT_PROGRESS — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
Definieert de waarde van de eigenschap type van een outputProgress-gebeurtenisobject. | |
OutputProgressEvent — klasse, pakket | |
Een FileStream-object verzendt OutputProgressEvent-objecten als komende asynchrone schrijfbewerkingen naar bestanden worden uitgevoerd. | |
OutputProgressEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, bytesPending:Number, bytesTotal:Number) — Constructor, klasse | |
Maakt een Event-object dat informatie bevat over uitvoervoortgangsgebeurtenissen. | |
outputs — Eigenschap, klasse lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
The collection of outputs for a search filter. | |
OUTSIDE — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStylePosition | |
Markering wordt weergegeven in de marge van de lijst. | |
outsideCutoff — Eigenschap, klasse flash.text.CSMSettings | |
De waarde voor de buitengrens, waaronder waarden op 0 worden ingesteld. | |
over — Skinstatus , klasse spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Over State of the Button | |
over — Skinstatus , klasse xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
Over State of the Button | |
OVER — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse spark.components.supportClasses.InteractionState | |
The component should be in the over state. | |
overAndSelected — Skinstatus , klasse spark.components.supportClasses.ToggleButtonBase | |
Over State of the Button when it's selected | |
overflowPolicy — Eigenschap, klasse flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
Beleid waarmee wordt besloten of de laatste regel van een container in de container past of dat deze regel overloopt. | |
overflowPolicy — Eigenschap, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration | |
Beleid waarmee wordt besloten of de laatste regel van een container in de container past of dat deze regel overloopt. | |
OverflowPolicy — definitieve klasse, pakket flashx.textLayout.elements | |
De OverflowPolicy-klasse definieert een set constanten voor de overFlowPolicy-eigenschap van de IConfiguration-klasse. | |
overIcon — Stijl, klasse fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Naam van de klasse die als het pictogram moet worden gebruikt wanneer de knop niet is geselecteerd en de muis zich boven de component bevindt. | |
overIcon — Stijl, klasse fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Naam van de klasse die als het pictogram moet worden gebruikt wanneer de knop niet is geselecteerd en de muis zich boven de component bevindt. | |
overIcon — Stijl, klasse fl.controls.CheckBox | |
Naam van de klasse die als het pictogram moet worden gebruikt wanneer de knop niet is geselecteerd en de muis zich boven de component bevindt. | |
overIcon — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the icon when the button is not selected and the mouse is over the control. | |
overlay — Eigenschap, klasse spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The overlay plane for this group. | |
OVERLAY — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse flash.display.BlendMode | |
Past de kleur van elke pixel aan op basis van de donkerte van de achtergrond. | |
OVERLAY — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse org.osmf.layout.LayoutMode | |
overlayButton — Eigenschap, klasse ga.controls.StepNav | |
The selected button which overlays the navigator. | |
overlayControls — Eigenschap, klasse spark.components.View | |
By default, the TabBar and ActionBar controls of a mobile application define an area that cannot be used by the views of an application. | |
OVERLAY_CREATED — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse | |
The ChildExistenceChangedEvent.OVERLAY_CREATED constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a overlayCreated event. | |
OverlayDepth — definitieve klasse, pakket spark.components.supportClasses | |
The OverlayDepth class defines the default depth values for various overlay elements used by Flex. | |
overlaySource — Eigenschap, klasse coldfusion.service.mxml.Image | |
Image source of the second ColdFusion image the overlays the first ColdFusion image. | |
override — Instructie | |
Geeft op dat een methode een overerfde methode vervangt. | |
OverrideBase — klasse, pakket mx.states | |
The OverrideBase class is the base class for the override classes used by view states. | |
OverrideBase() — Constructor, klasse mx.states.OverrideBase | |
Constructor. | |
overrides — Eigenschap, klasse mx.states.State | |
The overrides for this view state, as an Array of objects that implement the IOverride interface. | |
overrides — Eigenschap, klasse mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration | |
If the setStyle() method is called on a UIComponent or CSSStyleDeclaration at run time, this object stores the name/value pairs that were set; they override the name/value pairs in the objects produced by the methods specified by the defaultFactory and factory properties. | |
overrideTargetTransform(scale:Boolean, skew:Boolean, rotate:Boolean) — methode, klasse fl.motion.MotionBase | |
overSkin — Stijl, klasse fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
Naam van de klasse die als skin voor de achtergrond en rand moet worden gebruikt wanneer de knop niet is geselecteerd en de muis zich boven de component bevindt. | |
overSkin — Stijl, klasse fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
De klasse die de skin voor het kleurvakje bevat wanneer het aanwijsapparaat eroverheen beweegt. | |
overSkin — Stijl, klasse fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Naam van de klasse die als skin voor de achtergrond en rand moet worden gebruikt wanneer de knop niet is geselecteerd en de muis zich boven de component bevindt. | |
overSkin — Stijl, klasse fl.controls.BaseButton | |
Naam van de klasse die als skin voor de achtergrond en rand moet worden gebruikt wanneer de knop niet is geselecteerd en de muis zich boven de component bevindt. | |
overSkin — Stijl, klasse fl.controls.ComboBox | |
De naam van de klasse die de achtergrond bevat die wordt weergegeven in de component ComboBox wanneer de muis zich hierboven bevindt. | |
overSkin — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.Button | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when the button is not selected and the mouse is over the control. | |
overSkin — Stijl, klasse mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when the mouse is over the control. | |
overState — Eigenschap, klasse flash.display.SimpleButton | |
Geeft een weergaveobject op dat wordt gebruikt als het visuele object voor de toestand Boven van de knop —, de toestand van de knop wanneer de cursor zich boven de knop bevindt. | |
overwriteMode — Statische eigenschap, klasse flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Geeft aan of de overschrijvingsmodus al dan niet is geactiveerd. | |
overwriteText(text:String, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — methode, klasse flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Overschrijft de geselecteerde tekst. | |
overwriteText(text:String, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — methode, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Overschrijft de geselecteerde tekst. | |
ownedBy — Eigenschap, interface | |
Retrieves the <OwnedBy> element content from this XML node. | |
owner — Eigenschap, interface | |
The user who the pin is assigned or issued to. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The user who the pin is assigned or issued to. | |
owner — Eigenschap, interface | |
Defines the owner of a project. | |
owner — Eigenschap, interface | |
Defines the owner of a workItem. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Defines the owner of a project. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Defines the owner of a workItem. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Defines the owner filter. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Defines the owner of a project. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Defines the owner of a workItem. | |
owner — Eigenschap, interface | |
Owner of a supporting document. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse | |
Owner of a supporting document. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse fl.controls.listClasses.ListData | |
Een verwijzing naar het object List dat de eigenaar van dit item is. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Het NativeWindow-object dat de eigenaar is van dit venster. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse flash.display.NativeWindowInitOptions | |
Verwijst naar het NativeWindow-object dat eigenaar zou moeten zijn van eventuele vensters die met deze NativeWindowIntiOptions zijn gemaakt. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse | |
The owner of the Workspace preference. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData | |
A reference to the list object that owns this item. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange | |
The control that contains the text. | |
owner — Eigenschap, interface mx.core.IUIComponent | |
The owner of this IVisualElement object. | |
owner — Eigenschap, interface mx.core.IVisualElement | |
The owner of this IVisualElement object. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse mx.core.UIComponent | |
The owner of this IVisualElement object. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
By default, set to the parent container of this object. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse mx.core.UITextField | |
By default, set to the parent container of this object. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Typically the parent container of this component. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
The owner of this IVisualElement object. | |
owner — Eigenschap, klasse spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The owner of this IVisualElement object. | |
OWNER — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse lc.procmgmt.QueueConstants | |
A special value that identifies the queue as one being owned by the user. | |
ownerId — Eigenschap, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ITask | |
An identifier that specifies the owner of the task. | |
OWNERID — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.Property | |
The OWNERID constant specifies the task property named ownerId. | |
ownerLabel — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
The skin part for the Owner label. The skin part for the Owner label. | |
ownerNameField — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
The skin part for the Asset Owner name field. The skin part for the Asset Owner name field. | |
ownerNameValidator — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
The skin part for the Owner Name validator. The skin part for the Owner Name validator. | |
ownerPassword — Eigenschap, klasse coldfusion.service.mxml.Document | |
Specifies the owner password; format="PDF" only. | |
ownerReviewCheckBox — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
A reference to the CheckBox object that decides whether a review task is sent to the owner after this creation stage or not. A reference to the CheckBox object that decides whether a review task is sent to the owner after this creation stage or not. | |
ownerTextInput — Skinonderdelen , klasse | |
The skin part for the Owner text input. The skin part for the Owner text input. | |
owns(displayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject) — methode, klasse mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
owns(displayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject) — methode, interface mx.core.IUIComponent | |
Returns true if the chain of owner properties points from child to this UIComponent. | |
owns(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — methode, klasse mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns true if the chain of owner properties points from child to this UIComponent. | |
owns(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — methode, klasse mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Returns true if the child is parented or owned by this object. | |
owns(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — methode, klasse mx.core.UITextField | |
Returns true if the child is parented or owned by this object. | |
owns(displayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject) — methode, klasse mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns true if the chain of owner properties points from child to this UIComponent. | |
OWNS_SHARED_OBJECT — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse spark.core.DisplayObjectSharingMode | |
IGraphicElement owns a DisplayObject that is also assigned to some other IGraphicElement by the parent Group container. | |
OWNS_UNSHARED_OBJECT — Statische eigenschap van type constante, klasse spark.core.DisplayObjectSharingMode | |
IGraphicElement owns a DisplayObject exclusively. | |
ownVariables — Eigenschap, klasse com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
The list of variables defined by the condition module itself and not by any of the contained children. | |
Symbolen A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:57 AM Z