Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
c — class Matrix | |
The value that affects the positioning of pixels along the x axis when rotating or skewing an image. | |
C — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the C key (67). | |
cacheResponse — class HTMLLoader | |
Specifies whether successful response data should be cached for HTTP requests issued by this object. | |
cacheResponse — class URLRequest | |
Specifies whether successful response data should be cached for this request. | |
cacheResponse — class URLRequestDefaults | |
The default setting for the cacheResponse property of URLRequest objects. | |
cacheSize — class SQLConnection | |
Provides access to the cache size for this connection, which represents the maximum number of database disk pages that are held in memory at one time. | |
call(String command, responder, restParam arguments) — method, class NetConnection | |
Calls a command or method on Flash Media Server or on an application server running Flash Remoting. | |
cancel — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when a cancel() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
cancel( responder) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Aborts all SQL statements that are currently executing on databases connected to the SQLConnection instance. | |
cancel() — method, class SQLStatement | |
Cancels execution of this statement. | |
cancel — Event, class File | |
Dispatched when a pending asynchronous operation is canceled. | |
cancel() — method, class File | |
Cancels any pending asynchronous operation. | |
CANCEL — class Event | |
The Event.CANCEL constant defines the value of the type property of a cancel event object. | |
CANCEL — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.CANCEL constant defines the value of the type property of a cancel event object. | |
cancelable — class Event | |
Indicates whether the behavior associated with the event can be prevented. | |
cancelLoad() — method, class HTMLLoader | |
Cancels any load operation in progress. | |
cancelUpdate() — method, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Cancels the update process. | |
cancelUpdate() — method, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Cancels the update process. | |
canonicalize() — method, class File | |
Canonicalizes the File path. | |
Capabilities — final class, package window.runtime.flash.system | |
The Capabilities class provides properties that describe the system and runtime that are hosting the application. | |
capsLock — class Keyboard | |
Specifies whether the Caps Lock key is activated (true) or not (false). | |
CAPS_LOCK — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Caps Lock key (20). | |
CertificateStatus — final class, package | |
The CertificateStatus class defines constants used to report the results of certificate validation processing by a SecureSocket object. | |
CHAM — class NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Cham digit set. | |
CHANGE — class Event | |
The Event.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a change event object. | |
CHANNEL_DOWN — class Keyboard | |
Channel down | |
CHANNEL_UP — class Keyboard | |
Channel up | |
CharCodeStrings — class Keyboard | |
An array containing all the defined key name constants. | |
checked — class NativeMenuItem | |
Controls whether this menu item displays a checkmark. | |
checkForUpdate — Event, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Dispatched before the update process begins, just before the updater tries to download the update descriptor file. | |
checkForUpdate() — method, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Asynchronously downloads and interprets the update descriptor file. | |
checkForUpdate — Event, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Dispatched before the update process begins, just before the updater tries to download the update descriptor file. | |
CHECK_FOR_UPDATE — class UpdateEvent | |
The UpdateEvent.CHECK_FOR_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a checkForUpdate event. | |
checkNow() — method, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Starts the update process. | |
checkNow() — method, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Starts the update process. | |
checkPolicyFile — class SoundLoaderContext | |
Specifies whether the application should try to download a URL policy file from the loaded sound's server before beginning to load the sound. | |
checkStatus() — method, class ServiceMonitor | |
Checks the status of the service. | |
checkStatus() — method, class SocketMonitor | |
Calling the checkStatus() method of a SocketMonitor object causes the application to try connecting to the socket, to check for a connect event. | |
checkStatus() — method, class URLMonitor | |
Attempts to load content from a URL in the background, to check for a returned HTTP status code. | |
clear() — method, class Clipboard | |
Deletes all data representations from this Clipboard object. | |
clear() — method, class NativeApplication | |
Invokes an internal delete command on the focused display object. | |
clear(Number red, Number green, Number blue, Number alpha, Number depth, uint stencil, uint mask) — method, class Context3D | |
Clears the color, depth, and stencil buffers associated with this Context3D object and fills them with the specified values. | |
clear() — method, class SharedObject | |
For local shared objects, purges all of the data and deletes the shared object from the disk. | |
clear() — method, class ByteArray | |
Clears the contents of the byte array and resets the length and position properties to 0. | |
clear() — method, class ByteArray | |
Clears the contents of the byte array and resets the length and position properties to 0. | |
CLEAR — class Event | |
The Event.CLEAR constant defines the value of the type property of a clear event object. | |
clearData(String format) — method, class Clipboard | |
Deletes the data representation for the specified format. | |
clearInterval(uint id) — Package Function, flash.utils | |
clearParameters() — method, class SQLStatement | |
Clears all current parameter settings. | |
clearSamples() — Package Function, flash.sampler | |
clearTimeout(uint id) — Package Function, flash.utils | |
click — Event, class SystemTrayIcon | |
Dispatched by this SystemTrayIcon object on mouse click. | |
CLICK — class MouseEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a click event object. | |
clickCount — class MouseEvent | |
Indicates whether or not the mouse down event is part of a multi-click sequence. | |
client — class LocalConnection | |
Indicates the object on which callback methods are invoked. | |
client — class NetConnection | |
Indicates the object on which callback methods are invoked. | |
client — class SharedObject | |
Indicates the object on which callback methods are invoked. | |
Clipboard — class, package window.runtime.flash.desktop | |
The Clipboard class provides a container for transferring data and objects through the clipboard. | |
Clipboard() — Constructor, class Clipboard | |
Creates an empty Clipboard object. | |
ClipboardFormats — class, package window.runtime.flash.desktop | |
The ClipboardFormats class defines constants for the names of the standard data formats used with the Clipboard class. | |
ClipboardTransferMode — class, package window.runtime.flash.desktop | |
The ClipboardTransferMode class defines constants for the modes used as values of the transferMode parameter of the Clipboard.getData() method. | |
clone() — method, class DownloadErrorEvent | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class StatusFileUpdateEvent | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class StatusUpdateErrorEvent | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class StatusUpdateEvent | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class UpdateEvent | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class BitmapData | |
Returns a new BitmapData object that is a clone of the original instance with an exact copy of the contained bitmap. | |
clone() — method, class NativeMenu | |
Creates a copy of the menu and all items. | |
clone() — method, class NativeMenuItem | |
Creates a copy of the NativeMenuItem object. | |
clone() — method, class ActivityEvent | |
Creates a copy of an ActivityEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class AsyncErrorEvent | |
Creates a copy of the AsyncErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class BrowserInvokeEvent | |
Creates a new copy of this event. | |
clone() — method, class DNSResolverEvent | |
Creates a copy of the DNSResolverEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
Creates a copy of the DRMAuthenticateEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class DRMStatusEvent | |
Creates a copy of the DRMStatusEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class DataEvent | |
Creates a copy of the DataEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class DatagramSocketDataEvent | |
Creates a copy of the DatagramSocketDataEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class ErrorEvent | |
Creates a copy of the ErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class Event | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class HTTPStatusEvent | |
Creates a copy of the HTTPStatusEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class IOErrorEvent | |
Creates a copy of the IOErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class InvokeEvent | |
Creates a new copy of this event. | |
clone() — method, class LocationChangeEvent | |
clone() — method, class MouseEvent | |
Creates a copy of the MouseEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class NativeProcessExitEvent | |
Creates a copy of the NativeProcessExitEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class NativeWindowBoundsEvent | |
Creates a copy of the NativeWindowBoundsEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent | |
Creates a copy of the NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class NetDataEvent | |
Creates a copy of an NetDataEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class NetMonitorEvent | |
Creates a copy of an NetMonitorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class NetStatusEvent | |
Creates a copy of the NetStatusEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class OutputProgressEvent | |
Creates a copy of the OutputProgressEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class ProgressEvent | |
Creates a copy of the ProgressEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class SQLErrorEvent | |
Creates a copy of the SQLErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class SQLEvent | |
Creates a copy of the SQLEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class SQLUpdateEvent | |
Creates a copy of the SQLUpdateEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class SampleDataEvent | |
Creates a copy of the SampleDataEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class SecurityErrorEvent | |
Creates a copy of the SecurityErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class ServerSocketConnectEvent | |
Creates a copy of the ServerSocketConnectEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class StatusEvent | |
Creates a copy of the StatusEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class StorageVolumeChangeEvent | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class TimerEvent | |
Creates a copy of the TimerEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class UncaughtErrorEvent | |
Creates a copy of the UncaughtErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class File | |
Returns a copy of this File object. | |
clone() — method, class Matrix | |
Returns a new Matrix object that is a clone of this matrix, with an exact copy of the contained object. | |
clone() — method, class Point | |
Creates a copy of this Point object. | |
clone() — method, class Rectangle | |
Returns a new Rectangle object with the same values for the x, y, width, and height properties as the original Rectangle object. | |
CLONE_ONLY — class ClipboardTransferMode | |
The Clipboard object should only return a copy. | |
CLONE_PREFERRED — class ClipboardTransferMode | |
The Clipboard object should return a copy if available and a reference if not. | |
close — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when a close() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
close( responder) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Closes the current database connection. | |
close — Event, class NativeWindow | |
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object after the window has been closed. | |
close() — method, class NativeWindow | |
Closes this window. | |
close — Event, class FileStream | |
Indicates that the stream has been closed by an explicit call to the close() method. | |
close() — method, class FileStream | |
Closes the FileStream object. | |
close() — method, class Sound | |
Closes the stream, causing any download of data to cease. | |
close — Event, class DatagramSocket | |
Dispatched when the operating system closes this socket. | |
close() — method, class DatagramSocket | |
Closes the socket. | |
close() — method, class LocalConnection | |
Closes (disconnects) a LocalConnection object. | |
close() — method, class NetConnection | |
Closes the connection that was opened locally or to the server and dispatches a netStatus event with a code property of NetConnection.Connect.Closed. | |
close — Event, class SecureSocket | |
Dispatched when the server closes the socket connection. | |
close — Event, class ServerSocket | |
Dispatched when the operating system closes this socket. | |
close() — method, class ServerSocket | |
Closes the socket and stops listening for connections. | |
close() — method, class SharedObject | |
Closes the connection between a remote shared object and the server. | |
close — Event, class Socket | |
Dispatched when the server closes the socket connection. | |
close() — method, class Socket | |
Closes the socket. | |
close() — method, class URLLoader | |
Closes the load operation in progress. | |
close() — method, class URLStream | |
Immediately closes the stream and cancels the download operation. | |
close — Event, class XMLSocket | |
Dispatched when the server closes the socket connection. | |
close() — method, class XMLSocket | |
Closes the connection specified by the XMLSocket object. | |
CLOSE — class SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.close() method was called. | |
CLOSE — class Event | |
The Event.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a close event object. | |
CLOSE — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a close event object. | |
closed — class NativeWindow | |
Indicates whether this window has been closed. | |
closeInput() — method, class NativeProcess | |
Closes the input stream on this process. | |
closing — Event, class NativeWindow | |
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object immediately before the window is to be closed. | |
CLOSING — class Event | |
The Event.CLOSING constant defines the value of the type property of a closing event object. | |
code — class StatusEvent | |
A description of the object's status. | |
codec — class H264VideoStreamSettings | |
Video codec used for compression. | |
codec — class Microphone | |
codec — class VideoStreamSettings | |
Video codec used for compression. | |
CODE_SIGNING — class SignerTrustSettings | |
The certificate is trusted for code signing. | |
Collator — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
The Collator class provides locale-sensitive string comparison capabilities. | |
Collator(String requestedLocaleIDName, String initialMode) — Constructor, class Collator | |
Constructs a new Collator object to provide string comparisons according to the conventions of a specified locale. | |
CollatorMode — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
The CollatorMode class enumerates constant values that govern the behavior of string comparisons performed by a Collator object. | |
color — class Stage | |
The SWF background color. | |
COLOR — class Context3DClearMask | |
Clear the color buffer. | |
colorCorrection — class Stage | |
Controls Flash runtime color correction for displays. | |
colorCorrectionSupport — class Stage | |
Specifies whether the Flash runtime is running on an operating system that supports color correction and whether the color profile of the main (primary) monitor can be read and understood by the Flash runtime. | |
colorDepth — class Screen | |
The color depth of this screen (expressed in number of bits). | |
colorTransform(flash.geom:Rectangle rect, flash.geom:ColorTransform colorTransform) — method, class BitmapData | |
Adjusts the color values in a specified area of a bitmap image by using a ColorTransform object. | |
columnNameStyle — class SQLConnection | |
Indicates how column names are reported in the result of a SELECT statement. | |
columns — class SQLTableSchema | |
An array of SQLColumnSchema instances containing schema information for this table's columns. | |
COMMA — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the , key (188). | |
COMMAND — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the Mac command key (15). | |
commandKey — class MouseEvent | |
Indicates whether the command key is activated (Mac only.) The value of property commandKey will have the same value as property ctrlKey on the Mac. | |
comment — class ID3Info | |
A comment about the recording; corresponds to the ID3 2.0 tag COMM. | |
commit — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when a commit() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
commit( responder) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Commits an existing transaction, causing any actions performed by the transaction's statements to be permanently applied to the database. | |
COMMIT — class SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.commit() method was called. | |
COMMIT — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.COMMIT constant defines the value of the type property of a commit event object. | |
commonName — class X500DistinguishedName | |
Returns the DN CommonName attribute. | |
compact — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when a compact() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
compact( responder) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Reclaims all unused space in the database. | |
COMPACT — class SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.compact() method was called. | |
COMPACT — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.COMPACT constant defines the value of the type property of a compact event object. | |
compare(flash.display:BitmapData otherBitmapData) — method, class BitmapData | |
Compares two BitmapData objects. | |
compare(String string1, String string2) — method, class Collator | |
Compares two strings and returns an integer value indicating whether the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second string. | |
complete — class SQLResult | |
Indicates whether all the resulting data from a statement execution has been returned. | |
complete — Event, class File | |
Dispatched when an asynchronous operation is complete. | |
complete — Event, class FileStream | |
Signals that the end of the stream has been reached. | |
complete — Event, class HTMLLoader | |
Signals that the last load operation requested by loadString or load method has completed. | |
complete — Event, class Sound | |
Dispatched when data has loaded successfully. | |
complete — Event, class URLLoader | |
Dispatched after all the received data is decoded and placed in the data property of the URLLoader object. | |
complete — Event, class URLStream | |
Dispatched when data has loaded successfully. | |
complete — Event, class XMLSignatureValidator | |
Dispatched when verification is complete. | |
COMPLETE — class Event | |
The Event.COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a complete event object. | |
compress(String algorithm) — method, class ByteArray | |
Compresses the byte array. | |
compress(String algorithm) — method, class ByteArray | |
Compresses the byte array. | |
COMPRESSED — class Context3DTextureFormat | |
A texture in the Adobe Texture Format. | |
CompressionAlgorithm — final class, package window.runtime.flash.utils | |
The CompressionAlgorithm class defines string constants for the names of compress and uncompress options. | |
computeSpectrum(flash.utils:ByteArray outputArray, Boolean FFTMode, int stretchFactor) — Static Method , class SoundMixer | |
Takes a snapshot of the current sound wave and places it into the specified ByteArray object. | |
concat(flash.geom:Matrix m) — method, class Matrix | |
Concatenates a matrix with the current matrix, effectively combining the geometric effects of the two. | |
configurationFile — class ApplicationUpdater | |
The location of the configuration file that sets the values for delay and updateURL properties. | |
configurationFile — class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
The location of the configuration file that sets the values for delay and updateURL properties. | |
configureBackBuffer(int width, int height, int antiAlias, Boolean enableDepthAndStencil) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets the viewport dimensions and other attributes of the rendering buffer. | |
connect(String remoteAddress, int remotePort) — method, class DatagramSocket | |
Connects the socket to a specified remote address and port. | |
connect(String connectionName) — method, class LocalConnection | |
Prepares a LocalConnection object to receive commands that are sent from a send() command (from the sending LocalConnection object). | |
connect(String command, restParam arguments) — method, class NetConnection | |
Creates a two-way connection to an application on Flash Media Server or to Flash Remoting, or creates a two-way network endpoint for RTMFP peer-to-peer group communication. | |
connect — Event, class SecureSocket | |
Dispatched when a network connection has been established. | |
connect(String host, int port) — method, class SecureSocket | |
Connects the socket to the specified host and port using SSL or TLS. | |
connect — Event, class ServerSocket | |
Dispatched when a remote socket seeks to connect to this server socket. | |
connect( myConnection, String params) — method, class SharedObject | |
Connects to a remote shared object on a server through a specified NetConnection object. | |
connect — Event, class Socket | |
Dispatched when a network connection is established. | |
connect(String host, int port) — method, class Socket | |
Connects the socket to the specified host and port. | |
connect — Event, class XMLSocket | |
Dispatched after a successful call to the XMLSocket.connect() method. | |
connect(String host, int port) — method, class XMLSocket | |
Establishes a connection to the specified Internet host using the specified TCP port. | |
CONNECT — class Event | |
The Event.CONNECT constant defines the value of the type property of a connect event object. | |
CONNECT — class ServerSocketConnectEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a ServerSocketConnectEvent event object. | |
connected — class SQLConnection | |
Indicates whether the SQLConnection instance has an open connection to a database file. | |
connected — class DatagramSocket | |
Indicates whether this socket object is currently connected to a remote address and port. | |
connected — class NetConnection | |
Indicates whether the application is connected to a server through a persistent RTMP connection (true) or not (false). | |
connected — class Socket | |
Indicates whether this Socket object is currently connected. | |
connected — class URLStream | |
Indicates whether this URLStream object is currently connected. | |
connected — class XMLSocket | |
Indicates whether this XMLSocket object is currently connected. | |
connectedProxyType — class NetConnection | |
The proxy type used to make a successful connection to Flash Media Server. | |
constructor — class Stage | |
contains(Number x, Number y) — method, class Rectangle | |
Determines whether the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle object. | |
containsItem(flash.display:NativeMenuItem item) — method, class NativeMenu | |
Reports whether this menu contains the specified menu item. | |
containsPoint(flash.geom:Point point) — method, class Rectangle | |
Determines whether the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle object. | |
containsRect(flash.geom:Rectangle rect) — method, class Rectangle | |
Determines whether the Rectangle object specified by the rect parameter is contained within this Rectangle object. | |
contentData — class DRMStatusEvent | |
A DRMContentData object containing the information necessary to obtain a voucher for viewing the DRM-protected content. | |
contentHeight — class HTMLLoader | |
The height, in pixels, of the HTML content. | |
contentType — class URLRequest | |
The MIME content type of the content in the the data property. | |
contentWidth — class HTMLLoader | |
The width, in pixels, of the HTML content. | |
context3D — class Stage3D | |
The Context3D object associated with this Stage3D instance. | |
Context3D — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
The Context3D class provides a context for rendering geometrically defined graphics. | |
Context3DBlendFactor — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
Defines the values to use for specifying the source and destination blend factors. | |
Context3DClearMask — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
The Context3DClearMask class defines the values for specifying which components of the Context3D buffer to clear. | |
Context3DCompareMode — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
The Context3DCompareMode class defines the values for specifying 3D buffer comparisons in the setDepthTest() and setStencilAction() methods of a Context3D instance. | |
context3DCreate — Event, class Stage3D | |
Dispatched when a rendering context is created. | |
CONTEXT3D_CREATE — class Event | |
The Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE constant defines the value of the type property of a context3Dcreate event object. | |
Context3DProgramType — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
The Context3DProgramType class defines the values for specifying whether a shader program is a fragment or a vertex program. | |
Context3DRenderMode — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
The Context3DRenderMode class defines the values to use for specifying the Context3D render mode. | |
Context3DStencilAction — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
Defines the values to use for specifying stencil actions. | |
Context3DTextureFormat — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
The Context3DTextureFormat class defines the values to use for specifying a texture format. | |
Context3DTriangleFace — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
The Context3DTriangleFace class defines constants for specifying the orientation of a triangle relative to the view point. | |
Context3DVertexBufferFormat — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D | |
The Context3DVertexBufferFormat class defines the values to use for specifying the data type of a vertex attribute. | |
CONTEXT_MENU — class MouseEvent | |
The MouseEvent.CONTEXT_MENU constant defines the value of the type property of a contextMenu event object. | |
CONTROL — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Control key (17). | |
controlKey — class MouseEvent | |
Indicates whether the Control key is activated on Mac and whether the Ctrl key is activated on Windows or Linux. | |
copy() — method, class NativeApplication | |
Invokes an internal copy command on the focused display object. | |
COPY — class Event | |
Defines the value of the type property of a copy event object. | |
copyChannel(flash.display:BitmapData sourceBitmapData, flash.geom:Rectangle sourceRect, flash.geom:Point destPoint, uint sourceChannel, uint destChannel) — method, class BitmapData | |
Transfers data from one channel of another BitmapData object or the current BitmapData object into a channel of the current BitmapData object. | |
copyColumnFrom(uint column, flash.geom:Vector3D vector3D) — method, class Matrix | |
Copies a Vector3D object into specific column of the calling Matrix3D object. | |
copyColumnTo(uint column, flash.geom:Vector3D vector3D) — method, class Matrix | |
Copies specific column of the calling Matrix object into the Vector3D object. | |
copyFrom(flash.geom:Matrix sourceMatrix) — method, class Matrix | |
Copies all of the matrix data from the source Point object into the calling Matrix object. | |
copyFrom(flash.geom:Point sourcePoint) — method, class Point | |
Copies all of the point data from the source Point object into the calling Point object. | |
copyFrom(flash.geom:Rectangle sourceRect) — method, class Rectangle | |
Copies all of rectangle data from the source Rectangle object into the calling Rectangle object. | |
copyPixels(flash.display:BitmapData sourceBitmapData, flash.geom:Rectangle sourceRect, flash.geom:Point destPoint, flash.display:BitmapData alphaBitmapData, flash.geom:Point alphaPoint, Boolean mergeAlpha) — method, class BitmapData | |
Provides a fast routine to perform pixel manipulation between images with no stretching, rotation, or color effects. | |
copyRowFrom(uint row, flash.geom:Vector3D vector3D) — method, class Matrix | |
Copies a Vector3D object into specific row of the calling Matrix object. | |
copyRowTo(uint row, flash.geom:Vector3D vector3D) — method, class Matrix | |
Copies specific row of the calling Matrix object into the Vector3D object. | |
copyTo( newLocation, Boolean overwrite) — method, class File | |
Copies the file or directory at the location specified by this File object to the location specified by the newLocation parameter. | |
copyToAsync( newLocation, Boolean overwrite) — method, class File | |
Begins copying the file or directory at the location specified by this File object to the location specified by the destination parameter. | |
countryName — class X500DistinguishedName | |
Returns the DN CountryName attribute. | |
CPU — class NativeWindowRenderMode | |
A cpu mode window. | |
cpuArchitecture — class Capabilities | |
Specifies the current CPU architecture. | |
CREATE — class SQLMode | |
Indicates that the connection is opened for updates, and a database file is created if the specified file doesn't exist. | |
createBox(Number scaleX, Number scaleY, Number rotation, Number tx, Number ty) — method, class Matrix | |
Includes parameters for scaling, rotation, and translation. | |
createCubeTexture(int size, String format, Boolean optimizeForRenderToTexture) — method, class Context3D | |
Creates a CubeTexture object. | |
createDirectory() — method, class File | |
Creates the specified directory and any necessary parent directories. | |
createGradientBox(Number width, Number height, Number rotation, Number tx, Number ty) — method, class Matrix | |
Creates the specific style of matrix expected by the beginGradientFill() and lineGradientStyle() methods of the Graphics class. | |
createIndexBuffer(int numIndices) — method, class Context3D | |
Creates an IndexBuffer3D object. | |
createProgram() — method, class Context3D | |
Creates a Program3D object. | |
createRootWindow(Boolean visible, flash.display:NativeWindowInitOptions windowInitOptions, Boolean scrollBarsVisible, flash.geom:Rectangle bounds) — Static Method , class HTMLLoader | |
Creates a new NativeWindow object that contains an HTMLLoader object. | |
createSocket() — method, class SocketMonitor | |
Creates a Socket object. | |
createTempDirectory() — Static Method , class File | |
Returns a reference to a new temporary directory. | |
createTempFile() — Static Method , class File | |
Returns a reference to a new temporary file. | |
createTexture(int width, int height, String format, Boolean optimizeForRenderToTexture) — method, class Context3D | |
Creates a Texture object. | |
createVertexBuffer(int numVertices, int data32PerVertex) — method, class Context3D | |
Creates a VertexBuffer3D object. | |
CRITICAL — class NotificationType | |
Specifies that a notification alert is critical in nature and the user should attend to it promptly. | |
ctrlKey — class MouseEvent | |
On Windows or Linux, indicates whether the Ctrl key is active (true) or inactive (false). | |
CubeTexture — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display3D.textures | |
The CubeTexture class represents a cube texture uploaded to a rendering context. | |
CurrencyFormatter — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
The CurrencyFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of currency values. | |
CurrencyFormatter(String requestedLocaleIDName) — Constructor, class CurrencyFormatter | |
Constructs a new CurrencyFormatter object to format numbers representing currency amounts according to the conventions of a given locale. | |
currencyISOCode — class CurrencyFormatter | |
The three letter ISO 4217 currency code for the actual locale being used. | |
CurrencyParseResult — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
A data structure that represents a currency amount and currency symbol or string that were extracted by parsing a currency value. | |
CurrencyParseResult(Number value, String symbol) — Constructor, class CurrencyParseResult | |
Constructs a currency parse result object. | |
currencyString — class CurrencyParseResult | |
The portion of the input string that corresponds to the currency symbol or currency string. | |
currencySymbol — class CurrencyFormatter | |
The currency symbol or string for the actual locale being used. | |
currentCount — class Timer | |
The total number of times the timer has fired since it started at zero. | |
currentDirectory — class InvokeEvent | |
The directory that should be used to resolve any relative paths in the arguments array. | |
currentState — class ApplicationUpdater | |
The internal state of the updater. | |
currentTarget — class Event | |
The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. | |
currentVersion — class ApplicationUpdater | |
The current version of the application. | |
currentVersion — class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
The current version of the application. | |
cursor — class Mouse | |
The name of the native cursor. | |
CUSTOM — class DateTimeStyle | |
Specifies that a custom pattern string is used to specify the date or time style. | |
cut() — method, class NativeApplication | |
Invokes an internal cut command on the focused display object. | |
CUT — class Event | |
Defines the value of the type property of a cut event object. | |
Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Thu Sep 29 2011, 02:35 AM -07:00