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S — class Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the S key (83).
sampleData — Event, class Microphone
Dispatched when the microphone has sound data in the buffer.
sampleData — Event, class Sound
Dispatched when the runtime requests new audio data.
SAMPLE_DATA — class SampleDataEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a SampleDataEvent event object.
SampleDataEvent — class, package
Dispatched when a Sound object requests new audio data or when a Microphone object has new audio data to provide.
SampleDataEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, Number theposition, flash.utils:ByteArray thedata) — Constructor, class SampleDataEvent
Creates an event object that contains information about audio data events.
sampleInternalAllocs(Boolean b) — Package Function, flash.sampler
sandboxType — class BrowserInvokeEvent
The sandbox type for the content in the browser.
sandboxType — class Security
Indicates the type of security sandbox in which the calling file is operating.
SAURASHTRA — class NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Saurashtra digit set.
scale(Number sx, Number sy) — method, class Matrix
Applies a scaling transformation to the matrix.
scaleMode — class Stage
A value from the StageScaleMode class that specifies which scale mode to use.
scanHardware() — Package Function,
schema — Event, class SQLConnection
Dispatched when a loadSchema() method call's operation completes successfully and the schema results are ready.
SCHEMA — class SQLErrorOperation
Indicates that the SQLConnection.loadSchema() method was called.
SCHEMA — class SQLEvent
The SQLEvent.SCHEMA constant defines the value of the type property of a schema event object.
Screen — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display
The Screen class provides information about the display screens available to this application.
screenColor — class Capabilities
Specifies the screen color.
screenDPI — class Capabilities
Specifies the dots-per-inch (dpi) resolution of the screen, in pixels.
screenResolutionX — class Capabilities
Specifies the maximum horizontal resolution of the screen.
screenResolutionY — class Capabilities
Specifies the maximum vertical resolution of the screen.
screens — class Screen
The array of the currently available screens.
scroll(int x, int y) — method, class BitmapData
Scrolls an image by a certain (x, y) pixel amount.
scroll — Event, class HTMLLoader
Signals that the scrollH or scrollV property has been changed by the HTMLLoader object.
SCROLL — class Event
The Event.SCROLL constant defines the value of the type property of a scroll event object.
scrollH — class HTMLLoader
The horizontal scroll position of the HTML content in the HTMLLoader object.
scrollV — class HTMLLoader
The vertical scroll position of the HTML content in the HTMLLoader object.
SEARCH — class Keyboard
Search button
SecureSocket — class, package
The SecureSocket class enables code to make socket connections using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.
SecureSocket() — Constructor, class SecureSocket
Creates a new SecureSocket object.
Security — final class, package window.runtime.flash.system
The Security class lets you specify how content in different domains can communicate with each other.
securityDomain — class BrowserInvokeEvent
The security domain for the content in the browser, such as "" or "".
securityError — Event, class File
Dispatched when an operation violates a security constraint.
securityError — Event, class LocalConnection
Dispatched if a call to LocalConnection.send() attempts to send data to a different security sandbox.
securityError — Event, class NetConnection
Dispatched if a call to attempts to connect to a server outside the caller's security sandbox.
securityError — Event, class SecureSocket
Dispatched when a call to SecureSocket.connect() fails because of a security restriction.
securityError — Event, class Socket
Dispatched if a call to Socket.connect() attempts to connect to a server prohibited by the caller's security sandbox.
securityError — Event, class URLLoader
Dispatched if a call to URLLoader.load() attempts to load data from a server outside the security sandbox.
securityError — Event, class URLStream
Dispatched if a call to URLStream.load() attempts to load data from a server outside the security sandbox.
securityError — Event, class XMLSocket
Dispatched if a call to the XMLSocket.connect() method attempts to connect either to a server outside the caller's security sandbox or to a port lower than 1024.
SECURITY_ERROR — class SecurityErrorEvent
The SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of a securityError event object.
SecurityErrorEvent — class, package
An object dispatches a SecurityErrorEvent object to report the occurrence of a security error.
SecurityErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String text, int id) — Constructor, class SecurityErrorEvent
Creates an Event object that contains information about security error events.
select — Event, class NativeMenu
Dispatched by this NativeMenu object when one of its menu items or an item in one of its descendant submenus is selected.
select — Event, class NativeMenuItem
Dispatched whenever a menu item is selected by the user.
select — Event, class File
Dispatched when the user selects a file or directory from a file- or directory-browsing dialog box.
SELECT — class Event
The Event.SELECT constant defines the value of the type property of a select event object.
selectAll() — method, class NativeApplication
Invokes an internal selectAll command on the focused display object.
SELECT_ALL — class Event
The Event.SELECT_ALL constant defines the value of the type property of a selectAll event object.
selectMultiple — Event, class File
Dispatched when the user selects files from the dialog box opened by a call to the browseForOpenMultiple() method.
SELECT_MULTIPLE — class FileListEvent
The FileListEvent.SELECT_MULTIPLE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a selectMultiple event.
SEMICOLON — class Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the ; key (186).
send(flash.utils:ByteArray bytes, uint offset, uint length, String address, int port) — method, class DatagramSocket
Sends packet containing the bytes in the ByteArray using UDP.
send(String connectionName, String methodName, restParam arguments) — method, class LocalConnection
Invokes the method named methodName on a connection that was opened with the connect(connectionName) method (in the receiving LocalConnection object).
send(restParam arguments) — method, class SharedObject
Broadcasts a message to all clients connected to a remote shared object, including the client that sent the message.
send(any object) — method, class XMLSocket
Converts the XML object or data specified in the object parameter to a string and transmits it to the server, followed by a zero (0) byte.
sendControlBytesPerSecond — class NetStreamMulticastInfo
Specifies the rate at which the local node is sending control overhead messages to peers and the server, in bytes per second.
sendControlBytesPerSecondToServer — class NetStreamMulticastInfo
Specifies the rate at which the local node is sending control overhead messages to the server, in bytes per second.
sendDataBytesPerSecond — class NetStreamMulticastInfo
Specifies the rate at which media data is being sent by the local node to peers, in bytes per second.
sendToURL( request) — Package Function,
separator — class File
The host operating system's path component separator character.
serialNumber — class X509Certificate
Provides the serial number of the certificate as a hexadecimal string.
serverCertificate — class SecureSocket
Holds the X.509 certificate obtained from the server after a secure SSL/TLS connection is established.
serverCertificateStatus — class SecureSocket
Returns the status of the server's certificate.
ServerSocket — class, package
The ServerSocket class allows code to act as a server for Transport Control Protocol (TCP) connections.
ServerSocket() — Constructor, class ServerSocket
Creates a ServerSocket object.
ServerSocketConnectEvent — class, package
A ServerSocket object dispatches a ServerSocketConnectEvent object when a client attempts to connect to the server socket.
ServerSocketConnectEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, socket) — Constructor, class ServerSocketConnectEvent
Creates a ServerSocketConnectEvent object that contains information about a client connection.
serverString — class Capabilities
A URL-encoded string that specifies values for each Capabilities property.
ServiceMonitor — Dynamic Class, package
The ServiceMonitor class implements the framework for monitoring the status and availability of network services.
ServiceMonitor() — Constructor, class ServiceMonitor
Creates a ServiceMonitor object.
SET — class Context3DStencilAction
Replace the stencil buffer value with the reference value.
setAsDefaultApplication(String extension) — method, class NativeApplication
Sets this application as the default application for opening files with the specified extension.
setAspectRatio(String newAspectRatio) — method, class Stage
Sets the stage to an orientation with the specified aspect ratio.
setBlendFactors(String sourceFactor, String destinationFactor) — method, class Context3D
Specifies the factors used to blend the output color of a drawing operation with the existing color.
setChildIndex(flash.display:DisplayObject child, int index) — method, class Stage
Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container.
setClipboard(String string) — Static Method , class System
Replaces the contents of the Clipboard with a specified text string.
setColorMask(Boolean red, Boolean green, Boolean blue, Boolean alpha) — method, class Context3D
Sets the mask used when writing colors to the render buffer.
setCulling(String triangleFaceToCull) — method, class Context3D
Sets triangle culling mode.
setCurrency(String currencyISOCode, String currencySymbol) — method, class CurrencyFormatter
Sets the currencyISOCode and currencySymbol properties of the CurrencyFormatter object.
setData(String format, Object data, Boolean serializable) — method, class Clipboard
Adds a representation of the information to be transferred in the specified data format.
setDataHandler(String format, Function handler, Boolean serializable) — method, class Clipboard
Adds a reference to a handler function that produces the data to be transfered.
setDateTimePattern(String pattern) — method, class DateTimeFormatter
Sets the pattern string used by this DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times.
setDateTimeStyles(String dateStyle, String timeStyle) — method, class DateTimeFormatter
Sets the date and time styles for this instance of the DateTimeFormatter.
setDepthTest(Boolean depthMask, String passCompareMode) — method, class Context3D
Sets type of comparison used for depth testing.
setDirty(String propertyName) — method, class SharedObject
Indicates to the server that the value of a property in the shared object has changed.
setEmpty() — method, class Rectangle
Sets all of the Rectangle object's properties to 0.
setInterval(Function closure, Number delay, restParam arguments) — Package Function, flash.utils
setItem(String name, flash.utils:ByteArray data, Boolean stronglyBound) — Static Method , class EncryptedLocalStore
Stores a ByteArray object under the specified name.
setItemIndex(flash.display:NativeMenuItem item, int index) — method, class NativeMenu
Moves a menu item to the specified position.
setKeyFrameInterval(int keyFrameInterval) — method, class VideoStreamSettings
The number of video frames transmitted in full (called keyframes or Instantaneous Decoding Refresh (IDR) frames) instead of being interpolated by the video compression algorithm.
setLoginCredentialsForHost(String hostname, String user, String password) — Static Method , class URLRequestDefaults
Sets default user and password credentials for a selected host.
setLoopBack(Boolean state) — method, class Microphone
Routes audio captured by a microphone to the local speakers.
setMode(int width, int height, Number fps) — method, class VideoStreamSettings
Sets the resolution and frame rate used for video encoding.
setOrientation(String newOrientation) — method, class Stage
Sets the stage to the specified orientation.
setPixel(int x, int y, uint color) — method, class BitmapData
Sets a single pixel of a BitmapData object.
setPixel32(int x, int y, uint color) — method, class BitmapData
Sets the color and alpha transparency values of a single pixel of a BitmapData object.
setPixels(flash.geom:Rectangle rect, flash.utils:ByteArray inputByteArray) — method, class BitmapData
Converts a byte array into a rectangular region of pixel data.
setProfileLevel(String profile, String level) — method, class H264VideoStreamSettings
Set profile and level for video encoding.
setProgram(flash.display3D:Program3D program) — method, class Context3D
Sets vertex and fragment shader programs to use for subsequent rendering.
setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(String programType, int firstRegister, flash.geom:Matrix3D matrix, Boolean transposedMatrix) — method, class Context3D
Sets constants for use by shader programs using values stored in a Matrix3D.
setProgramConstantsFromVector(String programType, int firstRegister, Vector$Number data, int numRegisters) — method, class Context3D
Sets the constant inputs for the shader programs.
setProperty(String propertyName, Object value) — method, class SharedObject
Updates the value of a property in a shared object and indicates to the server that the value of the property has changed.
setQuality(int bandwidth, int quality) — method, class VideoStreamSettings
Sets maximum amount of bandwidth per second or the required picture quality that the current outgoing video feed can use.
setRenderToBackBuffer() — method, class Context3D
Sets the back rendering buffer as the render target.
setRenderToTexture(flash.display3D.textures:TextureBase texture, Boolean enableDepthAndStencil, int antiAlias, int surfaceSelector) — method, class Context3D
Sets the specified texture as the rendering target.
setSamplerCallback(Function f) — Package Function, flash.sampler
setSavepoint — Event, class SQLConnection
Dispatched when a setSavepoint() method call's operation completes successfully.
setSavepoint(String name, responder) — method, class SQLConnection
Creates a savepoint, which is like a bookmark within a database transaction.
SET_SAVEPOINT — class SQLErrorOperation
Indicates that the SQLConnection.setSavepoint() method was called.
The SQLEvent.SET_SAVEPOINT constant defines the value of the type property of a setSavepoint event object.
setScissorRectangle(flash.geom:Rectangle rectangle) — method, class Context3D
Sets a scissor rectangle, which is type of drawing mask.
setSilenceLevel(Number silenceLevel, int timeout) — method, class Microphone
Sets the minimum input level that should be considered sound and (optionally) the amount of silent time signifying that silence has actually begun.
setStencilActions(String triangleFace, String compareMode, String actionOnBothPass, String actionOnDepthFail, String actionOnDepthPassStencilFail) — method, class Context3D
Sets stencil mode and operation.
setStencilReferenceValue(uint referenceValue, uint readMask, uint writeMask) — method, class Context3D
Sets the stencil comparison value used for stencil tests.
setTextureAt(int sampler, flash.display3D.textures:TextureBase texture) — method, class Context3D
Specifies the texture to use for a texture input register of a fragment program.
setTimeout(Function closure, Number delay, restParam arguments) — Package Function, flash.utils
setTo(Number aa, Number ba, Number ca, Number da, Number txa, Number tya) — method, class Matrix
Sets the members of Matrix to the specified values
setTo(Number xa, Number ya) — method, class Point
Sets the members of Point to the specified values
setTo(Number xa, Number ya, Number widtha, Number heighta) — method, class Rectangle
Sets the members of Rectangle to the specified values
SETUP — class Keyboard
Engage setup application or menu
setUseEchoSuppression(Boolean useEchoSuppression) — method, class Microphone
Specifies whether to use the echo suppression feature of the audio codec.
setVector(flash.geom:Rectangle rect, Vector$uint inputVector) — method, class BitmapData
Converts a Vector into a rectangular region of pixel data.
setVertexBufferAt(int index, flash.display3D:VertexBuffer3D buffer, int bufferOffset, String format) — method, class Context3D
Specifies which vertex data components correspond to a single vertex shader program input.
SharedObject — class, package
The SharedObject class is used to read and store limited amounts of data on a user's computer or on a server.
SharedObjectFlushStatus — final class, package
The SharedObjectFlushStatus class provides values for the code returned from a call to the SharedObject.flush() method.
SHIFT — class Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the Shift key (16).
shiftKey — class MouseEvent
Indicates whether the Shift key is active (true) or inactive (false).
SHORT — class SQLColumnNameStyle
Indicates that column names returned from a SELECT statement use short-column-name format.
SHORT — class DateTimeStyle
Specifies the short style of a date or time.
SHORT_ABBREVIATION — class DateTimeNameStyle
Specifies the short abbreviation style for month names and weekday names.
show() — Static Method , class Mouse
Displays the pointer.
showDefaultContextMenu — class Stage
Specifies whether to show or hide the default items in the Flash runtime context menu.
showRedrawRegions(Boolean on, uint color) — Package Function, flash.profiler
showSettings(String panel) — Static Method , class Security
Displays the Security Settings panel in Flash Player.
signatureAlgorithmOID — class X509Certificate
Provides the signature algorithm Object Identifier (OID).
signatureAlgorithmParams — class X509Certificate
Provides the signature algorithm's parameters.
SignatureStatus — final class, package
The SignatureStatus class defines constants used by the validityStatus property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
signerCN — class XMLSignatureValidator
The Common Name field of the signing certificate.
signerDN — class XMLSignatureValidator
The Distinguished Name field of the signing certificate.
signerExtendedKeyUsages — class XMLSignatureValidator
An array containing the Extended Key Usages OIDs listed in the signing certificate.
signerTrustSettings — class XMLSignatureValidator
An array containing the trust settings of the signing certificate.
SignerTrustSettings — final class, package
The SignerTrustSettings class defines constants used with the signerTrustSettings property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
SIGNING — class SignerTrustSettings
The certificate is trusted for signing in general.
silenceLevel — class Microphone
The amount of sound required to activate the microphone and dispatch the activity event.
silenceTimeout — class Microphone
The number of milliseconds between the time the microphone stops detecting sound and the time the activity event is dispatched.
size — class Rectangle
The size of the Rectangle object, expressed as a Point object with the values of the width and height properties.
size — class SharedObject
The current size of the shared object, in bytes.
SKIP_BACKWARD — class Keyboard
Quick skip backward (usually 7-10 seconds)
SKIP_FORWARD — class Keyboard
Quick skip ahead (usually 30 seconds)
SLASH — class Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the / key (191).
socket — class ServerSocketConnectEvent
The socket for the new connection.
Socket — class, package
The Socket class enables code to establish Transport Control Protocol (TCP) socket connections for sending and receiving binary data asynchronously.
Socket(String host, int port) — Constructor, class Socket
Creates a Socket object.
socketData — Event, class SecureSocket
Dispatched when a socket has received data.
socketData — Event, class Socket
Dispatched when a socket receives data.
SOCKET_DATA — class ProgressEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a socketData event object.
SocketMonitor — class, package
A SocketMonitor object monitors availablity of a TCP endpoint.
SocketMonitor(String host, int port) — Constructor, class SocketMonitor
Creates a SocketMonitor object for a specified TCP endpoint.
softKeyboardRect — class Stage
A Rectangle specifying the area of the stage that is currently covered by a soft keyboard.
SOFTWARE — class Context3DRenderMode
Use software rendering.
SOFTWARE — class VideoStatus
Indicates software video decoding.
songName — class ID3Info
The name of the song; corresponds to the ID3 2.0 tag TIT2.
SORENSON — class VideoCodec
Constant value indicating that Sorenson Spark codec is used for compressing video.
SORTING — class CollatorMode
Initializes a Collator object so that the compare method is optimized for sorting a list of text strings to be displayed to an end user.
Sound — class, package
The Sound class lets you work with sound in an application.
Sound( stream, context) — Constructor, class Sound
Creates a new Sound object.
SoundChannel — final class, package
The SoundChannel class controls a sound in an application.
SoundCodec — final class, package
The SoundCodec class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the codec property of the Microphone class.
soundComplete — Event, class SoundChannel
Dispatched when a sound has finished playing.
SOUND_COMPLETE — class Event
The Event.SOUND_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a soundComplete event object.
SoundLoaderContext — class, package
The SoundLoaderContext class provides security checks for files that load sound.
SoundLoaderContext(Number bufferTime, Boolean checkPolicyFile) — Constructor, class SoundLoaderContext
Creates a new sound loader context object.
SoundMixer — final class, package
The SoundMixer class contains static properties and methods for global sound control in the application.
soundTransform — class Microphone
Controls the sound of this microphone object when it is in loopback mode.
soundTransform — class SoundChannel
The SoundTransform object assigned to the sound channel.
soundTransform — class SoundMixer
The SoundTransform object that controls global sound properties.
SoundTransform — final class, package
The SoundTransform class contains properties for volume and panning.
SoundTransform(Number vol, Number panning) — Constructor, class SoundTransform
Creates a SoundTransform object.
SOURCE_ALPHA — class Context3DBlendFactor
The blend factor is (Sa,Sa,Sa,Sa), where Sa is the alpha component of the fragment color computed by the pixel program.
SOURCE_COLOR — class Context3DBlendFactor
The blend factor is (Sr,Sg,Sb,Sa), where Sr/g/b/a is the corresponding component of the fragment color computed by the pixel program.
SPACE — class Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the Spacebar (32).
spaceAvailable — class File
The space available for use at this File location, in bytes.
SPEAKER_MUTE — class MicrophoneEnhancedMode
Use this mode when the speaker is muted.
SPEEX — class SoundCodec
Specifies that the Speex codec be used for compressing audio.
sql — class SQLSchema
Returns the entire text of the SQL statement that was used to create this schema object.
SQLCollationType — class, package
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the defaultCollationType parameter of the SQLColumnSchema constructor, as well as the SQLColumnSchema.defaultCollationType property.
SQLColumnNameStyle — class, package
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the SQLConnection.columnNameStyle property.
SQLColumnSchema — class, package
The SQLColumnSchema class provides information describing the characteristics of a specific column within a table in a database.
SQLColumnSchema(String name, Boolean primaryKey, Boolean allowNull, Boolean autoIncrement, String dataType, String defaultCollationType) — Constructor, class SQLColumnSchema
Constructs a SQLColumnSchema instance.
sqlConnection — class SQLStatement
The SQLConnection object that manages the connection to the database or databases on which the statement is executed.
SQLConnection — class, package
A SQLConnection instance is used to manage the creation of and connection to local SQL database files (local databases).
SQLConnection() — Constructor, class SQLConnection
Creates a SQLConnection instance.
SQLError — class, package window.runtime.flash.errors
A SQLError instance provides detailed information about a failed operation.
SQLError(String operation, String details, String message, int id, int detailID, Array detailArgs) — Constructor, class SQLError
Creates a SQLError instance that can be thrown or used with a SQLErrorEvent instance's error property.
SQLErrorEvent — class, package
A SQLErrorEvent instance is dispatched by a SQLConnection instance or SQLStatement instance when an error occurs while performing a database operation in asynchronous execution mode.
SQLErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, flash.errors:SQLError error) — Constructor, class SQLErrorEvent
Creates a SQLErrorEvent object to pass as an argument to event listeners.
SQLErrorOperation — class, package window.runtime.flash.errors
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the SQLError.operation property.
SQLEvent — class, package
Adobe AIR dispatches SQLEvent objects when one of the operations performed by a SQLConnection or SQLStatement instance completes successfully.
SQLEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable) — Constructor, class SQLEvent
Creates a SQLEvent object to pass as a parameter to event listeners.
SQLIndexSchema — class, package
A SQLIndexSchema instance provides information describing a specific index in a database.
SQLIndexSchema(String database, String name, String sql, String table) — Constructor, class SQLIndexSchema
Creates a SQLIndexSchema instance.
SQLMode — class, package
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the openMode parameter of the and SQLConnection.openAsync() methods.
SQLResult — class, package
The SQLResult class provides access to data returned in response to the execution of a SQL statement (a SQLStatement instance).
SQLResult(Array data, Number rowsAffected, Boolean complete, Number rowID) — Constructor, class SQLResult
Creates a SQLResult instance.
SQLSchema — class, package
The SQLSchema class is the base class for schema information for database objects such as tables, views, and indices.
SQLSchema(String database, String name, String sql) — Constructor, class SQLSchema
Creates a SQLSchema instance.
SQLSchemaResult — class, package
A SQLSchemaResult instance contains the information resulting from a call to the SQLConnection.loadSchema() method.
SQLSchemaResult(Array tables, Array views, Array indices, Array triggers) — Constructor, class SQLSchemaResult
Creates a SQLSchemaResult instance.
SQLStatement — class, package
A SQLStatement instance is used to execute a SQL statement against a local SQL database that is open through a SQLConnection instance.
SQLStatement() — Constructor, class SQLStatement
Creates a SQLStatement instance.
SQLTableSchema — class, package
A SQLTableSchema instance provides information describing a specific table in a database.
SQLTableSchema(String database, String name, String sql, Array columns) — Constructor, class SQLTableSchema
Creates a SQLTableSchema instance.
SQLTransactionLockType — class, package
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the option parameter of the SQLConnection.begin() method.
SQLTriggerSchema — class, package
A SQLTriggerSchema instance provides information describing a specific trigger in a database.
SQLTriggerSchema(String database, String name, String sql, String table) — Constructor, class SQLTriggerSchema
Creates a SQLTriggerSchema instance.
SQLUpdateEvent — class, package
A SQLUpdateEvent object is dispatched by a SQLConnection object when a data change occurs on any table associated with the SQLConnection instance.
SQLUpdateEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String table, Number rowID) — Constructor, class SQLUpdateEvent
Creates a new SQLUpdateEvent instance.
SQLViewSchema — class, package
A SQLViewSchema instance provides information describing a specific view in a database.
SQLViewSchema(String database, String name, String sql, Array columns) — Constructor, class SQLViewSchema
Creates a SQLViewSchema instance.
srcAddress — class DatagramSocketDataEvent
The IP address of the machine that sent the packet.
srcPort — class DatagramSocketDataEvent
The port on the machine that sent the packet.
SRVRecord — class, package
The SRVRecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) SRV resource record containing a service host.
SRVRecord() — Constructor, class SRVRecord
Creates an SRV resource record.
stage — class NativeWindow
The Stage object for this window.
Stage — class, package window.runtime.flash.display
The Stage class represents the main drawing area.
Stage3D — class, package window.runtime.flash.display
The Stage3D class provides a display area and a programmable rendering context for drawing 2D and 3D graphics.
Stage3D() — Constructor, class Stage3D
stage3Ds — class Stage
A list of Stage3D objects available for displaying 3-dimensional content.
StageDisplayState — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display
The StageDisplayState class provides values for the Stage.displayState property.
stageFocusRect — class Stage
Specifies whether or not objects display a glowing border when they have focus.
stageHeight — class Stage
The current height, in pixels, of the Stage.
StageQuality — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display
The StageQuality class provides values for the Stage.quality property.
stageVideoAvailability — Event, class Stage
Dispatched by the Stage object when the state of the stageVideos property changes.
stageVideos — class Stage
A list of StageVideo objects available for playing external videos.
stageWidth — class Stage
Specifies the current width, in pixels, of the Stage.
stageX — class MouseEvent
The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred in global Stage coordinates.
stageY — class MouseEvent
The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred in global Stage coordinates.
STANDALONE — class DateTimeNameContext
Indicates that the date element name is used in a "stand alone" context, independent of other formats.
STANDARD — class InvokeEventReason
Indicates that the InvokeEvent occured for any reason other than login.
STANDARD — class NativeWindowSystemChrome
The standard chrome for the host operating system.
STANDARD — class KeyLocation
Indicates the key activation is not distinguished as the left or right version of the key, and did not originate on the numeric keypad (or did not originate with a virtual key corresponding to the numeric keypad).
standardError — class NativeProcess
Provides access to the standard error output from this native process.
standardErrorClose — Event, class NativeProcess
Signals that the NativeProcess has closed its error stream.
The Event.STANDARD_ERROR_CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a standardErrorClose event object.
standardErrorData — Event, class NativeProcess
Signals that the native process has data available to read on the standard error (stderror) stream.
STANDARD_ERROR_DATA — class ProgressEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a standardErrorData event object.
standardErrorIoError — Event, class NativeProcess
Signals that reading from the standard error (stderror) stream has failed.
The standardErrorIoError event is dispatched when an error occurs while reading data from the standardError stream of a NativeProcess object.
standardInput — class NativeProcess
Provides access to the standard input of this native process.
standardInputClose — Event, class NativeProcess
Signals that the NativeProcess object has closed its input stream by calling the closeInput() method.
The Event.STANDARD_INPUT_CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a standardInputClose event object.
standardInputIoError — Event, class NativeProcess
Signals that writing to the standard input (stdin) stream has failed.
The standardInputIoError event is dispatched when an error occurs while writing data to the standardInput of a NativeProcess object.
standardInputProgress — Event, class NativeProcess
Signals that the NativeProcess has written data to the input stream for the child process.
Defines the value of the type property of a standardInputProgress event object.
standardOutput — class NativeProcess
Provides access to the standard output pipe of this native process.
standardOutputClose — Event, class NativeProcess
Signals that the NativeProcess has closed its output stream.
The Event.STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a standardOutputClose event object.
standardOutputData — Event, class NativeProcess
Signals that the native process has data available to read on the output stream.
STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA — class ProgressEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a standardOutputData event object.
standardOutputIoError — Event, class NativeProcess
Signals that reading from the stdout stream has failed.
The standardOutputIoError event is dispatched when an error occurs while reading data from the standardOutput stream of a NativeProcess object.
start() — method, class ServiceMonitor
Starts the service monitor.
start(flash.desktop:NativeProcessStartupInfo info) — method, class NativeProcess
Starts the native process identified by the start up info specified.
start() — method, class Timer
Starts the timer, if it is not already running.
startAtLogin — class NativeApplication
Specifies whether this application is automatically launched whenever the current user logs in.
startIndex — class NumberParseResult
The index of the first character of the numeric portion of the input string.
startMove() — method, class NativeWindow
Starts a system-controlled move of this window.
startResize(String edgeOrCorner) — method, class NativeWindow
Starts a system-controlled resize operation of this window.
startSampling() — Package Function, flash.sampler
stateOrProvinceName — class X500DistinguishedName
Returns the DN StateOrProvinceName attribute.
status — Event, class ServiceMonitor
Indicates that the service status has changed.
status — class HTTPStatusEvent
The HTTP status code returned by the server.
status — Event, class Microphone
Dispatched when a microphone reports its status.
status — Event, class LocalConnection
Dispatched when a LocalConnection object reports its status.
STATUS — class StatusEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a status event object.
StatusEvent — class, package
An object dispatches a StatusEvent object when a device, such as a camera or microphone, or an object such as a LocalConnection object reports its status.
StatusEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String code, String level) — Constructor, class StatusEvent
Creates an Event object that contains information about status events.
StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent — class, package
A StatusUpdateFileErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of a ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file.
StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String text, int id) — Constructor, class StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent
The constructor function.
StatusFileUpdateEvent — class, package
Dispatched after the updater successfully validates the file in the call to the installFromAIRFile() method.
StatusFileUpdateEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, Boolean available, String version, String path) — Constructor, class StatusFileUpdateEvent
The constructor function.
StatusUpdateErrorEvent — class, package
A StatusUpdateErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of an ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file.
StatusUpdateErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String text, int id, int subErrorID) — Constructor, class StatusUpdateErrorEvent
The constructor function.
StatusUpdateEvent — class, package
An updater object dispatches a StatusUpdateEvent object after the updater successfully downloads and interprets the update descriptor file.
StatusUpdateEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, Boolean available, String version, Array details) — Constructor, class StatusUpdateEvent
The constructor function.
STENCIL — class Context3DClearMask
Clear the stencil buffer.
stop() — method, class ServiceMonitor
Stops monitoring the service.
stop() — method, class SoundChannel
Stops the sound playing in the channel.
stop() — method, class Timer
Stops the timer.
STOP — class Keyboard
Engage stop transport mode
stopAll() — Static Method , class SoundMixer
Stops all sounds currently playing.
stopImmediatePropagation() — method, class Event
Prevents processing of any event listeners in the current node and any subsequent nodes in the event flow.
stopPropagation() — method, class Event
Prevents processing of any event listeners in nodes subsequent to the current node in the event flow.
stopSampling() — Package Function, flash.sampler
storageVolume — class StorageVolumeChangeEvent
A StorageVolume object containing information about a mounted volume.
StorageVolume — class, package window.runtime.flash.filesystem
A StorageVolume object includes properties defining a mass storage volume.
StorageVolume(flash.filesystem:File rootDirPath, String name, Boolean writable, Boolean removable, String fileSysType, String drive) — Constructor, class StorageVolume
The constructor function.
StorageVolumeChangeEvent — class, package
The StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo object dispatches a StorageVolumeChangeEvent event object when a storage volume is mounted or unmounted.
StorageVolumeChangeEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, flash.filesystem:File path, flash.filesystem:StorageVolume volume) — Constructor, class StorageVolumeChangeEvent
Creates a StorageVolumeChangeEvent object to pass as an argument to event listeners.
storageVolumeInfo — class StorageVolumeInfo
The singleton instance of the StorageVolumeInfo object.
StorageVolumeInfo — final class, package window.runtime.flash.filesystem
The StorageVolumeInfo object dispatches a StorageVolumeChangeEvent object when a storage volume is mounted or unmounted.
storageVolumeMount — Event, class StorageVolumeInfo
Dispatched when a storage volume has been mounted.
STORAGE_VOLUME_MOUNT — class StorageVolumeChangeEvent
The StorageVolumeChangeEvent.VOLUME_MOUNT constant defines the value of the type property of a StorageVolumeChangeEvent when a volume is mounted.
storageVolumeUnmount — Event, class StorageVolumeInfo
Dispatched when a storage volume has been unmounted.
STORAGE_VOLUME_UNMOUNT — class StorageVolumeChangeEvent
The StorageVolumeChangeEvent.VOLUME_MOUNT constant defines the value of the type property of a StorageVolumeChangeEvent when a volume is unmounted.
String(Object expression) — Package Function, Top Level
STRING_BEGIN — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Begin constant
STRING_BREAK — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Break constant
The OS X Unicode Clear Display constant
STRING_CLEARLINE — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Clear Line constant
STRING_DELETE — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Delete constant
STRING_DELETECHAR — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Delete Character constant
STRING_DELETELINE — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Delete Line constant
STRING_DOWNARROW — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode down arrow constant
STRING_END — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode End constant
STRING_EXECUTE — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Execute constant
STRING_F1 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F1 constant
STRING_F10 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F10 constant
STRING_F11 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F11 constant
STRING_F12 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F12 constant
STRING_F13 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F13 constant
STRING_F14 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F14 constant
STRING_F15 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F15 constant
STRING_F16 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F16 constant
STRING_F17 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F17 constant
STRING_F18 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F18 constant
STRING_F19 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F19 constant
STRING_F2 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F2 constant
STRING_F20 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F20 constant
STRING_F21 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F21 constant
STRING_F22 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F22 constant
STRING_F23 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F23 constant
STRING_F24 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F24 constant
STRING_F25 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F25 constant
STRING_F26 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F26 constant
STRING_F27 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F27 constant
STRING_F28 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F28 constant
STRING_F29 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F29 constant
STRING_F3 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F3 constant
STRING_F30 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F30 constant
STRING_F31 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F31 constant
STRING_F32 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F32 constant
STRING_F33 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F33 constant
STRING_F34 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F34 constant
STRING_F35 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F35 constant
STRING_F4 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F4 constant
STRING_F5 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F5 constant
STRING_F6 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F6 constant
STRING_F7 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F7 constant
STRING_F8 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F8 constant
STRING_F9 — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode F9 constant
STRING_FIND — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Find constant
STRING_HELP — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Help constant
STRING_HOME — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Home constant
STRING_INSERT — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Insert constant
STRING_INSERTCHAR — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Insert Character constant
STRING_INSERTLINE — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Insert Line constant
STRING_LEFTARROW — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode left arrow constant
STRING_MENU — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Menu constant
STRING_MODESWITCH — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Mode Switch constant
STRING_NEXT — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Next constant
STRING_PAGEDOWN — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Page Down constant
STRING_PAGEUP — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Page Up constant
STRING_PAUSE — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Pause constant
STRING_PREV — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Previous constant
STRING_PRINT — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Print constant
The OS X Unicode Print Screen constant
STRING_REDO — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Redo constant
STRING_RESET — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Reset constant
STRING_RIGHTARROW — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode right arrow constant
STRING_SCROLLLOCK — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Scroll Lock constant
STRING_SELECT — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Select constant
STRING_STOP — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Stop constant
STRING_SYSREQ — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode System Request constant
STRING_SYSTEM — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode System constant
StringTools — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization
The StringTools class provides locale-sensitive case conversion methods.
StringTools(String requestedLocaleIDName) — Constructor, class StringTools
Constructs a new StringTools object that provides case conversion and other utilities according to the conventions of a given locale.
STRING_UNDO — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode Undo constant
STRING_UPARROW — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode up arrow constant
STRING_USER — class Keyboard
The OS X Unicode User constant
subErrorID — class DownloadErrorEvent
Provides information in addition to the errorId property.
subErrorID — class StatusUpdateErrorEvent
Provides information in addition to the errorId property.
subInterfaces — class NetworkInterface
The list of subinterfaces attached to this network interface.
subject — class X509Certificate
Provides the subject's Distinguished Name (DN).
subjectPublicKey — class X509Certificate
Provides the subject's public key.
subjectPublicKeyAlgorithmOID — class X509Certificate
Provides the algorithm OID for the subject's public key.
subjectUniqueID — class X509Certificate
Provides the subject's unique identifier.
submenu — class NativeMenuItem
The submenu associated with this menu item.
SUBTITLE — class Keyboard
Toggle subtitles
subtract(flash.geom:Point v) — method, class Point
Subtracts the coordinates of another point from the coordinates of this point to create a new point.
SUNDANESE — class NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Sundanese digit set.
supportedOrientations — class Stage
The orientations supported by the current device.
supports32BitProcesses — class Capabilities
Specifies whether the system supports running 32-bit processes.
supports64BitProcesses — class Capabilities
Specifies whether the system supports running 64-bit processes.
supportsCursor — class Mouse
Indicates whether the computer or device displays a persistent cursor.
supportsDefaultApplication — class NativeApplication
Indicates whether setAsDefaultApplication(), removeAsDefaultApplication(), and isSetAsDefaultApplication() are supported on the current platform.
supportsDockIcon — class NativeApplication
Indicates whether AIR supports dock-style application icons on the current operating system.
supportsFilePromise — class Clipboard
Indicates whether the file promise clipboard format is supported on the client system.
supportsMenu — class NativeApplication
Specifies whether the current operating system supports a global application menu bar.
supportsMenu — class NativeWindow
Indicates whether AIR supports native window menus on the current computer system.
supportsNativeCursor — class Mouse
Indicates whether the current configuration supports native cursors.
supportsNotification — class NativeWindow
Indicates whether AIR supports window notification cueing on the current computer system.
supportsOrientationChange — class Stage
Whether the application supports changes in the stage orientation (and device rotation).
supportsStartAtLogin — class NativeApplication
Indicates whether startAtLogin is supported on the current platform.
supportsSystemTrayIcon — class NativeApplication
Specifies whether AIR supports system tray icons on the current operating system.
supportsTransparency — class NativeWindow
Indicates whether AIR supports native windows with transparent pixels.
swapChildrenAt(int index1, int index2) — method, class Stage
Swaps the z-order (front-to-back order) of the child objects at the two specified index positions in the child list.
swfCapability — class HTMLLoader
The type of SWF support on the user's system, defined as an integer code value.
sync — Event, class SharedObject
Dispatched when a remote shared object has been updated by the server.
System — final class, package window.runtime.flash.system
The System class contains properties related to local settings and operations.
systemCharset — class File
The default encoding used by the host operating system.
systemChrome — class NativeWindow
Reports the system chrome setting used to create this window.
systemChrome — class NativeWindowInitOptions
Specifies whether system chrome is provided for the window.
systemIdleMode — class NativeApplication
Provides a way for applications to prevent the user interface from going into "idle" mode.
systemMaxSize — class NativeWindow
The largest window size allowed by the operating system.
systemMinSize — class NativeWindow
The smallest window size allowed by the operating system.
SystemTrayIcon — class, package window.runtime.flash.desktop
The SystemTrayIcon class represents the Windows taskbar® notification area (system tray)-style icon.
Symbols   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z