Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
S — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the S key (83). | |
sampleData — Event, class Microphone | |
Dispatched when the microphone has sound data in the buffer. | |
sampleData — Event, class Sound | |
Dispatched when the runtime requests new audio data. | |
SAMPLE_DATA — class SampleDataEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a SampleDataEvent event object. | |
SampleDataEvent — class, package | |
Dispatched when a Sound object requests new audio data or when a Microphone object has new audio data to provide. | |
SampleDataEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, Number theposition, flash.utils:ByteArray thedata) — Constructor, class SampleDataEvent | |
Creates an event object that contains information about audio data events. | |
sampleInternalAllocs(Boolean b) — Package Function, flash.sampler | |
sandboxType — class BrowserInvokeEvent | |
The sandbox type for the content in the browser. | |
sandboxType — class Security | |
Indicates the type of security sandbox in which the calling file is operating. | |
SAURASHTRA — class NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Saurashtra digit set. | |
scale(Number sx, Number sy) — method, class Matrix | |
Applies a scaling transformation to the matrix. | |
scaleMode — class Stage | |
A value from the StageScaleMode class that specifies which scale mode to use. | |
scanHardware() — Package Function, | |
schema — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when a loadSchema() method call's operation completes successfully and the schema results are ready. | |
SCHEMA — class SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.loadSchema() method was called. | |
SCHEMA — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.SCHEMA constant defines the value of the type property of a schema event object. | |
Screen — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display | |
The Screen class provides information about the display screens available to this application. | |
screenColor — class Capabilities | |
Specifies the screen color. | |
screenDPI — class Capabilities | |
Specifies the dots-per-inch (dpi) resolution of the screen, in pixels. | |
screenResolutionX — class Capabilities | |
Specifies the maximum horizontal resolution of the screen. | |
screenResolutionY — class Capabilities | |
Specifies the maximum vertical resolution of the screen. | |
screens — class Screen | |
The array of the currently available screens. | |
scroll(int x, int y) — method, class BitmapData | |
Scrolls an image by a certain (x, y) pixel amount. | |
scroll — Event, class HTMLLoader | |
Signals that the scrollH or scrollV property has been changed by the HTMLLoader object. | |
SCROLL — class Event | |
The Event.SCROLL constant defines the value of the type property of a scroll event object. | |
scrollH — class HTMLLoader | |
The horizontal scroll position of the HTML content in the HTMLLoader object. | |
scrollV — class HTMLLoader | |
The vertical scroll position of the HTML content in the HTMLLoader object. | |
SEARCH — class Keyboard | |
Search button | |
SecureSocket — class, package | |
The SecureSocket class enables code to make socket connections using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. | |
SecureSocket() — Constructor, class SecureSocket | |
Creates a new SecureSocket object. | |
Security — final class, package window.runtime.flash.system | |
The Security class lets you specify how content in different domains can communicate with each other. | |
securityDomain — class BrowserInvokeEvent | |
The security domain for the content in the browser, such as "" or "". | |
securityError — Event, class File | |
Dispatched when an operation violates a security constraint. | |
securityError — Event, class LocalConnection | |
Dispatched if a call to LocalConnection.send() attempts to send data to a different security sandbox. | |
securityError — Event, class NetConnection | |
Dispatched if a call to attempts to connect to a server outside the caller's security sandbox. | |
securityError — Event, class SecureSocket | |
Dispatched when a call to SecureSocket.connect() fails because of a security restriction. | |
securityError — Event, class Socket | |
Dispatched if a call to Socket.connect() attempts to connect to a server prohibited by the caller's security sandbox. | |
securityError — Event, class URLLoader | |
Dispatched if a call to URLLoader.load() attempts to load data from a server outside the security sandbox. | |
securityError — Event, class URLStream | |
Dispatched if a call to URLStream.load() attempts to load data from a server outside the security sandbox. | |
securityError — Event, class XMLSocket | |
Dispatched if a call to the XMLSocket.connect() method attempts to connect either to a server outside the caller's security sandbox or to a port lower than 1024. | |
SECURITY_ERROR — class SecurityErrorEvent | |
The SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of a securityError event object. | |
SecurityErrorEvent — class, package | |
An object dispatches a SecurityErrorEvent object to report the occurrence of a security error. | |
SecurityErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String text, int id) — Constructor, class SecurityErrorEvent | |
Creates an Event object that contains information about security error events. | |
select — Event, class NativeMenu | |
Dispatched by this NativeMenu object when one of its menu items or an item in one of its descendant submenus is selected. | |
select — Event, class NativeMenuItem | |
Dispatched whenever a menu item is selected by the user. | |
select — Event, class File | |
Dispatched when the user selects a file or directory from a file- or directory-browsing dialog box. | |
SELECT — class Event | |
The Event.SELECT constant defines the value of the type property of a select event object. | |
selectAll() — method, class NativeApplication | |
Invokes an internal selectAll command on the focused display object. | |
SELECT_ALL — class Event | |
The Event.SELECT_ALL constant defines the value of the type property of a selectAll event object. | |
selectMultiple — Event, class File | |
Dispatched when the user selects files from the dialog box opened by a call to the browseForOpenMultiple() method. | |
SELECT_MULTIPLE — class FileListEvent | |
The FileListEvent.SELECT_MULTIPLE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a selectMultiple event. | |
SEMICOLON — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the ; key (186). | |
send(flash.utils:ByteArray bytes, uint offset, uint length, String address, int port) — method, class DatagramSocket | |
Sends packet containing the bytes in the ByteArray using UDP. | |
send(String connectionName, String methodName, restParam arguments) — method, class LocalConnection | |
Invokes the method named methodName on a connection that was opened with the connect(connectionName) method (in the receiving LocalConnection object). | |
send(restParam arguments) — method, class SharedObject | |
Broadcasts a message to all clients connected to a remote shared object, including the client that sent the message. | |
send(any object) — method, class XMLSocket | |
Converts the XML object or data specified in the object parameter to a string and transmits it to the server, followed by a zero (0) byte. | |
sendControlBytesPerSecond — class NetStreamMulticastInfo | |
Specifies the rate at which the local node is sending control overhead messages to peers and the server, in bytes per second. | |
sendControlBytesPerSecondToServer — class NetStreamMulticastInfo | |
Specifies the rate at which the local node is sending control overhead messages to the server, in bytes per second. | |
sendDataBytesPerSecond — class NetStreamMulticastInfo | |
Specifies the rate at which media data is being sent by the local node to peers, in bytes per second. | |
sendToURL( request) — Package Function, | |
separator — class File | |
The host operating system's path component separator character. | |
serialNumber — class X509Certificate | |
Provides the serial number of the certificate as a hexadecimal string. | |
serverCertificate — class SecureSocket | |
Holds the X.509 certificate obtained from the server after a secure SSL/TLS connection is established. | |
serverCertificateStatus — class SecureSocket | |
Returns the status of the server's certificate. | |
ServerSocket — class, package | |
The ServerSocket class allows code to act as a server for Transport Control Protocol (TCP) connections. | |
ServerSocket() — Constructor, class ServerSocket | |
Creates a ServerSocket object. | |
ServerSocketConnectEvent — class, package | |
A ServerSocket object dispatches a ServerSocketConnectEvent object when a client attempts to connect to the server socket. | |
ServerSocketConnectEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, socket) — Constructor, class ServerSocketConnectEvent | |
Creates a ServerSocketConnectEvent object that contains information about a client connection. | |
serverString — class Capabilities | |
A URL-encoded string that specifies values for each Capabilities property. | |
ServiceMonitor — Dynamic Class, package | |
The ServiceMonitor class implements the framework for monitoring the status and availability of network services. | |
ServiceMonitor() — Constructor, class ServiceMonitor | |
Creates a ServiceMonitor object. | |
SET — class Context3DStencilAction | |
Replace the stencil buffer value with the reference value. | |
setAsDefaultApplication(String extension) — method, class NativeApplication | |
Sets this application as the default application for opening files with the specified extension. | |
setAspectRatio(String newAspectRatio) — method, class Stage | |
Sets the stage to an orientation with the specified aspect ratio. | |
setBlendFactors(String sourceFactor, String destinationFactor) — method, class Context3D | |
Specifies the factors used to blend the output color of a drawing operation with the existing color. | |
setChildIndex(flash.display:DisplayObject child, int index) — method, class Stage | |
Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container. | |
setClipboard(String string) — Static Method , class System | |
Replaces the contents of the Clipboard with a specified text string. | |
setColorMask(Boolean red, Boolean green, Boolean blue, Boolean alpha) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets the mask used when writing colors to the render buffer. | |
setCulling(String triangleFaceToCull) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets triangle culling mode. | |
setCurrency(String currencyISOCode, String currencySymbol) — method, class CurrencyFormatter | |
Sets the currencyISOCode and currencySymbol properties of the CurrencyFormatter object. | |
setData(String format, Object data, Boolean serializable) — method, class Clipboard | |
Adds a representation of the information to be transferred in the specified data format. | |
setDataHandler(String format, Function handler, Boolean serializable) — method, class Clipboard | |
Adds a reference to a handler function that produces the data to be transfered. | |
setDateTimePattern(String pattern) — method, class DateTimeFormatter | |
Sets the pattern string used by this DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times. | |
setDateTimeStyles(String dateStyle, String timeStyle) — method, class DateTimeFormatter | |
Sets the date and time styles for this instance of the DateTimeFormatter. | |
setDepthTest(Boolean depthMask, String passCompareMode) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets type of comparison used for depth testing. | |
setDirty(String propertyName) — method, class SharedObject | |
Indicates to the server that the value of a property in the shared object has changed. | |
setEmpty() — method, class Rectangle | |
Sets all of the Rectangle object's properties to 0. | |
setInterval(Function closure, Number delay, restParam arguments) — Package Function, flash.utils | |
setItem(String name, flash.utils:ByteArray data, Boolean stronglyBound) — Static Method , class EncryptedLocalStore | |
Stores a ByteArray object under the specified name. | |
setItemIndex(flash.display:NativeMenuItem item, int index) — method, class NativeMenu | |
Moves a menu item to the specified position. | |
setKeyFrameInterval(int keyFrameInterval) — method, class VideoStreamSettings | |
The number of video frames transmitted in full (called keyframes or Instantaneous Decoding Refresh (IDR) frames) instead of being interpolated by the video compression algorithm. | |
setLoginCredentialsForHost(String hostname, String user, String password) — Static Method , class URLRequestDefaults | |
Sets default user and password credentials for a selected host. | |
setLoopBack(Boolean state) — method, class Microphone | |
Routes audio captured by a microphone to the local speakers. | |
setMode(int width, int height, Number fps) — method, class VideoStreamSettings | |
Sets the resolution and frame rate used for video encoding. | |
setOrientation(String newOrientation) — method, class Stage | |
Sets the stage to the specified orientation. | |
setPixel(int x, int y, uint color) — method, class BitmapData | |
Sets a single pixel of a BitmapData object. | |
setPixel32(int x, int y, uint color) — method, class BitmapData | |
Sets the color and alpha transparency values of a single pixel of a BitmapData object. | |
setPixels(flash.geom:Rectangle rect, flash.utils:ByteArray inputByteArray) — method, class BitmapData | |
Converts a byte array into a rectangular region of pixel data. | |
setProfileLevel(String profile, String level) — method, class H264VideoStreamSettings | |
Set profile and level for video encoding. | |
setProgram(flash.display3D:Program3D program) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets vertex and fragment shader programs to use for subsequent rendering. | |
setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(String programType, int firstRegister, flash.geom:Matrix3D matrix, Boolean transposedMatrix) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets constants for use by shader programs using values stored in a Matrix3D. | |
setProgramConstantsFromVector(String programType, int firstRegister, Vector$Number data, int numRegisters) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets the constant inputs for the shader programs. | |
setProperty(String propertyName, Object value) — method, class SharedObject | |
Updates the value of a property in a shared object and indicates to the server that the value of the property has changed. | |
setQuality(int bandwidth, int quality) — method, class VideoStreamSettings | |
Sets maximum amount of bandwidth per second or the required picture quality that the current outgoing video feed can use. | |
setRenderToBackBuffer() — method, class Context3D | |
Sets the back rendering buffer as the render target. | |
setRenderToTexture(flash.display3D.textures:TextureBase texture, Boolean enableDepthAndStencil, int antiAlias, int surfaceSelector) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets the specified texture as the rendering target. | |
setSamplerCallback(Function f) — Package Function, flash.sampler | |
setSavepoint — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when a setSavepoint() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
setSavepoint(String name, responder) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Creates a savepoint, which is like a bookmark within a database transaction. | |
SET_SAVEPOINT — class SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.setSavepoint() method was called. | |
SET_SAVEPOINT — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.SET_SAVEPOINT constant defines the value of the type property of a setSavepoint event object. | |
setScissorRectangle(flash.geom:Rectangle rectangle) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets a scissor rectangle, which is type of drawing mask. | |
setSilenceLevel(Number silenceLevel, int timeout) — method, class Microphone | |
Sets the minimum input level that should be considered sound and (optionally) the amount of silent time signifying that silence has actually begun. | |
setStencilActions(String triangleFace, String compareMode, String actionOnBothPass, String actionOnDepthFail, String actionOnDepthPassStencilFail) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets stencil mode and operation. | |
setStencilReferenceValue(uint referenceValue, uint readMask, uint writeMask) — method, class Context3D | |
Sets the stencil comparison value used for stencil tests. | |
setTextureAt(int sampler, flash.display3D.textures:TextureBase texture) — method, class Context3D | |
Specifies the texture to use for a texture input register of a fragment program. | |
setTimeout(Function closure, Number delay, restParam arguments) — Package Function, flash.utils | |
setTo(Number aa, Number ba, Number ca, Number da, Number txa, Number tya) — method, class Matrix | |
Sets the members of Matrix to the specified values | |
setTo(Number xa, Number ya) — method, class Point | |
Sets the members of Point to the specified values | |
setTo(Number xa, Number ya, Number widtha, Number heighta) — method, class Rectangle | |
Sets the members of Rectangle to the specified values | |
SETUP — class Keyboard | |
Engage setup application or menu | |
setUseEchoSuppression(Boolean useEchoSuppression) — method, class Microphone | |
Specifies whether to use the echo suppression feature of the audio codec. | |
setVector(flash.geom:Rectangle rect, Vector$uint inputVector) — method, class BitmapData | |
Converts a Vector into a rectangular region of pixel data. | |
setVertexBufferAt(int index, flash.display3D:VertexBuffer3D buffer, int bufferOffset, String format) — method, class Context3D | |
Specifies which vertex data components correspond to a single vertex shader program input. | |
SharedObject — class, package | |
The SharedObject class is used to read and store limited amounts of data on a user's computer or on a server. | |
SharedObjectFlushStatus — final class, package | |
The SharedObjectFlushStatus class provides values for the code returned from a call to the SharedObject.flush() method. | |
SHIFT — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Shift key (16). | |
shiftKey — class MouseEvent | |
Indicates whether the Shift key is active (true) or inactive (false). | |
SHORT — class SQLColumnNameStyle | |
Indicates that column names returned from a SELECT statement use short-column-name format. | |
SHORT — class DateTimeStyle | |
Specifies the short style of a date or time. | |
SHORT_ABBREVIATION — class DateTimeNameStyle | |
Specifies the short abbreviation style for month names and weekday names. | |
show() — Static Method , class Mouse | |
Displays the pointer. | |
showDefaultContextMenu — class Stage | |
Specifies whether to show or hide the default items in the Flash runtime context menu. | |
showRedrawRegions(Boolean on, uint color) — Package Function, flash.profiler | |
showSettings(String panel) — Static Method , class Security | |
Displays the Security Settings panel in Flash Player. | |
signatureAlgorithmOID — class X509Certificate | |
Provides the signature algorithm Object Identifier (OID). | |
signatureAlgorithmParams — class X509Certificate | |
Provides the signature algorithm's parameters. | |
SignatureStatus — final class, package | |
The SignatureStatus class defines constants used by the validityStatus property of an XMLSignatureValidator object. | |
signerCN — class XMLSignatureValidator | |
The Common Name field of the signing certificate. | |
signerDN — class XMLSignatureValidator | |
The Distinguished Name field of the signing certificate. | |
signerExtendedKeyUsages — class XMLSignatureValidator | |
An array containing the Extended Key Usages OIDs listed in the signing certificate. | |
signerTrustSettings — class XMLSignatureValidator | |
An array containing the trust settings of the signing certificate. | |
SignerTrustSettings — final class, package | |
The SignerTrustSettings class defines constants used with the signerTrustSettings property of an XMLSignatureValidator object. | |
SIGNING — class SignerTrustSettings | |
The certificate is trusted for signing in general. | |
silenceLevel — class Microphone | |
The amount of sound required to activate the microphone and dispatch the activity event. | |
silenceTimeout — class Microphone | |
The number of milliseconds between the time the microphone stops detecting sound and the time the activity event is dispatched. | |
size — class Rectangle | |
The size of the Rectangle object, expressed as a Point object with the values of the width and height properties. | |
size — class SharedObject | |
The current size of the shared object, in bytes. | |
SKIP_BACKWARD — class Keyboard | |
Quick skip backward (usually 7-10 seconds) | |
SKIP_FORWARD — class Keyboard | |
Quick skip ahead (usually 30 seconds) | |
SLASH — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the / key (191). | |
socket — class ServerSocketConnectEvent | |
The socket for the new connection. | |
Socket — class, package | |
The Socket class enables code to establish Transport Control Protocol (TCP) socket connections for sending and receiving binary data asynchronously. | |
Socket(String host, int port) — Constructor, class Socket | |
Creates a Socket object. | |
socketData — Event, class SecureSocket | |
Dispatched when a socket has received data. | |
socketData — Event, class Socket | |
Dispatched when a socket receives data. | |
SOCKET_DATA — class ProgressEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a socketData event object. | |
SocketMonitor — class, package | |
A SocketMonitor object monitors availablity of a TCP endpoint. | |
SocketMonitor(String host, int port) — Constructor, class SocketMonitor | |
Creates a SocketMonitor object for a specified TCP endpoint. | |
softKeyboardRect — class Stage | |
A Rectangle specifying the area of the stage that is currently covered by a soft keyboard. | |
SOFTWARE — class Context3DRenderMode | |
Use software rendering. | |
SOFTWARE — class VideoStatus | |
Indicates software video decoding. | |
songName — class ID3Info | |
The name of the song; corresponds to the ID3 2.0 tag TIT2. | |
SORENSON — class VideoCodec | |
Constant value indicating that Sorenson Spark codec is used for compressing video. | |
SORTING — class CollatorMode | |
Initializes a Collator object so that the compare method is optimized for sorting a list of text strings to be displayed to an end user. | |
Sound — class, package | |
The Sound class lets you work with sound in an application. | |
Sound( stream, context) — Constructor, class Sound | |
Creates a new Sound object. | |
SoundChannel — final class, package | |
The SoundChannel class controls a sound in an application. | |
SoundCodec — final class, package | |
The SoundCodec class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the codec property of the Microphone class. | |
soundComplete — Event, class SoundChannel | |
Dispatched when a sound has finished playing. | |
SOUND_COMPLETE — class Event | |
The Event.SOUND_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a soundComplete event object. | |
SoundLoaderContext — class, package | |
The SoundLoaderContext class provides security checks for files that load sound. | |
SoundLoaderContext(Number bufferTime, Boolean checkPolicyFile) — Constructor, class SoundLoaderContext | |
Creates a new sound loader context object. | |
SoundMixer — final class, package | |
The SoundMixer class contains static properties and methods for global sound control in the application. | |
soundTransform — class Microphone | |
Controls the sound of this microphone object when it is in loopback mode. | |
soundTransform — class SoundChannel | |
The SoundTransform object assigned to the sound channel. | |
soundTransform — class SoundMixer | |
The SoundTransform object that controls global sound properties. | |
SoundTransform — final class, package | |
The SoundTransform class contains properties for volume and panning. | |
SoundTransform(Number vol, Number panning) — Constructor, class SoundTransform | |
Creates a SoundTransform object. | |
SOURCE_ALPHA — class Context3DBlendFactor | |
The blend factor is (Sa,Sa,Sa,Sa), where Sa is the alpha component of the fragment color computed by the pixel program. | |
SOURCE_COLOR — class Context3DBlendFactor | |
The blend factor is (Sr,Sg,Sb,Sa), where Sr/g/b/a is the corresponding component of the fragment color computed by the pixel program. | |
SPACE — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Spacebar (32). | |
spaceAvailable — class File | |
The space available for use at this File location, in bytes. | |
SPEAKER_MUTE — class MicrophoneEnhancedMode | |
Use this mode when the speaker is muted. | |
SPEEX — class SoundCodec | |
Specifies that the Speex codec be used for compressing audio. | |
sql — class SQLSchema | |
Returns the entire text of the SQL statement that was used to create this schema object. | |
SQLCollationType — class, package | |
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the defaultCollationType parameter of the SQLColumnSchema constructor, as well as the SQLColumnSchema.defaultCollationType property. | |
SQLColumnNameStyle — class, package | |
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the SQLConnection.columnNameStyle property. | |
SQLColumnSchema — class, package | |
The SQLColumnSchema class provides information describing the characteristics of a specific column within a table in a database. | |
SQLColumnSchema(String name, Boolean primaryKey, Boolean allowNull, Boolean autoIncrement, String dataType, String defaultCollationType) — Constructor, class SQLColumnSchema | |
Constructs a SQLColumnSchema instance. | |
sqlConnection — class SQLStatement | |
The SQLConnection object that manages the connection to the database or databases on which the statement is executed. | |
SQLConnection — class, package | |
A SQLConnection instance is used to manage the creation of and connection to local SQL database files (local databases). | |
SQLConnection() — Constructor, class SQLConnection | |
Creates a SQLConnection instance. | |
SQLError — class, package window.runtime.flash.errors | |
A SQLError instance provides detailed information about a failed operation. | |
SQLError(String operation, String details, String message, int id, int detailID, Array detailArgs) — Constructor, class SQLError | |
Creates a SQLError instance that can be thrown or used with a SQLErrorEvent instance's error property. | |
SQLErrorEvent — class, package | |
A SQLErrorEvent instance is dispatched by a SQLConnection instance or SQLStatement instance when an error occurs while performing a database operation in asynchronous execution mode. | |
SQLErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, flash.errors:SQLError error) — Constructor, class SQLErrorEvent | |
Creates a SQLErrorEvent object to pass as an argument to event listeners. | |
SQLErrorOperation — class, package window.runtime.flash.errors | |
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the SQLError.operation property. | |
SQLEvent — class, package | |
Adobe AIR dispatches SQLEvent objects when one of the operations performed by a SQLConnection or SQLStatement instance completes successfully. | |
SQLEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable) — Constructor, class SQLEvent | |
Creates a SQLEvent object to pass as a parameter to event listeners. | |
SQLIndexSchema — class, package | |
A SQLIndexSchema instance provides information describing a specific index in a database. | |
SQLIndexSchema(String database, String name, String sql, String table) — Constructor, class SQLIndexSchema | |
Creates a SQLIndexSchema instance. | |
SQLMode — class, package | |
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the openMode parameter of the and SQLConnection.openAsync() methods. | |
SQLResult — class, package | |
The SQLResult class provides access to data returned in response to the execution of a SQL statement (a SQLStatement instance). | |
SQLResult(Array data, Number rowsAffected, Boolean complete, Number rowID) — Constructor, class SQLResult | |
Creates a SQLResult instance. | |
SQLSchema — class, package | |
The SQLSchema class is the base class for schema information for database objects such as tables, views, and indices. | |
SQLSchema(String database, String name, String sql) — Constructor, class SQLSchema | |
Creates a SQLSchema instance. | |
SQLSchemaResult — class, package | |
A SQLSchemaResult instance contains the information resulting from a call to the SQLConnection.loadSchema() method. | |
SQLSchemaResult(Array tables, Array views, Array indices, Array triggers) — Constructor, class SQLSchemaResult | |
Creates a SQLSchemaResult instance. | |
SQLStatement — class, package | |
A SQLStatement instance is used to execute a SQL statement against a local SQL database that is open through a SQLConnection instance. | |
SQLStatement() — Constructor, class SQLStatement | |
Creates a SQLStatement instance. | |
SQLTableSchema — class, package | |
A SQLTableSchema instance provides information describing a specific table in a database. | |
SQLTableSchema(String database, String name, String sql, Array columns) — Constructor, class SQLTableSchema | |
Creates a SQLTableSchema instance. | |
SQLTransactionLockType — class, package | |
This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the option parameter of the SQLConnection.begin() method. | |
SQLTriggerSchema — class, package | |
A SQLTriggerSchema instance provides information describing a specific trigger in a database. | |
SQLTriggerSchema(String database, String name, String sql, String table) — Constructor, class SQLTriggerSchema | |
Creates a SQLTriggerSchema instance. | |
SQLUpdateEvent — class, package | |
A SQLUpdateEvent object is dispatched by a SQLConnection object when a data change occurs on any table associated with the SQLConnection instance. | |
SQLUpdateEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String table, Number rowID) — Constructor, class SQLUpdateEvent | |
Creates a new SQLUpdateEvent instance. | |
SQLViewSchema — class, package | |
A SQLViewSchema instance provides information describing a specific view in a database. | |
SQLViewSchema(String database, String name, String sql, Array columns) — Constructor, class SQLViewSchema | |
Creates a SQLViewSchema instance. | |
srcAddress — class DatagramSocketDataEvent | |
The IP address of the machine that sent the packet. | |
srcPort — class DatagramSocketDataEvent | |
The port on the machine that sent the packet. | |
SRVRecord — class, package | |
The SRVRecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) SRV resource record containing a service host. | |
SRVRecord() — Constructor, class SRVRecord | |
Creates an SRV resource record. | |
stage — class NativeWindow | |
The Stage object for this window. | |
Stage — class, package window.runtime.flash.display | |
The Stage class represents the main drawing area. | |
Stage3D — class, package window.runtime.flash.display | |
The Stage3D class provides a display area and a programmable rendering context for drawing 2D and 3D graphics. | |
Stage3D() — Constructor, class Stage3D | |
stage3Ds — class Stage | |
A list of Stage3D objects available for displaying 3-dimensional content. | |
StageDisplayState — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display | |
The StageDisplayState class provides values for the Stage.displayState property. | |
stageFocusRect — class Stage | |
Specifies whether or not objects display a glowing border when they have focus. | |
stageHeight — class Stage | |
The current height, in pixels, of the Stage. | |
StageQuality — final class, package window.runtime.flash.display | |
The StageQuality class provides values for the Stage.quality property. | |
stageVideoAvailability — Event, class Stage | |
Dispatched by the Stage object when the state of the stageVideos property changes. | |
stageVideos — class Stage | |
A list of StageVideo objects available for playing external videos. | |
stageWidth — class Stage | |
Specifies the current width, in pixels, of the Stage. | |
stageX — class MouseEvent | |
The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred in global Stage coordinates. | |
stageY — class MouseEvent | |
The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred in global Stage coordinates. | |
STANDALONE — class DateTimeNameContext | |
Indicates that the date element name is used in a "stand alone" context, independent of other formats. | |
STANDARD — class InvokeEventReason | |
Indicates that the InvokeEvent occured for any reason other than login. | |
STANDARD — class NativeWindowSystemChrome | |
The standard chrome for the host operating system. | |
STANDARD — class KeyLocation | |
Indicates the key activation is not distinguished as the left or right version of the key, and did not originate on the numeric keypad (or did not originate with a virtual key corresponding to the numeric keypad). | |
standardError — class NativeProcess | |
Provides access to the standard error output from this native process. | |
standardErrorClose — Event, class NativeProcess | |
Signals that the NativeProcess has closed its error stream. | |
STANDARD_ERROR_CLOSE — class Event | |
The Event.STANDARD_ERROR_CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a standardErrorClose event object. | |
standardErrorData — Event, class NativeProcess | |
Signals that the native process has data available to read on the standard error (stderror) stream. | |
STANDARD_ERROR_DATA — class ProgressEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a standardErrorData event object. | |
standardErrorIoError — Event, class NativeProcess | |
Signals that reading from the standard error (stderror) stream has failed. | |
STANDARD_ERROR_IO_ERROR — class IOErrorEvent | |
The standardErrorIoError event is dispatched when an error occurs while reading data from the standardError stream of a NativeProcess object. | |
standardInput — class NativeProcess | |
Provides access to the standard input of this native process. | |
standardInputClose — Event, class NativeProcess | |
Signals that the NativeProcess object has closed its input stream by calling the closeInput() method. | |
STANDARD_INPUT_CLOSE — class Event | |
The Event.STANDARD_INPUT_CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a standardInputClose event object. | |
standardInputIoError — Event, class NativeProcess | |
Signals that writing to the standard input (stdin) stream has failed. | |
STANDARD_INPUT_IO_ERROR — class IOErrorEvent | |
The standardInputIoError event is dispatched when an error occurs while writing data to the standardInput of a NativeProcess object. | |
standardInputProgress — Event, class NativeProcess | |
Signals that the NativeProcess has written data to the input stream for the child process. | |
STANDARD_INPUT_PROGRESS — class ProgressEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a standardInputProgress event object. | |
standardOutput — class NativeProcess | |
Provides access to the standard output pipe of this native process. | |
standardOutputClose — Event, class NativeProcess | |
Signals that the NativeProcess has closed its output stream. | |
The Event.STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a standardOutputClose event object. | |
standardOutputData — Event, class NativeProcess | |
Signals that the native process has data available to read on the output stream. | |
STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA — class ProgressEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a standardOutputData event object. | |
standardOutputIoError — Event, class NativeProcess | |
Signals that reading from the stdout stream has failed. | |
The standardOutputIoError event is dispatched when an error occurs while reading data from the standardOutput stream of a NativeProcess object. | |
start() — method, class ServiceMonitor | |
Starts the service monitor. | |
start(flash.desktop:NativeProcessStartupInfo info) — method, class NativeProcess | |
Starts the native process identified by the start up info specified. | |
start() — method, class Timer | |
Starts the timer, if it is not already running. | |
startAtLogin — class NativeApplication | |
Specifies whether this application is automatically launched whenever the current user logs in. | |
startIndex — class NumberParseResult | |
The index of the first character of the numeric portion of the input string. | |
startMove() — method, class NativeWindow | |
Starts a system-controlled move of this window. | |
startResize(String edgeOrCorner) — method, class NativeWindow | |
Starts a system-controlled resize operation of this window. | |
startSampling() — Package Function, flash.sampler | |
stateOrProvinceName — class X500DistinguishedName | |
Returns the DN StateOrProvinceName attribute. | |
status — Event, class ServiceMonitor | |
Indicates that the service status has changed. | |
status — class HTTPStatusEvent | |
The HTTP status code returned by the server. | |
status — Event, class Microphone | |
Dispatched when a microphone reports its status. | |
status — Event, class LocalConnection | |
Dispatched when a LocalConnection object reports its status. | |
STATUS — class StatusEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a status event object. | |
StatusEvent — class, package | |
An object dispatches a StatusEvent object when a device, such as a camera or microphone, or an object such as a LocalConnection object reports its status. | |
StatusEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String code, String level) — Constructor, class StatusEvent | |
Creates an Event object that contains information about status events. | |
StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent — class, package | |
A StatusUpdateFileErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of a ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file. | |
StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String text, int id) — Constructor, class StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent | |
The constructor function. | |
StatusFileUpdateEvent — class, package | |
Dispatched after the updater successfully validates the file in the call to the installFromAIRFile() method. | |
StatusFileUpdateEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, Boolean available, String version, String path) — Constructor, class StatusFileUpdateEvent | |
The constructor function. | |
StatusUpdateErrorEvent — class, package | |
A StatusUpdateErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of an ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file. | |
StatusUpdateErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String text, int id, int subErrorID) — Constructor, class StatusUpdateErrorEvent | |
The constructor function. | |
StatusUpdateEvent — class, package | |
An updater object dispatches a StatusUpdateEvent object after the updater successfully downloads and interprets the update descriptor file. | |
StatusUpdateEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, Boolean available, String version, Array details) — Constructor, class StatusUpdateEvent | |
The constructor function. | |
STENCIL — class Context3DClearMask | |
Clear the stencil buffer. | |
stop() — method, class ServiceMonitor | |
Stops monitoring the service. | |
stop() — method, class SoundChannel | |
Stops the sound playing in the channel. | |
stop() — method, class Timer | |
Stops the timer. | |
STOP — class Keyboard | |
Engage stop transport mode | |
stopAll() — Static Method , class SoundMixer | |
Stops all sounds currently playing. | |
stopImmediatePropagation() — method, class Event | |
Prevents processing of any event listeners in the current node and any subsequent nodes in the event flow. | |
stopPropagation() — method, class Event | |
Prevents processing of any event listeners in nodes subsequent to the current node in the event flow. | |
stopSampling() — Package Function, flash.sampler | |
storageVolume — class StorageVolumeChangeEvent | |
A StorageVolume object containing information about a mounted volume. | |
StorageVolume — class, package window.runtime.flash.filesystem | |
A StorageVolume object includes properties defining a mass storage volume. | |
StorageVolume(flash.filesystem:File rootDirPath, String name, Boolean writable, Boolean removable, String fileSysType, String drive) — Constructor, class StorageVolume | |
The constructor function. | |
StorageVolumeChangeEvent — class, package | |
The StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo object dispatches a StorageVolumeChangeEvent event object when a storage volume is mounted or unmounted. | |
StorageVolumeChangeEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, flash.filesystem:File path, flash.filesystem:StorageVolume volume) — Constructor, class StorageVolumeChangeEvent | |
Creates a StorageVolumeChangeEvent object to pass as an argument to event listeners. | |
storageVolumeInfo — class StorageVolumeInfo | |
The singleton instance of the StorageVolumeInfo object. | |
StorageVolumeInfo — final class, package window.runtime.flash.filesystem | |
The StorageVolumeInfo object dispatches a StorageVolumeChangeEvent object when a storage volume is mounted or unmounted. | |
storageVolumeMount — Event, class StorageVolumeInfo | |
Dispatched when a storage volume has been mounted. | |
STORAGE_VOLUME_MOUNT — class StorageVolumeChangeEvent | |
The StorageVolumeChangeEvent.VOLUME_MOUNT constant defines the value of the type property of a StorageVolumeChangeEvent when a volume is mounted. | |
storageVolumeUnmount — Event, class StorageVolumeInfo | |
Dispatched when a storage volume has been unmounted. | |
STORAGE_VOLUME_UNMOUNT — class StorageVolumeChangeEvent | |
The StorageVolumeChangeEvent.VOLUME_MOUNT constant defines the value of the type property of a StorageVolumeChangeEvent when a volume is unmounted. | |
String(Object expression) — Package Function, Top Level | |
STRING_BEGIN — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Begin constant | |
STRING_BREAK — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Break constant | |
STRING_CLEARDISPLAY — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Clear Display constant | |
STRING_CLEARLINE — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Clear Line constant | |
STRING_DELETE — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Delete constant | |
STRING_DELETECHAR — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Delete Character constant | |
STRING_DELETELINE — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Delete Line constant | |
STRING_DOWNARROW — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode down arrow constant | |
STRING_END — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode End constant | |
STRING_EXECUTE — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Execute constant | |
STRING_F1 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F1 constant | |
STRING_F10 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F10 constant | |
STRING_F11 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F11 constant | |
STRING_F12 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F12 constant | |
STRING_F13 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F13 constant | |
STRING_F14 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F14 constant | |
STRING_F15 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F15 constant | |
STRING_F16 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F16 constant | |
STRING_F17 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F17 constant | |
STRING_F18 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F18 constant | |
STRING_F19 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F19 constant | |
STRING_F2 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F2 constant | |
STRING_F20 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F20 constant | |
STRING_F21 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F21 constant | |
STRING_F22 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F22 constant | |
STRING_F23 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F23 constant | |
STRING_F24 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F24 constant | |
STRING_F25 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F25 constant | |
STRING_F26 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F26 constant | |
STRING_F27 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F27 constant | |
STRING_F28 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F28 constant | |
STRING_F29 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F29 constant | |
STRING_F3 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F3 constant | |
STRING_F30 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F30 constant | |
STRING_F31 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F31 constant | |
STRING_F32 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F32 constant | |
STRING_F33 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F33 constant | |
STRING_F34 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F34 constant | |
STRING_F35 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F35 constant | |
STRING_F4 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F4 constant | |
STRING_F5 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F5 constant | |
STRING_F6 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F6 constant | |
STRING_F7 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F7 constant | |
STRING_F8 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F8 constant | |
STRING_F9 — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode F9 constant | |
STRING_FIND — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Find constant | |
STRING_HELP — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Help constant | |
STRING_HOME — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Home constant | |
STRING_INSERT — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Insert constant | |
STRING_INSERTCHAR — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Insert Character constant | |
STRING_INSERTLINE — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Insert Line constant | |
STRING_LEFTARROW — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode left arrow constant | |
STRING_MENU — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Menu constant | |
STRING_MODESWITCH — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Mode Switch constant | |
STRING_NEXT — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Next constant | |
STRING_PAGEDOWN — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Page Down constant | |
STRING_PAGEUP — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Page Up constant | |
STRING_PAUSE — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Pause constant | |
STRING_PREV — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Previous constant | |
STRING_PRINT — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Print constant | |
STRING_PRINTSCREEN — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Print Screen constant | |
STRING_REDO — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Redo constant | |
STRING_RESET — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Reset constant | |
STRING_RIGHTARROW — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode right arrow constant | |
STRING_SCROLLLOCK — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Scroll Lock constant | |
STRING_SELECT — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Select constant | |
STRING_STOP — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Stop constant | |
STRING_SYSREQ — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode System Request constant | |
STRING_SYSTEM — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode System constant | |
StringTools — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
The StringTools class provides locale-sensitive case conversion methods. | |
StringTools(String requestedLocaleIDName) — Constructor, class StringTools | |
Constructs a new StringTools object that provides case conversion and other utilities according to the conventions of a given locale. | |
STRING_UNDO — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode Undo constant | |
STRING_UPARROW — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode up arrow constant | |
STRING_USER — class Keyboard | |
The OS X Unicode User constant | |
subErrorID — class DownloadErrorEvent | |
Provides information in addition to the errorId property. | |
subErrorID — class StatusUpdateErrorEvent | |
Provides information in addition to the errorId property. | |
subInterfaces — class NetworkInterface | |
The list of subinterfaces attached to this network interface. | |
subject — class X509Certificate | |
Provides the subject's Distinguished Name (DN). | |
subjectPublicKey — class X509Certificate | |
Provides the subject's public key. | |
subjectPublicKeyAlgorithmOID — class X509Certificate | |
Provides the algorithm OID for the subject's public key. | |
subjectUniqueID — class X509Certificate | |
Provides the subject's unique identifier. | |
submenu — class NativeMenuItem | |
The submenu associated with this menu item. | |
SUBTITLE — class Keyboard | |
Toggle subtitles | |
subtract(flash.geom:Point v) — method, class Point | |
Subtracts the coordinates of another point from the coordinates of this point to create a new point. | |
SUNDANESE — class NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Sundanese digit set. | |
supportedOrientations — class Stage | |
The orientations supported by the current device. | |
supports32BitProcesses — class Capabilities | |
Specifies whether the system supports running 32-bit processes. | |
supports64BitProcesses — class Capabilities | |
Specifies whether the system supports running 64-bit processes. | |
supportsCursor — class Mouse | |
Indicates whether the computer or device displays a persistent cursor. | |
supportsDefaultApplication — class NativeApplication | |
Indicates whether setAsDefaultApplication(), removeAsDefaultApplication(), and isSetAsDefaultApplication() are supported on the current platform. | |
supportsDockIcon — class NativeApplication | |
Indicates whether AIR supports dock-style application icons on the current operating system. | |
supportsFilePromise — class Clipboard | |
Indicates whether the file promise clipboard format is supported on the client system. | |
supportsMenu — class NativeApplication | |
Specifies whether the current operating system supports a global application menu bar. | |
supportsMenu — class NativeWindow | |
Indicates whether AIR supports native window menus on the current computer system. | |
supportsNativeCursor — class Mouse | |
Indicates whether the current configuration supports native cursors. | |
supportsNotification — class NativeWindow | |
Indicates whether AIR supports window notification cueing on the current computer system. | |
supportsOrientationChange — class Stage | |
Whether the application supports changes in the stage orientation (and device rotation). | |
supportsStartAtLogin — class NativeApplication | |
Indicates whether startAtLogin is supported on the current platform. | |
supportsSystemTrayIcon — class NativeApplication | |
Specifies whether AIR supports system tray icons on the current operating system. | |
supportsTransparency — class NativeWindow | |
Indicates whether AIR supports native windows with transparent pixels. | |
swapChildrenAt(int index1, int index2) — method, class Stage | |
Swaps the z-order (front-to-back order) of the child objects at the two specified index positions in the child list. | |
swfCapability — class HTMLLoader | |
The type of SWF support on the user's system, defined as an integer code value. | |
sync — Event, class SharedObject | |
Dispatched when a remote shared object has been updated by the server. | |
System — final class, package window.runtime.flash.system | |
The System class contains properties related to local settings and operations. | |
systemCharset — class File | |
The default encoding used by the host operating system. | |
systemChrome — class NativeWindow | |
Reports the system chrome setting used to create this window. | |
systemChrome — class NativeWindowInitOptions | |
Specifies whether system chrome is provided for the window. | |
systemIdleMode — class NativeApplication | |
Provides a way for applications to prevent the user interface from going into "idle" mode. | |
systemMaxSize — class NativeWindow | |
The largest window size allowed by the operating system. | |
systemMinSize — class NativeWindow | |
The smallest window size allowed by the operating system. | |
SystemTrayIcon — class, package window.runtime.flash.desktop | |
The SystemTrayIcon class represents the Windows taskbar® notification area (system tray)-style icon. | |
Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Thu Sep 29 2011, 02:35 AM -07:00