Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
a — class Matrix | |
The value that affects the positioning of pixels along the x axis when scaling or rotating an image. | |
A — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the A key (65). | |
AAAARecord — class, package | |
The AAAARecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) AAAA resource record containing an IPv6 address. | |
AAAARecord() — Constructor, class AAAARecord | |
Creates an AAAA resource record. | |
ACCELERATED — class VideoStatus | |
Indicates hardware-accelerated (GPU) video decoding. | |
acceptableStatusCodes — class URLMonitor | |
The numeric status codes representing a successful result. | |
activate — Event, class NativeApplication | |
Dispatched when this application becomes the active desktop application. | |
activate(flash.display:NativeWindow window) — method, class NativeApplication | |
Activates this application. | |
activate — Event, class NativeWindow | |
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object after the window has been activated. | |
activate() — method, class NativeWindow | |
Activates this window. | |
activate — Event, class EventDispatcher | |
[broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application gains operating system focus and becomes active. | |
ACTIVATE — class Event | |
The ACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of an activate event object. | |
activating — class ActivityEvent | |
Indicates whether the device is activating (true) or deactivating (false). | |
active — class NativeWindow | |
Indicates whether this window is the active application window. | |
active — class NetworkInterface | |
Reports whether this interface is active. | |
activeWindow — class NativeApplication | |
The active application window. | |
activity — Event, class Microphone | |
Dispatched when a microphone starts or stops recording due to detected silence. | |
ACTIVITY — class ActivityEvent | |
The ActivityEvent.ACTIVITY constant defines the value of the type property of an activity event object. | |
ActivityEvent — class, package | |
A Camera or Microphone object dispatches an ActivityEvent object whenever a camera or microphone reports that it has become active or inactive. | |
ActivityEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, Boolean activating) — Constructor, class ActivityEvent | |
Creates an event object that contains information about activity events. | |
activityLevel — class Microphone | |
The amount of sound the microphone is detecting. | |
actualLocaleIDName — class Collator | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this Collator object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — class CurrencyFormatter | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this CurrencyFormatter object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — class DateTimeFormatter | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this DateTimeFormatter object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — class NumberFormatter | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this NumberFormatter object. | |
actualLocaleIDName — class StringTools | |
The name of the actual locale ID used by this StringTools object. | |
add(flash.geom:Point v) — method, class Point | |
Adds the coordinates of another point to the coordinates of this point to create a new point. | |
addBinaryChainBuildingCertificate(flash.utils:ByteArray certificate, Boolean trusted) — method, class SecureSocket | |
Adds an X.509 certificate to the local certificate chain that your system uses for validating the server certificate. | |
addCertificate(flash.utils:ByteArray cert, Boolean trusted) — method, class XMLSignatureValidator | |
Adds an x509 certificate for chain building. | |
addChild(flash.display:DisplayObject child) — method, class Stage | |
Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance. | |
addChildAt(flash.display:DisplayObject child, int index) — method, class Stage | |
Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance. | |
ADDED — class Event | |
The Event.ADDED constant defines the value of the type property of an added event object. | |
ADDED_TO_STAGE — class Event | |
The Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE constant defines the value of the type property of an addedToStage event object. | |
addEventListener(String type, Function listener, Boolean useCapture, int priority, Boolean useWeakReference) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(String type, Function listener, Boolean useCapture, int priority, Boolean useWeakReference) — method, class NativeApplication | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(String type, Function listener, Boolean useCapture, int priority, Boolean useWeakReference) — method, class Stage | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(String type, Function listener, Boolean useCapture, int priority, Boolean useWeakReference) — method, class EventDispatcher | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addEventListener(String type, Function listener, Boolean useCapture, int priority, Boolean useWeakReference) — method, class URLLoader | |
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. | |
addHeader(String operation, Boolean mustUnderstand, Object param) — method, class NetConnection | |
Adds a context header to the Action Message Format (AMF) packet structure. | |
addItem(flash.display:NativeMenuItem item) — method, class NativeMenu | |
Adds a menu item at the bottom of the menu. | |
addItemAt(flash.display:NativeMenuItem item, int index) — method, class NativeMenu | |
Inserts a menu item at the specified position. | |
addResources(String lang, Object res) — method, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Dynamically adds a new resource bundle for the specified language. | |
address — class InterfaceAddress | |
The Internet Protocol (IP) address. | |
address — class AAAARecord | |
The IPv6 address. | |
address — class ARecord | |
The IPv4 address. | |
addresses — class NetworkInterface | |
The list of the addresses bound to this network interface. | |
addSubmenu(flash.display:NativeMenu submenu, String label) — method, class NativeMenu | |
Adds a submenu to the menu by inserting a new menu item. | |
addSubmenuAt(flash.display:NativeMenu submenu, int index, String label) — method, class NativeMenu | |
Adds a submenu to the menu by inserting a new menu item at the specified position. | |
afterBounds — class NativeWindowBoundsEvent | |
The bounds of the window after the change. | |
afterDisplayState — class NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent | |
The display state of the NativeWindow after the change. | |
album — class ID3Info | |
The name of the album; corresponds to the ID3 2.0 tag TALB. | |
align — class Stage | |
A value from the StageAlign class that specifies the alignment of the stage in Flash Player or the browser. | |
ALL — class Context3DClearMask | |
Clear all buffers. | |
allowDomain(restParam domains) — method, class LocalConnection | |
Specifies one or more domains that can send LocalConnection calls to this LocalConnection instance. | |
allowDomain(restParam domains) — Static Method , class Security | |
Lets SWF files in the identified domains access objects and variables in the SWF file that contains the allowDomain() call. | |
allowInsecureDomain(restParam domains) — method, class LocalConnection | |
Specifies one or more domains that can send LocalConnection calls to this LocalConnection object. | |
allowInsecureDomain(restParam domains) — Static Method , class Security | |
Lets SWF files and HTML files in the identified domains access objects and variables in the calling SWF file, which is hosted by means of the HTTPS protocol. | |
allowNull — class SQLColumnSchema | |
Indicates whether NULL values are allowed in this column. | |
allowsFullScreen — class Stage | |
Specifies whether this stage allows the use of the full screen mode | |
ALPHANUMERIC — class KeyboardType | |
A standard keyboard with a full set of numbers and letters. | |
ALTERNATE — class NativeWindowSystemChrome | |
Reserved for future use. | |
ALTERNATE — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Alternate (Option) key (18). | |
altKey — class MouseEvent | |
Indicates whether the Alt key is active (true) or inactive (false). | |
ALWAYS — class Context3DCompareMode | |
The comparison always evaluates as true. | |
alwaysInFront — class NativeWindow | |
Specifies whether this window will always be in front of other windows (including those of other applications). | |
ALWAYS_REQUIRED — class RevocationCheckSettings | |
Always check certificate revocation. | |
AMF0 — class ObjectEncoding | |
Specifies that objects are serialized using the Action Message Format for ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0. | |
AMF3 — class ObjectEncoding | |
Specifies that objects are serialized using the Action Message Format for ActionScript 3.0. | |
analyze — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when an analyze() operation completes successfully. | |
analyze(String resourceName, responder) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Gathers statistics about database indices and stores them in the database. | |
ANALYZE — class SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.analyze() method was called. | |
ANALYZE — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.ANALYZE constant defines the value of the type property of an analyze event object. | |
APPEND — class FileMode | |
Used for a file to be opened in write mode, with all written data appended to the end of the file. | |
APPLICATION — class Security | |
The file is running in an AIR application, and it was installed with the package (the AIR file) for that application. | |
applicationDescriptor — class NativeApplication | |
The contents of the application descriptor file for this AIR application. | |
applicationDirectory — class File | |
The folder containing the application's installed files. | |
applicationID — class NativeApplication | |
The application ID of this application. | |
applicationStorageDirectory — class File | |
The application's private storage directory. | |
ApplicationUpdater — class, package window.runtime.air.update | |
The ApplicationUpdater class defines the basic functionality of the update framework for Adobe® AIR® applications, without providing any default user interface. | |
ApplicationUpdater() — Constructor, class ApplicationUpdater | |
The constructor function. | |
ApplicationUpdaterUI — class, package window.runtime.air.update | |
The ApplicationUpdaterUI class defines the basic functionality of the update framework for Adobe® AIR® applications, and it provides a default user interface. | |
ApplicationUpdaterUI() — Constructor, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
The constructor function. | |
applyFilter(flash.display:BitmapData sourceBitmapData, flash.geom:Rectangle sourceRect, flash.geom:Point destPoint, flash.filters:BitmapFilter filter) — method, class BitmapData | |
Takes a source image and a filter object and generates the filtered image. | |
ARABIC_INDIC — class NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Arabic-Indic digit set. | |
ARecord — class, package | |
The ARecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) A resource record containing an IPv4 address. | |
ARecord() — Constructor, class ARecord | |
Creates an A resource record. | |
areSoundsInaccessible() — Static Method , class SoundMixer | |
Determines whether any sounds are not accessible due to security restrictions. | |
arguments — class NativeProcessStartupInfo | |
The command line arguments that will be passed to the process on startup. | |
arguments — class BrowserInvokeEvent | |
An array of arguments (strings) to pass to the application. | |
arguments — class InvokeEvent | |
The array of string arguments passed during this invocation. | |
Array(restParam args) — Package Function, Top Level | |
artist — class ID3Info | |
The name of the artist; corresponds to the ID3 2.0 tag TPE1. | |
assignFocus(flash.display:InteractiveObject objectToFocus, String direction) — method, class Stage | |
Sets keyboard focus to the interactive object specified by objectToFocus, with the focus direction specified by the direction parameter. | |
asyncError — Event, class LocalConnection | |
Dispatched when an exception is thrown asynchronously — that is, from native asynchronous code. | |
asyncError — Event, class NetConnection | |
Dispatched when an exception is thrown asynchronously — that is, from native asynchronous code. | |
asyncError — Event, class SharedObject | |
Dispatched when an exception is thrown asynchronously — that is, from native asynchronous code. | |
ASYNC_ERROR — class AsyncErrorEvent | |
The AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of an asyncError event object. | |
AsyncErrorEvent — class, package | |
An object dispatches an AsyncErrorEvent when an exception is thrown from native asynchronous code, which could be from, for example, LocalConnection, NetConnection, SharedObject, or NetStream. | |
AsyncErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String text, Error error) — Constructor, class AsyncErrorEvent | |
Creates an AsyncErrorEvent object that contains information about asyncError events. | |
attach — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when an attach() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
attach(String name, Object reference, responder, flash.utils:ByteArray encryptionKey) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Adds another database to the SQLConnection instance, giving the new database the specified name. | |
ATTACH — class SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.attach() method was called. | |
ATTACH — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.ATTACH constant defines the value of the type property of an attach event object. | |
AUDIO — class Keyboard | |
Select the audio mode | |
AudioDecoder — final class, package | |
The AudioDecoder class enumerates the types of multichannel audio that a system can support. | |
audioPlaybackMode — class SoundMixer | |
Specifies the audio playback mode of all Sound objects. | |
AudioPlaybackMode — final class, package | |
The AudioPlaybackMode class defines constants for the audioPlaybackMode property of the SoundMixer class. | |
authenticate — class HTMLLoader | |
Specifies whether authentication requests should be handled (true) or not (false) for HTTP requests issued by this object. | |
authenticate — class URLRequest | |
Specifies whether authentication requests should be handled (true or not (false) for this request. | |
authenticate — class URLRequestDefaults | |
The default setting for the authenticate property of URLRequest objects. | |
authenticationType — class DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
Indicates whether the supplied credentials are for authenticating against Flash Media Rights Management Server (FMRMS) or a proxy server. | |
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_DRM — class DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
The DRMAuthenticateEvent.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_DRM constant defines the value of the authenticationType property of a DRMAuthenticateEvent object. | |
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_PROXY — class DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
The DRMAuthenticateEvent.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_PROXY constant defines the value of the authenticationType property of a DRMAuthenticateEvent object. | |
AUTO — class NativeWindowRenderMode | |
A typical window. | |
AUTO — class Context3DRenderMode | |
Automatically choose the rendering engine. | |
autoCompact — class SQLConnection | |
Indicates whether autocompacting was enabled when the current database was originally created (the value that was specified for the autoCompact parameter in the open() or openAsync() call that created the database). | |
autoExit — class NativeApplication | |
Specifies whether the application should automatically terminate when all windows have been closed. | |
autoIncrement — class SQLColumnSchema | |
Indicates whether this is an auto-increment column. | |
autoOrients — class Stage | |
Specifies whether the stage automatically changes orientation when the device orientation changes. | |
available — class ServiceMonitor | |
Whether the service is currently considered "available." The initial value is false until either a status check sets the property to true or the property is initialized to true explicitly. Typically, this property is set by the checkStatus() implementation in a subclass or specializer, but if the application has independent information about a service's availability (for example, a request just succeeded or failed), the property can be set explicitly. | |
available — class StatusFileUpdateEvent | |
Indicates if if there is a different version available than one of the current application (true); false otherwise (same version). | |
available — class StatusUpdateEvent | |
Indicates if an update is available. | |
avHardwareDisable — class Capabilities | |
Specifies whether access to the user's camera and microphone has been administratively prohibited (true) or allowed (false). | |
Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Thu Sep 29 2011, 02:35 AM -07:00