Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
L — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the L key (76). | |
label — class NativeMenuItem | |
The display string of this menu item. | |
language — class Capabilities | |
Specifies the language code of the system on which the content is running. | |
languages — class Capabilities | |
An array of strings that contain information about the user's preferred user interface languages, as set through the operating system. | |
LAO — class NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Lao digit set. | |
LAST — class Keyboard | |
Watch last channel or show watched | |
lastInsertRowID — class SQLConnection | |
The last generated row identifier created by a SQL INSERT statement. | |
lastInsertRowID — class SQLResult | |
The last generated row identifier generated by a SQL INSERT statement. | |
lastOperationStatus — class Collator | |
The status of the most recent operation that this Collator object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — class CurrencyFormatter | |
The status of the most recent operation that this CurrencyFormatter object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — class DateTimeFormatter | |
The status of previous operation that this DateTimeFormatter object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — class LocaleID | |
The status of the most recent operation that this LocaleID object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — class NumberFormatter | |
The status of previous operation that this NumberFormatter object performed. | |
lastOperationStatus — class StringTools | |
The status of the most recent operation that this StringTools object performed. | |
LastOperationStatus — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
The LastOperationStatus class enumerates constant values that represent the status of the most recent globalization service operation. | |
lastStatusUpdate — class ServiceMonitor | |
The time of the last status update. | |
leadingZero — class CurrencyFormatter | |
Specifies whether a leading zero is included in a formatted currency amount when there are no integer digits to the left of the decimal separator. | |
leadingZero — class NumberFormatter | |
Specifies whether a leading zero is included in a formatted number when there are no integer digits to the left of the decimal separator. | |
left — class Rectangle | |
The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. | |
LEFT — class NativeWindowResize | |
The left edge of the window. | |
LEFT — class KeyLocation | |
Indicates the key activated is in the left key location (there is more than one possible location for this key). | |
LEFT — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Left Arrow key (37). | |
LEFTBRACKET — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the [ key (219). | |
leftPeak — class SoundChannel | |
The current amplitude (volume) of the left channel, from 0 (silent) to 1 (full amplitude). | |
leftToLeft — class SoundTransform | |
A value, from 0 (none) to 1 (all), specifying how much of the left input is played in the left speaker. | |
leftToRight — class SoundTransform | |
A value, from 0 (none) to 1 (all), specifying how much of the left input is played in the right speaker. | |
length — class Point | |
The length of the line segment from (0,0) to this point. | |
length — class Sound | |
The length of the current sound in milliseconds. | |
length — class ByteArray | |
The length of the ByteArray object, in bytes. | |
LEPCHA — class NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Lepcha digit set. | |
LESS — class Context3DCompareMode | |
Less than (<). | |
LESS_EQUAL — class Context3DCompareMode | |
Less than or equal (<=). | |
level — class StatusEvent | |
The category of the message, such as "status", "warning" or "error". | |
level — class H264VideoStreamSettings | |
Level used for H.264/AVC encoding. | |
LEVEL_1 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 1. | |
LEVEL_1_1 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 1.1. | |
LEVEL_1_2 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 1.2. | |
LEVEL_1_3 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 1.3. | |
LEVEL_1B — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 1b. | |
LEVEL_2 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 2. | |
LEVEL_2_1 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 2.1. | |
LEVEL_2_2 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 2.2. | |
LEVEL_3 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 3. | |
LEVEL_3_1 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 3.1. | |
LEVEL_3_2 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 3.2. | |
LEVEL_4 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 4. | |
LEVEL_4_1 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 4.1. | |
LEVEL_4_2 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 4.2. | |
LEVEL_5 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 5. | |
LEVEL_5_1 — class H264Level | |
Constant for H.264 level 5.1. | |
LIGHTWEIGHT — class NativeWindowType | |
A minimal window. | |
LIMBU — class NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Limbu digit set. | |
lineEnding — class File | |
The line-ending character sequence used by the host operating system. | |
listen(int backlog) — method, class ServerSocket | |
Initiates listening for TCP connections on the bound IP address and port. | |
listening — class ServerSocket | |
Indicates whether the server socket is listening for incoming connections. | |
listOwnedWindows() — method, class NativeWindow | |
Returns a list of the NativeWindow objects that are owned by this window. | |
listStreams() — method, class NetMonitor | |
Retrieve all NetStream objects belonging to the same security context. | |
LITTLE_ENDIAN — class Endian | |
Indicates the least significant byte of the multibyte number appears first in the sequence of bytes. | |
LIVE — class Keyboard | |
Return to live [position in broadcast] | |
load( urlRequestToLoad) — method, class HTMLLoader | |
Loads the HTMLLoader object with data from the site specified by the urlRequestToLoad parameter. | |
load( stream, context) — method, class Sound | |
Initiates loading of an external MP3 file from the specified URL. | |
load( request) — method, class URLLoader | |
Sends and loads data from the specified URL. | |
load( request) — method, class URLStream | |
Begins downloading the URL specified in the request parameter. | |
loadCompressedDataFromByteArray(flash.utils:ByteArray bytes, uint bytesLength) — method, class Sound | |
load MP3 sound data from a ByteArray object into a Sound object. | |
loaded — class HTMLLoader | |
Indicates whether the JavaScript load event corresponding to the previous call to the load() or loadString() method has been delivered to the HTML DOM in the HTMLLoader object. | |
loadPCMFromByteArray(flash.utils:ByteArray bytes, uint samples, String format, Boolean stereo, Number sampleRate) — method, class Sound | |
load PCM 32-bit floating point sound data from a ByteArray object into a Sound object. | |
loadPolicyFile(String url) — Static Method , class Security | |
Looks for a policy file at the location specified by the url parameter. | |
loadSchema(Class type, String name, String database, Boolean includeColumnSchema, responder) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Loads schema information from the connected database or any attached databases. | |
loadString(String htmlContent) — method, class HTMLLoader | |
Loads the HTMLLoader object with the HTML content contained in the HTML string. | |
localAddress — class DatagramSocket | |
The IP address this socket is bound to on the local machine. | |
localAddress — class ServerSocket | |
The IP address on which the socket is listening. | |
localAddress — class Socket | |
The IP address this socket is bound to on the local machine. | |
LocalConnection — class, package | |
The LocalConnection class lets you create a LocalConnection object that can invoke a method in another LocalConnection object. | |
LocalConnection() — Constructor, class LocalConnection | |
Creates a LocalConnection object. | |
localeChain — class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
An array defining the locale chain used by the user interface. | |
LocaleID — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
The LocaleID class provides methods for parsing and using locale ID names. | |
LocaleID(String name) — Constructor, class LocaleID | |
Constructs a new LocaleID object, given a locale name. | |
localFileReadDisable — class Capabilities | |
Specifies whether read access to the user's hard disk has been administratively prohibited (true) or allowed (false). | |
localityName — class X500DistinguishedName | |
Returns the DN LocalityName attribute. | |
localPort — class DatagramSocket | |
The port this socket is bound to on the local machine. | |
localPort — class ServerSocket | |
The port on which the socket is listening. | |
localPort — class Socket | |
The port this socket is bound to on the local machine. | |
LOCAL_TRUSTED — class Security | |
The file is a local file and has been trusted by the user, using either the Flash Player Settings Manager or a FlashPlayerTrust configuration file. | |
LOCAL_WITH_FILE — class Security | |
The file is a local file, has not been trusted by the user, and it is not a SWF file that was published with a networking designation. | |
LOCAL_WITH_NETWORK — class Security | |
The file is a local file, has not been trusted by the user, and it is a SWF file that was published with a networking designation. | |
localX — class MouseEvent | |
The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite. | |
localY — class MouseEvent | |
The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite. | |
location — class LocationChangeEvent | |
The destination URL of the change. | |
location — class HTMLLoader | |
The URL for the content loaded in the HTMLLoader object. | |
locationChange — Event, class HTMLLoader | |
Signals that the location property of the HTMLLoader object has changed. | |
locationChange — Event, class HTMLLoader | |
Signals that the location property of the HTMLLoader object has changed. | |
LOCATION_CHANGE — class Event | |
The Event.LOCATION_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a locationChange event object. | |
LOCATION_CHANGE — class LocationChangeEvent | |
Dispatched after every location change. | |
LocationChangeEvent — class, package | |
An HTMLLoader or StageWebView object dispatches a LocationChangeEvent object when a new page loads. | |
LocationChangeEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String location) — Constructor, class LocationChangeEvent | |
Creates a LocationChangeEvent object. | |
locationChanging — Event, class HTMLLoader | |
Signals that the location property of the HTMLLoader object is about to change. | |
LOCATION_CHANGING — class LocationChangeEvent | |
Dispatched before a location change that is initiated via the content displayed in an HTMLLoader or StageWebView object. | |
lock() — method, class BitmapData | |
Locks an image so that any objects that reference the BitmapData object, such as Bitmap objects, are not updated when this BitmapData object changes. | |
LOGIN — class InvokeEventReason | |
Indicates that the InvokeEvent event occurred due to the user logging in. | |
LONG — class SQLColumnNameStyle | |
Indicates that column names returned from a SELECT statement use long-column-name format. | |
LONG — class DateTimeStyle | |
Specifies the long style of a date or time. | |
LONG_ABBREVIATION — class DateTimeNameStyle | |
Specifies the long abbreviation style for month names and weekday names. | |
lookup — Event, class DNSResolver | |
Dispatched when a DNS look-up is complete. | |
lookup(String host, Class recordType) — method, class DNSResolver | |
Looks up a DNS resource record based on a query string. | |
LOOKUP — class DNSResolverEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a lookup event object. | |
LOW — class StageQuality | |
Specifies low rendering quality: graphics are not anti-aliased, and bitmaps are not smoothed. | |
Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Thu Sep 29 2011, 02:35 AM -07:00