Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
d — class Matrix | |
The value that affects the positioning of pixels along the y axis when scaling or rotating an image. | |
D — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the D key (68). | |
data — class SQLResult | |
The data returned as a result of the statement execution, specifically when a SQL SELECT statement is executed. | |
data — class NativeMenuItem | |
An arbitrary data object associated with this menu item. | |
data — class DataEvent | |
The raw data loaded into Flash Player or Adobe AIR. | |
data — class DatagramSocketDataEvent | |
The datagram packet data. | |
data — class SampleDataEvent | |
The data in the audio stream. | |
data — Event, class DatagramSocket | |
Dispatched when this socket receives a packet of data. | |
data — class SharedObject | |
The collection of attributes assigned to the data property of the object; these attributes can be shared and stored. | |
data — class URLLoader | |
The data received from the load operation. | |
data — class URLRequest | |
An object containing data to be transmitted with the URL request. | |
data — Event, class XMLSocket | |
Dispatched after raw data is sent or received. | |
data — class MouseCursorData | |
A Vector of BitmapData objects containing the cursor image or images. | |
DATA — class DataEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a data event object. | |
DATA — class DatagramSocketDataEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a data event object. | |
database — class SQLSchema | |
The name of the database to which this schema object belongs. | |
DataEvent — class, package | |
An object dispatches a DataEvent object when raw data has completed loading. | |
DataEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String data) — Constructor, class DataEvent | |
Creates an event object that contains information about data events. | |
dataFormat — class URLLoader | |
Controls whether the downloaded data is received as text (URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT), raw binary data (URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY), or URL-encoded variables (URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES). | |
DatagramSocket — class, package | |
The DatagramSocket class enables code to send and receive Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets. | |
DatagramSocket() — Constructor, class DatagramSocket | |
Creates a DatagramSocket object. | |
DatagramSocketDataEvent — class, package | |
A DatagramSocketDataEvent object is dispatched when Datagram socket has received data. | |
DatagramSocketDataEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String srcAddress, int srcPort, String dstAddress, int dstPort, flash.utils:ByteArray data) — Constructor, class DatagramSocketDataEvent | |
Creates an Event object that contains information about datagram events. | |
dataType — class SQLColumnSchema | |
Gets the data type of the column as a string. | |
DateTimeFormatter — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
The DateTimeFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting for Date objects and access to localized date field names. | |
DateTimeFormatter(String requestedLocaleIDName, String dateStyle, String timeStyle) — Constructor, class DateTimeFormatter | |
Constructs a new DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times according to the conventions of the specified locale and the provided date and time formatting styles. | |
DateTimeNameContext — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
The DateTimeNameContext class enumerates constant values representing the formatting context in which a month name or weekday name is used. | |
DateTimeNameStyle — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
The DateTimeNameStyle class enumerates constants that control the length of the month names and weekday names that are used when formatting dates. | |
DateTimeStyle — final class, package window.runtime.flash.globalization | |
Enumerates constants that determine a locale-specific date and time formatting pattern. | |
deactivate — Event, class NativeApplication | |
Dispatched when the desktop focus is switched to a different application. | |
deactivate — Event, class NativeWindow | |
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object after the window has been deactivated. | |
deactivate — Event, class EventDispatcher | |
[broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application operating loses system focus and is becoming inactive. | |
DEACTIVATE — class Event | |
The Event.DEACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of a deactivate event object. | |
deanalyze — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when a deanalyze() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
deanalyze( responder) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Removes all statistical information created by a call to the analyze() method. | |
DEANALYZE — class SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.deanalyze() method was called. | |
DEANALYZE — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.DEANALYZE constant defines the value of the type property of a deanalyze event object. | |
decimalSeparator — class CurrencyFormatter | |
The decimal separator character used for formatting or parsing currency amounts that have a decimal part. | |
decimalSeparator — class NumberFormatter | |
The decimal separator character used for formatting or parsing numbers that have a decimal part. | |
decode(String source) — method, class URLVariables | |
Converts the variable string to properties of the specified URLVariables object. | |
decodeURI(String uri) — Package Function, Top Level | |
decodeURIComponent(String uri) — Package Function, Top Level | |
DECREMENT_SATURATE — class Context3DStencilAction | |
Decrement the stencil buffer value, clamping at 0, the minimum value. | |
DECREMENT_WRAP — class Context3DStencilAction | |
Decrement the stencil buffer value. | |
DEFAULT — class SQLColumnNameStyle | |
Indicates that column names returned from a SELECT statement use the default format. | |
DEFAULT — class LocaleID | |
Indicates that the user's default linguistic preferences should be used, as specified in the user's operating system settings. | |
DEFAULT — class ObjectEncoding | |
Specifies the default (latest) format for the current runtime (either Flash Player or AIR). | |
defaultCollationType — class SQLColumnSchema | |
Indicates the default collation sequence that is defined for this column. | |
defaultObjectEncoding — class NetConnection | |
The default object encoding for NetConnection objects. | |
defaultObjectEncoding — class SharedObject | |
The default object encoding (AMF version) for all local shared objects created in the SWF file. | |
defaultObjectEncoding — class ByteArray | |
Denotes the default object encoding for the ByteArray class to use for a new ByteArray instance. | |
DEFERRED — class SQLTransactionLockType | |
Specifies the deferred locking transaction option. | |
deflate() — method, class ByteArray | |
Compresses the byte array using the deflate compression algorithm. | |
deflate() — method, class ByteArray | |
Compresses the byte array using the deflate compression algorithm. | |
DEFLATE — class CompressionAlgorithm | |
Defines the string to use for the deflate compression algorithm. | |
DEFLATE — class CompressionAlgorithm | |
Defines the string to use for the deflate compression algorithm. | |
delay — class ApplicationUpdater | |
The interval, in days, between periodic checks of new updates. | |
delay — class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
The interval, in days, between periodic checks of new updates. | |
delay — class Timer | |
The delay, in milliseconds, between timer events. | |
delete — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when data in any table in any of the connected databases changes as a result of a SQL DELETE command. | |
DELETE — class SQLUpdateEvent | |
The SQLUpdateEvent.DELETE constant defines the value of the type property of a SQLConnection delete event. | |
DELETE — class URLRequestMethod | |
Specifies that the URLRequest object is a DELETE. | |
DELETE — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Delete key (46). | |
deleteDirectory(Boolean deleteDirectoryContents) — method, class File | |
Deletes the directory. | |
deleteDirectoryAsync(Boolean deleteDirectoryContents) — method, class File | |
Deletes the directory asynchronously. | |
deleteFile() — method, class File | |
Deletes the file. | |
deleteFileAsync() — method, class File | |
Deletes the file asynchronously. | |
delta — class MouseEvent | |
Indicates how many lines should be scrolled for each unit the user rotates the mouse wheel. | |
deltaTransformPoint(flash.geom:Point point) — method, class Matrix | |
Given a point in the pretransform coordinate space, returns the coordinates of that point after the transformation occurs. | |
DEPTH — class Context3DClearMask | |
Clear the depth buffer. | |
describeType(any value) — Package Function, flash.utils | |
description — class FileFilter | |
The description string for the filter. | |
desktopDirectory — class File | |
The user's desktop directory. | |
DESTINATION_ALPHA — class Context3DBlendFactor | |
The blend factor is (Da,Da,Da,Da), where Da is the alpha component of the fragment color computed by the pixel program. | |
DESTINATION_COLOR — class Context3DBlendFactor | |
The blend factor is (Dr,Dg,Db,Da), where Dr/g/b/a is the corresponding component of the current color in the color buffer. | |
detach — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when a detach() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
detach(String name, responder) — method, class SQLConnection | |
Detaches an additional database previously attached to the SQLConnection instance using the attach() method. | |
DETACH — class SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.detach() method was called. | |
DETACH — class SQLEvent | |
The SQLEvent.DETACH constant defines the value of the type property of a detach event object. | |
detail — class DRMStatusEvent | |
A string explaining the context of the status event. | |
detailArguments — class SQLError | |
An array of String values that can be used to construct a locale specific detail error message. | |
detailID — class SQLError | |
A reference number associated with the specific detail message. | |
details — class StatusUpdateEvent | |
An array defining the details string for each of the supported languages. | |
details — class SQLError | |
Details of the current error. | |
determinePreferredLocales(Vector$String want, Vector$String have, String keyword) — Static Method , class LocaleID | |
Returns a list of acceptable locales based on a list of desired locales and a list of the locales that are currently available. | |
DEVANAGARI — class NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Devanagari digit set. | |
deviceOrientation — class Stage | |
The physical orientation of the device. | |
digest — class URLRequest | |
A string that uniquely identifies the signed Adobe platform component to be stored to (or retrieved from) the Flash Player cache. | |
digestStatus — class XMLSignatureValidator | |
The validity status of the cryptographic signature computed over the signature SignedInfo element. | |
digitsType — class CurrencyFormatter | |
Defines the set of digit characters used when formatting currency amounts. | |
digitsType — class NumberFormatter | |
Defines the set of digit characters to be used when formatting numbers. | |
DIRECT — class NativeWindowRenderMode | |
A direct mode window. | |
directoryListing — Event, class File | |
Dispatched when a directory list is available as a result of a call to the getDirectoryListingAsync() method. | |
DIRECTORY_LISTING — class FileListEvent | |
The FileListEvent.DIRECTORY_LISTING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a directoryListing event. | |
dispatchEvent( event) — method, class NativeApplication | |
Dispatches an event into the event flow. | |
dispatchEvent( event) — method, class Stage | |
Dispatches an event into the event flow. | |
dispatchEvent( event) — method, class EventDispatcher | |
Dispatches an event into the event flow. | |
display(flash.display:Stage stage, Number stageX, Number stageY) — method, class NativeMenu | |
Pops up this menu at the specified location. | |
displaying — Event, class NativeMenu | |
Dispatched by this NativeMenu object immediately before the menu is displayed. | |
displaying — Event, class NativeMenuItem | |
Dispatched by this NativeMenuItem object immediately before the menu containing the item is displayed. | |
DISPLAYING — class Event | |
The Event.DISPLAYING constant defines the value of the type property of a displaying event object. | |
displayName — class NetworkInterface | |
The display name of this network interface. | |
displayState — class NativeWindow | |
The display state of this window. | |
displayState — class Stage | |
A value from the StageDisplayState class that specifies which display state to use. | |
displayStateChange — Event, class NativeWindow | |
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object after the window's displayState property has changed. | |
DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGE — class NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a displayStateChange event object. | |
displayStateChanging — Event, class NativeWindow | |
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object immediately before the window changes its display state. | |
DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGING — class NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a displayStateChanging event object. | |
dispose() — method, class BitmapData | |
Frees memory that is used to store the BitmapData object. | |
dispose() — method, class Context3D | |
Frees all resources and internal storage associated with this Context3D. | |
dispose() — method, class IndexBuffer3D | |
Frees all resources associated with this object. | |
dispose() — method, class Program3D | |
Frees all resources associated with this object. | |
dispose() — method, class VertexBuffer3D | |
Frees all resources associated with this object. | |
disposeXML(XML node) — Static Method , class System | |
Makes the specified XML object immediately available for garbage collection. | |
distance(flash.geom:Point pt1, flash.geom:Point pt2) — Static Method , class Point | |
Returns the distance between pt1 and pt2. | |
DNSResolver — class, package | |
The DNSResolver class lets you lookup Domain Name System (DNS) resource records. | |
DNSResolver() — Constructor, class DNSResolver | |
Creates a DNSResolver object. | |
DNSResolverEvent — class, package | |
The DNSResolverEvent class represents the results of a Domain Name System (DNS) lookup operation. | |
DNSResolverEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String host, Array resourceRecords) — Constructor, class DNSResolverEvent | |
Creates an DNSResolverEvent object that contains the results of a DNS lookup operation. | |
DockIcon — class, package window.runtime.flash.desktop | |
The DockIcon class represents the Mac OS X®-style dock icon. | |
documentsDirectory — class File | |
The user's documents directory. | |
DOLBY_DIGITAL — class AudioDecoder | |
Dolby Digital Audio, which is also known as AC-3. | |
DOLBY_DIGITAL_PLUS — class AudioDecoder | |
Dolby Digital Plus Audio, which is also known as Enhanced AC-3 and Enhanced Dolby Digital. | |
domain — class LocalConnection | |
A string representing the domain of the location of the current file. | |
DOUBLE_CLICK — class MouseEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of a doubleClick event object. | |
DOWN — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Down Arrow key (40). | |
downloadComplete — Event, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Dispatched when the download of the update file is complete. | |
downloadComplete — Event, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Dispatched when the download of the update file is complete. | |
DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE — class UpdateEvent | |
The UpdateEvent.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a downloadComplete event. | |
downloaded — class File | |
Indicates whether the referenced file or directory was downloaded (from the internet) or not. | |
downloadError — Event, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Dispatched if there is an error while connecting or downloading the update file. | |
downloadError — Event, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Dispatched if there is an error while connecting or downloading the update file. | |
DOWNLOAD_ERROR — class DownloadErrorEvent | |
The DownloadErrorEvent.DOWNLOAD_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a downloadError event. | |
DownloadErrorEvent — class, package | |
A DownloadErrorEvent object is dispatched by an ApplicationUpdater or ApplicationUpdaterUI object when an error happens while downloading the update file. | |
DownloadErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String text, int id, int subErrorID) — Constructor, class DownloadErrorEvent | |
The constructor function. | |
downloadStart — Event, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Dispatched after a call to the downloadUpdate() method and the connection to the server is established. | |
downloadStart — Event, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Dispatched after a call to the downloadUpdate() method and the connection to the server is established. | |
DOWNLOAD_START — class UpdateEvent | |
The UpdateEvent.DOWNLOAD_START constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a downloadStart event. | |
downloadUpdate() — method, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Asynchronously downloads the update file. | |
D_PAD — class KeyLocation | |
Indicates the key activation originated on a directional pad of input device. | |
draw(flash.display:IBitmapDrawable source, flash.geom:Matrix matrix, flash.geom:ColorTransform colorTransform, String blendMode, flash.geom:Rectangle clipRect, Boolean smoothing) — method, class BitmapData | |
Draws the source display object onto the bitmap image, using the Flash runtime vector renderer. | |
drawToBitmapData(flash.display:BitmapData destination) — method, class Context3D | |
Draws the current render buffer to a bitmap. | |
drawTriangles(flash.display3D:IndexBuffer3D indexBuffer, int firstIndex, int numTriangles) — method, class Context3D | |
Render the specified triangles using the current buffers and state of this Context3D object. | |
drive — class StorageVolume | |
The volume drive letter on Windows. | |
driverInfo — class Context3D | |
The type of graphics library driver used by this rendering context. | |
DRM_AUTHENTICATE — class DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
The DRMAuthenticateEvent.DRM_AUTHENTICATE constant defines the value of the type property of a DRMAuthenticateEvent object. | |
DRMAuthenticateEvent — class, package | |
A NetStream object dispatchs a DRMAuthenticateEvent object when attempting to play digital rights management (DRM) encrypted content that requires a user credential for authentication. | |
DRMAuthenticateEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, String header, String userPrompt, String passPrompt, String urlPrompt, String authenticationType, netstream) — Constructor, class DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
Creates an Event object that contains specific information about DRM authentication events. | |
DRM_STATUS — class DRMStatusEvent | |
The DRMStatusEvent.DRM_STATUS constant defines the value of the type property of a drmStatus event object. | |
DRMStatusEvent — class, package | |
A NetStream object dispatches a DRMStatusEvent object when the content protected using digital rights management (DRM) begins playing successfully (when the voucher is verified, and when the user is authenticated and authorized to view the content). | |
DRMStatusEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, inMetadata, inVoucher, Boolean inLocal) — Constructor, class DRMStatusEvent | |
Creates an Event object that contains specific information about DRM status events. | |
dstAddress — class DatagramSocketDataEvent | |
The IP address of the DatagramSocket object that dispatched this event. | |
dstPort — class DatagramSocketDataEvent | |
The port of the DatagramSocket object that dispatched this event. | |
DTS — class AudioDecoder | |
DTS Audio, which is also known as DTS Coherent Acoustics, DTS Digital Surround, and DTS core. | |
DTS_EXPRESS — class AudioDecoder | |
DTS Express Audio, which is also known as DTS Low Bit Rate (LBR). | |
DTS_HD_HIGH_RESOLUTION_AUDIO — class AudioDecoder | |
DTS-HD High Resolution Audio, which is also known as DTS-HD HR. | |
DTS_HD_MASTER_AUDIO — class AudioDecoder | |
DTS-HD Master Audio, which is also known as DTS-HD MA. | |
DVR — class Keyboard | |
Engage DVR application mode | |
dynamicPropertyWriter — class ObjectEncoding | |
Allows greater control over the serialization of dynamic properties of dynamic objects. | |
Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Thu Sep 29 2011, 02:35 AM -07:00