Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
U — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the U key (85). | |
uint(Number value) — Package Function, Top Level | |
UNAVAILABLE — class VideoStatus | |
Video decoding is not supported. | |
uncaughtError — Event, class UncaughtErrorEvents | |
Dispatched when an error occurs and developer code doesn't detect and handle the error. | |
UNCAUGHT_ERROR — class UncaughtErrorEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of an uncaughtError event object. | |
UncaughtErrorEvent — class, package | |
An UncaughtErrorEvent object is dispatched by an instance of the UncaughtErrorEvents class when an uncaught error occurs. | |
UncaughtErrorEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable, any error_in) — Constructor, class UncaughtErrorEvent | |
Creates an UncaughtErrorEvent object that contains information about an uncaughtError event. | |
UncaughtErrorEvents — class, package | |
The UncaughtErrorEvents class provides a way to receive uncaught error events. | |
UncaughtErrorEvents() — Constructor, class UncaughtErrorEvents | |
Creates an UncaughtErrorEvents instance. | |
uncaughtScriptException — Event, class HTMLLoader | |
Signals that an uncaught JavaScript exception occurred in the HTMLLoader object. | |
uncompress(String algorithm) — method, class ByteArray | |
Decompresses the byte array. | |
uncompress(String algorithm) — method, class ByteArray | |
Decompresses the byte array. | |
unconnectedPeerStreams — class NetConnection | |
An object that holds all of the peer subscriber NetStream objects that are not associated with publishing NetStream objects. | |
undefined — Package Constant Property, Top Level | |
unescape(String str) — Package Function, Top Level | |
unescapeMultiByte(String value) — Package Function, flash.utils | |
UNEXPECTED_TOKEN — class LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that an unexpected token was detected in a Locale ID string. | |
union(flash.geom:Rectangle toUnion) — method, class Rectangle | |
Adds two rectangles together to create a new Rectangle object, by filling in the horizontal and vertical space between the two rectangles. | |
UNKNOWN — class CertificateStatus | |
The validity of the certificate is not known. | |
UNKNOWN — class SignatureStatus | |
Unknown status. | |
UNLOAD — class Event | |
The Event.UNLOAD constant defines the value of the type property of an unload event object. | |
unlock(flash.geom:Rectangle changeRect) — method, class BitmapData | |
Unlocks an image so that any objects that reference the BitmapData object, such as Bitmap objects, are updated when this BitmapData object changes. | |
unregisterCursor(String name) — Static Method , class Mouse | |
Unregisters the native cursor with the given name. | |
UNSUPPORTED_ERROR — class LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that the requested operation or option is not supported. | |
UNTRUSTED_SIGNERS — class CertificateStatus | |
The certificate does not chain to a trusted root certificate. | |
UP — class Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Up Arrow key (38). | |
update — Event, class SQLConnection | |
Dispatched when data in any table in any of the connected databases changes as a result of a SQL UPDATE command. | |
update(flash.filesystem:File airFile, String version) — method, class Updater | |
Updates the currently running application with the version of the application contained in the specified AIR file. | |
UPDATE — class SQLMode | |
Indicates that the connection is opened for updates but a new database file is not created if the specified file doesn't exist. | |
UPDATE — class SQLUpdateEvent | |
The SQLUpdateEvent.UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of a SQLConnection update event. | |
UPDATE — class FileMode | |
Used for a file to be opened in read/write mode. | |
updateAfterEvent() — method, class MouseEvent | |
Instructs Flash Player or Adobe AIR to render after processing of this event completes, if the display list has been modified. | |
updateAfterEvent() — method, class TimerEvent | |
Instructs Flash Player or the AIR runtime to render after processing of this event completes, if the display list has been modified. | |
updateDescriptor — class ApplicationUpdater | |
The content of the update descriptor file downloaded from the update URL. | |
updateDescriptor — class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
The content of the update descriptor file downloaded from the update URL. | |
updateError — Event, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Dispatched if an error occurs while trying to download or parse the update descriptor file. | |
updateError — Event, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Dispatched if an error occurs while trying to download or parse the update descriptor file. | |
UPDATE_ERROR — class StatusUpdateErrorEvent | |
The StatusUpdateErrorEvent.UPDATE_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a statusUpdateError event. | |
UpdateEvent — class, package | |
A UpdateEvent is dispatched by a ApplicationUpdater object during the update process. | |
UpdateEvent(String type, Boolean bubbles, Boolean cancelable) — Constructor, class UpdateEvent | |
The constructor function. | |
Updater — final class, package window.runtime.flash.desktop | |
The Updater class is used to update the currently running application with a different version. | |
Updater() — Constructor, class Updater | |
The constructor function for the Updater class. | |
updateStatus — Event, class ApplicationUpdater | |
Dispatched after the updater successfully downloads and interprets the update descriptor file. | |
updateStatus — Event, class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Dispatched after the updater successfully downloads and interprets the update descriptor file. | |
UPDATE_STATUS — class StatusUpdateEvent | |
The StatusUpdateEvent.UPDATE_STATUS constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a updateStatus event. | |
updateURL — class ApplicationUpdater | |
The location of the update descriptor file. | |
updateURL — class ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
The location of the update descriptor file. | |
upload(flash.utils:ByteArray vertexProgram, flash.utils:ByteArray fragmentProgram) — method, class Program3D | |
Uploads a pair of rendering programs expressed in AGAL (Adobe Graphics Assembly Language) bytecode. | |
UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA — class DataEvent | |
Defines the value of the type property of an uploadCompleteData event object. | |
uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray(flash.utils:ByteArray data, uint byteArrayOffset, Boolean async) — method, class CubeTexture | |
Uploads a cube texture in Adobe Texture Format (ATF) from a byte array. | |
uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray(flash.utils:ByteArray data, uint byteArrayOffset, Boolean async) — method, class Texture | |
Uploads a compressed texture in Adobe Texture Format (ATF) from a ByteArray object. | |
uploadFromBitmapData(flash.display:BitmapData source, uint side, uint miplevel) — method, class CubeTexture | |
Uploads a component of a cube map texture from a BitmapData object. | |
uploadFromBitmapData(flash.display:BitmapData source, uint miplevel) — method, class Texture | |
Uploads a texture from a BitmapData object. | |
uploadFromByteArray(flash.utils:ByteArray data, int byteArrayOffset, int startOffset, int count) — method, class IndexBuffer3D | |
Uploads a set of triangle indices to the rendering context from a byte array. | |
uploadFromByteArray(flash.utils:ByteArray data, int byteArrayOffset, int startVertex, int numVertices) — method, class VertexBuffer3D | |
Uploads the data for a set of points to the rendering context from a byte array. | |
uploadFromByteArray(flash.utils:ByteArray data, uint byteArrayOffset, uint side, uint miplevel) — method, class CubeTexture | |
Uploads a component of a cube map texture from a ByteArray object. | |
uploadFromByteArray(flash.utils:ByteArray data, uint byteArrayOffset, uint miplevel) — method, class Texture | |
Uploads a texture from a ByteArray. | |
uploadFromVector(Vector$uint data, int startOffset, int count) — method, class IndexBuffer3D | |
Uploads a set of triangle indices to the rendering context from a vector array. | |
uploadFromVector(Vector$Number data, int startVertex, int numVertices) — method, class VertexBuffer3D | |
Uploads the data for a set of points to the rendering context from a vector array. | |
uri — class NetConnection | |
The URI passed to the NetConnection.connect() method. | |
uriDereferencer — class XMLSignatureValidator | |
The IURIDereferencer implementation. | |
url — class File | |
The URL for this file path. | |
url — class Sound | |
The URL from which this sound was loaded. | |
url — class URLRequest | |
The URL to be requested. | |
URL_FORMAT — class ClipboardFormats | |
A URL string (AIR only). | |
URLLoader — class, package | |
The URLLoader class downloads data from a URL as text, binary data, or URL-encoded variables. | |
URLLoader( request) — Constructor, class URLLoader | |
Creates a URLLoader object. | |
URLLoaderDataFormat — final class, package | |
The URLLoaderDataFormat class provides values that specify how downloaded data is received. | |
URLMonitor — class, package | |
The URLMonitor class monitors availablity of an HTTP- or HTTPS-based service. | |
URLMonitor( urlRequest, Array acceptableStatusCodes) — Constructor, class URLMonitor | |
Creates a URLMonitor Object for a specified HTTP- or HTTPS-based service. | |
urlPrompt — class DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
A prompt for a URL string, provided by the server. | |
urlRequest — class URLMonitor | |
The URLRequest object representing the probe request. | |
URLRequest — final class, package | |
The URLRequest class captures all of the information in a single HTTP request. | |
URLRequest(String url) — Constructor, class URLRequest | |
Creates a URLRequest object. | |
URLRequestDefaults — class, package | |
The URLRequestDefaults class includes static properties that you can set to define default values for the properties of the URLRequest class. | |
URLRequestHeader — final class, package | |
A URLRequestHeader object encapsulates a single HTTP request header and consists of a name/value pair. | |
URLRequestHeader(String name, String value) — Constructor, class URLRequestHeader | |
Creates a new URLRequestHeader object that encapsulates a single HTTP request header. | |
URLRequestMethod — final class, package | |
The URLRequestMethod class provides values that specify whether the URLRequest object should use the POST method or the GET method when sending data to a server. | |
URLStream — class, package | |
The URLStream class provides low-level access to downloading URLs. | |
URLVariables — Dynamic Class, package | |
The URLVariables class allows you to transfer variables between an application and a server. | |
URLVariables(String source) — Constructor, class URLVariables | |
Creates a new URLVariables object. | |
useCache — class HTMLLoader | |
Specifies whether the local cache should be consulted before HTTP requests issued by this object fetch data. | |
useCache — class URLRequest | |
Specifies whether the local cache should be consulted before this URLRequest fetches data. | |
useCache — class URLRequestDefaults | |
The default setting for the useCache property of URLRequest objects. | |
useCodePage — class System | |
A Boolean value that determines which code page to use to interpret external text files. | |
useEchoSuppression — class Microphone | |
Set to true if echo suppression is enabled; false otherwise. | |
useGrouping — class CurrencyFormatter | |
Enables the use of the grouping separator when formatting currency amounts. | |
useGrouping — class NumberFormatter | |
Enables the use of the grouping separator when formatting numbers. | |
userAgent — class HTMLLoader | |
The user agent string to be used in any upcoming content requests from this HTMLLoader object. | |
userAgent — class URLRequest | |
Specifies the user-agent string to be used in the HTTP request. | |
userAgent — class URLRequestDefaults | |
The default setting for the userAgent property of URLRequest objects. | |
userDirectory — class File | |
The user's directory. | |
userIdle — Event, class NativeApplication | |
Dispatched when the user has been idle. | |
USER_IDLE — class Event | |
The Event.USER_IDLE constant defines the value of the type property of a userIdle event object. | |
usernamePrompt — class DRMAuthenticateEvent | |
A prompt for a user name credential, provided by the server. | |
userPresent — Event, class NativeApplication | |
Dispatched when the operating system detects mouse or keyboard activity after an idle period. | |
USER_PRESENT — class Event | |
The Event.USER_PRESENT constant defines the value of the type property of a userPresent event object. | |
useSpeakerphoneForVoice — class SoundMixer | |
Toggles the speakerphone when the device is in voice mode. | |
useSystemTrustStore — class XMLSignatureValidator | |
Specifies that certificates in the system trust store are used for chain building. | |
USING_DEFAULT_WARNING — class LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that an operating system default value was used during the most recent operation. | |
USING_FALLBACK_WARNING — class LastOperationStatus | |
Indicates that a fallback value was set during the most recent operation. | |
usingTLS — class NetConnection | |
Indicates whether a secure connection was made using native Transport Layer Security (TLS) rather than HTTPS. | |
UTILITY — class NativeWindowType | |
A utility window. | |
Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Thu Sep 29 2011, 02:35 AM -07:00