Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
V — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the V key (86). | |
VAI — Constant Static Property, class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Vai digit set. | |
valid — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched when a component is monitored by a Validator and the validation succeeded. | |
valid — Event, class mx.validators.Validator | |
Dispatched when validation succeeds. | |
valid — Event, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Dispatched when validation succeeds. | |
VALID — Constant Static Property, class | |
Valid status. | |
VALID — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.TextLineValidity | |
Specifies that the text line is valid. | |
VALID — Constant Static Property, class | |
The FlexEvent.VALID constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a valid event. | |
VALID — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ValidationResultEvent.VALID constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a validevent. | |
validate(value:Object, suppressEvents:Boolean) — method, interface mx.validators.IValidator | |
Performs validation and optionally notifies the listeners of the result. | |
validate(value:Object, suppressEvents:Boolean) — method, class mx.validators.Validator | |
Performs validation and optionally notifies the listeners of the result. | |
validate() — method, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor | |
Tests if the value in the editor is valid and may be saved. | |
validate(value:Object, suppressEvents:Boolean) — method, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Performs validation and optionally notifies the listeners of the result. | |
validateAll(validators:Array) — Static Method , class mx.validators.Validator | |
Invokes all the validators in the validators Array. | |
validateAll(validators:Array) — Static Method , class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase | |
Invokes all the validators in the validators Array. | |
validateAsString — Property, class mx.validators.DateValidator | |
Determines how to validate the value. | |
validateButton — Skin Part, class | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display menu item. A Skin part which defines UI component to display menu item. | |
validateClient(target:mx.managers:ILayoutManagerClient, skipDisplayList:Boolean) — method, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManager | |
When properties are changed, components generally do not apply those changes immediately. | |
validateClient(target:mx.managers:ILayoutManagerClient, skipDisplayList:Boolean) — method, class mx.managers.LayoutManager | |
When properties are changed, components generally do not apply those changes immediately. | |
validateCreditCard(validator:mx.validators:CreditCardValidator, value:Object, baseField:String) — Static Method , class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator. | |
validateCurrency(validator:mx.validators:CurrencyValidator, value:Object, baseField:String) — Static Method , class mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator. | |
validateCurrency(value:Object, baseField:String) — method, class spark.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator from within a custom validation function. | |
validateData() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Calls the updateMapping() and updateFilter() methods of the canvas, if necessary. | |
validateData() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Calls the updateMapping() and updateFilter() methods of the canvas, if necessary. | |
validateData() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Calls the updateData() and updateMapping() methods of the series, if necessary. | |
validateDate(validator:mx.validators:DateValidator, value:Object, baseField:String) — Static Method , class mx.validators.DateValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator from within a custom validation function. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Validates the position and size of children and draws other visuals. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls LayoutManager.invalidateDisplayList() method on this ILayoutManagerClient instance, this function is called when it's time to update the display list. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls LayoutManager.invalidateDisplayList() method on this ILayoutManagerClient instance, this function is called when it's time to update the display list. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls LayoutManager.invalidateDisplayList() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, then this function is called when it's time to update the display list. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls LayoutManager.invalidateDisplayList() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, then this function is called when it's time to update the display list. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, interface mx.core.IProgrammaticSkin | |
This function is called by the LayoutManager when it's time for this control to draw itself. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Validates the position and size of children and draws other visuals. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient | |
Validates the position and size of children and draws other visuals. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, class mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
This function is called by the LayoutManager when it's time for this control to draw itself. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, interface spark.core.IGraphicElement | |
Called by the IGraphicElementContainer to redraw this element in its displayObject property. | |
validateDisplayList() — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Called by the IGraphicElementContainer to redraw this element in its displayObject property. | |
validateEmail(validator:mx.validators:EmailValidator, value:Object, baseField:String) — Static Method , class mx.validators.EmailValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator from within a custom validation function. | |
validateExpressionPanel — Skin Part, class | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display ValidateExpression. A Skin part which defines UI component to display ValidateExpression. | |
validateNow() — method, class fl.core.UIComponent | |
Validates and updates the properties and layout of this object, redrawing it if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
Validates and updates the properties and layout of this object by immediately calling validateProperties(), validateSize(), and validateDisplayList(), if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Validates and updates the properties and layout of this object and redraws it, if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, interface mx.core.IInvalidating | |
Validates and updates the properties and layout of this object by immediately calling validateProperties(), validateSize(), and validateDisplayList(), if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, interface mx.core.IProgrammaticSkin | |
Validate and update the properties and layout of this object and redraw it, if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Validate and update the properties and layout of this object and redraw it, if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, class mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
Validate and update the properties and layout of this object and redraw it, if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, class mx.core.UITextField | |
Validate and update the properties and layout of this object and redraw it, if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManager | |
When properties are changed, components generally do not apply those changes immediately. | |
validateNow() — method, class mx.managers.LayoutManager | |
When properties are changed, components generally do not apply those changes immediately. | |
validateNow() — method, class mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Validate and update the properties and layout of this object and redraw it, if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Validates and updates the properties and layout of this object by immediately calling validateProperties(), validateSize(), and validateDisplayList(), if necessary. | |
validateNow() — method, interface spark.skins.IHighlightBitmapCaptureClient | |
Validate the skin. | |
validateNumber(validator:mx.validators:NumberValidator, value:Object, baseField:String) — Static Method , class mx.validators.NumberValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator from within a custom validation function. | |
validateNumber(value:Object, baseField:String) — method, class spark.validators.NumberValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator from within a custom validation function. | |
validatePhoneNumber(validator:mx.validators:PhoneNumberValidator, value:Object, baseField:String) — Static Method , class mx.validators.PhoneNumberValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator from within a custom validation function. | |
validateProperties() — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Validates the properties of a component. | |
validateProperties() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls the LayoutManager.invalidateProperties() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, this function is called when it's time to commit property values. | |
validateProperties() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls the LayoutManager.invalidateProperties() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, this function is called when it's time to commit property values. | |
validateProperties() — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls the LayoutManager.invalidateProperties() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, then this function is called when it's time to commit property values. | |
validateProperties() — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls the LayoutManager.invalidateProperties() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, then this function is called when it's time to commit property values. | |
validateProperties() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Used by layout logic to validate the properties of a component by calling the commitProperties() method. | |
validateProperties() — method, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient | |
Validates the properties of a component. | |
validateProperties() — method, class mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
This function is an empty stub so that ProgrammaticSkin can implement the ILayoutManagerClient interface. | |
validateProperties() — method, interface spark.core.IGraphicElement | |
Called by the IGraphicElementContainer to validate the properties of this element. | |
validateProperties() — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Used by layout logic to validate the properties of a component by calling the commitProperties() method. | |
validateSize(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Validates the measured size of the component If the LayoutManager.invalidateSize() method is called with this ILayoutManagerClient, then the validateSize() method is called when it's time to do measurements. | |
validateSize(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls the LayoutManager.invalidateSize() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, this function is called when it's time to do measurements. | |
validateSize(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls the LayoutManager.invalidateSize() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, this function is called when it's time to do measurements. | |
validateSize(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls the LayoutManager.invalidateSize() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, then this function is called when it's time to do measurements. | |
validateSize(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
If Flex calls the LayoutManager.invalidateSize() method on this ILayoutManagerClient, then this function is called when it's time to do measurements. | |
validateSize(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Validates the measured size of the component If the LayoutManager.invalidateSize() method is called with this ILayoutManagerClient, then the validateSize() method is called when it's time to do measurements. | |
validateSize(recursive:Boolean) — method, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient | |
Validates the measured size of the component If the LayoutManager.invalidateSize() method is called with this ILayoutManagerClient, then the validateSize() method is called when it's time to do measurements. | |
validateSize(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
This function is an empty stub so that ProgrammaticSkin can implement the ILayoutManagerClient interface. | |
validateSize() — method, interface spark.core.IGraphicElement | |
Called by the IGraphicElementContainer to validate the size of this element. | |
validateSize() — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Called by the IGraphicElementContainer to validate the size of this element. | |
validateSocialSecurity(validator:mx.validators:SocialSecurityValidator, value:Object, baseField:String) — Static Method , class mx.validators.SocialSecurityValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator. | |
validateString(validator:mx.validators:StringValidator, value:Object, baseField:String) — Static Method , class mx.validators.StringValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator. | |
validateTransform() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Calls the updateTransform() method of the canvas, if necessary. | |
validateTransform() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Calls the updateTransform() method of the canvas, if necessary. | |
validateTransform() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Calls the updateFilter() and updateTransform() methods of the series, if necessary. | |
validateZipCode(validator:mx.validators:ZipCodeValidator, value:Object, baseField:String) — Static Method , class mx.validators.ZipCodeValidator | |
Convenience method for calling a validator. | |
ValidationResult — class, package mx.validators | |
The ValidationResult class contains the results of a validation. | |
ValidationResult(isError:Boolean, subField:String, errorCode:String, errorMessage:String) — Constructor, class mx.validators.ValidationResult | |
Constructor | |
ValidationResultEvent — class, package | |
The ValidationResultEvent class represents the event object passed to the listener for the valid validator event or the invalid validator event. | |
ValidationResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, field:String, results:Array) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
validationResultHandler( — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Handles both the valid and invalid events from a validator assigned to this component. | |
validationResultHandler( — method, interface mx.validators.IValidatorListener | |
Handles both the valid and invalid events from a validator assigned to this component. | |
validationSubField — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Used by a validator to associate a subfield with this component. | |
validationSubField — Property, interface mx.validators.IValidatorListener | |
Used by a validator to assign a subfield. | |
Validator — class, package mx.validators | |
The Validator class is the base class for all Flex validators. | |
Validator() — Constructor, class mx.validators.Validator | |
Constructor. | |
validExpression — Skin State, class | |
ValildateExpression State of the ValidateExpression | |
VALID_IDENTITY — Constant Static Property, class | |
Only check references if the signing certificate is valid and trusted. | |
validity — Property, class flash.text.engine.TextLine | |
Specifies the current validity of the text line. | |
validity — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
The validity of the line. | |
validityStatus — Property, class | |
The validity status of a verified XML signature. | |
validNextPage — Property, class mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid | |
Indicates that the data provider contains additional data rows that follow the rows that the PrintAdvancedDataGrid control currently displays. | |
validNextPage — Property, class mx.printing.PrintDataGrid | |
Indicates the data provider contains additional data rows that follow the rows that the PrintDataGrid control currently displays. | |
validNextPage — Property, class mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid | |
Indicates that the data provider contains additional data rows that follow the rows that the PrintOLAPDataGrid control currently displays. | |
validNotAfter — Property, class | |
Indicates the date on which the certificate's validity period ends. | |
validNotBefore — Property, class | |
Indicates the date on which the certificate's validity period begins. | |
VALID_OR_UNKNOWN_IDENTITY — Constant Static Property, class | |
Check references even if the signing certificate is untrusted (does not chain to a known trusted root). | |
validPatternChars — Property, class mx.formatters.PhoneFormatter | |
List of valid characters that can be used in the formatString property. | |
validPoints — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.LineSeriesRenderData | |
The number of points in the cache that were not filtered out by the axes. | |
validPreviousPage — Property, class mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid | |
Indicates that the data provider contains data rows that precede the rows that the PrintAdvancedDataGrid control currently displays. | |
validPreviousPage — Property, class mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid | |
Indicates that the data provider contains data rows that precede the rows that the PrintOLAPDataGrid control currently displays. | |
validState — Property, class com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDExplorer | |
validState — Property, class com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars.DDToolbar | |
value — Property, class fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Gets the label of an item in an editable ComboBox component. | |
value — Property, class fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
Gets or sets the current value of the NumericStepper component. | |
value — Property, class fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
Gets or sets a value that indicates the amount of progress that has been made in the load operation. | |
value — Property, class fl.controls.RadioButton | |
A user-defined value that is associated with a radio button. | |
value — Property, class fl.controls.Slider | |
Gets or sets the current value of the Slider component. | |
value — Property, class | |
Gets the new value of the slider, based on its position. | |
value — Property, class flash.display.ShaderParameter | |
The value or values that are passed in as the parameter value to the shader. | |
value — Property, class flash.globalization.CurrencyParseResult | |
The currency amount value that was extracted from the input string. | |
value — Property, class flash.globalization.NumberParseResult | |
The value of the numeric portion of the input string. | |
value — Property, class | |
The value associated with the name property (such as text/plain). | |
value — Property, class flash.ui.GameInputControl | |
Returns the value for this control. | |
value — Property, class mx.charts.AxisLabel | |
The value that the label represents. | |
value — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.BoundedValue | |
The value to be rendered. | |
value — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem | |
The value this wedge represents from the PieSeries' dataProvider. | |
value — Property, class mx.collections.CursorBookmark | |
The underlying marker representation of the bookmark. | |
value — Property, class mx.controls.ComboBase | |
The value of the selected item. | |
value — Property, class mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Current value displayed in the text area of the NumericStepper control. | |
value — Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Read-only property that contains the amount of progress that has been made - between the minimum and maximum values. | |
value — Property, class mx.controls.RadioButton | |
Optional user-defined value that is associated with a RadioButton control. | |
value — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The selected item, or the data or label field of the selected item. | |
value — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The selected item, or the data or label field of the selected item. | |
value — Property, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Contains the position of the thumb, and is a number between the minimum and maximum properties. | |
value — Property, class mx.effects.SetPropertyAction | |
The new value for the property. | |
value — Property, class mx.effects.SetStyleAction | |
The new value for the style property. | |
value — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.SetPropertyActionInstance | |
The new value for the property. | |
value — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.SetStyleActionInstance | |
The new value for the property. | |
value — Property, class | |
Value of property, or array of parameters for method. | |
value — Property, class | |
The value of the NumericStepper control when the event was dispatched. | |
value — Property, class | |
Value of property, or array of parameters for method. | |
value — Property, class | |
The new value of the slider. | |
value — Property, class | |
For a tweenStart or tweenUpdate event, the value passed to the onTweenUpdate() method; for a tweenEnd event, the value passed to the onTweenEnd() method. | |
value — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCell | |
The raw value in the cell. | |
value — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPCell | |
The raw value in the cell. | |
value — Property, class mx.states.SetProperty | |
The new value for the property. | |
value — Property, class mx.states.SetStyle | |
The new value for the style. | |
value — Property, class mx.styles.CSSCondition | |
The value of this condition without any CSS syntax. | |
value — Property, class mx.utils.LinkedListNode | |
Generic value associated with this node. | |
value — Property, class | |
The new value. | |
value — Property, class spark.components.RadioButton | |
Optional user-defined value that is associated with a RadioButton component. | |
value — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor | |
By default, this property is initialized by the setter method of the data property. | |
value — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.Range | |
The current value for this range. | |
value — Property, class spark.effects.SetAction | |
The new value for the property. | |
value — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Keyframe | |
The value that the property of the effect target should have at the time specified by the time property. | |
value — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.SetActionInstance | |
The new value for the property. | |
valueBy — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Keyframe | |
Optional parameter which, if specified, is used to calculate value in this keyframe or the previous one. | |
valueBy — Property, class spark.effects.animation.SimpleMotionPath | |
Optional property which specifies the delta used to calculate either the valueFrom or valueTo value. | |
valueCommit — Event, interface mx.core.ISelectableList | |
Dispatched when the selectedIndex property changes. | |
valueCommit — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched when values are changed programmatically or by user interaction. | |
valueCommit — Event, class spark.components.DateSpinner | |
Dispatched after the selected date has been changed, either by the user (i.e. | |
valueCommit — Event, class spark.components.RadioButtonGroup | |
Dispatched when values are changed programmatically or by user interaction. | |
valueCommit — Event, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Dispatched when the view navigator's selected index changes. | |
VALUE_COMMIT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a valueCommit event. | |
valueDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the value for USER linkage A skin part that defines the value for USER linkage | |
valueDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines literal value entered by user A skin part that defines literal value entered by user | |
valueFactory — Property, class mx.states.SetProperty | |
An optional write-only property from which to obtain a shared value. | |
valueFactory — Property, class mx.states.SetStyle | |
An optional write-only property from which to obtain a shared value. | |
valueFormatFunction — Property, class spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Callback function that formats the value displayed in the skin's textDisplay property. | |
valueFrom — Property, class spark.effects.animation.SimpleMotionPath | |
The starting value for the property during the animation. | |
valueInput — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.component.ExtendedProperty | |
A skin part that defines a SkinnableTextBase for property value. A skin part that defines a SkinnableTextBase for property value. | |
valueOf() — method, class Boolean | |
Returns true if the value of the specified Boolean object is true; false otherwise. | |
valueOf() — method, class Date | |
Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970, universal time, for a Date object. | |
valueOf() — method, class Namespace | |
Returns the URI value of the specified object. | |
valueOf() — method, class Number | |
Returns the primitive value type of the specified Number object. | |
valueOf() — method, class Object | |
Returns the primitive value of the specified object. | |
valueOf() — method, class QName | |
Returns the QName object. | |
valueOf() — method, class String | |
Returns the primitive value of a String instance. | |
valueOf() — method, class XML | |
Returns the XML object. | |
valueOf() — method, class XMLList | |
Returns the XMLList object. | |
valueOf() — method, class int | |
Returns the primitive value of the specified int object. | |
valueOf() — method, class uint | |
Returns the primitive uint type value of the specified uint object. | |
valueParseFunction — Property, class spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Callback function that extracts the numeric value from the displayed value in the skin's textDisplay field. | |
values — Property, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
An array of values for each thumb when thumbCount is greater than 1. | |
valueSetInput — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.EditDataElement | |
A skin part that defines an optional SkinnableTextBase for data element value set. A skin part that defines an optional SkinnableTextBase for data element value set. | |
valueSetInput — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement | |
A skin part that defines an optional SkinnableTextBase for data element value set. A skin part that defines an optional SkinnableTextBase for data element value set. | |
valueSetInput — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor | |
A skin part that defines the appearance of the data dictionary element value set. A skin part that defines the appearance of the data dictionary element value set. | |
valueTo — Property, class spark.effects.animation.SimpleMotionPath | |
The value that the named property will animate to. | |
var — Statement | |
Specifies a variable. | |
VariableColumn() — Constructor, class ga.layouts.VariableColumn | |
Constructor. | |
VariableColumnSkin() — Constructor, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins.VariableColumnSkin | |
Constructor. | |
variableColumnWidth — Property, class spark.components.HGroup | |
If true, specifies that layout elements are to be allocated their preferred width. | |
variableColumnWidth — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
If true, specifies that layout elements are to be allocated their preferred width. | |
variableLinkageEditor — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines VariableLinkageAssignmentEditor component A skin part that defines VariableLinkageAssignmentEditor component | |
variablePanel — Skin Part, class | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Varaible Panels . A Skin part which defines UI component to display Varaible Panels . | |
variableRowHeight — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the individual rows can have different height. | |
variableRowHeight — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A flag that indicates whether the individual rows can have different height. | |
variableRowHeight — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
If true, each row's height is the maximum of preferred heights of the cells displayed so far. | |
variableRowHeight — Property, class spark.components.Grid | |
If true, each row's height is the maximum of preferred heights of the cells displayed so far. | |
variableRowHeight — Property, class spark.components.VGroup | |
Specifies whether layout elements are allocated their preferred height. | |
variableRowHeight — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout | |
Specifies whether layout elements are allocated their preferred height. | |
VARIABLES — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies that downloaded data is received as URL-encoded variables. | |
variant — Property, class mx.resources.Locale | |
The variant part of this Locale instance. | |
VBox — class, package mx.containers | |
The Halo VBox container lays out its children in a single vertical column. | |
VBox() — Constructor, class mx.containers.VBox | |
Constructor. | |
VDividedBox — class, package mx.containers | |
The VDividedBox container lays out its children vertically in the same way as the VBox container, but it inserts a draggable divider in the gap between each child. | |
VDividedBox() — Constructor, class mx.containers.VDividedBox | |
Constructor. | |
vector — Property, class | |
The Vector.<Number> object that was passed to the ShaderJob.start() method. | |
Vector(sourceArray:Object) — Package Function, Top Level | |
Creates a new Vector instance whose elements are instances of the specified data type. | |
Vector — Dynamic Class, Top Level | |
The Vector class lets you access and manipulate a vector — an array whose elements all have the same data type. | |
Vector(length:uint, fixed:Boolean) — Constructor, class Vector | |
Creates a Vector with the specified base type. | |
VECTOR — Constant Static Property, class flash.printing.PrintMethod | |
The vector method of printing. | |
Vector3D — class, package flash.geom | |
The Vector3D class represents a point or a location in the three-dimensional space using the Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z. | |
Vector3D(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, w:Number) — Constructor, class flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Creates an instance of a Vector3D object. | |
vectorClass — Property, class mx.states.AddItems | |
When the collection represented by the target property is a Vector, vectorClass is the type of the target. | |
velocity — Property, class | |
The velocity, in pixels per second, of the transform gesture event. | |
verify(signature:XML) — method, class | |
Verifies the specified signature. | |
verifyDigest — Property, class mx.core.RSLData | |
True if the digest must be verified before loading the RSL into memory. | |
VerifyError — Dynamic Class, Top Level | |
The VerifyError class represents an error that occurs when a malformed or corrupted SWF file is encountered. | |
VerifyError(message:String) — Constructor, class VerifyError | |
Creates a new VerifyError object. | |
version — Property, class | |
The version string of the update. | |
version — Property, class | |
The version string of the update. | |
version — Property, class | |
version — Property, class | |
version — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
version — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
version — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
version — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
version — Constant Property, class fl.core.UIComponent | |
The version number of the components. | |
version — Property, class | |
Provides the version number of the certificate format. | |
version — Static Property, class flash.system.Capabilities | |
Specifies the Flash Player or Adobe® AIR® platform and version information. | |
version — Property, class spark.primitives.Graphic | |
Specifies the FXG version this Graphic tag is targeting. | |
VERSION — Constant Static Property, class | |
State variable indicating the long version number of the component. | |
VERSION — Constant Static Property, class | |
State variable indicating the long version number of the component. | |
VERSION — Constant Static Property, class | |
State variable indicating the long version number of the component. | |
VERSION — Constant Static Property, class | |
State variable indicating the long version number of the component. | |
VERSION — Constant Static Property, class | |
State variable indicating the long version number of the component. | |
VERSION — Constant Static Property, class | |
State variable indicating the long version number of the component. | |
VERSION_1_0 — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion | |
The version number value of TLF 1.0, encoded numerically as a uint. | |
VERSION_1_1 — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion | |
The version number value of TLF 1.1, encoded numerically as a uint. | |
VERSION_2_0 — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion | |
The version number value of TLF 2.0, encoded numerically as a uint. | |
VERSION_2_0 — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
The compatibilityVersion value of Flex 2.0, encoded numerically as a uint. | |
VERSION_2_0_1 — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
The compatibilityVersion value of Flex 2.0.1, encoded numerically as a uint. | |
VERSION_3_0 — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
The compatibilityVersion value of Flex 3.0, encoded numerically as a uint. | |
VERSION_4_0 — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
The compatibilityVersion value of Flex 4.0, encoded numerically as a uint. | |
VERSION_4_5 — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
The compatibilityVersion value of Flex 4.5, encoded numerically as a uint. | |
VERSION_4_6 — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
The compatibilityVersion value of Flex 4.6, encoded numerically as a uint. | |
VERSION_ALREADY_READ — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
A String passed as a parameter to the compatibilityErrorFunction() method if the compatibility version has already been read. | |
VERSION_ALREADY_SET — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
A String passed as a parameter to the compatibilityErrorFunction() method if the compatibility version has already been set. | |
versionDataProviderChanged — Property, class | |
versionDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the asset's version A skin part that defines the asset's version | |
versionDropDown — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the DropDownListBase object that displays the version details. A reference to the DropDownListBase object that displays the version details. | |
versionLabel — Property, class | |
The version label string of the update. | |
versionLabel — Property, class | |
The version label string of the update. | |
VERTEX — Constant Static Property, class flash.display3D.Context3DProgramType | |
A vertex program. | |
VertexBuffer3D — class, package flash.display3D | |
The VertexBuffer3D class represents a set of vertex data uploaded to a rendering context. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection | |
Indicates that the ScrollBar component instance is used for vertical scrolling. | |
VERTICAL — Static Property, class fl.controls.SliderDirection | |
Position the Slider component on the vertical axis. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.LineScaleMode | |
With this setting used as the scaleMode parameter of the lineStyle() method, the thickness of the line scales only vertically. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class | |
The user scrolled vertically. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
The value of this constant is passed to methods such as getNextItem() and getPrevItem(). | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.containers.BoxDirection | |
Specifies that children of the Box container are laid out vertically. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.containers.FormItemDirection | |
Specifies that the children of the FormItem container are laid out vertically. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.containers.TileDirection | |
Specifies that the children of the Tile container are laid out vertically; that is, starting with the first column. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.TileBaseDirection | |
Arrange chidren vertically. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBarDirection | |
Specifies that a ScrollBar control is for vertical scrolling. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.SliderDirection | |
Specifies to display a vertical slider. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.ContainerLayout | |
Use vertical layout for the contents of this container. | |
VERTICAL — Constant Static Property, class | |
The user scrolled vertically. | |
verticalAccuracy — Property, class | |
The vertical accuracy in meters. | |
verticalAlign — Property, class fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Vertical alignment or justification (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
verticalAlign — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Vertical alignment or justification (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
verticalAlign — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Vertical alignment or justification (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
verticalAlign — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Vertical alignment or justification (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
verticalAlign — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Vertical alignment or justification (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
verticalAlign — Property, class spark.components.HGroup | |
The vertical alignment of layout elements. | |
verticalAlign — Property, class spark.components.Image | |
The vertical alignment of the content when it does not have a one-to-one aspect ratio and scaleMode is set to | |
verticalAlign — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup | |
Specifies how to align the elements within the cells in the vertical direction. | |
verticalAlign — Property, class spark.components.VGroup | |
The vertical alignment of the content relative to the container's height. | |
verticalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
The vertical alignment of layout elements. | |
verticalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Specifies how to align the elements within the cells in the vertical direction. | |
verticalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout | |
The vertical alignment of the content relative to the container's height. | |
verticalAlign — Property, class spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
The vertical alignment of the content when it does not have a one-to-one aspect ratio and scaleMode is set to | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Vertical alignment of each child inside its tile cell. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.Tile | |
Vertical alignment of each child inside its tile cell. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.Box | |
Vertical alignment of children in the container. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.GridRow | |
Vertical alignment of children in the container. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.Panel | |
Vertical alignment of children in the container. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer | |
Vertical alignment of the header text. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The vertical alignment of a renderer in a row. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The vertical alignment of a renderer in a row. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.TabBar | |
Vertical alignment of all tabs within the TabBar. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
The vertical alignment of the content when it does not have a one-to-one aspect ratio. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.ButtonBar | |
Vertical alignment of all buttons within the ButtonBar. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class mx.core.LayoutContainer | |
Vertical alignment of children in the container. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Vertical alignment or justification. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class spark.components.Label | |
Vertical alignment or justification. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class spark.components.RichText | |
Vertical alignment or justification. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Vertical alignment or justification. | |
verticalAlign — Style, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
The vertical alignment of the content when it does not have a one-to-one aspect ratio. | |
VerticalAlign — final class, package flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Defines values for the verticalAlign property of the TextLayoutFormat class. | |
VerticalAlign — final class, package spark.layouts | |
The VerticalAlign class defines the possible values for the verticalAlign property of the HorizontalLayout class. | |
verticalAlternateFill — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines | |
Specifies the fill pattern for alternating vertical bands not defined by the fill property. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
verticalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the y-axis. | |
VERTICAL_AXIS — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianTransform | |
A String representing the vertical axis. | |
verticalAxisRatio — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Determines the width limit of the vertical axis. | |
verticalAxisRenderers — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Specifies how data appears along the y-axis of a chart. | |
verticalAxisStyleNames — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
An array of class selectors that define the style properties for vertical axes. | |
verticalAxisTitleAlignment — Style, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies how vertical axis title is to be rendered. | |
verticalCenter — Property, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement | |
The vertical distance in pixels from the center of the component to the center of the anchor target's content area. | |
verticalCenter — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
For components, this layout constraint property is a facade on top of the similarly-named style. | |
verticalCenter — Property, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
The vertical distance in pixels from the center of the component's content area to the center of the component. | |
verticalCenter — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
The vertical distance in pixels from the center of the component to the center of the anchor target's content area. | |
verticalCenter — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
The vertical distance in pixels from the center of the component to the center of the anchor target's content area. | |
verticalCenter — Style, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
The vertical distance in pixels from the center of the component's content area to the center of the component. | |
verticalChangeCount — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines | |
Specifies the number of tick marks between vertical grid lines. | |
verticalDivider — Skin Part, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVerticalDivider | |
verticalDividerCursor — Style, class mx.containers.DividedBox | |
The cursor skin for a vertical DividedBox. | |
verticalFill — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines | |
Specifies the fill pattern for alternating vertical bands created by the grid lines. | |
verticalFocus — Property, class mx.charts.effects.SeriesZoom | |
Defines the location of the focal point of the zoom. | |
verticalFocus — Property, class mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesZoomInstance | |
Defines the location of the focul point of the zoom. | |
verticalGap — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup | |
Vertical space between rows, in pixels. | |
verticalGap — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Vertical space between rows, in pixels. | |
verticalGap — Property, class spark.layouts.ViewMenuLayout | |
The vertical space between rows, in pixels. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.containers.dividedBoxClasses.BoxDivider | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Form | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.containers.ViewStack | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.containers.FormItem | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Grid | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Tile | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Box | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Panel | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Accordion | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.controls.listClasses.TileListItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.controls.TabBar | |
Number of pixels between tab navigation items in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.controls.Button | |
Gap between the button's label and icon when the labelPlacement property is set to "top" or "bottom". | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.controls.ButtonBar | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.controls.LinkBar | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class mx.core.LayoutContainer | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGap — Style, class spark.components.IconItemRenderer | |
Number of pixels between children in the vertical direction. | |
verticalGradientMatrix(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns a box Matrix which can be passed to drawRoundRect() as the rot parameter when drawing a vertical gradient. | |
verticalGradientMatrix(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number) — method, class mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin | |
Utility function to create a vertical gradient matrix. | |
verticalGridLineColor — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
The color of the vertical grid lines. | |
verticalGridLineColor — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
The color of the vertical grid lines. | |
verticalGridLines — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
A flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. | |
verticalGridLines — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
A flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. | |
VerticalLayout — class, package spark.layouts | |
The VerticalLayout class arranges the layout elements in a vertical sequence, top to bottom, with optional gaps between the elements and optional padding around the sequence of elements. | |
VerticalLayout() — Constructor, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout | |
Constructor. | |
verticalLineScrollSize — Property, class fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
Gets or sets a value that describes how many pixels to scroll vertically when a scroll arrow is clicked. | |
verticalLineScrollSize — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Number of pixels to scroll when the up- or down-arrow button in the vertical scroll bar is pressed, or when you scroll by using the mouse wheel. | |
verticalLockedSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separator between the locked and unlocked columns in a DataGrid control. | |
verticalLockedSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separator between the locked and unlocked columns in a AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
verticalOriginStroke — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines | |
Specifies the line style for the vertical origin. | |
verticalPageScrollSize — Property, class fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
Gets or sets the count of pixels by which to move the scroll thumb on the vertical scroll bar when the scroll bar track is pressed. | |
verticalPageScrollSize — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Number of pixels to scroll when the track in the vertical scroll bar is pressed. | |
verticalPosition — Property, class spark.components.Callout | |
Vertical position of the callout relative to the owner. | |
verticalPosition — Property, class spark.components.CalloutButton | |
Vertical position of the callout relative to the owner. | |
verticalScrollBar — Property, class fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
Gets a reference to the vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollBar — Property, class fl.controls.TextArea | |
Gets a reference to the vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollBar — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
The vertical scrollbar used in this container. | |
verticalScrollBar — Property, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
The vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollBar — Skin Part, class spark.components.Scroller | |
A skin part that defines the vertical scroll bar. This property should be considered read-only. It is only set by the Scroller's skin. This property is Bindable. A skin part that defines the vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollBarFactory — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ScrollerSkin | |
A vertical scrollbar that lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit vertically in a display area. | |
verticalScrollBarFactory — Skin Part, class spark.components.Scroller | |
A skin part that defines the vertical scroll bar. The verticalScrollBar skin part takes precedence over this skin part. When Scroller creates an instance of this part, it will set the verticalScrollBar skin part to that instance. This property should be considered read-only. It is only set by the Scroller's skin. To access the VScrollBar instance, use verticalScrollBar. A skin part that defines the vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollBarStyleName — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Style name for vertical scrollbar. | |
verticalScrollBarStyleName — Style, class mx.core.Container | |
The name of the vertical scrollbar style. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Property, class fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
Gets or sets a value that indicates the state of the vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Property, class fl.controls.TextArea | |
Gets or sets the scroll policy for the vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Specifies the vertical scrolling policy, which you can set by assigning one of the constants of the ScrollPolicy class: ON, OFF, or, AUTO. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Property, class flashx.textLayout.factory.TextLineFactoryBase | |
Specifies how lines are created when the composition bounds are not large enough. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea | |
Whether the vertical scroll bar is always on (ScrollPolicy.ON), always off (ScrollPolicy.OFF), or turns on when needed (ScrollPolicy.AUTO). | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Specifies whether the vertical scroll bar is always present, always absent, or automatically added when needed. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Property, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
A property that indicates whether the vertical scroll bar is always on, always off, or automatically changes based on the parameters passed to the setScrollBarProperties() method. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Style, class spark.components.TextArea | |
Indicates under what conditions the vertical scroll bar is displayed. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Style, class spark.components.List | |
Indicates under what conditions the vertical scroll bar is displayed. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Style, class spark.components.Scroller | |
Indicates under what conditions the vertical scroll bar is displayed. | |
verticalScrollPolicy — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
Indicates under what conditions the vertical scroll bar is displayed. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
Gets or sets a value that describes the vertical position of the vertical scroll bar in the scroll pane, in pixels. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class fl.controls.TextArea | |
Gets or sets the change in the position of the scroll bar thumb, in pixels, after the user scrolls the text field vertically. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Specifies the current vertical scroll location on the stage. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Specifies the current vertical scroll location on the stage. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
The current position of the vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea | |
Line number of the top row of characters that is currently displayed. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
The current position of the vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, interface mx.core.IContainer | |
The current position of the vertical scroll bar. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
The offset into the content from the top edge. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The number of pixels by which the text is scrolled vertically. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The y coordinate of the origin of the viewport in the component's coordinate system, where the default value is (0,0) corresponding to the upper-left corner of the component. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
The vertical scroll position of the text. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, interface spark.core.IEditableText | |
The vertical scroll position of the text. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, interface spark.core.IViewport | |
The y coordinate of the origin of the viewport in the component's coordinate system, where the default value is (0,0) corresponding to the upper-left corner of the component. | |
verticalScrollPosition — Property, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
The y coordinate of the origin of the viewport in the component's coordinate system, where the default value is (0,0) corresponding to the upper-left corner of the component. | |
verticalSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separators between columns in a DataGrid control. | |
verticalSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separators between columns in a AdvancedDataGrid control. | |
verticalShowOrigin — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines | |
Determines whether to draw the vertical Origin. | |
verticalStroke — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines | |
Specifies the line style for vertical grid lines. | |
verticalTextLayout — Property, interface flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
Indicates whether the text in the component is vertical or not. | |
verticalTickAligned — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines | |
Determines whether to align vertical grid lines with tick marks. | |
vertices — Property, class flash.display.GraphicsTrianglePath | |
A Vector of Numbers where each pair of numbers is treated as a point (an x, y pair). | |
VGroup — class, package spark.components | |
The VGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the VerticalLayout class. | |
VGroup() — Constructor, class spark.components.VGroup | |
Constructor. | |
Video — class, package | |
The Video class displays live or recorded video in an application without embedding the video in your SWF file. | |
Video(width:int, height:int) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a new Video instance. | |
VIDEO — Constant Static Property, class | |
A video. | |
VideoAlign — final class, package | |
The VideoAlign class provides constant values to use for the FLVPlayback.align and VideoPlayer.align properties. | |
videoBufferByteLength — Property, class | |
Provides the NetStream video buffer size in bytes. | |
videoBufferLength — Property, class | |
Provides NetStream video buffer size in seconds. | |
videoByteCount — Property, class | |
Specifies the total number of video bytes that have arrived in the queue, regardless of how many have been played or flushed. | |
videoBytesPerSecond — Property, class | |
Specifies the rate at which the NetStream video buffer is filled in bytes per second. | |
VideoCodec — final class, package | |
The VideoCodec class is an enumeration of constant values of supported video codecs. | |
videoDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VideoPlayerSkin | |
A required skin part that defines the VideoDisplay. | |
videoDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.VideoPlayerSkin | |
A required skin part that defines the VideoDisplay. | |
videoDisplay — Skin Part, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
A required skin part that defines the VideoDisplay. A required skin part that defines the VideoDisplay. | |
VideoDisplay — class, package mx.controls | |
The VideoDisplay control lets you play an FLV file in a Flex application. | |
VideoDisplay — class, package spark.components | |
The VideoDisplay class is chromeless video player that supports progressive download, multi-bitrate, and streaming video. | |
VideoDisplay() — Constructor, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Constructor. | |
VideoDisplay() — Constructor, class spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Constructor. | |
VideoDisplayAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the VideoDisplay control. | |
VideoDisplayAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:VideoDisplay) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.VideoDisplayAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
VideoError — class, package | |
The VideoError exception is the primary mechanism for reporting runtime errors from the FLVPlayback and VideoPlayer classes. | |
VideoError — class, package mx.controls.videoClasses | |
The VideoError class represents the error codes for errors thrown by the VideoDisplay control. | |
VideoError(errCode:uint, msg:String) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a new VideoError object. | |
VideoError(errCode:uint, msg:String) — Constructor, class mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError | |
Constructor. | |
VideoEvent — class, package | |
Flash® Player dispatches a VideoEvent object when the user plays a video. | |
VideoEvent — class, package | |
This event class reports the current video rendering status. | |
VideoEvent — class, package | |
The VideoEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events dispatched by the VideoDisplay control, and defines the values of the VideoDisplay.state property. | |
VideoEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, state:String, playheadTime:Number, vp:uint) — Constructor, class | |
Creates an Event object that contains information about video events. | |
VideoEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, status:String) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
VideoEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, state:String, playheadTime:Number) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
videoFrame — Event, class | |
Dispatched after a new camera frame is processed by the runtime and is available to be copied. | |
VIDEO_FRAME — Constant Static Property, class | |
The Event.VIDEO_FRAME constant defines the value of the type property of a videoFrame event object. | |
videoHeight — Property, class | |
The source width of the loaded FLV file. | |
videoHeight — Property, class flash.display3D.textures.VideoTexture | |
An integer specifying the height of the video stream, in pixels. | |
videoHeight — Property, class | |
An integer specifying the height of the video stream, in pixels. | |
videoHeight — Property, class | |
An integer specifying the height of the video stream, in pixels. | |
videoHeight — Property, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Height of the loaded FLV file. | |
videoLossRate — Property, class | |
Provides the NetStream video loss rate (ratio of lost messages to total messages). | |
videoObject — Property, class spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
The underlying flash player object. | |
videoObject — Property, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
The underlying flash player object. | |
videoPlayer — Property, interface | |
The VideoPlayer object that owns this object. | |
videoPlayer — Property, class | |
The VideoPlayer object that owns this object. | |
VideoPlayer — class, package | |
The VideoPlayer class lets you create a video player with a slightly smaller SWF file than if you used the FLVPlayback component. | |
VideoPlayer — class, package spark.components | |
The VideoPlayer control is a skinnable video player that supports progressive download, multi-bitrate streaming, and streaming video. | |
VideoPlayer(width:int, height:int) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a VideoPlayer object with a specified width and height. | |
VideoPlayer() — Constructor, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Constructor. | |
VideoPlayerAccImpl — class, package spark.accessibility | |
VideoPlayerAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.VideoPlayer. | |
VideoPlayerAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class spark.accessibility.VideoPlayerAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
videoPlayerIndex — Property, class | |
Connects the captioning to a specific VideoPlayer in the FLVPlayback component. | |
VideoPlayerSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VideoPlayerSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VideoPlayerSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.VideoPlayerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VideoPlayerSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.VideoPlayerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VideoProgressEvent — class, package | |
Flash® Player dispatches a VideoProgressEvent object when the user makes a request for the number of bytes loaded during a progressive HTTP download of their video. | |
VideoProgressEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, bytesLoaded:uint, bytesTotal:uint, vp:uint) — Constructor, class | |
Creates an Event object that contains information about progress events. | |
videoReliable — Property, class | |
For RTMFP connections, specifies whether video is sent with full reliability. | |
videoSampleAccess — Property, class | |
For RTMFP connections, specifies whether peer-to-peer subscribers on this NetStream are allowed to capture the video stream. | |
VideoScaleMode — final class, package | |
The VideoScaleMode class provides constant values to use for the FLVPlayback.scaleMode and VideoPlayer.scaleMode properties. | |
VideoState — final class, package | |
The VideoState class provides constant values for the read-only FLVPlayback.state and VideoPlayer.state properties. | |
VideoStatus — final class, package | |
This class defines an enumeration that describes possible levels of video decoding. | |
videoStreamSettings — Property, class | |
Specify stream compression properties. | |
VideoStreamSettings — class, package | |
The VideoStreamSettings class enables specifying video compression settings for each NetStream. | |
VideoStreamSettings() — Constructor, class | |
Creates a setting object that specifies to use Sorenson Spark video codec for compresion. | |
VideoTexture — final class, package flash.display3D.textures | |
Prior to Flash Player 21, the use of video in Stage3D required the use of the Video object (which is not hardware accelerated), copying of video frame to a BitmapData object, and loading of the data onto the GPU which is CPU intensive. | |
VideoTextureEvent — class, package | |
Almost exactly StageVideoEvent. | |
VideoTextureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, status:String, colorSpace:String) — Constructor, class | |
videoWidth — Property, class | |
The source width of the loaded FLV file. | |
videoWidth — Property, class flash.display3D.textures.VideoTexture | |
An integer specifying the width of the video stream, in pixels. | |
videoWidth — Property, class | |
An integer specifying the width of the video stream, in pixels. | |
videoWidth — Property, class | |
An integer specifying the width of the video stream, in pixels. | |
videoWidth — Property, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Width of the loaded FLV file. | |
view — Property, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor | |
A reference to the ICollectionView with which this cursor is associated. | |
view — Property, interface mx.collections.IViewCursor | |
A reference to the ICollectionView with which this cursor is associated. | |
view — Skin State, class com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor | |
View state of the DDEMetaEditor. | |
view — Skin State, class com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars.DDToolbar | |
View/Read only state of the ToolBar. | |
view — Skin State, class com.adobe.dct.view.PropertyContainer | |
View state or the PropertyContainer. | |
View — class, package spark.components | |
The View class is the base container class for all views used by view navigators. | |
View — Skin State, class com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDEditor | |
View state where values are non editable. | |
View — Skin State, class com.adobe.dct.component.ExtendedProperty | |
View state where values are non editable. | |
View — Skin State, class com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryServiceView | |
View State of the DictionaryServiceView | |
View — Skin State, class com.adobe.dct.view.DictionaryPropertiesView | |
View State of the DictionaryPropertiesView. | |
View — Skin State, class | |
View state of the IccRichTextControlToolbar | |
View — Skin State, class | |
View state of the CategoryEditor | |
View — Skin State, class | |
View state of the AssetPropertiesEditor | |
View() — Constructor, class spark.components.View | |
Constructor. | |
viewActivate — Event, class spark.components.View | |
Dispatched when the current view has been activated. | |
VIEW_ACTIVATE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ViewNavigatorEvent.VIEW_ACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an viewActivate event. | |
viewDeactivate — Event, class spark.components.View | |
Dispatched when the current view has been deactivated. | |
VIEW_DEACTIVATE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ViewNavigatorEvent.VIEW_DEACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an viewDeactivate event. | |
viewHeight — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Defines the vertical space that the graphic uses in the layout. | |
viewHeight — Property, class spark.primitives.Graphic | |
Defines the vertical space that the graphic uses in the layout. | |
viewMenu — Property, class | |
Creates an action menu from this factory when the menu button is pressed | |
viewMenu — Property, class | |
Creates an action menu from this factory when the menu button is pressed | |
viewMenu — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines view menu to select the data or content view. A skin part that defines view menu to select the data or content view. | |
viewMenu — Skin Part, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | |
Dynamic skin part that defines the ViewMenu used to display the view menu when the menu button is pressed. The default skin uses a factory that generates an ViewMenu instance. Dynamic skin part that defines the ViewMenu used to display the view menu when the menu button is pressed. | |
ViewMenu — class, package spark.components | |
The ViewMenu container defines a menu in a View container. | |
ViewMenu() — Constructor, class spark.components.ViewMenu | |
Constructor. | |
ViewMenuItem — class, package spark.components | |
The ViewMenuItem control displays a label and icon for a menu item in the ViewMenu container. | |
ViewMenuItem() — Constructor, class spark.components.ViewMenuItem | |
Constructor. | |
viewMenuItems — Property, class spark.components.View | |
The Vector of ViewMenuItem objects passed to the ViewMenu when this View is the active view. | |
ViewMenuItemSkin — class, package | |
Default skin for ViewMenuItem. | |
ViewMenuItemSkin() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
ViewMenuLayout — class, package spark.layouts | |
The ViewMenuLayout class defines the layout of the ViewMenu container. | |
ViewMenuLayout() — Constructor, class spark.layouts.ViewMenuLayout | |
Constructor. | |
viewMenuOpen — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | |
Opens the view menu if set to true, and closes it if set to false. | |
ViewMenuSkin — class, package | |
The default skin class for a Spark ViewMenu in a mobile application. | |
ViewMenuSkin() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
viewMetrics — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Returns an object that has four properties: left, top, right, and bottom. | |
viewMetrics — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Returns an object that has four properties: left, top, right, and bottom. | |
viewMetrics — Property, interface mx.core.IContainer | |
Returns an object that has four properties: left, top, right, and bottom. | |
viewMetrics — Property, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
An EdgeMetrics object taking into account the scroll bars, if visible. | |
viewMetricsAndPadding — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Returns an object that has four properties: left, top, right, and bottom. | |
viewMetricsAndPadding — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Returns an object that has four properties: left, top, right, and bottom. | |
viewMode — Property, class com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDExplorer | |
ViewNavigator — class, package spark.components | |
The ViewNavigator component is a container that consists of a collection of View objects, where only the top most view is visible and active. | |
ViewNavigator() — Constructor, class spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Constructor. | |
ViewNavigatorAction — final class, package spark.components.supportClasses | |
The ViewNavigatorAction class defines the constant values for the action property of ViewNavigatorEvent class. | |
ViewNavigatorApplication — class, package spark.components | |
The ViewNavigatorApplication class is an application class meant to provide a simple framework for applications that employ a view-based navigation model. | |
ViewNavigatorApplication() — Constructor, class spark.components.ViewNavigatorApplication | |
Constructor. | |
ViewNavigatorApplicationBase — class, package spark.components.supportClasses | |
The ViewNavigatorApplicationBase class is the base class used for all view-based application types. | |
ViewNavigatorApplicationBase() — Constructor, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | |
Constructor | |
ViewNavigatorApplicationSkin — class, package | |
The ActionScript-based skin used for ViewNavigatorApplication. | |
ViewNavigatorApplicationSkin() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
ViewNavigatorBase — class, package spark.components.supportClasses | |
The ViewNavigatorBase class defines the base class logic and interface used by view navigators. | |
ViewNavigatorBase() — Constructor, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase | |
Constructor. | |
ViewNavigatorEvent — class, package | |
The ViewNavigatorEvent class represents event objects dispatched by the View class. | |
ViewNavigatorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, action:String) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
viewNavigatorPopUp — Property, class | |
The popUp used to display a navigator when showFirstViewNavigatorInPopUp() is called. | |
viewNavigatorPopUp — Skin Part, class spark.components.SplitViewNavigator | |
The popUp used to display a navigator when showFirstViewNavigatorInPopUp() is called. When creating a custom MXML skin, this component should not be on the display list, but instead declared inside a fx:Declarations tag. The popUp used to display a navigator when showFirstViewNavigatorInPopUp() is called. | |
ViewNavigatorSkin — class, package | |
The ActionScript-based skin for view navigators in mobile applications. | |
ViewNavigatorSkin() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
viewport — Property, class spark.components.HScrollBar | |
The viewport controlled by this scrollbar. | |
viewport — Property, class spark.components.Scroller | |
The viewport component to be scrolled. | |
viewport — Property, class spark.components.VScrollBar | |
The viewport controlled by this scrollbar. | |
viewport — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
The viewport controlled by this scrollbar. | |
viewPort — Property, class | |
The absolute position and size of the video surface in pixels. | |
viewPort — Property, class | |
The area on the stage in which the StageWebView object is displayed. | |
viewPort — Property, class flash.text.StageText | |
The area on the stage in which the StageText object is displayed. | |
ViewReturnObject — class, package spark.components.supportClasses | |
The ViewReturnObject class encapsulates the return value of a view when it is popped off a navigation stack. | |
ViewReturnObject(object:Object, context:Object) — Constructor, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewReturnObject | |
Constructor. | |
views — Property, class | |
An array of SQLViewSchema instances requested in a call to SQLConnection.loadSchema(). | |
ViewSource — class, package com.adobe.viewsource | |
The ViewSource class adds support for the "View Source" context menu item. | |
viewSourceURL — Property, class mx.core.Application | |
URL where the application's source can be viewed. | |
viewSourceURL — Property, class spark.components.Application | |
URL where the application's source can be viewed. | |
viewStack — Skin Part, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
The ViewStack which contains the tab children. The ViewStack which contains the tab children. | |
ViewStack — class, package mx.containers | |
An MX ViewStack navigator container consists of a collection of child containers stacked on top of each other, where only one child at a time is visible. | |
ViewStack() — Constructor, class mx.containers.ViewStack | |
Constructor. | |
ViewStackAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.containers | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ViewStack class. | |
ViewStackAutomationImpl(obj:mx.containers:ViewStack) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.containers.ViewStackAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ViewTransitionBase — class, package spark.transitions | |
The ViewTransitionBase class is the base class for all view transitions. | |
ViewTransitionBase() — Constructor, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Constructor. | |
ViewTransitionDirection — class, package spark.transitions | |
The ViewTransitionDirection class provides the constants used when hinting the direction of a view transition. | |
viewWidth — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Defines the horizontal space that the graphic uses in the layout. | |
viewWidth — Property, class spark.primitives.Graphic | |
Defines the horizontal space that the graphic uses in the layout. | |
VISA — Constant Static Property, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidatorCardType | |
Specifies the card type as Visa. | |
visible — Property, class fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Indicates whether the column is visible. | |
visible — Property, class fl.controls.progressBarClasses.IndeterminateBar | |
Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the indeterminate bar is visible. | |
visible — Property, class fl.core.UIComponent | |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current component instance is visible. | |
visible — Property, class fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
Controls whether target object is visible. | |
visible — Property, class | |
A Boolean value that, if true, makes the VideoPlayer instance visible. | |
visible — Property, class flash.display.DisplayObject | |
Whether or not the display object is visible. | |
visible — Property, class flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Specifies whether this window is visible. | |
visible — Property, class flash.display.Stage3D | |
Specifies whether this Stage3D object is visible. | |
visible — Property, class flash.text.StageText | |
Indicates whether the StageText object is visible. | |
visible — Property, class flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
Indicates whether the specified menu item is visible when the Flash Player context menu is displayed. | |
visible — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
visible — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
If true, the column is visible. | |
visible — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
Contains true if the column is currently visible. | |
visible — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
A flag that indicates whethe the column is visible. | |
visible — Property, class mx.core.DesignLayer | |
The visibility for this design layer instance. | |
visible — Property, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
Whether or not the display object is visible. | |
visible — Property, interface mx.core.IVisualElement | |
Controls the visibility of this visual element. | |
visible — Property, interface mx.core.IWindow | |
Controls the window's visibility. | |
visible — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Whether or not the display object is visible. | |
visible — Property, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Whether or not the display object is visible. | |
visible — Property, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Specifies whether the download progress bar is visible. | |
visible — Property, class mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Specifies whether the download progress bar is visible. | |
visible — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
If true, then display this column. | |
visible — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement | |
Controls the visibility of this visual element. | |
visible — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Controls the visibility of this visual element. | |
visibleBounds — Property, class flash.display.Screen | |
The bounds of the area on this screen in which windows can be visible. | |
visibleCellRenderers — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
A hash table of data provider item renderers currently in view. | |
visibleChildren — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
An Array of the currently visible child AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances. | |
visibleData — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A hash table of data provider item renderers currently in view. | |
visibleData — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A hash table of data provider item renderers currently in view. | |
visibleData — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder | |
A hash table of data provider item renderers currently in view. | |
visibleHeaderInfos — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
An Array of AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer instances that define the header item renderers for the displayable columns. | |
visibleIndex — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
The index of this column in the list of visible children of its parent AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance, if this column is part of a column group. | |
visibleRegion — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.RenderData | |
The rectangle describing the possible coordinate range that a series can display on screen. | |
visibleSortIndicatorIndices — Property, class spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
A vector of column indices corresponding to the header renderers which currently have their sort indicators visible. | |
visibleToAbsoluteColumnIndex(columnIndex:int) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Converts the current visible column index of a column to its corresponding absolute index. | |
visibleTrackOffset — Property, class | |
Specifies the offset from the left and right edge to where the visible track begins. | |
visibleVideoPlayerIndex — Property, class | |
A number that you can use to manage multiple FLV file streams. | |
VOD — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the button for engaging video-on-demand. | |
VOICE — Constant Static Property, class | |
A mode for playing voice audio. | |
void — Operator | |
Evaluates an expression and then discards its value, returning undefined. | |
volume — Property, class | |
A number in the range of 0 to 1 that indicates the volume control setting. | |
volume — Property, class | |
A number in the range of 0 to 1 that indicates the volume control setting. | |
volume — Property, class | |
The volume, ranging from 0 (silent) to 1 (full volume). | |
volume — Property, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
The volume level, specified as an value between 0 and 1. | |
volume — Property, class spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
The volume level, specified as a value between 0 and 1. | |
volume — Property, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
The volume level, specified as a value between 0 and 1. | |
volume — Property, class spark.components.mediaClasses.MuteButton | |
The volume of the video player, specified as a value between 0 and 1. | |
volume — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.MuteButtonSkin | |
The volume of the component to represent. | |
volume — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.MuteButtonSkin | |
The volume of the video player, specified as a value between 0 and 1. | |
volume — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.MuteButtonSkin | |
The volume of the component to represent. | |
volumeBar — Property, class | |
The volume bar control. | |
volumeBar — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part for the volume control. | |
volumeBar — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part for the volume control. | |
volumeBar — Skin Part, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
An optional skin part for the volume control. An optional skin part for the volume control. | |
VolumeBar — class, package spark.components.mediaClasses | |
The VolumeBar class defines a drop-down slider to control the volume of the VideoDisplay control. | |
VolumeBar() — Constructor, class spark.components.mediaClasses.VolumeBar | |
Constructor. | |
volumeBarInterval — Property, class | |
A number that specifies, in milliseconds, how often to check the volume bar handle location when scrubbing. | |
volumeBarScrubTolerance — Property, class | |
A number that specifies how far a user can move the volume bar handle before an update occurs. | |
VolumeBarSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | |
The default skin class for the volume bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
VolumeBarSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | |
The default skin class for the volume bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
VolumeBarSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | |
The wireframe skin class for the volume bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VolumeBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.VolumeBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VolumeBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.VolumeBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VolumeBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.VolumeBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VolumeBarThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | |
The default skin class for the volume bar thumb part button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
VolumeBarThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | |
The default skin class for the volume bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
VolumeBarThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | |
The wireframe skin class for the volume bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VolumeBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.VolumeBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VolumeBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.VolumeBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VolumeBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.VolumeBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VolumeBarTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen | |
The default skin class for the volume bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. | |
VolumeBarTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal | |
The default skin class for the volume bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state. | |
VolumeBarTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses | |
The wireframe skin class for the volume bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component. | |
VolumeBarTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.VolumeBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VolumeBarTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.VolumeBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VolumeBarTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.VolumeBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
volumeEasingFunction — Property, class mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
The easing function for the volume effect. | |
volumeEasingFunction — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
The easing function for the volume effect. | |
volumeFrom — Property, class mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Initial volume of the Sound object. | |
volumeFrom — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
Initial volume of the Sound object. | |
volumeSymbol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.MuteButtonSkin | |
Defines the volume symbol. | |
volumeSymbol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.MuteButtonSkin | |
Defines the volume symbol. | |
volumeSymbol — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.MuteButtonSkin | |
Defines the volume symbol. | |
volumeTo — Property, class mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Final volume of the Sound object. | |
volumeTo — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance | |
Final volume of the Sound object. | |
voucher — Property, class | |
A DRMVoucher object for the content. | |
VoucherAccessInfo — final class, package | |
A VoucherAccessInfo object presents the information that is required to successfully retrieve and consume a voucher, such as the type of authentication and the content domain of the media rights server. | |
voucherEndDate — Property, class | |
The absolute date on which the voucher expires and the content can no longer be viewed by users. | |
voucherEndDate — Property, class | |
The date on which this voucher expires. | |
voucherStartDate — Property, class | |
The beginning of this voucher's validity period. | |
vp — Property, class | |
The index of the VideoPlayer object involved in this event. | |
vp — Property, interface | |
The index of the VideoPlayer object involved in this event. | |
vp — Property, class | |
The index of the VideoPlayer object involved in this event. | |
vp — Property, class | |
The index of the VideoPlayer object involved in this event. | |
vp — Property, class | |
The index of the VideoPlayer object involved in this event. | |
VP6VideoStreamSettings() — Constructor, class | |
Creates a setting object that specifies to use H.264/AVC codec for video compression. | |
VRule — class, package mx.controls | |
The VRule control creates a single vertical line. | |
VRule() — Constructor, class mx.controls.VRule | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBar — class, package mx.controls | |
The VScrollBar (vertical ScrollBar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area. | |
VScrollBar — class, package spark.components | |
The VScrollBar (vertical scrollbar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit vertically in a display area. | |
VScrollBar() — Constructor, class mx.controls.VScrollBar | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBar() — Constructor, class spark.components.VScrollBar | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBarSkin — class, package | |
ActionScript-based skin for VScrollBar components in mobile applications. | |
VScrollBarSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark VScrollBar component. | |
VScrollBarSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VScrollBar component. | |
VScrollBarSkin() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.VScrollBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBarThumbSkin — class, package | |
ActionScript-based skin for the VScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications. | |
VScrollBarThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the thumb of a Spark VScrollBar component. | |
VScrollBarThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarThumb component. | |
VScrollBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.VScrollBarThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBarTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the track of a Spark VScrollBar component. | |
VScrollBarTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarTrack component. | |
VScrollBarTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VScrollBarTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.VScrollBarTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VSlider — class, package mx.controls | |
The VSlider control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. | |
VSlider — class, package spark.components | |
The VSlider (vertical slider) control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track. | |
VSlider() — Constructor, class mx.controls.VSlider | |
Constructor. | |
VSlider() — Constructor, class spark.components.VSlider | |
Constructor. | |
VSliderSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark VSlider component. | |
VSliderSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSlider component. | |
VSliderSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.VSliderSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VSliderSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.VSliderSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VSliderThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the thumb of a Spark VSlider component. | |
VSliderThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSliderThumb component. | |
VSliderThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.VSliderThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VSliderThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.VSliderThumbSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VSliderTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the track of a Spark VSlider component. | |
VSliderTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSliderTrack component. | |
VSliderTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.VSliderTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
VSliderTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.VSliderTrackSkin | |
Constructor. | |
vsyncEnabled — Property, class flash.display.Stage | |
This represents current state of vsync of underlying graphics solution We can enable/disable vsync, so we would immediately render without waiting for next VSYNC'ed state. | |
VsyncStateChangeAvailability — Event, class flash.display.Stage | |
Dispatched by the Stage object when the state of the vsync property is changed. | |
VSYNC_STATE_CHANGE_AVAILABILITY — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent event object. | |
VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent — class, package | |
The Stage class dispatches VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent when the availablity of Stage for changing vsync state changes. | |
VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, available:Boolean) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. Creates an VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent object that contains information about availability of vsync state change. | |
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Thu Dec 6 2018, 01:48 PM -08:00