Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
J — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the J key (74). | |
JAPANESE_HIRAGANA — Constant Static Property, class flash.system.IMEConversionMode | |
The string "JAPANESE_HIRAGANA", for use with the IME.conversionMode property. | |
JAPANESE_KATAKANA_FULL — Constant Static Property, class flash.system.IMEConversionMode | |
The string "JAPANESE_KATAKANA_FULL", for use with the IME.conversionMode property. | |
JAPANESE_KATAKANA_HALF — Constant Static Property, class flash.system.IMEConversionMode | |
The string "JAPANESE_KATAKANA_HALF", for use with the IME.conversionMode property. | |
JIS_B5 — Constant Static Property, class flash.printing.PaperSize | |
Japanese B5 | |
jobName — Property, class flash.printing.PrintJob | |
The name or title of the print job. | |
join(sep:any) — method, class Array | |
Converts the elements in an array to strings, inserts the specified separator between the elements, concatenates them, and returns the resulting string. | |
join(sep:String) — method, class Vector | |
Converts the elements in the Vector to strings, inserts the specified separator between the elements, concatenates them, and returns the resulting string. | |
joint — Property, class fl.ik.IKEvent | |
The joint related to the event. | |
joints — Property, class flash.display.GraphicsStroke | |
Specifies the type of joint appearance used at angles. | |
joints — Property, class | |
A value from the JointStyle class that specifies the type of joint appearance used at angles. | |
joints — Property, interface | |
Specifies the appearance of line intersections used at angles. | |
joints — Property, class | |
Specifies the type of joint appearance used at angles. | |
JointStyle — final class, package flash.display | |
The JointStyle class is an enumeration of constant values that specify the joint style to use in drawing lines. | |
JPEGEncoder — class, package | |
The JPEGEncoder class converts raw bitmap images into encoded images using Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compression. | |
JPEGEncoder(quality:Number) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
JPEGEncoderOptions — final class, package flash.display | |
The JPEGEncoderOptions class defines a compression algorithm for the flash.display.BitmapData.encode() method. | |
JPEGEncoderOptions(quality:uint) — Constructor, class flash.display.JPEGEncoderOptions | |
Creates a JPEGEncoderOptions object with the specified setting. | |
JPEGLoaderContext — class, package flash.system | |
The JPEGLoaderContext class includes a property for enabling a deblocking filter when loading a JPEG image. | |
JPEGLoaderContext(deblockingFilter:Number, checkPolicyFile:Boolean, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain) — Constructor, class flash.system.JPEGLoaderContext | |
Creates a new JPEGLoaderContext object with the specified settings. | |
JPEGXREncoderOptions — final class, package flash.display | |
The JPEGXREncoderOptions class defines a compression algorithm for the flash.display.BitmapData.encode() method. | |
JPEGXREncoderOptions(quantization:uint, colorSpace:String, trimFlexBits:uint) — Constructor, class flash.display.JPEGXREncoderOptions | |
Creates a JPEGEXREncoderOptions object with the specified settings. | |
JSON — final class, Top Level | |
The JSON class lets applications import and export data using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. | |
justificationRule — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.Label | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.RichText | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.Scroller | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
justificationRule — Style, class spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. | |
JustificationRule — final class, package flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Defines values for setting the justificationRule property of the TextLayoutFormat class. | |
justificationStyle — Property, class flash.text.engine.EastAsianJustifier | |
Specifies the justification style for the text in a text block. | |
justificationStyle — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.Label | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.RichText | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.Scroller | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
justificationStyle — Style, class spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The style used for justification of the paragraph. | |
JustificationStyle — final class, package flash.text.engine | |
The JustificationStyle class is an enumeration of constant values for setting the justificationStyle property of the EastAsianJustifier class. | |
JUSTIFY — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.TextFormatAlign | |
Constant; justifies text within the text field. | |
JUSTIFY — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign | |
Specifies that text is justified within the lines so they fill the container space. | |
JUSTIFY — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.VerticalAlign | |
Specifies vertical line justification within the frame | |
JUSTIFY — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalAlign | |
Justify the children with respect to the container. | |
JUSTIFY — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalAlign | |
Justify the children with respect to the container. | |
justifyAlignButton — Skin Part, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
JUSTIFY_USING_GAP — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.ColumnAlign | |
Justify the rows by increasing the vertical gap. | |
JUSTIFY_USING_GAP — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.RowAlign | |
Justify the rows by increasing the vertical gap. | |
JUSTIFY_USING_HEIGHT — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.RowAlign | |
Justify the rows by increasing the row height. | |
JUSTIFY_USING_WIDTH — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.ColumnAlign | |
Justify the rows by increasing the row height. | |
Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Thu Dec 6 2018, 01:48 PM -08:00