| 方法 | 由以下参数定义 |
| |
Call back indicating document view has activated. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
使用 EventDispatcher 对象注册事件侦听器对象,以使侦听器能够接收事件通知。 | IEventDispatcher |
| |
Pre-loads the PDF rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Calls the html to passthrough message to the PDF or to specified function in the HTML. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Cleans up by releasing event listeners and zero out local variables. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
删除此组件实例的样式属性。 | IStyleClient |
| |
Called whenever a Repeater Panel adds/removes an instance. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
The connection was closed. | IConnectionService |
|  |
The connection was made, if success=false, the connection attempt failed
| IConnectionService |
| |
Default error message handler for communication with the PDF. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
将事件调度到事件流中。 | IEventDispatcher |
| |
Forwards the request to email the PDF rendition of the Guide. | IWrapperHost |
| |
This method is called whenever a field in the PDF is changed
| IWrapperHost |
| |
This method is called whenever a field in the Guide gets the focus. | IWrapperHost |
| |
This method is called whenever a field in the Guide loses the focus. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
Return the form's Active data, either from the Guide or the PDF. | IConnectionService |
|  |
返回一个矩形,该矩形定义相对于 targetCoordinateSpace 对象坐标系的显示对象区域。 | IFlexDisplayObject |
|  |
为应用于该组件的类型选择器返回 CSSStyleDeclaration 对象数组,如果不存在则返回 null。 | IStyleClient |
|  |
Return the form's data
| IConnectionService |
|  |
Return the guides draft data including state information (Data is retrieved from the PDF if PDF is active. | IConnectionService |
|  |
| IUIComponent |
|  |
| IUIComponent |
|  |
Returns a field's value as an Object
| IConnectionService |
| |
Gets the ga/xml data from the PDF. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Gets a fields data from the PDF. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
Return the requested property. | IConnectionService |
|  |
返回一个矩形,该矩形根据 targetCoordinateSpace 参数定义的坐标系定义显示对象的边界,但不包括形状上的任何笔触。 | IFlexDisplayObject |
| |
Get the root value object returning the actual object instance. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
获取已在此组件的样式查找链中的某个位置设置过的样式属性。 | IStyleClient |
|  |
将 point 对象从舞台(全局)坐标转换为显示对象的(本地)坐标。 | IFlexDisplayObject |
| |
Answer received from the PDF providing requested data. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Called when a field in the interactive PDF get focus. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Event handler called when the guide has been created. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Called when validation of field data for a panel fails. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
检查 EventDispatcher 对象是否为特定事件类型注册了任何侦听器。 | IEventDispatcher |
| |
Hides the Document of Record rendition and displays the Guide content. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Hides the PDF rendition and displays the Guide content. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
计算显示对象的边框,以确定它是否与 obj 显示对象的边框重叠或相交。 | IFlexDisplayObject |
|  |
计算显示对象,以确定它是否与 x 和 y 参数指定的点重叠或相交。 | IFlexDisplayObject |
| |
Called when the guide is initalized. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
初始化对象。 | IUIComponent |
| |
Initializes the guide and prepares it for viewing. | IWrapperHost |
| |
True if this guide is based off of a Fiber Model. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Return whether or not the guide is initialized. | IWrapperHost |
| |
True if this guide is based off of a XFA Model. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
将 point 对象从显示对象的(本地)坐标转换为舞台(全局)坐标。 | IFlexDisplayObject |
|  |
将此对象移动到指定的 x 和 y 坐标。 | IFlexDisplayObject |
|  |
向该组件的子项传送样式更改。 | IStyleClient |
|  |
如果 owner 属性链从 child 指向此 UIComponent,则返回 true。 | IUIComponent |
| |
Called when validation of page fails. | IWrapperHost |
| |
This method is called whenever a panelItem in the Guide loses focus. | IWrapperHost |
| |
This method is called whenever a panelItem in the Guide gets the focus
| IWrapperHost |
|  |
当在父项中添加或删除 UIComponent 对象时由 Flex 调用。 | IUIComponent |
| |
This method is called when the PDF is initialized. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Forwards the request to print the PDF rendition of the Guide. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Handles incoming messages from the PDF via the HTML. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
设置内部样式缓存值,以便 getStyle() 方法可以起作用。 | IStyleClient |
|  |
将 EffectManager 注册为每个效果事件的事件侦听器之一。 | IStyleClient |
|  |
从 EventDispatcher 对象中删除侦听器。 | IEventDispatcher |
| |
Reset the Model back to its initial load state. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Resolves the preview URL. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Forwards the request to save the PDF rendition of the Guide. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Called when server validation fails. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Sets the data in the active view. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
设置此对象的实际大小。 | IFlexDisplayObject |
|  |
Set the data into the form - returns false if failed. | IConnectionService |
|  |
Sets a field's value, returns success true or false
| IConnectionService |
| |
Sets the ga/xml data into the PDF. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Sets a fields data into the PDF
| IWrapperHost |
|  |
Set the property, returns false if the operation failed
| IConnectionService |
| |
Set the root value object passing in the actual object instance. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
对此组件实例设置样式属性。 | IStyleClient |
|  |
当 visible 属性发生更改时调用。 | IUIComponent |
| |
Displays the Document of Record rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Returns whether or not the current panel is being shown in full screen mode. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Displays the PDF rendition of the form within the PDFBox control area on the Guide layout. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Shows the PDF. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Start rendering the pages of the guide. | IWrapperHost |
|  |
当样式属性的值发生更改时调用。 | ISimpleStyleClient |
|  |
Performs the submit action based on the value of the Submit From
option in the Guide Design perspective within Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | IConnectionService |
|  |
Submits the data to the server - return true if the submit was performed
- returns false if validations fail
| IConnectionService |
| |
This function displays the PDF rendition within the PDFBox control on the Guide layout. | IWrapperHost |
| |
Transfers data to or from and displays or hides the PDF or document
| IWrapperHost |
|  |
检查是否用此 EventDispatcher 对象或其任何祖代为指定事件类型注册了事件侦听器。 | IEventDispatcher |