包 | ga.model |
类 | public class PanelManager |
继承 | PanelManager ![]() ![]() |
实现 | IHistoryManagerClient |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
class manages the list of visible panels on a Guide.
The view classes use the panel manager as a source of the panels and to retrieve
and select the current panel.
Note: The term "page" is synonymous with "panel". A page implements the IPanel interface.
属性 | 由以下参数定义 | ||
![]() | constructor : Object
对类对象或给定对象实例的构造函数的引用。 | Object | |
currentPage : Page
[bindable] The currently selected panel. | PanelManager | ||
currentPageIndex : int
The index of the current page
| PanelManager | ||
firstPage : Page [只读]
Returns the first panel. | PanelManager | ||
gaModel : GuidedActivity
Returns the guided activity model
| PanelManager | ||
instance : PanelManager [静态]
Returns a single instance of the PanelManager class. | PanelManager | ||
lastPage : Page [只读]
Returns the last panel. | PanelManager | ||
nextPage : Page [只读]
[bindable] Returns the next panel, or null if none exists. | PanelManager | ||
pages : Array [只读]
Returns the visible panels. | PanelManager | ||
previousPage : Page [只读]
[bindable] Returns the previous panel, or null if none exists. | PanelManager | ||
selectedItem : Object
[bindable] Returns the current panel. | PanelManager | ||
submitRequestTimestamp : Date | PanelManager |
方法 | 由以下参数定义 | ||
![]() | addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
使用 EventDispatcher 对象注册事件侦听器对象,以使侦听器能够接收事件通知。 | EventDispatcher | |
If the panel is allowed to repeat, this method adds a new panel after the current panel. | PanelManager | ||
If the section is repeatable, this method adds a new section after the current section. | PanelManager | ||
Returns true if the user is allowed to change the panel due to validation. | PanelManager | ||
If the panel is allowed to repeat, this method creates a copy of a panel and adds it
after the current panel. | PanelManager | ||
If the section is repeatable, this method copies a new section after the current section. | PanelManager | ||
![]() |
将事件调度到事件流中。 | EventDispatcher | |
Sets the next panel as the current panel. | PanelManager | ||
Sets the previous panel as the current panel. | PanelManager | ||
![]() |
检查 EventDispatcher 对象是否为特定事件类型注册了任何侦听器。 | EventDispatcher | |
![]() |
表示对象是否已经定义了指定的属性。 | Object | |
![]() |
表示 Object 类的实例是否在指定为参数的对象的原型链中。 | Object | |
![]() |
表示指定的属性是否存在、是否可枚举。 | Object | |
![]() |
从 EventDispatcher 对象中删除侦听器。 | EventDispatcher | |
If the panel is repeatable, this method removes the current panel. | PanelManager | ||
If the section is repeatable, this method removes the current section. | PanelManager | ||
![]() |
设置循环操作动态属性的可用性。 | Object | |
If the Submit button on the form contains a script, this method executes the
script, validates the form data, and then submits the data to the server. | PanelManager | ||
submitToUrl(xmlData:String, targetUrl:String, requireValidation:Boolean = false, window:String = "_self"):void
Send the panel data to the specified URL. | PanelManager | ||
![]() |
返回此对象的字符串表示形式,其格式设置遵守区域设置特定的约定。 | Object | |
![]() |
返回指定对象的字符串表示形式。 | Object | |
Validates the Guide data, and returns true if validation was successful. | PanelManager | ||
Returns true if the user is allowed to change to the panel provided due to validation. | PanelManager | ||
![]() |
返回指定对象的原始值。 | Object | |
![]() |
检查是否用此 EventDispatcher 对象或其任何祖代为指定事件类型注册了事件侦听器。 | EventDispatcher |
事件 | 摘要 | 由以下参数定义 | ||
![]() | [广播事件] Flash Player 或 AIR 应用程序获得操作系统焦点并变为活动状态时将调度此事件。 | EventDispatcher | ||
![]() | [广播事件] Flash Player 或 AIR 应用程序失去操作系统焦点并变为非活动状态时将调度此事件。 | EventDispatcher | ||
Dispatched by a page, panel, or section whenever the error string for a Guide field changes. | PanelManager | |||
Dispatched when a Guide initializes. | PanelManager | |||
Dispatched when a repeating panel is added to a Guide. | PanelManager | |||
Dispatched when a repeating panel is removed from a Guide. | PanelManager | |||
Dispatched when a panel is selected. | PanelManager | |||
Dispatched when a repeating section is added to a Guide. | PanelManager | |||
Dispatched when a repeating section is removed from a Guide. | PanelManager |
currentPage | 属性 |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
[bindable] The currently selected panel.
此属性可用作数据绑定的源。修改此属性后,将调度 propertyChange
public function get currentPage():Page
public function set currentPage(value:Page):void
currentPageIndex | 属性 |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
The index of the current page
此属性可用作数据绑定的源。修改此属性后,将调度 propertyChange
public function get currentPageIndex():int
public function set currentPageIndex(value:int):void
firstPage | 属性 |
gaModel | 属性 |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns the guided activity model
此属性可用作数据绑定的源。修改此属性后,将调度 propertyChange
public function get gaModel():GuidedActivity
public function set gaModel(value:GuidedActivity):void
instance | 属性 |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns a single instance of the PanelManager
public static function get instance():PanelManager
public static function set instance(value:PanelManager):void
lastPage | 属性 |
nextPage | 属性 |
pages | 属性 |
previousPage | 属性 |
selectedItem | 属性 |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
[bindable] Returns the current panel.
此属性可用作数据绑定的源。修改此属性后,将调度 propertyChange
public function get selectedItem():Object
public function set selectedItem(value:Object):void
submitRequestTimestamp | 属性 |
addPage | () | 方法 |
addSection | () | 方法 |
canGoForward | () | 方法 |
public function canGoForward():Boolean
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns true if the user is allowed to change the panel due to validation.
返回Boolean — Boolean whether or not the user is allowed to page forward.
copyPage | () | 方法 |
public function copyPage():Boolean
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
If the panel is allowed to repeat, this method creates a copy of a panel and adds it after the current panel.
返回Boolean — Boolean whether or not the page was copied.
copySection | () | 方法 |
public function copySection():Boolean
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
If the section is repeatable, this method copies a new section after the current section.
返回Boolean — Boolean whether or not the section was copied.
goNextPage | () | 方法 |
public function goNextPage():void
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Sets the next panel as the current panel.
goPreviousPage | () | 方法 |
public function goPreviousPage():void
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Sets the previous panel as the current panel.
removePage | () | 方法 |
removeSection | () | 方法 |
submit | () | 方法 |
public function submit():void
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
If the Submit button on the form contains a script, this method executes the script, validates the form data, and then submits the data to the server.
submitToUrl | () | 方法 |
public function submitToUrl(xmlData:String, targetUrl:String, requireValidation:Boolean = false, window:String = "_self"):void
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Send the panel data to the specified URL. The results display in a new window.
xmlData:String — the xml data to be submitted
| |
targetUrl:String — the url to submit to
| |
requireValidation:Boolean (default = false ) — true if validation is required prior to submit
| |
window:String (default = "_self ") — the window to display the results of the submission
validate | () | 方法 |
public function validate():Boolean
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Validates the Guide data, and returns true if validation was successful. If validation fails, the GAEvent.GUIDE_VALIDATION_FAILED event is dispatched.
返回Boolean — Boolean true if validation was successful.
相关 API 元素
validateNavigation | () | 方法 |
public function validateNavigation(requestedPage:Page):Page
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns true if the user is allowed to change to the panel provided due to validation. Any previous panel is ok to go to, but may not be allowed to go to a next panel.
requestedPage:Page — validations are run against all pages preceeding the requestedPage.
Page — either a panel with validation errors or the requested page.
errorStringChanged | 事件 |
属性 GAEvent.type =
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched by a page, panel, or section whenever the error string for a Guide field changes.
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
initialized | 事件 |
属性 GAEvent.type =
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched when a Guide initializes.
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
pageAdd | 事件 |
属性 GAEvent.type =
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched when a repeating panel is added to a Guide.
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
page | The page that was added. |
section | The section that contains the added page. |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
pageRemove | 事件 |
属性 GAEvent.type =
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched when a repeating panel is removed from a Guide.
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
page | The page that was removed. |
section | The section that contained the removed page. |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
pageSelectionChange | 事件 |
属性 GAEvent.type =
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched when a panel is selected.
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
sectionAdd | 事件 |
属性 GAEvent.type =
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched when a repeating section is added to a Guide.
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
section | The section that contained the removed page. |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
sectionRemove | 事件 |
属性 GAEvent.type =
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Guides 9 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched when a repeating section is removed from a Guide.
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
section | The section that contained the removed page. |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 11:04 AM Z