包 | com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler |
类 | public class AssetHandlerRegistry |
继承 | AssetHandlerRegistry EventDispatcher Object |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
方法 | 由以下参数定义 | ||
Constructor. | AssetHandlerRegistry | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
使用 EventDispatcher 对象注册事件侦听器对象,以使侦听器能够接收事件通知。 | EventDispatcher | ||
将事件调度到事件流中。 | EventDispatcher | ||
A singleton that retrieves an AssetHandlerRegistry event. | AssetHandlerRegistry | ||
检查 EventDispatcher 对象是否为特定事件类型注册了任何侦听器。 | EventDispatcher | ||
表示对象是否已经定义了指定的属性。 | Object | ||
表示 Object 类的实例是否在指定为参数的对象的原型链中。 | Object | ||
Checks whether a handler is registered for a specified assetType. | AssetHandlerRegistry | ||
Returns the assetHandler that corresponds to the specified assetType. | AssetHandlerRegistry | ||
表示指定的属性是否存在、是否可枚举。 | Object | ||
A singleton registry that is used to register an asset handler. | AssetHandlerRegistry | ||
从 EventDispatcher 对象中删除侦听器。 | EventDispatcher | ||
设置循环操作动态属性的可用性。 | Object | ||
Starts the registry that calls the initialize function of individual handlers. | AssetHandlerRegistry | ||
返回此对象的字符串表示形式,其格式设置遵守区域设置特定的约定。 | Object | ||
返回指定对象的字符串表示形式。 | Object | ||
返回指定对象的原始值。 | Object | ||
检查是否用此 EventDispatcher 对象或其任何祖代为指定事件类型注册了事件侦听器。 | EventDispatcher |
事件 | 摘要 | 由以下参数定义 | ||
[广播事件] Flash Player 或 AIR 应用程序获得操作系统焦点并变为活动状态时将调度此事件。 | EventDispatcher | |||
An event that is thrown when AssetHandler has completed the assetAction initiated by the user via the user interface. | AssetHandlerRegistry | |||
[广播事件] Flash Player 或 AIR 应用程序失去操作系统焦点并变为非活动状态时将调度此事件。 | EventDispatcher | |||
An event that is thrown when the handler is processing and wants the application to disable user interaction. | AssetHandlerRegistry | |||
An event thrown when the handler is done processing and wants the application to reenable user interaction. | AssetHandlerRegistry | |||
The launchEditor event is thrown by the handler when the handler has prepared the working asset to be displayed in the corresponding editor. | AssetHandlerRegistry |
常量 | 由以下参数定义 | ||
DISABLE_USER_INTERACTION_EVENT : String = "disableUserInteraction" [静态]
Defines a constant for an event type that disables user interaction with the application. | AssetHandlerRegistry | ||
ENABLE_USER_INTERACTION_EVENT : String = "enableUserInteraction" [静态]
Defines a constant for an event type that enables users to interact with the application. | AssetHandlerRegistry |
AssetHandlerRegistry | () | 构造函数 |
public function AssetHandlerRegistry()
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
getInstance | () | 方法 |
public static function getInstance():AssetHandlerRegistry
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A singleton that retrieves an AssetHandlerRegistry event.
返回AssetHandlerRegistry —
isRegistered | () | 方法 |
public function isRegistered(assetType:String):Boolean
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Checks whether a handler is registered for a specified assetType.
assetType:String — The asset to check.
Boolean — Specifies whether the handler is registered. If the value is true, it is registered.
lookup | () | 方法 |
public function lookup(assetType:String):IAssetHandler
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Returns the assetHandler that corresponds to the specified assetType.
assetType:String — The asset type for which the assetHandler is required.
IAssetHandler — An interface implemented by all asset handlers.
register | () | 方法 |
public function register(handler:IAssetHandler):void
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A singleton registry that is used to register an asset handler.
handler:IAssetHandler — The handler to register.
start | () | 方法 |
public function start():void
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Starts the registry that calls the initialize function of individual handlers.
assetActionComplete | 事件 |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
An event that is thrown when AssetHandler has completed the assetAction initiated by the user via the user interface.
disableUserInteraction | 事件 |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
An event that is thrown when the handler is processing and wants the application to disable user interaction.
enableUserInteraction | 事件 |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
An event thrown when the handler is done processing and wants the application to reenable user interaction.
launchEditor | 事件 |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
The launchEditor event is thrown by the handler when the handler has prepared the working asset to be displayed in the corresponding editor.
public static const DISABLE_USER_INTERACTION_EVENT:String = "disableUserInteraction"
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Defines a constant for an event type that disables user interaction with the application.
public static const ENABLE_USER_INTERACTION_EVENT:String = "enableUserInteraction"
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Defines a constant for an event type that enables users to interact with the application.
Tue Jun 12 2018, 11:04 AM Z