包 | com.adobe.icc.services.render |
接口 | public interface ILetterRenderService extends IEventDispatcher |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
方法 | 由以下参数定义 | ||
![]() | addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
使用 EventDispatcher 对象注册事件侦听器对象,以使侦听器能够接收事件通知。 | IEventDispatcher | |
![]() |
将事件调度到事件流中。 | IEventDispatcher | |
Given the successful response result from a call to render a letter, determine the URL where the PDF was rendered on the server so that it can be downloaded to the client. | ILetterRenderService | ||
![]() |
检查 EventDispatcher 对象是否为特定事件类型注册了任何侦听器。 | IEventDispatcher | |
![]() |
从 EventDispatcher 对象中删除侦听器。 | IEventDispatcher | |
renderInteractiveLetter(letterId:String, initialXmlData:String = null):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
Render a given Letter as an augmented shell PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer. | ILetterRenderService | ||
renderInteractiveLetterFromObject(letter:Letter, initialXmlData:String = null):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
Render a given Letter as an augmented shell PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer. | ILetterRenderService | ||
renderLetter(letterId:String, mergeData:Boolean = false, initialXmlData:String = null, useTestData:Boolean = false, interactive:Boolean = true):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
Render a given Letter against the given Initial XML Data, the Letter's test data or no data at all (for a UI-augmented shell Layout PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer). | ILetterRenderService | ||
renderLetterFromObject(letter:Letter, mergeData:Boolean = false, initialXmlData:String = null, useTestData:Boolean = false, interactive:Boolean = true):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
Render a given Letter against the given Initial XML Data, the Letter's test data or no data at all
(for a UI-augmented shell Layout PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer). | ILetterRenderService | ||
renderLetterObjectToFile(letter:Letter, mergeData:Boolean = false, initialXmlData:String = null, useTestData:Boolean = false, interactive:Boolean = true):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
Render a given Letter against the given Initial XML Data, the Letter's test data or no data at all (for a UI-augmented shell Layout PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer). | ILetterRenderService | ||
renderLetterToFile(letterId:String, mergeData:Boolean = false, initialXmlData:String = null, useTestData:Boolean = false, interactive:Boolean = true):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
Render a given Letter against the given Initial XML Data, the Letter's test data or no data at all (for a UI-augmented shell Layout PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer). | ILetterRenderService | ||
![]() |
检查是否用此 EventDispatcher 对象或其任何祖代为指定事件类型注册了事件侦听器。 | IEventDispatcher |
getRenderedFileUrl | () | 方法 |
public function getRenderedFileUrl(response:com.adobe.icc.vo.render:PDFResponseType):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Given the successful response result from a call to render a letter, determine the URL where the PDF was rendered on the server so that it can be downloaded to the client.
response:com.adobe.icc.vo.render:PDFResponseType — The response returned from a call to render a letter (via renderLetter() , for example).
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A string containing the URL to the rendered file.
Error — Invalid render response.
| |
Error — Render response indicates a failure to render the letter.
相关 API 元素
renderInteractiveLetter | () | 方法 |
public function renderInteractiveLetter(letterId:String, initialXmlData:String = null):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Render a given Letter as an augmented shell PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer. The PDF returned will be augmented with UI facilities for interactive use in Doc Composer but will not contain any data nor any modules, even mandatory and pre-selected ones. It is up to the client to fill the letter.
letterId:String — ID (GUID) of the letter to render.
| |
initialXmlData:String (default = null ) — Initial XML Data (IXD) to use in order to author appropriate target area data bindings based on the IXD's root element name. If not specified,
target area data bindings will use the name of the root subform found in the Letter's Layout template.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A PDFResponseType object that contains the name of the PDF file rendered on the server. Use the getRenderedFileUrl()
method to get the full URL to the file.
Error — Letter ID is invalid.
相关 API 元素
renderInteractiveLetterFromObject | () | 方法 |
public function renderInteractiveLetterFromObject(letter:Letter, initialXmlData:String = null):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Render a given Letter as an augmented shell PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer. The PDF returned will be augmented with UI facilities for interactive use in Doc Composer but will not contain any data nor any modules, even mandatory and pre-selected ones. It is up to the client to fill the letter.
letter:Letter — Fully populated Letter object with layout and assignments.
| |
initialXmlData:String (default = null ) — Initial XML Data (IXD) to use in order to author appropriate target area data bindings based on the IXD's root element name. If not specified,
target area data bindings will use the name of the root subform found in the Letter's Layout template.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A PDFResponseType object that contains the name of the PDF file rendered on the server. Use the getRenderedFileUrl()
method to get the full URL to the file.
Error — Letter ID is invalid.
相关 API 元素
renderLetter | () | 方法 |
public function renderLetter(letterId:String, mergeData:Boolean = false, initialXmlData:String = null, useTestData:Boolean = false, interactive:Boolean = true):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Render a given Letter against the given Initial XML Data, the Letter's test data or no data at all (for a UI-augmented shell Layout PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer).
letterId:String — ID (GUID) of the letter to render.
| |
mergeData:Boolean (default = false ) — If false, data-related parameters are ignored and the PDF returned will be augmented with UI facilities for interactive use in Doc Composer
but will not contain any data nor any modules, even mandatory and pre-selected ones. It is up to the client to fill the letter. If true, some type of data
must be given for rendering purposes.
| |
initialXmlData:String (default = null ) — Initial XML Data to be merged with the Letter's Layout template. The data's schema is expected to match the schema of the Letter's Layout
as well as the schema of the Letter's Data Dictionary (2010/Apr/08: this should not be a constraint but is currently imposed).
Can be null if mergeData is false or useTestData is true. If specified, this data takes precedence over any existing test data, even if useTestData is true. | |
useTestData:Boolean (default = false ) — If true, the Letter's test data will be used as the Initial XML Data. This test data's schema is expected to match the schema of the Letter's
Layout as well as the schema of the Letter's Data Dictionary (2010/Apr/08: this should not be a constraint but is currently imposed).
Ignored if initialXmlData is not null. | |
interactive:Boolean (default = true ) — True if the rendered letter should be an interactive PDF, false if it should be a flattened PDF.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — If mergeData is false, a PDFResponseType object that contains the name of the PDF file rendered on the server. Use the getRenderedFileUrl()
method to get the full URL to the file. If mergeData is true, the PDFResponseType object only contains information about the rendered file but not the file
itself. To always get access the rendered PDF on the server, use the renderLetterToFile() method.
Error — Letter ID is invalid.
| |
Error — MergeData is true, initialXmlData is null and useTestData is false (no data supplied).
| |
Error — MergeData is true, initialXmlData is null, useTestData is true but the Letter doesn't have test data.
| |
Error — The data supplied couldn't be used to initialize the Letter's Data Dictionary.
相关 API 元素
renderLetterFromObject | () | 方法 |
public function renderLetterFromObject(letter:Letter, mergeData:Boolean = false, initialXmlData:String = null, useTestData:Boolean = false, interactive:Boolean = true):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Render a given Letter against the given Initial XML Data, the Letter's test data or no data at all (for a UI-augmented shell Layout PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer).
letter:Letter — Fully populated Letter object with layout and assignments.
| |
mergeData:Boolean (default = false ) — If false, data-related parameters are ignored and the PDF returned will be augmented with UI facilities for interactive use in Doc Composer
but will not contain any data nor any modules, even mandatory and pre-selected ones. It is up to the client to fill the letter. If true, some type of data
must be given for rendering purposes.
| |
initialXmlData:String (default = null ) — Initial XML Data to be merged with the Letter's Layout template. The data's schema is expected to match the schema of the Letter's Layout
as well as the schema of the Letter's Data Dictionary (2010/Apr/08: this should not be a constraint but is currently imposed).
Can be null if mergeData is false or useTestData is true. If specified, this data takes precedence over any existing test data, even if useTestData is true. | |
useTestData:Boolean (default = false ) — If true, the Letter's test data will be used as the Initial XML Data. This test data's schema is expected to match the schema of the Letter's
Layout as well as the schema of the Letter's Data Dictionary (2010/Apr/08: this should not be a constraint but is currently imposed).
Ignored if initialXmlData is not null. | |
interactive:Boolean (default = true ) — True if the rendered letter should be an interactive PDF, false if it should be a flattened PDF.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — If mergeData is false, a PDFResponseType object that contains the name of the PDF file rendered on the server. Use the getRenderedFileUrl()
method to get the full URL to the file. If mergeData is true, the PDFResponseType object only contains information about the rendered file but not the file
itself. To always get access the rendered PDF on the server, use the renderLetterObjectToFile() method.
Error — MergeData is true, initialXmlData is null and useTestData is false (no data supplied).
| |
Error — MergeData is true, initialXmlData is null, useTestData is true but the Letter doesn't have test data.
| |
Error — The data supplied couldn't be used to initialize the Letter's Data Dictionary.
相关 API 元素
renderLetterObjectToFile | () | 方法 |
public function renderLetterObjectToFile(letter:Letter, mergeData:Boolean = false, initialXmlData:String = null, useTestData:Boolean = false, interactive:Boolean = true):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Render a given Letter against the given Initial XML Data, the Letter's test data or no data at all (for a UI-augmented shell Layout PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer).
letter:Letter — Fully populated Letter object with layout and assignments.
| |
mergeData:Boolean (default = false ) — If false, data-related parameters are ignored and the PDF returned will be augmented with UI facilities for interactive use in Doc Composer
but will not contain any data nor any modules, even mandatory and pre-selected ones. It is up to the client to fill the letter. If true, some type of data
must be given for rendering purposes.
| |
initialXmlData:String (default = null ) — Initial XML Data to be merged with the Letter's Layout template. The data's schema is expected to match the schema of the Letter's Layout
as well as the schema of the Letter's Data Dictionary (2010/Apr/08: this should not be a constraint but is currently imposed).
Can be null if mergeData is false or useTestData is true. If specified, this data takes precedence over any existing test data, even if useTestData is true. | |
useTestData:Boolean (default = false ) — If true, the Letter's test data will be used as the Initial XML Data. This test data's schema is expected to match the schema of the Letter's
Layout as well as the schema of the Letter's Data Dictionary (2010/Apr/08: this should not be a constraint but is currently imposed).
Ignored if initialXmlData is not null. | |
interactive:Boolean (default = true ) — True if the rendered letter should be an interactive PDF, false if it should be a flattened PDF.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A PDFResponseType object that contains the name of the PDF file rendered on the server. Use the getRenderedFileUrl()
method to get the full URL to the file.
Error — Letter ID is invalid.
| |
Error — MergeData is true, initialXmlData is null and useTestData is false (no data supplied).
| |
Error — MergeData is true, initialXmlData is null, useTestData is true but the Letter doesn't have test data.
| |
Error — The data supplied couldn't be used to initialize the Letter's Data Dictionary.
相关 API 元素
renderLetterToFile | () | 方法 |
public function renderLetterToFile(letterId:String, mergeData:Boolean = false, initialXmlData:String = null, useTestData:Boolean = false, interactive:Boolean = true):com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
运行时版本: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Render a given Letter against the given Initial XML Data, the Letter's test data or no data at all (for a UI-augmented shell Layout PDF for interactive use in Doc Composer).
letterId:String — ID (GUID) of the letter to render.
| |
mergeData:Boolean (default = false ) — If false, data-related parameters are ignored and the PDF returned will be augmented with UI facilities for interactive use in Doc Composer
but will not contain any data nor any modules, even mandatory and pre-selected ones. It is up to the client to fill the letter. If true, some type of data
must be given for rendering purposes.
| |
initialXmlData:String (default = null ) — Initial XML Data to be merged with the Letter's Layout template. The data's schema is expected to match the schema of the Letter's Layout
as well as the schema of the Letter's Data Dictionary (2010/Apr/08: this should not be a constraint but is currently imposed).
Can be null if mergeData is false or useTestData is true. If specified, this data takes precedence over any existing test data, even if useTestData is true. | |
useTestData:Boolean (default = false ) — If true, the Letter's test data will be used as the Initial XML Data. This test data's schema is expected to match the schema of the Letter's
Layout as well as the schema of the Letter's Data Dictionary (2010/Apr/08: this should not be a constraint but is currently imposed).
Ignored if initialXmlData is not null. | |
interactive:Boolean (default = true ) — True if the rendered letter should be an interactive PDF, false if it should be a flattened PDF.
com.adobe.icc.token:IAsyncToken — A PDFResponseType object that contains the name of the PDF file rendered on the server. Use the getRenderedFileUrl()
method to get the full URL to the file.
Error — Letter ID is invalid.
| |
Error — MergeData is true, initialXmlData is null and useTestData is false (no data supplied).
| |
Error — MergeData is true, initialXmlData is null, useTestData is true but the Letter doesn't have test data.
| |
Error — The data supplied couldn't be used to initialize the Letter's Data Dictionary.
相关 API 元素
Tue Jun 12 2018, 11:04 AM Z