パッケージ | com.adobe.icc.dc.domain |
クラス | public class ListModuleInstance |
継承 | ListModuleInstance BaseModuleInstance EventDispatcher Object |
実装 | IContainerInstance |
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
プロパティ | 定義元 | ||
assignedPosition : int [読み取り専用]
The assigned position of the module within its container. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
constructor : Object
指定されたオブジェクトインスタンスのクラスオブジェクトまたはコンストラクター関数への参照です。 | Object | ||
contents : IList [読み取り専用]
List of the contents associated with this Container instance. | ListModuleInstance | ||
contentVariables : IList [読み取り専用]
The set of active variables for the module. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
description : String [読み取り専用]
Description associated with this ModuleInstance. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
editable : Boolean [読み取り専用]
True if this module is editable in its container (based on the assignment). | BaseModuleInstance | ||
extra : Boolean [読み取り専用]
The flag indicating if this module was not assigned while creating the letter. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
hasConflict : Boolean [読み取り専用]
The flag indicating if this module is conflicting with its latest version. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
hasContentRemoved : Boolean [読み取り専用]
True if the List has one or more content removed from it, than what was originall assigned. | ListModuleInstance | ||
id : String [読み取り専用]
Unique identification associated with this ModuleInstance. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
indentationLevel : Number
The level of indentation of the module with respect to the container holding the module instance. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
moduleType : String [オーバーライド] [読み取り専用]
Module type represented by this ModuleInstance: Text,Image,List,Condition
| ListModuleInstance | ||
moduleVo : DataModule [読み取り専用]
The instance of DataModule associated with this module instance. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
name : String [読み取り専用]
Name associated with this ModuleInstance. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
newMandatory : Boolean [読み取り専用]
The flag indicating if this module was not mandatory earlier but is now mandatory when considering the latest version of the module instance. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
nonEditableOverride : Boolean [読み取り専用]
The flag indicating if this module was editable earlier but is now non-editable when considering the latest version of the module instance. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
occur : int
The occurrence index of this content within its parent container. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
open : Boolean [読み取り専用]
True if the container is open to extra content; false if it only allows content that was explicitly assigned to it in the letter. | ListModuleInstance | ||
optional : Boolean [読み取り専用]
True if this module is optional in its container (based on the assignment, not the selected state). | BaseModuleInstance | ||
ordered : Boolean [読み取り専用]
True if the container's contents order is fixed; false if its contents can be re-ordered. | ListModuleInstance | ||
parentContainer : IContainerInstance [読み取り専用]
Parent container instance containing this ModuleInstance
| BaseModuleInstance | ||
preSelected : Boolean [読み取り専用]
True if this module is pre-selected/removable in its container (based on the assignment, not the selected state). | BaseModuleInstance | ||
selected : Boolean
Is the module is selected to be included in letter
| BaseModuleInstance | ||
selectedPosition : int
Position of the content in it's container among all the selected contents of the container. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
skipStyle : Boolean [読み取り専用]
Skip Style of the module. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
tooltip : String [読み取り専用]
Tooltip associated with this ModuleInstance. | BaseModuleInstance | ||
valid : Boolean [読み取り専用]
Boolean indicating whether the content is valid
| BaseModuleInstance |
メソッド | 定義元 | ||
ListModuleInstance(vListData:ListData, vParentContainer:IContainerInstance = null, remod:ReloadModule = null)
Constructor. | ListModuleInstance | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
イベントリスナーオブジェクトを EventDispatcher オブジェクトに登録し、リスナーがイベントの通知を受け取るようにします。 | EventDispatcher | ||
Inserts the specified raw DataModule into the list's contents as extra selected content if list is open. | ListModuleInstance | ||
イベントをイベントフローに送出します。 | EventDispatcher | ||
If true, the numbering across the modules of the target List module would be compounded (i.e. | ListModuleInstance | ||
If true, the List's own style is ignored, and the numbering would continue from the outer List
(as if the modules of the nested list were part of the outer list itself), disregarding any styles specified on
the nested List. | ListModuleInstance | ||
EventDispatcher オブジェクトに、特定のイベントタイプに対して登録されたリスナーがあるかどうかを確認します。 | EventDispatcher | ||
オブジェクトに指定されたプロパティが定義されているかどうかを示します。 | Object | ||
Object クラスのインスタンスが、パラメーターとして指定されたオブジェクトのプロトタイプチェーン内にあるかどうかを示します。 | Object | ||
Moves the specified item within the list's content one position in the specified direction. | ListModuleInstance | ||
指定されたプロパティが存在し、列挙できるかどうかを示します。 | Object | ||
Refresh should be called when item is selected. | ListModuleInstance | ||
Removes the specified item from the list's collection if the item is found in the collection and is non mandatory
| ListModuleInstance | ||
EventDispatcher オブジェクトからリスナーを削除します。 | EventDispatcher | ||
ループ処理に対するダイナミックプロパティの可用性を設定します。 | Object | ||
| ListModuleInstance | ||
ロケール固有の規則に従って書式設定された、このオブジェクトのストリング表現を返します。 | Object | ||
指定されたオブジェクトのストリング表現を返します。 | Object | ||
指定されたオブジェクトのプリミティブな値を返します。 | Object | ||
指定されたイベントタイプについて、この EventDispatcher オブジェクトまたはその祖先にイベントリスナーが登録されているかどうかを確認します。 | EventDispatcher |
contents | プロパティ |
[読み取り専用] 言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
List of the contents associated with this Container instance.
このプロパティはデータバインディングのソースとして使用できます。 このプロパティを変更すると、 propertyChange
public function get contents():IList
hasContentRemoved | プロパティ |
[読み取り専用] 言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
True if the List has one or more content removed from it, than what was originall assigned. [Relevant when reloading]
public function get hasContentRemoved():Boolean
moduleType | プロパティ |
[読み取り専用] [オーバーライド] 言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Module type represented by this ModuleInstance: Text,Image,List,Condition
override public function get moduleType():String
関連する API エレメント
open | プロパティ |
[読み取り専用] 言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
True if the container is open to extra content; false if it only allows content that was explicitly assigned to it in the letter.
public function get open():Boolean
ordered | プロパティ |
ListModuleInstance | () | コンストラクター |
public function ListModuleInstance(vListData:ListData, vParentContainer:IContainerInstance = null, remod:ReloadModule = null)
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
パラメーターvListData:ListData — ListData object represented by this instance.
| |
vParentContainer:IContainerInstance (default = null ) — Container of the List Module that can be a list or a target area.
| |
remod:ReloadModule (default = null ) — Reload Module for the case of correspondence reload.
addRawModule | () | メソッド |
public function addRawModule(dataModule:DataModule, position:int = -1):IModuleInstance
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Inserts the specified raw DataModule
into the list's contents as extra selected content if list is open.
dataModule:DataModule — dataModule The module to select/insert.
| |
position:int (default = -1 ) — The absolute position at which to insert the module into the contents list. The dataModule becomes the new element
at that position in the list. If position is less than zero or beyond the end of the list, the content is
appended. If the list is fixed-order, then module is appended at end.
IModuleInstance —
getCompoundNumbering | () | メソッド |
public function getCompoundNumbering():Boolean
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
If true, the numbering across the modules of the target List module would be compounded (i.e. of the format '1.1., 1.2.,...' or '1.a., 1.b.,...', etc.) When including a (nested) 'Plain/Bulleted' List as a target with the Compound Numbering option checked, the compound numbering style is applied as per the outer List's style. For instance, if the outer List has a style of '1, 2, 3..', the numbering on the nested List would be '1.1., 1.2...'; if the outer List has a style of 'A, B, C..', the numbering on the nested List would be 'A.A.., A.B....'; and so on.
戻り値Boolean —
getIgnoreListStyle | () | メソッド |
public function getIgnoreListStyle():Boolean
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
If true, the List's own style is ignored, and the numbering would continue from the outer List (as if the modules of the nested list were part of the outer list itself), disregarding any styles specified on the nested List.
戻り値Boolean —
moveContent | () | メソッド |
public function moveContent(sourceModule:IModuleInstance, moveUp:Boolean):void
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Moves the specified item within the list's content one position in the specified direction.
sourceModule:IModuleInstance — The item to move.
| |
moveUp:Boolean — True to move up, false to move down.
refresh | () | メソッド |
override public function refresh():void
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Refresh should be called when item is selected. This is useful in case when the the item is deselcted. In that case, if there is any change in variable value/ field value etc., those changes may not be propagated to module.
removeContent | () | メソッド |
public function removeContent(sourceModule:IModuleInstance):void
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Removes the specified item from the list's collection if the item is found in the collection and is non mandatory
sourceModule:IModuleInstance — The item to be removed.
setSkipStyle | () | メソッド |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 10:34 AM Z